10 values
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [5209] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [5261] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [5269] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [5214] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [5216] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [5220] link '\ue60b SALES' focused: True [5279] generic '\ue60b SALES Sales \ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal' [5302] link '\ue62f' [5303] menu '' orientation: vertical [5481] menu '' orientation: vertical [5603] link 'Orders' [5604] link 'Invoices' [5605] link 'Shipments' [5606] link 'Credit Memos' [5607] link 'Billing Agreements' [5608] link 'Transactions' [5609] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal' [5224] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [5228] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [5232] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [5236] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [5240] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [5244] link '\ue60d STORES' [5248] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [5252] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [5288] heading 'Dashboard' [5289] link '\ue600 admin' [5291] link '\ue607' [6428] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [5259] main '' [5294] StaticText 'Scope:' [5356] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [5359] link '\ue633 What is this?' [5476] button 'Reload Data' [5477] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [5526] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [5527] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [5479] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [6027] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [6028] link 'here' [6081] StaticText 'Revenue' [6055] StaticText '$0.00' [6082] StaticText 'Tax' [6083] StaticText 'Shipping' [6084] StaticText 'Quantity' [6327] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [6329] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [6337] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [6331] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [6339] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [6333] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [6341] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [6335] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [6343] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [6348] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [6356] table '' [6379] row '' [6385] columnheader 'Product' required: False [6386] columnheader 'Price' required: False [6387] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [6380] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [6388] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [6389] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [6390] gridcell '6' required: False [6381] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [6391] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [6392] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [6393] gridcell '6' required: False [6382] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [6394] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [6395] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [6396] gridcell '6' required: False [6383] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [6397] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [6398] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [6399] gridcell '5' required: False [6384] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [6400] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [6401] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [6402] gridcell '5' required: False [6035] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [6038] StaticText '$0.00' [6040] StaticText 'Average Order' [6045] StaticText 'Last Orders' [6046] table '' [6093] row '' [6116] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [6117] columnheader 'Items' required: False [6118] columnheader 'Total' required: False [6094] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [6119] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [6120] gridcell '5' required: False [6121] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [6095] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [6122] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [6123] gridcell '4' required: False [6124] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [6096] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [6125] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [6126] gridcell '3' required: False [6127] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [6097] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [6128] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [6129] gridcell '4' required: False [6130] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [6098] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [6131] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [6132] gridcell '2' required: False [6133] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [6047] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [6048] table '' [6099] row '' [6134] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [6135] columnheader 'Results' required: False [6136] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [6100] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [6137] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [6138] gridcell '23' required: False [6139] gridcell '1' required: False [6101] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [6140] gridcell 'nike' required: False [6141] gridcell '0' required: False [6142] gridcell '3' required: False [6102] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [6143] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [6144] gridcell '10' required: False [6145] gridcell '4' required: False [6103] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [6146] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [6147] gridcell '1' required: False [6148] gridcell '19' required: False [6104] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [6149] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [6150] gridcell '23' required: False [6151] gridcell '2' required: False [6049] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [6050] table '' [6105] row '' [6152] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [6153] columnheader 'Results' required: False [6154] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [6106] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [6155] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [6156] gridcell '1' required: False [6157] gridcell '19' required: False [6107] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [6158] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [6159] gridcell '10' required: False [6160] gridcell '4' required: False [6108] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [6161] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [6162] gridcell '23' required: False [6163] gridcell '2' required: False [6109] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [6164] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [6165] gridcell '23' required: False [6166] gridcell '1' required: False [6110] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [6167] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [6168] gridcell '1' required: False [6169] gridcell '1' required: False [5980] contentinfo '' [5986] link '\ue606' [5987] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [5999] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [5989] link 'Privacy Policy' [5990] StaticText ' |' [5991] link ' Account Activity' [5992] StaticText ' | ' [5993] link 'Report an Issue'
click [5220] where [5220] is link '\ue60b SALES'
[ "None", "click [12] where [12] is link '\\ue60b SALES'", "click [295] where [295] is link 'Orders'", "click [1271] where [1271] is link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "click [6337] where [6337] is link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [5209] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [5261] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [5269] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [5214] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [5216] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [5220] link '\ue60b SALES' [5224] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [5228] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [5232] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [5236] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [5240] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [5244] link '\ue60d STORES' [5248] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [5252] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [5288] heading 'Dashboard' [5289] link '\ue600 admin' [5291] link '\ue607' [6428] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [5259] main '' [5294] StaticText 'Scope:' [5356] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [5359] link '\ue633 What is this?' [5476] button 'Reload Data' [5477] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [5526] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [5527] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [5479] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [6027] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [6028] link 'here' [6081] StaticText 'Revenue' [6055] StaticText '$0.00' [6082] StaticText 'Tax' [6083] StaticText 'Shipping' [6084] StaticText 'Quantity' [6327] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [6329] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [6337] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' focused: True [6331] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [6339] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [6333] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [6341] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [6335] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [6343] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [6348] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [6356] table '' [6379] row '' [6385] columnheader 'Product' required: False [6386] columnheader 'Price' required: False [6387] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [6380] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [6388] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [6389] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [6390] gridcell '6' required: False [6381] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [6391] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [6392] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [6393] gridcell '6' required: False [6382] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [6394] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [6395] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [6396] gridcell '6' required: False [6383] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [6397] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [6398] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [6399] gridcell '5' required: False [6384] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [6400] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [6401] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [6402] gridcell '5' required: False [6035] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [6038] StaticText '$0.00' [6040] StaticText 'Average Order' [6045] StaticText 'Last Orders' [6046] table '' [6093] row '' [6116] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [6117] columnheader 'Items' required: False [6118] columnheader 'Total' required: False [6094] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [6119] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [6120] gridcell '5' required: False [6121] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [6095] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [6122] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [6123] gridcell '4' required: False [6124] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [6096] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [6125] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [6126] gridcell '3' required: False [6127] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [6097] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [6128] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [6129] gridcell '4' required: False [6130] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [6098] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [6131] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [6132] gridcell '2' required: False [6133] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [6047] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [6048] table '' [6099] row '' [6134] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [6135] columnheader 'Results' required: False [6136] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [6100] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [6137] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [6138] gridcell '23' required: False [6139] gridcell '1' required: False [6101] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [6140] gridcell 'nike' required: False [6141] gridcell '0' required: False [6142] gridcell '3' required: False [6102] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [6143] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [6144] gridcell '10' required: False [6145] gridcell '4' required: False [6103] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [6146] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [6147] gridcell '1' required: False [6148] gridcell '19' required: False [6104] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [6149] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [6150] gridcell '23' required: False [6151] gridcell '2' required: False [6049] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [6050] table '' [6105] row '' [6152] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [6153] columnheader 'Results' required: False [6154] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [6106] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [6155] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [6156] gridcell '1' required: False [6157] gridcell '19' required: False [6107] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [6158] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [6159] gridcell '10' required: False [6160] gridcell '4' required: False [6108] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [6161] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [6162] gridcell '23' required: False [6163] gridcell '2' required: False [6109] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [6164] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [6165] gridcell '23' required: False [6166] gridcell '1' required: False [6110] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [6167] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [6168] gridcell '1' required: False [6169] gridcell '1' required: False [5980] contentinfo '' [5986] link '\ue606' [5987] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [5999] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [5989] link 'Privacy Policy' [5990] StaticText ' |' [5991] link ' Account Activity' [5992] StaticText ' | ' [5993] link 'Report an Issue'
What is the top-2 best-selling product type in Q4 2022
The next observation would be the updated sales dashboard focusing on the sales metrics. The interface retains its layout but emphasizes the sales section, indicating a transition to deeper sales insights. Users can now navigate through specific sales data related to orders, invoices, and shipments. This prepares the user to identify and analyze the best-selling product types, providing a pathway to gather insights necessary for determining the top two best-selling product types in Q4 2022.
{ "neg_action0": "click [466]", "neg_action1": "click [467]", "neg_action2": "click [468]", "neg_action3": "click [469]", "neg_action4": "click [470]", "neg_action5": "click [471]", "neg_action6": "scroll [down]", "neg_action7": "scroll [up]", "neg_action8": null, "neg_action9": "goto [http://luma.com/admin/admin/reports/]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1284] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1344] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1291] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1295] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1299] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1303] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1307] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1311] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1315] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1319] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1323] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1327] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1362] heading 'Orders'", "\t[1363] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1365] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1557] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1476] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1334] main ''", "\t\t[1367] button 'Create New Order'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[71] generic '\\ue60b SALES Sales \\ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t\t[94] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[95] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[277] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[406] link 'Orders'", "\t\t\t\t\t[407] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t\t\t[408] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t\t\t[409] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t\t\t[410] link 'Billing Agreements'", "\t\t\t\t\t[411] link 'Transactions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[412] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[314] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[322] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[323] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[402] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[403] link 'here'", "\t\t[574] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[848] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[862] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[835] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[842] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[843] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[844] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[845] table ''", "\t\t\t[891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[846] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[847] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[955] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[957] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[958] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[960] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[788] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[793] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[794] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[805] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[796] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[797] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[798] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[799] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[800] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1284] RootWebArea 'Shipments / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1343] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1291] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1295] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1299] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1303] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1307] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1311] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1315] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1319] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1323] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1327] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1360] heading 'Shipments'", "\t[1361] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1363] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1552] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1471] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1334] main ''" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[24] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[25] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[26] generic '\\ue60b SALES Sales \\ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t\t[33] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[34] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[71] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[93] link 'Orders'", "\t\t\t\t\t[94] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t\t\t[95] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t\t\t[96] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t\t\t[97] link 'Billing Agreements'", "\t\t\t\t\t[98] link 'Transactions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[99] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[140] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[137] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[133] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[129] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[125] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[121] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[173] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[174] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[176] link '\\ue607'", "\t[384] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[147] main ''", "\t\t[179] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[230] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[233] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[341] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[342] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[392] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[393] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[344] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[469] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[470] link 'here'", "\t\t[669] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[549] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[670] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[671] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[672] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[477] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[480] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[482] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[487] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[488] table ''", "\t\t\t[681] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[684] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[489] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[490] table ''", "\t\t\t[687] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[690] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[691] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[692] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[491] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[492] table ''", "\t\t\t[693] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[694] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[695] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[696] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[697] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[698] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[148] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[237] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[238] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[300] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[240] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[241] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[242] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[243] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[244] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1284] RootWebArea 'Billing Agreements / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES' focused: True", "\t\t[71] generic '\\ue60b SALES Sales \\ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t\t[94] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[95] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[278] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[412] link 'Orders'", "\t\t\t\t\t[413] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t\t\t[414] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t\t\t[415] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t\t\t[416] link 'Billing Agreements'", "\t\t\t\t\t[417] link 'Transactions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[418] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[601] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[602] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[603] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[932] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[935] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[937] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[942] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[943] table ''", "\t\t\t[954] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[972] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[973] columnheader 'Items' required: 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"\t\t\t\t[1018] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1019] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[970] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1020] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1021] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1022] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[971] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1023] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1024] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1025] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[894] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[899] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[900] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[911] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[902] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[903] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[904] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[905] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[906] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES' focused: True", "\t\t[74] generic '\\ue60b SALES Sales \\ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t\t[99] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[100] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[305] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[466] link 'Orders'", "\t\t\t\t\t[467] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t\t\t[468] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t\t\t[469] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t\t\t[470] link 'Billing Agreements'", "\t\t\t\t\t[471] link 'Transactions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[472] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES' focused: True", "\t\t[74] generic '\\ue60b SALES Sales \\ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t\t[99] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[100] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[305] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[466] link 'Orders'", "\t\t\t\t\t[467] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t\t\t[468] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t\t\t[469] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t\t\t[470] link 'Billing Agreements'", "\t\t\t\t\t[471] link 'Transactions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[472] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation8": null, "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): Luma.com", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Luma.com' focused: True", "\t[26] link 'Luma.com'", "\t[27] link 'networksolutions'", "\t\t[64] img 'networksolutions'", "\t[52] StaticText 'This Page Is Under Construction - Coming Soon!'", "\t[53] link \"Why am I seeing this 'Under Construction' page?\"", "\t[31] StaticText 'Related Searches:'", "\t[54] link 'Migraine Pain Relief'", "\t[55] link 'Top Smart Phones'", "\t[56] link 'Best Mortgage Rates'", "\t[57] link 'Dental Plans'", "\t[58] link 'Contact Lens'", "\t[37] link 'Trademark Free Notice'", "\t[40] link 'Review our Privacy Policy'", "\t[43] link 'Service Agreement'", "\t[45] link 'Legal Notice'", "\t[46] link 'Domain Registration Information'", "\t[22] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t[24] StaticText '|'" ] }
[ "click [466]", "click [467]", "click [468]", "click [469]", "click [470]", "click [471]", "scroll [down]", "scroll [up]", "tab_focus [1]", "goto [http://luma.com/admin/admin/reports/]" ]
click [467]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[71] generic '\\ue60b SALES Sales \\ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t\t[94] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[95] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[277] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[406] link 'Orders'", "\t\t\t\t\t[407] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t\t\t[408] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t\t\t[409] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t\t\t[410] link 'Billing Agreements'", "\t\t\t\t\t[411] link 'Transactions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[412] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[314] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[322] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[323] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[402] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[403] link 'here'", "\t\t[574] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[848] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[862] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[835] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[842] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[843] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[844] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[845] table ''", "\t\t\t[891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[846] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[847] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[955] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[957] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[958] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[960] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[788] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[793] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[794] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[805] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[796] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[797] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[798] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[799] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[800] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be a situation where the dashboard is still active, but additional links related to sales appear, indicating that the interaction with the SALES menu did not lead to the expected page. This results in a complex navigation structure that remains under the Dashboard context, suggesting incomplete loading or a failure to transition to the sales section. The user remains in the same overarching dashboard environment, but with an expanded options menu that includes sales functionalities.
click [468]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1284] RootWebArea 'Shipments / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1343] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1291] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1295] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1299] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1303] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1307] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1311] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1315] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1319] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1323] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1327] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1360] heading 'Shipments'", "\t[1361] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1363] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1552] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1471] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1334] main ''" ]
The next observation would be a transition to a new page focused on "Shipments" within the Operations of Sales, yet the interface indicates that it is still busy loading the necessary information. The user is now in a different context related to shipments, but the delay in loading suggests a potential issue with the system's responsiveness or a failure to fully render the expected data. This creates an impression of sluggish performance within the admin interface.
click [469]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[24] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[25] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[26] generic '\\ue60b SALES Sales \\ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t\t[33] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[34] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[71] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[93] link 'Orders'", "\t\t\t\t\t[94] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t\t\t[95] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t\t\t[96] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t\t\t[97] link 'Billing Agreements'", "\t\t\t\t\t[98] link 'Transactions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[99] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[140] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[137] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[133] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[129] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[125] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[121] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[173] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[174] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[176] link '\\ue607'", "\t[384] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[147] main ''", "\t\t[179] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[230] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[233] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[341] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[342] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[392] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[393] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[344] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[469] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[470] link 'here'", "\t\t[669] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[549] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[670] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[671] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[672] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[477] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[480] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[482] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[487] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[488] table ''", "\t\t\t[681] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[684] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[489] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[490] table ''", "\t\t\t[687] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[690] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[691] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[692] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[491] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[492] table ''", "\t\t\t[693] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[694] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[695] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[696] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[697] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[698] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[148] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[237] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[238] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[300] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[240] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[241] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[242] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[243] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[244] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be a return to the Dashboard context, indicating that the attempted interaction did not successfully navigate the user to the anticipated sales reporting features. Instead, the user is back in the familiar dashboard layout with less focus on specific sales data. This suggests a failure in the navigation flow, leading to a redundant experience where the user is unable to access the deeper functionalities expected from the sales management area.
click [470]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1284] RootWebArea 'Billing Agreements / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ]
The next observation would be a transition to the "Billing Agreements" section, yet the system indicates it is still busy processing the request. This implies that while the navigation was intended to take the user to billing management, the interface's responsiveness is delayed, leaving the user in a state of uncertainty regarding the completion of their request. The user is in the right context but facing potential performance issues that affect the overall user experience.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [5209] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [5261] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [5269] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [5214] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [5216] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [5220] link '\ue60b SALES' focused: True [5279] generic '\ue60b SALES Sales \ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal' [5302] link '\ue62f' [5303] menu '' orientation: vertical [5481] menu '' orientation: vertical [5603] link 'Orders' [5604] link 'Invoices' [5605] link 'Shipments' [5606] link 'Credit Memos' [5607] link 'Billing Agreements' [5608] link 'Transactions' [5609] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal' [5224] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [5228] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [5232] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [5236] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [5240] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [5244] link '\ue60d STORES' [5248] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [5252] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [5288] heading 'Dashboard' [5289] link '\ue600 admin' [5291] link '\ue607' [6428] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [5259] main '' [5294] StaticText 'Scope:' [5356] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [5359] link '\ue633 What is this?' [5476] button 'Reload Data' [5477] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [5526] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [5527] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [5479] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [6027] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [6028] link 'here' [6081] StaticText 'Revenue' [6055] StaticText '$0.00' [6082] StaticText 'Tax' [6083] StaticText 'Shipping' [6084] StaticText 'Quantity' [6327] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [6329] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [6337] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [6331] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [6339] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [6333] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [6341] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [6335] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [6343] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [6348] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [6356] table '' [6379] row '' [6385] columnheader 'Product' required: False [6386] columnheader 'Price' required: False [6387] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [6380] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [6388] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [6389] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [6390] gridcell '6' required: False [6381] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [6391] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [6392] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [6393] gridcell '6' required: False [6382] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [6394] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [6395] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [6396] gridcell '6' required: False [6383] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [6397] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [6398] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [6399] gridcell '5' required: False [6384] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [6400] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [6401] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [6402] gridcell '5' required: False [6035] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [6038] StaticText '$0.00' [6040] StaticText 'Average Order' [6045] StaticText 'Last Orders' [6046] table '' [6093] row '' [6116] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [6117] columnheader 'Items' required: False [6118] columnheader 'Total' required: False [6094] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [6119] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [6120] gridcell '5' required: False [6121] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [6095] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [6122] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [6123] gridcell '4' required: False [6124] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [6096] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [6125] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [6126] gridcell '3' required: False [6127] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [6097] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [6128] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [6129] gridcell '4' required: False [6130] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [6098] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [6131] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [6132] gridcell '2' required: False [6133] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [6047] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [6048] table '' [6099] row '' [6134] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [6135] columnheader 'Results' required: False [6136] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [6100] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [6137] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [6138] gridcell '23' required: False [6139] gridcell '1' required: False [6101] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [6140] gridcell 'nike' required: False [6141] gridcell '0' required: False [6142] gridcell '3' required: False [6102] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [6143] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [6144] gridcell '10' required: False [6145] gridcell '4' required: False [6103] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [6146] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [6147] gridcell '1' required: False [6148] gridcell '19' required: False [6104] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [6149] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [6150] gridcell '23' required: False [6151] gridcell '2' required: False [6049] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [6050] table '' [6105] row '' [6152] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [6153] columnheader 'Results' required: False [6154] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [6106] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [6155] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [6156] gridcell '1' required: False [6157] gridcell '19' required: False [6107] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [6158] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [6159] gridcell '10' required: False [6160] gridcell '4' required: False [6108] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [6161] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [6162] gridcell '23' required: False [6163] gridcell '2' required: False [6109] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [6164] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [6165] gridcell '23' required: False [6166] gridcell '1' required: False [6110] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [6167] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [6168] gridcell '1' required: False [6169] gridcell '1' required: False [5980] contentinfo '' [5986] link '\ue606' [5987] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [5999] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [5989] link 'Privacy Policy' [5990] StaticText ' |' [5991] link ' Account Activity' [5992] StaticText ' | ' [5993] link 'Report an Issue'
click [5220] where [5220] is link '\ue60b SALES'
[ "None", "click [12] where [12] is link '\\ue60b SALES'", "click [295] where [295] is link 'Orders'", "click [1271] where [1271] is link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "click [6337] where [6337] is link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [5209] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [5261] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [5269] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [5214] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [5216] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [5220] link '\ue60b SALES' [5224] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [5228] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [5232] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [5236] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [5240] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [5244] link '\ue60d STORES' [5248] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [5252] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [5288] heading 'Dashboard' [5289] link '\ue600 admin' [5291] link '\ue607' [6428] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [5259] main '' [5294] StaticText 'Scope:' [5356] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [5359] link '\ue633 What is this?' [5476] button 'Reload Data' [5477] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [5526] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [5527] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [5479] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [6027] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [6028] link 'here' [6081] StaticText 'Revenue' [6055] StaticText '$0.00' [6082] StaticText 'Tax' [6083] StaticText 'Shipping' [6084] StaticText 'Quantity' [6327] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [6329] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [6337] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' focused: True [6331] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [6339] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [6333] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [6341] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [6335] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [6343] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [6348] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [6356] table '' [6379] row '' [6385] columnheader 'Product' required: False [6386] columnheader 'Price' required: False [6387] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [6380] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [6388] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [6389] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [6390] gridcell '6' required: False [6381] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [6391] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [6392] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [6393] gridcell '6' required: False [6382] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [6394] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [6395] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [6396] gridcell '6' required: False [6383] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [6397] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [6398] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [6399] gridcell '5' required: False [6384] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [6400] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [6401] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [6402] gridcell '5' required: False [6035] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [6038] StaticText '$0.00' [6040] StaticText 'Average Order' [6045] StaticText 'Last Orders' [6046] table '' [6093] row '' [6116] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [6117] columnheader 'Items' required: False [6118] columnheader 'Total' required: False [6094] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [6119] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [6120] gridcell '5' required: False [6121] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [6095] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [6122] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [6123] gridcell '4' required: False [6124] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [6096] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [6125] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [6126] gridcell '3' required: False [6127] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [6097] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [6128] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [6129] gridcell '4' required: False [6130] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [6098] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [6131] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [6132] gridcell '2' required: False [6133] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [6047] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [6048] table '' [6099] row '' [6134] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [6135] columnheader 'Results' required: False [6136] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [6100] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [6137] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [6138] gridcell '23' required: False [6139] gridcell '1' required: False [6101] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [6140] gridcell 'nike' required: False [6141] gridcell '0' required: False [6142] gridcell '3' required: False [6102] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [6143] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [6144] gridcell '10' required: False [6145] gridcell '4' required: False [6103] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [6146] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [6147] gridcell '1' required: False [6148] gridcell '19' required: False [6104] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [6149] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [6150] gridcell '23' required: False [6151] gridcell '2' required: False [6049] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [6050] table '' [6105] row '' [6152] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [6153] columnheader 'Results' required: False [6154] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [6106] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [6155] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [6156] gridcell '1' required: False [6157] gridcell '19' required: False [6107] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [6158] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [6159] gridcell '10' required: False [6160] gridcell '4' required: False [6108] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [6161] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [6162] gridcell '23' required: False [6163] gridcell '2' required: False [6109] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [6164] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [6165] gridcell '23' required: False [6166] gridcell '1' required: False [6110] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [6167] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [6168] gridcell '1' required: False [6169] gridcell '1' required: False [5980] contentinfo '' [5986] link '\ue606' [5987] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [5999] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [5989] link 'Privacy Policy' [5990] StaticText ' |' [5991] link ' Account Activity' [5992] StaticText ' | ' [5993] link 'Report an Issue'
What is the top-2 best-selling product type in Q4 2022
The next observation would be the updated sales dashboard focusing on the sales metrics. The interface retains its layout but emphasizes the sales section, indicating a transition to deeper sales insights. Users can now navigate through specific sales data related to orders, invoices, and shipments. This prepares the user to identify and analyze the best-selling product types, providing a pathway to gather insights necessary for determining the top two best-selling product types in Q4 2022.
{ "neg_action0": "click [466]", "neg_action1": "click [467]", "neg_action2": "click [468]", "neg_action3": "click [469]", "neg_action4": "click [470]", "neg_action5": "click [471]", "neg_action6": "scroll [down]", "neg_action7": "scroll [up]", "neg_action8": null, "neg_action9": "goto [http://luma.com/admin/admin/reports/]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1284] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1344] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1291] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1295] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1299] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1303] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1307] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1311] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1315] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1319] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1323] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1327] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1362] heading 'Orders'", "\t[1363] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1365] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1557] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1476] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1334] main ''", "\t\t[1367] button 'Create New Order'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[71] generic '\\ue60b SALES Sales \\ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t\t[94] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[95] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[277] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[406] link 'Orders'", "\t\t\t\t\t[407] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t\t\t[408] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t\t\t[409] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t\t\t[410] link 'Billing Agreements'", "\t\t\t\t\t[411] link 'Transactions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[412] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[314] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[322] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[323] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[402] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[403] link 'here'", "\t\t[574] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[848] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[862] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[835] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[842] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[843] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[844] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[845] table ''", "\t\t\t[891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[846] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[847] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[955] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[957] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[958] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[960] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[788] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[793] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[794] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[805] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[796] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[797] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[798] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[799] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[800] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1284] RootWebArea 'Shipments / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1343] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1291] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1295] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1299] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1303] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1307] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1311] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1315] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1319] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1323] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1327] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1360] heading 'Shipments'", "\t[1361] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1363] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1552] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1471] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1334] main ''" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[24] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[25] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[26] generic '\\ue60b SALES Sales \\ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t\t[33] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[34] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[71] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[93] link 'Orders'", "\t\t\t\t\t[94] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t\t\t[95] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t\t\t[96] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t\t\t[97] link 'Billing Agreements'", "\t\t\t\t\t[98] link 'Transactions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[99] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[140] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[137] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[133] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[129] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[125] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[121] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[173] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[174] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[176] link '\\ue607'", "\t[384] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[147] main ''", "\t\t[179] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[230] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[233] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[341] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[342] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[392] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[393] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[344] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[469] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[470] link 'here'", "\t\t[669] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[549] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[670] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[671] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[672] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[690] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[691] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[692] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[491] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[492] table ''", "\t\t\t[693] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[694] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[695] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[696] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[300] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[240] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[241] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[242] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[243] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[244] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1284] RootWebArea 'Billing Agreements / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES' focused: True", "\t\t[71] generic '\\ue60b SALES Sales \\ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t\t[94] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[95] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[278] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[412] link 'Orders'", "\t\t\t\t\t[413] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t\t\t[414] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t\t\t[415] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t\t\t[416] link 'Billing Agreements'", "\t\t\t\t\t[417] link 'Transactions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[418] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[601] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[602] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[603] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[932] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[935] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[937] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[942] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[943] table ''", "\t\t\t[954] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[972] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[973] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[978] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[979] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[982] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[944] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[945] table ''", "\t\t\t[960] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[990] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[961] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[996] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[946] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[947] table ''", "\t\t\t[966] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1008] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[967] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[968] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1014] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1015] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1016] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[969] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1017] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1018] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1019] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[970] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1020] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1021] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1022] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[971] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1023] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1024] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1025] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[894] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[899] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[900] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[911] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[902] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[903] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[904] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[905] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[906] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES' focused: True", "\t\t[74] generic '\\ue60b SALES Sales \\ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t\t[99] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[100] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[305] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[466] link 'Orders'", "\t\t\t\t\t[467] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t\t\t[468] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t\t\t[469] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t\t\t[470] link 'Billing Agreements'", "\t\t\t\t\t[471] link 'Transactions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[472] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES' focused: True", "\t\t[74] generic '\\ue60b SALES Sales \\ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t\t[99] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[100] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[305] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[466] link 'Orders'", "\t\t\t\t\t[467] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t\t\t[468] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t\t\t[469] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t\t\t[470] link 'Billing Agreements'", "\t\t\t\t\t[471] link 'Transactions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[472] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' 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'2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation8": null, "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): Luma.com", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Luma.com' focused: True", "\t[26] link 'Luma.com'", "\t[27] link 'networksolutions'", "\t\t[64] img 'networksolutions'", "\t[52] StaticText 'This Page Is Under Construction - Coming Soon!'", "\t[53] link \"Why am I seeing this 'Under Construction' page?\"", "\t[31] StaticText 'Related Searches:'", "\t[54] link 'Migraine Pain Relief'", "\t[55] link 'Top Smart Phones'", "\t[56] link 'Best Mortgage Rates'", "\t[57] link 'Dental Plans'", "\t[58] link 'Contact Lens'", "\t[37] link 'Trademark Free Notice'", "\t[40] link 'Review our Privacy Policy'", "\t[43] link 'Service Agreement'", "\t[45] link 'Legal Notice'", "\t[46] link 'Domain Registration Information'", "\t[22] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t[24] StaticText '|'" ] }
[ "click [466]", "click [467]", "click [468]", "click [469]", "click [470]", "click [471]", "scroll [down]", "scroll [up]", "tab_focus [1]", "goto [http://luma.com/admin/admin/reports/]" ]
click [467]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[71] generic '\\ue60b SALES Sales \\ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t\t[94] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[95] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[277] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[406] link 'Orders'", "\t\t\t\t\t[407] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t\t\t[408] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t\t\t[409] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t\t\t[410] link 'Billing Agreements'", "\t\t\t\t\t[411] link 'Transactions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[412] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[314] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[322] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[323] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[402] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[403] link 'here'", "\t\t[574] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[848] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[862] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[835] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[842] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[843] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[844] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[845] table ''", "\t\t\t[891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[846] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[847] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[955] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[957] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[958] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[960] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[788] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[793] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[794] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[805] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[796] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[797] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[798] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[799] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[800] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage reflects an error state where it indicates that the information in the selected tab has been changed and contains invalid data. The focus remains on the 'Dashboard / Magento Admin', but it now shows a warning that users need to resolve the invalid data before proceeding. The functional elements of the page, such as the sales navigation and links, are still present, but the lack of valid data is a significant deviation from the previous state.
click [468]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1284] RootWebArea 'Shipments / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1343] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1291] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1295] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1299] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1303] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1307] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1311] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1315] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1319] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1323] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1327] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1360] heading 'Shipments'", "\t[1361] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1363] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1552] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1471] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1334] main ''" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage transitions to a focus on 'Shipments / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin', yet it remains in a busy state, indicating that the content is not fully loaded. The page structure continues to reflect the sales context, but users are left waiting for the expected shipment data, and there may be a lack of feedback on what to expect next, deviating from the immediate, responsive experience typically associated with the Magento Admin.
click [469]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[24] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[25] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[26] generic '\\ue60b SALES Sales \\ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t\t[33] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[34] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[71] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[93] link 'Orders'", "\t\t\t\t\t[94] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t\t\t[95] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t\t\t[96] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t\t\t[97] link 'Billing Agreements'", "\t\t\t\t\t[98] link 'Transactions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[99] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[140] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[137] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[133] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[129] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[125] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[121] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[173] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[174] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[176] link '\\ue607'", "\t[384] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[147] main ''", "\t\t[179] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[230] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[233] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[341] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[342] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[392] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[393] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[344] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[469] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[470] link 'here'", "\t\t[669] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[549] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[670] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[671] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[672] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[477] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[480] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[482] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[487] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[488] table ''", "\t\t\t[681] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[684] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[489] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[490] table ''", "\t\t\t[687] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[690] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[691] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[692] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[491] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[492] table ''", "\t\t\t[693] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[694] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[695] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[696] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[697] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[698] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[148] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[237] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[238] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[300] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[240] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[241] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[242] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[243] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[244] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage returns to the 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' view, suggesting a failure to load the expected sales metrics or reports. The previous indication of invalid data persists, reinforcing the notion that the system is unable to process or display the necessary content. Thus, users find themselves back at the dashboard, without having gained access to the insights they were attempting to reach.
click [470]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1284] RootWebArea 'Billing Agreements / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage shifts focus to 'Billing Agreements / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin', yet it remains in a busy state. This implies that while the user has attempted to access billing-related information, the system is struggling to retrieve or display the necessary data. The ongoing busy state reflects a lack of responsiveness, which deviates from expected functionality within the Magento Admin interface, leaving users uncertain about the status of their request.
Tab 0 (current): Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1335] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1282] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1286] link '\ue60b SALES' [1290] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1294] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1298] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1302] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1306] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1310] link '\ue60d STORES' [1314] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1318] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1353] heading 'Products' [1354] link '\ue600 admin' [1356] link '\ue607' [2052] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1325] main '' [2059] generic 'Add Product' [2060] button 'Add Product' [2061] button 'Add product of type' [2147] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2160] button '\ue610 Columns' [2308] button '\ue605Filters' [2611] LayoutTable '' [2640] StaticText 'Active filters:' [2932] StaticText 'Keyword:' [2934] StaticText 'Bella Tank' [2935] button '\ue620' [2642] button 'Clear all' [2301] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2322] StaticText 'Bella Tank' [2302] button 'Search' [4069] button 'Actions' [2332] StaticText '16' [2334] StaticText 'records found' [3874] textbox 'per page' required: False [4021] StaticText '200' [3868] button 'per page Select' [2337] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2339] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2338] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2133] table '' [2136] row '' [2536] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2539] checkbox '' checked: false [2541] button 'Options' [2564] columnheader '↓ ID' required: False [2565] columnheader 'Thumbnail' required: False [2566] columnheader 'Name' required: False [2567] columnheader 'Type' required: False [2568] columnheader 'Attribute Set' required: False [2569] columnheader 'SKU' required: False [2570] columnheader 'Price' required: False [2571] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [2572] columnheader 'Salable Quantity' required: False [2573] columnheader 'Visibility' required: False [2574] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2575] columnheader 'Websites' required: False [3017] columnheader 'Last Updated At' required: False [2576] columnheader 'Action' required: False [2619] row '' [2646] gridcell '' required: False [3068] checkbox '' checked: false [2647] gridcell '1669' required: False [2648] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XS-Black' required: False [3601] img 'Bella Tank-XS-Black' [2649] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XS-Black' required: False [2650] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2651] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2652] gridcell 'WT01-XS-Black' required: False [2653] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2654] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2655] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4174] ListMarker '• ' [2656] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2657] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2658] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3018] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:50 PM' required: False [2659] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Black' required: False [3659] link 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Black' [2620] row '' [2660] gridcell '' required: False [3070] checkbox '' checked: false [2661] gridcell '1670' required: False [2662] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XS-Blue' required: False [3604] img 'Bella Tank-XS-Blue' [2663] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XS-Blue' required: False [2664] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2665] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2666] gridcell 'WT01-XS-Blue' required: False [2667] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2668] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2669] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4176] ListMarker '• ' [2670] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2671] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2672] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3019] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:50 PM' required: False [2673] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Blue' required: False [3660] link 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Blue' [2621] row '' [2674] gridcell '' required: False [3072] checkbox '' checked: false [2675] gridcell '1671' required: False [2676] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XS-Orange' required: False [3607] img 'Bella Tank-XS-Orange' [2677] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XS-Orange' required: False [2678] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2679] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2680] gridcell 'WT01-XS-Orange' required: False [2681] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2682] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2683] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [4178] ListMarker '• ' [2684] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2685] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2686] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3020] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:50 PM' required: False [2687] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Orange' required: False [3661] link 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Orange' [2622] row '' [2688] gridcell '' required: False [3074] checkbox '' checked: false [2689] gridcell '1672' required: False [2690] gridcell 'Bella Tank-S-Black' required: False [3610] img 'Bella Tank-S-Black' [2691] gridcell 'Bella Tank-S-Black' required: False [2692] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2693] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2694] gridcell 'WT01-S-Black' required: False [2695] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2696] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2697] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4180] ListMarker '• ' [2698] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2699] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2700] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3021] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:50 PM' required: False [2701] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-S-Black' required: False [3662] link 'Edit Bella Tank-S-Black' [2623] row '' [2702] gridcell '' required: False [3076] checkbox '' checked: false [2703] gridcell '1673' required: False [2704] gridcell 'Bella Tank-S-Blue' required: False [3613] img 'Bella Tank-S-Blue' [2705] gridcell 'Bella Tank-S-Blue' required: False [2706] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2707] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2708] gridcell 'WT01-S-Blue' required: False [2709] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2710] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2711] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4182] ListMarker '• ' [2712] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2713] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2714] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3022] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2715] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-S-Blue' required: False [3663] link 'Edit Bella Tank-S-Blue' [2624] row '' [2716] gridcell '' required: False [3078] checkbox '' checked: false [2717] gridcell '1674' required: False [2718] gridcell 'Bella Tank-S-Orange' required: False [3616] img 'Bella Tank-S-Orange' [2719] gridcell 'Bella Tank-S-Orange' required: False [2720] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2721] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2722] gridcell 'WT01-S-Orange' required: False [2723] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2724] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2725] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4184] ListMarker '• ' [2726] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2727] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2728] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3023] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2729] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-S-Orange' required: False [3664] link 'Edit Bella Tank-S-Orange' [2625] row '' [2730] gridcell '' required: False [3080] checkbox '' checked: false [2731] gridcell '1675' required: False [2732] gridcell 'Bella Tank-M-Black' required: False [3619] img 'Bella Tank-M-Black' [2733] gridcell 'Bella Tank-M-Black' required: False [2734] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2735] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2736] gridcell 'WT01-M-Black' required: False [2737] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2738] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2739] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [4186] ListMarker '• ' [2740] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2741] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2742] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3024] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2743] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-M-Black' required: False [3665] link 'Edit Bella Tank-M-Black' [2626] row '' [2744] gridcell '' required: False [3082] checkbox '' checked: false [2745] gridcell '1676' required: False [2746] gridcell 'Bella Tank-M-Blue' required: False [3622] img 'Bella Tank-M-Blue' [2747] gridcell 'Bella Tank-M-Blue' required: False [2748] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2749] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2750] gridcell 'WT01-M-Blue' required: False [2751] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2752] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2753] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4188] ListMarker '• ' [2754] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2755] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2756] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3025] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2757] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-M-Blue' required: False [3666] link 'Edit Bella Tank-M-Blue' [2627] row '' [2758] gridcell '' required: False [3084] checkbox '' checked: false [2759] gridcell '1677' required: False [2760] gridcell 'Bella Tank-M-Orange' required: False [3625] img 'Bella Tank-M-Orange' [2761] gridcell 'Bella Tank-M-Orange' required: False [2762] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2763] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2764] gridcell 'WT01-M-Orange' required: False [2765] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2766] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2767] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4190] ListMarker '• ' [2768] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2769] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2770] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3026] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2771] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-M-Orange' required: False [3667] link 'Edit Bella Tank-M-Orange' [2628] row '' [2772] gridcell '' required: False [3086] checkbox '' checked: false [2773] gridcell '1678' required: False [2774] gridcell 'Bella Tank-L-Black' required: False [3628] img 'Bella Tank-L-Black' [2775] gridcell 'Bella Tank-L-Black' required: False [2776] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2777] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2778] gridcell 'WT01-L-Black' required: False [2779] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2780] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2781] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4192] ListMarker '• ' [2782] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2783] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2784] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3027] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2785] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-L-Black' required: False [3668] link 'Edit Bella Tank-L-Black' [2629] row '' [2786] gridcell '' required: False [3088] checkbox '' checked: false [2787] gridcell '1679' required: False [2788] gridcell 'Bella Tank-L-Blue' required: False [3631] img 'Bella Tank-L-Blue' [2789] gridcell 'Bella Tank-L-Blue' required: False [2790] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2791] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2792] gridcell 'WT01-L-Blue' required: False [2793] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2794] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2795] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4194] ListMarker '• ' [2796] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2797] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2798] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3028] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2799] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-L-Blue' required: False [3669] link 'Edit Bella Tank-L-Blue' [2630] row '' [2800] gridcell '' required: False [3090] checkbox '' checked: false [2801] gridcell '1680' required: False [2802] gridcell 'Bella Tank-L-Orange' required: False [3634] img 'Bella Tank-L-Orange' [2803] gridcell 'Bella Tank-L-Orange' required: False [2804] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2805] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2806] gridcell 'WT01-L-Orange' required: False [2807] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2808] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2809] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [4196] ListMarker '• ' [2810] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2811] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2812] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3029] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2813] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-L-Orange' required: False [3670] link 'Edit Bella Tank-L-Orange' [2631] row '' [2814] gridcell '' required: False [3092] checkbox '' checked: false [2815] gridcell '1681' required: False [2816] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XL-Black' required: False [3637] img 'Bella Tank-XL-Black' [2817] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XL-Black' required: False [2818] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2819] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2820] gridcell 'WT01-XL-Black' required: False [2821] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2822] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2823] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [4198] ListMarker '• ' [2824] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2825] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2826] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3030] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2827] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-XL-Black' required: False [3671] link 'Edit Bella Tank-XL-Black' [2632] row '' [2828] gridcell '' required: False [3094] checkbox '' checked: false [2829] gridcell '1682' required: False [2830] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XL-Blue' required: False [3640] img 'Bella Tank-XL-Blue' [2831] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XL-Blue' required: False [2832] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2833] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2834] gridcell 'WT01-XL-Blue' required: False [2835] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2836] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2837] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [4200] ListMarker '• ' [2838] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2839] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2840] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3031] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2841] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-XL-Blue' required: False [3672] link 'Edit Bella Tank-XL-Blue' [2633] row '' [2842] gridcell '' required: False [3096] checkbox '' checked: false [2843] gridcell '1683' required: False [2844] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XL-Orange' required: False [3643] img 'Bella Tank-XL-Orange' [2845] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XL-Orange' required: False [2846] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2847] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2848] gridcell 'WT01-XL-Orange' required: False [2849] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2850] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2851] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4202] ListMarker '• ' [2852] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2853] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2854] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3032] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2855] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-XL-Orange' required: False [3673] link 'Edit Bella Tank-XL-Orange' [2634] row '' [2856] gridcell '' required: False [3098] checkbox '' checked: false [2857] gridcell '1684' required: False [2858] gridcell 'Bella Tank' required: False [3646] img 'Bella Tank' [2859] gridcell 'Bella Tank' required: False [2860] gridcell 'Configurable Product' required: False [2861] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2862] gridcell 'WT01' required: False [2863] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2864] gridcell '0.0000' required: False [2865] gridcell '' required: False [2866] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [2867] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2868] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3033] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2869] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank' required: False [3674] link 'Edit Bella Tank'
click [3660] where [3660] is link 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Blue'
[ "None", "click [16] where [16] is link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "click [419] where [419] is link 'Products'", "click [1286] where [1286] is link '\\ue60b SALES'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1335] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1282] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1286] link '\ue60b SALES' focused: True [1344] generic '\ue60b SALES Sales \ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal' [1363] link '\ue62f' [1364] menu '' orientation: vertical [1528] menu '' orientation: vertical [1650] link 'Orders' [1651] link 'Invoices' [1652] link 'Shipments' [1653] link 'Credit Memos' [1654] link 'Billing Agreements' [1655] link 'Transactions' [1656] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal' [1290] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1294] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1298] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1302] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1306] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1310] link '\ue60d STORES' [1314] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1318] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1353] heading 'Products' [1354] link '\ue600 admin' [1356] link '\ue607' [2052] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1325] main '' [2059] generic 'Add Product' [2060] button 'Add Product' [2061] button 'Add product of type' [2147] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2160] button '\ue610 Columns' [2308] button '\ue605Filters' [2611] LayoutTable '' [2640] StaticText 'Active filters:' [2932] StaticText 'Keyword:' [2934] StaticText 'Bella Tank' [2935] button '\ue620' [2642] button 'Clear all' [2301] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2322] StaticText 'Bella Tank' [2302] button 'Search' [4069] button 'Actions' [2332] StaticText '16' [2334] StaticText 'records found' [3874] textbox 'per page' required: False [4021] StaticText '200' [3868] button 'per page Select' [2337] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2339] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2338] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2133] table '' [2136] row '' [2536] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2539] checkbox '' checked: false [2541] button 'Options' [2564] columnheader '↓ ID' required: False [2565] columnheader 'Thumbnail' required: False [2566] columnheader 'Name' required: False [2567] columnheader 'Type' required: False [2568] columnheader 'Attribute Set' required: False [2569] columnheader 'SKU' required: False [2570] columnheader 'Price' required: False [2571] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [2572] columnheader 'Salable Quantity' required: False [2573] columnheader 'Visibility' required: False [2574] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2575] columnheader 'Websites' required: False [3017] columnheader 'Last Updated At' required: False [2576] columnheader 'Action' required: False [2619] row '' [2646] gridcell '' required: False [3068] checkbox '' checked: false [2647] gridcell '1669' required: False [2648] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XS-Black' required: False [3601] img 'Bella Tank-XS-Black' [2649] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XS-Black' required: False [2650] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2651] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2652] gridcell 'WT01-XS-Black' required: False [2653] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2654] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2655] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4174] ListMarker '• ' [2656] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2657] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2658] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3018] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:50 PM' required: False [2659] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Black' required: False [3659] link 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Black' [2620] row '' [2660] gridcell '' required: False [3070] checkbox '' checked: false [2661] gridcell '1670' required: False [2662] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XS-Blue' required: False [3604] img 'Bella Tank-XS-Blue' [2663] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XS-Blue' required: False [2664] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2665] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2666] gridcell 'WT01-XS-Blue' required: False [2667] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2668] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2669] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4176] ListMarker '• ' [2670] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2671] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2672] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3019] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:50 PM' required: False [2673] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Blue' required: False [3660] link 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Blue' [2621] row '' [2674] gridcell '' required: False [3072] checkbox '' checked: false [2675] gridcell '1671' required: False [2676] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XS-Orange' required: False [3607] img 'Bella Tank-XS-Orange' [2677] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XS-Orange' required: False [2678] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2679] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2680] gridcell 'WT01-XS-Orange' required: False [2681] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2682] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2683] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [4178] ListMarker '• ' [2684] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2685] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2686] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3020] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:50 PM' required: False [2687] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Orange' required: False [3661] link 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Orange' [2622] row '' [2688] gridcell '' required: False [3074] checkbox '' checked: false [2689] gridcell '1672' required: False [2690] gridcell 'Bella Tank-S-Black' required: False [3610] img 'Bella Tank-S-Black' [2691] gridcell 'Bella Tank-S-Black' required: False [2692] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2693] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2694] gridcell 'WT01-S-Black' required: False [2695] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2696] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2697] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4180] ListMarker '• ' [2698] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2699] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2700] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3021] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:50 PM' required: False [2701] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-S-Black' required: False [3662] link 'Edit Bella Tank-S-Black' [2623] row '' [2702] gridcell '' required: False [3076] checkbox '' checked: false [2703] gridcell '1673' required: False [2704] gridcell 'Bella Tank-S-Blue' required: False [3613] img 'Bella Tank-S-Blue' [2705] gridcell 'Bella Tank-S-Blue' required: False [2706] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2707] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2708] gridcell 'WT01-S-Blue' required: False [2709] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2710] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2711] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4182] ListMarker '• ' [2712] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2713] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2714] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3022] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2715] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-S-Blue' required: False [3663] link 'Edit Bella Tank-S-Blue' [2624] row '' [2716] gridcell '' required: False [3078] checkbox '' checked: false [2717] gridcell '1674' required: False [2718] gridcell 'Bella Tank-S-Orange' required: False [3616] img 'Bella Tank-S-Orange' [2719] gridcell 'Bella Tank-S-Orange' required: False [2720] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2721] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2722] gridcell 'WT01-S-Orange' required: False [2723] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2724] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2725] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4184] ListMarker '• ' [2726] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2727] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2728] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3023] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2729] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-S-Orange' required: False [3664] link 'Edit Bella Tank-S-Orange' [2625] row '' [2730] gridcell '' required: False [3080] checkbox '' checked: false [2731] gridcell '1675' required: False [2732] gridcell 'Bella Tank-M-Black' required: False [3619] img 'Bella Tank-M-Black' [2733] gridcell 'Bella Tank-M-Black' required: False [2734] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2735] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2736] gridcell 'WT01-M-Black' required: False [2737] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2738] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2739] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [4186] ListMarker '• ' [2740] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2741] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2742] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3024] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2743] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-M-Black' required: False [3665] link 'Edit Bella Tank-M-Black' [2626] row '' [2744] gridcell '' required: False [3082] checkbox '' checked: false [2745] gridcell '1676' required: False [2746] gridcell 'Bella Tank-M-Blue' required: False [3622] img 'Bella Tank-M-Blue' [2747] gridcell 'Bella Tank-M-Blue' required: False [2748] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2749] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2750] gridcell 'WT01-M-Blue' required: False [2751] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2752] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2753] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4188] ListMarker '• ' [2754] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2755] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2756] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3025] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2757] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-M-Blue' required: False [3666] link 'Edit Bella Tank-M-Blue' [2627] row '' [2758] gridcell '' required: False [3084] checkbox '' checked: false [2759] gridcell '1677' required: False [2760] gridcell 'Bella Tank-M-Orange' required: False [3625] img 'Bella Tank-M-Orange' [2761] gridcell 'Bella Tank-M-Orange' required: False [2762] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2763] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2764] gridcell 'WT01-M-Orange' required: False [2765] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2766] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2767] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4190] ListMarker '• ' [2768] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2769] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2770] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3026] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2771] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-M-Orange' required: False [3667] link 'Edit Bella Tank-M-Orange' [2628] row '' [2772] gridcell '' required: False [3086] checkbox '' checked: false [2773] gridcell '1678' required: False [2774] gridcell 'Bella Tank-L-Black' required: False [3628] img 'Bella Tank-L-Black' [2775] gridcell 'Bella Tank-L-Black' required: False [2776] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2777] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2778] gridcell 'WT01-L-Black' required: False [2779] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2780] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2781] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4192] ListMarker '• ' [2782] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2783] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2784] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3027] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2785] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-L-Black' required: False [3668] link 'Edit Bella Tank-L-Black' [2629] row '' [2786] gridcell '' required: False [3088] checkbox '' checked: false [2787] gridcell '1679' required: False [2788] gridcell 'Bella Tank-L-Blue' required: False [3631] img 'Bella Tank-L-Blue' [2789] gridcell 'Bella Tank-L-Blue' required: False [2790] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2791] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2792] gridcell 'WT01-L-Blue' required: False [2793] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2794] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2795] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4194] ListMarker '• ' [2796] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2797] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2798] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3028] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2799] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-L-Blue' required: False [3669] link 'Edit Bella Tank-L-Blue' [2630] row '' [2800] gridcell '' required: False [3090] checkbox '' checked: false [2801] gridcell '1680' required: False [2802] gridcell 'Bella Tank-L-Orange' required: False [3634] img 'Bella Tank-L-Orange' [2803] gridcell 'Bella Tank-L-Orange' required: False [2804] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2805] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2806] gridcell 'WT01-L-Orange' required: False [2807] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2808] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2809] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [4196] ListMarker '• ' [2810] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2811] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2812] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3029] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2813] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-L-Orange' required: False [3670] link 'Edit Bella Tank-L-Orange' [2631] row '' [2814] gridcell '' required: False [3092] checkbox '' checked: false [2815] gridcell '1681' required: False [2816] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XL-Black' required: False [3637] img 'Bella Tank-XL-Black' [2817] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XL-Black' required: False [2818] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2819] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2820] gridcell 'WT01-XL-Black' required: False [2821] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2822] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2823] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [4198] ListMarker '• ' [2824] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2825] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2826] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3030] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2827] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-XL-Black' required: False [3671] link 'Edit Bella Tank-XL-Black' [2632] row '' [2828] gridcell '' required: False [3094] checkbox '' checked: false [2829] gridcell '1682' required: False [2830] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XL-Blue' required: False [3640] img 'Bella Tank-XL-Blue' [2831] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XL-Blue' required: False [2832] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2833] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2834] gridcell 'WT01-XL-Blue' required: False [2835] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2836] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2837] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [4200] ListMarker '• ' [2838] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2839] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2840] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3031] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2841] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-XL-Blue' required: False [3672] link 'Edit Bella Tank-XL-Blue' [2633] row '' [2842] gridcell '' required: False [3096] checkbox '' checked: false [2843] gridcell '1683' required: False [2844] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XL-Orange' required: False [3643] img 'Bella Tank-XL-Orange' [2845] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XL-Orange' required: False [2846] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2847] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2848] gridcell 'WT01-XL-Orange' required: False [2849] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2850] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2851] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4202] ListMarker '• ' [2852] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2853] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2854] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3032] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2855] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-XL-Orange' required: False [3673] link 'Edit Bella Tank-XL-Orange' [2634] row '' [2856] gridcell '' required: False [3098] checkbox '' checked: false [2857] gridcell '1684' required: False [2858] gridcell 'Bella Tank' required: False [3646] img 'Bella Tank' [2859] gridcell 'Bella Tank' required: False [2860] gridcell 'Configurable Product' required: False [2861] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2862] gridcell 'WT01' required: False [2863] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2864] gridcell '0.0000' required: False [2865] gridcell '' required: False [2866] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [2867] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2868] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3033] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2869] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank' required: False [3674] link 'Edit Bella Tank'
Update the product description of Bella Tank to highlight the real user positive reviews by quoting the comments
The next observation would be the product editing interface for `Bella Tank-XS-Blue` within the Magento Admin Panel. This interface will allow the user to modify various product details, including the description field where they can highlight positive customer reviews by quoting the comments from real users. The layout remains consistent, providing access to all necessary editing options for the product's attributes, pricing, and stock information, thus facilitating the objective of enhancing the product's appeal through user feedback.
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Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation2": null, "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[546] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[554] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[558] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[564] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[552] generic 'Zoom in to edit the map'", "\t\t[579] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[580] button ''", "\t[567] link 'History'", "\t[568] link 'Export'", "\t[584] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[585] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[586] link 'Communities'", "\t[587] link 'Copyright'", "\t[588] link 'Help'", "\t[589] link 'About'", "\t[576] link 'Log In'", "\t[577] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[706] StaticText '©'", "\t[707] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap'", "\t[708] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t[709] StaticText 'contributors'", "\t[654] heading 'OpenStreetMap provides map data for thousands of websites, mobile apps, and hardware devices'", "\t[632] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is built by a community of mappers that contribute and maintain data about roads, trails, cafés, railway stations, and much more, all over the world.'", "\t[656] heading 'Local Knowledge'", "\t[657] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap emphasizes local knowledge. Contributors use aerial imagery, GPS devices, and low-tech field maps to verify that OSM is accurate and up to date.'", "\t[659] heading 'Community Driven'", "\t[660] StaticText \"OpenStreetMap's community is diverse, passionate, and growing every day. Our contributors include enthusiast mappers, GIS professionals, engineers running the OSM servers, humanitarians mapping disaster-affected areas, and many more. To learn more about the community, see the \"", "\t[661] link 'OpenStreetMap Blog'", "\t[663] link 'user diaries'", "\t[665] link 'community blogs'", "\t[666] StaticText ', and the '", "\t[667] link 'OSM Foundation'", "\t[668] StaticText ' website.'", "\t[670] heading 'Open Data'", "\t[671] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is '", "\t[673] StaticText 'open data'", "\t[674] StaticText ': you are free to use it for any purpose as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or build upon the data in certain ways, you may distribute the result only under the same licence. See the '", "\t[675] link 'Copyright and License page'", "\t[676] StaticText ' for details.'", "\t[678] heading 'Legal'", "\t[679] StaticText 'This site and many other related services are formally operated by the '", "\t[680] link 'OpenStreetMap Foundation'", "\t[681] StaticText ' (OSMF) on behalf of the community. Use of all OSMF operated services is subject to our '", "\t[682] link 'Terms of Use'", "\t[683] StaticText ', '", "\t[684] link 'Acceptable Use Policies'", "\t[685] StaticText ' and our '", "\t[686] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t[687] StaticText '.'", "\t[688] StaticText 'Please '", "\t[689] link 'contact the OSMF'", "\t[690] StaticText ' if you have licensing, copyright or other legal questions.'", "\t[691] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap, the magnifying glass logo and State of the Map are '", "\t[692] link 'registered trademarks of the OSMF'", "\t[695] heading 'Partners'", "\t[696] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[697] link 'UCL'", "\t[698] StaticText ', '", "\t[699] link 'Fastly'", "\t[701] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[702] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[703] link 'partners'", "\t[704] StaticText '.'" ], "neg_observation4": null, "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[576] RootWebArea 'UK Kubernetes & Cloud Hosting Experts | Bytemark' focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[546] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[554] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[558] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[564] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[552] generic 'Zoom in to edit the map'", "\t\t[579] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[580] button ''", "\t[567] link 'History'", "\t[568] link 'Export'", "\t[740] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[741] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[742] link 'Communities'", "\t[743] link 'Copyright'", "\t[744] link 'Help'", "\t[745] link 'About'", "\t[576] link 'Log In'", "\t[577] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[706] StaticText '©'", "\t[707] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap'", "\t[708] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t[709] StaticText 'contributors'", "\t[654] heading 'OpenStreetMap provides map data for thousands of websites, mobile apps, and hardware devices'", "\t[632] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is built by a community of mappers that contribute and maintain data about roads, trails, cafés, railway stations, and much more, all over the world.'", "\t[656] heading 'Local Knowledge'", "\t[657] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap emphasizes local knowledge. Contributors use aerial imagery, GPS devices, and low-tech field maps to verify that OSM is accurate and up to date.'", "\t[659] heading 'Community Driven'", "\t[660] StaticText \"OpenStreetMap's community is diverse, passionate, and growing every day. Our contributors include enthusiast mappers, GIS professionals, engineers running the OSM servers, humanitarians mapping disaster-affected areas, and many more. To learn more about the community, see the \"", "\t[661] link 'OpenStreetMap Blog'", "\t[663] link 'user diaries'", "\t[665] link 'community blogs'", "\t[666] StaticText ', and the '", "\t[667] link 'OSM Foundation'", "\t[668] StaticText ' website.'", "\t[670] heading 'Open Data'", "\t[671] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is '", "\t[673] StaticText 'open data'", "\t[674] StaticText ': you are free to use it for any purpose as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or build upon the data in certain ways, you may distribute the result only under the same licence. See the '", "\t[675] link 'Copyright and License page'", "\t[676] StaticText ' for details.'", "\t[678] heading 'Legal'", "\t[679] StaticText 'This site and many other related services are formally operated by the '", "\t[680] link 'OpenStreetMap Foundation'", "\t[681] StaticText ' (OSMF) on behalf of the community. Use of all OSMF operated services is subject to our '", "\t[682] link 'Terms of Use'", "\t[683] StaticText ', '", "\t[684] link 'Acceptable Use Policies'", "\t[685] StaticText ' and our '", "\t[686] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t[687] StaticText '.'", "\t[688] StaticText 'Please '", "\t[689] link 'contact the OSMF'", "\t[690] StaticText ' if you have licensing, copyright or other legal questions.'", "\t[691] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap, the magnifying glass logo and State of the Map are '", "\t[692] link 'registered trademarks of the OSMF'", "\t[695] heading 'Partners'", "\t[696] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[697] link 'UCL'", "\t[698] StaticText ', '", "\t[699] link 'Fastly'", "\t[701] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[702] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[703] link 'partners'", "\t[704] StaticText '.'" ], "neg_observation8": null, "neg_observation9": null }
[ "click [14]", "scroll [up]", "hover [12]", "click [66]", "type [12] [Bella Tank product description] [1]", "click [53]", "click [240]", "scroll [down]", "click [19]", "click [238]" ]
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus has shifted entirely to a different webpage, specifically 'OpenStreetMap'. The user is now interacting with various elements related to maps, including links for editing, history, GPS traces, and other functionalities not related to product management. This transition signifies a complete departure from the Magento Admin context, showcasing instead a mapping application interface. The user is no longer engaged with product editing tasks but rather exploring mapping features.
The next observation would be a transition into an editing-focused section of the OpenStreetMap platform. The user is now engaged with content that emphasizes community contributions and map data accuracy, moving completely away from the Magento Admin context. This new state highlights various headings and static text that detail the purpose and functionality of OpenStreetMap, indicating a significant shift in focus from product editing to map data management. The interface is now centered around community-driven initiatives and open data policies, showcasing a different type of interaction altogether.
click [66]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[546] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[554] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[558] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[564] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[552] generic 'Zoom in to edit the map'", "\t\t[579] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[580] button ''", "\t[567] link 'History'", "\t[568] link 'Export'", "\t[584] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[585] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[586] link 'Communities'", "\t[587] link 'Copyright'", "\t[588] link 'Help'", "\t[589] link 'About'", "\t[576] link 'Log In'", "\t[577] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[706] StaticText '©'", "\t[707] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap'", "\t[708] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t[709] StaticText 'contributors'", "\t[654] heading 'OpenStreetMap provides map data for thousands of websites, mobile apps, and hardware devices'", "\t[632] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is built by a community of mappers that contribute and maintain data about roads, trails, cafés, railway stations, and much more, all over the world.'", "\t[656] heading 'Local Knowledge'", "\t[657] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap emphasizes local knowledge. Contributors use aerial imagery, GPS devices, and low-tech field maps to verify that OSM is accurate and up to date.'", "\t[659] heading 'Community Driven'", "\t[660] StaticText \"OpenStreetMap's community is diverse, passionate, and growing every day. Our contributors include enthusiast mappers, GIS professionals, engineers running the OSM servers, humanitarians mapping disaster-affected areas, and many more. To learn more about the community, see the \"", "\t[661] link 'OpenStreetMap Blog'", "\t[663] link 'user diaries'", "\t[665] link 'community blogs'", "\t[666] StaticText ', and the '", "\t[667] link 'OSM Foundation'", "\t[668] StaticText ' website.'", "\t[670] heading 'Open Data'", "\t[671] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is '", "\t[673] StaticText 'open data'", "\t[674] StaticText ': you are free to use it for any purpose as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or build upon the data in certain ways, you may distribute the result only under the same licence. See the '", "\t[675] link 'Copyright and License page'", "\t[676] StaticText ' for details.'", "\t[678] heading 'Legal'", "\t[679] StaticText 'This site and many other related services are formally operated by the '", "\t[680] link 'OpenStreetMap Foundation'", "\t[681] StaticText ' (OSMF) on behalf of the community. Use of all OSMF operated services is subject to our '", "\t[682] link 'Terms of Use'", "\t[683] StaticText ', '", "\t[684] link 'Acceptable Use Policies'", "\t[685] StaticText ' and our '", "\t[686] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t[687] StaticText '.'", "\t[688] StaticText 'Please '", "\t[689] link 'contact the OSMF'", "\t[690] StaticText ' if you have licensing, copyright or other legal questions.'", "\t[691] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap, the magnifying glass logo and State of the Map are '", "\t[692] link 'registered trademarks of the OSMF'", "\t[695] heading 'Partners'", "\t[696] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[697] link 'UCL'", "\t[698] StaticText ', '", "\t[699] link 'Fastly'", "\t[701] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[702] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[703] link 'partners'", "\t[704] StaticText '.'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1335] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1282] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1286] link '\ue60b SALES' [1290] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1294] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1298] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1302] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1306] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1310] link '\ue60d STORES' [1314] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1318] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1353] heading 'Products' [1354] link '\ue600 admin' [1356] link '\ue607' [2052] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1325] main '' [2059] generic 'Add Product' [2060] button 'Add Product' [2061] button 'Add product of type' [2147] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2160] button '\ue610 Columns' [2308] button '\ue605Filters' [2611] LayoutTable '' [2640] StaticText 'Active filters:' [2932] StaticText 'Keyword:' [2934] StaticText 'Bella Tank' [2935] button '\ue620' [2642] button 'Clear all' [2301] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2322] StaticText 'Bella Tank' [2302] button 'Search' [4069] button 'Actions' [2332] StaticText '16' [2334] StaticText 'records found' [3874] textbox 'per page' required: False [4021] StaticText '200' [3868] button 'per page Select' [2337] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2339] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2338] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2133] table '' [2136] row '' [2536] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2539] checkbox '' checked: false [2541] button 'Options' [2564] columnheader '↓ ID' required: False [2565] columnheader 'Thumbnail' required: False [2566] columnheader 'Name' required: False [2567] columnheader 'Type' required: False [2568] columnheader 'Attribute Set' required: False [2569] columnheader 'SKU' required: False [2570] columnheader 'Price' required: False [2571] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [2572] columnheader 'Salable Quantity' required: False [2573] columnheader 'Visibility' required: False [2574] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2575] columnheader 'Websites' required: False [3017] columnheader 'Last Updated At' required: False [2576] columnheader 'Action' required: False [2619] row '' [2646] gridcell '' required: False [3068] checkbox '' checked: false [2647] gridcell '1669' required: False [2648] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XS-Black' required: False [3601] img 'Bella Tank-XS-Black' [2649] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XS-Black' required: False [2650] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2651] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2652] gridcell 'WT01-XS-Black' required: False [2653] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2654] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2655] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4174] ListMarker '• ' [2656] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2657] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2658] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3018] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:50 PM' required: False [2659] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Black' required: False [3659] link 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Black' [2620] row '' [2660] gridcell '' required: False [3070] checkbox '' checked: false [2661] gridcell '1670' required: False [2662] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XS-Blue' required: False [3604] img 'Bella Tank-XS-Blue' [2663] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XS-Blue' required: False [2664] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2665] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2666] gridcell 'WT01-XS-Blue' required: False [2667] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2668] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2669] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4176] ListMarker '• ' [2670] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2671] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2672] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3019] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:50 PM' required: False [2673] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Blue' required: False [3660] link 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Blue' [2621] row '' [2674] gridcell '' required: False [3072] checkbox '' checked: false [2675] gridcell '1671' required: False [2676] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XS-Orange' required: False [3607] img 'Bella Tank-XS-Orange' [2677] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XS-Orange' required: False [2678] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2679] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2680] gridcell 'WT01-XS-Orange' required: False [2681] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2682] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2683] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [4178] ListMarker '• ' [2684] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2685] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2686] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3020] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:50 PM' required: False [2687] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Orange' required: False [3661] link 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Orange' [2622] row '' [2688] gridcell '' required: False [3074] checkbox '' checked: false [2689] gridcell '1672' required: False [2690] gridcell 'Bella Tank-S-Black' required: False [3610] img 'Bella Tank-S-Black' [2691] gridcell 'Bella Tank-S-Black' required: False [2692] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2693] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2694] gridcell 'WT01-S-Black' required: False [2695] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2696] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2697] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4180] ListMarker '• ' [2698] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2699] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2700] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3021] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:50 PM' required: False [2701] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-S-Black' required: False [3662] link 'Edit Bella Tank-S-Black' [2623] row '' [2702] gridcell '' required: False [3076] checkbox '' checked: false [2703] gridcell '1673' required: False [2704] gridcell 'Bella Tank-S-Blue' required: False [3613] img 'Bella Tank-S-Blue' [2705] gridcell 'Bella Tank-S-Blue' required: False [2706] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2707] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2708] gridcell 'WT01-S-Blue' required: False [2709] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2710] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2711] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4182] ListMarker '• ' [2712] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2713] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2714] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3022] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2715] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-S-Blue' required: False [3663] link 'Edit Bella Tank-S-Blue' [2624] row '' [2716] gridcell '' required: False [3078] checkbox '' checked: false [2717] gridcell '1674' required: False [2718] gridcell 'Bella Tank-S-Orange' required: False [3616] img 'Bella Tank-S-Orange' [2719] gridcell 'Bella Tank-S-Orange' required: False [2720] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2721] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2722] gridcell 'WT01-S-Orange' required: False [2723] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2724] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2725] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4184] ListMarker '• ' [2726] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2727] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2728] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3023] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2729] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-S-Orange' required: False [3664] link 'Edit Bella Tank-S-Orange' [2625] row '' [2730] gridcell '' required: False [3080] checkbox '' checked: false [2731] gridcell '1675' required: False [2732] gridcell 'Bella Tank-M-Black' required: False [3619] img 'Bella Tank-M-Black' [2733] gridcell 'Bella Tank-M-Black' required: False [2734] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2735] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2736] gridcell 'WT01-M-Black' required: False [2737] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2738] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2739] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [4186] ListMarker '• ' [2740] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2741] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2742] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3024] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2743] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-M-Black' required: False [3665] link 'Edit Bella Tank-M-Black' [2626] row '' [2744] gridcell '' required: False [3082] checkbox '' checked: false [2745] gridcell '1676' required: False [2746] gridcell 'Bella Tank-M-Blue' required: False [3622] img 'Bella Tank-M-Blue' [2747] gridcell 'Bella Tank-M-Blue' required: False [2748] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2749] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2750] gridcell 'WT01-M-Blue' required: False [2751] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2752] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2753] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4188] ListMarker '• ' [2754] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2755] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2756] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3025] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2757] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-M-Blue' required: False [3666] link 'Edit Bella Tank-M-Blue' [2627] row '' [2758] gridcell '' required: False [3084] checkbox '' checked: false [2759] gridcell '1677' required: False [2760] gridcell 'Bella Tank-M-Orange' required: False [3625] img 'Bella Tank-M-Orange' [2761] gridcell 'Bella Tank-M-Orange' required: False [2762] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2763] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2764] gridcell 'WT01-M-Orange' required: False [2765] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2766] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2767] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4190] ListMarker '• ' [2768] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2769] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2770] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3026] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2771] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-M-Orange' required: False [3667] link 'Edit Bella Tank-M-Orange' [2628] row '' [2772] gridcell '' required: False [3086] checkbox '' checked: false [2773] gridcell '1678' required: False [2774] gridcell 'Bella Tank-L-Black' required: False [3628] img 'Bella Tank-L-Black' [2775] gridcell 'Bella Tank-L-Black' required: False [2776] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2777] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2778] gridcell 'WT01-L-Black' required: False [2779] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2780] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2781] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4192] ListMarker '• ' [2782] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2783] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2784] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3027] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2785] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-L-Black' required: False [3668] link 'Edit Bella Tank-L-Black' [2629] row '' [2786] gridcell '' required: False [3088] checkbox '' checked: false [2787] gridcell '1679' required: False [2788] gridcell 'Bella Tank-L-Blue' required: False [3631] img 'Bella Tank-L-Blue' [2789] gridcell 'Bella Tank-L-Blue' required: False [2790] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2791] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2792] gridcell 'WT01-L-Blue' required: False [2793] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2794] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2795] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4194] ListMarker '• ' [2796] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2797] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2798] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3028] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2799] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-L-Blue' required: False [3669] link 'Edit Bella Tank-L-Blue' [2630] row '' [2800] gridcell '' required: False [3090] checkbox '' checked: false [2801] gridcell '1680' required: False [2802] gridcell 'Bella Tank-L-Orange' required: False [3634] img 'Bella Tank-L-Orange' [2803] gridcell 'Bella Tank-L-Orange' required: False [2804] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2805] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2806] gridcell 'WT01-L-Orange' required: False [2807] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2808] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2809] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [4196] ListMarker '• ' [2810] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2811] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2812] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3029] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2813] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-L-Orange' required: False [3670] link 'Edit Bella Tank-L-Orange' [2631] row '' [2814] gridcell '' required: False [3092] checkbox '' checked: false [2815] gridcell '1681' required: False [2816] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XL-Black' required: False [3637] img 'Bella Tank-XL-Black' [2817] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XL-Black' required: False [2818] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2819] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2820] gridcell 'WT01-XL-Black' required: False [2821] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2822] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2823] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [4198] ListMarker '• ' [2824] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2825] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2826] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3030] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2827] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-XL-Black' required: False [3671] link 'Edit Bella Tank-XL-Black' [2632] row '' [2828] gridcell '' required: False [3094] checkbox '' checked: false [2829] gridcell '1682' required: False [2830] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XL-Blue' required: False [3640] img 'Bella Tank-XL-Blue' [2831] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XL-Blue' required: False [2832] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2833] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2834] gridcell 'WT01-XL-Blue' required: False [2835] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2836] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2837] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [4200] ListMarker '• ' [2838] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2839] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2840] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3031] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2841] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-XL-Blue' required: False [3672] link 'Edit Bella Tank-XL-Blue' [2633] row '' [2842] gridcell '' required: False [3096] checkbox '' checked: false [2843] gridcell '1683' required: False [2844] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XL-Orange' required: False [3643] img 'Bella Tank-XL-Orange' [2845] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XL-Orange' required: False [2846] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2847] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2848] gridcell 'WT01-XL-Orange' required: False [2849] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2850] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2851] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4202] ListMarker '• ' [2852] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2853] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2854] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3032] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2855] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-XL-Orange' required: False [3673] link 'Edit Bella Tank-XL-Orange' [2634] row '' [2856] gridcell '' required: False [3098] checkbox '' checked: false [2857] gridcell '1684' required: False [2858] gridcell 'Bella Tank' required: False [3646] img 'Bella Tank' [2859] gridcell 'Bella Tank' required: False [2860] gridcell 'Configurable Product' required: False [2861] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2862] gridcell 'WT01' required: False [2863] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2864] gridcell '0.0000' required: False [2865] gridcell '' required: False [2866] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [2867] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2868] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3033] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2869] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank' required: False [3674] link 'Edit Bella Tank'
click [3660] where [3660] is link 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Blue'
[ "None", "click [16] where [16] is link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "click [419] where [419] is link 'Products'", "click [1286] where [1286] is link '\\ue60b SALES'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1335] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1282] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1286] link '\ue60b SALES' focused: True [1344] generic '\ue60b SALES Sales \ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal' [1363] link '\ue62f' [1364] menu '' orientation: vertical [1528] menu '' orientation: vertical [1650] link 'Orders' [1651] link 'Invoices' [1652] link 'Shipments' [1653] link 'Credit Memos' [1654] link 'Billing Agreements' [1655] link 'Transactions' [1656] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal' [1290] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1294] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1298] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1302] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1306] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1310] link '\ue60d STORES' [1314] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1318] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1353] heading 'Products' [1354] link '\ue600 admin' [1356] link '\ue607' [2052] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1325] main '' [2059] generic 'Add Product' [2060] button 'Add Product' [2061] button 'Add product of type' [2147] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2160] button '\ue610 Columns' [2308] button '\ue605Filters' [2611] LayoutTable '' [2640] StaticText 'Active filters:' [2932] StaticText 'Keyword:' [2934] StaticText 'Bella Tank' [2935] button '\ue620' [2642] button 'Clear all' [2301] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2322] StaticText 'Bella Tank' [2302] button 'Search' [4069] button 'Actions' [2332] StaticText '16' [2334] StaticText 'records found' [3874] textbox 'per page' required: False [4021] StaticText '200' [3868] button 'per page Select' [2337] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2339] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2338] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2133] table '' [2136] row '' [2536] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2539] checkbox '' checked: false [2541] button 'Options' [2564] columnheader '↓ ID' required: False [2565] columnheader 'Thumbnail' required: False [2566] columnheader 'Name' required: False [2567] columnheader 'Type' required: False [2568] columnheader 'Attribute Set' required: False [2569] columnheader 'SKU' required: False [2570] columnheader 'Price' required: False [2571] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [2572] columnheader 'Salable Quantity' required: False [2573] columnheader 'Visibility' required: False [2574] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2575] columnheader 'Websites' required: False [3017] columnheader 'Last Updated At' required: False [2576] columnheader 'Action' required: False [2619] row '' [2646] gridcell '' required: False [3068] checkbox '' checked: false [2647] gridcell '1669' required: False [2648] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XS-Black' required: False [3601] img 'Bella Tank-XS-Black' [2649] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XS-Black' required: False [2650] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2651] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2652] gridcell 'WT01-XS-Black' required: False [2653] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2654] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2655] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4174] ListMarker '• ' [2656] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2657] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2658] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3018] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:50 PM' required: False [2659] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Black' required: False [3659] link 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Black' [2620] row '' [2660] gridcell '' required: False [3070] checkbox '' checked: false [2661] gridcell '1670' required: False [2662] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XS-Blue' required: False [3604] img 'Bella Tank-XS-Blue' [2663] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XS-Blue' required: False [2664] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2665] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2666] gridcell 'WT01-XS-Blue' required: False [2667] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2668] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2669] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4176] ListMarker '• ' [2670] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2671] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2672] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3019] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:50 PM' required: False [2673] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Blue' required: False [3660] link 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Blue' [2621] row '' [2674] gridcell '' required: False [3072] checkbox '' checked: false [2675] gridcell '1671' required: False [2676] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XS-Orange' required: False [3607] img 'Bella Tank-XS-Orange' [2677] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XS-Orange' required: False [2678] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2679] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2680] gridcell 'WT01-XS-Orange' required: False [2681] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2682] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2683] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [4178] ListMarker '• ' [2684] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2685] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2686] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3020] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:50 PM' required: False [2687] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Orange' required: False [3661] link 'Edit Bella Tank-XS-Orange' [2622] row '' [2688] gridcell '' required: False [3074] checkbox '' checked: false [2689] gridcell '1672' required: False [2690] gridcell 'Bella Tank-S-Black' required: False [3610] img 'Bella Tank-S-Black' [2691] gridcell 'Bella Tank-S-Black' required: False [2692] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2693] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2694] gridcell 'WT01-S-Black' required: False [2695] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2696] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2697] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4180] ListMarker '• ' [2698] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2699] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2700] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3021] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:50 PM' required: False [2701] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-S-Black' required: False [3662] link 'Edit Bella Tank-S-Black' [2623] row '' [2702] gridcell '' required: False [3076] checkbox '' checked: false [2703] gridcell '1673' required: False [2704] gridcell 'Bella Tank-S-Blue' required: False [3613] img 'Bella Tank-S-Blue' [2705] gridcell 'Bella Tank-S-Blue' required: False [2706] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2707] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2708] gridcell 'WT01-S-Blue' required: False [2709] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2710] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2711] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4182] ListMarker '• ' [2712] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2713] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2714] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3022] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2715] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-S-Blue' required: False [3663] link 'Edit Bella Tank-S-Blue' [2624] row '' [2716] gridcell '' required: False [3078] checkbox '' checked: false [2717] gridcell '1674' required: False [2718] gridcell 'Bella Tank-S-Orange' required: False [3616] img 'Bella Tank-S-Orange' [2719] gridcell 'Bella Tank-S-Orange' required: False [2720] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2721] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2722] gridcell 'WT01-S-Orange' required: False [2723] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2724] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2725] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4184] ListMarker '• ' [2726] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2727] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2728] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3023] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2729] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-S-Orange' required: False [3664] link 'Edit Bella Tank-S-Orange' [2625] row '' [2730] gridcell '' required: False [3080] checkbox '' checked: false [2731] gridcell '1675' required: False [2732] gridcell 'Bella Tank-M-Black' required: False [3619] img 'Bella Tank-M-Black' [2733] gridcell 'Bella Tank-M-Black' required: False [2734] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2735] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2736] gridcell 'WT01-M-Black' required: False [2737] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2738] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2739] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [4186] ListMarker '• ' [2740] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2741] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2742] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3024] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2743] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-M-Black' required: False [3665] link 'Edit Bella Tank-M-Black' [2626] row '' [2744] gridcell '' required: False [3082] checkbox '' checked: false [2745] gridcell '1676' required: False [2746] gridcell 'Bella Tank-M-Blue' required: False [3622] img 'Bella Tank-M-Blue' [2747] gridcell 'Bella Tank-M-Blue' required: False [2748] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2749] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2750] gridcell 'WT01-M-Blue' required: False [2751] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2752] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2753] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4188] ListMarker '• ' [2754] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2755] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2756] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3025] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2757] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-M-Blue' required: False [3666] link 'Edit Bella Tank-M-Blue' [2627] row '' [2758] gridcell '' required: False [3084] checkbox '' checked: false [2759] gridcell '1677' required: False [2760] gridcell 'Bella Tank-M-Orange' required: False [3625] img 'Bella Tank-M-Orange' [2761] gridcell 'Bella Tank-M-Orange' required: False [2762] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2763] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2764] gridcell 'WT01-M-Orange' required: False [2765] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2766] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2767] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4190] ListMarker '• ' [2768] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2769] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2770] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3026] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2771] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-M-Orange' required: False [3667] link 'Edit Bella Tank-M-Orange' [2628] row '' [2772] gridcell '' required: False [3086] checkbox '' checked: false [2773] gridcell '1678' required: False [2774] gridcell 'Bella Tank-L-Black' required: False [3628] img 'Bella Tank-L-Black' [2775] gridcell 'Bella Tank-L-Black' required: False [2776] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2777] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2778] gridcell 'WT01-L-Black' required: False [2779] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2780] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2781] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4192] ListMarker '• ' [2782] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2783] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2784] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3027] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2785] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-L-Black' required: False [3668] link 'Edit Bella Tank-L-Black' [2629] row '' [2786] gridcell '' required: False [3088] checkbox '' checked: false [2787] gridcell '1679' required: False [2788] gridcell 'Bella Tank-L-Blue' required: False [3631] img 'Bella Tank-L-Blue' [2789] gridcell 'Bella Tank-L-Blue' required: False [2790] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2791] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2792] gridcell 'WT01-L-Blue' required: False [2793] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2794] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2795] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4194] ListMarker '• ' [2796] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2797] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2798] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3028] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2799] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-L-Blue' required: False [3669] link 'Edit Bella Tank-L-Blue' [2630] row '' [2800] gridcell '' required: False [3090] checkbox '' checked: false [2801] gridcell '1680' required: False [2802] gridcell 'Bella Tank-L-Orange' required: False [3634] img 'Bella Tank-L-Orange' [2803] gridcell 'Bella Tank-L-Orange' required: False [2804] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2805] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2806] gridcell 'WT01-L-Orange' required: False [2807] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2808] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2809] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [4196] ListMarker '• ' [2810] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2811] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2812] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3029] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2813] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-L-Orange' required: False [3670] link 'Edit Bella Tank-L-Orange' [2631] row '' [2814] gridcell '' required: False [3092] checkbox '' checked: false [2815] gridcell '1681' required: False [2816] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XL-Black' required: False [3637] img 'Bella Tank-XL-Black' [2817] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XL-Black' required: False [2818] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2819] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2820] gridcell 'WT01-XL-Black' required: False [2821] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2822] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2823] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [4198] ListMarker '• ' [2824] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2825] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2826] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3030] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2827] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-XL-Black' required: False [3671] link 'Edit Bella Tank-XL-Black' [2632] row '' [2828] gridcell '' required: False [3094] checkbox '' checked: false [2829] gridcell '1682' required: False [2830] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XL-Blue' required: False [3640] img 'Bella Tank-XL-Blue' [2831] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XL-Blue' required: False [2832] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2833] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2834] gridcell 'WT01-XL-Blue' required: False [2835] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2836] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2837] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [4200] ListMarker '• ' [2838] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2839] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2840] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3031] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2841] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-XL-Blue' required: False [3672] link 'Edit Bella Tank-XL-Blue' [2633] row '' [2842] gridcell '' required: False [3096] checkbox '' checked: false [2843] gridcell '1683' required: False [2844] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XL-Orange' required: False [3643] img 'Bella Tank-XL-Orange' [2845] gridcell 'Bella Tank-XL-Orange' required: False [2846] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [2847] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2848] gridcell 'WT01-XL-Orange' required: False [2849] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2850] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [2851] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [4202] ListMarker '• ' [2852] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [2853] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2854] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3032] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2855] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank-XL-Orange' required: False [3673] link 'Edit Bella Tank-XL-Orange' [2634] row '' [2856] gridcell '' required: False [3098] checkbox '' checked: false [2857] gridcell '1684' required: False [2858] gridcell 'Bella Tank' required: False [3646] img 'Bella Tank' [2859] gridcell 'Bella Tank' required: False [2860] gridcell 'Configurable Product' required: False [2861] gridcell 'Top' required: False [2862] gridcell 'WT01' required: False [2863] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2864] gridcell '0.0000' required: False [2865] gridcell '' required: False [2866] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [2867] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [2868] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3033] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:51 PM' required: False [2869] gridcell 'Edit Bella Tank' required: False [3674] link 'Edit Bella Tank'
Update the product description of Bella Tank to highlight the real user positive reviews by quoting the comments
The next observation would be the product editing interface for `Bella Tank-XS-Blue` within the Magento Admin Panel. This interface will allow the user to modify various product details, including the description field where they can highlight positive customer reviews by quoting the comments from real users. The layout remains consistent, providing access to all necessary editing options for the product's attributes, pricing, and stock information, thus facilitating the objective of enhancing the product's appeal through user feedback.
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Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation2": null, "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[546] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[554] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[558] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[564] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[552] generic 'Zoom in to edit the map'", "\t\t[579] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[580] button ''", "\t[567] link 'History'", "\t[568] link 'Export'", "\t[584] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[585] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[586] link 'Communities'", "\t[587] link 'Copyright'", "\t[588] link 'Help'", "\t[589] link 'About'", "\t[576] link 'Log In'", "\t[577] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[706] StaticText '©'", "\t[707] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap'", "\t[708] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t[709] StaticText 'contributors'", "\t[654] heading 'OpenStreetMap provides map data for thousands of websites, mobile apps, and hardware devices'", "\t[632] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is built by a community of mappers that contribute and maintain data about roads, trails, cafés, railway stations, and much more, all over the world.'", "\t[656] heading 'Local Knowledge'", "\t[657] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap emphasizes local knowledge. Contributors use aerial imagery, GPS devices, and low-tech field maps to verify that OSM is accurate and up to date.'", "\t[659] heading 'Community Driven'", "\t[660] StaticText \"OpenStreetMap's community is diverse, passionate, and growing every day. Our contributors include enthusiast mappers, GIS professionals, engineers running the OSM servers, humanitarians mapping disaster-affected areas, and many more. To learn more about the community, see the \"", "\t[661] link 'OpenStreetMap Blog'", "\t[663] link 'user diaries'", "\t[665] link 'community blogs'", "\t[666] StaticText ', and the '", "\t[667] link 'OSM Foundation'", "\t[668] StaticText ' website.'", "\t[670] heading 'Open Data'", "\t[671] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is '", "\t[673] StaticText 'open data'", "\t[674] StaticText ': you are free to use it for any purpose as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or build upon the data in certain ways, you may distribute the result only under the same licence. See the '", "\t[675] link 'Copyright and License page'", "\t[676] StaticText ' for details.'", "\t[678] heading 'Legal'", "\t[679] StaticText 'This site and many other related services are formally operated by the '", "\t[680] link 'OpenStreetMap Foundation'", "\t[681] StaticText ' (OSMF) on behalf of the community. Use of all OSMF operated services is subject to our '", "\t[682] link 'Terms of Use'", "\t[683] StaticText ', '", "\t[684] link 'Acceptable Use Policies'", "\t[685] StaticText ' and our '", "\t[686] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t[687] StaticText '.'", "\t[688] StaticText 'Please '", "\t[689] link 'contact the OSMF'", "\t[690] StaticText ' if you have licensing, copyright or other legal questions.'", "\t[691] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap, the magnifying glass logo and State of the Map are '", "\t[692] link 'registered trademarks of the OSMF'", "\t[695] heading 'Partners'", "\t[696] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[697] link 'UCL'", "\t[698] StaticText ', '", "\t[699] link 'Fastly'", "\t[701] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[702] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[703] link 'partners'", "\t[704] StaticText '.'" ], "neg_observation4": null, "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[576] RootWebArea 'UK Kubernetes & Cloud Hosting Experts | Bytemark' focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[546] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[554] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[558] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[564] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[552] generic 'Zoom in to edit the map'", "\t\t[579] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[580] button ''", "\t[567] link 'History'", "\t[568] link 'Export'", "\t[740] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[741] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[742] link 'Communities'", "\t[743] link 'Copyright'", "\t[744] link 'Help'", "\t[745] link 'About'", "\t[576] link 'Log In'", "\t[577] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[706] StaticText '©'", "\t[707] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap'", "\t[708] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t[709] StaticText 'contributors'", "\t[654] heading 'OpenStreetMap provides map data for thousands of websites, mobile apps, and hardware devices'", "\t[632] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is built by a community of mappers that contribute and maintain data about roads, trails, cafés, railway stations, and much more, all over the world.'", "\t[656] heading 'Local Knowledge'", "\t[657] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap emphasizes local knowledge. Contributors use aerial imagery, GPS devices, and low-tech field maps to verify that OSM is accurate and up to date.'", "\t[659] heading 'Community Driven'", "\t[660] StaticText \"OpenStreetMap's community is diverse, passionate, and growing every day. Our contributors include enthusiast mappers, GIS professionals, engineers running the OSM servers, humanitarians mapping disaster-affected areas, and many more. To learn more about the community, see the \"", "\t[661] link 'OpenStreetMap Blog'", "\t[663] link 'user diaries'", "\t[665] link 'community blogs'", "\t[666] StaticText ', and the '", "\t[667] link 'OSM Foundation'", "\t[668] StaticText ' website.'", "\t[670] heading 'Open Data'", "\t[671] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is '", "\t[673] StaticText 'open data'", "\t[674] StaticText ': you are free to use it for any purpose as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or build upon the data in certain ways, you may distribute the result only under the same licence. See the '", "\t[675] link 'Copyright and License page'", "\t[676] StaticText ' for details.'", "\t[678] heading 'Legal'", "\t[679] StaticText 'This site and many other related services are formally operated by the '", "\t[680] link 'OpenStreetMap Foundation'", "\t[681] StaticText ' (OSMF) on behalf of the community. Use of all OSMF operated services is subject to our '", "\t[682] link 'Terms of Use'", "\t[683] StaticText ', '", "\t[684] link 'Acceptable Use Policies'", "\t[685] StaticText ' and our '", "\t[686] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t[687] StaticText '.'", "\t[688] StaticText 'Please '", "\t[689] link 'contact the OSMF'", "\t[690] StaticText ' if you have licensing, copyright or other legal questions.'", "\t[691] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap, the magnifying glass logo and State of the Map are '", "\t[692] link 'registered trademarks of the OSMF'", "\t[695] heading 'Partners'", "\t[696] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[697] link 'UCL'", "\t[698] StaticText ', '", "\t[699] link 'Fastly'", "\t[701] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[702] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[703] link 'partners'", "\t[704] StaticText '.'" ], "neg_observation8": null, "neg_observation9": null }
[ "click [14]", "scroll [up]", "hover [12]", "click [66]", "type [12] [Bella Tank product description] [1]", "click [53]", "click [240]", "scroll [down]", "click [19]", "click [238]" ]
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be a shift from the Magento Admin interface to the OpenStreetMap interface. The focus has changed to the OpenStreetMap's root web area, which now includes headings related to mapping and various links for user engagement such as 'Edit', 'History', and 'Export'. The main content area now emphasizes community-driven contributions to mapping, indicating a complete transition away from the product-centric layout of Magento. This change reflects a significant shift in user context and interface engagement.
The next observation would be a complete transition from the Magento Admin interface to a focused editing mode within OpenStreetMap. The root web area now highlights mapping editing options, emphasizing community-driven contributions and local knowledge validation. The user is presented with a new set of headings and static text that detail OpenStreetMap's mission and functionality, showcasing a shift from product management to geographic data editing, thereby redefining the user’s interaction context and available tools.
click [66]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[546] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[554] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[558] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[564] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[552] generic 'Zoom in to edit the map'", "\t\t[579] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[580] button ''", "\t[567] link 'History'", "\t[568] link 'Export'", "\t[584] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[585] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[586] link 'Communities'", "\t[587] link 'Copyright'", "\t[588] link 'Help'", "\t[589] link 'About'", "\t[576] link 'Log In'", "\t[577] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[706] StaticText '©'", "\t[707] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap'", "\t[708] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t[709] StaticText 'contributors'", "\t[654] heading 'OpenStreetMap provides map data for thousands of websites, mobile apps, and hardware devices'", "\t[632] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is built by a community of mappers that contribute and maintain data about roads, trails, cafés, railway stations, and much more, all over the world.'", "\t[656] heading 'Local Knowledge'", "\t[657] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap emphasizes local knowledge. Contributors use aerial imagery, GPS devices, and low-tech field maps to verify that OSM is accurate and up to date.'", "\t[659] heading 'Community Driven'", "\t[660] StaticText \"OpenStreetMap's community is diverse, passionate, and growing every day. Our contributors include enthusiast mappers, GIS professionals, engineers running the OSM servers, humanitarians mapping disaster-affected areas, and many more. To learn more about the community, see the \"", "\t[661] link 'OpenStreetMap Blog'", "\t[663] link 'user diaries'", "\t[665] link 'community blogs'", "\t[666] StaticText ', and the '", "\t[667] link 'OSM Foundation'", "\t[668] StaticText ' website.'", "\t[670] heading 'Open Data'", "\t[671] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is '", "\t[673] StaticText 'open data'", "\t[674] StaticText ': you are free to use it for any purpose as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or build upon the data in certain ways, you may distribute the result only under the same licence. See the '", "\t[675] link 'Copyright and License page'", "\t[676] StaticText ' for details.'", "\t[678] heading 'Legal'", "\t[679] StaticText 'This site and many other related services are formally operated by the '", "\t[680] link 'OpenStreetMap Foundation'", "\t[681] StaticText ' (OSMF) on behalf of the community. Use of all OSMF operated services is subject to our '", "\t[682] link 'Terms of Use'", "\t[683] StaticText ', '", "\t[684] link 'Acceptable Use Policies'", "\t[685] StaticText ' and our '", "\t[686] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t[687] StaticText '.'", "\t[688] StaticText 'Please '", "\t[689] link 'contact the OSMF'", "\t[690] StaticText ' if you have licensing, copyright or other legal questions.'", "\t[691] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap, the magnifying glass logo and State of the Map are '", "\t[692] link 'registered trademarks of the OSMF'", "\t[695] heading 'Partners'", "\t[696] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[697] link 'UCL'", "\t[698] StaticText ', '", "\t[699] link 'Fastly'", "\t[701] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[702] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[703] link 'partners'", "\t[704] StaticText '.'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1335] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1282] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1286] link '\ue60b SALES' [1290] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1294] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1298] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1302] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1306] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1310] link '\ue60d STORES' [1314] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1318] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1353] heading 'Orders' [1354] link '\ue600 admin' [1356] link '\ue607' [2029] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1325] main '' [2049] button 'Create New Order' [2774] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2775] button '\ue610 Columns' [2897] button '\ue635 Export' [2921] textbox 'Search by keyword' focused: True required: False [2929] StaticText 'pendingpendingpendingpe325320320320310310305305330330301301325refundedrefundedsuccessful orders April 2022 to September 2022unhappy sizing dresses320320delivereddelivereddelivereddeliveredreturnednding' [2922] button 'Search' [2937] button '\ue605Filters' [3176] LayoutTable '' [3185] StaticText 'Active filters:' [3967] StaticText 'Keyword:' [3969] StaticText 'pendingpendingpendingpe325320320320310310305305330330301301325refundedrefundedsuccessful orders April 2022 to September 2022unhappy sizing dresses320320delivereddelivereddelivereddeliveredreturnednding' [3970] button '\ue620' [3498] StaticText 'Purchase Date:' [3500] StaticText '6/20/2022' [3501] StaticText ' - ' [3502] StaticText '11/20/2022' [3503] button '\ue620' [3187] button 'Clear all' [3390] button 'Actions' [3140] StaticText 'records found' [3227] textbox 'per page' required: False [3254] StaticText '200' [3221] button 'per page Select' [2953] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2990] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2954] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2079] table '' [2082] row '' [3142] columnheader 'Options' required: False [3145] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false [3147] button 'Options' disabled: True [2331] columnheader 'ID' required: False [2332] columnheader 'Purchase Point' required: False [2778] columnheader 'Purchase Date' required: False [2333] columnheader 'Bill-to Name' required: False [2334] columnheader 'Ship-to Name' required: False [2335] columnheader '↓ Grand Total (Base)' required: False [2336] columnheader 'Grand Total (Purchased)' required: False [2337] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2338] columnheader 'Action' required: False [2339] columnheader 'Allocated sources' required: False [2340] columnheader 'Braintree Transaction Source' required: False [2763] row '' [2764] gridcell "We couldn't find any records." required: False [2004] contentinfo '' [2009] link '\ue606' [2010] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [2020] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [2012] link 'Privacy Policy' [2013] StaticText ' |' [2014] link ' Account Activity' [2015] StaticText ' | ' [2016] link 'Report an Issue'
type [2921] [325 ] where [2921] is textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False
[ "None", "click [12] where [12] is link '\\ue60b SALES'", "click [466] where [466] is link 'Orders'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1335] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1282] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1286] link '\ue60b SALES' [1290] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1294] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1298] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1302] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1306] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1310] link '\ue60d STORES' [1314] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1318] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1353] heading 'Orders' [1354] link '\ue600 admin' [1356] link '\ue607' [2029] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1325] main '' [2049] button 'Create New Order' [2774] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2775] button '\ue610 Columns' [2897] button '\ue635 Export' [2921] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2929] StaticText 'pendingpendingpendingpe320320320310310305305330330301301325refundedrefundedsuccessful orders April 2022 to September 2022unhappy sizing dresses320320delivereddelivereddelivereddeliveredreturnednding' [2922] button 'Search' [2937] button '\ue605Filters' [3176] LayoutTable '' [3185] StaticText 'Active filters:' [3197] StaticText 'Keyword:' [3199] StaticText 'pendingpendingpendingpe320320320310310305305330330301301325refundedrefundedsuccessful orders April 2022 to September 2022unhappy sizing dresses320320delivereddelivereddelivereddeliveredreturnednding' [3200] button '\ue620' [3187] button 'Clear all' [3140] StaticText 'records found' [3227] textbox 'per page' required: False [3254] StaticText '200' [3221] button 'per page Select' [2953] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2990] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2954] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2079] table '' [2082] row '' [3142] columnheader 'Options' required: False [3145] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false [3147] button 'Options' disabled: True [2331] columnheader 'ID' required: False [2332] columnheader 'Purchase Point' required: False [2778] columnheader 'Purchase Date' required: False [2333] columnheader 'Bill-to Name' required: False [2334] columnheader 'Ship-to Name' required: False [2335] columnheader '↓ Grand Total (Base)' required: False [2336] columnheader 'Grand Total (Purchased)' required: False [2337] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2338] columnheader 'Action' required: False [2339] columnheader 'Allocated sources' required: False [2340] columnheader 'Braintree Transaction Source' required: False [2763] row '' [2764] gridcell "We couldn't find any records." required: False [2004] contentinfo '' [2009] link '\ue606' [2010] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [2020] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [2012] link 'Privacy Policy' [2013] StaticText ' |' [2014] link ' Account Activity' [2015] StaticText ' | ' [2016] link 'Report an Issue'
Cancel order 325
The next observation would be a continuation of the `Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin` page, but it now indicates that no records were found for the search query related to order `325`. The search results did not populate the expected order details, as evidenced by the message stating, "We couldn't find any records." This indicates that the order may not be present in the system or is possibly filtered out due to the current search settings, necessitating further action to locate or verify the status of order `325`.
{ "neg_action0": "click [5]", "neg_action1": "scroll [up]", "neg_action2": "click [2750]", "neg_action3": "click [34]", "neg_action4": "click [103]", "neg_action5": "type [2921] [Order 325] [1]", "neg_action6": "click [125]", "neg_action7": "hover [18]", "neg_action8": "scroll [down]", "neg_action9": "press [Ctrl+z]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[2977] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[2981] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2994] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3016] link ''", "\t[3043] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3032] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[3010] link 'Create new...'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[133] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[135] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[145] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1874] main ''", "\t\t[1795] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2280] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2173] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1966] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2174] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1918] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1956] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2123] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1741] link 'All'", "\t\t[1532] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2306] link ''", "\t\t[2086] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2433] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2262] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2318] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1752] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2233] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2009] link '0'", "\t\t[2419] link '0'", "\t\t[1831] link '0'", "\t\t[2352] link '0'", "\t\t[2019] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2271] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2049] link 'A'", "\t\t[1800] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1626] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1860] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2001] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1751] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1628] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1928] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2440] link '1'", "\t\t[2012] link '0'", "\t\t[2082] link '0'", "\t\t[2421] link '1'", "\t\t[2278] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2132] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2395] link 'A'", "\t\t[1729] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2180] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2238] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1849] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2182] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1555] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2405] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2098] link '2'", "\t\t[1725] link '0'", "\t\t[1686] link '1'", "\t\t[1559] link '4'", "\t\t[1759] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2024] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1722] link 'A'", "\t\t[1796] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2404] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1587] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1936] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1863] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2154] link '20'", "\t\t[2287] link '0'", "\t\t[2281] link '10'", "\t\t[1653] link '40'", "\t\t[1717] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2438] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2349] link 'A'", "\t\t[2294] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2282] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1701] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2094] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2161] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2196] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2145] link '1'", "\t\t[1934] link '0'", "\t\t[2077] link '0'", "\t\t[1510] link '0'", "\t\t[1660] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1837] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2168] link 'A'", "\t\t[1816] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1605] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1914] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2148] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1738] link '0'", "\t\t[2183] link '0'", "\t\t[1884] link '0'", "\t\t[1821] link '0'", "\t\t[2036] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2031] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1789] link 'A'", "\t\t[2004] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1533] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2411] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1901] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1589] link '0'", "\t\t[1778] link '0'", "\t\t[1704] link '0'", "\t\t[1606] link '0'", "\t\t[2334] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1817] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2234] link 'A'", "\t\t[1643] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2021] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2171] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2189] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1610] link '0'", "\t\t[1612] link '0'", "\t\t[2163] link '0'", "\t\t[1932] link '0'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2412] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1873] link 'A'", "\t\t[2202] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2008] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2217] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1658] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1567] link '0'", "\t\t[2353] link '0'", "\t\t[2461] link '0'", "\t\t[1560] link '0'", "\t\t[2017] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2340] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2243] link 'B'", "\t\t[1845] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2360] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2176] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2220] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2410] link '0'", "\t\t[2116] link '0'", "\t\t[2191] link '0'", "\t\t[2472] link '0'", "\t\t[2015] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1913] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2326] link 'C'", "\t\t[1775] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2125] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1638] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2087] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1871] link '0'", "\t\t[2257] link '0'", "\t\t[1696] link '0'", "\t\t[2142] link '0'", "\t\t[1852] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2215] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2240] link ''", "\t\t[2141] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2333] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1647] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2321] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1813] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2101] link '0'", "\t\t[1692] link '0'", "\t\t[2422] link '0'", "\t\t[2293] link '0'", "\t\t[2027] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2211] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2063] link 'D'", "\t\t[2135] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1809] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2013] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2164] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1900] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1960] link '21'", "\t\t[2059] link '0'", "\t\t[1575] link '16'", "\t\t[2016] link '21'", "\t\t[1698] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2071] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2113] link 'D'", "\t\t[1655] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2357] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1745] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1777] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2273] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1710] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1998] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2453] link '0'", "\t\t[1685] link '0'", "\t\t[2245] link '0'", "\t\t[1973] link '1'", "\t\t[2119] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2069] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2198] link 'E'", "\t\t[1526] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1824] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2289] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1904] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1838] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1490] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2246] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1826] link '6'", "\t\t[1965] link '1'", "\t\t[1780] link '2'", "\t\t[2270] link '5'", "\t\t[1853] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1892] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1578] link 'E'", "\t\t[1985] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1994] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1624] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1649] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1942] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1770] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2376] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2251] link '2'", "\t\t[2216] link '0'", "\t\t[2111] link '0'", "\t\t[1975] link '0'", "\t\t[2203] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1687] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2152] link 'G'", "\t\t[2093] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2304] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1528] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2465] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1968] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1622] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2028] link '0'", "\t\t[1652] link '0'", "\t\t[2081] link '0'", "\t\t[2130] link '0'", "\t\t[1990] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1783] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2408] link 'L'", "\t\t[1857] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1839] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2426] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2136] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2366] link '0'", "\t\t[1563] link '0'", "\t\t[2427] link '0'", "\t\t[1807] link '0'", "\t\t[1646] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2429] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2394] link 'M'", "\t\t[2030] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1769] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1962] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2348] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1545] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2033] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2218] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1552] link '6'", "\t\t[1993] link '0'", "\t\t[1694] link '2'", "\t\t[2448] link '4'", "\t\t[1590] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1707] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1613] link 'N'", "\t\t[1659] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1762] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1514] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1499] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1858] link '0'", "\t\t[1715] link '0'", "\t\t[1700] link '0'", "\t\t[1894] link '0'", "\t\t[2000] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2247] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1681] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2157] link '1'", "\t\t[1979] link '2'", "\t\t[2303] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: True", "\t[2995] list '' focused: True", "\t\t[3022] StaticText 'Switch to'", "\t\t[3006] button 'Projects'", "\t\t[2992] button 'Groups'", "\t\t[2979] StaticText 'Explore'", "\t\t[3035] link 'Milestones'", "\t\t[3059] link 'Snippets'", "\t\t[3014] link 'Activity'", "\t\t[3015] searchbox 'Search your projects'", "\t\t[3041] StaticText 'Frequently visited'", "\t\t[3026] StaticText 'Projects you visit often will appear here'", "\t\t[3031] link 'View all projects'", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[131] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[133] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[143] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1855] main ''", "\t\t[1779] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2283] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2270] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2319] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1911] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1617] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1991] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1909] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1861] link 'All'", "\t\t[2373] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2163] link ''", "\t\t[2222] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2213] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2246] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2376] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2211] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1570] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2387] link '0'", "\t\t[1731] link '0'", "\t\t[1562] link '0'", "\t\t[1920] link '0'", "\t\t[2407] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2106] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1741] link 'A'", "\t\t[1797] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2185] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2247] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1722] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2417] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2161] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1761] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1554] link '1'", "\t\t[2320] link '0'", "\t\t[1984] link '0'", "\t\t[1775] link '1'", "\t\t[2190] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1676] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1612] link 'A'", "\t\t[2071] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1667] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2263] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1809] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2237] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1994] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2002] link '2'", "\t\t[2418] link '0'", "\t\t[1818] link '1'", "\t\t[2352] link '4'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2228] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1501] link 'A'", "\t\t[1784] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2343] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1844] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1929] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2194] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2442] link '20'", "\t\t[2004] link '0'", "\t\t[2067] link '10'", "\t\t[2420] link '40'", "\t\t[1992] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1739] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1989] link 'A'", "\t\t[1718] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1916] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2230] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1721] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2450] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1977] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2050] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2084] link '1'", "\t\t[1714] link '0'", "\t\t[1674] link '0'", "\t\t[1560] link '0'", "\t\t[1835] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2173] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1870] link 'A'", "\t\t[1780] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2401] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1591] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1843] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1576] link '0'", "\t\t[2147] link '0'", "\t\t[2289] link '0'", "\t\t[2285] link '0'", "\t\t[2405] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1885] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2175] link 'A'", "\t\t[1546] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1924] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2296] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1521] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2114] link '0'", "\t\t[1778] link '0'", "\t\t[2140] link '0'", "\t\t[1922] link '0'", "\t\t[2440] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2284] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2389] link 'A'", "\t\t[2365] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1507] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2364] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2079] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1928] link '0'", "\t\t[1864] link '0'", "\t\t[1728] link '0'", "\t\t[2174] link '0'", "\t\t[1710] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1648] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2473] link 'A'", "\t\t[2176] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1823] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2038] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1897] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1918] link '0'", "\t\t[1932] link '0'", "\t\t[1593] link '0'", "\t\t[2102] link '0'", "\t\t[1619] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2382] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2292] link 'B'", "\t\t[2193] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1652] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2201] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1874] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1777] link '0'", "\t\t[2145] link '0'", "\t\t[1893] link '0'", "\t\t[1704] link '0'", "\t\t[1914] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2245] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2271] link 'C'", "\t\t[1785] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2065] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2393] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1642] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2042] link '0'", "\t\t[1666] link '0'", "\t\t[1669] link '0'", "\t\t[2144] link '0'", "\t\t[1565] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2426] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1660] link ''", "\t\t[2304] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1789] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2223] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2313] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2021] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1830] link '0'", "\t\t[2132] link '0'", "\t\t[1573] link '0'", "\t\t[1574] link '0'", "\t\t[1959] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1649] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2130] link 'D'", "\t\t[1613] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1505] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2165] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1630] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1763] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1832] link '21'", "\t\t[2266] link '0'", "\t\t[2264] link '16'", "\t\t[1590] link '21'", "\t\t[1837] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2212] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2460] link 'D'", "\t\t[2300] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2331] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2054] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2322] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1796] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2459] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1587] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2199] link '0'", "\t\t[1904] link '0'", "\t\t[2455] link '0'", "\t\t[1965] link '1'", "\t\t[2208] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1791] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2402] link 'E'", "\t\t[1635] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1530] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2274] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1888] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1806] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2148] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1689] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2277] link '6'", "\t\t[1557] link '1'", "\t\t[2035] link '2'", "\t\t[1563] link '5'", "\t\t[2358] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1950] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1863] link 'E'", "\t\t[1552] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1759] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2306] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1990] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2179] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2010] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1954] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1872] link '2'", "\t\t[2023] link '0'", "\t\t[1899] link '0'", "\t\t[2375] link '0'", "\t\t[1821] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2361] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2356] link 'G'", "\t\t[2136] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1892] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1602] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2242] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2437] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1700] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1842] link '0'", "\t\t[2086] link '0'", "\t\t[1681] link '0'", "\t\t[2421] link '0'", "\t\t[2444] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1638] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1975] link 'L'", "\t\t[1976] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1933] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2128] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2257] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2137] link '0'", "\t\t[2196] link '0'", "\t\t[1957] link '0'", "\t\t[2047] link '0'", "\t\t[1678] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2308] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2456] link 'M'", "\t\t[2048] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2032] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1825] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1961] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1807] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2342] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2103] link '6'", "\t\t[1801] link '0'", "\t\t[2454] link '2'", "\t\t[1672] link '4'", "\t\t[1983] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1766] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1633] link 'N'", "\t\t[2403] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1812] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2445] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2129] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2209] link '0'", "\t\t[1519] link '0'", "\t\t[2432] link '0'", "\t\t[1813] link '0'", "\t\t[1629] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2433] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2447] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1533] link '1'", "\t\t[1908] link '2'", "\t\t[2316] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...' focused: True expanded: True", "\t[2978] link 'New project/repository'", "\t[2972] link 'New group'", "\t[2973] link 'New snippet'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[133] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[135] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[145] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1851] main ''", "\t\t[1764] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2272] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2144] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1947] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2145] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1897] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1935] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2094] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1704] link 'All'", "\t\t[1504] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2294] link ''", "\t\t[2251] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1716] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2378] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2340] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2280] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1918] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2408] link '0'", "\t\t[1806] link '0'", "\t\t[2339] link '0'", "\t\t[2338] link '0'", "\t\t[1724] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1978] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2022] link 'A'", "\t\t[1838] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1714] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2322] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1939] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1696] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2437] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1989] link '1'", "\t\t[2055] link '0'", "\t\t[2410] link '0'", "\t\t[2113] link '1'", "\t\t[2301] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1824] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2386] link 'A'", "\t\t[2219] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2157] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2062] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1535] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1836] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1675] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1778] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1691] link '2'", "\t\t[1648] link '0'", "\t\t[1531] link '1'", "\t\t[1929] link '4'", "\t\t[1876] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1916] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1688] link 'A'", "\t\t[1559] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1841] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1598] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1676] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1600] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2277] link '20'", "\t\t[2273] link '0'", "\t\t[1619] link '10'", "\t\t[2447] link '40'", "\t\t[1486] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1739] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2336] link 'A'", "\t\t[1664] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2065] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1721] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2171] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2085] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1804] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1789] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1917] link '1'", "\t\t[2049] link '0'", "\t\t[1484] link '0'", "\t\t[2355] link '0'", "\t\t[1887] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2114] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2139] link 'A'", "\t\t[1893] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1614] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1591] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2170] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2158] link '0'", "\t\t[1862] link '0'", "\t\t[1794] link '0'", "\t\t[2161] link '0'", "\t\t[2441] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1879] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1757] link 'A'", "\t\t[2400] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2229] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2348] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1840] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1745] link '0'", "\t\t[1667] link '0'", "\t\t[1577] link '0'", "\t\t[2108] link '0'", "\t\t[2041] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2166] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2217] link 'A'", "\t\t[2142] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1909] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1552] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2214] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1582] link '0'", "\t\t[2134] link '0'", "\t\t[1912] link '0'", "\t\t[2115] link '0'", "\t\t[2038] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1623] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1850] link 'A'", "\t\t[2199] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2226] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2394] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2204] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2341] link '0'", "\t\t[2443] link '0'", "\t\t[1532] link '0'", "\t\t[1692] link '0'", "\t\t[1616] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2201] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2225] link 'B'", "\t\t[2148] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1965] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2415] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2212] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2086] link '0'", "\t\t[2168] link '0'", "\t\t[2452] link '0'", "\t\t[1697] link '0'", "\t\t[1748] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2059] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2310] link 'C'", "\t\t[1605] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2254] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1514] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2047] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2246] link '0'", "\t\t[1658] link '0'", "\t\t[1877] link '0'", "\t\t[2015] link '0'", "\t\t[1797] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1725] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2183] link ''", "\t\t[1652] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2305] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2411] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1871] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1990] link '0'", "\t\t[1633] link '0'", "\t\t[2087] link '0'", "\t\t[2111] link '0'", "\t\t[1777] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1505] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2066] link 'D'", "\t\t[2032] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2135] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1547] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1793] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1662] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1708] link '21'", "\t\t[1733] link '0'", "\t\t[1494] link '16'", "\t\t[2081] link '21'", "\t\t[2347] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1940] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1883] link 'D'", "\t\t[1647] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1744] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2227] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1985] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2164] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1677] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1945] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2279] link '0'", "\t\t[2366] link '0'", "\t\t[2193] link '0'", "\t\t[1493] link '1'", "\t\t[1800] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2349] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1579] link 'E'", "\t\t[1946] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1882] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1749] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2231] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2426] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2454] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1846] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1590] link '6'", "\t\t[2375] link '1'", "\t\t[1627] link '2'", "\t\t[2244] link '5'", "\t\t[1972] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2430] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1815] link 'E'", "\t\t[2198] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1615] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2079] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2367] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2245] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1737] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1699] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1499] link '2'", "\t\t[1869] link '0'", "\t\t[1758] link '0'", "\t\t[1906] link '0'", "\t\t[2295] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2018] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2028] link 'G'", "\t\t[2005] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2446] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1618] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1796] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2329] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2260] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2416] link '0'", "\t\t[2029] link '0'", "\t\t[1672] link '0'", "\t\t[1938] link '0'", "\t\t[1829] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2132] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2125] link 'L'", "\t\t[2417] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2104] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1775] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2357] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1941] link '0'", "\t\t[1722] link '0'", "\t\t[2075] link '0'", "\t\t[1540] link '0'", "\t\t[1736] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1508] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2210] link 'M'", "\t\t[1971] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2335] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1654] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2200] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2128] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2010] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1715] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1481] link '6'", "\t\t[2051] link '0'", "\t\t[1599] link '2'", "\t\t[1742] link '4'", "\t\t[1727] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1641] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1729] link 'N'", "\t\t[1663] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1473] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1874] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1620] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2224] link '0'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[1575] link '0'", "\t\t[1825] link '0'", "\t\t[2270] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2033] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2110] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1545] link '1'", "\t\t[1544] link '2'", "\t\t[1728] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[2977] RootWebArea 'Issues · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[2981] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2992] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3010] link ''", "\t[3026] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3022] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[137] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[139] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[149] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1860] main ''", "\t\t[1781] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2284] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2399] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1873] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2041] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1707] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1727] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2349] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1820] link 'All'", "\t\t[1595] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2473] link ''", "\t\t[2102] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2016] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1779] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1525] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2459] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1893] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2367] link '0'", "\t\t[2364] link '0'", "\t\t[1801] link '0'", "\t\t[1904] link '0'", "\t\t[2330] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1803] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2404] link 'A'", "\t\t[1868] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2012] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1726] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2173] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1919] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2440] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2270] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2040] link '1'", "\t\t[1996] link '0'", "\t\t[2414] link '0'", "\t\t[2360] link '1'", "\t\t[1999] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2053] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2266] link 'A'", "\t\t[1581] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1636] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1762] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2267] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2211] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1714] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2381] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1627] link '2'", "\t\t[2156] link '0'", "\t\t[1574] link '1'", "\t\t[2356] link '4'", "\t\t[2213] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1977] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1909] link 'A'", "\t\t[1602] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1851] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2148] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1546] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2110] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2209] link '20'", "\t\t[2406] link '0'", "\t\t[2379] link '10'", "\t\t[2206] link '40'", "\t\t[2268] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1829] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2373] link 'A'", "\t\t[2460] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2061] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1555] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2394] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1703] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2476] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1541] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2429] link '1'", "\t\t[2215] link '0'", "\t\t[2172] link '0'", "\t\t[2413] link '0'", "\t\t[2307] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2300] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1843] link 'A'", "\t\t[2472] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2375] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1720] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2477] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1537] link '0'", "\t\t[1979] link '0'", "\t\t[2123] link '0'", "\t\t[1857] link '0'", "\t\t[1886] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2357] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1550] link 'A'", "\t\t[1890] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2475] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2028] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1548] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1657] link '0'", "\t\t[1647] link '0'", "\t\t[1811] link '0'", "\t\t[2238] link '0'", "\t\t[2271] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2441] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1795] link 'A'", "\t\t[1551] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1545] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2252] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1805] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2347] link '0'", "\t\t[2436] link '0'", "\t\t[1538] link '0'", "\t\t[2313] link '0'", "\t\t[1721] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2339] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1735] link 'A'", "\t\t[2343] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2194] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2291] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1578] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2227] link '0'", "\t\t[2273] link '0'", "\t\t[2066] link '0'", "\t\t[1619] link '0'", "\t\t[1763] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1518] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1554] link 'B'", "\t\t[2275] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2250] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1609] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1791] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1916] link '0'", "\t\t[1951] link '0'", "\t\t[1716] link '0'", "\t\t[2450] link '0'", "\t\t[2474] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2464] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2174] link 'C'", "\t\t[1789] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2070] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1533] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1981] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2274] link '0'", "\t\t[2113] link '0'", "\t\t[2163] link '0'", "\t\t[2310] link '0'", "\t\t[2075] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1633] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2096] link ''", "\t\t[2166] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1942] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2408] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2240] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1800] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1516] link '0'", "\t\t[2451] link '0'", "\t\t[1790] link '0'", "\t\t[1509] link '0'", "\t\t[1690] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2199] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2341] link 'D'", "\t\t[1740] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2385] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2015] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2332] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2104] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1519] link '21'", "\t\t[1694] link '0'", "\t\t[1616] link '16'", "\t\t[2095] link '21'", "\t\t[2120] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2289] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2383] link 'D'", "\t\t[2043] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2042] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1674] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2098] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2091] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1676] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2411] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2285] link '0'", "\t\t[1507] link '0'", "\t\t[1757] link '0'", "\t\t[2073] link '1'", "\t\t[2161] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2455] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2202] link 'E'", "\t\t[2097] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1712] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1806] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1622] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2306] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1568] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2087] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2344] link '6'", "\t\t[2220] link '1'", "\t\t[1610] link '2'", "\t\t[1695] link '5'", "\t\t[1793] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1861] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2317] link 'E'", "\t\t[2312] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2371] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1818] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1746] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2350] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1658] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2445] link '2'", "\t\t[1624] link '0'", "\t\t[1933] link '0'", "\t\t[2378] link '0'", "\t\t[2144] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1993] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1880] link 'G'", "\t\t[1717] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2244] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2468] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2049] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1905] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1837] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1788] link '0'", "\t\t[2189] link '0'", "\t\t[1669] link '0'", "\t\t[2303] link '0'", "\t\t[1960] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1864] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1520] link 'L'", "\t\t[1963] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1691] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1810] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1804] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2086] link '0'", "\t\t[2296] link '0'", "\t\t[1971] link '0'", "\t\t[1931] link '0'", "\t\t[2479] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1891] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2327] link 'M'", "\t\t[1635] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2078] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2059] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2140] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2323] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2100] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2351] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2118] link '6'", "\t\t[2395] link '0'", "\t\t[2369] link '2'", "\t\t[2461] link '4'", "\t\t[2009] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2186] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2018] link 'N'", "\t\t[2422] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1584] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1968] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2067] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1617] link '0'", "\t\t[2432] link '0'", "\t\t[1753] link '0'", "\t\t[1528] link '0'", "\t\t[1876] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1514] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1526] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2149] link '1'", "\t\t[1892] link '2'", "\t\t[1809] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[16] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[57] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[46] link 'Create new...'", "\t[76] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[85] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[77] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[87] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[79] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[80] link 'Help'", "\t[82] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[97] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1751] main ''", "\t\t[2049] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1985] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2328] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1745] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2363] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1615] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2390] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1942] button 'Name'", "\t\t[2245] link 'All'", "\t\t[1782] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2338] link ''", "\t\t[2435] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1735] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1540] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2130] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1778] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2285] link '0'", "\t\t[1932] link '0'", "\t\t[2188] link '0'", "\t\t[2022] link '0'", "\t\t[2058] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1551] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2264] link 'A'", "\t\t[2068] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1765] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1632] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2333] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2282] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1631] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1944] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1750] link '1'", "\t\t[1995] link '0'", "\t\t[1741] link '0'", "\t\t[1923] link '1'", "\t\t[2090] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2391] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2297] link 'A'", "\t\t[2447] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2294] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2046] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1984] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1493] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2212] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2029] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1999] link '2'", "\t\t[2016] link '0'", "\t\t[2269] link '1'", "\t\t[2116] link '4'", "\t\t[2281] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2268] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1762] link 'A'", "\t\t[1839] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1951] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2164] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2204] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1860] link '20'", "\t\t[1518] link '0'", "\t\t[2448] link '10'", "\t\t[1796] link '40'", "\t\t[1873] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1868] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2149] link 'A'", "\t\t[1563] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2158] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1749] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1805] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2411] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2384] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1976] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1850] link '1'", "\t\t[1521] link '0'", "\t\t[1699] link '0'", "\t\t[1629] link '0'", "\t\t[1917] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2310] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2430] link 'A'", "\t\t[2404] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2162] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2037] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1506] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1708] link '0'", "\t\t[2438] link '0'", "\t\t[2280] link '0'", "\t\t[1507] link '0'", "\t\t[2086] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1892] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1498] link 'A'", "\t\t[2185] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2437] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2182] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1904] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2377] link '0'", "\t\t[2298] link '0'", "\t\t[1737] link '0'", "\t\t[2336] link '0'", "\t\t[1719] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2474] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2364] link 'A'", "\t\t[1652] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2453] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1828] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2479] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1644] link '0'", "\t\t[2092] link '0'", "\t\t[2179] link '0'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[1997] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1889] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1915] link 'A'", "\t\t[2265] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1791] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1784] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1830] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2018] link '0'", "\t\t[1529] link '0'", "\t\t[2456] link '0'", "\t\t[1900] link '0'", "\t\t[1660] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2395] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2168] link 'B'", "\t\t[1849] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2014] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2353] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2460] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2152] link '0'", "\t\t[1903] link '0'", "\t\t[1928] link '0'", "\t\t[2324] link '0'", "\t\t[2199] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2416] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1500] link 'C'", "\t\t[2054] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1580] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2172] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1787] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1826] link '0'", "\t\t[2376] link '0'", "\t\t[1854] link '0'", "\t\t[1825] link '0'", "\t\t[2040] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1668] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1824] link ''", "\t\t[1911] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1670] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1983] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1973] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2306] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1650] link '0'", "\t\t[2236] link '0'", "\t\t[2258] link '0'", "\t\t[2216] link '0'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1612] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1965] link 'D'", "\t\t[1501] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2154] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1616] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2329] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1819] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2330] link '21'", "\t\t[2355] link '0'", "\t\t[1645] link '16'", "\t\t[2217] link '21'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1974] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1966] link 'D'", "\t\t[2225] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2170] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1550] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1910] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2452] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1755] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1969] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2023] link '0'", "\t\t[1541] link '0'", "\t\t[2006] link '0'", "\t\t[1908] link '1'", "\t\t[2030] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1560] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1818] link 'E'", "\t\t[2069] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2392] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2262] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1549] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2300] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1993] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2177] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1707] link '6'", "\t\t[1545] link '1'", "\t\t[1777] link '2'", "\t\t[2201] link '5'", "\t\t[1598] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2124] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2105] link 'E'", "\t\t[1991] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1643] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2420] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2180] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2348] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2209] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1845] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2304] link '2'", "\t\t[2295] link '0'", "\t\t[2367] link '0'", "\t\t[1693] link '0'", "\t\t[2127] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2190] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2241] link 'G'", "\t\t[1623] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1958] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2461] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2007] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1734] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2126] link '0'", "\t\t[1876] link '0'", "\t\t[1894] link '0'", "\t\t[2351] link '0'", "\t\t[2406] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2443] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1971] link 'L'", "\t\t[1552] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1522] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2208] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2371] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1780] link '0'", "\t\t[1941] link '0'", "\t\t[2368] link '0'", "\t\t[1701] link '0'", "\t\t[1620] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2383] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1674] link 'M'", "\t\t[2267] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1655] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2440] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1884] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2247] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1672] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2218] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1730] link '6'", "\t\t[2169] link '0'", "\t\t[1642] link '2'", "\t\t[1943] link '4'", "\t\t[2063] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2012] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2465] link 'N'", "\t\t[2042] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1646] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1654] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2115] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2200] link '0'", "\t\t[1547] link '0'", "\t\t[1582] link '0'", "\t\t[1732] link '0'", "\t\t[1797] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1746] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2083] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2123] link '1'", "\t\t[1706] link '2'", "\t\t[2223] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link ''", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[137] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[139] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[149] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1835] main ''", "\t\t[1756] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2261] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2374] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1845] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2016] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1682] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1700] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2325] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1799] link 'All'", "\t\t[1575] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2450] link ''", "\t\t[2083] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2436] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1755] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2224] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1824] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2342] link '0'", "\t\t[2339] link '0'", "\t\t[1777] link '0'", "\t\t[1877] link '0'", "\t\t[2034] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2153] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2379] link 'A'", "\t\t[1840] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1891] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1698] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2204] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1801] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1970] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2357] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2015] link '1'", "\t\t[1973] link '0'", "\t\t[2390] link '0'", "\t\t[2336] link '1'", "\t\t[2216] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2241] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2245] link 'A'", "\t\t[1562] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2192] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1738] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1598] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1480] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1616] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1589] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1608] link '2'", "\t\t[2138] link '0'", "\t\t[1554] link '1'", "\t\t[2333] link '4'", "\t\t[2202] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1527] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1882] link 'A'", "\t\t[1584] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2092] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2130] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2093] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2059] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2190] link '20'", "\t\t[2381] link '0'", "\t\t[2354] link '10'", "\t\t[2187] link '40'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2369] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2348] link 'A'", "\t\t[2437] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1678] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1536] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1743] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2174] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2439] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1533] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2407] link '1'", "\t\t[2194] link '0'", "\t\t[2152] link '0'", "\t\t[2388] link '0'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2452] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1819] link 'A'", "\t\t[2449] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2420] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1693] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2425] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1517] link '0'", "\t\t[1953] link '0'", "\t\t[2104] link '0'", "\t\t[1832] link '0'", "\t\t[1745] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1529] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1531] link 'A'", "\t\t[1862] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2183] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2004] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2113] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1639] link '0'", "\t\t[1629] link '0'", "\t\t[1786] link '0'", "\t\t[2217] link '0'", "\t\t[2056] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1778] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1770] link 'A'", "\t\t[1532] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1715] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2232] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2149] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2323] link '0'", "\t\t[2414] link '0'", "\t\t[1518] link '0'", "\t\t[2289] link '0'", "\t\t[1524] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1559] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1711] link 'A'", "\t\t[2320] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1701] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2267] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1798] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2206] link '0'", "\t\t[2250] link '0'", "\t\t[2043] link '0'", "\t\t[1601] link '0'", "\t\t[1852] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1765] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1535] link 'B'", "\t\t[2252] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1578] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1592] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1870] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1888] link '0'", "\t\t[1924] link '0'", "\t\t[1689] link '0'", "\t\t[2427] link '0'", "\t\t[2038] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1955] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2154] link 'C'", "\t\t[1764] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1555] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1514] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1528] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2256] link '0'", "\t\t[2095] link '0'", "\t\t[2144] link '0'", "\t\t[2287] link '0'", "\t\t[2279] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2219] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2076] link ''", "\t\t[2147] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1774] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2383] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1543] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2066] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1496] link '0'", "\t\t[2428] link '0'", "\t\t[1767] link '0'", "\t\t[1488] link '0'", "\t\t[2296] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2309] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2318] link 'D'", "\t\t[1718] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2085] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1994] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2271] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2454] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1499] link '21'", "\t\t[1669] link '0'", "\t\t[1599] link '16'", "\t\t[2075] link '21'", "\t\t[2435] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2077] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2358] link 'D'", "\t\t[2018] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2069] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1653] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2167] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2128] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2107] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1839] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2262] link '0'", "\t\t[1486] link '0'", "\t\t[1734] link '0'", "\t\t[2050] link '1'", "\t\t[1723] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1603] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2182] link 'E'", "\t\t[2079] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2283] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1782] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2432] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1510] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1787] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1883] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2321] link '6'", "\t\t[1826] link '1'", "\t\t[1680] link '2'", "\t\t[1621] link '5'", "\t\t[1563] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1663] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1997] link 'E'", "\t\t[2353] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1724] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2238] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1478] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2058] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2328] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1619] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1992] link '2'", "\t\t[2301] link '0'", "\t\t[1576] link '0'", "\t\t[2001] link '0'", "\t\t[2259] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2023] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1507] link 'G'", "\t\t[1648] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1878] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2280] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2401] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1934] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1933] link '0'", "\t\t[1590] link '0'", "\t\t[2062] link '0'", "\t\t[2249] link '0'", "\t\t[1860] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1780] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1785] link 'L'", "\t\t[1547] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2408] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2002] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2327] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1742] link '0'", "\t\t[1794] link '0'", "\t\t[2127] link '0'", "\t\t[2100] link '0'", "\t\t[1697] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2121] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1587] link 'M'", "\t\t[2438] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2300] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2051] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1610] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1961] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2080] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1946] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2065] link '6'", "\t\t[1491] link '0'", "\t\t[1600] link '2'", "\t\t[2411] link '4'", "\t\t[1640] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2048] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2140] link 'N'", "\t\t[2324] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1795] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1519] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1747] link '0'", "\t\t[1552] link '0'", "\t\t[1673] link '0'", "\t\t[1609] link '0'", "\t\t[1984] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1817] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1990] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1656] link '1'", "\t\t[2031] link '2'", "\t\t[2335] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[76] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[85] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[77] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[87] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[79] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[80] link 'Help'", "\t[82] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[97] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[2204] main ''", "\t\t[2292] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1582] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1734] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2231] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1735] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2208] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1859] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2030] button 'Name'", "\t\t[2408] link 'All'", "\t\t[2344] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2308] link ''", "\t\t[2239] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2446] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1816] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2447] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2323] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2402] link '0'", "\t\t[2101] link '0'", "\t\t[2185] link '0'", "\t\t[2471] link '0'", "\t\t[2136] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2075] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1692] link 'A'", "\t\t[1745] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1754] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1628] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2368] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1688] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2440] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2263] link '1'", "\t\t[1671] link '0'", "\t\t[1878] link '0'", "\t\t[2025] link '1'", "\t\t[1931] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2139] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2364] link 'A'", "\t\t[1661] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2048] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1653] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1641] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2151] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1810] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1708] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1563] link '2'", "\t\t[1551] link '0'", "\t\t[2257] link '1'", "\t\t[2182] link '4'", "\t\t[1531] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2327] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2328] link 'A'", "\t\t[2342] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2138] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2433] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1748] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1521] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2338] link '20'", "\t\t[2290] link '0'", "\t\t[1919] link '10'", "\t\t[2196] link '40'", "\t\t[2135] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2377] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2459] link 'A'", "\t\t[2276] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1755] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2065] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2464] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2070] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1973] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2059] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1616] link '1'", "\t\t[1730] link '0'", "\t\t[1991] link '0'", "\t\t[1722] link '0'", "\t\t[2096] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2077] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2369] link 'A'", "\t\t[1705] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1637] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2449] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2302] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1533] link '0'", "\t\t[1886] link '0'", "\t\t[1995] link '0'", "\t\t[2015] link '0'", "\t\t[2034] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1941] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1609] link 'A'", "\t\t[2172] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1684] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2311] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2376] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1557] link '0'", "\t\t[1828] link '0'", "\t\t[1770] link '0'", "\t\t[1839] link '0'", "\t\t[1647] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2209] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1974] link 'A'", "\t\t[1774] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2245] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1508] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2288] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2010] link '0'", "\t\t[2399] link '0'", "\t\t[1877] link '0'", "\t\t[1916] link '0'", "\t\t[2351] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1778] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1785] link 'A'", "\t\t[1687] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2407] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1623] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2210] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2038] link '0'", "\t\t[1665] link '0'", "\t\t[1669] link '0'", "\t\t[2124] link '0'", "\t\t[2312] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2173] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1830] link 'B'", "\t\t[2284] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2062] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1506] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1982] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2190] link '0'", "\t\t[2106] link '0'", "\t\t[1791] link '0'", "\t\t[2439] link '0'", "\t\t[1875] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2437] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2216] link 'C'", "\t\t[1718] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1948] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2339] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1559] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1808] link '0'", "\t\t[1598] link '0'", "\t\t[1888] link '0'", "\t\t[2133] link '0'", "\t\t[2477] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2457] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1696] link ''", "\t\t[2095] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1898] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2188] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2429] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1517] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1757] link '0'", "\t\t[2167] link '0'", "\t\t[1596] link '0'", "\t\t[2011] link '0'", "\t\t[1767] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2444] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2140] link 'D'", "\t\t[2458] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1812] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1881] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2320] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1672] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1697] link '21'", "\t\t[1495] link '0'", "\t\t[1590] link '16'", "\t\t[2163] link '21'", "\t\t[1621] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2461] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2310] link 'D'", "\t\t[2326] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2240] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1788] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1855] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2047] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1724] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1952] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2273] link '0'", "\t\t[2232] link '0'", "\t\t[1806] link '0'", "\t\t[2373] link '1'", "\t\t[2143] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1884] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2029] link 'E'", "\t\t[1715] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1691] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1896] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1602] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1772] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1625] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2389] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2050] link '6'", "\t\t[1639] link '1'", "\t\t[2244] link '2'", "\t\t[2265] link '5'", "\t\t[2434] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1618] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1720] link 'E'", "\t\t[1619] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1736] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1501] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1819] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2128] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2370] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1571] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2003] link '2'", "\t\t[2332] link '0'", "\t\t[2356] link '0'", "\t\t[1635] link '0'", "\t\t[2271] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2266] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2056] link 'G'", "\t\t[1836] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1581] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2230] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2409] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2297] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1967] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2024] link '0'", "\t\t[1539] link '0'", "\t\t[2001] link '0'", "\t\t[1893] link '0'", "\t\t[2282] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2071] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2298] link 'L'", "\t\t[2068] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2405] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2270] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2022] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2384] link '0'", "\t\t[1694] link '0'", "\t\t[1542] link '0'", "\t\t[1751] link '0'", "\t\t[1626] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1807] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1699] link 'M'", "\t\t[1764] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1861] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1990] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1866] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2410] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1914] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2451] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1513] link '6'", "\t\t[1906] link '0'", "\t\t[1650] link '2'", "\t\t[1817] link '4'", "\t\t[1535] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2107] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1811] link 'N'", "\t\t[1510] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[2081] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1491] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1845] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2226] link '0'", "\t\t[1679] link '0'", "\t\t[2435] link '0'", "\t\t[1524] link '0'", "\t\t[1968] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1511] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1742] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1620] link '1'", "\t\t[1512] link '2'", "\t\t[1659] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[136] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[138] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[148] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1869] main ''", "\t\t[1788] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2301] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1760] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2052] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2003] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1509] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2377] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2054] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1729] link 'All'", "\t\t[1826] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2352] link ''", "\t\t[2423] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2194] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1981] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1813] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2438] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2384] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1647] link '0'", "\t\t[2464] link '0'", "\t\t[1541] link '0'", "\t\t[2309] link '0'", "\t\t[1643] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2111] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2166] link 'A'", "\t\t[1683] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2192] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2123] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1621] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1539] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2136] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2287] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1511] link '1'", "\t\t[2369] link '0'", "\t\t[2366] link '0'", "\t\t[1808] link '1'", "\t\t[1853] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2362] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1781] link 'A'", "\t\t[1937] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1711] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1879] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1601] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2169] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1802] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1908] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2181] link '2'", "\t\t[2053] link '0'", "\t\t[2010] link '1'", "\t\t[2413] link '4'", "\t\t[2383] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1858] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2239] link 'A'", "\t\t[1940] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1830] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1592] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1915] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1995] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2208] link '20'", "\t\t[1639] link '0'", "\t\t[2170] link '10'", "\t\t[1583] link '40'", "\t\t[1504] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1619] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1868] link 'A'", "\t\t[1611] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2429] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1613] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1598] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2024] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2311] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2341] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2201] link '1'", "\t\t[2221] link '0'", "\t\t[2405] link '0'", "\t\t[2380] link '0'", "\t\t[2102] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2042] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2250] link 'A'", "\t\t[2355] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1538] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2459] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1912] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1838] link '0'", "\t\t[2175] link '0'", "\t\t[2424] link '0'", "\t\t[2228] link '0'", "\t\t[1774] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2207] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2336] link 'A'", "\t\t[2118] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1550] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2191] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2004] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1768] link '0'", "\t\t[1634] link '0'", "\t\t[1536] link '0'", "\t\t[1989] link '0'", "\t\t[2440] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1625] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2202] link 'A'", "\t\t[2277] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2447] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1686] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1579] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2195] link '0'", "\t\t[1679] link '0'", "\t\t[1671] link '0'", "\t\t[1662] link '0'", "\t\t[2215] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1691] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2426] link 'A'", "\t\t[2008] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2148] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1569] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1779] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1636] link '0'", "\t\t[2122] link '0'", "\t\t[2351] link '0'", "\t\t[2434] link '0'", "\t\t[1751] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1733] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2432] link 'B'", "\t\t[1744] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2185] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2240] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1944] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2197] link '0'", "\t\t[2041] link '0'", "\t\t[2241] link '0'", "\t\t[2291] link '0'", "\t\t[1735] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1934] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2045] link 'C'", "\t\t[2086] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1825] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2027] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2445] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2007] link '0'", "\t\t[1742] link '0'", "\t\t[1926] link '0'", "\t\t[1955] link '0'", "\t\t[1608] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1738] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1809] link ''", "\t\t[2449] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1906] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2064] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2143] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1776] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2012] link '0'", "\t\t[2035] link '0'", "\t\t[2292] link '0'", "\t\t[2133] link '0'", "\t\t[2077] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1548] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2190] link 'D'", "\t\t[1842] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1761] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2180] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2343] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2304] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1863] link '21'", "\t\t[1518] link '0'", "\t\t[2450] link '16'", "\t\t[1796] link '21'", "\t\t[1564] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2107] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2461] link 'D'", "\t\t[1561] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2398] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1750] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1939] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1994] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2126] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1501] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1854] link '0'", "\t\t[1522] link '0'", "\t\t[2204] link '0'", "\t\t[1841] link '1'", "\t\t[1982] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1938] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1542] link 'E'", "\t\t[2295] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1575] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2033] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2071] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1769] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1996] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1900] link '6'", "\t\t[1816] link '1'", "\t\t[1688] link '2'", "\t\t[1660] link '5'", "\t\t[1986] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1659] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1524] link 'E'", "\t\t[2356] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2108] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2173] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1626] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2431] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1591] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1762] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2073] link '2'", "\t\t[2361] link '0'", "\t\t[1957] link '0'", "\t\t[1765] link '0'", "\t\t[1820] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1784] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1924] link 'G'", "\t\t[2186] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1871] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1958] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1593] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1699] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2101] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1741] link '0'", "\t\t[1512] link '0'", "\t\t[2381] link '0'", "\t\t[2120] link '0'", "\t\t[2159] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2006] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2034] link 'L'", "\t\t[2364] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2258] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1904] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2060] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1860] link '0'", "\t\t[2232] link '0'", "\t\t[1624] link '0'", "\t\t[1701] link '0'", "\t\t[2151] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1882] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2131] link 'M'", "\t\t[2327] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1495] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1823] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1874] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1696] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1966] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1897] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2442] link '6'", "\t\t[1641] link '0'", "\t\t[1941] link '2'", "\t\t[2379] link '4'", "\t\t[1703] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1490] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1850] link 'N'", "\t\t[1724] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1899] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2465] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1605] link '0'", "\t\t[2038] link '0'", "\t\t[1793] link '0'", "\t\t[2203] link '0'", "\t\t[1682] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1925] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1698] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1953] link '1'", "\t\t[2372] link '2'", "\t\t[1560] link 'Next '" ] }
[ "click [5]", "scroll [up]", "click [2750]", "click [34]", "click [103]", "type [2921] [Order 325] [1]", "click [125]", "hover [18]", "scroll [down]", "press [Ctrl+z]" ]
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[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[133] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[135] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[145] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1874] main ''", "\t\t[1795] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2280] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2173] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1966] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2174] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1918] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1956] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2123] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1741] link 'All'", "\t\t[1532] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2306] link ''", "\t\t[2086] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2433] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2262] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2318] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1752] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2233] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2009] link '0'", "\t\t[2419] link '0'", "\t\t[1831] link '0'", "\t\t[2352] link '0'", "\t\t[2019] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2271] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2049] link 'A'", "\t\t[1800] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1626] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1860] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2001] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1751] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1628] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1928] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2440] link '1'", "\t\t[2012] link '0'", "\t\t[2082] link '0'", "\t\t[2421] link '1'", "\t\t[2278] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2132] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2395] link 'A'", "\t\t[1729] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2180] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2238] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1849] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2182] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1555] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2405] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2098] link '2'", "\t\t[1725] link '0'", "\t\t[1686] link '1'", "\t\t[1559] link '4'", "\t\t[1759] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2024] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1722] link 'A'", "\t\t[1796] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2404] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1587] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1936] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1863] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2154] link '20'", "\t\t[2287] link '0'", "\t\t[2281] link '10'", "\t\t[1653] link '40'", "\t\t[1717] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2438] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2349] link 'A'", "\t\t[2294] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2282] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1701] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2094] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2161] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2196] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2145] link '1'", "\t\t[1934] link '0'", "\t\t[2077] link '0'", "\t\t[1510] link '0'", "\t\t[1660] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1837] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2168] link 'A'", "\t\t[1816] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1605] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1914] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2148] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1738] link '0'", "\t\t[2183] link '0'", "\t\t[1884] link '0'", "\t\t[1821] link '0'", "\t\t[2036] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2031] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1789] link 'A'", "\t\t[2004] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1533] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2411] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1901] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1589] link '0'", "\t\t[1778] link '0'", "\t\t[1704] link '0'", "\t\t[1606] link '0'", "\t\t[2334] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1817] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2234] link 'A'", "\t\t[1643] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2021] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2171] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2189] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1610] link '0'", "\t\t[1612] link '0'", "\t\t[2163] link '0'", "\t\t[1932] link '0'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2412] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1873] link 'A'", "\t\t[2202] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2008] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2217] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1658] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1567] link '0'", "\t\t[2353] link '0'", "\t\t[2461] link '0'", "\t\t[1560] link '0'", "\t\t[2017] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2340] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2243] link 'B'", "\t\t[1845] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2360] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2176] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2220] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2410] link '0'", "\t\t[2116] link '0'", "\t\t[2191] link '0'", "\t\t[2472] link '0'", "\t\t[2015] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1913] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2326] link 'C'", "\t\t[1775] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2125] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1638] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2087] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1871] link '0'", "\t\t[2257] link '0'", "\t\t[1696] link '0'", "\t\t[2142] link '0'", "\t\t[1852] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2215] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2240] link ''", "\t\t[2141] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2333] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1647] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2321] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1813] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2101] link '0'", "\t\t[1692] link '0'", "\t\t[2422] link '0'", "\t\t[2293] link '0'", "\t\t[2027] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2211] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2063] link 'D'", "\t\t[2135] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1809] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2013] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2164] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1900] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1960] link '21'", "\t\t[2059] link '0'", "\t\t[1575] link '16'", "\t\t[2016] link '21'", "\t\t[1698] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2071] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2113] link 'D'", "\t\t[1655] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2357] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1745] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1777] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2273] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1710] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1998] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2453] link '0'", "\t\t[1685] link '0'", "\t\t[2245] link '0'", "\t\t[1973] link '1'", "\t\t[2119] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2069] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2198] link 'E'", "\t\t[1526] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1824] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2289] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1904] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1838] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1490] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2246] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1826] link '6'", "\t\t[1965] link '1'", "\t\t[1780] link '2'", "\t\t[2270] link '5'", "\t\t[1853] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1892] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1578] link 'E'", "\t\t[1985] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1994] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1624] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1649] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1942] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1770] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2376] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2251] link '2'", "\t\t[2216] link '0'", "\t\t[2111] link '0'", "\t\t[1975] link '0'", "\t\t[2203] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1687] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2152] link 'G'", "\t\t[2093] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2304] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1528] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2465] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1968] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1622] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2028] link '0'", "\t\t[1652] link '0'", "\t\t[2081] link '0'", "\t\t[2130] link '0'", "\t\t[1990] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1783] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2408] link 'L'", "\t\t[1857] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1839] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2426] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2136] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2366] link '0'", "\t\t[1563] link '0'", "\t\t[2427] link '0'", "\t\t[1807] link '0'", "\t\t[1646] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2429] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2394] link 'M'", "\t\t[2030] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1769] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1962] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2348] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1545] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2033] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2218] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1552] link '6'", "\t\t[1993] link '0'", "\t\t[1694] link '2'", "\t\t[2448] link '4'", "\t\t[1590] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1707] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1613] link 'N'", "\t\t[1659] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1762] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1514] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1499] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1858] link '0'", "\t\t[1715] link '0'", "\t\t[1700] link '0'", "\t\t[1894] link '0'", "\t\t[2000] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2247] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1681] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2157] link '1'", "\t\t[1979] link '2'", "\t\t[2303] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be a transition to a different application area, specifically the 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab'. This indicates that the original focus on 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' has been lost, and the user is now viewing a new interface that includes elements related to project management. The new state shows a distinct layout with links and functionality relevant to GitLab, suggesting a significant navigation change away from the Magento Admin panel. ### For NEGATIVE ACTION 2: click [2750] **
click [2750]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: True", "\t[2995] list '' focused: True", "\t\t[3022] StaticText 'Switch to'", "\t\t[3006] button 'Projects'", "\t\t[2992] button 'Groups'", "\t\t[2979] StaticText 'Explore'", "\t\t[3035] link 'Milestones'", "\t\t[3059] link 'Snippets'", "\t\t[3014] link 'Activity'", "\t\t[3015] searchbox 'Search your projects'", "\t\t[3041] StaticText 'Frequently visited'", "\t\t[3026] StaticText 'Projects you visit often will appear here'", "\t\t[3031] link 'View all projects'", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[131] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[133] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[143] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1855] main ''", "\t\t[1779] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2283] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2270] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2319] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1911] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1617] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1991] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1909] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1861] link 'All'", "\t\t[2373] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2163] link ''", "\t\t[2222] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2213] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2246] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2376] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2211] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1570] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2387] link '0'", "\t\t[1731] link '0'", "\t\t[1562] link '0'", "\t\t[1920] link '0'", "\t\t[2407] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2106] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1741] link 'A'", "\t\t[1797] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2185] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2247] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1722] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2417] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2161] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1761] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1554] link '1'", "\t\t[2320] link '0'", "\t\t[1984] link '0'", "\t\t[1775] link '1'", "\t\t[2190] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1676] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1612] link 'A'", "\t\t[2071] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1667] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2263] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1809] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2237] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1994] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2002] link '2'", "\t\t[2418] link '0'", "\t\t[1818] link '1'", "\t\t[2352] link '4'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2228] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1501] link 'A'", "\t\t[1784] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2343] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1844] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1929] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2194] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2442] link '20'", "\t\t[2004] link '0'", "\t\t[2067] link '10'", "\t\t[2420] link '40'", "\t\t[1992] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1739] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1989] link 'A'", "\t\t[1718] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1916] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2230] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1721] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2450] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1977] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2050] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2084] link '1'", "\t\t[1714] link '0'", "\t\t[1674] link '0'", "\t\t[1560] link '0'", "\t\t[1835] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2173] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1870] link 'A'", "\t\t[1780] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2401] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1591] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1843] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1576] link '0'", "\t\t[2147] link '0'", "\t\t[2289] link '0'", "\t\t[2285] link '0'", "\t\t[2405] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1885] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2175] link 'A'", "\t\t[1546] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1924] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2296] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1521] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2114] link '0'", "\t\t[1778] link '0'", "\t\t[2140] link '0'", "\t\t[1922] link '0'", "\t\t[2440] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2284] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2389] link 'A'", "\t\t[2365] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1507] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2364] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2079] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1928] link '0'", "\t\t[1864] link '0'", "\t\t[1728] link '0'", "\t\t[2174] link '0'", "\t\t[1710] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1648] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2473] link 'A'", "\t\t[2176] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1823] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2038] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1897] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1918] link '0'", "\t\t[1932] link '0'", "\t\t[1593] link '0'", "\t\t[2102] link '0'", "\t\t[1619] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2382] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2292] link 'B'", "\t\t[2193] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1652] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2201] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1874] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1777] link '0'", "\t\t[2145] link '0'", "\t\t[1893] link '0'", "\t\t[1704] link '0'", "\t\t[1914] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2245] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2271] link 'C'", "\t\t[1785] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2065] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2393] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1642] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2042] link '0'", "\t\t[1666] link '0'", "\t\t[1669] link '0'", "\t\t[2144] link '0'", "\t\t[1565] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2426] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1660] link ''", "\t\t[2304] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1789] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2223] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2313] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2021] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1830] link '0'", "\t\t[2132] link '0'", "\t\t[1573] link '0'", "\t\t[1574] link '0'", "\t\t[1959] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1649] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2130] link 'D'", "\t\t[1613] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1505] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2165] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1630] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1763] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1832] link '21'", "\t\t[2266] link '0'", "\t\t[2264] link '16'", "\t\t[1590] link '21'", "\t\t[1837] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2212] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2460] link 'D'", "\t\t[2300] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2331] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2054] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2322] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1796] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2459] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1587] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2199] link '0'", "\t\t[1904] link '0'", "\t\t[2455] link '0'", "\t\t[1965] link '1'", "\t\t[2208] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1791] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2402] link 'E'", "\t\t[1635] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1530] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2274] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1888] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1806] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2148] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1689] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2277] link '6'", "\t\t[1557] link '1'", "\t\t[2035] link '2'", "\t\t[1563] link '5'", "\t\t[2358] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1950] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1863] link 'E'", "\t\t[1552] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1759] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2306] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1990] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2179] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2010] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1954] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1872] link '2'", "\t\t[2023] link '0'", "\t\t[1899] link '0'", "\t\t[2375] link '0'", "\t\t[1821] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2361] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2356] link 'G'", "\t\t[2136] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1892] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1602] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2242] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2437] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1700] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1842] link '0'", "\t\t[2086] link '0'", "\t\t[1681] link '0'", "\t\t[2421] link '0'", "\t\t[2444] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1638] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1975] link 'L'", "\t\t[1976] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1933] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2128] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2257] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2137] link '0'", "\t\t[2196] link '0'", "\t\t[1957] link '0'", "\t\t[2047] link '0'", "\t\t[1678] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2308] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2456] link 'M'", "\t\t[2048] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2032] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1825] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1961] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1807] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2342] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2103] link '6'", "\t\t[1801] link '0'", "\t\t[2454] link '2'", "\t\t[1672] link '4'", "\t\t[1983] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1766] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1633] link 'N'", "\t\t[2403] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1812] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2445] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2129] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2209] link '0'", "\t\t[1519] link '0'", "\t\t[2432] link '0'", "\t\t[1813] link '0'", "\t\t[1629] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2433] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2447] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1533] link '1'", "\t\t[1908] link '2'", "\t\t[2316] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be that the popup menu has expanded, providing options such as 'Projects', 'Groups', 'Explore', and links to other functionalities within GitLab. This indicates a shift from the previous focus on the Magento Admin to a more interactive user interface where the user can navigate various sections of GitLab. The interface now emphasizes project management capabilities, highlighting the transition from administrative functions to collaborative project tools. ### For NEGATIVE ACTION 3: click [34] **
click [34]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...' focused: True expanded: True", "\t[2978] link 'New project/repository'", "\t[2972] link 'New group'", "\t[2973] link 'New snippet'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[133] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[135] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[145] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1851] main ''", "\t\t[1764] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2272] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2144] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1947] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2145] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1897] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1935] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2094] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1704] link 'All'", "\t\t[1504] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2294] link ''", "\t\t[2251] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1716] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2378] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2340] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2280] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1918] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2408] link '0'", "\t\t[1806] link '0'", "\t\t[2339] link '0'", "\t\t[2338] link '0'", "\t\t[1724] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1978] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2022] link 'A'", "\t\t[1838] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1714] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2322] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1939] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1696] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2437] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1989] link '1'", "\t\t[2055] link '0'", "\t\t[2410] link '0'", "\t\t[2113] link '1'", "\t\t[2301] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1824] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2386] link 'A'", "\t\t[2219] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2157] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2062] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1535] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1836] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1675] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1778] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1691] link '2'", "\t\t[1648] link '0'", "\t\t[1531] link '1'", "\t\t[1929] link '4'", "\t\t[1876] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1916] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1688] link 'A'", "\t\t[1559] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1841] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1598] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1676] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1600] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2277] link '20'", "\t\t[2273] link '0'", "\t\t[1619] link '10'", "\t\t[2447] link '40'", "\t\t[1486] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1739] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2336] link 'A'", "\t\t[1664] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2065] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1721] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2171] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2085] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1804] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1789] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1917] link '1'", "\t\t[2049] link '0'", "\t\t[1484] link '0'", "\t\t[2355] link '0'", "\t\t[1887] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2114] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2139] link 'A'", "\t\t[1893] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1614] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1591] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2170] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2158] link '0'", "\t\t[1862] link '0'", "\t\t[1794] link '0'", "\t\t[2161] link '0'", "\t\t[2441] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1879] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1757] link 'A'", "\t\t[2400] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2229] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2348] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1840] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1745] link '0'", "\t\t[1667] link '0'", "\t\t[1577] link '0'", "\t\t[2108] link '0'", "\t\t[2041] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2166] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2217] link 'A'", "\t\t[2142] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1909] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1552] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2214] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1582] link '0'", "\t\t[2134] link '0'", "\t\t[1912] link '0'", "\t\t[2115] link '0'", "\t\t[2038] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1623] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1850] link 'A'", "\t\t[2199] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2226] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2394] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2204] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2341] link '0'", "\t\t[2443] link '0'", "\t\t[1532] link '0'", "\t\t[1692] link '0'", "\t\t[1616] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2201] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2225] link 'B'", "\t\t[2148] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1965] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2415] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2212] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2086] link '0'", "\t\t[2168] link '0'", "\t\t[2452] link '0'", "\t\t[1697] link '0'", "\t\t[1748] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2059] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2310] link 'C'", "\t\t[1605] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2254] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1514] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2047] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2246] link '0'", "\t\t[1658] link '0'", "\t\t[1877] link '0'", "\t\t[2015] link '0'", "\t\t[1797] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1725] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2183] link ''", "\t\t[1652] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2305] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2411] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1871] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1990] link '0'", "\t\t[1633] link '0'", "\t\t[2087] link '0'", "\t\t[2111] link '0'", "\t\t[1777] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1505] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2066] link 'D'", "\t\t[2032] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2135] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1547] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1793] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1662] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1708] link '21'", "\t\t[1733] link '0'", "\t\t[1494] link '16'", "\t\t[2081] link '21'", "\t\t[2347] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1940] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1883] link 'D'", "\t\t[1647] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1744] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2227] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1985] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2164] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1677] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1945] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2279] link '0'", "\t\t[2366] link '0'", "\t\t[2193] link '0'", "\t\t[1493] link '1'", "\t\t[1800] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2349] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1579] link 'E'", "\t\t[1946] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1882] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1749] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2231] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2426] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2454] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1846] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1590] link '6'", "\t\t[2375] link '1'", "\t\t[1627] link '2'", "\t\t[2244] link '5'", "\t\t[1972] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2430] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1815] link 'E'", "\t\t[2198] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1615] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2079] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2367] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2245] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1737] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1699] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1499] link '2'", "\t\t[1869] link '0'", "\t\t[1758] link '0'", "\t\t[1906] link '0'", "\t\t[2295] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2018] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2028] link 'G'", "\t\t[2005] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2446] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1618] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1796] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2329] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2260] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2416] link '0'", "\t\t[2029] link '0'", "\t\t[1672] link '0'", "\t\t[1938] link '0'", "\t\t[1829] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2132] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2125] link 'L'", "\t\t[2417] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2104] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1775] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2357] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1941] link '0'", "\t\t[1722] link '0'", "\t\t[2075] link '0'", "\t\t[1540] link '0'", "\t\t[1736] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1508] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2210] link 'M'", "\t\t[1971] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2335] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1654] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2200] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2128] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2010] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1715] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1481] link '6'", "\t\t[2051] link '0'", "\t\t[1599] link '2'", "\t\t[1742] link '4'", "\t\t[1727] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1641] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1729] link 'N'", "\t\t[1663] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1473] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1874] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1620] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2224] link '0'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[1575] link '0'", "\t\t[1825] link '0'", "\t\t[2270] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2033] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2110] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1545] link '1'", "\t\t[1544] link '2'", "\t\t[1728] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be an expansion of options to create new items, such as 'New project/repository', 'New group', and 'New snippet'. This shows a continuation of user engagement within the GitLab interface, allowing them to initiate new project-related tasks. The interface reflects an accessible and user-friendly design that supports project management and task creation, moving further away from the previous focus on the Magento Admin panel. ### For NEGATIVE ACTION 4: click [103] **
click [103]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[2977] RootWebArea 'Issues · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[2981] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2992] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3010] link ''", "\t[3026] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3022] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'" ]
The next observation would be a transition to the 'Issues · Dashboard · GitLab' area. This indicates that the user has navigated from a general project management view to a specific section dedicated to tracking issues. The change highlights the focus on project management tasks, emphasizing the user's engagement with the functionalities designed to address project-related challenges and workflows within GitLab.
Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1335] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1282] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1286] link '\ue60b SALES' [1290] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1294] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1298] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1302] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1306] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1310] link '\ue60d STORES' [1314] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1318] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1353] heading 'Orders' [1354] link '\ue600 admin' [1356] link '\ue607' [2029] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1325] main '' [2049] button 'Create New Order' [2774] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2775] button '\ue610 Columns' [2897] button '\ue635 Export' [2921] textbox 'Search by keyword' focused: True required: False [2929] StaticText 'pendingpendingpendingpe325320320320310310305305330330301301325refundedrefundedsuccessful orders April 2022 to September 2022unhappy sizing dresses320320delivereddelivereddelivereddeliveredreturnednding' [2922] button 'Search' [2937] button '\ue605Filters' [3176] LayoutTable '' [3185] StaticText 'Active filters:' [3967] StaticText 'Keyword:' [3969] StaticText 'pendingpendingpendingpe325320320320310310305305330330301301325refundedrefundedsuccessful orders April 2022 to September 2022unhappy sizing dresses320320delivereddelivereddelivereddeliveredreturnednding' [3970] button '\ue620' [3498] StaticText 'Purchase Date:' [3500] StaticText '6/20/2022' [3501] StaticText ' - ' [3502] StaticText '11/20/2022' [3503] button '\ue620' [3187] button 'Clear all' [3390] button 'Actions' [3140] StaticText 'records found' [3227] textbox 'per page' required: False [3254] StaticText '200' [3221] button 'per page Select' [2953] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2990] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2954] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2079] table '' [2082] row '' [3142] columnheader 'Options' required: False [3145] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false [3147] button 'Options' disabled: True [2331] columnheader 'ID' required: False [2332] columnheader 'Purchase Point' required: False [2778] columnheader 'Purchase Date' required: False [2333] columnheader 'Bill-to Name' required: False [2334] columnheader 'Ship-to Name' required: False [2335] columnheader '↓ Grand Total (Base)' required: False [2336] columnheader 'Grand Total (Purchased)' required: False [2337] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2338] columnheader 'Action' required: False [2339] columnheader 'Allocated sources' required: False [2340] columnheader 'Braintree Transaction Source' required: False [2763] row '' [2764] gridcell "We couldn't find any records." required: False [2004] contentinfo '' [2009] link '\ue606' [2010] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [2020] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [2012] link 'Privacy Policy' [2013] StaticText ' |' [2014] link ' Account Activity' [2015] StaticText ' | ' [2016] link 'Report an Issue'
type [2921] [325 ] where [2921] is textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False
[ "None", "click [12] where [12] is link '\\ue60b SALES'", "click [466] where [466] is link 'Orders'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1335] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1282] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1286] link '\ue60b SALES' [1290] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1294] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1298] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1302] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1306] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1310] link '\ue60d STORES' [1314] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1318] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1353] heading 'Orders' [1354] link '\ue600 admin' [1356] link '\ue607' [2029] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1325] main '' [2049] button 'Create New Order' [2774] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2775] button '\ue610 Columns' [2897] button '\ue635 Export' [2921] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2929] StaticText 'pendingpendingpendingpe320320320310310305305330330301301325refundedrefundedsuccessful orders April 2022 to September 2022unhappy sizing dresses320320delivereddelivereddelivereddeliveredreturnednding' [2922] button 'Search' [2937] button '\ue605Filters' [3176] LayoutTable '' [3185] StaticText 'Active filters:' [3197] StaticText 'Keyword:' [3199] StaticText 'pendingpendingpendingpe320320320310310305305330330301301325refundedrefundedsuccessful orders April 2022 to September 2022unhappy sizing dresses320320delivereddelivereddelivereddeliveredreturnednding' [3200] button '\ue620' [3187] button 'Clear all' [3140] StaticText 'records found' [3227] textbox 'per page' required: False [3254] StaticText '200' [3221] button 'per page Select' [2953] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2990] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2954] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2079] table '' [2082] row '' [3142] columnheader 'Options' required: False [3145] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false [3147] button 'Options' disabled: True [2331] columnheader 'ID' required: False [2332] columnheader 'Purchase Point' required: False [2778] columnheader 'Purchase Date' required: False [2333] columnheader 'Bill-to Name' required: False [2334] columnheader 'Ship-to Name' required: False [2335] columnheader '↓ Grand Total (Base)' required: False [2336] columnheader 'Grand Total (Purchased)' required: False [2337] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2338] columnheader 'Action' required: False [2339] columnheader 'Allocated sources' required: False [2340] columnheader 'Braintree Transaction Source' required: False [2763] row '' [2764] gridcell "We couldn't find any records." required: False [2004] contentinfo '' [2009] link '\ue606' [2010] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [2020] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [2012] link 'Privacy Policy' [2013] StaticText ' |' [2014] link ' Account Activity' [2015] StaticText ' | ' [2016] link 'Report an Issue'
Cancel order 325
The next observation would be a continuation of the `Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin` page, but it now indicates that no records were found for the search query related to order `325`. The search results did not populate the expected order details, as evidenced by the message stating, "We couldn't find any records." This indicates that the order may not be present in the system or is possibly filtered out due to the current search settings, necessitating further action to locate or verify the status of order `325`.
{ "neg_action0": "click [5]", "neg_action1": "scroll [up]", "neg_action2": "click [2750]", "neg_action3": "click [34]", "neg_action4": "click [103]", "neg_action5": "type [2921] [Order 325] [1]", "neg_action6": "click [125]", "neg_action7": "hover [18]", "neg_action8": "scroll [down]", "neg_action9": "press [Ctrl+z]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[2977] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[2981] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2994] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3016] link ''", "\t[3043] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3032] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[3010] link 'Create new...'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[133] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[135] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[145] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1874] main ''", "\t\t[1795] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2280] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2173] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1966] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2174] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1918] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1956] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2123] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1741] link 'All'", "\t\t[1532] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2306] link ''", "\t\t[2086] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2433] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2262] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2318] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1752] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2233] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2009] link '0'", "\t\t[2419] link '0'", "\t\t[1831] link '0'", "\t\t[2352] link '0'", "\t\t[2019] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2271] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2049] link 'A'", "\t\t[1800] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1626] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1860] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2001] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1751] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1628] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1928] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2440] link '1'", "\t\t[2012] link '0'", "\t\t[2082] link '0'", "\t\t[2421] link '1'", "\t\t[2278] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2132] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2395] link 'A'", "\t\t[1729] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2180] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2238] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1849] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2182] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1555] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2405] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2098] link '2'", "\t\t[1725] link '0'", "\t\t[1686] link '1'", "\t\t[1559] link '4'", "\t\t[1759] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2024] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1722] link 'A'", "\t\t[1796] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2404] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1587] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1936] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1863] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2154] link '20'", "\t\t[2287] link '0'", "\t\t[2281] link '10'", "\t\t[1653] link '40'", "\t\t[1717] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2438] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2349] link 'A'", "\t\t[2294] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2282] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1701] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2094] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2161] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2196] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2145] link '1'", "\t\t[1934] link '0'", "\t\t[2077] link '0'", "\t\t[1510] link '0'", "\t\t[1660] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1837] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2168] link 'A'", "\t\t[1816] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1605] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1914] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2148] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1738] link '0'", "\t\t[2183] link '0'", "\t\t[1884] link '0'", "\t\t[1821] link '0'", "\t\t[2036] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2031] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1789] link 'A'", "\t\t[2004] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1533] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2411] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1901] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1589] link '0'", "\t\t[1778] link '0'", "\t\t[1704] link '0'", "\t\t[1606] link '0'", "\t\t[2334] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1817] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2234] link 'A'", "\t\t[1643] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2021] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2171] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2189] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1610] link '0'", "\t\t[1612] link '0'", "\t\t[2163] link '0'", "\t\t[1932] link '0'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2412] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1873] link 'A'", "\t\t[2202] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2008] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2217] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1658] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1567] link '0'", "\t\t[2353] link '0'", "\t\t[2461] link '0'", "\t\t[1560] link '0'", "\t\t[2017] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2340] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2243] link 'B'", "\t\t[1845] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2360] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2176] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2220] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2410] link '0'", "\t\t[2116] link '0'", "\t\t[2191] link '0'", "\t\t[2472] link '0'", "\t\t[2015] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1913] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2326] link 'C'", "\t\t[1775] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2125] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1638] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2087] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1871] link '0'", "\t\t[2257] link '0'", "\t\t[1696] link '0'", "\t\t[2142] link '0'", "\t\t[1852] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2215] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2240] link ''", "\t\t[2141] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2333] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1647] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2321] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1813] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2101] link '0'", "\t\t[1692] link '0'", "\t\t[2422] link '0'", "\t\t[2293] link '0'", "\t\t[2027] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2211] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2063] link 'D'", "\t\t[2135] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1809] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2013] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2164] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1900] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1960] link '21'", "\t\t[2059] link '0'", "\t\t[1575] link '16'", "\t\t[2016] link '21'", "\t\t[1698] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2071] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2113] link 'D'", "\t\t[1655] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2357] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1745] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1777] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2273] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1710] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1998] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2453] link '0'", "\t\t[1685] link '0'", "\t\t[2245] link '0'", "\t\t[1973] link '1'", "\t\t[2119] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2069] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2198] link 'E'", "\t\t[1526] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1824] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2289] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1904] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1838] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1490] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2246] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1826] link '6'", "\t\t[1965] link '1'", "\t\t[1780] link '2'", "\t\t[2270] link '5'", "\t\t[1853] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1892] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1578] link 'E'", "\t\t[1985] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1994] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1624] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1649] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1942] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1770] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2376] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2251] link '2'", "\t\t[2216] link '0'", "\t\t[2111] link '0'", "\t\t[1975] link '0'", "\t\t[2203] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1687] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2152] link 'G'", "\t\t[2093] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2304] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1528] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2465] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1968] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1622] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2028] link '0'", "\t\t[1652] link '0'", "\t\t[2081] link '0'", "\t\t[2130] link '0'", "\t\t[1990] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1783] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2408] link 'L'", "\t\t[1857] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1839] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2426] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2136] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2366] link '0'", "\t\t[1563] link '0'", "\t\t[2427] link '0'", "\t\t[1807] link '0'", "\t\t[1646] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2429] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2394] link 'M'", "\t\t[2030] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1769] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1962] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2348] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1545] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2033] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2218] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1552] link '6'", "\t\t[1993] link '0'", "\t\t[1694] link '2'", "\t\t[2448] link '4'", "\t\t[1590] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1707] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1613] link 'N'", "\t\t[1659] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1762] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1514] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1499] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1858] link '0'", "\t\t[1715] link '0'", "\t\t[1700] link '0'", "\t\t[1894] link '0'", "\t\t[2000] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2247] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1681] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2157] link '1'", "\t\t[1979] link '2'", "\t\t[2303] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: True", "\t[2995] list '' focused: True", "\t\t[3022] StaticText 'Switch to'", "\t\t[3006] button 'Projects'", "\t\t[2992] button 'Groups'", "\t\t[2979] StaticText 'Explore'", "\t\t[3035] link 'Milestones'", "\t\t[3059] link 'Snippets'", "\t\t[3014] link 'Activity'", "\t\t[3015] searchbox 'Search your projects'", "\t\t[3041] StaticText 'Frequently visited'", "\t\t[3026] StaticText 'Projects you visit often will appear here'", "\t\t[3031] link 'View all projects'", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[131] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[133] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[143] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1855] main ''", "\t\t[1779] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2283] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2270] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2319] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1911] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1617] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1991] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1909] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1861] link 'All'", "\t\t[2373] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2163] link ''", "\t\t[2222] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2213] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2246] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2376] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2211] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1570] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2387] link '0'", "\t\t[1731] link '0'", "\t\t[1562] link '0'", "\t\t[1920] link '0'", "\t\t[2407] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2106] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1741] link 'A'", "\t\t[1797] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2185] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2247] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1722] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2417] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2161] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1761] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1554] link '1'", "\t\t[2320] link '0'", "\t\t[1984] link '0'", "\t\t[1775] link '1'", "\t\t[2190] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1676] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1612] link 'A'", "\t\t[2071] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1667] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2263] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1809] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2237] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1994] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2002] link '2'", "\t\t[2418] link '0'", "\t\t[1818] link '1'", "\t\t[2352] link '4'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2228] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1501] link 'A'", "\t\t[1784] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2343] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1844] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1929] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2194] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2442] link '20'", "\t\t[2004] link '0'", "\t\t[2067] link '10'", "\t\t[2420] link '40'", "\t\t[1992] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1739] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1989] link 'A'", "\t\t[1718] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1916] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2230] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1721] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2450] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1977] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2050] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2084] link '1'", "\t\t[1714] link '0'", "\t\t[1674] link '0'", "\t\t[1560] link '0'", "\t\t[1835] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2173] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1870] link 'A'", "\t\t[1780] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2401] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1591] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1843] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1576] link '0'", "\t\t[2147] link '0'", "\t\t[2289] link '0'", "\t\t[2285] link '0'", "\t\t[2405] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1885] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2175] link 'A'", "\t\t[1546] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1924] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2296] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1521] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2114] link '0'", "\t\t[1778] link '0'", "\t\t[2140] link '0'", "\t\t[1922] link '0'", "\t\t[2440] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2284] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2389] link 'A'", "\t\t[2365] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1507] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2364] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2079] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1928] link '0'", "\t\t[1864] link '0'", "\t\t[1728] link '0'", "\t\t[2174] link '0'", "\t\t[1710] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1648] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2473] link 'A'", "\t\t[2176] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1823] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2038] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1897] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1918] link '0'", "\t\t[1932] link '0'", "\t\t[1593] link '0'", "\t\t[2102] link '0'", "\t\t[1619] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2382] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2292] link 'B'", "\t\t[2193] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1652] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2201] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1874] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1777] link '0'", "\t\t[2145] link '0'", "\t\t[1893] link '0'", "\t\t[1704] link '0'", "\t\t[1914] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2245] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2271] link 'C'", "\t\t[1785] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2065] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2393] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1642] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2042] link '0'", "\t\t[1666] link '0'", "\t\t[1669] link '0'", "\t\t[2144] link '0'", "\t\t[1565] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2426] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1660] link ''", "\t\t[2304] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1789] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2223] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2313] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2021] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1830] link '0'", "\t\t[2132] link '0'", "\t\t[1573] link '0'", "\t\t[1574] link '0'", "\t\t[1959] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1649] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2130] link 'D'", "\t\t[1613] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1505] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2165] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1630] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1763] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1832] link '21'", "\t\t[2266] link '0'", "\t\t[2264] link '16'", "\t\t[1590] link '21'", "\t\t[1837] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2212] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2460] link 'D'", "\t\t[2300] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2331] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2054] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2322] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1796] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2459] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1587] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2199] link '0'", "\t\t[1904] link '0'", "\t\t[2455] link '0'", "\t\t[1965] link '1'", "\t\t[2208] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1791] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2402] link 'E'", "\t\t[1635] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1530] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2274] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1888] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1806] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2148] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1689] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2277] link '6'", "\t\t[1557] link '1'", "\t\t[2035] link '2'", "\t\t[1563] link '5'", "\t\t[2358] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1950] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1863] link 'E'", "\t\t[1552] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1759] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2306] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1990] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2179] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2010] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1954] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1872] link '2'", "\t\t[2023] link '0'", "\t\t[1899] link '0'", "\t\t[2375] link '0'", "\t\t[1821] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2361] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2356] link 'G'", "\t\t[2136] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1892] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1602] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2242] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2437] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1700] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1842] link '0'", "\t\t[2086] link '0'", "\t\t[1681] link '0'", "\t\t[2421] link '0'", "\t\t[2444] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1638] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1975] link 'L'", "\t\t[1976] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1933] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2128] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2257] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2137] link '0'", "\t\t[2196] link '0'", "\t\t[1957] link '0'", "\t\t[2047] link '0'", "\t\t[1678] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2308] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2456] link 'M'", "\t\t[2048] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2032] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1825] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1961] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1807] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2342] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2103] link '6'", "\t\t[1801] link '0'", "\t\t[2454] link '2'", "\t\t[1672] link '4'", "\t\t[1983] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1766] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1633] link 'N'", "\t\t[2403] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1812] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2445] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2129] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2209] link '0'", "\t\t[1519] link '0'", "\t\t[2432] link '0'", "\t\t[1813] link '0'", "\t\t[1629] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2433] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2447] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1533] link '1'", "\t\t[1908] link '2'", "\t\t[2316] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...' focused: True expanded: True", "\t[2978] link 'New project/repository'", "\t[2972] link 'New group'", "\t[2973] link 'New snippet'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[133] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[135] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[145] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1851] main ''", "\t\t[1764] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2272] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2144] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1947] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2145] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1897] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1935] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2094] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1704] link 'All'", "\t\t[1504] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2294] link ''", "\t\t[2251] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1716] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2378] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2340] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2280] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1918] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2408] link '0'", "\t\t[1806] link '0'", "\t\t[2339] link '0'", "\t\t[2338] link '0'", "\t\t[1724] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1978] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2022] link 'A'", "\t\t[1838] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1714] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2322] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1939] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1696] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2437] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1989] link '1'", "\t\t[2055] link '0'", "\t\t[2410] link '0'", "\t\t[2113] link '1'", "\t\t[2301] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1824] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2386] link 'A'", "\t\t[2219] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2157] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2062] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1535] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1836] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1675] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1778] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1691] link '2'", "\t\t[1648] link '0'", "\t\t[1531] link '1'", "\t\t[1929] link '4'", "\t\t[1876] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1916] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1688] link 'A'", "\t\t[1559] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1841] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1598] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1676] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1600] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2277] link '20'", "\t\t[2273] link '0'", "\t\t[1619] link '10'", "\t\t[2447] link '40'", "\t\t[1486] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1739] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2336] link 'A'", "\t\t[1664] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2065] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1721] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2171] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2085] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1804] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1789] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1917] link '1'", "\t\t[2049] link '0'", "\t\t[1484] link '0'", "\t\t[2355] link '0'", "\t\t[1887] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2114] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2139] link 'A'", "\t\t[1893] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1614] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1591] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2170] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2158] link '0'", "\t\t[1862] link '0'", "\t\t[1794] link '0'", "\t\t[2161] link '0'", "\t\t[2441] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1879] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1757] link 'A'", "\t\t[2400] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2229] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2348] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1840] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1745] link '0'", "\t\t[1667] link '0'", "\t\t[1577] link '0'", "\t\t[2108] link '0'", "\t\t[2041] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2166] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2217] link 'A'", "\t\t[2142] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1909] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1552] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2214] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1582] link '0'", "\t\t[2134] link '0'", "\t\t[1912] link '0'", "\t\t[2115] link '0'", "\t\t[2038] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1623] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1850] link 'A'", "\t\t[2199] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2226] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2394] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2204] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2341] link '0'", "\t\t[2443] link '0'", "\t\t[1532] link '0'", "\t\t[1692] link '0'", "\t\t[1616] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2201] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2225] link 'B'", "\t\t[2148] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1965] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2415] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2212] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2086] link '0'", "\t\t[2168] link '0'", "\t\t[2452] link '0'", "\t\t[1697] link '0'", "\t\t[1748] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2059] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2310] link 'C'", "\t\t[1605] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2254] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1514] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2047] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2246] link '0'", "\t\t[1658] link '0'", "\t\t[1877] link '0'", "\t\t[2015] link '0'", "\t\t[1797] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1725] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2183] link ''", "\t\t[1652] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2305] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2411] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1871] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1990] link '0'", "\t\t[1633] link '0'", "\t\t[2087] link '0'", "\t\t[2111] link '0'", "\t\t[1777] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1505] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2066] link 'D'", "\t\t[2032] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2135] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1547] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1793] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1662] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1708] link '21'", "\t\t[1733] link '0'", "\t\t[1494] link '16'", "\t\t[2081] link '21'", "\t\t[2347] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1940] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1883] link 'D'", "\t\t[1647] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1744] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2227] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1985] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2164] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1677] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1945] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2279] link '0'", "\t\t[2366] link '0'", "\t\t[2193] link '0'", "\t\t[1493] link '1'", "\t\t[1800] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2349] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1579] link 'E'", "\t\t[1946] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1882] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1749] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2231] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2426] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2454] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1846] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1590] link '6'", "\t\t[2375] link '1'", "\t\t[1627] link '2'", "\t\t[2244] link '5'", "\t\t[1972] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2430] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1815] link 'E'", "\t\t[2198] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1615] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2079] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2367] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2245] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1737] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1699] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1499] link '2'", "\t\t[1869] link '0'", "\t\t[1758] link '0'", "\t\t[1906] link '0'", "\t\t[2295] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2018] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2028] link 'G'", "\t\t[2005] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2446] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1618] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1796] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2329] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2260] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2416] link '0'", "\t\t[2029] link '0'", "\t\t[1672] link '0'", "\t\t[1938] link '0'", "\t\t[1829] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2132] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2125] link 'L'", "\t\t[2417] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2104] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1775] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2357] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1941] link '0'", "\t\t[1722] link '0'", "\t\t[2075] link '0'", "\t\t[1540] link '0'", "\t\t[1736] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1508] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2210] link 'M'", "\t\t[1971] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2335] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1654] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2200] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2128] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2010] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1715] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1481] link '6'", "\t\t[2051] link '0'", "\t\t[1599] link '2'", "\t\t[1742] link '4'", "\t\t[1727] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1641] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1729] link 'N'", "\t\t[1663] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1473] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1874] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1620] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2224] link '0'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[1575] link '0'", "\t\t[1825] link '0'", "\t\t[2270] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2033] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2110] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1545] link '1'", "\t\t[1544] link '2'", "\t\t[1728] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[2977] RootWebArea 'Issues · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[2981] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2992] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3010] link ''", "\t[3026] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3022] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[137] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[139] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[149] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1860] main ''", "\t\t[1781] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2284] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2399] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1873] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2041] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1707] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1727] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2349] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1820] link 'All'", "\t\t[1595] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2473] link ''", "\t\t[2102] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2016] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1779] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1525] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2459] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1893] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2367] link '0'", "\t\t[2364] link '0'", "\t\t[1801] link '0'", "\t\t[1904] link '0'", "\t\t[2330] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1803] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2404] link 'A'", "\t\t[1868] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2012] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1726] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2173] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1919] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2440] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2270] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2040] link '1'", "\t\t[1996] link '0'", "\t\t[2414] link '0'", "\t\t[2360] link '1'", "\t\t[1999] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2053] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2266] link 'A'", "\t\t[1581] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1636] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1762] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2267] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2211] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1714] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2381] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1627] link '2'", "\t\t[2156] link '0'", "\t\t[1574] link '1'", "\t\t[2356] link '4'", "\t\t[2213] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1977] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1909] link 'A'", "\t\t[1602] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1851] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2148] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1546] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2110] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2209] link '20'", "\t\t[2406] link '0'", "\t\t[2379] link '10'", "\t\t[2206] link '40'", "\t\t[2268] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1829] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2373] link 'A'", "\t\t[2460] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2061] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1555] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2394] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1703] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2476] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1541] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2429] link '1'", "\t\t[2215] link '0'", "\t\t[2172] link '0'", "\t\t[2413] link '0'", "\t\t[2307] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2300] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1843] link 'A'", "\t\t[2472] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2375] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1720] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2477] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1537] link '0'", "\t\t[1979] link '0'", "\t\t[2123] link '0'", "\t\t[1857] link '0'", "\t\t[1886] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2357] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1550] link 'A'", "\t\t[1890] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2475] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2028] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1548] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1657] link '0'", "\t\t[1647] link '0'", "\t\t[1811] link '0'", "\t\t[2238] link '0'", "\t\t[2271] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2441] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1795] link 'A'", "\t\t[1551] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1545] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2252] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1805] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2347] link '0'", "\t\t[2436] link '0'", "\t\t[1538] link '0'", "\t\t[2313] link '0'", "\t\t[1721] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2339] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1735] link 'A'", "\t\t[2343] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2194] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2291] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1578] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2227] link '0'", "\t\t[2273] link '0'", "\t\t[2066] link '0'", "\t\t[1619] link '0'", "\t\t[1763] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1518] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1554] link 'B'", "\t\t[2275] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2250] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1609] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1791] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1916] link '0'", "\t\t[1951] link '0'", "\t\t[1716] link '0'", "\t\t[2450] link '0'", "\t\t[2474] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2464] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2174] link 'C'", "\t\t[1789] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2070] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1533] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1981] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2274] link '0'", "\t\t[2113] link '0'", "\t\t[2163] link '0'", "\t\t[2310] link '0'", "\t\t[2075] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1633] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2096] link ''", "\t\t[2166] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1942] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2408] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2240] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1800] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1516] link '0'", "\t\t[2451] link '0'", "\t\t[1790] link '0'", "\t\t[1509] link '0'", "\t\t[1690] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2199] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2341] link 'D'", "\t\t[1740] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2385] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2015] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2332] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2104] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1519] link '21'", "\t\t[1694] link '0'", "\t\t[1616] link '16'", "\t\t[2095] link '21'", "\t\t[2120] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2289] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2383] link 'D'", "\t\t[2043] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2042] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1674] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2098] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2091] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1676] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2411] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2285] link '0'", "\t\t[1507] link '0'", "\t\t[1757] link '0'", "\t\t[2073] link '1'", "\t\t[2161] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2455] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2202] link 'E'", "\t\t[2097] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1712] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1806] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1622] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2306] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1568] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2087] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2344] link '6'", "\t\t[2220] link '1'", "\t\t[1610] link '2'", "\t\t[1695] link '5'", "\t\t[1793] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1861] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2317] link 'E'", "\t\t[2312] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2371] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1818] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1746] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2350] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1658] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2445] link '2'", "\t\t[1624] link '0'", "\t\t[1933] link '0'", "\t\t[2378] link '0'", "\t\t[2144] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1993] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1880] link 'G'", "\t\t[1717] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2244] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2468] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2049] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1905] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1837] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1788] link '0'", "\t\t[2189] link '0'", "\t\t[1669] link '0'", "\t\t[2303] link '0'", "\t\t[1960] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1864] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1520] link 'L'", "\t\t[1963] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1691] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1810] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1804] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2086] link '0'", "\t\t[2296] link '0'", "\t\t[1971] link '0'", "\t\t[1931] link '0'", "\t\t[2479] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1891] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2327] link 'M'", "\t\t[1635] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2078] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2059] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2140] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2323] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2100] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2351] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2118] link '6'", "\t\t[2395] link '0'", "\t\t[2369] link '2'", "\t\t[2461] link '4'", "\t\t[2009] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2186] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2018] link 'N'", "\t\t[2422] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1584] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1968] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2067] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1617] link '0'", "\t\t[2432] link '0'", "\t\t[1753] link '0'", "\t\t[1528] link '0'", "\t\t[1876] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1514] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1526] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2149] link '1'", "\t\t[1892] link '2'", "\t\t[1809] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[16] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[57] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[46] link 'Create new...'", "\t[76] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[85] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[77] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[87] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[79] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[80] link 'Help'", "\t[82] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[97] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1751] main ''", "\t\t[2049] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1985] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2328] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1745] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2363] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1615] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2390] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1942] button 'Name'", "\t\t[2245] link 'All'", "\t\t[1782] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2338] link ''", "\t\t[2435] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1735] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1540] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2130] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1778] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2285] link '0'", "\t\t[1932] link '0'", "\t\t[2188] link '0'", "\t\t[2022] link '0'", "\t\t[2058] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1551] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2264] link 'A'", "\t\t[2068] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1765] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1632] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2333] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2282] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1631] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1944] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1750] link '1'", "\t\t[1995] link '0'", "\t\t[1741] link '0'", "\t\t[1923] link '1'", "\t\t[2090] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2391] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2297] link 'A'", "\t\t[2447] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2294] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2046] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1984] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1493] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2212] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2029] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1999] link '2'", "\t\t[2016] link '0'", "\t\t[2269] link '1'", "\t\t[2116] link '4'", "\t\t[2281] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2268] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1762] link 'A'", "\t\t[1839] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1951] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2164] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2204] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1860] link '20'", "\t\t[1518] link '0'", "\t\t[2448] link '10'", "\t\t[1796] link '40'", "\t\t[1873] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1868] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2149] link 'A'", "\t\t[1563] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2158] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1749] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1805] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2411] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2384] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1976] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1850] link '1'", "\t\t[1521] link '0'", "\t\t[1699] link '0'", "\t\t[1629] link '0'", "\t\t[1917] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2310] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2430] link 'A'", "\t\t[2404] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2162] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2037] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1506] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1708] link '0'", "\t\t[2438] link '0'", "\t\t[2280] link '0'", "\t\t[1507] link '0'", "\t\t[2086] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1892] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1498] link 'A'", "\t\t[2185] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2437] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2182] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1904] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2377] link '0'", "\t\t[2298] link '0'", "\t\t[1737] link '0'", "\t\t[2336] link '0'", "\t\t[1719] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2474] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2364] link 'A'", "\t\t[1652] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2453] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1828] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2479] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1644] link '0'", "\t\t[2092] link '0'", "\t\t[2179] link '0'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[1997] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1889] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1915] link 'A'", "\t\t[2265] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1791] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1784] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1830] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2018] link '0'", "\t\t[1529] link '0'", "\t\t[2456] link '0'", "\t\t[1900] link '0'", "\t\t[1660] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2395] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2168] link 'B'", "\t\t[1849] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2014] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2353] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2460] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2152] link '0'", "\t\t[1903] link '0'", "\t\t[1928] link '0'", "\t\t[2324] link '0'", "\t\t[2199] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2416] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1500] link 'C'", "\t\t[2054] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1580] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2172] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1787] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1826] link '0'", "\t\t[2376] link '0'", "\t\t[1854] link '0'", "\t\t[1825] link '0'", "\t\t[2040] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1668] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1824] link ''", "\t\t[1911] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1670] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1983] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1973] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2306] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1650] link '0'", "\t\t[2236] link '0'", "\t\t[2258] link '0'", "\t\t[2216] link '0'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1612] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1965] link 'D'", "\t\t[1501] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2154] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1616] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2329] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1819] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2330] link '21'", "\t\t[2355] link '0'", "\t\t[1645] link '16'", "\t\t[2217] link '21'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1974] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1966] link 'D'", "\t\t[2225] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2170] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1550] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1910] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2452] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1755] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1969] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2023] link '0'", "\t\t[1541] link '0'", "\t\t[2006] link '0'", "\t\t[1908] link '1'", "\t\t[2030] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1560] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1818] link 'E'", "\t\t[2069] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2392] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2262] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1549] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2300] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1993] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2177] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1707] link '6'", "\t\t[1545] link '1'", "\t\t[1777] link '2'", "\t\t[2201] link '5'", "\t\t[1598] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2124] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2105] link 'E'", "\t\t[1991] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1643] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2420] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2180] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2348] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2209] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1845] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2304] link '2'", "\t\t[2295] link '0'", "\t\t[2367] link '0'", "\t\t[1693] link '0'", "\t\t[2127] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2190] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2241] link 'G'", "\t\t[1623] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1958] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2461] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2007] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1734] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2126] link '0'", "\t\t[1876] link '0'", "\t\t[1894] link '0'", "\t\t[2351] link '0'", "\t\t[2406] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2443] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1971] link 'L'", "\t\t[1552] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1522] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2208] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2371] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1780] link '0'", "\t\t[1941] link '0'", "\t\t[2368] link '0'", "\t\t[1701] link '0'", "\t\t[1620] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2383] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1674] link 'M'", "\t\t[2267] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1655] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2440] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1884] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2247] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1672] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2218] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1730] link '6'", "\t\t[2169] link '0'", "\t\t[1642] link '2'", "\t\t[1943] link '4'", "\t\t[2063] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2012] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2465] link 'N'", "\t\t[2042] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1646] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1654] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2115] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2200] link '0'", "\t\t[1547] link '0'", "\t\t[1582] link '0'", "\t\t[1732] link '0'", "\t\t[1797] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1746] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2083] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2123] link '1'", "\t\t[1706] link '2'", "\t\t[2223] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link ''", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[137] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[139] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[149] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1835] main ''", "\t\t[1756] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2261] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2374] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1845] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2016] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1682] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1700] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2325] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1799] link 'All'", "\t\t[1575] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2450] link ''", "\t\t[2083] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2436] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1755] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2224] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1824] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2342] link '0'", "\t\t[2339] link '0'", "\t\t[1777] link '0'", "\t\t[1877] link '0'", "\t\t[2034] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2153] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2379] link 'A'", "\t\t[1840] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1891] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1698] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2204] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1801] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1970] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2357] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2015] link '1'", "\t\t[1973] link '0'", "\t\t[2390] link '0'", "\t\t[2336] link '1'", "\t\t[2216] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2241] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2245] link 'A'", "\t\t[1562] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2192] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1738] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1598] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1480] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1616] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1589] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1608] link '2'", "\t\t[2138] link '0'", "\t\t[1554] link '1'", "\t\t[2333] link '4'", "\t\t[2202] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1527] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1882] link 'A'", "\t\t[1584] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2092] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2130] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2093] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2059] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2190] link '20'", "\t\t[2381] link '0'", "\t\t[2354] link '10'", "\t\t[2187] link '40'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2369] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2348] link 'A'", "\t\t[2437] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1678] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1536] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1743] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2174] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2439] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1533] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2407] link '1'", "\t\t[2194] link '0'", "\t\t[2152] link '0'", "\t\t[2388] link '0'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2452] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1819] link 'A'", "\t\t[2449] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2420] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1693] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2425] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1517] link '0'", "\t\t[1953] link '0'", "\t\t[2104] link '0'", "\t\t[1832] link '0'", "\t\t[1745] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1529] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1531] link 'A'", "\t\t[1862] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2183] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2004] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2113] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1639] link '0'", "\t\t[1629] link '0'", "\t\t[1786] link '0'", "\t\t[2217] link '0'", "\t\t[2056] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1778] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1770] link 'A'", "\t\t[1532] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1715] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2232] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2149] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2323] link '0'", "\t\t[2414] link '0'", "\t\t[1518] link '0'", "\t\t[2289] link '0'", "\t\t[1524] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1559] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1711] link 'A'", "\t\t[2320] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1701] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2267] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1798] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2206] link '0'", "\t\t[2250] link '0'", "\t\t[2043] link '0'", "\t\t[1601] link '0'", "\t\t[1852] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1765] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1535] link 'B'", "\t\t[2252] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1578] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1592] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1870] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1888] link '0'", "\t\t[1924] link '0'", "\t\t[1689] link '0'", "\t\t[2427] link '0'", "\t\t[2038] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1955] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2154] link 'C'", "\t\t[1764] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1555] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1514] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1528] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2256] link '0'", "\t\t[2095] link '0'", "\t\t[2144] link '0'", "\t\t[2287] link '0'", "\t\t[2279] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2219] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2076] link ''", "\t\t[2147] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1774] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2383] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1543] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2066] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1496] link '0'", "\t\t[2428] link '0'", "\t\t[1767] link '0'", "\t\t[1488] link '0'", "\t\t[2296] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2309] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2318] link 'D'", "\t\t[1718] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2085] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1994] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2271] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2454] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1499] link '21'", "\t\t[1669] link '0'", "\t\t[1599] link '16'", "\t\t[2075] link '21'", "\t\t[2435] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2077] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2358] link 'D'", "\t\t[2018] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2069] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1653] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2167] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2128] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2107] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1839] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2262] link '0'", "\t\t[1486] link '0'", "\t\t[1734] link '0'", "\t\t[2050] link '1'", "\t\t[1723] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1603] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2182] link 'E'", "\t\t[2079] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2283] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1782] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2432] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1510] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1787] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1883] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2321] link '6'", "\t\t[1826] link '1'", "\t\t[1680] link '2'", "\t\t[1621] link '5'", "\t\t[1563] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1663] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1997] link 'E'", "\t\t[2353] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1724] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2238] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1478] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2058] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2328] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1619] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1992] link '2'", "\t\t[2301] link '0'", "\t\t[1576] link '0'", "\t\t[2001] link '0'", "\t\t[2259] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2023] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1507] link 'G'", "\t\t[1648] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1878] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2280] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2401] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1934] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1933] link '0'", "\t\t[1590] link '0'", "\t\t[2062] link '0'", "\t\t[2249] link '0'", "\t\t[1860] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1780] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1785] link 'L'", "\t\t[1547] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2408] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2002] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2327] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1742] link '0'", "\t\t[1794] link '0'", "\t\t[2127] link '0'", "\t\t[2100] link '0'", "\t\t[1697] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2121] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1587] link 'M'", "\t\t[2438] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2300] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2051] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1610] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1961] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2080] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1946] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2065] link '6'", "\t\t[1491] link '0'", "\t\t[1600] link '2'", "\t\t[2411] link '4'", "\t\t[1640] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2048] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2140] link 'N'", "\t\t[2324] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1795] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1519] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1747] link '0'", "\t\t[1552] link '0'", "\t\t[1673] link '0'", "\t\t[1609] link '0'", "\t\t[1984] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1817] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1990] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1656] link '1'", "\t\t[2031] link '2'", "\t\t[2335] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[76] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[85] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[77] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[87] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[79] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[80] link 'Help'", "\t[82] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[97] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[2204] main ''", "\t\t[2292] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1582] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1734] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2231] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1735] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2208] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1859] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2030] button 'Name'", "\t\t[2408] link 'All'", "\t\t[2344] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2308] link ''", "\t\t[2239] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2446] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1816] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2447] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2323] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2402] link '0'", "\t\t[2101] link '0'", "\t\t[2185] link '0'", "\t\t[2471] link '0'", "\t\t[2136] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2075] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1692] link 'A'", "\t\t[1745] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1754] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1628] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2368] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1688] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2440] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2263] link '1'", "\t\t[1671] link '0'", "\t\t[1878] link '0'", "\t\t[2025] link '1'", "\t\t[1931] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2139] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2364] link 'A'", "\t\t[1661] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2048] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1653] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1641] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2151] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1810] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1708] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1563] link '2'", "\t\t[1551] link '0'", "\t\t[2257] link '1'", "\t\t[2182] link '4'", "\t\t[1531] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2327] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2328] link 'A'", "\t\t[2342] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2138] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2433] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1748] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1521] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2338] link '20'", "\t\t[2290] link '0'", "\t\t[1919] link '10'", "\t\t[2196] link '40'", "\t\t[2135] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2377] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2459] link 'A'", "\t\t[2276] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1755] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2065] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2464] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2070] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1973] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2059] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1616] link '1'", "\t\t[1730] link '0'", "\t\t[1991] link '0'", "\t\t[1722] link '0'", "\t\t[2096] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2077] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2369] link 'A'", "\t\t[1705] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1637] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2449] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2302] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1533] link '0'", "\t\t[1886] link '0'", "\t\t[1995] link '0'", "\t\t[2015] link '0'", "\t\t[2034] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1941] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1609] link 'A'", "\t\t[2172] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1684] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2311] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2376] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1557] link '0'", "\t\t[1828] link '0'", "\t\t[1770] link '0'", "\t\t[1839] link '0'", "\t\t[1647] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2209] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1974] link 'A'", "\t\t[1774] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2245] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1508] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2288] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2010] link '0'", "\t\t[2399] link '0'", "\t\t[1877] link '0'", "\t\t[1916] link '0'", "\t\t[2351] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1778] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1785] link 'A'", "\t\t[1687] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2407] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1623] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2210] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2038] link '0'", "\t\t[1665] link '0'", "\t\t[1669] link '0'", "\t\t[2124] link '0'", "\t\t[2312] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2173] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1830] link 'B'", "\t\t[2284] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2062] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1506] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1982] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2190] link '0'", "\t\t[2106] link '0'", "\t\t[1791] link '0'", "\t\t[2439] link '0'", "\t\t[1875] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2437] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2216] link 'C'", "\t\t[1718] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1948] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2339] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1559] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1808] link '0'", "\t\t[1598] link '0'", "\t\t[1888] link '0'", "\t\t[2133] link '0'", "\t\t[2477] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2457] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1696] link ''", "\t\t[2095] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1898] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2188] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2429] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1517] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1757] link '0'", "\t\t[2167] link '0'", "\t\t[1596] link '0'", "\t\t[2011] link '0'", "\t\t[1767] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2444] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2140] link 'D'", "\t\t[2458] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1812] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1881] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2320] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1672] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1697] link '21'", "\t\t[1495] link '0'", "\t\t[1590] link '16'", "\t\t[2163] link '21'", "\t\t[1621] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2461] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2310] link 'D'", "\t\t[2326] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2240] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1788] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1855] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2047] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1724] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1952] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2273] link '0'", "\t\t[2232] link '0'", "\t\t[1806] link '0'", "\t\t[2373] link '1'", "\t\t[2143] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1884] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2029] link 'E'", "\t\t[1715] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1691] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1896] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1602] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1772] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1625] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2389] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2050] link '6'", "\t\t[1639] link '1'", "\t\t[2244] link '2'", "\t\t[2265] link '5'", "\t\t[2434] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1618] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1720] link 'E'", "\t\t[1619] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1736] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1501] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1819] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2128] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2370] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1571] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2003] link '2'", "\t\t[2332] link '0'", "\t\t[2356] link '0'", "\t\t[1635] link '0'", "\t\t[2271] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2266] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2056] link 'G'", "\t\t[1836] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1581] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2230] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2409] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2297] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1967] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2024] link '0'", "\t\t[1539] link '0'", "\t\t[2001] link '0'", "\t\t[1893] link '0'", "\t\t[2282] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2071] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2298] link 'L'", "\t\t[2068] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2405] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2270] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2022] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2384] link '0'", "\t\t[1694] link '0'", "\t\t[1542] link '0'", "\t\t[1751] link '0'", "\t\t[1626] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1807] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1699] link 'M'", "\t\t[1764] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1861] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1990] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1866] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2410] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1914] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2451] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1513] link '6'", "\t\t[1906] link '0'", "\t\t[1650] link '2'", "\t\t[1817] link '4'", "\t\t[1535] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2107] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1811] link 'N'", "\t\t[1510] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[2081] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1491] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1845] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2226] link '0'", "\t\t[1679] link '0'", "\t\t[2435] link '0'", "\t\t[1524] link '0'", "\t\t[1968] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1511] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1742] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1620] link '1'", "\t\t[1512] link '2'", "\t\t[1659] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[136] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[138] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[148] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1869] main ''", "\t\t[1788] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2301] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1760] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2052] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2003] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1509] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2377] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2054] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1729] link 'All'", "\t\t[1826] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2352] link ''", "\t\t[2423] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2194] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1981] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1813] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2438] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2384] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1647] link '0'", "\t\t[2464] link '0'", "\t\t[1541] link '0'", "\t\t[2309] link '0'", "\t\t[1643] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2111] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2166] link 'A'", "\t\t[1683] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2192] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2123] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1621] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1539] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2136] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2287] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1511] link '1'", "\t\t[2369] link '0'", "\t\t[2366] link '0'", "\t\t[1808] link '1'", "\t\t[1853] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2362] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1781] link 'A'", "\t\t[1937] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1711] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1879] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1601] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2169] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1802] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1908] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2181] link '2'", "\t\t[2053] link '0'", "\t\t[2010] link '1'", "\t\t[2413] link '4'", "\t\t[2383] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1858] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2239] link 'A'", "\t\t[1940] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1830] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1592] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1915] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1995] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2208] link '20'", "\t\t[1639] link '0'", "\t\t[2170] link '10'", "\t\t[1583] link '40'", "\t\t[1504] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1619] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1868] link 'A'", "\t\t[1611] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2429] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1613] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1598] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2024] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2311] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2341] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2201] link '1'", "\t\t[2221] link '0'", "\t\t[2405] link '0'", "\t\t[2380] link '0'", "\t\t[2102] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2042] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2250] link 'A'", "\t\t[2355] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1538] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2459] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1912] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1838] link '0'", "\t\t[2175] link '0'", "\t\t[2424] link '0'", "\t\t[2228] link '0'", "\t\t[1774] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2207] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2336] link 'A'", "\t\t[2118] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1550] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2191] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2004] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1768] link '0'", "\t\t[1634] link '0'", "\t\t[1536] link '0'", "\t\t[1989] link '0'", "\t\t[2440] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1625] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2202] link 'A'", "\t\t[2277] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2447] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1686] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1579] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2195] link '0'", "\t\t[1679] link '0'", "\t\t[1671] link '0'", "\t\t[1662] link '0'", "\t\t[2215] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1691] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2426] link 'A'", "\t\t[2008] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2148] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1569] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1779] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1636] link '0'", "\t\t[2122] link '0'", "\t\t[2351] link '0'", "\t\t[2434] link '0'", "\t\t[1751] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1733] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2432] link 'B'", "\t\t[1744] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2185] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2240] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1944] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2197] link '0'", "\t\t[2041] link '0'", "\t\t[2241] link '0'", "\t\t[2291] link '0'", "\t\t[1735] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1934] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2045] link 'C'", "\t\t[2086] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1825] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2027] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2445] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2007] link '0'", "\t\t[1742] link '0'", "\t\t[1926] link '0'", "\t\t[1955] link '0'", "\t\t[1608] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1738] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1809] link ''", "\t\t[2449] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1906] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2064] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2143] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1776] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2012] link '0'", "\t\t[2035] link '0'", "\t\t[2292] link '0'", "\t\t[2133] link '0'", "\t\t[2077] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1548] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2190] link 'D'", "\t\t[1842] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1761] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2180] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2343] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2304] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1863] link '21'", "\t\t[1518] link '0'", "\t\t[2450] link '16'", "\t\t[1796] link '21'", "\t\t[1564] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2107] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2461] link 'D'", "\t\t[1561] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2398] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1750] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1939] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1994] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2126] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1501] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1854] link '0'", "\t\t[1522] link '0'", "\t\t[2204] link '0'", "\t\t[1841] link '1'", "\t\t[1982] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1938] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1542] link 'E'", "\t\t[2295] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1575] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2033] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2071] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1769] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1996] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1900] link '6'", "\t\t[1816] link '1'", "\t\t[1688] link '2'", "\t\t[1660] link '5'", "\t\t[1986] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1659] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1524] link 'E'", "\t\t[2356] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2108] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2173] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1626] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2431] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1591] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1762] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2073] link '2'", "\t\t[2361] link '0'", "\t\t[1957] link '0'", "\t\t[1765] link '0'", "\t\t[1820] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1784] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1924] link 'G'", "\t\t[2186] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1871] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1958] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1593] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1699] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2101] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1741] link '0'", "\t\t[1512] link '0'", "\t\t[2381] link '0'", "\t\t[2120] link '0'", "\t\t[2159] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2006] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2034] link 'L'", "\t\t[2364] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2258] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1904] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2060] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1860] link '0'", "\t\t[2232] link '0'", "\t\t[1624] link '0'", "\t\t[1701] link '0'", "\t\t[2151] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1882] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2131] link 'M'", "\t\t[2327] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1495] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1823] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1874] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1696] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1966] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1897] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2442] link '6'", "\t\t[1641] link '0'", "\t\t[1941] link '2'", "\t\t[2379] link '4'", "\t\t[1703] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1490] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1850] link 'N'", "\t\t[1724] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1899] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2465] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1605] link '0'", "\t\t[2038] link '0'", "\t\t[1793] link '0'", "\t\t[2203] link '0'", "\t\t[1682] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1925] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1698] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1953] link '1'", "\t\t[2372] link '2'", "\t\t[1560] link 'Next '" ] }
[ "click [5]", "scroll [up]", "click [2750]", "click [34]", "click [103]", "type [2921] [Order 325] [1]", "click [125]", "hover [18]", "scroll [down]", "press [Ctrl+z]" ]
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[133] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[135] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[145] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1874] main ''", "\t\t[1795] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2280] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2173] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1966] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2174] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1918] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1956] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2123] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1741] link 'All'", "\t\t[1532] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2306] link ''", "\t\t[2086] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2433] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2262] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2318] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1752] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2233] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2009] link '0'", "\t\t[2419] link '0'", "\t\t[1831] link '0'", "\t\t[2352] link '0'", "\t\t[2019] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2271] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2049] link 'A'", "\t\t[1800] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1626] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1860] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2001] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1751] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1628] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1928] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2440] link '1'", "\t\t[2012] link '0'", "\t\t[2082] link '0'", "\t\t[2421] link '1'", "\t\t[2278] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2132] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2395] link 'A'", "\t\t[1729] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2180] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2238] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1849] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2182] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1555] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2405] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2098] link '2'", "\t\t[1725] link '0'", "\t\t[1686] link '1'", "\t\t[1559] link '4'", "\t\t[1759] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2024] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1722] link 'A'", "\t\t[1796] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2404] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1587] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1936] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1863] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2154] link '20'", "\t\t[2287] link '0'", "\t\t[2281] link '10'", "\t\t[1653] link '40'", "\t\t[1717] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2438] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2349] link 'A'", "\t\t[2294] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2282] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1701] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2094] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2161] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2196] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2145] link '1'", "\t\t[1934] link '0'", "\t\t[2077] link '0'", "\t\t[1510] link '0'", "\t\t[1660] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1837] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2168] link 'A'", "\t\t[1816] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1605] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1914] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2148] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1738] link '0'", "\t\t[2183] link '0'", "\t\t[1884] link '0'", "\t\t[1821] link '0'", "\t\t[2036] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2031] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1789] link 'A'", "\t\t[2004] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1533] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2411] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1901] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1589] link '0'", "\t\t[1778] link '0'", "\t\t[1704] link '0'", "\t\t[1606] link '0'", "\t\t[2334] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1817] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2234] link 'A'", "\t\t[1643] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2021] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2171] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2189] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1610] link '0'", "\t\t[1612] link '0'", "\t\t[2163] link '0'", "\t\t[1932] link '0'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2412] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1873] link 'A'", "\t\t[2202] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2008] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2217] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1658] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1567] link '0'", "\t\t[2353] link '0'", "\t\t[2461] link '0'", "\t\t[1560] link '0'", "\t\t[2017] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2340] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2243] link 'B'", "\t\t[1845] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2360] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2176] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2220] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2410] link '0'", "\t\t[2116] link '0'", "\t\t[2191] link '0'", "\t\t[2472] link '0'", "\t\t[2015] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1913] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2326] link 'C'", "\t\t[1775] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2125] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1638] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2087] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1871] link '0'", "\t\t[2257] link '0'", "\t\t[1696] link '0'", "\t\t[2142] link '0'", "\t\t[1852] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2215] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2240] link ''", "\t\t[2141] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2333] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1647] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2321] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1813] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2101] link '0'", "\t\t[1692] link '0'", "\t\t[2422] link '0'", "\t\t[2293] link '0'", "\t\t[2027] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2211] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2063] link 'D'", "\t\t[2135] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1809] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2013] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2164] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1900] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1960] link '21'", "\t\t[2059] link '0'", "\t\t[1575] link '16'", "\t\t[2016] link '21'", "\t\t[1698] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2071] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2113] link 'D'", "\t\t[1655] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2357] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1745] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1777] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2273] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1710] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1998] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2453] link '0'", "\t\t[1685] link '0'", "\t\t[2245] link '0'", "\t\t[1973] link '1'", "\t\t[2119] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2069] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2198] link 'E'", "\t\t[1526] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1824] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2289] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1904] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1838] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1490] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2246] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1826] link '6'", "\t\t[1965] link '1'", "\t\t[1780] link '2'", "\t\t[2270] link '5'", "\t\t[1853] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1892] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1578] link 'E'", "\t\t[1985] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1994] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1624] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1649] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1942] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1770] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2376] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2251] link '2'", "\t\t[2216] link '0'", "\t\t[2111] link '0'", "\t\t[1975] link '0'", "\t\t[2203] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1687] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2152] link 'G'", "\t\t[2093] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2304] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1528] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2465] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1968] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1622] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2028] link '0'", "\t\t[1652] link '0'", "\t\t[2081] link '0'", "\t\t[2130] link '0'", "\t\t[1990] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1783] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2408] link 'L'", "\t\t[1857] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1839] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2426] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2136] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2366] link '0'", "\t\t[1563] link '0'", "\t\t[2427] link '0'", "\t\t[1807] link '0'", "\t\t[1646] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2429] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2394] link 'M'", "\t\t[2030] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1769] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1962] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2348] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1545] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2033] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2218] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1552] link '6'", "\t\t[1993] link '0'", "\t\t[1694] link '2'", "\t\t[2448] link '4'", "\t\t[1590] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1707] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1613] link 'N'", "\t\t[1659] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1762] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1514] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1499] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1858] link '0'", "\t\t[1715] link '0'", "\t\t[1700] link '0'", "\t\t[1894] link '0'", "\t\t[2000] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2247] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1681] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2157] link '1'", "\t\t[1979] link '2'", "\t\t[2303] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be 'Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab', which indicates that the focus has shifted from the Magento Admin to the GitLab dashboard. The user interface has transformed, displaying different components like links and buttons related to project management rather than order processing. The detailed content that was present in the Magento Admin interface is now replaced with a new set of functionalities relevant to GitLab, highlighting a significant change in the application's focus.
click [2750]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: True", "\t[2995] list '' focused: True", "\t\t[3022] StaticText 'Switch to'", "\t\t[3006] button 'Projects'", "\t\t[2992] button 'Groups'", "\t\t[2979] StaticText 'Explore'", "\t\t[3035] link 'Milestones'", "\t\t[3059] link 'Snippets'", "\t\t[3014] link 'Activity'", "\t\t[3015] searchbox 'Search your projects'", "\t\t[3041] StaticText 'Frequently visited'", "\t\t[3026] StaticText 'Projects you visit often will appear here'", "\t\t[3031] link 'View all projects'", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[131] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[133] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[143] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1855] main ''", "\t\t[1779] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2283] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2270] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2319] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1911] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1617] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1991] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1909] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1861] link 'All'", "\t\t[2373] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2163] link ''", "\t\t[2222] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2213] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2246] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2376] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2211] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1570] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2387] link '0'", "\t\t[1731] link '0'", "\t\t[1562] link '0'", "\t\t[1920] link '0'", "\t\t[2407] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2106] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1741] link 'A'", "\t\t[1797] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2185] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2247] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1722] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2417] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2161] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1761] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1554] link '1'", "\t\t[2320] link '0'", "\t\t[1984] link '0'", "\t\t[1775] link '1'", "\t\t[2190] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1676] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1612] link 'A'", "\t\t[2071] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1667] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2263] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1809] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2237] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1994] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2002] link '2'", "\t\t[2418] link '0'", "\t\t[1818] link '1'", "\t\t[2352] link '4'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2228] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1501] link 'A'", "\t\t[1784] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2343] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1844] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1929] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2194] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2442] link '20'", "\t\t[2004] link '0'", "\t\t[2067] link '10'", "\t\t[2420] link '40'", "\t\t[1992] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1739] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1989] link 'A'", "\t\t[1718] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1916] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2230] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1721] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2450] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1977] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2050] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2084] link '1'", "\t\t[1714] link '0'", "\t\t[1674] link '0'", "\t\t[1560] link '0'", "\t\t[1835] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2173] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1870] link 'A'", "\t\t[1780] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2401] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1591] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1843] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1576] link '0'", "\t\t[2147] link '0'", "\t\t[2289] link '0'", "\t\t[2285] link '0'", "\t\t[2405] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1885] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2175] link 'A'", "\t\t[1546] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1924] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2296] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1521] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2114] link '0'", "\t\t[1778] link '0'", "\t\t[2140] link '0'", "\t\t[1922] link '0'", "\t\t[2440] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2284] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2389] link 'A'", "\t\t[2365] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1507] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2364] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2079] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1928] link '0'", "\t\t[1864] link '0'", "\t\t[1728] link '0'", "\t\t[2174] link '0'", "\t\t[1710] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1648] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2473] link 'A'", "\t\t[2176] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1823] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2038] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1897] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1918] link '0'", "\t\t[1932] link '0'", "\t\t[1593] link '0'", "\t\t[2102] link '0'", "\t\t[1619] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2382] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2292] link 'B'", "\t\t[2193] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1652] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2201] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1874] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1777] link '0'", "\t\t[2145] link '0'", "\t\t[1893] link '0'", "\t\t[1704] link '0'", "\t\t[1914] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2245] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2271] link 'C'", "\t\t[1785] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2065] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2393] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1642] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2042] link '0'", "\t\t[1666] link '0'", "\t\t[1669] link '0'", "\t\t[2144] link '0'", "\t\t[1565] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2426] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1660] link ''", "\t\t[2304] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1789] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2223] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2313] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2021] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1830] link '0'", "\t\t[2132] link '0'", "\t\t[1573] link '0'", "\t\t[1574] link '0'", "\t\t[1959] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1649] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2130] link 'D'", "\t\t[1613] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1505] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2165] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1630] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1763] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1832] link '21'", "\t\t[2266] link '0'", "\t\t[2264] link '16'", "\t\t[1590] link '21'", "\t\t[1837] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2212] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2460] link 'D'", "\t\t[2300] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2331] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2054] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2322] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1796] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2459] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1587] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2199] link '0'", "\t\t[1904] link '0'", "\t\t[2455] link '0'", "\t\t[1965] link '1'", "\t\t[2208] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1791] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2402] link 'E'", "\t\t[1635] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1530] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2274] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1888] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1806] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2148] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1689] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2277] link '6'", "\t\t[1557] link '1'", "\t\t[2035] link '2'", "\t\t[1563] link '5'", "\t\t[2358] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1950] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1863] link 'E'", "\t\t[1552] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1759] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2306] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1990] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2179] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2010] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1954] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1872] link '2'", "\t\t[2023] link '0'", "\t\t[1899] link '0'", "\t\t[2375] link '0'", "\t\t[1821] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2361] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2356] link 'G'", "\t\t[2136] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1892] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1602] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2242] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2437] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1700] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1842] link '0'", "\t\t[2086] link '0'", "\t\t[1681] link '0'", "\t\t[2421] link '0'", "\t\t[2444] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1638] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1975] link 'L'", "\t\t[1976] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1933] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2128] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2257] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2137] link '0'", "\t\t[2196] link '0'", "\t\t[1957] link '0'", "\t\t[2047] link '0'", "\t\t[1678] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2308] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2456] link 'M'", "\t\t[2048] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2032] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1825] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1961] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1807] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2342] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2103] link '6'", "\t\t[1801] link '0'", "\t\t[2454] link '2'", "\t\t[1672] link '4'", "\t\t[1983] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1766] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1633] link 'N'", "\t\t[2403] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1812] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2445] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2129] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2209] link '0'", "\t\t[1519] link '0'", "\t\t[2432] link '0'", "\t\t[1813] link '0'", "\t\t[1629] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2433] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2447] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1533] link '1'", "\t\t[1908] link '2'", "\t\t[2316] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be 'Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab', showing the transition from the Magento Admin interface to the GitLab project dashboard. The menu has expanded to reveal options for switching to different project management tasks, indicating a deeper interaction with GitLab's features. The previously focused Magento functionalities are now supplanted by project-centric tasks, signaling a complete shift in the user's context.
click [34]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...' focused: True expanded: True", "\t[2978] link 'New project/repository'", "\t[2972] link 'New group'", "\t[2973] link 'New snippet'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[133] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[135] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[145] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1851] main ''", "\t\t[1764] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2272] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2144] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1947] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2145] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1897] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1935] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2094] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1704] link 'All'", "\t\t[1504] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2294] link ''", "\t\t[2251] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1716] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2378] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2340] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2280] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1918] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2408] link '0'", "\t\t[1806] link '0'", "\t\t[2339] link '0'", "\t\t[2338] link '0'", "\t\t[1724] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1978] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2022] link 'A'", "\t\t[1838] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1714] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2322] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1939] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1696] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2437] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1989] link '1'", "\t\t[2055] link '0'", "\t\t[2410] link '0'", "\t\t[2113] link '1'", "\t\t[2301] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1824] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2386] link 'A'", "\t\t[2219] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2157] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2062] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1535] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1836] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1675] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1778] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1691] link '2'", "\t\t[1648] link '0'", "\t\t[1531] link '1'", "\t\t[1929] link '4'", "\t\t[1876] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1916] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1688] link 'A'", "\t\t[1559] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1841] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1598] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1676] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1600] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2277] link '20'", "\t\t[2273] link '0'", "\t\t[1619] link '10'", "\t\t[2447] link '40'", "\t\t[1486] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1739] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2336] link 'A'", "\t\t[1664] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2065] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1721] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2171] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2085] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1804] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1789] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1917] link '1'", "\t\t[2049] link '0'", "\t\t[1484] link '0'", "\t\t[2355] link '0'", "\t\t[1887] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2114] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2139] link 'A'", "\t\t[1893] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1614] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1591] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2170] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2158] link '0'", "\t\t[1862] link '0'", "\t\t[1794] link '0'", "\t\t[2161] link '0'", "\t\t[2441] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1879] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1757] link 'A'", "\t\t[2400] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2229] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2348] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1840] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1745] link '0'", "\t\t[1667] link '0'", "\t\t[1577] link '0'", "\t\t[2108] link '0'", "\t\t[2041] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2166] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2217] link 'A'", "\t\t[2142] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1909] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1552] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2214] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1582] link '0'", "\t\t[2134] link '0'", "\t\t[1912] link '0'", "\t\t[2115] link '0'", "\t\t[2038] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1623] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1850] link 'A'", "\t\t[2199] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2226] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2394] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2204] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2341] link '0'", "\t\t[2443] link '0'", "\t\t[1532] link '0'", "\t\t[1692] link '0'", "\t\t[1616] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2201] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2225] link 'B'", "\t\t[2148] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1965] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2415] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2212] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2086] link '0'", "\t\t[2168] link '0'", "\t\t[2452] link '0'", "\t\t[1697] link '0'", "\t\t[1748] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2059] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2310] link 'C'", "\t\t[1605] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2254] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1514] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2047] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2246] link '0'", "\t\t[1658] link '0'", "\t\t[1877] link '0'", "\t\t[2015] link '0'", "\t\t[1797] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1725] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2183] link ''", "\t\t[1652] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2305] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2411] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1871] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1990] link '0'", "\t\t[1633] link '0'", "\t\t[2087] link '0'", "\t\t[2111] link '0'", "\t\t[1777] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1505] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2066] link 'D'", "\t\t[2032] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2135] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1547] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1793] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1662] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1708] link '21'", "\t\t[1733] link '0'", "\t\t[1494] link '16'", "\t\t[2081] link '21'", "\t\t[2347] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1940] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1883] link 'D'", "\t\t[1647] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1744] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2227] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1985] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2164] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1677] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1945] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2279] link '0'", "\t\t[2366] link '0'", "\t\t[2193] link '0'", "\t\t[1493] link '1'", "\t\t[1800] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2349] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1579] link 'E'", "\t\t[1946] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1882] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1749] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2231] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2426] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2454] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1846] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1590] link '6'", "\t\t[2375] link '1'", "\t\t[1627] link '2'", "\t\t[2244] link '5'", "\t\t[1972] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2430] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1815] link 'E'", "\t\t[2198] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1615] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2079] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2367] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2245] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1737] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1699] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1499] link '2'", "\t\t[1869] link '0'", "\t\t[1758] link '0'", "\t\t[1906] link '0'", "\t\t[2295] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2018] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2028] link 'G'", "\t\t[2005] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2446] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1618] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1796] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2329] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2260] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2416] link '0'", "\t\t[2029] link '0'", "\t\t[1672] link '0'", "\t\t[1938] link '0'", "\t\t[1829] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2132] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2125] link 'L'", "\t\t[2417] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2104] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1775] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2357] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1941] link '0'", "\t\t[1722] link '0'", "\t\t[2075] link '0'", "\t\t[1540] link '0'", "\t\t[1736] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1508] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2210] link 'M'", "\t\t[1971] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2335] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1654] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2200] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2128] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2010] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1715] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1481] link '6'", "\t\t[2051] link '0'", "\t\t[1599] link '2'", "\t\t[1742] link '4'", "\t\t[1727] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1641] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1729] link 'N'", "\t\t[1663] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1473] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1874] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1620] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2224] link '0'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[1575] link '0'", "\t\t[1825] link '0'", "\t\t[2270] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2033] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2110] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1545] link '1'", "\t\t[1544] link '2'", "\t\t[1728] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be 'Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab', highlighting the transition towards creating new projects or repositories in GitLab. The interface has shifted from Magento's order management to providing options for initiating new project tasks, indicating a complete context change. The user is now focused on project creation rather than order processing, demonstrating a significant evolution in the interaction with the application.
click [103]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[2977] RootWebArea 'Issues · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[2981] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2992] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3010] link ''", "\t[3026] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3022] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'" ]
The next observation would be 'Tab {idx}', indicating the transition to the Issues section of GitLab's dashboard. This change reflects a move from the Magento Admin interface to a dedicated area for managing project issues, showcasing a complete shift in the application's context. The user is now focused on issue tracking and management instead of order processing, marking a significant evolution in the tasks being handled.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [54] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [63] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [79] generic '\ue60a REPORTS Reports \ue62f Marketing Products in Cart Search Terms Abandoned Carts Newsletter Problem Reports Reviews By Customers By Products Sales Orders Tax Invoiced Shipping Refunds Coupons PayPal Settlement Braintree Settlement Customers Order Total Order Count New Products Views Bestsellers Low Stock Ordered Downloads Statistics Refresh Statistics Business Intelligence Advanced Reporting\ue644 BI Essentials\ue644' [119] link '\ue62f' [120] menu '' orientation: vertical [265] menu '' orientation: vertical [590] StaticText 'Marketing' [492] menu '' orientation: vertical [719] link 'Products in Cart' [720] link 'Search Terms' [721] link 'Abandoned Carts' [722] link 'Newsletter Problem Reports' [595] StaticText 'Reviews' [494] menu '' orientation: vertical [723] link 'By Customers' [724] link 'By Products' [266] menu '' orientation: vertical [598] StaticText 'Sales' [496] menu '' orientation: vertical [725] link 'Orders' [726] link 'Tax' [727] link 'Invoiced' [728] link 'Shipping' [729] link 'Refunds' [730] link 'Coupons' [731] link 'PayPal Settlement' [732] link 'Braintree Settlement' [267] menu '' orientation: vertical [607] StaticText 'Customers' [498] menu '' orientation: vertical [733] link 'Order Total' [734] link 'Order Count' [735] link 'New' [611] StaticText 'Products' [500] menu '' orientation: vertical [736] link 'Views' [737] link 'Bestsellers' [738] link 'Low Stock' [739] link 'Ordered' [740] link 'Downloads' [617] StaticText 'Statistics' [502] menu '' orientation: vertical [741] link 'Refresh Statistics' [268] menu '' orientation: vertical [619] StaticText 'Business Intelligence' [504] menu '' orientation: vertical [742] link 'Advanced Reporting\ue644' focused: True [743] link 'BI Essentials\ue644' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [83] heading 'Dashboard' [84] link '\ue600 admin' [86] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [89] StaticText 'Scope:' [153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [156] link '\ue633 What is this?' [291] button 'Reload Data' [292] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [351] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [443] link 'here' [660] StaticText 'Revenue' [531] StaticText '$0.00' [661] StaticText 'Tax' [662] StaticText 'Shipping' [663] StaticText 'Quantity' [545] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1181] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [453] StaticText '$0.00' [455] StaticText 'Average Order' [460] StaticText 'Last Orders' [461] table '' [672] row '' [776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [777] columnheader 'Items' required: False [778] columnheader 'Total' required: False [673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [780] gridcell '5' required: False [781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [783] gridcell '4' required: False [784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [786] gridcell '3' required: False [787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [789] gridcell '4' required: False [790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [792] gridcell '2' required: False [793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [463] table '' [678] row '' [794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [795] columnheader 'Results' required: False [796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [798] gridcell '23' required: False [799] gridcell '1' required: False [680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [800] gridcell 'nike' required: False [801] gridcell '0' required: False [802] gridcell '3' required: False [681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [804] gridcell '10' required: False [805] gridcell '4' required: False [682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [807] gridcell '1' required: False [808] gridcell '19' required: False [683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [810] gridcell '23' required: False [811] gridcell '2' required: False [464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [465] table '' [684] row '' [812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [813] columnheader 'Results' required: False [814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [816] gridcell '1' required: False [817] gridcell '19' required: False [686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [819] gridcell '10' required: False [820] gridcell '4' required: False [687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [822] gridcell '23' required: False [823] gridcell '2' required: False [688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [825] gridcell '23' required: False [826] gridcell '1' required: False [689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [828] gridcell '1' required: False [829] gridcell '1' required: False [52] contentinfo '' [160] link '\ue606' [161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [163] link 'Privacy Policy' [164] StaticText ' |' [165] link ' Account Activity' [166] StaticText ' | ' [167] link 'Report an Issue'
click [742] where [742] is link 'Advanced Reporting\ue644'
[ "None", "click [32] where [32] is link '\\ue60a REPORTS'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [54] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [63] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' focused: True [79] generic '\ue60a REPORTS Reports \ue62f Marketing Products in Cart Search Terms Abandoned Carts Newsletter Problem Reports Reviews By Customers By Products Sales Orders Tax Invoiced Shipping Refunds Coupons PayPal Settlement Braintree Settlement Customers Order Total Order Count New Products Views Bestsellers Low Stock Ordered Downloads Statistics Refresh Statistics Business Intelligence Advanced Reporting\ue644 BI Essentials\ue644' [119] link '\ue62f' [120] menu '' orientation: vertical [265] menu '' orientation: vertical [590] StaticText 'Marketing' [492] menu '' orientation: vertical [719] link 'Products in Cart' [720] link 'Search Terms' [721] link 'Abandoned Carts' [722] link 'Newsletter Problem Reports' [595] StaticText 'Reviews' [494] menu '' orientation: vertical [723] link 'By Customers' [724] link 'By Products' [266] menu '' orientation: vertical [598] StaticText 'Sales' [496] menu '' orientation: vertical [725] link 'Orders' [726] link 'Tax' [727] link 'Invoiced' [728] link 'Shipping' [729] link 'Refunds' [730] link 'Coupons' [731] link 'PayPal Settlement' [732] link 'Braintree Settlement' [267] menu '' orientation: vertical [607] StaticText 'Customers' [498] menu '' orientation: vertical [733] link 'Order Total' [734] link 'Order Count' [735] link 'New' [611] StaticText 'Products' [500] menu '' orientation: vertical [736] link 'Views' [737] link 'Bestsellers' [738] link 'Low Stock' [739] link 'Ordered' [740] link 'Downloads' [617] StaticText 'Statistics' [502] menu '' orientation: vertical [741] link 'Refresh Statistics' [268] menu '' orientation: vertical [619] StaticText 'Business Intelligence' [504] menu '' orientation: vertical [742] link 'Advanced Reporting\ue644' [743] link 'BI Essentials\ue644' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [83] heading 'Dashboard' [84] link '\ue600 admin' [86] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [89] StaticText 'Scope:' [153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [156] link '\ue633 What is this?' [291] button 'Reload Data' [292] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [351] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [443] link 'here' [660] StaticText 'Revenue' [531] StaticText '$0.00' [661] StaticText 'Tax' [662] StaticText 'Shipping' [663] StaticText 'Quantity' [545] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1181] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [453] StaticText '$0.00' [455] StaticText 'Average Order' [460] StaticText 'Last Orders' [461] table '' [672] row '' [776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [777] columnheader 'Items' required: False [778] columnheader 'Total' required: False [673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [780] gridcell '5' required: False [781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [783] gridcell '4' required: False [784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [786] gridcell '3' required: False [787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [789] gridcell '4' required: False [790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [792] gridcell '2' required: False [793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [463] table '' [678] row '' [794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [795] columnheader 'Results' required: False [796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [798] gridcell '23' required: False [799] gridcell '1' required: False [680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [800] gridcell 'nike' required: False [801] gridcell '0' required: False [802] gridcell '3' required: False [681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [804] gridcell '10' required: False [805] gridcell '4' required: False [682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [807] gridcell '1' required: False [808] gridcell '19' required: False [683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [810] gridcell '23' required: False [811] gridcell '2' required: False [464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [465] table '' [684] row '' [812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [813] columnheader 'Results' required: False [814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [816] gridcell '1' required: False [817] gridcell '19' required: False [686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [819] gridcell '10' required: False [820] gridcell '4' required: False [687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [822] gridcell '23' required: False [823] gridcell '2' required: False [688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [825] gridcell '23' required: False [826] gridcell '1' required: False [689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [828] gridcell '1' required: False [829] gridcell '1' required: False [52] contentinfo '' [160] link '\ue606' [161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [163] link 'Privacy Policy' [164] StaticText ' |' [165] link ' Account Activity' [166] StaticText ' | ' [167] link 'Report an Issue'
Today is 3/15/2023, generate a inventory report for last week
The next observation would still be within the Magento Admin dashboard but now focused on the Advanced Reporting section. The page continues to display a familiar layout, including navigation links and a main content area dedicated to advanced reporting features. The user is presented with options to gain insights into product, order, and customer performance, which are essential for generating the desired inventory report for the previous week. The structure remains consistent, emphasizing the transition to more detailed reporting tools within the same admin interface.
{ "neg_action0": "click [64]", "neg_action1": "type [35] [generate inventory report] [1]", "neg_action2": "hover [111]", "neg_action3": null, "neg_action4": null, "neg_action5": null, "neg_action6": "go_back", "neg_action7": "press [Ctrl+p]", "neg_action8": "new_tab", "neg_action9": null, "neg_observation0": [ "Error: Timeout 30000ms exceeded.\n=========================== logs ===========================\nnavigating to \"http://ec2-3-131-244-37.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:3000/\", waiting until \"load\"\n============================================================" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t\t[546] StaticText 'generate inventory report'", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[597] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[598] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation3": null, "neg_observation4": null, "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[546] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0: OpenStreetMap | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation9": null }
[ "click [64]", "type [35] [generate inventory report] [1]", "hover [111]", "scroll [down]", "click [210]", "tab_focus [1]", "go_back", "press [Ctrl+p]", "new_tab", "go_forward" ]
type [35] [generate inventory report] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t\t[546] StaticText 'generate inventory report'", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[597] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[598] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be a transition to the "OpenStreetMap" page, indicating that the request to generate the report did not complete successfully. Instead of remaining in the Magento Admin interface, the user is now presented with the OpenStreetMap interface, showing elements related to map functionalities rather than inventory reporting. This shift signifies that the expected report generation action failed, redirecting the user to an unrelated service. ### For NEGATIVE ACTION 2: hover [111]
hover [111]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be a change to the "OpenStreetMap" page, which suggests that the hover action unexpectedly redirected the user away from the Magento Admin interface. Instead of providing contextual options related to editing, the focus has shifted to the OpenStreetMap environment, indicating a malfunction in the hover functionality or a misconfiguration that caused the page to change unexpectedly. ### For NEGATIVE ACTION 3: None
The next observation would continue to display the "OpenStreetMap" page. The lack of any new user action indicates that the user remains in this unintended state, unable to return to the Magento Admin environment. This further emphasizes the issue stemming from earlier interactions that led to the redirection away from the intended report generation and management functionalities. ### For NEGATIVE ACTION 4: None
The next observation would still show the "OpenStreetMap" page, indicating that the user has not taken any further action to return to the Magento Admin interface. This ongoing state highlights the impact of prior interactions that led to a navigation issue, effectively trapping the user in an unintended webpage instead of allowing them to access their original reporting tasks.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [54] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [63] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [79] generic '\ue60a REPORTS Reports \ue62f Marketing Products in Cart Search Terms Abandoned Carts Newsletter Problem Reports Reviews By Customers By Products Sales Orders Tax Invoiced Shipping Refunds Coupons PayPal Settlement Braintree Settlement Customers Order Total Order Count New Products Views Bestsellers Low Stock Ordered Downloads Statistics Refresh Statistics Business Intelligence Advanced Reporting\ue644 BI Essentials\ue644' [119] link '\ue62f' [120] menu '' orientation: vertical [265] menu '' orientation: vertical [590] StaticText 'Marketing' [492] menu '' orientation: vertical [719] link 'Products in Cart' [720] link 'Search Terms' [721] link 'Abandoned Carts' [722] link 'Newsletter Problem Reports' [595] StaticText 'Reviews' [494] menu '' orientation: vertical [723] link 'By Customers' [724] link 'By Products' [266] menu '' orientation: vertical [598] StaticText 'Sales' [496] menu '' orientation: vertical [725] link 'Orders' [726] link 'Tax' [727] link 'Invoiced' [728] link 'Shipping' [729] link 'Refunds' [730] link 'Coupons' [731] link 'PayPal Settlement' [732] link 'Braintree Settlement' [267] menu '' orientation: vertical [607] StaticText 'Customers' [498] menu '' orientation: vertical [733] link 'Order Total' [734] link 'Order Count' [735] link 'New' [611] StaticText 'Products' [500] menu '' orientation: vertical [736] link 'Views' [737] link 'Bestsellers' [738] link 'Low Stock' [739] link 'Ordered' [740] link 'Downloads' [617] StaticText 'Statistics' [502] menu '' orientation: vertical [741] link 'Refresh Statistics' [268] menu '' orientation: vertical [619] StaticText 'Business Intelligence' [504] menu '' orientation: vertical [742] link 'Advanced Reporting\ue644' focused: True [743] link 'BI Essentials\ue644' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [83] heading 'Dashboard' [84] link '\ue600 admin' [86] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [89] StaticText 'Scope:' [153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [156] link '\ue633 What is this?' [291] button 'Reload Data' [292] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [351] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [443] link 'here' [660] StaticText 'Revenue' [531] StaticText '$0.00' [661] StaticText 'Tax' [662] StaticText 'Shipping' [663] StaticText 'Quantity' [545] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1181] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [453] StaticText '$0.00' [455] StaticText 'Average Order' [460] StaticText 'Last Orders' [461] table '' [672] row '' [776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [777] columnheader 'Items' required: False [778] columnheader 'Total' required: False [673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [780] gridcell '5' required: False [781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [783] gridcell '4' required: False [784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [786] gridcell '3' required: False [787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [789] gridcell '4' required: False [790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [792] gridcell '2' required: False [793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [463] table '' [678] row '' [794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [795] columnheader 'Results' required: False [796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [798] gridcell '23' required: False [799] gridcell '1' required: False [680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [800] gridcell 'nike' required: False [801] gridcell '0' required: False [802] gridcell '3' required: False [681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [804] gridcell '10' required: False [805] gridcell '4' required: False [682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [807] gridcell '1' required: False [808] gridcell '19' required: False [683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [810] gridcell '23' required: False [811] gridcell '2' required: False [464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [465] table '' [684] row '' [812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [813] columnheader 'Results' required: False [814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [816] gridcell '1' required: False [817] gridcell '19' required: False [686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [819] gridcell '10' required: False [820] gridcell '4' required: False [687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [822] gridcell '23' required: False [823] gridcell '2' required: False [688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [825] gridcell '23' required: False [826] gridcell '1' required: False [689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [828] gridcell '1' required: False [829] gridcell '1' required: False [52] contentinfo '' [160] link '\ue606' [161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [163] link 'Privacy Policy' [164] StaticText ' |' [165] link ' Account Activity' [166] StaticText ' | ' [167] link 'Report an Issue'
click [742] where [742] is link 'Advanced Reporting\ue644'
[ "None", "click [32] where [32] is link '\\ue60a REPORTS'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [54] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [63] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' focused: True [79] generic '\ue60a REPORTS Reports \ue62f Marketing Products in Cart Search Terms Abandoned Carts Newsletter Problem Reports Reviews By Customers By Products Sales Orders Tax Invoiced Shipping Refunds Coupons PayPal Settlement Braintree Settlement Customers Order Total Order Count New Products Views Bestsellers Low Stock Ordered Downloads Statistics Refresh Statistics Business Intelligence Advanced Reporting\ue644 BI Essentials\ue644' [119] link '\ue62f' [120] menu '' orientation: vertical [265] menu '' orientation: vertical [590] StaticText 'Marketing' [492] menu '' orientation: vertical [719] link 'Products in Cart' [720] link 'Search Terms' [721] link 'Abandoned Carts' [722] link 'Newsletter Problem Reports' [595] StaticText 'Reviews' [494] menu '' orientation: vertical [723] link 'By Customers' [724] link 'By Products' [266] menu '' orientation: vertical [598] StaticText 'Sales' [496] menu '' orientation: vertical [725] link 'Orders' [726] link 'Tax' [727] link 'Invoiced' [728] link 'Shipping' [729] link 'Refunds' [730] link 'Coupons' [731] link 'PayPal Settlement' [732] link 'Braintree Settlement' [267] menu '' orientation: vertical [607] StaticText 'Customers' [498] menu '' orientation: vertical [733] link 'Order Total' [734] link 'Order Count' [735] link 'New' [611] StaticText 'Products' [500] menu '' orientation: vertical [736] link 'Views' [737] link 'Bestsellers' [738] link 'Low Stock' [739] link 'Ordered' [740] link 'Downloads' [617] StaticText 'Statistics' [502] menu '' orientation: vertical [741] link 'Refresh Statistics' [268] menu '' orientation: vertical [619] StaticText 'Business Intelligence' [504] menu '' orientation: vertical [742] link 'Advanced Reporting\ue644' [743] link 'BI Essentials\ue644' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [83] heading 'Dashboard' [84] link '\ue600 admin' [86] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [89] StaticText 'Scope:' [153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [156] link '\ue633 What is this?' [291] button 'Reload Data' [292] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [351] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [443] link 'here' [660] StaticText 'Revenue' [531] StaticText '$0.00' [661] StaticText 'Tax' [662] StaticText 'Shipping' [663] StaticText 'Quantity' [545] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1181] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [453] StaticText '$0.00' [455] StaticText 'Average Order' [460] StaticText 'Last Orders' [461] table '' [672] row '' [776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [777] columnheader 'Items' required: False [778] columnheader 'Total' required: False [673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [780] gridcell '5' required: False [781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [783] gridcell '4' required: False [784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [786] gridcell '3' required: False [787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [789] gridcell '4' required: False [790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [792] gridcell '2' required: False [793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [463] table '' [678] row '' [794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [795] columnheader 'Results' required: False [796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [798] gridcell '23' required: False [799] gridcell '1' required: False [680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [800] gridcell 'nike' required: False [801] gridcell '0' required: False [802] gridcell '3' required: False [681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [804] gridcell '10' required: False [805] gridcell '4' required: False [682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [807] gridcell '1' required: False [808] gridcell '19' required: False [683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [810] gridcell '23' required: False [811] gridcell '2' required: False [464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [465] table '' [684] row '' [812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [813] columnheader 'Results' required: False [814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [816] gridcell '1' required: False [817] gridcell '19' required: False [686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [819] gridcell '10' required: False [820] gridcell '4' required: False [687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [822] gridcell '23' required: False [823] gridcell '2' required: False [688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [825] gridcell '23' required: False [826] gridcell '1' required: False [689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [828] gridcell '1' required: False [829] gridcell '1' required: False [52] contentinfo '' [160] link '\ue606' [161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [163] link 'Privacy Policy' [164] StaticText ' |' [165] link ' Account Activity' [166] StaticText ' | ' [167] link 'Report an Issue'
Today is 3/15/2023, generate a inventory report for last week
The next observation would still be within the Magento Admin dashboard but now focused on the Advanced Reporting section. The page continues to display a familiar layout, including navigation links and a main content area dedicated to advanced reporting features. The user is presented with options to gain insights into product, order, and customer performance, which are essential for generating the desired inventory report for the previous week. The structure remains consistent, emphasizing the transition to more detailed reporting tools within the same admin interface.
{ "neg_action0": "click [64]", "neg_action1": "type [35] [generate inventory report] [1]", "neg_action2": "hover [111]", "neg_action3": null, "neg_action4": null, "neg_action5": null, "neg_action6": "go_back", "neg_action7": "press [Ctrl+p]", "neg_action8": "new_tab", "neg_action9": null, "neg_observation0": [ "Error: Timeout 30000ms exceeded.\n=========================== logs ===========================\nnavigating to \"http://ec2-3-131-244-37.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:3000/\", waiting until \"load\"\n============================================================" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t\t[546] StaticText 'generate inventory report'", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[597] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[598] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation3": null, "neg_observation4": null, "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[546] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0: OpenStreetMap | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation9": null }
[ "click [64]", "type [35] [generate inventory report] [1]", "hover [111]", "scroll [down]", "click [210]", "tab_focus [1]", "go_back", "press [Ctrl+p]", "new_tab", "go_forward" ]
type [35] [generate inventory report] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t\t[546] StaticText 'generate inventory report'", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[597] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[598] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the user has transitioned to the OpenStreetMap interface, losing the context of the Magento Admin. The focus has shifted from the dashboard to the OpenStreetMap area, indicating that the attempt to generate a report did not execute as expected. The user now sees elements related to mapping and geographical data rather than sales and inventory reports, suggesting a disconnection between their intended action and the resulting webpage state.
hover [111]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the user remains on the OpenStreetMap page but is now presented with a welcome message and additional mapping tools. The interaction has provided more context about OpenStreetMap, yet the user continues to be diverted from their original task of generating an inventory report. This shows a further entrenchment into a different application, confirming that the user is experiencing a disjointed workflow away from the Magento Admin.
The next observation would be that the user has not made any further interactions on the OpenStreetMap page. This stagnation indicates a possible state of confusion or frustration, as the user is unable to continue their task of generating an inventory report due to their unexpected diversion. The absence of additional actions underscores the disconnect from the original Magento Admin context.
The next observation would be that the user remains inactive within the OpenStreetMap context, with no further attempts to return to the Magento Admin Dashboard or to generate the desired report. This prolonged inactivity further highlights the challenges posed by the earlier navigation errors, leaving the user stranded in an unrelated interface without clarity on how to proceed with their original task.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [51] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [56] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [72] heading 'Dashboard' [73] link '\ue600 admin' [75] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [709] main '' [720] StaticText 'Scope:' [731] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [734] link '\ue633 What is this?' [777] button 'Reload Data' [778] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [798] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [780] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [820] link 'here' [873] StaticText 'Revenue' [847] StaticText '$0.00' [874] StaticText 'Tax' [875] StaticText 'Shipping' [876] StaticText 'Quantity' [861] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [830] StaticText '$0.00' [832] StaticText 'Average Order' [837] StaticText 'Last Orders' [838] table '' [885] row '' [908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [909] columnheader 'Items' required: False [910] columnheader 'Total' required: False [886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [912] gridcell '5' required: False [913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [915] gridcell '4' required: False [916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [918] gridcell '3' required: False [919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [921] gridcell '4' required: False [922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [924] gridcell '2' required: False [925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [840] table '' [891] row '' [926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [927] columnheader 'Results' required: False [928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [930] gridcell '23' required: False [931] gridcell '1' required: False [893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [932] gridcell 'nike' required: False [933] gridcell '0' required: False [934] gridcell '3' required: False [894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [936] gridcell '10' required: False [937] gridcell '4' required: False [895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [939] gridcell '1' required: False [940] gridcell '19' required: False [896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [942] gridcell '23' required: False [943] gridcell '2' required: False [841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [842] table '' [897] row '' [944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [945] columnheader 'Results' required: False [946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [948] gridcell '1' required: False [949] gridcell '19' required: False [899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [951] gridcell '10' required: False [952] gridcell '4' required: False [900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [954] gridcell '23' required: False [955] gridcell '2' required: False [901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [957] gridcell '23' required: False [958] gridcell '1' required: False [902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [960] gridcell '1' required: False [961] gridcell '1' required: False [710] contentinfo '' [738] link '\ue606' [739] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [764] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [741] link 'Privacy Policy' [742] StaticText ' |' [743] link ' Account Activity' [744] StaticText ' | ' [745] link 'Report an Issue'
scroll [down]
[ "None", "scroll [down]", "scroll [down]" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [51] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [56] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [72] heading 'Dashboard' [73] link '\ue600 admin' [75] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [709] main '' [720] StaticText 'Scope:' [731] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [734] link '\ue633 What is this?' [777] button 'Reload Data' [778] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [798] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [780] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [820] link 'here' [873] StaticText 'Revenue' [847] StaticText '$0.00' [874] StaticText 'Tax' [875] StaticText 'Shipping' [876] StaticText 'Quantity' [861] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [830] StaticText '$0.00' [832] StaticText 'Average Order' [837] StaticText 'Last Orders' [838] table '' [885] row '' [908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [909] columnheader 'Items' required: False [910] columnheader 'Total' required: False [886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [912] gridcell '5' required: False [913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [915] gridcell '4' required: False [916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [918] gridcell '3' required: False [919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [921] gridcell '4' required: False [922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [924] gridcell '2' required: False [925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [840] table '' [891] row '' [926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [927] columnheader 'Results' required: False [928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [930] gridcell '23' required: False [931] gridcell '1' required: False [893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [932] gridcell 'nike' required: False [933] gridcell '0' required: False [934] gridcell '3' required: False [894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [936] gridcell '10' required: False [937] gridcell '4' required: False [895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [939] gridcell '1' required: False [940] gridcell '19' required: False [896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [942] gridcell '23' required: False [943] gridcell '2' required: False [841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [842] table '' [897] row '' [944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [945] columnheader 'Results' required: False [946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [948] gridcell '1' required: False [949] gridcell '19' required: False [899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [951] gridcell '10' required: False [952] gridcell '4' required: False [900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [954] gridcell '23' required: False [955] gridcell '2' required: False [901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [957] gridcell '23' required: False [958] gridcell '1' required: False [902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [960] gridcell '1' required: False [961] gridcell '1' required: False [710] contentinfo '' [738] link '\ue606' [739] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [764] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [741] link 'Privacy Policy' [742] StaticText ' |' [743] link ' Account Activity' [744] StaticText ' | ' [745] link 'Report an Issue'
List the top 15 search terms in my store
The next observation would still reflect the Magento Admin dashboard, but further down the page. This section likely contains additional data, including the top search terms used in the store. This would include a detailed view of the search terms, how many results each term generated, and the frequency of their use, enabling the user to gather insights into customer search behaviors. The user will be able to view and analyze the top search terms effectively, moving closer to fulfilling their objective of listing the top 15 search terms in the store.
{ "neg_action0": "click [465]", "neg_action1": "hover [464]", "neg_action2": "scroll [up]", "neg_action3": "click [462]", "neg_action4": "click [463]", "neg_action5": null, "neg_action6": null, "neg_action7": "click [464]", "neg_action8": "click [462]", "neg_action9": null, "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[318] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[271] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[326] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[327] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[274] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[410] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[411] link 'here'", "\t\t[611] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[488] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[612] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[613] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[614] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[502] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[418] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[421] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[937] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[942] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[943] table ''", "\t\t\t[954] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[972] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[973] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[978] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[979] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[982] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[944] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[945] table ''", "\t\t\t[960] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[990] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[961] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[996] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[946] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[947] table ''", "\t\t\t[966] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1008] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[967] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[968] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1014] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1015] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1016] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[969] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1017] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1018] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1019] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[970] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1020] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1021] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1022] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[971] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1023] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1024] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1025] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[905] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[910] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[911] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[921] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[913] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[914] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[915] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[916] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[917] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[911] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[913] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[918] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[919] table ''", "\t\t\t[939] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[962] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[964] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[923] table ''", "\t\t\t[951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[870] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[875] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[878] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[879] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[880] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[881] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[882] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[60] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[77] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[78] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[80] link '\\ue607'", "\t[277] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[83] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[738] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[740] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[779] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[780] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[782] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[768] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[747] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[748] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[749] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[750] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[751] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' 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False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1281] RootWebArea 'Joust Bag / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": null, "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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'2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[48] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[49] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[678] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[679] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[681] link '\\ue607'", "\t[789] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[657] main ''", "\t\t[684] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[714] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[717] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[775] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[776] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[778] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[755] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[724] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[725] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[726] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[727] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[728] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation9": null }
[ "click [465]", "hover [464]", "scroll [up]", "click [462]", "click [463]", "scroll [up]", "scroll [down]", "click [464]", "click [462]", "scroll [down]" ]
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[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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False", "\t\t\t\t[962] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[964] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[921] table ''", "\t\t\t[945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[979] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[982] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[923] table ''", "\t\t\t[951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[870] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[875] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[878] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[879] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[880] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[881] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[882] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus remains on the "Dashboard / Magento Admin," with the same layout and interactive elements displayed. However, additional tooltips or informational messages regarding the invalid data in the tabs might appear, prompting the user to take necessary actions to resolve the issues. The existing links and static texts would still be present, maintaining the current state while enhancing user awareness of the problems. The overall structure and content of the dashboard remain intact, but the additional information could guide user interactions.
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[60] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[77] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[78] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[80] link '\\ue607'", "\t[277] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[83] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[738] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[740] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[779] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[780] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[782] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[840] table ''", "\t\t\t[891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[955] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[957] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[958] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[960] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[727] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[744] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[745] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[768] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[747] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[748] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[749] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[750] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[751] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus on the "Dashboard / Magento Admin" remains unchanged, retaining the same layout and content structure as previously displayed. The interactive elements such as links and buttons are still accessible, and the indication of invalid data in the tabs persists. However, the visible content may reflect a different section of the dashboard, allowing the user to see more or different details while keeping the overall information consistent. The unchanged status of the invalid data alerts the user to the ongoing issue that needs addressing.
click [462]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the page remains focused on the "Dashboard / Magento Admin," with the same structural layout and interactive elements still in place. However, the content may have been refreshed or updated, possibly reflecting new data resulting from the click interaction. The indication of invalid data in the tabs continues to be present, but this time the dashboard might display updated or different metrics, maintaining the user’s focus on resolving the existing issues while interacting with the refreshed content.
click [463]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1281] RootWebArea 'Joust Bag / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ]
The next observation would be that the focus has shifted to the "Joust Bag / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin," indicating a transition to a more specific section within the admin panel. This new state reflects a change in content, likely displaying detailed information about the selected search term and its associated metrics. The overall structure of the admin interface remains recognizable, but the focus is now directed towards specific marketing elements, potentially allowing the user to manage or analyze search terms more effectively.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [51] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [56] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [72] heading 'Dashboard' [73] link '\ue600 admin' [75] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [709] main '' [720] StaticText 'Scope:' [731] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [734] link '\ue633 What is this?' [777] button 'Reload Data' [778] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [798] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [780] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [820] link 'here' [873] StaticText 'Revenue' [847] StaticText '$0.00' [874] StaticText 'Tax' [875] StaticText 'Shipping' [876] StaticText 'Quantity' [861] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [830] StaticText '$0.00' [832] StaticText 'Average Order' [837] StaticText 'Last Orders' [838] table '' [885] row '' [908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [909] columnheader 'Items' required: False [910] columnheader 'Total' required: False [886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [912] gridcell '5' required: False [913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [915] gridcell '4' required: False [916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [918] gridcell '3' required: False [919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [921] gridcell '4' required: False [922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [924] gridcell '2' required: False [925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [840] table '' [891] row '' [926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [927] columnheader 'Results' required: False [928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [930] gridcell '23' required: False [931] gridcell '1' required: False [893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [932] gridcell 'nike' required: False [933] gridcell '0' required: False [934] gridcell '3' required: False [894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [936] gridcell '10' required: False [937] gridcell '4' required: False [895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [939] gridcell '1' required: False [940] gridcell '19' required: False [896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [942] gridcell '23' required: False [943] gridcell '2' required: False [841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [842] table '' [897] row '' [944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [945] columnheader 'Results' required: False [946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [948] gridcell '1' required: False [949] gridcell '19' required: False [899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [951] gridcell '10' required: False [952] gridcell '4' required: False [900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [954] gridcell '23' required: False [955] gridcell '2' required: False [901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [957] gridcell '23' required: False [958] gridcell '1' required: False [902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [960] gridcell '1' required: False [961] gridcell '1' required: False [710] contentinfo '' [738] link '\ue606' [739] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [764] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [741] link 'Privacy Policy' [742] StaticText ' |' [743] link ' Account Activity' [744] StaticText ' | ' [745] link 'Report an Issue'
scroll [down]
[ "None", "scroll [down]", "scroll [down]" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [51] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [56] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [72] heading 'Dashboard' [73] link '\ue600 admin' [75] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [709] main '' [720] StaticText 'Scope:' [731] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [734] link '\ue633 What is this?' [777] button 'Reload Data' [778] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [798] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [780] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [820] link 'here' [873] StaticText 'Revenue' [847] StaticText '$0.00' [874] StaticText 'Tax' [875] StaticText 'Shipping' [876] StaticText 'Quantity' [861] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [830] StaticText '$0.00' [832] StaticText 'Average Order' [837] StaticText 'Last Orders' [838] table '' [885] row '' [908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [909] columnheader 'Items' required: False [910] columnheader 'Total' required: False [886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [912] gridcell '5' required: False [913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [915] gridcell '4' required: False [916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [918] gridcell '3' required: False [919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [921] gridcell '4' required: False [922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [924] gridcell '2' required: False [925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [840] table '' [891] row '' [926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [927] columnheader 'Results' required: False [928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [930] gridcell '23' required: False [931] gridcell '1' required: False [893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [932] gridcell 'nike' required: False [933] gridcell '0' required: False [934] gridcell '3' required: False [894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [936] gridcell '10' required: False [937] gridcell '4' required: False [895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [939] gridcell '1' required: False [940] gridcell '19' required: False [896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [942] gridcell '23' required: False [943] gridcell '2' required: False [841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [842] table '' [897] row '' [944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [945] columnheader 'Results' required: False [946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [948] gridcell '1' required: False [949] gridcell '19' required: False [899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [951] gridcell '10' required: False [952] gridcell '4' required: False [900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [954] gridcell '23' required: False [955] gridcell '2' required: False [901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [957] gridcell '23' required: False [958] gridcell '1' required: False [902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [960] gridcell '1' required: False [961] gridcell '1' required: False [710] contentinfo '' [738] link '\ue606' [739] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [764] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [741] link 'Privacy Policy' [742] StaticText ' |' [743] link ' Account Activity' [744] StaticText ' | ' [745] link 'Report an Issue'
List the top 15 search terms in my store
The next observation would still reflect the Magento Admin dashboard, but further down the page. This section likely contains additional data, including the top search terms used in the store. This would include a detailed view of the search terms, how many results each term generated, and the frequency of their use, enabling the user to gather insights into customer search behaviors. The user will be able to view and analyze the top search terms effectively, moving closer to fulfilling their objective of listing the top 15 search terms in the store.
{ "neg_action0": "click [465]", "neg_action1": "hover [464]", "neg_action2": "scroll [up]", "neg_action3": "click [462]", "neg_action4": "click [463]", "neg_action5": null, "neg_action6": null, "neg_action7": "click [464]", "neg_action8": "click [462]", "neg_action9": null, "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[318] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[271] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[326] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[327] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[274] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[410] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[411] link 'here'", "\t\t[611] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[488] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[612] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[613] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[614] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[502] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[418] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[421] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[937] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[942] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[943] table ''", "\t\t\t[954] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[972] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[973] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[978] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[979] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[982] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[944] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[945] table ''", "\t\t\t[960] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[990] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[961] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[996] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[946] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[947] table ''", "\t\t\t[966] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1008] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[967] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[968] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1014] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1015] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1016] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[969] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1017] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1018] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1019] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[970] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1020] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1021] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1022] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[971] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1023] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1024] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1025] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[905] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[910] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[911] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[921] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[913] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[914] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[915] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[916] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[917] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[911] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[913] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[918] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[919] table ''", "\t\t\t[939] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[962] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[964] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[921] table ''", "\t\t\t[945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[979] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[982] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[923] table ''", "\t\t\t[951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[870] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[875] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[878] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[879] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[880] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[881] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[882] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[60] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[77] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[78] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[80] link '\\ue607'", "\t[277] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[83] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[738] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[740] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[779] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[780] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[782] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[840] table ''", "\t\t\t[891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[768] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[747] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[748] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[749] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[750] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[751] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1281] RootWebArea 'Joust Bag / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": null, "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[48] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[49] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[678] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[679] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[681] link '\\ue607'", "\t[789] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[657] main ''", "\t\t[684] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[714] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[717] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[775] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[776] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[778] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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'2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[755] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[724] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[725] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[726] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[727] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[728] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation9": null }
[ "click [465]", "hover [464]", "scroll [up]", "click [462]", "click [463]", "scroll [up]", "scroll [down]", "click [464]", "click [462]", "scroll [down]" ]
hover [464]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[911] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[913] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[918] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[919] table ''", "\t\t\t[939] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[962] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[964] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[921] table ''", "\t\t\t[945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[979] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[982] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[923] table ''", "\t\t\t[951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[870] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[875] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[878] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[879] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[880] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[881] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[882] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the Dashboard still maintains its focus, but now certain interactive elements are visually highlighted, indicating user engagement. The previously static elements related to 'Top Search Terms' and their performance metrics become more pronounced, possibly with additional tooltips or highlighted links. This suggests an enhanced user interface interaction without altering the fundamental structure of the dashboard.
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[60] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[77] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[78] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[80] link '\\ue607'", "\t[277] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[83] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[738] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[740] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[779] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[780] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[782] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[840] table ''", "\t\t\t[891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[955] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[957] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[958] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[960] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[727] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[744] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[745] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[768] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[747] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[748] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[749] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[750] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[751] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the Dashboard remains focused, but now displays additional sections or details that were previously hidden from the viewport. The user can now see more extensive lists of search terms and associated metrics at the top of the dashboard, enriching their data analysis experience. This enhances the accessibility of information without altering the overall layout or structure of the webpage.
click [462]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the Dashboard transitions into a detailed view focused on 'Last Search Terms', showcasing an enriched interface dedicated to this data. This change signifies a shift from general dashboard metrics to more granular insights, allowing users to analyze specific search terms and their performance in-depth. The layout adapts to display relevant statistics and interactions, enhancing user experience and data accessibility.
click [463]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1281] RootWebArea 'Joust Bag / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ]
The next observation would be that the Dashboard shifts to a focused view on the 'Joust Bag / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin', indicating that the user is now in a dedicated section analyzing specific search term data. This change reflects a deeper engagement with the search term metrics, providing detailed insights and statistics relevant to the chosen term. The page structure adapts to display this focused content, enhancing the user's ability to analyze search performance effectively.
Tab 0 (current): Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [957] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [150] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [153] link '\ue633 What is this?' [928] generic 'Save' [931] button 'Save' [932] button 'Save options' [929] button '\ue626 Back' [930] button 'Add Attribute' [2815] group '' [3457] StaticText 'Enable Product' [3116] checkbox '[website] Enable Product Yes' checked: true [3119] StaticText 'Attribute Set' [3101] generic 'Top' [3459] StaticText 'Product Name' [3102] textbox '[store view] Product Name *' required: False [3460] StaticText 'Minerva LumaTech&trade; V-Tee-S-Blue' [3461] StaticText 'SKU' [3103] textbox '[global] SKU *' required: False [3462] StaticText 'WS08-S-Blue' [2827] group '' [2872] LayoutTable '' [3658] StaticText 'Price' [3618] textbox '[global] Price * $' focused: True required: False [3686] StaticText '32.0037.44.5576' [2830] button 'Advanced Pricing' [3465] StaticText 'Tax Class' [3105] combobox 'notice-PNQUJLO' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2831] group '' [2888] LayoutTable '' [3662] StaticText 'Quantity' [3466] textbox '[global] Quantity' required: False [3663] StaticText '100' [2834] button 'Advanced Inventory' [3468] StaticText 'Stock Status' [3107] combobox 'notice-O2Q1GMN' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2901] group '' [2904] LayoutTable '' [3664] StaticText 'Weight' [3627] textbox '[global] Weight lbs' required: False [3689] StaticText '1' [3470] combobox 'notice-UFQA5NH' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2835] group '' [2836] LayoutTable '' [3668] StaticText 'Categories' [2923] generic 'Default Category \ue62f Tees \ue62f Women Sale \ue62f Tees \ue62f' [2926] button '\ue62f' [2929] button '\ue62f' [2932] button '\ue62f' [3676] StaticText 'Tees' [2935] button '\ue62f' [2839] button 'New Category' [3471] StaticText 'Visibility' [3110] combobox 'notice-V1VXWJU' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2816] group '' [2817] LayoutTable '' [3678] StaticText 'Set Product as New From' [2820] textbox '[website] Set Product as New From' required: False [3900] button 'undefined \ue627' [3640] StaticText 'To' [2823] textbox 'To' required: False [3901] button 'undefined \ue627' [3473] StaticText 'Country of Manufacture' [3112] combobox 'notice-DYCQEYE' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [3474] StaticText 'Activity' [2965] listbox '[global] Activity' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3475] option 'Hike' selected: False [3476] option 'Outdoor' selected: False [3477] option 'Running' selected: False [3478] option 'Warmup' selected: False [3479] option 'Yoga' selected: False [3480] option 'Recreation' selected: False [3481] option 'Lounge' selected: False [3482] option 'Gym' selected: False [3483] option 'Climbing' selected: False [3484] option 'Crosstraining' selected: False [3485] option 'Post-workout' selected: False [3486] option 'Cycling' selected: False [3487] option 'Athletic' selected: False [3488] option 'Sports' selected: False [3489] option 'Hiking' selected: False [3490] option 'Overnight' selected: False [3491] option 'School' selected: False [3492] option 'Trail' selected: False [3493] option 'Travel' selected: False [3494] option 'Urban' selected: False [3495] StaticText 'Style General' [2973] listbox '[global] Style General' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3496] option 'Insulated' selected: False [3497] option 'Jacket' selected: False [3498] option 'Vest' selected: False [3499] option 'Lightweight' selected: False [3500] option 'Hooded' selected: False [3501] option 'Heavy Duty' selected: False [3502] option 'Rain Coat' selected: False [3503] option 'Hard Shell' selected: False [3504] option 'Soft Shell' selected: False [3505] option 'Windbreaker' selected: False [3506] option '&frac12; zip' selected: False [3507] option '&frac14; zip' selected: False [3508] option 'Full Zip' selected: False [3509] option 'Reversible' selected: False [3510] option 'Bra' selected: False [3511] option 'Hoodie' selected: False [3512] option 'Sweatshirt' selected: False [3513] option 'Polo' selected: False [3514] option 'Tank' selected: False [3515] option 'Tee' selected: False [3516] option 'Pullover' selected: False [3517] option 'Hoodie' selected: False [3518] option 'Cardigan' selected: False [3522] StaticText 'Material' [2981] listbox '[global] Material' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3523] option 'Burlap' selected: False [3524] option 'Cocona&reg; performance fabric' selected: False [3525] option 'Canvas' selected: False [3526] option 'Wool' selected: False [3527] option 'Cotton' selected: False [3528] option 'Fleece' selected: False [3529] option 'Faux Leather' selected: False [3530] option 'Hemp' selected: False [3531] option 'Jersey' selected: False [3532] option 'Leather' selected: False [3533] option 'LumaTech&trade;' selected: False [3534] option 'Mesh' selected: False [3535] option 'Lycra&reg;' selected: False [3536] option 'Nylon' selected: False [3537] option 'Microfiber' selected: False [3538] option 'Polyester' selected: False [3559] StaticText 'Sleeve' [2989] listbox '[global] Sleeve' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3560] option 'Sleeve' selected: False [3561] option 'Long-Sleeve' selected: False [3562] option 'Short-Sleeve' selected: False [3563] option 'Sleeveless' selected: False [3564] option 'Tank' selected: False [3565] option 'Strap' selected: False [3566] StaticText 'Size' [3113] combobox 'notice-C8IYFS6' hasPopup: menu expanded: False
type [3618] [44.55] where [3618] is textbox '[global] Price * $' focused: True required: False
[ "None", "click [957] where [957] is textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "type [3618] [37.76] where [3618] is textbox '[global] Price * $' required: False" ]
Tab 0 (current): Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [957] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [150] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [153] link '\ue633 What is this?' [928] generic 'Save' [931] button 'Save' [932] button 'Save options' [929] button '\ue626 Back' [930] button 'Add Attribute' [2815] group '' [3457] StaticText 'Enable Product' [3116] checkbox '[website] Enable Product Yes' checked: true [3119] StaticText 'Attribute Set' [3101] generic 'Top' [3459] StaticText 'Product Name' [3102] textbox '[store view] Product Name *' required: False [3460] StaticText 'Minerva LumaTech&trade; V-Tee-S-Blue' [3461] StaticText 'SKU' [3103] textbox '[global] SKU *' required: False [3462] StaticText 'WS08-S-Blue' [2827] group '' [2872] LayoutTable '' [3658] StaticText 'Price' [3618] textbox '[global] Price * $' focused: True required: False [3686] StaticText '32.0037.76' [2830] button 'Advanced Pricing' [3465] StaticText 'Tax Class' [3105] combobox 'notice-PNQUJLO' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2831] group '' [2888] LayoutTable '' [3662] StaticText 'Quantity' [3466] textbox '[global] Quantity' required: False [3663] StaticText '100' [2834] button 'Advanced Inventory' [3468] StaticText 'Stock Status' [3107] combobox 'notice-O2Q1GMN' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2901] group '' [2904] LayoutTable '' [3664] StaticText 'Weight' [3627] textbox '[global] Weight lbs' required: False [3689] StaticText '1' [3470] combobox 'notice-UFQA5NH' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2835] group '' [2836] LayoutTable '' [3668] StaticText 'Categories' [2923] generic 'Default Category \ue62f Tees \ue62f Women Sale \ue62f Tees \ue62f' [2926] button '\ue62f' [2929] button '\ue62f' [2932] button '\ue62f' [3676] StaticText 'Tees' [2935] button '\ue62f' [2839] button 'New Category' [3471] StaticText 'Visibility' [3110] combobox 'notice-V1VXWJU' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2816] group '' [2817] LayoutTable '' [3678] StaticText 'Set Product as New From' [2820] textbox '[website] Set Product as New From' required: False [3900] button 'undefined \ue627' [3640] StaticText 'To' [2823] textbox 'To' required: False [3901] button 'undefined \ue627' [3473] StaticText 'Country of Manufacture' [3112] combobox 'notice-DYCQEYE' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [3474] StaticText 'Activity' [2965] listbox '[global] Activity' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3475] option 'Hike' selected: False [3476] option 'Outdoor' selected: False [3477] option 'Running' selected: False [3478] option 'Warmup' selected: False [3479] option 'Yoga' selected: False [3480] option 'Recreation' selected: False [3481] option 'Lounge' selected: False [3482] option 'Gym' selected: False [3483] option 'Climbing' selected: False [3484] option 'Crosstraining' selected: False [3485] option 'Post-workout' selected: False [3486] option 'Cycling' selected: False [3487] option 'Athletic' selected: False [3488] option 'Sports' selected: False [3489] option 'Hiking' selected: False [3490] option 'Overnight' selected: False [3491] option 'School' selected: False [3492] option 'Trail' selected: False [3493] option 'Travel' selected: False [3494] option 'Urban' selected: False [3495] StaticText 'Style General' [2973] listbox '[global] Style General' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3496] option 'Insulated' selected: False [3497] option 'Jacket' selected: False [3498] option 'Vest' selected: False [3499] option 'Lightweight' selected: False [3500] option 'Hooded' selected: False [3501] option 'Heavy Duty' selected: False [3502] option 'Rain Coat' selected: False [3503] option 'Hard Shell' selected: False [3504] option 'Soft Shell' selected: False [3505] option 'Windbreaker' selected: False [3506] option '&frac12; zip' selected: False [3507] option '&frac14; zip' selected: False [3508] option 'Full Zip' selected: False [3509] option 'Reversible' selected: False [3510] option 'Bra' selected: False [3511] option 'Hoodie' selected: False [3512] option 'Sweatshirt' selected: False [3513] option 'Polo' selected: False [3514] option 'Tank' selected: False [3515] option 'Tee' selected: False [3516] option 'Pullover' selected: False [3517] option 'Hoodie' selected: False [3518] option 'Cardigan' selected: False [3522] StaticText 'Material' [2981] listbox '[global] Material' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3523] option 'Burlap' selected: False [3524] option 'Cocona&reg; performance fabric' selected: False [3525] option 'Canvas' selected: False [3526] option 'Wool' selected: False [3527] option 'Cotton' selected: False [3528] option 'Fleece' selected: False [3529] option 'Faux Leather' selected: False [3530] option 'Hemp' selected: False [3531] option 'Jersey' selected: False [3532] option 'Leather' selected: False [3533] option 'LumaTech&trade;' selected: False [3534] option 'Mesh' selected: False [3535] option 'Lycra&reg;' selected: False [3536] option 'Nylon' selected: False [3537] option 'Microfiber' selected: False [3538] option 'Polyester' selected: False [3559] StaticText 'Sleeve' [2989] listbox '[global] Sleeve' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3560] option 'Sleeve' selected: False [3561] option 'Long-Sleeve' selected: False [3562] option 'Short-Sleeve' selected: False [3563] option 'Sleeveless' selected: False [3564] option 'Tank' selected: False [3565] option 'Strap' selected: False [3566] StaticText 'Size' [3113] combobox 'notice-C8IYFS6' hasPopup: menu expanded: False
Increase the price of this product by 18%
The next observation would show the updated price for the `Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue` product in the Magento Admin panel. The price textbox will now display `44.55`, reflecting an 18% increase from the previous price of `37.76`. The overall interface remains unchanged, maintaining the structure of the admin panel, with options to save, navigate, or modify other product details still accessible. This change effectively meets the user's objective of adjusting the product's price.
{ "neg_action0": "click [467]", "neg_action1": "scroll [up]", "neg_action2": null, "neg_action3": null, "neg_action4": null, "neg_action5": null, "neg_action6": "goto [http://example.com]", "neg_action7": null, "neg_action8": "close_tab", "neg_action9": "new_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation2": null, "neg_observation3": null, "neg_observation4": null, "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Example Domain", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Example Domain' focused: True", "\t[5] heading 'Example Domain'", "\t[9] StaticText 'This domain is for use in illustrative examples in documents. You may use this domain in literature without prior coordination or asking for permission.'", "\t[10] link 'More information...'" ], "neg_observation7": null, "neg_observation8": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0: OpenStreetMap | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ] }
[ "click [467]", "scroll [up]", "scroll [down]", "hover [36]", "click [210]", "type [3618] [0] [1]", "goto [http://example.com]", "press [Ctrl+s]", "close_tab", "new_tab" ]
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is now viewing the OpenStreetMap interface, rather than the Magento Admin Panel. The focus shifts to the OpenStreetMap root web area, indicating a loss of context from the previous product management task. The user can see various links and buttons related to mapping functions, which are unrelated to the original task of managing product attributes. This transition highlights a significant departure from the task of editing the product price to navigating to a completely different platform, leading to potential confusion and inefficiencies in the user's workflow.
Tab 0 (current): Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [957] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [150] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [153] link '\ue633 What is this?' [928] generic 'Save' [931] button 'Save' [932] button 'Save options' [929] button '\ue626 Back' [930] button 'Add Attribute' [2815] group '' [3457] StaticText 'Enable Product' [3116] checkbox '[website] Enable Product Yes' checked: true [3119] StaticText 'Attribute Set' [3101] generic 'Top' [3459] StaticText 'Product Name' [3102] textbox '[store view] Product Name *' required: False [3460] StaticText 'Minerva LumaTech&trade; V-Tee-S-Blue' [3461] StaticText 'SKU' [3103] textbox '[global] SKU *' required: False [3462] StaticText 'WS08-S-Blue' [2827] group '' [2872] LayoutTable '' [3658] StaticText 'Price' [3618] textbox '[global] Price * $' focused: True required: False [3686] StaticText '32.0037.44.5576' [2830] button 'Advanced Pricing' [3465] StaticText 'Tax Class' [3105] combobox 'notice-PNQUJLO' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2831] group '' [2888] LayoutTable '' [3662] StaticText 'Quantity' [3466] textbox '[global] Quantity' required: False [3663] StaticText '100' [2834] button 'Advanced Inventory' [3468] StaticText 'Stock Status' [3107] combobox 'notice-O2Q1GMN' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2901] group '' [2904] LayoutTable '' [3664] StaticText 'Weight' [3627] textbox '[global] Weight lbs' required: False [3689] StaticText '1' [3470] combobox 'notice-UFQA5NH' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2835] group '' [2836] LayoutTable '' [3668] StaticText 'Categories' [2923] generic 'Default Category \ue62f Tees \ue62f Women Sale \ue62f Tees \ue62f' [2926] button '\ue62f' [2929] button '\ue62f' [2932] button '\ue62f' [3676] StaticText 'Tees' [2935] button '\ue62f' [2839] button 'New Category' [3471] StaticText 'Visibility' [3110] combobox 'notice-V1VXWJU' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2816] group '' [2817] LayoutTable '' [3678] StaticText 'Set Product as New From' [2820] textbox '[website] Set Product as New From' required: False [3900] button 'undefined \ue627' [3640] StaticText 'To' [2823] textbox 'To' required: False [3901] button 'undefined \ue627' [3473] StaticText 'Country of Manufacture' [3112] combobox 'notice-DYCQEYE' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [3474] StaticText 'Activity' [2965] listbox '[global] Activity' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3475] option 'Hike' selected: False [3476] option 'Outdoor' selected: False [3477] option 'Running' selected: False [3478] option 'Warmup' selected: False [3479] option 'Yoga' selected: False [3480] option 'Recreation' selected: False [3481] option 'Lounge' selected: False [3482] option 'Gym' selected: False [3483] option 'Climbing' selected: False [3484] option 'Crosstraining' selected: False [3485] option 'Post-workout' selected: False [3486] option 'Cycling' selected: False [3487] option 'Athletic' selected: False [3488] option 'Sports' selected: False [3489] option 'Hiking' selected: False [3490] option 'Overnight' selected: False [3491] option 'School' selected: False [3492] option 'Trail' selected: False [3493] option 'Travel' selected: False [3494] option 'Urban' selected: False [3495] StaticText 'Style General' [2973] listbox '[global] Style General' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3496] option 'Insulated' selected: False [3497] option 'Jacket' selected: False [3498] option 'Vest' selected: False [3499] option 'Lightweight' selected: False [3500] option 'Hooded' selected: False [3501] option 'Heavy Duty' selected: False [3502] option 'Rain Coat' selected: False [3503] option 'Hard Shell' selected: False [3504] option 'Soft Shell' selected: False [3505] option 'Windbreaker' selected: False [3506] option '&frac12; zip' selected: False [3507] option '&frac14; zip' selected: False [3508] option 'Full Zip' selected: False [3509] option 'Reversible' selected: False [3510] option 'Bra' selected: False [3511] option 'Hoodie' selected: False [3512] option 'Sweatshirt' selected: False [3513] option 'Polo' selected: False [3514] option 'Tank' selected: False [3515] option 'Tee' selected: False [3516] option 'Pullover' selected: False [3517] option 'Hoodie' selected: False [3518] option 'Cardigan' selected: False [3522] StaticText 'Material' [2981] listbox '[global] Material' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3523] option 'Burlap' selected: False [3524] option 'Cocona&reg; performance fabric' selected: False [3525] option 'Canvas' selected: False [3526] option 'Wool' selected: False [3527] option 'Cotton' selected: False [3528] option 'Fleece' selected: False [3529] option 'Faux Leather' selected: False [3530] option 'Hemp' selected: False [3531] option 'Jersey' selected: False [3532] option 'Leather' selected: False [3533] option 'LumaTech&trade;' selected: False [3534] option 'Mesh' selected: False [3535] option 'Lycra&reg;' selected: False [3536] option 'Nylon' selected: False [3537] option 'Microfiber' selected: False [3538] option 'Polyester' selected: False [3559] StaticText 'Sleeve' [2989] listbox '[global] Sleeve' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3560] option 'Sleeve' selected: False [3561] option 'Long-Sleeve' selected: False [3562] option 'Short-Sleeve' selected: False [3563] option 'Sleeveless' selected: False [3564] option 'Tank' selected: False [3565] option 'Strap' selected: False [3566] StaticText 'Size' [3113] combobox 'notice-C8IYFS6' hasPopup: menu expanded: False
type [3618] [44.55] where [3618] is textbox '[global] Price * $' focused: True required: False
[ "None", "click [957] where [957] is textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "type [3618] [37.76] where [3618] is textbox '[global] Price * $' required: False" ]
Tab 0 (current): Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [957] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [150] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [153] link '\ue633 What is this?' [928] generic 'Save' [931] button 'Save' [932] button 'Save options' [929] button '\ue626 Back' [930] button 'Add Attribute' [2815] group '' [3457] StaticText 'Enable Product' [3116] checkbox '[website] Enable Product Yes' checked: true [3119] StaticText 'Attribute Set' [3101] generic 'Top' [3459] StaticText 'Product Name' [3102] textbox '[store view] Product Name *' required: False [3460] StaticText 'Minerva LumaTech&trade; V-Tee-S-Blue' [3461] StaticText 'SKU' [3103] textbox '[global] SKU *' required: False [3462] StaticText 'WS08-S-Blue' [2827] group '' [2872] LayoutTable '' [3658] StaticText 'Price' [3618] textbox '[global] Price * $' focused: True required: False [3686] StaticText '32.0037.76' [2830] button 'Advanced Pricing' [3465] StaticText 'Tax Class' [3105] combobox 'notice-PNQUJLO' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2831] group '' [2888] LayoutTable '' [3662] StaticText 'Quantity' [3466] textbox '[global] Quantity' required: False [3663] StaticText '100' [2834] button 'Advanced Inventory' [3468] StaticText 'Stock Status' [3107] combobox 'notice-O2Q1GMN' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2901] group '' [2904] LayoutTable '' [3664] StaticText 'Weight' [3627] textbox '[global] Weight lbs' required: False [3689] StaticText '1' [3470] combobox 'notice-UFQA5NH' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2835] group '' [2836] LayoutTable '' [3668] StaticText 'Categories' [2923] generic 'Default Category \ue62f Tees \ue62f Women Sale \ue62f Tees \ue62f' [2926] button '\ue62f' [2929] button '\ue62f' [2932] button '\ue62f' [3676] StaticText 'Tees' [2935] button '\ue62f' [2839] button 'New Category' [3471] StaticText 'Visibility' [3110] combobox 'notice-V1VXWJU' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2816] group '' [2817] LayoutTable '' [3678] StaticText 'Set Product as New From' [2820] textbox '[website] Set Product as New From' required: False [3900] button 'undefined \ue627' [3640] StaticText 'To' [2823] textbox 'To' required: False [3901] button 'undefined \ue627' [3473] StaticText 'Country of Manufacture' [3112] combobox 'notice-DYCQEYE' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [3474] StaticText 'Activity' [2965] listbox '[global] Activity' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3475] option 'Hike' selected: False [3476] option 'Outdoor' selected: False [3477] option 'Running' selected: False [3478] option 'Warmup' selected: False [3479] option 'Yoga' selected: False [3480] option 'Recreation' selected: False [3481] option 'Lounge' selected: False [3482] option 'Gym' selected: False [3483] option 'Climbing' selected: False [3484] option 'Crosstraining' selected: False [3485] option 'Post-workout' selected: False [3486] option 'Cycling' selected: False [3487] option 'Athletic' selected: False [3488] option 'Sports' selected: False [3489] option 'Hiking' selected: False [3490] option 'Overnight' selected: False [3491] option 'School' selected: False [3492] option 'Trail' selected: False [3493] option 'Travel' selected: False [3494] option 'Urban' selected: False [3495] StaticText 'Style General' [2973] listbox '[global] Style General' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3496] option 'Insulated' selected: False [3497] option 'Jacket' selected: False [3498] option 'Vest' selected: False [3499] option 'Lightweight' selected: False [3500] option 'Hooded' selected: False [3501] option 'Heavy Duty' selected: False [3502] option 'Rain Coat' selected: False [3503] option 'Hard Shell' selected: False [3504] option 'Soft Shell' selected: False [3505] option 'Windbreaker' selected: False [3506] option '&frac12; zip' selected: False [3507] option '&frac14; zip' selected: False [3508] option 'Full Zip' selected: False [3509] option 'Reversible' selected: False [3510] option 'Bra' selected: False [3511] option 'Hoodie' selected: False [3512] option 'Sweatshirt' selected: False [3513] option 'Polo' selected: False [3514] option 'Tank' selected: False [3515] option 'Tee' selected: False [3516] option 'Pullover' selected: False [3517] option 'Hoodie' selected: False [3518] option 'Cardigan' selected: False [3522] StaticText 'Material' [2981] listbox '[global] Material' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3523] option 'Burlap' selected: False [3524] option 'Cocona&reg; performance fabric' selected: False [3525] option 'Canvas' selected: False [3526] option 'Wool' selected: False [3527] option 'Cotton' selected: False [3528] option 'Fleece' selected: False [3529] option 'Faux Leather' selected: False [3530] option 'Hemp' selected: False [3531] option 'Jersey' selected: False [3532] option 'Leather' selected: False [3533] option 'LumaTech&trade;' selected: False [3534] option 'Mesh' selected: False [3535] option 'Lycra&reg;' selected: False [3536] option 'Nylon' selected: False [3537] option 'Microfiber' selected: False [3538] option 'Polyester' selected: False [3559] StaticText 'Sleeve' [2989] listbox '[global] Sleeve' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3560] option 'Sleeve' selected: False [3561] option 'Long-Sleeve' selected: False [3562] option 'Short-Sleeve' selected: False [3563] option 'Sleeveless' selected: False [3564] option 'Tank' selected: False [3565] option 'Strap' selected: False [3566] StaticText 'Size' [3113] combobox 'notice-C8IYFS6' hasPopup: menu expanded: False
Increase the price of this product by 18%
The next observation would show the updated price for the `Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue` product in the Magento Admin panel. The price textbox will now display `44.55`, reflecting an 18% increase from the previous price of `37.76`. The overall interface remains unchanged, maintaining the structure of the admin panel, with options to save, navigate, or modify other product details still accessible. This change effectively meets the user's objective of adjusting the product's price.
{ "neg_action0": "click [467]", "neg_action1": "scroll [up]", "neg_action2": null, "neg_action3": null, "neg_action4": null, "neg_action5": null, "neg_action6": "goto [http://example.com]", "neg_action7": null, "neg_action8": "close_tab", "neg_action9": "new_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation2": null, "neg_observation3": null, "neg_observation4": null, "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Example Domain", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Example Domain' focused: True", "\t[5] heading 'Example Domain'", "\t[9] StaticText 'This domain is for use in illustrative examples in documents. You may use this domain in literature without prior coordination or asking for permission.'", "\t[10] link 'More information...'" ], "neg_observation7": null, "neg_observation8": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0: OpenStreetMap | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ] }
[ "click [467]", "scroll [up]", "scroll [down]", "hover [36]", "click [210]", "type [3618] [0] [1]", "goto [http://example.com]", "press [Ctrl+s]", "close_tab", "new_tab" ]
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the user has shifted focus from the "Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue" product page to the "OpenStreetMap" tab, completely losing context of the previous tasks related to product management in Magento Admin. The root web area now reflects that "OpenStreetMap" is focused, displaying elements such as the OpenStreetMap logo, links for editing, and navigation buttons like "Zoom In" and "Zoom Out." This transition disrupts the workflow and indicates a significant usability issue, as the user is now interacting with a completely different application and content domain, straying away from their original intent.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True [72] generic '\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \ue62f Products Categories' [98] link '\ue62f' [99] menu '' orientation: vertical [280] menu '' orientation: vertical [419] link 'Products' [420] link 'Categories' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [597] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [598] StaticText 'Tax' [599] StaticText 'Shipping' [600] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [911] StaticText '$0.00' [913] StaticText 'Average Order' [918] StaticText 'Last Orders' [919] table '' [939] row '' [960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [961] columnheader 'Items' required: False [962] columnheader 'Total' required: False [940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [964] gridcell '5' required: False [965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [967] gridcell '4' required: False [968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [970] gridcell '3' required: False [971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [973] gridcell '4' required: False [974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [976] gridcell '2' required: False [977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [921] table '' [945] row '' [978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [979] columnheader 'Results' required: False [980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [982] gridcell '23' required: False [983] gridcell '1' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [984] gridcell 'nike' required: False [985] gridcell '0' required: False [986] gridcell '3' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [988] gridcell '10' required: False [989] gridcell '4' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [992] gridcell '19' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [994] gridcell '23' required: False [995] gridcell '2' required: False [922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [923] table '' [951] row '' [996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [997] columnheader 'Results' required: False [998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1000] gridcell '1' required: False [1001] gridcell '19' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1003] gridcell '10' required: False [1004] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1006] gridcell '23' required: False [1007] gridcell '2' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1009] gridcell '23' required: False [1010] gridcell '1' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1012] gridcell '1' required: False [1013] gridcell '1' required: False [870] contentinfo '' [875] link '\ue606' [876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [878] link 'Privacy Policy' [879] StaticText ' |' [880] link ' Account Activity' [881] StaticText ' | ' [882] link 'Report an Issue'
click [16] where [16] is link '\ue608 CATALOG'
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [597] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [598] StaticText 'Tax' [599] StaticText 'Shipping' [600] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [911] StaticText '$0.00' [913] StaticText 'Average Order' [918] StaticText 'Last Orders' [919] table '' [939] row '' [960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [961] columnheader 'Items' required: False [962] columnheader 'Total' required: False [940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [964] gridcell '5' required: False [965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [967] gridcell '4' required: False [968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [970] gridcell '3' required: False [971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [973] gridcell '4' required: False [974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [976] gridcell '2' required: False [977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [921] table '' [945] row '' [978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [979] columnheader 'Results' required: False [980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [982] gridcell '23' required: False [983] gridcell '1' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [984] gridcell 'nike' required: False [985] gridcell '0' required: False [986] gridcell '3' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [988] gridcell '10' required: False [989] gridcell '4' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [992] gridcell '19' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [994] gridcell '23' required: False [995] gridcell '2' required: False [922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [923] table '' [951] row '' [996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [997] columnheader 'Results' required: False [998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1000] gridcell '1' required: False [1001] gridcell '19' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1003] gridcell '10' required: False [1004] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1006] gridcell '23' required: False [1007] gridcell '2' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1009] gridcell '23' required: False [1010] gridcell '1' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1012] gridcell '1' required: False [1013] gridcell '1' required: False [870] contentinfo '' [875] link '\ue606' [876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [878] link 'Privacy Policy' [879] StaticText ' |' [880] link ' Account Activity' [881] StaticText ' | ' [882] link 'Report an Issue'
Add a new color red to black Alpha Sports Jacket
The next observation would be an updated view focusing on the catalog management area within the Magento Admin. This page retains the overall administrative interface, with the `CATALOG` section now active, allowing the user to manage products, including editing their attributes. The user can navigate to specific products, such as the `Alpha Sports Jacket`, and modify details such as adding a new color option, which is crucial for fulfilling the objective of adding the color red to the jacket. The layout remains consistent, providing access to various catalog-related functionalities.
{ "neg_action0": "hover [16]", "neg_action1": "click [34]", "neg_action2": "scroll [down]", "neg_action3": "type [64] [red Alpha Sports Jacket] [1]", "neg_action4": "click [2750]", "neg_action5": "type [2380] [Add Color Red to Black Alpha Sports Jacket] [1]", "neg_action6": "click [1818]", "neg_action7": "go_back", "neg_action8": "close_tab", "neg_action9": "new_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[12] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[133] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[135] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[145] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1880] main ''", "\t\t[1794] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2286] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2169] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1968] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2170] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1921] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1954] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2121] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1738] link 'All'", "\t\t[1528] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2307] link ''", "\t\t[2083] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2117] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2265] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2439] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1541] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2318] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2011] link '0'", "\t\t[2423] link '0'", "\t\t[1834] link '0'", "\t\t[2355] link '0'", "\t\t[1633] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2084] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2051] link 'A'", "\t\t[1799] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2021] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1865] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1623] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1755] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2312] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2002] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2447] link '1'", "\t\t[2014] link '0'", "\t\t[2079] link '0'", "\t\t[2425] link '1'", "\t\t[2007] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2031] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2400] link 'A'", "\t\t[1723] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2276] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2236] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2176] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2315] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2137] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1857] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2092] link '2'", "\t\t[1719] link '0'", "\t\t[1679] link '1'", "\t\t[1555] link '4'", "\t\t[2332] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1561] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1716] link 'A'", "\t\t[1795] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1754] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1585] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2409] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1904] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2152] link '20'", "\t\t[2292] link '0'", "\t\t[2287] link '10'", "\t\t[1648] link '40'", "\t\t[1686] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2130] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2352] link 'A'", "\t\t[2299] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1711] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1693] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2288] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1502] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1642] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1770] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2141] link '1'", "\t\t[1937] link '0'", "\t\t[2075] link '0'", "\t\t[1505] link '0'", "\t\t[1869] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1712] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2164] link 'A'", "\t\t[1815] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1654] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1917] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1602] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1735] link '0'", "\t\t[2178] link '0'", "\t\t[1889] link '0'", "\t\t[1823] link '0'", "\t\t[2174] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1599] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1787] link 'A'", "\t\t[2005] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2027] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2414] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1529] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1587] link '0'", "\t\t[1775] link '0'", "\t\t[1696] link '0'", "\t\t[1603] link '0'", "\t\t[1912] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1934] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2232] link 'A'", "\t\t[1640] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2333] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2167] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2023] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1607] link '0'", "\t\t[1609] link '0'", "\t\t[2160] link '0'", "\t\t[1935] link '0'", "\t\t[1920] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1991] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1879] link 'A'", "\t\t[2198] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1746] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2216] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2010] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1565] link '0'", "\t\t[2356] link '0'", "\t\t[2464] link '0'", "\t\t[1556] link '0'", "\t\t[1717] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1593] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2242] link 'B'", "\t\t[1848] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2018] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2172] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2365] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2413] link '0'", "\t\t[2112] link '0'", "\t\t[2187] link '0'", "\t\t[2476] link '0'", "\t\t[2042] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1542] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2325] link 'C'", "\t\t[1772] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2017] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1635] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2123] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1877] link '0'", "\t\t[1634] link '0'", "\t\t[1840] link '0'", "\t\t[1892] link '0'", "\t\t[1613] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1601] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1846] link ''", "\t\t[1914] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1852] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2379] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2334] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2403] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2135] link '0'", "\t\t[1643] link '0'", "\t\t[2048] link '0'", "\t\t[2186] link '0'", "\t\t[2043] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2279] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1664] link 'D'", "\t\t[2095] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2029] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1683] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1807] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1530] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2132] link '21'", "\t\t[2015] link '0'", "\t\t[1667] link '16'", "\t\t[2114] link '21'", "\t\t[1724] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2022] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1625] link 'D'", "\t\t[1955] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1690] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2060] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2360] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1960] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1705] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1777] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1650] link '0'", "\t\t[1742] link '0'", "\t\t[1763] link '0'", "\t\t[1525] link '1'", "\t\t[1509] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2380] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2261] link 'E'", "\t\t[2458] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2113] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1678] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1832] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2363] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2475] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1907] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1521] link '6'", "\t\t[2294] link '1'", "\t\t[2378] link '2'", "\t\t[2210] link '5'", "\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1821] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1951] link 'E'", "\t\t[1828] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1855] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1967] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1996] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2450] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1767] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1645] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1988] link '2'", "\t\t[1620] link '0'", "\t\t[2388] link '0'", "\t\t[1660] link '0'", "\t\t[2037] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1798] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1894] link 'G'", "\t\t[2253] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2199] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2215] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2308] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2045] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2344] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1524] link '0'", "\t\t[1896] link '0'", "\t\t[1788] link '0'", "\t\t[1931] link '0'", "\t\t[1652] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2069] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2202] link 'L'", "\t\t[2033] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1992] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1647] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1842] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1946] link '0'", "\t\t[1860] link '0'", "\t\t[2431] link '0'", "\t\t[2057] link '0'", "\t\t[2105] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1507] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2091] link 'M'", "\t\t[2371] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1631] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1560] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1766] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1532] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2038] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2351] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2032] link '6'", "\t\t[1966] link '0'", "\t\t[1753] link '2'", "\t\t[2103] link '4'", "\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2373] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1908] link 'N'", "\t\t[1545] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1588] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1995] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1757] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1964] link '0'", "\t\t[1655] link '0'", "\t\t[1508] link '0'", "\t\t[2076] link '0'", "\t\t[1906] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2157] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1605] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1802] link '1'", "\t\t[2399] link '2'", "\t\t[1843] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...' focused: True expanded: True describedby: gl-tooltip1", "\t[2976] link 'New project/repository'", "\t[2975] link 'New group'", "\t[2982] link 'New snippet'", "\t[107] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[147] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[108] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[149] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[110] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[111] link 'Help'", "\t[113] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[159] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1673] main ''", "\t\t[1931] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1719] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2431] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1801] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1721] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2315] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1974] button 'Name'", "\t\t[2291] link 'All'", "\t\t[1583] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1808] link ''", "\t\t[2248] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1740] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2176] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2137] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1779] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1539] link '0'", "\t\t[2311] link '0'", "\t\t[1747] link '0'", "\t\t[2231] link '0'", "\t\t[2067] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1551] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2179] link 'A'", "\t\t[1933] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1770] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2190] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2335] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2282] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1652] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1948] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1632] link '1'", "\t\t[2077] link '0'", "\t\t[2022] link '0'", "\t\t[2271] link '1'", "\t\t[2097] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2396] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2466] link 'A'", "\t\t[2004] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2296] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1745] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1995] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1495] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2216] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2041] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2055] link '2'", "\t\t[1728] link '0'", "\t\t[1796] link '1'", "\t\t[1535] link '4'", "\t\t[2281] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2268] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1852] link 'A'", "\t\t[2029] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1955] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2269] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1704] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2207] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2171] link '20'", "\t\t[2405] link '0'", "\t\t[1562] link '10'", "\t\t[1844] link '40'", "\t\t[1869] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1864] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1515] link 'A'", "\t\t[1516] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2166] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2454] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1804] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2417] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2389] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1986] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1754] link '1'", "\t\t[2025] link '0'", "\t\t[2409] link '0'", "\t\t[1893] link '0'", "\t\t[1913] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2309] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2118] link 'A'", "\t\t[1520] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2169] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1706] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1506] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2410] link '0'", "\t\t[2047] link '0'", "\t\t[1687] link '0'", "\t\t[1689] link '0'", "\t\t[2092] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1888] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1518] link 'A'", "\t\t[2440] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2439] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2280] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1903] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2187] link '0'", "\t\t[2185] link '0'", "\t\t[2106] link '0'", "\t\t[1811] link '0'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2476] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2157] link 'A'", "\t\t[2300] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2459] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1742] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2473] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1655] link '0'", "\t\t[1829] link '0'", "\t\t[1606] link '0'", "\t\t[1902] link '0'", "\t\t[2006] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1885] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2355] link 'A'", "\t\t[2099] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1790] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2183] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2265] link '0'", "\t\t[1784] link '0'", "\t\t[2167] link '0'", "\t\t[1604] link '0'", "\t\t[1664] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2400] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1763] link 'B'", "\t\t[1528] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2027] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2461] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2464] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1847] link '0'", "\t\t[2356] link '0'", "\t\t[1718] link '0'", "\t\t[1497] link '0'", "\t\t[2201] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2421] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2205] link 'C'", "\t\t[1901] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1579] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1927] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1788] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2064] link '0'", "\t\t[2177] link '0'", "\t\t[1924] link '0'", "\t\t[2266] link '0'", "\t\t[2049] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1674] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2040] link ''", "\t\t[1827] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1676] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2380] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1981] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2307] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1994] link '0'", "\t\t[1743] link '0'", "\t\t[2412] link '0'", "\t\t[2010] link '0'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1615] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1534] link 'D'", "\t\t[2238] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2162] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2257] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2331] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1820] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1617] link '21'", "\t\t[2434] link '0'", "\t\t[1720] link '16'", "\t\t[1597] link '21'", "\t\t[1691] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1982] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2349] link 'D'", "\t\t[2357] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2175] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1646] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1909] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2458] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1761] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1976] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1550] link '0'", "\t\t[2120] link '0'", "\t\t[2081] link '0'", "\t\t[2121] link '1'", "\t\t[2042] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1561] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1749] link 'E'", "\t\t[1540] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2397] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2018] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1549] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2302] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2003] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2181] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2262] link '6'", "\t\t[1832] link '1'", "\t\t[2066] link '2'", "\t\t[1541] link '5'", "\t\t[1601] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2132] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1608] link 'E'", "\t\t[1543] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1643] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1778] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2184] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2350] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2213] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1843] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2425] link '2'", "\t\t[1816] link '0'", "\t\t[1758] link '0'", "\t\t[2035] link '0'", "\t\t[2135] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2191] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2401] link 'G'", "\t\t[2297] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1966] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2371] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2020] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1739] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2358] link '0'", "\t\t[1577] link '0'", "\t\t[2452] link '0'", "\t\t[2324] link '0'", "\t\t[2411] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2448] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2342] link 'L'", "\t\t[1872] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1521] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1890] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2375] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1552] link '0'", "\t\t[2212] link '0'", "\t\t[1696] link '0'", "\t\t[2140] link '0'", "\t\t[1621] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2388] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2264] link 'M'", "\t\t[1944] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1659] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2370] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1880] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2246] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1671] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2221] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2444] link '6'", "\t\t[1548] link '0'", "\t\t[2089] link '2'", "\t\t[1809] link '4'", "\t\t[2072] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2024] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2299] link 'N'", "\t\t[2174] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1648] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1645] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2122] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2051] link '0'", "\t\t[1658] link '0'", "\t\t[2151] link '0'", "\t\t[1730] link '0'", "\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1750] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1768] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1806] link '1'", "\t\t[1868] link '2'", "\t\t[2156] link 'Next '", "\t[2983] tooltip 'Create new...'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[134] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[136] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[146] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1857] main ''", "\t\t[1776] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2274] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1982] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1730] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2098] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2247] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1994] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2295] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1508] link 'All'", "\t\t[1718] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1987] link ''", "\t\t[1846] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2041] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2319] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1783] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1894] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2001] link '0'", "\t\t[2057] link '0'", "\t\t[2401] link '0'", "\t\t[2121] link '0'", "\t\t[1845] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1781] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1870] link 'A'", "\t\t[2222] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1854] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2062] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2434] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1784] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1722] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1491] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1704] link '1'", "\t\t[1662] link '0'", "\t\t[1543] link '0'", "\t\t[1935] link '1'", "\t\t[1613] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2088] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2161] link 'A'", "\t\t[1573] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1517] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1611] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2032] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1666] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1672] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2279] link '2'", "\t\t[2275] link '0'", "\t\t[1631] link '1'", "\t\t[2445] link '4'", "\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2423] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2372] link 'A'", "\t\t[1679] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2364] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1734] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1727] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2326] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1919] link '20'", "\t\t[2052] link '0'", "\t\t[1486] link '10'", "\t\t[2346] link '40'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1603] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2452] link 'A'", "\t\t[1899] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1525] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1605] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1772] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2154] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1654] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1587] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1869] link '1'", "\t\t[1804] link '0'", "\t\t[2162] link '0'", "\t\t[2029] link '0'", "\t\t[1472] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1580] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2382] link 'A'", "\t\t[2339] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2148] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1914] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1916] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1682] link '0'", "\t\t[1591] link '0'", "\t\t[2113] link '0'", "\t\t[2191] link '0'", "\t\t[1851] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1820] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2254] link 'A'", "\t\t[1564] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1723] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2335] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1978] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2141] link '0'", "\t\t[1917] link '0'", "\t\t[2123] link '0'", "\t\t[2297] link '0'", "\t\t[1477] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1601] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1906] link 'A'", "\t\t[2384] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2414] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2359] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1579] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2443] link '0'", "\t\t[1544] link '0'", "\t\t[1705] link '0'", "\t\t[2224] link '0'", "\t\t[2063] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2102] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2352] link 'A'", "\t\t[2408] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2074] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2210] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1524] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2170] link '0'", "\t\t[2451] link '0'", "\t\t[1714] link '0'", "\t\t[2400] link '0'", "\t\t[1696] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1528] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1842] link 'B'", "\t\t[1523] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1762] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1974] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1540] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1674] link '0'", "\t\t[1886] link '0'", "\t\t[2022] link '0'", "\t\t[1577] link '0'", "\t\t[1685] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2454] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1538] link 'C'", "\t\t[1653] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2425] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1645] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2433] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1552] link '0'", "\t\t[1539] link '0'", "\t\t[2243] link '0'", "\t\t[2166] link '0'", "\t\t[1765] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1536] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1792] link ''", "\t\t[2094] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2197] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2328] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2126] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2065] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2220] link '0'", "\t\t[2325] link '0'", "\t\t[2281] link '0'", "\t\t[1922] link '0'", "\t\t[2046] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2337] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1671] link 'D'", "\t\t[1975] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1946] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1604] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2269] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1991] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2241] link '21'", "\t\t[2202] link '0'", "\t\t[2083] link '16'", "\t\t[1959] link '21'", "\t\t[2089] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2044] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2185] link 'D'", "\t\t[2064] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1811] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1503] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1824] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1719] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2234] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2055] link '0'", "\t\t[2008] link '0'", "\t\t[1629] link '0'", "\t\t[2056] link '1'", "\t\t[1839] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1877] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1961] link 'E'", "\t\t[1933] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1984] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1843] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1625] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1928] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2235] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2358] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2348] link '6'", "\t\t[1547] link '1'", "\t\t[2412] link '2'", "\t\t[1786] link '5'", "\t\t[2184] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1665] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1622] link 'E'", "\t\t[2014] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2294] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1947] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2444] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1957] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1803] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1530] link '2'", "\t\t[1986] link '0'", "\t\t[1670] link '0'", "\t\t[2432] link '0'", "\t\t[2053] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1979] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2393] link 'G'", "\t\t[1637] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1763] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1480] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2138] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2111] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2067] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1678] link '0'", "\t\t[1879] link '0'", "\t\t[1853] link '0'", "\t\t[1881] link '0'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1512] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2266] link 'L'", "\t\t[1598] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2329] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1589] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2207] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2380] link '0'", "\t\t[2307] link '0'", "\t\t[1794] link '0'", "\t\t[1568] link '0'", "\t\t[1575] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1683] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1545] link 'M'", "\t\t[1774] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1741] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1501] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1475] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2073] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2435] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1632] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2268] link '6'", "\t\t[2012] link '0'", "\t\t[2195] link '2'", "\t\t[1787] link '4'", "\t\t[2270] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2038] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1533] link 'N'", "\t\t[1888] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1900] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1802] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1726] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2369] link '0'", "\t\t[2332] link '0'", "\t\t[2149] link '0'", "\t\t[1819] link '0'", "\t\t[1950] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1862] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1771] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1616] link '1'", "\t\t[1822] link '2'", "\t\t[1872] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3021] RootWebArea 'red Alpha Sports Jacket · Search · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3025] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[3038] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3061] link ''", "\t[3054] link 'Create new...'", "\t[3056] link 'Issues'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: True", "\t[2995] list '' focused: True", "\t\t[3022] StaticText 'Switch to'", "\t\t[3006] button 'Projects'", "\t\t[2992] button 'Groups'", "\t\t[2979] StaticText 'Explore'", "\t\t[3035] link 'Milestones'", "\t\t[3059] link 'Snippets'", "\t\t[3014] link 'Activity'", "\t\t[3015] searchbox 'Search your projects'", "\t\t[3041] StaticText 'Frequently visited'", "\t\t[3026] StaticText 'Projects you visit often will appear here'", "\t\t[3031] link 'View all projects'", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[135] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[137] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[147] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1868] main ''", "\t\t[1791] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2298] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2268] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1612] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1608] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2319] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1873] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2040] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1732] link 'All'", "\t\t[1731] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1880] link ''", "\t\t[2141] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1853] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2177] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1517] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2450] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2066] link '0'", "\t\t[1587] link '0'", "\t\t[2087] link '0'", "\t\t[1718] link '0'", "\t\t[1523] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1700] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2178] link 'A'", "\t\t[1939] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1627] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1490] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1538] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2407] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1782] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2043] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1973] link '1'", "\t\t[1573] link '0'", "\t\t[2151] link '0'", "\t\t[2303] link '1'", "\t\t[2192] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2106] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2391] link 'A'", "\t\t[2464] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1813] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1545] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2381] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2317] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1771] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1741] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2113] link '2'", "\t\t[1790] link '0'", "\t\t[2142] link '1'", "\t\t[1925] link '4'", "\t\t[2190] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1588] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2471] link 'A'", "\t\t[2366] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1618] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2363] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2283] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1788] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1875] link '20'", "\t\t[1733] link '0'", "\t\t[2176] link '10'", "\t\t[1879] link '40'", "\t\t[2361] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1713] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2400] link 'A'", "\t\t[2041] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1496] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2000] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2171] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1905] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2382] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1923] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1592] link '1'", "\t\t[1776] link '0'", "\t\t[1694] link '0'", "\t\t[1606] link '0'", "\t\t[1860] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1830] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2278] link 'A'", "\t\t[1637] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1737] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2169] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1987] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1609] link '0'", "\t\t[1610] link '0'", "\t\t[2160] link '0'", "\t\t[1924] link '0'", "\t\t[1503] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1616] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1914] link 'A'", "\t\t[2202] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2429] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2223] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1596] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1569] link '0'", "\t\t[2353] link '0'", "\t\t[2460] link '0'", "\t\t[1562] link '0'", "\t\t[2079] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2121] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2372] link 'A'", "\t\t[1840] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2093] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2172] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1542] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2408] link '0'", "\t\t[2110] link '0'", "\t\t[2187] link '0'", "\t\t[2470] link '0'", "\t\t[1708] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1546] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1849] link 'A'", "\t\t[1774] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1780] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1632] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1865] link '0'", "\t\t[2273] link '0'", "\t\t[1686] link '0'", "\t\t[1896] link '0'", "\t\t[1699] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2473] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1556] link 'B'", "\t\t[2193] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2440] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1678] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2446] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2253] link '0'", "\t\t[1999] link '0'", "\t\t[1571] link '0'", "\t\t[1557] link '0'", "\t\t[1783] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1554] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1804] link 'C'", "\t\t[1634] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2219] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2114] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2145] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2329] link '0'", "\t\t[1745] link '0'", "\t\t[2241] link '0'", "\t\t[2345] link '0'", "\t\t[2090] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1810] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1744] link ''", "\t\t[1929] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1751] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2197] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2181] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1642] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1629] link '0'", "\t\t[2076] link '0'", "\t\t[2011] link '0'", "\t\t[2289] link '0'", "\t\t[1586] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1736] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1560] link 'D'", "\t\t[1997] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1928] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1743] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1494] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2061] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2259] link '21'", "\t\t[2070] link '0'", "\t\t[2016] link '16'", "\t\t[1645] link '21'", "\t\t[2256] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2435] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1787] link 'D'", "\t\t[1993] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1859] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1937] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1702] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2336] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2477] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1946] link '0'", "\t\t[2368] link '0'", "\t\t[1565] link '0'", "\t\t[2427] link '1'", "\t\t[2376] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2272] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1881] link 'E'", "\t\t[2318] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1730] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2022] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1489] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1967] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2199] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2014] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2226] link '6'", "\t\t[1548] link '1'", "\t\t[1991] link '2'", "\t\t[1683] link '5'", "\t\t[1817] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2343] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2377] link 'E'", "\t\t[1941] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1958] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1652] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2096] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2287] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1854] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1974] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1851] link '2'", "\t\t[1706] link '0'", "\t\t[1691] link '0'", "\t\t[1889] link '0'", "\t\t[2390] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2367] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2136] link 'G'", "\t\t[2002] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2461] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2250] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2267] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2415] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1514] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2398] link '0'", "\t\t[2331] link '0'", "\t\t[1807] link '0'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[1750] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1785] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1640] link 'L'", "\t\t[1789] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1578] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1525] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1638] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2033] link '0'", "\t\t[2291] link '0'", "\t\t[2020] link '0'", "\t\t[2216] link '0'", "\t\t[1657] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2234] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2355] link 'M'", "\t\t[2161] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1626] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1898] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2419] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1963] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2056] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2052] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2385] link '6'", "\t\t[2354] link '0'", "\t\t[2168] link '2'", "\t\t[1829] link '4'", "\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1660] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1684] link 'N'", "\t\t[1688] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1870] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2059] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2296] link '0'", "\t\t[1994] link '0'", "\t\t[2183] link '0'", "\t\t[1955] link '0'", "\t\t[2449] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2346] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2441] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1980] link '1'", "\t\t[2130] link '2'", "\t\t[2008] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3021] RootWebArea 'ports Jacket · Search · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3025] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[3038] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3061] link ''", "\t[3054] link 'Create new...'", "\t[3056] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[3072] generic '12 assigned issues'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[137] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[139] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[149] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1835] main ''", "\t\t[1756] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2261] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2374] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1845] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2016] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1682] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1700] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2325] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1799] link 'All'", "\t\t[1575] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2450] link ''", "\t\t[2083] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2436] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1755] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2224] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1824] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2342] link '0'", "\t\t[2339] link '0'", "\t\t[1777] link '0'", "\t\t[1877] link '0'", "\t\t[2034] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2153] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2379] link 'A'", "\t\t[1840] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1891] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1698] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2204] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1801] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1970] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2357] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2015] link '1'", "\t\t[1973] link '0'", "\t\t[2390] link '0'", "\t\t[2336] link '1'", "\t\t[2216] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2241] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2245] link 'A'", "\t\t[1562] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2192] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1738] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1598] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1480] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1616] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1589] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1608] link '2'", "\t\t[2138] link '0'", "\t\t[1554] link '1'", "\t\t[2333] link '4'", "\t\t[2202] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1527] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1882] link 'A'", "\t\t[1584] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2092] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2130] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2093] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2059] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2190] link '20'", "\t\t[2381] link '0'", "\t\t[2354] link '10'", "\t\t[2187] link '40'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2369] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2348] link 'A'", "\t\t[2437] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1678] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1536] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1743] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2174] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2439] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1533] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2407] link '1'", "\t\t[2194] link '0'", "\t\t[2152] link '0'", "\t\t[2388] link '0'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2452] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1819] link 'A'", "\t\t[2449] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2420] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1693] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2425] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1517] link '0'", "\t\t[1953] link '0'", "\t\t[2104] link '0'", "\t\t[1832] link '0'", "\t\t[1745] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1529] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1531] link 'A'", "\t\t[1862] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2183] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2004] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2113] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1639] link '0'", "\t\t[1629] link '0'", "\t\t[1786] link '0'", "\t\t[2217] link '0'", "\t\t[2056] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1778] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1770] link 'A'", "\t\t[1532] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1715] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2232] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2149] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2323] link '0'", "\t\t[2414] link '0'", "\t\t[1518] link '0'", "\t\t[2289] link '0'", "\t\t[1524] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1559] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1711] link 'A'", "\t\t[2320] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1701] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2267] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1798] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2206] link '0'", "\t\t[2250] link '0'", "\t\t[2043] link '0'", "\t\t[1601] link '0'", "\t\t[1852] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1765] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1535] link 'B'", "\t\t[2252] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1578] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1592] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1870] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1888] link '0'", "\t\t[1924] link '0'", "\t\t[1689] link '0'", "\t\t[2427] link '0'", "\t\t[2038] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1955] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2154] link 'C'", "\t\t[1764] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1555] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1514] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1528] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2256] link '0'", "\t\t[2095] link '0'", "\t\t[2144] link '0'", "\t\t[2287] link '0'", "\t\t[2279] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2219] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2076] link ''", "\t\t[2147] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1774] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2383] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1543] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2066] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1496] link '0'", "\t\t[2428] link '0'", "\t\t[1767] link '0'", "\t\t[1488] link '0'", "\t\t[2296] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2309] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2318] link 'D'", "\t\t[1718] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2085] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1994] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2271] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2454] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1499] link '21'", "\t\t[1669] link '0'", "\t\t[1599] link '16'", "\t\t[2075] link '21'", "\t\t[2435] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2077] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2358] link 'D'", "\t\t[2018] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2069] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1653] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2167] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2128] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2107] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1839] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2262] link '0'", "\t\t[1486] link '0'", "\t\t[1734] link '0'", "\t\t[2050] link '1'", "\t\t[1723] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1603] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2182] link 'E'", "\t\t[2079] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2283] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1782] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2432] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1510] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1787] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1883] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2321] link '6'", "\t\t[1826] link '1'", "\t\t[1680] link '2'", "\t\t[1621] link '5'", "\t\t[1563] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1663] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1997] link 'E'", "\t\t[2353] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1724] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2238] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1478] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2058] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2328] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1619] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1992] link '2'", "\t\t[2301] link '0'", "\t\t[1576] link '0'", "\t\t[2001] link '0'", "\t\t[2259] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2023] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1507] link 'G'", "\t\t[1648] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1878] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2280] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2401] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1934] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1933] link '0'", "\t\t[1590] link '0'", "\t\t[2062] link '0'", "\t\t[2249] link '0'", "\t\t[1860] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1780] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1785] link 'L'", "\t\t[1547] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2408] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2002] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2327] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1742] link '0'", "\t\t[1794] link '0'", "\t\t[2127] link '0'", "\t\t[2100] link '0'", "\t\t[1697] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2121] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1587] link 'M'", "\t\t[2438] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2300] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2051] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1610] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1961] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2080] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1946] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2065] link '6'", "\t\t[1491] link '0'", "\t\t[1600] link '2'", "\t\t[2411] link '4'", "\t\t[1640] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2048] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2140] link 'N'", "\t\t[2324] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1795] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1519] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1747] link '0'", "\t\t[1552] link '0'", "\t\t[1673] link '0'", "\t\t[1609] link '0'", "\t\t[1984] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1817] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1990] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1656] link '1'", "\t\t[2031] link '2'", "\t\t[2335] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[2972] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0: Projects · Dashboard · GitLab | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ] }
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[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...' focused: True expanded: True describedby: gl-tooltip1", "\t[2976] link 'New project/repository'", "\t[2975] link 'New group'", "\t[2982] link 'New snippet'", "\t[107] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[147] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[108] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[149] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[110] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[111] link 'Help'", "\t[113] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[159] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1673] main ''", "\t\t[1931] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1719] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2431] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1801] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1721] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2315] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1974] button 'Name'", "\t\t[2291] link 'All'", "\t\t[1583] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1808] link ''", "\t\t[2248] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1740] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2176] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2137] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1779] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1539] link '0'", "\t\t[2311] link '0'", "\t\t[1747] link '0'", "\t\t[2231] link '0'", "\t\t[2067] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1551] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2179] link 'A'", "\t\t[1933] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1770] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2190] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2335] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2282] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1652] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1948] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1632] link '1'", "\t\t[2077] link '0'", "\t\t[2022] link '0'", "\t\t[2271] link '1'", "\t\t[2097] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2396] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2466] link 'A'", "\t\t[2004] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2296] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1745] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1995] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1495] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2216] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2041] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2055] link '2'", "\t\t[1728] link '0'", "\t\t[1796] link '1'", "\t\t[1535] link '4'", "\t\t[2281] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2268] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1852] link 'A'", "\t\t[2029] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1955] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2269] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1704] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2207] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2171] link '20'", "\t\t[2405] link '0'", "\t\t[1562] link '10'", "\t\t[1844] link '40'", "\t\t[1869] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1864] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1515] link 'A'", "\t\t[1516] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2166] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2454] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1804] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2417] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2389] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1986] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1754] link '1'", "\t\t[2025] link '0'", "\t\t[2409] link '0'", "\t\t[1893] link '0'", "\t\t[1913] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2309] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2118] link 'A'", "\t\t[1520] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2169] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1706] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1506] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2410] link '0'", "\t\t[2047] link '0'", "\t\t[1687] link '0'", "\t\t[1689] link '0'", "\t\t[2092] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1888] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1518] link 'A'", "\t\t[2440] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2439] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2280] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1903] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2187] link '0'", "\t\t[2185] link '0'", "\t\t[2106] link '0'", "\t\t[1811] link '0'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2476] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2157] link 'A'", "\t\t[2300] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2459] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1742] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2473] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1655] link '0'", "\t\t[1829] link '0'", "\t\t[1606] link '0'", "\t\t[1902] link '0'", "\t\t[2006] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1885] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2355] link 'A'", "\t\t[2099] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1790] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2183] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2265] link '0'", "\t\t[1784] link '0'", "\t\t[2167] link '0'", "\t\t[1604] link '0'", "\t\t[1664] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2400] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1763] link 'B'", "\t\t[1528] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2027] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2461] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2464] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1847] link '0'", "\t\t[2356] link '0'", "\t\t[1718] link '0'", "\t\t[1497] link '0'", "\t\t[2201] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2421] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2205] link 'C'", "\t\t[1901] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1579] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1927] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1788] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2064] link '0'", "\t\t[2177] link '0'", "\t\t[1924] link '0'", "\t\t[2266] link '0'", "\t\t[2049] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1674] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2040] link ''", "\t\t[1827] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1676] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2380] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1981] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2307] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1994] link '0'", "\t\t[1743] link '0'", "\t\t[2412] link '0'", "\t\t[2010] link '0'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1615] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1534] link 'D'", "\t\t[2238] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2162] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2257] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2331] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1820] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1617] link '21'", "\t\t[2434] link '0'", "\t\t[1720] link '16'", "\t\t[1597] link '21'", "\t\t[1691] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1982] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2349] link 'D'", "\t\t[2357] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2175] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1646] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1909] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2458] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1761] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1976] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1550] link '0'", "\t\t[2120] link '0'", "\t\t[2081] link '0'", "\t\t[2121] link '1'", "\t\t[2042] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1561] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1749] link 'E'", "\t\t[1540] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2397] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2018] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1549] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2302] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2003] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2181] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2262] link '6'", "\t\t[1832] link '1'", "\t\t[2066] link '2'", "\t\t[1541] link '5'", "\t\t[1601] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2132] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1608] link 'E'", "\t\t[1543] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1643] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1778] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2184] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2350] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2213] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1843] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2425] link '2'", "\t\t[1816] link '0'", "\t\t[1758] link '0'", "\t\t[2035] link '0'", "\t\t[2135] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2191] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2401] link 'G'", "\t\t[2297] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1966] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2371] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2020] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1739] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2358] link '0'", "\t\t[1577] link '0'", "\t\t[2452] link '0'", "\t\t[2324] link '0'", "\t\t[2411] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2448] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2342] link 'L'", "\t\t[1872] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1521] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1890] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2375] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1552] link '0'", "\t\t[2212] link '0'", "\t\t[1696] link '0'", "\t\t[2140] link '0'", "\t\t[1621] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2388] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2264] link 'M'", "\t\t[1944] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1659] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2370] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1880] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2246] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1671] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2221] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2444] link '6'", "\t\t[1548] link '0'", "\t\t[2089] link '2'", "\t\t[1809] link '4'", "\t\t[2072] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2024] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2299] link 'N'", "\t\t[2174] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1648] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1645] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2122] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2051] link '0'", "\t\t[1658] link '0'", "\t\t[2151] link '0'", "\t\t[1730] link '0'", "\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1750] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1768] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1806] link '1'", "\t\t[1868] link '2'", "\t\t[2156] link 'Next '", "\t[2983] tooltip 'Create new...'" ]
The next observation would be 'Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab', indicating that the user has transitioned from the Magento Admin Dashboard to a GitLab interface. The focus has shifted to a different web application, specifically the GitLab project management platform, where new project creation options and related features are now visible. The previous Magento interface elements are no longer present, as the new context emphasizes project handling in GitLab. ### For NEGATIVE ACTION 2: scroll [down]
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[134] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[136] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[146] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1857] main ''", "\t\t[1776] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2274] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1982] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1730] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2098] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2247] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1994] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2295] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1508] link 'All'", "\t\t[1718] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1987] link ''", "\t\t[1846] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2041] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2319] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1783] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1894] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2001] link '0'", "\t\t[2057] link '0'", "\t\t[2401] link '0'", "\t\t[2121] link '0'", "\t\t[1845] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1781] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1870] link 'A'", "\t\t[2222] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1854] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2062] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2434] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1784] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1722] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1491] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1704] link '1'", "\t\t[1662] link '0'", "\t\t[1543] link '0'", "\t\t[1935] link '1'", "\t\t[1613] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2088] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2161] link 'A'", "\t\t[1573] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1517] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1611] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2032] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1666] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1672] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2279] link '2'", "\t\t[2275] link '0'", "\t\t[1631] link '1'", "\t\t[2445] link '4'", "\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2423] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2372] link 'A'", "\t\t[1679] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2364] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1734] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1727] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2326] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1919] link '20'", "\t\t[2052] link '0'", "\t\t[1486] link '10'", "\t\t[2346] link '40'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1603] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2452] link 'A'", "\t\t[1899] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1525] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1605] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1772] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2154] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1654] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1587] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1869] link '1'", "\t\t[1804] link '0'", "\t\t[2162] link '0'", "\t\t[2029] link '0'", "\t\t[1472] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1580] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2382] link 'A'", "\t\t[2339] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2148] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1914] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1916] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1682] link '0'", "\t\t[1591] link '0'", "\t\t[2113] link '0'", "\t\t[2191] link '0'", "\t\t[1851] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1820] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2254] link 'A'", "\t\t[1564] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1723] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2335] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1978] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2141] link '0'", "\t\t[1917] link '0'", "\t\t[2123] link '0'", "\t\t[2297] link '0'", "\t\t[1477] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1601] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1906] link 'A'", "\t\t[2384] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2414] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2359] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1579] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2443] link '0'", "\t\t[1544] link '0'", "\t\t[1705] link '0'", "\t\t[2224] link '0'", "\t\t[2063] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2102] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2352] link 'A'", "\t\t[2408] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2074] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2210] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1524] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2170] link '0'", "\t\t[2451] link '0'", "\t\t[1714] link '0'", "\t\t[2400] link '0'", "\t\t[1696] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1528] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1842] link 'B'", "\t\t[1523] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1762] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1974] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1540] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1674] link '0'", "\t\t[1886] link '0'", "\t\t[2022] link '0'", "\t\t[1577] link '0'", "\t\t[1685] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2454] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1538] link 'C'", "\t\t[1653] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2425] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1645] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2433] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1552] link '0'", "\t\t[1539] link '0'", "\t\t[2243] link '0'", "\t\t[2166] link '0'", "\t\t[1765] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1536] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1792] link ''", "\t\t[2094] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2197] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2328] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2126] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2065] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2220] link '0'", "\t\t[2325] link '0'", "\t\t[2281] link '0'", "\t\t[1922] link '0'", "\t\t[2046] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2337] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1671] link 'D'", "\t\t[1975] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1946] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1604] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2269] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1991] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2241] link '21'", "\t\t[2202] link '0'", "\t\t[2083] link '16'", "\t\t[1959] link '21'", "\t\t[2089] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2044] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2185] link 'D'", "\t\t[2064] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1811] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1503] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1824] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1719] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2234] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2055] link '0'", "\t\t[2008] link '0'", "\t\t[1629] link '0'", "\t\t[2056] link '1'", "\t\t[1839] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1877] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1961] link 'E'", "\t\t[1933] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1984] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1843] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1625] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1928] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2235] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2358] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2348] link '6'", "\t\t[1547] link '1'", "\t\t[2412] link '2'", "\t\t[1786] link '5'", "\t\t[2184] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1665] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1622] link 'E'", "\t\t[2014] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2294] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1947] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2444] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1957] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1803] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1530] link '2'", "\t\t[1986] link '0'", "\t\t[1670] link '0'", "\t\t[2432] link '0'", "\t\t[2053] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1979] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2393] link 'G'", "\t\t[1637] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1763] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1480] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2138] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2111] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2067] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1678] link '0'", "\t\t[1879] link '0'", "\t\t[1853] link '0'", "\t\t[1881] link '0'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1512] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2266] link 'L'", "\t\t[1598] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2329] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1589] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2207] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2380] link '0'", "\t\t[2307] link '0'", "\t\t[1794] link '0'", "\t\t[1568] link '0'", "\t\t[1575] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1683] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1545] link 'M'", "\t\t[1774] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1741] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1501] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1475] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2073] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2435] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1632] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2268] link '6'", "\t\t[2012] link '0'", "\t\t[2195] link '2'", "\t\t[1787] link '4'", "\t\t[2270] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2038] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1533] link 'N'", "\t\t[1888] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1900] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1802] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1726] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2369] link '0'", "\t\t[2332] link '0'", "\t\t[2149] link '0'", "\t\t[1819] link '0'", "\t\t[1950] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1862] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1771] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1616] link '1'", "\t\t[1822] link '2'", "\t\t[1872] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be 'Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab', which maintains the focus on the GitLab platform. The scroll allows the user to view more project-related information, including additional links and options for managing projects and groups. This indicates an exploration of content within the same GitLab interface, enhancing the user's ability to navigate through available functionalities. ### For NEGATIVE ACTION 3: type [64] [red Alpha Sports Jacket] [1]
type [64] [red Alpha Sports Jacket] [1]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3021] RootWebArea 'red Alpha Sports Jacket · Search · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3025] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[3038] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3061] link ''", "\t[3054] link 'Create new...'", "\t[3056] link 'Issues'" ]
The next observation would be 'Tab {idx}', indicating that the focus has transitioned to a search results page for the term 'red Alpha Sports Jacket' within GitLab. This reflects a change in context as the user seeks specific project-related information, departing from the general projects dashboard to a more focused search functionality. ### For NEGATIVE ACTION 4: click [2750]
click [2750]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: True", "\t[2995] list '' focused: True", "\t\t[3022] StaticText 'Switch to'", "\t\t[3006] button 'Projects'", "\t\t[2992] button 'Groups'", "\t\t[2979] StaticText 'Explore'", "\t\t[3035] link 'Milestones'", "\t\t[3059] link 'Snippets'", "\t\t[3014] link 'Activity'", "\t\t[3015] searchbox 'Search your projects'", "\t\t[3041] StaticText 'Frequently visited'", "\t\t[3026] StaticText 'Projects you visit often will appear here'", "\t\t[3031] link 'View all projects'", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[135] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[137] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[147] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1868] main ''", "\t\t[1791] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2298] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2268] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1612] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1608] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2319] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1873] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2040] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1732] link 'All'", "\t\t[1731] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1880] link ''", "\t\t[2141] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1853] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2177] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1517] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2450] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2066] link '0'", "\t\t[1587] link '0'", "\t\t[2087] link '0'", "\t\t[1718] link '0'", "\t\t[1523] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1700] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2178] link 'A'", "\t\t[1939] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1627] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1490] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1538] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2407] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1782] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2043] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1973] link '1'", "\t\t[1573] link '0'", "\t\t[2151] link '0'", "\t\t[2303] link '1'", "\t\t[2192] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2106] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2391] link 'A'", "\t\t[2464] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1813] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1545] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2381] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2317] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1771] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1741] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2113] link '2'", "\t\t[1790] link '0'", "\t\t[2142] link '1'", "\t\t[1925] link '4'", "\t\t[2190] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1588] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2471] link 'A'", "\t\t[2366] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1618] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2363] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2283] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1788] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1875] link '20'", "\t\t[1733] link '0'", "\t\t[2176] link '10'", "\t\t[1879] link '40'", "\t\t[2361] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1713] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2400] link 'A'", "\t\t[2041] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1496] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2000] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2171] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1905] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2382] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1923] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1592] link '1'", "\t\t[1776] link '0'", "\t\t[1694] link '0'", "\t\t[1606] link '0'", "\t\t[1860] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1830] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2278] link 'A'", "\t\t[1637] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1737] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2169] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1987] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1609] link '0'", "\t\t[1610] link '0'", "\t\t[2160] link '0'", "\t\t[1924] link '0'", "\t\t[1503] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1616] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1914] link 'A'", "\t\t[2202] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2429] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2223] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1596] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1569] link '0'", "\t\t[2353] link '0'", "\t\t[2460] link '0'", "\t\t[1562] link '0'", "\t\t[2079] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2121] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2372] link 'A'", "\t\t[1840] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2093] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2172] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1542] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2408] link '0'", "\t\t[2110] link '0'", "\t\t[2187] link '0'", "\t\t[2470] link '0'", "\t\t[1708] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1546] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1849] link 'A'", "\t\t[1774] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1780] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1632] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1865] link '0'", "\t\t[2273] link '0'", "\t\t[1686] link '0'", "\t\t[1896] link '0'", "\t\t[1699] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2473] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1556] link 'B'", "\t\t[2193] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2440] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1678] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2446] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2253] link '0'", "\t\t[1999] link '0'", "\t\t[1571] link '0'", "\t\t[1557] link '0'", "\t\t[1783] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1554] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1804] link 'C'", "\t\t[1634] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2219] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2114] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2145] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2329] link '0'", "\t\t[1745] link '0'", "\t\t[2241] link '0'", "\t\t[2345] link '0'", "\t\t[2090] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1810] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1744] link ''", "\t\t[1929] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1751] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2197] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2181] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1642] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1629] link '0'", "\t\t[2076] link '0'", "\t\t[2011] link '0'", "\t\t[2289] link '0'", "\t\t[1586] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1736] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1560] link 'D'", "\t\t[1997] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1928] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1743] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1494] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2061] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2259] link '21'", "\t\t[2070] link '0'", "\t\t[2016] link '16'", "\t\t[1645] link '21'", "\t\t[2256] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2435] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1787] link 'D'", "\t\t[1993] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1859] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1937] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1702] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2336] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2477] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1946] link '0'", "\t\t[2368] link '0'", "\t\t[1565] link '0'", "\t\t[2427] link '1'", "\t\t[2376] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2272] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1881] link 'E'", "\t\t[2318] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1730] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2022] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1489] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1967] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2199] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2014] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2226] link '6'", "\t\t[1548] link '1'", "\t\t[1991] link '2'", "\t\t[1683] link '5'", "\t\t[1817] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2343] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2377] link 'E'", "\t\t[1941] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1958] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1652] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2096] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2287] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1854] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1974] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1851] link '2'", "\t\t[1706] link '0'", "\t\t[1691] link '0'", "\t\t[1889] link '0'", "\t\t[2390] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2367] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2136] link 'G'", "\t\t[2002] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2461] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2250] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2267] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2415] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1514] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2398] link '0'", "\t\t[2331] link '0'", "\t\t[1807] link '0'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[1750] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1785] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1640] link 'L'", "\t\t[1789] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1578] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1525] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1638] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2033] link '0'", "\t\t[2291] link '0'", "\t\t[2020] link '0'", "\t\t[2216] link '0'", "\t\t[1657] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2234] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2355] link 'M'", "\t\t[2161] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1626] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1898] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2419] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1963] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2056] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2052] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2385] link '6'", "\t\t[2354] link '0'", "\t\t[2168] link '2'", "\t\t[1829] link '4'", "\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1660] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1684] link 'N'", "\t\t[1688] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1870] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2059] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2296] link '0'", "\t\t[1994] link '0'", "\t\t[2183] link '0'", "\t\t[1955] link '0'", "\t\t[2449] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2346] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2441] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1980] link '1'", "\t\t[2130] link '2'", "\t\t[2008] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be 'Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab', where the focus remains on the GitLab interface but now includes an expanded menu of options. This indicates that the user has accessed a menu to switch between different project-related functionalities, allowing for easier navigation and access to various project management tools without leaving the GitLab environment.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True [72] generic '\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \ue62f Products Categories' [98] link '\ue62f' [99] menu '' orientation: vertical [280] menu '' orientation: vertical [419] link 'Products' [420] link 'Categories' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [597] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [598] StaticText 'Tax' [599] StaticText 'Shipping' [600] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [911] StaticText '$0.00' [913] StaticText 'Average Order' [918] StaticText 'Last Orders' [919] table '' [939] row '' [960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [961] columnheader 'Items' required: False [962] columnheader 'Total' required: False [940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [964] gridcell '5' required: False [965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [967] gridcell '4' required: False [968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [970] gridcell '3' required: False [971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [973] gridcell '4' required: False [974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [976] gridcell '2' required: False [977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [921] table '' [945] row '' [978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [979] columnheader 'Results' required: False [980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [982] gridcell '23' required: False [983] gridcell '1' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [984] gridcell 'nike' required: False [985] gridcell '0' required: False [986] gridcell '3' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [988] gridcell '10' required: False [989] gridcell '4' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [992] gridcell '19' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [994] gridcell '23' required: False [995] gridcell '2' required: False [922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [923] table '' [951] row '' [996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [997] columnheader 'Results' required: False [998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1000] gridcell '1' required: False [1001] gridcell '19' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1003] gridcell '10' required: False [1004] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1006] gridcell '23' required: False [1007] gridcell '2' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1009] gridcell '23' required: False [1010] gridcell '1' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1012] gridcell '1' required: False [1013] gridcell '1' required: False [870] contentinfo '' [875] link '\ue606' [876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [878] link 'Privacy Policy' [879] StaticText ' |' [880] link ' Account Activity' [881] StaticText ' | ' [882] link 'Report an Issue'
click [16] where [16] is link '\ue608 CATALOG'
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [597] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [598] StaticText 'Tax' [599] StaticText 'Shipping' [600] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [911] StaticText '$0.00' [913] StaticText 'Average Order' [918] StaticText 'Last Orders' [919] table '' [939] row '' [960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [961] columnheader 'Items' required: False [962] columnheader 'Total' required: False [940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [964] gridcell '5' required: False [965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [967] gridcell '4' required: False [968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [970] gridcell '3' required: False [971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [973] gridcell '4' required: False [974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [976] gridcell '2' required: False [977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [921] table '' [945] row '' [978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [979] columnheader 'Results' required: False [980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [982] gridcell '23' required: False [983] gridcell '1' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [984] gridcell 'nike' required: False [985] gridcell '0' required: False [986] gridcell '3' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [988] gridcell '10' required: False [989] gridcell '4' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [992] gridcell '19' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [994] gridcell '23' required: False [995] gridcell '2' required: False [922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [923] table '' [951] row '' [996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [997] columnheader 'Results' required: False [998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1000] gridcell '1' required: False [1001] gridcell '19' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1003] gridcell '10' required: False [1004] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1006] gridcell '23' required: False [1007] gridcell '2' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1009] gridcell '23' required: False [1010] gridcell '1' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1012] gridcell '1' required: False [1013] gridcell '1' required: False [870] contentinfo '' [875] link '\ue606' [876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [878] link 'Privacy Policy' [879] StaticText ' |' [880] link ' Account Activity' [881] StaticText ' | ' [882] link 'Report an Issue'
Add a new color red to black Alpha Sports Jacket
The next observation would be an updated view focusing on the catalog management area within the Magento Admin. This page retains the overall administrative interface, with the `CATALOG` section now active, allowing the user to manage products, including editing their attributes. The user can navigate to specific products, such as the `Alpha Sports Jacket`, and modify details such as adding a new color option, which is crucial for fulfilling the objective of adding the color red to the jacket. The layout remains consistent, providing access to various catalog-related functionalities.
{ "neg_action0": "hover [16]", "neg_action1": "click [34]", "neg_action2": "scroll [down]", "neg_action3": "type [64] [red Alpha Sports Jacket] [1]", "neg_action4": "click [2750]", "neg_action5": "type [2380] [Add Color Red to Black Alpha Sports Jacket] [1]", "neg_action6": "click [1818]", "neg_action7": "go_back", "neg_action8": "close_tab", "neg_action9": "new_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[12] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[133] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[135] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[145] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1880] main ''", "\t\t[1794] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2286] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2169] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1968] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2170] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1921] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1954] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2121] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1738] link 'All'", "\t\t[1528] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2307] link ''", "\t\t[2083] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2117] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2265] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2439] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1541] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2318] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2011] link '0'", "\t\t[2423] link '0'", "\t\t[1834] link '0'", "\t\t[2355] link '0'", "\t\t[1633] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2084] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2051] link 'A'", "\t\t[1799] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2021] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1865] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1623] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1755] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2312] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2002] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2447] link '1'", "\t\t[2014] link '0'", "\t\t[2079] link '0'", "\t\t[2425] link '1'", "\t\t[2007] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2031] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2400] link 'A'", "\t\t[1723] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2276] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2236] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2176] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2315] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2137] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1857] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2092] link '2'", "\t\t[1719] link '0'", "\t\t[1679] link '1'", "\t\t[1555] link '4'", "\t\t[2332] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1561] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1716] link 'A'", "\t\t[1795] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1754] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1585] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2409] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1904] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2152] link '20'", "\t\t[2292] link '0'", "\t\t[2287] link '10'", "\t\t[1648] link '40'", "\t\t[1686] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2130] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2352] link 'A'", "\t\t[2299] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1711] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1693] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2288] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1502] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1642] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1770] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2141] link '1'", "\t\t[1937] link '0'", "\t\t[2075] link '0'", "\t\t[1505] link '0'", "\t\t[1869] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1712] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2164] link 'A'", "\t\t[1815] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1654] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1917] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1602] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1735] link '0'", "\t\t[2178] link '0'", "\t\t[1889] link '0'", "\t\t[1823] link '0'", "\t\t[2174] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1599] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1787] link 'A'", "\t\t[2005] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2027] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2414] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1529] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1587] link '0'", "\t\t[1775] link '0'", "\t\t[1696] link '0'", "\t\t[1603] link '0'", "\t\t[1912] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1934] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2232] link 'A'", "\t\t[1640] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2333] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2167] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2023] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1607] link '0'", "\t\t[1609] link '0'", "\t\t[2160] link '0'", "\t\t[1935] link '0'", "\t\t[1920] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1991] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1879] link 'A'", "\t\t[2198] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1746] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2216] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2010] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1565] link '0'", "\t\t[2356] link '0'", "\t\t[2464] link '0'", "\t\t[1556] link '0'", "\t\t[1717] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1593] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2242] link 'B'", "\t\t[1848] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2018] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2172] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2365] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2413] link '0'", "\t\t[2112] link '0'", "\t\t[2187] link '0'", "\t\t[2476] link '0'", "\t\t[2042] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1542] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2325] link 'C'", "\t\t[1772] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2017] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1635] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2123] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1877] link '0'", "\t\t[1634] link '0'", "\t\t[1840] link '0'", "\t\t[1892] link '0'", "\t\t[1613] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1601] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1846] link ''", "\t\t[1914] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1852] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2379] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2334] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2403] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2135] link '0'", "\t\t[1643] link '0'", "\t\t[2048] link '0'", "\t\t[2186] link '0'", "\t\t[2043] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2279] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1664] link 'D'", "\t\t[2095] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2029] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1683] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1807] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1530] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2132] link '21'", "\t\t[2015] link '0'", "\t\t[1667] link '16'", "\t\t[2114] link '21'", "\t\t[1724] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2022] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1625] link 'D'", "\t\t[1955] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1690] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2060] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2360] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1960] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1705] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1777] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1650] link '0'", "\t\t[1742] link '0'", "\t\t[1763] link '0'", "\t\t[1525] link '1'", "\t\t[1509] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2380] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2261] link 'E'", "\t\t[2458] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2113] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1678] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1832] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2363] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2475] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1907] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1521] link '6'", "\t\t[2294] link '1'", "\t\t[2378] link '2'", "\t\t[2210] link '5'", "\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1821] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1951] link 'E'", "\t\t[1828] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1855] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1967] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1996] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2450] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1767] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1645] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1988] link '2'", "\t\t[1620] link '0'", "\t\t[2388] link '0'", "\t\t[1660] link '0'", "\t\t[2037] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1798] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1894] link 'G'", "\t\t[2253] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2199] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2215] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2308] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2045] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2344] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1524] link '0'", "\t\t[1896] link '0'", "\t\t[1788] link '0'", "\t\t[1931] link '0'", "\t\t[1652] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2069] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2202] link 'L'", "\t\t[2033] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1992] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1647] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1842] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1946] link '0'", "\t\t[1860] link '0'", "\t\t[2431] link '0'", "\t\t[2057] link '0'", "\t\t[2105] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1507] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2091] link 'M'", "\t\t[2371] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1631] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1560] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1766] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1532] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2038] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2351] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2032] link '6'", "\t\t[1966] link '0'", "\t\t[1753] link '2'", "\t\t[2103] link '4'", "\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2373] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1908] link 'N'", "\t\t[1545] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1588] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1995] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1757] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1964] link '0'", "\t\t[1655] link '0'", "\t\t[1508] link '0'", "\t\t[2076] link '0'", "\t\t[1906] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2157] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1605] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1802] link '1'", "\t\t[2399] link '2'", "\t\t[1843] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...' focused: True expanded: True describedby: gl-tooltip1", "\t[2976] link 'New project/repository'", "\t[2975] link 'New group'", "\t[2982] link 'New snippet'", "\t[107] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[147] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[108] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[149] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[110] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[111] link 'Help'", "\t[113] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[159] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1673] main ''", "\t\t[1931] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1719] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2431] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1801] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1721] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2315] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1974] button 'Name'", "\t\t[2291] link 'All'", "\t\t[1583] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1808] link ''", "\t\t[2248] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1740] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2176] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2137] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1779] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1539] link '0'", "\t\t[2311] link '0'", "\t\t[1747] link '0'", "\t\t[2231] link '0'", "\t\t[2067] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1551] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2179] link 'A'", "\t\t[1933] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1770] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2190] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2335] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2282] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1652] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1948] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1632] link '1'", "\t\t[2077] link '0'", "\t\t[2022] link '0'", "\t\t[2271] link '1'", "\t\t[2097] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2396] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2466] link 'A'", "\t\t[2004] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2296] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1745] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1995] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1495] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2216] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2041] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2055] link '2'", "\t\t[1728] link '0'", "\t\t[1796] link '1'", "\t\t[1535] link '4'", "\t\t[2281] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2268] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1852] link 'A'", "\t\t[2029] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1955] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2269] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1704] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2207] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2171] link '20'", "\t\t[2405] link '0'", "\t\t[1562] link '10'", "\t\t[1844] link '40'", "\t\t[1869] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1864] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1515] link 'A'", "\t\t[1516] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2166] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2454] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1804] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2417] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2389] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1986] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1754] link '1'", "\t\t[2025] link '0'", "\t\t[2409] link '0'", "\t\t[1893] link '0'", "\t\t[1913] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2309] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2118] link 'A'", "\t\t[1520] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2169] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1706] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1506] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2410] link '0'", "\t\t[2047] link '0'", "\t\t[1687] link '0'", "\t\t[1689] link '0'", "\t\t[2092] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1888] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1518] link 'A'", "\t\t[2440] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2439] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2280] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1903] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2187] link '0'", "\t\t[2185] link '0'", "\t\t[2106] link '0'", "\t\t[1811] link '0'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2476] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2157] link 'A'", "\t\t[2300] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2459] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1742] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2473] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1655] link '0'", "\t\t[1829] link '0'", "\t\t[1606] link '0'", "\t\t[1902] link '0'", "\t\t[2006] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1885] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2355] link 'A'", "\t\t[2099] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1790] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2183] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2265] link '0'", "\t\t[1784] link '0'", "\t\t[2167] link '0'", "\t\t[1604] link '0'", "\t\t[1664] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2400] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1763] link 'B'", "\t\t[1528] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2027] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2461] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2464] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1847] link '0'", "\t\t[2356] link '0'", "\t\t[1718] link '0'", "\t\t[1497] link '0'", "\t\t[2201] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2421] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2205] link 'C'", "\t\t[1901] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1579] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1927] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1788] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2064] link '0'", "\t\t[2177] link '0'", "\t\t[1924] link '0'", "\t\t[2266] link '0'", "\t\t[2049] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1674] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2040] link ''", "\t\t[1827] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1676] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2380] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1981] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2307] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1994] link '0'", "\t\t[1743] link '0'", "\t\t[2412] link '0'", "\t\t[2010] link '0'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1615] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1534] link 'D'", "\t\t[2238] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2162] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2257] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2331] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1820] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1617] link '21'", "\t\t[2434] link '0'", "\t\t[1720] link '16'", "\t\t[1597] link '21'", "\t\t[1691] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1982] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2349] link 'D'", "\t\t[2357] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2175] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1646] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1909] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2458] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1761] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1976] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1550] link '0'", "\t\t[2120] link '0'", "\t\t[2081] link '0'", "\t\t[2121] link '1'", "\t\t[2042] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1561] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1749] link 'E'", "\t\t[1540] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2397] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2018] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1549] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2302] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2003] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2181] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2262] link '6'", "\t\t[1832] link '1'", "\t\t[2066] link '2'", "\t\t[1541] link '5'", "\t\t[1601] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2132] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1608] link 'E'", "\t\t[1543] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1643] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1778] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2184] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2350] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2213] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1843] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2425] link '2'", "\t\t[1816] link '0'", "\t\t[1758] link '0'", "\t\t[2035] link '0'", "\t\t[2135] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2191] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2401] link 'G'", "\t\t[2297] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1966] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2371] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2020] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1739] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2358] link '0'", "\t\t[1577] link '0'", "\t\t[2452] link '0'", "\t\t[2324] link '0'", "\t\t[2411] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2448] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2342] link 'L'", "\t\t[1872] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1521] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1890] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2375] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1552] link '0'", "\t\t[2212] link '0'", "\t\t[1696] link '0'", "\t\t[2140] link '0'", "\t\t[1621] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2388] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2264] link 'M'", "\t\t[1944] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1659] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2370] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1880] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2246] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1671] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2221] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2444] link '6'", "\t\t[1548] link '0'", "\t\t[2089] link '2'", "\t\t[1809] link '4'", "\t\t[2072] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2024] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2299] link 'N'", "\t\t[2174] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1648] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1645] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2122] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2051] link '0'", "\t\t[1658] link '0'", "\t\t[2151] link '0'", "\t\t[1730] link '0'", "\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1750] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1768] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1806] link '1'", "\t\t[1868] link '2'", "\t\t[2156] link 'Next '", "\t[2983] tooltip 'Create new...'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[134] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[136] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[146] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1857] main ''", "\t\t[1776] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2274] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1982] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1730] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2098] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2247] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1994] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2295] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1508] link 'All'", "\t\t[1718] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1987] link ''", "\t\t[1846] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2041] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2319] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1783] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1894] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2001] link '0'", "\t\t[2057] link '0'", "\t\t[2401] link '0'", "\t\t[2121] link '0'", "\t\t[1845] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1781] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1870] link 'A'", "\t\t[2222] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1854] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2062] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2434] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1784] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1722] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1491] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1704] link '1'", "\t\t[1662] link '0'", "\t\t[1543] link '0'", "\t\t[1935] link '1'", "\t\t[1613] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2088] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2161] link 'A'", "\t\t[1573] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1517] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1611] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2032] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1666] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1672] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2279] link '2'", "\t\t[2275] link '0'", "\t\t[1631] link '1'", "\t\t[2445] link '4'", "\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2423] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2372] link 'A'", "\t\t[1679] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2364] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1734] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1727] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2326] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1919] link '20'", "\t\t[2052] link '0'", "\t\t[1486] link '10'", "\t\t[2346] link '40'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1603] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2452] link 'A'", "\t\t[1899] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1525] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1605] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1772] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2154] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1654] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1587] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1869] link '1'", "\t\t[1804] link '0'", "\t\t[2162] link '0'", "\t\t[2029] link '0'", "\t\t[1472] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1580] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2382] link 'A'", "\t\t[2339] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2148] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1914] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1916] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1682] link '0'", "\t\t[1591] link '0'", "\t\t[2113] link '0'", "\t\t[2191] link '0'", "\t\t[1851] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1820] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2254] link 'A'", "\t\t[1564] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1723] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2335] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1978] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2141] link '0'", "\t\t[1917] link '0'", "\t\t[2123] link '0'", "\t\t[2297] link '0'", "\t\t[1477] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1601] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1906] link 'A'", "\t\t[2384] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2414] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2359] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1579] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2443] link '0'", "\t\t[1544] link '0'", "\t\t[1705] link '0'", "\t\t[2224] link '0'", "\t\t[2063] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2102] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2352] link 'A'", "\t\t[2408] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2074] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2210] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1524] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2170] link '0'", "\t\t[2451] link '0'", "\t\t[1714] link '0'", "\t\t[2400] link '0'", "\t\t[1696] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1528] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1842] link 'B'", "\t\t[1523] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1762] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1974] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1540] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1674] link '0'", "\t\t[1886] link '0'", "\t\t[2022] link '0'", "\t\t[1577] link '0'", "\t\t[1685] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2454] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1538] link 'C'", "\t\t[1653] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2425] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1645] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2433] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1552] link '0'", "\t\t[1539] link '0'", "\t\t[2243] link '0'", "\t\t[2166] link '0'", "\t\t[1765] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1536] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1792] link ''", "\t\t[2094] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2197] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2328] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2126] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2065] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2220] link '0'", "\t\t[2325] link '0'", "\t\t[2281] link '0'", "\t\t[1922] link '0'", "\t\t[2046] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2337] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1671] link 'D'", "\t\t[1975] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1946] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1604] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2269] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1991] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2241] link '21'", "\t\t[2202] link '0'", "\t\t[2083] link '16'", "\t\t[1959] link '21'", "\t\t[2089] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2044] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2185] link 'D'", "\t\t[2064] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1811] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1503] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1824] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1719] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2234] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2055] link '0'", "\t\t[2008] link '0'", "\t\t[1629] link '0'", "\t\t[2056] link '1'", "\t\t[1839] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1877] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1961] link 'E'", "\t\t[1933] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1984] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1843] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1625] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1928] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2235] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2358] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2348] link '6'", "\t\t[1547] link '1'", "\t\t[2412] link '2'", "\t\t[1786] link '5'", "\t\t[2184] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1665] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1622] link 'E'", "\t\t[2014] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2294] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1947] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2444] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1957] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1803] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1530] link '2'", "\t\t[1986] link '0'", "\t\t[1670] link '0'", "\t\t[2432] link '0'", "\t\t[2053] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1979] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2393] link 'G'", "\t\t[1637] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1763] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1480] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2138] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2111] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2067] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1678] link '0'", "\t\t[1879] link '0'", "\t\t[1853] link '0'", "\t\t[1881] link '0'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1512] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2266] link 'L'", "\t\t[1598] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2329] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1589] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2207] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2380] link '0'", "\t\t[2307] link '0'", "\t\t[1794] link '0'", "\t\t[1568] link '0'", "\t\t[1575] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1683] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1545] link 'M'", "\t\t[1774] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1741] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1501] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1475] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2073] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2435] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1632] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2268] link '6'", "\t\t[2012] link '0'", "\t\t[2195] link '2'", "\t\t[1787] link '4'", "\t\t[2270] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2038] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1533] link 'N'", "\t\t[1888] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1900] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1802] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1726] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2369] link '0'", "\t\t[2332] link '0'", "\t\t[2149] link '0'", "\t\t[1819] link '0'", "\t\t[1950] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1862] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1771] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1616] link '1'", "\t\t[1822] link '2'", "\t\t[1872] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3021] RootWebArea 'red Alpha Sports Jacket · Search · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3025] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[3038] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3061] link ''", "\t[3054] link 'Create new...'", "\t[3056] link 'Issues'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: True", "\t[2995] list '' focused: True", "\t\t[3022] StaticText 'Switch to'", "\t\t[3006] button 'Projects'", "\t\t[2992] button 'Groups'", "\t\t[2979] StaticText 'Explore'", "\t\t[3035] link 'Milestones'", "\t\t[3059] link 'Snippets'", "\t\t[3014] link 'Activity'", "\t\t[3015] searchbox 'Search your projects'", "\t\t[3041] StaticText 'Frequently visited'", "\t\t[3026] StaticText 'Projects you visit often will appear here'", "\t\t[3031] link 'View all projects'", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[135] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[137] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[147] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1868] main ''", "\t\t[1791] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2298] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2268] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1612] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1608] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2319] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1873] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2040] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1732] link 'All'", "\t\t[1731] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1880] link ''", "\t\t[2141] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1853] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2177] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1517] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2450] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2066] link '0'", "\t\t[1587] link '0'", "\t\t[2087] link '0'", "\t\t[1718] link '0'", "\t\t[1523] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1700] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2178] link 'A'", "\t\t[1939] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1627] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1490] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1538] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2407] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1782] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2043] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1973] link '1'", "\t\t[1573] link '0'", "\t\t[2151] link '0'", "\t\t[2303] link '1'", "\t\t[2192] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2106] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2391] link 'A'", "\t\t[2464] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1813] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1545] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2381] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2317] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1771] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1741] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2113] link '2'", "\t\t[1790] link '0'", "\t\t[2142] link '1'", "\t\t[1925] link '4'", "\t\t[2190] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1588] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2471] link 'A'", "\t\t[2366] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1618] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2363] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2283] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1788] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1875] link '20'", "\t\t[1733] link '0'", "\t\t[2176] link '10'", "\t\t[1879] link '40'", "\t\t[2361] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1713] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2400] link 'A'", "\t\t[2041] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1496] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2000] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2171] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1905] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2382] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1923] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1592] link '1'", "\t\t[1776] link '0'", "\t\t[1694] link '0'", "\t\t[1606] link '0'", "\t\t[1860] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1830] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2278] link 'A'", "\t\t[1637] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1737] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2169] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1987] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1609] link '0'", "\t\t[1610] link '0'", "\t\t[2160] link '0'", "\t\t[1924] link '0'", "\t\t[1503] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1616] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1914] link 'A'", "\t\t[2202] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2429] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2223] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1596] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1569] link '0'", "\t\t[2353] link '0'", "\t\t[2460] link '0'", "\t\t[1562] link '0'", "\t\t[2079] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2121] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2372] link 'A'", "\t\t[1840] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2093] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2172] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1542] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2408] link '0'", "\t\t[2110] link '0'", "\t\t[2187] link '0'", "\t\t[2470] link '0'", "\t\t[1708] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1546] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1849] link 'A'", "\t\t[1774] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1780] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1632] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1865] link '0'", "\t\t[2273] link '0'", "\t\t[1686] link '0'", "\t\t[1896] link '0'", "\t\t[1699] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2473] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1556] link 'B'", "\t\t[2193] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2440] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1678] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2446] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2253] link '0'", "\t\t[1999] link '0'", "\t\t[1571] link '0'", "\t\t[1557] link '0'", "\t\t[1783] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1554] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1804] link 'C'", "\t\t[1634] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2219] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2114] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2145] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2329] link '0'", "\t\t[1745] link '0'", "\t\t[2241] link '0'", "\t\t[2345] link '0'", "\t\t[2090] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1810] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1744] link ''", "\t\t[1929] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1751] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2197] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2181] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1642] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1629] link '0'", "\t\t[2076] link '0'", "\t\t[2011] link '0'", "\t\t[2289] link '0'", "\t\t[1586] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1736] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1560] link 'D'", "\t\t[1997] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1928] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1743] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1494] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2061] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2259] link '21'", "\t\t[2070] link '0'", "\t\t[2016] link '16'", "\t\t[1645] link '21'", "\t\t[2256] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2435] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1787] link 'D'", "\t\t[1993] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1859] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1937] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1702] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2336] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2477] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1946] link '0'", "\t\t[2368] link '0'", "\t\t[1565] link '0'", "\t\t[2427] link '1'", "\t\t[2376] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2272] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1881] link 'E'", "\t\t[2318] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1730] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2022] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1489] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1967] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2199] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2014] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2226] link '6'", "\t\t[1548] link '1'", "\t\t[1991] link '2'", "\t\t[1683] link '5'", "\t\t[1817] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2343] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2377] link 'E'", "\t\t[1941] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1958] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1652] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2096] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2287] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1854] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1974] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1851] link '2'", "\t\t[1706] link '0'", "\t\t[1691] link '0'", "\t\t[1889] link '0'", "\t\t[2390] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2367] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2136] link 'G'", "\t\t[2002] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2461] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2250] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2267] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2415] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1514] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2398] link '0'", "\t\t[2331] link '0'", "\t\t[1807] link '0'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[1750] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1785] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1640] link 'L'", "\t\t[1789] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1578] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1525] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1638] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2033] link '0'", "\t\t[2291] link '0'", "\t\t[2020] link '0'", "\t\t[2216] link '0'", "\t\t[1657] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2234] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2355] link 'M'", "\t\t[2161] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1626] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1898] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2419] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1963] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2056] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2052] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2385] link '6'", "\t\t[2354] link '0'", "\t\t[2168] link '2'", "\t\t[1829] link '4'", "\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1660] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1684] link 'N'", "\t\t[1688] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1870] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2059] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2296] link '0'", "\t\t[1994] link '0'", "\t\t[2183] link '0'", "\t\t[1955] link '0'", "\t\t[2449] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2346] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2441] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1980] link '1'", "\t\t[2130] link '2'", "\t\t[2008] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3021] RootWebArea 'ports Jacket · Search · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3025] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[3038] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3061] link ''", "\t[3054] link 'Create new...'", "\t[3056] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[3072] generic '12 assigned issues'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[137] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[139] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[149] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1835] main ''", "\t\t[1756] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2261] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2374] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1845] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2016] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1682] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1700] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2325] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1799] link 'All'", "\t\t[1575] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2450] link ''", "\t\t[2083] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2436] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1755] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2224] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1824] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2342] link '0'", "\t\t[2339] link '0'", "\t\t[1777] link '0'", "\t\t[1877] link '0'", "\t\t[2034] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2153] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2379] link 'A'", "\t\t[1840] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1891] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1698] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2204] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1801] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1970] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2357] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2015] link '1'", "\t\t[1973] link '0'", "\t\t[2390] link '0'", "\t\t[2336] link '1'", "\t\t[2216] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2241] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2245] link 'A'", "\t\t[1562] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2192] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1738] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1598] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1480] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1616] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1589] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1608] link '2'", "\t\t[2138] link '0'", "\t\t[1554] link '1'", "\t\t[2333] link '4'", "\t\t[2202] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1527] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1882] link 'A'", "\t\t[1584] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2092] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2130] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2093] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2059] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2190] link '20'", "\t\t[2381] link '0'", "\t\t[2354] link '10'", "\t\t[2187] link '40'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2369] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2348] link 'A'", "\t\t[2437] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1678] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1536] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1743] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2174] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2439] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1533] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2407] link '1'", "\t\t[2194] link '0'", "\t\t[2152] link '0'", "\t\t[2388] link '0'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2452] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1819] link 'A'", "\t\t[2449] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2420] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1693] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2425] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1517] link '0'", "\t\t[1953] link '0'", "\t\t[2104] link '0'", "\t\t[1832] link '0'", "\t\t[1745] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1529] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1531] link 'A'", "\t\t[1862] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2183] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2004] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2113] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1639] link '0'", "\t\t[1629] link '0'", "\t\t[1786] link '0'", "\t\t[2217] link '0'", "\t\t[2056] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1778] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1770] link 'A'", "\t\t[1532] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1715] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2232] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2149] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2323] link '0'", "\t\t[2414] link '0'", "\t\t[1518] link '0'", "\t\t[2289] link '0'", "\t\t[1524] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1559] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1711] link 'A'", "\t\t[2320] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1701] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2267] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1798] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2206] link '0'", "\t\t[2250] link '0'", "\t\t[2043] link '0'", "\t\t[1601] link '0'", "\t\t[1852] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1765] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1535] link 'B'", "\t\t[2252] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1578] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1592] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1870] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1888] link '0'", "\t\t[1924] link '0'", "\t\t[1689] link '0'", "\t\t[2427] link '0'", "\t\t[2038] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1955] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2154] link 'C'", "\t\t[1764] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1555] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1514] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1528] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2256] link '0'", "\t\t[2095] link '0'", "\t\t[2144] link '0'", "\t\t[2287] link '0'", "\t\t[2279] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2219] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2076] link ''", "\t\t[2147] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1774] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2383] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1543] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2066] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1496] link '0'", "\t\t[2428] link '0'", "\t\t[1767] link '0'", "\t\t[1488] link '0'", "\t\t[2296] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2309] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2318] link 'D'", "\t\t[1718] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2085] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1994] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2271] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2454] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1499] link '21'", "\t\t[1669] link '0'", "\t\t[1599] link '16'", "\t\t[2075] link '21'", "\t\t[2435] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2077] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2358] link 'D'", "\t\t[2018] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2069] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1653] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2167] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2128] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2107] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1839] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2262] link '0'", "\t\t[1486] link '0'", "\t\t[1734] link '0'", "\t\t[2050] link '1'", "\t\t[1723] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1603] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2182] link 'E'", "\t\t[2079] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2283] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1782] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2432] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1510] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1787] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1883] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2321] link '6'", "\t\t[1826] link '1'", "\t\t[1680] link '2'", "\t\t[1621] link '5'", "\t\t[1563] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1663] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1997] link 'E'", "\t\t[2353] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1724] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2238] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1478] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2058] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2328] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1619] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1992] link '2'", "\t\t[2301] link '0'", "\t\t[1576] link '0'", "\t\t[2001] link '0'", "\t\t[2259] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2023] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1507] link 'G'", "\t\t[1648] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1878] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2280] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2401] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1934] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1933] link '0'", "\t\t[1590] link '0'", "\t\t[2062] link '0'", "\t\t[2249] link '0'", "\t\t[1860] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1780] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1785] link 'L'", "\t\t[1547] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2408] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2002] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2327] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1742] link '0'", "\t\t[1794] link '0'", "\t\t[2127] link '0'", "\t\t[2100] link '0'", "\t\t[1697] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2121] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1587] link 'M'", "\t\t[2438] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2300] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2051] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1610] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1961] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2080] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1946] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2065] link '6'", "\t\t[1491] link '0'", "\t\t[1600] link '2'", "\t\t[2411] link '4'", "\t\t[1640] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2048] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2140] link 'N'", "\t\t[2324] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1795] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1519] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1747] link '0'", "\t\t[1552] link '0'", "\t\t[1673] link '0'", "\t\t[1609] link '0'", "\t\t[1984] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1817] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1990] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1656] link '1'", "\t\t[2031] link '2'", "\t\t[2335] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[2972] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0: Projects · Dashboard · GitLab | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ] }
[ "hover [16]", "click [34]", "scroll [down]", "type [64] [red Alpha Sports Jacket] [1]", "click [2750]", "type [2380] [Add Color Red to Black Alpha Sports Jacket] [1]", "click [1818]", "go_back", "close_tab", "new_tab" ]
click [34]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...' focused: True expanded: True describedby: gl-tooltip1", "\t[2976] link 'New project/repository'", "\t[2975] link 'New group'", "\t[2982] link 'New snippet'", "\t[107] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[147] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[108] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[149] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[110] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[111] link 'Help'", "\t[113] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[159] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1673] main ''", "\t\t[1931] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1719] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2431] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1801] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1721] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2315] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1974] button 'Name'", "\t\t[2291] link 'All'", "\t\t[1583] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1808] link ''", "\t\t[2248] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1740] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2176] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2137] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1779] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1539] link '0'", "\t\t[2311] link '0'", "\t\t[1747] link '0'", "\t\t[2231] link '0'", "\t\t[2067] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1551] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2179] link 'A'", "\t\t[1933] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1770] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2190] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2335] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2282] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1652] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1948] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1632] link '1'", "\t\t[2077] link '0'", "\t\t[2022] link '0'", "\t\t[2271] link '1'", "\t\t[2097] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2396] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2466] link 'A'", "\t\t[2004] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2296] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1745] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1995] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1495] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2216] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2041] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2055] link '2'", "\t\t[1728] link '0'", "\t\t[1796] link '1'", "\t\t[1535] link '4'", "\t\t[2281] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2268] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1852] link 'A'", "\t\t[2029] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1955] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2269] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1704] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2207] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2171] link '20'", "\t\t[2405] link '0'", "\t\t[1562] link '10'", "\t\t[1844] link '40'", "\t\t[1869] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1864] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1515] link 'A'", "\t\t[1516] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2166] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2454] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1804] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2417] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2389] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1986] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1754] link '1'", "\t\t[2025] link '0'", "\t\t[2409] link '0'", "\t\t[1893] link '0'", "\t\t[1913] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2309] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2118] link 'A'", "\t\t[1520] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2169] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1706] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1506] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2410] link '0'", "\t\t[2047] link '0'", "\t\t[1687] link '0'", "\t\t[1689] link '0'", "\t\t[2092] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1888] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1518] link 'A'", "\t\t[2440] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2439] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2280] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1903] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2187] link '0'", "\t\t[2185] link '0'", "\t\t[2106] link '0'", "\t\t[1811] link '0'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2476] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2157] link 'A'", "\t\t[2300] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2459] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1742] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2473] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1655] link '0'", "\t\t[1829] link '0'", "\t\t[1606] link '0'", "\t\t[1902] link '0'", "\t\t[2006] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1885] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2355] link 'A'", "\t\t[2099] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1790] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2183] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2265] link '0'", "\t\t[1784] link '0'", "\t\t[2167] link '0'", "\t\t[1604] link '0'", "\t\t[1664] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2400] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1763] link 'B'", "\t\t[1528] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2027] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2461] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2464] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1847] link '0'", "\t\t[2356] link '0'", "\t\t[1718] link '0'", "\t\t[1497] link '0'", "\t\t[2201] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2421] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2205] link 'C'", "\t\t[1901] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1579] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1927] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1788] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2064] link '0'", "\t\t[2177] link '0'", "\t\t[1924] link '0'", "\t\t[2266] link '0'", "\t\t[2049] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1674] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2040] link ''", "\t\t[1827] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1676] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2380] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1981] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2307] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1994] link '0'", "\t\t[1743] link '0'", "\t\t[2412] link '0'", "\t\t[2010] link '0'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1615] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1534] link 'D'", "\t\t[2238] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2162] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2257] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2331] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1820] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1617] link '21'", "\t\t[2434] link '0'", "\t\t[1720] link '16'", "\t\t[1597] link '21'", "\t\t[1691] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1982] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2349] link 'D'", "\t\t[2357] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2175] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1646] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1909] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2458] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1761] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1976] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1550] link '0'", "\t\t[2120] link '0'", "\t\t[2081] link '0'", "\t\t[2121] link '1'", "\t\t[2042] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1561] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1749] link 'E'", "\t\t[1540] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2397] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2018] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1549] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2302] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2003] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2181] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2262] link '6'", "\t\t[1832] link '1'", "\t\t[2066] link '2'", "\t\t[1541] link '5'", "\t\t[1601] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2132] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1608] link 'E'", "\t\t[1543] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1643] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1778] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2184] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2350] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2213] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1843] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2425] link '2'", "\t\t[1816] link '0'", "\t\t[1758] link '0'", "\t\t[2035] link '0'", "\t\t[2135] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2191] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2401] link 'G'", "\t\t[2297] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1966] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2371] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2020] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1739] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2358] link '0'", "\t\t[1577] link '0'", "\t\t[2452] link '0'", "\t\t[2324] link '0'", "\t\t[2411] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2448] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2342] link 'L'", "\t\t[1872] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1521] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1890] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2375] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1552] link '0'", "\t\t[2212] link '0'", "\t\t[1696] link '0'", "\t\t[2140] link '0'", "\t\t[1621] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2388] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2264] link 'M'", "\t\t[1944] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1659] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2370] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1880] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2246] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1671] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2221] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2444] link '6'", "\t\t[1548] link '0'", "\t\t[2089] link '2'", "\t\t[1809] link '4'", "\t\t[2072] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2024] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2299] link 'N'", "\t\t[2174] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1648] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1645] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2122] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2051] link '0'", "\t\t[1658] link '0'", "\t\t[2151] link '0'", "\t\t[1730] link '0'", "\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1750] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1768] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1806] link '1'", "\t\t[1868] link '2'", "\t\t[2156] link 'Next '", "\t[2983] tooltip 'Create new...'" ]
The next observation would be a transition to the GitLab interface, with the focus now on managing projects instead of Magento. The accessible tree reflects a new root web area titled 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab', which indicates a complete change in context from e-commerce management to project management. The navigation links and buttons are now aligned with project functionalities, including links to create new projects, view issues, and manage repositories, further emphasizing the departure from the original Magento Admin tasks. ### Negative Action 2: scroll [down] ####
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[134] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[136] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[146] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1857] main ''", "\t\t[1776] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2274] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1982] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1730] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2098] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2247] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1994] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2295] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1508] link 'All'", "\t\t[1718] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1987] link ''", "\t\t[1846] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2041] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2319] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1783] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1894] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2001] link '0'", "\t\t[2057] link '0'", "\t\t[2401] link '0'", "\t\t[2121] link '0'", "\t\t[1845] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1781] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1870] link 'A'", "\t\t[2222] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1854] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2062] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2434] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1784] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1722] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1491] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1704] link '1'", "\t\t[1662] link '0'", "\t\t[1543] link '0'", "\t\t[1935] link '1'", "\t\t[1613] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2088] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2161] link 'A'", "\t\t[1573] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1517] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1611] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2032] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1666] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1672] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2279] link '2'", "\t\t[2275] link '0'", "\t\t[1631] link '1'", "\t\t[2445] link '4'", "\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2423] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2372] link 'A'", "\t\t[1679] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2364] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1734] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1727] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2326] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1919] link '20'", "\t\t[2052] link '0'", "\t\t[1486] link '10'", "\t\t[2346] link '40'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1603] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2452] link 'A'", "\t\t[1899] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1525] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1605] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1772] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2154] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1654] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1587] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1869] link '1'", "\t\t[1804] link '0'", "\t\t[2162] link '0'", "\t\t[2029] link '0'", "\t\t[1472] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1580] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2382] link 'A'", "\t\t[2339] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2148] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1914] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1916] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1682] link '0'", "\t\t[1591] link '0'", "\t\t[2113] link '0'", "\t\t[2191] link '0'", "\t\t[1851] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1820] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2254] link 'A'", "\t\t[1564] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1723] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2335] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1978] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2141] link '0'", "\t\t[1917] link '0'", "\t\t[2123] link '0'", "\t\t[2297] link '0'", "\t\t[1477] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1601] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1906] link 'A'", "\t\t[2384] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2414] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2359] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1579] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2443] link '0'", "\t\t[1544] link '0'", "\t\t[1705] link '0'", "\t\t[2224] link '0'", "\t\t[2063] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2102] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2352] link 'A'", "\t\t[2408] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2074] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2210] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1524] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2170] link '0'", "\t\t[2451] link '0'", "\t\t[1714] link '0'", "\t\t[2400] link '0'", "\t\t[1696] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1528] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1842] link 'B'", "\t\t[1523] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1762] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1974] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1540] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1674] link '0'", "\t\t[1886] link '0'", "\t\t[2022] link '0'", "\t\t[1577] link '0'", "\t\t[1685] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2454] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1538] link 'C'", "\t\t[1653] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2425] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1645] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2433] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1552] link '0'", "\t\t[1539] link '0'", "\t\t[2243] link '0'", "\t\t[2166] link '0'", "\t\t[1765] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1536] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1792] link ''", "\t\t[2094] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2197] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2328] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2126] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2065] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2220] link '0'", "\t\t[2325] link '0'", "\t\t[2281] link '0'", "\t\t[1922] link '0'", "\t\t[2046] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2337] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1671] link 'D'", "\t\t[1975] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1946] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1604] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2269] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1991] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2241] link '21'", "\t\t[2202] link '0'", "\t\t[2083] link '16'", "\t\t[1959] link '21'", "\t\t[2089] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2044] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2185] link 'D'", "\t\t[2064] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1811] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1503] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1824] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1719] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2234] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2055] link '0'", "\t\t[2008] link '0'", "\t\t[1629] link '0'", "\t\t[2056] link '1'", "\t\t[1839] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1877] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1961] link 'E'", "\t\t[1933] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1984] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1843] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1625] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1928] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2235] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2358] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2348] link '6'", "\t\t[1547] link '1'", "\t\t[2412] link '2'", "\t\t[1786] link '5'", "\t\t[2184] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1665] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1622] link 'E'", "\t\t[2014] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2294] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1947] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2444] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1957] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1803] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1530] link '2'", "\t\t[1986] link '0'", "\t\t[1670] link '0'", "\t\t[2432] link '0'", "\t\t[2053] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1979] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2393] link 'G'", "\t\t[1637] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1763] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1480] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2138] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2111] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2067] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1678] link '0'", "\t\t[1879] link '0'", "\t\t[1853] link '0'", "\t\t[1881] link '0'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1512] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2266] link 'L'", "\t\t[1598] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2329] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1589] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2207] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2380] link '0'", "\t\t[2307] link '0'", "\t\t[1794] link '0'", "\t\t[1568] link '0'", "\t\t[1575] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1683] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1545] link 'M'", "\t\t[1774] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1741] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1501] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1475] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2073] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2435] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1632] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2268] link '6'", "\t\t[2012] link '0'", "\t\t[2195] link '2'", "\t\t[1787] link '4'", "\t\t[2270] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2038] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1533] link 'N'", "\t\t[1888] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1900] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1802] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1726] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2369] link '0'", "\t\t[2332] link '0'", "\t\t[2149] link '0'", "\t\t[1819] link '0'", "\t\t[1950] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1862] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1771] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1616] link '1'", "\t\t[1822] link '2'", "\t\t[1872] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would reveal more project-related content within the GitLab interface. The user would see additional links and headings related to various projects, indicating a deeper engagement with the project management functionalities. The accessibility tree expands to include new project listings, options for managing contributions, or possibly notifications related to project activities, enhancing the user's ability to navigate through available resources. ### Negative Action 3: type [64] [red Alpha Sports Jacket] [1] ####
type [64] [red Alpha Sports Jacket] [1]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3021] RootWebArea 'red Alpha Sports Jacket · Search · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3025] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[3038] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3061] link ''", "\t[3054] link 'Create new...'", "\t[3056] link 'Issues'" ]
The next observation would show a filtered search result in the GitLab interface for projects related to "red Alpha Sports Jacket." The webpage state specifically reflects a change where the focus is on projects matching the search criteria, reshaping the user's navigation experience. The content hierarchy now emphasizes relevant projects, providing the user with options that are directly associated with their search, showcasing the platform's capability to filter and present tailored information. ### Negative Action 4: click [2750] ####
click [2750]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: True", "\t[2995] list '' focused: True", "\t\t[3022] StaticText 'Switch to'", "\t\t[3006] button 'Projects'", "\t\t[2992] button 'Groups'", "\t\t[2979] StaticText 'Explore'", "\t\t[3035] link 'Milestones'", "\t\t[3059] link 'Snippets'", "\t\t[3014] link 'Activity'", "\t\t[3015] searchbox 'Search your projects'", "\t\t[3041] StaticText 'Frequently visited'", "\t\t[3026] StaticText 'Projects you visit often will appear here'", "\t\t[3031] link 'View all projects'", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[135] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[137] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[147] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1868] main ''", "\t\t[1791] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2298] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2268] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1612] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1608] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2319] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1873] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2040] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1732] link 'All'", "\t\t[1731] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1880] link ''", "\t\t[2141] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1853] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2177] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1517] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2450] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2066] link '0'", "\t\t[1587] link '0'", "\t\t[2087] link '0'", "\t\t[1718] link '0'", "\t\t[1523] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1700] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2178] link 'A'", "\t\t[1939] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1627] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1490] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1538] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2407] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1782] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2043] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1973] link '1'", "\t\t[1573] link '0'", "\t\t[2151] link '0'", "\t\t[2303] link '1'", "\t\t[2192] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2106] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2391] link 'A'", "\t\t[2464] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1813] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1545] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2381] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2317] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1771] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1741] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2113] link '2'", "\t\t[1790] link '0'", "\t\t[2142] link '1'", "\t\t[1925] link '4'", "\t\t[2190] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1588] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2471] link 'A'", "\t\t[2366] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1618] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2363] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2283] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1788] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1875] link '20'", "\t\t[1733] link '0'", "\t\t[2176] link '10'", "\t\t[1879] link '40'", "\t\t[2361] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1713] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2400] link 'A'", "\t\t[2041] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1496] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2000] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2171] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1905] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2382] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1923] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1592] link '1'", "\t\t[1776] link '0'", "\t\t[1694] link '0'", "\t\t[1606] link '0'", "\t\t[1860] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1830] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2278] link 'A'", "\t\t[1637] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1737] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2169] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1987] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1609] link '0'", "\t\t[1610] link '0'", "\t\t[2160] link '0'", "\t\t[1924] link '0'", "\t\t[1503] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1616] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1914] link 'A'", "\t\t[2202] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2429] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2223] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1596] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1569] link '0'", "\t\t[2353] link '0'", "\t\t[2460] link '0'", "\t\t[1562] link '0'", "\t\t[2079] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2121] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2372] link 'A'", "\t\t[1840] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2093] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2172] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1542] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2408] link '0'", "\t\t[2110] link '0'", "\t\t[2187] link '0'", "\t\t[2470] link '0'", "\t\t[1708] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1546] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1849] link 'A'", "\t\t[1774] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1780] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1632] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1865] link '0'", "\t\t[2273] link '0'", "\t\t[1686] link '0'", "\t\t[1896] link '0'", "\t\t[1699] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2473] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1556] link 'B'", "\t\t[2193] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2440] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1678] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2446] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2253] link '0'", "\t\t[1999] link '0'", "\t\t[1571] link '0'", "\t\t[1557] link '0'", "\t\t[1783] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1554] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1804] link 'C'", "\t\t[1634] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2219] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2114] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2145] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2329] link '0'", "\t\t[1745] link '0'", "\t\t[2241] link '0'", "\t\t[2345] link '0'", "\t\t[2090] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1810] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1744] link ''", "\t\t[1929] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1751] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2197] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2181] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1642] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1629] link '0'", "\t\t[2076] link '0'", "\t\t[2011] link '0'", "\t\t[2289] link '0'", "\t\t[1586] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1736] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1560] link 'D'", "\t\t[1997] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1928] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1743] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1494] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2061] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2259] link '21'", "\t\t[2070] link '0'", "\t\t[2016] link '16'", "\t\t[1645] link '21'", "\t\t[2256] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2435] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1787] link 'D'", "\t\t[1993] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1859] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1937] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1702] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2336] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2477] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1946] link '0'", "\t\t[2368] link '0'", "\t\t[1565] link '0'", "\t\t[2427] link '1'", "\t\t[2376] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2272] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1881] link 'E'", "\t\t[2318] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1730] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2022] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1489] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1967] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2199] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2014] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2226] link '6'", "\t\t[1548] link '1'", "\t\t[1991] link '2'", "\t\t[1683] link '5'", "\t\t[1817] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2343] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2377] link 'E'", "\t\t[1941] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1958] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1652] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2096] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2287] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1854] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1974] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1851] link '2'", "\t\t[1706] link '0'", "\t\t[1691] link '0'", "\t\t[1889] link '0'", "\t\t[2390] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2367] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2136] link 'G'", "\t\t[2002] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2461] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2250] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2267] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2415] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1514] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2398] link '0'", "\t\t[2331] link '0'", "\t\t[1807] link '0'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[1750] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1785] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1640] link 'L'", "\t\t[1789] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1578] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1525] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1638] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2033] link '0'", "\t\t[2291] link '0'", "\t\t[2020] link '0'", "\t\t[2216] link '0'", "\t\t[1657] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2234] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2355] link 'M'", "\t\t[2161] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1626] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1898] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2419] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1963] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2056] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2052] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2385] link '6'", "\t\t[2354] link '0'", "\t\t[2168] link '2'", "\t\t[1829] link '4'", "\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1660] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1684] link 'N'", "\t\t[1688] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1870] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2059] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2296] link '0'", "\t\t[1994] link '0'", "\t\t[2183] link '0'", "\t\t[1955] link '0'", "\t\t[2449] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2346] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2441] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1980] link '1'", "\t\t[2130] link '2'", "\t\t[2008] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would reveal an expanded menu in the GitLab interface, providing users with additional navigation options such as switching to other project views or functionalities. The webpage state reflects a dynamic interaction where users can now choose actions like viewing projects, groups, or exploring milestones, enhancing their ability to manage tasks effectively. This transition signifies an enriched user experience, providing access to diverse tools and features that facilitate collaborative project management.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' focused: True [71] generic '\ue60b SALES Sales \ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal' [94] link '\ue62f' [95] menu '' orientation: vertical [278] menu '' orientation: vertical [412] link 'Orders' [413] link 'Invoices' [414] link 'Shipments' [415] link 'Credit Memos' [416] link 'Billing Agreements' [417] link 'Transactions' [418] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [598] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [599] StaticText 'Tax' [600] StaticText 'Shipping' [601] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [916] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [919] StaticText '$0.00' [921] StaticText 'Average Order' [926] StaticText 'Last Orders' [927] table '' [944] row '' [964] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [965] columnheader 'Items' required: False [966] columnheader 'Total' required: False [945] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [967] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [968] gridcell '5' required: False [969] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [970] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [971] gridcell '4' required: False [972] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [973] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [974] gridcell '3' required: False [975] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [976] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [977] gridcell '4' required: False [978] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [979] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [980] gridcell '2' required: False [981] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [928] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [929] table '' [950] row '' [982] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [983] columnheader 'Results' required: False [984] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [985] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [986] gridcell '23' required: False [987] gridcell '1' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [988] gridcell 'nike' required: False [989] gridcell '0' required: False [990] gridcell '3' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [991] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [992] gridcell '10' required: False [993] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [994] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [995] gridcell '1' required: False [996] gridcell '19' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [997] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [998] gridcell '23' required: False [999] gridcell '2' required: False [930] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [931] table '' [956] row '' [1000] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1001] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1002] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1003] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1004] gridcell '1' required: False [1005] gridcell '19' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1006] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1007] gridcell '10' required: False [1008] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1009] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1010] gridcell '23' required: False [1011] gridcell '2' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1012] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1013] gridcell '23' required: False [1014] gridcell '1' required: False [961] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1015] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1016] gridcell '1' required: False [1017] gridcell '1' required: False [878] contentinfo '' [883] link '\ue606' [884] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [895] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [886] link 'Privacy Policy' [887] StaticText ' |' [888] link ' Account Activity' [889] StaticText ' | ' [890] link 'Report an Issue'
click [12] where [12] is link '\ue60b SALES'
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [598] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [599] StaticText 'Tax' [600] StaticText 'Shipping' [601] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [916] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [919] StaticText '$0.00' [921] StaticText 'Average Order' [926] StaticText 'Last Orders' [927] table '' [944] row '' [964] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [965] columnheader 'Items' required: False [966] columnheader 'Total' required: False [945] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [967] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [968] gridcell '5' required: False [969] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [970] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [971] gridcell '4' required: False [972] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [973] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [974] gridcell '3' required: False [975] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [976] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [977] gridcell '4' required: False [978] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [979] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [980] gridcell '2' required: False [981] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [928] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [929] table '' [950] row '' [982] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [983] columnheader 'Results' required: False [984] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [985] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [986] gridcell '23' required: False [987] gridcell '1' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [988] gridcell 'nike' required: False [989] gridcell '0' required: False [990] gridcell '3' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [991] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [992] gridcell '10' required: False [993] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [994] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [995] gridcell '1' required: False [996] gridcell '19' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [997] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [998] gridcell '23' required: False [999] gridcell '2' required: False [930] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [931] table '' [956] row '' [1000] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1001] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1002] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1003] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1004] gridcell '1' required: False [1005] gridcell '19' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1006] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1007] gridcell '10' required: False [1008] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1009] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1010] gridcell '23' required: False [1011] gridcell '2' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1012] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1013] gridcell '23' required: False [1014] gridcell '1' required: False [961] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1015] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1016] gridcell '1' required: False [1017] gridcell '1' required: False [878] contentinfo '' [883] link '\ue606' [884] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [895] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [886] link 'Privacy Policy' [887] StaticText ' |' [888] link ' Account Activity' [889] StaticText ' | ' [890] link 'Report an Issue'
Tell me the total number of cancellations of the customer who has the most cancellations in the history
The next observation would lead to the sales section of the Magento Admin panel. This section is focused on sales-related data, including orders and invoices, which are crucial for identifying customer cancellations. The layout remains consistent with a navigation menu on the left and a main content area, where order statistics and customer interactions are displayed. This transition allows for access to detailed reports and order histories, which will enable the user to find the total number of cancellations for the customer with the most cancellations in the system.
{ "neg_action0": "click [8]", "neg_action1": "click [20]", "neg_action2": "hover [22]", "neg_action3": "scroll [down]", "neg_action4": "click [294]", "neg_action5": "click [36]", "neg_action6": "press [Ctrl+F]", "neg_action7": "type [1220] [cancellations] [1]", "neg_action8": "go_back", "neg_action9": "go_forward", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1282] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1334] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1342] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1287] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1289] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1293] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1297] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1301] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1305] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1309] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1313] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1317] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1321] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1325] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1361] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[1362] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1364] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1591] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1486] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1332] main ''", "\t\t[1367] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[1429] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[1432] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[1549] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[1550] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[1599] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[1600] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[1552] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS' focused: True", "\t\t[76] generic '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS Customers \\ue62f All Customers Now Online Login as Customer Log Customer Groups'", "\t\t\t[107] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[108] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[250] link 'All Customers'", "\t\t\t\t[251] link 'Now Online'", "\t\t\t\t[252] link 'Login as Customer Log'", "\t\t\t\t[253] link 'Customer Groups'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[51] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[56] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[71] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[72] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[708] link '\\ue607'", "\t[789] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[697] main ''", "\t\t[711] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[724] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[727] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[776] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[777] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[779] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[761] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[734] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[735] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[736] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[737] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[738] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[60] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[77] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[78] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[80] link '\\ue607'", "\t[277] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[83] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[738] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[740] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[779] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[780] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[782] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[840] table ''", "\t\t\t[891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[955] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[957] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[958] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[960] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[727] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[744] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[745] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[768] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[747] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[748] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[749] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[750] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[751] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644' focused: True", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES' focused: True", "\t\t[77] generic '\\ue60d STORES Stores \\ue62f Settings All Stores Configuration Terms and Conditions Order Status Inventory Sources Stocks Taxes Tax Rules Tax Zones and Rates Currency Currency Rates Currency Symbols Attributes Product Attribute Set Rating'", "\t\t\t[118] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[119] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[247] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[521] StaticText 'Settings'", "\t\t\t\t\t[435] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[613] link 'All Stores'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[614] link 'Configuration'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[615] link 'Terms and Conditions'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[616] link 'Order Status'", "\t\t\t\t\t[526] StaticText 'Inventory'", "\t\t\t\t\t[437] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[617] link 'Sources'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[618] link 'Stocks'", "\t\t\t\t\t[529] StaticText 'Taxes'", "\t\t\t\t\t[439] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[619] link 'Tax Rules'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[620] link 'Tax Zones and Rates'", "\t\t\t\t[248] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[532] StaticText 'Currency'", "\t\t\t\t\t[441] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[621] link 'Currency Rates'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[622] link 'Currency Symbols'", "\t\t\t\t\t[535] StaticText 'Attributes'", "\t\t\t\t\t[443] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[623] link 'Product'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[624] link 'Attribute Set'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[625] link 'Rating'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[310] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[268] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[318] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[319] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[271] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' 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False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[955] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[957] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[958] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[960] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[772] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[778] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[779] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[791] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[781] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[782] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[783] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[784] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[785] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[911] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[913] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[918] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[919] table ''", "\t\t\t[939] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[962] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[964] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[923] table ''", "\t\t\t[951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[870] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[875] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[878] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[879] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[880] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[881] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[882] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' focused: True required: False", "\t\t[1273] StaticText 'cancellations'", "\t[1272] button 'Search'", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[1281] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[934] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[935] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[978] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[936] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[979] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[908] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[909] table ''", "\t\t\t[937] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[982] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[984] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[938] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[939] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[873] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[864] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[865] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[866] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[867] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[868] link 'Report an Issue'" ] }
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[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS' focused: True", "\t\t[76] generic '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS Customers \\ue62f All Customers Now Online Login as Customer Log Customer Groups'", "\t\t\t[107] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[108] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[250] link 'All Customers'", "\t\t\t\t[251] link 'Now Online'", "\t\t\t\t[252] link 'Login as Customer Log'", "\t\t\t\t[253] link 'Customer Groups'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus is now on the 'CUSTOMERS' link. However, the expected customer data does not load properly, and the dashboard remains unchanged, indicating a failure in transitioning to the desired customer overview. The system may have encountered an error or delay, leaving the user on the 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' without the relevant customer information displayed. The interface maintains its previous structure but fails to provide the necessary updates or content related to customers.
hover [22]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[51] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[56] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[71] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[72] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[708] link '\\ue607'", "\t[789] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[697] main ''", "\t\t[711] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[724] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[727] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[776] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[777] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[779] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[840] table ''", "\t\t\t[891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[955] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[957] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[958] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[960] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[698] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[731] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[732] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[761] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[734] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[735] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[736] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[737] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[738] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that despite hovering over the 'SALES' link, no new options or detailed information appear. The interface remains static, and the dashboard continues to display the same content without any interactive feedback or additional data related to sales. This lack of response implies that the hover action did not activate expected functionalities, leaving the user without further insights into the sales section.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[60] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[77] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[78] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[80] link '\\ue607'", "\t[277] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[83] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[738] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[740] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[779] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[780] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[782] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[840] table ''", "\t\t\t[891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[955] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[957] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[958] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[960] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[727] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[744] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[745] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[768] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[747] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[748] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[749] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[750] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[751] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the dashboard does not reveal any new content or sections beneath the current view. The structure of the page remains intact, displaying the same elements without any additional information being loaded. This suggests that the scroll action failed to yield further insights or details, leaving the user with the same dashboard overview.
click [294]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644' focused: True", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the dashboard indicates a focus on the 'Go to Advanced Reporting' link, but no associated reporting content is presented. The expected transition to a detailed reporting view does not occur, leaving the user on the dashboard without access to advanced metrics or insights. This lack of content update signifies a disruption in the navigation flow intended for accessing reporting features.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' focused: True [71] generic '\ue60b SALES Sales \ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal' [94] link '\ue62f' [95] menu '' orientation: vertical [278] menu '' orientation: vertical [412] link 'Orders' [413] link 'Invoices' [414] link 'Shipments' [415] link 'Credit Memos' [416] link 'Billing Agreements' [417] link 'Transactions' [418] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [598] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [599] StaticText 'Tax' [600] StaticText 'Shipping' [601] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [916] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [919] StaticText '$0.00' [921] StaticText 'Average Order' [926] StaticText 'Last Orders' [927] table '' [944] row '' [964] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [965] columnheader 'Items' required: False [966] columnheader 'Total' required: False [945] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [967] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [968] gridcell '5' required: False [969] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [970] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [971] gridcell '4' required: False [972] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [973] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [974] gridcell '3' required: False [975] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [976] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [977] gridcell '4' required: False [978] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [979] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [980] gridcell '2' required: False [981] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [928] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [929] table '' [950] row '' [982] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [983] columnheader 'Results' required: False [984] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [985] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [986] gridcell '23' required: False [987] gridcell '1' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [988] gridcell 'nike' required: False [989] gridcell '0' required: False [990] gridcell '3' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [991] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [992] gridcell '10' required: False [993] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [994] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [995] gridcell '1' required: False [996] gridcell '19' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [997] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [998] gridcell '23' required: False [999] gridcell '2' required: False [930] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [931] table '' [956] row '' [1000] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1001] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1002] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1003] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1004] gridcell '1' required: False [1005] gridcell '19' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1006] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1007] gridcell '10' required: False [1008] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1009] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1010] gridcell '23' required: False [1011] gridcell '2' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1012] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1013] gridcell '23' required: False [1014] gridcell '1' required: False [961] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1015] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1016] gridcell '1' required: False [1017] gridcell '1' required: False [878] contentinfo '' [883] link '\ue606' [884] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [895] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [886] link 'Privacy Policy' [887] StaticText ' |' [888] link ' Account Activity' [889] StaticText ' | ' [890] link 'Report an Issue'
click [12] where [12] is link '\ue60b SALES'
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [598] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [599] StaticText 'Tax' [600] StaticText 'Shipping' [601] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [916] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [919] StaticText '$0.00' [921] StaticText 'Average Order' [926] StaticText 'Last Orders' [927] table '' [944] row '' [964] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [965] columnheader 'Items' required: False [966] columnheader 'Total' required: False [945] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [967] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [968] gridcell '5' required: False [969] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [970] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [971] gridcell '4' required: False [972] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [973] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [974] gridcell '3' required: False [975] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [976] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [977] gridcell '4' required: False [978] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [979] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [980] gridcell '2' required: False [981] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [928] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [929] table '' [950] row '' [982] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [983] columnheader 'Results' required: False [984] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [985] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [986] gridcell '23' required: False [987] gridcell '1' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [988] gridcell 'nike' required: False [989] gridcell '0' required: False [990] gridcell '3' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [991] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [992] gridcell '10' required: False [993] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [994] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [995] gridcell '1' required: False [996] gridcell '19' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [997] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [998] gridcell '23' required: False [999] gridcell '2' required: False [930] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [931] table '' [956] row '' [1000] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1001] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1002] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1003] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1004] gridcell '1' required: False [1005] gridcell '19' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1006] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1007] gridcell '10' required: False [1008] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1009] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1010] gridcell '23' required: False [1011] gridcell '2' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1012] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1013] gridcell '23' required: False [1014] gridcell '1' required: False [961] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1015] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1016] gridcell '1' required: False [1017] gridcell '1' required: False [878] contentinfo '' [883] link '\ue606' [884] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [895] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [886] link 'Privacy Policy' [887] StaticText ' |' [888] link ' Account Activity' [889] StaticText ' | ' [890] link 'Report an Issue'
Tell me the total number of cancellations of the customer who has the most cancellations in the history
The next observation would lead to the sales section of the Magento Admin panel. This section is focused on sales-related data, including orders and invoices, which are crucial for identifying customer cancellations. The layout remains consistent with a navigation menu on the left and a main content area, where order statistics and customer interactions are displayed. This transition allows for access to detailed reports and order histories, which will enable the user to find the total number of cancellations for the customer with the most cancellations in the system.
{ "neg_action0": "click [8]", "neg_action1": "click [20]", "neg_action2": "hover [22]", "neg_action3": "scroll [down]", "neg_action4": "click [294]", "neg_action5": "click [36]", "neg_action6": "press [Ctrl+F]", "neg_action7": "type [1220] [cancellations] [1]", "neg_action8": "go_back", "neg_action9": "go_forward", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1282] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1334] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1342] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1287] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1289] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1293] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1297] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1301] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1305] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1309] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1313] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1317] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1321] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1325] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1361] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[1362] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1364] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1591] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1486] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1332] main ''", "\t\t[1367] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[1429] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[1432] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[1549] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[1550] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[1599] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[1600] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[1552] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS' focused: True", "\t\t[76] generic '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS Customers \\ue62f All Customers Now Online Login as Customer Log Customer Groups'", "\t\t\t[107] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[108] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[250] link 'All Customers'", "\t\t\t\t[251] link 'Now Online'", "\t\t\t\t[252] link 'Login as Customer Log'", "\t\t\t\t[253] link 'Customer Groups'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' 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False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[51] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[56] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[71] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[72] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[708] link '\\ue607'", "\t[789] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[697] main ''", "\t\t[711] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[724] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[727] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[776] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[777] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[779] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[955] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[957] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[958] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[960] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[698] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[731] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[732] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[761] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[734] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[735] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[736] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[737] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[738] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[60] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[77] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[78] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[80] link '\\ue607'", "\t[277] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[83] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[738] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[740] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[779] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[780] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[782] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[768] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[747] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[748] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[749] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[750] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[751] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644' focused: True", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES' focused: True", "\t\t[77] generic '\\ue60d STORES Stores \\ue62f Settings All Stores Configuration Terms and Conditions Order Status Inventory Sources Stocks Taxes Tax Rules Tax Zones and Rates Currency Currency Rates Currency Symbols Attributes Product Attribute Set Rating'", "\t\t\t[118] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[119] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[247] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[521] StaticText 'Settings'", "\t\t\t\t\t[435] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[613] link 'All Stores'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[614] link 'Configuration'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[615] link 'Terms and Conditions'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[616] link 'Order Status'", "\t\t\t\t\t[526] StaticText 'Inventory'", "\t\t\t\t\t[437] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[617] link 'Sources'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[618] link 'Stocks'", "\t\t\t\t\t[529] StaticText 'Taxes'", "\t\t\t\t\t[439] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[619] link 'Tax Rules'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[620] link 'Tax Zones and Rates'", "\t\t\t\t[248] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[532] StaticText 'Currency'", "\t\t\t\t\t[441] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[621] link 'Currency Rates'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[622] link 'Currency Symbols'", "\t\t\t\t\t[535] StaticText 'Attributes'", "\t\t\t\t\t[443] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[623] link 'Product'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[624] link 'Attribute Set'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[625] link 'Rating'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[310] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[268] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[318] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[319] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[271] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[840] table ''", "\t\t\t[891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[791] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[781] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[782] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[783] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[784] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[785] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[923] table ''", "\t\t\t[951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[870] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[875] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[878] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[879] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[880] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[881] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[882] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' focused: True required: False", "\t\t[1273] StaticText 'cancellations'", "\t[1272] button 'Search'", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[1281] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[934] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[935] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[978] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[936] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[979] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[908] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[909] table ''", "\t\t\t[937] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[982] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[984] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[938] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[939] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[873] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[864] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[865] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[866] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[867] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[868] link 'Report an Issue'" ] }
[ "click [8]", "click [20]", "hover [22]", "scroll [down]", "click [294]", "click [36]", "press [Ctrl+F]", "type [1220] [cancellations] [1]", "go_back", "go_forward" ]
click [20]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS' focused: True", "\t\t[76] generic '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS Customers \\ue62f All Customers Now Online Login as Customer Log Customer Groups'", "\t\t\t[107] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[108] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[250] link 'All Customers'", "\t\t\t\t[251] link 'Now Online'", "\t\t\t\t[252] link 'Login as Customer Log'", "\t\t\t\t[253] link 'Customer Groups'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus has shifted to the "Customers" section of the Magento Admin. The previous "Sales" links are no longer highlighted, and instead, the "Customers" link is now active. The main content area is populated with customer-related data, including tables and statistics reflecting customer information, while previous elements from the "Sales" context have been replaced or removed.
hover [22]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[51] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[56] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[71] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[72] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[708] link '\\ue607'", "\t[789] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[697] main ''", "\t\t[711] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[724] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[727] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[776] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[777] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[779] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[840] table ''", "\t\t\t[891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[955] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[957] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[958] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[960] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[698] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[731] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[732] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[761] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[734] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[735] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[736] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[737] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[738] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the "CUSTOMERS" link is visually highlighted, indicating that it is currently active and ready for interaction. A dropdown menu or tooltip may appear, offering additional options such as "All Customers" or "Customer Groups". The main content area remains unchanged, still displaying information relevant to the "Sales" section until a selection is made.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[60] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[77] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[78] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[80] link '\\ue607'", "\t[277] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[83] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[738] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[740] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[779] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[780] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[782] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[840] table ''", "\t\t\t[891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[955] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[957] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[958] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[960] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[727] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[744] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[745] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[768] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[747] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[748] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[749] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[750] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[751] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that additional content related to sales metrics and reports becomes visible. This could include extended tables with further details on sales performance, new search terms, or other relevant statistics that were not initially displayed in the viewport. The existing content pertaining to sales remains intact, but the user can now access more comprehensive data.
click [294]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644' focused: True", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the content area transitions to display advanced reporting features. This includes detailed insights into sales performance, customer behaviors, and possibly interactive data visualizations that were not present in the dashboard overview. The previous dashboard metrics are replaced with comprehensive reports, enhancing the user's ability to analyze business performance.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [4378] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [4430] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [4438] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [4383] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [4385] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [4389] link '\ue60b SALES' [4393] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [4397] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [4401] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [4405] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [4409] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [4413] link '\ue60d STORES' [4417] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [4421] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [4457] heading 'Dashboard' [4458] link '\ue600 admin' [4460] link '\ue607' [5597] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [4428] main '' [4463] StaticText 'Scope:' [4525] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [4528] link '\ue633 What is this?' [4645] button 'Reload Data' [4646] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [4695] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [4696] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [4648] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [5196] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [5197] link 'here' [5250] StaticText 'Revenue' [5224] StaticText '$0.00' [5251] StaticText 'Tax' [5252] StaticText 'Shipping' [5253] StaticText 'Quantity' [5238] StaticText '0' [5496] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [5498] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [5506] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [5500] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [5508] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [5502] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [5510] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [5504] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [5512] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [5517] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [5525] table '' [5548] row '' [5554] columnheader 'Product' required: False [5555] columnheader 'Price' required: False [5556] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [5549] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [5557] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [5558] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [5559] gridcell '6' required: False [5550] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [5560] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [5561] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [5562] gridcell '6' required: False [5551] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [5563] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [5564] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [5565] gridcell '6' required: False [5552] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [5566] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [5567] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [5568] gridcell '5' required: False [5553] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [5569] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [5570] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [5571] gridcell '5' required: False [5204] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [5207] StaticText '$0.00' [5209] StaticText 'Average Order' [5214] StaticText 'Last Orders' [5215] table '' [5262] row '' [5285] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [5286] columnheader 'Items' required: False [5287] columnheader 'Total' required: False [5263] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [5288] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [5289] gridcell '5' required: False [5290] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [5264] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [5291] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [5292] gridcell '4' required: False [5293] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [5265] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [5294] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [5295] gridcell '3' required: False [5296] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [5266] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [5297] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [5298] gridcell '4' required: False [5299] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [5267] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [5300] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [5301] gridcell '2' required: False [5302] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [5216] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [5217] table '' [5268] row '' [5303] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [5304] columnheader 'Results' required: False [5305] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [5269] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [5306] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [5307] gridcell '23' required: False [5308] gridcell '1' required: False [5270] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [5309] gridcell 'nike' required: False [5310] gridcell '0' required: False [5311] gridcell '3' required: False [5271] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [5312] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [5313] gridcell '10' required: False [5314] gridcell '4' required: False [5272] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [5315] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [5316] gridcell '1' required: False [5317] gridcell '19' required: False [5273] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [5318] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [5319] gridcell '23' required: False [5320] gridcell '2' required: False [5218] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [5219] table '' [5274] row '' [5321] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [5322] columnheader 'Results' required: False [5323] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [5275] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [5324] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [5325] gridcell '1' required: False [5326] gridcell '19' required: False [5276] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [5327] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [5328] gridcell '10' required: False [5329] gridcell '4' required: False [5277] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [5330] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [5331] gridcell '23' required: False [5332] gridcell '2' required: False [5278] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [5333] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [5334] gridcell '23' required: False [5335] gridcell '1' required: False [5279] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [5336] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [5337] gridcell '1' required: False [5338] gridcell '1' required: False [5149] contentinfo '' [5155] link '\ue606' [5156] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [5168] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [5158] link 'Privacy Policy' [5159] StaticText ' |' [5160] link ' Account Activity' [5161] StaticText ' | ' [5162] link 'Report an Issue'
click [1291] where [1291] is link '\ue604 DASHBOARD'
[ "None", "click [12] where [12] is link '\\ue60b SALES'", "click [412] where [412] is link 'Orders'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1284] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1344] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1291] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1295] link '\ue60b SALES' [1299] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1303] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1307] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1311] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1315] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1319] link '\ue60d STORES' [1323] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1327] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1362] heading 'Orders' [1363] link '\ue600 admin' [1365] link '\ue607' [2038] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1334] main '' [2058] button 'Create New Order' [2151] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2078] table '' [2081] row '' [2112] columnheader 'ID' required: False [2113] columnheader 'Purchase Point' required: False [2114] columnheader 'Bill-to Name' required: False [2115] columnheader 'Ship-to Name' required: False [2116] columnheader '↓ Grand Total (Base)' required: False [2117] columnheader 'Grand Total (Purchased)' required: False [2118] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2119] columnheader 'Action' required: False [2120] columnheader 'Allocated sources' required: False [2121] columnheader 'Braintree Transaction Source' required: False [2013] contentinfo '' [2028] StaticText 'Magento' [2029] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [2030] StaticText 'Privacy Policy' [2031] StaticText ' Account Activity' [2032] StaticText 'Report an Issue'
Tell me the total number of cancellations of the customer who has the most cancellations in the history
The next observation would be a refreshed view of the `Dashboard` in the Magento Admin interface. This page provides an overview of the store's performance metrics, including sales data and recent orders, but does not specifically address the total number of cancellations or identify the customer with the most cancellations. To achieve the objective of determining the total number of cancellations for the customer with the most cancellations, further navigation to a detailed orders or reports section would be necessary. The dashboard emphasizes overall sales insights rather than specific order issues like cancellations.
{ "neg_action0": "scroll [down]", "neg_action1": "click [466]", "neg_action2": "click [467]", "neg_action3": "click [468]", "neg_action4": "click [469]", "neg_action5": "click [470]", "neg_action6": "click [471]", "neg_action7": null, "neg_action8": null, "neg_action9": "press [Ctrl+F]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES' focused: True", "\t\t[74] generic '\\ue60b SALES Sales \\ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t\t[99] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[100] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[305] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[466] link 'Orders'", "\t\t\t\t\t[467] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t\t\t[468] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t\t\t[469] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t\t\t[470] link 'Billing Agreements'", "\t\t\t\t\t[471] link 'Transactions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[472] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1284] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1344] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1291] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1295] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1299] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1303] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1307] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1311] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1315] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1319] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1323] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1327] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1362] heading 'Orders'", "\t[1363] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1365] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1557] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[2038] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1334] main ''", "\t\t[2054] button 'Create New Order'", "\t\t[3061] button '\\ue60fDefault View'", "\t\t[3074] button '\\ue610 Columns'", "\t\t[3182] button '\\ue635 Export'", "\t\t[3206] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False", "\t\t\t[3214] StaticText 'reviews307307307bestcance304304307307Alex Thomaslled'", "\t\t[3207] button 'Search'", "\t\t\t[3215] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t\t[3222] button '\\ue605Filters'", "\t\t[3458] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[3467] StaticText 'Active filters:'", "\t\t\t[3482] StaticText 'Keyword:'", "\t\t\t[3484] StaticText 'reviews307307307bestcance304304307307Alex Thomaslled'", "\t\t\t[3485] button '\\ue620'", "\t\t\t[3469] button 'Clear all'", "\t\t[3656] button 'Actions'", "\t\t[3239] StaticText 'records found'", "\t\t[3511] textbox 'per page' required: False", "\t\t\t[3541] StaticText '200'", "\t\t[3499] button 'per page Select'", "\t\t[3242] button '\\ue629' disabled: True", "\t\t[3244] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t[3243] button '\\ue62a' disabled: True", "\t\t[2097] table ''", "\t\t\t[2100] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[3427] columnheader 'Options' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3430] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t[3432] button 'Options' disabled: True", "\t\t\t\t[2349] columnheader 'ID' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2350] columnheader 'Purchase Point' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2379] columnheader '↓ Purchase Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2351] columnheader 'Bill-to Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2352] columnheader 'Ship-to Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2353] columnheader 'Grand Total (Base)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2354] columnheader 'Grand Total (Purchased)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2355] columnheader 'Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2356] columnheader 'Action' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2357] columnheader 'Allocated sources' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2358] columnheader 'Braintree Transaction Source' required: False", "\t\t\t[3455] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[3456] gridcell \"We couldn't find any records.\" required: False", "\t[2013] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2018] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2019] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2029] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2021] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2022] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2023] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2024] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2025] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1284] RootWebArea 'Invoices / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1343] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1291] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1295] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1299] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1303] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1307] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1311] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1315] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1319] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1323] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1327] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1360] heading 'Invoices'", "\t[1361] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1363] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1552] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1471] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1334] main ''" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1275] RootWebArea 'Shipments / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1334] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1282] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1286] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1290] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1294] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1298] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1302] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1306] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1310] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1314] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1318] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1351] heading 'Shipments'", "\t[1352] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1354] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1543] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1462] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1325] main ''" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1275] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1335] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1282] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1286] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1290] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1294] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1298] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1302] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1306] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1310] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1314] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1318] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1353] heading 'Orders'", "\t[1354] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1356] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1548] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[2029] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1325] main ''", "\t\t[2036] button 'Create New Order'", "\t\t[2149] button '\\ue60fDefault View'", "\t\t[2162] button '\\ue610 Columns'", "\t\t[2275] button '\\ue635 Export'", "\t\t[2299] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False", "\t\t\t[2307] StaticText 'reviews307307307bestcance304304307307Alex Thomaslled'", "\t\t[2300] button 'Search'", "\t\t\t[2308] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t\t[2315] button '\\ue605Filters'", "\t\t[2526] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[2535] StaticText 'Active filters:'", "\t\t\t[2547] StaticText 'Keyword:'", "\t\t\t[2549] StaticText 'reviews307307307bestcance304304307307Alex Thomaslled'", "\t\t\t[2550] button '\\ue620'", "\t\t\t[2537] button 'Clear all'", "\t\t[2978] button 'Actions'", "\t\t[2332] StaticText 'records found'", "\t\t[2577] textbox 'per page' required: False", "\t\t\t[2604] StaticText '200'", "\t\t[2571] button 'per page Select'", "\t\t[2335] button '\\ue629' disabled: True", "\t\t[2337] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t[2336] button '\\ue62a' disabled: True", "\t\t[2069] table ''", "\t\t\t[2072] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[2084] columnheader 'Options' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2087] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t[2089] button 'Options' disabled: True", "\t\t\t\t[2112] columnheader 'ID' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2113] columnheader 'Purchase Point' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2165] columnheader '↓ Purchase Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2114] columnheader 'Bill-to Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2115] columnheader 'Ship-to Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2116] columnheader 'Grand Total (Base)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2117] columnheader 'Grand Total (Purchased)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2118] columnheader 'Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2119] columnheader 'Action' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2120] columnheader 'Allocated sources' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2121] columnheader 'Braintree Transaction Source' required: False", "\t\t\t[4267] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[4268] gridcell \"We couldn't find any records.\" required: False", "\t[2004] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2009] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2010] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2020] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2012] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2013] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2014] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2015] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2016] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1284] RootWebArea 'Billing Agreements / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES' focused: True", "\t\t[71] generic '\\ue60b SALES Sales \\ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t\t[94] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[95] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[283] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[440] link 'Orders'", "\t\t\t\t\t[441] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t\t\t[442] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t\t\t[443] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t\t\t[444] link 'Billing Agreements'", "\t\t\t\t\t[445] link 'Transactions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[446] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[320] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1221] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[271] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[328] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[329] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[274] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[418] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[419] link 'here'", "\t\t[630] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[505] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[631] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[632] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[633] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[519] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1120] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1122] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1130] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1154] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1124] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1132] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1159] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1126] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1134] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1164] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1128] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1136] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1169] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1141] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1149] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1177] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1195] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[426] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[429] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[431] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[436] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[437] table ''", "\t\t\t[642] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[734] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[735] columnheader 'Items' required: 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[1018] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1019] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1020] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[1003] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1021] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1022] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1023] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[1004] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1024] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1025] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1026] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[1005] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1027] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1028] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1029] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[994] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[995] table ''", "\t\t\t[1006] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1030] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1031] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1032] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[1007] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1033] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1034] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1035] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[1008] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1036] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1037] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1038] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[1009] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1039] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1041] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[1010] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1042] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1043] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1044] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[1011] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1045] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1046] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1047] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[970] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[975] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[976] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[986] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[978] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[979] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[980] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[981] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[982] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation7": null, "neg_observation8": null, "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES' focused: True", "\t\t[74] generic '\\ue60b SALES Sales \\ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t\t[99] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[100] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[305] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[466] link 'Orders'", "\t\t\t\t\t[467] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t\t\t[468] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t\t\t[469] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t\t\t[470] link 'Billing Agreements'", "\t\t\t\t\t[471] link 'Transactions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[472] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: 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'2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ] }
[ "scroll [down]", "click [466]", "click [467]", "click [468]", "click [469]", "click [470]", "click [471]", "hover [12]", "tab_focus [0]", "press [Ctrl+F]" ]
click [466]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1284] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1344] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1291] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1295] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1299] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1303] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1307] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1311] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1315] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1319] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1323] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1327] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1362] heading 'Orders'", "\t[1363] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1365] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1557] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[2038] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1334] main ''", "\t\t[2054] button 'Create New Order'", "\t\t[3061] button '\\ue60fDefault View'", "\t\t[3074] button '\\ue610 Columns'", "\t\t[3182] button '\\ue635 Export'", "\t\t[3206] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False", "\t\t\t[3214] StaticText 'reviews307307307bestcance304304307307Alex Thomaslled'", "\t\t[3207] button 'Search'", "\t\t\t[3215] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t\t[3222] button '\\ue605Filters'", "\t\t[3458] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[3467] StaticText 'Active filters:'", "\t\t\t[3482] StaticText 'Keyword:'", "\t\t\t[3484] StaticText 'reviews307307307bestcance304304307307Alex Thomaslled'", "\t\t\t[3485] button '\\ue620'", "\t\t\t[3469] button 'Clear all'", "\t\t[3656] button 'Actions'", "\t\t[3239] StaticText 'records found'", "\t\t[3511] textbox 'per page' required: False", "\t\t\t[3541] StaticText '200'", "\t\t[3499] button 'per page Select'", "\t\t[3242] button '\\ue629' disabled: True", "\t\t[3244] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t[3243] button '\\ue62a' disabled: True", "\t\t[2097] table ''", "\t\t\t[2100] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[3427] columnheader 'Options' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3430] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t[3432] button 'Options' disabled: True", "\t\t\t\t[2349] columnheader 'ID' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2350] columnheader 'Purchase Point' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2379] columnheader '↓ Purchase Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2351] columnheader 'Bill-to Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2352] columnheader 'Ship-to Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2353] columnheader 'Grand Total (Base)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2354] columnheader 'Grand Total (Purchased)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2355] columnheader 'Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2356] columnheader 'Action' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2357] columnheader 'Allocated sources' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2358] columnheader 'Braintree Transaction Source' required: False", "\t\t\t[3455] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[3456] gridcell \"We couldn't find any records.\" required: False", "\t[2013] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2018] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2019] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2029] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2021] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2022] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2023] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2024] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2025] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
click [467]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1284] RootWebArea 'Invoices / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1343] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1291] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1295] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1299] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1303] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1307] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1311] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1315] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1319] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1323] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1327] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1360] heading 'Invoices'", "\t[1361] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1363] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1552] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1471] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1334] main ''" ]
click [468]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1275] RootWebArea 'Shipments / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1334] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1282] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1286] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1290] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1294] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1298] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1302] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1306] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1310] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1314] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1318] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1351] heading 'Shipments'", "\t[1352] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1354] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1543] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1462] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1325] main ''" ]
click [469]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1275] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1335] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1282] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1286] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1290] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1294] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1298] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1302] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1306] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1310] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1314] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1318] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1353] heading 'Orders'", "\t[1354] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1356] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1548] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[2029] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1325] main ''", "\t\t[2036] button 'Create New Order'", "\t\t[2149] button '\\ue60fDefault View'", "\t\t[2162] button '\\ue610 Columns'", "\t\t[2275] button '\\ue635 Export'", "\t\t[2299] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False", "\t\t\t[2307] StaticText 'reviews307307307bestcance304304307307Alex Thomaslled'", "\t\t[2300] button 'Search'", "\t\t\t[2308] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t\t[2315] button '\\ue605Filters'", "\t\t[2526] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[2535] StaticText 'Active filters:'", "\t\t\t[2547] StaticText 'Keyword:'", "\t\t\t[2549] StaticText 'reviews307307307bestcance304304307307Alex Thomaslled'", "\t\t\t[2550] button '\\ue620'", "\t\t\t[2537] button 'Clear all'", "\t\t[2978] button 'Actions'", "\t\t[2332] StaticText 'records found'", "\t\t[2577] textbox 'per page' required: False", "\t\t\t[2604] StaticText '200'", "\t\t[2571] button 'per page Select'", "\t\t[2335] button '\\ue629' disabled: True", "\t\t[2337] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t[2336] button '\\ue62a' disabled: True", "\t\t[2069] table ''", "\t\t\t[2072] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[2084] columnheader 'Options' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2087] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t[2089] button 'Options' disabled: True", "\t\t\t\t[2112] columnheader 'ID' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2113] columnheader 'Purchase Point' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2165] columnheader '↓ Purchase Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2114] columnheader 'Bill-to Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2115] columnheader 'Ship-to Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2116] columnheader 'Grand Total (Base)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2117] columnheader 'Grand Total (Purchased)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2118] columnheader 'Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2119] columnheader 'Action' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2120] columnheader 'Allocated sources' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2121] columnheader 'Braintree Transaction Source' required: False", "\t\t\t[4267] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[4268] gridcell \"We couldn't find any records.\" required: False", "\t[2004] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2009] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2010] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2020] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2012] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2013] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2014] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2015] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2016] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [4378] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [4430] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [4438] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [4383] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [4385] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [4389] link '\ue60b SALES' [4393] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [4397] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [4401] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [4405] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [4409] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [4413] link '\ue60d STORES' [4417] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [4421] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [4457] heading 'Dashboard' [4458] link '\ue600 admin' [4460] link '\ue607' [5597] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [4428] main '' [4463] StaticText 'Scope:' [4525] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [4528] link '\ue633 What is this?' [4645] button 'Reload Data' [4646] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [4695] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [4696] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [4648] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [5196] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [5197] link 'here' [5250] StaticText 'Revenue' [5224] StaticText '$0.00' [5251] StaticText 'Tax' [5252] StaticText 'Shipping' [5253] StaticText 'Quantity' [5238] StaticText '0' [5496] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [5498] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [5506] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [5500] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [5508] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [5502] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [5510] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [5504] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [5512] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [5517] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [5525] table '' [5548] row '' [5554] columnheader 'Product' required: False [5555] columnheader 'Price' required: False [5556] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [5549] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [5557] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [5558] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [5559] gridcell '6' required: False [5550] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [5560] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [5561] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [5562] gridcell '6' required: False [5551] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [5563] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [5564] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [5565] gridcell '6' required: False [5552] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [5566] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [5567] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [5568] gridcell '5' required: False [5553] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [5569] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [5570] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [5571] gridcell '5' required: False [5204] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [5207] StaticText '$0.00' [5209] StaticText 'Average Order' [5214] StaticText 'Last Orders' [5215] table '' [5262] row '' [5285] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [5286] columnheader 'Items' required: False [5287] columnheader 'Total' required: False [5263] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [5288] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [5289] gridcell '5' required: False [5290] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [5264] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [5291] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [5292] gridcell '4' required: False [5293] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [5265] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [5294] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [5295] gridcell '3' required: False [5296] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [5266] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [5297] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [5298] gridcell '4' required: False [5299] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [5267] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [5300] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [5301] gridcell '2' required: False [5302] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [5216] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [5217] table '' [5268] row '' [5303] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [5304] columnheader 'Results' required: False [5305] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [5269] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [5306] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [5307] gridcell '23' required: False [5308] gridcell '1' required: False [5270] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [5309] gridcell 'nike' required: False [5310] gridcell '0' required: False [5311] gridcell '3' required: False [5271] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [5312] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [5313] gridcell '10' required: False [5314] gridcell '4' required: False [5272] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [5315] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [5316] gridcell '1' required: False [5317] gridcell '19' required: False [5273] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [5318] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [5319] gridcell '23' required: False [5320] gridcell '2' required: False [5218] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [5219] table '' [5274] row '' [5321] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [5322] columnheader 'Results' required: False [5323] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [5275] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [5324] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [5325] gridcell '1' required: False [5326] gridcell '19' required: False [5276] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [5327] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [5328] gridcell '10' required: False [5329] gridcell '4' required: False [5277] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [5330] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [5331] gridcell '23' required: False [5332] gridcell '2' required: False [5278] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [5333] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [5334] gridcell '23' required: False [5335] gridcell '1' required: False [5279] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [5336] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [5337] gridcell '1' required: False [5338] gridcell '1' required: False [5149] contentinfo '' [5155] link '\ue606' [5156] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [5168] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [5158] link 'Privacy Policy' [5159] StaticText ' |' [5160] link ' Account Activity' [5161] StaticText ' | ' [5162] link 'Report an Issue'
click [1291] where [1291] is link '\ue604 DASHBOARD'
[ "None", "click [12] where [12] is link '\\ue60b SALES'", "click [412] where [412] is link 'Orders'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1284] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1344] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1291] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1295] link '\ue60b SALES' [1299] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1303] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1307] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1311] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1315] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1319] link '\ue60d STORES' [1323] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1327] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1362] heading 'Orders' [1363] link '\ue600 admin' [1365] link '\ue607' [2038] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1334] main '' [2058] button 'Create New Order' [2151] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2078] table '' [2081] row '' [2112] columnheader 'ID' required: False [2113] columnheader 'Purchase Point' required: False [2114] columnheader 'Bill-to Name' required: False [2115] columnheader 'Ship-to Name' required: False [2116] columnheader '↓ Grand Total (Base)' required: False [2117] columnheader 'Grand Total (Purchased)' required: False [2118] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2119] columnheader 'Action' required: False [2120] columnheader 'Allocated sources' required: False [2121] columnheader 'Braintree Transaction Source' required: False [2013] contentinfo '' [2028] StaticText 'Magento' [2029] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [2030] StaticText 'Privacy Policy' [2031] StaticText ' Account Activity' [2032] StaticText 'Report an Issue'
Tell me the total number of cancellations of the customer who has the most cancellations in the history
The next observation would be a refreshed view of the `Dashboard` in the Magento Admin interface. This page provides an overview of the store's performance metrics, including sales data and recent orders, but does not specifically address the total number of cancellations or identify the customer with the most cancellations. To achieve the objective of determining the total number of cancellations for the customer with the most cancellations, further navigation to a detailed orders or reports section would be necessary. The dashboard emphasizes overall sales insights rather than specific order issues like cancellations.
{ "neg_action0": "scroll [down]", "neg_action1": "click [466]", "neg_action2": "click [467]", "neg_action3": "click [468]", "neg_action4": "click [469]", "neg_action5": "click [470]", "neg_action6": "click [471]", "neg_action7": null, "neg_action8": null, "neg_action9": "press [Ctrl+F]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES' focused: True", "\t\t[74] generic '\\ue60b SALES Sales \\ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t\t[99] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[100] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[305] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[466] link 'Orders'", "\t\t\t\t\t[467] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t\t\t[468] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t\t\t[469] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t\t\t[470] link 'Billing Agreements'", "\t\t\t\t\t[471] link 'Transactions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[472] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1284] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1344] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1291] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1295] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1299] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1303] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1307] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1311] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1315] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1319] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1323] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1327] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1362] heading 'Orders'", "\t[1363] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1365] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1557] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[2038] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1334] main ''", "\t\t[2054] button 'Create New Order'", "\t\t[3061] button '\\ue60fDefault View'", "\t\t[3074] button '\\ue610 Columns'", "\t\t[3182] button '\\ue635 Export'", "\t\t[3206] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False", "\t\t\t[3214] StaticText 'reviews307307307bestcance304304307307Alex Thomaslled'", "\t\t[3207] button 'Search'", "\t\t\t[3215] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t\t[3222] button '\\ue605Filters'", "\t\t[3458] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[3467] StaticText 'Active filters:'", "\t\t\t[3482] StaticText 'Keyword:'", "\t\t\t[3484] StaticText 'reviews307307307bestcance304304307307Alex Thomaslled'", "\t\t\t[3485] button '\\ue620'", "\t\t\t[3469] button 'Clear all'", "\t\t[3656] button 'Actions'", "\t\t[3239] StaticText 'records found'", "\t\t[3511] textbox 'per page' required: False", "\t\t\t[3541] StaticText '200'", "\t\t[3499] button 'per page Select'", "\t\t[3242] button '\\ue629' disabled: True", "\t\t[3244] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t[3243] button '\\ue62a' disabled: True", "\t\t[2097] table ''", "\t\t\t[2100] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[3427] columnheader 'Options' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3430] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t[3432] button 'Options' disabled: True", "\t\t\t\t[2349] columnheader 'ID' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2350] columnheader 'Purchase Point' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2379] columnheader '↓ Purchase Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2351] columnheader 'Bill-to Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2352] columnheader 'Ship-to Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2353] columnheader 'Grand Total (Base)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2354] columnheader 'Grand Total (Purchased)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2355] columnheader 'Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2356] columnheader 'Action' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2357] columnheader 'Allocated sources' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2358] columnheader 'Braintree Transaction Source' required: False", "\t\t\t[3455] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[3456] gridcell \"We couldn't find any records.\" required: False", "\t[2013] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2018] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2019] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2029] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2021] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2022] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2023] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2024] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2025] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1284] RootWebArea 'Invoices / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1343] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1291] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1295] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1299] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1303] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1307] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1311] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1315] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1319] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1323] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1327] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1360] heading 'Invoices'", "\t[1361] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1363] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1552] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1471] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1334] main ''" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1275] RootWebArea 'Shipments / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1334] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1282] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1286] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1290] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1294] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1298] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1302] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1306] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1310] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1314] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1318] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1351] heading 'Shipments'", "\t[1352] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1354] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1543] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1462] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1325] main ''" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1275] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1335] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1282] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1286] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1290] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1294] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1298] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1302] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1306] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1310] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1314] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1318] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1353] heading 'Orders'", "\t[1354] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1356] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1548] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[2029] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1325] main ''", "\t\t[2036] button 'Create New Order'", "\t\t[2149] button '\\ue60fDefault View'", "\t\t[2162] button '\\ue610 Columns'", "\t\t[2275] button '\\ue635 Export'", "\t\t[2299] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False", "\t\t\t[2307] StaticText 'reviews307307307bestcance304304307307Alex Thomaslled'", "\t\t[2300] button 'Search'", "\t\t\t[2308] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t\t[2315] button '\\ue605Filters'", "\t\t[2526] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[2535] StaticText 'Active filters:'", "\t\t\t[2547] StaticText 'Keyword:'", "\t\t\t[2549] StaticText 'reviews307307307bestcance304304307307Alex Thomaslled'", "\t\t\t[2550] button '\\ue620'", "\t\t\t[2537] button 'Clear all'", "\t\t[2978] button 'Actions'", "\t\t[2332] StaticText 'records found'", "\t\t[2577] textbox 'per page' required: False", "\t\t\t[2604] StaticText '200'", "\t\t[2571] button 'per page Select'", "\t\t[2335] button '\\ue629' disabled: True", "\t\t[2337] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t[2336] button '\\ue62a' disabled: True", "\t\t[2069] table ''", "\t\t\t[2072] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[2084] columnheader 'Options' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2087] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t[2089] button 'Options' disabled: True", "\t\t\t\t[2112] columnheader 'ID' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2113] columnheader 'Purchase Point' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2165] columnheader '↓ Purchase Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2114] columnheader 'Bill-to Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2115] columnheader 'Ship-to Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2116] columnheader 'Grand Total (Base)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2117] columnheader 'Grand Total (Purchased)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2118] columnheader 'Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2119] columnheader 'Action' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2120] columnheader 'Allocated sources' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2121] columnheader 'Braintree Transaction Source' required: False", "\t\t\t[4267] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[4268] gridcell \"We couldn't find any records.\" required: False", "\t[2004] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2009] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2010] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2020] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2012] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2013] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2014] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2015] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2016] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1284] RootWebArea 'Billing Agreements / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES' focused: True", "\t\t[71] generic '\\ue60b SALES Sales \\ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t\t[94] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[95] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[283] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[440] link 'Orders'", "\t\t\t\t\t[441] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t\t\t[442] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t\t\t[443] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t\t\t[444] link 'Billing Agreements'", "\t\t\t\t\t[445] link 'Transactions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[446] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[320] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1221] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[271] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[328] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[329] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[274] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[418] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[419] link 'here'", "\t\t[630] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[505] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[631] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[632] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[633] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[519] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1120] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1122] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1130] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1154] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1124] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1132] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1159] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1126] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1134] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1164] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1128] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1136] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1169] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1141] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1149] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1177] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1195] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[426] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[429] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[431] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[436] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[437] table ''", "\t\t\t[642] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[734] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[735] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[736] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[643] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[737] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[738] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[739] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[644] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[740] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[741] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[742] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[645] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[743] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[744] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[745] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[646] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[1018] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1019] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1020] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[1003] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1021] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1022] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1023] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[1004] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1024] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1025] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1026] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[1005] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1027] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1028] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1029] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[994] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[995] table ''", "\t\t\t[1006] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1030] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1031] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1032] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[1007] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1033] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1034] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1035] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[1008] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1036] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1037] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1038] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[1009] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1039] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1041] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[1010] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1042] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1043] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1044] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[1011] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1045] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1046] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1047] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[970] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[975] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[976] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[986] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[978] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[979] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[980] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[981] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[982] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation7": null, "neg_observation8": null, "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES' focused: True", "\t\t[74] generic '\\ue60b SALES Sales \\ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t\t[99] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[100] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[305] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[466] link 'Orders'", "\t\t\t\t\t[467] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t\t\t[468] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t\t\t[469] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t\t\t[470] link 'Billing Agreements'", "\t\t\t\t\t[471] link 'Transactions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[472] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' 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'2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ] }
[ "scroll [down]", "click [466]", "click [467]", "click [468]", "click [469]", "click [470]", "click [471]", "hover [12]", "tab_focus [0]", "press [Ctrl+F]" ]
click [466]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1284] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1344] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1291] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1295] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1299] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1303] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1307] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1311] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1315] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1319] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1323] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1327] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1362] heading 'Orders'", "\t[1363] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1365] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1557] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[2038] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1334] main ''", "\t\t[2054] button 'Create New Order'", "\t\t[3061] button '\\ue60fDefault View'", "\t\t[3074] button '\\ue610 Columns'", "\t\t[3182] button '\\ue635 Export'", "\t\t[3206] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False", "\t\t\t[3214] StaticText 'reviews307307307bestcance304304307307Alex Thomaslled'", "\t\t[3207] button 'Search'", "\t\t\t[3215] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t\t[3222] button '\\ue605Filters'", "\t\t[3458] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[3467] StaticText 'Active filters:'", "\t\t\t[3482] StaticText 'Keyword:'", "\t\t\t[3484] StaticText 'reviews307307307bestcance304304307307Alex Thomaslled'", "\t\t\t[3485] button '\\ue620'", "\t\t\t[3469] button 'Clear all'", "\t\t[3656] button 'Actions'", "\t\t[3239] StaticText 'records found'", "\t\t[3511] textbox 'per page' required: False", "\t\t\t[3541] StaticText '200'", "\t\t[3499] button 'per page Select'", "\t\t[3242] button '\\ue629' disabled: True", "\t\t[3244] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t[3243] button '\\ue62a' disabled: True", "\t\t[2097] table ''", "\t\t\t[2100] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[3427] columnheader 'Options' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3430] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t[3432] button 'Options' disabled: True", "\t\t\t\t[2349] columnheader 'ID' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2350] columnheader 'Purchase Point' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2379] columnheader '↓ Purchase Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2351] columnheader 'Bill-to Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2352] columnheader 'Ship-to Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2353] columnheader 'Grand Total (Base)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2354] columnheader 'Grand Total (Purchased)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2355] columnheader 'Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2356] columnheader 'Action' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2357] columnheader 'Allocated sources' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2358] columnheader 'Braintree Transaction Source' required: False", "\t\t\t[3455] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[3456] gridcell \"We couldn't find any records.\" required: False", "\t[2013] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2018] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2019] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2029] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2021] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2022] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2023] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2024] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2025] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus remains on the 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' section, indicating that the expected transition to the dashboard did not occur. The webpage continues to display the same links and buttons related to order management, with no new content or layout appearing as would typically be expected in a dashboard view. The lack of any changes in the content area signifies that the click action did not successfully navigate away from the current section, leading to a stagnant user experience.
click [467]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1284] RootWebArea 'Invoices / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1343] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1291] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1295] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1299] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1303] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1307] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1311] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1315] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1319] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1323] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1327] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1360] heading 'Invoices'", "\t[1361] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1363] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1552] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1471] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1334] main ''" ]
The next observation would be that the focus shifts to the 'Invoices / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' section, but it remains in a busy state, indicating that the page is attempting to load but fails to do so. Instead of displaying the expected invoice management features, the user is left with an unresponsive interface that does not provide the needed information or options, leading to a frustrating experience.
click [468]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1275] RootWebArea 'Shipments / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1334] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1282] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1286] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1290] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1294] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1298] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1302] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1306] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1310] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1314] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1318] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1351] heading 'Shipments'", "\t[1352] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1354] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1543] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1462] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1325] main ''" ]
The next observation would be that the focus remains on the 'Shipments / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' section, but the page is busy, indicating an issue with loading the desired content. Instead of transitioning to a full view of shipment management options, the interface appears stuck, leaving the user without the necessary tools to manage shipments effectively. This leads to a disruption in workflow and user frustration.
click [469]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1275] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1335] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1282] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1286] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1290] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1294] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1298] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1302] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1306] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1310] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1314] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1318] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1353] heading 'Orders'", "\t[1354] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1356] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1548] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[2029] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1325] main ''", "\t\t[2036] button 'Create New Order'", "\t\t[2149] button '\\ue60fDefault View'", "\t\t[2162] button '\\ue610 Columns'", "\t\t[2275] button '\\ue635 Export'", "\t\t[2299] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False", "\t\t\t[2307] StaticText 'reviews307307307bestcance304304307307Alex Thomaslled'", "\t\t[2300] button 'Search'", "\t\t\t[2308] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t\t[2315] button '\\ue605Filters'", "\t\t[2526] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[2535] StaticText 'Active filters:'", "\t\t\t[2547] StaticText 'Keyword:'", "\t\t\t[2549] StaticText 'reviews307307307bestcance304304307307Alex Thomaslled'", "\t\t\t[2550] button '\\ue620'", "\t\t\t[2537] button 'Clear all'", "\t\t[2978] button 'Actions'", "\t\t[2332] StaticText 'records found'", "\t\t[2577] textbox 'per page' required: False", "\t\t\t[2604] StaticText '200'", "\t\t[2571] button 'per page Select'", "\t\t[2335] button '\\ue629' disabled: True", "\t\t[2337] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t[2336] button '\\ue62a' disabled: True", "\t\t[2069] table ''", "\t\t\t[2072] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[2084] columnheader 'Options' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2087] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t[2089] button 'Options' disabled: True", "\t\t\t\t[2112] columnheader 'ID' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2113] columnheader 'Purchase Point' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2165] columnheader '↓ Purchase Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2114] columnheader 'Bill-to Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2115] columnheader 'Ship-to Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2116] columnheader 'Grand Total (Base)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2117] columnheader 'Grand Total (Purchased)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2118] columnheader 'Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2119] columnheader 'Action' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2120] columnheader 'Allocated sources' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2121] columnheader 'Braintree Transaction Source' required: False", "\t\t\t[4267] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[4268] gridcell \"We couldn't find any records.\" required: False", "\t[2004] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2009] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2010] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2020] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2012] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2013] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2014] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2015] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2016] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus returns to the 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' section, but there are no changes in the displayed content or layout, indicating that the navigation action did not produce the intended effect. The interface remains static, with the same order management tools and information visible, failing to provide any updates or new features that might have been anticipated. This lack of change results in a repetitive and uninspired user experience.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [60] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' focused: True [70] generic '\ue603 CUSTOMERS Customers \ue62f All Customers Now Online Login as Customer Log Customer Groups' [96] link '\ue62f' [97] menu '' orientation: vertical [205] link 'All Customers' [206] link 'Now Online' [207] link 'Login as Customer Log' [208] link 'Customer Groups' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [77] heading 'Dashboard' [78] link '\ue600 admin' [80] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [83] StaticText 'Scope:' [738] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [740] link '\ue633 What is this?' [779] button 'Reload Data' [780] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [798] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [782] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [820] link 'here' [873] StaticText 'Revenue' [847] StaticText '$0.00' [874] StaticText 'Tax' [875] StaticText 'Shipping' [876] StaticText 'Quantity' [861] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [830] StaticText '$0.00' [832] StaticText 'Average Order' [837] StaticText 'Last Orders' [838] table '' [885] row '' [908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [909] columnheader 'Items' required: False [910] columnheader 'Total' required: False [886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [912] gridcell '5' required: False [913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [915] gridcell '4' required: False [916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [918] gridcell '3' required: False [919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [921] gridcell '4' required: False [922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [924] gridcell '2' required: False [925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [840] table '' [891] row '' [926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [927] columnheader 'Results' required: False [928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [930] gridcell '23' required: False [931] gridcell '1' required: False [893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [932] gridcell 'nike' required: False [933] gridcell '0' required: False [934] gridcell '3' required: False [894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [936] gridcell '10' required: False [937] gridcell '4' required: False [895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [939] gridcell '1' required: False [940] gridcell '19' required: False [896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [942] gridcell '23' required: False [943] gridcell '2' required: False [841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [842] table '' [897] row '' [944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [945] columnheader 'Results' required: False [946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [948] gridcell '1' required: False [949] gridcell '19' required: False [899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [951] gridcell '10' required: False [952] gridcell '4' required: False [900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [954] gridcell '23' required: False [955] gridcell '2' required: False [901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [957] gridcell '23' required: False [958] gridcell '1' required: False [902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [960] gridcell '1' required: False [961] gridcell '1' required: False [727] contentinfo '' [744] link '\ue606' [745] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [768] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [747] link 'Privacy Policy' [748] StaticText ' |' [749] link ' Account Activity' [750] StaticText ' | ' [751] link 'Report an Issue'
click [20] where [20] is link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS'
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [60] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [77] heading 'Dashboard' [78] link '\ue600 admin' [80] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [83] StaticText 'Scope:' [738] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [740] link '\ue633 What is this?' [779] button 'Reload Data' [780] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [798] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [782] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [820] link 'here' [873] StaticText 'Revenue' [847] StaticText '$0.00' [874] StaticText 'Tax' [875] StaticText 'Shipping' [876] StaticText 'Quantity' [861] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [830] StaticText '$0.00' [832] StaticText 'Average Order' [837] StaticText 'Last Orders' [838] table '' [885] row '' [908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [909] columnheader 'Items' required: False [910] columnheader 'Total' required: False [886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [912] gridcell '5' required: False [913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [915] gridcell '4' required: False [916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [918] gridcell '3' required: False [919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [921] gridcell '4' required: False [922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [924] gridcell '2' required: False [925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [840] table '' [891] row '' [926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [927] columnheader 'Results' required: False [928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [930] gridcell '23' required: False [931] gridcell '1' required: False [893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [932] gridcell 'nike' required: False [933] gridcell '0' required: False [934] gridcell '3' required: False [894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [936] gridcell '10' required: False [937] gridcell '4' required: False [895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [939] gridcell '1' required: False [940] gridcell '19' required: False [896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [942] gridcell '23' required: False [943] gridcell '2' required: False [841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [842] table '' [897] row '' [944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [945] columnheader 'Results' required: False [946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [948] gridcell '1' required: False [949] gridcell '19' required: False [899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [951] gridcell '10' required: False [952] gridcell '4' required: False [900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [954] gridcell '23' required: False [955] gridcell '2' required: False [901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [957] gridcell '23' required: False [958] gridcell '1' required: False [902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [960] gridcell '1' required: False [961] gridcell '1' required: False [727] contentinfo '' [744] link '\ue606' [745] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [768] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [747] link 'Privacy Policy' [748] StaticText ' |' [749] link ' Account Activity' [750] StaticText ' | ' [751] link 'Report an Issue'
Show all customers
The next observation would be a focused section on customers within the Magento Admin interface. The page now displays sub-navigation options for managing customers, such as `All Customers,` `Now Online,` and `Customer Groups.` The layout remains consistent with the admin dashboard, but the content is tailored to facilitate customer management, allowing the administrator to access detailed customer information and perform related actions. This transition effectively supports the user's objective of showing all customers, providing a dedicated space for customer-related activities.
{ "neg_action0": "click [12]", "neg_action1": "hover [20]", "neg_action2": "scroll [down]", "neg_action3": "click [40]", "neg_action4": "type [1220] [view all customers] [1]", "neg_action5": "click [16]", "neg_action6": "tab_focus [0]", "neg_action7": "close_tab", "neg_action8": "press [Ctrl+s]", "neg_action9": "new_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES' focused: True", "\t\t[74] generic '\\ue60b SALES Sales \\ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t\t[99] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[100] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[305] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[466] link 'Orders'", "\t\t\t\t\t[467] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t\t\t[468] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t\t\t[469] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t\t\t[470] link 'Billing Agreements'", "\t\t\t\t\t[471] link 'Transactions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[472] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[321] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[271] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[329] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[330] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[274] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[421] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[422] link 'here'", "\t\t[639] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[510] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[640] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[641] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[642] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[429] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[432] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[434] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[439] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[440] table ''", "\t\t\t[651] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[755] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[756] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[757] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[652] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[758] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[759] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[760] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[653] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[761] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[762] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[763] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[654] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[764] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[765] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[766] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[655] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[767] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[768] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[769] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[656] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[770] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[771] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[772] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[441] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[442] table ''", "\t\t\t[657] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[773] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[774] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[775] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[658] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[776] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[659] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[660] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[661] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[662] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[443] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[444] table ''", "\t\t\t[663] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[791] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[664] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[794] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[665] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[666] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1081] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[1073] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[1074] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[1075] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[1076] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[1077] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM' focused: True", "\t\t[78] generic '\\ue610 SYSTEM System \\ue62f Data Transfer Import Export Import/Export Tax Rates Import History Extensions Integrations Tools Cache Management Index Management Permissions All Users Locked Users User Roles Action Logs Bulk Actions Other Settings Notifications Custom Variables Manage Encryption Key'", "\t\t\t[122] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[123] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[252] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[577] StaticText 'Data Transfer'", "\t\t\t\t\t[462] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[670] link 'Import'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[671] link 'Export'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[672] link 'Import/Export Tax Rates'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[673] link 'Import History'", "\t\t\t\t\t[582] StaticText 'Extensions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[464] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[674] link 'Integrations'", "\t\t\t\t\t[584] StaticText 'Tools'", "\t\t\t\t\t[466] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[675] link 'Cache Management'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[676] link 'Index Management'", "\t\t\t\t[253] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[587] StaticText 'Permissions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[468] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[677] link 'All Users'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[678] link 'Locked Users'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[679] link 'User Roles'", "\t\t\t\t\t[591] StaticText 'Action Logs'", "\t\t\t\t\t[470] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[680] link 'Bulk Actions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[593] StaticText 'Other Settings'", "\t\t\t\t\t[472] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[681] link 'Notifications'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[682] link 'Custom Variables'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[683] link 'Manage Encryption Key'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[923] table ''", "\t\t\t[951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[870] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[875] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[878] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[879] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[880] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[881] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[882] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[60] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[77] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[78] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[80] link '\\ue607'", "\t[277] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' focused: True required: False", "\t\t[1273] StaticText 'view all customers'", "\t[1272] button 'Search'", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[83] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[738] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[740] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[779] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[780] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[782] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[840] table ''", "\t\t\t[891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[955] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[957] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[958] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[960] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[727] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[744] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[745] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[768] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[747] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[748] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[749] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[750] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[751] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[60] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True", "\t\t[69] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[92] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[93] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[248] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[364] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[365] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[77] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[78] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[80] link '\\ue607'", "\t[283] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[83] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[142] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[745] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[780] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[781] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[783] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[770] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[752] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[753] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[754] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[755] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[756] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[996] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[911] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[902] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[903] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[904] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[905] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[906] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[601] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[602] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[603] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[932] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[935] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[937] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[942] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[943] table ''", "\t\t\t[954] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[972] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[973] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[978] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[979] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[982] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[944] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[945] table ''", "\t\t\t[960] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[990] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[961] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[996] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[946] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[947] table ''", "\t\t\t[966] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1008] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[967] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[968] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1014] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1015] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1016] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[969] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1017] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1018] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1019] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[970] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1020] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1021] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1022] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[971] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1023] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1024] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1025] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[894] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[899] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[900] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[911] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[902] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[903] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[904] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[905] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[906] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0: Dashboard / Magento Admin | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ] }
[ "click [12]", "hover [20]", "scroll [down]", "click [40]", "type [1220] [view all customers] [1]", "click [16]", "tab_focus [0]", "close_tab", "press [Ctrl+s]", "new_tab" ]
hover [20]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the "CUSTOMERS" link is visually highlighted to indicate that it is currently selected, emphasizing its active state. The overall layout of the "Dashboard / Magento Admin" remains unchanged, with the primary sections still intact. The navigation menu continues to display the other links normally, indicating that no new content has been loaded or altered as a result of this hover action. The focus continues to be on the same root web area without any additional information being revealed.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[321] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[271] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[329] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[330] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[274] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[421] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[422] link 'here'", "\t\t[639] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[510] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[640] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[641] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[642] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[429] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[432] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[434] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[439] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[440] table ''", "\t\t\t[651] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[755] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[756] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[757] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[652] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[758] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[759] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[760] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[653] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[761] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[762] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[763] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[654] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[764] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[765] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[766] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[655] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[767] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[768] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[769] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[656] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[770] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[771] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[772] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[441] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[442] table ''", "\t\t\t[657] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[773] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[774] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[775] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[658] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[776] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[659] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[660] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[661] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[662] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[443] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[444] table ''", "\t\t\t[663] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[791] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[664] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[794] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[665] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[666] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[667] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[668] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1086] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[1065] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1070] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[1071] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1081] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[1073] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[1074] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[1075] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[1076] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[1077] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the same sections of the "Dashboard / Magento Admin" remain visible, indicating that no additional content or data has appeared. The layout continues to reflect the previously existing tables and statistics without any modification or loading of new sections. The overall structure and focus on the root web area persist, signifying that the scrolling action did not impact or reveal any further information within the admin dashboard.
click [40]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM' focused: True", "\t\t[78] generic '\\ue610 SYSTEM System \\ue62f Data Transfer Import Export Import/Export Tax Rates Import History Extensions Integrations Tools Cache Management Index Management Permissions All Users Locked Users User Roles Action Logs Bulk Actions Other Settings Notifications Custom Variables Manage Encryption Key'", "\t\t\t[122] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[123] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[252] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[577] StaticText 'Data Transfer'", "\t\t\t\t\t[462] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[670] link 'Import'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[671] link 'Export'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[672] link 'Import/Export Tax Rates'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[673] link 'Import History'", "\t\t\t\t\t[582] StaticText 'Extensions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[464] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[674] link 'Integrations'", "\t\t\t\t\t[584] StaticText 'Tools'", "\t\t\t\t\t[466] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[675] link 'Cache Management'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[676] link 'Index Management'", "\t\t\t\t[253] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[587] StaticText 'Permissions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[468] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[677] link 'All Users'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[678] link 'Locked Users'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[679] link 'User Roles'", "\t\t\t\t\t[591] StaticText 'Action Logs'", "\t\t\t\t\t[470] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[680] link 'Bulk Actions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[593] StaticText 'Other Settings'", "\t\t\t\t\t[472] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[681] link 'Notifications'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[682] link 'Custom Variables'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[683] link 'Manage Encryption Key'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[911] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[913] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[918] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[919] table ''", "\t\t\t[939] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[962] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[964] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[921] table ''", "\t\t\t[945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[979] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[982] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[923] table ''", "\t\t\t[951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[870] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[875] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[878] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[879] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[880] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[881] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[882] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that despite the attempt to access the "SYSTEM" section, the interface remains on the "Dashboard / Magento Admin" without any visible transition or loading of new content. The expected dropdown or expanded menu of options under "SYSTEM" does not appear, indicating a potential failure in navigation. The primary sections of the dashboard continue to be displayed as before, without any new content being loaded or the focus shifting to the intended settings area.
type [1220] [view all customers] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[60] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[77] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[78] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[80] link '\\ue607'", "\t[277] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' focused: True required: False", "\t\t[1273] StaticText 'view all customers'", "\t[1272] button 'Search'", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[83] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[738] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[740] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[779] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[780] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[782] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[840] table ''", "\t\t\t[891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[955] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[957] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[958] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[960] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[727] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[744] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[745] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[768] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[747] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[748] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[749] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[750] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[751] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the textbox displays the input "view all customers," but no changes occur in the displayed content of the "Dashboard / Magento Admin." The expected results or filtered view of customers does not appear, implying that the search functionality is non-responsive or failed to execute. The overall layout and sections of the dashboard remain intact, without any indication that the search action had any effect on the content being shown.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [60] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' focused: True [70] generic '\ue603 CUSTOMERS Customers \ue62f All Customers Now Online Login as Customer Log Customer Groups' [96] link '\ue62f' [97] menu '' orientation: vertical [205] link 'All Customers' [206] link 'Now Online' [207] link 'Login as Customer Log' [208] link 'Customer Groups' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [77] heading 'Dashboard' [78] link '\ue600 admin' [80] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [83] StaticText 'Scope:' [738] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [740] link '\ue633 What is this?' [779] button 'Reload Data' [780] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [798] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [782] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [820] link 'here' [873] StaticText 'Revenue' [847] StaticText '$0.00' [874] StaticText 'Tax' [875] StaticText 'Shipping' [876] StaticText 'Quantity' [861] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [830] StaticText '$0.00' [832] StaticText 'Average Order' [837] StaticText 'Last Orders' [838] table '' [885] row '' [908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [909] columnheader 'Items' required: False [910] columnheader 'Total' required: False [886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [912] gridcell '5' required: False [913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [915] gridcell '4' required: False [916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [918] gridcell '3' required: False [919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [921] gridcell '4' required: False [922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [924] gridcell '2' required: False [925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [840] table '' [891] row '' [926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [927] columnheader 'Results' required: False [928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [930] gridcell '23' required: False [931] gridcell '1' required: False [893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [932] gridcell 'nike' required: False [933] gridcell '0' required: False [934] gridcell '3' required: False [894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [936] gridcell '10' required: False [937] gridcell '4' required: False [895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [939] gridcell '1' required: False [940] gridcell '19' required: False [896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [942] gridcell '23' required: False [943] gridcell '2' required: False [841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [842] table '' [897] row '' [944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [945] columnheader 'Results' required: False [946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [948] gridcell '1' required: False [949] gridcell '19' required: False [899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [951] gridcell '10' required: False [952] gridcell '4' required: False [900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [954] gridcell '23' required: False [955] gridcell '2' required: False [901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [957] gridcell '23' required: False [958] gridcell '1' required: False [902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [960] gridcell '1' required: False [961] gridcell '1' required: False [727] contentinfo '' [744] link '\ue606' [745] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [768] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [747] link 'Privacy Policy' [748] StaticText ' |' [749] link ' Account Activity' [750] StaticText ' | ' [751] link 'Report an Issue'
click [20] where [20] is link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS'
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [60] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [77] heading 'Dashboard' [78] link '\ue600 admin' [80] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [83] StaticText 'Scope:' [738] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [740] link '\ue633 What is this?' [779] button 'Reload Data' [780] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [798] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [782] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [820] link 'here' [873] StaticText 'Revenue' [847] StaticText '$0.00' [874] StaticText 'Tax' [875] StaticText 'Shipping' [876] StaticText 'Quantity' [861] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [830] StaticText '$0.00' [832] StaticText 'Average Order' [837] StaticText 'Last Orders' [838] table '' [885] row '' [908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [909] columnheader 'Items' required: False [910] columnheader 'Total' required: False [886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [912] gridcell '5' required: False [913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [915] gridcell '4' required: False [916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [918] gridcell '3' required: False [919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [921] gridcell '4' required: False [922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [924] gridcell '2' required: False [925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [840] table '' [891] row '' [926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [927] columnheader 'Results' required: False [928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [930] gridcell '23' required: False [931] gridcell '1' required: False [893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [932] gridcell 'nike' required: False [933] gridcell '0' required: False [934] gridcell '3' required: False [894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [936] gridcell '10' required: False [937] gridcell '4' required: False [895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [939] gridcell '1' required: False [940] gridcell '19' required: False [896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [942] gridcell '23' required: False [943] gridcell '2' required: False [841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [842] table '' [897] row '' [944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [945] columnheader 'Results' required: False [946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [948] gridcell '1' required: False [949] gridcell '19' required: False [899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [951] gridcell '10' required: False [952] gridcell '4' required: False [900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [954] gridcell '23' required: False [955] gridcell '2' required: False [901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [957] gridcell '23' required: False [958] gridcell '1' required: False [902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [960] gridcell '1' required: False [961] gridcell '1' required: False [727] contentinfo '' [744] link '\ue606' [745] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [768] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [747] link 'Privacy Policy' [748] StaticText ' |' [749] link ' Account Activity' [750] StaticText ' | ' [751] link 'Report an Issue'
Show all customers
The next observation would be a focused section on customers within the Magento Admin interface. The page now displays sub-navigation options for managing customers, such as `All Customers,` `Now Online,` and `Customer Groups.` The layout remains consistent with the admin dashboard, but the content is tailored to facilitate customer management, allowing the administrator to access detailed customer information and perform related actions. This transition effectively supports the user's objective of showing all customers, providing a dedicated space for customer-related activities.
{ "neg_action0": "click [12]", "neg_action1": "hover [20]", "neg_action2": "scroll [down]", "neg_action3": "click [40]", "neg_action4": "type [1220] [view all customers] [1]", "neg_action5": "click [16]", "neg_action6": "tab_focus [0]", "neg_action7": "close_tab", "neg_action8": "press [Ctrl+s]", "neg_action9": "new_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES' focused: True", "\t\t[74] generic '\\ue60b SALES Sales \\ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t\t[99] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[100] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[305] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[466] link 'Orders'", "\t\t\t\t\t[467] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t\t\t[468] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t\t\t[469] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t\t\t[470] link 'Billing Agreements'", "\t\t\t\t\t[471] link 'Transactions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[472] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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'2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[321] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[271] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[329] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[330] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[274] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[421] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[422] link 'here'", "\t\t[639] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[510] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[640] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[641] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[642] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[429] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[432] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[434] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[439] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[440] table ''", "\t\t\t[651] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[755] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[756] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[757] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[652] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[758] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[759] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[760] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[653] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[761] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[762] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[763] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[654] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[764] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[765] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[766] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[655] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[660] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[661] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[662] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[443] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[444] table ''", "\t\t\t[663] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[791] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[664] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[794] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[665] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[666] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1081] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[1073] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[1074] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[1075] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[1076] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[1077] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM' focused: True", "\t\t[78] generic '\\ue610 SYSTEM System \\ue62f Data Transfer Import Export Import/Export Tax Rates Import History Extensions Integrations Tools Cache Management Index Management Permissions All Users Locked Users User Roles Action Logs Bulk Actions Other Settings Notifications Custom Variables Manage Encryption Key'", "\t\t\t[122] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[123] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[252] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[577] StaticText 'Data Transfer'", "\t\t\t\t\t[462] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[670] link 'Import'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[671] link 'Export'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[672] link 'Import/Export Tax Rates'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[673] link 'Import History'", "\t\t\t\t\t[582] StaticText 'Extensions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[464] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[674] link 'Integrations'", "\t\t\t\t\t[584] StaticText 'Tools'", "\t\t\t\t\t[466] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[675] link 'Cache Management'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[676] link 'Index Management'", "\t\t\t\t[253] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[587] StaticText 'Permissions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[468] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[677] link 'All Users'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[678] link 'Locked Users'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[679] link 'User Roles'", "\t\t\t\t\t[591] StaticText 'Action Logs'", "\t\t\t\t\t[470] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[680] link 'Bulk Actions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[593] StaticText 'Other Settings'", "\t\t\t\t\t[472] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[681] link 'Notifications'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[682] link 'Custom Variables'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[683] link 'Manage Encryption Key'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[911] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[913] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[918] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[919] table ''", "\t\t\t[939] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[962] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[964] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[921] table ''", "\t\t\t[945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[979] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[982] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[923] table ''", "\t\t\t[951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[870] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[875] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[878] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[879] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[880] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[881] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[882] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[60] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[77] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[78] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[80] link '\\ue607'", "\t[277] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' focused: True required: False", "\t\t[1273] StaticText 'view all customers'", "\t[1272] button 'Search'", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[83] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[738] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[740] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[779] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[780] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[782] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[768] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[747] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[748] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[749] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[750] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[751] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[60] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True", "\t\t[69] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[92] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[93] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[248] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[364] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[365] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[77] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[78] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[80] link '\\ue607'", "\t[283] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[83] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[142] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[745] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[780] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[781] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[783] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[770] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[752] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[753] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[754] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[755] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[756] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[601] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[602] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[603] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' 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False", "\t\t\t\t[974] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[978] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[979] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[982] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[996] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[946] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[947] table ''", "\t\t\t[966] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1008] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[967] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[968] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1014] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1015] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1016] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[969] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1017] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[911] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[902] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[903] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[904] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[905] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[906] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[601] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[602] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[603] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[996] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[911] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[902] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[903] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[904] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[905] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[906] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0: Dashboard / Magento Admin | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ] }
[ "click [12]", "hover [20]", "scroll [down]", "click [40]", "type [1220] [view all customers] [1]", "click [16]", "tab_focus [0]", "close_tab", "press [Ctrl+s]", "new_tab" ]
hover [20]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
**: The next observation would be that the link for "CUSTOMERS" may display additional information or a tooltip indicating more options or descriptions related to customer management. The overall layout remains unchanged, but the user receives enhanced feedback from the interface, allowing them to better understand their navigation choices within the Magento Admin Dashboard.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[321] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[271] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[329] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[330] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[274] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[421] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[422] link 'here'", "\t\t[639] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[510] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[640] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[641] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[642] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[429] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[432] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[434] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[439] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[440] table ''", "\t\t\t[651] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[755] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[756] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[757] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[652] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[758] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[759] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[760] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[653] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[761] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[762] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[763] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[654] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[764] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[765] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[766] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[655] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[767] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[768] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[769] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[656] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[770] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[771] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[772] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[441] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[442] table ''", "\t\t\t[657] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[773] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[774] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[775] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[658] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[776] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[659] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[660] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[661] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[662] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[443] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[444] table ''", "\t\t\t[663] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[791] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[664] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[794] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[665] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[666] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[667] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[668] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1086] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[1065] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1070] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[1071] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1081] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[1073] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[1074] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[1075] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[1076] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[1077] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
**: The next observation would be that more sections of the Dashboard become visible, revealing additional statistics or tools related to sales, marketing, and customer management. The previously visible elements remain unchanged, but the user now has access to a broader range of functionalities and insights that were previously out of view on the Magento Admin Dashboard.
click [40]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM' focused: True", "\t\t[78] generic '\\ue610 SYSTEM System \\ue62f Data Transfer Import Export Import/Export Tax Rates Import History Extensions Integrations Tools Cache Management Index Management Permissions All Users Locked Users User Roles Action Logs Bulk Actions Other Settings Notifications Custom Variables Manage Encryption Key'", "\t\t\t[122] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[123] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[252] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[577] StaticText 'Data Transfer'", "\t\t\t\t\t[462] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[670] link 'Import'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[671] link 'Export'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[672] link 'Import/Export Tax Rates'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[673] link 'Import History'", "\t\t\t\t\t[582] StaticText 'Extensions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[464] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[674] link 'Integrations'", "\t\t\t\t\t[584] StaticText 'Tools'", "\t\t\t\t\t[466] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[675] link 'Cache Management'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[676] link 'Index Management'", "\t\t\t\t[253] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[587] StaticText 'Permissions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[468] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[677] link 'All Users'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[678] link 'Locked Users'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[679] link 'User Roles'", "\t\t\t\t\t[591] StaticText 'Action Logs'", "\t\t\t\t\t[470] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[680] link 'Bulk Actions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[593] StaticText 'Other Settings'", "\t\t\t\t\t[472] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[681] link 'Notifications'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[682] link 'Custom Variables'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[683] link 'Manage Encryption Key'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[911] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[913] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[918] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[919] table ''", "\t\t\t[939] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[962] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[964] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[921] table ''", "\t\t\t[945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[979] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[982] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[923] table ''", "\t\t\t[951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[870] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[875] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[878] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[879] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[880] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[881] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[882] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
**: The next observation would be that the user is redirected to the SYSTEM section of the Magento Admin, where they can manage various aspects like data transfer, permissions, and configurations. The previous dashboard view obscured by the "CUSTOMERS" link is replaced by a new set of options relevant to system management, indicating a successful navigation away from the dashboard.
type [1220] [view all customers] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[60] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[77] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[78] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[80] link '\\ue607'", "\t[277] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' focused: True required: False", "\t\t[1273] StaticText 'view all customers'", "\t[1272] button 'Search'", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[83] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[738] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[740] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[779] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[780] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[782] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[840] table ''", "\t\t\t[891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[955] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[957] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[958] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[960] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[727] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[744] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[745] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[768] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[747] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[748] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[749] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[750] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[751] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
**: The next observation would be that the textbox is focused, and a search for "view all customers" has initiated, resulting in relevant customer details being filtered or displayed in the main content area. The rest of the Dashboard remains visible but is now supplemented with information pertinent to the user's query, enhancing the overall usability of the Magento Admin interface.
Tab 0 (current): Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1335] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1282] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1286] link '\ue60b SALES' [1290] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1294] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1298] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1302] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1306] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1310] link '\ue60d STORES' [1314] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1318] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1353] heading 'Products' [1354] link '\ue600 admin' [1356] link '\ue607' [2052] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1325] main '' [2027] contentinfo '' [2032] link '\ue606' [2033] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [2043] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [2035] link 'Privacy Policy' [2036] StaticText ' |' [2037] link ' Account Activity' [2038] StaticText ' | ' [2039] link 'Report an Issue'
click [198] where [198] is link 'Products'
[ "None", "click [16] where [16] is link '\\ue608 CATALOG'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [36] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [37] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True [39] generic '\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \ue62f Products Categories' [51] link '\ue62f' [52] menu '' orientation: vertical [130] menu '' orientation: vertical [198] link 'Products' [199] link 'Categories' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [385] link '\ue60d STORES' [381] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [636] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [661] heading 'Dashboard' [662] link '\ue600 admin' [664] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [643] main '' [667] StaticText 'Scope:' [696] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [699] link '\ue633 What is this?' [742] button 'Reload Data' [743] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [758] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [759] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [745] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [769] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [770] link 'here' [802] StaticText 'Revenue' [781] StaticText '$0.00' [803] StaticText 'Tax' [804] StaticText 'Shipping' [805] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [916] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [919] StaticText '$0.00' [921] StaticText 'Average Order' [926] StaticText 'Last Orders' [927] table '' [944] row '' [964] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [965] columnheader 'Items' required: False [966] columnheader 'Total' required: False [945] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [967] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [968] gridcell '5' required: False [969] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [970] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [971] gridcell '4' required: False [972] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [973] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [974] gridcell '3' required: False [975] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [976] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [977] gridcell '4' required: False [978] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [979] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [980] gridcell '2' required: False [981] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [928] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [929] table '' [950] row '' [982] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [983] columnheader 'Results' required: False [984] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [985] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [986] gridcell '23' required: False [987] gridcell '1' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [988] gridcell 'nike' required: False [989] gridcell '0' required: False [990] gridcell '3' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [991] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [992] gridcell '10' required: False [993] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [994] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [995] gridcell '1' required: False [996] gridcell '19' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [997] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [998] gridcell '23' required: False [999] gridcell '2' required: False [930] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [931] table '' [956] row '' [1000] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1001] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1002] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1003] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1004] gridcell '1' required: False [1005] gridcell '19' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1006] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1007] gridcell '10' required: False [1008] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1009] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1010] gridcell '23' required: False [1011] gridcell '2' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1012] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1013] gridcell '23' required: False [1014] gridcell '1' required: False [961] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1015] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1016] gridcell '1' required: False [1017] gridcell '1' required: False [878] contentinfo '' [883] link '\ue606' [884] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [895] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [886] link 'Privacy Policy' [887] StaticText ' |' [888] link ' Account Activity' [889] StaticText ' | ' [890] link 'Report an Issue'
Reduce the price of black Adidas track pants in size S by 25%
The next observation would be a transition to the `Products / Inventory / Catalog` section within the Magento Admin. This section provides an overview of all products available in the inventory, allowing the user to manage product details effectively. The user can now search for the specific product, in this case, the black Adidas track pants in size S, to edit its pricing and apply the 25% reduction as per the objective. The interface retains similar navigation elements, ensuring that the user can easily access other sections of the admin panel if needed.
{ "neg_action0": "click [2750]", "neg_action1": "hover [64]", "neg_action2": "click [34]", "neg_action3": "click [103]", "neg_action4": "click [104]", "neg_action5": "click [106]", "neg_action6": "scroll [down]", "neg_action7": "tab_focus [1]", "neg_action8": "go_back", "neg_action9": "go_forward", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: True", "\t[2995] list '' focused: True", "\t\t[3022] StaticText 'Switch to'", "\t\t[3006] button 'Projects'", "\t\t[2992] button 'Groups'", "\t\t[2979] StaticText 'Explore'", "\t\t[3035] link 'Milestones'", "\t\t[3059] link 'Snippets'", "\t\t[3014] link 'Activity'", "\t\t[3015] searchbox 'Search your projects'", "\t\t[3041] StaticText 'Frequently visited'", "\t\t[3026] StaticText 'Projects you visit often will appear here'", "\t\t[3031] link 'View all projects'", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[137] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[139] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[149] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1837] main ''", "\t\t[1758] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2263] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2376] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1850] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2018] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1684] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1704] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2326] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1798] link 'All'", "\t\t[1572] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2450] link ''", "\t\t[2079] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1993] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1756] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1503] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2436] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1870] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2344] link '0'", "\t\t[2341] link '0'", "\t\t[1778] link '0'", "\t\t[1881] link '0'", "\t\t[2307] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1780] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2381] link 'A'", "\t\t[1845] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1989] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1703] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2150] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1896] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2417] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2247] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2017] link '1'", "\t\t[1973] link '0'", "\t\t[2391] link '0'", "\t\t[2337] link '1'", "\t\t[1976] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2030] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2243] link 'A'", "\t\t[1558] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1613] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1739] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2239] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2188] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1691] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2358] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1605] link '2'", "\t\t[2133] link '0'", "\t\t[1551] link '1'", "\t\t[2333] link '4'", "\t\t[2190] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1954] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1886] link 'A'", "\t\t[1579] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1828] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2125] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1523] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2087] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2186] link '20'", "\t\t[2383] link '0'", "\t\t[2356] link '10'", "\t\t[2183] link '40'", "\t\t[2245] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1806] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2350] link 'A'", "\t\t[2437] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2038] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1532] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2371] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1680] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2454] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1518] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2406] link '1'", "\t\t[2192] link '0'", "\t\t[2149] link '0'", "\t\t[2390] link '0'", "\t\t[2284] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2277] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1820] link 'A'", "\t\t[2449] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2352] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1697] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2455] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1514] link '0'", "\t\t[1956] link '0'", "\t\t[2100] link '0'", "\t\t[1834] link '0'", "\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2334] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1527] link 'A'", "\t\t[1867] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2452] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2005] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1525] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1634] link '0'", "\t\t[1624] link '0'", "\t\t[1788] link '0'", "\t\t[2215] link '0'", "\t\t[2248] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2418] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1772] link 'A'", "\t\t[1528] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1522] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2229] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1782] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2324] link '0'", "\t\t[2413] link '0'", "\t\t[1515] link '0'", "\t\t[2290] link '0'", "\t\t[1698] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2316] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1712] link 'A'", "\t\t[2320] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2171] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2269] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2204] link '0'", "\t\t[2250] link '0'", "\t\t[2043] link '0'", "\t\t[1596] link '0'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1495] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1531] link 'B'", "\t\t[2252] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2227] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1586] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1768] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1893] link '0'", "\t\t[1928] link '0'", "\t\t[1693] link '0'", "\t\t[2428] link '0'", "\t\t[2445] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2441] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2151] link 'C'", "\t\t[1766] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2047] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1510] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1958] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2251] link '0'", "\t\t[2090] link '0'", "\t\t[2140] link '0'", "\t\t[2287] link '0'", "\t\t[2052] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1611] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2073] link ''", "\t\t[2143] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1919] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2385] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2217] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1777] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1492] link '0'", "\t\t[2429] link '0'", "\t\t[1767] link '0'", "\t\t[1485] link '0'", "\t\t[1667] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2176] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2318] link 'D'", "\t\t[1717] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2362] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1992] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2309] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2081] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1496] link '21'", "\t\t[1671] link '0'", "\t\t[1593] link '16'", "\t\t[2072] link '21'", "\t\t[2097] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2267] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2360] link 'D'", "\t\t[2020] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2019] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1648] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2075] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2068] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1653] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2388] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2264] link '0'", "\t\t[1484] link '0'", "\t\t[1734] link '0'", "\t\t[2050] link '1'", "\t\t[2138] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2432] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2179] link 'E'", "\t\t[2074] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1689] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1783] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1599] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2283] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1545] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2064] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2321] link '6'", "\t\t[2197] link '1'", "\t\t[1587] link '2'", "\t\t[1672] link '5'", "\t\t[1770] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1838] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2294] link 'E'", "\t\t[2289] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2348] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1794] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1669] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1723] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2327] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1635] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2422] link '2'", "\t\t[1602] link '0'", "\t\t[1910] link '0'", "\t\t[2355] link '0'", "\t\t[2121] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1970] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1857] link 'G'", "\t\t[1694] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2221] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2444] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2026] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1882] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1814] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1764] link '0'", "\t\t[2166] link '0'", "\t\t[1646] link '0'", "\t\t[2280] link '0'", "\t\t[1933] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1841] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1497] link 'L'", "\t\t[1940] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1665] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1787] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1781] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2063] link '0'", "\t\t[2258] link '0'", "\t\t[1948] link '0'", "\t\t[1908] link '0'", "\t\t[2457] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1868] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2304] link 'M'", "\t\t[1612] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2055] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2035] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2117] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2300] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2077] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2328] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2095] link '6'", "\t\t[2372] link '0'", "\t\t[2346] link '2'", "\t\t[2438] link '4'", "\t\t[1986] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2163] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1995] link 'N'", "\t\t[2399] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1560] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1945] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2044] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1588] link '0'", "\t\t[2409] link '0'", "\t\t[1730] link '0'", "\t\t[1506] link '0'", "\t\t[1853] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1491] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1504] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2126] link '1'", "\t\t[1869] link '2'", "\t\t[1786] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[102] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[121] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[103] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[123] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[105] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[106] link 'Help'", "\t[108] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[133] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1869] main ''", "\t\t[1789] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1805] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1633] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2010] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2228] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2322] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2387] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2239] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1704] link 'All'", "\t\t[2258] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1743] link ''", "\t\t[1600] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1928] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2132] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2230] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1834] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2384] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2358] link '0'", "\t\t[1728] link '0'", "\t\t[1604] link '0'", "\t\t[1605] link '0'", "\t\t[2241] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2269] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2060] link 'A'", "\t\t[2142] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2218] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2310] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1625] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1503] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1690] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1613] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2213] link '1'", "\t\t[1559] link '0'", "\t\t[2353] link '0'", "\t\t[2460] link '1'", "\t\t[2227] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1546] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2301] link 'A'", "\t\t[2237] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2120] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1845] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2121] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2091] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2240] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2033] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2410] link '2'", "\t\t[2106] link '0'", "\t\t[2182] link '1'", "\t\t[2471] link '4'", "\t\t[2397] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1714] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1719] link 'A'", "\t\t[1773] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1540] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1632] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2204] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1549] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2268] link '20'", "\t\t[1689] link '0'", "\t\t[1899] link '10'", "\t\t[2035] link '40'", "\t\t[1698] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2474] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2173] link 'A'", "\t\t[1680] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2441] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1672] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2449] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2364] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2046] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1561] link '1'", "\t\t[1550] link '0'", "\t\t[2259] link '0'", "\t\t[2180] link '0'", "\t\t[2211] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1696] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2084] link 'A'", "\t\t[2346] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2144] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2434] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1783] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2231] link '0'", "\t\t[2342] link '0'", "\t\t[2295] link '0'", "\t\t[1939] link '0'", "\t\t[1759] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1735] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2122] link 'A'", "\t\t[2232] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2177] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2279] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1950] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2015] link '0'", "\t\t[2281] link '0'", "\t\t[1619] link '0'", "\t\t[1754] link '0'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1934] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2126] link 'A'", "\t\t[1925] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1827] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1957] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2448] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1727] link '0'", "\t\t[1797] link '0'", "\t\t[1533] link '0'", "\t\t[1906] link '0'", "\t\t[1603] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1740] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2265] link 'A'", "\t\t[2282] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1904] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2125] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2139] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2174] link '0'", "\t\t[2406] link '0'", "\t\t[1554] link '0'", "\t\t[1858] link '0'", "\t\t[1574] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2063] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2009] link 'B'", "\t\t[1515] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1547] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2452] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1556] link '0'", "\t\t[1753] link '0'", "\t\t[2020] link '0'", "\t\t[2407] link '0'", "\t\t[1804] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2005] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2134] link 'C'", "\t\t[1861] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1558] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1520] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2398] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1535] link '0'", "\t\t[2409] link '0'", "\t\t[2045] link '0'", "\t\t[1686] link '0'", "\t\t[2333] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2116] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2249] link ''", "\t\t[2127] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1563] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1715] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2473] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2291] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2081] link '0'", "\t\t[2190] link '0'", "\t\t[2187] link '0'", "\t\t[2107] link '0'", "\t\t[2110] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2102] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2388] link 'D'", "\t\t[2385] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2411] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2308] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2154] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1875] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1653] link '21'", "\t\t[1836] link '0'", "\t\t[1599] link '16'", "\t\t[1908] link '21'", "\t\t[1757] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1631] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1736] link 'D'", "\t\t[2100] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2309] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2185] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2450] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1529] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1833] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1918] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1786] link '0'", "\t\t[2168] link '0'", "\t\t[1596] link '0'", "\t\t[2024] link '1'", "\t\t[2370] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2299] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1665] link 'E'", "\t\t[2458] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2099] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1901] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2092] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1891] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2215] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2437] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1717] link '6'", "\t\t[1496] link '1'", "\t\t[1589] link '2'", "\t\t[2164] link '5'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2220] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2252] link 'E'", "\t\t[2331] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1722] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1809] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2456] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1915] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1490] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1944] link '2'", "\t\t[1562] link '0'", "\t\t[2030] link '0'", "\t\t[1651] link '0'", "\t\t[1964] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1770] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2109] link 'G'", "\t\t[1779] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2212] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1822] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1878] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1495] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1896] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2082] link '0'", "\t\t[2262] link '0'", "\t\t[2417] link '0'", "\t\t[1970] link '0'", "\t\t[2170] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1791] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2365] link 'L'", "\t\t[1512] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1707] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1627] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1900] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2347] link '0'", "\t\t[1538] link '0'", "\t\t[2217] link '0'", "\t\t[2151] link '0'", "\t\t[1489] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1569] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2245] link 'M'", "\t\t[1570] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1681] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1708] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2250] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2014] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2197] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2375] link '6'", "\t\t[1583] link '0'", "\t\t[1697] link '2'", "\t\t[1758] link '4'", "\t\t[1864] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1815] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2224] link 'N'", "\t\t[2090] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1854] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1629] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1513] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2424] link '0'", "\t\t[1967] link '0'", "\t\t[2051] link '0'", "\t\t[1902] link '0'", "\t\t[1586] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2233] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2478] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2317] link '1'", "\t\t[2315] link '2'", "\t\t[1823] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...' focused: True expanded: True", "\t[2978] link 'New project/repository'", "\t[2979] link 'New group'", "\t[2976] link 'New snippet'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[136] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[138] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[148] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1853] main ''", "\t\t[1772] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2284] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1499] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1744] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2043] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1987] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2374] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1867] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1709] link 'All'", "\t\t[1812] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2412] link ''", "\t\t[1490] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1691] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1773] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2286] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1503] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1749] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1567] link '0'", "\t\t[2136] link '0'", "\t\t[2290] link '0'", "\t\t[2285] link '0'", "\t\t[1841] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1692] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2457] link 'A'", "\t\t[1539] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1635] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2296] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1597] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1894] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1566] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2124] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1770] link '1'", "\t\t[2125] link '0'", "\t\t[1920] link '0'", "\t\t[2066] link '1'", "\t\t[2020] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2025] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2250] link 'A'", "\t\t[2361] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1522] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1791] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1886] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2239] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2459] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1786] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1712] link '2'", "\t\t[2163] link '0'", "\t\t[1866] link '1'", "\t\t[1800] link '4'", "\t\t[2015] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2059] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2144] link 'A'", "\t\t[1994] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2172] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2408] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2271] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2223] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1754] link '20'", "\t\t[1681] link '0'", "\t\t[1598] link '10'", "\t\t[2117] link '40'", "\t\t[2056] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1634] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1501] link 'A'", "\t\t[2154] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2236] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1575] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2210] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2379] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2161] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1612] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2148] link '1'", "\t\t[1918] link '0'", "\t\t[2126] link '0'", "\t\t[2310] link '0'", "\t\t[1972] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1842] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2469] link 'A'", "\t\t[2403] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2221] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2377] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2107] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2461] link '0'", "\t\t[1553] link '0'", "\t\t[1699] link '0'", "\t\t[2231] link '0'", "\t\t[2268] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1822] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2249] link 'A'", "\t\t[2423] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2063] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2213] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2391] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2175] link '0'", "\t\t[2472] link '0'", "\t\t[1705] link '0'", "\t\t[2416] link '0'", "\t\t[2029] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2363] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2385] link 'A'", "\t\t[1538] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2312] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1974] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2372] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1673] link '0'", "\t\t[1884] link '0'", "\t\t[2032] link '0'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[2120] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1863] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1492] link 'A'", "\t\t[1656] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1881] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1646] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2474] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1563] link '0'", "\t\t[1550] link '0'", "\t\t[2255] link '0'", "\t\t[2170] link '0'", "\t\t[1735] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2179] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1698] link 'B'", "\t\t[2346] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2272] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2433] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1543] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2225] link '0'", "\t\t[2343] link '0'", "\t\t[2292] link '0'", "\t\t[1923] link '0'", "\t\t[1639] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2145] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1957] link 'C'", "\t\t[2226] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1706] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2274] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2190] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2012] link '0'", "\t\t[2276] link '0'", "\t\t[1608] link '0'", "\t\t[1732] link '0'", "\t\t[2130] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1686] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2388] link ''", "\t\t[1724] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1755] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1913] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2253] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1875] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1703] link '0'", "\t\t[1780] link '0'", "\t\t[1532] link '0'", "\t\t[1896] link '0'", "\t\t[1764] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2468] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1666] link 'D'", "\t\t[2275] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2464] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2111] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2068] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1978] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2405] link '21'", "\t\t[1556] link '0'", "\t\t[1838] link '16'", "\t\t[1779] link '21'", "\t\t[2079] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1630] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1824] link 'D'", "\t\t[2452] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1932] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1781] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2240] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1787] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2414] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1643] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2047] link '0'", "\t\t[1685] link '0'", "\t\t[1940] link '0'", "\t\t[2367] link '1'", "\t\t[1943] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1750] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1794] link 'E'", "\t\t[1782] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2279] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1728] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2169] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1944] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1727] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1851] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2088] link '6'", "\t\t[1562] link '1'", "\t\t[2209] link '2'", "\t\t[1542] link '5'", "\t\t[2360] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1889] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2237] link 'E'", "\t\t[2449] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1819] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2345] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2436] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1844] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1498] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2218] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1614] link '2'", "\t\t[1751] link '0'", "\t\t[1837] link '0'", "\t\t[1689] link '0'", "\t\t[2447] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1621] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2445] link 'G'", "\t\t[1846] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1926] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1880] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2261] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1708] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2016] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2206] link '0'", "\t\t[2333] link '0'", "\t\t[2399] link '0'", "\t\t[2321] link '0'", "\t\t[2465] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1956] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2375] link 'L'", "\t\t[1874] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1799] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1561] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1950] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1827] link '0'", "\t\t[2330] link '0'", "\t\t[2033] link '0'", "\t\t[2280] link '0'", "\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1806] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2431] link 'M'", "\t\t[1783] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2146] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1523] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2392] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2366] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2291] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2462] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2215] link '6'", "\t\t[1680] link '0'", "\t\t[2435] link '2'", "\t\t[1519] link '4'", "\t\t[1830] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2338] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2177] link 'N'", "\t\t[2147] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[2298] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1873] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2422] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2054] link '0'", "\t\t[1861] link '0'", "\t\t[2067] link '0'", "\t\t[2262] link '0'", "\t\t[1973] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2329] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1573] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2387] link '1'", "\t\t[1586] link '2'", "\t\t[2227] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[2977] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[2981] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2990] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[4951] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[3045] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3035] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[3019] link 'Create new...'", "\t[3092] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[3112] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[3093] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[3114] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[3095] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[3096] link 'Help'", "\t[3098] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[3124] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[3069] main ''", "\t\t[3087] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[3104] link 'New project'", "\t\t[3190] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[3191] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[3192] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[3193] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[3136] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[3199] button 'Name'", "\t\t[3140] link 'All'", "\t\t[3141] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[3377] link ''", "\t\t[3484] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[3610] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[3485] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3612] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3613] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[3614] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[3490] link '0'", "\t\t[3491] link '0'", "\t\t[3492] link '0'", "\t\t[3493] link '0'", "\t\t[3625] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3626] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4491] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3380] link 'A'", "\t\t[3496] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[3627] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[3497] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3629] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3630] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[3810] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[3631] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[3502] link '1'", "\t\t[3503] link '0'", "\t\t[3504] link '0'", "\t\t[3505] link '1'", "\t\t[3642] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3643] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4497] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3383] link 'A'", "\t\t[3508] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[3644] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[3509] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3646] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3647] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[3830] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[3648] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[3514] link '2'", "\t\t[3515] link '0'", "\t\t[3516] link '1'", "\t\t[3517] link '4'", "\t\t[3659] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3660] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4503] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[3386] link 'A'", "\t\t[3520] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[3661] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[3521] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3663] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[3664] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[3526] link '20'", "\t\t[3527] link '0'", "\t\t[3528] link '10'", "\t\t[3529] link '40'", "\t\t[3675] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3676] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4509] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[3389] link 'A'", "\t\t[3532] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[3677] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[3533] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[3679] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3680] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[3869] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[3681] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[3538] link '1'", "\t\t[3539] link '0'", "\t\t[3540] link '0'", "\t\t[3541] link '0'", "\t\t[3692] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3693] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4515] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3392] link 'A'", "\t\t[3544] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[3694] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[3545] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3696] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3549] link '0'", "\t\t[3550] link '0'", "\t\t[3551] link '0'", "\t\t[3552] link '0'", "\t\t[3707] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3708] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4521] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3395] link 'A'", "\t\t[3555] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[3709] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[3556] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3711] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3560] link '0'", "\t\t[3561] link '0'", "\t\t[3562] link '0'", "\t\t[3563] link '0'", "\t\t[3722] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3723] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4527] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3398] link 'A'", "\t\t[3566] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[3724] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[3567] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3726] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3571] link '0'", "\t\t[3572] link '0'", "\t\t[3573] link '0'", "\t\t[3574] link '0'", "\t\t[3737] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3738] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4533] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3401] link 'A'", "\t\t[3577] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[3739] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[3578] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3741] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3582] link '0'", "\t\t[3583] link '0'", "\t\t[3584] link '0'", "\t\t[3585] link '0'", "\t\t[3752] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3753] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4539] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3404] link 'B'", "\t\t[3588] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[3754] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[3589] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3756] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3593] link '0'", "\t\t[3594] link '0'", "\t\t[3595] link '0'", "\t\t[3596] link '0'", "\t\t[3767] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3768] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4545] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3407] link 'C'", "\t\t[3599] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[3769] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[3600] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3771] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3604] link '0'", "\t\t[3605] link '0'", "\t\t[3606] link '0'", "\t\t[3607] link '0'", "\t\t[3782] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3783] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4551] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3410] link ''", "\t\t[4226] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[4336] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[4227] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4338] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4339] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[4232] link '0'", "\t\t[4233] link '0'", "\t\t[4234] link '0'", "\t\t[4235] link '0'", "\t\t[4350] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4351] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4570] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4141] link 'D'", "\t\t[4238] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[4352] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[4239] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4354] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[4355] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[4244] link '21'", "\t\t[4245] link '0'", "\t\t[4246] link '16'", "\t\t[4247] link '21'", "\t\t[4366] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4367] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4589] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4144] link 'D'", "\t\t[4250] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[4368] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[4251] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4370] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4371] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[4596] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[4372] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[4256] link '0'", "\t\t[4257] link '0'", "\t\t[4258] link '0'", "\t\t[4259] link '1'", "\t\t[4383] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4384] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4609] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[4147] link 'E'", "\t\t[4262] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[4385] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[4263] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4387] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4388] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[4616] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[4389] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[4268] link '6'", "\t\t[4269] link '1'", "\t\t[4270] link '2'", "\t\t[4271] link '5'", "\t\t[4400] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4401] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4629] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[4150] link 'E'", "\t\t[4274] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[4402] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[4275] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4404] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4405] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[4636] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[4406] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[4280] link '2'", "\t\t[4281] link '0'", "\t\t[4282] link '0'", "\t\t[4283] link '0'", "\t\t[4417] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4418] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4649] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4153] link 'G'", "\t\t[4286] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[4419] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[4287] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[4421] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4422] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[4426] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[4293] link '0'", "\t\t[4294] link '0'", "\t\t[4295] link '0'", "\t\t[4296] link '0'", "\t\t[4435] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4436] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4670] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[4156] link 'L'", "\t\t[4299] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[4437] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[4300] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4439] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4304] link '0'", "\t\t[4305] link '0'", "\t\t[4306] link '0'", "\t\t[4307] link '0'", "\t\t[4450] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4451] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4689] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[4159] link 'M'", "\t\t[4310] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[4452] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[4311] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4454] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4455] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[4696] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[4456] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[4316] link '6'", "\t\t[4317] link '0'", "\t\t[4318] link '2'", "\t\t[4319] link '4'", "\t\t[4467] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4468] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4709] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4162] link 'N'", "\t\t[4322] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[4469] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[4323] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4471] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4327] link '0'", "\t\t[4328] link '0'", "\t\t[4329] link '0'", "\t\t[4330] link '0'", "\t\t[4482] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4483] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4728] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[4165] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[4166] link '1'", "\t\t[4167] link '2'", "\t\t[4168] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[2977] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[2981] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2994] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[5048] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[3043] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3032] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[3010] link 'Create new...'", "\t[3089] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[3122] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[3090] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[3124] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[3092] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[3093] link 'Help'", "\t[3095] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[3134] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[3065] main ''", "\t\t[3083] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[3101] link 'New project'", "\t\t[3239] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[3240] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[3241] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[3242] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[3146] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[3248] button 'Name'", "\t\t[3150] link 'All'", "\t\t[3151] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[3252] link ''", "\t\t[3462] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[3624] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[3463] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3626] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3627] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[3628] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[3468] link '0'", "\t\t[3469] link '0'", "\t\t[3470] link '0'", "\t\t[3471] link '0'", "\t\t[3639] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3640] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4535] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3255] link 'A'", "\t\t[3474] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[3641] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[3475] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3643] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3644] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[3847] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[3645] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[3480] link '1'", "\t\t[3481] link '0'", "\t\t[3482] link '0'", "\t\t[3483] link '1'", "\t\t[3656] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3657] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4541] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3258] link 'A'", "\t\t[3486] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[3658] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[3487] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3660] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3661] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[3867] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[3662] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[3492] link '2'", "\t\t[3493] link '0'", "\t\t[3494] link '1'", "\t\t[3495] link '4'", "\t\t[3673] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3674] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4547] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[3261] link 'A'", "\t\t[3498] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[3675] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[3499] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3677] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[3678] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[3504] link '20'", "\t\t[3505] link '0'", "\t\t[3506] link '10'", "\t\t[3507] link '40'", "\t\t[3689] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3690] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4553] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[3264] link 'A'", "\t\t[3510] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[3691] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[3511] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[3693] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3694] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[3906] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[3695] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[3516] link '1'", "\t\t[3517] link '0'", "\t\t[3518] link '0'", "\t\t[3519] link '0'", "\t\t[3706] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3707] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4559] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3267] link 'A'", "\t\t[3522] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[3708] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[3523] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3710] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3527] link '0'", "\t\t[3528] link '0'", "\t\t[3529] link '0'", "\t\t[3530] link '0'", "\t\t[3721] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3722] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4565] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3270] link 'A'", "\t\t[3533] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[3723] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[3534] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3725] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3538] link '0'", "\t\t[3539] link '0'", "\t\t[3540] link '0'", "\t\t[3541] link '0'", "\t\t[3736] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3737] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4571] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3273] link 'A'", "\t\t[3544] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[3738] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[3545] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3740] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3549] link '0'", "\t\t[3550] link '0'", "\t\t[3551] link '0'", "\t\t[3552] link '0'", "\t\t[3751] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3752] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4577] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3276] link 'A'", "\t\t[3555] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[3753] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[3556] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3755] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3560] link '0'", "\t\t[3561] link '0'", "\t\t[3562] link '0'", "\t\t[3563] link '0'", "\t\t[3766] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3767] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4583] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3279] link 'B'", "\t\t[3566] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[3768] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[3567] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3770] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3571] link '0'", "\t\t[3572] link '0'", "\t\t[3573] link '0'", "\t\t[3574] link '0'", "\t\t[3781] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3782] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4589] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3282] link 'C'", "\t\t[3577] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[3783] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[3578] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3785] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3582] link '0'", "\t\t[3583] link '0'", "\t\t[3584] link '0'", "\t\t[3585] link '0'", "\t\t[3796] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3797] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4595] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3285] link ''", "\t\t[3587] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[3798] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[3588] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3800] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3801] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[3593] link '0'", "\t\t[3594] link '0'", "\t\t[3595] link '0'", "\t\t[3596] link '0'", "\t\t[3812] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3813] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4601] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3288] link 'D'", "\t\t[3599] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[3814] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[3600] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3816] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[3817] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[3605] link '21'", "\t\t[4311] link '0'", "\t\t[4312] link '16'", "\t\t[4313] link '21'", "\t\t[4410] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4411] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4610] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4227] link 'D'", "\t\t[4316] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[4412] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[4317] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4414] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4415] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[4617] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[4416] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[4322] link '0'", "\t\t[4323] link '0'", "\t\t[4324] link '0'", "\t\t[4325] link '1'", "\t\t[4427] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4428] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4630] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[4230] link 'E'", "\t\t[4328] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[4429] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[4329] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4431] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4432] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[4637] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[4433] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[4334] link '6'", "\t\t[4335] link '1'", "\t\t[4336] link '2'", "\t\t[4337] link '5'", "\t\t[4444] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4445] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4650] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[4233] link 'E'", "\t\t[4340] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[4446] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[4341] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4448] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4449] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[4657] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[4450] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[4346] link '2'", "\t\t[4347] link '0'", "\t\t[4348] link '0'", "\t\t[4349] link '0'", "\t\t[4461] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4462] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4670] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4236] link 'G'", "\t\t[4352] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[4463] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[4353] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[4465] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4466] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[4470] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[4359] link '0'", "\t\t[4360] link '0'", "\t\t[4361] link '0'", "\t\t[4362] link '0'", "\t\t[4479] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4480] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4691] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[4239] link 'L'", "\t\t[4365] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[4481] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[4366] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4483] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4370] link '0'", "\t\t[4371] link '0'", "\t\t[4372] link '0'", "\t\t[4373] link '0'", "\t\t[4494] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4495] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4710] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[4242] link 'M'", "\t\t[4376] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[4496] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[4377] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4498] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4499] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[4717] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[4500] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[4382] link '6'", "\t\t[4383] link '0'", "\t\t[4384] link '2'", "\t\t[4385] link '4'", "\t\t[4511] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4512] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4730] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4245] link 'N'", "\t\t[4388] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[4513] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[4389] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4515] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4393] link '0'", "\t\t[4394] link '0'", "\t\t[4395] link '0'", "\t\t[4396] link '0'", "\t\t[4526] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4527] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4749] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[4248] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[4249] link '1'", "\t\t[4250] link '2'", "\t\t[4251] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[2972] RootWebArea 'To-Do List · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[2976] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2989] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3011] link ''", "\t[3039] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3027] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[3005] link 'Create new...'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[136] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[138] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[148] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1865] main ''", "\t\t[1783] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2299] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1755] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2049] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2001] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1509] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2379] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2051] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1725] link 'All'", "\t\t[1822] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2355] link ''", "\t\t[2426] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2192] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1977] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1810] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2442] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2386] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1642] link '0'", "\t\t[2466] link '0'", "\t\t[1542] link '0'", "\t\t[2309] link '0'", "\t\t[1640] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2106] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2162] link 'A'", "\t\t[1679] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2189] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2117] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1620] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1541] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2303] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2284] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1511] link '1'", "\t\t[2371] link '0'", "\t\t[2368] link '0'", "\t\t[1805] link '1'", "\t\t[1850] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2364] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1777] link 'A'", "\t\t[1933] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1707] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1875] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1600] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2165] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2418] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1905] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2177] link '2'", "\t\t[2050] link '0'", "\t\t[2009] link '1'", "\t\t[2416] link '4'", "\t\t[2385] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1855] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2235] link 'A'", "\t\t[1936] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1826] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1593] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1911] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1994] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2205] link '20'", "\t\t[1637] link '0'", "\t\t[2166] link '10'", "\t\t[1584] link '40'", "\t\t[1504] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1618] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1864] link 'A'", "\t\t[1612] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2432] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1614] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1599] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2022] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2104] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2344] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2198] link '1'", "\t\t[2219] link '0'", "\t\t[2408] link '0'", "\t\t[2382] link '0'", "\t\t[2097] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2041] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2246] link 'A'", "\t\t[2357] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1540] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2460] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1908] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1837] link '0'", "\t\t[2171] link '0'", "\t\t[2427] link '0'", "\t\t[2225] link '0'", "\t\t[1769] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2204] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2337] link 'A'", "\t\t[2112] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1551] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2187] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2004] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1763] link '0'", "\t\t[1632] link '0'", "\t\t[1538] link '0'", "\t\t[1986] link '0'", "\t\t[2443] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1624] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2199] link 'A'", "\t\t[2274] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2449] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1683] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1582] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2193] link '0'", "\t\t[1675] link '0'", "\t\t[1668] link '0'", "\t\t[1659] link '0'", "\t\t[2212] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1688] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2429] link 'A'", "\t\t[2007] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2143] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1569] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1775] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1634] link '0'", "\t\t[2116] link '0'", "\t\t[2354] link '0'", "\t\t[2437] link '0'", "\t\t[1745] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1729] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2435] link 'B'", "\t\t[1739] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2181] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2236] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1940] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2195] link '0'", "\t\t[2040] link '0'", "\t\t[2237] link '0'", "\t\t[2288] link '0'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1930] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2044] link 'C'", "\t\t[2081] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1821] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2024] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2445] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2005] link '0'", "\t\t[1737] link '0'", "\t\t[1922] link '0'", "\t\t[1951] link '0'", "\t\t[1609] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1734] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1806] link ''", "\t\t[2451] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1903] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2060] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2138] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1772] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2011] link '0'", "\t\t[2034] link '0'", "\t\t[2289] link '0'", "\t\t[2126] link '0'", "\t\t[2072] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1549] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2186] link 'D'", "\t\t[1839] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1756] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2176] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2346] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2306] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1859] link '21'", "\t\t[1517] link '0'", "\t\t[2452] link '16'", "\t\t[1791] link '21'", "\t\t[1565] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2101] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2462] link 'D'", "\t\t[1561] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2400] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1744] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1935] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1991] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1682] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1501] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1851] link '0'", "\t\t[1838] link '0'", "\t\t[2339] link '0'", "\t\t[2042] link '1'", "\t\t[1934] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1575] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2086] link 'E'", "\t\t[2210] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2038] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1794] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2067] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1992] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1764] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1770] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1686] link '6'", "\t\t[1657] link '1'", "\t\t[1616] link '2'", "\t\t[2393] link '5'", "\t\t[1656] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2102] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1778] link 'E'", "\t\t[1825] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1513] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1716] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2436] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1757] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1592] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1531] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1953] link '2'", "\t\t[1760] link '0'", "\t\t[2295] link '0'", "\t\t[2002] link '0'", "\t\t[1779] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1867] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2074] link 'G'", "\t\t[1863] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2376] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1785] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1693] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1750] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1622] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2383] link '0'", "\t\t[2114] link '0'", "\t\t[2065] link '0'", "\t\t[1818] link '0'", "\t\t[2006] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2255] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2075] link 'L'", "\t\t[1830] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2294] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2253] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1910] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1623] link '0'", "\t\t[1697] link '0'", "\t\t[2478] link '0'", "\t\t[2329] link '0'", "\t\t[1878] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1495] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1941] link 'M'", "\t\t[1812] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1956] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1842] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1699] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1895] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1957] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1813] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1937] link '6'", "\t\t[2381] link '0'", "\t\t[2273] link '2'", "\t\t[1724] link '4'", "\t\t[2479] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1897] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2054] link 'N'", "\t\t[1971] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[2092] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2027] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2151] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1787] link '0'", "\t\t[2200] link '0'", "\t\t[1677] link '0'", "\t\t[2320] link '0'", "\t\t[1921] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2252] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2374] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1560] link '1'", "\t\t[2430] link '2'", "\t\t[1792] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[132] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[134] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[144] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1871] main ''", "\t\t[1786] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2294] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2200] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1915] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1923] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1855] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2145] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2171] button 'Name'", "\t\t[2380] link 'All'", "\t\t[1732] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2123] link ''", "\t\t[1806] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1542] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2258] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2136] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1868] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2272] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1553] link '0'", "\t\t[2324] link '0'", "\t\t[1990] link '0'", "\t\t[1781] link '0'", "\t\t[2002] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1568] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1604] link 'A'", "\t\t[2078] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1555] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2277] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2186] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1634] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1981] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2118] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2009] link '1'", "\t\t[2424] link '0'", "\t\t[1830] link '0'", "\t\t[2357] link '1'", "\t\t[2035] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2239] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1758] link 'A'", "\t\t[1791] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2286] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1856] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1631] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2079] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1769] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2018] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2443] link '2'", "\t\t[2013] link '0'", "\t\t[2074] link '1'", "\t\t[2426] link '4'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1795] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1506] link 'A'", "\t\t[1721] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1538] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2242] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2006] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2028] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2090] link '20'", "\t\t[1718] link '0'", "\t\t[1681] link '10'", "\t\t[1559] link '40'", "\t\t[1866] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1516] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2048] link 'A'", "\t\t[1787] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2453] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1584] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1512] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2336] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1623] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1563] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2151] link '1'", "\t\t[2299] link '0'", "\t\t[2295] link '0'", "\t\t[1647] link '0'", "\t\t[1541] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2414] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2420] link 'A'", "\t\t[2304] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2050] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1694] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1689] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1785] link '0'", "\t\t[2142] link '0'", "\t\t[1934] link '0'", "\t\t[2069] link '0'", "\t\t[1813] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2442] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2459] link 'A'", "\t\t[2369] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2386] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1809] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1738] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1880] link '0'", "\t\t[1730] link '0'", "\t\t[2177] link '0'", "\t\t[1884] link '0'", "\t\t[2192] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1582] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2259] link 'A'", "\t\t[2047] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1619] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2004] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2282] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1941] link '0'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[1767] link '0'", "\t\t[1697] link '0'", "\t\t[1858] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2365] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2156] link 'A'", "\t\t[2213] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1714] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1638] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1593] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1726] link '0'", "\t\t[1606] link '0'", "\t\t[1608] link '0'", "\t\t[2160] link '0'", "\t\t[2237] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1833] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1503] link 'B'", "\t\t[2315] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2385] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2204] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1832] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2222] link '0'", "\t\t[1565] link '0'", "\t\t[2358] link '0'", "\t\t[1844] link '0'", "\t\t[2432] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1797] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2096] link 'C'", "\t\t[1583] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1746] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1943] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2029] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2124] link '0'", "\t\t[1688] link '0'", "\t\t[1977] link '0'", "\t\t[2184] link '0'", "\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1652] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1962] link ''", "\t\t[1918] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1502] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2457] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1628] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1765] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2287] link '0'", "\t\t[2080] link '0'", "\t\t[2418] link '0'", "\t\t[2393] link '0'", "\t\t[1848] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2223] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2244] link 'D'", "\t\t[1557] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2337] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2043] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2326] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1808] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2311] link '21'", "\t\t[2188] link '0'", "\t\t[1780] link '16'", "\t\t[1632] link '21'", "\t\t[2026] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2217] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1939] link 'D'", "\t\t[2031] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1799] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1914] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2161] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1904] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2266] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1816] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1596] link '0'", "\t\t[2137] link '0'", "\t\t[1642] link '0'", "\t\t[2044] link '1'", "\t\t[2067] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2364] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2133] link 'E'", "\t\t[1853] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1959] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2094] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2291] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1997] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2005] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2185] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1980] link '6'", "\t\t[2130] link '1'", "\t\t[2014] link '2'", "\t\t[1665] link '5'", "\t\t[2063] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1823] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1720] link 'E'", "\t\t[2201] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2367] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1951] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1836] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2253] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2077] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2439] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1837] link '2'", "\t\t[1649] link '0'", "\t\t[1735] link '0'", "\t\t[1757] link '0'", "\t\t[1894] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1994] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1919] link 'G'", "\t\t[1810] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2447] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2456] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1942] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2382] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2468] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1524] link '0'", "\t\t[2300] link '0'", "\t\t[2381] link '0'", "\t\t[2219] link '0'", "\t\t[2313] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2041] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1517] link 'L'", "\t\t[1824] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2465] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1963] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1817] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1929] link '0'", "\t\t[1983] link '0'", "\t\t[1620] link '0'", "\t\t[2389] link '0'", "\t\t[2068] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1988] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1622] link 'M'", "\t\t[1890] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1771] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2261] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2158] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2131] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1695] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2395] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1528] link '6'", "\t\t[2083] link '0'", "\t\t[1526] link '2'", "\t\t[1891] link '4'", "\t\t[2437] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1760] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1953] link 'N'", "\t\t[2256] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1533] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2072] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1547] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2128] link '0'", "\t\t[1995] link '0'", "\t\t[1948] link '0'", "\t\t[1852] link '0'", "\t\t[2375] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1586] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2003] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1895] link '1'", "\t\t[1789] link '2'", "\t\t[2449] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[2972] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[134] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[136] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[146] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1857] main ''", "\t\t[1776] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2274] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1982] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1730] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2098] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2247] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1995] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2295] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1508] link 'All'", "\t\t[1718] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1987] link ''", "\t\t[1846] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2041] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2319] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1783] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1894] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2001] link '0'", "\t\t[2057] link '0'", "\t\t[2401] link '0'", "\t\t[2121] link '0'", "\t\t[1845] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1781] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1870] link 'A'", "\t\t[2222] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1854] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2062] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2434] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1784] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1722] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1492] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1704] link '1'", "\t\t[1662] link '0'", "\t\t[1543] link '0'", "\t\t[1935] link '1'", "\t\t[1613] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2088] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2161] link 'A'", "\t\t[1573] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1517] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1611] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2032] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1666] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1672] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2279] link '2'", "\t\t[2275] link '0'", "\t\t[1631] link '1'", "\t\t[2445] link '4'", "\t\t[1800] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2423] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2372] link 'A'", "\t\t[1679] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2364] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1734] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1727] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2326] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1919] link '20'", "\t\t[2052] link '0'", "\t\t[1486] link '10'", "\t\t[2346] link '40'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1603] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2452] link 'A'", "\t\t[1899] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1525] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1605] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1772] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2154] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1654] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1587] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1869] link '1'", "\t\t[1805] link '0'", "\t\t[2162] link '0'", "\t\t[2029] link '0'", "\t\t[1472] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1580] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2382] link 'A'", "\t\t[2339] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2148] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1914] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1916] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1682] link '0'", "\t\t[1591] link '0'", "\t\t[2113] link '0'", "\t\t[2191] link '0'", "\t\t[1851] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1820] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2254] link 'A'", "\t\t[1564] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1723] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2335] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1978] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2141] link '0'", "\t\t[1917] link '0'", "\t\t[2123] link '0'", "\t\t[2297] link '0'", "\t\t[1477] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1601] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1906] link 'A'", "\t\t[2384] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2413] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2359] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1579] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2443] link '0'", "\t\t[1544] link '0'", "\t\t[1705] link '0'", "\t\t[2224] link '0'", "\t\t[2063] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2102] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2352] link 'A'", "\t\t[2408] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2074] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2210] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1524] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2170] link '0'", "\t\t[2451] link '0'", "\t\t[1714] link '0'", "\t\t[2400] link '0'", "\t\t[1696] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1528] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1841] link 'B'", "\t\t[1523] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1762] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1974] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1540] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1674] link '0'", "\t\t[1886] link '0'", "\t\t[2021] link '0'", "\t\t[1577] link '0'", "\t\t[1685] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2454] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1538] link 'C'", "\t\t[1653] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2425] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1645] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2433] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1552] link '0'", "\t\t[1539] link '0'", "\t\t[2243] link '0'", "\t\t[2166] link '0'", "\t\t[1765] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1536] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1792] link ''", "\t\t[2094] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2197] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2328] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2126] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2065] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2220] link '0'", "\t\t[2325] link '0'", "\t\t[2281] link '0'", "\t\t[1922] link '0'", "\t\t[2046] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2337] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1671] link 'D'", "\t\t[1975] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1945] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1604] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2269] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1988] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2241] link '21'", "\t\t[2202] link '0'", "\t\t[2083] link '16'", "\t\t[1959] link '21'", "\t\t[2089] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2044] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2185] link 'D'", "\t\t[2064] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1811] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1503] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1824] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1719] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2234] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2055] link '0'", "\t\t[2008] link '0'", "\t\t[1629] link '0'", "\t\t[2056] link '1'", "\t\t[1838] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1877] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1961] link 'E'", "\t\t[1933] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1984] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1843] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1625] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1928] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2235] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2358] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2348] link '6'", "\t\t[1547] link '1'", "\t\t[2411] link '2'", "\t\t[1785] link '5'", "\t\t[2184] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1665] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1622] link 'E'", "\t\t[2014] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2294] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1946] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2444] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1957] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1804] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1530] link '2'", "\t\t[1983] link '0'", "\t\t[1670] link '0'", "\t\t[2432] link '0'", "\t\t[2053] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1979] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2393] link 'G'", "\t\t[1637] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1763] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1480] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2138] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2111] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2067] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1678] link '0'", "\t\t[1879] link '0'", "\t\t[1853] link '0'", "\t\t[1881] link '0'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1512] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2266] link 'L'", "\t\t[1598] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2329] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1589] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2207] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2380] link '0'", "\t\t[2307] link '0'", "\t\t[1793] link '0'", "\t\t[1568] link '0'", "\t\t[1575] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1683] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1545] link 'M'", "\t\t[1774] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1741] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1501] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1475] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2073] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2435] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1632] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2268] link '6'", "\t\t[2012] link '0'", "\t\t[2194] link '2'", "\t\t[1787] link '4'", "\t\t[2270] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2038] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1533] link 'N'", "\t\t[1888] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1900] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1803] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1726] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2369] link '0'", "\t\t[2332] link '0'", "\t\t[2149] link '0'", "\t\t[1819] link '0'", "\t\t[1953] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1862] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1771] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1616] link '1'", "\t\t[1822] link '2'", "\t\t[1872] link 'Next '" ] }
[ "click [2750]", "hover [64]", "click [34]", "click [103]", "click [104]", "click [106]", "scroll [down]", "tab_focus [1]", "go_back", "go_forward" ]
hover [64]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[102] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[121] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[103] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[123] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[105] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[106] link 'Help'", "\t[108] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[133] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1869] main ''", "\t\t[1789] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1805] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1633] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2010] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2228] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2322] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2387] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2239] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1704] link 'All'", "\t\t[2258] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1743] link ''", "\t\t[1600] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1928] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2132] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2230] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1834] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2384] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2358] link '0'", "\t\t[1728] link '0'", "\t\t[1604] link '0'", "\t\t[1605] link '0'", "\t\t[2241] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2269] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2060] link 'A'", "\t\t[2142] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2218] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2310] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1625] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1503] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1690] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1613] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2213] link '1'", "\t\t[1559] link '0'", "\t\t[2353] link '0'", "\t\t[2460] link '1'", "\t\t[2227] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1546] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2301] link 'A'", "\t\t[2237] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2120] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1845] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2121] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2091] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2240] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2033] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2410] link '2'", "\t\t[2106] link '0'", "\t\t[2182] link '1'", "\t\t[2471] link '4'", "\t\t[2397] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1714] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1719] link 'A'", "\t\t[1773] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1540] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1632] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2204] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1549] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2268] link '20'", "\t\t[1689] link '0'", "\t\t[1899] link '10'", "\t\t[2035] link '40'", "\t\t[1698] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2474] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2173] link 'A'", "\t\t[1680] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2441] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1672] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2449] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2364] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2046] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1561] link '1'", "\t\t[1550] link '0'", "\t\t[2259] link '0'", "\t\t[2180] link '0'", "\t\t[2211] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1696] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2084] link 'A'", "\t\t[2346] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2144] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2434] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1783] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2231] link '0'", "\t\t[2342] link '0'", "\t\t[2295] link '0'", "\t\t[1939] link '0'", "\t\t[1759] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1735] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2122] link 'A'", "\t\t[2232] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2177] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2279] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1950] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2015] link '0'", "\t\t[2281] link '0'", "\t\t[1619] link '0'", "\t\t[1754] link '0'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1934] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2126] link 'A'", "\t\t[1925] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1827] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1957] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2448] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1727] link '0'", "\t\t[1797] link '0'", "\t\t[1533] link '0'", "\t\t[1906] link '0'", "\t\t[1603] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1740] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2265] link 'A'", "\t\t[2282] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1904] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2125] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2139] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2174] link '0'", "\t\t[2406] link '0'", "\t\t[1554] link '0'", "\t\t[1858] link '0'", "\t\t[1574] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2063] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2009] link 'B'", "\t\t[1515] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1547] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2452] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1556] link '0'", "\t\t[1753] link '0'", "\t\t[2020] link '0'", "\t\t[2407] link '0'", "\t\t[1804] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2005] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2134] link 'C'", "\t\t[1861] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1558] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1520] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2398] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1535] link '0'", "\t\t[2409] link '0'", "\t\t[2045] link '0'", "\t\t[1686] link '0'", "\t\t[2333] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2116] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2249] link ''", "\t\t[2127] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1563] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1715] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2473] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2291] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2081] link '0'", "\t\t[2190] link '0'", "\t\t[2187] link '0'", "\t\t[2107] link '0'", "\t\t[2110] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2102] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2388] link 'D'", "\t\t[2385] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2411] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2308] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2154] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1875] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1653] link '21'", "\t\t[1836] link '0'", "\t\t[1599] link '16'", "\t\t[1908] link '21'", "\t\t[1757] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1631] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1736] link 'D'", "\t\t[2100] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2309] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2185] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2450] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1529] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1833] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1918] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1786] link '0'", "\t\t[2168] link '0'", "\t\t[1596] link '0'", "\t\t[2024] link '1'", "\t\t[2370] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2299] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1665] link 'E'", "\t\t[2458] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2099] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1901] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2092] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1891] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2215] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2437] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1717] link '6'", "\t\t[1496] link '1'", "\t\t[1589] link '2'", "\t\t[2164] link '5'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2220] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2252] link 'E'", "\t\t[2331] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1722] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1809] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2456] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1915] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1490] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1944] link '2'", "\t\t[1562] link '0'", "\t\t[2030] link '0'", "\t\t[1651] link '0'", "\t\t[1964] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1770] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2109] link 'G'", "\t\t[1779] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2212] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1822] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1878] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1495] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1896] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2082] link '0'", "\t\t[2262] link '0'", "\t\t[2417] link '0'", "\t\t[1970] link '0'", "\t\t[2170] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1791] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2365] link 'L'", "\t\t[1512] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1707] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1627] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1900] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2347] link '0'", "\t\t[1538] link '0'", "\t\t[2217] link '0'", "\t\t[2151] link '0'", "\t\t[1489] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1569] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2245] link 'M'", "\t\t[1570] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1681] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1708] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2250] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2014] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2197] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2375] link '6'", "\t\t[1583] link '0'", "\t\t[1697] link '2'", "\t\t[1758] link '4'", "\t\t[1864] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1815] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2224] link 'N'", "\t\t[2090] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1854] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1629] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1513] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2424] link '0'", "\t\t[1967] link '0'", "\t\t[2051] link '0'", "\t\t[1902] link '0'", "\t\t[1586] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2233] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2478] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2317] link '1'", "\t\t[2315] link '2'", "\t\t[1823] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be that the user has shifted focus from the Magento Admin dashboard to the GitLab interface. This transition suggests the user has navigated away from the Magento environment, with the new context indicating a focus on projects instead of sales and catalog management. The GitLab interface now prominently features project-related links and headings, indicating a complete change in the task context. The previous focus on e-commerce management has been replaced by project management functionalities.
click [34]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...' focused: True expanded: True", "\t[2978] link 'New project/repository'", "\t[2979] link 'New group'", "\t[2976] link 'New snippet'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[136] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[138] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[148] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1853] main ''", "\t\t[1772] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2284] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1499] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1744] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2043] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1987] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2374] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1867] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1709] link 'All'", "\t\t[1812] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2412] link ''", "\t\t[1490] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1691] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1773] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2286] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1503] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1749] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1567] link '0'", "\t\t[2136] link '0'", "\t\t[2290] link '0'", "\t\t[2285] link '0'", "\t\t[1841] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1692] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2457] link 'A'", "\t\t[1539] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1635] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2296] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1597] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1894] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1566] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2124] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1770] link '1'", "\t\t[2125] link '0'", "\t\t[1920] link '0'", "\t\t[2066] link '1'", "\t\t[2020] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2025] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2250] link 'A'", "\t\t[2361] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1522] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1791] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1886] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2239] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2459] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1786] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1712] link '2'", "\t\t[2163] link '0'", "\t\t[1866] link '1'", "\t\t[1800] link '4'", "\t\t[2015] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2059] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2144] link 'A'", "\t\t[1994] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2172] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2408] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2271] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2223] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1754] link '20'", "\t\t[1681] link '0'", "\t\t[1598] link '10'", "\t\t[2117] link '40'", "\t\t[2056] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1634] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1501] link 'A'", "\t\t[2154] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2236] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1575] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2210] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2379] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2161] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1612] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2148] link '1'", "\t\t[1918] link '0'", "\t\t[2126] link '0'", "\t\t[2310] link '0'", "\t\t[1972] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1842] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2469] link 'A'", "\t\t[2403] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2221] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2377] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2107] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2461] link '0'", "\t\t[1553] link '0'", "\t\t[1699] link '0'", "\t\t[2231] link '0'", "\t\t[2268] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1822] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2249] link 'A'", "\t\t[2423] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2063] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2213] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2391] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2175] link '0'", "\t\t[2472] link '0'", "\t\t[1705] link '0'", "\t\t[2416] link '0'", "\t\t[2029] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2363] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2385] link 'A'", "\t\t[1538] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2312] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1974] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2372] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1673] link '0'", "\t\t[1884] link '0'", "\t\t[2032] link '0'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[2120] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1863] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1492] link 'A'", "\t\t[1656] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1881] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1646] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2474] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1563] link '0'", "\t\t[1550] link '0'", "\t\t[2255] link '0'", "\t\t[2170] link '0'", "\t\t[1735] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2179] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1698] link 'B'", "\t\t[2346] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2272] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2433] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1543] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2225] link '0'", "\t\t[2343] link '0'", "\t\t[2292] link '0'", "\t\t[1923] link '0'", "\t\t[1639] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2145] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1957] link 'C'", "\t\t[2226] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1706] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2274] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2190] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2012] link '0'", "\t\t[2276] link '0'", "\t\t[1608] link '0'", "\t\t[1732] link '0'", "\t\t[2130] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1686] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2388] link ''", "\t\t[1724] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1755] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1913] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2253] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1875] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1703] link '0'", "\t\t[1780] link '0'", "\t\t[1532] link '0'", "\t\t[1896] link '0'", "\t\t[1764] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2468] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1666] link 'D'", "\t\t[2275] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2464] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2111] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2068] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1978] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2405] link '21'", "\t\t[1556] link '0'", "\t\t[1838] link '16'", "\t\t[1779] link '21'", "\t\t[2079] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1630] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1824] link 'D'", "\t\t[2452] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1932] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1781] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2240] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1787] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2414] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1643] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2047] link '0'", "\t\t[1685] link '0'", "\t\t[1940] link '0'", "\t\t[2367] link '1'", "\t\t[1943] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1750] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1794] link 'E'", "\t\t[1782] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2279] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1728] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2169] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1944] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1727] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1851] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2088] link '6'", "\t\t[1562] link '1'", "\t\t[2209] link '2'", "\t\t[1542] link '5'", "\t\t[2360] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1889] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2237] link 'E'", "\t\t[2449] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1819] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2345] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2436] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1844] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1498] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2218] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1614] link '2'", "\t\t[1751] link '0'", "\t\t[1837] link '0'", "\t\t[1689] link '0'", "\t\t[2447] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1621] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2445] link 'G'", "\t\t[1846] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1926] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1880] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2261] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1708] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2016] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2206] link '0'", "\t\t[2333] link '0'", "\t\t[2399] link '0'", "\t\t[2321] link '0'", "\t\t[2465] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1956] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2375] link 'L'", "\t\t[1874] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1799] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1561] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1950] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1827] link '0'", "\t\t[2330] link '0'", "\t\t[2033] link '0'", "\t\t[2280] link '0'", "\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1806] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2431] link 'M'", "\t\t[1783] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2146] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1523] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2392] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2366] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2291] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2462] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2215] link '6'", "\t\t[1680] link '0'", "\t\t[2435] link '2'", "\t\t[1519] link '4'", "\t\t[1830] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2338] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2177] link 'N'", "\t\t[2147] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[2298] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1873] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2422] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2054] link '0'", "\t\t[1861] link '0'", "\t\t[2067] link '0'", "\t\t[2262] link '0'", "\t\t[1973] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2329] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1573] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2387] link '1'", "\t\t[1586] link '2'", "\t\t[2227] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be that the user has attempted to create a new project but has remained in the GitLab interface without accessing the expected project creation options. The interface continues to display project listings and navigation options, indicating a potential issue with the project creation functionality. The context of managing projects in GitLab is maintained, but the anticipated new project interface is not presented, reflecting a user experience interruption.
click [103]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[2977] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[2981] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2990] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[4951] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[3045] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3035] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[3019] link 'Create new...'", "\t[3092] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[3112] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[3093] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[3114] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[3095] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[3096] link 'Help'", "\t[3098] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[3124] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[3069] main ''", "\t\t[3087] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[3104] link 'New project'", "\t\t[3190] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[3191] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[3192] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[3193] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[3136] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[3199] button 'Name'", "\t\t[3140] link 'All'", "\t\t[3141] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[3377] link ''", "\t\t[3484] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[3610] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[3485] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3612] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3613] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[3614] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[3490] link '0'", "\t\t[3491] link '0'", "\t\t[3492] link '0'", "\t\t[3493] link '0'", "\t\t[3625] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3626] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4491] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3380] link 'A'", "\t\t[3496] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[3627] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[3497] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3629] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3630] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[3810] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[3631] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[3502] link '1'", "\t\t[3503] link '0'", "\t\t[3504] link '0'", "\t\t[3505] link '1'", "\t\t[3642] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3643] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4497] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3383] link 'A'", "\t\t[3508] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[3644] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[3509] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3646] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3647] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[3830] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[3648] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[3514] link '2'", "\t\t[3515] link '0'", "\t\t[3516] link '1'", "\t\t[3517] link '4'", "\t\t[3659] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3660] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4503] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[3386] link 'A'", "\t\t[3520] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[3661] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[3521] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3663] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[3664] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[3526] link '20'", "\t\t[3527] link '0'", "\t\t[3528] link '10'", "\t\t[3529] link '40'", "\t\t[3675] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3676] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4509] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[3389] link 'A'", "\t\t[3532] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[3677] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[3533] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[3679] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3680] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[3869] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[3681] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[3538] link '1'", "\t\t[3539] link '0'", "\t\t[3540] link '0'", "\t\t[3541] link '0'", "\t\t[3692] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3693] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4515] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3392] link 'A'", "\t\t[3544] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[3694] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[3545] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3696] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3549] link '0'", "\t\t[3550] link '0'", "\t\t[3551] link '0'", "\t\t[3552] link '0'", "\t\t[3707] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3708] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4521] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3395] link 'A'", "\t\t[3555] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[3709] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[3556] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3711] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3560] link '0'", "\t\t[3561] link '0'", "\t\t[3562] link '0'", "\t\t[3563] link '0'", "\t\t[3722] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3723] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4527] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3398] link 'A'", "\t\t[3566] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[3724] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[3567] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3726] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3571] link '0'", "\t\t[3572] link '0'", "\t\t[3573] link '0'", "\t\t[3574] link '0'", "\t\t[3737] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3738] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4533] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3401] link 'A'", "\t\t[3577] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[3739] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[3578] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3741] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3582] link '0'", "\t\t[3583] link '0'", "\t\t[3584] link '0'", "\t\t[3585] link '0'", "\t\t[3752] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3753] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4539] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3404] link 'B'", "\t\t[3588] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[3754] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[3589] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3756] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3593] link '0'", "\t\t[3594] link '0'", "\t\t[3595] link '0'", "\t\t[3596] link '0'", "\t\t[3767] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3768] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4545] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3407] link 'C'", "\t\t[3599] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[3769] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[3600] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3771] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3604] link '0'", "\t\t[3605] link '0'", "\t\t[3606] link '0'", "\t\t[3607] link '0'", "\t\t[3782] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3783] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4551] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3410] link ''", "\t\t[4226] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[4336] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[4227] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4338] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4339] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[4232] link '0'", "\t\t[4233] link '0'", "\t\t[4234] link '0'", "\t\t[4235] link '0'", "\t\t[4350] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4351] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4570] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4141] link 'D'", "\t\t[4238] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[4352] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[4239] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4354] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[4355] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[4244] link '21'", "\t\t[4245] link '0'", "\t\t[4246] link '16'", "\t\t[4247] link '21'", "\t\t[4366] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4367] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4589] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4144] link 'D'", "\t\t[4250] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[4368] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[4251] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4370] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4371] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[4596] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[4372] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[4256] link '0'", "\t\t[4257] link '0'", "\t\t[4258] link '0'", "\t\t[4259] link '1'", "\t\t[4383] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4384] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4609] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[4147] link 'E'", "\t\t[4262] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[4385] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[4263] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4387] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4388] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[4616] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[4389] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[4268] link '6'", "\t\t[4269] link '1'", "\t\t[4270] link '2'", "\t\t[4271] link '5'", "\t\t[4400] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4401] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4629] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[4150] link 'E'", "\t\t[4274] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[4402] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[4275] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4404] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4405] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[4636] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[4406] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[4280] link '2'", "\t\t[4281] link '0'", "\t\t[4282] link '0'", "\t\t[4283] link '0'", "\t\t[4417] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4418] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4649] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4153] link 'G'", "\t\t[4286] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[4419] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[4287] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[4421] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4422] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[4426] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[4293] link '0'", "\t\t[4294] link '0'", "\t\t[4295] link '0'", "\t\t[4296] link '0'", "\t\t[4435] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4436] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4670] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[4156] link 'L'", "\t\t[4299] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[4437] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[4300] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4439] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4304] link '0'", "\t\t[4305] link '0'", "\t\t[4306] link '0'", "\t\t[4307] link '0'", "\t\t[4450] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4451] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4689] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[4159] link 'M'", "\t\t[4310] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[4452] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[4311] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4454] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4455] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[4696] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[4456] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[4316] link '6'", "\t\t[4317] link '0'", "\t\t[4318] link '2'", "\t\t[4319] link '4'", "\t\t[4467] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4468] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4709] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4162] link 'N'", "\t\t[4322] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[4469] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[4323] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4471] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4327] link '0'", "\t\t[4328] link '0'", "\t\t[4329] link '0'", "\t\t[4330] link '0'", "\t\t[4482] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4483] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4728] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[4165] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[4166] link '1'", "\t\t[4167] link '2'", "\t\t[4168] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be that the user has attempted to access the issues section of the GitLab interface but remains on the current project dashboard without any issues being displayed. The intended navigation to the issues page did not occur, leaving the user within the same project context. This reflects a potential navigational fault within GitLab, maintaining the focus on project management but failing to provide access to issue tracking functionalities.
click [104]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[2977] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[2981] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2994] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[5048] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[3043] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3032] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[3010] link 'Create new...'", "\t[3089] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[3122] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[3090] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[3124] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[3092] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[3093] link 'Help'", "\t[3095] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[3134] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[3065] main ''", "\t\t[3083] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[3101] link 'New project'", "\t\t[3239] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[3240] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[3241] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[3242] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[3146] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[3248] button 'Name'", "\t\t[3150] link 'All'", "\t\t[3151] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[3252] link ''", "\t\t[3462] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[3624] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[3463] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3626] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3627] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[3628] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[3468] link '0'", "\t\t[3469] link '0'", "\t\t[3470] link '0'", "\t\t[3471] link '0'", "\t\t[3639] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3640] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4535] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3255] link 'A'", "\t\t[3474] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[3641] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[3475] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3643] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3644] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[3847] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[3645] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[3480] link '1'", "\t\t[3481] link '0'", "\t\t[3482] link '0'", "\t\t[3483] link '1'", "\t\t[3656] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3657] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4541] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3258] link 'A'", "\t\t[3486] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[3658] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[3487] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3660] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3661] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[3867] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[3662] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[3492] link '2'", "\t\t[3493] link '0'", "\t\t[3494] link '1'", "\t\t[3495] link '4'", "\t\t[3673] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3674] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4547] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[3261] link 'A'", "\t\t[3498] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[3675] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[3499] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3677] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[3678] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[3504] link '20'", "\t\t[3505] link '0'", "\t\t[3506] link '10'", "\t\t[3507] link '40'", "\t\t[3689] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3690] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4553] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[3264] link 'A'", "\t\t[3510] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[3691] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[3511] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[3693] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3694] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[3906] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[3695] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[3516] link '1'", "\t\t[3517] link '0'", "\t\t[3518] link '0'", "\t\t[3519] link '0'", "\t\t[3706] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3707] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4559] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3267] link 'A'", "\t\t[3522] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[3708] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[3523] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3710] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3527] link '0'", "\t\t[3528] link '0'", "\t\t[3529] link '0'", "\t\t[3530] link '0'", "\t\t[3721] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3722] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4565] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3270] link 'A'", "\t\t[3533] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[3723] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[3534] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3725] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3538] link '0'", "\t\t[3539] link '0'", "\t\t[3540] link '0'", "\t\t[3541] link '0'", "\t\t[3736] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3737] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4571] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3273] link 'A'", "\t\t[3544] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[3738] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[3545] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3740] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3549] link '0'", "\t\t[3550] link '0'", "\t\t[3551] link '0'", "\t\t[3552] link '0'", "\t\t[3751] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3752] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4577] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3276] link 'A'", "\t\t[3555] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[3753] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[3556] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3755] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3560] link '0'", "\t\t[3561] link '0'", "\t\t[3562] link '0'", "\t\t[3563] link '0'", "\t\t[3766] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3767] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4583] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3279] link 'B'", "\t\t[3566] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[3768] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[3567] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3770] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3571] link '0'", "\t\t[3572] link '0'", "\t\t[3573] link '0'", "\t\t[3574] link '0'", "\t\t[3781] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3782] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4589] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3282] link 'C'", "\t\t[3577] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[3783] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[3578] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3785] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3582] link '0'", "\t\t[3583] link '0'", "\t\t[3584] link '0'", "\t\t[3585] link '0'", "\t\t[3796] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3797] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4595] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3285] link ''", "\t\t[3587] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[3798] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[3588] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3800] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3801] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[3593] link '0'", "\t\t[3594] link '0'", "\t\t[3595] link '0'", "\t\t[3596] link '0'", "\t\t[3812] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3813] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4601] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3288] link 'D'", "\t\t[3599] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[3814] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[3600] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3816] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[3817] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[3605] link '21'", "\t\t[4311] link '0'", "\t\t[4312] link '16'", "\t\t[4313] link '21'", "\t\t[4410] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4411] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4610] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4227] link 'D'", "\t\t[4316] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[4412] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[4317] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4414] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4415] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[4617] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[4416] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[4322] link '0'", "\t\t[4323] link '0'", "\t\t[4324] link '0'", "\t\t[4325] link '1'", "\t\t[4427] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4428] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4630] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[4230] link 'E'", "\t\t[4328] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[4429] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[4329] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4431] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4432] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[4637] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[4433] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[4334] link '6'", "\t\t[4335] link '1'", "\t\t[4336] link '2'", "\t\t[4337] link '5'", "\t\t[4444] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4445] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4650] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[4233] link 'E'", "\t\t[4340] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[4446] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[4341] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4448] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4449] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[4657] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[4450] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[4346] link '2'", "\t\t[4347] link '0'", "\t\t[4348] link '0'", "\t\t[4349] link '0'", "\t\t[4461] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4462] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4670] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4236] link 'G'", "\t\t[4352] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[4463] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[4353] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[4465] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4466] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[4470] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[4359] link '0'", "\t\t[4360] link '0'", "\t\t[4361] link '0'", "\t\t[4362] link '0'", "\t\t[4479] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4480] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4691] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[4239] link 'L'", "\t\t[4365] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[4481] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[4366] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4483] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4370] link '0'", "\t\t[4371] link '0'", "\t\t[4372] link '0'", "\t\t[4373] link '0'", "\t\t[4494] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4495] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4710] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[4242] link 'M'", "\t\t[4376] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[4496] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[4377] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4498] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4499] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[4717] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[4500] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[4382] link '6'", "\t\t[4383] link '0'", "\t\t[4384] link '2'", "\t\t[4385] link '4'", "\t\t[4511] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4512] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4730] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4245] link 'N'", "\t\t[4388] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[4513] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[4389] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4515] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4393] link '0'", "\t\t[4394] link '0'", "\t\t[4395] link '0'", "\t\t[4396] link '0'", "\t\t[4526] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4527] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4749] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[4248] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[4249] link '1'", "\t\t[4250] link '2'", "\t\t[4251] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be that the user aimed to view merge requests related to their projects but remains on the project dashboard without any merge request information being displayed. This indicates an issue with the navigation functionality within GitLab, preventing the user from accessing the intended merge request section while keeping them in the project management context. The user experience is hindered by the lack of transition to the expected merge request interface.
Tab 0 (current): Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1335] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1282] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1286] link '\ue60b SALES' [1290] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1294] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1298] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1302] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1306] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1310] link '\ue60d STORES' [1314] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1318] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1353] heading 'Products' [1354] link '\ue600 admin' [1356] link '\ue607' [2052] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1325] main '' [2027] contentinfo '' [2032] link '\ue606' [2033] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [2043] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [2035] link 'Privacy Policy' [2036] StaticText ' |' [2037] link ' Account Activity' [2038] StaticText ' | ' [2039] link 'Report an Issue'
click [198] where [198] is link 'Products'
[ "None", "click [16] where [16] is link '\\ue608 CATALOG'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [36] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [37] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True [39] generic '\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \ue62f Products Categories' [51] link '\ue62f' [52] menu '' orientation: vertical [130] menu '' orientation: vertical [198] link 'Products' [199] link 'Categories' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [385] link '\ue60d STORES' [381] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [636] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [661] heading 'Dashboard' [662] link '\ue600 admin' [664] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [643] main '' [667] StaticText 'Scope:' [696] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [699] link '\ue633 What is this?' [742] button 'Reload Data' [743] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [758] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [759] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [745] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [769] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [770] link 'here' [802] StaticText 'Revenue' [781] StaticText '$0.00' [803] StaticText 'Tax' [804] StaticText 'Shipping' [805] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [916] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [919] StaticText '$0.00' [921] StaticText 'Average Order' [926] StaticText 'Last Orders' [927] table '' [944] row '' [964] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [965] columnheader 'Items' required: False [966] columnheader 'Total' required: False [945] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [967] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [968] gridcell '5' required: False [969] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [970] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [971] gridcell '4' required: False [972] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [973] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [974] gridcell '3' required: False [975] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [976] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [977] gridcell '4' required: False [978] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [979] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [980] gridcell '2' required: False [981] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [928] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [929] table '' [950] row '' [982] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [983] columnheader 'Results' required: False [984] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [985] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [986] gridcell '23' required: False [987] gridcell '1' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [988] gridcell 'nike' required: False [989] gridcell '0' required: False [990] gridcell '3' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [991] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [992] gridcell '10' required: False [993] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [994] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [995] gridcell '1' required: False [996] gridcell '19' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [997] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [998] gridcell '23' required: False [999] gridcell '2' required: False [930] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [931] table '' [956] row '' [1000] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1001] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1002] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1003] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1004] gridcell '1' required: False [1005] gridcell '19' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1006] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1007] gridcell '10' required: False [1008] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1009] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1010] gridcell '23' required: False [1011] gridcell '2' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1012] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1013] gridcell '23' required: False [1014] gridcell '1' required: False [961] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1015] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1016] gridcell '1' required: False [1017] gridcell '1' required: False [878] contentinfo '' [883] link '\ue606' [884] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [895] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [886] link 'Privacy Policy' [887] StaticText ' |' [888] link ' Account Activity' [889] StaticText ' | ' [890] link 'Report an Issue'
Reduce the price of black Adidas track pants in size S by 25%
The next observation would be a transition to the `Products / Inventory / Catalog` section within the Magento Admin. This section provides an overview of all products available in the inventory, allowing the user to manage product details effectively. The user can now search for the specific product, in this case, the black Adidas track pants in size S, to edit its pricing and apply the 25% reduction as per the objective. The interface retains similar navigation elements, ensuring that the user can easily access other sections of the admin panel if needed.
{ "neg_action0": "click [2750]", "neg_action1": "hover [64]", "neg_action2": "click [34]", "neg_action3": "click [103]", "neg_action4": "click [104]", "neg_action5": "click [106]", "neg_action6": "scroll [down]", "neg_action7": "tab_focus [1]", "neg_action8": "go_back", "neg_action9": "go_forward", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: True", "\t[2995] list '' focused: True", "\t\t[3022] StaticText 'Switch to'", "\t\t[3006] button 'Projects'", "\t\t[2992] button 'Groups'", "\t\t[2979] StaticText 'Explore'", "\t\t[3035] link 'Milestones'", "\t\t[3059] link 'Snippets'", "\t\t[3014] link 'Activity'", "\t\t[3015] searchbox 'Search your projects'", "\t\t[3041] StaticText 'Frequently visited'", "\t\t[3026] StaticText 'Projects you visit often will appear here'", "\t\t[3031] link 'View all projects'", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[137] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[139] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[149] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1837] main ''", "\t\t[1758] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2263] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2376] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1850] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2018] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1684] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1704] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2326] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1798] link 'All'", "\t\t[1572] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2450] link ''", "\t\t[2079] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1993] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1756] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1503] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2436] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1870] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2344] link '0'", "\t\t[2341] link '0'", "\t\t[1778] link '0'", "\t\t[1881] link '0'", "\t\t[2307] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1780] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2381] link 'A'", "\t\t[1845] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1989] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1703] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2150] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1896] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2417] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2247] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2017] link '1'", "\t\t[1973] link '0'", "\t\t[2391] link '0'", "\t\t[2337] link '1'", "\t\t[1976] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2030] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2243] link 'A'", "\t\t[1558] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1613] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1739] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2239] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2188] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1691] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2358] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1605] link '2'", "\t\t[2133] link '0'", "\t\t[1551] link '1'", "\t\t[2333] link '4'", "\t\t[2190] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1954] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1886] link 'A'", "\t\t[1579] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1828] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2125] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1523] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2087] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2186] link '20'", "\t\t[2383] link '0'", "\t\t[2356] link '10'", "\t\t[2183] link '40'", "\t\t[2245] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1806] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2350] link 'A'", "\t\t[2437] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2038] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1532] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2371] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1680] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2454] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1518] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2406] link '1'", "\t\t[2192] link '0'", "\t\t[2149] link '0'", "\t\t[2390] link '0'", "\t\t[2284] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2277] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1820] link 'A'", "\t\t[2449] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2352] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1697] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2455] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1514] link '0'", "\t\t[1956] link '0'", "\t\t[2100] link '0'", "\t\t[1834] link '0'", "\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2334] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1527] link 'A'", "\t\t[1867] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2452] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2005] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1525] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1634] link '0'", "\t\t[1624] link '0'", "\t\t[1788] link '0'", "\t\t[2215] link '0'", "\t\t[2248] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2418] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1772] link 'A'", "\t\t[1528] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1522] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2229] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1782] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2324] link '0'", "\t\t[2413] link '0'", "\t\t[1515] link '0'", "\t\t[2290] link '0'", "\t\t[1698] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2316] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1712] link 'A'", "\t\t[2320] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2171] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2269] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2204] link '0'", "\t\t[2250] link '0'", "\t\t[2043] link '0'", "\t\t[1596] link '0'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1495] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1531] link 'B'", "\t\t[2252] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2227] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1586] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1768] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1893] link '0'", "\t\t[1928] link '0'", "\t\t[1693] link '0'", "\t\t[2428] link '0'", "\t\t[2445] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2441] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2151] link 'C'", "\t\t[1766] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2047] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1510] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1958] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2251] link '0'", "\t\t[2090] link '0'", "\t\t[2140] link '0'", "\t\t[2287] link '0'", "\t\t[2052] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1611] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2073] link ''", "\t\t[2143] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1919] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2385] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2217] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1777] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1492] link '0'", "\t\t[2429] link '0'", "\t\t[1767] link '0'", "\t\t[1485] link '0'", "\t\t[1667] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2176] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2318] link 'D'", "\t\t[1717] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2362] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1992] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2309] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2081] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1496] link '21'", "\t\t[1671] link '0'", "\t\t[1593] link '16'", "\t\t[2072] link '21'", "\t\t[2097] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2267] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2360] link 'D'", "\t\t[2020] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2019] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1648] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2075] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2068] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1653] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2388] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2264] link '0'", "\t\t[1484] link '0'", "\t\t[1734] link '0'", "\t\t[2050] link '1'", "\t\t[2138] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2432] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2179] link 'E'", "\t\t[2074] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1689] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1783] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1599] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2283] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1545] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2064] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2321] link '6'", "\t\t[2197] link '1'", "\t\t[1587] link '2'", "\t\t[1672] link '5'", "\t\t[1770] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1838] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2294] link 'E'", "\t\t[2289] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2348] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1794] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1669] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1723] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2327] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1635] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2422] link '2'", "\t\t[1602] link '0'", "\t\t[1910] link '0'", "\t\t[2355] link '0'", "\t\t[2121] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1970] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1857] link 'G'", "\t\t[1694] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2221] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2444] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2026] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1882] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1814] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1764] link '0'", "\t\t[2166] link '0'", "\t\t[1646] link '0'", "\t\t[2280] link '0'", "\t\t[1933] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1841] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1497] link 'L'", "\t\t[1940] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1665] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1787] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1781] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2063] link '0'", "\t\t[2258] link '0'", "\t\t[1948] link '0'", "\t\t[1908] link '0'", "\t\t[2457] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1868] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2304] link 'M'", "\t\t[1612] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2055] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2035] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2117] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2300] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2077] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2328] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2095] link '6'", "\t\t[2372] link '0'", "\t\t[2346] link '2'", "\t\t[2438] link '4'", "\t\t[1986] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2163] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1995] link 'N'", "\t\t[2399] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1560] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1945] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2044] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1588] link '0'", "\t\t[2409] link '0'", "\t\t[1730] link '0'", "\t\t[1506] link '0'", "\t\t[1853] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1491] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1504] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2126] link '1'", "\t\t[1869] link '2'", "\t\t[1786] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[102] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[121] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[103] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[123] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[105] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[106] link 'Help'", "\t[108] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[133] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1869] main ''", "\t\t[1789] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1805] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1633] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2010] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2228] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2322] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2387] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2239] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1704] link 'All'", "\t\t[2258] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1743] link ''", "\t\t[1600] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1928] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2132] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2230] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1834] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2384] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2358] link '0'", "\t\t[1728] link '0'", "\t\t[1604] link '0'", "\t\t[1605] link '0'", "\t\t[2241] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2269] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2060] link 'A'", "\t\t[2142] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2218] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2310] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1625] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1503] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1690] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1613] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2213] link '1'", "\t\t[1559] link '0'", "\t\t[2353] link '0'", "\t\t[2460] link '1'", "\t\t[2227] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1546] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2301] link 'A'", "\t\t[2237] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2120] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1845] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2121] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2091] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2240] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2033] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2410] link '2'", "\t\t[2106] link '0'", "\t\t[2182] link '1'", "\t\t[2471] link '4'", "\t\t[2397] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1714] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1719] link 'A'", "\t\t[1773] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1540] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1632] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2204] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1549] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2268] link '20'", "\t\t[1689] link '0'", "\t\t[1899] link '10'", "\t\t[2035] link '40'", "\t\t[1698] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2474] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2173] link 'A'", "\t\t[1680] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2441] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1672] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2449] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2364] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2046] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1561] link '1'", "\t\t[1550] link '0'", "\t\t[2259] link '0'", "\t\t[2180] link '0'", "\t\t[2211] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1696] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2084] link 'A'", "\t\t[2346] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2144] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2434] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1783] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2231] link '0'", "\t\t[2342] link '0'", "\t\t[2295] link '0'", "\t\t[1939] link '0'", "\t\t[1759] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1735] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2122] link 'A'", "\t\t[2232] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2177] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2279] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1950] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2015] link '0'", "\t\t[2281] link '0'", "\t\t[1619] link '0'", "\t\t[1754] link '0'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1934] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2126] link 'A'", "\t\t[1925] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1827] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1957] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2448] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1727] link '0'", "\t\t[1797] link '0'", "\t\t[1533] link '0'", "\t\t[1906] link '0'", "\t\t[1603] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1740] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2265] link 'A'", "\t\t[2282] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1904] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2125] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2139] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2174] link '0'", "\t\t[2406] link '0'", "\t\t[1554] link '0'", "\t\t[1858] link '0'", "\t\t[1574] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2063] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2009] link 'B'", "\t\t[1515] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1547] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2452] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1556] link '0'", "\t\t[1753] link '0'", "\t\t[2020] link '0'", "\t\t[2407] link '0'", "\t\t[1804] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2005] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2134] link 'C'", "\t\t[1861] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1558] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1520] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2398] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1535] link '0'", "\t\t[2409] link '0'", "\t\t[2045] link '0'", "\t\t[1686] link '0'", "\t\t[2333] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2116] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2249] link ''", "\t\t[2127] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1563] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1715] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2473] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2291] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2081] link '0'", "\t\t[2190] link '0'", "\t\t[2187] link '0'", "\t\t[2107] link '0'", "\t\t[2110] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2102] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2388] link 'D'", "\t\t[2385] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2411] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2308] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2154] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1875] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1653] link '21'", "\t\t[1836] link '0'", "\t\t[1599] link '16'", "\t\t[1908] link '21'", "\t\t[1757] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1631] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1736] link 'D'", "\t\t[2100] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2309] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2185] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2450] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1529] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1833] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1918] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1786] link '0'", "\t\t[2168] link '0'", "\t\t[1596] link '0'", "\t\t[2024] link '1'", "\t\t[2370] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2299] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1665] link 'E'", "\t\t[2458] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2099] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1901] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2092] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1891] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2215] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2437] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1717] link '6'", "\t\t[1496] link '1'", "\t\t[1589] link '2'", "\t\t[2164] link '5'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2220] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2252] link 'E'", "\t\t[2331] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1722] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1809] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2456] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1915] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1490] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1944] link '2'", "\t\t[1562] link '0'", "\t\t[2030] link '0'", "\t\t[1651] link '0'", "\t\t[1964] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1770] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2109] link 'G'", "\t\t[1779] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2212] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1822] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1878] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1495] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1896] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2082] link '0'", "\t\t[2262] link '0'", "\t\t[2417] link '0'", "\t\t[1970] link '0'", "\t\t[2170] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1791] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2365] link 'L'", "\t\t[1512] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1707] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1627] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1900] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2347] link '0'", "\t\t[1538] link '0'", "\t\t[2217] link '0'", "\t\t[2151] link '0'", "\t\t[1489] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1569] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2245] link 'M'", "\t\t[1570] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1681] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1708] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2250] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2014] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2197] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2375] link '6'", "\t\t[1583] link '0'", "\t\t[1697] link '2'", "\t\t[1758] link '4'", "\t\t[1864] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1815] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2224] link 'N'", "\t\t[2090] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1854] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1629] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1513] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2424] link '0'", "\t\t[1967] link '0'", "\t\t[2051] link '0'", "\t\t[1902] link '0'", "\t\t[1586] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2233] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2478] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2317] link '1'", "\t\t[2315] link '2'", "\t\t[1823] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...' focused: True expanded: True", "\t[2978] link 'New project/repository'", "\t[2979] link 'New group'", "\t[2976] link 'New snippet'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[136] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[138] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[148] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1853] main ''", "\t\t[1772] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2284] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1499] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1744] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2043] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1987] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2374] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1867] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1709] link 'All'", "\t\t[1812] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2412] link ''", "\t\t[1490] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1691] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1773] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2286] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1503] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1749] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1567] link '0'", "\t\t[2136] link '0'", "\t\t[2290] link '0'", "\t\t[2285] link '0'", "\t\t[1841] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1692] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2457] link 'A'", "\t\t[1539] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1635] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2296] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1597] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1894] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1566] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2124] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1770] link '1'", "\t\t[2125] link '0'", "\t\t[1920] link '0'", "\t\t[2066] link '1'", "\t\t[2020] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2025] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2250] link 'A'", "\t\t[2361] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1522] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1791] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1886] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2239] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2459] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1786] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1712] link '2'", "\t\t[2163] link '0'", "\t\t[1866] link '1'", "\t\t[1800] link '4'", "\t\t[2015] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2059] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2144] link 'A'", "\t\t[1994] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2172] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2408] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2271] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2223] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1754] link '20'", "\t\t[1681] link '0'", "\t\t[1598] link '10'", "\t\t[2117] link '40'", "\t\t[2056] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1634] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1501] link 'A'", "\t\t[2154] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2236] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1575] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2210] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2379] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2161] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1612] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2148] link '1'", "\t\t[1918] link '0'", "\t\t[2126] link '0'", "\t\t[2310] link '0'", "\t\t[1972] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1842] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2469] link 'A'", "\t\t[2403] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2221] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2377] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2107] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2461] link '0'", "\t\t[1553] link '0'", "\t\t[1699] link '0'", "\t\t[2231] link '0'", "\t\t[2268] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1822] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2249] link 'A'", "\t\t[2423] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2063] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2213] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2391] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2175] link '0'", "\t\t[2472] link '0'", "\t\t[1705] link '0'", "\t\t[2416] link '0'", "\t\t[2029] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2363] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2385] link 'A'", "\t\t[1538] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2312] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1974] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2372] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1673] link '0'", "\t\t[1884] link '0'", "\t\t[2032] link '0'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[2120] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1863] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1492] link 'A'", "\t\t[1656] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1881] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1646] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2474] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1563] link '0'", "\t\t[1550] link '0'", "\t\t[2255] link '0'", "\t\t[2170] link '0'", "\t\t[1735] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2179] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1698] link 'B'", "\t\t[2346] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2272] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2433] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1543] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2225] link '0'", "\t\t[2343] link '0'", "\t\t[2292] link '0'", "\t\t[1923] link '0'", "\t\t[1639] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2145] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1957] link 'C'", "\t\t[2226] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1706] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2274] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2190] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2012] link '0'", "\t\t[2276] link '0'", "\t\t[1608] link '0'", "\t\t[1732] link '0'", "\t\t[2130] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1686] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2388] link ''", "\t\t[1724] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1755] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1913] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2253] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1875] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1703] link '0'", "\t\t[1780] link '0'", "\t\t[1532] link '0'", "\t\t[1896] link '0'", "\t\t[1764] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2468] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1666] link 'D'", "\t\t[2275] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2464] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2111] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2068] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1978] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2405] link '21'", "\t\t[1556] link '0'", "\t\t[1838] link '16'", "\t\t[1779] link '21'", "\t\t[2079] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1630] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1824] link 'D'", "\t\t[2452] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1932] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1781] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2240] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1787] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2414] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1643] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2047] link '0'", "\t\t[1685] link '0'", "\t\t[1940] link '0'", "\t\t[2367] link '1'", "\t\t[1943] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1750] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1794] link 'E'", "\t\t[1782] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2279] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1728] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2169] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1944] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1727] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1851] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2088] link '6'", "\t\t[1562] link '1'", "\t\t[2209] link '2'", "\t\t[1542] link '5'", "\t\t[2360] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1889] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2237] link 'E'", "\t\t[2449] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1819] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2345] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2436] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1844] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1498] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2218] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1614] link '2'", "\t\t[1751] link '0'", "\t\t[1837] link '0'", "\t\t[1689] link '0'", "\t\t[2447] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1621] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2445] link 'G'", "\t\t[1846] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1926] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1880] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2261] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1708] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2016] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2206] link '0'", "\t\t[2333] link '0'", "\t\t[2399] link '0'", "\t\t[2321] link '0'", "\t\t[2465] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1956] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2375] link 'L'", "\t\t[1874] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1799] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1561] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1950] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1827] link '0'", "\t\t[2330] link '0'", "\t\t[2033] link '0'", "\t\t[2280] link '0'", "\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1806] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2431] link 'M'", "\t\t[1783] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2146] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1523] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2392] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2366] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2291] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2462] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2215] link '6'", "\t\t[1680] link '0'", "\t\t[2435] link '2'", "\t\t[1519] link '4'", "\t\t[1830] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2338] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2177] link 'N'", "\t\t[2147] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[2298] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1873] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2422] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2054] link '0'", "\t\t[1861] link '0'", "\t\t[2067] link '0'", "\t\t[2262] link '0'", "\t\t[1973] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2329] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1573] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2387] link '1'", "\t\t[1586] link '2'", "\t\t[2227] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[2977] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[2981] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2990] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[4951] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[3045] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3035] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[3019] link 'Create new...'", "\t[3092] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[3112] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[3093] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[3114] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[3095] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[3096] link 'Help'", "\t[3098] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[3124] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[3069] main ''", "\t\t[3087] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[3104] link 'New project'", "\t\t[3190] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[3191] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[3192] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[3193] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[3136] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[3199] button 'Name'", "\t\t[3140] link 'All'", "\t\t[3141] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[3377] link ''", "\t\t[3484] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[3610] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[3485] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3612] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3613] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[3614] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[3490] link '0'", "\t\t[3491] link '0'", "\t\t[3492] link '0'", "\t\t[3493] link '0'", "\t\t[3625] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3626] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4491] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3380] link 'A'", "\t\t[3496] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[3627] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[3497] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3629] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3630] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[3810] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[3631] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[3502] link '1'", "\t\t[3503] link '0'", "\t\t[3504] link '0'", "\t\t[3505] link '1'", "\t\t[3642] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3643] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4497] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3383] link 'A'", "\t\t[3508] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[3644] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[3509] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3646] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3647] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[3830] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[3648] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[3514] link '2'", "\t\t[3515] link '0'", "\t\t[3516] link '1'", "\t\t[3517] link '4'", "\t\t[3659] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3660] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4503] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[3386] link 'A'", "\t\t[3520] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[3661] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[3521] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3663] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[3664] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[3526] link '20'", "\t\t[3527] link '0'", "\t\t[3528] link '10'", "\t\t[3529] link '40'", "\t\t[3675] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3676] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4509] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[3389] link 'A'", "\t\t[3532] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[3677] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[3533] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[3679] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3680] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[3869] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[3681] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[3538] link '1'", "\t\t[3539] link '0'", "\t\t[3540] link '0'", "\t\t[3541] link '0'", "\t\t[3692] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3693] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4515] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3392] link 'A'", "\t\t[3544] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[3694] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[3545] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3696] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3549] link '0'", "\t\t[3550] link '0'", "\t\t[3551] link '0'", "\t\t[3552] link '0'", "\t\t[3707] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3708] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4521] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3395] link 'A'", "\t\t[3555] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[3709] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[3556] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3711] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3560] link '0'", "\t\t[3561] link '0'", "\t\t[3562] link '0'", "\t\t[3563] link '0'", "\t\t[3722] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3723] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4527] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3398] link 'A'", "\t\t[3566] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[3724] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[3567] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3726] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3571] link '0'", "\t\t[3572] link '0'", "\t\t[3573] link '0'", "\t\t[3574] link '0'", "\t\t[3737] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3738] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4533] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3401] link 'A'", "\t\t[3577] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[3739] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[3578] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3741] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3582] link '0'", "\t\t[3583] link '0'", "\t\t[3584] link '0'", "\t\t[3585] link '0'", "\t\t[3752] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3753] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4539] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3404] link 'B'", "\t\t[3588] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[3754] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[3589] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3756] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3593] link '0'", "\t\t[3594] link '0'", "\t\t[3595] link '0'", "\t\t[3596] link '0'", "\t\t[3767] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3768] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4545] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3407] link 'C'", "\t\t[3599] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[3769] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[3600] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3771] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3604] link '0'", "\t\t[3605] link '0'", "\t\t[3606] link '0'", "\t\t[3607] link '0'", "\t\t[3782] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3783] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4551] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3410] link ''", "\t\t[4226] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[4336] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[4227] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4338] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4339] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[4232] link '0'", "\t\t[4233] link '0'", "\t\t[4234] link '0'", "\t\t[4235] link '0'", "\t\t[4350] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4351] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4570] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4141] link 'D'", "\t\t[4238] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[4352] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[4239] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4354] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[4355] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[4244] link '21'", "\t\t[4245] link '0'", "\t\t[4246] link '16'", "\t\t[4247] link '21'", "\t\t[4366] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4367] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4589] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4144] link 'D'", "\t\t[4250] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[4368] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[4251] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4370] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4371] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[4596] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[4372] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[4256] link '0'", "\t\t[4257] link '0'", "\t\t[4258] link '0'", "\t\t[4259] link '1'", "\t\t[4383] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4384] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4609] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[4147] link 'E'", "\t\t[4262] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[4385] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[4263] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4387] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4388] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[4616] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[4389] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[4268] link '6'", "\t\t[4269] link '1'", "\t\t[4270] link '2'", "\t\t[4271] link '5'", "\t\t[4400] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4401] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4629] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[4150] link 'E'", "\t\t[4274] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[4402] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[4275] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4404] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4405] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[4636] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[4406] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[4280] link '2'", "\t\t[4281] link '0'", "\t\t[4282] link '0'", "\t\t[4283] link '0'", "\t\t[4417] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4418] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4649] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4153] link 'G'", "\t\t[4286] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[4419] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[4287] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[4421] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4422] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[4426] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[4293] link '0'", "\t\t[4294] link '0'", "\t\t[4295] link '0'", "\t\t[4296] link '0'", "\t\t[4435] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4436] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4670] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[4156] link 'L'", "\t\t[4299] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[4437] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[4300] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4439] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4304] link '0'", "\t\t[4305] link '0'", "\t\t[4306] link '0'", "\t\t[4307] link '0'", "\t\t[4450] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4451] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4689] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[4159] link 'M'", "\t\t[4310] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[4452] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[4311] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4454] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4455] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[4696] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[4456] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[4316] link '6'", "\t\t[4317] link '0'", "\t\t[4318] link '2'", "\t\t[4319] link '4'", "\t\t[4467] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4468] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4709] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4162] link 'N'", "\t\t[4322] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[4469] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[4323] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4471] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4327] link '0'", "\t\t[4328] link '0'", "\t\t[4329] link '0'", "\t\t[4330] link '0'", "\t\t[4482] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4483] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4728] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[4165] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[4166] link '1'", "\t\t[4167] link '2'", "\t\t[4168] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[2977] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[2981] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2994] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[5048] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[3043] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3032] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[3010] link 'Create new...'", "\t[3089] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[3122] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[3090] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[3124] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[3092] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[3093] link 'Help'", "\t[3095] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[3134] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[3065] main ''", "\t\t[3083] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[3101] link 'New project'", "\t\t[3239] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[3240] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[3241] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[3242] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[3146] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[3248] button 'Name'", "\t\t[3150] link 'All'", "\t\t[3151] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[3252] link ''", "\t\t[3462] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[3624] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[3463] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3626] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3627] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[3628] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[3468] link '0'", "\t\t[3469] link '0'", "\t\t[3470] link '0'", "\t\t[3471] link '0'", "\t\t[3639] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3640] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4535] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3255] link 'A'", "\t\t[3474] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[3641] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[3475] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3643] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3644] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[3847] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[3645] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[3480] link '1'", "\t\t[3481] link '0'", "\t\t[3482] link '0'", "\t\t[3483] link '1'", "\t\t[3656] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3657] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4541] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3258] link 'A'", "\t\t[3486] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[3658] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[3487] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3660] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3661] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[3867] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[3662] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[3492] link '2'", "\t\t[3493] link '0'", "\t\t[3494] link '1'", "\t\t[3495] link '4'", "\t\t[3673] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3674] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4547] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[3261] link 'A'", "\t\t[3498] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[3675] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[3499] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3677] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[3678] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[3504] link '20'", "\t\t[3505] link '0'", "\t\t[3506] link '10'", "\t\t[3507] link '40'", "\t\t[3689] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3690] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4553] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[3264] link 'A'", "\t\t[3510] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[3691] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[3511] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[3693] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3694] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[3906] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[3695] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[3516] link '1'", "\t\t[3517] link '0'", "\t\t[3518] link '0'", "\t\t[3519] link '0'", "\t\t[3706] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3707] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4559] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3267] link 'A'", "\t\t[3522] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[3708] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[3523] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3710] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3527] link '0'", "\t\t[3528] link '0'", "\t\t[3529] link '0'", "\t\t[3530] link '0'", "\t\t[3721] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3722] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4565] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3270] link 'A'", "\t\t[3533] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[3723] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[3534] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3725] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3538] link '0'", "\t\t[3539] link '0'", "\t\t[3540] link '0'", "\t\t[3541] link '0'", "\t\t[3736] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3737] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4571] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3273] link 'A'", "\t\t[3544] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[3738] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[3545] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3740] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3549] link '0'", "\t\t[3550] link '0'", "\t\t[3551] link '0'", "\t\t[3552] link '0'", "\t\t[3751] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3752] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4577] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3276] link 'A'", "\t\t[3555] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[3753] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[3556] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3755] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3560] link '0'", "\t\t[3561] link '0'", "\t\t[3562] link '0'", "\t\t[3563] link '0'", "\t\t[3766] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3767] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4583] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3279] link 'B'", "\t\t[3566] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[3768] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[3567] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3770] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3571] link '0'", "\t\t[3572] link '0'", "\t\t[3573] link '0'", "\t\t[3574] link '0'", "\t\t[3781] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3782] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4589] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3282] link 'C'", "\t\t[3577] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[3783] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[3578] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3785] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3582] link '0'", "\t\t[3583] link '0'", "\t\t[3584] link '0'", "\t\t[3585] link '0'", "\t\t[3796] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3797] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4595] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3285] link ''", "\t\t[3587] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[3798] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[3588] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3800] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3801] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[3593] link '0'", "\t\t[3594] link '0'", "\t\t[3595] link '0'", "\t\t[3596] link '0'", "\t\t[3812] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3813] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4601] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3288] link 'D'", "\t\t[3599] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[3814] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[3600] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3816] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[3817] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[3605] link '21'", "\t\t[4311] link '0'", "\t\t[4312] link '16'", "\t\t[4313] link '21'", "\t\t[4410] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4411] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4610] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4227] link 'D'", "\t\t[4316] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[4412] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[4317] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4414] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4415] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[4617] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[4416] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[4322] link '0'", "\t\t[4323] link '0'", "\t\t[4324] link '0'", "\t\t[4325] link '1'", "\t\t[4427] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4428] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4630] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[4230] link 'E'", "\t\t[4328] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[4429] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[4329] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4431] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4432] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[4637] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[4433] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[4334] link '6'", "\t\t[4335] link '1'", "\t\t[4336] link '2'", "\t\t[4337] link '5'", "\t\t[4444] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4445] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4650] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[4233] link 'E'", "\t\t[4340] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[4446] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[4341] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4448] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4449] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[4657] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[4450] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[4346] link '2'", "\t\t[4347] link '0'", "\t\t[4348] link '0'", "\t\t[4349] link '0'", "\t\t[4461] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4462] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4670] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4236] link 'G'", "\t\t[4352] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[4463] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[4353] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[4465] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4466] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[4470] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[4359] link '0'", "\t\t[4360] link '0'", "\t\t[4361] link '0'", "\t\t[4362] link '0'", "\t\t[4479] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4480] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4691] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[4239] link 'L'", "\t\t[4365] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[4481] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[4366] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4483] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4370] link '0'", "\t\t[4371] link '0'", "\t\t[4372] link '0'", "\t\t[4373] link '0'", "\t\t[4494] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4495] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4710] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[4242] link 'M'", "\t\t[4376] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[4496] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[4377] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4498] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4499] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[4717] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[4500] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[4382] link '6'", "\t\t[4383] link '0'", "\t\t[4384] link '2'", "\t\t[4385] link '4'", "\t\t[4511] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4512] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4730] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4245] link 'N'", "\t\t[4388] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[4513] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[4389] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4515] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4393] link '0'", "\t\t[4394] link '0'", "\t\t[4395] link '0'", "\t\t[4396] link '0'", "\t\t[4526] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4527] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4749] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[4248] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[4249] link '1'", "\t\t[4250] link '2'", "\t\t[4251] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[2972] RootWebArea 'To-Do List · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[2976] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2989] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3011] link ''", "\t[3039] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3027] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[3005] link 'Create new...'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[136] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[138] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[148] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1865] main ''", "\t\t[1783] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2299] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1755] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2049] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2001] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1509] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2379] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2051] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1725] link 'All'", "\t\t[1822] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2355] link ''", "\t\t[2426] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2192] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1977] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1810] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2442] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2386] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1642] link '0'", "\t\t[2466] link '0'", "\t\t[1542] link '0'", "\t\t[2309] link '0'", "\t\t[1640] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2106] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2162] link 'A'", "\t\t[1679] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2189] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2117] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1620] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1541] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2303] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2284] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1511] link '1'", "\t\t[2371] link '0'", "\t\t[2368] link '0'", "\t\t[1805] link '1'", "\t\t[1850] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2364] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1777] link 'A'", "\t\t[1933] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1707] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1875] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1600] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2165] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2418] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1905] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2177] link '2'", "\t\t[2050] link '0'", "\t\t[2009] link '1'", "\t\t[2416] link '4'", "\t\t[2385] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1855] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2235] link 'A'", "\t\t[1936] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1826] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1593] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1911] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1994] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2205] link '20'", "\t\t[1637] link '0'", "\t\t[2166] link '10'", "\t\t[1584] link '40'", "\t\t[1504] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1618] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1864] link 'A'", "\t\t[1612] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2432] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1614] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1599] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2022] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2104] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2344] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2198] link '1'", "\t\t[2219] link '0'", "\t\t[2408] link '0'", "\t\t[2382] link '0'", "\t\t[2097] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2041] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2246] link 'A'", "\t\t[2357] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1540] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2460] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1908] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1837] link '0'", "\t\t[2171] link '0'", "\t\t[2427] link '0'", "\t\t[2225] link '0'", "\t\t[1769] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2204] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2337] link 'A'", "\t\t[2112] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1551] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2187] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2004] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1763] link '0'", "\t\t[1632] link '0'", "\t\t[1538] link '0'", "\t\t[1986] link '0'", "\t\t[2443] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1624] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2199] link 'A'", "\t\t[2274] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2449] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1683] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1582] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2193] link '0'", "\t\t[1675] link '0'", "\t\t[1668] link '0'", "\t\t[1659] link '0'", "\t\t[2212] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1688] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2429] link 'A'", "\t\t[2007] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2143] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1569] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1775] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1634] link '0'", "\t\t[2116] link '0'", "\t\t[2354] link '0'", "\t\t[2437] link '0'", "\t\t[1745] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1729] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2435] link 'B'", "\t\t[1739] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2181] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2236] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1940] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2195] link '0'", "\t\t[2040] link '0'", "\t\t[2237] link '0'", "\t\t[2288] link '0'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1930] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2044] link 'C'", "\t\t[2081] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1821] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2024] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2445] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2005] link '0'", "\t\t[1737] link '0'", "\t\t[1922] link '0'", "\t\t[1951] link '0'", "\t\t[1609] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1734] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1806] link ''", "\t\t[2451] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1903] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2060] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2138] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1772] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2011] link '0'", "\t\t[2034] link '0'", "\t\t[2289] link '0'", "\t\t[2126] link '0'", "\t\t[2072] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1549] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2186] link 'D'", "\t\t[1839] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1756] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2176] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2346] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2306] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1859] link '21'", "\t\t[1517] link '0'", "\t\t[2452] link '16'", "\t\t[1791] link '21'", "\t\t[1565] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2101] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2462] link 'D'", "\t\t[1561] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2400] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1744] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1935] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1991] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1682] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1501] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1851] link '0'", "\t\t[1838] link '0'", "\t\t[2339] link '0'", "\t\t[2042] link '1'", "\t\t[1934] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1575] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2086] link 'E'", "\t\t[2210] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2038] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1794] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2067] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1992] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1764] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1770] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1686] link '6'", "\t\t[1657] link '1'", "\t\t[1616] link '2'", "\t\t[2393] link '5'", "\t\t[1656] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2102] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1778] link 'E'", "\t\t[1825] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1513] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1716] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2436] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1757] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1592] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1531] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1953] link '2'", "\t\t[1760] link '0'", "\t\t[2295] link '0'", "\t\t[2002] link '0'", "\t\t[1779] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1867] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2074] link 'G'", "\t\t[1863] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2376] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1785] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1693] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1750] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1622] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2383] link '0'", "\t\t[2114] link '0'", "\t\t[2065] link '0'", "\t\t[1818] link '0'", "\t\t[2006] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2255] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2075] link 'L'", "\t\t[1830] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2294] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2253] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1910] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1623] link '0'", "\t\t[1697] link '0'", "\t\t[2478] link '0'", "\t\t[2329] link '0'", "\t\t[1878] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1495] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1941] link 'M'", "\t\t[1812] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1956] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1842] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1699] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1895] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1957] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1813] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1937] link '6'", "\t\t[2381] link '0'", "\t\t[2273] link '2'", "\t\t[1724] link '4'", "\t\t[2479] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1897] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2054] link 'N'", "\t\t[1971] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[2092] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2027] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2151] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1787] link '0'", "\t\t[2200] link '0'", "\t\t[1677] link '0'", "\t\t[2320] link '0'", "\t\t[1921] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2252] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2374] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1560] link '1'", "\t\t[2430] link '2'", "\t\t[1792] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[132] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[134] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[144] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1871] main ''", "\t\t[1786] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2294] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2200] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1915] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1923] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1855] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2145] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2171] button 'Name'", "\t\t[2380] link 'All'", "\t\t[1732] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2123] link ''", "\t\t[1806] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1542] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2258] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2136] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1868] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2272] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1553] link '0'", "\t\t[2324] link '0'", "\t\t[1990] link '0'", "\t\t[1781] link '0'", "\t\t[2002] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1568] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1604] link 'A'", "\t\t[2078] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1555] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2277] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2186] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1634] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1981] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2118] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2009] link '1'", "\t\t[2424] link '0'", "\t\t[1830] link '0'", "\t\t[2357] link '1'", "\t\t[2035] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2239] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1758] link 'A'", "\t\t[1791] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2286] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1856] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1631] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2079] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1769] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2018] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2443] link '2'", "\t\t[2013] link '0'", "\t\t[2074] link '1'", "\t\t[2426] link '4'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1795] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1506] link 'A'", "\t\t[1721] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1538] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2242] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2006] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2028] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2090] link '20'", "\t\t[1718] link '0'", "\t\t[1681] link '10'", "\t\t[1559] link '40'", "\t\t[1866] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1516] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2048] link 'A'", "\t\t[1787] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2453] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1584] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1512] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2336] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1623] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1563] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2151] link '1'", "\t\t[2299] link '0'", "\t\t[2295] link '0'", "\t\t[1647] link '0'", "\t\t[1541] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2414] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2420] link 'A'", "\t\t[2304] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2050] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1694] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1689] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1785] link '0'", "\t\t[2142] link '0'", "\t\t[1934] link '0'", "\t\t[2069] link '0'", "\t\t[1813] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2442] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2459] link 'A'", "\t\t[2369] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2386] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1809] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1738] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1880] link '0'", "\t\t[1730] link '0'", "\t\t[2177] link '0'", "\t\t[1884] link '0'", "\t\t[2192] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1582] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2259] link 'A'", "\t\t[2047] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1619] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2004] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2282] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1941] link '0'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[1767] link '0'", "\t\t[1697] link '0'", "\t\t[1858] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2365] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2156] link 'A'", "\t\t[2213] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1714] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1638] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1593] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1726] link '0'", "\t\t[1606] link '0'", "\t\t[1608] link '0'", "\t\t[2160] link '0'", "\t\t[2237] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1833] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1503] link 'B'", "\t\t[2315] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2385] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2204] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1832] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2222] link '0'", "\t\t[1565] link '0'", "\t\t[2358] link '0'", "\t\t[1844] link '0'", "\t\t[2432] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1797] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2096] link 'C'", "\t\t[1583] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1746] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1943] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2029] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2124] link '0'", "\t\t[1688] link '0'", "\t\t[1977] link '0'", "\t\t[2184] link '0'", "\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1652] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1962] link ''", "\t\t[1918] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1502] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2457] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1628] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1765] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2287] link '0'", "\t\t[2080] link '0'", "\t\t[2418] link '0'", "\t\t[2393] link '0'", "\t\t[1848] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2223] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2244] link 'D'", "\t\t[1557] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2337] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2043] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2326] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1808] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2311] link '21'", "\t\t[2188] link '0'", "\t\t[1780] link '16'", "\t\t[1632] link '21'", "\t\t[2026] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2217] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1939] link 'D'", "\t\t[2031] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1799] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1914] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2161] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1904] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2266] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1816] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1596] link '0'", "\t\t[2137] link '0'", "\t\t[1642] link '0'", "\t\t[2044] link '1'", "\t\t[2067] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2364] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2133] link 'E'", "\t\t[1853] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1959] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2094] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2291] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1997] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2005] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2185] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1980] link '6'", "\t\t[2130] link '1'", "\t\t[2014] link '2'", "\t\t[1665] link '5'", "\t\t[2063] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1823] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1720] link 'E'", "\t\t[2201] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2367] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1951] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1836] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2253] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2077] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2439] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1837] link '2'", "\t\t[1649] link '0'", "\t\t[1735] link '0'", "\t\t[1757] link '0'", "\t\t[1894] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1994] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1919] link 'G'", "\t\t[1810] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2447] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2456] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1942] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2382] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2468] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1524] link '0'", "\t\t[2300] link '0'", "\t\t[2381] link '0'", "\t\t[2219] link '0'", "\t\t[2313] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2041] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1517] link 'L'", "\t\t[1824] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2465] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1963] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1817] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1929] link '0'", "\t\t[1983] link '0'", "\t\t[1620] link '0'", "\t\t[2389] link '0'", "\t\t[2068] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1988] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1622] link 'M'", "\t\t[1890] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1771] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2261] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2158] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2131] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1695] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2395] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1528] link '6'", "\t\t[2083] link '0'", "\t\t[1526] link '2'", "\t\t[1891] link '4'", "\t\t[2437] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1760] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1953] link 'N'", "\t\t[2256] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1533] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2072] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1547] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2128] link '0'", "\t\t[1995] link '0'", "\t\t[1948] link '0'", "\t\t[1852] link '0'", "\t\t[2375] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1586] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2003] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1895] link '1'", "\t\t[1789] link '2'", "\t\t[2449] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[2972] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[134] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[136] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[146] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1857] main ''", "\t\t[1776] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2274] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1982] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1730] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2098] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2247] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1995] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2295] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1508] link 'All'", "\t\t[1718] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1987] link ''", "\t\t[1846] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2041] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2319] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1783] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1894] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2001] link '0'", "\t\t[2057] link '0'", "\t\t[2401] link '0'", "\t\t[2121] link '0'", "\t\t[1845] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1781] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1870] link 'A'", "\t\t[2222] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1854] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2062] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2434] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1784] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1722] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1492] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1704] link '1'", "\t\t[1662] link '0'", "\t\t[1543] link '0'", "\t\t[1935] link '1'", "\t\t[1613] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2088] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2161] link 'A'", "\t\t[1573] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1517] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1611] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2032] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1666] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1672] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2279] link '2'", "\t\t[2275] link '0'", "\t\t[1631] link '1'", "\t\t[2445] link '4'", "\t\t[1800] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2423] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2372] link 'A'", "\t\t[1679] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2364] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1734] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1727] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2326] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1919] link '20'", "\t\t[2052] link '0'", "\t\t[1486] link '10'", "\t\t[2346] link '40'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1603] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2452] link 'A'", "\t\t[1899] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1525] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1605] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1772] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2154] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1654] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1587] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1869] link '1'", "\t\t[1805] link '0'", "\t\t[2162] link '0'", "\t\t[2029] link '0'", "\t\t[1472] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1580] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2382] link 'A'", "\t\t[2339] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2148] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1914] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1916] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1682] link '0'", "\t\t[1591] link '0'", "\t\t[2113] link '0'", "\t\t[2191] link '0'", "\t\t[1851] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1820] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2254] link 'A'", "\t\t[1564] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1723] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2335] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1978] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2141] link '0'", "\t\t[1917] link '0'", "\t\t[2123] link '0'", "\t\t[2297] link '0'", "\t\t[1477] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1601] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1906] link 'A'", "\t\t[2384] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2413] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2359] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1579] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2443] link '0'", "\t\t[1544] link '0'", "\t\t[1705] link '0'", "\t\t[2224] link '0'", "\t\t[2063] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2102] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2352] link 'A'", "\t\t[2408] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2074] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2210] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1524] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2170] link '0'", "\t\t[2451] link '0'", "\t\t[1714] link '0'", "\t\t[2400] link '0'", "\t\t[1696] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1528] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1841] link 'B'", "\t\t[1523] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1762] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1974] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1540] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1674] link '0'", "\t\t[1886] link '0'", "\t\t[2021] link '0'", "\t\t[1577] link '0'", "\t\t[1685] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2454] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1538] link 'C'", "\t\t[1653] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2425] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1645] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2433] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1552] link '0'", "\t\t[1539] link '0'", "\t\t[2243] link '0'", "\t\t[2166] link '0'", "\t\t[1765] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1536] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1792] link ''", "\t\t[2094] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2197] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2328] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2126] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2065] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2220] link '0'", "\t\t[2325] link '0'", "\t\t[2281] link '0'", "\t\t[1922] link '0'", "\t\t[2046] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2337] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1671] link 'D'", "\t\t[1975] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1945] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1604] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2269] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1988] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2241] link '21'", "\t\t[2202] link '0'", "\t\t[2083] link '16'", "\t\t[1959] link '21'", "\t\t[2089] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2044] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2185] link 'D'", "\t\t[2064] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1811] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1503] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1824] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1719] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2234] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2055] link '0'", "\t\t[2008] link '0'", "\t\t[1629] link '0'", "\t\t[2056] link '1'", "\t\t[1838] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1877] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1961] link 'E'", "\t\t[1933] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1984] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1843] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1625] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1928] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2235] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2358] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2348] link '6'", "\t\t[1547] link '1'", "\t\t[2411] link '2'", "\t\t[1785] link '5'", "\t\t[2184] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1665] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1622] link 'E'", "\t\t[2014] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2294] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1946] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2444] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1957] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1804] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1530] link '2'", "\t\t[1983] link '0'", "\t\t[1670] link '0'", "\t\t[2432] link '0'", "\t\t[2053] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1979] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2393] link 'G'", "\t\t[1637] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1763] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1480] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2138] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2111] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2067] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1678] link '0'", "\t\t[1879] link '0'", "\t\t[1853] link '0'", "\t\t[1881] link '0'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1512] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2266] link 'L'", "\t\t[1598] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2329] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1589] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2207] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2380] link '0'", "\t\t[2307] link '0'", "\t\t[1793] link '0'", "\t\t[1568] link '0'", "\t\t[1575] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1683] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1545] link 'M'", "\t\t[1774] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1741] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1501] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1475] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2073] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2435] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1632] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2268] link '6'", "\t\t[2012] link '0'", "\t\t[2194] link '2'", "\t\t[1787] link '4'", "\t\t[2270] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2038] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1533] link 'N'", "\t\t[1888] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1900] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1803] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1726] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2369] link '0'", "\t\t[2332] link '0'", "\t\t[2149] link '0'", "\t\t[1819] link '0'", "\t\t[1953] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1862] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1771] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1616] link '1'", "\t\t[1822] link '2'", "\t\t[1872] link 'Next '" ] }
[ "click [2750]", "hover [64]", "click [34]", "click [103]", "click [104]", "click [106]", "scroll [down]", "tab_focus [1]", "go_back", "go_forward" ]
hover [64]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[102] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[121] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[103] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[123] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[105] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[106] link 'Help'", "\t[108] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[133] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1869] main ''", "\t\t[1789] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1805] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1633] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2010] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2228] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2322] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2387] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2239] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1704] link 'All'", "\t\t[2258] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1743] link ''", "\t\t[1600] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1928] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2132] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2230] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1834] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2384] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2358] link '0'", "\t\t[1728] link '0'", "\t\t[1604] link '0'", "\t\t[1605] link '0'", "\t\t[2241] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2269] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2060] link 'A'", "\t\t[2142] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2218] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2310] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1625] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1503] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1690] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1613] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2213] link '1'", "\t\t[1559] link '0'", "\t\t[2353] link '0'", "\t\t[2460] link '1'", "\t\t[2227] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1546] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2301] link 'A'", "\t\t[2237] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2120] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1845] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2121] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2091] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2240] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2033] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2410] link '2'", "\t\t[2106] link '0'", "\t\t[2182] link '1'", "\t\t[2471] link '4'", "\t\t[2397] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1714] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1719] link 'A'", "\t\t[1773] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1540] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1632] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2204] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1549] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2268] link '20'", "\t\t[1689] link '0'", "\t\t[1899] link '10'", "\t\t[2035] link '40'", "\t\t[1698] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2474] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2173] link 'A'", "\t\t[1680] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2441] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1672] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2449] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2364] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2046] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1561] link '1'", "\t\t[1550] link '0'", "\t\t[2259] link '0'", "\t\t[2180] link '0'", "\t\t[2211] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1696] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2084] link 'A'", "\t\t[2346] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2144] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2434] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1783] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2231] link '0'", "\t\t[2342] link '0'", "\t\t[2295] link '0'", "\t\t[1939] link '0'", "\t\t[1759] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1735] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2122] link 'A'", "\t\t[2232] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2177] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2279] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1950] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2015] link '0'", "\t\t[2281] link '0'", "\t\t[1619] link '0'", "\t\t[1754] link '0'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1934] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2126] link 'A'", "\t\t[1925] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1827] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1957] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2448] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1727] link '0'", "\t\t[1797] link '0'", "\t\t[1533] link '0'", "\t\t[1906] link '0'", "\t\t[1603] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1740] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2265] link 'A'", "\t\t[2282] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1904] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2125] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2139] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2174] link '0'", "\t\t[2406] link '0'", "\t\t[1554] link '0'", "\t\t[1858] link '0'", "\t\t[1574] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2063] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2009] link 'B'", "\t\t[1515] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1547] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2452] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1556] link '0'", "\t\t[1753] link '0'", "\t\t[2020] link '0'", "\t\t[2407] link '0'", "\t\t[1804] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2005] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2134] link 'C'", "\t\t[1861] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1558] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1520] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2398] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1535] link '0'", "\t\t[2409] link '0'", "\t\t[2045] link '0'", "\t\t[1686] link '0'", "\t\t[2333] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2116] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2249] link ''", "\t\t[2127] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1563] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1715] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2473] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2291] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2081] link '0'", "\t\t[2190] link '0'", "\t\t[2187] link '0'", "\t\t[2107] link '0'", "\t\t[2110] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2102] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2388] link 'D'", "\t\t[2385] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2411] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2308] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2154] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1875] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1653] link '21'", "\t\t[1836] link '0'", "\t\t[1599] link '16'", "\t\t[1908] link '21'", "\t\t[1757] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1631] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1736] link 'D'", "\t\t[2100] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2309] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2185] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2450] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1529] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1833] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1918] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1786] link '0'", "\t\t[2168] link '0'", "\t\t[1596] link '0'", "\t\t[2024] link '1'", "\t\t[2370] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2299] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1665] link 'E'", "\t\t[2458] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2099] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1901] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2092] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1891] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2215] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2437] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1717] link '6'", "\t\t[1496] link '1'", "\t\t[1589] link '2'", "\t\t[2164] link '5'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2220] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2252] link 'E'", "\t\t[2331] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1722] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1809] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2456] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1915] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1490] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1944] link '2'", "\t\t[1562] link '0'", "\t\t[2030] link '0'", "\t\t[1651] link '0'", "\t\t[1964] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1770] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2109] link 'G'", "\t\t[1779] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2212] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1822] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1878] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1495] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1896] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2082] link '0'", "\t\t[2262] link '0'", "\t\t[2417] link '0'", "\t\t[1970] link '0'", "\t\t[2170] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1791] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2365] link 'L'", "\t\t[1512] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1707] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1627] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1900] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2347] link '0'", "\t\t[1538] link '0'", "\t\t[2217] link '0'", "\t\t[2151] link '0'", "\t\t[1489] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1569] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2245] link 'M'", "\t\t[1570] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1681] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1708] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2250] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2014] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2197] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2375] link '6'", "\t\t[1583] link '0'", "\t\t[1697] link '2'", "\t\t[1758] link '4'", "\t\t[1864] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1815] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2224] link 'N'", "\t\t[2090] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1854] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1629] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1513] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2424] link '0'", "\t\t[1967] link '0'", "\t\t[2051] link '0'", "\t\t[1902] link '0'", "\t\t[1586] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2233] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2478] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2317] link '1'", "\t\t[2315] link '2'", "\t\t[1823] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", where the tooltip for 'Search GitLab' appears, offering guidance on how to utilize the search function effectively. This addition provides users with insights into shortcut keys and search tips, enhancing the usability of the search feature. The overall structure remains the same, but the added information allows for a more informed interaction with the page elements.
click [34]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...' focused: True expanded: True", "\t[2978] link 'New project/repository'", "\t[2979] link 'New group'", "\t[2976] link 'New snippet'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[136] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[138] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[148] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1853] main ''", "\t\t[1772] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2284] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1499] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1744] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2043] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1987] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2374] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1867] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1709] link 'All'", "\t\t[1812] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2412] link ''", "\t\t[1490] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1691] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1773] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2286] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1503] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1749] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1567] link '0'", "\t\t[2136] link '0'", "\t\t[2290] link '0'", "\t\t[2285] link '0'", "\t\t[1841] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1692] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2457] link 'A'", "\t\t[1539] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1635] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2296] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1597] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1894] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1566] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2124] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1770] link '1'", "\t\t[2125] link '0'", "\t\t[1920] link '0'", "\t\t[2066] link '1'", "\t\t[2020] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2025] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2250] link 'A'", "\t\t[2361] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1522] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1791] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1886] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2239] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2459] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1786] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1712] link '2'", "\t\t[2163] link '0'", "\t\t[1866] link '1'", "\t\t[1800] link '4'", "\t\t[2015] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2059] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2144] link 'A'", "\t\t[1994] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2172] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2408] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2271] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2223] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1754] link '20'", "\t\t[1681] link '0'", "\t\t[1598] link '10'", "\t\t[2117] link '40'", "\t\t[2056] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1634] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1501] link 'A'", "\t\t[2154] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2236] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1575] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2210] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2379] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2161] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1612] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2148] link '1'", "\t\t[1918] link '0'", "\t\t[2126] link '0'", "\t\t[2310] link '0'", "\t\t[1972] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1842] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2469] link 'A'", "\t\t[2403] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2221] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2377] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2107] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2461] link '0'", "\t\t[1553] link '0'", "\t\t[1699] link '0'", "\t\t[2231] link '0'", "\t\t[2268] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1822] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2249] link 'A'", "\t\t[2423] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2063] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2213] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2391] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2175] link '0'", "\t\t[2472] link '0'", "\t\t[1705] link '0'", "\t\t[2416] link '0'", "\t\t[2029] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2363] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2385] link 'A'", "\t\t[1538] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2312] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1974] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2372] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1673] link '0'", "\t\t[1884] link '0'", "\t\t[2032] link '0'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[2120] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1863] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1492] link 'A'", "\t\t[1656] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1881] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1646] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2474] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1563] link '0'", "\t\t[1550] link '0'", "\t\t[2255] link '0'", "\t\t[2170] link '0'", "\t\t[1735] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2179] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1698] link 'B'", "\t\t[2346] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2272] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2433] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1543] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2225] link '0'", "\t\t[2343] link '0'", "\t\t[2292] link '0'", "\t\t[1923] link '0'", "\t\t[1639] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2145] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1957] link 'C'", "\t\t[2226] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1706] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2274] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2190] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2012] link '0'", "\t\t[2276] link '0'", "\t\t[1608] link '0'", "\t\t[1732] link '0'", "\t\t[2130] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1686] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2388] link ''", "\t\t[1724] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1755] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1913] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2253] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1875] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1703] link '0'", "\t\t[1780] link '0'", "\t\t[1532] link '0'", "\t\t[1896] link '0'", "\t\t[1764] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2468] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1666] link 'D'", "\t\t[2275] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2464] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2111] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2068] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1978] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2405] link '21'", "\t\t[1556] link '0'", "\t\t[1838] link '16'", "\t\t[1779] link '21'", "\t\t[2079] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1630] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1824] link 'D'", "\t\t[2452] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1932] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1781] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2240] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1787] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2414] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1643] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2047] link '0'", "\t\t[1685] link '0'", "\t\t[1940] link '0'", "\t\t[2367] link '1'", "\t\t[1943] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1750] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1794] link 'E'", "\t\t[1782] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2279] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1728] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2169] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1944] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1727] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1851] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2088] link '6'", "\t\t[1562] link '1'", "\t\t[2209] link '2'", "\t\t[1542] link '5'", "\t\t[2360] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1889] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2237] link 'E'", "\t\t[2449] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1819] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2345] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2436] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1844] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1498] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2218] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1614] link '2'", "\t\t[1751] link '0'", "\t\t[1837] link '0'", "\t\t[1689] link '0'", "\t\t[2447] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1621] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2445] link 'G'", "\t\t[1846] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1926] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1880] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2261] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1708] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2016] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2206] link '0'", "\t\t[2333] link '0'", "\t\t[2399] link '0'", "\t\t[2321] link '0'", "\t\t[2465] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1956] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2375] link 'L'", "\t\t[1874] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1799] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1561] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1950] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1827] link '0'", "\t\t[2330] link '0'", "\t\t[2033] link '0'", "\t\t[2280] link '0'", "\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1806] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2431] link 'M'", "\t\t[1783] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2146] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1523] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2392] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2366] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2291] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2462] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2215] link '6'", "\t\t[1680] link '0'", "\t\t[2435] link '2'", "\t\t[1519] link '4'", "\t\t[1830] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2338] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2177] link 'N'", "\t\t[2147] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[2298] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1873] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2422] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2054] link '0'", "\t\t[1861] link '0'", "\t\t[2067] link '0'", "\t\t[2262] link '0'", "\t\t[1973] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2329] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1573] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2387] link '1'", "\t\t[1586] link '2'", "\t\t[2227] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", where a modal or new section appears, providing options to create a new project/repository, new group, or new snippet. This change introduces interactive elements that allow users to define project parameters, thereby shifting the focus from the dashboard overview to project creation. The main navigation remains visible, but the content dynamically adjusts to accommodate user input.
click [103]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[2977] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[2981] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2990] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[4951] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[3045] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3035] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[3019] link 'Create new...'", "\t[3092] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[3112] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[3093] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[3114] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[3095] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[3096] link 'Help'", "\t[3098] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[3124] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[3069] main ''", "\t\t[3087] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[3104] link 'New project'", "\t\t[3190] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[3191] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[3192] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[3193] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[3136] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[3199] button 'Name'", "\t\t[3140] link 'All'", "\t\t[3141] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[3377] link ''", "\t\t[3484] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[3610] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[3485] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3612] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3613] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[3614] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[3490] link '0'", "\t\t[3491] link '0'", "\t\t[3492] link '0'", "\t\t[3493] link '0'", "\t\t[3625] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3626] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4491] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3380] link 'A'", "\t\t[3496] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[3627] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[3497] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3629] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3630] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[3810] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[3631] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[3502] link '1'", "\t\t[3503] link '0'", "\t\t[3504] link '0'", "\t\t[3505] link '1'", "\t\t[3642] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3643] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4497] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3383] link 'A'", "\t\t[3508] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[3644] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[3509] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3646] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3647] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[3830] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[3648] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[3514] link '2'", "\t\t[3515] link '0'", "\t\t[3516] link '1'", "\t\t[3517] link '4'", "\t\t[3659] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3660] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4503] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[3386] link 'A'", "\t\t[3520] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[3661] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[3521] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3663] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[3664] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[3526] link '20'", "\t\t[3527] link '0'", "\t\t[3528] link '10'", "\t\t[3529] link '40'", "\t\t[3675] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3676] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4509] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[3389] link 'A'", "\t\t[3532] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[3677] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[3533] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[3679] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3680] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[3869] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[3681] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[3538] link '1'", "\t\t[3539] link '0'", "\t\t[3540] link '0'", "\t\t[3541] link '0'", "\t\t[3692] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3693] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4515] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3392] link 'A'", "\t\t[3544] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[3694] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[3545] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3696] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3549] link '0'", "\t\t[3550] link '0'", "\t\t[3551] link '0'", "\t\t[3552] link '0'", "\t\t[3707] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3708] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4521] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3395] link 'A'", "\t\t[3555] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[3709] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[3556] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3711] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3560] link '0'", "\t\t[3561] link '0'", "\t\t[3562] link '0'", "\t\t[3563] link '0'", "\t\t[3722] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3723] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4527] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3398] link 'A'", "\t\t[3566] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[3724] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[3567] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3726] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3571] link '0'", "\t\t[3572] link '0'", "\t\t[3573] link '0'", "\t\t[3574] link '0'", "\t\t[3737] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3738] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4533] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3401] link 'A'", "\t\t[3577] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[3739] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[3578] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3741] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3582] link '0'", "\t\t[3583] link '0'", "\t\t[3584] link '0'", "\t\t[3585] link '0'", "\t\t[3752] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3753] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4539] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3404] link 'B'", "\t\t[3588] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[3754] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[3589] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3756] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3593] link '0'", "\t\t[3594] link '0'", "\t\t[3595] link '0'", "\t\t[3596] link '0'", "\t\t[3767] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3768] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4545] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3407] link 'C'", "\t\t[3599] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[3769] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[3600] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3771] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3604] link '0'", "\t\t[3605] link '0'", "\t\t[3606] link '0'", "\t\t[3607] link '0'", "\t\t[3782] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3783] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4551] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3410] link ''", "\t\t[4226] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[4336] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[4227] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4338] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4339] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[4232] link '0'", "\t\t[4233] link '0'", "\t\t[4234] link '0'", "\t\t[4235] link '0'", "\t\t[4350] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4351] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4570] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4141] link 'D'", "\t\t[4238] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[4352] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[4239] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4354] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[4355] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[4244] link '21'", "\t\t[4245] link '0'", "\t\t[4246] link '16'", "\t\t[4247] link '21'", "\t\t[4366] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4367] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4589] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4144] link 'D'", "\t\t[4250] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[4368] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[4251] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4370] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4371] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[4596] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[4372] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[4256] link '0'", "\t\t[4257] link '0'", "\t\t[4258] link '0'", "\t\t[4259] link '1'", "\t\t[4383] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4384] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4609] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[4147] link 'E'", "\t\t[4262] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[4385] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[4263] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4387] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4388] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[4616] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[4389] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[4268] link '6'", "\t\t[4269] link '1'", "\t\t[4270] link '2'", "\t\t[4271] link '5'", "\t\t[4400] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4401] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4629] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[4150] link 'E'", "\t\t[4274] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[4402] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[4275] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4404] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4405] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[4636] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[4406] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[4280] link '2'", "\t\t[4281] link '0'", "\t\t[4282] link '0'", "\t\t[4283] link '0'", "\t\t[4417] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4418] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4649] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4153] link 'G'", "\t\t[4286] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[4419] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[4287] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[4421] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4422] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[4426] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[4293] link '0'", "\t\t[4294] link '0'", "\t\t[4295] link '0'", "\t\t[4296] link '0'", "\t\t[4435] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4436] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4670] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[4156] link 'L'", "\t\t[4299] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[4437] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[4300] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4439] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4304] link '0'", "\t\t[4305] link '0'", "\t\t[4306] link '0'", "\t\t[4307] link '0'", "\t\t[4450] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4451] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4689] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[4159] link 'M'", "\t\t[4310] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[4452] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[4311] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4454] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4455] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[4696] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[4456] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[4316] link '6'", "\t\t[4317] link '0'", "\t\t[4318] link '2'", "\t\t[4319] link '4'", "\t\t[4467] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4468] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4709] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4162] link 'N'", "\t\t[4322] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[4469] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[4323] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4471] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4327] link '0'", "\t\t[4328] link '0'", "\t\t[4329] link '0'", "\t\t[4330] link '0'", "\t\t[4482] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4483] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4728] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[4165] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[4166] link '1'", "\t\t[4167] link '2'", "\t\t[4168] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", where the page now displays a detailed list of merge requests, showcasing their status and associated projects. This change transitions the user from the dashboard context to a more focused view on ongoing merge requests, reflecting a shift in user activity and information display while retaining the primary navigation structure of the page.
click [104]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[2977] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[2981] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2994] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[5048] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[3043] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3032] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[3010] link 'Create new...'", "\t[3089] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[3122] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[3090] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[3124] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[3092] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[3093] link 'Help'", "\t[3095] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[3134] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[3065] main ''", "\t\t[3083] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[3101] link 'New project'", "\t\t[3239] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[3240] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[3241] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[3242] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[3146] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[3248] button 'Name'", "\t\t[3150] link 'All'", "\t\t[3151] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[3252] link ''", "\t\t[3462] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[3624] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[3463] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3626] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3627] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[3628] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[3468] link '0'", "\t\t[3469] link '0'", "\t\t[3470] link '0'", "\t\t[3471] link '0'", "\t\t[3639] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3640] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4535] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3255] link 'A'", "\t\t[3474] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[3641] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[3475] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3643] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3644] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[3847] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[3645] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[3480] link '1'", "\t\t[3481] link '0'", "\t\t[3482] link '0'", "\t\t[3483] link '1'", "\t\t[3656] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3657] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4541] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3258] link 'A'", "\t\t[3486] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[3658] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[3487] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3660] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3661] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[3867] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[3662] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[3492] link '2'", "\t\t[3493] link '0'", "\t\t[3494] link '1'", "\t\t[3495] link '4'", "\t\t[3673] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3674] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4547] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[3261] link 'A'", "\t\t[3498] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[3675] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[3499] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3677] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[3678] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[3504] link '20'", "\t\t[3505] link '0'", "\t\t[3506] link '10'", "\t\t[3507] link '40'", "\t\t[3689] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3690] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4553] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[3264] link 'A'", "\t\t[3510] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[3691] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[3511] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[3693] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3694] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[3906] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[3695] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[3516] link '1'", "\t\t[3517] link '0'", "\t\t[3518] link '0'", "\t\t[3519] link '0'", "\t\t[3706] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3707] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4559] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3267] link 'A'", "\t\t[3522] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[3708] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[3523] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3710] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3527] link '0'", "\t\t[3528] link '0'", "\t\t[3529] link '0'", "\t\t[3530] link '0'", "\t\t[3721] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3722] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4565] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3270] link 'A'", "\t\t[3533] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[3723] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[3534] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3725] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3538] link '0'", "\t\t[3539] link '0'", "\t\t[3540] link '0'", "\t\t[3541] link '0'", "\t\t[3736] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3737] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4571] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3273] link 'A'", "\t\t[3544] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[3738] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[3545] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3740] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3549] link '0'", "\t\t[3550] link '0'", "\t\t[3551] link '0'", "\t\t[3552] link '0'", "\t\t[3751] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3752] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4577] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3276] link 'A'", "\t\t[3555] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[3753] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[3556] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3755] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3560] link '0'", "\t\t[3561] link '0'", "\t\t[3562] link '0'", "\t\t[3563] link '0'", "\t\t[3766] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3767] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4583] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3279] link 'B'", "\t\t[3566] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[3768] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[3567] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3770] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3571] link '0'", "\t\t[3572] link '0'", "\t\t[3573] link '0'", "\t\t[3574] link '0'", "\t\t[3781] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3782] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4589] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3282] link 'C'", "\t\t[3577] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[3783] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[3578] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3785] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3582] link '0'", "\t\t[3583] link '0'", "\t\t[3584] link '0'", "\t\t[3585] link '0'", "\t\t[3796] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3797] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4595] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3285] link ''", "\t\t[3587] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[3798] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[3588] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3800] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3801] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[3593] link '0'", "\t\t[3594] link '0'", "\t\t[3595] link '0'", "\t\t[3596] link '0'", "\t\t[3812] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3813] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4601] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3288] link 'D'", "\t\t[3599] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[3814] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[3600] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3816] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[3817] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[3605] link '21'", "\t\t[4311] link '0'", "\t\t[4312] link '16'", "\t\t[4313] link '21'", "\t\t[4410] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4411] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4610] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4227] link 'D'", "\t\t[4316] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[4412] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[4317] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4414] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4415] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[4617] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[4416] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[4322] link '0'", "\t\t[4323] link '0'", "\t\t[4324] link '0'", "\t\t[4325] link '1'", "\t\t[4427] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4428] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4630] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[4230] link 'E'", "\t\t[4328] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[4429] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[4329] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4431] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4432] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[4637] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[4433] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[4334] link '6'", "\t\t[4335] link '1'", "\t\t[4336] link '2'", "\t\t[4337] link '5'", "\t\t[4444] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4445] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4650] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[4233] link 'E'", "\t\t[4340] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[4446] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[4341] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4448] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4449] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[4657] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[4450] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[4346] link '2'", "\t\t[4347] link '0'", "\t\t[4348] link '0'", "\t\t[4349] link '0'", "\t\t[4461] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4462] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4670] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4236] link 'G'", "\t\t[4352] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[4463] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[4353] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[4465] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4466] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[4470] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[4359] link '0'", "\t\t[4360] link '0'", "\t\t[4361] link '0'", "\t\t[4362] link '0'", "\t\t[4479] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4480] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4691] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[4239] link 'L'", "\t\t[4365] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[4481] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[4366] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4483] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4370] link '0'", "\t\t[4371] link '0'", "\t\t[4372] link '0'", "\t\t[4373] link '0'", "\t\t[4494] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4495] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4710] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[4242] link 'M'", "\t\t[4376] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[4496] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[4377] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4498] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4499] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[4717] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[4500] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[4382] link '6'", "\t\t[4383] link '0'", "\t\t[4384] link '2'", "\t\t[4385] link '4'", "\t\t[4511] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4512] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4730] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4245] link 'N'", "\t\t[4388] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[4513] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[4389] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4515] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4393] link '0'", "\t\t[4394] link '0'", "\t\t[4395] link '0'", "\t\t[4396] link '0'", "\t\t[4526] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4527] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4749] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[4248] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[4249] link '1'", "\t\t[4250] link '2'", "\t\t[4251] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", where the interface now presents the user's To-Do List, listing tasks that need attention. This transition highlights a user-centric functionality focused on task management, enabling the user to track their responsibilities while maintaining the overarching layout and navigation of the GitLab platform.
Tab 0 (current): #000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1272] RootWebArea '#000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [3605] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [3606] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [3518] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [3520] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [3523] link '\ue60b SALES' [3529] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [3535] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [3541] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [3547] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [3553] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [3571] link '\ue60d STORES' [3577] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [3583] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1355] heading '#000000299' [1356] link '\ue600 admin' [1358] link '\ue607' [4199] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1319] main '' [4187] button '\ue626 Back' [4188] button 'Login as Customer' [4189] button 'Reorder' [2801] tabpanel 'Information' [2912] StaticText 'Order & Account Information' [3017] StaticText 'Order # 000000299 (' [3019] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent' [3020] StaticText ')' [3021] table '' [3158] row '' [3278] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False [3279] gridcell 'May 31, 2023, 2:55:09 AM' required: False [3159] row '' [3280] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False [3281] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3160] row '' [3282] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False [3283] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False [3161] row '' [3284] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False [3285] gridcell '' required: False [3023] StaticText 'Account Information' [3080] link 'Edit Customer' [3025] table '' [3163] row '' [3286] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False [3287] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [3384] link 'Sarah Miller' [3164] row '' [3288] rowheader 'Email' required: False [3289] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3386] link '[email protected]' [3165] row '' [3290] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False [3291] gridcell 'General' required: False [2917] StaticText 'Address Information' [3027] StaticText 'Billing Address' [3082] link 'Edit' [2919] group '' [3029] StaticText 'Sarah Miller' [3031] StaticText '321 Maple Avenue' [3033] StaticText 'Oakland, California, 94602' [3035] StaticText 'United States' [3037] StaticText 'T: 5107819902' [3039] StaticText 'Shipping Address' [3083] link 'Edit' [2921] group '' [3041] StaticText 'Sarah Miller' [3043] StaticText '321 Maple Avenue' [3045] StaticText 'Oakland, California, 94602' [3047] StaticText 'United States' [3049] StaticText 'T: 5107819902' [2922] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method' [3051] StaticText 'Payment Information' [3084] StaticText 'Check / Money order' [3085] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.' [3056] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information' [3058] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed' [3061] StaticText '$25.00' [2927] StaticText 'Items Ordered' [2875] table '' [3062] row '' [3086] columnheader 'Product' required: False [3087] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False [3088] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False [3089] columnheader 'Price' required: False [3090] columnheader 'Qty' required: False [3091] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False [3092] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False [3093] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False [3094] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False [3095] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False [3063] row '' [3096] gridcell 'Argus All-Weather Tank SKU: MT07-M-Gray Color: Gray Size: M' required: False [3294] DescriptionList '' [3393] DescriptionListTerm '' [3394] DescriptionListDetail '' [3453] StaticText 'Gray' [3395] DescriptionListTerm '' [3454] StaticText 'Size:' [3396] DescriptionListDetail '' [3455] StaticText 'M' [3097] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3098] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3099] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3100] gridcell '' required: False [3193] table '' [3397] row '' [3456] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3457] gridcell '1' required: False [3398] row '' [3458] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3459] gridcell '1' required: False [3101] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3102] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3103] gridcell '0%' required: False [3104] gridcell '$4.40' required: False [3105] gridcell '$17.60' required: False [3064] row '' [3106] gridcell 'Marco Lightweight Active Hoodie SKU: MH13-S-Green Color: Green Size: S' required: False [3302] DescriptionList '' [3403] DescriptionListTerm '' [3404] DescriptionListDetail '' [3461] StaticText 'Green' [3405] DescriptionListTerm '' [3462] StaticText 'Size:' [3406] DescriptionListDetail '' [3107] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3108] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3109] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3110] gridcell '' required: False [3207] table '' [3407] row '' [3464] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3465] gridcell '1' required: False [3408] row '' [3466] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3467] gridcell '1' required: False [3111] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3112] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3113] gridcell '0%' required: False [3114] gridcell '$14.80' required: False [3115] gridcell '$59.20' required: False [3065] row '' [3116] gridcell 'Tiffany Fitness Tee SKU: WS09-XL-Blue Color: Blue Size: XL' required: False [3310] DescriptionList '' [3413] DescriptionListTerm '' [3414] DescriptionListDetail '' [3469] StaticText 'Blue' [3415] DescriptionListTerm '' [3470] StaticText 'Size:' [3416] DescriptionListDetail '' [3471] StaticText 'XL' [3117] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3118] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3119] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3120] gridcell '' required: False [3221] table '' [3417] row '' [3472] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3473] gridcell '1' required: False [3418] row '' [3474] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3475] gridcell '1' required: False [3121] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3122] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3123] gridcell '0%' required: False [3124] gridcell '$5.60' required: False [3125] gridcell '$22.40' required: False [3066] row '' [3126] gridcell 'Nadia Elements Shell SKU: WJ10-XS-Yellow Color: Yellow Size: XS' required: False [3318] DescriptionList '' [3423] DescriptionListTerm '' [3424] DescriptionListDetail '' [3477] StaticText 'Yellow' [3425] DescriptionListTerm '' [3478] StaticText 'Size:' [3426] DescriptionListDetail '' [3479] StaticText 'XS' [3127] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3128] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3129] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3130] gridcell '' required: False [3235] table '' [3427] row '' [3480] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3481] gridcell '1' required: False [3428] row '' [3482] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3483] gridcell '1' required: False [3131] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3132] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3133] gridcell '0%' required: False [3134] gridcell '$13.80' required: False [3135] gridcell '$55.20' required: False [3067] row '' [3136] gridcell 'Gwen Drawstring Bike Short SKU: WSH03-28-Orange Color: Orange Size: 28' required: False [3137] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3138] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3139] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3140] gridcell '' required: False [3249] table '' [3437] row '' [3488] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3489] gridcell '1' required: False [3438] row '' [3490] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3491] gridcell '1' required: False [3141] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3142] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3143] gridcell '0%' required: False [3144] gridcell '$10.00' required: False [3145] gridcell '$40.00' required: False [1325] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW' [2775] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [2777] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content [2787] link 'Information' [2779] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content [2789] link 'Invoices' [2781] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content [2791] link 'Credit Memos' [2783] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content [2793] link 'Shipments' [2785] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [2795] link 'Comments History'
click [673] where [673] is row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [54] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [63] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [83] heading 'Dashboard' [84] link '\ue600 admin' [86] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [89] StaticText 'Scope:' [153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [156] link '\ue633 What is this?' [291] button 'Reload Data' [292] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [351] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [443] link 'here' [660] StaticText 'Revenue' [531] StaticText '$0.00' [661] StaticText 'Tax' [662] StaticText 'Shipping' [663] StaticText 'Quantity' [545] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [453] StaticText '$0.00' [455] StaticText 'Average Order' [460] StaticText 'Last Orders' [461] table '' [672] row '' [776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [777] columnheader 'Items' required: False [778] columnheader 'Total' required: False [673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [780] gridcell '5' required: False [781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [783] gridcell '4' required: False [784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [786] gridcell '3' required: False [787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [789] gridcell '4' required: False [790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [792] gridcell '2' required: False [793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [463] table '' [678] row '' [794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [795] columnheader 'Results' required: False [796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [798] gridcell '23' required: False [799] gridcell '1' required: False [680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [800] gridcell 'nike' required: False [801] gridcell '0' required: False [802] gridcell '3' required: False [681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [804] gridcell '10' required: False [805] gridcell '4' required: False [682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [807] gridcell '1' required: False [808] gridcell '19' required: False [683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [810] gridcell '23' required: False [811] gridcell '2' required: False [464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [465] table '' [684] row '' [812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [813] columnheader 'Results' required: False [814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [816] gridcell '1' required: False [817] gridcell '19' required: False [686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [819] gridcell '10' required: False [820] gridcell '4' required: False [687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [822] gridcell '23' required: False [823] gridcell '2' required: False [688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [825] gridcell '23' required: False [826] gridcell '1' required: False [689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [828] gridcell '1' required: False [829] gridcell '1' required: False [52] contentinfo '' [160] link '\ue606' [161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [163] link 'Privacy Policy' [164] StaticText ' |' [165] link ' Account Activity' [166] StaticText ' | ' [167] link 'Report an Issue'
Modify the address of order #125 to 654 Elm Drive, Apartment 12, Miami, FL, 33101
The next observation would be the detailed view of order #125. This page includes comprehensive order information such as customer details, billing and shipping addresses, and itemized products ordered. The user can see the current shipping address, which can then be modified to `654 Elm Drive, Apartment 12, Miami, FL, 33101`. This detailed view allows for the necessary adjustments to the order's address and provides options to manage the order further.
{ "neg_action0": "click [674]", "neg_action1": "click [675]", "neg_action2": "click [676]", "neg_action3": "click [678]", "neg_action4": "click [679]", "neg_action5": "scroll [down]", "neg_action6": null, "neg_action7": null, "neg_action8": null, "neg_action9": "new_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1281] RootWebArea '#000000065 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[601] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[916] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[919] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[921] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[926] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[927] table ''", "\t\t\t[944] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[964] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[966] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[945] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[996] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[997] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[930] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[931] table ''", "\t\t\t[956] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1000] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1002] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1014] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[961] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1015] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1016] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1017] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[878] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[883] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[884] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[895] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[886] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[888] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[889] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[890] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[321] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[271] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[329] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[330] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[274] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[419] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[420] link 'here'", "\t\t[633] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[506] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[634] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[635] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[636] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[520] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[427] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[430] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[432] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[437] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[438] table ''", "\t\t\t[645] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[743] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[744] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[745] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[646] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[746] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[747] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[748] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[647] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[749] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[750] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[751] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[648] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[752] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[753] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[754] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[649] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[767] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[768] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[769] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[654] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[770] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[771] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[772] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[655] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[773] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[774] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[775] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[656] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[776] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[1040] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[1041] table ''", "\t\t\t[1044] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1050] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1051] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1052] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[1045] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1053] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1054] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[1046] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1056] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1057] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1058] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[1047] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1059] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1033] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[1025] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[1026] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[1027] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[1028] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[1029] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1281] RootWebArea 'tanks / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation6": null, "neg_observation7": null, "neg_observation8": null, "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0: Dashboard / Magento Admin | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ] }
[ "click [674]", "click [675]", "click [676]", "click [678]", "click [679]", "scroll [down]", "scroll [up]", "hover [673]", "press [Ctrl+z]", "new_tab" ]
click [675]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[601] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[916] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[919] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[921] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[926] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[927] table ''", "\t\t\t[944] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[964] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[966] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[945] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[978] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[979] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[928] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[929] table ''", "\t\t\t[950] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[982] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[984] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[996] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[997] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[930] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[931] table ''", "\t\t\t[956] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1000] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1002] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1014] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[961] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1015] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1016] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1017] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[878] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[883] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[884] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[895] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[886] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[888] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[889] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[890] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the main dashboard remains unchanged, with the order represented by row [675] still displaying the same static information as before. The user is still in the 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' view, indicating that the expected transition to the order details for 'Matt Baker' did not occur. The interface remains cluttered with unchanged metrics and navigation links, failing to reflect the most recent user interaction.
click [676]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[321] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[271] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[329] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[330] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[274] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[419] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[420] link 'here'", "\t\t[633] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[506] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[634] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[635] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[636] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[520] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[427] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[430] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[432] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[437] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[438] table ''", "\t\t\t[645] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[743] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[744] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[745] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[646] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[746] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[747] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[748] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[647] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[749] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[750] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[751] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[648] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[752] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[753] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[754] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[649] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[755] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[756] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[757] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[650] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[758] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[759] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[760] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[439] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[440] table ''", "\t\t\t[651] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[761] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[762] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[763] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[652] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[764] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[765] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[766] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[653] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[767] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[768] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[769] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[654] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[770] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[771] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[772] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[655] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[773] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[774] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[775] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[656] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[776] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[1040] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[1041] table ''", "\t\t\t[1044] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1050] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1051] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1052] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[1045] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1053] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1054] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[1046] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1056] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1057] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1058] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[1047] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1059] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1060] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1061] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[1048] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1062] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1063] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1064] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[1049] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1065] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1066] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1067] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[1017] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1022] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[1023] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1033] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[1025] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[1026] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[1027] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[1028] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[1029] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the dashboard view continues to show the same metrics and details without any transition to the order overview for 'Lily Potter'. The content remains static, reflecting no updates or changes, and indicates that the user’s action did not successfully navigate to the intended order detail view, thus keeping the user in the initial dashboard environment.
click [678]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the dashboard remains unchanged, illustrating no shift towards the expected details of the search term 'tanks'. The user is still shown the dashboard metrics, indicating a failure to navigate to the detailed view that reflects the performance and statistics associated with the selected search term, thus leaving the previous context intact.
click [679]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1281] RootWebArea 'tanks / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ]
The next observation would be that the user is now presented with a busy state under the context of 'tanks / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin'. This indicates a failure to access the intended details for the search term 'nike', causing a shift in focus that does not accurately represent the user’s action. The interface reflects an unresolved loading state, as it does not present the expected data or insight into the selected search term.
Tab 0 (current): #000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1272] RootWebArea '#000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [3605] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [3606] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [3518] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [3520] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [3523] link '\ue60b SALES' [3529] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [3535] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [3541] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [3547] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [3553] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [3571] link '\ue60d STORES' [3577] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [3583] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1355] heading '#000000299' [1356] link '\ue600 admin' [1358] link '\ue607' [4199] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1319] main '' [4187] button '\ue626 Back' [4188] button 'Login as Customer' [4189] button 'Reorder' [2801] tabpanel 'Information' [2912] StaticText 'Order & Account Information' [3017] StaticText 'Order # 000000299 (' [3019] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent' [3020] StaticText ')' [3021] table '' [3158] row '' [3278] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False [3279] gridcell 'May 31, 2023, 2:55:09 AM' required: False [3159] row '' [3280] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False [3281] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3160] row '' [3282] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False [3283] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False [3161] row '' [3284] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False [3285] gridcell '' required: False [3023] StaticText 'Account Information' [3080] link 'Edit Customer' [3025] table '' [3163] row '' [3286] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False [3287] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [3384] link 'Sarah Miller' [3164] row '' [3288] rowheader 'Email' required: False [3289] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3386] link '[email protected]' [3165] row '' [3290] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False [3291] gridcell 'General' required: False [2917] StaticText 'Address Information' [3027] StaticText 'Billing Address' [3082] link 'Edit' [2919] group '' [3029] StaticText 'Sarah Miller' [3031] StaticText '321 Maple Avenue' [3033] StaticText 'Oakland, California, 94602' [3035] StaticText 'United States' [3037] StaticText 'T: 5107819902' [3039] StaticText 'Shipping Address' [3083] link 'Edit' [2921] group '' [3041] StaticText 'Sarah Miller' [3043] StaticText '321 Maple Avenue' [3045] StaticText 'Oakland, California, 94602' [3047] StaticText 'United States' [3049] StaticText 'T: 5107819902' [2922] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method' [3051] StaticText 'Payment Information' [3084] StaticText 'Check / Money order' [3085] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.' [3056] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information' [3058] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed' [3061] StaticText '$25.00' [2927] StaticText 'Items Ordered' [2875] table '' [3062] row '' [3086] columnheader 'Product' required: False [3087] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False [3088] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False [3089] columnheader 'Price' required: False [3090] columnheader 'Qty' required: False [3091] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False [3092] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False [3093] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False [3094] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False [3095] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False [3063] row '' [3096] gridcell 'Argus All-Weather Tank SKU: MT07-M-Gray Color: Gray Size: M' required: False [3294] DescriptionList '' [3393] DescriptionListTerm '' [3394] DescriptionListDetail '' [3453] StaticText 'Gray' [3395] DescriptionListTerm '' [3454] StaticText 'Size:' [3396] DescriptionListDetail '' [3455] StaticText 'M' [3097] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3098] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3099] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3100] gridcell '' required: False [3193] table '' [3397] row '' [3456] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3457] gridcell '1' required: False [3398] row '' [3458] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3459] gridcell '1' required: False [3101] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3102] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3103] gridcell '0%' required: False [3104] gridcell '$4.40' required: False [3105] gridcell '$17.60' required: False [3064] row '' [3106] gridcell 'Marco Lightweight Active Hoodie SKU: MH13-S-Green Color: Green Size: S' required: False [3302] DescriptionList '' [3403] DescriptionListTerm '' [3404] DescriptionListDetail '' [3461] StaticText 'Green' [3405] DescriptionListTerm '' [3462] StaticText 'Size:' [3406] DescriptionListDetail '' [3107] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3108] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3109] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3110] gridcell '' required: False [3207] table '' [3407] row '' [3464] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3465] gridcell '1' required: False [3408] row '' [3466] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3467] gridcell '1' required: False [3111] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3112] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3113] gridcell '0%' required: False [3114] gridcell '$14.80' required: False [3115] gridcell '$59.20' required: False [3065] row '' [3116] gridcell 'Tiffany Fitness Tee SKU: WS09-XL-Blue Color: Blue Size: XL' required: False [3310] DescriptionList '' [3413] DescriptionListTerm '' [3414] DescriptionListDetail '' [3469] StaticText 'Blue' [3415] DescriptionListTerm '' [3470] StaticText 'Size:' [3416] DescriptionListDetail '' [3471] StaticText 'XL' [3117] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3118] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3119] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3120] gridcell '' required: False [3221] table '' [3417] row '' [3472] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3473] gridcell '1' required: False [3418] row '' [3474] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3475] gridcell '1' required: False [3121] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3122] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3123] gridcell '0%' required: False [3124] gridcell '$5.60' required: False [3125] gridcell '$22.40' required: False [3066] row '' [3126] gridcell 'Nadia Elements Shell SKU: WJ10-XS-Yellow Color: Yellow Size: XS' required: False [3318] DescriptionList '' [3423] DescriptionListTerm '' [3424] DescriptionListDetail '' [3477] StaticText 'Yellow' [3425] DescriptionListTerm '' [3478] StaticText 'Size:' [3426] DescriptionListDetail '' [3479] StaticText 'XS' [3127] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3128] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3129] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3130] gridcell '' required: False [3235] table '' [3427] row '' [3480] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3481] gridcell '1' required: False [3428] row '' [3482] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3483] gridcell '1' required: False [3131] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3132] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3133] gridcell '0%' required: False [3134] gridcell '$13.80' required: False [3135] gridcell '$55.20' required: False [3067] row '' [3136] gridcell 'Gwen Drawstring Bike Short SKU: WSH03-28-Orange Color: Orange Size: 28' required: False [3137] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3138] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3139] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3140] gridcell '' required: False [3249] table '' [3437] row '' [3488] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3489] gridcell '1' required: False [3438] row '' [3490] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3491] gridcell '1' required: False [3141] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3142] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3143] gridcell '0%' required: False [3144] gridcell '$10.00' required: False [3145] gridcell '$40.00' required: False [1325] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW' [2775] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [2777] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content [2787] link 'Information' [2779] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content [2789] link 'Invoices' [2781] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content [2791] link 'Credit Memos' [2783] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content [2793] link 'Shipments' [2785] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [2795] link 'Comments History'
click [673] where [673] is row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [54] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [63] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [83] heading 'Dashboard' [84] link '\ue600 admin' [86] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [89] StaticText 'Scope:' [153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [156] link '\ue633 What is this?' [291] button 'Reload Data' [292] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [351] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [443] link 'here' [660] StaticText 'Revenue' [531] StaticText '$0.00' [661] StaticText 'Tax' [662] StaticText 'Shipping' [663] StaticText 'Quantity' [545] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [453] StaticText '$0.00' [455] StaticText 'Average Order' [460] StaticText 'Last Orders' [461] table '' [672] row '' [776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [777] columnheader 'Items' required: False [778] columnheader 'Total' required: False [673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [780] gridcell '5' required: False [781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [783] gridcell '4' required: False [784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [786] gridcell '3' required: False [787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [789] gridcell '4' required: False [790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [792] gridcell '2' required: False [793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [463] table '' [678] row '' [794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [795] columnheader 'Results' required: False [796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [798] gridcell '23' required: False [799] gridcell '1' required: False [680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [800] gridcell 'nike' required: False [801] gridcell '0' required: False [802] gridcell '3' required: False [681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [804] gridcell '10' required: False [805] gridcell '4' required: False [682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [807] gridcell '1' required: False [808] gridcell '19' required: False [683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [810] gridcell '23' required: False [811] gridcell '2' required: False [464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [465] table '' [684] row '' [812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [813] columnheader 'Results' required: False [814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [816] gridcell '1' required: False [817] gridcell '19' required: False [686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [819] gridcell '10' required: False [820] gridcell '4' required: False [687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [822] gridcell '23' required: False [823] gridcell '2' required: False [688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [825] gridcell '23' required: False [826] gridcell '1' required: False [689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [828] gridcell '1' required: False [829] gridcell '1' required: False [52] contentinfo '' [160] link '\ue606' [161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [163] link 'Privacy Policy' [164] StaticText ' |' [165] link ' Account Activity' [166] StaticText ' | ' [167] link 'Report an Issue'
Modify the address of order #125 to 654 Elm Drive, Apartment 12, Miami, FL, 33101
The next observation would be the detailed view of order #125. This page includes comprehensive order information such as customer details, billing and shipping addresses, and itemized products ordered. The user can see the current shipping address, which can then be modified to `654 Elm Drive, Apartment 12, Miami, FL, 33101`. This detailed view allows for the necessary adjustments to the order's address and provides options to manage the order further.
{ "neg_action0": "click [674]", "neg_action1": "click [675]", "neg_action2": "click [676]", "neg_action3": "click [678]", "neg_action4": "click [679]", "neg_action5": "scroll [down]", "neg_action6": null, "neg_action7": null, "neg_action8": null, "neg_action9": "new_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1281] RootWebArea '#000000065 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[601] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[916] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[919] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[921] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[926] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[927] table ''", "\t\t\t[944] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[964] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[966] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[945] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[996] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[997] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[930] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[931] table ''", "\t\t\t[956] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1000] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1002] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[895] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[886] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[888] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[889] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[890] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[321] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[271] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[329] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[330] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[274] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[419] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[420] link 'here'", "\t\t[633] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[506] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[634] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[635] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[636] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[520] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[427] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[430] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[432] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[437] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[438] table ''", "\t\t\t[645] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[743] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[744] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[745] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[646] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[746] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[747] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[748] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[647] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[749] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[750] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[751] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[648] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[752] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[753] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[754] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[649] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[767] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[768] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[769] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[654] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[770] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[771] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[772] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[655] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[773] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[774] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[775] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[656] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[776] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[1040] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[1041] table ''", "\t\t\t[1044] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1050] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1051] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1052] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[1045] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1053] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1054] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[1046] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1056] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1057] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1058] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[1047] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1059] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1033] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[1025] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[1026] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[1027] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[1028] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[1029] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1281] RootWebArea 'tanks / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation6": null, "neg_observation7": null, "neg_observation8": null, "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0: Dashboard / Magento Admin | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ] }
[ "click [674]", "click [675]", "click [676]", "click [678]", "click [679]", "scroll [down]", "scroll [up]", "hover [673]", "press [Ctrl+z]", "new_tab" ]
click [675]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[601] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[916] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[919] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[921] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[926] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[927] table ''", "\t\t\t[944] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[964] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[966] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[945] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[978] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[979] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[928] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[929] table ''", "\t\t\t[950] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[982] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[984] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[996] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[997] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[930] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[931] table ''", "\t\t\t[956] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1000] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1002] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1014] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[961] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1015] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1016] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1017] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[878] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[883] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[884] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[895] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[886] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[888] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[889] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[890] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
**: The next observation would be that the system remains on the "Dashboard / Magento Admin" with a focus on the main web area. However, the tab associated with the clicked order indicates that it contains invalid data. The webpage does not transition to the expected sales order details, instead, it displays a persistent message warning the user that the information in the tab has been changed and requires resolution before any further action can be taken.
click [676]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[321] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[271] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[329] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[330] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[274] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[419] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[420] link 'here'", "\t\t[633] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[506] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[634] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[635] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[636] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[520] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[427] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[430] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[432] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[437] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[438] table ''", "\t\t\t[645] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[743] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[744] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[745] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[646] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[746] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[747] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[748] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[647] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[749] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[750] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[751] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[648] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[752] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[753] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[754] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[649] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[755] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[756] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[757] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[650] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[758] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[759] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[760] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[439] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[440] table ''", "\t\t\t[651] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[761] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[762] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[763] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[652] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[764] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[765] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[766] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[653] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[767] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[768] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[769] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[654] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[770] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[771] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[772] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[655] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[773] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[774] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[775] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[656] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[776] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[1040] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[1041] table ''", "\t\t\t[1044] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1050] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1051] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1052] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[1045] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1053] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1054] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[1046] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1056] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1057] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1058] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[1047] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1059] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1060] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1061] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[1048] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1062] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1063] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1064] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[1049] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1065] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1066] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1067] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[1017] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1022] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[1023] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1033] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[1025] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[1026] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[1027] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[1028] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[1029] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
**: The next observation would be that the webpage still displays the "Dashboard / Magento Admin" with persistent focus on the main content area. The tab for the selected order shows that it has invalid data and provides a warning that requires resolution before any further operations can be carried out. The expected transition to the details of the new sales order does not occur.
click [678]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
**: The next observation would be that the focus remains on the "Dashboard / Magento Admin", without any transition to the anticipated order details. Instead, the interface alerts the user to the existence of invalid data within the tab. This situation persists, leaving the user unable to proceed with viewing the detailed order information they sought.
click [679]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1281] RootWebArea 'tanks / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ]
**: The next observation would be that the focus has shifted to a new area titled "tanks / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin". However, the page is indicated as busy, suggesting that the expected detailed view is either loading slowly or encountering issues that prevent the display of the relevant information. This creates a frustrating experience for the user as they are unable to access the data they were attempting to retrieve.
Tab 0 (current): Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1284] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1344] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1291] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1295] link '\ue60b SALES' [1299] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1303] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1307] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1311] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1315] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1319] link '\ue60d STORES' [1323] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1327] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1362] heading 'Products' [1363] link '\ue600 admin' [1365] link '\ue607' [2061] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1334] main '' [2077] generic 'Add Product' [2080] button 'Add Product' [2081] button 'Add product of type' [2036] contentinfo '' [2041] link '\ue606' [2042] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [2044] link 'Privacy Policy' [2045] StaticText ' |' [2046] link ' Account Activity' [2047] StaticText ' | ' [2048] link 'Report an Issue'
click [419] where [419] is link 'Products'
[ "None", "click [16] where [16] is link '\\ue608 CATALOG'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True [72] generic '\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \ue62f Products Categories' [98] link '\ue62f' [99] menu '' orientation: vertical [280] menu '' orientation: vertical [419] link 'Products' [420] link 'Categories' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [597] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [598] StaticText 'Tax' [599] StaticText 'Shipping' [600] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [911] StaticText '$0.00' [913] StaticText 'Average Order' [918] StaticText 'Last Orders' [919] table '' [939] row '' [960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [961] columnheader 'Items' required: False [962] columnheader 'Total' required: False [940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [964] gridcell '5' required: False [965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [967] gridcell '4' required: False [968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [970] gridcell '3' required: False [971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [973] gridcell '4' required: False [974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [976] gridcell '2' required: False [977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [921] table '' [945] row '' [978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [979] columnheader 'Results' required: False [980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [982] gridcell '23' required: False [983] gridcell '1' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [984] gridcell 'nike' required: False [985] gridcell '0' required: False [986] gridcell '3' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [988] gridcell '10' required: False [989] gridcell '4' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [992] gridcell '19' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [994] gridcell '23' required: False [995] gridcell '2' required: False [922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [923] table '' [951] row '' [996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [997] columnheader 'Results' required: False [998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1000] gridcell '1' required: False [1001] gridcell '19' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1003] gridcell '10' required: False [1004] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1006] gridcell '23' required: False [1007] gridcell '2' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1009] gridcell '23' required: False [1010] gridcell '1' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1012] gridcell '1' required: False [1013] gridcell '1' required: False [870] contentinfo '' [875] link '\ue606' [876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [878] link 'Privacy Policy' [879] StaticText ' |' [880] link ' Account Activity' [881] StaticText ' | ' [882] link 'Report an Issue'
Add a simple product named Nike Air Max Sneakers with 100 in stock, available in size 9 and color black, priced at $120
The next observation would display the `Products` section of the Magento Admin, allowing the user to manage product inventory. The page features an `Add Product` button, providing the user with the option to begin the process of adding a new product. The focus on the `Products` page indicates a successful navigation from the dashboard, and the user is now positioned to create a new product entry for `Nike Air Max Sneakers` with specified stock, size, color, and price. This transition sets the stage for fulfilling the user's objective of adding a simple product to the catalog.
{ "neg_action0": "click [70]", "neg_action1": "click [72]", "neg_action2": "click [3838]", "neg_action3": "click [71]", "neg_action4": "hover [243]", "neg_action5": "click [170]", "neg_action6": "scroll [down]", "neg_action7": "scroll [up]", "neg_action8": "type [164] [Nike Air Max Sneakers] [1]", "neg_action9": "press [Ctrl+v]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3973] link 'My Account'", "\t[3974] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3975] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3979] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4090] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4091] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4026] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4094] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4005] button 'Search'", "\t[4006] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4008] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4010] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4012] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4014] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4016] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4018] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4020] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4022] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[3972] link 'My Account'", "\t[3973] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3974] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[7763] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4086] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4087] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4023] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4090] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4002] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[7757] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[7759] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[6003] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[6754] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6819] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6829] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6843] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6880] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6888] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6893] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6899] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6904] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6965] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6980] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6993] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[4715] main ''", "\t\t[4724] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[4802] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[5214] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5520] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5521] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[5344] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5703] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5605] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[5837] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5606] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[5608] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[5712] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5713] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5714] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5216] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5527] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5528] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[5350] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5716] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5614] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[5846] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5615] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5617] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[5725] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5726] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5727] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5218] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5534] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5535] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[5356] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5729] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5623] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[5855] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5624] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5626] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[5738] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5739] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5740] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5220] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5541] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5542] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[5362] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5742] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5632] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[5864] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5633] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5635] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[5751] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5752] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5753] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5222] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5548] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5549] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[4750] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[4752] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1503] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1509] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1515] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1481] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1521] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[68] link 'My Account'", "\t[69] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[70] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[231] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[232] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[130] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[235] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[103] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1422] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1502] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1474] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1508] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1514] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1520] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1480] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1526] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1486] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1543] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1488] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1490] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1554] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1492] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1565] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1447] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1465] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1449] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1497] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1498] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1385] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1450] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1452] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1426] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1407] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1408] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1409] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1410] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1399] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1401] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1403] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[967] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1431] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1432] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1195] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1486] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1457] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1458] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1460] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1495] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1496] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1497] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[969] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1438] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1439] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1201] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1499] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1466] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1537] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1467] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1508] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1509] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1510] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[971] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1445] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1446] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1512] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1475] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1546] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1476] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1478] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1521] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1522] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1523] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1452] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1453] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1525] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1484] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1555] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1783] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1785] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1858] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1859] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1728] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1729] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1673] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1862] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1791] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1950] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1792] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1794] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1871] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1872] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1651] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1735] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1736] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1800] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1877] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1878] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1653] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1740] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1741] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1684] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1881] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1806] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1965] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1807] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1809] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1890] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1891] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1655] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1747] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1748] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1690] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1894] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1815] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1974] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1816] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1818] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1903] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1904] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1905] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1657] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1754] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1755] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1824] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1909] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1910] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1911] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1659] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1759] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1760] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1701] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1913] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1830] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1989] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1831] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1833] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1922] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1923] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1924] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1661] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1766] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1767] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1839] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1928] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1929] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1930] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1663] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1771] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1772] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1712] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1932] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1845] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2004] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1846] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1848] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1941] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1942] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1943] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1628] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1642] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1630] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1778] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1666] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1667] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1578] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1631] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1646] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1633] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1612] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1598] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1600] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1601] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1591] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1593] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1595] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[3972] link 'My Account'", "\t[3973] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3974] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[7763] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4086] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4087] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4023] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4090] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4002] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[7757] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[7759] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[6003] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[6754] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6819] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6829] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6843] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6880] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6888] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6893] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6899] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6904] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6965] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6980] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6993] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[4715] main ''", "\t\t[4722] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[4752] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[5137] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5411] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5412] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[5259] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5547] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5473] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[5649] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5474] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[5476] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[5556] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5557] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5558] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5139] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5418] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5419] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[5265] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5560] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5482] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[5658] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5483] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5485] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[5569] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5570] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5571] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5141] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5425] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5426] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[5271] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5573] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5491] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[5667] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5492] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5494] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[5582] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5583] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5584] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5143] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5432] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5433] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[5277] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5586] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5500] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[5676] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5501] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5503] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[5595] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5596] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5597] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5145] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5439] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5440] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[5283] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5599] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5509] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[5685] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5510] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5512] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[5608] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5609] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5610] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5147] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5446] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5447] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[5518] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[5614] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5615] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5616] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5149] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5451] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5452] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[5294] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5618] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5524] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[5700] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5525] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5527] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[5627] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5628] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5629] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5151] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5458] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5459] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[5300] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5631] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5533] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[5709] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5534] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5536] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[5640] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5641] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5642] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5153] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5465] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5466] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[5542] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[5646] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5647] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5648] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5155] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5470] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5793] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[5783] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5821] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5807] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[5839] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5808] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5810] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[5830] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5831] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5832] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5779] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5799] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5800] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[5816] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[5836] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5837] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5838] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5781] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5804] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5936] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[5924] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5957] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5949] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[5969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5950] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5952] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[5966] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5967] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5968] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5906] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[5912] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[5908] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[5942] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[5921] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[5922] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[5864] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[5909] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[5916] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[5911] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[5898] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[5884] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[5885] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[5886] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[5887] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[5877] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[5879] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[5881] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[965] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1423] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1424] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1191] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1471] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1446] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1507] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1447] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1449] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1480] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1481] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1482] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[967] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1430] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1431] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1197] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1484] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1455] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1516] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1456] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1458] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1493] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1494] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1495] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[969] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1437] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1438] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1203] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1497] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1464] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1465] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1467] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1506] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1833] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1834] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1617] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1698] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1699] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1641] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1836] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1763] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1935] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1764] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1766] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1845] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1846] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1847] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1619] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1705] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1706] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1647] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1772] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1944] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1773] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1775] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1858] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1859] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1621] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1712] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1713] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1781] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1864] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1865] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1866] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1623] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1717] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1718] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1658] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1868] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1787] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1959] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1788] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1790] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1877] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1878] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1724] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1725] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1664] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1881] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1796] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1968] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1797] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1799] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1890] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1891] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1627] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1731] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1732] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1805] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1896] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1897] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1898] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1629] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1736] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1737] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1675] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1900] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1811] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1983] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1812] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1814] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1909] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1910] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1911] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1631] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1743] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1744] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1820] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1915] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1916] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1917] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1633] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1748] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1749] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1686] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1919] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1826] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1998] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1827] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1829] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1928] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1929] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1930] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1595] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1610] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1597] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1755] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1636] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1637] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1544] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1598] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1614] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1600] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1578] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1564] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1565] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1566] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1567] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1557] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1559] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1561] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[963] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1413] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1414] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1187] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1446] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1429] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1470] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1430] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1432] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1455] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1456] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1457] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[965] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1420] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1421] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1193] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1459] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1438] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1479] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1439] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1441] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1468] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1469] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1570] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1659] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1660] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1596] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1811] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1730] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1731] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1733] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1820] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1821] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1572] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1666] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1667] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1602] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1824] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1739] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1740] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1742] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1833] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1834] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1835] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1574] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1673] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1674] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1608] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1837] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1748] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1939] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1749] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1751] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1846] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1847] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1848] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1576] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1680] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1681] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1757] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1852] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1853] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1685] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1686] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1619] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1856] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1763] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1764] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1766] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1865] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1866] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1867] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1580] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1692] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1693] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1625] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1869] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1772] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1963] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1773] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1775] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1582] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1699] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1700] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1781] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1884] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1885] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1886] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1584] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1704] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1705] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1636] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1888] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1787] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1978] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1788] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1790] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1897] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1898] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1899] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1586] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1711] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1712] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1796] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1903] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1904] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1905] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1588] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1716] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1717] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1647] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1907] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1802] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1993] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1803] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1805] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1916] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1917] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1918] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1547] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1563] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1549] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1723] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1591] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1592] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1495] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1550] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1567] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1552] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1529] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1515] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1516] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1517] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1518] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1508] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1510] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1512] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1462] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1463] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1567] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1511] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1644] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1512] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1514] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1576] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1577] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1578] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1469] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1470] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1580] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1520] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1653] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1521] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1523] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1589] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1590] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1591] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1476] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1219] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1593] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1529] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1662] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1530] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1532] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1602] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1603] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1604] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1483] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1225] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1606] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1538] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1539] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1541] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1615] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1616] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1617] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1490] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1491] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1751] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1483] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1217] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1618] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1544] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1720] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1545] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1547] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1627] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1628] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1629] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1490] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1491] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1223] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1631] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1553] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1729] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1554] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1556] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1640] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1641] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1642] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1497] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1498] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1229] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1562] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1738] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1563] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1565] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1653] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1654] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1655] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1504] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1505] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1235] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1657] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1571] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1747] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1572] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1574] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1666] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1667] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1668] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[987] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1511] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1512] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1860] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1862] link 'Report All Bugs'" ] }
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Tub'", "\t\t[5368] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5755] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5641] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[5873] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5642] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5644] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[5764] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5765] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5766] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5224] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5555] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5556] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[5650] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[5770] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5771] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5772] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5226] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5561] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[5379] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5774] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5656] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[5888] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5657] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5659] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[5783] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5784] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5785] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5228] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5567] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5568] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[5385] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5787] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5665] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[5897] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5666] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5668] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[5796] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5797] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5798] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5230] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5574] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5575] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[5674] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[5802] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5803] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5804] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5232] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5579] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5580] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[5396] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5806] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5680] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[5912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5681] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5683] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[5815] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5816] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5817] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5234] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5586] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5587] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[5689] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[5821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5236] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5592] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[5407] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5825] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5695] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[5927] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5696] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5698] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[5834] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5835] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5836] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[4925] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[5075] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[4927] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[5598] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[5412] StaticText '1'", "\t\t\t[5239] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[5240] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[4716] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[4928] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[5079] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[4930] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[4806] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[4764] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[4765] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[4766] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[4767] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[4748] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[4750] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[4752] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be "One Stop Market", which indicates a shift from the Magento Admin environment to a public-facing marketplace interface. The focus has changed from the Magento Admin Panel to a user-centric view, displaying links such as 'My Account', 'My Wish List', and 'Sign Out', which are not present in the admin dashboard. Additionally, the static text "Welcome to One Stop Market" replaces admin-centric information, emphasizing the transition to a customer-friendly shopping experience.
click [3838]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1503] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1509] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1515] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1481] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1521] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1527] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1485] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1487] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1538] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1544] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1491] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1493] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1555] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1495] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1566] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1452] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1454] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1500] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1501] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1399] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1455] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1473] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1457] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1433] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1419] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1420] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1421] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1422] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1412] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be "One Stop Market", confirming that the webpage has remained within the same marketplace context. The elements indicating product showcases and shopping functionalities persist, indicating that the page likely updated its content or refreshed some data. The same links for account management and product categories remain, emphasizing that the user remains within the e-commerce experience without returning to administrative tasks.
click [71]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[68] link 'My Account'", "\t[69] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[70] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[231] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[232] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[130] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[235] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[103] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1422] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1502] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1474] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1508] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1514] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1520] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1480] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1526] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1486] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1543] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1488] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1490] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1554] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1492] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1565] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1447] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1465] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1449] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1497] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1498] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1385] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1450] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1452] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1426] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1407] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1408] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1409] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1410] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1399] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1401] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1403] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be "One Stop Market", which shows that the user is still within the marketplace environment. The links for account management, including 'My Wish List', remain accessible, reinforcing the focus on personalized shopping features. The product showcases continue to be displayed, indicating that the user is interacting with the wish list feature without leaving the overarching marketplace context.
hover [243]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[967] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1431] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1432] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1195] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1486] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1457] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1458] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1460] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1495] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1496] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1497] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[969] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1438] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1439] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1201] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1499] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1466] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1537] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1467] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1508] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1509] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1510] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[971] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1445] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1446] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1512] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1475] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1546] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1476] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1478] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1521] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1522] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1523] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1452] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1453] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1525] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1484] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1555] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1783] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1785] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1858] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1859] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1728] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1729] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1673] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1862] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1791] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1950] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1792] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1794] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1871] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1872] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1651] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1735] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1736] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1800] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1877] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1878] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1653] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1740] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1741] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1684] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1881] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1806] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1965] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1807] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1809] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1890] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1891] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1655] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1747] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1748] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1690] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1894] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1815] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1974] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1816] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1818] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1903] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1904] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1905] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1657] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1754] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1755] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1824] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1909] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1910] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1911] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1659] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1759] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1760] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1701] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1913] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1830] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1989] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1831] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1833] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1922] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1923] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1924] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1661] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1766] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1767] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1839] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1928] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1929] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1930] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1663] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1771] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1772] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1712] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1932] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1845] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2004] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1846] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1848] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1941] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1942] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1943] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1628] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1642] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1630] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1778] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1666] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1667] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1578] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1631] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1646] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1633] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1612] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1598] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1600] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1601] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1591] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1593] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1595] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be "One Stop Market", indicating that the user remains within the same marketplace context. The webpage retains its focus on product showcases and user management links, suggesting that the hover action may have provided additional options or information without navigating away from the main shopping interface. This showcases the interactive elements available within the marketplace, maintaining a cohesive user experience.
Tab 0 (current): Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1284] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1344] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1291] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1295] link '\ue60b SALES' [1299] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1303] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1307] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1311] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1315] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1319] link '\ue60d STORES' [1323] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1327] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1362] heading 'Products' [1363] link '\ue600 admin' [1365] link '\ue607' [2061] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1334] main '' [2077] generic 'Add Product' [2080] button 'Add Product' [2081] button 'Add product of type' [2036] contentinfo '' [2041] link '\ue606' [2042] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [2044] link 'Privacy Policy' [2045] StaticText ' |' [2046] link ' Account Activity' [2047] StaticText ' | ' [2048] link 'Report an Issue'
click [419] where [419] is link 'Products'
[ "None", "click [16] where [16] is link '\\ue608 CATALOG'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True [72] generic '\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \ue62f Products Categories' [98] link '\ue62f' [99] menu '' orientation: vertical [280] menu '' orientation: vertical [419] link 'Products' [420] link 'Categories' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [597] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [598] StaticText 'Tax' [599] StaticText 'Shipping' [600] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [911] StaticText '$0.00' [913] StaticText 'Average Order' [918] StaticText 'Last Orders' [919] table '' [939] row '' [960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [961] columnheader 'Items' required: False [962] columnheader 'Total' required: False [940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [964] gridcell '5' required: False [965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [967] gridcell '4' required: False [968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [970] gridcell '3' required: False [971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [973] gridcell '4' required: False [974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [976] gridcell '2' required: False [977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [921] table '' [945] row '' [978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [979] columnheader 'Results' required: False [980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [982] gridcell '23' required: False [983] gridcell '1' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [984] gridcell 'nike' required: False [985] gridcell '0' required: False [986] gridcell '3' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [988] gridcell '10' required: False [989] gridcell '4' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [992] gridcell '19' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [994] gridcell '23' required: False [995] gridcell '2' required: False [922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [923] table '' [951] row '' [996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [997] columnheader 'Results' required: False [998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1000] gridcell '1' required: False [1001] gridcell '19' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1003] gridcell '10' required: False [1004] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1006] gridcell '23' required: False [1007] gridcell '2' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1009] gridcell '23' required: False [1010] gridcell '1' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1012] gridcell '1' required: False [1013] gridcell '1' required: False [870] contentinfo '' [875] link '\ue606' [876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [878] link 'Privacy Policy' [879] StaticText ' |' [880] link ' Account Activity' [881] StaticText ' | ' [882] link 'Report an Issue'
Add a simple product named Nike Air Max Sneakers with 100 in stock, available in size 9 and color black, priced at $120
The next observation would display the `Products` section of the Magento Admin, allowing the user to manage product inventory. The page features an `Add Product` button, providing the user with the option to begin the process of adding a new product. The focus on the `Products` page indicates a successful navigation from the dashboard, and the user is now positioned to create a new product entry for `Nike Air Max Sneakers` with specified stock, size, color, and price. This transition sets the stage for fulfilling the user's objective of adding a simple product to the catalog.
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Outdoors'", "\t[4010] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4012] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4014] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4016] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4018] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4020] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4022] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[3972] link 'My Account'", "\t[3973] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3974] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[7763] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4086] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4087] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4023] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4090] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4002] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[7757] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[7759] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[6003] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[6754] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6819] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6829] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6843] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6880] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6888] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6893] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6899] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6904] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6965] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6980] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6993] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[4715] main ''", "\t\t[4724] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[4802] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[5214] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5520] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5521] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[5344] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5703] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5605] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[5837] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5606] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[5608] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[5712] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5713] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5714] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5216] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5527] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5528] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[5350] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5716] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5614] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[5846] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5615] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5617] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[5725] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5726] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5727] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5218] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5534] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5535] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[5356] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5729] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5623] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[5855] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5624] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5626] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[5738] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5739] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5740] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5220] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5541] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5542] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[5362] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5742] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5632] generic 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[4750] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[4752] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1503] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1509] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1515] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1481] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1521] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[68] link 'My Account'", "\t[69] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[70] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[231] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[232] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[130] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[235] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[103] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1422] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1502] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1474] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1508] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1514] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1520] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1480] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1526] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1486] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1543] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1488] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1490] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1554] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1492] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1565] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1447] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1465] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1449] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1497] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1498] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1385] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1450] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1452] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1426] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1407] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1408] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1409] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1410] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1399] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1401] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1403] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[967] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1431] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1432] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1195] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1486] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1457] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1458] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1460] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1495] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1496] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1497] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[969] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1438] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1439] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1201] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1499] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1466] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1537] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1467] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1508] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1509] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1510] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[971] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1445] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1446] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1512] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1475] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1546] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1476] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1478] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1521] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1522] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1523] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1452] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1453] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1525] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1484] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1555] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1783] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1785] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1858] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1859] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1728] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1729] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1673] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1862] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1791] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1950] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1792] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1794] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1871] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1872] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1651] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1735] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1736] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1800] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1877] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1878] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1653] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1740] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1741] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1684] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1881] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1806] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1965] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1807] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1809] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1890] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1891] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1655] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1747] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1748] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1690] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1894] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1815] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1974] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1816] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1818] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1903] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1904] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1905] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1657] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1754] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1755] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1824] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1909] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1910] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1911] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1659] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1759] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1760] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1701] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1913] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1830] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1989] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1831] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1833] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1922] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1923] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1924] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1661] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1766] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1767] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1839] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1928] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1929] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1930] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1663] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1771] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1772] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1712] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1932] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1845] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2004] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1846] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1848] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1941] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1942] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1943] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1628] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1642] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1630] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1778] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1666] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1667] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1578] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1631] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1646] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1633] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1612] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1598] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1600] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1601] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1591] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1593] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1595] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[3972] link 'My Account'", "\t[3973] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3974] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[7763] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4086] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4087] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4023] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4090] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4002] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[7757] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[7759] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[6003] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[6754] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6819] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6829] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6843] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6880] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6888] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6893] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6899] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6904] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6965] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6980] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6993] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[4715] main ''", "\t\t[4722] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[4752] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[5137] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5411] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5412] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[5259] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5547] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5473] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[5649] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5474] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[5476] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[5556] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5557] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5558] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5139] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5418] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5419] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[5265] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5560] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5482] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[5658] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5483] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5485] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[5569] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5570] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5571] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5141] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5425] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5426] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[5271] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5573] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5491] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[5667] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5492] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5494] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[5582] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5583] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5584] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5143] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5432] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5433] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[5277] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5586] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5500] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[5676] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5501] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5503] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[5595] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5596] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5597] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5145] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5439] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5440] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[5283] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5599] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5509] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[5685] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5510] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5512] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[5608] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5609] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5610] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5147] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5446] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5447] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[5518] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[5614] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5615] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5616] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5149] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5451] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5452] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[5294] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5618] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5524] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[5700] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5525] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5527] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[5627] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5628] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5629] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5151] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5458] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5459] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[5300] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5631] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5533] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[5709] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5534] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5536] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[5640] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5641] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5642] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5153] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5465] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5466] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[5542] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[5646] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5647] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5648] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5155] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5470] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5793] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[5783] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5821] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5807] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[5839] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5808] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5810] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[5830] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5831] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5832] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5779] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5799] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5800] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[5816] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[5836] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5837] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5838] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5781] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5804] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5936] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[5924] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5957] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5949] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[5969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5950] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5952] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[5966] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5967] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5968] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5906] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[5912] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[5908] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[5942] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[5921] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[5922] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[5864] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[5909] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[5916] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[5911] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[5898] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[5884] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[5885] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[5886] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[5887] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[5877] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[5879] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[5881] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[965] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1423] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1424] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1191] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1471] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1446] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1507] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1447] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1449] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1480] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1481] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1482] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[967] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1430] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1431] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1197] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1484] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1455] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1516] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1456] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1458] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1493] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1494] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1495] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[969] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1437] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1438] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1203] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1497] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1464] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1465] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1467] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1506] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1833] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1834] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1617] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1698] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1699] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1641] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1836] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1763] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1935] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1764] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1766] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1845] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1846] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1847] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1619] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1705] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1706] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1647] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1772] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1944] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1773] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1775] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1858] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1859] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1621] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1712] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1713] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1781] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1864] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1865] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1866] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1623] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1717] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1718] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1658] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1868] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1787] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1959] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1788] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1790] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1877] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1878] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1724] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1725] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1664] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1881] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1796] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1968] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1797] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1799] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1890] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1891] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1627] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1731] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1732] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1805] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1896] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1897] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1898] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1629] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1736] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1737] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1675] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1900] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1811] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1983] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1812] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1814] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1909] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1910] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1911] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1631] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1743] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1744] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1820] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1915] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1916] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1917] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1633] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1748] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1749] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1686] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1919] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1826] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1998] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1827] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1829] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1928] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1929] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1930] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1595] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1610] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1597] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1755] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1636] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1637] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1544] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1598] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1614] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1600] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1578] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1564] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1565] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1566] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1567] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1557] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1559] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1561] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[963] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1413] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1414] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1187] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1446] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1429] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1470] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1430] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1432] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1455] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1456] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1457] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[965] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1420] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1421] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1193] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1459] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1438] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1479] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1439] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1441] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1468] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1469] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1570] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1659] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1660] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1596] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1811] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1730] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1731] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1733] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1820] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1821] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1572] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1666] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1667] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1602] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1824] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1739] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1740] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1742] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1833] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1834] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1835] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1574] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1673] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1674] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1608] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1837] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1748] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1939] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1749] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1751] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1846] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1847] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1848] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1576] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1680] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1681] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1757] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1852] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1853] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1685] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1686] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1619] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1856] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1763] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1764] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1766] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1865] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1866] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1867] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1580] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1692] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1693] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1625] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1869] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1772] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1963] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1773] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1775] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1582] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1699] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1700] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1781] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1884] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1885] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1886] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1584] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1704] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1705] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1636] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1888] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1787] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1978] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1788] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1790] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1897] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1898] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1899] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1586] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1711] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1712] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1796] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1903] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1904] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1905] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1588] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1716] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1717] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1647] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1907] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1802] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1993] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1803] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1805] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1916] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1917] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1918] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1547] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1563] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1549] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1723] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1591] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1592] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1495] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1550] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1567] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1552] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1529] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1515] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1516] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1517] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1518] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1508] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1510] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1512] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1462] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1463] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1567] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1511] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1644] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1512] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1514] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1576] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1577] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1578] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1469] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1470] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1580] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1520] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1653] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1521] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1523] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1589] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1590] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1591] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1476] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1219] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1593] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1529] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1662] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1530] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1532] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1602] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1603] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1604] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1483] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1225] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1606] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1538] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1539] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1541] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1615] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1616] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1617] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1490] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1491] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1751] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1483] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1217] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1618] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1544] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1720] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1545] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1547] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1627] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1628] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1629] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1490] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1491] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1223] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1631] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1553] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1729] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1554] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1556] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1640] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1641] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1642] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1497] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1498] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1229] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1562] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1738] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1563] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1565] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1653] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1654] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1655] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1504] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1505] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1235] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1657] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1571] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1747] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1572] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1574] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1666] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1667] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1668] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[987] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1511] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1512] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1860] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1862] link 'Report All Bugs'" ] }
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Tub'", "\t\t[5368] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5755] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5641] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[5873] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5642] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5644] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[5764] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5765] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5766] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5224] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5555] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5556] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[5650] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[5770] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5771] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5772] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5226] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5561] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[5379] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5774] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5656] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[5888] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5657] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5659] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[5783] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5784] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5785] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5228] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5567] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5568] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[5385] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5787] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5665] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[5897] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5666] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5668] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[5796] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5797] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5798] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5230] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5574] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5575] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[5674] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[5802] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5803] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5804] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5232] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5579] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5580] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[5396] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5806] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5680] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[5912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5681] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5683] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[5815] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5816] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5817] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5234] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5586] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5587] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[5689] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[5821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5236] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5592] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[5407] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5825] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5695] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[5927] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5696] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5698] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[5834] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5835] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5836] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[4925] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[5075] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[4927] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[5598] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[5412] StaticText '1'", "\t\t\t[5239] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[5240] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[4716] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[4928] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[5079] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[4930] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[4806] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[4764] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[4765] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[4766] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[4767] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[4748] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[4750] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[4752] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the dashboard has transitioned to the 'One Stop Market', focusing on product showcases rather than administrative tasks. The root web area is now dedicated to shopping, featuring links to account options, product categories, and promotional content. The user interface has changed to display a list of products available for purchase, including images and pricing, effectively shifting from an admin perspective to a consumer shopping experience.
click [3838]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1503] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1509] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1515] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1481] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1521] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1527] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1485] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1487] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1538] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1544] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1491] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1493] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1555] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1495] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1566] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1452] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1454] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1500] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1501] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1399] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1455] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1473] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1457] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1433] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1419] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1420] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1421] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1422] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1412] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is still within the 'One Stop Market', with the interface confirming its welcoming nature. The overall structure remains unchanged, retaining the focus on product showcases and shopping functionalities. The interaction serves to enhance the user experience by reaffirming the market's welcoming atmosphere, ensuring users feel engaged while browsing.
click [71]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[68] link 'My Account'", "\t[69] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[70] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[231] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[232] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[130] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[235] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[103] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1422] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1502] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1474] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1508] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1514] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1520] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1480] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1526] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1486] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1543] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1488] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1490] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1554] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1492] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1565] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1447] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1465] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1449] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1497] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1498] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1385] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1450] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1452] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1426] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1407] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1408] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1409] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1410] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1399] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1401] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1403] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is taken to the 'My Wish List' section within the 'One Stop Market'. The interface shifts to display products that the user has saved, enhancing their shopping experience by providing quick access to preferred items. This personalized view maintains the marketplace context while facilitating user engagement through tailored content.
hover [243]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[967] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1431] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1432] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1195] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1486] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1457] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1458] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1460] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1495] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1496] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1497] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[969] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1438] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1439] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1201] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1499] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1466] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1537] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1467] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1508] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1509] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1510] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[971] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1445] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1446] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1512] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1475] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1546] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1476] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1478] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1521] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1522] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1523] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1452] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1453] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1525] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1484] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1555] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1783] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1785] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1858] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1859] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1728] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1729] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1673] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1862] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1791] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1950] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1792] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1794] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1871] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1872] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1651] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1735] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1736] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1800] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1877] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1878] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1653] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1740] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1741] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1684] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1881] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1806] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1965] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1807] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1809] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1890] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1891] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1655] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1747] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1748] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1690] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1894] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1815] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1974] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1816] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1818] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1903] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1904] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1905] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1657] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1754] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1755] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1824] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1909] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1910] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1911] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1659] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1759] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1760] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1701] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1913] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1830] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1989] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1831] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1833] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1922] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1923] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1924] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1661] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1766] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1767] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1839] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1928] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1929] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1930] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1663] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1771] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1772] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1712] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1932] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1845] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2004] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1846] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1848] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1941] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1942] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1943] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1628] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1642] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1630] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1778] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1666] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1667] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1578] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1631] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1646] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1633] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1612] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1598] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1600] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1601] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1591] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1593] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1595] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is presented with enhanced search options within the 'One Stop Market'. The interface responds dynamically, offering additional filters or categories that assist in refining product searches. This interaction enriches the user experience by providing immediate access to more sophisticated searching capabilities, ensuring users can locate items more effectively.
Tab 0 (current): Customers / Customers / Magento Admin [1284] RootWebArea 'Customers / Customers / Magento Admin' focused: True [5531] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [5532] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [5444] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [5446] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [5449] link '\ue60b SALES' [5455] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [5461] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [5467] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [5473] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [5479] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [5497] link '\ue60d STORES' [5503] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [5509] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1773] main '' [2043] button 'Add New Customer' [5436] button 'Actions' [5418] StaticText '70' [5428] StaticText 'records found' [5361] LabelText 'Search' [5396] button 'product-filters' [5415] button '\ue60fDefault View' [5397] button '\ue610Columns' [5404] button '\ue635Export' [5380] textbox 'per page' required: False [5426] StaticText '100' [5408] button 'per page Select' [5409] button '\ue629' disabled: True [5420] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [5440] table '' [5375] LayoutTableRow '' [5410] LayoutTableCell 'Options' [5434] checkbox '' checked: false [5364] button 'Options' [5366] LayoutTableCell 'Name' [5441] LayoutTableCell 'Email' [5392] LayoutTableCell 'Group' [5365] LayoutTableCell 'Phone' [5360] LayoutTableCell '↓ ZIP' [5424] LayoutTableCell 'Country' [5413] LayoutTableCell 'State/Province' [5433] LayoutTableCell 'Customer Since' [2079] table '' [3266] row '' [3544] gridcell '' required: False [4082] checkbox '' checked: false [3545] gridcell 'Maxwell Baker' required: False [3546] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3547] gridcell 'General' required: False [3548] gridcell '3125551212' required: False [3549] gridcell '60601' required: False [3550] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3551] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3552] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:01 AM' required: False [3267] row '' [3553] gridcell '' required: False [4084] checkbox '' checked: false [3554] gridcell 'James Kim' required: False [3555] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3556] gridcell 'General' required: False [3557] gridcell '3125551212' required: False [3558] gridcell '60601' required: False [3559] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3560] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3561] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:29 AM' required: False [3268] row '' [3562] gridcell '' required: False [4086] checkbox '' checked: false [3563] gridcell 'Jessica Wong' required: False [3564] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3565] gridcell 'General' required: False [3566] gridcell '3125551212' required: False [3567] gridcell '60601' required: False [3568] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3569] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3570] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:48 AM' required: False [3269] row '' [3571] gridcell '' required: False [4088] checkbox '' checked: false [3572] gridcell 'Michael Nguyen' required: False [3573] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3574] gridcell 'General' required: False [3575] gridcell '3125551212' required: False [3576] gridcell '60606' required: False [3577] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3578] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3579] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:27 PM' required: False [3270] row '' [3580] gridcell '' required: False [4090] checkbox '' checked: false [3581] gridcell 'John Lee' required: False [3582] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3583] gridcell 'General' required: False [3584] gridcell '3125556789' required: False [3585] gridcell '60611' required: False [3586] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3587] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3588] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:21 PM' required: False [3271] row '' [3589] gridcell '' required: False [4092] checkbox '' checked: false [3590] gridcell 'Emily Wilson' required: False [3591] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3592] gridcell 'General' required: False [3593] gridcell '3125551212' required: False [3594] gridcell '60611' required: False [3595] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3596] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3597] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:24 AM' required: False [3272] row '' [3598] gridcell '' required: False [4094] checkbox '' checked: false [3599] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [3600] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3601] gridcell 'General' required: False [3602] gridcell '7735555555' required: False [3603] gridcell '60637' required: False [3604] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3605] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3606] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:47 PM' required: False [3273] row '' [3607] gridcell '' required: False [4096] checkbox '' checked: false [3608] gridcell 'Bob Johnson' required: False [3609] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3610] gridcell 'General' required: False [3611] gridcell '9721234567' required: False [3612] gridcell '75080' required: False [3613] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3614] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3615] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:14 PM' required: False [3274] row '' [3616] gridcell '' required: False [4098] checkbox '' checked: false [3617] gridcell 'Lisa Green' required: False [3618] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3619] gridcell 'General' required: False [3620] gridcell '2145551212' required: False [3621] gridcell '75201' required: False [3622] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3623] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3624] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:24 PM' required: False [3275] row '' [3625] gridcell '' required: False [4100] checkbox '' checked: false [3626] gridcell 'Samantha Nguyen' required: False [3627] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3628] gridcell 'General' required: False [3629] gridcell '2145551212' required: False [3630] gridcell '75201' required: False [3631] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3632] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3633] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:47 PM' required: False [3276] row '' [3634] gridcell '' required: False [4102] checkbox '' checked: false [3635] gridcell 'David Smith' required: False [3636] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3637] gridcell 'General' required: False [3638] gridcell '2145551212' required: False [3639] gridcell '75201' required: False [3640] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3641] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3642] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:12:54 AM' required: False [3277] row '' [3643] gridcell '' required: False [4104] checkbox '' checked: false [3644] gridcell 'John Smith' required: False [3645] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3646] gridcell 'General' required: False [3647] gridcell '2145551212' required: False [3648] gridcell '75201' required: False [3649] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3650] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3651] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:22 AM' required: False [3278] row '' [3652] gridcell '' required: False [4106] checkbox '' checked: false [3653] gridcell 'Ethan Garcia' required: False [3654] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3655] gridcell 'General' required: False [3656] gridcell '2145551212' required: False [3657] gridcell '75201' required: False [3658] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3659] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3660] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:53 AM' required: False [3279] row '' [3661] gridcell '' required: False [4108] checkbox '' checked: false [3662] gridcell 'James Baker' required: False [3663] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3664] gridcell 'General' required: False [3665] gridcell '2145551212' required: False [3666] gridcell '75201' required: False [3667] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3668] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3669] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:28 AM' required: False [3280] row '' [3670] gridcell '' required: False [4110] checkbox '' checked: false [3671] gridcell 'Bob Jones' required: False [3672] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3673] gridcell 'General' required: False [3674] gridcell '2141918677' required: False [3675] gridcell '75202' required: False [3676] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3677] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3678] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:04 PM' required: False [3281] row '' [3679] gridcell '' required: False [4112] checkbox '' checked: false [3680] gridcell 'Olivia Lee' required: False [3681] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3682] gridcell 'General' required: False [3683] gridcell '7135555555' required: False [3684] gridcell '77002' required: False [3685] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3686] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3687] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:57 PM' required: False [3282] row '' [3688] gridcell '' required: False [4114] checkbox '' checked: false [3689] gridcell 'Anna Nguyen' required: False [3690] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3691] gridcell 'General' required: False [3692] gridcell '7135551212' required: False [3693] gridcell '77002' required: False [3694] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3695] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3696] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:09 AM' required: False [3283] row '' [3697] gridcell '' required: False [4116] checkbox '' checked: false [3698] gridcell 'Lisa Kim' required: False [3699] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3700] gridcell 'General' required: False [3701] gridcell '7135557890' required: False [3702] gridcell '77005' required: False [3703] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3704] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3705] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:31 PM' required: False [3284] row '' [3706] gridcell '' required: False [4118] checkbox '' checked: false [3707] gridcell 'Emma Davis' required: False [3708] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3709] gridcell 'General' required: False [3710] gridcell '5125555555' required: False [3711] gridcell '78701' required: False [3712] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3713] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3714] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:10 PM' required: False [3285] row '' [3715] gridcell '' required: False [4120] checkbox '' checked: false [3716] gridcell 'Lucy Garcia' required: False [3717] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3718] gridcell 'General' required: False [3719] gridcell '3035555555' required: False [3720] gridcell '80202' required: False [3721] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3722] gridcell 'Colorado' required: False [3723] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:54 PM' required: False [3286] row '' [3724] gridcell '' required: False [4122] checkbox '' checked: false [3725] gridcell 'Jason Miller' required: False [3726] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3727] gridcell 'General' required: False [3728] gridcell '3035551212' required: False [3729] gridcell '80202' required: False [3730] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3731] gridcell 'Colorado' required: False [3732] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:34 PM' required: False [3287] row '' [3733] gridcell '' required: False [4124] checkbox '' checked: false [3734] gridcell 'Olivia Jackson' required: False [3735] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3736] gridcell 'General' required: False [3737] gridcell '3035551212' required: False [3738] gridcell '80202' required: False [3739] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3740] gridcell 'Colorado' required: False [3741] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:57 AM' required: False [3288] row '' [3742] gridcell '' required: False [4126] checkbox '' checked: false [3743] gridcell 'Nathan Chen' required: False [3744] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3745] gridcell 'General' required: False [3746] gridcell '3035551212' required: False [3747] gridcell '80202' required: False [3748] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3749] gridcell 'Colorado' required: False [3750] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:36 AM' required: False [3289] row '' [3751] gridcell '' required: False [4128] checkbox '' checked: false [3752] gridcell 'Sean Miller' required: False [3753] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3754] gridcell 'General' required: False [3755] gridcell '8015551212' required: False [3756] gridcell '84101' required: False [3757] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3758] gridcell 'Utah' required: False [3759] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:53 AM' required: False [3290] row '' [3760] gridcell '' required: False [4130] checkbox '' checked: false [3761] gridcell 'Adam Garcia' required: False [3762] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3763] gridcell 'General' required: False [3764] gridcell '6025551212' required: False [3765] gridcell '85004' required: False [3766] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3767] gridcell 'Arizona' required: False [3768] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:40 PM' required: False [3291] row '' [3769] gridcell '' required: False [4132] checkbox '' checked: false [3770] gridcell 'Jacob Rivera' required: False [3771] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3772] gridcell 'General' required: False [3773] gridcell '6025551212' required: False [3774] gridcell '85004' required: False [3775] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3776] gridcell 'Arizona' required: False [3777] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:01 AM' required: False [3292] row '' [3778] gridcell '' required: False [4134] checkbox '' checked: false [3779] gridcell 'Isaac Rodriguez' required: False [3780] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3781] gridcell 'General' required: False [3782] gridcell '6025551212' required: False [3783] gridcell '85004' required: False [3784] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3785] gridcell 'Arizona' required: False [3786] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:45 AM' required: False [3293] row '' [3787] gridcell '' required: False [4136] checkbox '' checked: false [3788] gridcell 'Brian Smith' required: False [3789] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3790] gridcell 'General' required: False [3791] gridcell '7025551212' required: False [3792] gridcell '89109' required: False [3793] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3794] gridcell 'Nevada' required: False [3795] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:44 PM' required: False [3294] row '' [3796] gridcell '' required: False [4138] checkbox '' checked: false [3797] gridcell 'Jennifer White' required: False [3798] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3799] gridcell 'General' required: False [3800] gridcell '2137418080' required: False [3801] gridcell '90015' required: False [3802] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3803] gridcell 'California' required: False [3804] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:17 PM' required: False [3295] row '' [3805] gridcell '' required: False [4140] checkbox '' checked: false [3806] gridcell 'Alexander Thomas' required: False [3807] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3808] gridcell 'General' required: False [3809] gridcell '3235551212' required: False [3810] gridcell '90028' required: False [3811] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3812] gridcell 'California' required: False [3813] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:50 PM' required: False [3296] row '' [3814] gridcell '' required: False [4142] checkbox '' checked: false [3815] gridcell 'Jane Smith' required: False [3816] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3817] gridcell 'General' required: False [3818] gridcell '3105555555' required: False [3819] gridcell '90210' required: False [3820] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3821] gridcell 'California' required: False [3822] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:41 PM' required: False [3297] row '' [3823] gridcell '' required: False [4144] checkbox '' checked: false [3824] gridcell 'Sam Wilson' required: False [3825] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3826] gridcell 'General' required: False [3827] gridcell '3105551212' required: False [3828] gridcell '90210' required: False [3829] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3830] gridcell 'California' required: False [3831] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:12:47 AM' required: False [3298] row '' [3832] gridcell '' required: False [4146] checkbox '' checked: false [3833] gridcell 'Julie Nguyen' required: False [3834] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3835] gridcell 'General' required: False [3836] gridcell '3105551212' required: False [3837] gridcell '90210' required: False [3838] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3839] gridcell 'California' required: False [3840] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:15 AM' required: False [3299] row '' [3841] gridcell '' required: False [4148] checkbox '' checked: false [3842] gridcell 'Alex Johnson' required: False [3843] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3844] gridcell 'General' required: False [3845] gridcell '3105555555' required: False [3846] gridcell '90212' required: False [3847] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3848] gridcell 'California' required: False [3849] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:07 PM' required: False [3300] row '' [3850] gridcell '' required: False [4150] checkbox '' checked: false [3851] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [3852] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3853] gridcell 'General' required: False [3854] gridcell '3105555555' required: False [3855] gridcell '90265' required: False [3856] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3857] gridcell 'California' required: False [3858] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:01 PM' required: False [3301] row '' [3859] gridcell '' required: False [4152] checkbox '' checked: false [3860] gridcell 'Emma Lopez' required: False [3861] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3862] gridcell 'General' required: False [3863] gridcell '6505551212' required: False [3864] gridcell '94010' required: False [3865] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3866] gridcell 'California' required: False [3867] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:57 AM' required: False [3302] row '' [3868] gridcell '' required: False [4154] checkbox '' checked: false [3869] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [3870] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3871] gridcell 'General' required: False [3872] gridcell '5107819902' required: False [3873] gridcell '94602' required: False [3874] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3875] gridcell 'California' required: False [3876] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:07 PM' required: False [3303] row '' [3877] gridcell '' required: False [4156] checkbox '' checked: false [3878] gridcell 'Ryan Tanaka' required: False [3879] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3880] gridcell 'General' required: False [3881] gridcell '8085551212' required: False [3882] gridcell '96813' required: False [3883] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3884] gridcell 'Hawaii' required: False [3885] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:10 AM' required: False [3304] row '' [3886] gridcell '' required: False [4158] checkbox '' checked: false [3887] gridcell 'Katie Wong' required: False [3888] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3889] gridcell 'General' required: False [3890] gridcell '2065551212' required: False [3891] gridcell '98101' required: False [3892] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3893] gridcell 'Washington' required: False [3894] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:37 PM' required: False [3305] row '' [3895] gridcell '' required: False [4160] checkbox '' checked: false [3896] gridcell 'Jessica Nguyen' required: False [3897] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3898] gridcell 'General' required: False [3899] gridcell '2065551212' required: False [3900] gridcell '98101' required: False [3901] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3902] gridcell 'Washington' required: False [3903] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:12:58 AM' required: False [3306] row '' [3904] gridcell '' required: False [4162] checkbox '' checked: false [3905] gridcell 'Jessica Chang' required: False [3906] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3907] gridcell 'General' required: False [3908] gridcell '2065551212' required: False [3909] gridcell '98101' required: False [3910] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3911] gridcell 'Washington' required: False [3912] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:26 AM' required: False [3307] row '' [3913] gridcell '' required: False [4164] checkbox '' checked: false [3914] gridcell 'William Chang' required: False [3915] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3916] gridcell 'General' required: False [3917] gridcell '2065551212' required: False [3918] gridcell '98101' required: False [3919] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3920] gridcell 'Washington' required: False [3921] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:44 AM' required: False [3308] row '' [3922] gridcell '' required: False [4166] checkbox '' checked: false [3923] gridcell 'Jane Smith' required: False [3924] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3925] gridcell 'General' required: False [3926] gridcell '2065554321' required: False [3927] gridcell '98122' required: False [3928] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3929] gridcell 'Washington' required: False [3930] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:24 PM' required: False [3309] row '' [3931] gridcell '' required: False [4168] checkbox '' checked: false [3932] gridcell 'Adam Garcia' required: False [3933] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3934] gridcell 'General' required: False [3935] gridcell '2065555555' required: False [3936] gridcell '98122' required: False [3937] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3938] gridcell 'Washington' required: False [3939] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:14 PM' required: False [1774] contentinfo '' [1829] link '\ue606' [1830] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [1856] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [1832] link 'Privacy Policy' [1833] StaticText ' |' [1834] link ' Account Activity' [1835] StaticText ' | ' [1836] link 'Report an Issue'
scroll [down]
[ "None", "click [20] where [20] is link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "click [162] where [162] is link 'All Customers'", "scroll [down]" ]
Tab 0 (current): Customers / Customers / Magento Admin [1284] RootWebArea 'Customers / Customers / Magento Admin' focused: True [5531] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [5532] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [5444] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [5446] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [5449] link '\ue60b SALES' [5455] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [5461] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [5467] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [5473] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [5479] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [5497] link '\ue60d STORES' [5503] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [5509] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1773] main '' [2043] button 'Add New Customer' [5436] button 'Actions' [5418] StaticText '70' [5428] StaticText 'records found' [5361] LabelText 'Search' [5396] button 'product-filters' [5415] button '\ue60fDefault View' [5397] button '\ue610Columns' [5404] button '\ue635Export' [5380] textbox 'per page' required: False [5426] StaticText '100' [5408] button 'per page Select' [5409] button '\ue629' disabled: True [5420] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [5440] table '' [5375] LayoutTableRow '' [5410] LayoutTableCell 'Options' [5434] checkbox '' checked: false [5364] button 'Options' [5366] LayoutTableCell 'Name' [5441] LayoutTableCell 'Email' [5392] LayoutTableCell 'Group' [5365] LayoutTableCell 'Phone' [5360] LayoutTableCell '↓ ZIP' [5424] LayoutTableCell 'Country' [5413] LayoutTableCell 'State/Province' [5433] LayoutTableCell 'Customer Since' [2079] table '' [3266] row '' [3544] gridcell '' required: False [4082] checkbox '' checked: false [3545] gridcell 'Maxwell Baker' required: False [3546] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3547] gridcell 'General' required: False [3548] gridcell '3125551212' required: False [3549] gridcell '60601' required: False [3550] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3551] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3552] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:01 AM' required: False [3267] row '' [3553] gridcell '' required: False [4084] checkbox '' checked: false [3554] gridcell 'James Kim' required: False [3555] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3556] gridcell 'General' required: False [3557] gridcell '3125551212' required: False [3558] gridcell '60601' required: False [3559] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3560] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3561] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:29 AM' required: False [3268] row '' [3562] gridcell '' required: False [4086] checkbox '' checked: false [3563] gridcell 'Jessica Wong' required: False [3564] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3565] gridcell 'General' required: False [3566] gridcell '3125551212' required: False [3567] gridcell '60601' required: False [3568] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3569] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3570] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:48 AM' required: False [3269] row '' [3571] gridcell '' required: False [4088] checkbox '' checked: false [3572] gridcell 'Michael Nguyen' required: False [3573] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3574] gridcell 'General' required: False [3575] gridcell '3125551212' required: False [3576] gridcell '60606' required: False [3577] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3578] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3579] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:27 PM' required: False [3270] row '' [3580] gridcell '' required: False [4090] checkbox '' checked: false [3581] gridcell 'John Lee' required: False [3582] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3583] gridcell 'General' required: False [3584] gridcell '3125556789' required: False [3585] gridcell '60611' required: False [3586] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3587] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3588] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:21 PM' required: False [3271] row '' [3589] gridcell '' required: False [4092] checkbox '' checked: false [3590] gridcell 'Emily Wilson' required: False [3591] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3592] gridcell 'General' required: False [3593] gridcell '3125551212' required: False [3594] gridcell '60611' required: False [3595] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3596] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3597] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:24 AM' required: False [3272] row '' [3598] gridcell '' required: False [4094] checkbox '' checked: false [3599] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [3600] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3601] gridcell 'General' required: False [3602] gridcell '7735555555' required: False [3603] gridcell '60637' required: False [3604] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3605] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3606] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:47 PM' required: False [3273] row '' [3607] gridcell '' required: False [4096] checkbox '' checked: false [3608] gridcell 'Bob Johnson' required: False [3609] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3610] gridcell 'General' required: False [3611] gridcell '9721234567' required: False [3612] gridcell '75080' required: False [3613] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3614] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3615] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:14 PM' required: False [3274] row '' [3616] gridcell '' required: False [4098] checkbox '' checked: false [3617] gridcell 'Lisa Green' required: False [3618] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3619] gridcell 'General' required: False [3620] gridcell '2145551212' required: False [3621] gridcell '75201' required: False [3622] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3623] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3624] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:24 PM' required: False [3275] row '' [3625] gridcell '' required: False [4100] checkbox '' checked: false [3626] gridcell 'Samantha Nguyen' required: False [3627] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3628] gridcell 'General' required: False [3629] gridcell '2145551212' required: False [3630] gridcell '75201' required: False [3631] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3632] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3633] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:47 PM' required: False [3276] row '' [3634] gridcell '' required: False [4102] checkbox '' checked: false [3635] gridcell 'David Smith' required: False [3636] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3637] gridcell 'General' required: False [3638] gridcell '2145551212' required: False [3639] gridcell '75201' required: False [3640] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3641] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3642] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:12:54 AM' required: False [3277] row '' [3643] gridcell '' required: False [4104] checkbox '' checked: false [3644] gridcell 'John Smith' required: False [3645] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3646] gridcell 'General' required: False [3647] gridcell '2145551212' required: False [3648] gridcell '75201' required: False [3649] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3650] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3651] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:22 AM' required: False [3278] row '' [3652] gridcell '' required: False [4106] checkbox '' checked: false [3653] gridcell 'Ethan Garcia' required: False [3654] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3655] gridcell 'General' required: False [3656] gridcell '2145551212' required: False [3657] gridcell '75201' required: False [3658] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3659] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3660] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:53 AM' required: False [3279] row '' [3661] gridcell '' required: False [4108] checkbox '' checked: false [3662] gridcell 'James Baker' required: False [3663] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3664] gridcell 'General' required: False [3665] gridcell '2145551212' required: False [3666] gridcell '75201' required: False [3667] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3668] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3669] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:28 AM' required: False [3280] row '' [3670] gridcell '' required: False [4110] checkbox '' checked: false [3671] gridcell 'Bob Jones' required: False [3672] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3673] gridcell 'General' required: False [3674] gridcell '2141918677' required: False [3675] gridcell '75202' required: False [3676] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3677] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3678] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:04 PM' required: False [3281] row '' [3679] gridcell '' required: False [4112] checkbox '' checked: false [3680] gridcell 'Olivia Lee' required: False [3681] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3682] gridcell 'General' required: False [3683] gridcell '7135555555' required: False [3684] gridcell '77002' required: False [3685] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3686] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3687] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:57 PM' required: False [3282] row '' [3688] gridcell '' required: False [4114] checkbox '' checked: false [3689] gridcell 'Anna Nguyen' required: False [3690] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3691] gridcell 'General' required: False [3692] gridcell '7135551212' required: False [3693] gridcell '77002' required: False [3694] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3695] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3696] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:09 AM' required: False [3283] row '' [3697] gridcell '' required: False [4116] checkbox '' checked: false [3698] gridcell 'Lisa Kim' required: False [3699] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3700] gridcell 'General' required: False [3701] gridcell '7135557890' required: False [3702] gridcell '77005' required: False [3703] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3704] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3705] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:31 PM' required: False [3284] row '' [3706] gridcell '' required: False [4118] checkbox '' checked: false [3707] gridcell 'Emma Davis' required: False [3708] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3709] gridcell 'General' required: False [3710] gridcell '5125555555' required: False [3711] gridcell '78701' required: False [3712] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3713] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3714] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:10 PM' required: False [3285] row '' [3715] gridcell '' required: False [4120] checkbox '' checked: false [3716] gridcell 'Lucy Garcia' required: False [3717] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3718] gridcell 'General' required: False [3719] gridcell '3035555555' required: False [3720] gridcell '80202' required: False [3721] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3722] gridcell 'Colorado' required: False [3723] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:54 PM' required: False [3286] row '' [3724] gridcell '' required: False [4122] checkbox '' checked: false [3725] gridcell 'Jason Miller' required: False [3726] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3727] gridcell 'General' required: False [3728] gridcell '3035551212' required: False [3729] gridcell '80202' required: False [3730] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3731] gridcell 'Colorado' required: False [3732] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:34 PM' required: False [3287] row '' [3733] gridcell '' required: False [4124] checkbox '' checked: false [3734] gridcell 'Olivia Jackson' required: False [3735] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3736] gridcell 'General' required: False [3737] gridcell '3035551212' required: False [3738] gridcell '80202' required: False [3739] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3740] gridcell 'Colorado' required: False [3741] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:57 AM' required: False [3288] row '' [3742] gridcell '' required: False [4126] checkbox '' checked: false [3743] gridcell 'Nathan Chen' required: False [3744] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3745] gridcell 'General' required: False [3746] gridcell '3035551212' required: False [3747] gridcell '80202' required: False [3748] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3749] gridcell 'Colorado' required: False [3750] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:36 AM' required: False [3289] row '' [3751] gridcell '' required: False [4128] checkbox '' checked: false [3752] gridcell 'Sean Miller' required: False [3753] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3754] gridcell 'General' required: False [3755] gridcell '8015551212' required: False [3756] gridcell '84101' required: False [3757] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3758] gridcell 'Utah' required: False [3759] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:53 AM' required: False [3290] row '' [3760] gridcell '' required: False [4130] checkbox '' checked: false [3761] gridcell 'Adam Garcia' required: False [3762] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3763] gridcell 'General' required: False [3764] gridcell '6025551212' required: False [3765] gridcell '85004' required: False [3766] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3767] gridcell 'Arizona' required: False [3768] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:40 PM' required: False [3291] row '' [3769] gridcell '' required: False [4132] checkbox '' checked: false [3770] gridcell 'Jacob Rivera' required: False [3771] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3772] gridcell 'General' required: False [3773] gridcell '6025551212' required: False [3774] gridcell '85004' required: False [3775] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3776] gridcell 'Arizona' required: False [3777] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:01 AM' required: False [3292] row '' [3778] gridcell '' required: False [4134] checkbox '' checked: false [3779] gridcell 'Isaac Rodriguez' required: False [3780] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3781] gridcell 'General' required: False [3782] gridcell '6025551212' required: False [3783] gridcell '85004' required: False [3784] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3785] gridcell 'Arizona' required: False [3786] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:45 AM' required: False [3293] row '' [3787] gridcell '' required: False [4136] checkbox '' checked: false [3788] gridcell 'Brian Smith' required: False [3789] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3790] gridcell 'General' required: False [3791] gridcell '7025551212' required: False [3792] gridcell '89109' required: False [3793] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3794] gridcell 'Nevada' required: False [3795] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:44 PM' required: False [3294] row '' [3796] gridcell '' required: False [4138] checkbox '' checked: false [3797] gridcell 'Jennifer White' required: False [3798] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3799] gridcell 'General' required: False [3800] gridcell '2137418080' required: False [3801] gridcell '90015' required: False [3802] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3803] gridcell 'California' required: False [3804] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:17 PM' required: False [3295] row '' [3805] gridcell '' required: False [4140] checkbox '' checked: false [3806] gridcell 'Alexander Thomas' required: False [3807] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3808] gridcell 'General' required: False [3809] gridcell '3235551212' required: False [3810] gridcell '90028' required: False [3811] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3812] gridcell 'California' required: False [3813] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:50 PM' required: False [3296] row '' [3814] gridcell '' required: False [4142] checkbox '' checked: false [3815] gridcell 'Jane Smith' required: False [3816] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3817] gridcell 'General' required: False [3818] gridcell '3105555555' required: False [3819] gridcell '90210' required: False [3820] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3821] gridcell 'California' required: False [3822] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:41 PM' required: False [3297] row '' [3823] gridcell '' required: False [4144] checkbox '' checked: false [3824] gridcell 'Sam Wilson' required: False [3825] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3826] gridcell 'General' required: False [3827] gridcell '3105551212' required: False [3828] gridcell '90210' required: False [3829] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3830] gridcell 'California' required: False [3831] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:12:47 AM' required: False [3298] row '' [3832] gridcell '' required: False [4146] checkbox '' checked: false [3833] gridcell 'Julie Nguyen' required: False [3834] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3835] gridcell 'General' required: False [3836] gridcell '3105551212' required: False [3837] gridcell '90210' required: False [3838] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3839] gridcell 'California' required: False [3840] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:15 AM' required: False [3299] row '' [3841] gridcell '' required: False [4148] checkbox '' checked: false [3842] gridcell 'Alex Johnson' required: False [3843] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3844] gridcell 'General' required: False [3845] gridcell '3105555555' required: False [3846] gridcell '90212' required: False [3847] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3848] gridcell 'California' required: False [3849] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:07 PM' required: False [3300] row '' [3850] gridcell '' required: False [4150] checkbox '' checked: false [3851] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [3852] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3853] gridcell 'General' required: False [3854] gridcell '3105555555' required: False [3855] gridcell '90265' required: False [3856] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3857] gridcell 'California' required: False [3858] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:01 PM' required: False [3301] row '' [3859] gridcell '' required: False [4152] checkbox '' checked: false [3860] gridcell 'Emma Lopez' required: False [3861] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3862] gridcell 'General' required: False [3863] gridcell '6505551212' required: False [3864] gridcell '94010' required: False [3865] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3866] gridcell 'California' required: False [3867] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:57 AM' required: False [3302] row '' [3868] gridcell '' required: False [4154] checkbox '' checked: false [3869] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [3870] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3871] gridcell 'General' required: False [3872] gridcell '5107819902' required: False [3873] gridcell '94602' required: False [3874] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3875] gridcell 'California' required: False [3876] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:07 PM' required: False [3303] row '' [3877] gridcell '' required: False [4156] checkbox '' checked: false [3878] gridcell 'Ryan Tanaka' required: False [3879] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3880] gridcell 'General' required: False [3881] gridcell '8085551212' required: False [3882] gridcell '96813' required: False [3883] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3884] gridcell 'Hawaii' required: False [3885] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:10 AM' required: False [3304] row '' [3886] gridcell '' required: False [4158] checkbox '' checked: false [3887] gridcell 'Katie Wong' required: False [3888] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3889] gridcell 'General' required: False [3890] gridcell '2065551212' required: False [3891] gridcell '98101' required: False [3892] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3893] gridcell 'Washington' required: False [3894] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:37 PM' required: False [3305] row '' [3895] gridcell '' required: False [4160] checkbox '' checked: false [3896] gridcell 'Jessica Nguyen' required: False [3897] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3898] gridcell 'General' required: False [3899] gridcell '2065551212' required: False [3900] gridcell '98101' required: False [3901] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3902] gridcell 'Washington' required: False [3903] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:12:58 AM' required: False [3306] row '' [3904] gridcell '' required: False [4162] checkbox '' checked: false [3905] gridcell 'Jessica Chang' required: False [3906] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3907] gridcell 'General' required: False [3908] gridcell '2065551212' required: False [3909] gridcell '98101' required: False [3910] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3911] gridcell 'Washington' required: False [3912] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:26 AM' required: False [3307] row '' [3913] gridcell '' required: False [4164] checkbox '' checked: false [3914] gridcell 'William Chang' required: False [3915] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3916] gridcell 'General' required: False [3917] gridcell '2065551212' required: False [3918] gridcell '98101' required: False [3919] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3920] gridcell 'Washington' required: False [3921] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:44 AM' required: False [3308] row '' [3922] gridcell '' required: False [4166] checkbox '' checked: false [3923] gridcell 'Jane Smith' required: False [3924] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3925] gridcell 'General' required: False [3926] gridcell '2065554321' required: False [3927] gridcell '98122' required: False [3928] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3929] gridcell 'Washington' required: False [3930] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:24 PM' required: False [3309] row '' [3931] gridcell '' required: False [4168] checkbox '' checked: false [3932] gridcell 'Adam Garcia' required: False [3933] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3934] gridcell 'General' required: False [3935] gridcell '2065555555' required: False [3936] gridcell '98122' required: False [3937] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3938] gridcell 'Washington' required: False [3939] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:14 PM' required: False [1774] contentinfo '' [1829] link '\ue606' [1830] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [1856] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [1832] link 'Privacy Policy' [1833] StaticText ' |' [1834] link ' Account Activity' [1835] StaticText ' | ' [1836] link 'Report an Issue'
Delete all reviews from the scammer Grace
The next observation would still display the customers' list in the Magento Admin panel without any changes. The list continues to show customers' names, emails, and other details, but it does not provide any mechanism to filter or identify the reviews from Grace specifically. This suggests that while the user is trying to navigate through the records, they have not yet executed any actions that would lead to the identification or deletion of Grace's reviews, keeping the objective unfulfilled. Further actions are needed to locate Grace's account or reviews before proceeding with deletion.
{ "neg_action0": "click [1883]", "neg_action1": "type [64] [Grace] [1]", "neg_action2": "hover [5]", "neg_action3": "press [Ctrl+v]", "neg_action4": "click [1826]", "neg_action5": "click [2437]", "neg_action6": "tab_focus [0]", "neg_action7": "close_tab", "neg_action8": "scroll [up]", "neg_action9": "goto [http://gitlab.com/users/Grace/reviews]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[142] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[144] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[154] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1854] main ''", "\t\t[1783] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2295] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1896] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2470] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2244] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2377] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1606] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1837] button 'Name'", "\t\t[2272] link 'All'", "\t\t[2331] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1493] link ''", "\t\t[2182] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1550] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2473] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1803] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1751] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1731] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1538] link '0'", "\t\t[1971] link '0'", "\t\t[2136] link '0'", "\t\t[1851] link '0'", "\t\t[2204] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1549] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1715] link 'A'", "\t\t[1877] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1588] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2026] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1916] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1815] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2266] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1497] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1660] link '1'", "\t\t[1809] link '0'", "\t\t[2246] link '0'", "\t\t[1989] link '1'", "\t\t[1792] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1610] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1952] link 'A'", "\t\t[2260] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1737] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2178] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2142] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2252] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1775] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1539] link '2'", "\t\t[2328] link '0'", "\t\t[1743] link '1'", "\t\t[2234] link '4'", "\t\t[2065] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1553] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2396] link 'A'", "\t\t[1917] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1764] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2192] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2350] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2312] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1632] link '20'", "\t\t[2072] link '0'", "\t\t[2008] link '10'", "\t\t[2287] link '40'", "\t\t[1567] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2094] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1677] link 'A'", "\t\t[1987] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2402] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1741] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1924] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1975] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1547] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1499] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2049] link '1'", "\t\t[1721] link '0'", "\t\t[1791] link '0'", "\t\t[1535] link '0'", "\t\t[2474] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2297] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1829] link 'A'", "\t\t[2016] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2284] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2285] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1500] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1833] link '0'", "\t\t[2172] link '0'", "\t\t[2413] link '0'", "\t\t[1564] link '0'", "\t\t[2195] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2158] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1998] link 'A'", "\t\t[1849] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1863] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1514] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2170] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2339] link '0'", "\t\t[1565] link '0'", "\t\t[1750] link '0'", "\t\t[2012] link '0'", "\t\t[2322] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2092] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2409] link 'A'", "\t\t[1915] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2452] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1843] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1899] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2106] link '0'", "\t\t[1536] link '0'", "\t\t[2418] link '0'", "\t\t[2041] link '0'", "\t\t[2374] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2311] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2188] link 'A'", "\t\t[2129] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2096] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1710] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2089] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1767] link '0'", "\t\t[2078] link '0'", "\t\t[2189] link '0'", "\t\t[2186] link '0'", "\t\t[1988] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2132] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2220] link 'B'", "\t\t[2445] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1662] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2388] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1718] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1845] link '0'", "\t\t[1711] link '0'", "\t\t[1650] link '0'", "\t\t[1823] link '0'", "\t\t[2420] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1935] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1855] link 'C'", "\t\t[2143] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1788] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1641] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1990] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1620] link '0'", "\t\t[1542] link '0'", "\t\t[2280] link '0'", "\t\t[1779] link '0'", "\t\t[1937] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1827] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2190] link ''", "\t\t[1607] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2071] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2013] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1659] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2406] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2249] link '0'", "\t\t[1797] link '0'", "\t\t[1842] link '0'", "\t\t[2365] link '0'", "\t\t[1871] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2236] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2433] link 'D'", "\t\t[1600] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2191] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2165] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2429] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1583] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2010] link '21'", "\t\t[2059] link '0'", "\t\t[2179] link '16'", "\t\t[1908] link '21'", "\t\t[1911] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1614] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1760] link 'D'", "\t\t[1821] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2042] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2386] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1671] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2150] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1951] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1962] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1976] link '0'", "\t\t[1739] link '0'", "\t\t[2419] link '0'", "\t\t[1995] link '1'", "\t\t[1757] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1555] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1852] link 'E'", "\t\t[2245] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1617] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2271] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2457] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2345] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1977] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1812] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1618] link '6'", "\t\t[2437] link '1'", "\t\t[1714] link '2'", "\t\t[1599] link '5'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1963] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1729] link 'E'", "\t\t[2366] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2177] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1642] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1893] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2460] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2095] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1957] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1552] link '2'", "\t\t[2122] link '0'", "\t\t[2076] link '0'", "\t\t[2123] link '0'", "\t\t[2034] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1563] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1946] link 'G'", "\t\t[1541] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2403] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2005] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1551] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2324] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1822] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1826] link '0'", "\t\t[2062] link '0'", "\t\t[1546] link '0'", "\t\t[2400] link '0'", "\t\t[2139] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1640] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2346] link 'L'", "\t\t[1774] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2035] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2205] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2361] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2430] link '0'", "\t\t[1810] link '0'", "\t\t[1754] link '0'", "\t\t[2023] link '0'", "\t\t[2114] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2140] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1619] link 'M'", "\t\t[2316] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2193] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2379] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2047] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1578] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1512] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2007] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2453] link '6'", "\t\t[2367] link '0'", "\t\t[1581] link '2'", "\t\t[2454] link '4'", "\t\t[2248] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1956] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1927] link 'N'", "\t\t[2134] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[2414] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1867] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2337] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1964] link '0'", "\t\t[1510] link '0'", "\t\t[1978] link '0'", "\t\t[1912] link '0'", "\t\t[1828] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1573] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1503] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1537] link '1'", "\t\t[2110] link '2'", "\t\t[2084] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[58] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[53] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[139] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[141] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[151] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1861] main ''", "\t\t[1777] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2293] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2393] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2456] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2156] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2472] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1726] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2401] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1766] link 'All'", "\t\t[1874] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1508] link ''", "\t\t[1931] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2006] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1595] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2360] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1640] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2221] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2205] link '0'", "\t\t[1636] link '0'", "\t\t[2160] link '0'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[2005] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1905] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2468] link 'A'", "\t\t[1610] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2112] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1611] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2067] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2276] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2143] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1828] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2197] link '1'", "\t\t[2219] link '0'", "\t\t[2402] link '0'", "\t\t[2378] link '1'", "\t\t[2422] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1809] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2256] link 'A'", "\t\t[2353] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1740] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2459] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2366] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2315] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1552] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2309] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2164] link '2'", "\t\t[2425] link '0'", "\t\t[2225] link '1'", "\t\t[2178] link '4'", "\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2125] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2386] link 'A'", "\t\t[2182] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1872] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2471] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2361] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2477] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1539] link '20'", "\t\t[1976] link '0'", "\t\t[2127] link '10'", "\t\t[1858] link '40'", "\t\t[1741] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2186] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1493] link 'A'", "\t\t[1892] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2282] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2023] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1548] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2080] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1637] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1801] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1658] link '1'", "\t\t[1808] link '0'", "\t\t[2247] link '0'", "\t\t[1994] link '0'", "\t\t[1723] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2338] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1714] link 'A'", "\t\t[2261] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2203] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2177] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1589] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2434] link '0'", "\t\t[1540] link '0'", "\t\t[2320] link '0'", "\t\t[1734] link '0'", "\t\t[1759] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1524] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1961] link 'A'", "\t\t[2300] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2258] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1926] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1789] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2284] link '0'", "\t\t[2065] link '0'", "\t\t[1630] link '0'", "\t\t[2068] link '0'", "\t\t[2467] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2463] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2388] link 'A'", "\t\t[1620] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2069] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1738] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1979] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1947] link '0'", "\t\t[1719] link '0'", "\t\t[2449] link '0'", "\t\t[2045] link '0'", "\t\t[2075] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1644] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1677] link 'A'", "\t\t[1536] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1938] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1899] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2251] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2120] link '0'", "\t\t[2169] link '0'", "\t\t[2318] link '0'", "\t\t[1836] link '0'", "\t\t[1944] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1697] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1831] link 'B'", "\t\t[1561] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2210] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1846] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2325] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2450] link '0'", "\t\t[1788] link '0'", "\t\t[1511] link '0'", "\t\t[2332] link '0'", "\t\t[2207] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2249] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2003] link 'C'", "\t\t[2011] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2124] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2404] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2033] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1525] link '0'", "\t\t[1701] link '0'", "\t\t[1627] link '0'", "\t\t[2102] link '0'", "\t\t[1795] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2412] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2399] link ''", "\t\t[2409] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1973] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2038] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2168] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2455] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2439] link '0'", "\t\t[2294] link '0'", "\t\t[1510] link '0'", "\t\t[1753] link '0'", "\t\t[2062] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1509] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2189] link 'D'", "\t\t[2187] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1985] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2104] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2280] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1653] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1731] link '21'", "\t\t[2343] link '0'", "\t\t[1850] link '16'", "\t\t[1711] link '21'", "\t\t[1902] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1564] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2218] link 'D'", "\t\t[1609] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2241] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1901] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1875] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1927] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2316] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2466] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1592] link '0'", "\t\t[1618] link '0'", "\t\t[1543] link '0'", "\t\t[2279] link '1'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2292] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1862] link 'E'", "\t\t[1608] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1643] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2013] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1694] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2411] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1648] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1939] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2250] link '6'", "\t\t[1794] link '1'", "\t\t[1848] link '2'", "\t\t[2359] link '5'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2264] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2190] link 'E'", "\t\t[1601] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2475] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2159] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1829] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2064] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1614] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1491] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2009] link '2'", "\t\t[2051] link '0'", "\t\t[2179] link '0'", "\t\t[1918] link '0'", "\t\t[2082] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2098] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2424] link 'G'", "\t\t[1823] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1878] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2381] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2192] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2202] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1725] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2230] link '0'", "\t\t[1626] link '0'", "\t\t[1566] link '0'", "\t\t[2423] link '0'", "\t\t[1490] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1579] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1982] link 'L'", "\t\t[1895] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1678] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2148] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2255] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2041] link '0'", "\t\t[1907] link '0'", "\t\t[1507] link '0'", "\t\t[1730] link '0'", "\t\t[1514] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1676] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2151] link 'M'", "\t\t[1654] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1851] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1865] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1843] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1877] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2336] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1519] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1873] link '6'", "\t\t[1496] link '0'", "\t\t[1955] link '2'", "\t\t[1867] link '4'", "\t\t[1599] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2237] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2369] link 'N'", "\t\t[1802] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1849] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2428] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1517] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1685] link '0'", "\t\t[2262] link '0'", "\t\t[2299] link '0'", "\t\t[2167] link '0'", "\t\t[2227] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1692] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2263] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2416] link '1'", "\t\t[1967] link '2'", "\t\t[1655] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link ''", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[76] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[85] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[77] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[87] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[79] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[80] link 'Help'", "\t[82] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[97] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[2205] main ''", "\t\t[2298] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1592] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1911] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2470] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2244] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2378] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1738] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1844] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1611] link 'All'", "\t\t[2308] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1492] link ''", "\t\t[2405] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1692] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2116] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2119] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1783] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1799] link '0'", "\t\t[1971] link '0'", "\t\t[2129] link '0'", "\t\t[1991] link '0'", "\t\t[1874] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1725] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1714] link 'A'", "\t\t[2258] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2176] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2467] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1817] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2177] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2041] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1707] link '1'", "\t\t[2229] link '0'", "\t\t[2254] link '0'", "\t\t[1494] link '1'", "\t\t[2209] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1644] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1965] link 'A'", "\t\t[2267] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2165] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2391] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2363] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1720] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1745] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1615] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1904] link '2'", "\t\t[1804] link '0'", "\t\t[2255] link '1'", "\t\t[1960] link '4'", "\t\t[1571] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2358] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2393] link 'A'", "\t\t[2120] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2462] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1555] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1715] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2242] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2029] link '20'", "\t\t[2075] link '0'", "\t\t[2272] link '10'", "\t\t[2392] link '40'", "\t\t[2420] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1763] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1678] link 'A'", "\t\t[1757] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1639] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2004] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1980] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2135] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1862] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1670] link '1'", "\t\t[1791] link '0'", "\t\t[1850] link '0'", "\t\t[2337] link '0'", "\t\t[2246] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1998] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1837] link 'A'", "\t\t[1698] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1573] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2442] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2261] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2142] link '0'", "\t\t[2179] link '0'", "\t\t[1718] link '0'", "\t\t[2239] link '0'", "\t\t[2296] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1928] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2006] link 'A'", "\t\t[2067] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2197] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1589] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2236] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1563] link '0'", "\t\t[1942] link '0'", "\t\t[1490] link '0'", "\t\t[1785] link '0'", "\t\t[2188] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1780] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2475] link 'A'", "\t\t[1716] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1637] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1749] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2448] link '0'", "\t\t[1533] link '0'", "\t\t[1914] link '0'", "\t\t[2315] link '0'", "\t\t[2189] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2360] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2215] link 'A'", "\t\t[1507] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1848] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1987] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1684] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1595] link '0'", "\t\t[2264] link '0'", "\t\t[2373] link '0'", "\t\t[2300] link '0'", "\t\t[1956] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2051] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2083] link 'B'", "\t\t[2095] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1578] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1891] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2052] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1569] link '0'", "\t\t[2241] link '0'", "\t\t[1753] link '0'", "\t\t[1880] link '0'", "\t\t[1968] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2406] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2381] link 'C'", "\t\t[1997] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2445] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2131] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2299] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2476] link '0'", "\t\t[2459] link '0'", "\t\t[1910] link '0'", "\t\t[2472] link '0'", "\t\t[1981] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1626] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2190] link ''", "\t\t[1520] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2389] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2289] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2266] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1885] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1945] link '0'", "\t\t[1790] link '0'", "\t\t[2072] link '0'", "\t\t[1999] link '0'", "\t\t[1918] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2253] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1551] link 'D'", "\t\t[2446] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2069] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1833] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1649] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2070] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2265] link '21'", "\t\t[2479] link '0'", "\t\t[1946] link '16'", "\t\t[1835] link '21'", "\t\t[2436] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1793] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1743] link 'D'", "\t\t[1662] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1740] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2400] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2022] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1952] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2270] link '0'", "\t\t[1872] link '0'", "\t\t[2054] link '0'", "\t\t[1944] link '1'", "\t\t[1505] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2068] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1640] link 'E'", "\t\t[1884] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1634] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2238] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1847] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1706] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2295] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1691] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2087] link '6'", "\t\t[1782] link '1'", "\t\t[2152] link '2'", "\t\t[1900] link '5'", "\t\t[2402] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2321] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2055] link 'E'", "\t\t[1613] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1806] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1796] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1888] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1572] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1976] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1781] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2047] link '2'", "\t\t[1672] link '0'", "\t\t[1673] link '0'", "\t\t[2150] link '0'", "\t\t[2159] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1897] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2157] link 'G'", "\t\t[2231] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1815] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2435] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1660] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1619] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1826] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1577] link '0'", "\t\t[1576] link '0'", "\t\t[1751] link '0'", "\t\t[1558] link '0'", "\t\t[2003] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2182] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2207] link 'L'", "\t\t[2454] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1954] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2339] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2275] link '0'", "\t\t[2271] link '0'", "\t\t[1590] link '0'", "\t\t[1935] link '0'", "\t\t[1899] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1831] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1728] link 'M'", "\t\t[2059] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2251] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2123] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1858] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2230] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1516] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1642] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1908] link '6'", "\t\t[2456] link '0'", "\t\t[1966] link '2'", "\t\t[1794] link '4'", "\t\t[1641] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1934] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1499] link 'N'", "\t\t[2282] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[2383] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2079] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1723] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2281] link '0'", "\t\t[1560] link '0'", "\t\t[2037] link '0'", "\t\t[1566] link '0'", "\t\t[2306] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2033] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1535] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2336] link '1'", "\t\t[2147] link '2'", "\t\t[1702] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[102] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[121] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[103] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[123] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[105] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[106] link 'Help'", "\t[108] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[133] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1870] main ''", "\t\t[1790] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1806] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1628] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2012] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2226] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2319] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2390] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2235] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1701] link 'All'", "\t\t[2256] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1991] link ''", "\t\t[2398] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2182] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2108] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1728] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2423] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1771] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1826] link '0'", "\t\t[2354] link '0'", "\t\t[2353] link '0'", "\t\t[1663] link '0'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1673] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1807] link 'A'", "\t\t[2336] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1664] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1770] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1818] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2239] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2386] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2004] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2076] link '1'", "\t\t[2426] link '0'", "\t\t[2138] link '0'", "\t\t[2172] link '1'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2229] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1855] link 'A'", "\t\t[2083] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2344] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1804] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1951] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2191] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2034] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1672] link '2'", "\t\t[1550] link '0'", "\t\t[1956] link '1'", "\t\t[1490] link '4'", "\t\t[1743] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1928] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2211] link 'A'", "\t\t[1621] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1964] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2430] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2452] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2057] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2284] link '20'", "\t\t[1641] link '0'", "\t\t[2466] link '10'", "\t\t[1540] link '40'", "\t\t[1843] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2171] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1713] link 'A'", "\t\t[1748] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2410] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1675] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1853] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1796] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1999] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1865] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2070] link '1'", "\t\t[1508] link '0'", "\t\t[2368] link '0'", "\t\t[2367] link '0'", "\t\t[1938] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1856] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2142] link 'A'", "\t\t[1613] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1517] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1942] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1623] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1883] link '0'", "\t\t[1817] link '0'", "\t\t[2173] link '0'", "\t\t[2046] link '0'", "\t\t[1505] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1768] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2310] link 'A'", "\t\t[2363] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2087] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1930] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2186] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1691] link '0'", "\t\t[1600] link '0'", "\t\t[2133] link '0'", "\t\t[2204] link '0'", "\t\t[1832] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1599] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2039] link 'A'", "\t\t[1574] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1912] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2364] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1636] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2154] link '0'", "\t\t[1934] link '0'", "\t\t[2140] link '0'", "\t\t[2305] link '0'", "\t\t[2029] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1524] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1740] link 'A'", "\t\t[2408] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2460] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2383] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2243] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2462] link '0'", "\t\t[1551] link '0'", "\t\t[1720] link '0'", "\t\t[2233] link '0'", "\t\t[1810] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2019] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2066] link 'B'", "\t\t[2431] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2063] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2220] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1931] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1617] link '0'", "\t\t[1761] link '0'", "\t\t[1813] link '0'", "\t\t[1840] link '0'", "\t\t[2432] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2051] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1528] link 'C'", "\t\t[1563] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1696] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1757] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2372] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2454] link '0'", "\t\t[2338] link '0'", "\t\t[1822] link '0'", "\t\t[2221] link '0'", "\t\t[2218] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1543] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2169] link ''", "\t\t[2270] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1996] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2268] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2450] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2347] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2061] link '0'", "\t\t[2118] link '0'", "\t\t[1680] link '0'", "\t\t[1983] link '0'", "\t\t[1864] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1896] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1995] link 'D'", "\t\t[1918] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2009] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2456] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1605] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1598] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2277] link '21'", "\t\t[2081] link '0'", "\t\t[2419] link '16'", "\t\t[2399] link '21'", "\t\t[1519] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2199] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1648] link 'D'", "\t\t[1549] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1842] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2043] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2038] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2279] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1686] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2025] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2302] link '0'", "\t\t[2181] link '0'", "\t\t[1784] link '0'", "\t\t[1626] link '1'", "\t\t[2355] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2161] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2370] link 'E'", "\t\t[2031] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1828] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1914] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2018] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1685] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1638] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2064] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1594] link '6'", "\t\t[2136] link '1'", "\t\t[1634] link '2'", "\t\t[2044] link '5'", "\t\t[2065] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1921] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1652] link 'E'", "\t\t[1852] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1741] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2093] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2385] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2109] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1660] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2062] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1987] link '2'", "\t\t[2126] link '0'", "\t\t[2013] link '0'", "\t\t[1657] link '0'", "\t\t[1489] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2314] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2440] link 'G'", "\t\t[2193] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2313] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1957] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1819] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1845] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1633] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1642] link '0'", "\t\t[1735] link '0'", "\t\t[1763] link '0'", "\t\t[1516] link '0'", "\t\t[2327] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1597] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1556] link 'L'", "\t\t[2455] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2032] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1669] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2198] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2447] link '0'", "\t\t[1518] link '0'", "\t\t[2292] link '0'", "\t\t[2381] link '0'", "\t\t[2282] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1981] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1884] link 'M'", "\t\t[2435] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1944] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1821] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2033] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1643] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2222] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2068] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1929] link '6'", "\t\t[1990] link '0'", "\t\t[1612] link '2'", "\t\t[2394] link '4'", "\t\t[2422] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1979] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2003] link 'N'", "\t\t[1888] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1650] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2254] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1511] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1542] link '0'", "\t\t[1523] link '0'", "\t\t[2085] link '0'", "\t\t[1521] link '0'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1718] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2219] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1724] link '1'", "\t\t[2476] link '2'", "\t\t[2458] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[2972] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[2976] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2989] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3011] link ''", "\t[3037] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3027] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[3005] link 'Create new...'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[133] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[135] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[145] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1874] main ''", "\t\t[1795] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2280] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2173] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1966] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2174] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1918] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1956] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2123] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1741] link 'All'", "\t\t[1532] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2306] link ''", "\t\t[2086] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2433] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2262] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2318] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1752] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2233] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2009] link '0'", "\t\t[2419] link '0'", "\t\t[1831] link '0'", "\t\t[2352] link '0'", "\t\t[2019] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2271] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2049] link 'A'", "\t\t[1800] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1626] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1860] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2001] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1751] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1628] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1928] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2440] link '1'", "\t\t[2012] link '0'", "\t\t[2082] link '0'", "\t\t[2421] link '1'", "\t\t[2278] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2132] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2395] link 'A'", "\t\t[1729] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2180] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2238] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1849] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2182] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1555] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2405] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2098] link '2'", "\t\t[1725] link '0'", "\t\t[1686] link '1'", "\t\t[1559] link '4'", "\t\t[1759] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2024] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1722] link 'A'", "\t\t[1796] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2404] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1587] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1936] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1863] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2154] link '20'", "\t\t[2287] link '0'", "\t\t[2281] link '10'", "\t\t[1653] link '40'", "\t\t[1717] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2438] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2349] link 'A'", "\t\t[2294] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2282] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1701] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2094] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2161] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2196] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2145] link '1'", "\t\t[1934] link '0'", "\t\t[2077] link '0'", "\t\t[1510] link '0'", "\t\t[1660] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1837] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2168] link 'A'", "\t\t[1816] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1605] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1914] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2148] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1738] link '0'", "\t\t[2183] link '0'", "\t\t[1884] link '0'", "\t\t[1821] link '0'", "\t\t[2036] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2031] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1789] link 'A'", "\t\t[2004] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1533] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2411] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1901] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1589] link '0'", "\t\t[1778] link '0'", "\t\t[1704] link '0'", "\t\t[1606] link '0'", "\t\t[2334] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1817] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2234] link 'A'", "\t\t[1643] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2021] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2171] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2189] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1610] link '0'", "\t\t[1612] link '0'", "\t\t[2163] link '0'", "\t\t[1932] link '0'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2412] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1873] link 'A'", "\t\t[2202] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2008] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2217] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1658] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1567] link '0'", "\t\t[2353] link '0'", "\t\t[2461] link '0'", "\t\t[1560] link '0'", "\t\t[2017] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2340] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2243] link 'B'", "\t\t[1845] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2360] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2176] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2220] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2410] link '0'", "\t\t[2116] link '0'", "\t\t[2191] link '0'", "\t\t[2472] link '0'", "\t\t[2015] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1913] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2326] link 'C'", "\t\t[1775] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2125] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1638] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2087] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1871] link '0'", "\t\t[2257] link '0'", "\t\t[1696] link '0'", "\t\t[2142] link '0'", "\t\t[1852] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2215] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2240] link ''", "\t\t[2141] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2333] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1647] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2321] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1813] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2101] link '0'", "\t\t[1692] link '0'", "\t\t[2422] link '0'", "\t\t[2293] link '0'", "\t\t[2027] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2211] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2063] link 'D'", "\t\t[2135] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1809] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2013] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2164] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1900] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1960] link '21'", "\t\t[2059] link '0'", "\t\t[1575] link '16'", "\t\t[2016] link '21'", "\t\t[1698] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2071] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2113] link 'D'", "\t\t[1655] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2357] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1745] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1777] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2273] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1710] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1998] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2453] link '0'", "\t\t[1685] link '0'", "\t\t[2245] link '0'", "\t\t[1973] link '1'", "\t\t[2119] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2069] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2198] link 'E'", "\t\t[1526] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1824] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2289] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1904] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1838] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1490] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2246] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1826] link '6'", "\t\t[1965] link '1'", "\t\t[1780] link '2'", "\t\t[2270] link '5'", "\t\t[1853] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1892] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1578] link 'E'", "\t\t[1985] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1994] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1624] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1649] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1942] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1770] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2376] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2251] link '2'", "\t\t[2216] link '0'", "\t\t[2111] link '0'", "\t\t[1975] link '0'", "\t\t[2203] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1687] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2152] link 'G'", "\t\t[2093] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2304] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1528] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2465] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1968] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1622] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2028] link '0'", "\t\t[1652] link '0'", "\t\t[2081] link '0'", "\t\t[2130] link '0'", "\t\t[1990] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1783] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2408] link 'L'", "\t\t[1857] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1839] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2426] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2136] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2366] link '0'", "\t\t[1563] link '0'", "\t\t[2427] link '0'", "\t\t[1807] link '0'", "\t\t[1646] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2429] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2394] link 'M'", "\t\t[2030] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1769] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1962] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2348] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1545] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2033] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2218] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1552] link '6'", "\t\t[1993] link '0'", "\t\t[1694] link '2'", "\t\t[2448] link '4'", "\t\t[1590] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1707] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1613] link 'N'", "\t\t[1659] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1762] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1514] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1499] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1858] link '0'", "\t\t[1715] link '0'", "\t\t[1700] link '0'", "\t\t[1894] link '0'", "\t\t[2000] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2247] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1681] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2157] link '1'", "\t\t[1979] link '2'", "\t\t[2303] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3216] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[102] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[121] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[103] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[123] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[105] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[106] link 'Help'", "\t[108] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[133] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1704] main ''", "\t\t[1647] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1657] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2200] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1808] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2536] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2588] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2049] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2696] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1596] link 'All'", "\t\t[2552] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2096] link ''", "\t\t[2437] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2249] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1542] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1616] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1891] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2276] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1632] link '0'", "\t\t[1800] link '0'", "\t\t[2253] link '0'", "\t\t[1742] link '0'", "\t\t[2431] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1500] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[3162] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1865] link 'A'", "\t\t[2664] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2264] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1843] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2018] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1978] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1539] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1762] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2400] link '1'", "\t\t[2412] link '0'", "\t\t[1970] link '0'", "\t\t[2472] link '1'", "\t\t[1872] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2627] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[3163] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1937] link 'A'", "\t\t[2315] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1987] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2505] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1789] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1469] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2528] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1830] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2328] link '2'", "\t\t[2115] link '0'", "\t\t[2086] link '1'", "\t\t[1653] link '4'", "\t\t[2574] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2566] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[3164] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2214] link 'A'", "\t\t[1501] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2375] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2256] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1565] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1927] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2323] link '20'", "\t\t[2118] link '0'", "\t\t[1595] link '10'", "\t\t[1540] link '40'", "\t\t[2336] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2332] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[3165] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2623] link 'A'", "\t\t[2060] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2500] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1837] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2295] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2064] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2622] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2389] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2078] link '1'", "\t\t[2573] link '0'", "\t\t[2110] link '0'", "\t\t[2268] link '0'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1997] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[3166] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1745] link 'A'", "\t\t[1915] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2504] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2457] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2109] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1991] link '0'", "\t\t[1622] link '0'", "\t\t[2020] link '0'", "\t\t[2324] link '0'", "\t\t[1867] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1715] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[3167] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2298] link 'A'", "\t\t[1682] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2077] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1523] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2354] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1875] link '0'", "\t\t[2513] link '0'", "\t\t[2167] link '0'", "\t\t[2188] link '0'", "\t\t[1610] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2681] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[3168] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2360] link 'A'", "\t\t[2281] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2089] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2499] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2677] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1486] link '0'", "\t\t[2668] link '0'", "\t\t[2350] link '0'", "\t\t[2546] link '0'", "\t\t[1803] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2345] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[3169] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2138] link 'A'", "\t\t[2031] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1650] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2237] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2312] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1726] link '0'", "\t\t[2361] link '0'", "\t\t[2594] link '0'", "\t\t[2300] link '0'", "\t\t[1562] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2628] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[3170] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2283] link 'B'", "\t\t[1910] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1817] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2359] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2094] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2045] link '0'", "\t\t[1700] link '0'", "\t\t[2307] link '0'", "\t\t[1621] link '0'", "\t\t[1924] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2642] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[3171] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2438] link 'C'", "\t\t[1623] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2163] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2062] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2285] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1948] link '0'", "\t\t[1963] link '0'", "\t\t[2529] link '0'", "\t\t[2618] link '0'", "\t\t[1839] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1569] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[3172] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2456] link ''", "\t\t[2106] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2218] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2186] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1780] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1995] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2595] link '0'", "\t\t[2608] link '0'", "\t\t[1551] link '0'", "\t\t[1934] link '0'", "\t\t[2143] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1529] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[3173] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2402] link 'D'", "\t\t[1939] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1904] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2137] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2015] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1675] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2416] link '21'", "\t\t[2132] link '0'", "\t\t[2404] link '16'", "\t\t[2356] link '21'", "\t\t[2226] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1781] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[3174] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2603] link 'D'", "\t\t[2439] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1909] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1966] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2667] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2259] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1778] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1604] link '0'", "\t\t[2134] link '0'", "\t\t[2275] link '0'", "\t\t[1925] link '1'", "\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2147] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[3175] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1652] link 'E'", "\t\t[1797] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2053] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2069] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2136] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2581] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2512] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1994] link '6'", "\t\t[1988] link '1'", "\t\t[2038] link '2'", "\t\t[1589] link '5'", "\t\t[2178] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1888] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[3176] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2270] link 'E'", "\t\t[1534] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1549] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2662] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1911] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2026] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2525] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2320] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2210] link '2'", "\t\t[1889] link '0'", "\t\t[2338] link '0'", "\t\t[1718] link '0'", "\t\t[1890] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2517] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[3177] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2656] link 'G'", "\t\t[2277] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2374] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2141] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2158] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1812] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2248] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1756] link '0'", "\t\t[2039] link '0'", "\t\t[1597] link '0'", "\t\t[1633] link '0'", "\t\t[2058] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2083] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[3178] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2643] link 'L'", "\t\t[2080] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1484] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1499] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2616] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1619] link '0'", "\t\t[1908] link '0'", "\t\t[1546] link '0'", "\t\t[1758] link '0'", "\t\t[2189] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2050] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[3179] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1611] link 'M'", "\t\t[2419] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2212] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2211] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2341] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2551] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2216] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1931] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2135] link '6'", "\t\t[2164] link '0'", "\t\t[2247] link '2'", "\t\t[2365] link '4'", "\t\t[2434] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1815] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[3180] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2296] link 'N'", "\t\t[2082] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1552] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1767] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2470] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1594] link '0'", "\t\t[1641] link '0'", "\t\t[2117] link '0'", "\t\t[2550] link '0'", "\t\t[2293] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1629] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[3181] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2444] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2241] link '1'", "\t\t[2222] link '2'", "\t\t[2144] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[107] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[147] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[108] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[149] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[110] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[111] link 'Help'", "\t[113] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[159] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1673] main ''", "\t\t[1931] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1719] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2431] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1801] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1721] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2315] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1974] button 'Name'", "\t\t[2291] link 'All'", "\t\t[1583] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1808] link ''", "\t\t[2248] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1740] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2176] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2137] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1779] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1539] link '0'", "\t\t[2311] link '0'", "\t\t[1747] link '0'", "\t\t[2231] link '0'", "\t\t[2067] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1551] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2179] link 'A'", "\t\t[1933] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1770] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2190] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2335] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2282] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1652] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1948] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1632] link '1'", "\t\t[2077] link '0'", "\t\t[2022] link '0'", "\t\t[2271] link '1'", "\t\t[2097] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2396] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2466] link 'A'", "\t\t[2004] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2296] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1745] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1995] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1495] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2216] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2041] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2055] link '2'", "\t\t[1728] link '0'", "\t\t[1796] link '1'", "\t\t[1535] link '4'", "\t\t[2281] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2268] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1852] link 'A'", "\t\t[2029] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1955] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2269] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1704] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2207] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2171] link '20'", "\t\t[2405] link '0'", "\t\t[1562] link '10'", "\t\t[1844] link '40'", "\t\t[1869] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1864] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1515] link 'A'", "\t\t[1516] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2166] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2454] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1804] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2417] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2389] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1986] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1754] link '1'", "\t\t[2025] link '0'", "\t\t[2409] link '0'", "\t\t[1893] link '0'", "\t\t[1913] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2309] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2118] link 'A'", "\t\t[1520] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2169] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1706] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1506] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2410] link '0'", "\t\t[2047] link '0'", "\t\t[1687] link '0'", "\t\t[1689] link '0'", "\t\t[2092] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1888] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1518] link 'A'", "\t\t[2440] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2439] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2280] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1903] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2187] link '0'", "\t\t[2185] link '0'", "\t\t[2106] link '0'", "\t\t[1811] link '0'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2476] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2157] link 'A'", "\t\t[2300] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2459] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1742] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2473] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1655] link '0'", "\t\t[1829] link '0'", "\t\t[1606] link '0'", "\t\t[1902] link '0'", "\t\t[2006] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1885] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2355] link 'A'", "\t\t[2099] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1790] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2183] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2265] link '0'", "\t\t[1784] link '0'", "\t\t[2167] link '0'", "\t\t[1604] link '0'", "\t\t[1664] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2400] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1763] link 'B'", "\t\t[1528] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2027] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2461] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2464] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1847] link '0'", "\t\t[2356] link '0'", "\t\t[1718] link '0'", "\t\t[1497] link '0'", "\t\t[2201] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2421] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2205] link 'C'", "\t\t[1901] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1579] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1927] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1788] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2064] link '0'", "\t\t[2177] link '0'", "\t\t[1924] link '0'", "\t\t[2266] link '0'", "\t\t[2049] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1674] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2040] link ''", "\t\t[1827] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1676] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2380] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1981] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2307] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1994] link '0'", "\t\t[1743] link '0'", "\t\t[2412] link '0'", "\t\t[2010] link '0'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1615] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1534] link 'D'", "\t\t[2238] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2162] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2257] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2331] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1820] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1617] link '21'", "\t\t[2434] link '0'", "\t\t[1720] link '16'", "\t\t[1597] link '21'", "\t\t[1691] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1982] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2349] link 'D'", "\t\t[2357] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2175] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1646] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1909] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2458] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1761] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1976] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1550] link '0'", "\t\t[2120] link '0'", "\t\t[2081] link '0'", "\t\t[2121] link '1'", "\t\t[2042] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1561] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1749] link 'E'", "\t\t[1540] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2397] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2018] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1549] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2302] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2003] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2181] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2262] link '6'", "\t\t[1832] link '1'", "\t\t[2066] link '2'", "\t\t[1541] link '5'", "\t\t[1601] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2132] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1608] link 'E'", "\t\t[1543] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1643] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1778] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2184] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2350] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2213] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1843] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2425] link '2'", "\t\t[1816] link '0'", "\t\t[1758] link '0'", "\t\t[2035] link '0'", "\t\t[2135] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2191] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2401] link 'G'", "\t\t[2297] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1966] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2371] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2020] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1739] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2358] link '0'", "\t\t[1577] link '0'", "\t\t[2452] link '0'", "\t\t[2324] link '0'", "\t\t[2411] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2448] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2342] link 'L'", "\t\t[1872] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1521] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1890] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2375] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1552] link '0'", "\t\t[2212] link '0'", "\t\t[1696] link '0'", "\t\t[2140] link '0'", "\t\t[1621] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2388] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2264] link 'M'", "\t\t[1944] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1659] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2370] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1880] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2246] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1671] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2221] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2444] link '6'", "\t\t[1548] link '0'", "\t\t[2089] link '2'", "\t\t[1809] link '4'", "\t\t[2072] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2024] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2299] link 'N'", "\t\t[2174] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1648] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1645] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2122] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2051] link '0'", "\t\t[1658] link '0'", "\t\t[2151] link '0'", "\t\t[1730] link '0'", "\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1750] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1768] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1806] link '1'", "\t\t[1868] link '2'", "\t\t[2156] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): Just a moment...", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Just a moment...' focused: True", "\t[4] main ''", "\t\t[10] heading 'Icon for gitlab.com gitlab.com'", "\t\t\t[18] img 'Icon for gitlab.com'", "\t\t[11] heading 'Verifying you are human. This may take a few seconds.'", "\t\t[48] Iframe 'Widget containing a Cloudflare security challenge'", "\t\t[22] StaticText 'gitlab.com needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.'", "\t[8] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[34] StaticText 'Ray ID: '", "\t\t[36] StaticText '8c1003bd9fe9d1f6'", "\t\t[26] StaticText 'Performance & security by '", "\t\t[27] link 'Cloudflare'" ] }
[ "click [1883]", "type [64] [Grace] [1]", "hover [5]", "press [Ctrl+v]", "click [1826]", "click [2437]", "tab_focus [0]", "close_tab", "scroll [up]", "goto [http://gitlab.com/users/Grace/reviews]" ]
type [64] [Grace] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[58] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[53] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[139] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[141] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[151] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1861] main ''", "\t\t[1777] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2293] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2393] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2456] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2156] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2472] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1726] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2401] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1766] link 'All'", "\t\t[1874] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1508] link ''", "\t\t[1931] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2006] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1595] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2360] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1640] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2221] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2205] link '0'", "\t\t[1636] link '0'", "\t\t[2160] link '0'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[2005] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1905] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2468] link 'A'", "\t\t[1610] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2112] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1611] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2067] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2276] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2143] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1828] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2197] link '1'", "\t\t[2219] link '0'", "\t\t[2402] link '0'", "\t\t[2378] link '1'", "\t\t[2422] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1809] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2256] link 'A'", "\t\t[2353] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1740] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2459] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2366] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2315] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1552] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2309] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2164] link '2'", "\t\t[2425] link '0'", "\t\t[2225] link '1'", "\t\t[2178] link '4'", "\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2125] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2386] link 'A'", "\t\t[2182] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1872] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2471] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2361] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2477] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1539] link '20'", "\t\t[1976] link '0'", "\t\t[2127] link '10'", "\t\t[1858] link '40'", "\t\t[1741] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2186] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1493] link 'A'", "\t\t[1892] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2282] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2023] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1548] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2080] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1637] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1801] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1658] link '1'", "\t\t[1808] link '0'", "\t\t[2247] link '0'", "\t\t[1994] link '0'", "\t\t[1723] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2338] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1714] link 'A'", "\t\t[2261] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2203] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2177] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1589] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2434] link '0'", "\t\t[1540] link '0'", "\t\t[2320] link '0'", "\t\t[1734] link '0'", "\t\t[1759] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1524] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1961] link 'A'", "\t\t[2300] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2258] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1926] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1789] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2284] link '0'", "\t\t[2065] link '0'", "\t\t[1630] link '0'", "\t\t[2068] link '0'", "\t\t[2467] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2463] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2388] link 'A'", "\t\t[1620] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2069] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1738] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1979] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1947] link '0'", "\t\t[1719] link '0'", "\t\t[2449] link '0'", "\t\t[2045] link '0'", "\t\t[2075] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1644] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1677] link 'A'", "\t\t[1536] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1938] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1899] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2251] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2120] link '0'", "\t\t[2169] link '0'", "\t\t[2318] link '0'", "\t\t[1836] link '0'", "\t\t[1944] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1697] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1831] link 'B'", "\t\t[1561] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2210] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1846] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2325] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2450] link '0'", "\t\t[1788] link '0'", "\t\t[1511] link '0'", "\t\t[2332] link '0'", "\t\t[2207] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2249] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2003] link 'C'", "\t\t[2011] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2124] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2404] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2033] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1525] link '0'", "\t\t[1701] link '0'", "\t\t[1627] link '0'", "\t\t[2102] link '0'", "\t\t[1795] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2412] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2399] link ''", "\t\t[2409] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1973] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2038] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2168] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2455] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2439] link '0'", "\t\t[2294] link '0'", "\t\t[1510] link '0'", "\t\t[1753] link '0'", "\t\t[2062] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1509] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2189] link 'D'", "\t\t[2187] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1985] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2104] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2280] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1653] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1731] link '21'", "\t\t[2343] link '0'", "\t\t[1850] link '16'", "\t\t[1711] link '21'", "\t\t[1902] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1564] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2218] link 'D'", "\t\t[1609] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2241] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1901] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1875] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1927] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2316] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2466] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1592] link '0'", "\t\t[1618] link '0'", "\t\t[1543] link '0'", "\t\t[2279] link '1'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2292] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1862] link 'E'", "\t\t[1608] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1643] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2013] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1694] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2411] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1648] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1939] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2250] link '6'", "\t\t[1794] link '1'", "\t\t[1848] link '2'", "\t\t[2359] link '5'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2264] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2190] link 'E'", "\t\t[1601] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2475] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2159] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1829] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2064] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1614] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1491] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2009] link '2'", "\t\t[2051] link '0'", "\t\t[2179] link '0'", "\t\t[1918] link '0'", "\t\t[2082] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2098] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2424] link 'G'", "\t\t[1823] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1878] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2381] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2192] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2202] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1725] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2230] link '0'", "\t\t[1626] link '0'", "\t\t[1566] link '0'", "\t\t[2423] link '0'", "\t\t[1490] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1579] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1982] link 'L'", "\t\t[1895] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1678] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2148] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2255] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2041] link '0'", "\t\t[1907] link '0'", "\t\t[1507] link '0'", "\t\t[1730] link '0'", "\t\t[1514] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1676] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2151] link 'M'", "\t\t[1654] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1851] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1865] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1843] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1877] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2336] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1519] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1873] link '6'", "\t\t[1496] link '0'", "\t\t[1955] link '2'", "\t\t[1867] link '4'", "\t\t[1599] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2237] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2369] link 'N'", "\t\t[1802] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1849] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2428] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1517] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1685] link '0'", "\t\t[2262] link '0'", "\t\t[2299] link '0'", "\t\t[2167] link '0'", "\t\t[2227] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1692] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2263] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2416] link '1'", "\t\t[1967] link '2'", "\t\t[1655] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be that the focus has shifted to a different application, revealing the "Projects · Dashboard · GitLab" interface. The previous Magento Admin context is lost, replaced by a new layout that includes links to various GitLab functionalities, such as creating new projects, viewing issues, and managing merge requests. This transition indicates that the input action led to navigation away from the customer management interface, resulting in a completely different set of functionalities and content.
hover [5]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link ''", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[76] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[85] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[77] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[87] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[79] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[80] link 'Help'", "\t[82] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[97] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[2205] main ''", "\t\t[2298] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1592] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1911] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2470] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2244] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2378] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1738] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1844] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1611] link 'All'", "\t\t[2308] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1492] link ''", "\t\t[2405] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1692] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2116] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2119] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1783] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1799] link '0'", "\t\t[1971] link '0'", "\t\t[2129] link '0'", "\t\t[1991] link '0'", "\t\t[1874] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1725] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1714] link 'A'", "\t\t[2258] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2176] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2467] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1817] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2177] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2041] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1707] link '1'", "\t\t[2229] link '0'", "\t\t[2254] link '0'", "\t\t[1494] link '1'", "\t\t[2209] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1644] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1965] link 'A'", "\t\t[2267] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2165] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2391] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2363] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1720] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1745] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1615] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1904] link '2'", "\t\t[1804] link '0'", "\t\t[2255] link '1'", "\t\t[1960] link '4'", "\t\t[1571] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2358] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2393] link 'A'", "\t\t[2120] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2462] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1555] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1715] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2242] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2029] link '20'", "\t\t[2075] link '0'", "\t\t[2272] link '10'", "\t\t[2392] link '40'", "\t\t[2420] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1763] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1678] link 'A'", "\t\t[1757] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1639] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2004] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1980] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2135] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1862] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1670] link '1'", "\t\t[1791] link '0'", "\t\t[1850] link '0'", "\t\t[2337] link '0'", "\t\t[2246] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1998] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1837] link 'A'", "\t\t[1698] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1573] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2442] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2261] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2142] link '0'", "\t\t[2179] link '0'", "\t\t[1718] link '0'", "\t\t[2239] link '0'", "\t\t[2296] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1928] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2006] link 'A'", "\t\t[2067] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2197] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1589] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2236] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1563] link '0'", "\t\t[1942] link '0'", "\t\t[1490] link '0'", "\t\t[1785] link '0'", "\t\t[2188] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1780] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2475] link 'A'", "\t\t[1716] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1637] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1749] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2448] link '0'", "\t\t[1533] link '0'", "\t\t[1914] link '0'", "\t\t[2315] link '0'", "\t\t[2189] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2360] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2215] link 'A'", "\t\t[1507] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1848] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1987] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1684] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1595] link '0'", "\t\t[2264] link '0'", "\t\t[2373] link '0'", "\t\t[2300] link '0'", "\t\t[1956] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2051] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2083] link 'B'", "\t\t[2095] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1578] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1891] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2052] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1569] link '0'", "\t\t[2241] link '0'", "\t\t[1753] link '0'", "\t\t[1880] link '0'", "\t\t[1968] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2406] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2381] link 'C'", "\t\t[1997] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2445] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2131] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2299] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2476] link '0'", "\t\t[2459] link '0'", "\t\t[1910] link '0'", "\t\t[2472] link '0'", "\t\t[1981] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1626] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2190] link ''", "\t\t[1520] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2389] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2289] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2266] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1885] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1945] link '0'", "\t\t[1790] link '0'", "\t\t[2072] link '0'", "\t\t[1999] link '0'", "\t\t[1918] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2253] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1551] link 'D'", "\t\t[2446] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2069] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1833] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1649] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2070] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2265] link '21'", "\t\t[2479] link '0'", "\t\t[1946] link '16'", "\t\t[1835] link '21'", "\t\t[2436] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1793] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1743] link 'D'", "\t\t[1662] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1740] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2400] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2022] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1952] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2270] link '0'", "\t\t[1872] link '0'", "\t\t[2054] link '0'", "\t\t[1944] link '1'", "\t\t[1505] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2068] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1640] link 'E'", "\t\t[1884] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1634] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2238] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1847] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1706] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2295] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1691] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2087] link '6'", "\t\t[1782] link '1'", "\t\t[2152] link '2'", "\t\t[1900] link '5'", "\t\t[2402] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2321] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2055] link 'E'", "\t\t[1613] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1806] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1796] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1888] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1572] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1976] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1781] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2047] link '2'", "\t\t[1672] link '0'", "\t\t[1673] link '0'", "\t\t[2150] link '0'", "\t\t[2159] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1897] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2157] link 'G'", "\t\t[2231] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1815] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2435] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1660] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1619] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1826] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1577] link '0'", "\t\t[1576] link '0'", "\t\t[1751] link '0'", "\t\t[1558] link '0'", "\t\t[2003] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2182] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2207] link 'L'", "\t\t[2454] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1954] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2339] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2275] link '0'", "\t\t[2271] link '0'", "\t\t[1590] link '0'", "\t\t[1935] link '0'", "\t\t[1899] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1831] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1728] link 'M'", "\t\t[2059] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2251] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2123] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1858] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2230] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1516] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1642] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1908] link '6'", "\t\t[2456] link '0'", "\t\t[1966] link '2'", "\t\t[1794] link '4'", "\t\t[1641] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1934] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1499] link 'N'", "\t\t[2282] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[2383] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2079] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1723] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2281] link '0'", "\t\t[1560] link '0'", "\t\t[2037] link '0'", "\t\t[1566] link '0'", "\t\t[2306] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2033] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1535] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2336] link '1'", "\t\t[2147] link '2'", "\t\t[1702] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be that the user inadvertently navigated to the "Projects · Dashboard · GitLab" interface. The focus on the previous Magento Admin context has been replaced with a new layout that emphasizes project management features in GitLab. This transition signifies that the hover action led to a loss of context, shifting the user's tasks from customer management to project oversight, with a completely different set of available links and functionalities.
press [Ctrl+v]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[102] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[121] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[103] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[123] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[105] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[106] link 'Help'", "\t[108] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[133] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1870] main ''", "\t\t[1790] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1806] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1628] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2012] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2226] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2319] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2390] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2235] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1701] link 'All'", "\t\t[2256] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1991] link ''", "\t\t[2398] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2182] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2108] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1728] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2423] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1771] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1826] link '0'", "\t\t[2354] link '0'", "\t\t[2353] link '0'", "\t\t[1663] link '0'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1673] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1807] link 'A'", "\t\t[2336] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1664] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1770] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1818] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2239] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2386] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2004] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2076] link '1'", "\t\t[2426] link '0'", "\t\t[2138] link '0'", "\t\t[2172] link '1'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2229] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1855] link 'A'", "\t\t[2083] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2344] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1804] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1951] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2191] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2034] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1672] link '2'", "\t\t[1550] link '0'", "\t\t[1956] link '1'", "\t\t[1490] link '4'", "\t\t[1743] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1928] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2211] link 'A'", "\t\t[1621] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1964] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2430] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2452] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2057] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2284] link '20'", "\t\t[1641] link '0'", "\t\t[2466] link '10'", "\t\t[1540] link '40'", "\t\t[1843] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2171] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1713] link 'A'", "\t\t[1748] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2410] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1675] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1853] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1796] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1999] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1865] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2070] link '1'", "\t\t[1508] link '0'", "\t\t[2368] link '0'", "\t\t[2367] link '0'", "\t\t[1938] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1856] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2142] link 'A'", "\t\t[1613] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1517] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1942] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1623] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1883] link '0'", "\t\t[1817] link '0'", "\t\t[2173] link '0'", "\t\t[2046] link '0'", "\t\t[1505] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1768] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2310] link 'A'", "\t\t[2363] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2087] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1930] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2186] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1691] link '0'", "\t\t[1600] link '0'", "\t\t[2133] link '0'", "\t\t[2204] link '0'", "\t\t[1832] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1599] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2039] link 'A'", "\t\t[1574] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1912] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2364] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1636] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2154] link '0'", "\t\t[1934] link '0'", "\t\t[2140] link '0'", "\t\t[2305] link '0'", "\t\t[2029] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1524] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1740] link 'A'", "\t\t[2408] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2460] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2383] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2243] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2462] link '0'", "\t\t[1551] link '0'", "\t\t[1720] link '0'", "\t\t[2233] link '0'", "\t\t[1810] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2019] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2066] link 'B'", "\t\t[2431] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2063] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2220] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1931] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1617] link '0'", "\t\t[1761] link '0'", "\t\t[1813] link '0'", "\t\t[1840] link '0'", "\t\t[2432] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2051] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1528] link 'C'", "\t\t[1563] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1696] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1757] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2372] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2454] link '0'", "\t\t[2338] link '0'", "\t\t[1822] link '0'", "\t\t[2221] link '0'", "\t\t[2218] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1543] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2169] link ''", "\t\t[2270] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1996] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2268] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2450] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2347] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2061] link '0'", "\t\t[2118] link '0'", "\t\t[1680] link '0'", "\t\t[1983] link '0'", "\t\t[1864] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1896] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1995] link 'D'", "\t\t[1918] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2009] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2456] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1605] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1598] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2277] link '21'", "\t\t[2081] link '0'", "\t\t[2419] link '16'", "\t\t[2399] link '21'", "\t\t[1519] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2199] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1648] link 'D'", "\t\t[1549] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1842] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2043] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2038] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2279] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1686] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2025] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2302] link '0'", "\t\t[2181] link '0'", "\t\t[1784] link '0'", "\t\t[1626] link '1'", "\t\t[2355] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2161] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2370] link 'E'", "\t\t[2031] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1828] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1914] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2018] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1685] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1638] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2064] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1594] link '6'", "\t\t[2136] link '1'", "\t\t[1634] link '2'", "\t\t[2044] link '5'", "\t\t[2065] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1921] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1652] link 'E'", "\t\t[1852] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1741] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2093] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2385] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2109] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1660] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2062] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1987] link '2'", "\t\t[2126] link '0'", "\t\t[2013] link '0'", "\t\t[1657] link '0'", "\t\t[1489] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2314] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2440] link 'G'", "\t\t[2193] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2313] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1957] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1819] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1845] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1633] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1642] link '0'", "\t\t[1735] link '0'", "\t\t[1763] link '0'", "\t\t[1516] link '0'", "\t\t[2327] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1597] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1556] link 'L'", "\t\t[2455] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2032] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1669] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2198] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2447] link '0'", "\t\t[1518] link '0'", "\t\t[2292] link '0'", "\t\t[2381] link '0'", "\t\t[2282] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1981] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1884] link 'M'", "\t\t[2435] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1944] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1821] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2033] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1643] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2222] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2068] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1929] link '6'", "\t\t[1990] link '0'", "\t\t[1612] link '2'", "\t\t[2394] link '4'", "\t\t[2422] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1979] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2003] link 'N'", "\t\t[1888] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1650] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2254] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1511] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1542] link '0'", "\t\t[1523] link '0'", "\t\t[2085] link '0'", "\t\t[1521] link '0'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1718] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2219] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1724] link '1'", "\t\t[2476] link '2'", "\t\t[2458] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage has transitioned to the "Projects · Dashboard · GitLab" interface. The original focus on customer management within Magento is lost, and the user is now faced with GitLab functionalities such as managing projects and issues. This transition underscores the impact of the paste action, which led to unintended navigation and a significant change in the context of the user's tasks.
click [1826]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[2972] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[2976] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2989] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3011] link ''", "\t[3037] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3027] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[3005] link 'Create new...'" ]
The next observation would be that the "Projects · Dashboard · GitLab" interface is now processing a request, as indicated by the busy state. This action has shifted the focus within the GitLab application, moving the user further into project management functionalities. The previous context of customer management in Magento has been entirely replaced, highlighting how the click action has led to deeper engagement with GitLab's features.
Tab 0 (current): Customers / Customers / Magento Admin [1284] RootWebArea 'Customers / Customers / Magento Admin' focused: True [5531] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [5532] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [5444] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [5446] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [5449] link '\ue60b SALES' [5455] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [5461] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [5467] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [5473] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [5479] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [5497] link '\ue60d STORES' [5503] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [5509] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1773] main '' [2043] button 'Add New Customer' [5436] button 'Actions' [5418] StaticText '70' [5428] StaticText 'records found' [5361] LabelText 'Search' [5396] button 'product-filters' [5415] button '\ue60fDefault View' [5397] button '\ue610Columns' [5404] button '\ue635Export' [5380] textbox 'per page' required: False [5426] StaticText '100' [5408] button 'per page Select' [5409] button '\ue629' disabled: True [5420] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [5440] table '' [5375] LayoutTableRow '' [5410] LayoutTableCell 'Options' [5434] checkbox '' checked: false [5364] button 'Options' [5366] LayoutTableCell 'Name' [5441] LayoutTableCell 'Email' [5392] LayoutTableCell 'Group' [5365] LayoutTableCell 'Phone' [5360] LayoutTableCell '↓ ZIP' [5424] LayoutTableCell 'Country' [5413] LayoutTableCell 'State/Province' [5433] LayoutTableCell 'Customer Since' [2079] table '' [3266] row '' [3544] gridcell '' required: False [4082] checkbox '' checked: false [3545] gridcell 'Maxwell Baker' required: False [3546] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3547] gridcell 'General' required: False [3548] gridcell '3125551212' required: False [3549] gridcell '60601' required: False [3550] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3551] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3552] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:01 AM' required: False [3267] row '' [3553] gridcell '' required: False [4084] checkbox '' checked: false [3554] gridcell 'James Kim' required: False [3555] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3556] gridcell 'General' required: False [3557] gridcell '3125551212' required: False [3558] gridcell '60601' required: False [3559] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3560] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3561] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:29 AM' required: False [3268] row '' [3562] gridcell '' required: False [4086] checkbox '' checked: false [3563] gridcell 'Jessica Wong' required: False [3564] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3565] gridcell 'General' required: False [3566] gridcell '3125551212' required: False [3567] gridcell '60601' required: False [3568] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3569] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3570] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:48 AM' required: False [3269] row '' [3571] gridcell '' required: False [4088] checkbox '' checked: false [3572] gridcell 'Michael Nguyen' required: False [3573] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3574] gridcell 'General' required: False [3575] gridcell '3125551212' required: False [3576] gridcell '60606' required: False [3577] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3578] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3579] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:27 PM' required: False [3270] row '' [3580] gridcell '' required: False [4090] checkbox '' checked: false [3581] gridcell 'John Lee' required: False [3582] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3583] gridcell 'General' required: False [3584] gridcell '3125556789' required: False [3585] gridcell '60611' required: False [3586] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3587] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3588] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:21 PM' required: False [3271] row '' [3589] gridcell '' required: False [4092] checkbox '' checked: false [3590] gridcell 'Emily Wilson' required: False [3591] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3592] gridcell 'General' required: False [3593] gridcell '3125551212' required: False [3594] gridcell '60611' required: False [3595] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3596] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3597] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:24 AM' required: False [3272] row '' [3598] gridcell '' required: False [4094] checkbox '' checked: false [3599] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [3600] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3601] gridcell 'General' required: False [3602] gridcell '7735555555' required: False [3603] gridcell '60637' required: False [3604] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3605] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3606] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:47 PM' required: False [3273] row '' [3607] gridcell '' required: False [4096] checkbox '' checked: false [3608] gridcell 'Bob Johnson' required: False [3609] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3610] gridcell 'General' required: False [3611] gridcell '9721234567' required: False [3612] gridcell '75080' required: False [3613] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3614] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3615] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:14 PM' required: False [3274] row '' [3616] gridcell '' required: False [4098] checkbox '' checked: false [3617] gridcell 'Lisa Green' required: False [3618] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3619] gridcell 'General' required: False [3620] gridcell '2145551212' required: False [3621] gridcell '75201' required: False [3622] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3623] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3624] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:24 PM' required: False [3275] row '' [3625] gridcell '' required: False [4100] checkbox '' checked: false [3626] gridcell 'Samantha Nguyen' required: False [3627] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3628] gridcell 'General' required: False [3629] gridcell '2145551212' required: False [3630] gridcell '75201' required: False [3631] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3632] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3633] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:47 PM' required: False [3276] row '' [3634] gridcell '' required: False [4102] checkbox '' checked: false [3635] gridcell 'David Smith' required: False [3636] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3637] gridcell 'General' required: False [3638] gridcell '2145551212' required: False [3639] gridcell '75201' required: False [3640] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3641] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3642] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:12:54 AM' required: False [3277] row '' [3643] gridcell '' required: False [4104] checkbox '' checked: false [3644] gridcell 'John Smith' required: False [3645] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3646] gridcell 'General' required: False [3647] gridcell '2145551212' required: False [3648] gridcell '75201' required: False [3649] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3650] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3651] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:22 AM' required: False [3278] row '' [3652] gridcell '' required: False [4106] checkbox '' checked: false [3653] gridcell 'Ethan Garcia' required: False [3654] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3655] gridcell 'General' required: False [3656] gridcell '2145551212' required: False [3657] gridcell '75201' required: False [3658] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3659] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3660] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:53 AM' required: False [3279] row '' [3661] gridcell '' required: False [4108] checkbox '' checked: false [3662] gridcell 'James Baker' required: False [3663] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3664] gridcell 'General' required: False [3665] gridcell '2145551212' required: False [3666] gridcell '75201' required: False [3667] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3668] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3669] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:28 AM' required: False [3280] row '' [3670] gridcell '' required: False [4110] checkbox '' checked: false [3671] gridcell 'Bob Jones' required: False [3672] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3673] gridcell 'General' required: False [3674] gridcell '2141918677' required: False [3675] gridcell '75202' required: False [3676] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3677] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3678] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:04 PM' required: False [3281] row '' [3679] gridcell '' required: False [4112] checkbox '' checked: false [3680] gridcell 'Olivia Lee' required: False [3681] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3682] gridcell 'General' required: False [3683] gridcell '7135555555' required: False [3684] gridcell '77002' required: False [3685] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3686] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3687] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:57 PM' required: False [3282] row '' [3688] gridcell '' required: False [4114] checkbox '' checked: false [3689] gridcell 'Anna Nguyen' required: False [3690] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3691] gridcell 'General' required: False [3692] gridcell '7135551212' required: False [3693] gridcell '77002' required: False [3694] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3695] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3696] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:09 AM' required: False [3283] row '' [3697] gridcell '' required: False [4116] checkbox '' checked: false [3698] gridcell 'Lisa Kim' required: False [3699] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3700] gridcell 'General' required: False [3701] gridcell '7135557890' required: False [3702] gridcell '77005' required: False [3703] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3704] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3705] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:31 PM' required: False [3284] row '' [3706] gridcell '' required: False [4118] checkbox '' checked: false [3707] gridcell 'Emma Davis' required: False [3708] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3709] gridcell 'General' required: False [3710] gridcell '5125555555' required: False [3711] gridcell '78701' required: False [3712] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3713] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3714] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:10 PM' required: False [3285] row '' [3715] gridcell '' required: False [4120] checkbox '' checked: false [3716] gridcell 'Lucy Garcia' required: False [3717] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3718] gridcell 'General' required: False [3719] gridcell '3035555555' required: False [3720] gridcell '80202' required: False [3721] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3722] gridcell 'Colorado' required: False [3723] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:54 PM' required: False [3286] row '' [3724] gridcell '' required: False [4122] checkbox '' checked: false [3725] gridcell 'Jason Miller' required: False [3726] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3727] gridcell 'General' required: False [3728] gridcell '3035551212' required: False [3729] gridcell '80202' required: False [3730] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3731] gridcell 'Colorado' required: False [3732] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:34 PM' required: False [3287] row '' [3733] gridcell '' required: False [4124] checkbox '' checked: false [3734] gridcell 'Olivia Jackson' required: False [3735] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3736] gridcell 'General' required: False [3737] gridcell '3035551212' required: False [3738] gridcell '80202' required: False [3739] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3740] gridcell 'Colorado' required: False [3741] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:57 AM' required: False [3288] row '' [3742] gridcell '' required: False [4126] checkbox '' checked: false [3743] gridcell 'Nathan Chen' required: False [3744] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3745] gridcell 'General' required: False [3746] gridcell '3035551212' required: False [3747] gridcell '80202' required: False [3748] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3749] gridcell 'Colorado' required: False [3750] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:36 AM' required: False [3289] row '' [3751] gridcell '' required: False [4128] checkbox '' checked: false [3752] gridcell 'Sean Miller' required: False [3753] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3754] gridcell 'General' required: False [3755] gridcell '8015551212' required: False [3756] gridcell '84101' required: False [3757] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3758] gridcell 'Utah' required: False [3759] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:53 AM' required: False [3290] row '' [3760] gridcell '' required: False [4130] checkbox '' checked: false [3761] gridcell 'Adam Garcia' required: False [3762] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3763] gridcell 'General' required: False [3764] gridcell '6025551212' required: False [3765] gridcell '85004' required: False [3766] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3767] gridcell 'Arizona' required: False [3768] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:40 PM' required: False [3291] row '' [3769] gridcell '' required: False [4132] checkbox '' checked: false [3770] gridcell 'Jacob Rivera' required: False [3771] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3772] gridcell 'General' required: False [3773] gridcell '6025551212' required: False [3774] gridcell '85004' required: False [3775] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3776] gridcell 'Arizona' required: False [3777] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:01 AM' required: False [3292] row '' [3778] gridcell '' required: False [4134] checkbox '' checked: false [3779] gridcell 'Isaac Rodriguez' required: False [3780] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3781] gridcell 'General' required: False [3782] gridcell '6025551212' required: False [3783] gridcell '85004' required: False [3784] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3785] gridcell 'Arizona' required: False [3786] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:45 AM' required: False [3293] row '' [3787] gridcell '' required: False [4136] checkbox '' checked: false [3788] gridcell 'Brian Smith' required: False [3789] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3790] gridcell 'General' required: False [3791] gridcell '7025551212' required: False [3792] gridcell '89109' required: False [3793] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3794] gridcell 'Nevada' required: False [3795] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:44 PM' required: False [3294] row '' [3796] gridcell '' required: False [4138] checkbox '' checked: false [3797] gridcell 'Jennifer White' required: False [3798] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3799] gridcell 'General' required: False [3800] gridcell '2137418080' required: False [3801] gridcell '90015' required: False [3802] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3803] gridcell 'California' required: False [3804] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:17 PM' required: False [3295] row '' [3805] gridcell '' required: False [4140] checkbox '' checked: false [3806] gridcell 'Alexander Thomas' required: False [3807] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3808] gridcell 'General' required: False [3809] gridcell '3235551212' required: False [3810] gridcell '90028' required: False [3811] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3812] gridcell 'California' required: False [3813] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:50 PM' required: False [3296] row '' [3814] gridcell '' required: False [4142] checkbox '' checked: false [3815] gridcell 'Jane Smith' required: False [3816] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3817] gridcell 'General' required: False [3818] gridcell '3105555555' required: False [3819] gridcell '90210' required: False [3820] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3821] gridcell 'California' required: False [3822] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:41 PM' required: False [3297] row '' [3823] gridcell '' required: False [4144] checkbox '' checked: false [3824] gridcell 'Sam Wilson' required: False [3825] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3826] gridcell 'General' required: False [3827] gridcell '3105551212' required: False [3828] gridcell '90210' required: False [3829] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3830] gridcell 'California' required: False [3831] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:12:47 AM' required: False [3298] row '' [3832] gridcell '' required: False [4146] checkbox '' checked: false [3833] gridcell 'Julie Nguyen' required: False [3834] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3835] gridcell 'General' required: False [3836] gridcell '3105551212' required: False [3837] gridcell '90210' required: False [3838] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3839] gridcell 'California' required: False [3840] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:15 AM' required: False [3299] row '' [3841] gridcell '' required: False [4148] checkbox '' checked: false [3842] gridcell 'Alex Johnson' required: False [3843] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3844] gridcell 'General' required: False [3845] gridcell '3105555555' required: False [3846] gridcell '90212' required: False [3847] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3848] gridcell 'California' required: False [3849] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:07 PM' required: False [3300] row '' [3850] gridcell '' required: False [4150] checkbox '' checked: false [3851] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [3852] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3853] gridcell 'General' required: False [3854] gridcell '3105555555' required: False [3855] gridcell '90265' required: False [3856] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3857] gridcell 'California' required: False [3858] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:01 PM' required: False [3301] row '' [3859] gridcell '' required: False [4152] checkbox '' checked: false [3860] gridcell 'Emma Lopez' required: False [3861] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3862] gridcell 'General' required: False [3863] gridcell '6505551212' required: False [3864] gridcell '94010' required: False [3865] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3866] gridcell 'California' required: False [3867] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:57 AM' required: False [3302] row '' [3868] gridcell '' required: False [4154] checkbox '' checked: false [3869] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [3870] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3871] gridcell 'General' required: False [3872] gridcell '5107819902' required: False [3873] gridcell '94602' required: False [3874] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3875] gridcell 'California' required: False [3876] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:07 PM' required: False [3303] row '' [3877] gridcell '' required: False [4156] checkbox '' checked: false [3878] gridcell 'Ryan Tanaka' required: False [3879] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3880] gridcell 'General' required: False [3881] gridcell '8085551212' required: False [3882] gridcell '96813' required: False [3883] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3884] gridcell 'Hawaii' required: False [3885] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:10 AM' required: False [3304] row '' [3886] gridcell '' required: False [4158] checkbox '' checked: false [3887] gridcell 'Katie Wong' required: False [3888] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3889] gridcell 'General' required: False [3890] gridcell '2065551212' required: False [3891] gridcell '98101' required: False [3892] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3893] gridcell 'Washington' required: False [3894] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:37 PM' required: False [3305] row '' [3895] gridcell '' required: False [4160] checkbox '' checked: false [3896] gridcell 'Jessica Nguyen' required: False [3897] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3898] gridcell 'General' required: False [3899] gridcell '2065551212' required: False [3900] gridcell '98101' required: False [3901] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3902] gridcell 'Washington' required: False [3903] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:12:58 AM' required: False [3306] row '' [3904] gridcell '' required: False [4162] checkbox '' checked: false [3905] gridcell 'Jessica Chang' required: False [3906] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3907] gridcell 'General' required: False [3908] gridcell '2065551212' required: False [3909] gridcell '98101' required: False [3910] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3911] gridcell 'Washington' required: False [3912] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:26 AM' required: False [3307] row '' [3913] gridcell '' required: False [4164] checkbox '' checked: false [3914] gridcell 'William Chang' required: False [3915] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3916] gridcell 'General' required: False [3917] gridcell '2065551212' required: False [3918] gridcell '98101' required: False [3919] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3920] gridcell 'Washington' required: False [3921] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:44 AM' required: False [3308] row '' [3922] gridcell '' required: False [4166] checkbox '' checked: false [3923] gridcell 'Jane Smith' required: False [3924] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3925] gridcell 'General' required: False [3926] gridcell '2065554321' required: False [3927] gridcell '98122' required: False [3928] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3929] gridcell 'Washington' required: False [3930] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:24 PM' required: False [3309] row '' [3931] gridcell '' required: False [4168] checkbox '' checked: false [3932] gridcell 'Adam Garcia' required: False [3933] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3934] gridcell 'General' required: False [3935] gridcell '2065555555' required: False [3936] gridcell '98122' required: False [3937] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3938] gridcell 'Washington' required: False [3939] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:14 PM' required: False [1774] contentinfo '' [1829] link '\ue606' [1830] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [1856] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [1832] link 'Privacy Policy' [1833] StaticText ' |' [1834] link ' Account Activity' [1835] StaticText ' | ' [1836] link 'Report an Issue'
scroll [down]
[ "None", "click [20] where [20] is link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "click [162] where [162] is link 'All Customers'", "scroll [down]" ]
Tab 0 (current): Customers / Customers / Magento Admin [1284] RootWebArea 'Customers / Customers / Magento Admin' focused: True [5531] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [5532] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [5444] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [5446] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [5449] link '\ue60b SALES' [5455] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [5461] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [5467] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [5473] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [5479] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [5497] link '\ue60d STORES' [5503] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [5509] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1773] main '' [2043] button 'Add New Customer' [5436] button 'Actions' [5418] StaticText '70' [5428] StaticText 'records found' [5361] LabelText 'Search' [5396] button 'product-filters' [5415] button '\ue60fDefault View' [5397] button '\ue610Columns' [5404] button '\ue635Export' [5380] textbox 'per page' required: False [5426] StaticText '100' [5408] button 'per page Select' [5409] button '\ue629' disabled: True [5420] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [5440] table '' [5375] LayoutTableRow '' [5410] LayoutTableCell 'Options' [5434] checkbox '' checked: false [5364] button 'Options' [5366] LayoutTableCell 'Name' [5441] LayoutTableCell 'Email' [5392] LayoutTableCell 'Group' [5365] LayoutTableCell 'Phone' [5360] LayoutTableCell '↓ ZIP' [5424] LayoutTableCell 'Country' [5413] LayoutTableCell 'State/Province' [5433] LayoutTableCell 'Customer Since' [2079] table '' [3266] row '' [3544] gridcell '' required: False [4082] checkbox '' checked: false [3545] gridcell 'Maxwell Baker' required: False [3546] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3547] gridcell 'General' required: False [3548] gridcell '3125551212' required: False [3549] gridcell '60601' required: False [3550] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3551] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3552] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:01 AM' required: False [3267] row '' [3553] gridcell '' required: False [4084] checkbox '' checked: false [3554] gridcell 'James Kim' required: False [3555] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3556] gridcell 'General' required: False [3557] gridcell '3125551212' required: False [3558] gridcell '60601' required: False [3559] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3560] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3561] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:29 AM' required: False [3268] row '' [3562] gridcell '' required: False [4086] checkbox '' checked: false [3563] gridcell 'Jessica Wong' required: False [3564] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3565] gridcell 'General' required: False [3566] gridcell '3125551212' required: False [3567] gridcell '60601' required: False [3568] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3569] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3570] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:48 AM' required: False [3269] row '' [3571] gridcell '' required: False [4088] checkbox '' checked: false [3572] gridcell 'Michael Nguyen' required: False [3573] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3574] gridcell 'General' required: False [3575] gridcell '3125551212' required: False [3576] gridcell '60606' required: False [3577] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3578] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3579] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:27 PM' required: False [3270] row '' [3580] gridcell '' required: False [4090] checkbox '' checked: false [3581] gridcell 'John Lee' required: False [3582] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3583] gridcell 'General' required: False [3584] gridcell '3125556789' required: False [3585] gridcell '60611' required: False [3586] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3587] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3588] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:21 PM' required: False [3271] row '' [3589] gridcell '' required: False [4092] checkbox '' checked: false [3590] gridcell 'Emily Wilson' required: False [3591] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3592] gridcell 'General' required: False [3593] gridcell '3125551212' required: False [3594] gridcell '60611' required: False [3595] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3596] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3597] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:24 AM' required: False [3272] row '' [3598] gridcell '' required: False [4094] checkbox '' checked: false [3599] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [3600] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3601] gridcell 'General' required: False [3602] gridcell '7735555555' required: False [3603] gridcell '60637' required: False [3604] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3605] gridcell 'Illinois' required: False [3606] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:47 PM' required: False [3273] row '' [3607] gridcell '' required: False [4096] checkbox '' checked: false [3608] gridcell 'Bob Johnson' required: False [3609] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3610] gridcell 'General' required: False [3611] gridcell '9721234567' required: False [3612] gridcell '75080' required: False [3613] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3614] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3615] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:14 PM' required: False [3274] row '' [3616] gridcell '' required: False [4098] checkbox '' checked: false [3617] gridcell 'Lisa Green' required: False [3618] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3619] gridcell 'General' required: False [3620] gridcell '2145551212' required: False [3621] gridcell '75201' required: False [3622] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3623] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3624] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:24 PM' required: False [3275] row '' [3625] gridcell '' required: False [4100] checkbox '' checked: false [3626] gridcell 'Samantha Nguyen' required: False [3627] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3628] gridcell 'General' required: False [3629] gridcell '2145551212' required: False [3630] gridcell '75201' required: False [3631] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3632] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3633] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:47 PM' required: False [3276] row '' [3634] gridcell '' required: False [4102] checkbox '' checked: false [3635] gridcell 'David Smith' required: False [3636] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3637] gridcell 'General' required: False [3638] gridcell '2145551212' required: False [3639] gridcell '75201' required: False [3640] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3641] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3642] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:12:54 AM' required: False [3277] row '' [3643] gridcell '' required: False [4104] checkbox '' checked: false [3644] gridcell 'John Smith' required: False [3645] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3646] gridcell 'General' required: False [3647] gridcell '2145551212' required: False [3648] gridcell '75201' required: False [3649] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3650] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3651] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:22 AM' required: False [3278] row '' [3652] gridcell '' required: False [4106] checkbox '' checked: false [3653] gridcell 'Ethan Garcia' required: False [3654] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3655] gridcell 'General' required: False [3656] gridcell '2145551212' required: False [3657] gridcell '75201' required: False [3658] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3659] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3660] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:53 AM' required: False [3279] row '' [3661] gridcell '' required: False [4108] checkbox '' checked: false [3662] gridcell 'James Baker' required: False [3663] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3664] gridcell 'General' required: False [3665] gridcell '2145551212' required: False [3666] gridcell '75201' required: False [3667] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3668] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3669] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:28 AM' required: False [3280] row '' [3670] gridcell '' required: False [4110] checkbox '' checked: false [3671] gridcell 'Bob Jones' required: False [3672] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3673] gridcell 'General' required: False [3674] gridcell '2141918677' required: False [3675] gridcell '75202' required: False [3676] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3677] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3678] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:04 PM' required: False [3281] row '' [3679] gridcell '' required: False [4112] checkbox '' checked: false [3680] gridcell 'Olivia Lee' required: False [3681] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3682] gridcell 'General' required: False [3683] gridcell '7135555555' required: False [3684] gridcell '77002' required: False [3685] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3686] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3687] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:57 PM' required: False [3282] row '' [3688] gridcell '' required: False [4114] checkbox '' checked: false [3689] gridcell 'Anna Nguyen' required: False [3690] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3691] gridcell 'General' required: False [3692] gridcell '7135551212' required: False [3693] gridcell '77002' required: False [3694] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3695] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3696] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:09 AM' required: False [3283] row '' [3697] gridcell '' required: False [4116] checkbox '' checked: false [3698] gridcell 'Lisa Kim' required: False [3699] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3700] gridcell 'General' required: False [3701] gridcell '7135557890' required: False [3702] gridcell '77005' required: False [3703] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3704] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3705] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:31 PM' required: False [3284] row '' [3706] gridcell '' required: False [4118] checkbox '' checked: false [3707] gridcell 'Emma Davis' required: False [3708] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3709] gridcell 'General' required: False [3710] gridcell '5125555555' required: False [3711] gridcell '78701' required: False [3712] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3713] gridcell 'Texas' required: False [3714] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:10 PM' required: False [3285] row '' [3715] gridcell '' required: False [4120] checkbox '' checked: false [3716] gridcell 'Lucy Garcia' required: False [3717] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3718] gridcell 'General' required: False [3719] gridcell '3035555555' required: False [3720] gridcell '80202' required: False [3721] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3722] gridcell 'Colorado' required: False [3723] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:54 PM' required: False [3286] row '' [3724] gridcell '' required: False [4122] checkbox '' checked: false [3725] gridcell 'Jason Miller' required: False [3726] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3727] gridcell 'General' required: False [3728] gridcell '3035551212' required: False [3729] gridcell '80202' required: False [3730] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3731] gridcell 'Colorado' required: False [3732] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:34 PM' required: False [3287] row '' [3733] gridcell '' required: False [4124] checkbox '' checked: false [3734] gridcell 'Olivia Jackson' required: False [3735] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3736] gridcell 'General' required: False [3737] gridcell '3035551212' required: False [3738] gridcell '80202' required: False [3739] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3740] gridcell 'Colorado' required: False [3741] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:57 AM' required: False [3288] row '' [3742] gridcell '' required: False [4126] checkbox '' checked: false [3743] gridcell 'Nathan Chen' required: False [3744] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3745] gridcell 'General' required: False [3746] gridcell '3035551212' required: False [3747] gridcell '80202' required: False [3748] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3749] gridcell 'Colorado' required: False [3750] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:36 AM' required: False [3289] row '' [3751] gridcell '' required: False [4128] checkbox '' checked: false [3752] gridcell 'Sean Miller' required: False [3753] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3754] gridcell 'General' required: False [3755] gridcell '8015551212' required: False [3756] gridcell '84101' required: False [3757] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3758] gridcell 'Utah' required: False [3759] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:53 AM' required: False [3290] row '' [3760] gridcell '' required: False [4130] checkbox '' checked: false [3761] gridcell 'Adam Garcia' required: False [3762] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3763] gridcell 'General' required: False [3764] gridcell '6025551212' required: False [3765] gridcell '85004' required: False [3766] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3767] gridcell 'Arizona' required: False [3768] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:40 PM' required: False [3291] row '' [3769] gridcell '' required: False [4132] checkbox '' checked: false [3770] gridcell 'Jacob Rivera' required: False [3771] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3772] gridcell 'General' required: False [3773] gridcell '6025551212' required: False [3774] gridcell '85004' required: False [3775] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3776] gridcell 'Arizona' required: False [3777] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:01 AM' required: False [3292] row '' [3778] gridcell '' required: False [4134] checkbox '' checked: false [3779] gridcell 'Isaac Rodriguez' required: False [3780] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3781] gridcell 'General' required: False [3782] gridcell '6025551212' required: False [3783] gridcell '85004' required: False [3784] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3785] gridcell 'Arizona' required: False [3786] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:45 AM' required: False [3293] row '' [3787] gridcell '' required: False [4136] checkbox '' checked: false [3788] gridcell 'Brian Smith' required: False [3789] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3790] gridcell 'General' required: False [3791] gridcell '7025551212' required: False [3792] gridcell '89109' required: False [3793] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3794] gridcell 'Nevada' required: False [3795] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:44 PM' required: False [3294] row '' [3796] gridcell '' required: False [4138] checkbox '' checked: false [3797] gridcell 'Jennifer White' required: False [3798] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3799] gridcell 'General' required: False [3800] gridcell '2137418080' required: False [3801] gridcell '90015' required: False [3802] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3803] gridcell 'California' required: False [3804] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:17 PM' required: False [3295] row '' [3805] gridcell '' required: False [4140] checkbox '' checked: false [3806] gridcell 'Alexander Thomas' required: False [3807] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3808] gridcell 'General' required: False [3809] gridcell '3235551212' required: False [3810] gridcell '90028' required: False [3811] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3812] gridcell 'California' required: False [3813] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:50 PM' required: False [3296] row '' [3814] gridcell '' required: False [4142] checkbox '' checked: false [3815] gridcell 'Jane Smith' required: False [3816] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3817] gridcell 'General' required: False [3818] gridcell '3105555555' required: False [3819] gridcell '90210' required: False [3820] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3821] gridcell 'California' required: False [3822] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:41 PM' required: False [3297] row '' [3823] gridcell '' required: False [4144] checkbox '' checked: false [3824] gridcell 'Sam Wilson' required: False [3825] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3826] gridcell 'General' required: False [3827] gridcell '3105551212' required: False [3828] gridcell '90210' required: False [3829] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3830] gridcell 'California' required: False [3831] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:12:47 AM' required: False [3298] row '' [3832] gridcell '' required: False [4146] checkbox '' checked: false [3833] gridcell 'Julie Nguyen' required: False [3834] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3835] gridcell 'General' required: False [3836] gridcell '3105551212' required: False [3837] gridcell '90210' required: False [3838] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3839] gridcell 'California' required: False [3840] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:15 AM' required: False [3299] row '' [3841] gridcell '' required: False [4148] checkbox '' checked: false [3842] gridcell 'Alex Johnson' required: False [3843] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3844] gridcell 'General' required: False [3845] gridcell '3105555555' required: False [3846] gridcell '90212' required: False [3847] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3848] gridcell 'California' required: False [3849] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:07 PM' required: False [3300] row '' [3850] gridcell '' required: False [4150] checkbox '' checked: false [3851] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [3852] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3853] gridcell 'General' required: False [3854] gridcell '3105555555' required: False [3855] gridcell '90265' required: False [3856] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3857] gridcell 'California' required: False [3858] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:01 PM' required: False [3301] row '' [3859] gridcell '' required: False [4152] checkbox '' checked: false [3860] gridcell 'Emma Lopez' required: False [3861] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3862] gridcell 'General' required: False [3863] gridcell '6505551212' required: False [3864] gridcell '94010' required: False [3865] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3866] gridcell 'California' required: False [3867] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:57 AM' required: False [3302] row '' [3868] gridcell '' required: False [4154] checkbox '' checked: false [3869] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [3870] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3871] gridcell 'General' required: False [3872] gridcell '5107819902' required: False [3873] gridcell '94602' required: False [3874] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3875] gridcell 'California' required: False [3876] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:07 PM' required: False [3303] row '' [3877] gridcell '' required: False [4156] checkbox '' checked: false [3878] gridcell 'Ryan Tanaka' required: False [3879] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3880] gridcell 'General' required: False [3881] gridcell '8085551212' required: False [3882] gridcell '96813' required: False [3883] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3884] gridcell 'Hawaii' required: False [3885] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:14:10 AM' required: False [3304] row '' [3886] gridcell '' required: False [4158] checkbox '' checked: false [3887] gridcell 'Katie Wong' required: False [3888] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3889] gridcell 'General' required: False [3890] gridcell '2065551212' required: False [3891] gridcell '98101' required: False [3892] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3893] gridcell 'Washington' required: False [3894] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:37 PM' required: False [3305] row '' [3895] gridcell '' required: False [4160] checkbox '' checked: false [3896] gridcell 'Jessica Nguyen' required: False [3897] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3898] gridcell 'General' required: False [3899] gridcell '2065551212' required: False [3900] gridcell '98101' required: False [3901] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3902] gridcell 'Washington' required: False [3903] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:12:58 AM' required: False [3306] row '' [3904] gridcell '' required: False [4162] checkbox '' checked: false [3905] gridcell 'Jessica Chang' required: False [3906] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3907] gridcell 'General' required: False [3908] gridcell '2065551212' required: False [3909] gridcell '98101' required: False [3910] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3911] gridcell 'Washington' required: False [3912] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:26 AM' required: False [3307] row '' [3913] gridcell '' required: False [4164] checkbox '' checked: false [3914] gridcell 'William Chang' required: False [3915] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3916] gridcell 'General' required: False [3917] gridcell '2065551212' required: False [3918] gridcell '98101' required: False [3919] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3920] gridcell 'Washington' required: False [3921] gridcell 'Apr 23, 2023 12:13:44 AM' required: False [3308] row '' [3922] gridcell '' required: False [4166] checkbox '' checked: false [3923] gridcell 'Jane Smith' required: False [3924] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3925] gridcell 'General' required: False [3926] gridcell '2065554321' required: False [3927] gridcell '98122' required: False [3928] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3929] gridcell 'Washington' required: False [3930] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:45:24 PM' required: False [3309] row '' [3931] gridcell '' required: False [4168] checkbox '' checked: false [3932] gridcell 'Adam Garcia' required: False [3933] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3934] gridcell 'General' required: False [3935] gridcell '2065555555' required: False [3936] gridcell '98122' required: False [3937] gridcell 'United States' required: False [3938] gridcell 'Washington' required: False [3939] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 5:46:14 PM' required: False [1774] contentinfo '' [1829] link '\ue606' [1830] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [1856] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [1832] link 'Privacy Policy' [1833] StaticText ' |' [1834] link ' Account Activity' [1835] StaticText ' | ' [1836] link 'Report an Issue'
Delete all reviews from the scammer Grace
The next observation would still display the customers' list in the Magento Admin panel without any changes. The list continues to show customers' names, emails, and other details, but it does not provide any mechanism to filter or identify the reviews from Grace specifically. This suggests that while the user is trying to navigate through the records, they have not yet executed any actions that would lead to the identification or deletion of Grace's reviews, keeping the objective unfulfilled. Further actions are needed to locate Grace's account or reviews before proceeding with deletion.
{ "neg_action0": "click [1883]", "neg_action1": "type [64] [Grace] [1]", "neg_action2": "hover [5]", "neg_action3": "press [Ctrl+v]", "neg_action4": "click [1826]", "neg_action5": "click [2437]", "neg_action6": "tab_focus [0]", "neg_action7": "close_tab", "neg_action8": "scroll [up]", "neg_action9": "goto [http://gitlab.com/users/Grace/reviews]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[142] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[144] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[154] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1854] main ''", "\t\t[1783] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2295] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1896] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2470] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2244] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2377] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1606] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1837] button 'Name'", "\t\t[2272] link 'All'", "\t\t[2331] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1493] link ''", "\t\t[2182] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1550] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2473] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1803] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1751] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1731] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1538] link '0'", "\t\t[1971] link '0'", "\t\t[2136] link '0'", "\t\t[1851] link '0'", "\t\t[2204] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1549] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1715] link 'A'", "\t\t[1877] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1588] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2026] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1916] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1815] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2266] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1497] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1660] link '1'", "\t\t[1809] link '0'", "\t\t[2246] link '0'", "\t\t[1989] link '1'", "\t\t[1792] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1610] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1952] link 'A'", "\t\t[2260] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1737] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2178] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2142] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2252] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1775] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1539] link '2'", "\t\t[2328] link '0'", "\t\t[1743] link '1'", "\t\t[2234] link '4'", "\t\t[2065] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1553] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2396] link 'A'", "\t\t[1917] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1764] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2192] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2350] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2312] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1632] link '20'", "\t\t[2072] link '0'", "\t\t[2008] link '10'", "\t\t[2287] link '40'", "\t\t[1567] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2094] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1677] link 'A'", "\t\t[1987] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2402] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1741] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1924] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1975] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1547] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1499] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2049] link '1'", "\t\t[1721] link '0'", "\t\t[1791] link '0'", "\t\t[1535] link '0'", "\t\t[2474] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2297] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1829] link 'A'", "\t\t[2016] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2284] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2285] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1500] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1833] link '0'", "\t\t[2172] link '0'", "\t\t[2413] link '0'", "\t\t[1564] link '0'", "\t\t[2195] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2158] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1998] link 'A'", "\t\t[1849] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1863] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1514] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2170] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2339] link '0'", "\t\t[1565] link '0'", "\t\t[1750] link '0'", "\t\t[2012] link '0'", "\t\t[2322] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2092] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2409] link 'A'", "\t\t[1915] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2452] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1843] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1899] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2106] link '0'", "\t\t[1536] link '0'", "\t\t[2418] link '0'", "\t\t[2041] link '0'", "\t\t[2374] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2311] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2188] link 'A'", "\t\t[2129] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2096] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1710] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2089] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1767] link '0'", "\t\t[2078] link '0'", "\t\t[2189] link '0'", "\t\t[2186] link '0'", "\t\t[1988] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2132] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2220] link 'B'", "\t\t[2445] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1662] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2388] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1718] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1845] link '0'", "\t\t[1711] link '0'", "\t\t[1650] link '0'", "\t\t[1823] link '0'", "\t\t[2420] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1935] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1855] link 'C'", "\t\t[2143] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1788] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1641] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1990] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1620] link '0'", "\t\t[1542] link '0'", "\t\t[2280] link '0'", "\t\t[1779] link '0'", "\t\t[1937] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1827] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2190] link ''", "\t\t[1607] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2071] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2013] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1659] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2406] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2249] link '0'", "\t\t[1797] link '0'", "\t\t[1842] link '0'", "\t\t[2365] link '0'", "\t\t[1871] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2236] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2433] link 'D'", "\t\t[1600] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2191] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2165] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2429] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1583] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2010] link '21'", "\t\t[2059] link '0'", "\t\t[2179] link '16'", "\t\t[1908] link '21'", "\t\t[1911] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1614] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1760] link 'D'", "\t\t[1821] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2042] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2386] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1671] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2150] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1951] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1962] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1976] link '0'", "\t\t[1739] link '0'", "\t\t[2419] link '0'", "\t\t[1995] link '1'", "\t\t[1757] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1555] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1852] link 'E'", "\t\t[2245] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1617] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2271] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2457] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2345] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1977] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1812] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1618] link '6'", "\t\t[2437] link '1'", "\t\t[1714] link '2'", "\t\t[1599] link '5'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1963] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1729] link 'E'", "\t\t[2366] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2177] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1642] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1893] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2460] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2095] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1957] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1552] link '2'", "\t\t[2122] link '0'", "\t\t[2076] link '0'", "\t\t[2123] link '0'", "\t\t[2034] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1563] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1946] link 'G'", "\t\t[1541] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2403] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2005] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1551] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2324] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1822] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1826] link '0'", "\t\t[2062] link '0'", "\t\t[1546] link '0'", "\t\t[2400] link '0'", "\t\t[2139] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1640] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2346] link 'L'", "\t\t[1774] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2035] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2205] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2361] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2430] link '0'", "\t\t[1810] link '0'", "\t\t[1754] link '0'", "\t\t[2023] link '0'", "\t\t[2114] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2140] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1619] link 'M'", "\t\t[2316] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2193] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2379] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2047] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1578] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1512] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2007] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2453] link '6'", "\t\t[2367] link '0'", "\t\t[1581] link '2'", "\t\t[2454] link '4'", "\t\t[2248] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1956] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1927] link 'N'", "\t\t[2134] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[2414] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1867] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2337] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1964] link '0'", "\t\t[1510] link '0'", "\t\t[1978] link '0'", "\t\t[1912] link '0'", "\t\t[1828] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1573] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1503] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1537] link '1'", "\t\t[2110] link '2'", "\t\t[2084] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[58] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[53] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[139] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[141] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[151] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1861] main ''", "\t\t[1777] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2293] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2393] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2456] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2156] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2472] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1726] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2401] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1766] link 'All'", "\t\t[1874] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1508] link ''", "\t\t[1931] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2006] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1595] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2360] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1640] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2221] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2205] link '0'", "\t\t[1636] link '0'", "\t\t[2160] link '0'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[2005] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1905] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2468] link 'A'", "\t\t[1610] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2112] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1611] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2067] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2276] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2143] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1828] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2197] link '1'", "\t\t[2219] link '0'", "\t\t[2402] link '0'", "\t\t[2378] link '1'", "\t\t[2422] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1809] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2256] link 'A'", "\t\t[2353] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1740] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2459] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2366] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2315] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1552] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2309] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2164] link '2'", "\t\t[2425] link '0'", "\t\t[2225] link '1'", "\t\t[2178] link '4'", "\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2125] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2386] link 'A'", "\t\t[2182] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1872] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2471] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2361] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2477] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1539] link '20'", "\t\t[1976] link '0'", "\t\t[2127] link '10'", "\t\t[1858] link '40'", "\t\t[1741] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2186] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1493] link 'A'", "\t\t[1892] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2282] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2023] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1548] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2080] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1637] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1801] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1658] link '1'", "\t\t[1808] link '0'", "\t\t[2247] link '0'", "\t\t[1994] link '0'", "\t\t[1723] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2338] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1714] link 'A'", "\t\t[2261] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2203] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2177] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1589] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2434] link '0'", "\t\t[1540] link '0'", "\t\t[2320] link '0'", "\t\t[1734] link '0'", "\t\t[1759] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1524] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1961] link 'A'", "\t\t[2300] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2258] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1926] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1789] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2284] link '0'", "\t\t[2065] link '0'", "\t\t[1630] link '0'", "\t\t[2068] link '0'", "\t\t[2467] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2463] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2388] link 'A'", "\t\t[1620] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2069] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1738] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1979] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1947] link '0'", "\t\t[1719] link '0'", "\t\t[2449] link '0'", "\t\t[2045] link '0'", "\t\t[2075] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1644] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1677] link 'A'", "\t\t[1536] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1938] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1899] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2251] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2120] link '0'", "\t\t[2169] link '0'", "\t\t[2318] link '0'", "\t\t[1836] link '0'", "\t\t[1944] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1697] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1831] link 'B'", "\t\t[1561] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2210] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1846] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2325] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2450] link '0'", "\t\t[1788] link '0'", "\t\t[1511] link '0'", "\t\t[2332] link '0'", "\t\t[2207] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2249] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2003] link 'C'", "\t\t[2011] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2124] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2404] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2033] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1525] link '0'", "\t\t[1701] link '0'", "\t\t[1627] link '0'", "\t\t[2102] link '0'", "\t\t[1795] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2412] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2399] link ''", "\t\t[2409] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1973] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2038] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2168] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2455] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2439] link '0'", "\t\t[2294] link '0'", "\t\t[1510] link '0'", "\t\t[1753] link '0'", "\t\t[2062] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1509] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2189] link 'D'", "\t\t[2187] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1985] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2104] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2280] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1653] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1731] link '21'", "\t\t[2343] link '0'", "\t\t[1850] link '16'", "\t\t[1711] link '21'", "\t\t[1902] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1564] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2218] link 'D'", "\t\t[1609] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2241] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1901] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1875] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1927] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2316] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2466] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1592] link '0'", "\t\t[1618] link '0'", "\t\t[1543] link '0'", "\t\t[2279] link '1'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2292] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1862] link 'E'", "\t\t[1608] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1643] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2013] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1694] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2411] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1648] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1939] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2250] link '6'", "\t\t[1794] link '1'", "\t\t[1848] link '2'", "\t\t[2359] link '5'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2264] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2190] link 'E'", "\t\t[1601] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2475] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2159] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1829] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2064] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1614] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1491] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2009] link '2'", "\t\t[2051] link '0'", "\t\t[2179] link '0'", "\t\t[1918] link '0'", "\t\t[2082] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2098] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2424] link 'G'", "\t\t[1823] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1878] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2381] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2192] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2202] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1725] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2230] link '0'", "\t\t[1626] link '0'", "\t\t[1566] link '0'", "\t\t[2423] link '0'", "\t\t[1490] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1579] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1982] link 'L'", "\t\t[1895] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1678] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2148] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2255] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2041] link '0'", "\t\t[1907] link '0'", "\t\t[1507] link '0'", "\t\t[1730] link '0'", "\t\t[1514] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1676] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2151] link 'M'", "\t\t[1654] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1851] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1865] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1843] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1877] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2336] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1519] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1873] link '6'", "\t\t[1496] link '0'", "\t\t[1955] link '2'", "\t\t[1867] link '4'", "\t\t[1599] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2237] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2369] link 'N'", "\t\t[1802] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1849] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2428] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1517] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1685] link '0'", "\t\t[2262] link '0'", "\t\t[2299] link '0'", "\t\t[2167] link '0'", "\t\t[2227] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1692] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2263] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2416] link '1'", "\t\t[1967] link '2'", "\t\t[1655] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link ''", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[76] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[85] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[77] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[87] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[79] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[80] link 'Help'", "\t[82] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[97] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[2205] main ''", "\t\t[2298] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1592] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1911] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2470] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2244] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2378] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1738] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1844] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1611] link 'All'", "\t\t[2308] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1492] link ''", "\t\t[2405] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1692] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2116] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2119] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1783] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1799] link '0'", "\t\t[1971] link '0'", "\t\t[2129] link '0'", "\t\t[1991] link '0'", "\t\t[1874] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1725] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1714] link 'A'", "\t\t[2258] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2176] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2467] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1817] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2177] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2041] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1707] link '1'", "\t\t[2229] link '0'", "\t\t[2254] link '0'", "\t\t[1494] link '1'", "\t\t[2209] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1644] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1965] link 'A'", "\t\t[2267] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2165] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2391] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2363] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1720] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1745] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1615] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1904] link '2'", "\t\t[1804] link '0'", "\t\t[2255] link '1'", "\t\t[1960] link '4'", "\t\t[1571] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2358] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2393] link 'A'", "\t\t[2120] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2462] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1555] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1715] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2242] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2029] link '20'", "\t\t[2075] link '0'", "\t\t[2272] link '10'", "\t\t[2392] link '40'", "\t\t[2420] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1763] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1678] link 'A'", "\t\t[1757] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1639] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2004] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1980] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2135] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1862] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1670] link '1'", "\t\t[1791] link '0'", "\t\t[1850] link '0'", "\t\t[2337] link '0'", "\t\t[2246] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1998] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1837] link 'A'", "\t\t[1698] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1573] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2442] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2261] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2142] link '0'", "\t\t[2179] link '0'", "\t\t[1718] link '0'", "\t\t[2239] link '0'", "\t\t[2296] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1928] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2006] link 'A'", "\t\t[2067] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2197] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1589] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2236] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1563] link '0'", "\t\t[1942] link '0'", "\t\t[1490] link '0'", "\t\t[1785] link '0'", "\t\t[2188] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1780] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2475] link 'A'", "\t\t[1716] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1637] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1749] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2448] link '0'", "\t\t[1533] link '0'", "\t\t[1914] link '0'", "\t\t[2315] link '0'", "\t\t[2189] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2360] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2215] link 'A'", "\t\t[1507] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1848] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1987] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1684] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1595] link '0'", "\t\t[2264] link '0'", "\t\t[2373] link '0'", "\t\t[2300] link '0'", "\t\t[1956] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2051] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2083] link 'B'", "\t\t[2095] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1578] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1891] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2052] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1569] link '0'", "\t\t[2241] link '0'", "\t\t[1753] link '0'", "\t\t[1880] link '0'", "\t\t[1968] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2406] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2381] link 'C'", "\t\t[1997] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2445] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2131] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2299] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2476] link '0'", "\t\t[2459] link '0'", "\t\t[1910] link '0'", "\t\t[2472] link '0'", "\t\t[1981] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1626] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2190] link ''", "\t\t[1520] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2389] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2289] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2266] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1885] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1945] link '0'", "\t\t[1790] link '0'", "\t\t[2072] link '0'", "\t\t[1999] link '0'", "\t\t[1918] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2253] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1551] link 'D'", "\t\t[2446] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2069] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1833] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1649] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2070] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2265] link '21'", "\t\t[2479] link '0'", "\t\t[1946] link '16'", "\t\t[1835] link '21'", "\t\t[2436] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1793] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1743] link 'D'", "\t\t[1662] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1740] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2400] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2022] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1952] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2270] link '0'", "\t\t[1872] link '0'", "\t\t[2054] link '0'", "\t\t[1944] link '1'", "\t\t[1505] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2068] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1640] link 'E'", "\t\t[1884] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1634] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2238] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1847] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1706] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2295] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1691] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2087] link '6'", "\t\t[1782] link '1'", "\t\t[2152] link '2'", "\t\t[1900] link '5'", "\t\t[2402] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2321] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2055] link 'E'", "\t\t[1613] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1806] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1796] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1888] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1572] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1976] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1781] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2047] link '2'", "\t\t[1672] link '0'", "\t\t[1673] link '0'", "\t\t[2150] link '0'", "\t\t[2159] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1897] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2157] link 'G'", "\t\t[2231] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1815] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2435] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1660] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1619] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1826] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1577] link '0'", "\t\t[1576] link '0'", "\t\t[1751] link '0'", "\t\t[1558] link '0'", "\t\t[2003] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2182] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2207] link 'L'", "\t\t[2454] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1954] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2339] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2275] link '0'", "\t\t[2271] link '0'", "\t\t[1590] link '0'", "\t\t[1935] link '0'", "\t\t[1899] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1831] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1728] link 'M'", "\t\t[2059] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2251] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2123] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1858] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2230] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1516] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1642] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1908] link '6'", "\t\t[2456] link '0'", "\t\t[1966] link '2'", "\t\t[1794] link '4'", "\t\t[1641] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1934] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1499] link 'N'", "\t\t[2282] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[2383] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2079] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1723] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2281] link '0'", "\t\t[1560] link '0'", "\t\t[2037] link '0'", "\t\t[1566] link '0'", "\t\t[2306] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2033] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1535] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2336] link '1'", "\t\t[2147] link '2'", "\t\t[1702] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[102] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[121] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[103] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[123] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[105] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[106] link 'Help'", "\t[108] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[133] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1870] main ''", "\t\t[1790] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1806] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1628] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2012] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2226] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2319] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2390] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2235] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1701] link 'All'", "\t\t[2256] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1991] link ''", "\t\t[2398] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2182] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2108] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1728] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2423] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1771] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1826] link '0'", "\t\t[2354] link '0'", "\t\t[2353] link '0'", "\t\t[1663] link '0'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1673] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1807] link 'A'", "\t\t[2336] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1664] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1770] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1818] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2239] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2386] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2004] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2076] link '1'", "\t\t[2426] link '0'", "\t\t[2138] link '0'", "\t\t[2172] link '1'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2229] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1855] link 'A'", "\t\t[2083] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2344] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1804] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1951] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2191] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2034] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1672] link '2'", "\t\t[1550] link '0'", "\t\t[1956] link '1'", "\t\t[1490] link '4'", "\t\t[1743] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1928] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2211] link 'A'", "\t\t[1621] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1964] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2430] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2452] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2057] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2284] link '20'", "\t\t[1641] link '0'", "\t\t[2466] link '10'", "\t\t[1540] link '40'", "\t\t[1843] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2171] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1713] link 'A'", "\t\t[1748] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2410] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1675] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1853] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1796] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1999] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1865] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2070] link '1'", "\t\t[1508] link '0'", "\t\t[2368] link '0'", "\t\t[2367] link '0'", "\t\t[1938] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1856] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2142] link 'A'", "\t\t[1613] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1517] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1942] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1623] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1883] link '0'", "\t\t[1817] link '0'", "\t\t[2173] link '0'", "\t\t[2046] link '0'", "\t\t[1505] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1768] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2310] link 'A'", "\t\t[2363] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2087] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1930] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2186] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1691] link '0'", "\t\t[1600] link '0'", "\t\t[2133] link '0'", "\t\t[2204] link '0'", "\t\t[1832] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1599] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2039] link 'A'", "\t\t[1574] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1912] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2364] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1636] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2154] link '0'", "\t\t[1934] link '0'", "\t\t[2140] link '0'", "\t\t[2305] link '0'", "\t\t[2029] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1524] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1740] link 'A'", "\t\t[2408] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2460] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2383] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2243] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2462] link '0'", "\t\t[1551] link '0'", "\t\t[1720] link '0'", "\t\t[2233] link '0'", "\t\t[1810] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2019] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2066] link 'B'", "\t\t[2431] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2063] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2220] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1931] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1617] link '0'", "\t\t[1761] link '0'", "\t\t[1813] link '0'", "\t\t[1840] link '0'", "\t\t[2432] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2051] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1528] link 'C'", "\t\t[1563] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1696] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1757] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2372] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2454] link '0'", "\t\t[2338] link '0'", "\t\t[1822] link '0'", "\t\t[2221] link '0'", "\t\t[2218] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1543] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2169] link ''", "\t\t[2270] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1996] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2268] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2450] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2347] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2061] link '0'", "\t\t[2118] link '0'", "\t\t[1680] link '0'", "\t\t[1983] link '0'", "\t\t[1864] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1896] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1995] link 'D'", "\t\t[1918] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2009] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2456] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1605] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1598] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2277] link '21'", "\t\t[2081] link '0'", "\t\t[2419] link '16'", "\t\t[2399] link '21'", "\t\t[1519] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2199] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1648] link 'D'", "\t\t[1549] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1842] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2043] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2038] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2279] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1686] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2025] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2302] link '0'", "\t\t[2181] link '0'", "\t\t[1784] link '0'", "\t\t[1626] link '1'", "\t\t[2355] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2161] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2370] link 'E'", "\t\t[2031] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1828] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1914] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2018] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1685] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1638] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2064] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1594] link '6'", "\t\t[2136] link '1'", "\t\t[1634] link '2'", "\t\t[2044] link '5'", "\t\t[2065] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1921] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1652] link 'E'", "\t\t[1852] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1741] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2093] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2385] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2109] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1660] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2062] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1987] link '2'", "\t\t[2126] link '0'", "\t\t[2013] link '0'", "\t\t[1657] link '0'", "\t\t[1489] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2314] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2440] link 'G'", "\t\t[2193] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2313] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1957] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1819] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1845] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1633] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1642] link '0'", "\t\t[1735] link '0'", "\t\t[1763] link '0'", "\t\t[1516] link '0'", "\t\t[2327] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1597] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1556] link 'L'", "\t\t[2455] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2032] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1669] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2198] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2447] link '0'", "\t\t[1518] link '0'", "\t\t[2292] link '0'", "\t\t[2381] link '0'", "\t\t[2282] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1981] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1884] link 'M'", "\t\t[2435] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1944] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1821] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2033] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1643] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2222] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2068] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1929] link '6'", "\t\t[1990] link '0'", "\t\t[1612] link '2'", "\t\t[2394] link '4'", "\t\t[2422] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1979] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2003] link 'N'", "\t\t[1888] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1650] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2254] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1511] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1542] link '0'", "\t\t[1523] link '0'", "\t\t[2085] link '0'", "\t\t[1521] link '0'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1718] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2219] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1724] link '1'", "\t\t[2476] link '2'", "\t\t[2458] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[2972] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[2976] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2989] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3011] link ''", "\t[3037] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3027] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[3005] link 'Create new...'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[133] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[135] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[145] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1874] main ''", "\t\t[1795] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2280] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2173] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1966] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2174] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1918] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1956] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2123] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1741] link 'All'", "\t\t[1532] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2306] link ''", "\t\t[2086] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2433] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2262] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2318] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1752] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2233] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2009] link '0'", "\t\t[2419] link '0'", "\t\t[1831] link '0'", "\t\t[2352] link '0'", "\t\t[2019] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2271] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2049] link 'A'", "\t\t[1800] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1626] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1860] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2001] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1751] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1628] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1928] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2440] link '1'", "\t\t[2012] link '0'", "\t\t[2082] link '0'", "\t\t[2421] link '1'", "\t\t[2278] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2132] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2395] link 'A'", "\t\t[1729] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2180] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2238] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1849] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2182] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1555] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2405] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2098] link '2'", "\t\t[1725] link '0'", "\t\t[1686] link '1'", "\t\t[1559] link '4'", "\t\t[1759] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2024] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1722] link 'A'", "\t\t[1796] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2404] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1587] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1936] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1863] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2154] link '20'", "\t\t[2287] link '0'", "\t\t[2281] link '10'", "\t\t[1653] link '40'", "\t\t[1717] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2438] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2349] link 'A'", "\t\t[2294] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2282] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1701] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2094] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2161] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2196] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2145] link '1'", "\t\t[1934] link '0'", "\t\t[2077] link '0'", "\t\t[1510] link '0'", "\t\t[1660] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1837] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2168] link 'A'", "\t\t[1816] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1605] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1914] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2148] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1738] link '0'", "\t\t[2183] link '0'", "\t\t[1884] link '0'", "\t\t[1821] link '0'", "\t\t[2036] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2031] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1789] link 'A'", "\t\t[2004] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1533] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2411] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1901] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1589] link '0'", "\t\t[1778] link '0'", "\t\t[1704] link '0'", "\t\t[1606] link '0'", "\t\t[2334] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1817] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2234] link 'A'", "\t\t[1643] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2021] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2171] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2189] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1610] link '0'", "\t\t[1612] link '0'", "\t\t[2163] link '0'", "\t\t[1932] link '0'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2412] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1873] link 'A'", "\t\t[2202] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2008] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2217] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1658] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1567] link '0'", "\t\t[2353] link '0'", "\t\t[2461] link '0'", "\t\t[1560] link '0'", "\t\t[2017] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2340] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2243] link 'B'", "\t\t[1845] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2360] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2176] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2220] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2410] link '0'", "\t\t[2116] link '0'", "\t\t[2191] link '0'", "\t\t[2472] link '0'", "\t\t[2015] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1913] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2326] link 'C'", "\t\t[1775] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2125] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1638] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2087] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1871] link '0'", "\t\t[2257] link '0'", "\t\t[1696] link '0'", "\t\t[2142] link '0'", "\t\t[1852] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2215] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2240] link ''", "\t\t[2141] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2333] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1647] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2321] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1813] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2101] link '0'", "\t\t[1692] link '0'", "\t\t[2422] link '0'", "\t\t[2293] link '0'", "\t\t[2027] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2211] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2063] link 'D'", "\t\t[2135] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1809] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2013] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2164] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1900] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1960] link '21'", "\t\t[2059] link '0'", "\t\t[1575] link '16'", "\t\t[2016] link '21'", "\t\t[1698] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2071] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2113] link 'D'", "\t\t[1655] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2357] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1745] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1777] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2273] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1710] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1998] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2453] link '0'", "\t\t[1685] link '0'", "\t\t[2245] link '0'", "\t\t[1973] link '1'", "\t\t[2119] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2069] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2198] link 'E'", "\t\t[1526] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1824] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2289] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1904] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1838] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1490] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2246] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1826] link '6'", "\t\t[1965] link '1'", "\t\t[1780] link '2'", "\t\t[2270] link '5'", "\t\t[1853] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1892] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1578] link 'E'", "\t\t[1985] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1994] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1624] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1649] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1942] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1770] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2376] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2251] link '2'", "\t\t[2216] link '0'", "\t\t[2111] link '0'", "\t\t[1975] link '0'", "\t\t[2203] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1687] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2152] link 'G'", "\t\t[2093] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2304] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1528] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2465] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1968] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1622] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2028] link '0'", "\t\t[1652] link '0'", "\t\t[2081] link '0'", "\t\t[2130] link '0'", "\t\t[1990] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1783] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2408] link 'L'", "\t\t[1857] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1839] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2426] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2136] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2366] link '0'", "\t\t[1563] link '0'", "\t\t[2427] link '0'", "\t\t[1807] link '0'", "\t\t[1646] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2429] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2394] link 'M'", "\t\t[2030] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1769] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1962] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2348] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1545] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2033] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2218] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1552] link '6'", "\t\t[1993] link '0'", "\t\t[1694] link '2'", "\t\t[2448] link '4'", "\t\t[1590] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1707] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1613] link 'N'", "\t\t[1659] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1762] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1514] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1499] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1858] link '0'", "\t\t[1715] link '0'", "\t\t[1700] link '0'", "\t\t[1894] link '0'", "\t\t[2000] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2247] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1681] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2157] link '1'", "\t\t[1979] link '2'", "\t\t[2303] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3216] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[102] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[121] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[103] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[123] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[105] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[106] link 'Help'", "\t[108] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[133] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1704] main ''", "\t\t[1647] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1657] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2200] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1808] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2536] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2588] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2049] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2696] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1596] link 'All'", "\t\t[2552] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2096] link ''", "\t\t[2437] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2249] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1542] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1616] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1891] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2276] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1632] link '0'", "\t\t[1800] link '0'", "\t\t[2253] link '0'", "\t\t[1742] link '0'", "\t\t[2431] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1500] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[3162] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1865] link 'A'", "\t\t[2664] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2264] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1843] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2018] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1978] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1539] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1762] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2400] link '1'", "\t\t[2412] link '0'", "\t\t[1970] link '0'", "\t\t[2472] link '1'", "\t\t[1872] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2627] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[3163] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1937] link 'A'", "\t\t[2315] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1987] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2505] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1789] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1469] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2528] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1830] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2328] link '2'", "\t\t[2115] link '0'", "\t\t[2086] link '1'", "\t\t[1653] link '4'", "\t\t[2574] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2566] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[3164] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2214] link 'A'", "\t\t[1501] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2375] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2256] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1565] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1927] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2323] link '20'", "\t\t[2118] link '0'", "\t\t[1595] link '10'", "\t\t[1540] link '40'", "\t\t[2336] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2332] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[3165] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2623] link 'A'", "\t\t[2060] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2500] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1837] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2295] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2064] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2622] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2389] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2078] link '1'", "\t\t[2573] link '0'", "\t\t[2110] link '0'", "\t\t[2268] link '0'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1997] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[3166] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1745] link 'A'", "\t\t[1915] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2504] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2457] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2109] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1991] link '0'", "\t\t[1622] link '0'", "\t\t[2020] link '0'", "\t\t[2324] link '0'", "\t\t[1867] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1715] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[3167] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2298] link 'A'", "\t\t[1682] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2077] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1523] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2354] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1875] link '0'", "\t\t[2513] link '0'", "\t\t[2167] link '0'", "\t\t[2188] link '0'", "\t\t[1610] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2681] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[3168] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2360] link 'A'", "\t\t[2281] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2089] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2499] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2677] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1486] link '0'", "\t\t[2668] link '0'", "\t\t[2350] link '0'", "\t\t[2546] link '0'", "\t\t[1803] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2345] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[3169] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2138] link 'A'", "\t\t[2031] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1650] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2237] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2312] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1726] link '0'", "\t\t[2361] link '0'", "\t\t[2594] link '0'", "\t\t[2300] link '0'", "\t\t[1562] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2628] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[3170] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2283] link 'B'", "\t\t[1910] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1817] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2359] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2094] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2045] link '0'", "\t\t[1700] link '0'", "\t\t[2307] link '0'", "\t\t[1621] link '0'", "\t\t[1924] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2642] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[3171] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2438] link 'C'", "\t\t[1623] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2163] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2062] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2285] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1948] link '0'", "\t\t[1963] link '0'", "\t\t[2529] link '0'", "\t\t[2618] link '0'", "\t\t[1839] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1569] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[3172] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2456] link ''", "\t\t[2106] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2218] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2186] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1780] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1995] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2595] link '0'", "\t\t[2608] link '0'", "\t\t[1551] link '0'", "\t\t[1934] link '0'", "\t\t[2143] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1529] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[3173] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2402] link 'D'", "\t\t[1939] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1904] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2137] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2015] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1675] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2416] link '21'", "\t\t[2132] link '0'", "\t\t[2404] link '16'", "\t\t[2356] link '21'", "\t\t[2226] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1781] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[3174] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2603] link 'D'", "\t\t[2439] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1909] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1966] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2667] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2259] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1778] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1604] link '0'", "\t\t[2134] link '0'", "\t\t[2275] link '0'", "\t\t[1925] link '1'", "\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2147] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[3175] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1652] link 'E'", "\t\t[1797] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2053] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2069] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2136] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2581] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2512] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1994] link '6'", "\t\t[1988] link '1'", "\t\t[2038] link '2'", "\t\t[1589] link '5'", "\t\t[2178] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1888] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[3176] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2270] link 'E'", "\t\t[1534] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1549] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2662] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1911] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2026] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2525] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2320] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2210] link '2'", "\t\t[1889] link '0'", "\t\t[2338] link '0'", "\t\t[1718] link '0'", "\t\t[1890] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2517] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[3177] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2656] link 'G'", "\t\t[2277] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2374] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2141] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2158] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1812] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2248] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1756] link '0'", "\t\t[2039] link '0'", "\t\t[1597] link '0'", "\t\t[1633] link '0'", "\t\t[2058] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2083] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[3178] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2643] link 'L'", "\t\t[2080] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1484] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1499] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2616] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1619] link '0'", "\t\t[1908] link '0'", "\t\t[1546] link '0'", "\t\t[1758] link '0'", "\t\t[2189] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2050] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[3179] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1611] link 'M'", "\t\t[2419] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2212] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2211] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2341] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2551] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2216] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1931] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2135] link '6'", "\t\t[2164] link '0'", "\t\t[2247] link '2'", "\t\t[2365] link '4'", "\t\t[2434] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1815] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[3180] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2296] link 'N'", "\t\t[2082] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1552] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1767] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2470] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1594] link '0'", "\t\t[1641] link '0'", "\t\t[2117] link '0'", "\t\t[2550] link '0'", "\t\t[2293] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1629] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[3181] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2444] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2241] link '1'", "\t\t[2222] link '2'", "\t\t[2144] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[107] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[147] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[108] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[149] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[110] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[111] link 'Help'", "\t[113] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[159] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1673] main ''", "\t\t[1931] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1719] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2431] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1801] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1721] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2315] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1974] button 'Name'", "\t\t[2291] link 'All'", "\t\t[1583] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1808] link ''", "\t\t[2248] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1740] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2176] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2137] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1779] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1539] link '0'", "\t\t[2311] link '0'", "\t\t[1747] link '0'", "\t\t[2231] link '0'", "\t\t[2067] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1551] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2179] link 'A'", "\t\t[1933] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1770] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2190] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2335] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2282] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1652] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1948] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1632] link '1'", "\t\t[2077] link '0'", "\t\t[2022] link '0'", "\t\t[2271] link '1'", "\t\t[2097] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2396] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2466] link 'A'", "\t\t[2004] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2296] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1745] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1995] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1495] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2216] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2041] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2055] link '2'", "\t\t[1728] link '0'", "\t\t[1796] link '1'", "\t\t[1535] link '4'", "\t\t[2281] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2268] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1852] link 'A'", "\t\t[2029] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1955] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2269] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1704] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2207] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2171] link '20'", "\t\t[2405] link '0'", "\t\t[1562] link '10'", "\t\t[1844] link '40'", "\t\t[1869] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1864] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1515] link 'A'", "\t\t[1516] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2166] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2454] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1804] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2417] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2389] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1986] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1754] link '1'", "\t\t[2025] link '0'", "\t\t[2409] link '0'", "\t\t[1893] link '0'", "\t\t[1913] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2309] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2118] link 'A'", "\t\t[1520] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2169] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1706] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1506] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2410] link '0'", "\t\t[2047] link '0'", "\t\t[1687] link '0'", "\t\t[1689] link '0'", "\t\t[2092] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1888] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1518] link 'A'", "\t\t[2440] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2439] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2280] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1903] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2187] link '0'", "\t\t[2185] link '0'", "\t\t[2106] link '0'", "\t\t[1811] link '0'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2476] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2157] link 'A'", "\t\t[2300] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2459] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1742] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2473] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1655] link '0'", "\t\t[1829] link '0'", "\t\t[1606] link '0'", "\t\t[1902] link '0'", "\t\t[2006] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1885] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2355] link 'A'", "\t\t[2099] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1790] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2183] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2265] link '0'", "\t\t[1784] link '0'", "\t\t[2167] link '0'", "\t\t[1604] link '0'", "\t\t[1664] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2400] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1763] link 'B'", "\t\t[1528] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2027] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2461] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2464] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1847] link '0'", "\t\t[2356] link '0'", "\t\t[1718] link '0'", "\t\t[1497] link '0'", "\t\t[2201] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2421] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2205] link 'C'", "\t\t[1901] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1579] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1927] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1788] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2064] link '0'", "\t\t[2177] link '0'", "\t\t[1924] link '0'", "\t\t[2266] link '0'", "\t\t[2049] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1674] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2040] link ''", "\t\t[1827] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1676] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2380] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1981] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2307] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1994] link '0'", "\t\t[1743] link '0'", "\t\t[2412] link '0'", "\t\t[2010] link '0'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1615] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1534] link 'D'", "\t\t[2238] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2162] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2257] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2331] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1820] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1617] link '21'", "\t\t[2434] link '0'", "\t\t[1720] link '16'", "\t\t[1597] link '21'", "\t\t[1691] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1982] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2349] link 'D'", "\t\t[2357] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2175] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1646] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1909] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2458] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1761] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1976] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1550] link '0'", "\t\t[2120] link '0'", "\t\t[2081] link '0'", "\t\t[2121] link '1'", "\t\t[2042] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1561] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1749] link 'E'", "\t\t[1540] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2397] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2018] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1549] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2302] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2003] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2181] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2262] link '6'", "\t\t[1832] link '1'", "\t\t[2066] link '2'", "\t\t[1541] link '5'", "\t\t[1601] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2132] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1608] link 'E'", "\t\t[1543] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1643] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1778] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2184] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2350] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2213] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1843] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2425] link '2'", "\t\t[1816] link '0'", "\t\t[1758] link '0'", "\t\t[2035] link '0'", "\t\t[2135] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2191] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2401] link 'G'", "\t\t[2297] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1966] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2371] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2020] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1739] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2358] link '0'", "\t\t[1577] link '0'", "\t\t[2452] link '0'", "\t\t[2324] link '0'", "\t\t[2411] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2448] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2342] link 'L'", "\t\t[1872] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1521] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1890] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2375] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1552] link '0'", "\t\t[2212] link '0'", "\t\t[1696] link '0'", "\t\t[2140] link '0'", "\t\t[1621] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2388] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2264] link 'M'", "\t\t[1944] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1659] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2370] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1880] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2246] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1671] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2221] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2444] link '6'", "\t\t[1548] link '0'", "\t\t[2089] link '2'", "\t\t[1809] link '4'", "\t\t[2072] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2024] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2299] link 'N'", "\t\t[2174] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1648] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1645] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2122] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2051] link '0'", "\t\t[1658] link '0'", "\t\t[2151] link '0'", "\t\t[1730] link '0'", "\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1750] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1768] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1806] link '1'", "\t\t[1868] link '2'", "\t\t[2156] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): Just a moment...", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Just a moment...' focused: True", "\t[4] main ''", "\t\t[10] heading 'Icon for gitlab.com gitlab.com'", "\t\t\t[18] img 'Icon for gitlab.com'", "\t\t[11] heading 'Verifying you are human. This may take a few seconds.'", "\t\t[48] Iframe 'Widget containing a Cloudflare security challenge'", "\t\t[22] StaticText 'gitlab.com needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.'", "\t[8] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[34] StaticText 'Ray ID: '", "\t\t[36] StaticText '8c1003bd9fe9d1f6'", "\t\t[26] StaticText 'Performance & security by '", "\t\t[27] link 'Cloudflare'" ] }
[ "click [1883]", "type [64] [Grace] [1]", "hover [5]", "press [Ctrl+v]", "click [1826]", "click [2437]", "tab_focus [0]", "close_tab", "scroll [up]", "goto [http://gitlab.com/users/Grace/reviews]" ]
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[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[58] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[53] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[139] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[141] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[151] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1861] main ''", "\t\t[1777] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2293] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2393] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2456] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2156] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2472] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1726] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2401] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1766] link 'All'", "\t\t[1874] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1508] link ''", "\t\t[1931] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2006] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1595] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2360] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1640] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2221] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2205] link '0'", "\t\t[1636] link '0'", "\t\t[2160] link '0'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[2005] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1905] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2468] link 'A'", "\t\t[1610] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2112] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1611] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2067] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2276] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2143] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1828] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2197] link '1'", "\t\t[2219] link '0'", "\t\t[2402] link '0'", "\t\t[2378] link '1'", "\t\t[2422] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1809] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2256] link 'A'", "\t\t[2353] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1740] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2459] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2366] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2315] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1552] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2309] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2164] link '2'", "\t\t[2425] link '0'", "\t\t[2225] link '1'", "\t\t[2178] link '4'", "\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2125] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2386] link 'A'", "\t\t[2182] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1872] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2471] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2361] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2477] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1539] link '20'", "\t\t[1976] link '0'", "\t\t[2127] link '10'", "\t\t[1858] link '40'", "\t\t[1741] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2186] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1493] link 'A'", "\t\t[1892] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2282] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2023] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1548] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2080] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1637] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1801] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1658] link '1'", "\t\t[1808] link '0'", "\t\t[2247] link '0'", "\t\t[1994] link '0'", "\t\t[1723] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2338] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1714] link 'A'", "\t\t[2261] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2203] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2177] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1589] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2434] link '0'", "\t\t[1540] link '0'", "\t\t[2320] link '0'", "\t\t[1734] link '0'", "\t\t[1759] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1524] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1961] link 'A'", "\t\t[2300] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2258] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1926] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1789] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2284] link '0'", "\t\t[2065] link '0'", "\t\t[1630] link '0'", "\t\t[2068] link '0'", "\t\t[2467] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2463] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2388] link 'A'", "\t\t[1620] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2069] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1738] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1979] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1947] link '0'", "\t\t[1719] link '0'", "\t\t[2449] link '0'", "\t\t[2045] link '0'", "\t\t[2075] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1644] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1677] link 'A'", "\t\t[1536] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1938] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1899] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2251] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2120] link '0'", "\t\t[2169] link '0'", "\t\t[2318] link '0'", "\t\t[1836] link '0'", "\t\t[1944] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1697] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1831] link 'B'", "\t\t[1561] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2210] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1846] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2325] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2450] link '0'", "\t\t[1788] link '0'", "\t\t[1511] link '0'", "\t\t[2332] link '0'", "\t\t[2207] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2249] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2003] link 'C'", "\t\t[2011] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2124] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2404] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2033] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1525] link '0'", "\t\t[1701] link '0'", "\t\t[1627] link '0'", "\t\t[2102] link '0'", "\t\t[1795] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2412] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2399] link ''", "\t\t[2409] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1973] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2038] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2168] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2455] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2439] link '0'", "\t\t[2294] link '0'", "\t\t[1510] link '0'", "\t\t[1753] link '0'", "\t\t[2062] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1509] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2189] link 'D'", "\t\t[2187] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1985] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2104] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2280] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1653] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1731] link '21'", "\t\t[2343] link '0'", "\t\t[1850] link '16'", "\t\t[1711] link '21'", "\t\t[1902] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1564] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2218] link 'D'", "\t\t[1609] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2241] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1901] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1875] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1927] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2316] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2466] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1592] link '0'", "\t\t[1618] link '0'", "\t\t[1543] link '0'", "\t\t[2279] link '1'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2292] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1862] link 'E'", "\t\t[1608] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1643] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2013] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1694] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2411] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1648] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1939] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2250] link '6'", "\t\t[1794] link '1'", "\t\t[1848] link '2'", "\t\t[2359] link '5'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2264] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2190] link 'E'", "\t\t[1601] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2475] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2159] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1829] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2064] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1614] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1491] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2009] link '2'", "\t\t[2051] link '0'", "\t\t[2179] link '0'", "\t\t[1918] link '0'", "\t\t[2082] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2098] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2424] link 'G'", "\t\t[1823] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1878] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2381] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2192] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2202] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1725] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2230] link '0'", "\t\t[1626] link '0'", "\t\t[1566] link '0'", "\t\t[2423] link '0'", "\t\t[1490] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1579] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1982] link 'L'", "\t\t[1895] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1678] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2148] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2255] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2041] link '0'", "\t\t[1907] link '0'", "\t\t[1507] link '0'", "\t\t[1730] link '0'", "\t\t[1514] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1676] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2151] link 'M'", "\t\t[1654] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1851] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1865] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1843] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1877] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2336] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1519] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1873] link '6'", "\t\t[1496] link '0'", "\t\t[1955] link '2'", "\t\t[1867] link '4'", "\t\t[1599] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2237] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2369] link 'N'", "\t\t[1802] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1849] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2428] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1517] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1685] link '0'", "\t\t[2262] link '0'", "\t\t[2299] link '0'", "\t\t[2167] link '0'", "\t\t[2227] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1692] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2263] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2416] link '1'", "\t\t[1967] link '2'", "\t\t[1655] link 'Next '" ]
**: The next observation would be: "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", indicating a shift from the Customers section to a new focus on Projects. The current root web area reflects a search context, with the previous content now replaced by relevant projects or customers matching the search term "Grace".
hover [5]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link ''", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[76] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[85] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[77] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[87] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[79] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[80] link 'Help'", "\t[82] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[97] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[2205] main ''", "\t\t[2298] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1592] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1911] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2470] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2244] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2378] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1738] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1844] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1611] link 'All'", "\t\t[2308] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1492] link ''", "\t\t[2405] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1692] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2116] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2119] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1783] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1799] link '0'", "\t\t[1971] link '0'", "\t\t[2129] link '0'", "\t\t[1991] link '0'", "\t\t[1874] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1725] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1714] link 'A'", "\t\t[2258] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2176] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2467] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1817] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2177] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2041] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1707] link '1'", "\t\t[2229] link '0'", "\t\t[2254] link '0'", "\t\t[1494] link '1'", "\t\t[2209] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1644] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1965] link 'A'", "\t\t[2267] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2165] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2391] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2363] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1720] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1745] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1615] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1904] link '2'", "\t\t[1804] link '0'", "\t\t[2255] link '1'", "\t\t[1960] link '4'", "\t\t[1571] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2358] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2393] link 'A'", "\t\t[2120] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2462] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1555] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1715] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2242] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2029] link '20'", "\t\t[2075] link '0'", "\t\t[2272] link '10'", "\t\t[2392] link '40'", "\t\t[2420] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1763] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1678] link 'A'", "\t\t[1757] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1639] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2004] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1980] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2135] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1862] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1670] link '1'", "\t\t[1791] link '0'", "\t\t[1850] link '0'", "\t\t[2337] link '0'", "\t\t[2246] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1998] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1837] link 'A'", "\t\t[1698] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1573] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2442] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2261] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2142] link '0'", "\t\t[2179] link '0'", "\t\t[1718] link '0'", "\t\t[2239] link '0'", "\t\t[2296] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1928] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2006] link 'A'", "\t\t[2067] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2197] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1589] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2236] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1563] link '0'", "\t\t[1942] link '0'", "\t\t[1490] link '0'", "\t\t[1785] link '0'", "\t\t[2188] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1780] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2475] link 'A'", "\t\t[1716] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1637] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1749] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2448] link '0'", "\t\t[1533] link '0'", "\t\t[1914] link '0'", "\t\t[2315] link '0'", "\t\t[2189] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2360] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2215] link 'A'", "\t\t[1507] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1848] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1987] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1684] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1595] link '0'", "\t\t[2264] link '0'", "\t\t[2373] link '0'", "\t\t[2300] link '0'", "\t\t[1956] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2051] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2083] link 'B'", "\t\t[2095] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1578] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1891] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2052] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1569] link '0'", "\t\t[2241] link '0'", "\t\t[1753] link '0'", "\t\t[1880] link '0'", "\t\t[1968] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2406] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2381] link 'C'", "\t\t[1997] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2445] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2131] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2299] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2476] link '0'", "\t\t[2459] link '0'", "\t\t[1910] link '0'", "\t\t[2472] link '0'", "\t\t[1981] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1626] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2190] link ''", "\t\t[1520] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2389] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2289] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2266] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1885] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1945] link '0'", "\t\t[1790] link '0'", "\t\t[2072] link '0'", "\t\t[1999] link '0'", "\t\t[1918] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2253] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1551] link 'D'", "\t\t[2446] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2069] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1833] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1649] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2070] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2265] link '21'", "\t\t[2479] link '0'", "\t\t[1946] link '16'", "\t\t[1835] link '21'", "\t\t[2436] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1793] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1743] link 'D'", "\t\t[1662] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1740] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2400] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2022] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1952] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2270] link '0'", "\t\t[1872] link '0'", "\t\t[2054] link '0'", "\t\t[1944] link '1'", "\t\t[1505] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2068] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1640] link 'E'", "\t\t[1884] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1634] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2238] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1847] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1706] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2295] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1691] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2087] link '6'", "\t\t[1782] link '1'", "\t\t[2152] link '2'", "\t\t[1900] link '5'", "\t\t[2402] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2321] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2055] link 'E'", "\t\t[1613] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1806] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1796] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1888] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1572] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1976] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1781] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2047] link '2'", "\t\t[1672] link '0'", "\t\t[1673] link '0'", "\t\t[2150] link '0'", "\t\t[2159] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1897] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2157] link 'G'", "\t\t[2231] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1815] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2435] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1660] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1619] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1826] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1577] link '0'", "\t\t[1576] link '0'", "\t\t[1751] link '0'", "\t\t[1558] link '0'", "\t\t[2003] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2182] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2207] link 'L'", "\t\t[2454] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1954] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2339] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2275] link '0'", "\t\t[2271] link '0'", "\t\t[1590] link '0'", "\t\t[1935] link '0'", "\t\t[1899] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1831] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1728] link 'M'", "\t\t[2059] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2251] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2123] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1858] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2230] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1516] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1642] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1908] link '6'", "\t\t[2456] link '0'", "\t\t[1966] link '2'", "\t\t[1794] link '4'", "\t\t[1641] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1934] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1499] link 'N'", "\t\t[2282] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[2383] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2079] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1723] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2281] link '0'", "\t\t[1560] link '0'", "\t\t[2037] link '0'", "\t\t[1566] link '0'", "\t\t[2306] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2033] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1535] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2336] link '1'", "\t\t[2147] link '2'", "\t\t[1702] link 'Next '" ]
**: The next observation would be: "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", still maintaining the focus on Projects. The hover action emphasizes the 'Skip to content' link, enhancing accessibility by visually indicating that the user can bypass navigation elements to reach the main content directly.
press [Ctrl+v]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[102] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[121] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[103] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[123] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[105] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[106] link 'Help'", "\t[108] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[133] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1870] main ''", "\t\t[1790] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1806] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1628] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2012] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2226] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2319] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2390] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2235] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1701] link 'All'", "\t\t[2256] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1991] link ''", "\t\t[2398] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2182] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2108] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1728] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2423] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1771] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1826] link '0'", "\t\t[2354] link '0'", "\t\t[2353] link '0'", "\t\t[1663] link '0'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1673] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1807] link 'A'", "\t\t[2336] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1664] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1770] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1818] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2239] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2386] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2004] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2076] link '1'", "\t\t[2426] link '0'", "\t\t[2138] link '0'", "\t\t[2172] link '1'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2229] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1855] link 'A'", "\t\t[2083] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2344] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1804] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1951] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2191] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2034] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1672] link '2'", "\t\t[1550] link '0'", "\t\t[1956] link '1'", "\t\t[1490] link '4'", "\t\t[1743] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1928] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2211] link 'A'", "\t\t[1621] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1964] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2430] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2452] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2057] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2284] link '20'", "\t\t[1641] link '0'", "\t\t[2466] link '10'", "\t\t[1540] link '40'", "\t\t[1843] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2171] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1713] link 'A'", "\t\t[1748] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2410] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1675] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1853] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1796] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1999] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1865] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2070] link '1'", "\t\t[1508] link '0'", "\t\t[2368] link '0'", "\t\t[2367] link '0'", "\t\t[1938] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1856] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2142] link 'A'", "\t\t[1613] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1517] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1942] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1623] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1883] link '0'", "\t\t[1817] link '0'", "\t\t[2173] link '0'", "\t\t[2046] link '0'", "\t\t[1505] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1768] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2310] link 'A'", "\t\t[2363] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2087] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1930] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2186] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1691] link '0'", "\t\t[1600] link '0'", "\t\t[2133] link '0'", "\t\t[2204] link '0'", "\t\t[1832] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1599] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2039] link 'A'", "\t\t[1574] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1912] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2364] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1636] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2154] link '0'", "\t\t[1934] link '0'", "\t\t[2140] link '0'", "\t\t[2305] link '0'", "\t\t[2029] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1524] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1740] link 'A'", "\t\t[2408] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2460] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2383] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2243] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2462] link '0'", "\t\t[1551] link '0'", "\t\t[1720] link '0'", "\t\t[2233] link '0'", "\t\t[1810] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2019] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2066] link 'B'", "\t\t[2431] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2063] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2220] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1931] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1617] link '0'", "\t\t[1761] link '0'", "\t\t[1813] link '0'", "\t\t[1840] link '0'", "\t\t[2432] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2051] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1528] link 'C'", "\t\t[1563] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1696] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1757] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2372] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2454] link '0'", "\t\t[2338] link '0'", "\t\t[1822] link '0'", "\t\t[2221] link '0'", "\t\t[2218] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1543] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2169] link ''", "\t\t[2270] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1996] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2268] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2450] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2347] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2061] link '0'", "\t\t[2118] link '0'", "\t\t[1680] link '0'", "\t\t[1983] link '0'", "\t\t[1864] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1896] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1995] link 'D'", "\t\t[1918] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2009] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2456] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1605] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1598] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2277] link '21'", "\t\t[2081] link '0'", "\t\t[2419] link '16'", "\t\t[2399] link '21'", "\t\t[1519] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2199] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1648] link 'D'", "\t\t[1549] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1842] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2043] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2038] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2279] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1686] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2025] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2302] link '0'", "\t\t[2181] link '0'", "\t\t[1784] link '0'", "\t\t[1626] link '1'", "\t\t[2355] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2161] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2370] link 'E'", "\t\t[2031] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1828] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1914] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2018] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1685] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1638] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2064] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1594] link '6'", "\t\t[2136] link '1'", "\t\t[1634] link '2'", "\t\t[2044] link '5'", "\t\t[2065] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1921] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1652] link 'E'", "\t\t[1852] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1741] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2093] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2385] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2109] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1660] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2062] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1987] link '2'", "\t\t[2126] link '0'", "\t\t[2013] link '0'", "\t\t[1657] link '0'", "\t\t[1489] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2314] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2440] link 'G'", "\t\t[2193] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2313] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1957] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1819] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1845] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1633] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1642] link '0'", "\t\t[1735] link '0'", "\t\t[1763] link '0'", "\t\t[1516] link '0'", "\t\t[2327] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1597] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1556] link 'L'", "\t\t[2455] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2032] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1669] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2198] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2447] link '0'", "\t\t[1518] link '0'", "\t\t[2292] link '0'", "\t\t[2381] link '0'", "\t\t[2282] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1981] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1884] link 'M'", "\t\t[2435] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1944] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1821] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2033] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1643] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2222] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2068] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1929] link '6'", "\t\t[1990] link '0'", "\t\t[1612] link '2'", "\t\t[2394] link '4'", "\t\t[2422] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1979] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2003] link 'N'", "\t\t[1888] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1650] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2254] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1511] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1542] link '0'", "\t\t[1523] link '0'", "\t\t[2085] link '0'", "\t\t[1521] link '0'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1718] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2219] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1724] link '1'", "\t\t[2476] link '2'", "\t\t[2458] link 'Next '" ]
**: The next observation would be: "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", indicating that the user has pasted a search term into the textbox. The focus remains on Projects, and the system may now be processing the pasted content to retrieve relevant results related to the pasted search term.
click [1826]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[2972] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[2976] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2989] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3011] link ''", "\t[3037] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3027] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[3005] link 'Create new...'" ]
**: The next observation would be: "Tab {idx}", where the focus shifts to a detailed view of the selected project, indicating that the user has navigated away from the general Projects overview to a more specific context within the application. The root web area reflects the project details, signifying the completion of the action.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [597] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [598] StaticText 'Tax' [599] StaticText 'Shipping' [600] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' focused: True [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [911] StaticText '$0.00' [913] StaticText 'Average Order' [918] StaticText 'Last Orders' [919] table '' [939] row '' [960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [961] columnheader 'Items' required: False [962] columnheader 'Total' required: False [940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [964] gridcell '5' required: False [965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [967] gridcell '4' required: False [968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [970] gridcell '3' required: False [971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [973] gridcell '4' required: False [974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [976] gridcell '2' required: False [977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [921] table '' [945] row '' [978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [979] columnheader 'Results' required: False [980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [982] gridcell '23' required: False [983] gridcell '1' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [984] gridcell 'nike' required: False [985] gridcell '0' required: False [986] gridcell '3' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [988] gridcell '10' required: False [989] gridcell '4' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [992] gridcell '19' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [994] gridcell '23' required: False [995] gridcell '2' required: False [922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [923] table '' [951] row '' [996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [997] columnheader 'Results' required: False [998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1000] gridcell '1' required: False [1001] gridcell '19' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1003] gridcell '10' required: False [1004] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1006] gridcell '23' required: False [1007] gridcell '2' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1009] gridcell '23' required: False [1010] gridcell '1' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1012] gridcell '1' required: False [1013] gridcell '1' required: False [870] contentinfo '' [875] link '\ue606' [876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [878] link 'Privacy Policy' [879] StaticText ' |' [880] link ' Account Activity' [881] StaticText ' | ' [882] link 'Report an Issue'
click [1121] where [1121] is tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [597] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [598] StaticText 'Tax' [599] StaticText 'Shipping' [600] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [911] StaticText '$0.00' [913] StaticText 'Average Order' [918] StaticText 'Last Orders' [919] table '' [939] row '' [960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [961] columnheader 'Items' required: False [962] columnheader 'Total' required: False [940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [964] gridcell '5' required: False [965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [967] gridcell '4' required: False [968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [970] gridcell '3' required: False [971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [973] gridcell '4' required: False [974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [976] gridcell '2' required: False [977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [921] table '' [945] row '' [978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [979] columnheader 'Results' required: False [980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [982] gridcell '23' required: False [983] gridcell '1' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [984] gridcell 'nike' required: False [985] gridcell '0' required: False [986] gridcell '3' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [988] gridcell '10' required: False [989] gridcell '4' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [992] gridcell '19' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [994] gridcell '23' required: False [995] gridcell '2' required: False [922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [923] table '' [951] row '' [996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [997] columnheader 'Results' required: False [998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1000] gridcell '1' required: False [1001] gridcell '19' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1003] gridcell '10' required: False [1004] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1006] gridcell '23' required: False [1007] gridcell '2' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1009] gridcell '23' required: False [1010] gridcell '1' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1012] gridcell '1' required: False [1013] gridcell '1' required: False [870] contentinfo '' [875] link '\ue606' [876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [878] link 'Privacy Policy' [879] StaticText ' |' [880] link ' Account Activity' [881] StaticText ' | ' [882] link 'Report an Issue'
Update the product description of Antonia Racer Tank to highlight the real user positive reviews by quoting the comments
The next observation would still display the dashboard of the Magento Admin but now focused on the `Best Sellers` tab. This tab will likely show a list of popular products, including the `Antonia Racer Tank`, allowing the user to review current listings and user comments. The user will have the opportunity to extract positive user reviews from this section, which can then be quoted in the product description to highlight customer satisfaction effectively. This transition is essential for fulfilling the objective of enhancing the product description based on real user feedback.
{ "neg_action0": "click [14]", "neg_action1": "scroll [up]", "neg_action2": "hover [43]", "neg_action3": "click [52]", "neg_action4": null, "neg_action5": null, "neg_action6": "go_back", "neg_action7": null, "neg_action8": null, "neg_action9": "close_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[576] RootWebArea '' focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation4": null, "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[576] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation7": null, "neg_observation8": null, "neg_observation9": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ] }
[ "click [14]", "scroll [up]", "hover [43]", "click [52]", "click [56]", "type [164] [Antonia Racer Tank description update] [1]", "go_back", "go_forward", "click [54]", "close_tab" ]
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the user has transitioned to the 'OpenStreetMap' webpage. This new state indicates a complete departure from the Magento Admin environment, with the focus now on the OpenStreetMap interface. The structure of the page has changed significantly, showcasing different headings, links, and functionalities relevant to map interaction rather than e-commerce management. This shift highlights a loss of continuity in the user's workflow, moving from admin tasks to a mapping platform. --- **For NEGATIVE ACTION 2: hover [43]**
hover [43]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the user has shifted focus to the 'OpenStreetMap' interface. This indicates a significant transition away from the Magento Admin context, as the user now interacts with map-related elements. The webpage structure has transformed completely, featuring headings and links pertinent to mapping and navigation, rather than e-commerce functionalities. This change further illustrates a disconnection from the original task of managing sales and reports in Magento. --- **For NEGATIVE ACTION 3: click [52]**
click [52]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[576] RootWebArea '' focused: True busy: 1" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage has entered a busy state, indicating that the previous content is no longer accessible. This transition reflects a potential loading process or an ongoing task that requires the user to wait, resulting in a lack of visible context or information. The focus has shifted from the Magento Admin Dashboard to an intermediary state, creating a pause in the user's workflow and potentially hindering their progress in managing the e-commerce platform. --- **For NEGATIVE ACTION 4: None**
The next observation would be that the webpage remains in its current state, reflecting no changes or new interactions. This indicates that the user is still working within the Magento Admin Dashboard, but without engaging with its various interactive elements. The page's structure and content remain intact, but the lack of action suggests a pause in productivity or decision-making within the e-commerce management process.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [597] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [598] StaticText 'Tax' [599] StaticText 'Shipping' [600] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' focused: True [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [911] StaticText '$0.00' [913] StaticText 'Average Order' [918] StaticText 'Last Orders' [919] table '' [939] row '' [960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [961] columnheader 'Items' required: False [962] columnheader 'Total' required: False [940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [964] gridcell '5' required: False [965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [967] gridcell '4' required: False [968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [970] gridcell '3' required: False [971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [973] gridcell '4' required: False [974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [976] gridcell '2' required: False [977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [921] table '' [945] row '' [978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [979] columnheader 'Results' required: False [980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [982] gridcell '23' required: False [983] gridcell '1' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [984] gridcell 'nike' required: False [985] gridcell '0' required: False [986] gridcell '3' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [988] gridcell '10' required: False [989] gridcell '4' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [992] gridcell '19' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [994] gridcell '23' required: False [995] gridcell '2' required: False [922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [923] table '' [951] row '' [996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [997] columnheader 'Results' required: False [998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1000] gridcell '1' required: False [1001] gridcell '19' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1003] gridcell '10' required: False [1004] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1006] gridcell '23' required: False [1007] gridcell '2' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1009] gridcell '23' required: False [1010] gridcell '1' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1012] gridcell '1' required: False [1013] gridcell '1' required: False [870] contentinfo '' [875] link '\ue606' [876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [878] link 'Privacy Policy' [879] StaticText ' |' [880] link ' Account Activity' [881] StaticText ' | ' [882] link 'Report an Issue'
click [1121] where [1121] is tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [597] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [598] StaticText 'Tax' [599] StaticText 'Shipping' [600] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [911] StaticText '$0.00' [913] StaticText 'Average Order' [918] StaticText 'Last Orders' [919] table '' [939] row '' [960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [961] columnheader 'Items' required: False [962] columnheader 'Total' required: False [940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [964] gridcell '5' required: False [965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [967] gridcell '4' required: False [968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [970] gridcell '3' required: False [971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [973] gridcell '4' required: False [974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [976] gridcell '2' required: False [977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [921] table '' [945] row '' [978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [979] columnheader 'Results' required: False [980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [982] gridcell '23' required: False [983] gridcell '1' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [984] gridcell 'nike' required: False [985] gridcell '0' required: False [986] gridcell '3' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [988] gridcell '10' required: False [989] gridcell '4' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [992] gridcell '19' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [994] gridcell '23' required: False [995] gridcell '2' required: False [922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [923] table '' [951] row '' [996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [997] columnheader 'Results' required: False [998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1000] gridcell '1' required: False [1001] gridcell '19' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1003] gridcell '10' required: False [1004] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1006] gridcell '23' required: False [1007] gridcell '2' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1009] gridcell '23' required: False [1010] gridcell '1' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1012] gridcell '1' required: False [1013] gridcell '1' required: False [870] contentinfo '' [875] link '\ue606' [876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [878] link 'Privacy Policy' [879] StaticText ' |' [880] link ' Account Activity' [881] StaticText ' | ' [882] link 'Report an Issue'
Update the product description of Antonia Racer Tank to highlight the real user positive reviews by quoting the comments
The next observation would still display the dashboard of the Magento Admin but now focused on the `Best Sellers` tab. This tab will likely show a list of popular products, including the `Antonia Racer Tank`, allowing the user to review current listings and user comments. The user will have the opportunity to extract positive user reviews from this section, which can then be quoted in the product description to highlight customer satisfaction effectively. This transition is essential for fulfilling the objective of enhancing the product description based on real user feedback.
{ "neg_action0": "click [14]", "neg_action1": "scroll [up]", "neg_action2": "hover [43]", "neg_action3": "click [52]", "neg_action4": null, "neg_action5": null, "neg_action6": "go_back", "neg_action7": null, "neg_action8": null, "neg_action9": "close_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[576] RootWebArea '' focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation4": null, "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[576] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation7": null, "neg_observation8": null, "neg_observation9": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ] }
[ "click [14]", "scroll [up]", "hover [43]", "click [52]", "click [56]", "type [164] [Antonia Racer Tank description update] [1]", "go_back", "go_forward", "click [54]", "close_tab" ]
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus has shifted to the "OpenStreetMap" area, indicating a loss of context from the "Magento Admin" dashboard. The user is now viewing a completely different root web area, which features content related to mapping and location services instead of the sales and product data previously accessed. This transition signifies a disruption in the user’s workflow, taking them away from the intended administrative tasks.
hover [43]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus has unexpectedly shifted to the "OpenStreetMap" area, indicating an unintentional navigation away from the "Magento Admin" dashboard. The content now centers around mapping features and services, contrasting sharply with the previous focus on sales reports and inventory management. This transition highlights a potential issue with the hover functionality leading to an unintended context switch.
click [52]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[576] RootWebArea '' focused: True busy: 1" ]
The next observation would be that the focus has moved to an empty root web area, indicating that a loading operation is underway. This shows a clear departure from the previous context of the "Magento Admin" dashboard, where the user was interacting with sales data. The busy state implies that the user is now waiting for content to load after their click action, further disrupting their workflow.
The next observation would likely continue to reflect the busy state of the root web area, emphasizing that the system is still processing or loading content. The user remains in a stagnant state, with no further navigation or interaction occurring since the last action. This indicates a pause in the user experience, highlighting the need for further engagement to continue their workflow.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' focused: True [71] generic '\ue60b SALES Sales \ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal' [94] link '\ue62f' [95] menu '' orientation: vertical [278] menu '' orientation: vertical [412] link 'Orders' [413] link 'Invoices' [414] link 'Shipments' [415] link 'Credit Memos' [416] link 'Billing Agreements' [417] link 'Transactions' [418] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [599] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [600] StaticText 'Tax' [601] StaticText 'Shipping' [602] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [923] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [926] StaticText '$0.00' [928] StaticText 'Average Order' [933] StaticText 'Last Orders' [934] table '' [949] row '' [968] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [969] columnheader 'Items' required: False [970] columnheader 'Total' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [971] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [972] gridcell '5' required: False [973] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [974] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [975] gridcell '4' required: False [976] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [977] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [978] gridcell '3' required: False [979] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [980] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [981] gridcell '4' required: False [982] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [983] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [984] gridcell '2' required: False [985] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [935] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [936] table '' [955] row '' [986] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [987] columnheader 'Results' required: False [988] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [989] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [990] gridcell '23' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [992] gridcell 'nike' required: False [993] gridcell '0' required: False [994] gridcell '3' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [995] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [996] gridcell '10' required: False [997] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [998] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [999] gridcell '1' required: False [1000] gridcell '19' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1001] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1002] gridcell '23' required: False [1003] gridcell '2' required: False [937] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [938] table '' [961] row '' [1004] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1005] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1006] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1007] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1008] gridcell '1' required: False [1009] gridcell '19' required: False [963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1010] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1011] gridcell '10' required: False [1012] gridcell '4' required: False [964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1013] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1014] gridcell '23' required: False [1015] gridcell '2' required: False [965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1016] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1017] gridcell '23' required: False [1018] gridcell '1' required: False [966] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1019] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1020] gridcell '1' required: False [1021] gridcell '1' required: False [885] contentinfo '' [890] link '\ue606' [891] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [902] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [893] link 'Privacy Policy' [894] StaticText ' |' [895] link ' Account Activity' [896] StaticText ' | ' [897] link 'Report an Issue'
click [12] where [12] is link '\ue60b SALES'
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [599] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [600] StaticText 'Tax' [601] StaticText 'Shipping' [602] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [923] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [926] StaticText '$0.00' [928] StaticText 'Average Order' [933] StaticText 'Last Orders' [934] table '' [949] row '' [968] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [969] columnheader 'Items' required: False [970] columnheader 'Total' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [971] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [972] gridcell '5' required: False [973] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [974] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [975] gridcell '4' required: False [976] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [977] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [978] gridcell '3' required: False [979] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [980] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [981] gridcell '4' required: False [982] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [983] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [984] gridcell '2' required: False [985] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [935] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [936] table '' [955] row '' [986] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [987] columnheader 'Results' required: False [988] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [989] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [990] gridcell '23' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [992] gridcell 'nike' required: False [993] gridcell '0' required: False [994] gridcell '3' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [995] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [996] gridcell '10' required: False [997] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [998] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [999] gridcell '1' required: False [1000] gridcell '19' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1001] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1002] gridcell '23' required: False [1003] gridcell '2' required: False [937] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [938] table '' [961] row '' [1004] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1005] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1006] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1007] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1008] gridcell '1' required: False [1009] gridcell '19' required: False [963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1010] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1011] gridcell '10' required: False [1012] gridcell '4' required: False [964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1013] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1014] gridcell '23' required: False [1015] gridcell '2' required: False [965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1016] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1017] gridcell '23' required: False [1018] gridcell '1' required: False [966] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1019] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1020] gridcell '1' required: False [1021] gridcell '1' required: False [885] contentinfo '' [890] link '\ue606' [891] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [902] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [893] link 'Privacy Policy' [894] StaticText ' |' [895] link ' Account Activity' [896] StaticText ' | ' [897] link 'Report an Issue'
How many reviews our shop received in the last quarter?
The next observation would show that the sales section of the Magento Admin is now active and focused. This section provides access to various sales-related options such as orders, invoices, shipments, and more, which may lead to areas where customer reviews are recorded or reported. While the specific reviews data is not yet visible, this action indicates progress towards navigating to the relevant sections that contain the review information needed to fulfill the user's objective. Further actions, such as selecting a specific area within sales, will be necessary to retrieve the exact number of reviews received in the last quarter.
{ "neg_action0": "click [73]", "neg_action1": "scroll [up]", "neg_action2": null, "neg_action3": "type [164] [reviews] [1]", "neg_action4": null, "neg_action5": "go_back", "neg_action6": null, "neg_action7": "click [209]", "neg_action8": null, "neg_action9": null, "neg_observation0": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[546] RootWebArea '' focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation2": null, "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation4": null, "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[546] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation6": null, "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation8": null, "neg_observation9": null }
[ "click [73]", "scroll [up]", "hover [75]", "type [164] [reviews] [1]", "press [Ctrl+f]", "go_back", "click [64]", "click [209]", "scroll [down]", "tab_focus [1]" ]
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the user has navigated away from the 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' to the 'OpenStreetMap' page. The focus has shifted completely, indicating that the user is now interacting with a map service instead of the admin functionalities of Magento. The page structure is now centered around map-related actions and information, completely losing the previous data context of sales and customer management. The accessibility tree reflects a different set of functionalities, including searching for locations and accessing map features, illustrating a significant change in both functionality and user intent.
The next observation would be that the user is still engaged with the 'OpenStreetMap' interface, now actively searching for reviews related to specific locations or features within the map. The focus remains on the map service, indicating a shift in user intent towards finding user-generated content rather than managing sales data. The structure of the page now accommodates search results or features that relate to the geographic context, showcasing how the interaction has evolved from a business management tool to a community-driven mapping platform. The accessibility tree reveals a different set of links and buttons tailored to enhance the user's experience with maps and reviews, further demonstrating the transition in context.
type [164] [reviews] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' focused: True [71] generic '\ue60b SALES Sales \ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal' [94] link '\ue62f' [95] menu '' orientation: vertical [278] menu '' orientation: vertical [412] link 'Orders' [413] link 'Invoices' [414] link 'Shipments' [415] link 'Credit Memos' [416] link 'Billing Agreements' [417] link 'Transactions' [418] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [599] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [600] StaticText 'Tax' [601] StaticText 'Shipping' [602] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [923] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [926] StaticText '$0.00' [928] StaticText 'Average Order' [933] StaticText 'Last Orders' [934] table '' [949] row '' [968] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [969] columnheader 'Items' required: False [970] columnheader 'Total' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [971] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [972] gridcell '5' required: False [973] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [974] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [975] gridcell '4' required: False [976] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [977] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [978] gridcell '3' required: False [979] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [980] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [981] gridcell '4' required: False [982] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [983] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [984] gridcell '2' required: False [985] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [935] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [936] table '' [955] row '' [986] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [987] columnheader 'Results' required: False [988] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [989] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [990] gridcell '23' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [992] gridcell 'nike' required: False [993] gridcell '0' required: False [994] gridcell '3' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [995] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [996] gridcell '10' required: False [997] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [998] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [999] gridcell '1' required: False [1000] gridcell '19' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1001] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1002] gridcell '23' required: False [1003] gridcell '2' required: False [937] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [938] table '' [961] row '' [1004] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1005] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1006] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1007] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1008] gridcell '1' required: False [1009] gridcell '19' required: False [963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1010] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1011] gridcell '10' required: False [1012] gridcell '4' required: False [964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1013] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1014] gridcell '23' required: False [1015] gridcell '2' required: False [965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1016] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1017] gridcell '23' required: False [1018] gridcell '1' required: False [966] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1019] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1020] gridcell '1' required: False [1021] gridcell '1' required: False [885] contentinfo '' [890] link '\ue606' [891] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [902] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [893] link 'Privacy Policy' [894] StaticText ' |' [895] link ' Account Activity' [896] StaticText ' | ' [897] link 'Report an Issue'
click [12] where [12] is link '\ue60b SALES'
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [599] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [600] StaticText 'Tax' [601] StaticText 'Shipping' [602] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [923] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [926] StaticText '$0.00' [928] StaticText 'Average Order' [933] StaticText 'Last Orders' [934] table '' [949] row '' [968] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [969] columnheader 'Items' required: False [970] columnheader 'Total' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [971] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [972] gridcell '5' required: False [973] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [974] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [975] gridcell '4' required: False [976] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [977] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [978] gridcell '3' required: False [979] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [980] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [981] gridcell '4' required: False [982] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [983] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [984] gridcell '2' required: False [985] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [935] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [936] table '' [955] row '' [986] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [987] columnheader 'Results' required: False [988] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [989] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [990] gridcell '23' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [992] gridcell 'nike' required: False [993] gridcell '0' required: False [994] gridcell '3' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [995] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [996] gridcell '10' required: False [997] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [998] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [999] gridcell '1' required: False [1000] gridcell '19' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1001] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1002] gridcell '23' required: False [1003] gridcell '2' required: False [937] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [938] table '' [961] row '' [1004] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1005] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1006] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1007] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1008] gridcell '1' required: False [1009] gridcell '19' required: False [963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1010] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1011] gridcell '10' required: False [1012] gridcell '4' required: False [964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1013] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1014] gridcell '23' required: False [1015] gridcell '2' required: False [965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1016] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1017] gridcell '23' required: False [1018] gridcell '1' required: False [966] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1019] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1020] gridcell '1' required: False [1021] gridcell '1' required: False [885] contentinfo '' [890] link '\ue606' [891] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [902] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [893] link 'Privacy Policy' [894] StaticText ' |' [895] link ' Account Activity' [896] StaticText ' | ' [897] link 'Report an Issue'
How many reviews our shop received in the last quarter?
The next observation would show that the sales section of the Magento Admin is now active and focused. This section provides access to various sales-related options such as orders, invoices, shipments, and more, which may lead to areas where customer reviews are recorded or reported. While the specific reviews data is not yet visible, this action indicates progress towards navigating to the relevant sections that contain the review information needed to fulfill the user's objective. Further actions, such as selecting a specific area within sales, will be necessary to retrieve the exact number of reviews received in the last quarter.
{ "neg_action0": "click [73]", "neg_action1": "scroll [up]", "neg_action2": null, "neg_action3": "type [164] [reviews] [1]", "neg_action4": null, "neg_action5": "go_back", "neg_action6": null, "neg_action7": "click [209]", "neg_action8": null, "neg_action9": null, "neg_observation0": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[546] RootWebArea '' focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation2": null, "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation4": null, "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[546] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation6": null, "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation8": null, "neg_observation9": null }
[ "click [73]", "scroll [up]", "hover [75]", "type [164] [reviews] [1]", "press [Ctrl+f]", "go_back", "click [64]", "click [209]", "scroll [down]", "tab_focus [1]" ]
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap," indicating a transition from the Magento Admin dashboard to the OpenStreetMap interface. This shift suggests that the user has either navigated away from the dashboard unintentionally or the webpage has redirected due to the action taken. The new state includes a focus on the OpenStreetMap interface, which contains links, buttons, and static text related to mapping rather than eCommerce functionalities. The change in context likely results in the loss of access to the sales and reporting features previously visible in the Magento Admin.
The next observation would be "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap," reflecting a transition from the Magento Admin dashboard to the OpenStreetMap interface due to an erroneous search result. Instead of retrieving relevant review data from the Magento system, the search input led to a completely different context and page, suggesting a failure in the search feature’s functionality. The user now finds themselves in a mapping environment, which is unrelated to their original task of reviewing sales or product information. This indicates a potential issue with the search system that should be addressed to prevent such navigational errors.
type [164] [reviews] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [5886] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [5938] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [5946] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [5891] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [5893] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [5897] link '\ue60b SALES' [5901] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [5905] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [5909] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [5913] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [5917] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [5921] link '\ue60d STORES' [5925] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [5929] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [5965] heading 'Dashboard' [5966] link '\ue600 admin' [5968] link '\ue607' [7105] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [5936] main '' [5971] StaticText 'Scope:' [6033] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [6036] link '\ue633 What is this?' [6153] button 'Reload Data' [6154] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [6203] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [6204] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [6156] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [6704] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [6705] link 'here' [6758] StaticText 'Revenue' [6732] StaticText '$0.00' [6759] StaticText 'Tax' [6760] StaticText 'Shipping' [6761] StaticText 'Quantity' [7004] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [7006] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [7014] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [7008] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [7016] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [7010] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [7018] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [7012] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [7020] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [7025] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [7033] table '' [7056] row '' [7062] columnheader 'Product' required: False [7063] columnheader 'Price' required: False [7064] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [7057] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [7065] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [7066] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [7067] gridcell '6' required: False [7058] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [7068] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [7069] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [7070] gridcell '6' required: False [7059] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [7071] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [7072] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [7073] gridcell '6' required: False [7060] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [7074] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [7075] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [7076] gridcell '5' required: False [7061] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [7077] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [7078] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [7079] gridcell '5' required: False [6712] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [6715] StaticText '$0.00' [6717] StaticText 'Average Order' [6722] StaticText 'Last Orders' [6723] table '' [6770] row '' [6793] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [6794] columnheader 'Items' required: False [6795] columnheader 'Total' required: False [6771] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [6796] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [6797] gridcell '5' required: False [6798] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [6772] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [6799] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [6800] gridcell '4' required: False [6801] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [6773] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [6802] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [6803] gridcell '3' required: False [6804] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [6774] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [6805] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [6806] gridcell '4' required: False [6807] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [6775] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [6808] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [6809] gridcell '2' required: False [6810] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [6724] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [6725] table '' [6776] row '' [6811] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [6812] columnheader 'Results' required: False [6813] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [6777] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [6814] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [6815] gridcell '23' required: False [6816] gridcell '1' required: False [6778] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [6817] gridcell 'nike' required: False [6818] gridcell '0' required: False [6819] gridcell '3' required: False [6779] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [6820] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [6821] gridcell '10' required: False [6822] gridcell '4' required: False [6780] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [6823] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [6824] gridcell '1' required: False [6825] gridcell '19' required: False [6781] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [6826] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [6827] gridcell '23' required: False [6828] gridcell '2' required: False [6726] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [6727] table '' [6782] row '' [6829] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [6830] columnheader 'Results' required: False [6831] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [6783] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [6832] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [6833] gridcell '1' required: False [6834] gridcell '19' required: False [6784] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [6835] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [6836] gridcell '10' required: False [6837] gridcell '4' required: False [6785] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [6838] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [6839] gridcell '23' required: False [6840] gridcell '2' required: False [6786] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [6841] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [6842] gridcell '23' required: False [6843] gridcell '1' required: False [6787] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [6844] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [6845] gridcell '1' required: False [6846] gridcell '1' required: False [6657] contentinfo '' [6663] link '\ue606' [6664] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [6676] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [6666] link 'Privacy Policy' [6667] StaticText ' |' [6668] link ' Account Activity' [6669] StaticText ' | ' [6670] link 'Report an Issue'
[ "None", "click [880] where [880] is row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'" ]
Tab 0 (current): #000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1272] RootWebArea '#000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1 [3605] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [3606] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [3518] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [3520] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [3523] link '\ue60b SALES' [3529] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [3535] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [3541] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [3547] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [3553] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [3571] link '\ue60d STORES' [3577] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [3583] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1348] heading '#000000299' [1349] link '\ue600 admin' [1351] link '\ue607' [4162] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1322] main '' [4169] button '\ue626 Back' [4170] button 'Login as Customer' [4171] button 'Reorder' [2801] tabpanel 'Information' [2912] StaticText 'Order & Account Information' [3017] StaticText 'Order # 000000299 (' [3019] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent' [3020] StaticText ')' [3021] table '' [3158] row '' [3278] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False [3279] gridcell 'May 31, 2023, 2:55:09 AM' required: False [3159] row '' [3280] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False [3281] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3160] row '' [3282] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False [3283] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False [3161] row '' [3284] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False [3285] gridcell '' required: False [3023] StaticText 'Account Information' [3080] link 'Edit Customer' [3025] table '' [3163] row '' [3286] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False [3287] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [3384] link 'Sarah Miller' [3164] row '' [3288] rowheader 'Email' required: False [3289] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3386] link '[email protected]' [3165] row '' [3290] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False [3291] gridcell 'General' required: False [2917] StaticText 'Address Information' [3027] StaticText 'Billing Address' [3082] link 'Edit' [2919] group '' [3029] StaticText 'Sarah Miller' [3031] StaticText '321 Maple Avenue' [3033] StaticText 'Oakland, California, 94602' [3035] StaticText 'United States' [3037] StaticText 'T: 5107819902' [3039] StaticText 'Shipping Address' [3083] link 'Edit' [2921] group '' [3041] StaticText 'Sarah Miller' [3043] StaticText '321 Maple Avenue' [3045] StaticText 'Oakland, California, 94602' [3047] StaticText 'United States' [3049] StaticText 'T: 5107819902' [2922] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method' [3051] StaticText 'Payment Information' [3084] StaticText 'Check / Money order' [3085] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.' [3056] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information' [3058] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed' [3061] StaticText '$25.00' [2927] StaticText 'Items Ordered' [2875] table '' [3062] row '' [3086] columnheader 'Product' required: False [3087] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False [3088] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False [3089] columnheader 'Price' required: False [3090] columnheader 'Qty' required: False [3091] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False [3092] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False [3093] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False [3094] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False [3095] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False [3063] row '' [3096] gridcell 'Argus All-Weather Tank SKU: MT07-M-Gray Color: Gray Size: M' required: False [3294] DescriptionList '' [3393] DescriptionListTerm '' [3394] DescriptionListDetail '' [3453] StaticText 'Gray' [3395] DescriptionListTerm '' [3454] StaticText 'Size:' [3396] DescriptionListDetail '' [3455] StaticText 'M' [3097] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3098] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3099] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3100] gridcell '' required: False [3193] table '' [3397] row '' [3456] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3457] gridcell '1' required: False [3398] row '' [3458] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3459] gridcell '1' required: False [3101] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3102] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3103] gridcell '0%' required: False [3104] gridcell '$4.40' required: False [3105] gridcell '$17.60' required: False [3064] row '' [3106] gridcell 'Marco Lightweight Active Hoodie SKU: MH13-S-Green Color: Green Size: S' required: False [3302] DescriptionList '' [3403] DescriptionListTerm '' [3404] DescriptionListDetail '' [3461] StaticText 'Green' [3405] DescriptionListTerm '' [3462] StaticText 'Size:' [3406] DescriptionListDetail '' [3107] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3108] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3109] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3110] gridcell '' required: False [3207] table '' [3407] row '' [3464] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3465] gridcell '1' required: False [3408] row '' [3466] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3467] gridcell '1' required: False [3111] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3112] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3113] gridcell '0%' required: False [3114] gridcell '$14.80' required: False [3115] gridcell '$59.20' required: False [3065] row '' [3116] gridcell 'Tiffany Fitness Tee SKU: WS09-XL-Blue Color: Blue Size: XL' required: False [3310] DescriptionList '' [3413] DescriptionListTerm '' [3414] DescriptionListDetail '' [3469] StaticText 'Blue' [3415] DescriptionListTerm '' [3470] StaticText 'Size:' [3416] DescriptionListDetail '' [3471] StaticText 'XL' [3117] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3118] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3119] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3120] gridcell '' required: False [3221] table '' [3417] row '' [3472] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3473] gridcell '1' required: False [3418] row '' [3474] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3475] gridcell '1' required: False [3121] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3122] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3123] gridcell '0%' required: False [3124] gridcell '$5.60' required: False [3125] gridcell '$22.40' required: False [3066] row '' [3126] gridcell 'Nadia Elements Shell SKU: WJ10-XS-Yellow Color: Yellow Size: XS' required: False [3318] DescriptionList '' [3423] DescriptionListTerm '' [3424] DescriptionListDetail '' [3477] StaticText 'Yellow' [3425] DescriptionListTerm '' [3478] StaticText 'Size:' [3426] DescriptionListDetail '' [3479] StaticText 'XS' [3127] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3128] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3129] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3130] gridcell '' required: False [3235] table '' [3427] row '' [3480] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3481] gridcell '1' required: False [3428] row '' [3482] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3483] gridcell '1' required: False [3131] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3132] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3133] gridcell '0%' required: False [3134] gridcell '$13.80' required: False [3135] gridcell '$55.20' required: False [3067] row '' [3136] gridcell 'Gwen Drawstring Bike Short SKU: WSH03-28-Orange Color: Orange Size: 28' required: False [3137] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3138] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3139] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3140] gridcell '' required: False [3249] table '' [3437] row '' [3488] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3489] gridcell '1' required: False [3438] row '' [3490] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3491] gridcell '1' required: False [3141] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3142] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3143] gridcell '0%' required: False [3144] gridcell '$10.00' required: False [3145] gridcell '$40.00' required: False [1996] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW' [2775] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [2777] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content [2787] link 'Information' [2779] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content [2789] link 'Invoices' [2781] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content [2791] link 'Credit Memos' [2783] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content [2793] link 'Shipments' [2785] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [2795] link 'Comments History'
Modify the address of order #65 to 456 Pine Avenue, Seattle, WA, 98101
The next observation would be the Magento Admin dashboard, indicating that the user has returned to the main interface of the admin panel. This transition allows the user to access various administrative functions, including sales, catalog management, and customer information. The dashboard provides an overview of the store's performance and recent orders, including links to specific order details. From this point, the user can navigate to find order #65 and proceed to modify its address to `456 Pine Avenue, Seattle, WA, 98101`.
{ "neg_action0": "click [888]", "neg_action1": "click [673]", "neg_action2": "click [676]", "neg_action3": "click [675]", "neg_action4": "hover [662]", "neg_action5": "scroll [down]", "neg_action6": "press [Ctrl+c]", "neg_action7": "tab_focus [1]", "neg_action8": "new_tab", "neg_action9": "go_forward", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1281] RootWebArea '#000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin | Tab 1: Account Activity / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[911] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[913] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[918] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[919] table ''", "\t\t\t[939] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] columnheader 'Items' required: 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[923] table ''", "\t\t\t[951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[878] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[879] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[880] link ' Account Activity' focused: True", "\t\t[881] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[882] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1281] RootWebArea '#000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[916] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[919] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[921] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[926] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[927] table ''", "\t\t\t[944] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[964] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[966] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[945] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[978] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[979] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[928] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[929] table ''", "\t\t\t[950] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[982] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[984] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[996] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[997] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[930] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[931] table ''", "\t\t\t[956] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1000] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1002] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1014] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[961] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1015] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1016] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1017] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[878] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[883] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[884] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[895] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[886] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[888] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[889] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[890] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin | Tab 1: Account Activity / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[911] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[913] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[918] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[919] table ''", "\t\t\t[939] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[962] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[964] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[923] table ''", "\t\t\t[951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[878] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[879] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[880] link ' Account Activity' focused: True", "\t\t[881] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[882] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): #000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1252] RootWebArea '#000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1310] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1317] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1257] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1259] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1263] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1267] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1271] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1275] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1279] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1283] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1287] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1291] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1295] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1335] heading '#000000230'", "\t[1336] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1338] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1550] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1466] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1299] main ''", "\t\t[1340] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1341] button 'Login as Customer'", "\t\t[1342] button 'Send Email'", "\t\t[1343] button 'Ship'", "\t\t[1344] button 'Reorder'", "\t\t[2602] tabpanel 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText 'Order & Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2815] StaticText 'Order # 000000230 ('", "\t\t\t[2817] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent'", "\t\t\t[2818] StaticText ')'", "\t\t\t[2819] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2922] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2998] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2999] gridcell 'May 19, 2023, 8:11:51 AM' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2923] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3000] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3001] gridcell 'Complete' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2924] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3002] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3003] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3069] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3071] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2925] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3004] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3005] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[2821] StaticText 'Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2875] link 'Edit Customer'", "\t\t\t[2823] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2927] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3006] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3007] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3076] link 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2928] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3008] rowheader 'Email' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3009] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3078] link '[email protected]'", "\t\t\t\t[2929] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3010] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3011] gridcell 'General' required: False", "\t\t\t[2718] StaticText 'Address Information'", "\t\t\t[2825] StaticText 'Billing Address'", "\t\t\t[2877] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2720] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2827] StaticText 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2828] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2829] StaticText '123 Malibu Beach Road'", "\t\t\t\t[2830] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2831] StaticText 'Malibu, California, 90265'", "\t\t\t\t[2832] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2833] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2834] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2835] StaticText 'T: 3105555555'", "\t\t\t[2837] StaticText 'Shipping Address'", "\t\t\t[2878] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2722] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2839] StaticText 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2840] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2841] StaticText '123 Malibu Beach Road'", "\t\t\t\t[2842] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2843] StaticText 'Malibu, California, 90265'", "\t\t\t\t[2844] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2845] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2846] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2847] StaticText 'T: 3105555555'", "\t\t\t[2723] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method'", "\t\t\t[2849] StaticText 'Payment Information'", "\t\t\t[2879] StaticText 'Check / Money order'", "\t\t\t[2880] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.'", "\t\t\t[2854] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information'", "\t\t\t[2856] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed'", "\t\t\t[2859] StaticText '$10.00'", "\t\t\t[2728] StaticText 'Items Ordered'", "\t\t\t[2676] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2860] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2881] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2882] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2883] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2884] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2885] columnheader 'Qty' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2886] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2887] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2888] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2889] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2890] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2861] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2891] gridcell 'Proteus Fitness Jackshirt SKU: MJ12-M-Blue Color: Blue Size: M' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3014] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3085] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3086] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3113] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3087] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3114] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3088] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3115] StaticText 'M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2892] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2893] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2894] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2895] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2957] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3089] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3116] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3117] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2896] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2897] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2898] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2899] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2900] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2862] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2901] gridcell 'Ida Workout Parachute Pant SKU: WP03-28-Blue Color: Blue Size: 28' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3022] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3094] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3095] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3119] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3096] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3120] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3097] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3121] StaticText '28'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2902] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2903] gridcell '$48.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2904] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2905] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2971] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3098] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3122] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3123] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2906] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2907] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2908] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2909] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2910] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[2732] StaticText 'Order Total'", "\t\t\t[2864] StaticText 'Notes for this Order'", "\t\t\t[3028] StaticText 'Status'", "\t\t\t[3029] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[3100] menuitem 'Complete' selected: True", "\t\t\t[3030] StaticText 'Comment'", "\t\t\t[3031] textbox 'Comment' required: False", "\t\t\t[3102] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3104] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3034] button 'Submit Comment'", "\t\t\t[2868] StaticText 'Order Totals'", "\t\t\t[2736] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2914] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2986] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2987] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2915] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2988] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2989] gridcell '$10.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2916] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2990] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2991] gridcell '$93.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2917] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2992] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2993] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2918] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2994] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2995] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2919] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2996] gridcell 'Total Due' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2997] gridcell '$93.40' required: False", "\t\t[1305] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW'", "\t\t[2576] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[2578] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content", "\t\t\t\t[2588] link 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2580] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content", "\t\t\t\t[2590] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t[2582] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content", "\t\t\t\t[2592] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t[2584] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content", "\t\t\t\t[2594] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t[2586] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[2596] link 'Comments History'", "\t[2308] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2313] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2314] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2328] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2316] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2317] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2318] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2319] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2320] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0: Dashboard / Magento Admin | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ] }
[ "click [888]", "click [673]", "click [676]", "click [675]", "hover [662]", "scroll [down]", "press [Ctrl+c]", "tab_focus [1]", "new_tab", "go_forward" ]
click [673]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1281] RootWebArea '#000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ]
The next observation would be that the focus remains on the same order details page for order #000000299 without any change in context or content. The user remains in the same section of the Magento Admin, which is still focused on the order operations. There is no indication of a new content area being loaded or any visual feedback suggesting a successful navigation. ### For NEGATIVE ACTION 2: click [676]
click [676]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin | Tab 1: Account Activity / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[911] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[913] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[918] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[919] table ''", "\t\t\t[939] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[962] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[964] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[921] table ''", "\t\t\t[945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[979] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[982] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[923] table ''", "\t\t\t[951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[870] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[875] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[878] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[879] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[880] link ' Account Activity' focused: True", "\t\t[881] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[882] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus has shifted to the Dashboard of the Magento Admin, indicating a navigation to a different page. The user’s context has now changed from the order details to the dashboard view, which encompasses different administrative functionalities. The transition signifies a potential misrouting or an unexpected navigation failure from the previous order context. ### For NEGATIVE ACTION 3: click [675]
click [675]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1281] RootWebArea '#000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ]
The next observation would be that the focus has transitioned to the order details for a different order (#000000125) without displaying any new content or updates. The user has moved to a new order context, yet the experience remains somewhat static, potentially leading to confusion as the operation did not reflect new actionable information or context. ### For NEGATIVE ACTION 4: hover [662]
hover [662]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus remains on the Dashboard without any change in content or additional information being displayed. The hover action did not yield any visual feedback or tooltips, indicating a lack of interactivity in the dashboard area. This could lead users to feel that the interface is less responsive or that interactive elements are not functioning as intended.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [5886] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [5938] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [5946] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [5891] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [5893] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [5897] link '\ue60b SALES' [5901] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [5905] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [5909] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [5913] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [5917] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [5921] link '\ue60d STORES' [5925] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [5929] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [5965] heading 'Dashboard' [5966] link '\ue600 admin' [5968] link '\ue607' [7105] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [5936] main '' [5971] StaticText 'Scope:' [6033] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [6036] link '\ue633 What is this?' [6153] button 'Reload Data' [6154] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [6203] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [6204] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [6156] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [6704] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [6705] link 'here' [6758] StaticText 'Revenue' [6732] StaticText '$0.00' [6759] StaticText 'Tax' [6760] StaticText 'Shipping' [6761] StaticText 'Quantity' [7004] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [7006] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [7014] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [7008] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [7016] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [7010] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [7018] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [7012] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [7020] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [7025] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [7033] table '' [7056] row '' [7062] columnheader 'Product' required: False [7063] columnheader 'Price' required: False [7064] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [7057] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [7065] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [7066] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [7067] gridcell '6' required: False [7058] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [7068] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [7069] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [7070] gridcell '6' required: False [7059] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [7071] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [7072] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [7073] gridcell '6' required: False [7060] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [7074] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [7075] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [7076] gridcell '5' required: False [7061] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [7077] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [7078] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [7079] gridcell '5' required: False [6712] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [6715] StaticText '$0.00' [6717] StaticText 'Average Order' [6722] StaticText 'Last Orders' [6723] table '' [6770] row '' [6793] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [6794] columnheader 'Items' required: False [6795] columnheader 'Total' required: False [6771] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [6796] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [6797] gridcell '5' required: False [6798] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [6772] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [6799] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [6800] gridcell '4' required: False [6801] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [6773] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [6802] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [6803] gridcell '3' required: False [6804] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [6774] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [6805] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [6806] gridcell '4' required: False [6807] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [6775] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [6808] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [6809] gridcell '2' required: False [6810] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [6724] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [6725] table '' [6776] row '' [6811] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [6812] columnheader 'Results' required: False [6813] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [6777] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [6814] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [6815] gridcell '23' required: False [6816] gridcell '1' required: False [6778] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [6817] gridcell 'nike' required: False [6818] gridcell '0' required: False [6819] gridcell '3' required: False [6779] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [6820] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [6821] gridcell '10' required: False [6822] gridcell '4' required: False [6780] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [6823] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [6824] gridcell '1' required: False [6825] gridcell '19' required: False [6781] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [6826] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [6827] gridcell '23' required: False [6828] gridcell '2' required: False [6726] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [6727] table '' [6782] row '' [6829] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [6830] columnheader 'Results' required: False [6831] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [6783] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [6832] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [6833] gridcell '1' required: False [6834] gridcell '19' required: False [6784] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [6835] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [6836] gridcell '10' required: False [6837] gridcell '4' required: False [6785] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [6838] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [6839] gridcell '23' required: False [6840] gridcell '2' required: False [6786] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [6841] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [6842] gridcell '23' required: False [6843] gridcell '1' required: False [6787] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [6844] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [6845] gridcell '1' required: False [6846] gridcell '1' required: False [6657] contentinfo '' [6663] link '\ue606' [6664] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [6676] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [6666] link 'Privacy Policy' [6667] StaticText ' |' [6668] link ' Account Activity' [6669] StaticText ' | ' [6670] link 'Report an Issue'
[ "None", "click [880] where [880] is row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'" ]
Tab 0 (current): #000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1272] RootWebArea '#000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1 [3605] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [3606] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [3518] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [3520] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [3523] link '\ue60b SALES' [3529] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [3535] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [3541] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [3547] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [3553] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [3571] link '\ue60d STORES' [3577] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [3583] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1348] heading '#000000299' [1349] link '\ue600 admin' [1351] link '\ue607' [4162] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1322] main '' [4169] button '\ue626 Back' [4170] button 'Login as Customer' [4171] button 'Reorder' [2801] tabpanel 'Information' [2912] StaticText 'Order & Account Information' [3017] StaticText 'Order # 000000299 (' [3019] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent' [3020] StaticText ')' [3021] table '' [3158] row '' [3278] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False [3279] gridcell 'May 31, 2023, 2:55:09 AM' required: False [3159] row '' [3280] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False [3281] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3160] row '' [3282] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False [3283] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False [3161] row '' [3284] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False [3285] gridcell '' required: False [3023] StaticText 'Account Information' [3080] link 'Edit Customer' [3025] table '' [3163] row '' [3286] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False [3287] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [3384] link 'Sarah Miller' [3164] row '' [3288] rowheader 'Email' required: False [3289] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3386] link '[email protected]' [3165] row '' [3290] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False [3291] gridcell 'General' required: False [2917] StaticText 'Address Information' [3027] StaticText 'Billing Address' [3082] link 'Edit' [2919] group '' [3029] StaticText 'Sarah Miller' [3031] StaticText '321 Maple Avenue' [3033] StaticText 'Oakland, California, 94602' [3035] StaticText 'United States' [3037] StaticText 'T: 5107819902' [3039] StaticText 'Shipping Address' [3083] link 'Edit' [2921] group '' [3041] StaticText 'Sarah Miller' [3043] StaticText '321 Maple Avenue' [3045] StaticText 'Oakland, California, 94602' [3047] StaticText 'United States' [3049] StaticText 'T: 5107819902' [2922] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method' [3051] StaticText 'Payment Information' [3084] StaticText 'Check / Money order' [3085] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.' [3056] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information' [3058] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed' [3061] StaticText '$25.00' [2927] StaticText 'Items Ordered' [2875] table '' [3062] row '' [3086] columnheader 'Product' required: False [3087] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False [3088] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False [3089] columnheader 'Price' required: False [3090] columnheader 'Qty' required: False [3091] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False [3092] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False [3093] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False [3094] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False [3095] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False [3063] row '' [3096] gridcell 'Argus All-Weather Tank SKU: MT07-M-Gray Color: Gray Size: M' required: False [3294] DescriptionList '' [3393] DescriptionListTerm '' [3394] DescriptionListDetail '' [3453] StaticText 'Gray' [3395] DescriptionListTerm '' [3454] StaticText 'Size:' [3396] DescriptionListDetail '' [3455] StaticText 'M' [3097] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3098] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3099] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3100] gridcell '' required: False [3193] table '' [3397] row '' [3456] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3457] gridcell '1' required: False [3398] row '' [3458] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3459] gridcell '1' required: False [3101] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3102] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3103] gridcell '0%' required: False [3104] gridcell '$4.40' required: False [3105] gridcell '$17.60' required: False [3064] row '' [3106] gridcell 'Marco Lightweight Active Hoodie SKU: MH13-S-Green Color: Green Size: S' required: False [3302] DescriptionList '' [3403] DescriptionListTerm '' [3404] DescriptionListDetail '' [3461] StaticText 'Green' [3405] DescriptionListTerm '' [3462] StaticText 'Size:' [3406] DescriptionListDetail '' [3107] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3108] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3109] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3110] gridcell '' required: False [3207] table '' [3407] row '' [3464] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3465] gridcell '1' required: False [3408] row '' [3466] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3467] gridcell '1' required: False [3111] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3112] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3113] gridcell '0%' required: False [3114] gridcell '$14.80' required: False [3115] gridcell '$59.20' required: False [3065] row '' [3116] gridcell 'Tiffany Fitness Tee SKU: WS09-XL-Blue Color: Blue Size: XL' required: False [3310] DescriptionList '' [3413] DescriptionListTerm '' [3414] DescriptionListDetail '' [3469] StaticText 'Blue' [3415] DescriptionListTerm '' [3470] StaticText 'Size:' [3416] DescriptionListDetail '' [3471] StaticText 'XL' [3117] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3118] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3119] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3120] gridcell '' required: False [3221] table '' [3417] row '' [3472] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3473] gridcell '1' required: False [3418] row '' [3474] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3475] gridcell '1' required: False [3121] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3122] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3123] gridcell '0%' required: False [3124] gridcell '$5.60' required: False [3125] gridcell '$22.40' required: False [3066] row '' [3126] gridcell 'Nadia Elements Shell SKU: WJ10-XS-Yellow Color: Yellow Size: XS' required: False [3318] DescriptionList '' [3423] DescriptionListTerm '' [3424] DescriptionListDetail '' [3477] StaticText 'Yellow' [3425] DescriptionListTerm '' [3478] StaticText 'Size:' [3426] DescriptionListDetail '' [3479] StaticText 'XS' [3127] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3128] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3129] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3130] gridcell '' required: False [3235] table '' [3427] row '' [3480] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3481] gridcell '1' required: False [3428] row '' [3482] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3483] gridcell '1' required: False [3131] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3132] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3133] gridcell '0%' required: False [3134] gridcell '$13.80' required: False [3135] gridcell '$55.20' required: False [3067] row '' [3136] gridcell 'Gwen Drawstring Bike Short SKU: WSH03-28-Orange Color: Orange Size: 28' required: False [3137] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3138] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3139] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3140] gridcell '' required: False [3249] table '' [3437] row '' [3488] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3489] gridcell '1' required: False [3438] row '' [3490] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3491] gridcell '1' required: False [3141] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3142] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3143] gridcell '0%' required: False [3144] gridcell '$10.00' required: False [3145] gridcell '$40.00' required: False [1996] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW' [2775] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [2777] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content [2787] link 'Information' [2779] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content [2789] link 'Invoices' [2781] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content [2791] link 'Credit Memos' [2783] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content [2793] link 'Shipments' [2785] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [2795] link 'Comments History'
Modify the address of order #65 to 456 Pine Avenue, Seattle, WA, 98101
The next observation would be the Magento Admin dashboard, indicating that the user has returned to the main interface of the admin panel. This transition allows the user to access various administrative functions, including sales, catalog management, and customer information. The dashboard provides an overview of the store's performance and recent orders, including links to specific order details. From this point, the user can navigate to find order #65 and proceed to modify its address to `456 Pine Avenue, Seattle, WA, 98101`.
{ "neg_action0": "click [888]", "neg_action1": "click [673]", "neg_action2": "click [676]", "neg_action3": "click [675]", "neg_action4": "hover [662]", "neg_action5": "scroll [down]", "neg_action6": "press [Ctrl+c]", "neg_action7": "tab_focus [1]", "neg_action8": "new_tab", "neg_action9": "go_forward", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1281] RootWebArea '#000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin | Tab 1: Account Activity / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[911] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[913] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[918] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[919] table ''", "\t\t\t[939] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[962] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[964] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[921] table ''", "\t\t\t[945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[979] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[982] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[923] table ''", "\t\t\t[951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[870] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[875] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[878] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[879] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[880] link ' Account Activity' focused: True", "\t\t[881] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[882] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1281] RootWebArea '#000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[601] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' 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False", "\t\t\t\t[966] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[945] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[996] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[997] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[930] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[931] table ''", "\t\t\t[956] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1000] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1002] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1014] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[961] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1015] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1016] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1017] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[878] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[883] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[884] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[895] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[886] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[888] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[889] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[890] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin | Tab 1: Account Activity / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[911] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[913] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[918] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[919] table ''", "\t\t\t[939] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[962] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[964] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[921] table ''", "\t\t\t[945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[979] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[982] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[923] table ''", "\t\t\t[951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[870] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[875] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[878] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[879] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[880] link ' Account Activity' focused: True", "\t\t[881] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[882] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): #000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1252] RootWebArea '#000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1310] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1317] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1257] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1259] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1263] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1267] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1271] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1275] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1279] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1283] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1287] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1291] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1295] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1335] heading '#000000230'", "\t[1336] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1338] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1550] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1466] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1299] main ''", "\t\t[1340] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1341] button 'Login as Customer'", "\t\t[1342] button 'Send Email'", "\t\t[1343] button 'Ship'", "\t\t[1344] button 'Reorder'", "\t\t[2602] tabpanel 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText 'Order & Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2815] StaticText 'Order # 000000230 ('", "\t\t\t[2817] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent'", "\t\t\t[2818] StaticText ')'", "\t\t\t[2819] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2922] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2998] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2999] gridcell 'May 19, 2023, 8:11:51 AM' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2923] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3000] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3001] gridcell 'Complete' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2924] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3002] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3003] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3069] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3071] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2925] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3004] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3005] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[2821] StaticText 'Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2875] link 'Edit Customer'", "\t\t\t[2823] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2927] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3006] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3007] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3076] link 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2928] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3008] rowheader 'Email' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3009] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3078] link '[email protected]'", "\t\t\t\t[2929] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3010] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3011] gridcell 'General' required: False", "\t\t\t[2718] StaticText 'Address Information'", "\t\t\t[2825] StaticText 'Billing Address'", "\t\t\t[2877] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2720] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2827] StaticText 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2828] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2829] StaticText '123 Malibu Beach Road'", "\t\t\t\t[2830] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2831] StaticText 'Malibu, California, 90265'", "\t\t\t\t[2832] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2833] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2834] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2835] StaticText 'T: 3105555555'", "\t\t\t[2837] StaticText 'Shipping Address'", "\t\t\t[2878] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2722] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2839] StaticText 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2840] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2841] StaticText '123 Malibu Beach Road'", "\t\t\t\t[2842] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2843] StaticText 'Malibu, California, 90265'", "\t\t\t\t[2844] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2845] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2846] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2847] StaticText 'T: 3105555555'", "\t\t\t[2723] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method'", "\t\t\t[2849] StaticText 'Payment Information'", "\t\t\t[2879] StaticText 'Check / Money order'", "\t\t\t[2880] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.'", "\t\t\t[2854] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information'", "\t\t\t[2856] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed'", "\t\t\t[2859] StaticText '$10.00'", "\t\t\t[2728] StaticText 'Items Ordered'", "\t\t\t[2676] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2860] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2881] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2882] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2883] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2884] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2885] columnheader 'Qty' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2886] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2887] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2888] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2889] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2890] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2861] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2891] gridcell 'Proteus Fitness Jackshirt SKU: MJ12-M-Blue Color: Blue Size: M' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3014] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3085] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3086] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3113] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3087] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3114] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3088] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3115] StaticText 'M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2892] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2893] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2894] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2895] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2957] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3089] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3116] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3117] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2896] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2897] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2898] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2899] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2900] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2862] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2901] gridcell 'Ida Workout Parachute Pant SKU: WP03-28-Blue Color: Blue Size: 28' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3022] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3094] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3095] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3119] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3096] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3120] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3097] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3121] StaticText '28'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2902] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2903] gridcell '$48.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2904] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2905] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2971] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3098] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3122] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3123] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2906] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2907] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2908] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2909] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2910] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[2732] StaticText 'Order Total'", "\t\t\t[2864] StaticText 'Notes for this Order'", "\t\t\t[3028] StaticText 'Status'", "\t\t\t[3029] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[3100] menuitem 'Complete' selected: True", "\t\t\t[3030] StaticText 'Comment'", "\t\t\t[3031] textbox 'Comment' required: False", "\t\t\t[3102] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3104] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3034] button 'Submit Comment'", "\t\t\t[2868] StaticText 'Order Totals'", "\t\t\t[2736] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2914] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2986] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2987] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2915] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2988] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2989] gridcell '$10.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2916] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2990] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2991] gridcell '$93.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2917] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2992] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2993] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2918] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2994] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2995] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2919] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2996] gridcell 'Total Due' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2997] gridcell '$93.40' required: False", "\t\t[1305] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW'", "\t\t[2576] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[2578] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content", "\t\t\t\t[2588] link 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2580] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content", "\t\t\t\t[2590] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t[2582] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content", "\t\t\t\t[2592] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t[2584] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content", "\t\t\t\t[2594] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t[2586] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[2596] link 'Comments History'", "\t[2308] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2313] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2314] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2328] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2316] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2317] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2318] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2319] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2320] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0: Dashboard / Magento Admin | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ] }
[ "click [888]", "click [673]", "click [676]", "click [675]", "hover [662]", "scroll [down]", "press [Ctrl+c]", "tab_focus [1]", "new_tab", "go_forward" ]
click [673]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1281] RootWebArea '#000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage remains focused on `#000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin` with no change in the displayed information. The user expected the click to result in a different view or state, but instead, the details regarding the same order continue to be presented without any updates or transitions.
click [676]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin | Tab 1: Account Activity / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[911] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[913] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[918] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[919] table ''", "\t\t\t[939] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[962] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[964] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[921] table ''", "\t\t\t[945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[979] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[982] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[923] table ''", "\t\t\t[951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[870] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[875] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[878] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[879] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[880] link ' Account Activity' focused: True", "\t\t[881] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[882] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage now displays the `Dashboard / Magento Admin` instead of the order details for Order #000000299. This indicates that the user has successfully navigated away from the order view, but the context of their previous task related to order management has been lost, potentially leading to confusion about their current focus.
click [675]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1281] RootWebArea '#000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage has shifted focus to `#000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin`. This change indicates that the user has navigated to a different order's details, but it may also imply a lack of continuity in their workflow, possibly affecting their efficiency in managing multiple orders.
hover [662]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage continues to display `Dashboard / Magento Admin` without any changes to the content or state. This signifies that the user is engaged with the dashboard features, but the interaction did not yield any actionable insights or transitions, potentially leading to frustration if the user was expecting dynamic feedback.
Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1255] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [1308] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1317] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1260] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1262] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1266] link '\ue60b SALES' focused: True [1327] generic '\ue60b SALES Sales \ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal' [1348] link '\ue62f' [1349] menu '' orientation: vertical [1512] menu '' orientation: vertical [1628] link 'Orders' [1629] link 'Invoices' [1630] link 'Shipments' [1631] link 'Credit Memos' [1632] link 'Billing Agreements' [1633] link 'Transactions' [1634] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal' [1270] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1274] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1278] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1282] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1286] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1290] link '\ue60d STORES' [1294] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1298] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1336] heading 'Orders' [1337] link '\ue600 admin' [1339] link '\ue607' [2009] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1305] main '' [2016] button 'Create New Order' [3124] button '\ue60fDefault View' [3125] button '\ue610 Columns' [3128] button '\ue635 Export' [12222] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [12223] button 'Search' [12234] button '\ue605Filters' [12448] button 'Actions' [12289] StaticText '308' [12291] StaticText 'records found' [12571] textbox 'per page' required: False [12599] StaticText '200' [12564] button 'per page Select' [12259] button '\ue629' disabled: True [12304] spinbutton 'of 2' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [12260] button '\ue62a' [2049] table '' [2052] row '' [3007] columnheader 'Options' required: False [3030] checkbox '' checked: false [3032] button 'Options' [2322] columnheader 'ID' required: False [2323] columnheader 'Purchase Point' required: False [2324] columnheader 'Purchase Date' required: False [2325] columnheader 'Bill-to Name' required: False [2326] columnheader 'Ship-to Name' required: False [2327] columnheader '↓ Grand Total (Base)' required: False [2328] columnheader 'Grand Total (Purchased)' required: False [2329] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2330] columnheader 'Action' required: False [2331] columnheader 'Allocated sources' required: False [2332] columnheader 'Braintree Transaction Source' required: False [2053] row '' [2273] gridcell '' required: False [3035] checkbox '' checked: false [2073] gridcell '000000214' required: False [2074] gridcell 'Main Website \xa0\xa0\xa0Main Website Store \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Default Store View ' required: False [2302] gridcell 'Nov 7, 2022 1:55:03 PM' required: False [2075] gridcell 'Adam Garcia' required: False [2076] gridcell 'Adam Garcia' required: False [2077] gridcell '$21.00' required: False [2078] gridcell '$21.00' required: False [2079] gridcell 'Complete' required: False [2080] gridcell 'View' required: False [2364] link 'View' [2081] gridcell '' required: False [2082] gridcell '' required: False [2054] row '' [2274] gridcell '' required: False [3037] checkbox '' checked: false [2083] gridcell '000000296' required: False [2084] gridcell 'Main Website \xa0\xa0\xa0Main Website Store \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Default Store View ' required: False [2303] gridcell 'Aug 21, 2022 11:13:06 PM' required: False [2085] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [2086] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [2087] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [2088] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [2089] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [2090] gridcell 'View' required: False [2374] link 'View' [2091] gridcell '' required: False [2092] gridcell '' required: False [2055] row '' [2275] gridcell '' required: False [3039] checkbox '' checked: false [2093] gridcell '000000250' required: False [2094] gridcell 'Main Website \xa0\xa0\xa0Main Website Store \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Default Store View ' required: False [2304] gridcell 'Jul 3, 2022 11:58:12 PM' required: False [2095] gridcell 'Daniel Jackson' required: False [2096] gridcell 'Daniel Jackson' required: False [2097] gridcell '$25.00' required: False [2098] gridcell '$25.00' required: False [2099] gridcell 'Complete' required: False [2100] gridcell 'View' required: False [2384] link 'View' [2101] gridcell '' required: False [2102] gridcell '' required: False [2056] row '' [2276] gridcell '' required: False [3041] checkbox '' checked: false [2103] gridcell '000000227' required: False [2104] gridcell 'Main Website \xa0\xa0\xa0Main Website Store \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Default Store View ' required: False [2305] gridcell 'Jan 10, 2023 12:30:35 PM' required: False [2105] gridcell 'Bob Johnson' required: False [2106] gridcell 'Bob Johnson' required: False [2107] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [2108] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [2109] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [2110] gridcell 'View' required: False [2394] link 'View' [2111] gridcell '' required: False [2112] gridcell '' required: False [2057] row '' [2277] gridcell '' required: False [3043] checkbox '' checked: false [2113] gridcell '000000083' required: False [2114] gridcell 'Main Website \xa0\xa0\xa0Main Website Store \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Default Store View ' required: False [2306] gridcell 'Feb 20, 2022 1:00:27 AM' required: False [2115] gridcell 'Bob Johnson' required: False [2116] gridcell 'Bob Johnson' required: False [2117] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [2118] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [2119] gridcell 'Complete' required: False [2120] gridcell 'View' required: False [2404] link 'View' [2121] gridcell '' required: False [2122] gridcell '' required: False [2058] row '' [2278] gridcell '' required: False [3045] checkbox '' checked: false [2123] gridcell '000000087' required: False [2124] gridcell 'Main Website \xa0\xa0\xa0Main Website Store \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Default Store View ' required: False [2307] gridcell 'Feb 1, 2023 4:14:36 AM' required: False [2125] gridcell 'Bob Jones' required: False [2126] gridcell 'Bob Jones' required: False [2127] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2128] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2129] gridcell 'Complete' required: False [2130] gridcell 'View' required: False [2414] link 'View' [2131] gridcell '' required: False [2132] gridcell '' required: False [2059] row '' [2279] gridcell '' required: False [3047] checkbox '' checked: false [2133] gridcell '000000203' required: False [2134] gridcell 'Main Website \xa0\xa0\xa0Main Website Store \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Default Store View ' required: False [2308] gridcell 'Jun 19, 2022 8:41:31 AM' required: False [2135] gridcell 'Bob Jones' required: False [2136] gridcell 'Bob Jones' required: False [2137] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2138] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2139] gridcell 'Complete' required: False [2140] gridcell 'View' required: False [2424] link 'View' [2141] gridcell '' required: False [2142] gridcell '' required: False [2060] row '' [2280] gridcell '' required: False [3049] checkbox '' checked: false [2143] gridcell '000000159' required: False [2144] gridcell 'Main Website \xa0\xa0\xa0Main Website Store \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Default Store View ' required: False [2309] gridcell 'Feb 1, 2023 2:15:50 AM' required: False [2145] gridcell 'Daniel Jackson' required: False [2146] gridcell 'Daniel Jackson' required: False [2147] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2148] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2149] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [2150] gridcell 'View' required: False [2434] link 'View' [2151] gridcell '' required: False [2152] gridcell '' required: False [2061] row '' [2281] gridcell '' required: False [3051] checkbox '' checked: false [2153] gridcell '000000118' required: False [2154] gridcell 'Main Website \xa0\xa0\xa0Main Website Store \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Default Store View ' required: False [2310] gridcell 'May 6, 2023 11:54:21 PM' required: False [2155] gridcell 'Brian Smith' required: False [2156] gridcell 'Brian Smith' required: False [2157] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2158] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2159] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [2160] gridcell 'View' required: False [2444] link 'View' [2161] gridcell '' required: False [2162] gridcell '' required: False [2062] row '' [2282] gridcell '' required: False [3053] checkbox '' checked: false [2163] gridcell '000000105' required: False [2164] gridcell 'Main Website \xa0\xa0\xa0Main Website Store \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Default Store View ' required: False [2311] gridcell 'Feb 7, 2023 1:07:31 AM' required: False [2165] gridcell 'Michael Nguyen' required: False [2166] gridcell 'Michael Nguyen' required: False [2167] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2168] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2169] gridcell 'Complete' required: False [2170] gridcell 'View' required: False [2454] link 'View' [2171] gridcell '' required: False [2172] gridcell '' required: False [2063] row '' [2283] gridcell '' required: False [3055] checkbox '' checked: false [2173] gridcell '000000253' required: False [2174] gridcell 'Main Website \xa0\xa0\xa0Main Website Store \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Default Store View ' required: False [2312] gridcell 'Dec 17, 2022 3:16:03 PM' required: False [2175] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [2176] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [2177] gridcell '$32.00' required: False [2178] gridcell '$32.00' required: False [2179] gridcell 'Complete' required: False [2180] gridcell 'View' required: False [2464] link 'View' [2181] gridcell '' required: False [2182] gridcell '' required: False
click [1266] where [1266] is link '\ue60b SALES'
[ "None", "click [12] where [12] is link '\\ue60b SALES'", "click [412] where [412] is link 'Orders'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1255] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [1308] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1317] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1260] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1262] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1266] link '\ue60b SALES' [1270] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1274] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1278] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1282] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1286] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1290] link '\ue60d STORES' [1294] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1298] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1336] heading 'Orders' [1337] link '\ue600 admin' [1339] link '\ue607' [2009] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1305] main '' [2016] button 'Create New Order' [2049] table '' [2052] row '' [2053] row '' [2273] gridcell '' required: False [2073] gridcell '' required: False [2074] gridcell '' required: False [2075] gridcell '' required: False [2076] gridcell '' required: False [2077] gridcell '' required: False [2078] gridcell '' required: False [2079] gridcell '' required: False [2080] gridcell '' required: False [2081] gridcell '' required: False [2082] gridcell '' required: False [2054] row '' [2274] gridcell '' required: False [2083] gridcell '' required: False [2084] gridcell '' required: False [2085] gridcell '' required: False [2086] gridcell '' required: False [2087] gridcell '' required: False [2088] gridcell '' required: False [2089] gridcell '' required: False [2090] gridcell '' required: False [2091] gridcell '' required: False [2092] gridcell '' required: False [2055] row '' [2275] gridcell '' required: False [2093] gridcell '' required: False [2094] gridcell '' required: False [2095] gridcell '' required: False [2096] gridcell '' required: False [2097] gridcell '' required: False [2098] gridcell '' required: False [2099] gridcell '' required: False [2100] gridcell '' required: False [2101] gridcell '' required: False [2102] gridcell '' required: False [2056] row '' [2276] gridcell '' required: False [2103] gridcell '' required: False [2104] gridcell '' required: False [2105] gridcell '' required: False [2106] gridcell '' required: False [2107] gridcell '' required: False [2108] gridcell '' required: False [2109] gridcell '' required: False [2110] gridcell '' required: False [2111] gridcell '' required: False [2112] gridcell '' required: False [2057] row '' [2277] gridcell '' required: False [2113] gridcell '' required: False [2114] gridcell '' required: False [2115] gridcell '' required: False [2116] gridcell '' required: False [2117] gridcell '' required: False [2118] gridcell '' required: False [2119] gridcell '' required: False [2120] gridcell '' required: False [2121] gridcell '' required: False [2122] gridcell '' required: False [2058] row '' [2278] gridcell '' required: False [2123] gridcell '' required: False [2124] gridcell '' required: False [2125] gridcell '' required: False [2126] gridcell '' required: False [2127] gridcell '' required: False [2128] gridcell '' required: False [2129] gridcell '' required: False [2130] gridcell '' required: False [2131] gridcell '' required: False [2132] gridcell '' required: False [2059] row '' [2279] gridcell '' required: False [2133] gridcell '' required: False [2134] gridcell '' required: False [2135] gridcell '' required: False [2136] gridcell '' required: False [2137] gridcell '' required: False [2138] gridcell '' required: False [2139] gridcell '' required: False [2140] gridcell '' required: False [2141] gridcell '' required: False [2142] gridcell '' required: False [2060] row '' [2280] gridcell '' required: False [2143] gridcell '' required: False [2144] gridcell '' required: False [2145] gridcell '' required: False [2146] gridcell '' required: False [2147] gridcell '' required: False [2148] gridcell '' required: False [2149] gridcell '' required: False [2150] gridcell '' required: False [2151] gridcell '' required: False [2152] gridcell '' required: False [2061] row '' [2281] gridcell '' required: False [2153] gridcell '' required: False [2154] gridcell '' required: False [2155] gridcell '' required: False [2156] gridcell '' required: False [2157] gridcell '' required: False [2158] gridcell '' required: False [2159] gridcell '' required: False [2160] gridcell '' required: False [2161] gridcell '' required: False [2162] gridcell '' required: False [2062] row '' [2282] gridcell '' required: False [2163] gridcell '' required: False [2164] gridcell '' required: False [2165] gridcell '' required: False [2166] gridcell '' required: False [2167] gridcell '' required: False [2168] gridcell '' required: False [2169] gridcell '' required: False [2170] gridcell '' required: False [2171] gridcell '' required: False [2172] gridcell '' required: False [2063] row '' [2283] gridcell '' required: False [2173] gridcell '' required: False [2174] gridcell '' required: False [2175] gridcell '' required: False [2176] gridcell '' required: False [2177] gridcell '' required: False [2178] gridcell '' required: False [2179] gridcell '' required: False [2180] gridcell '' required: False [2181] gridcell '' required: False [2182] gridcell '' required: False
What is the total count of In Progress reviews amongst all the reviews?
The next observation would still display the `Orders` section of the Magento Admin, confirming the user is in the correct area to review order statuses. The layout continues to present a table with several rows, each representing an order with its details. To determine the total count of `In Progress` reviews among the orders, the user would need to inspect the status column within this table. The focus remains on the sales context, with the interface ready for further actions, such as filtering or searching for specific orders based on their status, including those marked as `In Progress`.
{ "neg_action0": "click [233]", "neg_action1": "type [164] [In Progress Reviews] [1]", "neg_action2": "scroll [down]", "neg_action3": "hover [3550]", "neg_action4": "click [3550]", "neg_action5": "click [134]", "neg_action6": "click [138]", "neg_action7": "click [217]", "neg_action8": "click [346]", "neg_action9": "press [Ctrl+F]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[75] link 'My Account'", "\t[76] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[77] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3554] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[81] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[266] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[267] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[155] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[270] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[115] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3541] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3543] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1754] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2505] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2570] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2580] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2594] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2631] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2639] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2644] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2650] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2655] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2716] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2731] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2744] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1748] link 'Home'", "\t[1753] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1751] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t[9] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[15] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[17] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[257] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[407] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t[103] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[409] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[260] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[709] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1004] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t[261] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[262] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t[265] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t[1613] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1615] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1617] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t[1529] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1596] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1597] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1578] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1517] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1518] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1502] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3509] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3511] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3537] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3510] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3527] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3532] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3533] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3561] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3529] button 'Next'", "\t\t[1504] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3549] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1523] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3551] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1561] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1454] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd Black, 10MP, 5x Non-Extending Optical Zoom, 2.7\" LCD, Dual Image Stabilization, Face Detection w/Auto Red Eye Removal, New Blog Mode 2.0 and IR-Simple for sharing photos with friends, File Security System, xD/SD/SD-HC Compatible Media Slot. Despite being only 20.0mm thick, the 10-megapixel FinePix Z200fd touts cutting-edge technology and advanced features including a Fujinon 5x optical zoom lens, a high-resolution, scratch-resistant 2.7-inch LCD and sensitivity settings of up to ISO 1600 that enable partygoers to take beautiful, natural-looking images without flash, retaining the atmosphere of twilight and late-night events. Featuring Fujifilm’s acclaimed Face Detection Technology, now working in tandem with automatic red-eye removal, the FinePix Z200fd makes it easy to capture your friends’ good sides. At the press of a button, this mode identifies up to 10 human faces in a scene, and sets the correct focus and exposure, regardless of where subjects are located within the frame. The FinePix Z200fd then instantly checks each detected face for red eye and, if found, corrects it automatically in the camera, avoiding the process of editing later. Timing Is Everything The FinePix Z200fd debuts Fujifilm’s new Couple Timer Mode and Group Timer Mode, ensuring you can appear in every shot you take, even when there’s no one else around to take the picture! Working in conjunction with Face Detection Technology, these self-timer modes automatically capture the image when the camera has detected faces in a frame.'", "\t\t\t\t[1456] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '10-megapixel sensor captures enough detail for photo-quality 18 x 24-inch prints'", "\t\t\t\t[1458] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1648] StaticText 'Wide-angle 5x optical zoom lens; 2.7-inch LCD display'", "\t\t\t\t[1460] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Face Detection optimizes focus/exposure for up to 10 faces; Dual Image Stabilization for blur-free pictures'", "\t\t\t\t[1462] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1652] StaticText 'Wirelessly transfer images to IrSimple-equipped devices, including other digital cameras'", "\t\t\t\t[1464] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Stores images on xD or SD memory cards (not included); powered by lithium-ion battery (battery included)'", "\t\t\t\t[1600] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1655] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1675] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1676] gridcell '5.6 x 6.7 x 2.8 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1656] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1677] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1678] gridcell '12 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1657] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1679] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1680] gridcell 'Z200fd Black' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1658] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1681] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1682] gridcell 'July 31, 2008' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1659] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1683] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1684] gridcell 'FUJIFILM' required: False", "\t\t\t[3552] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1524] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1465] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1553] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1568] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1555] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1528] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1495] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1496] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1498] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1499] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1482] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1484] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1486] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[74] link 'My Account'", "\t[75] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[76] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3554] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[80] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[247] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[248] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[141] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[251] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[112] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3541] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3543] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1754] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2505] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2570] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2580] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2594] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2631] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2639] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2644] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2650] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2655] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2716] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2731] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2744] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1748] link 'Home'", "\t[1753] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1751] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[243] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[388] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t[102] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[390] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[246] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[977] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1197] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[1514] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[1515] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t[1518] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t[1613] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1615] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1617] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t[1519] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1596] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1597] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1577] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1502] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3509] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3511] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3537] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3510] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3527] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3532] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3533] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3561] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3529] button 'Next'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3549] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1508] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3551] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1559] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1425] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd Black, 10MP, 5x Non-Extending Optical Zoom, 2.7\" LCD, Dual Image Stabilization, Face Detection w/Auto Red Eye Removal, New Blog Mode 2.0 and IR-Simple for sharing photos with friends, File Security System, xD/SD/SD-HC Compatible Media Slot. Despite being only 20.0mm thick, the 10-megapixel FinePix Z200fd touts cutting-edge technology and advanced features including a Fujinon 5x optical zoom lens, a high-resolution, scratch-resistant 2.7-inch LCD and sensitivity settings of up to ISO 1600 that enable partygoers to take beautiful, natural-looking images without flash, retaining the atmosphere of twilight and late-night events. Featuring Fujifilm’s acclaimed Face Detection Technology, now working in tandem with automatic red-eye removal, the FinePix Z200fd makes it easy to capture your friends’ good sides. At the press of a button, this mode identifies up to 10 human faces in a scene, and sets the correct focus and exposure, regardless of where subjects are located within the frame. The FinePix Z200fd then instantly checks each detected face for red eye and, if found, corrects it automatically in the camera, avoiding the process of editing later. Timing Is Everything The FinePix Z200fd debuts Fujifilm’s new Couple Timer Mode and Group Timer Mode, ensuring you can appear in every shot you take, even when there’s no one else around to take the picture! Working in conjunction with Face Detection Technology, these self-timer modes automatically capture the image when the camera has detected faces in a frame.'", "\t\t\t\t[1427] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '10-megapixel sensor captures enough detail for photo-quality 18 x 24-inch prints'", "\t\t\t\t[1429] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1648] StaticText 'Wide-angle 5x optical zoom lens; 2.7-inch LCD display'", "\t\t\t\t[1431] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Face Detection optimizes focus/exposure for up to 10 faces; Dual Image Stabilization for blur-free pictures'", "\t\t\t\t[1433] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1652] StaticText 'Wirelessly transfer images to IrSimple-equipped devices, including other digital cameras'", "\t\t\t\t[1435] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Stores images on xD or SD memory cards (not included); powered by lithium-ion battery (battery included)'", "\t\t\t\t[1600] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1655] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1675] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1676] gridcell '5.6 x 6.7 x 2.8 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1656] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1677] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1678] gridcell '12 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1657] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1679] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1680] gridcell 'Z200fd Black' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1658] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1681] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1682] gridcell 'July 31, 2008' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1659] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1683] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1684] gridcell 'FUJIFILM' required: False", "\t\t\t[3552] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1509] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1436] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1550] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1566] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1552] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1513] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1467] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1468] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1469] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1470] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1471] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1453] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1455] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1457] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[61] link 'My Account'", "\t[62] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[63] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3554] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[67] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[31] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[33] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[34] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[224] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[225] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[123] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[228] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[96] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3541] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3543] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1754] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2505] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2570] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2580] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2594] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2631] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2639] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2644] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2650] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2655] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2716] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2731] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2744] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1748] link 'Home'", "\t[1753] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1751] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t[12] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[1383] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[1385] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[1496] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[1519] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t[1451] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1521] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1499] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1544] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1565] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1590] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[1500] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[1501] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t[1504] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t[1613] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1615] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1617] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t[1505] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1596] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1597] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1575] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1455] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3509] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3511] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3537] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3510] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3527] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3532] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3533] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3561] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3529] button 'Next'", "\t\t[1457] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3549] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1489] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3551] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1553] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1396] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd Black, 10MP, 5x Non-Extending Optical Zoom, 2.7\" LCD, Dual Image Stabilization, Face Detection w/Auto Red Eye Removal, New Blog Mode 2.0 and IR-Simple for sharing photos with friends, File Security System, xD/SD/SD-HC Compatible Media Slot. Despite being only 20.0mm thick, the 10-megapixel FinePix Z200fd touts cutting-edge technology and advanced features including a Fujinon 5x optical zoom lens, a high-resolution, scratch-resistant 2.7-inch LCD and sensitivity settings of up to ISO 1600 that enable partygoers to take beautiful, natural-looking images without flash, retaining the atmosphere of twilight and late-night events. Featuring Fujifilm’s acclaimed Face Detection Technology, now working in tandem with automatic red-eye removal, the FinePix Z200fd makes it easy to capture your friends’ good sides. At the press of a button, this mode identifies up to 10 human faces in a scene, and sets the correct focus and exposure, regardless of where subjects are located within the frame. The FinePix Z200fd then instantly checks each detected face for red eye and, if found, corrects it automatically in the camera, avoiding the process of editing later. Timing Is Everything The FinePix Z200fd debuts Fujifilm’s new Couple Timer Mode and Group Timer Mode, ensuring you can appear in every shot you take, even when there’s no one else around to take the picture! Working in conjunction with Face Detection Technology, these self-timer modes automatically capture the image when the camera has detected faces in a frame.'", "\t\t\t\t[1398] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '10-megapixel sensor captures enough detail for photo-quality 18 x 24-inch prints'", "\t\t\t\t[1400] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1648] StaticText 'Wide-angle 5x optical zoom lens; 2.7-inch LCD display'", "\t\t\t\t[1402] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Face Detection optimizes focus/exposure for up to 10 faces; Dual Image Stabilization for blur-free pictures'", "\t\t\t\t[1404] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1652] StaticText 'Wirelessly transfer images to IrSimple-equipped devices, including other digital cameras'", "\t\t\t\t[1406] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Stores images on xD or SD memory cards (not included); powered by lithium-ion battery (battery included)'", "\t\t\t\t[1600] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1655] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1675] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1676] gridcell '5.6 x 6.7 x 2.8 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1656] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1677] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1678] gridcell '12 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1657] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1679] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1680] gridcell 'Z200fd Black' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1658] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1681] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1682] gridcell 'July 31, 2008' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1659] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1683] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1684] gridcell 'FUJIFILM' required: False", "\t\t\t[3552] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1490] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1407] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1541] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1560] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1543] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1494] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1443] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1444] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1445] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1446] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1447] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1427] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1429] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1431] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[132] link 'My Account'", "\t[133] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[134] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3554] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[138] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[67] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[52] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[69] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[70] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[365] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[366] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[240] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[369] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[187] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3541] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3543] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1754] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2505] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2570] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2580] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2594] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2631] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2639] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2644] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2650] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2655] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2716] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2731] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2744] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1748] link 'Home'", "\t[1753] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1751] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[59] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[342] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[506] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t[160] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[508] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[345] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[821] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1131] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1373] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[346] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[347] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t[350] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t[1613] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1615] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1617] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t[351] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1379] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1380] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1141] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[226] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[227] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[164] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3509] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3511] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3537] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3510] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3527] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3532] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3533] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3628] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3529] button 'Next'", "\t\t[166] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3549] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[232] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3551] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[830] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[24] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd Black, 10MP, 5x Non-Extending Optical Zoom, 2.7\" LCD, Dual Image Stabilization, Face Detection w/Auto Red Eye Removal, New Blog Mode 2.0 and IR-Simple for sharing photos with friends, File Security System, xD/SD/SD-HC Compatible Media Slot. Despite being only 20.0mm thick, the 10-megapixel FinePix Z200fd touts cutting-edge technology and advanced features including a Fujinon 5x optical zoom lens, a high-resolution, scratch-resistant 2.7-inch LCD and sensitivity settings of up to ISO 1600 that enable partygoers to take beautiful, natural-looking images without flash, retaining the atmosphere of twilight and late-night events. Featuring Fujifilm’s acclaimed Face Detection Technology, now working in tandem with automatic red-eye removal, the FinePix Z200fd makes it easy to capture your friends’ good sides. At the press of a button, this mode identifies up to 10 human faces in a scene, and sets the correct focus and exposure, regardless of where subjects are located within the frame. The FinePix Z200fd then instantly checks each detected face for red eye and, if found, corrects it automatically in the camera, avoiding the process of editing later. Timing Is Everything The FinePix Z200fd debuts Fujifilm’s new Couple Timer Mode and Group Timer Mode, ensuring you can appear in every shot you take, even when there’s no one else around to take the picture! Working in conjunction with Face Detection Technology, these self-timer modes automatically capture the image when the camera has detected faces in a frame.'", "\t\t\t\t[26] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '10-megapixel sensor captures enough detail for photo-quality 18 x 24-inch prints'", "\t\t\t\t[28] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1648] StaticText 'Wide-angle 5x optical zoom lens; 2.7-inch LCD display'", "\t\t\t\t[30] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Face Detection optimizes focus/exposure for up to 10 faces; Dual Image Stabilization for blur-free pictures'", "\t\t\t\t[32] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1652] StaticText 'Wirelessly transfer images to IrSimple-equipped devices, including other digital cameras'", "\t\t\t\t[34] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Stores images on xD or SD memory cards (not included); powered by lithium-ion battery (battery included)'", "\t\t\t\t[1383] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1655] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1675] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1676] gridcell '5.6 x 6.7 x 2.8 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1656] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1677] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1678] gridcell '12 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1657] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1679] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1680] gridcell 'Z200fd Black' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1658] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1681] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1682] gridcell 'July 31, 2008' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1659] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1683] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1684] gridcell 'FUJIFILM' required: False", "\t\t\t[3552] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[233] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[42] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[528] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[530] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[237] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[126] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[127] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[128] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[129] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[130] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[92] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[94] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[96] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[3] generic '' busy: 1", "\t\t[48] link 'My Account'", "\t\t[49] link 'My Wish List'", "\t\t[50] link 'Sign In'", "\t\t[3552] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t\t[54] link 'Create an Account'", "\t\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t\t[87] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t\t[88] StaticText 'Search'", "\t\t[77] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t\t[91] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[72] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t\t[3539] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3541] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t\t[1752] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[2503] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2568] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2578] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2592] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2629] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2637] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2642] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2648] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2714] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2729] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[1746] link 'Home'", "\t\t[1751] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[196] main ''", "\t\t\t[234] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t\t[202] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t\t[204] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t\t[451] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t\t[602] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t\t[293] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t[604] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t\t[454] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t\t[890] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1395] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t\t[455] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t\t[456] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t\t[1742] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t\t[459] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t\t[1613] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t[1615] radio 'Pink' checked: false", 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selected: True controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t\t[354] link 'Reviews (12)' focused: True", "\t\t\t\t[3699] tabpanel 'Reviews (12)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3667] group \"You're reviewing: Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3679] group 'Your Rating*'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3678] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3785] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3691] radio 'Rating \\ue605 1 star' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3653] LabelText '1 star'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3702] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605 2 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3666] LabelText '2 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3670] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 3 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3654] LabelText '3 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3708] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 4 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3655] LabelText '4 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3674] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 5 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3684] LabelText '5 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3643] StaticText 'Nickname'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3755] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3657] textbox 'Nickname*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3706] StaticText 'Summary'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3687] textbox 'Summary*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3700] StaticText 'Review'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3688] textbox 'Review*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t[3664] button 'Submit Review'", "\t\t[227] contentinfo ''", "\t\t\t[624] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t\t[906] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t\t[626] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t\t[274] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t\t[275] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t\t[276] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t\t[277] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t\t[278] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t\t[257] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t\t[259] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t\t[261] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3643] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3690] link 'My Account'", "\t[3691] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3692] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3696] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3664] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3658] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3666] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3667] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[3807] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[3808] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[3743] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[3811] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[3722] button 'Search'", "\t[3723] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[3725] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[3727] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[3729] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[3731] link 'Office Products'", "\t[3733] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[3735] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[3737] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[3739] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[105] link 'My Account'", "\t[106] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[107] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3554] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[111] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[61] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[50] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[63] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[64] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[324] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[325] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[203] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[328] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[152] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3541] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3543] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1754] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2505] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2570] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2580] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2594] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2631] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2639] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2644] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2650] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2655] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2716] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2731] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2744] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1748] link 'Home'", "\t[1753] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1751] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[57] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[305] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[465] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t[133] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[467] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[308] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[777] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1084] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1326] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[309] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[310] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t[313] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t[1566] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1568] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1570] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t[314] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1332] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1333] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1094] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[191] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[192] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[137] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3509] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3511] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3537] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3510] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3527] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3532] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3533] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3628] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3529] button 'Next'", "\t\t[139] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3549] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[197] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3551] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[786] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[24] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1597] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd Black, 10MP, 5x Non-Extending Optical Zoom, 2.7\" LCD, Dual Image Stabilization, Face Detection w/Auto Red Eye Removal, New Blog Mode 2.0 and IR-Simple for sharing photos with friends, File Security System, xD/SD/SD-HC Compatible Media Slot. Despite being only 20.0mm thick, the 10-megapixel FinePix Z200fd touts cutting-edge technology and advanced features including a Fujinon 5x optical zoom lens, a high-resolution, scratch-resistant 2.7-inch LCD and sensitivity settings of up to ISO 1600 that enable partygoers to take beautiful, natural-looking images without flash, retaining the atmosphere of twilight and late-night events. Featuring Fujifilm’s acclaimed Face Detection Technology, now working in tandem with automatic red-eye removal, the FinePix Z200fd makes it easy to capture your friends’ good sides. At the press of a button, this mode identifies up to 10 human faces in a scene, and sets the correct focus and exposure, regardless of where subjects are located within the frame. The FinePix Z200fd then instantly checks each detected face for red eye and, if found, corrects it automatically in the camera, avoiding the process of editing later. Timing Is Everything The FinePix Z200fd debuts Fujifilm’s new Couple Timer Mode and Group Timer Mode, ensuring you can appear in every shot you take, even when there’s no one else around to take the picture! Working in conjunction with Face Detection Technology, these self-timer modes automatically capture the image when the camera has detected faces in a frame.'", "\t\t\t\t[26] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1599] StaticText '10-megapixel sensor captures enough detail for photo-quality 18 x 24-inch prints'", "\t\t\t\t[28] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1601] StaticText 'Wide-angle 5x optical zoom lens; 2.7-inch LCD display'", "\t\t\t\t[30] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1603] StaticText 'Face Detection optimizes focus/exposure for up to 10 faces; Dual Image Stabilization for blur-free pictures'", "\t\t\t\t[32] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1605] StaticText 'Wirelessly transfer images to IrSimple-equipped devices, including other digital cameras'", "\t\t\t\t[34] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1607] StaticText 'Stores images on xD or SD memory cards (not included); powered by lithium-ion battery (battery included)'", "\t\t\t\t[1336] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1608] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1628] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1629] gridcell '5.6 x 6.7 x 2.8 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1609] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1630] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1631] gridcell '12 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1610] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1632] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1633] gridcell 'Z200fd Black' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1611] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1634] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1635] gridcell 'July 31, 2008' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1612] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1636] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1637] gridcell 'FUJIFILM' required: False", "\t\t\t[3552] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[198] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1672] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1713] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1715] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1708] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1693] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1694] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1695] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1696] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1697] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1686] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1688] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1690] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[48] link 'My Account'", "\t[49] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[50] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3552] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[54] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[164] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[165] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[101] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[168] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[80] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3539] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3541] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1752] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2503] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2568] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2578] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2592] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2629] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2637] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2642] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2648] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2714] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2729] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1746] link 'Home'", "\t[1751] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1749] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t[789] main ''", "\t\t[827] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[795] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[967] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[1050] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t[878] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1052] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[970] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1208] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1362] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1488] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[971] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[972] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1742] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t[975] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t[1613] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1615] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1617] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t[976] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1494] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1495] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1372] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[916] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[917] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[882] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3507] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3509] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3535] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3508] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3525] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3530] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3558] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3531] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3628] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3527] button 'Next'", "\t\t[884] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3547] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3548] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[922] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3549] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1217] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[808] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd Black, 10MP, 5x Non-Extending Optical Zoom, 2.7\" LCD, Dual Image Stabilization, Face Detection w/Auto Red Eye Removal, New Blog Mode 2.0 and IR-Simple for sharing photos with friends, File Security System, xD/SD/SD-HC Compatible Media Slot. Despite being only 20.0mm thick, the 10-megapixel FinePix Z200fd touts cutting-edge technology and advanced features including a Fujinon 5x optical zoom lens, a high-resolution, scratch-resistant 2.7-inch LCD and sensitivity settings of up to ISO 1600 that enable partygoers to take beautiful, natural-looking images without flash, retaining the atmosphere of twilight and late-night events. Featuring Fujifilm’s acclaimed Face Detection Technology, now working in tandem with automatic red-eye removal, the FinePix Z200fd makes it easy to capture your friends’ good sides. At the press of a button, this mode identifies up to 10 human faces in a scene, and sets the correct focus and exposure, regardless of where subjects are located within the frame. The FinePix Z200fd then instantly checks each detected face for red eye and, if found, corrects it automatically in the camera, avoiding the process of editing later. Timing Is Everything The FinePix Z200fd debuts Fujifilm’s new Couple Timer Mode and Group Timer Mode, ensuring you can appear in every shot you take, even when there’s no one else around to take the picture! Working in conjunction with Face Detection Technology, these self-timer modes automatically capture the image when the camera has detected faces in a frame.'", "\t\t\t\t[810] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '10-megapixel sensor captures enough detail for photo-quality 18 x 24-inch prints'", "\t\t\t\t[812] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1648] StaticText 'Wide-angle 5x optical zoom lens; 2.7-inch LCD display'", "\t\t\t\t[814] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Face Detection optimizes focus/exposure for up to 10 faces; Dual Image Stabilization for blur-free pictures'", "\t\t\t\t[816] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1652] StaticText 'Wirelessly transfer images to IrSimple-equipped devices, including other digital cameras'", "\t\t\t\t[818] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Stores images on xD or SD memory cards (not included); powered by lithium-ion battery (battery included)'", "\t\t\t\t[1498] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1655] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1675] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1676] gridcell '5.6 x 6.7 x 2.8 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1656] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1677] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1678] gridcell '12 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1657] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1679] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1680] gridcell 'Z200fd Black' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1658] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1681] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1682] gridcell 'July 31, 2008' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1659] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1683] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1684] gridcell 'FUJIFILM' required: False", "\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[923] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[820] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1072] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1224] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1074] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[927] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[867] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[868] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[869] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[870] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[871] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[850] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[852] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[854] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[3] generic '' busy: 1", "\t\t[132] link 'My Account'", "\t\t[133] link 'My Wish List'", "\t\t[134] link 'Sign In'", "\t\t[3554] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t\t[138] link 'Create an Account'", "\t\t[67] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t\t[52] link 'store logo'", "\t\t\t[69] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t\t[70] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t\t[365] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t\t[366] StaticText 'Search'", "\t\t[240] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t\t[369] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[187] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t\t[3541] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3543] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t\t[1754] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[2505] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2570] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2580] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2594] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2631] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2639] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2644] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2650] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2655] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2716] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2731] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2744] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[1748] link 'Home'", "\t\t[1753] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t\t[1751] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[5] main ''", "\t\t\t[59] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t\t[342] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t\t[506] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t\t[160] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t[508] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t\t[345] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t\t[821] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1131] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1373] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t\t[346] link '12\\xa0 Reviews ' focused: True", "\t\t\t\t[347] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t\t[1744] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t\t[350] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t\t[1613] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t[1615] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t[1617] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t\t[351] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t[1379] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t\t[1380] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t\t[1141] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t\t[226] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t\t[227] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t\t[164] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t\t[3509] button 'Previous'", "\t\t\t[3511] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t\t[3538] img 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3510] button 'Next'", "\t\t\t[3527] button 'Previous'", "\t\t\t[3532] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t\t[3560] img 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3533] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t\t[3630] img 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3529] button 'Next'", "\t\t\t[166] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t\t[3549] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Details' expanded: False selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t\t[232] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[3552] tab 'Reviews (12)' 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\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 5 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3682] LabelText '5 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3645] StaticText 'Nickname'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3757] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3658] textbox 'Nickname*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3709] StaticText 'Summary'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3686] textbox 'Summary*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3702] StaticText 'Review'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3688] textbox 'Review*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t[3691] button 'Submit Review'", "\t\t[42] contentinfo ''", "\t\t\t[528] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t\t[837] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t\t[530] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t\t[237] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t\t[126] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t\t[127] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t\t[128] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t\t[129] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t\t[130] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t\t[92] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t\t[94] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t\t[96] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[132] link 'My Account'", "\t[133] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[134] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3552] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[138] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[67] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[52] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[69] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[70] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[365] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[366] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[240] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[369] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[187] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3539] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3541] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1752] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2503] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2568] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2578] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2592] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2629] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2637] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2642] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2648] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2714] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2729] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1746] link 'Home'", "\t[1751] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1749] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[59] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[342] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[506] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t[160] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[508] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[345] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[821] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1131] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1373] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[346] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[347] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1742] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t[350] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t[1613] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1615] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1617] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t[351] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1379] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1380] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1141] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[226] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[227] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[164] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3507] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3509] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3528] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3508] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3525] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3531] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3627] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3532] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3628] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3527] button 'Next'", "\t\t[166] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3547] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3548] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[232] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3549] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[830] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[24] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd Black, 10MP, 5x Non-Extending Optical Zoom, 2.7\" LCD, Dual Image Stabilization, Face Detection w/Auto Red Eye Removal, New Blog Mode 2.0 and IR-Simple for sharing photos with friends, File Security System, xD/SD/SD-HC Compatible Media Slot. Despite being only 20.0mm thick, the 10-megapixel FinePix Z200fd touts cutting-edge technology and advanced features including a Fujinon 5x optical zoom lens, a high-resolution, scratch-resistant 2.7-inch LCD and sensitivity settings of up to ISO 1600 that enable partygoers to take beautiful, natural-looking images without flash, retaining the atmosphere of twilight and late-night events. Featuring Fujifilm’s acclaimed Face Detection Technology, now working in tandem with automatic red-eye removal, the FinePix Z200fd makes it easy to capture your friends’ good sides. At the press of a button, this mode identifies up to 10 human faces in a scene, and sets the correct focus and exposure, regardless of where subjects are located within the frame. The FinePix Z200fd then instantly checks each detected face for red eye and, if found, corrects it automatically in the camera, avoiding the process of editing later. Timing Is Everything The FinePix Z200fd debuts Fujifilm’s new Couple Timer Mode and Group Timer Mode, ensuring you can appear in every shot you take, even when there’s no one else around to take the picture! Working in conjunction with Face Detection Technology, these self-timer modes automatically capture the image when the camera has detected faces in a frame.'", "\t\t\t\t[26] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '10-megapixel sensor captures enough detail for photo-quality 18 x 24-inch prints'", "\t\t\t\t[28] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1648] StaticText 'Wide-angle 5x optical zoom lens; 2.7-inch LCD display'", "\t\t\t\t[30] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Face Detection optimizes focus/exposure for up to 10 faces; Dual Image Stabilization for blur-free pictures'", "\t\t\t\t[32] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1652] StaticText 'Wirelessly transfer images to IrSimple-equipped devices, including other digital cameras'", "\t\t\t\t[34] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Stores images on xD or SD memory cards (not included); powered by lithium-ion battery (battery included)'", "\t\t\t\t[1383] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1655] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1675] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1676] gridcell '5.6 x 6.7 x 2.8 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1656] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1677] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1678] gridcell '12 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1657] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1679] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1680] gridcell 'Z200fd Black' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1658] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1681] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1682] gridcell 'July 31, 2008' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1659] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1683] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1684] gridcell 'FUJIFILM' required: False", "\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[233] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[42] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[528] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[530] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[237] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[126] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[127] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[128] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[129] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[130] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[92] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[94] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[96] link 'Report All Bugs'" ] }
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type [164] [In Progress Reviews] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[74] link 'My Account'", "\t[75] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[76] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3554] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[80] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[247] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[248] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[141] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[251] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[112] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3541] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3543] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1754] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2505] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2570] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2580] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2594] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2631] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2639] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2644] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2650] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2655] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2716] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2731] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2744] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1748] link 'Home'", "\t[1753] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1751] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[243] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[388] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t[102] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[390] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[246] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[977] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1197] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[1514] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[1515] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t[1518] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t[1613] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1615] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1617] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t[1519] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1596] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1597] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1577] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1502] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3509] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3511] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3537] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3510] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3527] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3532] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3533] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3561] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3529] button 'Next'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3549] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1508] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3551] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1559] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1425] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd Black, 10MP, 5x Non-Extending Optical Zoom, 2.7\" LCD, Dual Image Stabilization, Face Detection w/Auto Red Eye Removal, New Blog Mode 2.0 and IR-Simple for sharing photos with friends, File Security System, xD/SD/SD-HC Compatible Media Slot. Despite being only 20.0mm thick, the 10-megapixel FinePix Z200fd touts cutting-edge technology and advanced features including a Fujinon 5x optical zoom lens, a high-resolution, scratch-resistant 2.7-inch LCD and sensitivity settings of up to ISO 1600 that enable partygoers to take beautiful, natural-looking images without flash, retaining the atmosphere of twilight and late-night events. Featuring Fujifilm’s acclaimed Face Detection Technology, now working in tandem with automatic red-eye removal, the FinePix Z200fd makes it easy to capture your friends’ good sides. At the press of a button, this mode identifies up to 10 human faces in a scene, and sets the correct focus and exposure, regardless of where subjects are located within the frame. The FinePix Z200fd then instantly checks each detected face for red eye and, if found, corrects it automatically in the camera, avoiding the process of editing later. Timing Is Everything The FinePix Z200fd debuts Fujifilm’s new Couple Timer Mode and Group Timer Mode, ensuring you can appear in every shot you take, even when there’s no one else around to take the picture! Working in conjunction with Face Detection Technology, these self-timer modes automatically capture the image when the camera has detected faces in a frame.'", "\t\t\t\t[1427] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '10-megapixel sensor captures enough detail for photo-quality 18 x 24-inch prints'", "\t\t\t\t[1429] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1648] StaticText 'Wide-angle 5x optical zoom lens; 2.7-inch LCD display'", "\t\t\t\t[1431] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Face Detection optimizes focus/exposure for up to 10 faces; Dual Image Stabilization for blur-free pictures'", "\t\t\t\t[1433] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1652] StaticText 'Wirelessly transfer images to IrSimple-equipped devices, including other digital cameras'", "\t\t\t\t[1435] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Stores images on xD or SD memory cards (not included); powered by lithium-ion battery (battery included)'", "\t\t\t\t[1600] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1655] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1675] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1676] gridcell '5.6 x 6.7 x 2.8 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1656] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1677] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1678] gridcell '12 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1657] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1679] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1680] gridcell 'Z200fd Black' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1658] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1681] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1682] gridcell 'July 31, 2008' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1659] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1683] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1684] gridcell 'FUJIFILM' required: False", "\t\t\t[3552] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1509] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1436] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1550] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1566] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1552] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1513] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1467] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1468] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1469] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1470] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1471] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1453] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1455] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1457] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage context has shifted to focus on the "Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera." The root web area now highlights product-specific details, including links to reviews and purchase options. The main content area is populated with product information, ratings, and user engagement features like "Add Your Review" and "Add to Cart." This transition indicates a significant change in user focus from sales operations to product exploration and review. ### Negative Action 2: scroll [down]
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[61] link 'My Account'", "\t[62] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[63] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3554] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[67] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[31] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[33] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[34] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[224] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[225] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[123] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[228] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[96] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3541] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3543] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1754] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2505] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2570] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2580] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2594] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2631] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2639] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2644] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2650] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2655] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2716] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2731] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2744] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1748] link 'Home'", "\t[1753] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1751] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t[12] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[1383] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[1385] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[1496] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[1519] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t[1451] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1521] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1499] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1544] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1565] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1590] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[1500] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[1501] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t[1504] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t[1613] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1615] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1617] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t[1505] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1596] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1597] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1575] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1455] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3509] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3511] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3537] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3510] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3527] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3532] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3533] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3561] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3529] button 'Next'", "\t\t[1457] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3549] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1489] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3551] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1553] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1396] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd Black, 10MP, 5x Non-Extending Optical Zoom, 2.7\" LCD, Dual Image Stabilization, Face Detection w/Auto Red Eye Removal, New Blog Mode 2.0 and IR-Simple for sharing photos with friends, File Security System, xD/SD/SD-HC Compatible Media Slot. Despite being only 20.0mm thick, the 10-megapixel FinePix Z200fd touts cutting-edge technology and advanced features including a Fujinon 5x optical zoom lens, a high-resolution, scratch-resistant 2.7-inch LCD and sensitivity settings of up to ISO 1600 that enable partygoers to take beautiful, natural-looking images without flash, retaining the atmosphere of twilight and late-night events. Featuring Fujifilm’s acclaimed Face Detection Technology, now working in tandem with automatic red-eye removal, the FinePix Z200fd makes it easy to capture your friends’ good sides. At the press of a button, this mode identifies up to 10 human faces in a scene, and sets the correct focus and exposure, regardless of where subjects are located within the frame. The FinePix Z200fd then instantly checks each detected face for red eye and, if found, corrects it automatically in the camera, avoiding the process of editing later. Timing Is Everything The FinePix Z200fd debuts Fujifilm’s new Couple Timer Mode and Group Timer Mode, ensuring you can appear in every shot you take, even when there’s no one else around to take the picture! Working in conjunction with Face Detection Technology, these self-timer modes automatically capture the image when the camera has detected faces in a frame.'", "\t\t\t\t[1398] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '10-megapixel sensor captures enough detail for photo-quality 18 x 24-inch prints'", "\t\t\t\t[1400] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1648] StaticText 'Wide-angle 5x optical zoom lens; 2.7-inch LCD display'", "\t\t\t\t[1402] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Face Detection optimizes focus/exposure for up to 10 faces; Dual Image Stabilization for blur-free pictures'", "\t\t\t\t[1404] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1652] StaticText 'Wirelessly transfer images to IrSimple-equipped devices, including other digital cameras'", "\t\t\t\t[1406] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Stores images on xD or SD memory cards (not included); powered by lithium-ion battery (battery included)'", "\t\t\t\t[1600] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1655] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1675] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1676] gridcell '5.6 x 6.7 x 2.8 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1656] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1677] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1678] gridcell '12 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1657] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1679] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1680] gridcell 'Z200fd Black' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1658] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1681] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1682] gridcell 'July 31, 2008' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1659] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1683] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1684] gridcell 'FUJIFILM' required: False", "\t\t\t[3552] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1490] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1407] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1541] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1560] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1543] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1494] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1443] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1444] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1445] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1446] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1447] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1427] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1429] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1431] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage has revealed additional details about the "Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera." This includes expanded sections on user reviews, product specifications, and possibly related items for purchase. The structure now incorporates more user-generated content and interactive elements, enhancing the product exploration experience for users. ### Negative Action 3: hover [3550]
hover [3550]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[132] link 'My Account'", "\t[133] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[134] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3554] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[138] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[67] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[52] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[69] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[70] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[365] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[366] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[240] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[369] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[187] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3541] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3543] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1754] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2505] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2570] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2580] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2594] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2631] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2639] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2644] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2650] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2655] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2716] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2731] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2744] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1748] link 'Home'", "\t[1753] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1751] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[59] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[342] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[506] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t[160] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[508] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[345] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[821] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1131] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1373] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[346] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[347] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t[350] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t[1613] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1615] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1617] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t[351] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1379] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1380] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1141] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[226] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[227] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[164] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3509] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3511] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3537] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3510] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3527] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3532] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3533] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3628] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3529] button 'Next'", "\t\t[166] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3549] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[232] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3551] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[830] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[24] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd Black, 10MP, 5x Non-Extending Optical Zoom, 2.7\" LCD, Dual Image Stabilization, Face Detection w/Auto Red Eye Removal, New Blog Mode 2.0 and IR-Simple for sharing photos with friends, File Security System, xD/SD/SD-HC Compatible Media Slot. Despite being only 20.0mm thick, the 10-megapixel FinePix Z200fd touts cutting-edge technology and advanced features including a Fujinon 5x optical zoom lens, a high-resolution, scratch-resistant 2.7-inch LCD and sensitivity settings of up to ISO 1600 that enable partygoers to take beautiful, natural-looking images without flash, retaining the atmosphere of twilight and late-night events. Featuring Fujifilm’s acclaimed Face Detection Technology, now working in tandem with automatic red-eye removal, the FinePix Z200fd makes it easy to capture your friends’ good sides. At the press of a button, this mode identifies up to 10 human faces in a scene, and sets the correct focus and exposure, regardless of where subjects are located within the frame. The FinePix Z200fd then instantly checks each detected face for red eye and, if found, corrects it automatically in the camera, avoiding the process of editing later. Timing Is Everything The FinePix Z200fd debuts Fujifilm’s new Couple Timer Mode and Group Timer Mode, ensuring you can appear in every shot you take, even when there’s no one else around to take the picture! Working in conjunction with Face Detection Technology, these self-timer modes automatically capture the image when the camera has detected faces in a frame.'", "\t\t\t\t[26] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '10-megapixel sensor captures enough detail for photo-quality 18 x 24-inch prints'", "\t\t\t\t[28] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1648] StaticText 'Wide-angle 5x optical zoom lens; 2.7-inch LCD display'", "\t\t\t\t[30] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Face Detection optimizes focus/exposure for up to 10 faces; Dual Image Stabilization for blur-free pictures'", "\t\t\t\t[32] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1652] StaticText 'Wirelessly transfer images to IrSimple-equipped devices, including other digital cameras'", "\t\t\t\t[34] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Stores images on xD or SD memory cards (not included); powered by lithium-ion battery (battery included)'", "\t\t\t\t[1383] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1655] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1675] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1676] gridcell '5.6 x 6.7 x 2.8 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1656] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1677] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1678] gridcell '12 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1657] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1679] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1680] gridcell 'Z200fd Black' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1658] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1681] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1682] gridcell 'July 31, 2008' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1659] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1683] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1684] gridcell 'FUJIFILM' required: False", "\t\t\t[3552] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[233] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[42] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[528] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[530] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[237] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[126] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[127] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[128] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[129] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[130] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[92] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[94] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[96] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage presents additional information related to the "Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera." The details tab is now emphasized, potentially showing a dropdown or tooltip with more specifications, features, or product descriptions. This interaction enhances the user's ability to access comprehensive product information quickly. ### Negative Action 4: click [3550]
click [3550]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[3] generic '' busy: 1", "\t\t[48] link 'My Account'", "\t\t[49] link 'My Wish List'", "\t\t[50] link 'Sign In'", "\t\t[3552] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t\t[54] link 'Create an Account'", "\t\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t\t[87] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t\t[88] StaticText 'Search'", "\t\t[77] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t\t[91] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[72] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t\t[3539] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3541] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t\t[1752] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[2503] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2568] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2578] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2592] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2629] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2637] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2642] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2648] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2714] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2729] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[1746] link 'Home'", "\t\t[1751] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[196] main ''", "\t\t\t[234] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t\t[202] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t\t[204] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t\t[451] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t\t[602] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t\t[293] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t[604] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t\t[454] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t\t[890] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1395] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t\t[455] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t\t[456] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t\t[1742] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t\t[459] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t\t[1613] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t[1615] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t[1617] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t\t[460] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t[1401] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t\t[1402] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t\t[1185] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t\t[347] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t\t[348] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t\t[297] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t\t[3507] button 'Previous'", "\t\t\t[3509] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t\t[3535] img 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3508] button 'Next'", "\t\t\t[3525] button 'Previous'", "\t\t\t[3530] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t\t[3558] img 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3531] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t\t[3559] img 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3527] button 'Next'", "\t\t\t[299] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t\t[3547] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[3548] tab 'Details' expanded: False selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t\t[353] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: True selected: True controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t\t[354] link 'Reviews (12)' focused: True", "\t\t\t\t[3699] tabpanel 'Reviews (12)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3667] group \"You're reviewing: Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3679] group 'Your Rating*'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3678] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3785] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3691] radio 'Rating \\ue605 1 star' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3653] LabelText '1 star'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3702] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605 2 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3666] LabelText '2 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3670] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 3 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3654] LabelText '3 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3708] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 4 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3655] LabelText '4 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3674] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 5 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3684] LabelText '5 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3643] StaticText 'Nickname'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3755] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3657] textbox 'Nickname*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3706] StaticText 'Summary'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3687] textbox 'Summary*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3700] StaticText 'Review'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3688] textbox 'Review*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t[3664] button 'Submit Review'", "\t\t[227] contentinfo ''", "\t\t\t[624] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t\t[906] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t\t[626] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t\t[274] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t\t[275] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t\t[276] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t\t[277] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t\t[278] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t\t[257] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t\t[259] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t\t[261] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage has transitioned to a detailed view of the "Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera." The product's specifications, features, and user review options are now prominently displayed. This change allows users to delve deeper into the product's attributes, enhancing their ability to make informed purchasing decisions.
Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1255] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [1308] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1317] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1260] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1262] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1266] link '\ue60b SALES' focused: True [1327] generic '\ue60b SALES Sales \ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal' [1348] link '\ue62f' [1349] menu '' orientation: vertical [1512] menu '' orientation: vertical [1628] link 'Orders' [1629] link 'Invoices' [1630] link 'Shipments' [1631] link 'Credit Memos' [1632] link 'Billing Agreements' [1633] link 'Transactions' [1634] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal' [1270] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1274] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1278] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1282] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1286] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1290] link '\ue60d STORES' [1294] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1298] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1336] heading 'Orders' [1337] link '\ue600 admin' [1339] link '\ue607' [2009] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1305] main '' [2016] button 'Create New Order' [3124] button '\ue60fDefault View' [3125] button '\ue610 Columns' [3128] button '\ue635 Export' [12222] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [12223] button 'Search' [12234] button '\ue605Filters' [12448] button 'Actions' [12289] StaticText '308' [12291] StaticText 'records found' [12571] textbox 'per page' required: False [12599] StaticText '200' [12564] button 'per page Select' [12259] button '\ue629' disabled: True [12304] spinbutton 'of 2' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [12260] button '\ue62a' [2049] table '' [2052] row '' [3007] columnheader 'Options' required: False [3030] checkbox '' checked: false [3032] button 'Options' [2322] columnheader 'ID' required: False [2323] columnheader 'Purchase Point' required: False [2324] columnheader 'Purchase Date' required: False [2325] columnheader 'Bill-to Name' required: False [2326] columnheader 'Ship-to Name' required: False [2327] columnheader '↓ Grand Total (Base)' required: False [2328] columnheader 'Grand Total (Purchased)' required: False [2329] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2330] columnheader 'Action' required: False [2331] columnheader 'Allocated sources' required: False [2332] columnheader 'Braintree Transaction Source' required: False [2053] row '' [2273] gridcell '' required: False [3035] checkbox '' checked: false [2073] gridcell '000000214' required: False [2074] gridcell 'Main Website \xa0\xa0\xa0Main Website Store \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Default Store View ' required: False [2302] gridcell 'Nov 7, 2022 1:55:03 PM' required: False [2075] gridcell 'Adam Garcia' required: False [2076] gridcell 'Adam Garcia' required: False [2077] gridcell '$21.00' required: False [2078] gridcell '$21.00' required: False [2079] gridcell 'Complete' required: False [2080] gridcell 'View' required: False [2364] link 'View' [2081] gridcell '' required: False [2082] gridcell '' required: False [2054] row '' [2274] gridcell '' required: False [3037] checkbox '' checked: false [2083] gridcell '000000296' required: False [2084] gridcell 'Main Website \xa0\xa0\xa0Main Website Store \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Default Store View ' required: False [2303] gridcell 'Aug 21, 2022 11:13:06 PM' required: False [2085] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [2086] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [2087] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [2088] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [2089] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [2090] gridcell 'View' required: False [2374] link 'View' [2091] gridcell '' required: False [2092] gridcell '' required: False [2055] row '' [2275] gridcell '' required: False [3039] checkbox '' checked: false [2093] gridcell '000000250' required: False [2094] gridcell 'Main Website \xa0\xa0\xa0Main Website Store \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Default Store View ' required: False [2304] gridcell 'Jul 3, 2022 11:58:12 PM' required: False [2095] gridcell 'Daniel Jackson' required: False [2096] gridcell 'Daniel Jackson' required: False [2097] gridcell '$25.00' required: False [2098] gridcell '$25.00' required: False [2099] gridcell 'Complete' required: False [2100] gridcell 'View' required: False [2384] link 'View' [2101] gridcell '' required: False [2102] gridcell '' required: False [2056] row '' [2276] gridcell '' required: False [3041] checkbox '' checked: false [2103] gridcell '000000227' required: False [2104] gridcell 'Main Website \xa0\xa0\xa0Main Website Store \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Default Store View ' required: False [2305] gridcell 'Jan 10, 2023 12:30:35 PM' required: False [2105] gridcell 'Bob Johnson' required: False [2106] gridcell 'Bob Johnson' required: False [2107] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [2108] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [2109] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [2110] gridcell 'View' required: False [2394] link 'View' [2111] gridcell '' required: False [2112] gridcell '' required: False [2057] row '' [2277] gridcell '' required: False [3043] checkbox '' checked: false [2113] gridcell '000000083' required: False [2114] gridcell 'Main Website \xa0\xa0\xa0Main Website Store \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Default Store View ' required: False [2306] gridcell 'Feb 20, 2022 1:00:27 AM' required: False [2115] gridcell 'Bob Johnson' required: False [2116] gridcell 'Bob Johnson' required: False [2117] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [2118] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [2119] gridcell 'Complete' required: False [2120] gridcell 'View' required: False [2404] link 'View' [2121] gridcell '' required: False [2122] gridcell '' required: False [2058] row '' [2278] gridcell '' required: False [3045] checkbox '' checked: false [2123] gridcell '000000087' required: False [2124] gridcell 'Main Website \xa0\xa0\xa0Main Website Store \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Default Store View ' required: False [2307] gridcell 'Feb 1, 2023 4:14:36 AM' required: False [2125] gridcell 'Bob Jones' required: False [2126] gridcell 'Bob Jones' required: False [2127] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2128] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2129] gridcell 'Complete' required: False [2130] gridcell 'View' required: False [2414] link 'View' [2131] gridcell '' required: False [2132] gridcell '' required: False [2059] row '' [2279] gridcell '' required: False [3047] checkbox '' checked: false [2133] gridcell '000000203' required: False [2134] gridcell 'Main Website \xa0\xa0\xa0Main Website Store \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Default Store View ' required: False [2308] gridcell 'Jun 19, 2022 8:41:31 AM' required: False [2135] gridcell 'Bob Jones' required: False [2136] gridcell 'Bob Jones' required: False [2137] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2138] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2139] gridcell 'Complete' required: False [2140] gridcell 'View' required: False [2424] link 'View' [2141] gridcell '' required: False [2142] gridcell '' required: False [2060] row '' [2280] gridcell '' required: False [3049] checkbox '' checked: false [2143] gridcell '000000159' required: False [2144] gridcell 'Main Website \xa0\xa0\xa0Main Website Store \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Default Store View ' required: False [2309] gridcell 'Feb 1, 2023 2:15:50 AM' required: False [2145] gridcell 'Daniel Jackson' required: False [2146] gridcell 'Daniel Jackson' required: False [2147] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2148] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2149] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [2150] gridcell 'View' required: False [2434] link 'View' [2151] gridcell '' required: False [2152] gridcell '' required: False [2061] row '' [2281] gridcell '' required: False [3051] checkbox '' checked: false [2153] gridcell '000000118' required: False [2154] gridcell 'Main Website \xa0\xa0\xa0Main Website Store \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Default Store View ' required: False [2310] gridcell 'May 6, 2023 11:54:21 PM' required: False [2155] gridcell 'Brian Smith' required: False [2156] gridcell 'Brian Smith' required: False [2157] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2158] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2159] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [2160] gridcell 'View' required: False [2444] link 'View' [2161] gridcell '' required: False [2162] gridcell '' required: False [2062] row '' [2282] gridcell '' required: False [3053] checkbox '' checked: false [2163] gridcell '000000105' required: False [2164] gridcell 'Main Website \xa0\xa0\xa0Main Website Store \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Default Store View ' required: False [2311] gridcell 'Feb 7, 2023 1:07:31 AM' required: False [2165] gridcell 'Michael Nguyen' required: False [2166] gridcell 'Michael Nguyen' required: False [2167] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2168] gridcell '$29.00' required: False [2169] gridcell 'Complete' required: False [2170] gridcell 'View' required: False [2454] link 'View' [2171] gridcell '' required: False [2172] gridcell '' required: False [2063] row '' [2283] gridcell '' required: False [3055] checkbox '' checked: false [2173] gridcell '000000253' required: False [2174] gridcell 'Main Website \xa0\xa0\xa0Main Website Store \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Default Store View ' required: False [2312] gridcell 'Dec 17, 2022 3:16:03 PM' required: False [2175] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [2176] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [2177] gridcell '$32.00' required: False [2178] gridcell '$32.00' required: False [2179] gridcell 'Complete' required: False [2180] gridcell 'View' required: False [2464] link 'View' [2181] gridcell '' required: False [2182] gridcell '' required: False
click [1266] where [1266] is link '\ue60b SALES'
[ "None", "click [12] where [12] is link '\\ue60b SALES'", "click [412] where [412] is link 'Orders'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1255] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [1308] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1317] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1260] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1262] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1266] link '\ue60b SALES' [1270] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1274] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1278] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1282] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1286] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1290] link '\ue60d STORES' [1294] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1298] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1336] heading 'Orders' [1337] link '\ue600 admin' [1339] link '\ue607' [2009] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1305] main '' [2016] button 'Create New Order' [2049] table '' [2052] row '' [2053] row '' [2273] gridcell '' required: False [2073] gridcell '' required: False [2074] gridcell '' required: False [2075] gridcell '' required: False [2076] gridcell '' required: False [2077] gridcell '' required: False [2078] gridcell '' required: False [2079] gridcell '' required: False [2080] gridcell '' required: False [2081] gridcell '' required: False [2082] gridcell '' required: False [2054] row '' [2274] gridcell '' required: False [2083] gridcell '' required: False [2084] gridcell '' required: False [2085] gridcell '' required: False [2086] gridcell '' required: False [2087] gridcell '' required: False [2088] gridcell '' required: False [2089] gridcell '' required: False [2090] gridcell '' required: False [2091] gridcell '' required: False [2092] gridcell '' required: False [2055] row '' [2275] gridcell '' required: False [2093] gridcell '' required: False [2094] gridcell '' required: False [2095] gridcell '' required: False [2096] gridcell '' required: False [2097] gridcell '' required: False [2098] gridcell '' required: False [2099] gridcell '' required: False [2100] gridcell '' required: False [2101] gridcell '' required: False [2102] gridcell '' required: False [2056] row '' [2276] gridcell '' required: False [2103] gridcell '' required: False [2104] gridcell '' required: False [2105] gridcell '' required: False [2106] gridcell '' required: False [2107] gridcell '' required: False [2108] gridcell '' required: False [2109] gridcell '' required: False [2110] gridcell '' required: False [2111] gridcell '' required: False [2112] gridcell '' required: False [2057] row '' [2277] gridcell '' required: False [2113] gridcell '' required: False [2114] gridcell '' required: False [2115] gridcell '' required: False [2116] gridcell '' required: False [2117] gridcell '' required: False [2118] gridcell '' required: False [2119] gridcell '' required: False [2120] gridcell '' required: False [2121] gridcell '' required: False [2122] gridcell '' required: False [2058] row '' [2278] gridcell '' required: False [2123] gridcell '' required: False [2124] gridcell '' required: False [2125] gridcell '' required: False [2126] gridcell '' required: False [2127] gridcell '' required: False [2128] gridcell '' required: False [2129] gridcell '' required: False [2130] gridcell '' required: False [2131] gridcell '' required: False [2132] gridcell '' required: False [2059] row '' [2279] gridcell '' required: False [2133] gridcell '' required: False [2134] gridcell '' required: False [2135] gridcell '' required: False [2136] gridcell '' required: False [2137] gridcell '' required: False [2138] gridcell '' required: False [2139] gridcell '' required: False [2140] gridcell '' required: False [2141] gridcell '' required: False [2142] gridcell '' required: False [2060] row '' [2280] gridcell '' required: False [2143] gridcell '' required: False [2144] gridcell '' required: False [2145] gridcell '' required: False [2146] gridcell '' required: False [2147] gridcell '' required: False [2148] gridcell '' required: False [2149] gridcell '' required: False [2150] gridcell '' required: False [2151] gridcell '' required: False [2152] gridcell '' required: False [2061] row '' [2281] gridcell '' required: False [2153] gridcell '' required: False [2154] gridcell '' required: False [2155] gridcell '' required: False [2156] gridcell '' required: False [2157] gridcell '' required: False [2158] gridcell '' required: False [2159] gridcell '' required: False [2160] gridcell '' required: False [2161] gridcell '' required: False [2162] gridcell '' required: False [2062] row '' [2282] gridcell '' required: False [2163] gridcell '' required: False [2164] gridcell '' required: False [2165] gridcell '' required: False [2166] gridcell '' required: False [2167] gridcell '' required: False [2168] gridcell '' required: False [2169] gridcell '' required: False [2170] gridcell '' required: False [2171] gridcell '' required: False [2172] gridcell '' required: False [2063] row '' [2283] gridcell '' required: False [2173] gridcell '' required: False [2174] gridcell '' required: False [2175] gridcell '' required: False [2176] gridcell '' required: False [2177] gridcell '' required: False [2178] gridcell '' required: False [2179] gridcell '' required: False [2180] gridcell '' required: False [2181] gridcell '' required: False [2182] gridcell '' required: False
What is the total count of In Progress reviews amongst all the reviews?
The next observation would still display the `Orders` section of the Magento Admin, confirming the user is in the correct area to review order statuses. The layout continues to present a table with several rows, each representing an order with its details. To determine the total count of `In Progress` reviews among the orders, the user would need to inspect the status column within this table. The focus remains on the sales context, with the interface ready for further actions, such as filtering or searching for specific orders based on their status, including those marked as `In Progress`.
{ "neg_action0": "click [233]", "neg_action1": "type [164] [In Progress Reviews] [1]", "neg_action2": "scroll [down]", "neg_action3": "hover [3550]", "neg_action4": "click [3550]", "neg_action5": "click [134]", "neg_action6": "click [138]", "neg_action7": "click [217]", "neg_action8": "click [346]", "neg_action9": "press [Ctrl+F]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[75] link 'My Account'", "\t[76] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[77] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3554] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[81] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[266] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[267] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[155] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[270] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[115] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3541] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3543] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1754] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2505] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2570] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2580] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2594] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2631] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2639] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2644] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2650] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2655] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2716] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2731] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2744] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1748] link 'Home'", "\t[1753] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1751] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t[9] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[15] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[17] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[257] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[407] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t[103] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[409] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[260] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[709] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1004] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t[261] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[262] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t[265] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t[1613] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1615] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1617] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t[1529] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1596] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1597] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1578] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1517] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1518] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1502] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3509] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3511] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3537] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3510] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3527] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3532] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3533] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3561] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3529] button 'Next'", "\t\t[1504] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3549] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1523] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3551] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1561] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1454] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd Black, 10MP, 5x Non-Extending Optical Zoom, 2.7\" LCD, Dual Image Stabilization, Face Detection w/Auto Red Eye Removal, New Blog Mode 2.0 and IR-Simple for sharing photos with friends, File Security System, xD/SD/SD-HC Compatible Media Slot. Despite being only 20.0mm thick, the 10-megapixel FinePix Z200fd touts cutting-edge technology and advanced features including a Fujinon 5x optical zoom lens, a high-resolution, scratch-resistant 2.7-inch LCD and sensitivity settings of up to ISO 1600 that enable partygoers to take beautiful, natural-looking images without flash, retaining the atmosphere of twilight and late-night events. Featuring Fujifilm’s acclaimed Face Detection Technology, now working in tandem with automatic red-eye removal, the FinePix Z200fd makes it easy to capture your friends’ good sides. At the press of a button, this mode identifies up to 10 human faces in a scene, and sets the correct focus and exposure, regardless of where subjects are located within the frame. The FinePix Z200fd then instantly checks each detected face for red eye and, if found, corrects it automatically in the camera, avoiding the process of editing later. Timing Is Everything The FinePix Z200fd debuts Fujifilm’s new Couple Timer Mode and Group Timer Mode, ensuring you can appear in every shot you take, even when there’s no one else around to take the picture! Working in conjunction with Face Detection Technology, these self-timer modes automatically capture the image when the camera has detected faces in a frame.'", "\t\t\t\t[1456] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '10-megapixel sensor captures enough detail for photo-quality 18 x 24-inch prints'", "\t\t\t\t[1458] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1648] StaticText 'Wide-angle 5x optical zoom lens; 2.7-inch LCD display'", "\t\t\t\t[1460] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Face Detection optimizes focus/exposure for up to 10 faces; Dual Image Stabilization for blur-free pictures'", "\t\t\t\t[1462] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1652] StaticText 'Wirelessly transfer images to IrSimple-equipped devices, including other digital cameras'", "\t\t\t\t[1464] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Stores images on xD or SD memory cards (not included); powered by lithium-ion battery (battery included)'", "\t\t\t\t[1600] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1655] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1675] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1676] gridcell '5.6 x 6.7 x 2.8 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1656] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1677] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1678] gridcell '12 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1657] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1679] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1680] gridcell 'Z200fd Black' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1658] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1681] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1682] gridcell 'July 31, 2008' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1659] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1683] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1684] gridcell 'FUJIFILM' required: False", "\t\t\t[3552] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1524] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1465] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1553] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1568] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1555] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1528] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1495] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1496] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1498] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1499] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1482] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1484] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1486] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[74] link 'My Account'", "\t[75] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[76] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3554] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[80] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[247] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[248] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[141] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[251] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[112] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3541] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3543] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1754] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2505] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2570] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2580] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2594] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2631] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2639] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2644] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2650] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2655] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2716] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2731] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2744] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1748] link 'Home'", "\t[1753] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1751] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[243] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[388] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t[102] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[390] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[246] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[977] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1197] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[1514] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[1515] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t[1518] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t[1613] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1615] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1617] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t[1519] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1596] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1597] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1577] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1502] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3509] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3511] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3537] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3510] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3527] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3532] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3533] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3561] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3529] button 'Next'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3549] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1508] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3551] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1559] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1425] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd Black, 10MP, 5x Non-Extending Optical Zoom, 2.7\" LCD, Dual Image Stabilization, Face Detection w/Auto Red Eye Removal, New Blog Mode 2.0 and IR-Simple for sharing photos with friends, File Security System, xD/SD/SD-HC Compatible Media Slot. Despite being only 20.0mm thick, the 10-megapixel FinePix Z200fd touts cutting-edge technology and advanced features including a Fujinon 5x optical zoom lens, a high-resolution, scratch-resistant 2.7-inch LCD and sensitivity settings of up to ISO 1600 that enable partygoers to take beautiful, natural-looking images without flash, retaining the atmosphere of twilight and late-night events. Featuring Fujifilm’s acclaimed Face Detection Technology, now working in tandem with automatic red-eye removal, the FinePix Z200fd makes it easy to capture your friends’ good sides. At the press of a button, this mode identifies up to 10 human faces in a scene, and sets the correct focus and exposure, regardless of where subjects are located within the frame. The FinePix Z200fd then instantly checks each detected face for red eye and, if found, corrects it automatically in the camera, avoiding the process of editing later. Timing Is Everything The FinePix Z200fd debuts Fujifilm’s new Couple Timer Mode and Group Timer Mode, ensuring you can appear in every shot you take, even when there’s no one else around to take the picture! Working in conjunction with Face Detection Technology, these self-timer modes automatically capture the image when the camera has detected faces in a frame.'", "\t\t\t\t[1427] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '10-megapixel sensor captures enough detail for photo-quality 18 x 24-inch prints'", "\t\t\t\t[1429] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1648] StaticText 'Wide-angle 5x optical zoom lens; 2.7-inch LCD display'", "\t\t\t\t[1431] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Face Detection optimizes focus/exposure for up to 10 faces; Dual Image Stabilization for blur-free pictures'", "\t\t\t\t[1433] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1652] StaticText 'Wirelessly transfer images to IrSimple-equipped devices, including other digital cameras'", "\t\t\t\t[1435] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Stores images on xD or SD memory cards (not included); powered by lithium-ion battery (battery included)'", "\t\t\t\t[1600] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1655] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1675] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1676] gridcell '5.6 x 6.7 x 2.8 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1656] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1677] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1678] gridcell '12 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1657] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1679] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1680] gridcell 'Z200fd Black' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1658] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1681] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1682] gridcell 'July 31, 2008' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1659] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1683] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1684] gridcell 'FUJIFILM' required: False", "\t\t\t[3552] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1509] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1436] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1550] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1566] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1552] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1513] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1467] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1468] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1469] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1470] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1471] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1453] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1455] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1457] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[61] link 'My Account'", "\t[62] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[63] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3554] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[67] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[31] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[33] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[34] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[224] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[225] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[123] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[228] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[96] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3541] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3543] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1754] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2505] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2570] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2580] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2594] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2631] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2639] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2644] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2650] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2655] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2716] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2731] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2744] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1748] link 'Home'", "\t[1753] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1751] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t[12] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[1383] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[1385] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[1496] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[1519] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t[1451] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1521] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1499] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1544] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1565] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1590] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[1500] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[1501] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t[1504] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t[1613] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1615] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1617] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t[1505] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1596] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1597] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1575] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1455] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3509] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3511] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3537] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3510] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3527] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3532] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3533] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3561] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3529] button 'Next'", "\t\t[1457] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3549] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1489] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3551] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1553] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1396] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd Black, 10MP, 5x Non-Extending Optical Zoom, 2.7\" LCD, Dual Image Stabilization, Face Detection w/Auto Red Eye Removal, New Blog Mode 2.0 and IR-Simple for sharing photos with friends, File Security System, xD/SD/SD-HC Compatible Media Slot. Despite being only 20.0mm thick, the 10-megapixel FinePix Z200fd touts cutting-edge technology and advanced features including a Fujinon 5x optical zoom lens, a high-resolution, scratch-resistant 2.7-inch LCD and sensitivity settings of up to ISO 1600 that enable partygoers to take beautiful, natural-looking images without flash, retaining the atmosphere of twilight and late-night events. Featuring Fujifilm’s acclaimed Face Detection Technology, now working in tandem with automatic red-eye removal, the FinePix Z200fd makes it easy to capture your friends’ good sides. At the press of a button, this mode identifies up to 10 human faces in a scene, and sets the correct focus and exposure, regardless of where subjects are located within the frame. The FinePix Z200fd then instantly checks each detected face for red eye and, if found, corrects it automatically in the camera, avoiding the process of editing later. Timing Is Everything The FinePix Z200fd debuts Fujifilm’s new Couple Timer Mode and Group Timer Mode, ensuring you can appear in every shot you take, even when there’s no one else around to take the picture! Working in conjunction with Face Detection Technology, these self-timer modes automatically capture the image when the camera has detected faces in a frame.'", "\t\t\t\t[1398] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '10-megapixel sensor captures enough detail for photo-quality 18 x 24-inch prints'", "\t\t\t\t[1400] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1648] StaticText 'Wide-angle 5x optical zoom lens; 2.7-inch LCD display'", "\t\t\t\t[1402] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Face Detection optimizes focus/exposure for up to 10 faces; Dual Image Stabilization for blur-free pictures'", "\t\t\t\t[1404] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1652] StaticText 'Wirelessly transfer images to IrSimple-equipped devices, including other digital cameras'", "\t\t\t\t[1406] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Stores images on xD or SD memory cards (not included); powered by lithium-ion battery (battery included)'", "\t\t\t\t[1600] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1655] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1675] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1676] gridcell '5.6 x 6.7 x 2.8 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1656] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1677] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1678] gridcell '12 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1657] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1679] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1680] gridcell 'Z200fd Black' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1658] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1681] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1682] gridcell 'July 31, 2008' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1659] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1683] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1684] gridcell 'FUJIFILM' required: False", "\t\t\t[3552] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1490] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1407] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1541] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1560] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1543] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1494] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1443] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1444] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1445] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1446] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1447] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1427] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1429] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1431] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[132] link 'My Account'", "\t[133] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[134] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3554] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[138] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[67] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[52] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[69] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[70] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[365] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[366] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[240] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[369] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[187] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3541] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3543] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1754] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2505] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2570] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2580] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2594] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2631] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2639] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2644] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2650] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2655] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2716] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2731] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2744] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1748] link 'Home'", "\t[1753] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1751] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[59] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[342] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[506] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t[160] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[508] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[345] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[821] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1131] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1373] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[346] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[347] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t[350] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t[1613] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1615] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1617] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t[351] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1379] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1380] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1141] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[226] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[227] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[164] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3509] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3511] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3537] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3510] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3527] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3532] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3533] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3628] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3529] button 'Next'", "\t\t[166] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3549] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[232] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3551] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[830] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[24] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd Black, 10MP, 5x Non-Extending Optical Zoom, 2.7\" LCD, Dual Image Stabilization, Face Detection w/Auto Red Eye Removal, New Blog Mode 2.0 and IR-Simple for sharing photos with friends, File Security System, xD/SD/SD-HC Compatible Media Slot. Despite being only 20.0mm thick, the 10-megapixel FinePix Z200fd touts cutting-edge technology and advanced features including a Fujinon 5x optical zoom lens, a high-resolution, scratch-resistant 2.7-inch LCD and sensitivity settings of up to ISO 1600 that enable partygoers to take beautiful, natural-looking images without flash, retaining the atmosphere of twilight and late-night events. Featuring Fujifilm’s acclaimed Face Detection Technology, now working in tandem with automatic red-eye removal, the FinePix Z200fd makes it easy to capture your friends’ good sides. At the press of a button, this mode identifies up to 10 human faces in a scene, and sets the correct focus and exposure, regardless of where subjects are located within the frame. The FinePix Z200fd then instantly checks each detected face for red eye and, if found, corrects it automatically in the camera, avoiding the process of editing later. Timing Is Everything The FinePix Z200fd debuts Fujifilm’s new Couple Timer Mode and Group Timer Mode, ensuring you can appear in every shot you take, even when there’s no one else around to take the picture! Working in conjunction with Face Detection Technology, these self-timer modes automatically capture the image when the camera has detected faces in a frame.'", "\t\t\t\t[26] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '10-megapixel sensor captures enough detail for photo-quality 18 x 24-inch prints'", "\t\t\t\t[28] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1648] StaticText 'Wide-angle 5x optical zoom lens; 2.7-inch LCD display'", "\t\t\t\t[30] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Face Detection optimizes focus/exposure for up to 10 faces; Dual Image Stabilization for blur-free pictures'", "\t\t\t\t[32] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1652] StaticText 'Wirelessly transfer images to IrSimple-equipped devices, including other digital cameras'", "\t\t\t\t[34] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Stores images on xD or SD memory cards (not included); powered by lithium-ion battery (battery included)'", "\t\t\t\t[1383] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1655] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1675] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1676] gridcell '5.6 x 6.7 x 2.8 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1656] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1677] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1678] gridcell '12 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1657] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1679] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1680] gridcell 'Z200fd Black' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1658] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1681] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1682] gridcell 'July 31, 2008' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1659] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1683] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1684] gridcell 'FUJIFILM' required: False", "\t\t\t[3552] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[233] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[42] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[528] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[530] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[237] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[126] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[127] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[128] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[129] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[130] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[92] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[94] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[96] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[3] generic '' busy: 1", "\t\t[48] link 'My Account'", "\t\t[49] link 'My Wish List'", "\t\t[50] link 'Sign In'", "\t\t[3552] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t\t[54] link 'Create an Account'", "\t\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t\t[87] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t\t[88] StaticText 'Search'", "\t\t[77] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t\t[91] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[72] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t\t[3539] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3541] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t\t[1752] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[2503] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2568] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2578] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2592] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2629] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2637] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2642] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2648] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2714] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2729] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[1746] link 'Home'", "\t\t[1751] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[196] main ''", "\t\t\t[234] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t\t[202] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t\t[204] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t\t[451] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t\t[602] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t\t[293] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t[604] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t\t[454] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t\t[890] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1395] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t\t[455] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t\t[456] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t\t[1742] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t\t[459] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t\t[1613] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t[1615] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t[1617] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t\t[460] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t[1401] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t\t[1402] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t\t[1185] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t\t[347] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t\t[348] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t\t[297] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t\t[3507] button 'Previous'", "\t\t\t[3509] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t\t[3535] img 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3508] button 'Next'", "\t\t\t[3525] button 'Previous'", "\t\t\t[3530] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t\t[3558] img 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3531] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t\t[3559] img 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3527] button 'Next'", "\t\t\t[299] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t\t[3547] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[3548] tab 'Details' expanded: False selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t\t[353] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: True selected: True controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t\t[354] link 'Reviews (12)' focused: True", "\t\t\t\t[3699] tabpanel 'Reviews (12)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3667] group \"You're reviewing: Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3679] group 'Your Rating*'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3678] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3785] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3691] radio 'Rating \\ue605 1 star' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3653] LabelText '1 star'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3702] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605 2 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3666] LabelText '2 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3670] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 3 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3654] LabelText '3 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3708] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 4 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3655] LabelText '4 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3674] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 5 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3684] LabelText '5 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3643] StaticText 'Nickname'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3755] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3657] textbox 'Nickname*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3706] StaticText 'Summary'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3687] textbox 'Summary*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3700] StaticText 'Review'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3688] textbox 'Review*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t[3664] button 'Submit Review'", "\t\t[227] contentinfo ''", "\t\t\t[624] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t\t[906] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t\t[626] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t\t[274] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t\t[275] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t\t[276] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t\t[277] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t\t[278] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t\t[257] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t\t[259] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t\t[261] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3643] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3690] link 'My Account'", "\t[3691] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3692] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3696] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3664] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3658] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3666] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3667] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[3807] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[3808] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[3743] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[3811] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[3722] button 'Search'", "\t[3723] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[3725] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[3727] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[3729] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[3731] link 'Office Products'", "\t[3733] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[3735] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[3737] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[3739] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[105] link 'My Account'", "\t[106] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[107] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3554] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[111] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[61] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[50] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[63] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[64] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[324] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[325] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[203] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[328] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[152] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3541] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3543] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1754] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2505] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2570] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2580] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2594] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2631] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2639] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2644] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2650] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2655] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2716] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2731] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2744] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1748] link 'Home'", "\t[1753] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1751] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[57] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[305] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[465] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t[133] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[467] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[308] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[777] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1084] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1326] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[309] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[310] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t[313] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t[1566] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1568] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1570] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t[314] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1332] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1333] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1094] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[191] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[192] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[137] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3509] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3511] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3537] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3510] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3527] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3532] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3533] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3628] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3529] button 'Next'", "\t\t[139] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3549] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[197] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3551] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[786] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[24] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1597] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd Black, 10MP, 5x Non-Extending Optical Zoom, 2.7\" LCD, Dual Image Stabilization, Face Detection w/Auto Red Eye Removal, New Blog Mode 2.0 and IR-Simple for sharing photos with friends, File Security System, xD/SD/SD-HC Compatible Media Slot. Despite being only 20.0mm thick, the 10-megapixel FinePix Z200fd touts cutting-edge technology and advanced features including a Fujinon 5x optical zoom lens, a high-resolution, scratch-resistant 2.7-inch LCD and sensitivity settings of up to ISO 1600 that enable partygoers to take beautiful, natural-looking images without flash, retaining the atmosphere of twilight and late-night events. Featuring Fujifilm’s acclaimed Face Detection Technology, now working in tandem with automatic red-eye removal, the FinePix Z200fd makes it easy to capture your friends’ good sides. At the press of a button, this mode identifies up to 10 human faces in a scene, and sets the correct focus and exposure, regardless of where subjects are located within the frame. The FinePix Z200fd then instantly checks each detected face for red eye and, if found, corrects it automatically in the camera, avoiding the process of editing later. Timing Is Everything The FinePix Z200fd debuts Fujifilm’s new Couple Timer Mode and Group Timer Mode, ensuring you can appear in every shot you take, even when there’s no one else around to take the picture! Working in conjunction with Face Detection Technology, these self-timer modes automatically capture the image when the camera has detected faces in a frame.'", "\t\t\t\t[26] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1599] StaticText '10-megapixel sensor captures enough detail for photo-quality 18 x 24-inch prints'", "\t\t\t\t[28] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1601] StaticText 'Wide-angle 5x optical zoom lens; 2.7-inch LCD display'", "\t\t\t\t[30] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1603] StaticText 'Face Detection optimizes focus/exposure for up to 10 faces; Dual Image Stabilization for blur-free pictures'", "\t\t\t\t[32] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1605] StaticText 'Wirelessly transfer images to IrSimple-equipped devices, including other digital cameras'", "\t\t\t\t[34] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1607] StaticText 'Stores images on xD or SD memory cards (not included); powered by lithium-ion battery (battery included)'", "\t\t\t\t[1336] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1608] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1628] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1629] gridcell '5.6 x 6.7 x 2.8 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1609] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1630] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1631] gridcell '12 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1610] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1632] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1633] gridcell 'Z200fd Black' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1611] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1634] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1635] gridcell 'July 31, 2008' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1612] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1636] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1637] gridcell 'FUJIFILM' required: False", "\t\t\t[3552] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[198] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1672] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1713] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1715] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1708] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1693] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1694] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1695] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1696] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1697] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1686] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1688] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1690] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[48] link 'My Account'", "\t[49] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[50] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3552] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[54] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[164] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[165] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[101] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[168] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[80] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3539] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3541] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1752] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2503] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2568] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2578] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2592] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2629] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2637] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2642] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2648] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2714] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2729] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1746] link 'Home'", "\t[1751] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1749] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t[789] main ''", "\t\t[827] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[795] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[967] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[1050] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t[878] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1052] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[970] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1208] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1362] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1488] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[971] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[972] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1742] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t[975] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t[1613] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1615] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1617] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t[976] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1494] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1495] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1372] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[916] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[917] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[882] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3507] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3509] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3535] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3508] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3525] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3530] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3558] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3531] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3628] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3527] button 'Next'", "\t\t[884] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3547] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3548] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[922] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3549] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1217] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[808] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd Black, 10MP, 5x Non-Extending Optical Zoom, 2.7\" LCD, Dual Image Stabilization, Face Detection w/Auto Red Eye Removal, New Blog Mode 2.0 and IR-Simple for sharing photos with friends, File Security System, xD/SD/SD-HC Compatible Media Slot. Despite being only 20.0mm thick, the 10-megapixel FinePix Z200fd touts cutting-edge technology and advanced features including a Fujinon 5x optical zoom lens, a high-resolution, scratch-resistant 2.7-inch LCD and sensitivity settings of up to ISO 1600 that enable partygoers to take beautiful, natural-looking images without flash, retaining the atmosphere of twilight and late-night events. Featuring Fujifilm’s acclaimed Face Detection Technology, now working in tandem with automatic red-eye removal, the FinePix Z200fd makes it easy to capture your friends’ good sides. At the press of a button, this mode identifies up to 10 human faces in a scene, and sets the correct focus and exposure, regardless of where subjects are located within the frame. The FinePix Z200fd then instantly checks each detected face for red eye and, if found, corrects it automatically in the camera, avoiding the process of editing later. Timing Is Everything The FinePix Z200fd debuts Fujifilm’s new Couple Timer Mode and Group Timer Mode, ensuring you can appear in every shot you take, even when there’s no one else around to take the picture! Working in conjunction with Face Detection Technology, these self-timer modes automatically capture the image when the camera has detected faces in a frame.'", "\t\t\t\t[810] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '10-megapixel sensor captures enough detail for photo-quality 18 x 24-inch prints'", "\t\t\t\t[812] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1648] StaticText 'Wide-angle 5x optical zoom lens; 2.7-inch LCD display'", "\t\t\t\t[814] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Face Detection optimizes focus/exposure for up to 10 faces; Dual Image Stabilization for blur-free pictures'", "\t\t\t\t[816] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1652] StaticText 'Wirelessly transfer images to IrSimple-equipped devices, including other digital cameras'", "\t\t\t\t[818] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Stores images on xD or SD memory cards (not included); powered by lithium-ion battery (battery included)'", "\t\t\t\t[1498] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1655] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1675] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1676] gridcell '5.6 x 6.7 x 2.8 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1656] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1677] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1678] gridcell '12 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1657] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1679] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1680] gridcell 'Z200fd Black' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1658] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1681] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1682] gridcell 'July 31, 2008' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1659] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1683] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1684] gridcell 'FUJIFILM' required: False", "\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[923] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[820] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1072] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1224] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1074] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[927] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[867] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[868] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[869] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[870] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[871] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[850] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[852] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[854] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[3] generic '' busy: 1", "\t\t[132] link 'My Account'", "\t\t[133] link 'My Wish List'", "\t\t[134] link 'Sign In'", "\t\t[3554] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t\t[138] link 'Create an Account'", "\t\t[67] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t\t[52] link 'store logo'", "\t\t\t[69] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t\t[70] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t\t[365] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t\t[366] StaticText 'Search'", "\t\t[240] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t\t[369] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[187] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t\t[3541] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3543] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t\t[1754] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[2505] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2570] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2580] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2594] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2631] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2639] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2644] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2650] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2655] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2716] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2731] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2744] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[1748] link 'Home'", "\t\t[1753] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t\t[1751] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[5] main ''", "\t\t\t[59] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t\t[342] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t\t[506] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t\t[160] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t[508] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t\t[345] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t\t[821] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1131] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1373] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t\t[346] link '12\\xa0 Reviews ' focused: True", "\t\t\t\t[347] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t\t[1744] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t\t[350] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t\t[1613] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t[1615] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t[1617] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t\t[351] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t[1379] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t\t[1380] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t\t[1141] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t\t[226] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t\t[227] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t\t[164] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t\t[3509] button 'Previous'", "\t\t\t[3511] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t\t[3538] img 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3510] button 'Next'", "\t\t\t[3527] button 'Previous'", "\t\t\t[3532] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t\t[3560] img 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3533] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t\t[3630] img 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3529] button 'Next'", "\t\t\t[166] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t\t[3549] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Details' expanded: False selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t\t[232] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[3552] tab 'Reviews (12)' 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\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 5 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3682] LabelText '5 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3645] StaticText 'Nickname'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3757] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3658] textbox 'Nickname*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3709] StaticText 'Summary'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3686] textbox 'Summary*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3702] StaticText 'Review'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3688] textbox 'Review*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t[3691] button 'Submit Review'", "\t\t[42] contentinfo ''", "\t\t\t[528] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t\t[837] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t\t[530] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t\t[237] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t\t[126] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t\t[127] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t\t[128] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t\t[129] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t\t[130] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t\t[92] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t\t[94] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t\t[96] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[132] link 'My Account'", "\t[133] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[134] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3552] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[138] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[67] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[52] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[69] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[70] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[365] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[366] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[240] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[369] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[187] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3539] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3541] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1752] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2503] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2568] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2578] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2592] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2629] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2637] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2642] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2648] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2714] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2729] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1746] link 'Home'", "\t[1751] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1749] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[59] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[342] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[506] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t[160] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[508] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[345] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[821] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1131] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1373] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[346] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[347] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1742] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t[350] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t[1613] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1615] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1617] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t[351] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1379] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1380] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1141] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[226] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[227] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[164] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3507] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3509] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3528] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3508] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3525] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3531] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3627] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3532] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3628] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3527] button 'Next'", "\t\t[166] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3547] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3548] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[232] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3549] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[830] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[24] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd Black, 10MP, 5x Non-Extending Optical Zoom, 2.7\" LCD, Dual Image Stabilization, Face Detection w/Auto Red Eye Removal, New Blog Mode 2.0 and IR-Simple for sharing photos with friends, File Security System, xD/SD/SD-HC Compatible Media Slot. Despite being only 20.0mm thick, the 10-megapixel FinePix Z200fd touts cutting-edge technology and advanced features including a Fujinon 5x optical zoom lens, a high-resolution, scratch-resistant 2.7-inch LCD and sensitivity settings of up to ISO 1600 that enable partygoers to take beautiful, natural-looking images without flash, retaining the atmosphere of twilight and late-night events. Featuring Fujifilm’s acclaimed Face Detection Technology, now working in tandem with automatic red-eye removal, the FinePix Z200fd makes it easy to capture your friends’ good sides. At the press of a button, this mode identifies up to 10 human faces in a scene, and sets the correct focus and exposure, regardless of where subjects are located within the frame. The FinePix Z200fd then instantly checks each detected face for red eye and, if found, corrects it automatically in the camera, avoiding the process of editing later. Timing Is Everything The FinePix Z200fd debuts Fujifilm’s new Couple Timer Mode and Group Timer Mode, ensuring you can appear in every shot you take, even when there’s no one else around to take the picture! Working in conjunction with Face Detection Technology, these self-timer modes automatically capture the image when the camera has detected faces in a frame.'", "\t\t\t\t[26] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '10-megapixel sensor captures enough detail for photo-quality 18 x 24-inch prints'", "\t\t\t\t[28] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1648] StaticText 'Wide-angle 5x optical zoom lens; 2.7-inch LCD display'", "\t\t\t\t[30] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Face Detection optimizes focus/exposure for up to 10 faces; Dual Image Stabilization for blur-free pictures'", "\t\t\t\t[32] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1652] StaticText 'Wirelessly transfer images to IrSimple-equipped devices, including other digital cameras'", "\t\t\t\t[34] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Stores images on xD or SD memory cards (not included); powered by lithium-ion battery (battery included)'", "\t\t\t\t[1383] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1655] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1675] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1676] gridcell '5.6 x 6.7 x 2.8 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1656] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1677] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1678] gridcell '12 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1657] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1679] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1680] gridcell 'Z200fd Black' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1658] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1681] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1682] gridcell 'July 31, 2008' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1659] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1683] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1684] gridcell 'FUJIFILM' required: False", "\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[233] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[42] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[528] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[530] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[237] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[126] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[127] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[128] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[129] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[130] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[92] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[94] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[96] link 'Report All Bugs'" ] }
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type [164] [In Progress Reviews] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[74] link 'My Account'", "\t[75] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[76] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3554] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[80] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[247] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[248] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[141] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[251] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[112] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3541] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3543] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1754] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2505] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2570] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2580] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2594] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2631] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2639] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2644] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2650] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2655] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2716] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2731] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2744] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1748] link 'Home'", "\t[1753] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1751] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[243] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[388] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t[102] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[390] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[246] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[977] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1197] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[1514] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[1515] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t[1518] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t[1613] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1615] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1617] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t[1519] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1596] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1597] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1577] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1502] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3509] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3511] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3537] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3510] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3527] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3532] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3533] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3561] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3529] button 'Next'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3549] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1508] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3551] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1559] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1425] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd Black, 10MP, 5x Non-Extending Optical Zoom, 2.7\" LCD, Dual Image Stabilization, Face Detection w/Auto Red Eye Removal, New Blog Mode 2.0 and IR-Simple for sharing photos with friends, File Security System, xD/SD/SD-HC Compatible Media Slot. Despite being only 20.0mm thick, the 10-megapixel FinePix Z200fd touts cutting-edge technology and advanced features including a Fujinon 5x optical zoom lens, a high-resolution, scratch-resistant 2.7-inch LCD and sensitivity settings of up to ISO 1600 that enable partygoers to take beautiful, natural-looking images without flash, retaining the atmosphere of twilight and late-night events. Featuring Fujifilm’s acclaimed Face Detection Technology, now working in tandem with automatic red-eye removal, the FinePix Z200fd makes it easy to capture your friends’ good sides. At the press of a button, this mode identifies up to 10 human faces in a scene, and sets the correct focus and exposure, regardless of where subjects are located within the frame. The FinePix Z200fd then instantly checks each detected face for red eye and, if found, corrects it automatically in the camera, avoiding the process of editing later. Timing Is Everything The FinePix Z200fd debuts Fujifilm’s new Couple Timer Mode and Group Timer Mode, ensuring you can appear in every shot you take, even when there’s no one else around to take the picture! Working in conjunction with Face Detection Technology, these self-timer modes automatically capture the image when the camera has detected faces in a frame.'", "\t\t\t\t[1427] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '10-megapixel sensor captures enough detail for photo-quality 18 x 24-inch prints'", "\t\t\t\t[1429] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1648] StaticText 'Wide-angle 5x optical zoom lens; 2.7-inch LCD display'", "\t\t\t\t[1431] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Face Detection optimizes focus/exposure for up to 10 faces; Dual Image Stabilization for blur-free pictures'", "\t\t\t\t[1433] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1652] StaticText 'Wirelessly transfer images to IrSimple-equipped devices, including other digital cameras'", "\t\t\t\t[1435] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Stores images on xD or SD memory cards (not included); powered by lithium-ion battery (battery included)'", "\t\t\t\t[1600] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1655] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1675] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1676] gridcell '5.6 x 6.7 x 2.8 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1656] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1677] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1678] gridcell '12 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1657] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1679] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1680] gridcell 'Z200fd Black' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1658] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1681] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1682] gridcell 'July 31, 2008' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1659] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1683] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1684] gridcell 'FUJIFILM' required: False", "\t\t\t[3552] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1509] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1436] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1550] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1566] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1552] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1513] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1467] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1468] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1469] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1470] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1471] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1453] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1455] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1457] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be focused on the Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd product page, emphasizing the details of the camera along with interactive elements for managing reviews. The layout now includes a section for user reviews, enhancing the focus on customer feedback alongside product specifications, which were not present in the previous state. --- **NEGATIVE ACTION 2: scroll [down]**
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[61] link 'My Account'", "\t[62] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[63] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3554] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[67] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[31] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[33] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[34] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[224] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[225] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[123] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[228] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[96] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3541] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3543] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1754] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2505] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2570] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2580] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2594] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2631] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2639] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2644] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2650] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2655] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2716] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2731] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2744] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1748] link 'Home'", "\t[1753] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1751] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t[12] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[1383] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[1385] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[1496] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[1519] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t[1451] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1521] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1499] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1544] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1565] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1590] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[1500] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[1501] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t[1504] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t[1613] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1615] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1617] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t[1505] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1596] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1597] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1575] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1455] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3509] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3511] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3537] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3510] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3527] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3532] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3533] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3561] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3529] button 'Next'", "\t\t[1457] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3549] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1489] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3551] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1553] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1396] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd Black, 10MP, 5x Non-Extending Optical Zoom, 2.7\" LCD, Dual Image Stabilization, Face Detection w/Auto Red Eye Removal, New Blog Mode 2.0 and IR-Simple for sharing photos with friends, File Security System, xD/SD/SD-HC Compatible Media Slot. Despite being only 20.0mm thick, the 10-megapixel FinePix Z200fd touts cutting-edge technology and advanced features including a Fujinon 5x optical zoom lens, a high-resolution, scratch-resistant 2.7-inch LCD and sensitivity settings of up to ISO 1600 that enable partygoers to take beautiful, natural-looking images without flash, retaining the atmosphere of twilight and late-night events. Featuring Fujifilm’s acclaimed Face Detection Technology, now working in tandem with automatic red-eye removal, the FinePix Z200fd makes it easy to capture your friends’ good sides. At the press of a button, this mode identifies up to 10 human faces in a scene, and sets the correct focus and exposure, regardless of where subjects are located within the frame. The FinePix Z200fd then instantly checks each detected face for red eye and, if found, corrects it automatically in the camera, avoiding the process of editing later. Timing Is Everything The FinePix Z200fd debuts Fujifilm’s new Couple Timer Mode and Group Timer Mode, ensuring you can appear in every shot you take, even when there’s no one else around to take the picture! Working in conjunction with Face Detection Technology, these self-timer modes automatically capture the image when the camera has detected faces in a frame.'", "\t\t\t\t[1398] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '10-megapixel sensor captures enough detail for photo-quality 18 x 24-inch prints'", "\t\t\t\t[1400] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1648] StaticText 'Wide-angle 5x optical zoom lens; 2.7-inch LCD display'", "\t\t\t\t[1402] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Face Detection optimizes focus/exposure for up to 10 faces; Dual Image Stabilization for blur-free pictures'", "\t\t\t\t[1404] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1652] StaticText 'Wirelessly transfer images to IrSimple-equipped devices, including other digital cameras'", "\t\t\t\t[1406] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Stores images on xD or SD memory cards (not included); powered by lithium-ion battery (battery included)'", "\t\t\t\t[1600] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1655] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1675] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1676] gridcell '5.6 x 6.7 x 2.8 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1656] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1677] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1678] gridcell '12 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1657] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1679] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1680] gridcell 'Z200fd Black' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1658] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1681] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1682] gridcell 'July 31, 2008' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1659] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1683] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1684] gridcell 'FUJIFILM' required: False", "\t\t\t[3552] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1490] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1407] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1541] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1560] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1543] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1494] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1443] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1444] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1445] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1446] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1447] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1427] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1429] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1431] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be a continuation of the product details for the Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd, showcasing an expanded view of specifications and user reviews. The layout now reveals additional content, including customer ratings and detailed descriptions that were not visible in the previous state, enriching the user's understanding of the product. --- **NEGATIVE ACTION 3: hover [3550]**
hover [3550]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[132] link 'My Account'", "\t[133] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[134] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3554] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[138] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[67] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[52] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[69] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[70] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[365] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[366] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[240] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[369] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[187] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3541] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3543] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1754] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2505] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2570] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2580] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2594] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2631] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2639] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2644] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2650] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2655] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2716] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2731] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2744] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1748] link 'Home'", "\t[1753] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1751] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[59] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[342] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[506] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t[160] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[508] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[345] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[821] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1131] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1373] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[346] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[347] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t[350] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t[1613] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1615] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1617] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t[351] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1379] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1380] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1141] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[226] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[227] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[164] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3509] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3511] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3537] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3510] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3527] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3532] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3533] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3628] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3529] button 'Next'", "\t\t[166] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3549] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[232] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3551] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[830] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[24] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd Black, 10MP, 5x Non-Extending Optical Zoom, 2.7\" LCD, Dual Image Stabilization, Face Detection w/Auto Red Eye Removal, New Blog Mode 2.0 and IR-Simple for sharing photos with friends, File Security System, xD/SD/SD-HC Compatible Media Slot. Despite being only 20.0mm thick, the 10-megapixel FinePix Z200fd touts cutting-edge technology and advanced features including a Fujinon 5x optical zoom lens, a high-resolution, scratch-resistant 2.7-inch LCD and sensitivity settings of up to ISO 1600 that enable partygoers to take beautiful, natural-looking images without flash, retaining the atmosphere of twilight and late-night events. Featuring Fujifilm’s acclaimed Face Detection Technology, now working in tandem with automatic red-eye removal, the FinePix Z200fd makes it easy to capture your friends’ good sides. At the press of a button, this mode identifies up to 10 human faces in a scene, and sets the correct focus and exposure, regardless of where subjects are located within the frame. The FinePix Z200fd then instantly checks each detected face for red eye and, if found, corrects it automatically in the camera, avoiding the process of editing later. Timing Is Everything The FinePix Z200fd debuts Fujifilm’s new Couple Timer Mode and Group Timer Mode, ensuring you can appear in every shot you take, even when there’s no one else around to take the picture! Working in conjunction with Face Detection Technology, these self-timer modes automatically capture the image when the camera has detected faces in a frame.'", "\t\t\t\t[26] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '10-megapixel sensor captures enough detail for photo-quality 18 x 24-inch prints'", "\t\t\t\t[28] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1648] StaticText 'Wide-angle 5x optical zoom lens; 2.7-inch LCD display'", "\t\t\t\t[30] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Face Detection optimizes focus/exposure for up to 10 faces; Dual Image Stabilization for blur-free pictures'", "\t\t\t\t[32] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1652] StaticText 'Wirelessly transfer images to IrSimple-equipped devices, including other digital cameras'", "\t\t\t\t[34] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Stores images on xD or SD memory cards (not included); powered by lithium-ion battery (battery included)'", "\t\t\t\t[1383] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1655] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1675] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1676] gridcell '5.6 x 6.7 x 2.8 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1656] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1677] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1678] gridcell '12 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1657] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1679] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1680] gridcell 'Z200fd Black' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1658] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1681] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1682] gridcell 'July 31, 2008' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1659] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1683] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1684] gridcell 'FUJIFILM' required: False", "\t\t\t[3552] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[233] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[42] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[528] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[530] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[237] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[126] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[127] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[128] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[129] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[130] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[92] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[94] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[96] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the product detail tabs are highlighted, indicating available sections for the user to explore further information about the Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd. The interface now shows visual cues or tooltips, providing an interactive experience that was less pronounced in the previous state, facilitating easier navigation through product information. --- **NEGATIVE ACTION 4: click [3550]**
click [3550]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)' focused: True", "\t[3] generic '' busy: 1", "\t\t[48] link 'My Account'", "\t\t[49] link 'My Wish List'", "\t\t[50] link 'Sign In'", "\t\t[3552] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t\t[54] link 'Create an Account'", "\t\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t\t[87] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t\t[88] StaticText 'Search'", "\t\t[77] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t\t[91] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[72] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t\t[3539] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3541] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t\t[1752] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[2503] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2568] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2578] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2592] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2629] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2637] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2642] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2648] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2714] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2729] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[1746] link 'Home'", "\t\t[1751] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t[196] main ''", "\t\t\t[234] heading 'Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)'", "\t\t\t[202] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t\t[204] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t\t[451] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t\t[602] StaticText 'B001D0G57S'", "\t\t\t[293] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t[604] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t\t[454] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t\t[890] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1395] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t\t[455] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t\t[456] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t\t[1742] StaticText '$99.95'", "\t\t\t[459] generic 'Color * Black Pink Silver'", "\t\t\t\t[1613] radio 'Black' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t[1615] radio 'Pink' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t[1617] radio 'Silver' checked: false", "\t\t\t[460] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t[1401] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t\t[1402] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t\t[1185] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t\t[347] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t\t[348] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t\t[297] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t\t[3507] button 'Previous'", "\t\t\t[3509] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t\t[3535] img 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3508] button 'Next'", "\t\t\t[3525] button 'Previous'", "\t\t\t[3530] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t\t[3558] img 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3531] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t\t[3559] img 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3527] button 'Next'", "\t\t\t[299] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t\t[3547] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[3548] tab 'Details' expanded: False selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t\t[353] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[3550] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: True selected: True controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t\t[354] link 'Reviews (12)' focused: True", "\t\t\t\t[3699] tabpanel 'Reviews (12)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3667] group \"You're reviewing: Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Dual Image Stabilized Zoom (Black)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3679] group 'Your Rating*'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3678] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3785] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3691] radio 'Rating \\ue605 1 star' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3653] LabelText '1 star'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3702] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605 2 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3666] LabelText '2 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3670] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 3 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3654] LabelText '3 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3708] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 4 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3655] LabelText '4 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3674] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 5 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3684] LabelText '5 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3643] StaticText 'Nickname'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3755] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3657] textbox 'Nickname*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3706] StaticText 'Summary'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3687] textbox 'Summary*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3700] StaticText 'Review'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3688] textbox 'Review*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t[3664] button 'Submit Review'", "\t\t[227] contentinfo ''", "\t\t\t[624] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t\t[906] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t\t[626] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t\t[274] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t\t[275] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t\t[276] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t\t[277] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t\t[278] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t\t[257] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t\t[259] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t\t[261] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be a transition to the reviews section of the Fujifilm FinePix Z200fd product page. The layout now prominently features user reviews, allowing for detailed feedback and ratings from previous buyers, which were not accessible in the earlier state, thereby enriching the user’s engagement with the product’s reputation.
Tab 0 (current): Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [4446] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [4447] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [4359] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [4361] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [4364] link '\ue60b SALES' [4370] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [4376] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [4382] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [4388] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [4394] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [4412] link '\ue60d STORES' [4418] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [4424] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1325] main '' [2059] generic 'Add Product' [2060] button 'Add Product' [2061] button 'Add product of type' [2208] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2209] button '\ue610 Columns' [2425] button '\ue605Filters' [2669] LayoutTable '' [2678] StaticText 'Active filters:' [2699] StaticText 'Keyword:' [2701] StaticText 'Taurus Elements Shell' [2702] button '\ue620' [2680] button 'Clear all' [2392] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2440] StaticText 'Taurus Elements Shell' [2393] button 'Search' [2666] button 'Actions' [2451] StaticText '16' [2453] StaticText 'records found' [2753] textbox 'per page' required: False [2793] StaticText '200' [2729] button 'per page Select' [2396] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2466] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2397] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2115] table '' [2118] row '' [2130] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2133] checkbox '' checked: false [2135] button 'Options' [2158] columnheader '↓ ID' required: False [2159] columnheader 'Thumbnail' required: False [2160] columnheader 'Name' required: False [2161] columnheader 'Type' required: False [2162] columnheader 'Attribute Set' required: False [2163] columnheader 'SKU' required: False [2164] columnheader 'Price' required: False [2165] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [2166] columnheader 'Salable Quantity' required: False [2167] columnheader 'Visibility' required: False [2168] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2169] columnheader 'Websites' required: False [2212] columnheader 'Last Updated At' required: False [2170] columnheader 'Action' required: False [3439] row '' [3455] gridcell '' required: False [3721] checkbox '' checked: false [3456] gridcell '335' required: False [3457] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Blue' required: False [3771] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Blue' [3458] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Blue' required: False [3459] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3460] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3461] gridcell 'MJ09-XS-Blue' required: False [3462] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3463] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3464] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3836] ListMarker '• ' [3465] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3466] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3467] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3468] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3469] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Blue' required: False [3817] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Blue' [3440] row '' [3470] gridcell '' required: False [3723] checkbox '' checked: false [3471] gridcell '336' required: False [3472] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-White' required: False [3774] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-White' [3473] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-White' required: False [3474] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3475] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3476] gridcell 'MJ09-XS-White' required: False [3477] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3478] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3479] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [3840] ListMarker '• ' [3480] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3481] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3482] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3483] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3484] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XS-White' required: False [3818] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XS-White' [3441] row '' [3485] gridcell '' required: False [3725] checkbox '' checked: false [3486] gridcell '337' required: False [3487] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Yellow' required: False [3777] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Yellow' [3488] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Yellow' required: False [3489] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3490] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3491] gridcell 'MJ09-XS-Yellow' required: False [3492] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3493] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3494] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3844] ListMarker '• ' [3495] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3496] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3497] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3498] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3499] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Yellow' required: False [3819] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Yellow' [3442] row '' [3500] gridcell '' required: False [3727] checkbox '' checked: false [3501] gridcell '338' required: False [3502] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-Blue' required: False [3780] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-Blue' [3503] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-Blue' required: False [3504] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3505] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3506] gridcell 'MJ09-S-Blue' required: False [3507] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3508] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3509] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [3848] ListMarker '• ' [3510] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3511] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3512] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3513] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3514] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-S-Blue' required: False [3820] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-S-Blue' [3443] row '' [3515] gridcell '' required: False [3729] checkbox '' checked: false [3516] gridcell '339' required: False [3517] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-White' required: False [3783] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-White' [3518] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-White' required: False [3519] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3520] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3521] gridcell 'MJ09-S-White' required: False [3522] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3523] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3524] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3852] ListMarker '• ' [3525] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3526] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3527] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3528] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3529] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-S-White' required: False [3821] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-S-White' [3444] row '' [3530] gridcell '' required: False [3731] checkbox '' checked: false [3531] gridcell '340' required: False [3532] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-Yellow' required: False [3786] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-Yellow' [3533] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-Yellow' required: False [3534] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3535] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3536] gridcell 'MJ09-S-Yellow' required: False [3537] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3538] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3539] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3856] ListMarker '• ' [3540] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3541] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3542] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3543] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3544] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-S-Yellow' required: False [3822] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-S-Yellow' [3445] row '' [3545] gridcell '' required: False [3733] checkbox '' checked: false [3546] gridcell '341' required: False [3547] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-Blue' required: False [3789] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-Blue' [3548] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-Blue' required: False [3549] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3550] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3551] gridcell 'MJ09-M-Blue' required: False [3552] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3553] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3554] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3860] ListMarker '• ' [3555] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3556] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3557] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3558] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3559] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-M-Blue' required: False [3823] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-M-Blue' [3446] row '' [3560] gridcell '' required: False [3735] checkbox '' checked: false [3561] gridcell '342' required: False [3562] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-White' required: False [3792] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-White' [3563] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-White' required: False [3564] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3565] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3566] gridcell 'MJ09-M-White' required: False [3567] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3568] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3569] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3864] ListMarker '• ' [3570] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3571] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3572] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3573] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3574] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-M-White' required: False [3824] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-M-White' [3447] row '' [3575] gridcell '' required: False [3737] checkbox '' checked: false [3576] gridcell '343' required: False [3577] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-Yellow' required: False [3795] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-Yellow' [3578] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-Yellow' required: False [3579] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3580] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3581] gridcell 'MJ09-M-Yellow' required: False [3582] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3583] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3584] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3868] ListMarker '• ' [3585] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3586] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3587] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3588] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3589] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-M-Yellow' required: False [3825] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-M-Yellow' [3448] row '' [3590] gridcell '' required: False [3739] checkbox '' checked: false [3591] gridcell '344' required: False [3592] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-Blue' required: False [3798] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-Blue' [3593] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-Blue' required: False [3594] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3595] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3596] gridcell 'MJ09-L-Blue' required: False [3597] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3598] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3599] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3872] ListMarker '• ' [3600] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3601] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3602] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3603] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3604] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-L-Blue' required: False [3826] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-L-Blue' [3449] row '' [3605] gridcell '' required: False [3741] checkbox '' checked: false [3606] gridcell '345' required: False [3607] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-White' required: False [3801] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-White' [3608] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-White' required: False [3609] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3610] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3611] gridcell 'MJ09-L-White' required: False [3612] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3613] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3614] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3876] ListMarker '• ' [3615] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3616] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3617] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3618] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3619] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-L-White' required: False [3827] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-L-White' [3450] row '' [3620] gridcell '' required: False [3743] checkbox '' checked: false [3621] gridcell '346' required: False [3622] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-Yellow' required: False [3804] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-Yellow' [3623] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-Yellow' required: False [3624] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3625] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3626] gridcell 'MJ09-L-Yellow' required: False [3627] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3628] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3629] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3880] ListMarker '• ' [3630] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3631] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3632] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3633] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3634] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-L-Yellow' required: False [3828] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-L-Yellow' [3451] row '' [3635] gridcell '' required: False [3745] checkbox '' checked: false [3636] gridcell '347' required: False [3637] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Blue' required: False [3807] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Blue' [3638] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Blue' required: False [3639] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3640] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3641] gridcell 'MJ09-XL-Blue' required: False [3642] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3643] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3644] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3884] ListMarker '• ' [3645] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3646] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3647] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3648] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:29 PM' required: False [3649] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Blue' required: False [3829] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Blue' [3452] row '' [3650] gridcell '' required: False [3747] checkbox '' checked: false [3651] gridcell '348' required: False [3652] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-White' required: False [3810] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-White' [3653] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-White' required: False [3654] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3655] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3656] gridcell 'MJ09-XL-White' required: False [3657] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3658] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3659] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3888] ListMarker '• ' [3660] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3661] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3662] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3663] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:29 PM' required: False [3664] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XL-White' required: False [3830] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XL-White' [3453] row '' [3665] gridcell '' required: False [3749] checkbox '' checked: false [3666] gridcell '349' required: False [3667] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Yellow' required: False [3813] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Yellow' [3668] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Yellow' required: False [3669] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3670] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3671] gridcell 'MJ09-XL-Yellow' required: False [3672] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3673] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3674] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3892] ListMarker '• ' [3675] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3676] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3677] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3678] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:29 PM' required: False [3679] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Yellow' required: False [3831] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Yellow' [3454] row '' [3680] gridcell '' required: False [3751] checkbox '' checked: false [3681] gridcell '350' required: False [3682] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell' required: False [3816] img 'Taurus Elements Shell' [3683] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell' required: False [3684] gridcell 'Configurable Product' required: False [3685] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3686] gridcell 'MJ09' required: False [3687] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3688] gridcell '0.0000' required: False [3689] gridcell '' required: False [3690] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3691] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3692] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3693] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:29 PM' required: False [3694] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell' required: False [3832] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell' [1326] contentinfo '' [1422] link '\ue606' [1423] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [1496] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [1425] link 'Privacy Policy' [1426] StaticText ' |' [1427] link ' Account Activity' [1428] StaticText ' | ' [1429] link 'Report an Issue'
type [2393] [rocco gym tank ] where [2393] is button 'Search'
[ "None", "click [16] where [16] is link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "click [355] where [355] is link 'Products'", "click [1286] where [1286] is link '\\ue60b SALES'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [1328] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1337] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1282] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1286] link '\ue60b SALES' focused: True [1347] generic '\ue60b SALES Sales \ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal' [1368] link '\ue62f' [1369] menu '' orientation: vertical [1549] menu '' orientation: vertical [1671] link 'Orders' [1672] link 'Invoices' [1673] link 'Shipments' [1674] link 'Credit Memos' [1675] link 'Billing Agreements' [1676] link 'Transactions' [1677] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal' [1290] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1294] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1298] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1302] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1306] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1310] link '\ue60d STORES' [1314] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1318] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1356] heading 'Products' [1357] link '\ue600 admin' [1359] link '\ue607' [2052] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1325] main '' [2059] generic 'Add Product' [2060] button 'Add Product' [2061] button 'Add product of type' [2208] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2209] button '\ue610 Columns' [2425] button '\ue605Filters' [2669] LayoutTable '' [2678] StaticText 'Active filters:' [2699] StaticText 'Keyword:' [2701] StaticText 'Taurus Elements Shell' [2702] button '\ue620' [2680] button 'Clear all' [2392] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2440] StaticText 'Taurus Elements Shell' [2393] button 'Search' [2666] button 'Actions' [2451] StaticText '16' [2453] StaticText 'records found' [2753] textbox 'per page' required: False [2793] StaticText '200' [2729] button 'per page Select' [2396] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2466] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2397] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2115] table '' [2118] row '' [2130] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2133] checkbox '' checked: false [2135] button 'Options' [2158] columnheader '↓ ID' required: False [2159] columnheader 'Thumbnail' required: False [2160] columnheader 'Name' required: False [2161] columnheader 'Type' required: False [2162] columnheader 'Attribute Set' required: False [2163] columnheader 'SKU' required: False [2164] columnheader 'Price' required: False [2165] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [2166] columnheader 'Salable Quantity' required: False [2167] columnheader 'Visibility' required: False [2168] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2169] columnheader 'Websites' required: False [2212] columnheader 'Last Updated At' required: False [2170] columnheader 'Action' required: False [3439] row '' [3455] gridcell '' required: False [3721] checkbox '' checked: false [3456] gridcell '335' required: False [3457] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Blue' required: False [3771] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Blue' [3458] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Blue' required: False [3459] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3460] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3461] gridcell 'MJ09-XS-Blue' required: False [3462] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3463] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3464] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3836] ListMarker '• ' [3465] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3466] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3467] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3468] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3469] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Blue' required: False [3817] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Blue' [3440] row '' [3470] gridcell '' required: False [3723] checkbox '' checked: false [3471] gridcell '336' required: False [3472] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-White' required: False [3774] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-White' [3473] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-White' required: False [3474] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3475] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3476] gridcell 'MJ09-XS-White' required: False [3477] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3478] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3479] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [3840] ListMarker '• ' [3480] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3481] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3482] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3483] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3484] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XS-White' required: False [3818] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XS-White' [3441] row '' [3485] gridcell '' required: False [3725] checkbox '' checked: false [3486] gridcell '337' required: False [3487] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Yellow' required: False [3777] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Yellow' [3488] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Yellow' required: False [3489] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3490] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3491] gridcell 'MJ09-XS-Yellow' required: False [3492] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3493] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3494] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3844] ListMarker '• ' [3495] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3496] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3497] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3498] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3499] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Yellow' required: False [3819] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Yellow' [3442] row '' [3500] gridcell '' required: False [3727] checkbox '' checked: false [3501] gridcell '338' required: False [3502] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-Blue' required: False [3780] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-Blue' [3503] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-Blue' required: False [3504] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3505] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3506] gridcell 'MJ09-S-Blue' required: False [3507] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3508] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3509] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [3848] ListMarker '• ' [3510] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3511] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3512] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3513] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3514] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-S-Blue' required: False [3820] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-S-Blue' [3443] row '' [3515] gridcell '' required: False [3729] checkbox '' checked: false [3516] gridcell '339' required: False [3517] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-White' required: False [3783] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-White' [3518] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-White' required: False [3519] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3520] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3521] gridcell 'MJ09-S-White' required: False [3522] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3523] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3524] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3852] ListMarker '• ' [3525] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3526] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3527] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3528] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3529] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-S-White' required: False [3821] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-S-White' [3444] row '' [3530] gridcell '' required: False [3731] checkbox '' checked: false [3531] gridcell '340' required: False [3532] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-Yellow' required: False [3786] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-Yellow' [3533] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-Yellow' required: False [3534] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3535] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3536] gridcell 'MJ09-S-Yellow' required: False [3537] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3538] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3539] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3856] ListMarker '• ' [3540] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3541] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3542] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3543] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3544] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-S-Yellow' required: False [3822] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-S-Yellow' [3445] row '' [3545] gridcell '' required: False [3733] checkbox '' checked: false [3546] gridcell '341' required: False [3547] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-Blue' required: False [3789] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-Blue' [3548] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-Blue' required: False [3549] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3550] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3551] gridcell 'MJ09-M-Blue' required: False [3552] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3553] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3554] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3860] ListMarker '• ' [3555] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3556] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3557] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3558] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3559] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-M-Blue' required: False [3823] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-M-Blue' [3446] row '' [3560] gridcell '' required: False [3735] checkbox '' checked: false [3561] gridcell '342' required: False [3562] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-White' required: False [3792] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-White' [3563] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-White' required: False [3564] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3565] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3566] gridcell 'MJ09-M-White' required: False [3567] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3568] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3569] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3864] ListMarker '• ' [3570] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3571] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3572] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3573] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3574] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-M-White' required: False [3824] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-M-White' [3447] row '' [3575] gridcell '' required: False [3737] checkbox '' checked: false [3576] gridcell '343' required: False [3577] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-Yellow' required: False [3795] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-Yellow' [3578] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-Yellow' required: False [3579] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3580] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3581] gridcell 'MJ09-M-Yellow' required: False [3582] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3583] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3584] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3868] ListMarker '• ' [3585] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3586] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3587] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3588] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3589] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-M-Yellow' required: False [3825] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-M-Yellow' [3448] row '' [3590] gridcell '' required: False [3739] checkbox '' checked: false [3591] gridcell '344' required: False [3592] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-Blue' required: False [3798] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-Blue' [3593] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-Blue' required: False [3594] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3595] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3596] gridcell 'MJ09-L-Blue' required: False [3597] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3598] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3599] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3872] ListMarker '• ' [3600] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3601] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3602] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3603] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3604] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-L-Blue' required: False [3826] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-L-Blue' [3449] row '' [3605] gridcell '' required: False [3741] checkbox '' checked: false [3606] gridcell '345' required: False [3607] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-White' required: False [3801] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-White' [3608] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-White' required: False [3609] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3610] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3611] gridcell 'MJ09-L-White' required: False [3612] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3613] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3614] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3876] ListMarker '• ' [3615] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3616] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3617] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3618] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3619] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-L-White' required: False [3827] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-L-White' [3450] row '' [3620] gridcell '' required: False [3743] checkbox '' checked: false [3621] gridcell '346' required: False [3622] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-Yellow' required: False [3804] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-Yellow' [3623] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-Yellow' required: False [3624] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3625] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3626] gridcell 'MJ09-L-Yellow' required: False [3627] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3628] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3629] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3880] ListMarker '• ' [3630] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3631] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3632] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3633] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3634] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-L-Yellow' required: False [3828] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-L-Yellow' [3451] row '' [3635] gridcell '' required: False [3745] checkbox '' checked: false [3636] gridcell '347' required: False [3637] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Blue' required: False [3807] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Blue' [3638] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Blue' required: False [3639] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3640] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3641] gridcell 'MJ09-XL-Blue' required: False [3642] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3643] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3644] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3884] ListMarker '• ' [3645] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3646] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3647] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3648] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:29 PM' required: False [3649] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Blue' required: False [3829] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Blue' [3452] row '' [3650] gridcell '' required: False [3747] checkbox '' checked: false [3651] gridcell '348' required: False [3652] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-White' required: False [3810] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-White' [3653] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-White' required: False [3654] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3655] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3656] gridcell 'MJ09-XL-White' required: False [3657] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3658] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3659] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3888] ListMarker '• ' [3660] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3661] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3662] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3663] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:29 PM' required: False [3664] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XL-White' required: False [3830] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XL-White' [3453] row '' [3665] gridcell '' required: False [3749] checkbox '' checked: false [3666] gridcell '349' required: False [3667] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Yellow' required: False [3813] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Yellow' [3668] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Yellow' required: False [3669] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3670] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3671] gridcell 'MJ09-XL-Yellow' required: False [3672] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3673] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3674] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3892] ListMarker '• ' [3675] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3676] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3677] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3678] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:29 PM' required: False [3679] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Yellow' required: False [3831] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Yellow' [3454] row '' [3680] gridcell '' required: False [3751] checkbox '' checked: false [3681] gridcell '350' required: False [3682] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell' required: False [3816] img 'Taurus Elements Shell' [3683] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell' required: False [3684] gridcell 'Configurable Product' required: False [3685] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3686] gridcell 'MJ09' required: False [3687] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3688] gridcell '0.0000' required: False [3689] gridcell '' required: False [3690] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3691] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3692] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3693] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:29 PM' required: False [3694] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell' required: False [3832] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell'
Make all rocco gym tank as out of stock
The next observation reveals a return to the Products Admin page without any specific search results displayed for "rocco gym tank." Instead, the page reflects an earlier state, showing products like the "Taurus Elements Shell" rather than the intended search outcome. This indicates that the search for "rocco gym tank" did not find any matching products in the catalog, which may require further action, such as verifying the existence of the product or adjusting the search term. The layout remains unchanged, but the absence of relevant search results suggests that the user will need to take additional steps to fulfill their objective of marking all "rocco gym tank" items as out of stock.
{ "neg_action0": "click [1286]", "neg_action1": "type [2393] [Rocco Gym Tank] [1]", "neg_action2": "hover [16]", "neg_action3": "scroll [down]", "neg_action4": "click [1171]", "neg_action5": "click [1173]", "neg_action6": "click [1174]", "neg_action7": "click [1175]", "neg_action8": "hover [1184]", "neg_action9": "click [1189]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True", "\t\t[75] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[103] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[104] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[307] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[473] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[474] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True", "\t\t[72] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[98] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[99] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[280] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[419] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[420] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' 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'2' required: False", "\t\t[922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[923] table ''", "\t\t\t[951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[878] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[879] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[880] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[881] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[882] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[28] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[29] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True", "\t\t[31] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[41] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[42] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[87] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[120] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[121] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[180] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[176] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[172] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[168] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[164] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[212] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[213] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[215] link '\\ue607'", "\t[411] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[187] main ''", "\t\t[218] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[265] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[268] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[370] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[371] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[419] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[420] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[373] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[492] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[493] link 'here'", "\t\t[681] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[568] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[682] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[683] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[684] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[582] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' 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False", "\t\t\t\t[786] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[694] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[695] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[696] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[794] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[697] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[702] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[812] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[703] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[814] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[704] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[514] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[515] table ''", "\t\t\t[705] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[820] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[821] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[706] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[707] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[708] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[830] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[331] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[275] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[276] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[277] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[278] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[279] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True", "\t\t[75] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[103] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[104] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[307] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[473] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[474] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[51] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[54] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[58] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[73] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[74] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[188] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[299] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[300] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[686] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[687] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[689] link '\\ue607'", "\t[789] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[670] main ''", "\t\t[692] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[714] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[717] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[775] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[776] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[778] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[755] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[724] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[725] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[726] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[727] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[728] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[60] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[69] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[93] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[94] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[255] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[374] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[375] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[77] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[78] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[80] link '\\ue607'", "\t[290] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[83] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[143] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[754] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[783] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[784] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[786] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[840] table ''", "\t\t\t[891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[955] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[957] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[958] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[960] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[744] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[758] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[759] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[776] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[761] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[762] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[763] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[764] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[765] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[72] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[98] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[99] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[285] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[447] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[448] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[320] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[271] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[328] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[329] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[274] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[418] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[419] link 'here'", "\t\t[632] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[505] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[633] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[634] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[635] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[519] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[426] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[429] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[431] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[436] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[437] table ''", "\t\t\t[644] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[742] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[743] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[744] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[645] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[745] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[746] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[747] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[646] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[748] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[749] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[750] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[647] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[751] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[752] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[753] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[648] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[766] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[767] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[768] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[653] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[769] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[770] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[771] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[654] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[772] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[773] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[774] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[655] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[775] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[776] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[1040] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[1041] table ''", "\t\t\t[1044] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1050] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1051] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1052] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[1045] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1053] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1054] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[1046] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1056] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1057] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1058] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[1047] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1059] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1032] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[1024] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[1025] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[1026] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[1027] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[1028] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[75] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[103] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[104] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[307] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[473] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[474] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True", "\t\t[75] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[103] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[104] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[307] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[473] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[474] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[75] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[103] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[104] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[307] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[473] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[474] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ] }
[ "click [1286]", "type [2393] [Rocco Gym Tank] [1]", "hover [16]", "scroll [down]", "click [1171]", "click [1173]", "click [1174]", "click [1175]", "hover [1184]", "click [1189]" ]
type [2393] [Rocco Gym Tank] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True", "\t\t[72] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[98] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[99] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[280] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[419] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[420] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[911] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[913] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[918] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[919] table ''", "\t\t\t[939] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[962] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[964] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[921] table ''", "\t\t\t[945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[979] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[982] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[923] table ''", "\t\t\t[951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[870] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[875] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[878] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[879] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[880] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[881] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[882] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
** The next observation would be that the user finds themselves on the "Dashboard / Magento Admin" page instead of the "Catalog" page. The focus has shifted away from the product inventory context to the dashboard overview. This transition suggests that the search action did not yield the expected results, and instead redirected the user to the dashboard, losing the context of the product search.
hover [16]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[28] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[29] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True", "\t\t[31] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[41] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[42] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[87] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[120] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[121] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[180] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[176] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[172] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[168] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[164] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[212] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[213] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[215] link '\\ue607'", "\t[411] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[187] main ''", "\t\t[218] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[265] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[268] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[370] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[371] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[419] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[420] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[373] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[492] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[493] link 'here'", "\t\t[681] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[568] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[682] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[683] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[684] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[582] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[500] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[503] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[505] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[510] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[511] table ''", "\t\t\t[693] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[784] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[785] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[694] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[695] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[696] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[794] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[697] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[796] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[698] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[512] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[513] table ''", "\t\t\t[699] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[802] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[803] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[700] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[701] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[702] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[812] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[703] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[814] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[704] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[514] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[515] table ''", "\t\t\t[705] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[820] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[821] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[706] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[707] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[708] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[830] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[831] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[709] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[832] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[833] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[834] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[710] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[835] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[836] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[837] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[188] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[272] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[273] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[331] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[275] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[276] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[277] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[278] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[279] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
** The next observation would be that the user remains on the "Dashboard / Magento Admin" page without transitioning to the "Catalog" section. The focus indicates that the catalog options are not available or accessible, preventing the user from navigating to the product inventory as anticipated. This suggests that the hover action did not initiate the expected dropdown menu or navigation context change.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True", "\t\t[75] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[103] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[104] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[307] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[473] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[474] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
** The next observation would be that the user remains on the "Dashboard / Magento Admin" page without additional content being displayed. The static nature of the content indicates that the scrolling action did not reveal any new information or sections, suggesting a limitation in the dashboard's layout or a potential loading issue that prevented further data from appearing.
click [1171]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[51] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[54] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[58] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[73] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[74] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[188] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[299] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[300] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[686] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[687] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[689] link '\\ue607'", "\t[789] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[670] main ''", "\t\t[692] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[714] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[717] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[775] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[776] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[778] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[840] table ''", "\t\t\t[891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[955] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[957] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[958] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[960] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[671] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[721] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[722] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[755] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[724] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[725] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[726] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[727] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[728] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
** The next observation would be that the user remains on the "Dashboard / Magento Admin" page without any transition to the expected product detail page. The lack of navigation indicates that the click action did not function as intended, preventing access to further information about the selected item and resulting in a stagnant state on the dashboard.
Tab 0 (current): Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [4446] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [4447] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [4359] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [4361] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [4364] link '\ue60b SALES' [4370] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [4376] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [4382] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [4388] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [4394] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [4412] link '\ue60d STORES' [4418] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [4424] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1325] main '' [2059] generic 'Add Product' [2060] button 'Add Product' [2061] button 'Add product of type' [2208] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2209] button '\ue610 Columns' [2425] button '\ue605Filters' [2669] LayoutTable '' [2678] StaticText 'Active filters:' [2699] StaticText 'Keyword:' [2701] StaticText 'Taurus Elements Shell' [2702] button '\ue620' [2680] button 'Clear all' [2392] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2440] StaticText 'Taurus Elements Shell' [2393] button 'Search' [2666] button 'Actions' [2451] StaticText '16' [2453] StaticText 'records found' [2753] textbox 'per page' required: False [2793] StaticText '200' [2729] button 'per page Select' [2396] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2466] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2397] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2115] table '' [2118] row '' [2130] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2133] checkbox '' checked: false [2135] button 'Options' [2158] columnheader '↓ ID' required: False [2159] columnheader 'Thumbnail' required: False [2160] columnheader 'Name' required: False [2161] columnheader 'Type' required: False [2162] columnheader 'Attribute Set' required: False [2163] columnheader 'SKU' required: False [2164] columnheader 'Price' required: False [2165] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [2166] columnheader 'Salable Quantity' required: False [2167] columnheader 'Visibility' required: False [2168] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2169] columnheader 'Websites' required: False [2212] columnheader 'Last Updated At' required: False [2170] columnheader 'Action' required: False [3439] row '' [3455] gridcell '' required: False [3721] checkbox '' checked: false [3456] gridcell '335' required: False [3457] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Blue' required: False [3771] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Blue' [3458] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Blue' required: False [3459] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3460] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3461] gridcell 'MJ09-XS-Blue' required: False [3462] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3463] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3464] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3836] ListMarker '• ' [3465] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3466] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3467] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3468] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3469] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Blue' required: False [3817] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Blue' [3440] row '' [3470] gridcell '' required: False [3723] checkbox '' checked: false [3471] gridcell '336' required: False [3472] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-White' required: False [3774] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-White' [3473] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-White' required: False [3474] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3475] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3476] gridcell 'MJ09-XS-White' required: False [3477] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3478] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3479] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [3840] ListMarker '• ' [3480] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3481] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3482] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3483] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3484] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XS-White' required: False [3818] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XS-White' [3441] row '' [3485] gridcell '' required: False [3725] checkbox '' checked: false [3486] gridcell '337' required: False [3487] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Yellow' required: False [3777] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Yellow' [3488] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Yellow' required: False [3489] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3490] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3491] gridcell 'MJ09-XS-Yellow' required: False [3492] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3493] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3494] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3844] ListMarker '• ' [3495] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3496] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3497] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3498] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3499] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Yellow' required: False [3819] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Yellow' [3442] row '' [3500] gridcell '' required: False [3727] checkbox '' checked: false [3501] gridcell '338' required: False [3502] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-Blue' required: False [3780] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-Blue' [3503] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-Blue' required: False [3504] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3505] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3506] gridcell 'MJ09-S-Blue' required: False [3507] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3508] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3509] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [3848] ListMarker '• ' [3510] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3511] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3512] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3513] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3514] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-S-Blue' required: False [3820] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-S-Blue' [3443] row '' [3515] gridcell '' required: False [3729] checkbox '' checked: false [3516] gridcell '339' required: False [3517] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-White' required: False [3783] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-White' [3518] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-White' required: False [3519] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3520] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3521] gridcell 'MJ09-S-White' required: False [3522] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3523] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3524] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3852] ListMarker '• ' [3525] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3526] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3527] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3528] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3529] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-S-White' required: False [3821] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-S-White' [3444] row '' [3530] gridcell '' required: False [3731] checkbox '' checked: false [3531] gridcell '340' required: False [3532] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-Yellow' required: False [3786] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-Yellow' [3533] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-Yellow' required: False [3534] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3535] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3536] gridcell 'MJ09-S-Yellow' required: False [3537] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3538] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3539] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3856] ListMarker '• ' [3540] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3541] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3542] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3543] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3544] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-S-Yellow' required: False [3822] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-S-Yellow' [3445] row '' [3545] gridcell '' required: False [3733] checkbox '' checked: false [3546] gridcell '341' required: False [3547] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-Blue' required: False [3789] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-Blue' [3548] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-Blue' required: False [3549] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3550] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3551] gridcell 'MJ09-M-Blue' required: False [3552] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3553] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3554] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3860] ListMarker '• ' [3555] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3556] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3557] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3558] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3559] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-M-Blue' required: False [3823] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-M-Blue' [3446] row '' [3560] gridcell '' required: False [3735] checkbox '' checked: false [3561] gridcell '342' required: False [3562] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-White' required: False [3792] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-White' [3563] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-White' required: False [3564] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3565] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3566] gridcell 'MJ09-M-White' required: False [3567] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3568] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3569] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3864] ListMarker '• ' [3570] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3571] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3572] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3573] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3574] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-M-White' required: False [3824] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-M-White' [3447] row '' [3575] gridcell '' required: False [3737] checkbox '' checked: false [3576] gridcell '343' required: False [3577] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-Yellow' required: False [3795] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-Yellow' [3578] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-Yellow' required: False [3579] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3580] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3581] gridcell 'MJ09-M-Yellow' required: False [3582] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3583] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3584] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3868] ListMarker '• ' [3585] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3586] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3587] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3588] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3589] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-M-Yellow' required: False [3825] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-M-Yellow' [3448] row '' [3590] gridcell '' required: False [3739] checkbox '' checked: false [3591] gridcell '344' required: False [3592] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-Blue' required: False [3798] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-Blue' [3593] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-Blue' required: False [3594] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3595] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3596] gridcell 'MJ09-L-Blue' required: False [3597] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3598] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3599] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3872] ListMarker '• ' [3600] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3601] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3602] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3603] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3604] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-L-Blue' required: False [3826] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-L-Blue' [3449] row '' [3605] gridcell '' required: False [3741] checkbox '' checked: false [3606] gridcell '345' required: False [3607] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-White' required: False [3801] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-White' [3608] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-White' required: False [3609] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3610] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3611] gridcell 'MJ09-L-White' required: False [3612] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3613] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3614] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3876] ListMarker '• ' [3615] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3616] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3617] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3618] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3619] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-L-White' required: False [3827] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-L-White' [3450] row '' [3620] gridcell '' required: False [3743] checkbox '' checked: false [3621] gridcell '346' required: False [3622] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-Yellow' required: False [3804] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-Yellow' [3623] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-Yellow' required: False [3624] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3625] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3626] gridcell 'MJ09-L-Yellow' required: False [3627] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3628] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3629] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3880] ListMarker '• ' [3630] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3631] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3632] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3633] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3634] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-L-Yellow' required: False [3828] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-L-Yellow' [3451] row '' [3635] gridcell '' required: False [3745] checkbox '' checked: false [3636] gridcell '347' required: False [3637] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Blue' required: False [3807] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Blue' [3638] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Blue' required: False [3639] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3640] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3641] gridcell 'MJ09-XL-Blue' required: False [3642] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3643] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3644] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3884] ListMarker '• ' [3645] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3646] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3647] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3648] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:29 PM' required: False [3649] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Blue' required: False [3829] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Blue' [3452] row '' [3650] gridcell '' required: False [3747] checkbox '' checked: false [3651] gridcell '348' required: False [3652] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-White' required: False [3810] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-White' [3653] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-White' required: False [3654] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3655] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3656] gridcell 'MJ09-XL-White' required: False [3657] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3658] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3659] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3888] ListMarker '• ' [3660] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3661] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3662] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3663] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:29 PM' required: False [3664] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XL-White' required: False [3830] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XL-White' [3453] row '' [3665] gridcell '' required: False [3749] checkbox '' checked: false [3666] gridcell '349' required: False [3667] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Yellow' required: False [3813] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Yellow' [3668] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Yellow' required: False [3669] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3670] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3671] gridcell 'MJ09-XL-Yellow' required: False [3672] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3673] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3674] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3892] ListMarker '• ' [3675] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3676] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3677] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3678] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:29 PM' required: False [3679] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Yellow' required: False [3831] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Yellow' [3454] row '' [3680] gridcell '' required: False [3751] checkbox '' checked: false [3681] gridcell '350' required: False [3682] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell' required: False [3816] img 'Taurus Elements Shell' [3683] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell' required: False [3684] gridcell 'Configurable Product' required: False [3685] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3686] gridcell 'MJ09' required: False [3687] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3688] gridcell '0.0000' required: False [3689] gridcell '' required: False [3690] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3691] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3692] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3693] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:29 PM' required: False [3694] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell' required: False [3832] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell' [1326] contentinfo '' [1422] link '\ue606' [1423] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [1496] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [1425] link 'Privacy Policy' [1426] StaticText ' |' [1427] link ' Account Activity' [1428] StaticText ' | ' [1429] link 'Report an Issue'
type [2393] [rocco gym tank ] where [2393] is button 'Search'
[ "None", "click [16] where [16] is link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "click [355] where [355] is link 'Products'", "click [1286] where [1286] is link '\\ue60b SALES'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [1328] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1337] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1282] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1286] link '\ue60b SALES' focused: True [1347] generic '\ue60b SALES Sales \ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal' [1368] link '\ue62f' [1369] menu '' orientation: vertical [1549] menu '' orientation: vertical [1671] link 'Orders' [1672] link 'Invoices' [1673] link 'Shipments' [1674] link 'Credit Memos' [1675] link 'Billing Agreements' [1676] link 'Transactions' [1677] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal' [1290] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1294] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1298] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1302] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1306] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1310] link '\ue60d STORES' [1314] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1318] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1356] heading 'Products' [1357] link '\ue600 admin' [1359] link '\ue607' [2052] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1325] main '' [2059] generic 'Add Product' [2060] button 'Add Product' [2061] button 'Add product of type' [2208] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2209] button '\ue610 Columns' [2425] button '\ue605Filters' [2669] LayoutTable '' [2678] StaticText 'Active filters:' [2699] StaticText 'Keyword:' [2701] StaticText 'Taurus Elements Shell' [2702] button '\ue620' [2680] button 'Clear all' [2392] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2440] StaticText 'Taurus Elements Shell' [2393] button 'Search' [2666] button 'Actions' [2451] StaticText '16' [2453] StaticText 'records found' [2753] textbox 'per page' required: False [2793] StaticText '200' [2729] button 'per page Select' [2396] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2466] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2397] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2115] table '' [2118] row '' [2130] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2133] checkbox '' checked: false [2135] button 'Options' [2158] columnheader '↓ ID' required: False [2159] columnheader 'Thumbnail' required: False [2160] columnheader 'Name' required: False [2161] columnheader 'Type' required: False [2162] columnheader 'Attribute Set' required: False [2163] columnheader 'SKU' required: False [2164] columnheader 'Price' required: False [2165] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [2166] columnheader 'Salable Quantity' required: False [2167] columnheader 'Visibility' required: False [2168] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2169] columnheader 'Websites' required: False [2212] columnheader 'Last Updated At' required: False [2170] columnheader 'Action' required: False [3439] row '' [3455] gridcell '' required: False [3721] checkbox '' checked: false [3456] gridcell '335' required: False [3457] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Blue' required: False [3771] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Blue' [3458] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Blue' required: False [3459] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3460] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3461] gridcell 'MJ09-XS-Blue' required: False [3462] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3463] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3464] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3836] ListMarker '• ' [3465] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3466] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3467] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3468] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3469] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Blue' required: False [3817] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Blue' [3440] row '' [3470] gridcell '' required: False [3723] checkbox '' checked: false [3471] gridcell '336' required: False [3472] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-White' required: False [3774] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-White' [3473] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-White' required: False [3474] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3475] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3476] gridcell 'MJ09-XS-White' required: False [3477] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3478] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3479] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [3840] ListMarker '• ' [3480] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3481] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3482] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3483] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3484] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XS-White' required: False [3818] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XS-White' [3441] row '' [3485] gridcell '' required: False [3725] checkbox '' checked: false [3486] gridcell '337' required: False [3487] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Yellow' required: False [3777] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Yellow' [3488] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Yellow' required: False [3489] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3490] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3491] gridcell 'MJ09-XS-Yellow' required: False [3492] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3493] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3494] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3844] ListMarker '• ' [3495] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3496] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3497] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3498] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3499] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Yellow' required: False [3819] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XS-Yellow' [3442] row '' [3500] gridcell '' required: False [3727] checkbox '' checked: false [3501] gridcell '338' required: False [3502] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-Blue' required: False [3780] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-Blue' [3503] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-Blue' required: False [3504] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3505] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3506] gridcell 'MJ09-S-Blue' required: False [3507] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3508] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3509] gridcell 'Default Stock: 99' required: False [3848] ListMarker '• ' [3510] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3511] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3512] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3513] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3514] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-S-Blue' required: False [3820] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-S-Blue' [3443] row '' [3515] gridcell '' required: False [3729] checkbox '' checked: false [3516] gridcell '339' required: False [3517] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-White' required: False [3783] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-White' [3518] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-White' required: False [3519] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3520] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3521] gridcell 'MJ09-S-White' required: False [3522] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3523] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3524] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3852] ListMarker '• ' [3525] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3526] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3527] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3528] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3529] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-S-White' required: False [3821] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-S-White' [3444] row '' [3530] gridcell '' required: False [3731] checkbox '' checked: false [3531] gridcell '340' required: False [3532] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-Yellow' required: False [3786] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-Yellow' [3533] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-S-Yellow' required: False [3534] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3535] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3536] gridcell 'MJ09-S-Yellow' required: False [3537] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3538] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3539] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3856] ListMarker '• ' [3540] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3541] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3542] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3543] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3544] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-S-Yellow' required: False [3822] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-S-Yellow' [3445] row '' [3545] gridcell '' required: False [3733] checkbox '' checked: false [3546] gridcell '341' required: False [3547] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-Blue' required: False [3789] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-Blue' [3548] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-Blue' required: False [3549] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3550] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3551] gridcell 'MJ09-M-Blue' required: False [3552] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3553] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3554] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3860] ListMarker '• ' [3555] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3556] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3557] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3558] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3559] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-M-Blue' required: False [3823] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-M-Blue' [3446] row '' [3560] gridcell '' required: False [3735] checkbox '' checked: false [3561] gridcell '342' required: False [3562] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-White' required: False [3792] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-White' [3563] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-White' required: False [3564] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3565] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3566] gridcell 'MJ09-M-White' required: False [3567] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3568] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3569] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3864] ListMarker '• ' [3570] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3571] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3572] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3573] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3574] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-M-White' required: False [3824] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-M-White' [3447] row '' [3575] gridcell '' required: False [3737] checkbox '' checked: false [3576] gridcell '343' required: False [3577] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-Yellow' required: False [3795] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-Yellow' [3578] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-M-Yellow' required: False [3579] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3580] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3581] gridcell 'MJ09-M-Yellow' required: False [3582] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3583] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3584] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3868] ListMarker '• ' [3585] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3586] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3587] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3588] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3589] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-M-Yellow' required: False [3825] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-M-Yellow' [3448] row '' [3590] gridcell '' required: False [3739] checkbox '' checked: false [3591] gridcell '344' required: False [3592] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-Blue' required: False [3798] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-Blue' [3593] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-Blue' required: False [3594] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3595] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3596] gridcell 'MJ09-L-Blue' required: False [3597] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3598] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3599] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3872] ListMarker '• ' [3600] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3601] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3602] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3603] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3604] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-L-Blue' required: False [3826] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-L-Blue' [3449] row '' [3605] gridcell '' required: False [3741] checkbox '' checked: false [3606] gridcell '345' required: False [3607] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-White' required: False [3801] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-White' [3608] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-White' required: False [3609] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3610] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3611] gridcell 'MJ09-L-White' required: False [3612] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3613] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3614] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3876] ListMarker '• ' [3615] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3616] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3617] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3618] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3619] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-L-White' required: False [3827] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-L-White' [3450] row '' [3620] gridcell '' required: False [3743] checkbox '' checked: false [3621] gridcell '346' required: False [3622] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-Yellow' required: False [3804] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-Yellow' [3623] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-L-Yellow' required: False [3624] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3625] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3626] gridcell 'MJ09-L-Yellow' required: False [3627] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3628] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3629] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3880] ListMarker '• ' [3630] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3631] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3632] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3633] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:28 PM' required: False [3634] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-L-Yellow' required: False [3828] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-L-Yellow' [3451] row '' [3635] gridcell '' required: False [3745] checkbox '' checked: false [3636] gridcell '347' required: False [3637] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Blue' required: False [3807] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Blue' [3638] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Blue' required: False [3639] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3640] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3641] gridcell 'MJ09-XL-Blue' required: False [3642] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3643] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3644] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3884] ListMarker '• ' [3645] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3646] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3647] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3648] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:29 PM' required: False [3649] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Blue' required: False [3829] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Blue' [3452] row '' [3650] gridcell '' required: False [3747] checkbox '' checked: false [3651] gridcell '348' required: False [3652] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-White' required: False [3810] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-White' [3653] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-White' required: False [3654] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3655] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3656] gridcell 'MJ09-XL-White' required: False [3657] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3658] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3659] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3888] ListMarker '• ' [3660] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3661] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3662] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3663] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:29 PM' required: False [3664] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XL-White' required: False [3830] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XL-White' [3453] row '' [3665] gridcell '' required: False [3749] checkbox '' checked: false [3666] gridcell '349' required: False [3667] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Yellow' required: False [3813] img 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Yellow' [3668] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Yellow' required: False [3669] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3670] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3671] gridcell 'MJ09-XL-Yellow' required: False [3672] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3673] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3674] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [3892] ListMarker '• ' [3675] gridcell 'Not Visible Individually' required: False [3676] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3677] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3678] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:29 PM' required: False [3679] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Yellow' required: False [3831] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell-XL-Yellow' [3454] row '' [3680] gridcell '' required: False [3751] checkbox '' checked: false [3681] gridcell '350' required: False [3682] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell' required: False [3816] img 'Taurus Elements Shell' [3683] gridcell 'Taurus Elements Shell' required: False [3684] gridcell 'Configurable Product' required: False [3685] gridcell 'Top' required: False [3686] gridcell 'MJ09' required: False [3687] gridcell '$65.00' required: False [3688] gridcell '0.0000' required: False [3689] gridcell '' required: False [3690] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3691] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3692] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3693] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:13:29 PM' required: False [3694] gridcell 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell' required: False [3832] link 'Edit Taurus Elements Shell'
Make all rocco gym tank as out of stock
The next observation reveals a return to the Products Admin page without any specific search results displayed for "rocco gym tank." Instead, the page reflects an earlier state, showing products like the "Taurus Elements Shell" rather than the intended search outcome. This indicates that the search for "rocco gym tank" did not find any matching products in the catalog, which may require further action, such as verifying the existence of the product or adjusting the search term. The layout remains unchanged, but the absence of relevant search results suggests that the user will need to take additional steps to fulfill their objective of marking all "rocco gym tank" items as out of stock.
{ "neg_action0": "click [1286]", "neg_action1": "type [2393] [Rocco Gym Tank] [1]", "neg_action2": "hover [16]", "neg_action3": "scroll [down]", "neg_action4": "click [1171]", "neg_action5": "click [1173]", "neg_action6": "click [1174]", "neg_action7": "click [1175]", "neg_action8": "hover [1184]", "neg_action9": "click [1189]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True", "\t\t[75] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[103] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[104] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[307] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[473] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[474] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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'2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True", "\t\t[72] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[98] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[99] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[280] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[419] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[420] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' 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False", "\t\t\t\t[962] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[964] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[923] table ''", "\t\t\t[951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[878] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[879] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[880] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[881] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[882] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[28] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[29] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True", "\t\t[31] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[41] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[42] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[87] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[120] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[121] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[180] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[176] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[172] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[168] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[164] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[212] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[213] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[215] link '\\ue607'", "\t[411] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[187] main ''", "\t\t[218] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[265] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[268] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[370] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[371] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[419] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[420] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[373] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[492] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[493] link 'here'", "\t\t[681] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[568] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[682] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[683] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[684] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[582] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[702] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[812] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[703] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[814] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[704] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[514] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[515] table ''", "\t\t\t[705] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[820] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[821] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[706] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[707] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[708] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[830] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[331] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[275] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[276] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[277] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[278] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[279] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True", "\t\t[75] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[103] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[104] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[307] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[473] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[474] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[51] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[54] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[58] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[73] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[74] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[188] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[299] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[300] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[686] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[687] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[689] link '\\ue607'", "\t[789] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[670] main ''", "\t\t[692] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[714] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[717] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[775] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[776] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[778] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[755] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[724] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[725] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[726] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[727] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[728] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[60] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[69] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[93] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[94] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[255] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[374] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[375] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[77] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[78] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[80] link '\\ue607'", "\t[290] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[83] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[143] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[754] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[783] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[784] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[786] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[776] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[761] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[762] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[763] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[764] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[765] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[72] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[98] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[99] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[285] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[447] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[448] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[320] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[271] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[328] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[329] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[274] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[418] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[419] link 'here'", "\t\t[632] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[505] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[633] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[634] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[635] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[519] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[426] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[429] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[431] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[436] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[437] table ''", "\t\t\t[644] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[742] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[743] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[744] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[645] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[745] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[746] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[747] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[646] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[748] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[749] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[750] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[647] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[751] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[752] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[753] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[648] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[754] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[755] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[756] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[649] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[757] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[758] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[759] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[438] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[439] table ''", "\t\t\t[650] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[760] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[761] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[762] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[651] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[763] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[764] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[765] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[652] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[766] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[767] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[768] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[653] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[769] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[770] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[771] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[654] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[772] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[773] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[774] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[655] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[775] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[776] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[1040] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[1041] table ''", "\t\t\t[1044] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1050] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1051] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1052] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[1045] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1053] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1054] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[1046] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1056] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1057] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1058] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[1047] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1059] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1060] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1061] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[1048] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1062] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1063] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1064] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[1049] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1065] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1066] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1067] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[1016] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1021] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[1022] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1032] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[1024] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[1025] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[1026] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[1027] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[1028] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[75] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[103] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[104] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[307] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[473] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[474] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True", "\t\t[75] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[103] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[104] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[307] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[473] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[474] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[75] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[103] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[104] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[307] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[473] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[474] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ] }
[ "click [1286]", "type [2393] [Rocco Gym Tank] [1]", "hover [16]", "scroll [down]", "click [1171]", "click [1173]", "click [1174]", "click [1175]", "hover [1184]", "click [1189]" ]
type [2393] [Rocco Gym Tank] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True", "\t\t[72] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[98] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[99] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[280] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[419] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[420] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[911] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[913] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[918] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[919] table ''", "\t\t\t[939] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[962] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[964] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[921] table ''", "\t\t\t[945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[979] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[982] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[923] table ''", "\t\t\t[951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[870] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[875] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[878] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[879] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[880] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[881] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[882] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is redirected to the "Dashboard / Magento Admin" section instead of remaining in "Products / Inventory / Catalog." This suggests that the search for the item did not yield results, causing a transition to a broader overview of admin functionalities. The product-specific context is lost, and the user is now faced with a generic administrative dashboard instead. The focus on the "Catalog" section is replaced by the "Dashboard," indicating a navigation error or lack of appropriate search results.
hover [16]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[28] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[29] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True", "\t\t[31] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[41] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[42] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[87] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[120] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[121] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[180] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[176] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[172] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[168] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[164] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[212] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[213] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[215] link '\\ue607'", "\t[411] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[187] main ''", "\t\t[218] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[265] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[268] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[370] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[371] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[419] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[420] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[373] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[492] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[493] link 'here'", "\t\t[681] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[568] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[682] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[683] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[684] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[582] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[500] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[503] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[505] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[510] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[511] table ''", "\t\t\t[693] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[784] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[785] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[694] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[695] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[696] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[794] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[697] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[796] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[698] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[512] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[513] table ''", "\t\t\t[699] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[802] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[803] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[700] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[701] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[702] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[812] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[703] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[814] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[704] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[514] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[515] table ''", "\t\t\t[705] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[820] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[821] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[706] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[707] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[708] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[830] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[831] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[709] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[832] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[833] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[834] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[710] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[835] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[836] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[837] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[188] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[272] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[273] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[331] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[275] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[276] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[277] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[278] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[279] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the user remains in the "Dashboard / Magento Admin" without navigating to the "Catalog" section. This indicates that the hover action did not activate any additional navigation options or changes, keeping the user in a static dashboard view. The intended action to reach the product catalog was unsuccessful, highlighting a potential issue with the hover functionality in enabling further navigation. The state reflects a lack of dynamic feedback usually expected when interacting with navigational elements.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True", "\t\t[75] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[103] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[104] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[307] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[473] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[474] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the user still remains in the "Dashboard / Magento Admin" without uncovering any new content or sections. This suggests that the scroll action has not revealed any additional information or details beyond what was initially visible. The user's experience is limited as they are unable to access further functionality or insights that may have been expected in a more dynamic interface. The state lacks the expected responsiveness to scrolling, indicating a potential design limitation.
click [1171]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[51] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[54] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[58] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[73] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[74] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[188] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[299] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[300] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[686] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[687] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[689] link '\\ue607'", "\t[789] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[670] main ''", "\t\t[692] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[714] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[717] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[775] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[776] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[778] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[840] table ''", "\t\t\t[891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[955] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[957] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[958] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[960] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[671] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[721] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[722] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[755] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[724] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[725] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[726] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[727] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[728] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is still within the "Dashboard / Magento Admin," but the intended product details are not displayed. This indicates that the click action failed to redirect the user to the specific product editing page, leading to a static view instead of the expected dynamic product information. The user is unable to interact with the product data, which suggests a flaw in the navigation mechanism or a lack of proper linkage to the product management functionality. The dashboard continues to display, preventing access to the detailed product view.
Tab 0 (current): Marriott hotel near Los Angeles International Airport | OpenStreetMap [1] RootWebArea 'Marriott hotel near Los Angeles International Airport | OpenStreetMap' focused: True [36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo' [111] link 'Edit' [112] button '' [64] link 'History' [65] link 'Export' [532] link 'GPS Traces' [533] link 'User Diaries' [534] link 'Communities' [535] link 'Copyright' [536] link 'Help' [537] link 'About' [73] link 'Log In' [74] link 'Sign Up' [12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False [546] StaticText 'Marriott hotel near Los Angeles International Airport' [468] button 'Go' [285] link 'Find directions between two points' [617] heading 'Search Results' [624] button 'Close' [614] heading 'Results from OpenStreetMap Nominatim' [620] link 'OpenStreetMap Nominatim' [631] StaticText 'No results found' [23] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi' [27] link 'Zoom In' [28] link 'Zoom Out' [30] button 'Show My Location' [32] link 'Layers' [253] link '' [34] link 'Share' [254] link '' [255] link '' [597] StaticText '50 km' [598] StaticText '50 mi' [258] StaticText '© ' [259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors' [260] StaticText ' ♥ ' [261] link 'Make a Donation' [262] StaticText '. ' [263] link 'Website and API terms'
type [12] [Marriott hotel near Los Angeles International Airport ] where [12] is textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap [1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True [36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo' [111] link 'Edit' [112] button '' [64] link 'History' [65] link 'Export' [532] link 'GPS Traces' [533] link 'User Diaries' [534] link 'Communities' [535] link 'Copyright' [536] link 'Help' [537] link 'About' [73] link 'Log In' [74] link 'Sign Up' [467] link 'Where is this?' [12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False [468] button 'Go' [285] link 'Find directions between two points' [133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!' [207] button 'Close' [208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.' [209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by ' [210] link 'UCL' [212] link 'Fastly' [213] StaticText ', ' [214] link 'Bytemark Hosting' [215] StaticText ', and other ' [216] link 'partners' [217] StaticText '.' [298] link 'Learn More' [299] link 'Start Mapping' [23] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms' [27] link 'Zoom In' [28] link 'Zoom Out' [30] button 'Show My Location' [32] link 'Layers' [253] link '' [34] link 'Share' [254] link '' [255] link '' [386] StaticText '50 km' [387] StaticText '50 mi' [258] StaticText '© ' [259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors' [260] StaticText ' ♥ ' [261] link 'Make a Donation' [262] StaticText '. ' [263] link 'Website and API terms'
I will arrive Los Angeles International Airport soon. Provide the name of a Marriott hotel in the vicinity, if available. Then, tell me the the shortest walking distance to local restaurant from the hotel.
The next observation would show that no results were found for the search query. The page reflects the heading `Search Results` and indicates `No results found,` meaning that there are no Marriott hotels listed near Los Angeles International Airport in the OpenStreetMap database. Consequently, without a listed hotel, it is not possible to determine the shortest walking distance to a local restaurant from that hotel, as there is no hotel available in the search results.
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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1774] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1776] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1401] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1402] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1183] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1408] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1406] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1411] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1774] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1775] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1776] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1493] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1596] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1597] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1523] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1778] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1905] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1787] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1788] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1789] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1495] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1603] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1604] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1529] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1791] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1914] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1800] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1801] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1802] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1610] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1611] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1535] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1804] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1923] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1813] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1814] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1815] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1499] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1431] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1433] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1488] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1437] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1623] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1549] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1725] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1550] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1552] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1632] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1633] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1634] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1418] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1494] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1495] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1443] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1636] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1558] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1734] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1559] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1561] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1645] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1646] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1647] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1420] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1501] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1502] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1449] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1649] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1567] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1743] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1568] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1570] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1658] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1659] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1660] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1422] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1508] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1509] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1455] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1662] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1576] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1752] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1577] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1579] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1671] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1672] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1673] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1424] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1515] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1516] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1865] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1867] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1462] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1463] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1569] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1511] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1512] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1514] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1578] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1579] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1580] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1469] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1470] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1582] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1520] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1655] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1521] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1523] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1591] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1592] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1593] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1476] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1219] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1595] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1529] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1664] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1530] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1532] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1604] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1605] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1606] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1483] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1225] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1608] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1538] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1539] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1541] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1617] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1618] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1619] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1490] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1491] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1231] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1621] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1547] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1682] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1548] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1550] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1630] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1631] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1632] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1497] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1498] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1556] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1636] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1637] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1638] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1502] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1242] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1640] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1562] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1697] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1563] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1565] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1930] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1931] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1932] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1801] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1851] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1852] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1817] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1934] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1890] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1990] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1891] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1893] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1943] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1944] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1945] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1803] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1858] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1859] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1899] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1949] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1950] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1951] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1805] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1863] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1864] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1828] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1953] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1905] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2005] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1906] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1908] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1962] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1963] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1964] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1807] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1870] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1871] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1914] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1968] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1969] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1970] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1809] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1875] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1876] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1839] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1972] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1920] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2020] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1921] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1923] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1981] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1982] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1983] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1783] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1794] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1785] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1812] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1813] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1736] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1786] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1798] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1788] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1770] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1756] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1757] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1758] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1759] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1751] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1753] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[198] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[199] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[107] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[202] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[80] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1250] main ''", "\t\t[1257] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1278] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1377] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1467] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1468] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1411] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1517] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1659] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1518] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1585] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1586] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1587] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1379] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1474] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1475] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1417] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1589] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1526] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1527] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1529] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1598] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1599] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1600] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1381] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1423] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1602] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1535] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1536] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1538] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1611] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1612] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1613] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1383] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1429] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1615] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1544] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1686] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1545] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1547] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1624] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1625] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1626] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1385] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1435] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1628] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1553] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1695] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1554] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1556] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1637] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1638] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1639] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1387] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1502] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1562] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1643] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1644] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1645] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1389] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1507] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1508] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1446] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1647] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1568] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1710] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1569] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1571] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1656] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1657] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1658] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1391] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1514] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1869] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1835] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1944] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1906] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1994] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1907] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1909] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1953] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1954] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1955] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1823] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1875] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1876] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1915] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1959] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1960] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1961] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1825] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1880] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1881] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1846] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1963] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1921] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2009] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1922] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1924] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1972] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1973] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1974] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1827] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1887] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1888] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1930] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1978] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1979] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1980] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1829] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1892] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1893] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1857] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1982] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1936] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2024] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1937] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1939] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1991] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1992] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1993] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1805] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1815] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1807] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1899] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1832] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1833] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1759] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1808] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1819] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1810] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1793] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1779] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1780] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1781] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1782] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1772] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1774] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1776] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1467] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1468] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1210] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1517] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1659] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1518] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1585] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1586] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1587] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1474] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1475] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1216] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1589] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1526] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1527] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1529] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1598] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1599] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1600] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1222] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1602] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1535] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1536] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1538] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1611] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1612] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1613] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1228] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1615] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1544] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1686] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1545] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1547] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1624] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1625] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1626] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1774] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1776] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[27] link 'My Account'", "\t[28] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[29] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[16] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[14] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[18] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[62] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[280] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[281] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[172] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[284] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[139] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[40] main ''", "\t\t[54] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[165] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1038] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1285] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1040] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1291] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1042] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1297] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1044] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1303] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1046] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1309] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1048] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1050] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1320] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1052] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1326] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1054] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1056] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1337] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1058] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1060] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1348] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[434] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[742] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[436] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1063] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1064] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[41] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[437] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[746] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[439] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[169] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[102] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[103] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[104] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[105] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[83] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[85] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[87] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[967] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1430] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1431] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1195] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1481] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1455] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1456] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1458] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1490] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1491] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1492] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[969] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1437] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1438] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1201] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1494] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1464] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1465] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1467] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1503] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1504] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1505] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[971] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1444] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1445] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1507] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1473] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1537] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1474] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1476] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1516] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1517] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1518] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1451] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1452] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1654] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1773] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1939] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1774] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1776] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1635] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1716] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1717] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1579] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1581] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1457] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1458] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1206] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1550] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1500] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1620] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1501] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1503] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1559] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1560] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1561] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1464] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1465] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1212] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1563] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1509] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1629] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1510] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1512] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1572] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1573] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1574] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1471] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1218] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1518] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1638] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1519] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1521] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1585] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1586] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1587] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1478] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1224] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1589] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1527] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1647] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1528] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1530] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1598] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1599] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1600] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1485] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1486] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1720] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1722] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1399] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1503] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1509] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1515] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1481] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1521] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1415] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1417] link 'Report All Bugs'" ] }
[ "click [12]", "type [12] [Hotel near Los Angeles International Airport] [1]", "scroll [down]", "hover [12]", "click [171]", "type [12] [Marriott] [1]", "click [171]", "scroll [up]", "click [44]", "type [12] [find hotels near Los Angeles International Airport] [1]" ]
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[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1401] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1402] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1183] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1408] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1406] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1411] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1774] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1775] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1776] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1493] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1596] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1597] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1523] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1778] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1905] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1787] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1788] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1789] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1495] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1603] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1604] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1529] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1791] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1914] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1800] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1801] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1802] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1610] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1611] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1535] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1804] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1923] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1813] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1814] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1815] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1499] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1541] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1817] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1707] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1932] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1708] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1710] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1826] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1827] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1501] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1832] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1833] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1834] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1629] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1630] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1552] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1836] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1947] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1845] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1846] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1847] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1505] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1558] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1731] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1956] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1732] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1734] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1858] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1859] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1507] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1864] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1865] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1866] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1509] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1569] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1868] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1746] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1971] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1747] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1877] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1878] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1511] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1655] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1656] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1883] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1884] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1885] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1513] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1660] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1661] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1580] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1887] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1761] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1986] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1762] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1764] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1896] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1897] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1898] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1486] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1471] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1667] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1516] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1517] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1416] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1472] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1490] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1474] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1450] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1436] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1437] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1438] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1439] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1429] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1431] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1433] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
** The next observation would be that the webpage is now focused on "One Stop Market," which offers various product links and showcases instead of the previous OpenStreetMap layout. The search functionality is still present, but the focus has shifted significantly from geographical data to e-commerce. The interactive elements such as product links and buttons have taken precedence, indicating a complete change in user context from mapping to shopping.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1488] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1437] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1623] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1549] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1725] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1550] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1552] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1632] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1633] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1634] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1418] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1494] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1495] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1443] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1636] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1558] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1734] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1559] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1561] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1645] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1646] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1647] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1420] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1501] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1502] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1449] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1649] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1567] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1743] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1568] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1570] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1658] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1659] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1660] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1422] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1508] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1509] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1455] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1662] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1576] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1752] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1577] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1579] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1671] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1672] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1673] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1424] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1515] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1516] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1461] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1675] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1585] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1761] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1586] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1588] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1684] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1685] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1686] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1426] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1522] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1523] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1594] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1690] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1691] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1692] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1428] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1527] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1528] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1472] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1694] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1600] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1776] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1601] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1603] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1703] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1704] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1705] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1430] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1534] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1535] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1478] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1707] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1609] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1785] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1610] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1612] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1716] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1717] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1718] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1432] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1541] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1542] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1618] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1722] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1723] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1724] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1434] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1546] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1940] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1917] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1988] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1965] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2019] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1966] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1968] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1997] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1998] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1999] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1909] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1946] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1947] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1974] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[2003] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2004] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2005] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1911] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1951] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1952] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1928] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[2007] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1980] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2034] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1981] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1983] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[2016] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2017] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2018] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1894] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1902] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1896] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1958] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1914] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1915] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1850] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1897] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1906] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1899] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1884] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1870] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1871] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1872] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1873] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1865] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1867] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
** The next observation would be that the webpage continues to display content under the "One Stop Market," allowing users to see more product showcases and categories as they scroll. The content is structured to encourage exploration, reflecting an interface designed for e-commerce where users can browse through various items. This behavior emphasizes the vertical layout of product offerings that have taken precedence over the previous map view.
hover [12]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1462] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1463] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1569] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1511] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1512] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1514] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1578] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1579] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1580] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1469] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1470] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1582] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1520] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1655] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1521] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1523] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1591] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1592] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1593] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1476] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1219] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1595] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1529] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1664] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1530] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1532] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1604] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1605] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1606] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1483] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1225] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1608] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1538] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1539] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1541] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1617] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1618] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1619] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1490] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1491] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1231] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1621] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1547] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1682] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1548] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1550] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1630] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1631] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1632] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1497] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1498] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1556] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1636] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1637] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1638] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1502] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1242] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1640] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1562] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1697] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1563] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1565] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1930] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1931] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1932] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1801] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1851] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1852] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1817] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1934] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1890] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1990] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1891] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1893] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1943] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1944] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1945] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1803] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1858] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1859] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1899] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1949] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1950] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1951] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1805] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1863] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1864] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1828] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1953] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1905] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2005] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1906] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1908] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1962] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1963] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1964] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1807] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1870] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1871] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1914] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1968] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1969] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1970] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1809] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1875] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1876] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1839] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1972] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1920] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2020] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1921] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1923] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1981] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1982] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1983] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1783] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1794] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1785] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1812] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1813] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1736] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1786] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1798] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1788] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1770] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1756] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1757] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1758] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1759] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1751] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1753] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
** The next observation would be that the webpage remains focused on "One Stop Market," but the interaction indicates an intention to utilize the search functionality more effectively. The hovering action may prompt visual cues, such as suggestions or related product categories, enhancing user experience. Despite the focus on browsing products, the search feature remains a central element of user navigation within the e-commerce context.
click [171]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[198] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[199] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[107] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[202] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[80] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1250] main ''", "\t\t[1257] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1278] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1377] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1467] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1468] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1411] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1517] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1659] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1518] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1585] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1586] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1587] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1379] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1474] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1475] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1417] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1589] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1526] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1527] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1529] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1598] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1599] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1600] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1381] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1423] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1602] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1535] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1536] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1538] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1611] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1612] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1613] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1383] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1429] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1615] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1544] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1686] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1545] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1547] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1624] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1625] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1626] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1385] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1435] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1628] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1553] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1695] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1554] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1556] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1637] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1638] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1639] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1387] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1502] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1562] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1643] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1644] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1645] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1389] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1507] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1508] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1446] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1647] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1568] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1710] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1569] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1571] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1656] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1657] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1658] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1391] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1514] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1869] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1835] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1944] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1906] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1994] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1907] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1909] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1953] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1954] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1955] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1823] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1875] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1876] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1915] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1959] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1960] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1961] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1825] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1880] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1881] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1846] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1963] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1921] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2009] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1922] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1924] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1972] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1973] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1974] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1827] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1887] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1888] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1930] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1978] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1979] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1980] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1829] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1892] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1893] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1857] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1982] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1936] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2024] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1937] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1939] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1991] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1992] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1993] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1805] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1815] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1807] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1899] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1832] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1833] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1759] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1808] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1819] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1810] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1793] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1779] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1780] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1781] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1782] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1772] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1774] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1776] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
** The next observation would be that the webpage still emphasizes "One Stop Market," but has now updated to show specific product details or categories. The interaction through clicking indicates a deeper engagement with the content, allowing users to view product-specific information and navigate seamlessly through the offerings. This dynamic nature of e-commerce pages enhances user experience by providing direct access to desired products.
Tab 0 (current): Marriott hotel near Los Angeles International Airport | OpenStreetMap [1] RootWebArea 'Marriott hotel near Los Angeles International Airport | OpenStreetMap' focused: True [36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo' [111] link 'Edit' [112] button '' [64] link 'History' [65] link 'Export' [532] link 'GPS Traces' [533] link 'User Diaries' [534] link 'Communities' [535] link 'Copyright' [536] link 'Help' [537] link 'About' [73] link 'Log In' [74] link 'Sign Up' [12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False [546] StaticText 'Marriott hotel near Los Angeles International Airport' [468] button 'Go' [285] link 'Find directions between two points' [617] heading 'Search Results' [624] button 'Close' [614] heading 'Results from OpenStreetMap Nominatim' [620] link 'OpenStreetMap Nominatim' [631] StaticText 'No results found' [23] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi' [27] link 'Zoom In' [28] link 'Zoom Out' [30] button 'Show My Location' [32] link 'Layers' [253] link '' [34] link 'Share' [254] link '' [255] link '' [597] StaticText '50 km' [598] StaticText '50 mi' [258] StaticText '© ' [259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors' [260] StaticText ' ♥ ' [261] link 'Make a Donation' [262] StaticText '. ' [263] link 'Website and API terms'
type [12] [Marriott hotel near Los Angeles International Airport ] where [12] is textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap [1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True [36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo' [111] link 'Edit' [112] button '' [64] link 'History' [65] link 'Export' [532] link 'GPS Traces' [533] link 'User Diaries' [534] link 'Communities' [535] link 'Copyright' [536] link 'Help' [537] link 'About' [73] link 'Log In' [74] link 'Sign Up' [467] link 'Where is this?' [12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False [468] button 'Go' [285] link 'Find directions between two points' [133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!' [207] button 'Close' [208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.' [209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by ' [210] link 'UCL' [212] link 'Fastly' [213] StaticText ', ' [214] link 'Bytemark Hosting' [215] StaticText ', and other ' [216] link 'partners' [217] StaticText '.' [298] link 'Learn More' [299] link 'Start Mapping' [23] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms' [27] link 'Zoom In' [28] link 'Zoom Out' [30] button 'Show My Location' [32] link 'Layers' [253] link '' [34] link 'Share' [254] link '' [255] link '' [386] StaticText '50 km' [387] StaticText '50 mi' [258] StaticText '© ' [259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors' [260] StaticText ' ♥ ' [261] link 'Make a Donation' [262] StaticText '. ' [263] link 'Website and API terms'
I will arrive Los Angeles International Airport soon. Provide the name of a Marriott hotel in the vicinity, if available. Then, tell me the the shortest walking distance to local restaurant from the hotel.
The next observation would show that no results were found for the search query. The page reflects the heading `Search Results` and indicates `No results found,` meaning that there are no Marriott hotels listed near Los Angeles International Airport in the OpenStreetMap database. Consequently, without a listed hotel, it is not possible to determine the shortest walking distance to a local restaurant from that hotel, as there is no hotel available in the search results.
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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1774] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1776] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1401] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1402] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1183] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1408] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1406] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1411] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1774] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1775] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1776] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1493] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1596] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1597] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1523] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1778] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1905] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1787] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1788] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1789] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1495] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1603] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1604] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1529] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1791] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1914] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1800] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1801] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1802] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1610] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1611] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1535] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1804] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1923] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1813] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1814] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1815] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1499] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1431] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1433] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1488] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1437] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1623] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1549] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1725] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1550] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1552] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1632] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1633] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1634] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1418] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1494] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1495] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1443] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1636] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1558] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1734] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1559] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1561] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1645] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1646] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1647] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1420] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1501] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1502] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1449] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1649] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1567] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1743] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1568] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1570] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1658] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1659] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1660] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1422] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1508] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1509] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1455] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1662] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1576] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1752] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1577] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1579] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1671] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1672] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1673] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1424] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1515] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1516] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1865] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1867] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1462] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1463] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1569] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1511] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1512] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1514] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1578] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1579] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1580] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1469] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1470] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1582] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1520] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1655] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1521] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1523] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1591] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1592] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1593] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1476] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1219] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1595] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1529] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1664] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1530] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1532] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1604] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1605] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1606] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1483] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1225] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1608] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1538] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1539] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1541] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1617] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1618] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1619] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1490] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1491] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1231] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1621] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1547] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1682] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1548] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1550] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1630] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1631] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1632] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1497] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1498] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1556] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1636] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1637] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1638] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1502] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1242] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1640] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1562] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1697] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1563] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1565] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1930] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1931] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1932] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1801] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1851] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1852] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1817] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1934] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1890] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1990] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1891] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1893] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1943] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1944] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1945] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1803] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1858] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1859] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1899] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1949] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1950] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1951] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1805] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1863] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1864] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1828] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1953] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1905] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2005] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1906] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1908] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1962] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1963] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1964] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1807] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1870] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1871] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1914] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1968] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1969] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1970] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1809] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1875] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1876] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1839] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1972] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1920] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2020] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1921] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1923] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1981] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1982] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1983] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1783] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1794] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1785] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1812] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1813] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1736] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1786] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1798] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1788] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1770] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1756] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1757] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1758] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1759] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1751] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1753] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[198] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[199] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[107] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[202] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[80] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1250] main ''", "\t\t[1257] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1278] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1377] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1467] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1468] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1411] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1517] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1659] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1518] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1585] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1586] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1587] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1379] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1474] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1475] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1417] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1589] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1526] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1527] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1529] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1598] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1599] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1600] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1381] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1423] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1602] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1535] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1536] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1538] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1611] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1612] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1613] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1383] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1429] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1615] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1544] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1686] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1545] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1547] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1624] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1625] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1626] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1385] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1435] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1628] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1553] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1695] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1554] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1556] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1637] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1638] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1639] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1387] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1502] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1562] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1643] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1644] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1645] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1389] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1507] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1508] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1446] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1647] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1568] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1710] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1569] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1571] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1656] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1657] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1658] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1391] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1514] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1869] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1835] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1944] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1906] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1994] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1907] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1909] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1953] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1954] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1955] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1823] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1875] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1876] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1915] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1959] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1960] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1961] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1825] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1880] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1881] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1846] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1963] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1921] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2009] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1922] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1924] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1972] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1973] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1974] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1827] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1887] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1888] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1930] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1978] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1979] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1980] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1829] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1892] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1893] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1857] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1982] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1936] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2024] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1937] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1939] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1991] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1992] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1993] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1805] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1815] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1807] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1899] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1832] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1833] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1759] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1808] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1819] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1810] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1793] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1779] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1780] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1781] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1782] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1772] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1774] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1776] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1467] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1468] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1210] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1517] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1659] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1518] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1585] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1586] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1587] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1474] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1475] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1216] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1589] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1526] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1527] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1529] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1598] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1599] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1600] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1222] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1602] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1535] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1536] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1538] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1611] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1612] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1613] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1228] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1615] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1544] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1686] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1545] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1547] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1624] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1625] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1626] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1774] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1776] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[27] link 'My Account'", "\t[28] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[29] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[16] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[14] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[18] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[62] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[280] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[281] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[172] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[284] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[139] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[40] main ''", "\t\t[54] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[165] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1038] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1285] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1040] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1291] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1042] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1297] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1044] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1303] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1046] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1309] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1048] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1050] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1320] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1052] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1326] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1054] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1056] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1337] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1058] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1060] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1348] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[434] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[742] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[436] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1063] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1064] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[41] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[437] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[746] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[439] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[169] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[102] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[103] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[104] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[105] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[83] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[85] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[87] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[967] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1430] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1431] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1195] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1481] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1455] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1456] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1458] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1490] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1491] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1492] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[969] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1437] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1438] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1201] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1494] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1464] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1465] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1467] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1503] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1504] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1505] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[971] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1444] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1445] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1507] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1473] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1537] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1474] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1476] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1516] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1517] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1518] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1451] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1452] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1654] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1773] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1939] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1774] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1776] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1635] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1716] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1717] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1579] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1581] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1457] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1458] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1206] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1550] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1500] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1620] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1501] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1503] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1559] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1560] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1561] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1464] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1465] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1212] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1563] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1509] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1629] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1510] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1512] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1572] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1573] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1574] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1471] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1218] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1518] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1638] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1519] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1521] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1585] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1586] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1587] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1478] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1224] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1589] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1527] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1647] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1528] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1530] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1598] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1599] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1600] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1485] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1486] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1720] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1722] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1399] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1503] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1509] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1515] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1481] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1521] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1415] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1417] link 'Report All Bugs'" ] }
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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1431] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1433] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the user was redirected to a different site, "One Stop Market." The root web area now focuses on "One Stop Market," with links and content relevant to shopping, rather than maps or navigation. The previously available options for mapping and navigation have been replaced entirely by shopping-related links and features. This indicates a complete loss of context from the original purpose of searching for a hotel to a shopping experience.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1488] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1437] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1623] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1549] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1725] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1550] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1552] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1632] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1633] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1634] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1418] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1494] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1495] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1443] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1636] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1558] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1734] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1559] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1561] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1645] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1646] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1647] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1420] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1501] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1502] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1449] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1649] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1567] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1743] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1568] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1570] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1658] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1659] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1660] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1422] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1508] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1509] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1455] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1662] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1576] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1752] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1577] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1579] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1671] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1672] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1673] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1424] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1515] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1516] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1865] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1867] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the user continued to encounter content related to "One Stop Market." The scrolling did not provide any additional relevant information or options, reinforcing the focus on shopping rather than navigation. The content structure remained unchanged, indicating that the user was unable to find what they were looking for despite their attempt to explore further. This demonstrates a disconnect between user expectations and the actual content presented on the page.
hover [12]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1462] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1463] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1569] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1511] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1646] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1512] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1514] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1578] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1579] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1580] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1469] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1470] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1582] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1520] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1655] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1521] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1523] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1591] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1592] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1593] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1476] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1219] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1595] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1529] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1664] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1530] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1532] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1604] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1605] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1606] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1483] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1225] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1608] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1538] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1539] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1541] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1617] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1618] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1619] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1490] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1491] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1231] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1621] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1547] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1682] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1548] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1550] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1630] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1631] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1632] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1497] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1498] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1556] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1636] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1637] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1638] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1502] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1242] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1640] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1562] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1697] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1563] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1565] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1930] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1931] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1932] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1801] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1851] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1852] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1817] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1934] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1890] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1990] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1891] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1893] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1943] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1944] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1945] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1803] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1858] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1859] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1899] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1949] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1950] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1951] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1805] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1863] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1864] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1828] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1953] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1905] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2005] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1906] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1908] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1962] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1963] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1964] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1807] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1870] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1871] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1914] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1968] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1969] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1970] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1809] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1875] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1876] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1839] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1972] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1920] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2020] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1921] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1923] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1981] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1982] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1983] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1783] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1794] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1785] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1812] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1813] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1736] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1786] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1798] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1788] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1770] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1756] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1757] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1758] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1759] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1751] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1753] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the user remained on the "One Stop Market" site with no change in content or context. The hover action did not trigger any expected behavior, such as the display of suggestions or an active search function. The content structure continued to focus on shopping-related options, proving unhelpful for the user's original intent to search. This highlights a lack of interactivity and responsiveness within the search area.
click [171]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[198] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[199] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[107] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[202] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[80] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1250] main ''", "\t\t[1257] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1278] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1377] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1467] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1468] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1411] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1517] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1659] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1518] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1585] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1586] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1587] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1379] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1474] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1475] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1417] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1589] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1526] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1527] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1529] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1598] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1599] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1600] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1381] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1423] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1602] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1535] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1536] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1538] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1611] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1612] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1613] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1383] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1429] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1615] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1544] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1686] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1545] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1547] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1624] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1625] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1626] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1385] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1435] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1628] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1553] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1695] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1554] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1556] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1637] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1638] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1639] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1387] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1502] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1562] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1643] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1644] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1645] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1389] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1507] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1508] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1446] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1647] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1568] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1710] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1569] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1571] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1656] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1657] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1658] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1391] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1514] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1869] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1835] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1944] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1906] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1994] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1907] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1909] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1953] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1954] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1955] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1823] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1875] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1876] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1915] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1959] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1960] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1961] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1825] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1880] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1881] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1846] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1963] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1921] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2009] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1922] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1924] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1972] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1973] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1974] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1827] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1887] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1888] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1930] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1978] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1979] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1980] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1829] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1892] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1893] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1857] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1982] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1936] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2024] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1937] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1939] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1991] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1992] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1993] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1805] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1815] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1807] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1899] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1832] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1833] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1759] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1808] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1819] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1810] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1793] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1779] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1780] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1781] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1782] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1772] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1774] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1776] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the user remained on the "One Stop Market" page without any significant changes. The click did not lead to new content or relevant information, reinforcing the focus on shopping rather than the original intent. The structure of the page remained unchanged, with the same elements continuing to appear, indicating a failure in user navigation and interaction. This reflects a broken user experience where clicks do not yield expected responses or content shifts.
Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [7189] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [7241] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [7249] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [7194] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [7196] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [7200] link '\ue60b SALES' [7204] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [7208] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [7212] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [7216] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [7220] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [7224] link '\ue60d STORES' [7228] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [7232] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [7267] heading 'Orders' [7268] link '\ue600 admin' [7270] link '\ue607' [7950] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [7239] main '' [7946] button 'Create New Order' [8065] button '\ue60fDefault View' [8066] button '\ue610 Columns' [8069] button '\ue635 Export' [8056] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [8102] StaticText '2 units left' [8057] button 'Search' [8077] button '\ue605Filters' [8587] LayoutTable '' [8596] StaticText 'Active filters:' [8611] StaticText 'Keyword:' [8613] StaticText '2 units left' [8614] button '\ue620' [8813] StaticText 'Purchase Date:' [8815] StaticText '10/01/2022' [8816] StaticText ' - ' [8817] StaticText '12/31/2022' [8818] button '\ue620' [8598] button 'Clear all' [8291] button 'Actions' focused: True [9271] StaticText 'Cancel' [9290] StaticText 'Hold' [9285] StaticText 'Unhold' [9288] StaticText 'Print Invoices' [9284] StaticText 'Print Packing Slips' [9281] StaticText 'Print Credit Memos' [9286] StaticText 'Print All' [9289] StaticText 'Print Shipping Labels' [8006] StaticText '0' [8008] StaticText 'records found' [8518] textbox 'per page' required: False [8545] StaticText '200' [8512] button 'per page Select' [8001] button '\ue629' disabled: True [8015] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [8002] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [7980] table '' [7992] row '' [8003] columnheader 'Options' required: False [8010] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false [8012] button 'Options' disabled: True [8229] columnheader 'ID' required: False [8230] columnheader 'Purchase Point' required: False [8231] columnheader 'Purchase Date' required: False [8232] columnheader 'Bill-to Name' required: False [8233] columnheader 'Ship-to Name' required: False [8234] columnheader '↓ Grand Total (Base)' required: False [8235] columnheader 'Grand Total (Purchased)' required: False [8236] columnheader 'Status' required: False [8237] columnheader 'Action' required: False [8238] columnheader 'Allocated sources' required: False [8239] columnheader 'Braintree Transaction Source' required: False [7993] row '' [7996] gridcell "We couldn't find any records." required: False [7918] contentinfo '' [7923] link '\ue606' [7924] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [7934] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [7926] link 'Privacy Policy' [7927] StaticText ' |' [7928] link ' Account Activity' [7929] StaticText ' | ' [7930] link 'Report an Issue'
click [8291] where [8291] is button 'Actions'
[ "None", "click [886] where [886] is row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "go_back", "click [5917] where [5917] is link '\\ue60b SALES'", "click [6300] where [6300] is link 'Orders'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [7189] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [7241] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [7249] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [7194] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [7196] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [7200] link '\ue60b SALES' [7204] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [7208] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [7212] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [7216] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [7220] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [7224] link '\ue60d STORES' [7228] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [7232] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [7267] heading 'Orders' [7268] link '\ue600 admin' [7270] link '\ue607' [7950] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [7239] main '' [7946] button 'Create New Order' [8065] button '\ue60fDefault View' [8066] button '\ue610 Columns' [8069] button '\ue635 Export' [8056] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [8102] StaticText '2 units left' [8057] button 'Search' [8077] button '\ue605Filters' [8587] LayoutTable '' [8596] StaticText 'Active filters:' [8611] StaticText 'Keyword:' [8613] StaticText '2 units left' [8614] button '\ue620' [8598] button 'Clear all' [8291] button 'Actions' [8008] StaticText 'records found' [8518] textbox 'per page' required: False [8545] StaticText '200' [8512] button 'per page Select' [8001] button '\ue629' disabled: True [8015] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [8002] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [7980] table '' [7992] row '' [8003] columnheader 'Options' required: False [8010] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false [8012] button 'Options' disabled: True [8229] columnheader 'ID' required: False [8230] columnheader 'Purchase Point' required: False [8231] columnheader 'Purchase Date' required: False [8232] columnheader 'Bill-to Name' required: False [8233] columnheader 'Ship-to Name' required: False [8234] columnheader '↓ Grand Total (Base)' required: False [8235] columnheader 'Grand Total (Purchased)' required: False [8236] columnheader 'Status' required: False [8237] columnheader 'Action' required: False [8238] columnheader 'Allocated sources' required: False [8239] columnheader 'Braintree Transaction Source' required: False [7993] row '' [7996] gridcell "We couldn't find any records." required: False [7918] contentinfo '' [7923] link '\ue606' [7924] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [7934] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [7926] link 'Privacy Policy' [7927] StaticText ' |' [7928] link ' Account Activity' [7929] StaticText ' | ' [7930] link 'Report an Issue'
Compare the payment difference of the last 5 delivered orders and pending orders
The next observation would still show the `Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin` page, but now with the `Actions` menu focused and options displayed. However, the main content area indicates that there are currently no records found, suggesting that the user may need to further refine their search or filter criteria to display the relevant orders. The options available under the `Actions` button may allow the user to manage orders, but without any visible records, the user will not be able to proceed with comparing payment differences for the last five delivered and pending orders at this moment.
{ "neg_action0": "scroll [down]", "neg_action1": null, "neg_action2": null, "neg_action3": null, "neg_action4": null, "neg_action5": null, "neg_action6": null, "neg_action7": null, "neg_action8": null, "neg_action9": null, "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[3926] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation1": null, "neg_observation2": null, "neg_observation3": null, "neg_observation4": null, "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": null, "neg_observation7": null, "neg_observation8": null, "neg_observation9": null }
[ "scroll [down]", "hover [5917]", "click [6301]", "go_back", "click [6302]", "click [6303]", "type [886] [order_id] [1]", "click [6304]", "scroll [up]", "click [6305]" ]
The next observation would be that the interface remains unchanged, with all buttons and elements intact, allowing users to continue managing their orders seamlessly. The 'Actions' button clicked by the user does not result in any visible change or additional options appearing, suggesting that the page is functioning as intended without any new features being revealed or issues arising. The overall experience remains stable within the 'Orders' section of the Magento Admin Panel, maintaining the current layout and accessibility of features.
Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [7189] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [7241] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [7249] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [7194] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [7196] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [7200] link '\ue60b SALES' [7204] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [7208] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [7212] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [7216] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [7220] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [7224] link '\ue60d STORES' [7228] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [7232] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [7267] heading 'Orders' [7268] link '\ue600 admin' [7270] link '\ue607' [7950] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [7239] main '' [7946] button 'Create New Order' [8065] button '\ue60fDefault View' [8066] button '\ue610 Columns' [8069] button '\ue635 Export' [8056] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [8102] StaticText '2 units left' [8057] button 'Search' [8077] button '\ue605Filters' [8587] LayoutTable '' [8596] StaticText 'Active filters:' [8611] StaticText 'Keyword:' [8613] StaticText '2 units left' [8614] button '\ue620' [8813] StaticText 'Purchase Date:' [8815] StaticText '10/01/2022' [8816] StaticText ' - ' [8817] StaticText '12/31/2022' [8818] button '\ue620' [8598] button 'Clear all' [8291] button 'Actions' focused: True [9271] StaticText 'Cancel' [9290] StaticText 'Hold' [9285] StaticText 'Unhold' [9288] StaticText 'Print Invoices' [9284] StaticText 'Print Packing Slips' [9281] StaticText 'Print Credit Memos' [9286] StaticText 'Print All' [9289] StaticText 'Print Shipping Labels' [8006] StaticText '0' [8008] StaticText 'records found' [8518] textbox 'per page' required: False [8545] StaticText '200' [8512] button 'per page Select' [8001] button '\ue629' disabled: True [8015] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [8002] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [7980] table '' [7992] row '' [8003] columnheader 'Options' required: False [8010] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false [8012] button 'Options' disabled: True [8229] columnheader 'ID' required: False [8230] columnheader 'Purchase Point' required: False [8231] columnheader 'Purchase Date' required: False [8232] columnheader 'Bill-to Name' required: False [8233] columnheader 'Ship-to Name' required: False [8234] columnheader '↓ Grand Total (Base)' required: False [8235] columnheader 'Grand Total (Purchased)' required: False [8236] columnheader 'Status' required: False [8237] columnheader 'Action' required: False [8238] columnheader 'Allocated sources' required: False [8239] columnheader 'Braintree Transaction Source' required: False [7993] row '' [7996] gridcell "We couldn't find any records." required: False [7918] contentinfo '' [7923] link '\ue606' [7924] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [7934] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [7926] link 'Privacy Policy' [7927] StaticText ' |' [7928] link ' Account Activity' [7929] StaticText ' | ' [7930] link 'Report an Issue'
click [8291] where [8291] is button 'Actions'
[ "None", "click [886] where [886] is row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "go_back", "click [5917] where [5917] is link '\\ue60b SALES'", "click [6300] where [6300] is link 'Orders'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [7189] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [7241] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [7249] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [7194] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [7196] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [7200] link '\ue60b SALES' [7204] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [7208] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [7212] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [7216] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [7220] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [7224] link '\ue60d STORES' [7228] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [7232] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [7267] heading 'Orders' [7268] link '\ue600 admin' [7270] link '\ue607' [7950] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [7239] main '' [7946] button 'Create New Order' [8065] button '\ue60fDefault View' [8066] button '\ue610 Columns' [8069] button '\ue635 Export' [8056] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [8102] StaticText '2 units left' [8057] button 'Search' [8077] button '\ue605Filters' [8587] LayoutTable '' [8596] StaticText 'Active filters:' [8611] StaticText 'Keyword:' [8613] StaticText '2 units left' [8614] button '\ue620' [8598] button 'Clear all' [8291] button 'Actions' [8008] StaticText 'records found' [8518] textbox 'per page' required: False [8545] StaticText '200' [8512] button 'per page Select' [8001] button '\ue629' disabled: True [8015] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [8002] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [7980] table '' [7992] row '' [8003] columnheader 'Options' required: False [8010] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false [8012] button 'Options' disabled: True [8229] columnheader 'ID' required: False [8230] columnheader 'Purchase Point' required: False [8231] columnheader 'Purchase Date' required: False [8232] columnheader 'Bill-to Name' required: False [8233] columnheader 'Ship-to Name' required: False [8234] columnheader '↓ Grand Total (Base)' required: False [8235] columnheader 'Grand Total (Purchased)' required: False [8236] columnheader 'Status' required: False [8237] columnheader 'Action' required: False [8238] columnheader 'Allocated sources' required: False [8239] columnheader 'Braintree Transaction Source' required: False [7993] row '' [7996] gridcell "We couldn't find any records." required: False [7918] contentinfo '' [7923] link '\ue606' [7924] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [7934] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [7926] link 'Privacy Policy' [7927] StaticText ' |' [7928] link ' Account Activity' [7929] StaticText ' | ' [7930] link 'Report an Issue'
Compare the payment difference of the last 5 delivered orders and pending orders
The next observation would still show the `Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin` page, but now with the `Actions` menu focused and options displayed. However, the main content area indicates that there are currently no records found, suggesting that the user may need to further refine their search or filter criteria to display the relevant orders. The options available under the `Actions` button may allow the user to manage orders, but without any visible records, the user will not be able to proceed with comparing payment differences for the last five delivered and pending orders at this moment.
{ "neg_action0": "scroll [down]", "neg_action1": null, "neg_action2": null, "neg_action3": null, "neg_action4": null, "neg_action5": null, "neg_action6": null, "neg_action7": null, "neg_action8": null, "neg_action9": null, "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[3926] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation1": null, "neg_observation2": null, "neg_observation3": null, "neg_observation4": null, "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": null, "neg_observation7": null, "neg_observation8": null, "neg_observation9": null }
[ "scroll [down]", "hover [5917]", "click [6301]", "go_back", "click [6302]", "click [6303]", "type [886] [order_id] [1]", "click [6304]", "scroll [up]", "click [6305]" ]
The next observation would be that the state of the webpage remains unchanged, as no negative observations were reported. The user can continue interacting with the 'Actions' button without encountering any problems or errors. The overall functionality and accessibility of the Magento Admin panel is preserved, allowing for seamless operations within the Orders section.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' focused: True [71] generic '\ue60b SALES Sales \ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal' [94] link '\ue62f' [95] menu '' orientation: vertical [278] menu '' orientation: vertical [412] link 'Orders' [413] link 'Invoices' [414] link 'Shipments' [415] link 'Credit Memos' [416] link 'Billing Agreements' [417] link 'Transactions' [418] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [599] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [600] StaticText 'Tax' [601] StaticText 'Shipping' [602] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [924] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [927] StaticText '$0.00' [929] StaticText 'Average Order' [934] StaticText 'Last Orders' [935] table '' [949] row '' [968] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [969] columnheader 'Items' required: False [970] columnheader 'Total' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [971] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [972] gridcell '5' required: False [973] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [974] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [975] gridcell '4' required: False [976] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [977] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [978] gridcell '3' required: False [979] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [980] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [981] gridcell '4' required: False [982] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [983] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [984] gridcell '2' required: False [985] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [936] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [937] table '' [955] row '' [986] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [987] columnheader 'Results' required: False [988] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [989] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [990] gridcell '23' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [992] gridcell 'nike' required: False [993] gridcell '0' required: False [994] gridcell '3' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [995] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [996] gridcell '10' required: False [997] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [998] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [999] gridcell '1' required: False [1000] gridcell '19' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1001] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1002] gridcell '23' required: False [1003] gridcell '2' required: False [938] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [939] table '' [961] row '' [1004] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1005] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1006] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1007] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1008] gridcell '1' required: False [1009] gridcell '19' required: False [963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1010] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1011] gridcell '10' required: False [1012] gridcell '4' required: False [964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1013] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1014] gridcell '23' required: False [1015] gridcell '2' required: False [965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1016] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1017] gridcell '23' required: False [1018] gridcell '1' required: False [966] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1019] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1020] gridcell '1' required: False [1021] gridcell '1' required: False [886] contentinfo '' [891] link '\ue606' [892] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [903] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [894] link 'Privacy Policy' [895] StaticText ' |' [896] link ' Account Activity' [897] StaticText ' | ' [898] link 'Report an Issue'
click [12] where [12] is link '\ue60b SALES'
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [599] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [600] StaticText 'Tax' [601] StaticText 'Shipping' [602] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [924] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [927] StaticText '$0.00' [929] StaticText 'Average Order' [934] StaticText 'Last Orders' [935] table '' [949] row '' [968] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [969] columnheader 'Items' required: False [970] columnheader 'Total' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [971] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [972] gridcell '5' required: False [973] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [974] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [975] gridcell '4' required: False [976] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [977] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [978] gridcell '3' required: False [979] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [980] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [981] gridcell '4' required: False [982] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [983] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [984] gridcell '2' required: False [985] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [936] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [937] table '' [955] row '' [986] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [987] columnheader 'Results' required: False [988] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [989] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [990] gridcell '23' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [992] gridcell 'nike' required: False [993] gridcell '0' required: False [994] gridcell '3' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [995] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [996] gridcell '10' required: False [997] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [998] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [999] gridcell '1' required: False [1000] gridcell '19' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1001] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1002] gridcell '23' required: False [1003] gridcell '2' required: False [938] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [939] table '' [961] row '' [1004] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1005] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1006] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1007] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1008] gridcell '1' required: False [1009] gridcell '19' required: False [963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1010] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1011] gridcell '10' required: False [1012] gridcell '4' required: False [964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1013] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1014] gridcell '23' required: False [1015] gridcell '2' required: False [965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1016] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1017] gridcell '23' required: False [1018] gridcell '1' required: False [966] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1019] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1020] gridcell '1' required: False [1021] gridcell '1' required: False [886] contentinfo '' [891] link '\ue606' [892] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [903] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [894] link 'Privacy Policy' [895] StaticText ' |' [896] link ' Account Activity' [897] StaticText ' | ' [898] link 'Report an Issue'
Get the payment method of the newest processing order
The next observation would be a submenu under the `SALES` section in the Magento Admin panel focused on various sales-related functionalities. This submenu includes links to `Orders`, `Invoices`, `Shipments`, and other sales options. The interface remains consistent with the dashboard, maintaining the overall administrative structure while providing access to order management. This transition prepares the user for the subsequent step of selecting `Orders` to view the newest processing order and its associated payment method.
{ "neg_action0": "click [64]", "neg_action1": "click [65]", "neg_action2": "scroll [down]", "neg_action3": null, "neg_action4": null, "neg_action5": null, "neg_action6": null, "neg_action7": "click [468]", "neg_action8": "go_back", "neg_action9": "close_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export' focused: True", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[593] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[594] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation3": null, "neg_observation4": null, "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": null, "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go' focused: True", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[546] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ] }
[ "click [64]", "click [65]", "scroll [down]", "hover [73]", "click [220]", "type [164] [payment method for newest order] [1]", "press [Ctrl+F]", "click [468]", "go_back", "close_tab" ]
click [65]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export' focused: True", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[593] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[594] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus has shifted to the OpenStreetMap interface. The page now features a heading announcing the OpenStreetMap logo and provides links for map-related functionalities such as exporting data and viewing history. The navigation elements have changed significantly, with the removal of the Magento Admin links and the introduction of map-centric options such as "GPS Traces" and "User Diaries." The overall structure is now centered around mapping, presenting a completely different user experience than before.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the user has scrolled down to explore the OpenStreetMap content further. The newly revealed elements include a welcome heading for OpenStreetMap, a description of its purpose, and various action buttons to start mapping or find directions. This state highlights a shift towards user engagement with the mapping services, contrasting with the previous admin-focused dashboard. The focus has now transitioned from administrative tasks to utilizing a public mapping tool, showcasing a significant change in user context and functionality.
The next observation would be that the user remains within the OpenStreetMap interface, continuing to engage with the available content. The elements on the page, including links related to map functionalities and user interaction options, remain unchanged. The focus continues to be on exploring the mapping services provided by OpenStreetMap, without any additional user actions or transitions impacting the current state.
The next observation would be that the user continues to engage with the OpenStreetMap interface, maintaining focus on the existing content. The interface remains consistent, featuring various links and functionalities related to mapping. This state emphasizes the ongoing interaction with OpenStreetMap, as the user explores the available tools without any new actions altering the existing context.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' focused: True [71] generic '\ue60b SALES Sales \ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal' [94] link '\ue62f' [95] menu '' orientation: vertical [278] menu '' orientation: vertical [412] link 'Orders' [413] link 'Invoices' [414] link 'Shipments' [415] link 'Credit Memos' [416] link 'Billing Agreements' [417] link 'Transactions' [418] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [599] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [600] StaticText 'Tax' [601] StaticText 'Shipping' [602] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [924] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [927] StaticText '$0.00' [929] StaticText 'Average Order' [934] StaticText 'Last Orders' [935] table '' [949] row '' [968] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [969] columnheader 'Items' required: False [970] columnheader 'Total' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [971] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [972] gridcell '5' required: False [973] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [974] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [975] gridcell '4' required: False [976] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [977] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [978] gridcell '3' required: False [979] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [980] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [981] gridcell '4' required: False [982] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [983] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [984] gridcell '2' required: False [985] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [936] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [937] table '' [955] row '' [986] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [987] columnheader 'Results' required: False [988] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [989] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [990] gridcell '23' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [992] gridcell 'nike' required: False [993] gridcell '0' required: False [994] gridcell '3' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [995] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [996] gridcell '10' required: False [997] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [998] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [999] gridcell '1' required: False [1000] gridcell '19' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1001] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1002] gridcell '23' required: False [1003] gridcell '2' required: False [938] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [939] table '' [961] row '' [1004] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1005] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1006] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1007] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1008] gridcell '1' required: False [1009] gridcell '19' required: False [963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1010] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1011] gridcell '10' required: False [1012] gridcell '4' required: False [964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1013] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1014] gridcell '23' required: False [1015] gridcell '2' required: False [965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1016] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1017] gridcell '23' required: False [1018] gridcell '1' required: False [966] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1019] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1020] gridcell '1' required: False [1021] gridcell '1' required: False [886] contentinfo '' [891] link '\ue606' [892] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [903] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [894] link 'Privacy Policy' [895] StaticText ' |' [896] link ' Account Activity' [897] StaticText ' | ' [898] link 'Report an Issue'
click [12] where [12] is link '\ue60b SALES'
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [599] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [600] StaticText 'Tax' [601] StaticText 'Shipping' [602] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [924] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [927] StaticText '$0.00' [929] StaticText 'Average Order' [934] StaticText 'Last Orders' [935] table '' [949] row '' [968] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [969] columnheader 'Items' required: False [970] columnheader 'Total' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [971] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [972] gridcell '5' required: False [973] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [974] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [975] gridcell '4' required: False [976] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [977] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [978] gridcell '3' required: False [979] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [980] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [981] gridcell '4' required: False [982] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [983] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [984] gridcell '2' required: False [985] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [936] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [937] table '' [955] row '' [986] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [987] columnheader 'Results' required: False [988] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [989] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [990] gridcell '23' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [992] gridcell 'nike' required: False [993] gridcell '0' required: False [994] gridcell '3' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [995] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [996] gridcell '10' required: False [997] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [998] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [999] gridcell '1' required: False [1000] gridcell '19' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1001] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1002] gridcell '23' required: False [1003] gridcell '2' required: False [938] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [939] table '' [961] row '' [1004] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1005] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1006] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1007] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1008] gridcell '1' required: False [1009] gridcell '19' required: False [963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1010] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1011] gridcell '10' required: False [1012] gridcell '4' required: False [964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1013] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1014] gridcell '23' required: False [1015] gridcell '2' required: False [965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1016] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1017] gridcell '23' required: False [1018] gridcell '1' required: False [966] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1019] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1020] gridcell '1' required: False [1021] gridcell '1' required: False [886] contentinfo '' [891] link '\ue606' [892] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [903] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [894] link 'Privacy Policy' [895] StaticText ' |' [896] link ' Account Activity' [897] StaticText ' | ' [898] link 'Report an Issue'
Get the payment method of the newest processing order
The next observation would be a submenu under the `SALES` section in the Magento Admin panel focused on various sales-related functionalities. This submenu includes links to `Orders`, `Invoices`, `Shipments`, and other sales options. The interface remains consistent with the dashboard, maintaining the overall administrative structure while providing access to order management. This transition prepares the user for the subsequent step of selecting `Orders` to view the newest processing order and its associated payment method.
{ "neg_action0": "click [64]", "neg_action1": "click [65]", "neg_action2": "scroll [down]", "neg_action3": null, "neg_action4": null, "neg_action5": null, "neg_action6": null, "neg_action7": "click [468]", "neg_action8": "go_back", "neg_action9": "close_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export' focused: True", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[593] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[594] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation3": null, "neg_observation4": null, "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": null, "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go' focused: True", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[546] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ] }
[ "click [64]", "click [65]", "scroll [down]", "hover [73]", "click [220]", "type [164] [payment method for newest order] [1]", "press [Ctrl+F]", "click [468]", "go_back", "close_tab" ]
click [65]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export' focused: True", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[593] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[594] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is now on the OpenStreetMap page, with the root WebArea focused on 'OpenStreetMap'. The dashboard elements related to sales have been replaced by mapping-related content, including a logo, links to edit or export, and other features pertinent to OpenStreetMap. The previous sales-related data and buttons are now non-existent, indicating a shift from an administrative function of sales tracking to a mapping service interface.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that following a scroll down, the user has accessed further content on the OpenStreetMap page, including a welcome message and descriptive text about the mapping service. The original dashboard's administrative elements have transformed into a more informational context, presenting the user with features related to map editing and community contributions. The interface now reflects a focus on geographic exploration rather than sales data management, indicating a complete shift in the webpage's utility and purpose.
Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap [1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True [36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo' [111] link 'Edit' [112] button '' [64] link 'History' [65] link 'Export' [532] link 'GPS Traces' [533] link 'User Diaries' [534] link 'Communities' [535] link 'Copyright' [536] link 'Help' [537] link 'About' [73] link 'Log In' [74] link 'Sign Up' [550] button 'Close' [551] textbox 'From' required: False [592] StaticText 'Heinz FieldHeinz Field' [559] textbox 'To' focused: True required: False [595] StaticText 'PNC ParkPNC Park' [561] combobox '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [569] button 'Go' [562] button 'Reverse Directions' [133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!' [207] button 'Close' [208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.' [209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by ' [210] link 'UCL' [212] link 'Fastly' [213] StaticText ', ' [214] link 'Bytemark Hosting' [215] StaticText ', and other ' [216] link 'partners' [217] StaticText '.' [298] link 'Learn More' [299] link 'Start Mapping' [15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms' [19] link 'Zoom In' [20] link 'Zoom Out' [22] button 'Show My Location' [24] link 'Layers' [253] link '' [26] link 'Share' [254] link '' [255] link '' [386] StaticText '50 km' [387] StaticText '50 mi' [258] StaticText '© ' [259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors' [260] StaticText ' ♥ ' [261] link 'Make a Donation' [262] StaticText '. ' [263] link 'Website and API terms'
type [559] [PNC Park ] where [559] is textbox 'To' required: False
[ "None", "click [285] where [285] is link 'Find directions between two points'", "type [551] [Heinz Field\n] where [551] is textbox 'From' required: False", "type [559] [PNC Park\n] where [559] is textbox 'To' required: False", "type [551] [Heinz Field\n] where [551] is textbox 'From' required: False" ]
Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap [1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True [36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo' [111] link 'Edit' [112] button '' [64] link 'History' [65] link 'Export' [532] link 'GPS Traces' [533] link 'User Diaries' [534] link 'Communities' [535] link 'Copyright' [536] link 'Help' [537] link 'About' [73] link 'Log In' [74] link 'Sign Up' [550] button 'Close' [551] textbox 'From' focused: True required: False [592] StaticText 'Heinz FieldHeinz Field' [559] textbox 'To' required: False [595] StaticText 'PNC Park' [561] combobox '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [569] button 'Go' [562] button 'Reverse Directions' [133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!' [207] button 'Close' [208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.' [209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by ' [210] link 'UCL' [212] link 'Fastly' [213] StaticText ', ' [214] link 'Bytemark Hosting' [215] StaticText ', and other ' [216] link 'partners' [217] StaticText '.' [298] link 'Learn More' [299] link 'Start Mapping' [15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms' [19] link 'Zoom In' [20] link 'Zoom Out' [22] button 'Show My Location' [24] link 'Layers' [253] link '' [26] link 'Share' [254] link '' [255] link '' [386] StaticText '50 km' [387] StaticText '50 mi' [258] StaticText '© ' [259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors' [260] StaticText ' ♥ ' [261] link 'Make a Donation' [262] StaticText '. ' [263] link 'Website and API terms'
Check if the PNC Park in pittsburgh can be reached in one hour by car from Heinz Field
The next observation would still reflect the OpenStreetMap interface with the entries for `Heinz Field` and `PNC Park` correctly displayed in their respective textboxes. However, no new information regarding the driving directions or estimated time has been provided yet. The user must click the "Go" button to initiate the directions search, which is critical for determining if PNC Park can be reached from Heinz Field in one hour by car.
{ "neg_action0": "click [171]", "neg_action1": "scroll [down]", "neg_action2": "press [Ctrl+Enter]", "neg_action3": "hover [216]", "neg_action4": null, "neg_action5": "click [174]", "neg_action6": "go_back", "neg_action7": "goto [http://openstreetmap.org]", "neg_action8": "scroll [up]", "neg_action9": "click [170]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[965] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1423] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1424] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1191] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1472] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1446] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1509] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1447] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1449] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1481] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1482] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1483] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[967] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1430] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1431] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1197] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1485] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1455] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1518] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1456] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1458] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1494] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1495] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1496] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[969] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1437] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1438] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1203] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1498] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1464] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1465] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1467] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1507] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1508] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1836] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1621] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1702] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1703] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1645] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1838] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1766] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1936] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1767] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1769] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1847] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1848] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1849] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1623] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1709] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1710] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1651] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1775] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1776] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1778] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1860] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1862] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1716] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1717] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1784] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1866] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1867] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1868] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1627] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1721] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1722] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1662] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1870] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1790] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1960] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1791] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1793] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1879] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1881] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1629] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1728] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1729] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1668] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1883] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1799] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1800] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1802] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1892] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1894] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1631] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1735] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1736] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1808] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1898] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1899] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1900] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1633] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1740] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1741] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1679] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1902] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1814] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1815] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1817] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1911] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1912] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1913] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1635] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1747] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1748] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1823] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1917] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1918] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1919] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1637] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1752] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1753] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1690] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1921] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1829] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1999] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1830] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1832] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1930] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1931] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1932] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1599] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1614] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1601] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1759] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1640] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1641] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1548] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1602] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1618] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1604] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1582] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1568] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1569] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1570] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1571] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1561] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1563] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1565] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[963] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1411] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1412] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1187] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1434] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1423] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1450] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1424] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1426] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1443] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1444] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1445] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[965] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1418] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1419] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1193] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1447] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1432] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1459] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1709] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1711] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1802] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1803] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1804] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1545] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1640] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1641] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1573] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1806] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1717] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1920] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1718] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1720] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1815] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1816] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1817] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1547] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1647] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1648] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1579] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1819] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1726] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1929] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1727] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1729] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1828] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1830] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1549] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1654] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1655] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1485] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1487] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[963] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1408] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1409] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1186] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1426] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1418] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1438] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1419] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1421] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1435] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1436] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1437] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[965] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1415] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1622] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1553] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1788] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1699] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1909] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1700] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1702] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1797] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1798] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1799] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1529] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1628] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1629] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1559] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1801] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1708] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1918] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1709] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1711] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1810] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1811] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1812] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1531] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1635] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1636] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1565] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1814] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1717] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1927] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1718] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1720] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1823] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1824] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1825] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1533] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1642] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1643] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1468] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1470] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[161] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[162] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[98] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[165] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[77] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[793] main ''", "\t\t[802] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[840] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1248] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1553] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1554] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1378] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1736] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1638] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1639] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1641] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1745] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1746] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1747] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1250] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1561] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1384] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1647] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1648] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1650] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1758] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1759] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1760] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1252] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1567] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1568] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1390] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1762] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1656] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1888] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1657] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1659] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1771] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1772] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1773] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1254] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1574] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1575] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1396] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1775] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1665] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1897] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1666] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1668] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1784] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1785] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1786] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1256] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1581] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1582] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1402] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1788] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1674] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1906] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1675] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1677] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1797] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1798] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1799] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1258] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1588] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1589] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1803] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1804] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1805] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1260] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1593] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1594] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1413] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1807] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1816] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1817] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1818] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1262] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1600] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1601] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1419] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1820] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1829] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1830] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1831] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1264] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1607] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1608] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1835] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1836] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1837] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1266] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1430] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1848] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1849] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1850] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1268] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1619] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1620] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1722] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1854] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1856] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1270] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1441] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1858] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1728] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1960] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1729] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1867] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1868] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1869] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[961] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1110] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[963] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1631] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1273] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1274] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[794] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[964] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1114] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[966] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[844] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[2048] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[2049] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[2050] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[2051] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[2043] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2045] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[2047] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": null, "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1489] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1490] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1219] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1630] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1553] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1736] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1554] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1556] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1639] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1640] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1641] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1496] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1497] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1225] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1643] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1562] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1745] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1563] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1565] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1652] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1653] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1654] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1503] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1504] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1231] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1656] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1571] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1754] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1572] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1574] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1665] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1666] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1667] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1510] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1511] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1237] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1669] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1580] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1763] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1581] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1583] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1678] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1679] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1680] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[987] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1517] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1518] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1243] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1682] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1589] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1772] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1590] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1592] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1691] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1692] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1693] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[989] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1524] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1525] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1598] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1697] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1698] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1699] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[991] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1529] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1530] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1254] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1701] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1604] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1787] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1605] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1607] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1710] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1711] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1712] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[993] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1536] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1537] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1260] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1714] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1613] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1796] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1614] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1616] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1723] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1724] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1725] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[995] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1543] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1544] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1622] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1729] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1730] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1731] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[997] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1548] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1549] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1271] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1733] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1628] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1811] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1975] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1977] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[2002] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2003] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2004] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1925] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1958] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1959] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1983] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[2008] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2009] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2010] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1927] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1963] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1964] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1942] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[2012] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1989] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2036] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1990] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1992] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[2021] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2022] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2023] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1910] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1918] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1912] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1970] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1930] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1931] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1866] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1913] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1922] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1915] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1900] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1886] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1887] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1888] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1889] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1879] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1881] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1883] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[3926] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[23] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[35] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[62] link 'Edit'", "\t[63] button ''", "\t[40] link 'History'", "\t[41] link 'Export'", "\t[312] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[313] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[314] link 'Communities'", "\t[315] link 'Copyright'", "\t[316] link 'Help'", "\t[317] link 'About'", "\t[49] link 'Log In'", "\t[50] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[11] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[197] button 'Where is this?'", "\t[177] button 'Go'", "\t[150] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[241] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[255] button 'Close'", "\t[246] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[248] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[252] link 'Fastly'", "\t[256] link 'OSMF corporate members'", "\t[244] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[243] link 'partners'", "\t[247] StaticText '.'", "\t[253] link 'Learn More'", "\t[257] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 30 km 30 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[269] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[270] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[272] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[274] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[411] link ''", "\t\t[276] link 'Share'", "\t\t[412] link ''", "\t\t[413] link ''", "\t\t[532] StaticText '30 km'", "\t\t[533] StaticText '30 mi'", "\t\t[416] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[417] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[418] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[419] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[420] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[421] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[68] link 'My Account'", "\t[69] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[70] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[231] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[232] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[130] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[235] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[103] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1390] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1413] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1491] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1492] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1436] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1641] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1559] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1754] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1560] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1562] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1650] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1651] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1652] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1415] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1498] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1499] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1442] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1568] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1763] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1569] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1571] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1663] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1664] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1665] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1417] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1505] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1506] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1448] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1667] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1577] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1772] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1578] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1580] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1676] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1677] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1678] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1419] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1512] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1513] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1454] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1680] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1586] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1781] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1587] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1589] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1689] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1690] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1691] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1421] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1519] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1520] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1460] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1693] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1595] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1790] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1596] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1598] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1702] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1703] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1704] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1423] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1526] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1527] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1604] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1708] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1709] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1710] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1425] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1531] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1532] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1471] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1712] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1610] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1805] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1611] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1613] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1721] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1722] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1723] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1427] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1538] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1539] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1477] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1725] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1619] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1814] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1620] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1622] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1734] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1735] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1736] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1429] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1545] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1546] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1628] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1740] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1741] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1742] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1431] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1550] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1551] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1488] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1744] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1634] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1829] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1635] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1637] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1753] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2004] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2005] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1944] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1971] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1972] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1991] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[2009] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2010] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2011] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1946] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1976] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1977] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1959] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[2013] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1997] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2036] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1998] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[2000] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[2022] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2023] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2024] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1929] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1937] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1931] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1983] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1949] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1950] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1885] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1932] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1941] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1934] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1919] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1905] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1906] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1907] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1908] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1898] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1900] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1902] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1401] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1402] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1183] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1410] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1407] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1413] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1408] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1774] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1775] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1776] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1495] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1597] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1598] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1525] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1778] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1905] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1787] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1788] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1789] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1604] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1605] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1531] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1791] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1914] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1800] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1801] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1802] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1499] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1611] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1612] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1804] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1923] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1813] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1814] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1815] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1501] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1618] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1619] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1543] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1817] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1707] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1932] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1708] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1710] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1826] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1827] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1625] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1626] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1832] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1833] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1834] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1505] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1630] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1631] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1554] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1836] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1947] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1845] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1846] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1847] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1507] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1637] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1638] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1560] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1731] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1956] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1732] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1734] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1858] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1859] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1509] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1644] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1645] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1864] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1865] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1866] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1511] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1649] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1650] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1571] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1868] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1746] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1971] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1747] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1877] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1878] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1513] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1656] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1657] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1883] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1884] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1885] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1515] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1661] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1662] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1582] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1887] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1761] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1986] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1762] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1764] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1896] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1897] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1898] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1471] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1488] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1473] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1668] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1518] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1519] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1418] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1474] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1492] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1476] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1452] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1438] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1439] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1440] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1441] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1431] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1433] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1435] link 'Report All Bugs'" ] }
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[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[963] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1411] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1412] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1187] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1434] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1423] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1450] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1424] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1426] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1443] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1444] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1445] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[965] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1418] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1419] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1193] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1447] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1432] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1459] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1709] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1711] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1802] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1803] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1804] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1545] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1640] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1641] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1573] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1806] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1717] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1920] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1718] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1720] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1815] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1816] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1817] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1547] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1647] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1648] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1579] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1819] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1726] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1929] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1727] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1729] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1828] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1830] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1549] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1654] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1655] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1585] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1832] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1735] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1938] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1736] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1738] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1841] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1843] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1551] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1661] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1662] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1847] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1848] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1849] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1553] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1666] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1667] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1596] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1750] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1953] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1751] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1753] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1860] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1862] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1555] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1673] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1674] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1602] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1864] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1759] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1962] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1760] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1762] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1873] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1875] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1557] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1680] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1681] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1768] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1879] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1881] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1559] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1685] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1686] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1613] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1883] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1774] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1977] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1775] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1777] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1892] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1894] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1561] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1692] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1693] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1783] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1898] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1899] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1900] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1563] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1697] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1698] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1624] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1902] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1789] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1992] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1790] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1792] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1911] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1912] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1913] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1522] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1538] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1524] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1704] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1566] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1567] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1470] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1525] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1542] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1527] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1504] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1490] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1491] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1492] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1493] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1483] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1485] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1487] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage has transitioned to 'One Stop Market'. The root area now focuses on 'One Stop Market' instead of 'OpenStreetMap', indicating a new primary page. The links and buttons previously associated with map functionalities are replaced with links for account management and shopping options, such as 'My Account' and 'My Wish List'. This shift reveals that the user is now interacting with an entirely different interface focused on e-commerce rather than mapping.
press [Ctrl+Enter]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[963] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1408] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1409] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1186] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1426] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1418] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1438] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1419] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1421] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1435] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1436] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1437] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[965] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1415] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1622] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1553] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1788] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1699] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1909] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1700] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1702] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1797] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1798] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1799] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1529] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1628] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1629] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1559] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1801] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1708] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1918] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1709] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1711] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1810] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1811] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1812] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1531] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1635] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1636] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1565] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1814] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1717] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1927] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1718] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1720] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1823] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1824] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1825] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1533] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1642] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1643] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1571] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1827] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1726] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1936] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1727] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1729] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1836] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1837] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1838] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1535] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1649] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1650] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1735] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1842] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1843] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1844] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1537] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1654] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1655] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1582] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1741] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1951] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1742] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1855] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1856] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1857] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1539] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1661] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1662] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1588] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1859] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1750] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1960] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1751] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1753] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1868] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1869] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1870] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1541] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1668] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1669] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1759] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1874] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1875] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1876] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1543] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1673] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1674] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1599] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1878] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1765] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1975] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1766] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1768] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1887] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1888] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1889] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1545] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1680] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1681] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1774] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1893] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1894] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1895] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1547] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1685] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1686] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1610] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1897] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1780] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1990] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1781] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1783] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1906] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1907] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1908] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1505] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1521] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1507] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1692] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1550] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1551] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1453] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1508] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1525] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1510] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1487] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1473] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1474] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1475] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1466] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1468] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1470] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage has changed to 'One Stop Market'. The root area now indicates a focus on 'One Stop Market', and features previously associated with 'OpenStreetMap' are no longer present. The functionality has shifted from mapping to shopping, featuring links like 'My Account' and 'Add to Cart'. This demonstrates a complete change in user experience from geographic navigation to e-commerce interaction.
hover [216]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[161] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[162] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[98] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[165] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[77] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[793] main ''", "\t\t[802] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[840] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1248] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1553] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1554] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1378] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1736] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1638] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1639] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1641] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1745] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1746] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1747] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1250] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1561] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1384] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1647] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1648] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1650] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1758] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1759] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1760] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1252] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1567] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1568] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1390] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1762] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1656] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1888] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1657] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1659] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1771] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1772] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1773] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1254] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1574] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1575] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1396] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1775] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1665] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1897] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1666] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1668] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1784] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1785] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1786] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1256] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1581] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1582] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1402] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1788] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1674] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1906] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1675] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1677] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1797] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1798] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1799] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1258] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1588] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1589] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1803] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1804] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1805] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1260] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1593] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1594] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1413] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1807] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1816] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1817] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1818] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1262] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1600] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1601] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1419] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1820] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1829] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1830] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1831] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1264] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1607] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1608] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1835] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1836] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1837] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1266] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1430] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1848] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1849] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1850] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1268] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1619] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1620] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1722] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1854] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1856] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1270] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1441] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1858] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1728] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1960] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1729] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1867] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1868] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1869] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[961] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1110] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[963] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1631] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1273] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1274] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[794] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[964] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1114] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[966] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[844] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[2048] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[2049] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[2050] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[2051] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[2043] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2045] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[2047] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage has transitioned to 'One Stop Market'. The content now centers around shopping, with a focus on links and buttons relevant to e-commerce rather than mapping. The previous map-related features have been replaced with elements such as 'My Account' and 'Add to Cart'. This demonstrates a user interaction that redirected the focus from geographic mapping to an online shopping experience.
The next observation would be that the webpage remains in the same state focused on 'OpenStreetMap'. There are no changes in the content or functionality, and all features related to mapping and user interaction are preserved as initially presented. This indicates that the user continues to engage with the mapping interface without any additional navigation or context shifts.
Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap [1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True [36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo' [111] link 'Edit' [112] button '' [64] link 'History' [65] link 'Export' [532] link 'GPS Traces' [533] link 'User Diaries' [534] link 'Communities' [535] link 'Copyright' [536] link 'Help' [537] link 'About' [73] link 'Log In' [74] link 'Sign Up' [550] button 'Close' [551] textbox 'From' required: False [592] StaticText 'Heinz FieldHeinz Field' [559] textbox 'To' focused: True required: False [595] StaticText 'PNC ParkPNC Park' [561] combobox '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [569] button 'Go' [562] button 'Reverse Directions' [133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!' [207] button 'Close' [208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.' [209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by ' [210] link 'UCL' [212] link 'Fastly' [213] StaticText ', ' [214] link 'Bytemark Hosting' [215] StaticText ', and other ' [216] link 'partners' [217] StaticText '.' [298] link 'Learn More' [299] link 'Start Mapping' [15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms' [19] link 'Zoom In' [20] link 'Zoom Out' [22] button 'Show My Location' [24] link 'Layers' [253] link '' [26] link 'Share' [254] link '' [255] link '' [386] StaticText '50 km' [387] StaticText '50 mi' [258] StaticText '© ' [259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors' [260] StaticText ' ♥ ' [261] link 'Make a Donation' [262] StaticText '. ' [263] link 'Website and API terms'
type [559] [PNC Park ] where [559] is textbox 'To' required: False
[ "None", "click [285] where [285] is link 'Find directions between two points'", "type [551] [Heinz Field\n] where [551] is textbox 'From' required: False", "type [559] [PNC Park\n] where [559] is textbox 'To' required: False", "type [551] [Heinz Field\n] where [551] is textbox 'From' required: False" ]
Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap [1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True [36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo' [111] link 'Edit' [112] button '' [64] link 'History' [65] link 'Export' [532] link 'GPS Traces' [533] link 'User Diaries' [534] link 'Communities' [535] link 'Copyright' [536] link 'Help' [537] link 'About' [73] link 'Log In' [74] link 'Sign Up' [550] button 'Close' [551] textbox 'From' focused: True required: False [592] StaticText 'Heinz FieldHeinz Field' [559] textbox 'To' required: False [595] StaticText 'PNC Park' [561] combobox '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [569] button 'Go' [562] button 'Reverse Directions' [133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!' [207] button 'Close' [208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.' [209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by ' [210] link 'UCL' [212] link 'Fastly' [213] StaticText ', ' [214] link 'Bytemark Hosting' [215] StaticText ', and other ' [216] link 'partners' [217] StaticText '.' [298] link 'Learn More' [299] link 'Start Mapping' [15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms' [19] link 'Zoom In' [20] link 'Zoom Out' [22] button 'Show My Location' [24] link 'Layers' [253] link '' [26] link 'Share' [254] link '' [255] link '' [386] StaticText '50 km' [387] StaticText '50 mi' [258] StaticText '© ' [259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors' [260] StaticText ' ♥ ' [261] link 'Make a Donation' [262] StaticText '. ' [263] link 'Website and API terms'
Check if the PNC Park in pittsburgh can be reached in one hour by car from Heinz Field
The next observation would still reflect the OpenStreetMap interface with the entries for `Heinz Field` and `PNC Park` correctly displayed in their respective textboxes. However, no new information regarding the driving directions or estimated time has been provided yet. The user must click the "Go" button to initiate the directions search, which is critical for determining if PNC Park can be reached from Heinz Field in one hour by car.
{ "neg_action0": "click [171]", "neg_action1": "scroll [down]", "neg_action2": "press [Ctrl+Enter]", "neg_action3": "hover [216]", "neg_action4": null, "neg_action5": "click [174]", "neg_action6": "go_back", "neg_action7": "goto [http://openstreetmap.org]", "neg_action8": "scroll [up]", "neg_action9": "click [170]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[965] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1423] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1424] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1191] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1472] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1446] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1509] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1447] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1449] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1481] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1482] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1483] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[967] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1430] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1431] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1197] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1485] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1455] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1518] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1456] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1458] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1494] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1495] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1496] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[969] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1437] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1438] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1203] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1498] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1464] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1465] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1467] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1507] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1508] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1836] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1621] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1702] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1703] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1645] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1838] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1766] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1936] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1767] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1769] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1847] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1848] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1849] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1623] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1709] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1710] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1563] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1565] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[963] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1411] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1412] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1187] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1434] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1423] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1450] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1424] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1426] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1443] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1444] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1445] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[965] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1418] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1419] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1193] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1447] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1432] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1459] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1709] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1711] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1802] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1803] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1804] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1545] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1640] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1641] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1573] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1806] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1717] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1920] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1718] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1720] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1815] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1816] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1817] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1547] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1647] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1648] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1579] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1819] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1726] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1929] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1727] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1729] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1828] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1830] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1549] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1654] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1655] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1485] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1487] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[963] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1408] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1409] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1186] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1426] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1418] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1438] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1419] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1421] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1435] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1436] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1437] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[965] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1415] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1622] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1553] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1788] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1699] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1909] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1700] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1702] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1797] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1798] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1799] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1529] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1628] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1629] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1559] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1801] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1708] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1918] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1709] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1711] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1810] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1811] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1812] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1531] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1635] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1636] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1565] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1814] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1717] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1927] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1718] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1720] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1823] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1824] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1825] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1533] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1642] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1643] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1468] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1470] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[161] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[162] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[98] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[165] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[77] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[793] main ''", "\t\t[802] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[840] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1248] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1553] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1554] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1378] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1736] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1638] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1639] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1641] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1745] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1746] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1747] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1250] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1561] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1384] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1647] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1648] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1650] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1758] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1759] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1760] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1252] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1567] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1568] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1390] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1762] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1656] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1888] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1657] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1659] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1771] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1772] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1773] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1254] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1574] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1575] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1396] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1775] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1665] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1897] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1666] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1668] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1784] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1785] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1786] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1256] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1581] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1582] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1402] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1788] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1674] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1906] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1675] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1677] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1797] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1798] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1799] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1258] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1588] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1589] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1803] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1804] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1805] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1260] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1593] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1594] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1413] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1807] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1816] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1817] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1818] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1262] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1600] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1601] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1419] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1820] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1829] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1830] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1831] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1264] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1607] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1608] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1835] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1836] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1837] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1266] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1430] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1848] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1849] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1850] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1268] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1619] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1620] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1722] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1854] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1856] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1270] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1441] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1858] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1728] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1960] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1729] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1867] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1868] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1869] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[961] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1110] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[963] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1631] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1273] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1274] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[794] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[964] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1114] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[966] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[844] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[2048] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[2049] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[2050] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[2051] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[2043] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2045] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[2047] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": null, "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1489] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1490] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1219] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1630] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1553] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1736] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1554] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1556] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1639] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1640] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1641] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1496] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1497] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1225] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1643] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1562] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1745] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1563] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1565] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1652] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1653] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1654] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1503] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1504] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1231] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1656] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1571] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1754] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1572] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1574] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1665] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1666] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1667] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1510] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1511] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1237] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1669] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1580] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1763] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1581] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1583] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1678] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1679] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1680] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[987] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1517] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1518] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1243] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1682] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1589] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1772] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1590] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1592] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1691] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1692] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1693] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[989] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1524] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1525] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1598] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1697] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1698] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1699] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[991] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1529] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1530] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1254] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1701] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1604] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1787] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1605] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1607] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1710] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1711] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1712] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[993] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1536] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1537] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1260] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1714] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1613] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1796] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1614] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1616] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1723] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1724] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1725] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[995] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1543] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1544] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1622] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1729] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1730] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1731] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[997] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1548] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1549] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1271] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1733] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1628] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1811] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1975] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1977] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[2002] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2003] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2004] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1925] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1958] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1959] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1983] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[2008] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2009] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2010] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1927] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1963] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1964] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1942] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[2012] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1989] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2036] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1990] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1992] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[2021] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2022] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2023] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1910] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1918] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1912] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1970] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1930] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1931] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1866] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1913] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1922] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1915] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1900] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1886] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1887] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1888] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1889] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1879] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1881] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1883] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[3926] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[23] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[35] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[62] link 'Edit'", "\t[63] button ''", "\t[40] link 'History'", "\t[41] link 'Export'", "\t[312] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[313] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[314] link 'Communities'", "\t[315] link 'Copyright'", "\t[316] link 'Help'", "\t[317] link 'About'", "\t[49] link 'Log In'", "\t[50] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[11] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[197] button 'Where is this?'", "\t[177] button 'Go'", "\t[150] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[241] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[255] button 'Close'", "\t[246] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[248] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[252] link 'Fastly'", "\t[256] link 'OSMF corporate members'", "\t[244] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[243] link 'partners'", "\t[247] StaticText '.'", "\t[253] link 'Learn More'", "\t[257] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 30 km 30 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[269] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[270] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[272] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[274] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[411] link ''", "\t\t[276] link 'Share'", "\t\t[412] link ''", "\t\t[413] link ''", "\t\t[532] StaticText '30 km'", "\t\t[533] StaticText '30 mi'", "\t\t[416] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[417] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[418] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[419] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[420] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[421] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[68] link 'My Account'", "\t[69] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[70] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[231] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[232] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[130] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[235] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[103] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1390] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1413] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1491] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1492] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1436] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1641] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1559] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1754] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1560] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1562] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1650] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1651] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1652] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1415] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1498] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1499] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1442] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1568] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1763] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1569] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1571] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1663] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1664] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1665] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1417] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1505] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1506] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1448] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1667] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1577] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1772] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1578] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1580] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1676] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1677] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1678] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1419] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1512] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1513] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1454] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1680] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1586] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1781] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1587] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1589] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1689] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1690] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1691] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1421] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1519] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1520] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1460] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1693] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1595] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1790] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1596] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1598] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1702] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1703] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1704] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1423] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1526] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1527] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1604] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1708] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1709] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1710] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1425] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1531] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1532] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1471] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1712] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1610] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1805] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1611] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1613] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1721] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1722] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1723] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1427] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1538] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1539] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1477] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1725] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1619] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1814] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1620] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1622] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1734] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1735] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1736] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1429] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1545] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1546] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1628] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1740] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1741] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1742] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1431] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1550] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1551] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1488] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1744] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1634] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1829] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1635] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1637] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1753] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2004] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2005] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1944] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1971] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1972] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1991] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[2009] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2010] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2011] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1946] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1976] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1977] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1959] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[2013] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1997] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2036] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1998] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[2000] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[2022] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2023] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2024] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1929] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1937] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1931] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1983] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1949] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1950] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1885] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1932] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1941] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1934] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1919] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1905] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1906] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1907] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1908] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1898] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1900] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1902] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1401] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1402] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1183] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1410] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1407] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1413] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1408] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1774] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1775] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1776] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1495] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1597] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1598] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1525] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1778] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1905] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1787] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1788] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1789] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1604] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1605] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1531] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1791] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1914] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1800] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1801] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1802] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1499] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1611] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1612] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1804] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1923] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1813] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1814] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1815] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1501] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1618] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1619] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1543] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1817] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1707] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1932] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1708] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1710] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1826] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1827] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1625] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1626] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1832] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1833] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1834] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1505] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1630] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1631] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1554] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1836] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1947] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1845] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1846] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1847] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1507] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1637] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1638] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1560] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1731] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1956] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1732] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1734] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1858] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1859] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1509] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1644] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1645] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1864] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1865] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1866] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1511] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1649] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1650] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1571] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1868] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1746] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1971] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1747] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1749] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1877] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1878] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1513] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1656] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1657] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1883] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1884] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1885] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1515] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1661] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1662] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1582] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1887] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1761] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1986] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1762] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1764] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1896] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1897] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1898] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1471] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1488] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1473] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1668] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1518] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1519] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1418] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1474] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1492] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1476] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1452] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1438] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1439] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1440] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1441] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1431] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1433] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1435] link 'Report All Bugs'" ] }
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[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[963] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1411] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1412] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1187] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1434] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1423] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1450] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1424] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1426] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1443] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1444] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1445] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[965] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1418] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1419] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1193] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1447] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1432] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1459] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1709] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1711] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1802] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1803] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1804] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1545] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1640] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1641] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1573] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1806] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1717] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1920] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1718] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1720] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1815] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1816] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1817] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1547] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1647] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1648] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1579] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1819] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1726] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1929] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1727] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1729] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1828] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1830] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1549] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1654] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1655] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1585] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1832] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1735] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1938] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1736] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1738] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1841] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1843] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1551] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1661] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1662] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1847] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1848] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1849] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1553] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1666] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1667] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1596] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1750] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1953] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1751] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1753] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1860] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1862] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1555] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1673] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1674] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1602] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1864] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1759] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1962] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1760] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1762] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1873] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1875] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1557] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1680] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1681] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1768] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1879] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1881] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1559] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1685] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1686] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1613] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1883] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1774] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1977] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1775] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1777] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1892] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1894] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1561] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1692] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1693] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1783] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1898] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1899] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1900] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1563] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1697] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1698] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1624] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1902] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1789] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1992] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1790] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1792] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1911] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1912] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1913] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1522] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1538] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1524] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1704] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1566] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1567] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1470] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1525] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1542] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1527] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1504] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1490] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1491] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1492] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1493] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1483] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1485] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1487] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the user has now focused on "One Stop Market," which features a different root web area than OpenStreetMap. The focus has transitioned to a new set of links and buttons, including options like "My Account," "Sign Out," and "Add to Cart," indicating a complete shift away from the previous map-related content. The user is presented with product showcases and other shopping-related options, suggesting a change in intent from mapping to shopping.
press [Ctrl+Enter]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[963] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1408] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1409] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1186] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1426] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1418] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1438] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1419] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1421] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1435] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1436] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1437] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[965] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1415] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1622] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1553] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1788] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1699] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1909] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1700] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1702] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1797] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1798] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1799] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1529] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1628] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1629] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1559] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1801] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1708] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1918] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1709] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1711] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1810] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1811] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1812] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1531] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1635] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1636] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1565] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1814] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1717] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1927] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1718] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1720] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1823] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1824] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1825] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1533] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1642] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1643] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1571] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1827] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1726] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1936] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1727] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1729] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1836] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1837] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1838] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1535] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1649] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1650] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1735] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1842] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1843] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1844] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1537] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1654] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1655] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1582] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1741] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1951] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1742] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1855] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1856] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1857] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1539] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1661] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1662] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1588] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1859] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1750] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1960] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1751] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1753] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1868] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1869] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1870] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1541] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1668] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1669] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1759] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1874] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1875] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1876] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1543] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1673] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1674] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1599] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1878] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1765] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1975] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1766] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1768] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1887] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1888] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1889] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1545] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1680] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1681] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1774] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1893] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1894] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1895] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1547] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1685] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1686] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1610] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1897] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1780] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1990] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1781] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1783] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1906] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1907] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1908] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1505] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1521] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1507] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1692] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1550] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1551] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1453] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1508] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1525] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1510] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1487] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1473] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1474] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1475] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1466] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1468] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1470] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is now on the "One Stop Market" page instead of OpenStreetMap. This transition indicates that the command led to a submission or search that redirected the user to a shopping interface, completely altering the context from mapping to e-commerce. The user is now presented with a variety of product links and shopping-related functionalities, which highlights a significant change in the webpage's focus and content.
hover [216]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[161] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[162] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[98] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[165] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[77] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[793] main ''", "\t\t[802] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[840] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1248] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1553] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1554] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1378] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1736] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1638] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1639] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1641] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1745] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1746] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1747] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1250] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1561] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1384] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1749] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1647] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1648] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1650] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1758] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1759] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1760] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1252] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1567] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1568] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1390] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1762] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1656] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1888] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1657] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1659] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1771] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1772] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1773] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1254] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1574] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1575] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1396] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1775] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1665] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1897] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1666] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1668] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1784] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1785] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1786] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1256] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1581] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1582] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1402] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1788] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1674] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1906] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1675] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1677] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1797] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1798] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1799] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1258] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1588] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1589] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1803] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1804] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1805] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1260] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1593] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1594] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1413] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1807] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1816] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1817] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1818] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1262] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1600] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1601] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1419] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1820] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1829] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1830] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1831] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1264] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1607] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1608] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1835] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1836] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1837] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1266] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1430] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1848] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1849] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1850] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1268] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1619] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1620] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1722] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1854] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1856] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1270] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1441] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1858] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1728] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1960] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1729] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1867] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1868] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1869] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[961] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1110] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[963] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1631] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1273] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1274] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[794] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[964] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1114] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[966] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[844] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[2048] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[2049] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[2050] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[2051] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[2043] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2045] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[2047] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus has shifted to the "One Stop Market" page, reflecting a change in user interaction. The hover action likely revealed additional options or changed the visual state of the interface, transitioning the user’s focus away from OpenStreetMap and toward various shopping links and functionalities. The user now encounters a vibrant shopping environment, indicating a substantial shift from map navigation to retail exploration.
The next observation would be that the webpage remains in its original state focused on "OpenStreetMap." There are no changes to the interactive elements or content, implying that the user is simply observing without taking any actions. The layout and structure continue to reflect the mapping interface, maintaining the context of the OpenStreetMap environment.
Tab 0 (current): Templates / Elements / Content / Magento Admin [15507] RootWebArea 'Templates / Elements / Content / Magento Admin' focused: True [15560] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [15568] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [15512] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [15514] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [15518] link '\ue60b SALES' [15522] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [15526] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [15530] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [15534] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [15538] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [15542] link '\ue60d STORES' [15546] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [15550] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [15586] heading 'Templates' [15587] link '\ue600 admin' [15589] link '\ue607' [15704] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [15557] main '' [15558] contentinfo '' [15648] link '\ue606' [15649] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [15710] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [15651] link 'Privacy Policy' [15652] StaticText ' |' [16247] link ' Account Activity' [16248] StaticText ' | ' [16249] link 'Report an Issue'
type [2392] [Stealth Compression Leggings ] where [2392] is textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False
[ "None", "click [16] where [16] is link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "click [419] where [419] is link 'Products'", "click [1280] where [1280] is menubar '' orientation: horizontal" ]
Tab 0 (current): Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1335] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1282] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1286] link '\ue60b SALES' [1290] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1294] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1298] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1302] link '\ue602 CONTENT' focused: True [1348] generic '\ue602 CONTENT Content \ue62f Elements Pages Blocks Widgets Templates Media Media Gallery Design Configuration Themes Schedule' [1379] link '\ue62f' [1380] menu '' orientation: vertical [1540] menu '' orientation: vertical [1667] link 'Pages' [1668] link 'Blocks' [1669] link 'Widgets' [1670] link 'Templates' [1608] StaticText 'Media' [1542] menu '' orientation: vertical [1671] link 'Media Gallery' [1610] StaticText 'Design' [1544] menu '' orientation: vertical [1672] link 'Configuration' [1673] link 'Themes' [1674] link 'Schedule' [1306] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1310] link '\ue60d STORES' [1314] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1318] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1353] heading 'Products' [1354] link '\ue600 admin' [1356] link '\ue607' [2052] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1325] main '' [2059] generic 'Add Product' [2060] button 'Add Product' [2061] button 'Add product of type' [2210] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2223] button '\ue610 Columns' [2403] button '\ue605Filters' [2392] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2393] button 'Search' [2446] button 'Actions' [2428] StaticText '2040' [2430] StaticText 'records found' [2758] textbox 'per page' required: False [2785] StaticText '200' [2752] button 'per page Select' [2396] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2433] spinbutton 'of 11' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2397] button '\ue62a' [2115] table '' [2118] row '' [2131] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2177] checkbox '' checked: false [2179] button 'Options' [2132] columnheader '↓ ID' required: False [2133] columnheader 'Thumbnail' required: False [2134] columnheader 'Name' required: False [2135] columnheader 'Type' required: False [2136] columnheader 'Attribute Set' required: False [2137] columnheader 'SKU' required: False [2138] columnheader 'Price' required: False [2139] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [2140] columnheader 'Salable Quantity' required: False [2141] columnheader 'Visibility' required: False [2142] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2143] columnheader 'Websites' required: False [2144] columnheader 'Last Updated At' required: False [2145] columnheader 'Action' required: False [3375] row '' [3575] gridcell '' required: False [13523] checkbox '' checked: false [3576] gridcell '1' required: False [3577] gridcell 'Joust Duffle Bag' required: False [14125] img 'Joust Duffle Bag' [3578] gridcell 'Joust Duffle Bag' required: False [3579] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3580] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3581] gridcell '24-MB01' required: False [3582] gridcell '$34.00' required: False [3583] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3584] gridcell 'Default Stock: 97' required: False [6617] ListMarker '• ' [3585] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3586] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3587] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3588] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:48:23 PM' required: False [3589] gridcell 'Edit Joust Duffle Bag' required: False [12923] link 'Edit Joust Duffle Bag' [3376] row '' [3590] gridcell '' required: False [13525] checkbox '' checked: false [3591] gridcell '2' required: False [3592] gridcell 'Strive Shoulder Pack' required: False [14128] img 'Strive Shoulder Pack' [3593] gridcell 'Strive Shoulder Pack' required: False [3594] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3595] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3596] gridcell '24-MB04' required: False [3597] gridcell '$32.00' required: False [3598] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3599] gridcell 'Default Stock: 94' required: False [6621] ListMarker '• ' [3600] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3601] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3602] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3603] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:37 PM' required: False [3604] gridcell 'Edit Strive Shoulder Pack' required: False [12924] link 'Edit Strive Shoulder Pack' [3377] row '' [3605] gridcell '' required: False [13527] checkbox '' checked: false [3606] gridcell '3' required: False [3607] gridcell 'Crown Summit Backpack' required: False [14131] img 'Crown Summit Backpack' [3608] gridcell 'Crown Summit Backpack' required: False [3609] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3610] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3611] gridcell '24-MB03' required: False [3612] gridcell '$38.00' required: False [3613] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3614] gridcell 'Default Stock: 98' required: False [6625] ListMarker '• ' [3615] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3616] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3617] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3618] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:38 PM' required: False [3619] gridcell 'Edit Crown Summit Backpack' required: False [12925] link 'Edit Crown Summit Backpack' [3378] row '' [3620] gridcell '' required: False [13529] checkbox '' checked: false [3621] gridcell '4' required: False [3622] gridcell 'Wayfarer Messenger Bag' required: False [14134] img 'Wayfarer Messenger Bag' [3623] gridcell 'Wayfarer Messenger Bag' required: False [3624] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3625] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3626] gridcell '24-MB05' required: False [3627] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [3628] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3629] gridcell 'Default Stock: 96' required: False [6629] ListMarker '• ' [3630] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3631] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3632] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3633] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:38 PM' required: False [3634] gridcell 'Edit Wayfarer Messenger Bag' required: False [12926] link 'Edit Wayfarer Messenger Bag' [3379] row '' [3635] gridcell '' required: False [13531] checkbox '' checked: false [3636] gridcell '5' required: False [3637] gridcell 'Rival Field Messenger' required: False [14137] img 'Rival Field Messenger' [3638] gridcell 'Rival Field Messenger' required: False [3639] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3640] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3641] gridcell '24-MB06' required: False [3642] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [3643] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3644] gridcell 'Default Stock: 98' required: False [6633] ListMarker '• ' [3645] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3646] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3647] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3648] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:39 PM' required: False [3649] gridcell 'Edit Rival Field Messenger' required: False [12927] link 'Edit Rival Field Messenger' [3380] row '' [3650] gridcell '' required: False [13533] checkbox '' checked: false [3651] gridcell '6' required: False [3652] gridcell 'Fusion Backpack' required: False [14140] img 'Fusion Backpack' [3653] gridcell 'Fusion Backpack' required: False [3654] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3655] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3656] gridcell '24-MB02' required: False [3657] gridcell '$59.00' required: False [3658] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3659] gridcell 'Default Stock: 98' required: False [6637] ListMarker '• ' [3660] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3661] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3662] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3663] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:39 PM' required: False [3664] gridcell 'Edit Fusion Backpack' required: False [12928] link 'Edit Fusion Backpack' [3381] row '' [3665] gridcell '' required: False [13535] checkbox '' checked: false [3666] gridcell '7' required: False [3667] gridcell 'Impulse Duffle' required: False [14143] img 'Impulse Duffle' [3668] gridcell 'Impulse Duffle' required: False [3669] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3670] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3671] gridcell '24-UB02' required: False [3672] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3673] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3674] gridcell 'Default Stock: 95' required: False [6641] ListMarker '• ' [3675] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3676] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3677] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3678] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:39 PM' required: False [3679] gridcell 'Edit Impulse Duffle' required: False [12929] link 'Edit Impulse Duffle' [3382] row '' [3680] gridcell '' required: False [13537] checkbox '' checked: false [3681] gridcell '8' required: False [3682] gridcell 'Voyage Yoga Bag' required: False [14146] img 'Voyage Yoga Bag' [3683] gridcell 'Voyage Yoga Bag' required: False [3684] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3685] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3686] gridcell '24-WB01' required: False [3687] gridcell '$32.00' required: False [3688] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3689] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [6645] ListMarker '• ' [3690] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3691] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3692] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3693] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:39 PM' required: False [3694] gridcell 'Edit Voyage Yoga Bag' required: False [12930] link 'Edit Voyage Yoga Bag' [3383] row '' [3695] gridcell '' required: False [13539] checkbox '' checked: false [3696] gridcell '9' required: False [3697] gridcell 'Compete Track Tote' required: False [14149] img 'Compete Track Tote' [3698] gridcell 'Compete Track Tote' required: False [3699] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3700] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3701] gridcell '24-WB02' required: False [3702] gridcell '$32.00' required: False [3703] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3704] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [6649] ListMarker '• ' [3705] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3706] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3707] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3708] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:40 PM' required: False [3709] gridcell 'Edit Compete Track Tote' required: False [12931] link 'Edit Compete Track Tote' [3384] row '' [3710] gridcell '' required: False [13541] checkbox '' checked: false [3711] gridcell '10' required: False [3712] gridcell 'Savvy Shoulder Tote' required: False [14152] img 'Savvy Shoulder Tote' [3713] gridcell 'Savvy Shoulder Tote' required: False [3714] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3715] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3716] gridcell '24-WB05' required: False [3717] gridcell '$32.00' required: False [3718] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3719] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [6653] ListMarker '• ' [3720] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3721] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3722] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3723] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:40 PM' required: False [3724] gridcell 'Edit Savvy Shoulder Tote' required: False [12932] link 'Edit Savvy Shoulder Tote' [3385] row '' [3725] gridcell '' required: False [13543] checkbox '' checked: false [3726] gridcell '11' required: False [3727] gridcell 'Endeavor Daytrip Backpack' required: False [14155] img 'Endeavor Daytrip Backpack' [3728] gridcell 'Endeavor Daytrip Backpack' required: False [3729] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3730] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3731] gridcell '24-WB06' required: False [3732] gridcell '$33.00' required: False [3733] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3734] gridcell 'Default Stock: 98' required: False [6657] ListMarker '• ' [3735] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3736] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3737] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3738] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:40 PM' required: False [3739] gridcell 'Edit Endeavor Daytrip Backpack' required: False [12933] link 'Edit Endeavor Daytrip Backpack' [3386] row '' [3740] gridcell '' required: False [13545] checkbox '' checked: false [3741] gridcell '12' required: False [3742] gridcell 'Driven Backpack' required: False [14158] img 'Driven Backpack' [3743] gridcell 'Driven Backpack' required: False [3744] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3745] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3746] gridcell '24-WB03' required: False [3747] gridcell '$36.00' required: False [3748] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3749] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [6661] ListMarker '• ' [3750] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3751] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3752] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3753] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:41 PM' required: False [3754] gridcell 'Edit Driven Backpack' required: False [12934] link 'Edit Driven Backpack' [3387] row '' [3755] gridcell '' required: False [13547] checkbox '' checked: false [3756] gridcell '13' required: False [3757] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [14161] img 'Overnight Duffle' [3758] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [3759] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3760] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3761] gridcell '24-WB07' required: False [3762] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [3763] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3764] gridcell 'Default Stock: 93' required: False [6665] ListMarker '• ' [3765] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3766] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3767] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3768] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:41 PM' required: False [3769] gridcell 'Edit Overnight Duffle' required: False [12935] link 'Edit Overnight Duffle' [3388] row '' [3770] gridcell '' required: False [13549] checkbox '' checked: false [3771] gridcell '14' required: False [3772] gridcell 'Push It Messenger Bag' required: False [14164] img 'Push It Messenger Bag' [3773] gridcell 'Push It Messenger Bag' required: False [3774] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3775] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3776] gridcell '24-WB04' required: False [3777] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [3778] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3779] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [6669] ListMarker '• ' [3780] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3781] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3782] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3783] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:41 PM' required: False [3784] gridcell 'Edit Push It Messenger Bag' required: False [12936] link 'Edit Push It Messenger Bag' [3389] row '' [3785] gridcell '' required: False [13551] checkbox '' checked: false [3786] gridcell '15' required: False [3787] gridcell 'Affirm Water Bottle ' required: False [14167] img 'Affirm Water Bottle ' [3788] gridcell 'Affirm Water Bottle ' required: False [3789] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3790] gridcell 'Gear' required: False [3791] gridcell '24-UG06' required: False [3792] gridcell '$7.00' required: False [3793] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3794] gridcell 'Default Stock: 95' required: False [6673] ListMarker '• ' [3795] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3796] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3797] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3798] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:42 PM' required: False [3799] gridcell 'Edit Affirm Water Bottle ' required: False [12937] link 'Edit Affirm Water Bottle ' [3390] row '' [3800] gridcell '' required: False [13553] checkbox '' checked: false [3801] gridcell '16' required: False [3802] gridcell 'Dual Handle Cardio Ball' required: False [14170] img 'Dual Handle Cardio Ball' [3803] gridcell 'Dual Handle Cardio Ball' required: False [3804] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3805] gridcell 'Gear' required: False [3806] gridcell '24-UG07' required: False [3807] gridcell '$12.00' required: False [3808] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3809] gridcell 'Default Stock: 96' required: False [6677] ListMarker '• ' [3810] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3811] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3812] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3813] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:42 PM' required: False [3814] gridcell 'Edit Dual Handle Cardio Ball' required: False [12938] link 'Edit Dual Handle Cardio Ball' [3391] row '' [3815] gridcell '' required: False [13555] checkbox '' checked: false [3816] gridcell '17' required: False [3817] gridcell 'Zing Jump Rope' required: False [14173] img 'Zing Jump Rope' [3818] gridcell 'Zing Jump Rope' required: False [3819] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3820] gridcell 'Gear' required: False [3821] gridcell '24-UG04' required: False [3822] gridcell '$12.00' required: False [3823] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3824] gridcell 'Default Stock: 93' required: False [6681] ListMarker '• ' [3825] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3826] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3827] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3828] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:42 PM' required: False [3829] gridcell 'Edit Zing Jump Rope' required: False [12939] link 'Edit Zing Jump Rope'
What are the key aspects that the customers don't like about Stealth Compression Leggings
The next observation would display a page that lists the search results for `Stealth Compression Leggings`. This page should include any products matching the search term, showing details such as product images, prices, and options for editing or managing these items. The layout would likely still reflect the administrative interface of Magento, enabling the user to easily navigate through the product listings, view relevant attributes, and assess customer feedback or issues related to the leggings, thus addressing the objective of identifying the key aspects that customers dislike about the product.
{ "neg_action0": "click [2392]", "neg_action1": "type [2392] [Compression Leggings reviews] [1]", "neg_action2": "scroll [down]", "neg_action3": "click [201]", "neg_action4": "hover [1280]", "neg_action5": "click [1280]", "neg_action6": null, "neg_action7": null, "neg_action8": null, "neg_action9": null, "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Postmill", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Postmill' focused: True", "\t[9] link 'Jump to main content'", "\t[10] link 'Jump to sidebar'", "\t[17] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t[52] link 'Home'", "\t\t\t[93] StaticText 'Postmill'", "\t[168] link 'Forums'", "\t[169] link 'Wiki'", "\t[100] searchbox 'Search query'", "\t[101] link 'Notifications (0)'", "\t[102] link 'Submit'", "\t[1824] button 'MarvelsGrantMan136' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[12] main ''", "\t\t[200] link 'Submissions'", "\t\t[201] link 'Comments'", "\t\t[1825] button 'Filter on: Subscribed' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t[1826] button 'Sort by: Hot' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t[22] article ''", "\t\t\t[206] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[327] heading 'Advice about cheating in a relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[589] link 'Advice about cheating in a relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[591] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[592] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[594] time 'September 9, 2024 at 11:22:17 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1854] StaticText '23 hours ago'", "\t\t\t\t[595] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[596] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[998] link 'No comments'", "\t\t\t[1000] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1378] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[331] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1827] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[334] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[23] article ''", "\t\t\t[209] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[336] heading 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t\t[605] link 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t[607] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[608] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[610] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:23:13 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1856] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[611] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[612] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1013] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1015] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1388] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[340] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[343] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[24] article ''", "\t\t\t[212] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[345] heading 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[620] link 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[622] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[623] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[625] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:49:09 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[626] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[627] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1027] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1029] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1398] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[349] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1830] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[352] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[25] article ''", "\t\t\t[215] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[354] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '4 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link 'RAThrow_clairbear22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_yir25k'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'October 31, 2022 at 6:32:37 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '8 comments'", "\t\t\t[367] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[370] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[27] article ''", "\t\t\t[221] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[372] heading \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[666] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[668] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[669] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1070] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[673] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[674] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[675] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1075] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[376] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1834] StaticText '1049'", "\t\t\t[379] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[28] article ''", "\t\t\t[224] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[381] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[681] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1835] StaticText '1033'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1836] StaticText '1011'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1837] StaticText '840'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1838] StaticText '588'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[954] link 'inspiredraven' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1355] StaticText 't3_11en8qn'", "\t\t\t\t[958] time 'February 28, 2023 at 6:15:56 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1880] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[959] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[960] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1360] link '10 comments'", "\t\t\t[547] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1853] StaticText '98'", "\t\t\t[550] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[281] link 'More'", "\t[13] complementary ''", "\t\t[88] heading 'Subscribed forums'", "\t\t[282] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t[8] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[50] StaticText 'Running '", "\t\t[51] link 'Postmill'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Postmill", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Postmill' focused: True", "\t[9] link 'Jump to main content'", "\t[10] link 'Jump to sidebar'", "\t[17] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t[52] link 'Home'", "\t\t\t[93] StaticText 'Postmill'", "\t[168] link 'Forums'", "\t[169] link 'Wiki'", "\t[100] searchbox 'Search query'", 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"\t\t\t[334] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[23] article ''", "\t\t\t[209] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[336] heading 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t\t[605] link 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t[607] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[608] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[610] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:23:13 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1856] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[611] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[612] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1013] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1015] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1388] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[340] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[343] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[24] article ''", "\t\t\t[212] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[345] heading 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[620] link 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[622] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[623] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[625] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:49:09 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[626] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[627] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1027] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1029] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1398] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[349] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1830] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[352] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[25] article ''", "\t\t\t[215] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[354] heading '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '4 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"\t\t\t\t\t[681] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1835] StaticText '1049'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1836] StaticText '1033'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1837] StaticText '1011'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1838] StaticText '840'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[954] link 'inspiredraven' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1355] StaticText 't3_11en8qn'", "\t\t\t\t[958] time 'February 28, 2023 at 6:15:56 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1880] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[959] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[960] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1360] link '10 comments'", "\t\t\t[547] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1853] StaticText '98'", "\t\t\t[550] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[281] link 'More'", "\t[13] complementary ''", "\t\t[88] heading 'Subscribed forums'", "\t\t[282] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t[8] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[50] StaticText 'Running '", "\t\t[51] link 'Postmill'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Postmill", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Postmill' focused: True", "\t[9] link 'Jump to main content'", "\t[10] link 'Jump to sidebar'", "\t[17] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t[52] link 'Home'", "\t\t\t[93] StaticText 'Postmill'", "\t[168] link 'Forums'", "\t[169] link 'Wiki'", "\t[100] searchbox 'Search query'", 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"\t\t\t[334] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[23] article ''", "\t\t\t[209] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[336] heading 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t\t[605] link 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t[607] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[608] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[610] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:23:13 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1856] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[611] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[612] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1013] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1015] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1388] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[340] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[343] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[24] article ''", "\t\t\t[212] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[345] heading 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[620] link 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[622] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[623] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[625] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:49:09 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[626] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[627] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1027] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1029] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1398] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[349] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1830] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[352] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[25] article ''", "\t\t\t[215] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[354] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[367] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[370] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[27] article ''", "\t\t\t[221] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[372] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[666] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[668] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[669] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1070] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[673] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[674] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[675] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1075] link '4 comments'", "\t\t\t[376] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[379] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[28] article ''", "\t\t\t[224] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[381] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[681] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'RAThrow_clairbear22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_yir25k'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'October 31, 2022 at 6:32:37 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '8 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1837] StaticText '1049'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1838] StaticText '1033'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 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in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[367] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[370] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[27] article ''", "\t\t\t[221] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[372] heading '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[666] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[668] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[669] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1070] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[673] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[674] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[675] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1075] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[376] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[379] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[28] article ''", "\t\t\t[224] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[381] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[681] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '4 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'RAThrow_clairbear22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_yir25k'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'October 31, 2022 at 6:32:37 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '8 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1838] StaticText '0'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 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"\t\t\t[334] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[23] article ''", "\t\t\t[209] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[336] heading 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t\t[605] link 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t[607] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[608] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[610] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:23:13 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1856] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[611] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[612] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1013] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1015] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1388] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[340] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[343] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[24] article ''", "\t\t\t[212] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[345] heading 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[620] link 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[622] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[623] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[625] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:49:09 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[626] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[627] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1027] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1029] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1398] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[349] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1830] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[352] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[25] article ''", "\t\t\t[215] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[354] heading \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[367] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[370] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[27] article ''", "\t\t\t[221] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[372] heading '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[666] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[668] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[669] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1070] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[673] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[674] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[675] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1075] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[376] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[379] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[28] article ''", "\t\t\t[224] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[381] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[681] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '4 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'RAThrow_clairbear22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_yir25k'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'October 31, 2022 at 6:32:37 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '8 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[954] link 'inspiredraven' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1355] StaticText 't3_11en8qn'", "\t\t\t\t[958] time 'February 28, 2023 at 6:15:56 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1880] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[959] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[960] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1360] link '10 comments'", "\t\t\t[547] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1853] StaticText '98'", "\t\t\t[550] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[281] link 'More'", "\t[13] complementary ''", "\t\t[88] heading 'Subscribed forums'", "\t\t[282] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t[8] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[50] StaticText 'Running '", "\t\t[51] link 'Postmill'" ], "neg_observation6": null, "neg_observation7": null, "neg_observation8": null, "neg_observation9": null }
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I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '4 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"\t\t\t\t\t[681] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1835] StaticText '1049'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1836] StaticText '1033'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1837] StaticText '1011'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1838] StaticText '840'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[954] link 'inspiredraven' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1355] StaticText 't3_11en8qn'", "\t\t\t\t[958] time 'February 28, 2023 at 6:15:56 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1880] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[959] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[960] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1360] link '10 comments'", "\t\t\t[547] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1853] StaticText '98'", "\t\t\t[550] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[281] link 'More'", "\t[13] complementary ''", "\t\t[88] heading 'Subscribed forums'", "\t\t[282] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t[8] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[50] StaticText 'Running '", "\t\t[51] link 'Postmill'" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage displays a forum-like interface titled 'Postmill', highlighting user-generated content and discussions. The focus shifts to recent comments and submissions related to the search query, showcasing articles and discussions about the topic instead of product management links. The primary content now revolves around user contributions, with headings and links that lead to individual discussions rather than product inventory management.
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[ "Tab 0 (current): Postmill", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Postmill' focused: True", "\t[9] link 'Jump to main content'", "\t[10] link 'Jump to sidebar'", "\t[17] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t[52] link 'Home'", "\t\t\t[93] StaticText 'Postmill'", "\t[168] link 'Forums'", "\t[169] link 'Wiki'", "\t[100] searchbox 'Search query'", "\t[101] link 'Notifications (0)'", "\t[102] link 'Submit'", "\t[1824] button 'MarvelsGrantMan136' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[12] main ''", "\t\t[200] link 'Submissions'", "\t\t[201] link 'Comments'", "\t\t[1825] button 'Filter on: Subscribed' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t[1826] button 'Sort by: Hot' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t[22] article ''", "\t\t\t[206] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[327] heading 'Advice about cheating in a relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[589] link 'Advice about cheating in a relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[591] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[592] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[594] time 'September 9, 2024 at 11:22:17 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1854] StaticText '23 hours ago'", "\t\t\t\t[595] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[596] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[998] link 'No comments'", "\t\t\t[1000] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1378] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[331] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1827] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[334] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[23] article ''", "\t\t\t[209] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[336] heading 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t\t[605] link 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t[607] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[608] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[610] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:23:13 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1856] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[611] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[612] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1013] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1015] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1388] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[340] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[343] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[24] article ''", "\t\t\t[212] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[345] heading 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[620] link 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[622] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[623] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[625] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:49:09 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[626] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[627] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1027] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1029] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1398] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[349] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1830] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[352] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[25] article ''", "\t\t\t[215] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[354] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[367] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[370] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[27] article ''", "\t\t\t[221] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[372] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[666] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[668] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[669] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1070] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[673] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[674] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[675] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1075] link '4 comments'", "\t\t\t[376] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[379] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[28] article ''", "\t\t\t[224] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[381] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[681] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'RAThrow_clairbear22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_yir25k'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'October 31, 2022 at 6:32:37 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '8 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1837] StaticText '1049'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1838] StaticText '1033'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[954] link 'inspiredraven' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1355] StaticText 't3_11en8qn'", "\t\t\t\t[958] time 'February 28, 2023 at 6:15:56 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1880] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[959] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[960] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1360] link '10 comments'", "\t\t\t[547] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1853] StaticText '98'", "\t\t\t[550] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[281] link 'More'", "\t[13] complementary ''", "\t\t[88] heading 'Subscribed forums'", "\t\t[282] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t[8] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[50] StaticText 'Running '", "\t\t[51] link 'Postmill'" ]
The next observation would be an expanded view of the 'Postmill' forum, providing additional articles and discussions beyond the initial view. This action reveals more comments and user interactions, enhancing the user's ability to engage with a wider range of opinions and experiences regarding compression leggings. The content becomes denser, illustrating an ongoing conversation among users about the topic.
click [201]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1881] RootWebArea 'Recent comments' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1888] link 'Jump to main content'", "\t[1889] link 'Jump to sidebar'", "\t[1894] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t[1901] link 'Home'", "\t\t\t[1915] StaticText 'Postmill'", "\t[1934] link 'Forums'", "\t[1935] link 'Wiki'", "\t[1922] searchbox 'Search query'", "\t[1923] link 'Notifications (0)'", "\t[1924] link 'Submit'", "\t[1925] button 'MarvelsGrantMan136'", "\t[1891] main ''", "\t\t[1966] link 'Submissions'", "\t\t[1967] link 'Comments'", "\t\t[1899] heading 'Recent comments'", "\t\t[1900] article ''", "\t\t\t[1911] checkbox 'Hide −' checked: true", "\t\t\t[1968] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[1994] heading 'MarvelsGrantMan136 Original poster wrote on September 10, 2024 at 6:59 AM'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2018] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2020] generic 'Original poster'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2042] StaticText 'OP'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2021] StaticText ' wrote '", "\t\t\t\t\t[2022] time 'September 10, 2024 at 6:59:45 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2044] StaticText 'on September 10, 2024 at 6:59 AM'", "\t\t\t\t[2072] StaticText 'Hide −'" ]
The next observation would be a focused view on the 'Recent comments' section of the 'Postmill' forum. This new state highlights detailed user comments and interactions, moving away from a general overview to a more specific dialogue surrounding the topic of compression leggings. The layout emphasizes recent contributions and user engagement, showcasing the dynamics of community discussions.
hover [1280]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Postmill", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Postmill' focused: True", "\t[9] link 'Jump to main content'", "\t[10] link 'Jump to sidebar'", "\t[17] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t[52] link 'Home'", "\t\t\t[93] StaticText 'Postmill'", "\t[168] link 'Forums'", "\t[169] link 'Wiki'", "\t[100] searchbox 'Search query'", "\t[101] link 'Notifications (0)'", "\t[102] link 'Submit'", "\t[1824] button 'MarvelsGrantMan136' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[12] main ''", "\t\t[200] link 'Submissions'", "\t\t[201] link 'Comments'", "\t\t[1825] button 'Filter on: Subscribed' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t[1826] button 'Sort by: Hot' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t[22] article ''", "\t\t\t[206] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[327] heading 'Advice about cheating in a relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[589] link 'Advice about cheating in a relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[591] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[592] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[594] time 'September 9, 2024 at 11:22:17 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1854] StaticText '23 hours ago'", "\t\t\t\t[595] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[596] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[998] link 'No comments'", "\t\t\t[1000] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1378] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[331] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1827] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[334] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[23] article ''", "\t\t\t[209] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[336] heading 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t\t[605] link 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t[607] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[608] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[610] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:23:13 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1856] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[611] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[612] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1013] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1015] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1388] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[340] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[343] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[24] article ''", "\t\t\t[212] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[345] heading 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[620] link 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[622] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[623] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[625] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:49:09 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[626] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[627] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1027] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1029] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1398] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[349] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1830] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[352] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[25] article ''", "\t\t\t[215] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[354] heading \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[367] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[370] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[27] article ''", "\t\t\t[221] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[372] heading '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[666] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[668] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[669] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1070] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[673] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[674] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[675] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1075] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[376] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[379] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[28] article ''", "\t\t\t[224] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[381] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[681] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '4 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'RAThrow_clairbear22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_yir25k'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'October 31, 2022 at 6:32:37 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '8 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1838] StaticText '0'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[954] link 'inspiredraven' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1355] StaticText 't3_11en8qn'", "\t\t\t\t[958] time 'February 28, 2023 at 6:15:56 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1880] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[959] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[960] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1360] link '10 comments'", "\t\t\t[547] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1853] StaticText '98'", "\t\t\t[550] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[281] link 'More'", "\t[13] complementary ''", "\t\t[88] heading 'Subscribed forums'", "\t\t[282] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t[8] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[50] StaticText 'Running '", "\t\t[51] link 'Postmill'" ]
The next observation would be that the 'Postmill' forum interface provides contextual navigation options related to product management features, despite the focus on community discussions. This duality allows users to see both the current forum content and the administrative options available, blending the browsing experience of community engagement with potential administrative tasks related to product management. The interface remains dynamic, offering users navigational flexibility.
Tab 0 (current): Templates / Elements / Content / Magento Admin [15507] RootWebArea 'Templates / Elements / Content / Magento Admin' focused: True [15560] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [15568] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [15512] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [15514] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [15518] link '\ue60b SALES' [15522] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [15526] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [15530] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [15534] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [15538] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [15542] link '\ue60d STORES' [15546] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [15550] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [15586] heading 'Templates' [15587] link '\ue600 admin' [15589] link '\ue607' [15704] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [15557] main '' [15558] contentinfo '' [15648] link '\ue606' [15649] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [15710] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [15651] link 'Privacy Policy' [15652] StaticText ' |' [16247] link ' Account Activity' [16248] StaticText ' | ' [16249] link 'Report an Issue'
type [2392] [Stealth Compression Leggings ] where [2392] is textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False
[ "None", "click [16] where [16] is link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "click [419] where [419] is link 'Products'", "click [1280] where [1280] is menubar '' orientation: horizontal" ]
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[1306] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1310] link '\ue60d STORES' [1314] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1318] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1353] heading 'Products' [1354] link '\ue600 admin' [1356] link '\ue607' [2052] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1325] main '' [2059] generic 'Add Product' [2060] button 'Add Product' [2061] button 'Add product of type' [2210] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2223] button '\ue610 Columns' [2403] button '\ue605Filters' [2392] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2393] button 'Search' [2446] button 'Actions' [2428] StaticText '2040' [2430] StaticText 'records found' [2758] textbox 'per page' required: False [2785] StaticText '200' [2752] button 'per page Select' [2396] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2433] spinbutton 'of 11' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2397] button '\ue62a' [2115] table '' [2118] row '' [2131] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2177] checkbox '' checked: false [2179] button 'Options' [2132] columnheader '↓ ID' required: False [2133] columnheader 'Thumbnail' required: False [2134] columnheader 'Name' required: False [2135] columnheader 'Type' required: False [2136] columnheader 'Attribute Set' required: False [2137] columnheader 'SKU' required: False [2138] columnheader 'Price' required: False [2139] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [2140] columnheader 'Salable Quantity' required: False [2141] columnheader 'Visibility' required: False [2142] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2143] columnheader 'Websites' required: False [2144] columnheader 'Last Updated At' required: False [2145] columnheader 'Action' required: False [3375] row '' [3575] gridcell '' required: False [13523] checkbox '' checked: false [3576] gridcell '1' required: False [3577] gridcell 'Joust Duffle Bag' required: False [14125] img 'Joust Duffle Bag' [3578] gridcell 'Joust Duffle Bag' required: False [3579] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3580] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3581] gridcell '24-MB01' required: False [3582] gridcell '$34.00' required: False [3583] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3584] gridcell 'Default Stock: 97' required: False [6617] ListMarker '• ' [3585] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3586] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3587] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3588] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:48:23 PM' required: False [3589] gridcell 'Edit Joust Duffle Bag' required: False [12923] link 'Edit Joust Duffle Bag' [3376] row '' [3590] gridcell '' required: False [13525] checkbox '' checked: false [3591] gridcell '2' required: False [3592] gridcell 'Strive Shoulder Pack' required: False [14128] img 'Strive Shoulder Pack' [3593] gridcell 'Strive Shoulder Pack' required: False [3594] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3595] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3596] gridcell '24-MB04' required: False [3597] gridcell '$32.00' required: False [3598] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3599] gridcell 'Default Stock: 94' required: False [6621] ListMarker '• ' [3600] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3601] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3602] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3603] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:37 PM' required: False [3604] gridcell 'Edit Strive Shoulder Pack' required: False [12924] link 'Edit Strive Shoulder Pack' [3377] row '' [3605] gridcell '' required: False [13527] checkbox '' checked: false [3606] gridcell '3' required: False [3607] gridcell 'Crown Summit Backpack' required: False [14131] img 'Crown Summit Backpack' [3608] gridcell 'Crown Summit Backpack' required: False [3609] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3610] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3611] gridcell '24-MB03' required: False [3612] gridcell '$38.00' required: False [3613] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3614] gridcell 'Default Stock: 98' required: False [6625] ListMarker '• ' [3615] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3616] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3617] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3618] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:38 PM' required: False [3619] gridcell 'Edit Crown Summit Backpack' required: False [12925] link 'Edit Crown Summit Backpack' [3378] row '' [3620] gridcell '' required: False [13529] checkbox '' checked: false [3621] gridcell '4' required: False [3622] gridcell 'Wayfarer Messenger Bag' required: False [14134] img 'Wayfarer Messenger Bag' [3623] gridcell 'Wayfarer Messenger Bag' required: False [3624] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3625] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3626] gridcell '24-MB05' required: False [3627] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [3628] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3629] gridcell 'Default Stock: 96' required: False [6629] ListMarker '• ' [3630] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3631] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3632] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3633] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:38 PM' required: False [3634] gridcell 'Edit Wayfarer Messenger Bag' required: False [12926] link 'Edit Wayfarer Messenger Bag' [3379] row '' [3635] gridcell '' required: False [13531] checkbox '' checked: false [3636] gridcell '5' required: False [3637] gridcell 'Rival Field Messenger' required: False [14137] img 'Rival Field Messenger' [3638] gridcell 'Rival Field Messenger' required: False [3639] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3640] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3641] gridcell '24-MB06' required: False [3642] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [3643] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3644] gridcell 'Default Stock: 98' required: False [6633] ListMarker '• ' [3645] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3646] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3647] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3648] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:39 PM' required: False [3649] gridcell 'Edit Rival Field Messenger' required: False [12927] link 'Edit Rival Field Messenger' [3380] row '' [3650] gridcell '' required: False [13533] checkbox '' checked: false [3651] gridcell '6' required: False [3652] gridcell 'Fusion Backpack' required: False [14140] img 'Fusion Backpack' [3653] gridcell 'Fusion Backpack' required: False [3654] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3655] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3656] gridcell '24-MB02' required: False [3657] gridcell '$59.00' required: False [3658] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3659] gridcell 'Default Stock: 98' required: False [6637] ListMarker '• ' [3660] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3661] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3662] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3663] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:39 PM' required: False [3664] gridcell 'Edit Fusion Backpack' required: False [12928] link 'Edit Fusion Backpack' [3381] row '' [3665] gridcell '' required: False [13535] checkbox '' checked: false [3666] gridcell '7' required: False [3667] gridcell 'Impulse Duffle' required: False [14143] img 'Impulse Duffle' [3668] gridcell 'Impulse Duffle' required: False [3669] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3670] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3671] gridcell '24-UB02' required: False [3672] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3673] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3674] gridcell 'Default Stock: 95' required: False [6641] ListMarker '• ' [3675] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3676] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3677] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3678] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:39 PM' required: False [3679] gridcell 'Edit Impulse Duffle' required: False [12929] link 'Edit Impulse Duffle' [3382] row '' [3680] gridcell '' required: False [13537] checkbox '' checked: false [3681] gridcell '8' required: False [3682] gridcell 'Voyage Yoga Bag' required: False [14146] img 'Voyage Yoga Bag' [3683] gridcell 'Voyage Yoga Bag' required: False [3684] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3685] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3686] gridcell '24-WB01' required: False [3687] gridcell '$32.00' required: False [3688] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3689] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [6645] ListMarker '• ' [3690] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3691] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3692] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3693] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:39 PM' required: False [3694] gridcell 'Edit Voyage Yoga Bag' required: False [12930] link 'Edit Voyage Yoga Bag' [3383] row '' [3695] gridcell '' required: False [13539] checkbox '' checked: false [3696] gridcell '9' required: False [3697] gridcell 'Compete Track Tote' required: False [14149] img 'Compete Track Tote' [3698] gridcell 'Compete Track Tote' required: False [3699] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3700] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3701] gridcell '24-WB02' required: False [3702] gridcell '$32.00' required: False [3703] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3704] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [6649] ListMarker '• ' [3705] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3706] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3707] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3708] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:40 PM' required: False [3709] gridcell 'Edit Compete Track Tote' required: False [12931] link 'Edit Compete Track Tote' [3384] row '' [3710] gridcell '' required: False [13541] checkbox '' checked: false [3711] gridcell '10' required: False [3712] gridcell 'Savvy Shoulder Tote' required: False [14152] img 'Savvy Shoulder Tote' [3713] gridcell 'Savvy Shoulder Tote' required: False [3714] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3715] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3716] gridcell '24-WB05' required: False [3717] gridcell '$32.00' required: False [3718] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3719] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [6653] ListMarker '• ' [3720] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3721] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3722] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3723] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:40 PM' required: False [3724] gridcell 'Edit Savvy Shoulder Tote' required: False [12932] link 'Edit Savvy Shoulder Tote' [3385] row '' [3725] gridcell '' required: False [13543] checkbox '' checked: false [3726] gridcell '11' required: False [3727] gridcell 'Endeavor Daytrip Backpack' required: False [14155] img 'Endeavor Daytrip Backpack' [3728] gridcell 'Endeavor Daytrip Backpack' required: False [3729] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3730] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3731] gridcell '24-WB06' required: False [3732] gridcell '$33.00' required: False [3733] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3734] gridcell 'Default Stock: 98' required: False [6657] ListMarker '• ' [3735] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3736] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3737] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3738] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:40 PM' required: False [3739] gridcell 'Edit Endeavor Daytrip Backpack' required: False [12933] link 'Edit Endeavor Daytrip Backpack' [3386] row '' [3740] gridcell '' required: False [13545] checkbox '' checked: false [3741] gridcell '12' required: False [3742] gridcell 'Driven Backpack' required: False [14158] img 'Driven Backpack' [3743] gridcell 'Driven Backpack' required: False [3744] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3745] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3746] gridcell '24-WB03' required: False [3747] gridcell '$36.00' required: False [3748] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3749] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [6661] ListMarker '• ' [3750] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3751] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3752] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3753] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:41 PM' required: False [3754] gridcell 'Edit Driven Backpack' required: False [12934] link 'Edit Driven Backpack' [3387] row '' [3755] gridcell '' required: False [13547] checkbox '' checked: false [3756] gridcell '13' required: False [3757] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [14161] img 'Overnight Duffle' [3758] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [3759] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3760] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3761] gridcell '24-WB07' required: False [3762] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [3763] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3764] gridcell 'Default Stock: 93' required: False [6665] ListMarker '• ' [3765] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3766] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3767] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3768] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:41 PM' required: False [3769] gridcell 'Edit Overnight Duffle' required: False [12935] link 'Edit Overnight Duffle' [3388] row '' [3770] gridcell '' required: False [13549] checkbox '' checked: false [3771] gridcell '14' required: False [3772] gridcell 'Push It Messenger Bag' required: False [14164] img 'Push It Messenger Bag' [3773] gridcell 'Push It Messenger Bag' required: False [3774] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3775] gridcell 'Bag' required: False [3776] gridcell '24-WB04' required: False [3777] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [3778] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3779] gridcell 'Default Stock: 100' required: False [6669] ListMarker '• ' [3780] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3781] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3782] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3783] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:41 PM' required: False [3784] gridcell 'Edit Push It Messenger Bag' required: False [12936] link 'Edit Push It Messenger Bag' [3389] row '' [3785] gridcell '' required: False [13551] checkbox '' checked: false [3786] gridcell '15' required: False [3787] gridcell 'Affirm Water Bottle ' required: False [14167] img 'Affirm Water Bottle ' [3788] gridcell 'Affirm Water Bottle ' required: False [3789] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3790] gridcell 'Gear' required: False [3791] gridcell '24-UG06' required: False [3792] gridcell '$7.00' required: False [3793] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3794] gridcell 'Default Stock: 95' required: False [6673] ListMarker '• ' [3795] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3796] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3797] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3798] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:42 PM' required: False [3799] gridcell 'Edit Affirm Water Bottle ' required: False [12937] link 'Edit Affirm Water Bottle ' [3390] row '' [3800] gridcell '' required: False [13553] checkbox '' checked: false [3801] gridcell '16' required: False [3802] gridcell 'Dual Handle Cardio Ball' required: False [14170] img 'Dual Handle Cardio Ball' [3803] gridcell 'Dual Handle Cardio Ball' required: False [3804] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3805] gridcell 'Gear' required: False [3806] gridcell '24-UG07' required: False [3807] gridcell '$12.00' required: False [3808] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3809] gridcell 'Default Stock: 96' required: False [6677] ListMarker '• ' [3810] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3811] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3812] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3813] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:42 PM' required: False [3814] gridcell 'Edit Dual Handle Cardio Ball' required: False [12938] link 'Edit Dual Handle Cardio Ball' [3391] row '' [3815] gridcell '' required: False [13555] checkbox '' checked: false [3816] gridcell '17' required: False [3817] gridcell 'Zing Jump Rope' required: False [14173] img 'Zing Jump Rope' [3818] gridcell 'Zing Jump Rope' required: False [3819] gridcell 'Simple Product' required: False [3820] gridcell 'Gear' required: False [3821] gridcell '24-UG04' required: False [3822] gridcell '$12.00' required: False [3823] gridcell '100.0000' required: False [3824] gridcell 'Default Stock: 93' required: False [6681] ListMarker '• ' [3825] gridcell 'Catalog, Search' required: False [3826] gridcell 'Enabled' required: False [3827] gridcell 'Main Website' required: False [3828] gridcell 'Apr 19, 2023 12:12:42 PM' required: False [3829] gridcell 'Edit Zing Jump Rope' required: False [12939] link 'Edit Zing Jump Rope'
What are the key aspects that the customers don't like about Stealth Compression Leggings
The next observation would display a page that lists the search results for `Stealth Compression Leggings`. This page should include any products matching the search term, showing details such as product images, prices, and options for editing or managing these items. The layout would likely still reflect the administrative interface of Magento, enabling the user to easily navigate through the product listings, view relevant attributes, and assess customer feedback or issues related to the leggings, thus addressing the objective of identifying the key aspects that customers dislike about the product.
{ "neg_action0": "click [2392]", "neg_action1": "type [2392] [Compression Leggings reviews] [1]", "neg_action2": "scroll [down]", "neg_action3": "click [201]", "neg_action4": "hover [1280]", "neg_action5": "click [1280]", "neg_action6": null, "neg_action7": null, "neg_action8": null, "neg_action9": null, "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Postmill", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Postmill' focused: True", "\t[9] link 'Jump to main content'", "\t[10] link 'Jump to sidebar'", "\t[17] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t[52] link 'Home'", "\t\t\t[93] StaticText 'Postmill'", "\t[168] link 'Forums'", "\t[169] link 'Wiki'", "\t[100] searchbox 'Search query'", "\t[101] link 'Notifications (0)'", "\t[102] link 'Submit'", "\t[1824] button 'MarvelsGrantMan136' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[12] main ''", "\t\t[200] link 'Submissions'", "\t\t[201] link 'Comments'", "\t\t[1825] button 'Filter on: Subscribed' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t[1826] button 'Sort by: Hot' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t[22] article ''", "\t\t\t[206] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[327] heading 'Advice about cheating in a relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[589] link 'Advice about cheating in a relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[591] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[592] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[594] time 'September 9, 2024 at 11:22:17 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1854] StaticText '23 hours ago'", "\t\t\t\t[595] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[596] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[998] link 'No comments'", "\t\t\t[1000] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1378] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[331] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1827] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[334] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[23] article ''", "\t\t\t[209] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[336] heading 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t\t[605] link 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t[607] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[608] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[610] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:23:13 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1856] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[611] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[612] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1013] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1015] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1388] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[340] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[343] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[24] article ''", "\t\t\t[212] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[345] heading 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[620] link 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[622] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[623] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[625] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:49:09 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[626] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[627] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1027] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1029] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1398] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[349] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1830] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[352] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[25] article ''", "\t\t\t[215] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[354] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '4 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link 'RAThrow_clairbear22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_yir25k'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'October 31, 2022 at 6:32:37 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '8 comments'", "\t\t\t[367] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[370] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[27] article ''", "\t\t\t[221] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[372] heading \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[666] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[668] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[669] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1070] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[673] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[674] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[675] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1075] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[376] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1834] StaticText '1049'", "\t\t\t[379] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[28] article ''", "\t\t\t[224] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[381] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[681] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1835] StaticText '1033'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1836] StaticText '1011'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1837] StaticText '840'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1838] StaticText '588'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 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"\t\t\t[334] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[23] article ''", "\t\t\t[209] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[336] heading 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t\t[605] link 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t[607] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[608] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[610] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:23:13 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1856] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[611] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[612] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1013] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1015] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1388] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[340] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[343] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[24] article ''", "\t\t\t[212] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[345] heading 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[620] link 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[622] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[623] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[625] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:49:09 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[626] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[627] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1027] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1029] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1398] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[349] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1830] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[352] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[25] article ''", "\t\t\t[215] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[354] heading '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '4 comments'", "\t\t\t[367] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[370] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[27] article ''", "\t\t\t[221] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[372] heading \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[666] link \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t[668] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[669] link 'RAThrow_clairbear22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1070] StaticText 't3_yir25k'", "\t\t\t\t[673] time 'October 31, 2022 at 6:32:37 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[674] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[675] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1075] link '8 comments'", "\t\t\t[376] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[379] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[28] article ''", "\t\t\t[224] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[381] heading \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[681] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1835] StaticText '1049'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1836] StaticText '1033'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1837] StaticText '1011'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1838] StaticText '840'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 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"\t\t\t[334] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[23] article ''", "\t\t\t[209] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[336] heading 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t\t[605] link 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t[607] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[608] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[610] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:23:13 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1856] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[611] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[612] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1013] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1015] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1388] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[340] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[343] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[24] article ''", "\t\t\t[212] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[345] heading 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[620] link 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[622] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[623] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[625] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:49:09 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[626] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[627] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1027] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1029] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1398] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[349] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1830] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[352] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[25] article ''", "\t\t\t[215] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[354] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[367] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[370] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[27] article ''", "\t\t\t[221] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[372] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[666] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[668] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[669] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1070] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[673] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[674] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[675] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1075] link '4 comments'", "\t\t\t[376] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[379] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[28] article ''", "\t\t\t[224] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[381] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[681] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'RAThrow_clairbear22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_yir25k'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'October 31, 2022 at 6:32:37 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '8 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1837] StaticText '1049'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1838] StaticText '1033'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 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'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[623] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[625] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:49:09 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[626] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[627] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1027] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1029] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1398] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[349] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1830] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[352] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[25] article ''", "\t\t\t[215] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[354] heading \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[367] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[370] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[27] article ''", "\t\t\t[221] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[372] heading '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[666] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[668] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[669] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1070] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[673] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[674] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[675] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1075] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[376] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[379] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[28] article ''", "\t\t\t[224] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[381] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[681] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '4 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'RAThrow_clairbear22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_yir25k'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'October 31, 2022 at 6:32:37 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '8 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1838] StaticText '0'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 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"\t\t\t[334] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[23] article ''", "\t\t\t[209] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[336] heading 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t\t[605] link 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t[607] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[608] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[610] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:23:13 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1856] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[611] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[612] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1013] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1015] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1388] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[340] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[343] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[24] article ''", "\t\t\t[212] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[345] heading 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[620] link 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[622] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[623] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[625] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:49:09 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[626] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[627] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1027] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1029] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1398] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[349] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1830] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[352] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[25] article ''", "\t\t\t[215] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[354] heading \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[367] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[370] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[27] article ''", "\t\t\t[221] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[372] heading '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[666] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[668] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[669] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1070] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[673] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[674] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[675] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1075] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[376] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[379] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[28] article ''", "\t\t\t[224] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[381] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[681] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '4 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'RAThrow_clairbear22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_yir25k'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'October 31, 2022 at 6:32:37 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '8 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[954] link 'inspiredraven' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1355] StaticText 't3_11en8qn'", "\t\t\t\t[958] time 'February 28, 2023 at 6:15:56 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1880] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[959] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[960] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1360] link '10 comments'", "\t\t\t[547] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1853] StaticText '98'", "\t\t\t[550] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[281] link 'More'", "\t[13] complementary ''", "\t\t[88] heading 'Subscribed forums'", "\t\t[282] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t[8] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[50] StaticText 'Running '", "\t\t[51] link 'Postmill'" ], "neg_observation6": null, "neg_observation7": null, "neg_observation8": null, "neg_observation9": null }
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I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '4 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"\t\t\t\t\t[681] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1835] StaticText '1049'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", 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"\t\t\t\t[408] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1838] StaticText '840'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", 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'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[954] link 'inspiredraven' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1355] StaticText 't3_11en8qn'", "\t\t\t\t[958] time 'February 28, 2023 at 6:15:56 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1880] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[959] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[960] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1360] link '10 comments'", "\t\t\t[547] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1853] StaticText '98'", "\t\t\t[550] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[281] link 'More'", "\t[13] complementary ''", "\t\t[88] heading 'Subscribed forums'", "\t\t[282] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t[8] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[50] StaticText 'Running '", "\t\t[51] link 'Postmill'" ]
The next observation would be that the user has transitioned from the Magento Admin interface to a community forum called "Postmill." Here, the focus has shifted from managing products to engaging with discussions, particularly around personal relationship advice and experiences. The user now finds themselves in an environment filled with articles and comments rather than product listings, indicating a complete departure from the e-commerce context. The new environment suggests the user is seeking out community insights rather than administrative tasks. --- **The next observation would be...**
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[ "Tab 0 (current): Postmill", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Postmill' focused: True", "\t[9] link 'Jump to main content'", "\t[10] link 'Jump to sidebar'", "\t[17] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t[52] link 'Home'", "\t\t\t[93] StaticText 'Postmill'", "\t[168] link 'Forums'", "\t[169] link 'Wiki'", "\t[100] searchbox 'Search query'", "\t[101] link 'Notifications (0)'", "\t[102] link 'Submit'", "\t[1824] button 'MarvelsGrantMan136' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[12] main ''", "\t\t[200] link 'Submissions'", "\t\t[201] link 'Comments'", "\t\t[1825] button 'Filter on: Subscribed' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t[1826] button 'Sort by: Hot' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t[22] article ''", "\t\t\t[206] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[327] heading 'Advice about cheating in a relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[589] link 'Advice about cheating in a relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[591] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[592] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[594] time 'September 9, 2024 at 11:22:17 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1854] StaticText '23 hours ago'", "\t\t\t\t[595] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[596] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[998] link 'No comments'", "\t\t\t[1000] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1378] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[331] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1827] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[334] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[23] article ''", "\t\t\t[209] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[336] heading 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t\t[605] link 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t[607] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[608] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[610] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:23:13 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1856] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[611] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[612] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1013] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1015] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1388] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[340] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[343] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[24] article ''", "\t\t\t[212] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[345] heading 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[620] link 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[622] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[623] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[625] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:49:09 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[626] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[627] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1027] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1029] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1398] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[349] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1830] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[352] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[25] article ''", "\t\t\t[215] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[354] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[367] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[370] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[27] article ''", "\t\t\t[221] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[372] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[666] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[668] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[669] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1070] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[673] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[674] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[675] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1075] link '4 comments'", "\t\t\t[376] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[379] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[28] article ''", "\t\t\t[224] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[381] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[681] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'RAThrow_clairbear22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_yir25k'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'October 31, 2022 at 6:32:37 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '8 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1837] StaticText '1049'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1838] StaticText '1033'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[954] link 'inspiredraven' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1355] StaticText 't3_11en8qn'", "\t\t\t\t[958] time 'February 28, 2023 at 6:15:56 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1880] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[959] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[960] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1360] link '10 comments'", "\t\t\t[547] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1853] StaticText '98'", "\t\t\t[550] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[281] link 'More'", "\t[13] complementary ''", "\t\t[88] heading 'Subscribed forums'", "\t\t[282] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t[8] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[50] StaticText 'Running '", "\t\t[51] link 'Postmill'" ]
The next observation would be that the user continues to engage with the community forum "Postmill," delving deeper into the discussions available. This action suggests that the user is interested in exploring more content, potentially looking for additional opinions or advice related to their previous search for "Compression Leggings reviews." The user is now fully immersed in the community-driven environment, moving away from the structured product management of the Magento Admin. --- **The next observation would be...**
click [201]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1881] RootWebArea 'Recent comments' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1888] link 'Jump to main content'", "\t[1889] link 'Jump to sidebar'", "\t[1894] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t[1901] link 'Home'", "\t\t\t[1915] StaticText 'Postmill'", "\t[1934] link 'Forums'", "\t[1935] link 'Wiki'", "\t[1922] searchbox 'Search query'", "\t[1923] link 'Notifications (0)'", "\t[1924] link 'Submit'", "\t[1925] button 'MarvelsGrantMan136'", "\t[1891] main ''", "\t\t[1966] link 'Submissions'", "\t\t[1967] link 'Comments'", "\t\t[1899] heading 'Recent comments'", "\t\t[1900] article ''", "\t\t\t[1911] checkbox 'Hide −' checked: true", "\t\t\t[1968] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[1994] heading 'MarvelsGrantMan136 Original poster wrote on September 10, 2024 at 6:59 AM'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2018] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2020] generic 'Original poster'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2042] StaticText 'OP'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2021] StaticText ' wrote '", "\t\t\t\t\t[2022] time 'September 10, 2024 at 6:59:45 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2044] StaticText 'on September 10, 2024 at 6:59 AM'", "\t\t\t\t[2072] StaticText 'Hide −'" ]
The next observation would be that the user has accessed the "Recent comments" section within the "Postmill" forum. This action illustrates a deeper engagement with community interactions, moving away from the product-centric focus of Magento Admin. The user is now viewing discussions, comments, and feedback, indicative of a shift towards seeking out personal insights and community experiences rather than managing product information. --- **The next observation would be...**
hover [1280]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Postmill", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Postmill' focused: True", "\t[9] link 'Jump to main content'", "\t[10] link 'Jump to sidebar'", "\t[17] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t[52] link 'Home'", "\t\t\t[93] StaticText 'Postmill'", "\t[168] link 'Forums'", "\t[169] link 'Wiki'", "\t[100] searchbox 'Search query'", "\t[101] link 'Notifications (0)'", "\t[102] link 'Submit'", "\t[1824] button 'MarvelsGrantMan136' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[12] main ''", "\t\t[200] link 'Submissions'", "\t\t[201] link 'Comments'", "\t\t[1825] button 'Filter on: Subscribed' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t[1826] button 'Sort by: Hot' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t[22] article ''", "\t\t\t[206] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[327] heading 'Advice about cheating in a relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[589] link 'Advice about cheating in a relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[591] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[592] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[594] time 'September 9, 2024 at 11:22:17 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1854] StaticText '23 hours ago'", "\t\t\t\t[595] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[596] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[998] link 'No comments'", "\t\t\t[1000] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1378] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[331] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1827] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[334] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[23] article ''", "\t\t\t[209] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[336] heading 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t\t[605] link 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t[607] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[608] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[610] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:23:13 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1856] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[611] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[612] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1013] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1015] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1388] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[340] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[343] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[24] article ''", "\t\t\t[212] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[345] heading 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[620] link 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[622] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[623] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[625] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:49:09 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[626] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[627] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1027] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1029] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1398] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[349] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1830] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[352] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[25] article ''", "\t\t\t[215] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[354] heading \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[367] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[370] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[27] article ''", "\t\t\t[221] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[372] heading '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[666] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[668] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[669] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1070] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[673] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[674] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[675] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1075] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[376] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[379] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[28] article ''", "\t\t\t[224] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[381] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[681] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '4 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'RAThrow_clairbear22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_yir25k'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'October 31, 2022 at 6:32:37 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '8 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1838] StaticText '0'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[954] link 'inspiredraven' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1355] StaticText 't3_11en8qn'", "\t\t\t\t[958] time 'February 28, 2023 at 6:15:56 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1880] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[959] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[960] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1360] link '10 comments'", "\t\t\t[547] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1853] StaticText '98'", "\t\t\t[550] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[281] link 'More'", "\t[13] complementary ''", "\t\t[88] heading 'Subscribed forums'", "\t\t[282] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t[8] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[50] StaticText 'Running '", "\t\t[51] link 'Postmill'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is actively engaging with the interactive elements of the "Postmill" forum interface. This action reflects a curiosity about the available options or features related to the forum discussions. The user remains immersed in the community environment, further indicating an ongoing exploration of the dynamics and content available within the forum rather than reverting back to the product management tasks of the Magento Admin.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [54] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [63] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [83] heading 'Dashboard' [84] link '\ue600 admin' [86] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [89] StaticText 'Scope:' [153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [156] link '\ue633 What is this?' [291] button 'Reload Data' [292] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [351] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [443] link 'here' [660] StaticText 'Revenue' [531] StaticText '$0.00' [661] StaticText 'Tax' [662] StaticText 'Shipping' [663] StaticText 'Quantity' [545] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [453] StaticText '$0.00' [455] StaticText 'Average Order' [460] StaticText 'Last Orders' [461] table '' [672] row '' [776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [777] columnheader 'Items' required: False [778] columnheader 'Total' required: False [673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [780] gridcell '5' required: False [781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [783] gridcell '4' required: False [784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [786] gridcell '3' required: False [787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [789] gridcell '4' required: False [790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [792] gridcell '2' required: False [793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [463] table '' [678] row '' [794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [795] columnheader 'Results' required: False [796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [798] gridcell '23' required: False [799] gridcell '1' required: False [680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [800] gridcell 'nike' required: False [801] gridcell '0' required: False [802] gridcell '3' required: False [681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [804] gridcell '10' required: False [805] gridcell '4' required: False [682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [807] gridcell '1' required: False [808] gridcell '19' required: False [683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [810] gridcell '23' required: False [811] gridcell '2' required: False [464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [465] table '' [684] row '' [812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [813] columnheader 'Results' required: False [814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [816] gridcell '1' required: False [817] gridcell '19' required: False [686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [819] gridcell '10' required: False [820] gridcell '4' required: False [687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [822] gridcell '23' required: False [823] gridcell '2' required: False [688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [825] gridcell '23' required: False [826] gridcell '1' required: False [689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [828] gridcell '1' required: False [829] gridcell '1' required: False [52] contentinfo '' [160] link '\ue606' [161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [163] link 'Privacy Policy' [164] StaticText ' |' [165] link ' Account Activity' [166] StaticText ' | ' [167] link 'Report an Issue'
scroll [down]
[ "None", "scroll [down]", "scroll [down]" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [54] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [63] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [83] heading 'Dashboard' [84] link '\ue600 admin' [86] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [89] StaticText 'Scope:' [153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [156] link '\ue633 What is this?' [291] button 'Reload Data' [292] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [351] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [443] link 'here' [660] StaticText 'Revenue' [531] StaticText '$0.00' [661] StaticText 'Tax' [662] StaticText 'Shipping' [663] StaticText 'Quantity' [545] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [453] StaticText '$0.00' [455] StaticText 'Average Order' [460] StaticText 'Last Orders' [461] table '' [672] row '' [776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [777] columnheader 'Items' required: False [778] columnheader 'Total' required: False [673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [780] gridcell '5' required: False [781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [783] gridcell '4' required: False [784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [786] gridcell '3' required: False [787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [789] gridcell '4' required: False [790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [792] gridcell '2' required: False [793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [463] table '' [678] row '' [794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [795] columnheader 'Results' required: False [796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [798] gridcell '23' required: False [799] gridcell '1' required: False [680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [800] gridcell 'nike' required: False [801] gridcell '0' required: False [802] gridcell '3' required: False [681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [804] gridcell '10' required: False [805] gridcell '4' required: False [682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [807] gridcell '1' required: False [808] gridcell '19' required: False [683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [810] gridcell '23' required: False [811] gridcell '2' required: False [464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [465] table '' [684] row '' [812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [813] columnheader 'Results' required: False [814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [816] gridcell '1' required: False [817] gridcell '19' required: False [686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [819] gridcell '10' required: False [820] gridcell '4' required: False [687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [822] gridcell '23' required: False [823] gridcell '2' required: False [688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [825] gridcell '23' required: False [826] gridcell '1' required: False [689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [828] gridcell '1' required: False [829] gridcell '1' required: False [52] contentinfo '' [160] link '\ue606' [161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [163] link 'Privacy Policy' [164] StaticText ' |' [165] link ' Account Activity' [166] StaticText ' | ' [167] link 'Report an Issue'
List the top 10 search terms in my store
The next observation would continue to display the `Dashboard / Magento Admin` page, revealing more information related to the store's search activities. This includes sections for `Last Search Terms` and `Top Search Terms`, where the user can view various search queries made by customers. The layout remains the same, with the possibility of accessing additional data on search terms, which aligns with the user's objective to list the top 10 search terms in the store. The scrolling action may have opened up more insights into customer behavior, particularly around frequently searched items.
{ "neg_action0": "click [462]", "neg_action1": "hover [463]", "neg_action2": "scroll [up]", "neg_action3": "tab_focus [0]", "neg_action4": null, "neg_action5": "type [164] [Top Search Terms] [0]", "neg_action6": "click [504]", "neg_action7": "click [465]", "neg_action8": null, "neg_action9": "new_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[319] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[271] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[327] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[328] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[274] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[413] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[414] link 'here'", "\t\t[619] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[496] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[620] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[621] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[622] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[421] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[424] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[426] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[942] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[943] table ''", "\t\t\t[954] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[972] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[973] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[978] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[979] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[982] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[996] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[946] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[947] table ''", "\t\t\t[966] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1008] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[967] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[968] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1014] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1015] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1016] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[969] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1017] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1018] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1019] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[970] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1020] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1021] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1022] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[971] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1023] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1024] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1025] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[913] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[918] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[919] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[929] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[921] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[922] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[923] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[924] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[925] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[911] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[913] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[918] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[919] table ''", "\t\t\t[939] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[962] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[964] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[921] table ''", "\t\t\t[945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[979] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[982] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[923] table ''", "\t\t\t[951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[870] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[875] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[878] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[879] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[880] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[881] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[882] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation4": null, "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[44] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[45] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[642] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[670] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[671] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[673] link '\\ue607'", "\t[783] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[649] main ''", "\t\t[676] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[707] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[710] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[769] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[770] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[791] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[792] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[772] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[813] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[814] link 'here'", "\t\t[868] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[841] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[869] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[870] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[871] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[821] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[824] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[826] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[831] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[832] table ''", "\t\t\t[880] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[904] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[905] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[906] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[881] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[907] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[908] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[882] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[910] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[883] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[884] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[928] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[891] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[835] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[836] table ''", "\t\t\t[892] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[940] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[941] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[944] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[946] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[749] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[717] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[718] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[719] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[720] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[721] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[28] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[29] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[143] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[139] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[135] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[131] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[127] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[175] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[176] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[178] link '\\ue607'", "\t[384] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[150] main ''", "\t\t[181] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[231] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[234] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[341] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[342] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[392] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[393] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[344] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[469] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[470] link 'here'", "\t\t[669] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[549] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[670] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[671] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[672] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[690] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[691] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[692] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[491] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[492] table ''", "\t\t\t[693] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[694] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[695] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[696] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[300] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[241] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[242] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[243] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[244] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[245] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1272] RootWebArea 'Antonia Racer Tank / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation8": null, "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0: Dashboard / Magento Admin | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ] }
[ "click [462]", "hover [463]", "scroll [up]", "tab_focus [0]", "press [Ctrl+f]", "type [164] [Top Search Terms] [0]", "click [504]", "click [465]", "scroll [up]", "new_tab" ]
hover [463]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
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[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[911] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[913] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[918] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[919] table ''", "\t\t\t[939] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[962] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[964] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[921] table ''", "\t\t\t[945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[979] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[982] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[923] table ''", "\t\t\t[951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[870] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[875] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[878] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[879] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[880] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[881] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[882] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [54] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [63] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [83] heading 'Dashboard' [84] link '\ue600 admin' [86] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [89] StaticText 'Scope:' [153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [156] link '\ue633 What is this?' [291] button 'Reload Data' [292] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [351] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [443] link 'here' [660] StaticText 'Revenue' [531] StaticText '$0.00' [661] StaticText 'Tax' [662] StaticText 'Shipping' [663] StaticText 'Quantity' [545] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [453] StaticText '$0.00' [455] StaticText 'Average Order' [460] StaticText 'Last Orders' [461] table '' [672] row '' [776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [777] columnheader 'Items' required: False [778] columnheader 'Total' required: False [673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [780] gridcell '5' required: False [781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [783] gridcell '4' required: False [784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [786] gridcell '3' required: False [787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [789] gridcell '4' required: False [790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [792] gridcell '2' required: False [793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [463] table '' [678] row '' [794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [795] columnheader 'Results' required: False [796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [798] gridcell '23' required: False [799] gridcell '1' required: False [680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [800] gridcell 'nike' required: False [801] gridcell '0' required: False [802] gridcell '3' required: False [681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [804] gridcell '10' required: False [805] gridcell '4' required: False [682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [807] gridcell '1' required: False [808] gridcell '19' required: False [683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [810] gridcell '23' required: False [811] gridcell '2' required: False [464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [465] table '' [684] row '' [812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [813] columnheader 'Results' required: False [814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [816] gridcell '1' required: False [817] gridcell '19' required: False [686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [819] gridcell '10' required: False [820] gridcell '4' required: False [687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [822] gridcell '23' required: False [823] gridcell '2' required: False [688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [825] gridcell '23' required: False [826] gridcell '1' required: False [689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [828] gridcell '1' required: False [829] gridcell '1' required: False [52] contentinfo '' [160] link '\ue606' [161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [163] link 'Privacy Policy' [164] StaticText ' |' [165] link ' Account Activity' [166] StaticText ' | ' [167] link 'Report an Issue'
scroll [down]
[ "None", "scroll [down]", "scroll [down]" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [54] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [63] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [83] heading 'Dashboard' [84] link '\ue600 admin' [86] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [89] StaticText 'Scope:' [153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [156] link '\ue633 What is this?' [291] button 'Reload Data' [292] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [351] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [443] link 'here' [660] StaticText 'Revenue' [531] StaticText '$0.00' [661] StaticText 'Tax' [662] StaticText 'Shipping' [663] StaticText 'Quantity' [545] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [453] StaticText '$0.00' [455] StaticText 'Average Order' [460] StaticText 'Last Orders' [461] table '' [672] row '' [776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [777] columnheader 'Items' required: False [778] columnheader 'Total' required: False [673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [780] gridcell '5' required: False [781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [783] gridcell '4' required: False [784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [786] gridcell '3' required: False [787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [789] gridcell '4' required: False [790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [792] gridcell '2' required: False [793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [463] table '' [678] row '' [794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [795] columnheader 'Results' required: False [796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [798] gridcell '23' required: False [799] gridcell '1' required: False [680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [800] gridcell 'nike' required: False [801] gridcell '0' required: False [802] gridcell '3' required: False [681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [804] gridcell '10' required: False [805] gridcell '4' required: False [682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [807] gridcell '1' required: False [808] gridcell '19' required: False [683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [810] gridcell '23' required: False [811] gridcell '2' required: False [464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [465] table '' [684] row '' [812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [813] columnheader 'Results' required: False [814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [816] gridcell '1' required: False [817] gridcell '19' required: False [686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [819] gridcell '10' required: False [820] gridcell '4' required: False [687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [822] gridcell '23' required: False [823] gridcell '2' required: False [688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [825] gridcell '23' required: False [826] gridcell '1' required: False [689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [828] gridcell '1' required: False [829] gridcell '1' required: False [52] contentinfo '' [160] link '\ue606' [161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [163] link 'Privacy Policy' [164] StaticText ' |' [165] link ' Account Activity' [166] StaticText ' | ' [167] link 'Report an Issue'
List the top 10 search terms in my store
The next observation would continue to display the `Dashboard / Magento Admin` page, revealing more information related to the store's search activities. This includes sections for `Last Search Terms` and `Top Search Terms`, where the user can view various search queries made by customers. The layout remains the same, with the possibility of accessing additional data on search terms, which aligns with the user's objective to list the top 10 search terms in the store. The scrolling action may have opened up more insights into customer behavior, particularly around frequently searched items.
{ "neg_action0": "click [462]", "neg_action1": "hover [463]", "neg_action2": "scroll [up]", "neg_action3": "tab_focus [0]", "neg_action4": null, "neg_action5": "type [164] [Top Search Terms] [0]", "neg_action6": "click [504]", "neg_action7": "click [465]", "neg_action8": null, "neg_action9": "new_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[319] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[271] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[327] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[328] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[274] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[413] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[414] link 'here'", "\t\t[619] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[496] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[620] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[621] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[622] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[421] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[424] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[426] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[942] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[943] table ''", "\t\t\t[954] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[972] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[973] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[978] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[979] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[982] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[944] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[945] table ''", "\t\t\t[960] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[990] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[961] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[996] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[946] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[947] table ''", "\t\t\t[966] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1008] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[967] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[968] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1014] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1015] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1016] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[969] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1017] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1018] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1019] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[970] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1020] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1021] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1022] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[971] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1023] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1024] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1025] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[913] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[918] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[919] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[929] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[921] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[922] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[923] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[924] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[925] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[923] table ''", "\t\t\t[951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[878] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[879] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[880] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[881] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[882] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation4": null, "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[44] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[45] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[642] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[670] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[671] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[673] link '\\ue607'", "\t[783] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[649] main ''", "\t\t[676] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[707] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[710] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[769] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[770] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[791] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[792] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[772] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[813] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[814] link 'here'", "\t\t[868] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[841] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[869] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[870] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[871] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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False", "\t\t\t\t[906] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[881] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[907] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[908] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[882] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[910] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[883] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[884] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[928] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[891] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[835] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[836] table ''", "\t\t\t[892] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[940] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[941] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[944] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[946] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[749] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[717] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[718] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[719] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[720] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[721] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[28] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[29] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[143] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[139] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[135] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[131] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[127] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[175] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[176] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[178] link '\\ue607'", "\t[384] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[150] main ''", "\t\t[181] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[231] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[234] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[341] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[342] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[392] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[393] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[344] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[469] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[470] link 'here'", "\t\t[669] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[549] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[670] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[671] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[672] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[300] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[241] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[242] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[243] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[244] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[245] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1272] RootWebArea 'Antonia Racer Tank / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation8": null, "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0: Dashboard / Magento Admin | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ] }
[ "click [462]", "hover [463]", "scroll [up]", "tab_focus [0]", "press [Ctrl+f]", "type [164] [Top Search Terms] [0]", "click [504]", "click [465]", "scroll [up]", "new_tab" ]
hover [463]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
**: The next observation would be that the user may encounter an unexpected tooltip or information bubble that fails to provide clear context regarding the search terms. The inability to interact with the table effectively could lead to frustration, as the hover action intended to enhance usability instead results in an unclear or misleading representation of the data. This could highlight issues with the accessibility features or the responsiveness of the interactive elements on the webpage.
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
**: The next observation would be that certain elements previously visible may now be obscured or require additional scrolling to access. The user might find that vital information or controls have shifted unexpectedly, leading to confusion and a hindered navigation experience. This change indicates a potential issue with the page layout or the scroll functionality that disrupts the flow of information retrieval.
tab_focus [0]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[597] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[911] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[913] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[918] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[919] table ''", "\t\t\t[939] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[962] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[964] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[921] table ''", "\t\t\t[945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[979] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[982] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[923] table ''", "\t\t\t[951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[870] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[875] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[878] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[879] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[880] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[881] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[882] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
**: The next observation would be that users may notice discrepancies in the visibility or functionality of the tab contents, leading to uncertainty about what data is currently being displayed. The focus may not correctly highlight the intended tab, resulting in a chaotic user experience where critical information appears inaccessible or incorrectly presented. This could signify underlying problems in the tabbing structure or focus management on the webpage.
**: The next observation would be a continuation of the existing state without any new interactions impacting the webpage. Users may remain within the same static content without any enhancements or alterations, possibly leading to a lack of engagement or insights. This stagnation may result in a missed opportunity for dynamic user interactions that could enrich the overall experience on the webpage.
Tab 0 (current): Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1335] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1282] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1286] link '\ue60b SALES' [1290] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1294] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1298] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1302] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1306] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1310] link '\ue60d STORES' [1314] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1318] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1353] heading 'Products' [1354] link '\ue600 admin' [1356] link '\ue607' [2052] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1325] main '' [2059] generic 'Add Product' [2060] button 'Add Product' [2061] button 'Add product of type' [2207] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2223] button '\ue610 Columns' [2399] button '\ue605Filters' [2715] LayoutTable '' [2724] StaticText 'Active filters:' [3466] StaticText 'Keyword:' [3468] StaticText 'Aurora LeggingsSelene yoga hoodie' [3469] button '\ue620' [2726] button 'Clear all' [2392] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2417] StaticText 'Aurora LeggingsSelene yoga hoodie' [2393] button 'Search' focused: True [2467] button 'Actions' [2431] StaticText '0' [2433] StaticText 'records found' [2777] textbox 'per page' required: False [2805] StaticText '200' [2766] button 'per page Select' [2428] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2434] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2429] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2099] table '' [2102] row '' [2163] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2166] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false [2168] button 'Options' disabled: True [2122] columnheader '↓ ID' required: False [2160] columnheader 'Thumbnail' required: False [2123] columnheader 'Name' required: False [2124] columnheader 'Type' required: False [2125] columnheader 'Attribute Set' required: False [2126] columnheader 'SKU' required: False [2127] columnheader 'Price' required: False [2128] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [2129] columnheader 'Salable Quantity' required: False [2130] columnheader 'Visibility' required: False [2131] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2132] columnheader 'Websites' required: False [2208] columnheader 'Last Updated At' required: False [2133] columnheader 'Action' required: False [2103] row '' [2104] gridcell "We couldn't find any records." required: False [2027] contentinfo '' [2032] link '\ue606' [2033] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [2043] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [2035] link 'Privacy Policy' [2036] StaticText ' |' [2037] link ' Account Activity' [2038] StaticText ' | ' [2039] link 'Report an Issue'
click [2393] where [2393] is button 'Search'
[ "None", "click [16] where [16] is link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "click [383] where [383] is link 'Products'", "type [2392] [Selene yoga hoodie\n] where [2392] is textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False" ]
Tab 0 (current): Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1335] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1282] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1286] link '\ue60b SALES' [1290] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1294] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1298] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1302] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1306] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1310] link '\ue60d STORES' [1314] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1318] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1353] heading 'Products' [1354] link '\ue600 admin' [1356] link '\ue607' [2052] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1325] main '' [2059] generic 'Add Product' [2060] button 'Add Product' [2061] button 'Add product of type' [2207] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2223] button '\ue610 Columns' [2399] button '\ue605Filters' [2715] LayoutTable '' [2724] StaticText 'Active filters:' [3466] StaticText 'Keyword:' [3468] StaticText 'Aurora LeggingsSelene yoga hoodie' [3469] button '\ue620' [2726] button 'Clear all' [2392] textbox 'Search by keyword' focused: True required: False [2417] StaticText 'Aurora LeggingsSelene yoga hoodie' [2393] button 'Search' [2467] button 'Actions' [2431] StaticText '0' [2433] StaticText 'records found' [2777] textbox 'per page' required: False [2805] StaticText '200' [2766] button 'per page Select' [2428] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2434] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2429] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2099] table '' [2102] row '' [2163] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2166] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false [2168] button 'Options' disabled: True [2122] columnheader '↓ ID' required: False [2160] columnheader 'Thumbnail' required: False [2123] columnheader 'Name' required: False [2124] columnheader 'Type' required: False [2125] columnheader 'Attribute Set' required: False [2126] columnheader 'SKU' required: False [2127] columnheader 'Price' required: False [2128] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [2129] columnheader 'Salable Quantity' required: False [2130] columnheader 'Visibility' required: False [2131] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2132] columnheader 'Websites' required: False [2208] columnheader 'Last Updated At' required: False [2133] columnheader 'Action' required: False [2103] row '' [2104] gridcell "We couldn't find any records." required: False [2027] contentinfo '' [2032] link '\ue606' [2033] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [2043] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [2035] link 'Privacy Policy' [2036] StaticText ' |' [2037] link ' Account Activity' [2038] StaticText ' | ' [2039] link 'Report an Issue'
Make all Selene yoga hoodie as out of stock
The next observation would be a confirmation that no products were found matching the search term `Selene yoga hoodie`. The search results indicate that there are zero records found, suggesting that the product may not exist in the current inventory listing. This lack of search results may require the user to either refine their search term or check the product catalog for the correct listing name before they can proceed to mark any Selene yoga hoodies as out of stock.
{ "neg_action0": "click [70]", "neg_action1": "scroll [down]", "neg_action2": "hover [2393]", "neg_action3": "type [2392] [Selene yoga hoodie 1] [1]", "neg_action4": "click [80]", "neg_action5": "click [140]", "neg_action6": "tab_focus [1]", "neg_action7": "close_tab", "neg_action8": "go_back", "neg_action9": "press [Ctrl+a]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3973] link 'My Account'", "\t[3974] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3975] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3979] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4090] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4091] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4026] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4094] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4005] button 'Search'", "\t[4006] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4008] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4010] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4012] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4014] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4016] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4018] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4020] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4022] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1503] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1509] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1515] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1481] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1521] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1527] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1485] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1487] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1538] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1544] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1491] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1493] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1555] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1495] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1566] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1452] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1454] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1500] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1501] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1399] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1455] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1473] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1457] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1433] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1419] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1420] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1421] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1422] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1412] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[39] link 'My Account'", "\t[40] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[41] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[18] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[14] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[20] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[21] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[62] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[63] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[61] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[114] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[67] main ''", "\t\t[77] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[140] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[969] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1443] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1444] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1199] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1523] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1480] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1581] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1481] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1483] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1532] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1533] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1534] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[971] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1450] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1451] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1205] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1536] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1489] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1590] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1490] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1492] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1545] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1546] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1547] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1457] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1458] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1211] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1549] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1498] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1599] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1499] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1501] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1558] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1559] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1560] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1464] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1465] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1217] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1562] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1507] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1608] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1508] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1510] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1571] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1572] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1573] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1471] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1472] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1223] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1575] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1516] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1617] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1517] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1519] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1886] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1887] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1888] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1715] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1780] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1781] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1831] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1892] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1894] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1717] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1785] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1786] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1740] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1896] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1837] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1971] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1838] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1840] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1905] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1906] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1907] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1719] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1792] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1793] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1746] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1909] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1846] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1980] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1847] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1849] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1918] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1919] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1920] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1721] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1799] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1800] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1855] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1924] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1925] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1926] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1723] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1804] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1805] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1757] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1928] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1861] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1995] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1862] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1864] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1937] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1938] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1939] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1725] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1811] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1812] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1870] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1943] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1944] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1945] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1727] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1816] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1817] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1768] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1947] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1876] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2010] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1877] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1879] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1956] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1957] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1958] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1695] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1708] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1697] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1823] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1730] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1731] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1646] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1698] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1712] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1700] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1680] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1666] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1667] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1668] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1669] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1659] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1661] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1663] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[3972] link 'My Account'", "\t[3973] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3974] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[7766] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4086] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4087] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4023] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4090] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4002] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[7757] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[7759] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[6003] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[6754] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6819] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6829] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6843] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6880] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6888] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6893] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6899] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6904] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6965] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6980] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6993] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[5250] main ''", "\t\t[5259] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[5328] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[5405] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5520] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5521] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[5440] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5703] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5605] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[5837] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5606] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[5608] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[5712] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5713] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5714] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5407] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5527] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5528] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[5446] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5716] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5614] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[5846] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5615] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5617] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[5725] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5726] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5727] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5409] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5534] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5535] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[5452] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5729] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5623] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[5855] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5624] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5626] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[5738] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5739] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5740] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5411] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5541] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5542] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[5458] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5742] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5632] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[5864] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5633] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5635] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[5751] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5752] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5753] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5413] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5548] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5549] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[5464] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5755] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5641] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[5873] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5642] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5644] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[5764] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5765] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5766] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5415] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5555] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5556] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[5650] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[5770] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5771] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5772] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5417] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5561] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[5475] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5774] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5656] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[5888] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5657] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5659] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[5783] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5784] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5785] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5419] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5567] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5568] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[5481] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5787] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5665] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[5897] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5666] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5668] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[5796] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5797] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5798] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5421] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5574] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5575] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[5674] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[5802] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5803] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5804] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5423] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5579] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5580] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[5492] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5806] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5680] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[5912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5681] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5683] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[5815] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5816] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5817] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5425] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5586] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5587] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[5689] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[5821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5427] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5592] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[5503] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5825] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5695] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[5927] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5696] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5698] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[5834] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5835] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5836] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5363] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[5389] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[5365] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[5598] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[5508] StaticText '1'", "\t\t\t[5430] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[5431] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[5251] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[5366] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[5393] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[5368] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[5332] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[5299] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[5300] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[5301] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[5302] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[5283] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[5285] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[5287] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[64] link 'My Account'", "\t[65] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[66] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[31] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[20] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[33] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[34] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[227] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[228] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[126] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[231] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[99] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[27] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1422] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1502] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1474] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1508] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1514] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1520] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1480] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1526] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1486] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1543] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1488] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1490] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1554] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1492] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1565] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1447] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1465] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1449] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1497] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1498] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1381] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1450] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1452] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1426] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1407] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1408] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1409] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1410] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1399] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1401] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1403] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1219] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1624] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1550] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1726] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1551] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1553] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1633] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1634] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1635] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1225] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1637] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1559] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1735] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1560] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1562] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1646] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1647] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1648] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1502] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1231] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1568] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1744] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1569] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1571] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1659] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1660] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1661] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1509] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1510] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1237] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1663] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1577] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1753] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1578] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1580] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1672] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1673] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1674] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[987] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1516] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1517] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1243] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1676] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1586] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1762] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1587] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1589] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1685] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1686] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1687] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[989] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1523] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1524] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1595] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1691] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1692] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1693] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[991] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1528] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1529] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1254] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1695] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1601] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1777] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1602] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1604] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1704] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1705] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1706] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[993] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1535] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1536] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1260] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1708] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1610] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1786] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1611] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1613] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1717] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1718] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1719] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[995] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1542] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1543] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1619] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1723] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1724] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1725] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[997] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1547] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1940] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1917] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1988] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1965] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2019] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1966] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1968] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1997] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1998] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1999] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1910] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1946] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1947] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1974] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[2003] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2004] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2005] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1912] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1951] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1952] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1928] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[2007] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1980] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2034] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1981] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1983] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[2016] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2017] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2018] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1895] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1903] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1897] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1958] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1915] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1916] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1851] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1898] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1907] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1900] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1885] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1871] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1872] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1873] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1874] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1864] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1866] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1868] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1477] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1214] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1602] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1534] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1698] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1535] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1537] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1611] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1612] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1613] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1484] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1485] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1220] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1615] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1543] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1707] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1544] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1546] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1624] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1625] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1626] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1491] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1492] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1226] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1628] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1552] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1716] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1553] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1637] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1638] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1639] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1498] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1499] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1232] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1641] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1561] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1725] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1562] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1564] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1650] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1651] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1652] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1505] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1506] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1828] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1830] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[3926] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1519] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1453] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1696] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1598] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1830] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1599] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1601] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1705] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1706] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1707] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1430] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1525] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1526] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1459] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1709] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1607] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1608] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1610] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1718] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1719] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1720] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1432] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1532] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1533] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1465] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1722] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1616] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1617] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1619] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1731] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1732] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1733] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1434] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1539] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1540] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1471] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1735] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1625] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1626] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1628] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1744] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1745] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1746] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1436] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1546] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1547] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2010] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[2012] link 'Report All Bugs'" ] }
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Tub'", "\t\t[1527] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1485] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1487] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1538] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1544] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1491] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1493] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1555] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1495] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1566] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1452] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1454] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1500] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1501] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1399] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1455] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1473] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1457] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1433] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1419] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1420] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1421] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1422] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1412] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
**: The next observation would be that the page transitions to 'One Stop Market', displaying a consumer-friendly interface. The focus now shifts to product showcases, and users can see various categories and items available for purchase. The layout includes product images, ratings, and prices, indicating a shift from an administrative role to a shopping experience. Interaction elements like the 'Add to Cart' buttons become prominent, emphasizing user engagement with the product listings.
hover [2393]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[39] link 'My Account'", "\t[40] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[41] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[18] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[14] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[20] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[21] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[62] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[63] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[61] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[114] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[67] main ''", "\t\t[77] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[140] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[969] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1443] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1444] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1199] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1523] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1480] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1581] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1481] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1483] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1532] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1533] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1534] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[971] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1450] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1451] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1205] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1536] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1489] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1590] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1490] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1492] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1545] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1546] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1547] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1457] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1458] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1211] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1549] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1498] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1599] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1499] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1501] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1558] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1559] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1560] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1464] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1465] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1217] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1562] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1507] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1608] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1508] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1510] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1571] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1572] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1573] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1471] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1472] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1223] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1575] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1516] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1617] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1517] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1519] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1886] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1887] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1888] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1715] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1780] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1781] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1831] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1892] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1894] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1717] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1785] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1786] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1740] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1896] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1837] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1971] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1838] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1840] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1905] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1906] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1907] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1719] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1792] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1793] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1746] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1909] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1846] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1980] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1847] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1849] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1918] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1919] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1920] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1721] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1799] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1800] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1855] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1924] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1925] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1926] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1723] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1804] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1805] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1757] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1928] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1861] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1995] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1862] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1864] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1937] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1938] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1939] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1725] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1811] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1812] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1870] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1943] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1944] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1945] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1727] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1816] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1817] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1768] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1947] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1876] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2010] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1877] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1879] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1956] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1957] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1958] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1695] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1708] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1697] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1823] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1730] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1731] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1646] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1698] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1712] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1700] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1680] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1666] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1667] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1668] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1669] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1659] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1661] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1663] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
**: The next observation would be that the interface changes to 'One Stop Market', highlighting a shopping experience. The focus is now on product categories and showcases, where users can see product offerings and their details. Interaction elements such as product ratings, prices, and 'Add to Cart' buttons are visible, enhancing user engagement in the shopping process. The layout reflects an intuitive browsing experience rather than administrative management.
type [2392] [Selene yoga hoodie 1] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[3972] link 'My Account'", "\t[3973] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3974] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[7766] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4086] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4087] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4023] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4090] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4002] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[7757] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[7759] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[6003] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[6754] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6819] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6829] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6843] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6880] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6888] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6893] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6899] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6904] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6965] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6980] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6993] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[5250] main ''", "\t\t[5259] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[5328] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[5405] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5520] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5521] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[5440] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5703] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5605] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[5837] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5606] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[5608] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[5712] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5713] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5714] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5407] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5527] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5528] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[5446] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5716] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5614] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[5846] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5615] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5617] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[5725] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5726] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5727] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5409] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5534] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5535] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[5452] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5729] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5623] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[5855] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5624] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5626] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[5738] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5739] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5740] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5411] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5541] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5542] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[5458] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5742] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5632] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[5864] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5633] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5635] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[5751] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5752] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5753] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5413] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5548] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5549] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[5464] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5755] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5641] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[5873] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5642] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5644] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[5764] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5765] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5766] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5415] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5555] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5556] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[5650] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[5770] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5771] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5772] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5417] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5561] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[5475] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5774] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5656] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[5888] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5657] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5659] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[5783] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5784] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5785] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5419] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5567] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5568] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[5481] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5787] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5665] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[5897] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5666] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5668] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[5796] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5797] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5798] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5421] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5574] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5575] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[5674] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[5802] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5803] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5804] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5423] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5579] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5580] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[5492] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5806] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5680] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[5912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5681] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5683] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[5815] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5816] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5817] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5425] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5586] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5587] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[5689] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[5821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5427] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5592] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[5503] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5825] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5695] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[5927] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5696] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5698] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[5834] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5835] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5836] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5363] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[5389] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[5365] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[5598] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[5508] StaticText '1'", "\t\t\t[5430] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[5431] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[5251] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[5366] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[5393] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[5368] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[5332] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[5299] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[5300] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[5301] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[5302] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[5283] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[5285] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[5287] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
**: The next observation would be that the page reflects the search results for products related to 'Selene yoga hoodie 1' within the 'One Stop Market' environment. The layout displays various product listings, including images, ratings, and prices, facilitating user interaction with the product offerings. The interface emphasizes a seamless shopping experience rather than product management, with options to add items to the cart prominently featured.
click [80]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[64] link 'My Account'", "\t[65] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[66] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[31] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[20] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[33] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[34] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[227] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[228] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[126] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[231] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[99] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[27] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1422] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1502] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1474] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1508] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1514] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1520] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1480] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1526] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1486] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1543] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1488] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1490] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1554] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1492] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1565] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1447] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1465] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1449] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1497] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1498] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1381] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1450] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1452] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1426] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1407] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1408] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1409] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1410] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1399] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1401] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1403] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
**: The next observation would be that the user is now viewing detailed information about a product within the 'One Stop Market'. The focus has shifted to a product page that includes comprehensive details, customer reviews, and purchasing options. This change enhances the shopping experience, allowing users to make informed decisions based on product specifications and customer feedback. The layout supports a direct interaction model with the product, moving away from the administrative interface.
Tab 0 (current): Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1335] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1282] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1286] link '\ue60b SALES' [1290] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1294] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1298] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1302] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1306] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1310] link '\ue60d STORES' [1314] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1318] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1353] heading 'Products' [1354] link '\ue600 admin' [1356] link '\ue607' [2052] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1325] main '' [2059] generic 'Add Product' [2060] button 'Add Product' [2061] button 'Add product of type' [2207] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2223] button '\ue610 Columns' [2399] button '\ue605Filters' [2715] LayoutTable '' [2724] StaticText 'Active filters:' [3466] StaticText 'Keyword:' [3468] StaticText 'Aurora LeggingsSelene yoga hoodie' [3469] button '\ue620' [2726] button 'Clear all' [2392] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2417] StaticText 'Aurora LeggingsSelene yoga hoodie' [2393] button 'Search' focused: True [2467] button 'Actions' [2431] StaticText '0' [2433] StaticText 'records found' [2777] textbox 'per page' required: False [2805] StaticText '200' [2766] button 'per page Select' [2428] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2434] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2429] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2099] table '' [2102] row '' [2163] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2166] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false [2168] button 'Options' disabled: True [2122] columnheader '↓ ID' required: False [2160] columnheader 'Thumbnail' required: False [2123] columnheader 'Name' required: False [2124] columnheader 'Type' required: False [2125] columnheader 'Attribute Set' required: False [2126] columnheader 'SKU' required: False [2127] columnheader 'Price' required: False [2128] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [2129] columnheader 'Salable Quantity' required: False [2130] columnheader 'Visibility' required: False [2131] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2132] columnheader 'Websites' required: False [2208] columnheader 'Last Updated At' required: False [2133] columnheader 'Action' required: False [2103] row '' [2104] gridcell "We couldn't find any records." required: False [2027] contentinfo '' [2032] link '\ue606' [2033] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [2043] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [2035] link 'Privacy Policy' [2036] StaticText ' |' [2037] link ' Account Activity' [2038] StaticText ' | ' [2039] link 'Report an Issue'
click [2393] where [2393] is button 'Search'
[ "None", "click [16] where [16] is link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "click [383] where [383] is link 'Products'", "type [2392] [Selene yoga hoodie\n] where [2392] is textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False" ]
Tab 0 (current): Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1335] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1282] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1286] link '\ue60b SALES' [1290] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1294] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1298] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1302] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1306] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1310] link '\ue60d STORES' [1314] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1318] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1353] heading 'Products' [1354] link '\ue600 admin' [1356] link '\ue607' [2052] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1325] main '' [2059] generic 'Add Product' [2060] button 'Add Product' [2061] button 'Add product of type' [2207] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2223] button '\ue610 Columns' [2399] button '\ue605Filters' [2715] LayoutTable '' [2724] StaticText 'Active filters:' [3466] StaticText 'Keyword:' [3468] StaticText 'Aurora LeggingsSelene yoga hoodie' [3469] button '\ue620' [2726] button 'Clear all' [2392] textbox 'Search by keyword' focused: True required: False [2417] StaticText 'Aurora LeggingsSelene yoga hoodie' [2393] button 'Search' [2467] button 'Actions' [2431] StaticText '0' [2433] StaticText 'records found' [2777] textbox 'per page' required: False [2805] StaticText '200' [2766] button 'per page Select' [2428] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2434] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2429] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2099] table '' [2102] row '' [2163] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2166] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false [2168] button 'Options' disabled: True [2122] columnheader '↓ ID' required: False [2160] columnheader 'Thumbnail' required: False [2123] columnheader 'Name' required: False [2124] columnheader 'Type' required: False [2125] columnheader 'Attribute Set' required: False [2126] columnheader 'SKU' required: False [2127] columnheader 'Price' required: False [2128] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [2129] columnheader 'Salable Quantity' required: False [2130] columnheader 'Visibility' required: False [2131] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2132] columnheader 'Websites' required: False [2208] columnheader 'Last Updated At' required: False [2133] columnheader 'Action' required: False [2103] row '' [2104] gridcell "We couldn't find any records." required: False [2027] contentinfo '' [2032] link '\ue606' [2033] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [2043] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [2035] link 'Privacy Policy' [2036] StaticText ' |' [2037] link ' Account Activity' [2038] StaticText ' | ' [2039] link 'Report an Issue'
Make all Selene yoga hoodie as out of stock
The next observation would be a confirmation that no products were found matching the search term `Selene yoga hoodie`. The search results indicate that there are zero records found, suggesting that the product may not exist in the current inventory listing. This lack of search results may require the user to either refine their search term or check the product catalog for the correct listing name before they can proceed to mark any Selene yoga hoodies as out of stock.
{ "neg_action0": "click [70]", "neg_action1": "scroll [down]", "neg_action2": "hover [2393]", "neg_action3": "type [2392] [Selene yoga hoodie 1] [1]", "neg_action4": "click [80]", "neg_action5": "click [140]", "neg_action6": "tab_focus [1]", "neg_action7": "close_tab", "neg_action8": "go_back", "neg_action9": "press [Ctrl+a]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3973] link 'My Account'", "\t[3974] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3975] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3979] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4090] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4091] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4026] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4094] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4005] button 'Search'", "\t[4006] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4008] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4010] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4012] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4014] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4016] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4018] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4020] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4022] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1503] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1509] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1515] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1481] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1521] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1527] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1485] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1487] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1538] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1544] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1491] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1493] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1555] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1495] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1566] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1452] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1454] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1500] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1501] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1399] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1455] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1473] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1457] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1433] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1419] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1420] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1421] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1422] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1412] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[39] link 'My Account'", "\t[40] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[41] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[18] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[14] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[20] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[21] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[62] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[63] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[61] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[114] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[67] main ''", "\t\t[77] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[140] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[969] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1443] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1444] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1199] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1523] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1480] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1581] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1481] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1483] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1532] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1533] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1534] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[971] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1450] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1451] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1205] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1536] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1489] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1590] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1490] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1492] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1545] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1546] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1547] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1457] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1458] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1211] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1549] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1498] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1599] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1499] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1501] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1558] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1559] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1560] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1464] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1465] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1217] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1562] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1507] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1608] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1508] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1510] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1571] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1572] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1573] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1471] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1472] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1223] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1575] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1516] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1617] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1517] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1519] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1886] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1887] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1888] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1715] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1780] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1781] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1831] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1892] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1894] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1717] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1785] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1786] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1740] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1896] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1837] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1971] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1838] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1840] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1905] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1906] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1907] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1719] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1792] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1793] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1746] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1909] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1846] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1980] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1847] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1849] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1918] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1919] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1920] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1721] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1799] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1800] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1855] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1924] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1925] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1926] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1723] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1804] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1805] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1757] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1928] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1861] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1995] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1862] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1864] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1937] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1938] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1939] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1725] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1811] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1812] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1870] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1943] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1944] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1945] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1727] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1816] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1817] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1768] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1947] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1876] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2010] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1877] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1879] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1956] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1957] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1958] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1695] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1708] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1697] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1823] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1730] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1731] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1646] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1698] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1712] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1700] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1680] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1666] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1667] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1668] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1669] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1659] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1661] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1663] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[3972] link 'My Account'", "\t[3973] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3974] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[7766] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4086] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4087] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4023] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4090] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4002] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[7757] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[7759] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[6003] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[6754] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6819] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6829] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6843] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6880] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6888] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6893] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6899] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6904] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6965] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6980] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6993] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[5250] main ''", "\t\t[5259] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[5328] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[5405] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5520] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5521] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[5440] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5703] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5605] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[5837] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5606] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[5608] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[5712] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5713] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5714] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5407] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5527] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5528] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[5446] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5716] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5614] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[5846] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5615] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5617] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[5725] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5726] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5727] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5409] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5534] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5535] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[5452] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5729] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5623] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[5855] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5624] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5626] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[5738] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5739] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5740] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5411] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5541] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5542] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[5458] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5742] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5632] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[5864] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5633] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5635] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[5751] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5752] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5753] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5413] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5548] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5549] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[5464] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5755] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5641] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[5873] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5642] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5644] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[5764] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5765] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5766] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5415] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5555] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5556] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[5650] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[5770] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5771] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5772] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5417] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5561] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[5475] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5774] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5656] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[5888] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5657] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5659] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[5783] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5784] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5785] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5419] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5567] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5568] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[5481] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5787] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5665] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[5897] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5666] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5668] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[5796] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5797] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5798] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5421] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5574] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5575] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[5674] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[5802] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5803] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5804] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5423] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5579] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5580] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[5492] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5806] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5680] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[5912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5681] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5683] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[5815] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5816] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5817] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5425] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5586] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5587] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[5689] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[5821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5427] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5592] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[5503] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5825] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5695] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[5927] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5696] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5698] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[5834] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5835] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5836] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5363] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[5389] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[5365] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[5598] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[5508] StaticText '1'", "\t\t\t[5430] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[5431] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[5251] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[5366] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[5393] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[5368] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[5332] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[5299] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[5300] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[5301] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[5302] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[5283] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[5285] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[5287] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[64] link 'My Account'", "\t[65] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[66] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[31] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[20] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[33] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[34] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[227] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[228] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[126] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[231] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[99] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[27] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1422] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1502] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1474] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1508] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1514] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1520] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1480] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1526] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1486] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1543] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1488] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1490] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1554] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1492] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1565] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1447] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1465] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1449] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1497] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1498] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1381] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1450] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1452] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1426] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1407] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1408] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1409] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1410] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1399] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1401] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1403] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1219] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1624] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1550] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1726] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1551] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1553] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1633] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1634] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1635] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1225] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1637] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1559] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1735] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1560] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1562] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1646] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1647] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1648] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1502] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1231] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1650] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1568] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1744] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1569] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1571] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1659] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1660] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1661] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1509] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1510] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1237] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1663] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1577] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1753] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1578] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1580] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1672] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1673] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1674] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[987] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1516] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1517] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1243] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1676] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1586] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1762] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1587] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1589] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1685] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1686] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1687] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[989] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1523] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1524] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1595] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1691] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1692] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1693] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[991] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1528] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1529] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1254] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1695] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1601] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1777] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1602] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1604] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1704] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1705] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1706] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[993] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1535] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1536] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1260] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1708] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1610] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1786] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1611] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1613] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1717] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1718] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1719] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[995] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1542] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1543] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1619] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1723] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1724] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1725] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[997] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1547] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1940] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1917] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1988] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1965] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2019] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1966] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1968] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1997] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1998] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1999] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1910] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1946] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1947] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1974] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[2003] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2004] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2005] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1912] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1951] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1952] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1928] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[2007] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1980] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2034] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1981] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1983] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[2016] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2017] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2018] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1895] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1903] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1897] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1958] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1915] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1916] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1851] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1898] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1907] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1900] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1885] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1871] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1872] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1873] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1874] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1864] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1866] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1868] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1477] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1214] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1602] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1534] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1698] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1535] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1537] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1611] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1612] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1613] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1484] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1485] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1220] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1615] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1543] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1707] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1544] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1546] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1624] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1625] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1626] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1491] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1492] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1226] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1628] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1552] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1716] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1553] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1637] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1638] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1639] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1498] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1499] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1232] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1641] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1561] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1725] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1562] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1564] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1650] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1651] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1652] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1505] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1506] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1828] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1830] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[3926] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1519] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1453] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1696] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1598] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1830] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1599] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1601] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1705] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1706] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1707] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1430] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1525] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1526] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1459] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1709] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1607] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1608] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1610] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1718] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1719] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1720] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1432] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1532] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1533] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1465] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1722] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1616] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1617] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1619] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1731] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1732] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1733] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1434] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1539] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1540] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1471] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1735] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1625] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1626] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1628] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1744] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1745] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1746] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1436] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1546] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1547] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2010] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[2012] link 'Report All Bugs'" ] }
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scroll [down]
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Tub'", "\t\t[1527] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1485] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1487] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1538] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1544] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1491] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1493] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1555] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1495] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1566] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1452] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1454] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1500] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1501] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1399] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1455] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1473] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1457] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1433] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1419] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1420] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1421] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1422] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1412] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be a transition to a page titled "One Stop Market," which features a different layout focused on customer interaction. The navigation now includes links such as "My Account," "My Wish List," and a welcoming message. The main content area displays product showcases with images, ratings, and prices, highlighting a shift from inventory management to a retail experience catering to customers. ### For NEGATIVE ACTION 2: hover [2393] **
hover [2393]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[39] link 'My Account'", "\t[40] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[41] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[18] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[14] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[20] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[21] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[62] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[63] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[61] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[114] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[67] main ''", "\t\t[77] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[140] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[969] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1443] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1444] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1199] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1523] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1480] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1581] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1481] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1483] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1532] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1533] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1534] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[971] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1450] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1451] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1205] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1536] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1489] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1590] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1490] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1492] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1545] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1546] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1547] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1457] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1458] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1211] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1549] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1498] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1599] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1499] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1501] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1558] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1559] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1560] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1464] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1465] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1217] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1562] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1507] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1608] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1508] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1510] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1571] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1572] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1573] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1471] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1472] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1223] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1575] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1516] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1617] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1517] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1519] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1886] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1887] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1888] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1715] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1780] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1781] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1831] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1892] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1894] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1717] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1785] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1786] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1740] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1896] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1837] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1971] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1838] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1840] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1905] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1906] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1907] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1719] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1792] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1793] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1746] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1909] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1846] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1980] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1847] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1849] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1918] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1919] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1920] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1721] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1799] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1800] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1855] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1924] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1925] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1926] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1723] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1804] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1805] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1757] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1928] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1861] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1995] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1862] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1864] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1937] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1938] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1939] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1725] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1811] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1812] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1870] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1943] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1944] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1945] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1727] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1816] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1817] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1768] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1947] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1876] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2010] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1877] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1879] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1956] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1957] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1958] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1695] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1708] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1697] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1823] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1730] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1731] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1646] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1698] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1712] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1700] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1680] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1666] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1667] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1668] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1669] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1659] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1661] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1663] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would reveal that the interface remains focused on "One Stop Market," still emphasizing a retail experience. However, despite the hover action suggesting an attempt to engage with the search feature, the search button is still disabled, indicating a lack of functionality and reinforcing the user’s inability to perform a search for products. ### For NEGATIVE ACTION 3: type [2392] [Selene yoga hoodie 1] [1] **
type [2392] [Selene yoga hoodie 1] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[3972] link 'My Account'", "\t[3973] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3974] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[7766] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4086] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4087] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4023] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4090] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4002] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[7757] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[7759] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[6003] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[6754] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6819] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6829] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6843] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6880] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6888] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6893] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6899] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6904] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6965] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6980] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6993] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[5250] main ''", "\t\t[5259] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[5328] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[5405] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5520] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5521] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[5440] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5703] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5605] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[5837] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5606] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[5608] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[5712] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5713] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5714] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5407] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5527] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5528] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[5446] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5716] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5614] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[5846] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5615] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5617] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[5725] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5726] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5727] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5409] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5534] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5535] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[5452] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5729] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5623] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[5855] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5624] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5626] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[5738] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5739] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5740] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5411] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5541] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5542] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[5458] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5742] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5632] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[5864] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5633] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5635] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[5751] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5752] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5753] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5413] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5548] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5549] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[5464] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5755] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5641] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[5873] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5642] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5644] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[5764] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5765] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5766] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5415] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5555] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5556] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[5650] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[5770] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5771] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5772] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5417] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5560] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5561] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[5475] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5774] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5656] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[5888] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5657] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5659] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[5783] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5784] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5785] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5419] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5567] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5568] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[5481] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5787] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5665] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[5897] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5666] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5668] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[5796] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5797] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5798] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5421] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5574] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5575] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[5674] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[5802] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5803] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5804] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5423] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5579] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5580] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[5492] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5806] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5680] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[5912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5681] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5683] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[5815] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5816] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5817] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5425] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5586] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5587] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[5689] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[5821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5427] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5592] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[5503] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5825] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5695] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[5927] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5696] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5698] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[5834] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5835] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5836] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5363] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[5389] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[5365] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[5598] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[5508] StaticText '1'", "\t\t\t[5430] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[5431] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[5251] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[5366] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[5393] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[5368] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[5332] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[5299] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[5300] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[5301] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[5302] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[5283] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[5285] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[5287] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would show that the webpage continues to display the "One Stop Market" layout without any results matching the search query. The product showcases remain unchanged, indicating that the search functionality is ineffective, leaving the user without access to the desired product information. ### For NEGATIVE ACTION 4: click [80] **
click [80]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[64] link 'My Account'", "\t[65] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[66] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[31] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[20] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[33] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[34] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[227] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[228] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[126] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[231] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[99] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[27] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1422] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1502] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1474] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1508] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1514] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1520] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1480] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1526] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1486] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1543] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1488] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1490] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1554] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1492] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1565] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1447] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1465] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1449] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1497] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1498] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1381] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1450] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1452] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1426] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1407] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1408] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1409] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1410] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1399] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1401] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1403] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would indicate that the user remains within the "One Stop Market" context, suggesting that the click action did not result in a navigation or operational change. Instead, the interface still showcases various products without transitioning to any specific product details or management options, highlighting a disengagement from expected admin functionalities.
Tab 0 (current): Magento Admin [5865] RootWebArea 'Magento Admin' focused: True [5917] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [5925] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [5870] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [5872] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [5876] link '\ue60b SALES' [5880] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [5884] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [5888] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [5892] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [5896] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [5900] link '\ue60d STORES' [5904] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [5908] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [5943] heading 'Magento Admin' [5944] link '\ue600 admin' [5946] link '\ue607' [7120] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [5915] main '' [7108] button '\ue626 Back' [7109] button 'Reset' [7110] button 'Save Order Address' [6239] StaticText 'Changing address information will not recalculate shipping, tax or other order amount.' [6115] StaticText 'Order Address Information' [6322] StaticText 'Name Prefix' [6323] textbox 'Name Prefix' required: False [6460] StaticText 'First Name' [6326] textbox 'First Name *' required: True [6815] StaticText 'Sarah' [6329] StaticText 'Middle Name/Initial' [6330] textbox 'Middle Name/Initial' required: False [6466] StaticText 'Last Name' [6333] textbox 'Last Name *' required: True [6817] StaticText 'Miller' [6336] StaticText 'Name Suffix' [6337] textbox 'Name Suffix' required: False [6340] StaticText 'Company' [6341] textbox 'Company' required: False [6474] StaticText 'Street Address' [6476] textbox '' required: True [6889] StaticText '321 Maple Avenue' [6477] textbox '' required: True [6479] StaticText 'Country' [6348] combobox 'Country *' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [6351] StaticText 'State/Province' [7029] combobox '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [7011] StaticText 'City' [6994] textbox 'City *' required: True [7025] StaticText 'Oakland' [6997] StaticText 'Zip/Postal Code' [6998] textbox 'Zip/Postal Code' required: False [7026] StaticText '94602' [7017] StaticText 'Phone Number' [7001] textbox 'Phone Number *' required: True [7028] StaticText '5107819902' [7004] StaticText 'Fax' [7005] textbox 'Fax' required: False [7008] StaticText 'VAT Number' [7009] textbox 'VAT Number' required: False [6956] contentinfo '' [6961] link '\ue606' [6962] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [6972] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [6964] link 'Privacy Policy' [6965] StaticText ' |' [6966] link ' Account Activity' [6967] StaticText ' | ' [6968] link 'Report an Issue'
click [3082] where [3082] is link 'Edit'
[ "None", "click [750] where [750] is row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'" ]
Tab 0 (current): #000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1272] RootWebArea '#000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [3605] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [3606] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [3518] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [3520] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [3523] link '\ue60b SALES' [3529] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [3535] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [3541] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [3547] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [3553] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [3571] link '\ue60d STORES' [3577] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [3583] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1348] heading '#000000299' [1349] link '\ue600 admin' [1351] link '\ue607' [4200] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1322] main '' [4185] button '\ue626 Back' [4186] button 'Login as Customer' [4187] button 'Reorder' [2801] tabpanel 'Information' [2912] StaticText 'Order & Account Information' [3017] StaticText 'Order # 000000299 (' [3019] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent' [3020] StaticText ')' [3021] table '' [3158] row '' [3278] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False [3279] gridcell 'May 31, 2023, 2:55:09 AM' required: False [3159] row '' [3280] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False [3281] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3160] row '' [3282] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False [3283] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False [3161] row '' [3284] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False [3285] gridcell '' required: False [3023] StaticText 'Account Information' [3080] link 'Edit Customer' [3025] table '' [3163] row '' [3286] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False [3287] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [3384] link 'Sarah Miller' [3164] row '' [3288] rowheader 'Email' required: False [3289] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3386] link '[email protected]' [3165] row '' [3290] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False [3291] gridcell 'General' required: False [2917] StaticText 'Address Information' [3027] StaticText 'Billing Address' [3082] link 'Edit' [2919] group '' [3029] StaticText 'Sarah Miller' [3031] StaticText '321 Maple Avenue' [3033] StaticText 'Oakland, California, 94602' [3035] StaticText 'United States' [3037] StaticText 'T: 5107819902' [3039] StaticText 'Shipping Address' [3083] link 'Edit' [2921] group '' [3041] StaticText 'Sarah Miller' [3043] StaticText '321 Maple Avenue' [3045] StaticText 'Oakland, California, 94602' [3047] StaticText 'United States' [3049] StaticText 'T: 5107819902' [2922] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method' [3051] StaticText 'Payment Information' [3084] StaticText 'Check / Money order' [3085] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.' [3056] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information' [3058] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed' [3061] StaticText '$25.00' [2927] StaticText 'Items Ordered' [2875] table '' [3062] row '' [3086] columnheader 'Product' required: False [3087] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False [3088] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False [3089] columnheader 'Price' required: False [3090] columnheader 'Qty' required: False [3091] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False [3092] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False [3093] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False [3094] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False [3095] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False [3063] row '' [3096] gridcell 'Argus All-Weather Tank SKU: MT07-M-Gray Color: Gray Size: M' required: False [3294] DescriptionList '' [3393] DescriptionListTerm '' [3394] DescriptionListDetail '' [3453] StaticText 'Gray' [3395] DescriptionListTerm '' [3454] StaticText 'Size:' [3396] DescriptionListDetail '' [3455] StaticText 'M' [3097] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3098] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3099] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3100] gridcell '' required: False [3193] table '' [3397] row '' [3456] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3457] gridcell '1' required: False [3398] row '' [3458] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3459] gridcell '1' required: False [3101] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3102] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3103] gridcell '0%' required: False [3104] gridcell '$4.40' required: False [3105] gridcell '$17.60' required: False [3064] row '' [3106] gridcell 'Marco Lightweight Active Hoodie SKU: MH13-S-Green Color: Green Size: S' required: False [3302] DescriptionList '' [3403] DescriptionListTerm '' [3404] DescriptionListDetail '' [3461] StaticText 'Green' [3405] DescriptionListTerm '' [3462] StaticText 'Size:' [3406] DescriptionListDetail '' [3107] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3108] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3109] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3110] gridcell '' required: False [3207] table '' [3407] row '' [3464] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3465] gridcell '1' required: False [3408] row '' [3466] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3467] gridcell '1' required: False [3111] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3112] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3113] gridcell '0%' required: False [3114] gridcell '$14.80' required: False [3115] gridcell '$59.20' required: False [3065] row '' [3116] gridcell 'Tiffany Fitness Tee SKU: WS09-XL-Blue Color: Blue Size: XL' required: False [3310] DescriptionList '' [3413] DescriptionListTerm '' [3414] DescriptionListDetail '' [3469] StaticText 'Blue' [3415] DescriptionListTerm '' [3470] StaticText 'Size:' [3416] DescriptionListDetail '' [3471] StaticText 'XL' [3117] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3118] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3119] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3120] gridcell '' required: False [3221] table '' [3417] row '' [3472] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3473] gridcell '1' required: False [3418] row '' [3474] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3475] gridcell '1' required: False [3121] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3122] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3123] gridcell '0%' required: False [3124] gridcell '$5.60' required: False [3125] gridcell '$22.40' required: False [3066] row '' [3126] gridcell 'Nadia Elements Shell SKU: WJ10-XS-Yellow Color: Yellow Size: XS' required: False [3318] DescriptionList '' [3423] DescriptionListTerm '' [3424] DescriptionListDetail '' [3477] StaticText 'Yellow' [3425] DescriptionListTerm '' [3478] StaticText 'Size:' [3426] DescriptionListDetail '' [3479] StaticText 'XS' [3127] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3128] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3129] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3130] gridcell '' required: False [3235] table '' [3427] row '' [3480] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3481] gridcell '1' required: False [3428] row '' [3482] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3483] gridcell '1' required: False [3131] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3132] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3133] gridcell '0%' required: False [3134] gridcell '$13.80' required: False [3135] gridcell '$55.20' required: False [3067] row '' [3136] gridcell 'Gwen Drawstring Bike Short SKU: WSH03-28-Orange Color: Orange Size: 28' required: False [3137] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3138] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3139] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3140] gridcell '' required: False [3249] table '' [3437] row '' [3488] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3489] gridcell '1' required: False [3438] row '' [3490] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3491] gridcell '1' required: False [3141] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3142] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3143] gridcell '0%' required: False [3144] gridcell '$10.00' required: False [3145] gridcell '$40.00' required: False [1999] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW' [2775] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [2777] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content [2787] link 'Information' [2779] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content [2789] link 'Invoices' [2781] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content [2791] link 'Credit Memos' [2783] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content [2793] link 'Shipments' [2785] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [2795] link 'Comments History'
Modify the address of order #299 to 123 Maple Street, Chicago, IL, 60601
The next observation would reveal the address editing form for order #299 within the Magento Admin. This form allows the user to modify the order's billing and shipping addresses. The fields include the customer's name, street address, city, zip code, and phone number, prefilled with the existing information, such as `321 Maple Avenue, Oakland, California, 94602`. The user can now input the new address details of `123 Maple Street, Chicago, IL, 60601`, along with any other necessary updates to the associated fields. The interface also includes buttons to save the changes or reset the form, thereby facilitating the modification process.
{ "neg_action0": "click [70]", "neg_action1": "hover [71]", "neg_action2": "scroll [up]", "neg_action3": "press [Ctrl+P]", "neg_action4": "type [750] [Edit Order] [1]", "neg_action5": "click [240]", "neg_action6": "scroll [down]", "neg_action7": null, "neg_action8": "click [1870]", "neg_action9": "hover [1841]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3973] link 'My Account'", "\t[3974] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3975] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3979] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4090] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4091] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4026] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4094] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4005] button 'Search'", "\t[4006] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4008] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4010] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4012] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4014] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4016] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4018] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4020] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4022] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[68] link 'My Account'", "\t[69] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[70] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[231] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[232] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[130] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[235] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[103] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1422] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1502] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1474] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1508] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1514] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1520] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] 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Tub'", "\t\t[1526] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1486] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1543] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1488] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1490] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1554] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1492] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1565] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1447] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1465] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1449] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1497] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1498] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1385] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1450] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1452] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1426] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1407] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1408] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1409] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1410] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1399] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1401] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1403] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1457] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1458] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1206] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1550] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1500] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1620] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1501] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1503] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1559] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1560] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1561] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1464] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1465] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1212] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1563] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1509] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1629] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1510] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1512] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1572] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1573] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1574] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1471] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1218] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1518] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1638] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1519] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1521] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1585] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1586] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1587] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1478] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1224] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1589] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1527] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1647] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1528] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1530] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1598] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1599] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1600] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1485] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1486] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1720] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1722] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[967] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1431] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1432] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1195] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1486] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1457] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1458] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1460] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1495] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1496] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1497] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[969] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1438] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1439] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1201] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1499] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1466] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1536] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1467] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1508] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1509] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1510] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[971] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1445] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1446] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1512] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1475] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1545] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1476] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1478] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1521] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1522] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1523] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1452] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1453] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1525] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1484] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1554] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1778] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1780] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1854] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1856] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1723] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1724] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1668] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1858] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1786] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1948] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1787] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1789] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1867] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1868] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1869] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1646] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1730] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1731] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1795] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1873] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1875] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1648] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1735] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1736] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1679] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1877] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1801] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1963] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1802] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1804] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1886] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1887] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1888] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1650] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1742] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1743] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1685] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1890] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1810] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1972] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1811] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1813] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1899] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1900] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1901] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1652] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1749] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1750] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1819] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1905] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1906] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1907] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1654] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1754] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1755] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1696] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1909] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1825] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1987] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1826] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1828] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1918] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1919] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1920] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1656] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1761] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1762] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1834] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1924] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1925] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1926] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1658] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1766] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1767] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1707] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1928] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1840] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2002] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1841] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1843] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1937] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1938] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1939] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1623] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1637] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1625] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1661] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1662] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1573] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1626] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1641] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1628] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1607] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1593] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1594] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1595] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1596] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1586] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1588] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1590] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1503] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1509] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1515] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1481] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1521] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'Advanced Search' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3973] link 'My Account'", "\t[3974] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3975] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3979] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4090] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4091] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4026] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4094] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4005] button 'Search'", "\t[4006] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4008] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4010] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4012] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4014] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4016] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4018] link 'Health & Household'", 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation7": null, "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[195] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[196] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[107] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[199] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[80] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1152] main ''", "\t\t[1159] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1180] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1339] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1486] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1487] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1398] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1622] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1548] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1724] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1549] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1551] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1631] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1632] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1633] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1341] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1493] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1494] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1404] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1635] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1557] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1733] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1558] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1560] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1644] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1645] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1646] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1343] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1500] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1501] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1410] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1648] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1566] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1742] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1567] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1569] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1657] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1658] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1659] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1345] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1507] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1508] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1416] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1661] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1575] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1751] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1576] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1578] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1670] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1671] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1672] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1347] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1514] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1515] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1864] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1866] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[95] link 'My Account'", "\t[96] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[97] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[39] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[23] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[41] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[42] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[280] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[281] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[172] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[284] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[139] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[30] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[165] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1038] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1285] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1040] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1291] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1042] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1297] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1044] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1303] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1046] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[65] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[67] link 'Report All Bugs'" ] }
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Tub'", "\t\t[1526] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1486] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1543] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1488] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1490] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1554] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1492] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1565] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1447] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1465] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1449] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1497] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1498] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1385] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1450] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1452] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1426] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1407] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1408] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1409] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1410] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1399] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1401] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1403] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
**: The next observation would be that the focus has shifted to 'One Stop Market', indicating a navigation away from the Magento Admin area. The webpage now features a more consumer-oriented layout with links to account management and promotional content. The previous order information is no longer visible, and instead, product showcases and promotional links are now highlighted, suggesting a complete transition to a retail-focused environment. ### For NEGATIVE ACTION 2: scroll [up] **
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1457] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1458] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1206] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1550] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1500] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1620] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1501] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1503] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1559] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1560] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1561] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1464] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1465] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1212] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1563] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1509] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1629] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1510] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1512] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1572] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1573] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1574] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1471] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1218] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1518] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1638] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1519] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1521] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1585] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1586] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1587] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1478] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1224] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1589] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1527] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1647] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1528] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1530] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1598] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1599] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1600] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1485] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1486] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1230] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1602] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1536] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1656] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1537] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1539] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1611] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1612] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1613] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1492] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1493] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1545] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1617] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1618] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1619] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1497] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1825] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1785] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1916] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1869] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1979] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1870] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1872] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1925] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1926] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1927] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1771] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1831] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1832] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1791] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1929] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1878] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1988] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1879] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1881] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1938] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1939] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1940] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1773] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1838] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1839] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1887] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1944] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1945] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1946] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1775] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1843] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1844] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1802] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1948] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1893] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2003] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1894] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1896] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1957] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1958] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1959] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1777] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1850] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1851] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1902] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1963] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1964] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1965] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1779] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1855] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1856] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1813] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1908] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2018] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1909] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1911] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1976] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1977] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1978] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1752] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1763] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1754] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1862] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1782] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1783] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1705] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1767] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1757] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1739] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1725] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1726] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1727] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1728] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1718] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1720] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1722] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
**: The next observation would be a complete transition to 'One Stop Market' as the focus now displays retail-related content. The order details are replaced with product showcases, links to account features, and promotional messages, indicating a shift from administrative tasks to a shopping experience. The previous order information is completely removed from view, emphasizing a new browsing context. ### For NEGATIVE ACTION 3: press [Ctrl+P] **
press [Ctrl+P]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[967] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1431] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1432] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1195] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1486] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1457] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1458] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1460] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1495] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1496] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1497] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[969] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1438] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1439] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1201] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1499] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1466] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1536] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1467] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1508] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1509] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1510] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[971] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1445] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1446] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1512] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1475] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1545] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1476] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1478] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1521] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1522] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1523] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1452] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1453] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1525] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1484] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1554] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1778] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1780] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1854] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1856] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1723] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1724] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1668] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1858] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1786] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1948] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1787] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1789] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1867] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1868] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1869] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1646] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1730] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1731] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1795] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1873] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1875] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1648] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1735] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1736] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1679] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1877] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1801] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1963] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1802] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1804] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1886] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1887] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1888] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1650] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1742] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1743] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1685] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1890] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1810] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1972] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1811] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1813] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1899] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1900] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1901] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1652] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1749] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1750] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1819] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1905] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1906] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1907] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1654] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1754] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1755] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1696] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1909] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1825] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1987] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1826] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1828] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1918] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1919] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1920] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1656] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1761] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1762] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1834] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1924] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1925] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1926] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1658] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1766] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1767] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1707] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1928] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1840] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2002] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1841] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1843] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1937] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1938] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1939] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1623] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1637] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1625] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1661] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1662] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1573] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1626] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1641] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1628] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1607] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1593] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1594] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1595] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1596] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1586] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1588] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1590] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
**: The next observation would be a shift to a print-friendly version of 'One Stop Market' content. The layout now emphasizes product showcases and promotional information rather than administrative details. The previous order information is entirely replaced, suggesting that the focus has shifted away from Magento Admin to a consumer-oriented presentation, suitable for printing. ### For NEGATIVE ACTION 4: type [750] [Edit Order] [1] **
type [750] [Edit Order] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1503] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1509] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1515] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1481] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1521] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1527] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1485] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1487] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1538] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1544] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1491] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1493] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1555] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1495] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1566] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1452] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1454] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1500] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1501] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1399] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1455] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1473] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1457] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1433] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1419] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1420] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1421] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1422] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1412] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
**: The next observation would be a transition to 'One Stop Market', highlighting an unexpected navigation away from the order editing interface. The previous order details are now replaced with links for account management, product showcases, and promotional content, indicating that the attempt to edit the order has redirected the user to a different section, emphasizing a retail browsing experience instead of an administrative task.
Tab 0 (current): Magento Admin [5865] RootWebArea 'Magento Admin' focused: True [5917] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [5925] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [5870] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [5872] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [5876] link '\ue60b SALES' [5880] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [5884] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [5888] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [5892] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [5896] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [5900] link '\ue60d STORES' [5904] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [5908] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [5943] heading 'Magento Admin' [5944] link '\ue600 admin' [5946] link '\ue607' [7120] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [5915] main '' [7108] button '\ue626 Back' [7109] button 'Reset' [7110] button 'Save Order Address' [6239] StaticText 'Changing address information will not recalculate shipping, tax or other order amount.' [6115] StaticText 'Order Address Information' [6322] StaticText 'Name Prefix' [6323] textbox 'Name Prefix' required: False [6460] StaticText 'First Name' [6326] textbox 'First Name *' required: True [6815] StaticText 'Sarah' [6329] StaticText 'Middle Name/Initial' [6330] textbox 'Middle Name/Initial' required: False [6466] StaticText 'Last Name' [6333] textbox 'Last Name *' required: True [6817] StaticText 'Miller' [6336] StaticText 'Name Suffix' [6337] textbox 'Name Suffix' required: False [6340] StaticText 'Company' [6341] textbox 'Company' required: False [6474] StaticText 'Street Address' [6476] textbox '' required: True [6889] StaticText '321 Maple Avenue' [6477] textbox '' required: True [6479] StaticText 'Country' [6348] combobox 'Country *' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [6351] StaticText 'State/Province' [7029] combobox '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [7011] StaticText 'City' [6994] textbox 'City *' required: True [7025] StaticText 'Oakland' [6997] StaticText 'Zip/Postal Code' [6998] textbox 'Zip/Postal Code' required: False [7026] StaticText '94602' [7017] StaticText 'Phone Number' [7001] textbox 'Phone Number *' required: True [7028] StaticText '5107819902' [7004] StaticText 'Fax' [7005] textbox 'Fax' required: False [7008] StaticText 'VAT Number' [7009] textbox 'VAT Number' required: False [6956] contentinfo '' [6961] link '\ue606' [6962] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [6972] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [6964] link 'Privacy Policy' [6965] StaticText ' |' [6966] link ' Account Activity' [6967] StaticText ' | ' [6968] link 'Report an Issue'
click [3082] where [3082] is link 'Edit'
[ "None", "click [750] where [750] is row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'" ]
Tab 0 (current): #000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1272] RootWebArea '#000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [3605] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [3606] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [3518] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [3520] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [3523] link '\ue60b SALES' [3529] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [3535] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [3541] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [3547] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [3553] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [3571] link '\ue60d STORES' [3577] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [3583] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1348] heading '#000000299' [1349] link '\ue600 admin' [1351] link '\ue607' [4200] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1322] main '' [4185] button '\ue626 Back' [4186] button 'Login as Customer' [4187] button 'Reorder' [2801] tabpanel 'Information' [2912] StaticText 'Order & Account Information' [3017] StaticText 'Order # 000000299 (' [3019] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent' [3020] StaticText ')' [3021] table '' [3158] row '' [3278] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False [3279] gridcell 'May 31, 2023, 2:55:09 AM' required: False [3159] row '' [3280] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False [3281] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3160] row '' [3282] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False [3283] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False [3161] row '' [3284] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False [3285] gridcell '' required: False [3023] StaticText 'Account Information' [3080] link 'Edit Customer' [3025] table '' [3163] row '' [3286] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False [3287] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [3384] link 'Sarah Miller' [3164] row '' [3288] rowheader 'Email' required: False [3289] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3386] link '[email protected]' [3165] row '' [3290] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False [3291] gridcell 'General' required: False [2917] StaticText 'Address Information' [3027] StaticText 'Billing Address' [3082] link 'Edit' [2919] group '' [3029] StaticText 'Sarah Miller' [3031] StaticText '321 Maple Avenue' [3033] StaticText 'Oakland, California, 94602' [3035] StaticText 'United States' [3037] StaticText 'T: 5107819902' [3039] StaticText 'Shipping Address' [3083] link 'Edit' [2921] group '' [3041] StaticText 'Sarah Miller' [3043] StaticText '321 Maple Avenue' [3045] StaticText 'Oakland, California, 94602' [3047] StaticText 'United States' [3049] StaticText 'T: 5107819902' [2922] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method' [3051] StaticText 'Payment Information' [3084] StaticText 'Check / Money order' [3085] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.' [3056] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information' [3058] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed' [3061] StaticText '$25.00' [2927] StaticText 'Items Ordered' [2875] table '' [3062] row '' [3086] columnheader 'Product' required: False [3087] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False [3088] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False [3089] columnheader 'Price' required: False [3090] columnheader 'Qty' required: False [3091] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False [3092] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False [3093] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False [3094] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False [3095] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False [3063] row '' [3096] gridcell 'Argus All-Weather Tank SKU: MT07-M-Gray Color: Gray Size: M' required: False [3294] DescriptionList '' [3393] DescriptionListTerm '' [3394] DescriptionListDetail '' [3453] StaticText 'Gray' [3395] DescriptionListTerm '' [3454] StaticText 'Size:' [3396] DescriptionListDetail '' [3455] StaticText 'M' [3097] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3098] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3099] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3100] gridcell '' required: False [3193] table '' [3397] row '' [3456] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3457] gridcell '1' required: False [3398] row '' [3458] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3459] gridcell '1' required: False [3101] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3102] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3103] gridcell '0%' required: False [3104] gridcell '$4.40' required: False [3105] gridcell '$17.60' required: False [3064] row '' [3106] gridcell 'Marco Lightweight Active Hoodie SKU: MH13-S-Green Color: Green Size: S' required: False [3302] DescriptionList '' [3403] DescriptionListTerm '' [3404] DescriptionListDetail '' [3461] StaticText 'Green' [3405] DescriptionListTerm '' [3462] StaticText 'Size:' [3406] DescriptionListDetail '' [3107] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3108] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3109] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3110] gridcell '' required: False [3207] table '' [3407] row '' [3464] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3465] gridcell '1' required: False [3408] row '' [3466] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3467] gridcell '1' required: False [3111] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3112] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3113] gridcell '0%' required: False [3114] gridcell '$14.80' required: False [3115] gridcell '$59.20' required: False [3065] row '' [3116] gridcell 'Tiffany Fitness Tee SKU: WS09-XL-Blue Color: Blue Size: XL' required: False [3310] DescriptionList '' [3413] DescriptionListTerm '' [3414] DescriptionListDetail '' [3469] StaticText 'Blue' [3415] DescriptionListTerm '' [3470] StaticText 'Size:' [3416] DescriptionListDetail '' [3471] StaticText 'XL' [3117] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3118] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3119] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3120] gridcell '' required: False [3221] table '' [3417] row '' [3472] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3473] gridcell '1' required: False [3418] row '' [3474] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3475] gridcell '1' required: False [3121] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3122] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3123] gridcell '0%' required: False [3124] gridcell '$5.60' required: False [3125] gridcell '$22.40' required: False [3066] row '' [3126] gridcell 'Nadia Elements Shell SKU: WJ10-XS-Yellow Color: Yellow Size: XS' required: False [3318] DescriptionList '' [3423] DescriptionListTerm '' [3424] DescriptionListDetail '' [3477] StaticText 'Yellow' [3425] DescriptionListTerm '' [3478] StaticText 'Size:' [3426] DescriptionListDetail '' [3479] StaticText 'XS' [3127] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3128] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3129] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3130] gridcell '' required: False [3235] table '' [3427] row '' [3480] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3481] gridcell '1' required: False [3428] row '' [3482] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3483] gridcell '1' required: False [3131] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3132] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3133] gridcell '0%' required: False [3134] gridcell '$13.80' required: False [3135] gridcell '$55.20' required: False [3067] row '' [3136] gridcell 'Gwen Drawstring Bike Short SKU: WSH03-28-Orange Color: Orange Size: 28' required: False [3137] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3138] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3139] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3140] gridcell '' required: False [3249] table '' [3437] row '' [3488] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3489] gridcell '1' required: False [3438] row '' [3490] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3491] gridcell '1' required: False [3141] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3142] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3143] gridcell '0%' required: False [3144] gridcell '$10.00' required: False [3145] gridcell '$40.00' required: False [1999] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW' [2775] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [2777] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content [2787] link 'Information' [2779] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content [2789] link 'Invoices' [2781] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content [2791] link 'Credit Memos' [2783] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content [2793] link 'Shipments' [2785] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [2795] link 'Comments History'
Modify the address of order #299 to 123 Maple Street, Chicago, IL, 60601
The next observation would reveal the address editing form for order #299 within the Magento Admin. This form allows the user to modify the order's billing and shipping addresses. The fields include the customer's name, street address, city, zip code, and phone number, prefilled with the existing information, such as `321 Maple Avenue, Oakland, California, 94602`. The user can now input the new address details of `123 Maple Street, Chicago, IL, 60601`, along with any other necessary updates to the associated fields. The interface also includes buttons to save the changes or reset the form, thereby facilitating the modification process.
{ "neg_action0": "click [70]", "neg_action1": "hover [71]", "neg_action2": "scroll [up]", "neg_action3": "press [Ctrl+P]", "neg_action4": "type [750] [Edit Order] [1]", "neg_action5": "click [240]", "neg_action6": "scroll [down]", "neg_action7": null, "neg_action8": "click [1870]", "neg_action9": "hover [1841]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3973] link 'My Account'", "\t[3974] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3975] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3979] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4090] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4091] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4026] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4094] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4005] button 'Search'", "\t[4006] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4008] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4010] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4012] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4014] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4016] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4018] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4020] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4022] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[68] link 'My Account'", "\t[69] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[70] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[231] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[232] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[130] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[235] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[103] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1422] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1502] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1474] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1508] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1514] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1520] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] 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Tub'", "\t\t[1526] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1486] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1543] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1488] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1490] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1554] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1492] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1565] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1447] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1465] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1449] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1497] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1498] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1385] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1450] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1452] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1426] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1407] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1408] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1409] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1410] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1399] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1401] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1403] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1457] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1458] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1206] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1550] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1500] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1620] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1501] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1503] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1559] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1560] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1561] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1464] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1465] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1212] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1563] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1509] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1629] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1510] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1512] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1572] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1573] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1574] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1471] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1218] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1518] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1638] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1519] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1521] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1585] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1586] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1587] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1478] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1224] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1589] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1527] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1647] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1528] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1530] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1598] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1599] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1600] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1485] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1486] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1720] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1722] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[967] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1431] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1432] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1195] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1486] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1457] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1458] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1460] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1495] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1496] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1497] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[969] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1438] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1439] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1201] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1499] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1466] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1536] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1467] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1508] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1509] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1510] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[971] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1445] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1446] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1512] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1475] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1545] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1476] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1478] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1521] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1522] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1523] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1452] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1453] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1525] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1484] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1554] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1778] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1780] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1854] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1856] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1723] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1724] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1668] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1858] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1786] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1948] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1787] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1789] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1867] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1868] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1869] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1646] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1730] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1731] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1795] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1873] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1875] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1648] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1735] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1736] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1679] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1877] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1801] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1963] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1802] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1804] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1886] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1887] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1888] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1650] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1742] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1743] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1685] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1890] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1810] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1972] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1811] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1813] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1899] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1900] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1901] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1652] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1749] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1750] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1819] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1905] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1906] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1907] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1654] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1754] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1755] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1696] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1909] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1825] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1987] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1826] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1828] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1918] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1919] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1920] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1656] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1761] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1762] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1834] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1924] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1925] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1926] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1658] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1766] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1767] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1707] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1928] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1840] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2002] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1841] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1843] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1937] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1938] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1939] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1623] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1637] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1625] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1661] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1662] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1573] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1626] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1641] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1628] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1607] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1593] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1594] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1595] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1596] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1586] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1588] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1590] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1503] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1509] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1515] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1481] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1521] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'Advanced Search' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3973] link 'My Account'", "\t[3974] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3975] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3979] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4090] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4091] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4026] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4094] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4005] button 'Search'", "\t[4006] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4008] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4010] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4012] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4014] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4016] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4018] link 'Health & Household'", 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation7": null, "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[195] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[196] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[107] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[199] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[80] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1152] main ''", "\t\t[1159] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1180] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1339] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1486] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1487] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1398] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1622] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1548] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1724] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1549] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1551] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1631] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1632] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1633] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1341] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1493] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1494] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1404] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1635] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1557] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1733] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1558] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1560] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1644] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1645] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1646] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1343] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1500] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1501] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1410] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1648] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1566] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1742] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1567] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1569] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1657] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1658] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1659] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1345] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1507] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1508] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1416] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1661] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1575] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1751] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1576] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1578] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1670] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1671] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1672] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1347] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1514] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1515] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1864] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1866] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[95] link 'My Account'", "\t[96] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[97] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[39] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[23] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[41] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[42] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[280] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[281] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[172] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[284] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[139] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[30] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[165] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1038] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1285] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1040] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1291] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1042] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1297] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1044] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1303] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1046] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[65] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[67] link 'Report All Bugs'" ] }
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hover [71]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[68] link 'My Account'", "\t[69] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[70] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[231] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[232] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[130] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[235] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[103] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1422] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1502] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1474] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1508] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1514] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1520] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1480] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1526] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1486] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1543] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1488] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1490] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1554] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1492] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1565] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1447] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1465] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1449] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1497] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1498] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1385] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1450] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1452] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1426] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1407] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1408] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1409] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1410] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1399] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1401] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1403] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
** The next observation would be that the page has transitioned to a user account focused interface, specifically on 'One Stop Market'. This indicates a shift in context from the Magento Admin environment to a shopping platform where user functionalities like 'My Account', 'My Wish List', and 'Sign Out' are highlighted. This change reflects a focus on user engagement and shopping rather than administrative tasks, suggesting that the user is now in a more consumer-centric area of the website. ### Negative Action 2: scroll [up] **
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1457] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1458] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1206] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1550] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1500] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1620] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1501] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1503] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1559] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1560] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1561] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1464] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1465] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1212] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1563] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1509] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1629] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1510] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1512] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1572] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1573] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1574] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1471] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1218] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1518] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1638] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1519] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1521] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1585] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1586] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1587] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1478] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1224] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1589] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1527] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1647] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1528] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1530] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1598] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1599] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1600] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1485] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1486] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1230] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1602] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1536] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1656] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1537] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1539] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1611] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1612] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1613] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1492] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1493] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1545] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1617] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1618] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1619] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1497] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1825] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1785] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1916] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1869] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1979] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1870] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1872] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1925] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1926] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1927] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1771] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1831] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1832] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1791] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1929] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1878] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1988] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1879] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1881] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1938] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1939] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1940] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1773] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1838] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1839] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1887] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1944] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1945] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1946] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1775] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1843] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1844] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1802] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1948] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1893] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2003] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1894] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1896] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1957] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1958] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1959] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1777] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1850] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1851] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1902] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1963] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1964] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1965] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1779] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1855] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1856] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1813] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1908] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2018] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1909] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1911] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1976] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1977] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1978] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1752] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1763] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1754] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1862] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1782] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1783] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1705] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1767] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1757] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1739] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1725] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1726] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1727] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1728] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1718] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1720] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1722] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
** The next observation would be that the user interface of 'One Stop Market' remains prominent, providing access to account features and product showcases. The scrolling action reveals more product options and user functionalities, reinforcing the consumer shopping experience. This suggests an uninterrupted user journey within the shopping context, emphasizing an extensive catalog and personalized account management features. ### Negative Action 3: press [Ctrl+P] **
press [Ctrl+P]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[967] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1431] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1432] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1195] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1486] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1457] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1458] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1460] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1495] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1496] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1497] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[969] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1438] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1439] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1201] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1499] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1466] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1536] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1467] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1508] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1509] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1510] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[971] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1445] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1446] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1512] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1475] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1545] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1476] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1478] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1521] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1522] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1523] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1452] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1453] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1525] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1484] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1554] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1778] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1780] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1854] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1856] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1723] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1724] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1668] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1858] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1786] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1948] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1787] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1789] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1867] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1868] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1869] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1646] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1730] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1731] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1795] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1873] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1875] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1648] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1735] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1736] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1679] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1877] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1801] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1963] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1802] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1804] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1886] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1887] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1888] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1650] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1742] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1743] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1685] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1890] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1810] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1972] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1811] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1813] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1899] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1900] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1901] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1652] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1749] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1750] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1819] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1905] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1906] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1907] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1654] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1754] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1755] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1696] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1909] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1825] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1987] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1826] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1828] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1918] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1919] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1920] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1656] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1761] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1762] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1834] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1924] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1925] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1926] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1658] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1766] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1767] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1707] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1928] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1840] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2002] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1841] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1843] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1937] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1938] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1939] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1623] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1637] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1625] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1661] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1662] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1573] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1626] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1641] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1628] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1607] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1593] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1594] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1595] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1596] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1586] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1588] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1590] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
** The next observation would be that the user remains within the same 'One Stop Market' interface, highlighting account features and product displays ready for printing. This indicates that the webpage is designed to facilitate printing of shopping lists or account details, allowing for user convenience in accessing product information outside of the digital environment. The structure remains intact, catering to both digital and physical user interactions. ### Negative Action 4: type [750] [Edit Order] [1] **
type [750] [Edit Order] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1503] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1509] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1515] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1481] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1521] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1527] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1485] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1487] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1538] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1544] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1491] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1493] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1555] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1495] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1566] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1452] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1454] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1500] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1501] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1399] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1455] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1473] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1457] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1433] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1419] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1420] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1421] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1422] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1412] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
** The next observation would be that the interface now integrates order management features alongside the 'One Stop Market' elements. This indicates a seamless transition from a shopping-oriented view to one that allows for the editing of orders, reflecting the dual functionality of the platform. The user can manage their shopping experience while still being able to modify existing orders, showcasing the flexibility of the Magento system in accommodating user needs across different contexts.
Tab 0 (current): Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [957] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [150] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [153] link '\ue633 What is this?' [928] generic 'Save' [931] button 'Save' [932] button 'Save options' [929] button '\ue626 Back' [930] button 'Add Attribute' [2815] group '' [3457] StaticText 'Enable Product' [3116] checkbox '[website] Enable Product Yes' checked: true [3119] StaticText 'Attribute Set' [3101] generic 'Top' [3459] StaticText 'Product Name' [3102] textbox '[store view] Product Name *' required: False [3460] StaticText 'Minerva LumaTech&trade; V-Tee-S-Blue' [3461] StaticText 'SKU' [3103] textbox '[global] SKU *' required: False [3462] StaticText 'WS08-S-Blue' [2827] group '' [2872] LayoutTable '' [3658] StaticText 'Price' [3618] textbox '[global] Price * $ Please enter a number 0 or greater, without comma in this field.' focused: True required: False [3686] StaticText '32.0040.40.7575' [2830] button 'Advanced Pricing' [3465] StaticText 'Tax Class' [3105] combobox 'notice-IMKO0EI' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2831] group '' [2888] LayoutTable '' [3662] StaticText 'Quantity' [3466] textbox '[global] Quantity' required: False [3663] StaticText '100' [2834] button 'Advanced Inventory' [3468] StaticText 'Stock Status' [3107] combobox 'notice-BWM771M' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2901] group '' [2904] LayoutTable '' [3664] StaticText 'Weight' [3627] textbox '[global] Weight lbs' required: False [3689] StaticText '1' [3470] combobox 'notice-HT43W9N' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2835] group '' [2836] LayoutTable '' [3668] StaticText 'Categories' [2923] generic 'Default Category \ue62f Tees \ue62f Women Sale \ue62f Tees \ue62f' [2926] button '\ue62f' [2929] button '\ue62f' [2932] button '\ue62f' [3676] StaticText 'Tees' [2935] button '\ue62f' [2839] button 'New Category' [3471] StaticText 'Visibility' [3110] combobox 'notice-Y25835M' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2816] group '' [2817] LayoutTable '' [3678] StaticText 'Set Product as New From' [2820] textbox '[website] Set Product as New From' required: False [3900] button 'undefined \ue627' [3640] StaticText 'To' [2823] textbox 'To' required: False [3901] button 'undefined \ue627' [3473] StaticText 'Country of Manufacture' [3112] combobox 'notice-WTV7OUC' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [3474] StaticText 'Activity' [2965] listbox '[global] Activity' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3475] option 'Hike' selected: False [3476] option 'Outdoor' selected: False [3477] option 'Running' selected: False [3478] option 'Warmup' selected: False [3479] option 'Yoga' selected: False [3480] option 'Recreation' selected: False [3481] option 'Lounge' selected: False [3482] option 'Gym' selected: False [3483] option 'Climbing' selected: False [3484] option 'Crosstraining' selected: False [3485] option 'Post-workout' selected: False [3486] option 'Cycling' selected: False [3487] option 'Athletic' selected: False [3488] option 'Sports' selected: False [3489] option 'Hiking' selected: False [3490] option 'Overnight' selected: False [3491] option 'School' selected: False [3492] option 'Trail' selected: False [3493] option 'Travel' selected: False [3494] option 'Urban' selected: False [3495] StaticText 'Style General' [2973] listbox '[global] Style General' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3496] option 'Insulated' selected: False [3497] option 'Jacket' selected: False [3498] option 'Vest' selected: False [3499] option 'Lightweight' selected: False [3500] option 'Hooded' selected: False [3501] option 'Heavy Duty' selected: False [3502] option 'Rain Coat' selected: False [3503] option 'Hard Shell' selected: False [3504] option 'Soft Shell' selected: False [3505] option 'Windbreaker' selected: False [3506] option '&frac12; zip' selected: False [3507] option '&frac14; zip' selected: False [3508] option 'Full Zip' selected: False [3509] option 'Reversible' selected: False [3510] option 'Bra' selected: False [3511] option 'Hoodie' selected: False [3512] option 'Sweatshirt' selected: False [3513] option 'Polo' selected: False [3514] option 'Tank' selected: False [3515] option 'Tee' selected: False [3516] option 'Pullover' selected: False [3522] StaticText 'Material' [2981] listbox '[global] Material' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3523] option 'Burlap' selected: False [3524] option 'Cocona&reg; performance fabric' selected: False [3525] option 'Canvas' selected: False [3526] option 'Wool' selected: False [3527] option 'Cotton' selected: False [3528] option 'Fleece' selected: False [3529] option 'Faux Leather' selected: False [3530] option 'Hemp' selected: False [3531] option 'Jersey' selected: False [3532] option 'Leather' selected: False [3533] option 'LumaTech&trade;' selected: False [3534] option 'Mesh' selected: False [3535] option 'Lycra&reg;' selected: False [3559] StaticText 'Sleeve' [2989] listbox '[global] Sleeve' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3560] option 'Sleeve' selected: False [3561] option 'Long-Sleeve' selected: False [3562] option 'Short-Sleeve' selected: False [3563] option 'Sleeveless' selected: False [3564] option 'Tank' selected: False [3565] option 'Strap' selected: False
type [3618] [40.75 ] where [3618] is textbox '[global] Price * $ Please enter a number 0 or greater, without comma in this field.' focused: True required: False
[ "None", "hover [8] where [8] is link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "type [3618] [40.75] where [3618] is textbox '[global] Price * $' required: False", "click [931] where [931] is button 'Save'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [957] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [150] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [153] link '\ue633 What is this?' [928] generic 'Save' [931] button 'Save' [932] button 'Save options' [929] button '\ue626 Back' [930] button 'Add Attribute' [2815] group '' [3457] StaticText 'Enable Product' [3116] checkbox '[website] Enable Product Yes' checked: true [3119] StaticText 'Attribute Set' [3101] generic 'Top' [3459] StaticText 'Product Name' [3102] textbox '[store view] Product Name *' required: False [3460] StaticText 'Minerva LumaTech&trade; V-Tee-S-Blue' [3461] StaticText 'SKU' [3103] textbox '[global] SKU *' required: False [3462] StaticText 'WS08-S-Blue' [2827] group '' [2872] LayoutTable '' [3658] StaticText 'Price' [3618] textbox '[global] Price * $ Please enter a number 0 or greater, without comma in this field.' focused: True required: False [3686] StaticText '32.0040.75' [2830] button 'Advanced Pricing' [3465] StaticText 'Tax Class' [3105] combobox 'notice-IMKO0EI' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2831] group '' [2888] LayoutTable '' [3662] StaticText 'Quantity' [3466] textbox '[global] Quantity' required: False [3663] StaticText '100' [2834] button 'Advanced Inventory' [3468] StaticText 'Stock Status' [3107] combobox 'notice-BWM771M' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2901] group '' [2904] LayoutTable '' [3664] StaticText 'Weight' [3627] textbox '[global] Weight lbs' required: False [3689] StaticText '1' [3470] combobox 'notice-HT43W9N' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2835] group '' [2836] LayoutTable '' [3668] StaticText 'Categories' [2923] generic 'Default Category \ue62f Tees \ue62f Women Sale \ue62f Tees \ue62f' [2926] button '\ue62f' [2929] button '\ue62f' [2932] button '\ue62f' [3676] StaticText 'Tees' [2935] button '\ue62f' [2839] button 'New Category' [3471] StaticText 'Visibility' [3110] combobox 'notice-Y25835M' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2816] group '' [2817] LayoutTable '' [3678] StaticText 'Set Product as New From' [2820] textbox '[website] Set Product as New From' required: False [3900] button 'undefined \ue627' [3640] StaticText 'To' [2823] textbox 'To' required: False [3901] button 'undefined \ue627' [3473] StaticText 'Country of Manufacture' [3112] combobox 'notice-WTV7OUC' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [3474] StaticText 'Activity' [2965] listbox '[global] Activity' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3475] option 'Hike' selected: False [3476] option 'Outdoor' selected: False [3477] option 'Running' selected: False [3478] option 'Warmup' selected: False [3479] option 'Yoga' selected: False [3480] option 'Recreation' selected: False [3481] option 'Lounge' selected: False [3482] option 'Gym' selected: False [3483] option 'Climbing' selected: False [3484] option 'Crosstraining' selected: False [3485] option 'Post-workout' selected: False [3486] option 'Cycling' selected: False [3487] option 'Athletic' selected: False [3488] option 'Sports' selected: False [3489] option 'Hiking' selected: False [3490] option 'Overnight' selected: False [3491] option 'School' selected: False [3492] option 'Trail' selected: False [3493] option 'Travel' selected: False [3494] option 'Urban' selected: False [3495] StaticText 'Style General' [2973] listbox '[global] Style General' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3496] option 'Insulated' selected: False [3497] option 'Jacket' selected: False [3498] option 'Vest' selected: False [3499] option 'Lightweight' selected: False [3500] option 'Hooded' selected: False [3501] option 'Heavy Duty' selected: False [3502] option 'Rain Coat' selected: False [3503] option 'Hard Shell' selected: False [3504] option 'Soft Shell' selected: False [3505] option 'Windbreaker' selected: False [3506] option '&frac12; zip' selected: False [3507] option '&frac14; zip' selected: False [3508] option 'Full Zip' selected: False [3509] option 'Reversible' selected: False [3510] option 'Bra' selected: False [3511] option 'Hoodie' selected: False [3512] option 'Sweatshirt' selected: False [3513] option 'Polo' selected: False [3514] option 'Tank' selected: False [3515] option 'Tee' selected: False [3516] option 'Pullover' selected: False [3522] StaticText 'Material' [2981] listbox '[global] Material' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3523] option 'Burlap' selected: False [3524] option 'Cocona&reg; performance fabric' selected: False [3525] option 'Canvas' selected: False [3526] option 'Wool' selected: False [3527] option 'Cotton' selected: False [3528] option 'Fleece' selected: False [3529] option 'Faux Leather' selected: False [3530] option 'Hemp' selected: False [3531] option 'Jersey' selected: False [3532] option 'Leather' selected: False [3533] option 'LumaTech&trade;' selected: False [3534] option 'Mesh' selected: False [3535] option 'Lycra&reg;' selected: False [3559] StaticText 'Sleeve' [2989] listbox '[global] Sleeve' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3560] option 'Sleeve' selected: False [3561] option 'Long-Sleeve' selected: False [3562] option 'Short-Sleeve' selected: False [3563] option 'Sleeveless' selected: False [3564] option 'Tank' selected: False [3565] option 'Strap' selected: False
Increase the price of this product by $8.75
The next observation would still be on the product editing page for `Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue` in the Magento Admin panel. The price field is still in focus, but the input appears to have been incorrectly entered or not saved properly as it shows `32.0040.40.7575`. To finalize the objective of increasing the product price by `$8.75`, the user must correct the price to `$49.50` and save the changes, ensuring that the update is reflected in the product details.
{ "neg_action0": "hover [1281]", "neg_action1": "scroll [down]", "neg_action2": null, "neg_action3": "type [3618] [49.50] [1]", "neg_action4": "press [Ctrl+s]", "neg_action5": "click [931]", "neg_action6": "go_back", "neg_action7": "go_forward", "neg_action8": "new_tab", "neg_action9": "close_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): tanks / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin", "", "[1281] RootWebArea 'tanks / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1334] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1343] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1286] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1288] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1292] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1296] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1300] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1304] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1308] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1312] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1316] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1320] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1324] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1362] heading 'tanks'", "\t[1363] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1365] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1588] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1497] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1331] main ''", "\t\t[1367] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1368] button 'Reset'", "\t\t[1369] button 'Delete Search'", "\t\t[1370] button 'Save Search'", "\t\t[1548] group 'General Information'", "\t\t\t[1591] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t[1872] StaticText 'Search Query'", "\t\t\t[1979] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t[1747] textbox 'Search Query *' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1980] StaticText 'tanks'", "\t\t\t[1876] StaticText 'Store'", "\t\t\t[1750] combobox 'Store *' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1879] menuitem '' selected: False", "\t\t\t\t[1880] menuitem '\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0Default Store View' selected: True", "\t\t\t[1881] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t\t[1883] StaticText 'Number of results'", "\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t[1754] textbox 'Number of results *' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1985] StaticText '23'", "\t\t\t[1886] StaticText 'For the last time placed.'", "\t\t\t[1888] StaticText 'Number of Uses'", "\t\t\t[1986] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t[1758] textbox 'Number of Uses *' required: False", "\t\t\t[1761] StaticText 'Redirect URL'", "\t\t\t[1762] textbox 'Redirect URL' required: False", "\t\t\t[1893] StaticText 'ex. http://domain.com'", "\t\t\t[1766] StaticText 'Display in Suggested Terms'", "\t\t\t[1767] combobox 'Display in Suggested Terms' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1896] menuitem 'No' selected: False", "\t\t\t\t[1897] menuitem 'Yes' selected: True", "\t[1332] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1438] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[1439] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1504] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[1441] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[1442] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[1443] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[1444] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[1445] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): #000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1272] RootWebArea '#000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[1331] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1339] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1277] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1279] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1283] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1287] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1291] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1295] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1299] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1303] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1307] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1311] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1315] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1358] heading '#000000230'", "\t[1359] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1361] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1603] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1499] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1319] main ''", "\t\t[1363] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1364] button 'Login as Customer'", "\t\t[1365] button 'Send Email'", "\t\t[1366] button 'Ship'", "\t\t[1367] button 'Reorder'", "\t\t[2622] tabpanel 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2733] StaticText 'Order & Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2835] StaticText 'Order # 000000230 ('", "\t\t\t[2837] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent'", "\t\t\t[2838] StaticText ')'", "\t\t\t[2839] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2942] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3018] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3019] gridcell 'May 19, 2023, 8:11:51 AM' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2943] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3020] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3021] gridcell 'Complete' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2944] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3022] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3023] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3089] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3091] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3024] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3025] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[2841] StaticText 'Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2895] link 'Edit Customer'", "\t\t\t[2843] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2947] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3026] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3027] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3096] link 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2948] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3028] rowheader 'Email' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3029] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3098] link '[email protected]'", "\t\t\t\t[2949] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3030] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3031] gridcell 'General' required: False", "\t\t\t[2738] StaticText 'Address Information'", "\t\t\t[2845] StaticText 'Billing Address'", "\t\t\t[2897] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2740] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2847] StaticText 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2848] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2849] StaticText '123 Malibu Beach Road'", "\t\t\t\t[2850] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2851] StaticText 'Malibu, California, 90265'", "\t\t\t\t[2852] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2853] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2854] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2855] StaticText 'T: 3105555555'", "\t\t\t[2857] StaticText 'Shipping Address'", "\t\t\t[2898] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2742] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2859] StaticText 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2860] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2861] StaticText '123 Malibu Beach Road'", "\t\t\t\t[2862] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2863] StaticText 'Malibu, California, 90265'", "\t\t\t\t[2864] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2865] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2866] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2867] StaticText 'T: 3105555555'", "\t\t\t[2743] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method'", "\t\t\t[2869] StaticText 'Payment Information'", "\t\t\t[2899] StaticText 'Check / Money order'", "\t\t\t[2900] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.'", "\t\t\t[2874] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information'", "\t\t\t[2876] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed'", "\t\t\t[2879] StaticText '$10.00'", "\t\t\t[2748] StaticText 'Items Ordered'", "\t\t\t[2696] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2880] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2901] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2902] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2903] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2904] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2905] columnheader 'Qty' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2906] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2907] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2908] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2909] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2910] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2881] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2911] gridcell 'Proteus Fitness Jackshirt SKU: MJ12-M-Blue Color: Blue Size: M' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3034] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3105] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3106] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3133] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3107] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3134] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3108] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3135] StaticText 'M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2912] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2913] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2914] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2915] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2977] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3109] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3136] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3137] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2916] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2917] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2918] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2919] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2920] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2882] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2921] gridcell 'Ida Workout Parachute Pant SKU: WP03-28-Blue Color: Blue Size: 28' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3042] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3114] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3115] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3139] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3116] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3140] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3117] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3141] StaticText '28'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2922] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2923] gridcell '$48.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2924] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2925] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2991] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3118] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3142] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3143] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2926] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2927] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2928] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2929] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2930] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[2752] StaticText 'Order Total'", "\t\t\t[2884] StaticText 'Notes for this Order'", "\t\t\t[3048] StaticText 'Status'", "\t\t\t[3049] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[3120] menuitem 'Complete' selected: True", "\t\t\t[3050] StaticText 'Comment'", "\t\t\t[3051] textbox 'Comment' required: False", "\t\t\t[3122] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3124] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3054] button 'Submit Comment'", "\t\t\t[2888] StaticText 'Order Totals'", "\t\t\t[2756] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2934] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3006] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3007] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2935] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3008] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3009] gridcell '$10.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2936] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3010] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3011] gridcell '$93.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2937] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3012] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3013] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2938] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3014] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3015] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2939] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3016] gridcell 'Total Due' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3017] gridcell '$93.40' required: False", "\t\t[1325] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW'", "\t\t[2596] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[2598] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content", "\t\t\t\t[2608] link 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2600] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content", "\t\t\t\t[2610] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t[2602] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content", "\t\t\t\t[2612] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t[2604] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content", "\t\t\t\t[2614] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t[2606] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[2616] link 'Comments History'", "\t[1329] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1440] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[1441] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1511] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[1443] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[1444] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[1445] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[1446] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[1447] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation2": null, "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): WP10 / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin", "", "[1281] RootWebArea 'WP10 / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1329] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1330] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1286] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1288] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1292] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1296] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1300] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1304] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1308] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1312] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1316] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1320] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1324] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1957] heading 'WP10'", "\t[1958] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1960] link '\\ue607'", "\t[2035] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[2013] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1937] main ''", "\t\t[1962] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1963] button 'Reset'", "\t\t[1964] button 'Delete Search'", "\t\t[1965] button 'Save Search'", "\t\t[2032] group 'General Information'", "\t\t\t[2038] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t[2085] StaticText 'Search Query'", "\t\t\t[2111] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t[2063] textbox 'Search Query *' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2112] StaticText 'WP10'", "\t\t\t[2089] StaticText 'Store'", "\t\t\t[2066] combobox 'Store *' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[2092] menuitem '' selected: False", "\t\t\t\t[2093] menuitem '\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0Default Store View' selected: True", "\t\t\t[2094] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t\t[2096] StaticText 'Number of results'", "\t\t\t[2116] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t[2070] textbox 'Number of results *' required: False", "\t\t\t[2099] StaticText 'For the last time placed.'", "\t\t\t[2101] StaticText 'Number of Uses'", "\t\t\t[2074] textbox 'Number of Uses *' required: False", "\t\t\t[2077] StaticText 'Redirect URL'", "\t\t\t[2078] textbox 'Redirect URL' required: False", "\t\t\t[2106] StaticText 'ex. http://domain.com'", "\t\t\t[2082] StaticText 'Display in Suggested Terms'", "\t\t\t[2083] combobox 'Display in Suggested Terms' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[2109] menuitem 'No' selected: False", "\t\t\t\t[2110] menuitem 'Yes' selected: True", "\t[1938] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1999] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2000] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2020] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2002] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2003] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2004] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2005] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2006] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): #000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1281] RootWebArea '#000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1333] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1341] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1286] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1288] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1292] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1296] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1300] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1304] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1308] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1312] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1316] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1320] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1324] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1359] heading '#000000230'", "\t[1360] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1362] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1569] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1489] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1331] main ''", "\t\t[1364] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1365] button 'Login as Customer'", "\t\t[1366] button 'Send Email'", "\t\t[1367] button 'Ship'", "\t\t[1368] button 'Reorder'", "\t\t[2631] tabpanel 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2742] StaticText 'Order & Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2844] StaticText 'Order # 000000230 ('", "\t\t\t[2846] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent'", "\t\t\t[2847] StaticText ')'", "\t\t\t[2848] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3027] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3028] gridcell 'May 19, 2023, 8:11:51 AM' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2952] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3029] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3030] gridcell 'Complete' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2953] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3031] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3032] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3098] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3100] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2954] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3033] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3034] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[2850] StaticText 'Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2904] link 'Edit Customer'", "\t\t\t[2852] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2956] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3035] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3036] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3105] link 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2957] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3037] rowheader 'Email' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3038] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3107] link '[email protected]'", "\t\t\t\t[2958] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3039] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3040] gridcell 'General' required: False", "\t\t\t[2747] StaticText 'Address Information'", "\t\t\t[2854] StaticText 'Billing Address'", "\t\t\t[2906] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2749] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2856] StaticText 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2857] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2858] StaticText '123 Malibu Beach Road'", "\t\t\t\t[2859] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2860] StaticText 'Malibu, California, 90265'", "\t\t\t\t[2861] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2862] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2863] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2864] StaticText 'T: 3105555555'", "\t\t\t[2866] StaticText 'Shipping Address'", "\t\t\t[2907] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2751] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2868] StaticText 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2869] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2870] StaticText '123 Malibu Beach Road'", "\t\t\t\t[2871] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2872] StaticText 'Malibu, California, 90265'", "\t\t\t\t[2873] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2874] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2875] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2876] StaticText 'T: 3105555555'", "\t\t\t[2752] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method'", "\t\t\t[2878] StaticText 'Payment Information'", "\t\t\t[2908] StaticText 'Check / Money order'", "\t\t\t[2909] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.'", "\t\t\t[2883] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information'", "\t\t\t[2885] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed'", "\t\t\t[2888] StaticText '$10.00'", "\t\t\t[2757] StaticText 'Items Ordered'", "\t\t\t[2705] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2889] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2910] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2911] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2912] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2913] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2914] columnheader 'Qty' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2915] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2916] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2917] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2918] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2919] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2890] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2920] gridcell 'Proteus Fitness Jackshirt SKU: MJ12-M-Blue Color: Blue Size: M' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3043] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3114] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3115] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3142] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3116] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3143] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3117] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3144] StaticText 'M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2921] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2922] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2923] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2924] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2986] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3118] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3145] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3146] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2925] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2926] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2927] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2928] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2929] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2930] gridcell 'Ida Workout Parachute Pant SKU: WP03-28-Blue Color: Blue Size: 28' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3051] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3123] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3124] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3148] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3125] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3149] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3126] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3150] StaticText '28'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2931] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2932] gridcell '$48.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2933] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2934] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3000] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3127] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3151] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3152] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2935] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2936] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2937] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2938] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2939] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[2761] StaticText 'Order Total'", "\t\t\t[2893] StaticText 'Notes for this Order'", "\t\t\t[3057] StaticText 'Status'", "\t\t\t[3058] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[3129] menuitem 'Complete' selected: True", "\t\t\t[3059] StaticText 'Comment'", "\t\t\t[3060] textbox 'Comment' required: False", "\t\t\t[3131] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3133] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3063] button 'Submit Comment'", "\t\t\t[2897] StaticText 'Order Totals'", "\t\t\t[2765] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2943] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3015] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3016] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2944] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3017] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3018] gridcell '$10.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3019] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3020] gridcell '$93.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2946] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3021] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3022] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2947] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3023] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3024] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2948] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3025] gridcell 'Total Due' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3026] gridcell '$93.40' required: False", "\t\t[2021] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW'", "\t\t[2605] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[2607] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content", "\t\t\t\t[2617] link 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2609] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content", "\t\t\t\t[2619] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t[2611] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content", "\t\t\t\t[2621] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t[2613] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content", "\t\t\t\t[2623] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t[2615] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[2625] link 'Comments History'", "\t[2022] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2028] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2029] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2045] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2031] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2032] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2033] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2034] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2035] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): #000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1281] RootWebArea '#000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[1340] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1348] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1286] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1288] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1292] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1296] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1300] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1304] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1308] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1312] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1316] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1320] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1324] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1367] heading '#000000230'", "\t[1368] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1370] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1612] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1508] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1328] main ''", "\t\t[1372] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1373] button 'Login as Customer'", "\t\t[1374] button 'Send Email'", "\t\t[1375] button 'Ship'", "\t\t[1376] button 'Reorder'", "\t\t[2631] tabpanel 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2742] StaticText 'Order & Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2844] StaticText 'Order # 000000230 ('", "\t\t\t[2846] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent'", "\t\t\t[2847] StaticText ')'", "\t\t\t[2848] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3027] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3028] gridcell 'May 19, 2023, 8:11:51 AM' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2952] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3029] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3030] gridcell 'Complete' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2953] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3031] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3032] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3098] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3100] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2954] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3033] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3034] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[2850] StaticText 'Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2904] link 'Edit Customer'", "\t\t\t[2852] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2956] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3035] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3036] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3105] link 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2957] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3037] rowheader 'Email' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3038] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3107] link '[email protected]'", "\t\t\t\t[2958] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3039] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3040] gridcell 'General' required: False", "\t\t\t[2747] StaticText 'Address Information'", "\t\t\t[2854] StaticText 'Billing Address'", "\t\t\t[2906] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2749] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2856] StaticText 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2857] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2858] StaticText '123 Malibu Beach Road'", "\t\t\t\t[2859] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2860] StaticText 'Malibu, California, 90265'", "\t\t\t\t[2861] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2862] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2863] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2864] StaticText 'T: 3105555555'", "\t\t\t[2866] StaticText 'Shipping Address'", "\t\t\t[2907] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2751] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2868] StaticText 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2869] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2870] StaticText '123 Malibu Beach Road'", "\t\t\t\t[2871] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2872] StaticText 'Malibu, California, 90265'", "\t\t\t\t[2873] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2874] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2875] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2876] StaticText 'T: 3105555555'", "\t\t\t[2752] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method'", "\t\t\t[2878] StaticText 'Payment Information'", "\t\t\t[2908] StaticText 'Check / Money order'", "\t\t\t[2909] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.'", "\t\t\t[2883] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information'", "\t\t\t[2885] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed'", "\t\t\t[2888] StaticText '$10.00'", "\t\t\t[2757] StaticText 'Items Ordered'", "\t\t\t[2705] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2889] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2910] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2911] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2912] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2913] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2914] columnheader 'Qty' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2915] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2916] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2917] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2918] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2919] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2890] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2920] gridcell 'Proteus Fitness Jackshirt SKU: MJ12-M-Blue Color: Blue Size: M' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3043] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3114] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3115] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3142] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3116] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3143] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3117] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3144] StaticText 'M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2921] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2922] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2923] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2924] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2986] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3118] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3145] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3146] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2925] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2926] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2927] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2928] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2929] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2930] gridcell 'Ida Workout Parachute Pant SKU: WP03-28-Blue Color: Blue Size: 28' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3051] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3123] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3124] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3148] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3125] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3149] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3126] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3150] StaticText '28'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2931] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2932] gridcell '$48.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2933] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2934] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3000] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3127] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3151] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3152] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2935] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2936] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2937] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2938] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2939] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[2761] StaticText 'Order Total'", "\t\t\t[2893] StaticText 'Notes for this Order'", "\t\t\t[3057] StaticText 'Status'", "\t\t\t[3058] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[3129] menuitem 'Complete' selected: True", "\t\t\t[3059] StaticText 'Comment'", "\t\t\t[3060] textbox 'Comment' required: False", "\t\t\t[3131] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3133] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3063] button 'Submit Comment'", "\t\t\t[2897] StaticText 'Order Totals'", "\t\t\t[2765] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2943] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3015] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3016] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2944] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3017] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3018] gridcell '$10.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3019] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3020] gridcell '$93.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2946] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3021] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3022] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2947] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3023] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3024] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2948] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3025] gridcell 'Total Due' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3026] gridcell '$93.40' required: False", "\t\t[1334] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW'", "\t\t[2605] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[2607] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content", "\t\t\t\t[2617] link 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2609] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content", "\t\t\t\t[2619] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t[2611] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content", "\t\t\t\t[2621] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t[2613] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content", "\t\t\t\t[2623] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t[2615] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[2625] link 'Comments History'", "\t[1338] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1449] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[1450] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[1452] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[1453] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[1454] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[1455] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[1456] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[2168] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[2220] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[2228] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[2173] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[2175] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[2179] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[2183] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[2187] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[2191] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[2195] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[2199] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[2203] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[2207] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[2211] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[2247] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[2248] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[2250] link '\\ue607'", "\t[2477] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[3387] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[2218] main ''", "\t\t[2253] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[2315] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[2318] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[2435] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[2436] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[2485] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[2486] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[2438] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[2986] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[2987] link 'here'", "\t\t[3040] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[3014] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[3041] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[3042] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[3043] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[3286] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3288] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[3296] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3317] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3318] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3319] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3320] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[3290] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[3298] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3322] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3323] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3324] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3325] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[3292] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[3300] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3327] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3328] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3329] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3330] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[3294] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[3302] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3332] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3333] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3334] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3335] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[3307] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[3315] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[3338] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3344] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3345] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3346] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3339] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3347] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3348] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3349] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3340] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3350] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3351] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3352] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3341] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3353] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3354] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3355] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3342] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3356] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3357] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3358] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3343] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3359] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3360] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3361] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[2994] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[2997] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[2999] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[3004] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[3005] table ''", "\t\t\t[3052] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[3075] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3076] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3077] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[3053] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[3078] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3079] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3080] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[3054] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[3081] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3082] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3083] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[3055] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[3084] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3085] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3086] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[3056] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[3087] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3088] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3089] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[3057] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[3090] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3091] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3092] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[3006] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[3007] table ''", "\t\t\t[3058] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[3093] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3094] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3095] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[3059] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[3096] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3097] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3098] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[3060] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[3099] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3100] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3101] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[3061] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[3102] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3103] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3104] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[3062] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[3105] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3106] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3107] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[3063] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[3108] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3109] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3110] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[3008] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[3009] table ''", "\t\t\t[3064] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[3111] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3112] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3113] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[3065] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[3114] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3115] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3116] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[3066] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[3117] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3118] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3119] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[3067] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[3120] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3121] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3122] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[3068] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[3123] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3124] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3125] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[3069] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[3126] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3127] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3128] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[2939] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2945] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2946] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2958] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2948] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2949] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2950] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2951] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2952] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[601] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[602] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[603] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[932] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[935] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[937] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[942] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[943] table ''", "\t\t\t[954] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[972] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[973] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[978] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[979] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[982] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[996] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[946] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[947] table ''", "\t\t\t[966] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1008] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[967] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[968] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1014] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1015] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1016] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[969] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1017] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1018] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1019] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[970] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1020] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1021] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1022] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[971] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1023] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1024] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1025] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[894] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[899] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[900] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[911] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[902] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[903] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[904] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[905] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[906] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0: Dashboard / Magento Admin | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ] }
[ "hover [1281]", "scroll [down]", "click [8]", "type [3618] [49.50] [1]", "press [Ctrl+s]", "click [931]", "go_back", "go_forward", "new_tab", "close_tab" ]
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): #000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1272] RootWebArea '#000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[1331] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1339] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1277] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1279] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1283] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1287] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1291] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1295] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1299] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1303] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1307] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1311] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1315] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1358] heading '#000000230'", "\t[1359] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1361] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1603] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1499] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1319] main ''", "\t\t[1363] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1364] button 'Login as Customer'", "\t\t[1365] button 'Send Email'", "\t\t[1366] button 'Ship'", "\t\t[1367] button 'Reorder'", "\t\t[2622] tabpanel 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2733] StaticText 'Order & Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2835] StaticText 'Order # 000000230 ('", "\t\t\t[2837] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent'", "\t\t\t[2838] StaticText ')'", "\t\t\t[2839] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2942] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3018] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3019] gridcell 'May 19, 2023, 8:11:51 AM' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2943] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3020] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3021] gridcell 'Complete' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2944] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3022] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3023] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3089] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3091] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3024] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3025] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[2841] StaticText 'Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2895] link 'Edit Customer'", "\t\t\t[2843] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2947] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3026] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3027] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3096] link 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2948] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3028] rowheader 'Email' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3029] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3098] link '[email protected]'", "\t\t\t\t[2949] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3030] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3031] gridcell 'General' required: False", "\t\t\t[2738] StaticText 'Address Information'", "\t\t\t[2845] StaticText 'Billing Address'", "\t\t\t[2897] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2740] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2847] StaticText 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2848] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2849] StaticText '123 Malibu Beach Road'", "\t\t\t\t[2850] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2851] StaticText 'Malibu, California, 90265'", "\t\t\t\t[2852] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2853] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2854] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2855] StaticText 'T: 3105555555'", "\t\t\t[2857] StaticText 'Shipping Address'", "\t\t\t[2898] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2742] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2859] StaticText 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2860] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2861] StaticText '123 Malibu Beach Road'", "\t\t\t\t[2862] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2863] StaticText 'Malibu, California, 90265'", "\t\t\t\t[2864] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2865] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2866] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2867] StaticText 'T: 3105555555'", "\t\t\t[2743] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method'", "\t\t\t[2869] StaticText 'Payment Information'", "\t\t\t[2899] StaticText 'Check / Money order'", "\t\t\t[2900] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.'", "\t\t\t[2874] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information'", "\t\t\t[2876] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed'", "\t\t\t[2879] StaticText '$10.00'", "\t\t\t[2748] StaticText 'Items Ordered'", "\t\t\t[2696] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2880] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2901] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2902] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2903] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2904] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2905] columnheader 'Qty' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2906] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2907] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2908] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2909] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2910] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2881] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2911] gridcell 'Proteus Fitness Jackshirt SKU: MJ12-M-Blue Color: Blue Size: M' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3034] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3105] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3106] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3133] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3107] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3134] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3108] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3135] StaticText 'M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2912] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2913] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2914] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2915] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2977] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3109] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3136] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3137] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2916] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2917] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2918] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2919] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2920] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2882] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2921] gridcell 'Ida Workout Parachute Pant SKU: WP03-28-Blue Color: Blue Size: 28' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3042] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3114] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3115] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3139] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3116] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3140] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3117] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3141] StaticText '28'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2922] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2923] gridcell '$48.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2924] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2925] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2991] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3118] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3142] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3143] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2926] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2927] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2928] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2929] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2930] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[2752] StaticText 'Order Total'", "\t\t\t[2884] StaticText 'Notes for this Order'", "\t\t\t[3048] StaticText 'Status'", "\t\t\t[3049] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[3120] menuitem 'Complete' selected: True", "\t\t\t[3050] StaticText 'Comment'", "\t\t\t[3051] textbox 'Comment' required: False", "\t\t\t[3122] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3124] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3054] button 'Submit Comment'", "\t\t\t[2888] StaticText 'Order Totals'", "\t\t\t[2756] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2934] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3006] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3007] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2935] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3008] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3009] gridcell '$10.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2936] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3010] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3011] gridcell '$93.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2937] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3012] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3013] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2938] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3014] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3015] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2939] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3016] gridcell 'Total Due' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3017] gridcell '$93.40' required: False", "\t\t[1325] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW'", "\t\t[2596] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[2598] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content", "\t\t\t\t[2608] link 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2600] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content", "\t\t\t\t[2610] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t[2602] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content", "\t\t\t\t[2612] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t[2604] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content", "\t\t\t\t[2614] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t[2606] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[2616] link 'Comments History'", "\t[1329] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1440] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[1441] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1511] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[1443] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[1444] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[1445] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[1446] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[1447] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be indicative of a shift from the product editing page for "Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue" to the orders section titled "#000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin". The new state reflects that the user is now focused on order details, as evidenced by the heading and related links appearing in the observation. The focus has transitioned towards managing sales operations rather than editing product information.
The next observation remains unchanged as there are no actions or observations to report. The state of the webpage continues to reflect the last active context, which is focused on the product editing page for "Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue" in the Magento Admin.
type [3618] [49.50] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): WP10 / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin", "", "[1281] RootWebArea 'WP10 / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1329] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1330] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1286] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1288] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1292] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1296] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1300] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1304] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1308] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1312] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1316] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1320] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1324] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1957] heading 'WP10'", "\t[1958] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1960] link '\\ue607'", "\t[2035] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[2013] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1937] main ''", "\t\t[1962] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1963] button 'Reset'", "\t\t[1964] button 'Delete Search'", "\t\t[1965] button 'Save Search'", "\t\t[2032] group 'General Information'", "\t\t\t[2038] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t[2085] StaticText 'Search Query'", "\t\t\t[2111] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t[2063] textbox 'Search Query *' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2112] StaticText 'WP10'", "\t\t\t[2089] StaticText 'Store'", "\t\t\t[2066] combobox 'Store *' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[2092] menuitem '' selected: False", "\t\t\t\t[2093] menuitem '\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0Default Store View' selected: True", "\t\t\t[2094] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t\t[2096] StaticText 'Number of results'", "\t\t\t[2116] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t[2070] textbox 'Number of results *' required: False", "\t\t\t[2099] StaticText 'For the last time placed.'", "\t\t\t[2101] StaticText 'Number of Uses'", "\t\t\t[2074] textbox 'Number of Uses *' required: False", "\t\t\t[2077] StaticText 'Redirect URL'", "\t\t\t[2078] textbox 'Redirect URL' required: False", "\t\t\t[2106] StaticText 'ex. http://domain.com'", "\t\t\t[2082] StaticText 'Display in Suggested Terms'", "\t\t\t[2083] combobox 'Display in Suggested Terms' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[2109] menuitem 'No' selected: False", "\t\t\t\t[2110] menuitem 'Yes' selected: True", "\t[1938] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1999] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2000] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2020] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2002] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2003] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2004] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2005] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2006] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be a complete transition to the "WP10 / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin" page. This reflects a shift in focus from editing the price of "Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue" to managing search terms. The new focus indicates that the previous context of product management has been replaced by a different operational area within the Magento Admin.
press [Ctrl+s]
[ "Tab 0 (current): #000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1281] RootWebArea '#000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1333] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1341] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1286] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1288] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1292] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1296] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1300] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1304] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1308] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1312] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1316] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1320] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1324] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1359] heading '#000000230'", "\t[1360] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1362] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1569] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1489] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1331] main ''", "\t\t[1364] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1365] button 'Login as Customer'", "\t\t[1366] button 'Send Email'", "\t\t[1367] button 'Ship'", "\t\t[1368] button 'Reorder'", "\t\t[2631] tabpanel 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2742] StaticText 'Order & Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2844] StaticText 'Order # 000000230 ('", "\t\t\t[2846] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent'", "\t\t\t[2847] StaticText ')'", "\t\t\t[2848] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3027] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3028] gridcell 'May 19, 2023, 8:11:51 AM' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2952] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3029] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3030] gridcell 'Complete' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2953] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3031] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3032] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3098] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3100] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2954] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3033] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3034] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[2850] StaticText 'Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2904] link 'Edit Customer'", "\t\t\t[2852] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2956] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3035] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3036] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3105] link 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2957] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3037] rowheader 'Email' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3038] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3107] link '[email protected]'", "\t\t\t\t[2958] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3039] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3040] gridcell 'General' required: False", "\t\t\t[2747] StaticText 'Address Information'", "\t\t\t[2854] StaticText 'Billing Address'", "\t\t\t[2906] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2749] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2856] StaticText 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2857] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2858] StaticText '123 Malibu Beach Road'", "\t\t\t\t[2859] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2860] StaticText 'Malibu, California, 90265'", "\t\t\t\t[2861] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2862] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2863] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2864] StaticText 'T: 3105555555'", "\t\t\t[2866] StaticText 'Shipping Address'", "\t\t\t[2907] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2751] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2868] StaticText 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2869] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2870] StaticText '123 Malibu Beach Road'", "\t\t\t\t[2871] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2872] StaticText 'Malibu, California, 90265'", "\t\t\t\t[2873] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2874] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2875] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2876] StaticText 'T: 3105555555'", "\t\t\t[2752] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method'", "\t\t\t[2878] StaticText 'Payment Information'", "\t\t\t[2908] StaticText 'Check / Money order'", "\t\t\t[2909] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.'", "\t\t\t[2883] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information'", "\t\t\t[2885] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed'", "\t\t\t[2888] StaticText '$10.00'", "\t\t\t[2757] StaticText 'Items Ordered'", "\t\t\t[2705] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2889] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2910] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2911] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2912] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2913] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2914] columnheader 'Qty' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2915] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2916] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2917] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2918] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2919] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2890] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2920] gridcell 'Proteus Fitness Jackshirt SKU: MJ12-M-Blue Color: Blue Size: M' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3043] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3114] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3115] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3142] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3116] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3143] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3117] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3144] StaticText 'M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2921] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2922] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2923] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2924] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2986] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3118] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3145] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3146] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2925] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2926] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2927] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2928] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2929] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2930] gridcell 'Ida Workout Parachute Pant SKU: WP03-28-Blue Color: Blue Size: 28' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3051] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3123] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3124] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3148] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3125] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3149] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3126] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3150] StaticText '28'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2931] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2932] gridcell '$48.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2933] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2934] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3000] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3127] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3151] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3152] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2935] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2936] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2937] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2938] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2939] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[2761] StaticText 'Order Total'", "\t\t\t[2893] StaticText 'Notes for this Order'", "\t\t\t[3057] StaticText 'Status'", "\t\t\t[3058] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[3129] menuitem 'Complete' selected: True", "\t\t\t[3059] StaticText 'Comment'", "\t\t\t[3060] textbox 'Comment' required: False", "\t\t\t[3131] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3133] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3063] button 'Submit Comment'", "\t\t\t[2897] StaticText 'Order Totals'", "\t\t\t[2765] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2943] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3015] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3016] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2944] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3017] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3018] gridcell '$10.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3019] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3020] gridcell '$93.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2946] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3021] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3022] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2947] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3023] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3024] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2948] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3025] gridcell 'Total Due' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3026] gridcell '$93.40' required: False", "\t\t[2021] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW'", "\t\t[2605] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[2607] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content", "\t\t\t\t[2617] link 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2609] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content", "\t\t\t\t[2619] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t[2611] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content", "\t\t\t\t[2621] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t[2613] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content", "\t\t\t\t[2623] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t[2615] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[2625] link 'Comments History'", "\t[2022] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2028] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2029] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2045] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2031] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2032] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2033] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2034] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2035] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be a return to the orders section titled "#000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin". This indicates that after attempting to save changes to the product, the interface has redirected the user back to the orders management view. The focus has shifted away from the product editing context, suggesting that the save action may not have been successful or has caused a navigation shift within the Magento Admin interface.
Tab 0 (current): Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [957] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [150] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [153] link '\ue633 What is this?' [928] generic 'Save' [931] button 'Save' [932] button 'Save options' [929] button '\ue626 Back' [930] button 'Add Attribute' [2815] group '' [3457] StaticText 'Enable Product' [3116] checkbox '[website] Enable Product Yes' checked: true [3119] StaticText 'Attribute Set' [3101] generic 'Top' [3459] StaticText 'Product Name' [3102] textbox '[store view] Product Name *' required: False [3460] StaticText 'Minerva LumaTech&trade; V-Tee-S-Blue' [3461] StaticText 'SKU' [3103] textbox '[global] SKU *' required: False [3462] StaticText 'WS08-S-Blue' [2827] group '' [2872] LayoutTable '' [3658] StaticText 'Price' [3618] textbox '[global] Price * $ Please enter a number 0 or greater, without comma in this field.' focused: True required: False [3686] StaticText '32.0040.40.7575' [2830] button 'Advanced Pricing' [3465] StaticText 'Tax Class' [3105] combobox 'notice-IMKO0EI' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2831] group '' [2888] LayoutTable '' [3662] StaticText 'Quantity' [3466] textbox '[global] Quantity' required: False [3663] StaticText '100' [2834] button 'Advanced Inventory' [3468] StaticText 'Stock Status' [3107] combobox 'notice-BWM771M' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2901] group '' [2904] LayoutTable '' [3664] StaticText 'Weight' [3627] textbox '[global] Weight lbs' required: False [3689] StaticText '1' [3470] combobox 'notice-HT43W9N' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2835] group '' [2836] LayoutTable '' [3668] StaticText 'Categories' [2923] generic 'Default Category \ue62f Tees \ue62f Women Sale \ue62f Tees \ue62f' [2926] button '\ue62f' [2929] button '\ue62f' [2932] button '\ue62f' [3676] StaticText 'Tees' [2935] button '\ue62f' [2839] button 'New Category' [3471] StaticText 'Visibility' [3110] combobox 'notice-Y25835M' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2816] group '' [2817] LayoutTable '' [3678] StaticText 'Set Product as New From' [2820] textbox '[website] Set Product as New From' required: False [3900] button 'undefined \ue627' [3640] StaticText 'To' [2823] textbox 'To' required: False [3901] button 'undefined \ue627' [3473] StaticText 'Country of Manufacture' [3112] combobox 'notice-WTV7OUC' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [3474] StaticText 'Activity' [2965] listbox '[global] Activity' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3475] option 'Hike' selected: False [3476] option 'Outdoor' selected: False [3477] option 'Running' selected: False [3478] option 'Warmup' selected: False [3479] option 'Yoga' selected: False [3480] option 'Recreation' selected: False [3481] option 'Lounge' selected: False [3482] option 'Gym' selected: False [3483] option 'Climbing' selected: False [3484] option 'Crosstraining' selected: False [3485] option 'Post-workout' selected: False [3486] option 'Cycling' selected: False [3487] option 'Athletic' selected: False [3488] option 'Sports' selected: False [3489] option 'Hiking' selected: False [3490] option 'Overnight' selected: False [3491] option 'School' selected: False [3492] option 'Trail' selected: False [3493] option 'Travel' selected: False [3494] option 'Urban' selected: False [3495] StaticText 'Style General' [2973] listbox '[global] Style General' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3496] option 'Insulated' selected: False [3497] option 'Jacket' selected: False [3498] option 'Vest' selected: False [3499] option 'Lightweight' selected: False [3500] option 'Hooded' selected: False [3501] option 'Heavy Duty' selected: False [3502] option 'Rain Coat' selected: False [3503] option 'Hard Shell' selected: False [3504] option 'Soft Shell' selected: False [3505] option 'Windbreaker' selected: False [3506] option '&frac12; zip' selected: False [3507] option '&frac14; zip' selected: False [3508] option 'Full Zip' selected: False [3509] option 'Reversible' selected: False [3510] option 'Bra' selected: False [3511] option 'Hoodie' selected: False [3512] option 'Sweatshirt' selected: False [3513] option 'Polo' selected: False [3514] option 'Tank' selected: False [3515] option 'Tee' selected: False [3516] option 'Pullover' selected: False [3522] StaticText 'Material' [2981] listbox '[global] Material' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3523] option 'Burlap' selected: False [3524] option 'Cocona&reg; performance fabric' selected: False [3525] option 'Canvas' selected: False [3526] option 'Wool' selected: False [3527] option 'Cotton' selected: False [3528] option 'Fleece' selected: False [3529] option 'Faux Leather' selected: False [3530] option 'Hemp' selected: False [3531] option 'Jersey' selected: False [3532] option 'Leather' selected: False [3533] option 'LumaTech&trade;' selected: False [3534] option 'Mesh' selected: False [3535] option 'Lycra&reg;' selected: False [3559] StaticText 'Sleeve' [2989] listbox '[global] Sleeve' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3560] option 'Sleeve' selected: False [3561] option 'Long-Sleeve' selected: False [3562] option 'Short-Sleeve' selected: False [3563] option 'Sleeveless' selected: False [3564] option 'Tank' selected: False [3565] option 'Strap' selected: False
type [3618] [40.75 ] where [3618] is textbox '[global] Price * $ Please enter a number 0 or greater, without comma in this field.' focused: True required: False
[ "None", "hover [8] where [8] is link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "type [3618] [40.75] where [3618] is textbox '[global] Price * $' required: False", "click [931] where [931] is button 'Save'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [957] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [150] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [153] link '\ue633 What is this?' [928] generic 'Save' [931] button 'Save' [932] button 'Save options' [929] button '\ue626 Back' [930] button 'Add Attribute' [2815] group '' [3457] StaticText 'Enable Product' [3116] checkbox '[website] Enable Product Yes' checked: true [3119] StaticText 'Attribute Set' [3101] generic 'Top' [3459] StaticText 'Product Name' [3102] textbox '[store view] Product Name *' required: False [3460] StaticText 'Minerva LumaTech&trade; V-Tee-S-Blue' [3461] StaticText 'SKU' [3103] textbox '[global] SKU *' required: False [3462] StaticText 'WS08-S-Blue' [2827] group '' [2872] LayoutTable '' [3658] StaticText 'Price' [3618] textbox '[global] Price * $ Please enter a number 0 or greater, without comma in this field.' focused: True required: False [3686] StaticText '32.0040.75' [2830] button 'Advanced Pricing' [3465] StaticText 'Tax Class' [3105] combobox 'notice-IMKO0EI' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2831] group '' [2888] LayoutTable '' [3662] StaticText 'Quantity' [3466] textbox '[global] Quantity' required: False [3663] StaticText '100' [2834] button 'Advanced Inventory' [3468] StaticText 'Stock Status' [3107] combobox 'notice-BWM771M' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2901] group '' [2904] LayoutTable '' [3664] StaticText 'Weight' [3627] textbox '[global] Weight lbs' required: False [3689] StaticText '1' [3470] combobox 'notice-HT43W9N' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2835] group '' [2836] LayoutTable '' [3668] StaticText 'Categories' [2923] generic 'Default Category \ue62f Tees \ue62f Women Sale \ue62f Tees \ue62f' [2926] button '\ue62f' [2929] button '\ue62f' [2932] button '\ue62f' [3676] StaticText 'Tees' [2935] button '\ue62f' [2839] button 'New Category' [3471] StaticText 'Visibility' [3110] combobox 'notice-Y25835M' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2816] group '' [2817] LayoutTable '' [3678] StaticText 'Set Product as New From' [2820] textbox '[website] Set Product as New From' required: False [3900] button 'undefined \ue627' [3640] StaticText 'To' [2823] textbox 'To' required: False [3901] button 'undefined \ue627' [3473] StaticText 'Country of Manufacture' [3112] combobox 'notice-WTV7OUC' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [3474] StaticText 'Activity' [2965] listbox '[global] Activity' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3475] option 'Hike' selected: False [3476] option 'Outdoor' selected: False [3477] option 'Running' selected: False [3478] option 'Warmup' selected: False [3479] option 'Yoga' selected: False [3480] option 'Recreation' selected: False [3481] option 'Lounge' selected: False [3482] option 'Gym' selected: False [3483] option 'Climbing' selected: False [3484] option 'Crosstraining' selected: False [3485] option 'Post-workout' selected: False [3486] option 'Cycling' selected: False [3487] option 'Athletic' selected: False [3488] option 'Sports' selected: False [3489] option 'Hiking' selected: False [3490] option 'Overnight' selected: False [3491] option 'School' selected: False [3492] option 'Trail' selected: False [3493] option 'Travel' selected: False [3494] option 'Urban' selected: False [3495] StaticText 'Style General' [2973] listbox '[global] Style General' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3496] option 'Insulated' selected: False [3497] option 'Jacket' selected: False [3498] option 'Vest' selected: False [3499] option 'Lightweight' selected: False [3500] option 'Hooded' selected: False [3501] option 'Heavy Duty' selected: False [3502] option 'Rain Coat' selected: False [3503] option 'Hard Shell' selected: False [3504] option 'Soft Shell' selected: False [3505] option 'Windbreaker' selected: False [3506] option '&frac12; zip' selected: False [3507] option '&frac14; zip' selected: False [3508] option 'Full Zip' selected: False [3509] option 'Reversible' selected: False [3510] option 'Bra' selected: False [3511] option 'Hoodie' selected: False [3512] option 'Sweatshirt' selected: False [3513] option 'Polo' selected: False [3514] option 'Tank' selected: False [3515] option 'Tee' selected: False [3516] option 'Pullover' selected: False [3522] StaticText 'Material' [2981] listbox '[global] Material' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3523] option 'Burlap' selected: False [3524] option 'Cocona&reg; performance fabric' selected: False [3525] option 'Canvas' selected: False [3526] option 'Wool' selected: False [3527] option 'Cotton' selected: False [3528] option 'Fleece' selected: False [3529] option 'Faux Leather' selected: False [3530] option 'Hemp' selected: False [3531] option 'Jersey' selected: False [3532] option 'Leather' selected: False [3533] option 'LumaTech&trade;' selected: False [3534] option 'Mesh' selected: False [3535] option 'Lycra&reg;' selected: False [3559] StaticText 'Sleeve' [2989] listbox '[global] Sleeve' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3560] option 'Sleeve' selected: False [3561] option 'Long-Sleeve' selected: False [3562] option 'Short-Sleeve' selected: False [3563] option 'Sleeveless' selected: False [3564] option 'Tank' selected: False [3565] option 'Strap' selected: False
Increase the price of this product by $8.75
The next observation would still be on the product editing page for `Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue` in the Magento Admin panel. The price field is still in focus, but the input appears to have been incorrectly entered or not saved properly as it shows `32.0040.40.7575`. To finalize the objective of increasing the product price by `$8.75`, the user must correct the price to `$49.50` and save the changes, ensuring that the update is reflected in the product details.
{ "neg_action0": "hover [1281]", "neg_action1": "scroll [down]", "neg_action2": null, "neg_action3": "type [3618] [49.50] [1]", "neg_action4": "press [Ctrl+s]", "neg_action5": "click [931]", "neg_action6": "go_back", "neg_action7": "go_forward", "neg_action8": "new_tab", "neg_action9": "close_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): tanks / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin", "", "[1281] RootWebArea 'tanks / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1334] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1343] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1286] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1288] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1292] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1296] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1300] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1304] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1308] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1312] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1316] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1320] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1324] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1362] heading 'tanks'", "\t[1363] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1365] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1588] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1497] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1331] main ''", "\t\t[1367] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1368] button 'Reset'", "\t\t[1369] button 'Delete Search'", "\t\t[1370] button 'Save Search'", "\t\t[1548] group 'General Information'", "\t\t\t[1591] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t[1872] StaticText 'Search Query'", "\t\t\t[1979] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t[1747] textbox 'Search Query *' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1980] StaticText 'tanks'", "\t\t\t[1876] StaticText 'Store'", "\t\t\t[1750] combobox 'Store *' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1879] menuitem '' selected: False", "\t\t\t\t[1880] menuitem '\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0Default Store View' selected: True", "\t\t\t[1881] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t\t[1883] StaticText 'Number of results'", "\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t[1754] textbox 'Number of results *' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1985] StaticText '23'", "\t\t\t[1886] StaticText 'For the last time placed.'", "\t\t\t[1888] StaticText 'Number of Uses'", "\t\t\t[1986] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t[1758] textbox 'Number of Uses *' required: False", "\t\t\t[1761] StaticText 'Redirect URL'", "\t\t\t[1762] textbox 'Redirect URL' required: False", "\t\t\t[1893] StaticText 'ex. http://domain.com'", "\t\t\t[1766] StaticText 'Display in Suggested Terms'", "\t\t\t[1767] combobox 'Display in Suggested Terms' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1896] menuitem 'No' selected: False", "\t\t\t\t[1897] menuitem 'Yes' selected: True", "\t[1332] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1438] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[1439] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1504] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[1441] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[1442] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[1443] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[1444] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[1445] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): #000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1272] RootWebArea '#000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[1331] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1339] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1277] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1279] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1283] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1287] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1291] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1295] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1299] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1303] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1307] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1311] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1315] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1358] heading '#000000230'", "\t[1359] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1361] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1603] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1499] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1319] main ''", "\t\t[1363] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1364] button 'Login as Customer'", "\t\t[1365] button 'Send Email'", "\t\t[1366] button 'Ship'", "\t\t[1367] button 'Reorder'", "\t\t[2622] tabpanel 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2733] StaticText 'Order & Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2835] StaticText 'Order # 000000230 ('", "\t\t\t[2837] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent'", "\t\t\t[2838] StaticText ')'", "\t\t\t[2839] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2942] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3018] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3019] gridcell 'May 19, 2023, 8:11:51 AM' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2943] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3020] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3021] gridcell 'Complete' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2944] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3022] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3023] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3089] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3091] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3024] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3025] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[2841] StaticText 'Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2895] link 'Edit Customer'", "\t\t\t[2843] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2947] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3026] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3027] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3096] link 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2948] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3028] rowheader 'Email' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3029] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3098] link '[email protected]'", "\t\t\t\t[2949] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3030] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3031] gridcell 'General' required: False", "\t\t\t[2738] StaticText 'Address Information'", "\t\t\t[2845] StaticText 'Billing Address'", "\t\t\t[2897] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2740] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2847] StaticText 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2848] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2849] StaticText '123 Malibu Beach Road'", "\t\t\t\t[2850] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2851] StaticText 'Malibu, California, 90265'", "\t\t\t\t[2852] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2853] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2854] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2855] StaticText 'T: 3105555555'", "\t\t\t[2857] StaticText 'Shipping Address'", "\t\t\t[2898] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2742] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2859] StaticText 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2860] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2861] StaticText '123 Malibu Beach Road'", "\t\t\t\t[2862] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2863] StaticText 'Malibu, California, 90265'", "\t\t\t\t[2864] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2865] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2866] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2867] StaticText 'T: 3105555555'", "\t\t\t[2743] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method'", "\t\t\t[2869] StaticText 'Payment Information'", "\t\t\t[2899] StaticText 'Check / Money order'", "\t\t\t[2900] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.'", "\t\t\t[2874] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information'", "\t\t\t[2876] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed'", "\t\t\t[2879] StaticText '$10.00'", "\t\t\t[2748] StaticText 'Items Ordered'", "\t\t\t[2696] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2880] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2901] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2902] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2903] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2904] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2905] columnheader 'Qty' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2906] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2907] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2908] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2909] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2910] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2881] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2911] gridcell 'Proteus Fitness Jackshirt SKU: MJ12-M-Blue Color: Blue Size: M' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3034] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3105] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3106] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3133] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3107] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3134] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3108] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3135] StaticText 'M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2912] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2913] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2914] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2915] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2977] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3109] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3136] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3137] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2916] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2917] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2918] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2919] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2920] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2882] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2921] gridcell 'Ida Workout Parachute Pant SKU: WP03-28-Blue Color: Blue Size: 28' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3042] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3114] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3115] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3139] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3116] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3140] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3117] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3141] StaticText '28'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2922] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2923] gridcell '$48.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2924] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2925] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2991] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3118] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3142] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3143] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2926] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2927] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2928] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2929] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2930] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[2752] StaticText 'Order Total'", "\t\t\t[2884] StaticText 'Notes for this Order'", "\t\t\t[3048] StaticText 'Status'", "\t\t\t[3049] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[3120] menuitem 'Complete' selected: True", "\t\t\t[3050] StaticText 'Comment'", "\t\t\t[3051] textbox 'Comment' required: False", "\t\t\t[3122] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3124] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3054] button 'Submit Comment'", "\t\t\t[2888] StaticText 'Order Totals'", "\t\t\t[2756] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2934] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3006] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3007] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2935] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3008] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3009] gridcell '$10.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2936] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3010] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3011] gridcell '$93.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2937] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3012] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3013] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2938] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3014] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3015] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2939] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3016] gridcell 'Total Due' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3017] gridcell '$93.40' required: False", "\t\t[1325] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW'", "\t\t[2596] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[2598] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content", "\t\t\t\t[2608] link 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2600] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content", "\t\t\t\t[2610] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t[2602] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content", "\t\t\t\t[2612] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t[2604] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content", "\t\t\t\t[2614] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t[2606] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[2616] link 'Comments History'", "\t[1329] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1440] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[1441] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1511] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[1443] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[1444] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[1445] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[1446] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[1447] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation2": null, "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): WP10 / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin", "", "[1281] RootWebArea 'WP10 / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1329] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1330] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1286] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1288] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1292] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1296] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1300] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1304] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1308] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1312] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1316] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1320] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1324] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1957] heading 'WP10'", "\t[1958] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1960] link '\\ue607'", "\t[2035] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[2013] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1937] main ''", "\t\t[1962] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1963] button 'Reset'", "\t\t[1964] button 'Delete Search'", "\t\t[1965] button 'Save Search'", "\t\t[2032] group 'General Information'", "\t\t\t[2038] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t[2085] StaticText 'Search Query'", "\t\t\t[2111] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t[2063] textbox 'Search Query *' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2112] StaticText 'WP10'", "\t\t\t[2089] StaticText 'Store'", "\t\t\t[2066] combobox 'Store *' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[2092] menuitem '' selected: False", "\t\t\t\t[2093] menuitem '\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0Default Store View' selected: True", "\t\t\t[2094] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t\t[2096] StaticText 'Number of results'", "\t\t\t[2116] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t[2070] textbox 'Number of results *' required: False", "\t\t\t[2099] StaticText 'For the last time placed.'", "\t\t\t[2101] StaticText 'Number of Uses'", "\t\t\t[2074] textbox 'Number of Uses *' required: False", "\t\t\t[2077] StaticText 'Redirect URL'", "\t\t\t[2078] textbox 'Redirect URL' required: False", "\t\t\t[2106] StaticText 'ex. http://domain.com'", "\t\t\t[2082] StaticText 'Display in Suggested Terms'", "\t\t\t[2083] combobox 'Display in Suggested Terms' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[2109] menuitem 'No' selected: False", "\t\t\t\t[2110] menuitem 'Yes' selected: True", "\t[1938] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1999] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2000] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2020] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2002] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2003] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2004] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2005] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2006] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): #000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1281] RootWebArea '#000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1333] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1341] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1286] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1288] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1292] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1296] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1300] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1304] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1308] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1312] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1316] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1320] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1324] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1359] heading '#000000230'", "\t[1360] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1362] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1569] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1489] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1331] main ''", "\t\t[1364] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1365] button 'Login as Customer'", "\t\t[1366] button 'Send Email'", "\t\t[1367] button 'Ship'", "\t\t[1368] button 'Reorder'", "\t\t[2631] tabpanel 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2742] StaticText 'Order & Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2844] StaticText 'Order # 000000230 ('", "\t\t\t[2846] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent'", "\t\t\t[2847] StaticText ')'", "\t\t\t[2848] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3027] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3028] gridcell 'May 19, 2023, 8:11:51 AM' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2952] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3029] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3030] gridcell 'Complete' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2953] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3031] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3032] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3098] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3100] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2954] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3033] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3034] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[2850] StaticText 'Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2904] link 'Edit Customer'", "\t\t\t[2852] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2956] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3035] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3036] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3105] link 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2957] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3037] rowheader 'Email' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3038] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3107] link '[email protected]'", "\t\t\t\t[2958] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3039] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3040] gridcell 'General' required: False", "\t\t\t[2747] StaticText 'Address Information'", "\t\t\t[2854] StaticText 'Billing Address'", "\t\t\t[2906] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2749] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2856] StaticText 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2857] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2858] StaticText '123 Malibu Beach Road'", "\t\t\t\t[2859] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2860] StaticText 'Malibu, California, 90265'", "\t\t\t\t[2861] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2862] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2863] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2864] StaticText 'T: 3105555555'", "\t\t\t[2866] StaticText 'Shipping Address'", "\t\t\t[2907] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2751] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2868] StaticText 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2869] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2870] StaticText '123 Malibu Beach Road'", "\t\t\t\t[2871] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2872] StaticText 'Malibu, California, 90265'", "\t\t\t\t[2873] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2874] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2875] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2876] StaticText 'T: 3105555555'", "\t\t\t[2752] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method'", "\t\t\t[2878] StaticText 'Payment Information'", "\t\t\t[2908] StaticText 'Check / Money order'", "\t\t\t[2909] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.'", "\t\t\t[2883] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information'", "\t\t\t[2885] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed'", "\t\t\t[2888] StaticText '$10.00'", "\t\t\t[2757] StaticText 'Items Ordered'", "\t\t\t[2705] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2889] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2910] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2911] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2912] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2913] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2914] columnheader 'Qty' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2915] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2916] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2917] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2918] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2919] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2890] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2920] gridcell 'Proteus Fitness Jackshirt SKU: MJ12-M-Blue Color: Blue Size: M' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3043] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3114] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3115] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3142] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3116] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3143] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3117] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3144] StaticText 'M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2921] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2922] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2923] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2924] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2986] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3118] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3145] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3146] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2925] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2926] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2927] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2928] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2929] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2930] gridcell 'Ida Workout Parachute Pant SKU: WP03-28-Blue Color: Blue Size: 28' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3051] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3123] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3124] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3148] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3125] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3149] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3126] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3150] StaticText '28'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2931] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2932] gridcell '$48.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2933] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2934] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3000] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3127] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3151] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3152] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2935] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2936] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2937] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2938] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2939] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[2761] StaticText 'Order Total'", "\t\t\t[2893] StaticText 'Notes for this Order'", "\t\t\t[3057] StaticText 'Status'", "\t\t\t[3058] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[3129] menuitem 'Complete' selected: True", "\t\t\t[3059] StaticText 'Comment'", "\t\t\t[3060] textbox 'Comment' required: False", "\t\t\t[3131] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3133] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3063] button 'Submit Comment'", "\t\t\t[2897] StaticText 'Order Totals'", "\t\t\t[2765] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2943] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3015] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3016] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2944] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3017] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3018] gridcell '$10.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3019] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3020] gridcell '$93.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2946] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3021] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3022] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2947] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3023] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3024] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2948] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3025] gridcell 'Total Due' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3026] gridcell '$93.40' required: False", "\t\t[2021] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW'", "\t\t[2605] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[2607] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content", "\t\t\t\t[2617] link 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2609] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content", "\t\t\t\t[2619] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t[2611] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content", "\t\t\t\t[2621] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t[2613] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content", "\t\t\t\t[2623] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t[2615] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[2625] link 'Comments History'", "\t[2022] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2028] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2029] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2045] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2031] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2032] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2033] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2034] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2035] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): #000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1281] RootWebArea '#000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[1340] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1348] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1286] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1288] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1292] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1296] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1300] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1304] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1308] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1312] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1316] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1320] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1324] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1367] heading '#000000230'", "\t[1368] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1370] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1612] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1508] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1328] main ''", "\t\t[1372] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1373] button 'Login as Customer'", "\t\t[1374] button 'Send Email'", "\t\t[1375] button 'Ship'", "\t\t[1376] button 'Reorder'", "\t\t[2631] tabpanel 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2742] StaticText 'Order & Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2844] StaticText 'Order # 000000230 ('", "\t\t\t[2846] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent'", "\t\t\t[2847] StaticText ')'", "\t\t\t[2848] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3027] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3028] gridcell 'May 19, 2023, 8:11:51 AM' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2952] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3029] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3030] gridcell 'Complete' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2953] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3031] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3032] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3098] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3100] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2954] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3033] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3034] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[2850] StaticText 'Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2904] link 'Edit Customer'", "\t\t\t[2852] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2956] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3035] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3036] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3105] link 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2957] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3037] rowheader 'Email' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3038] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3107] link '[email protected]'", "\t\t\t\t[2958] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3039] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3040] gridcell 'General' required: False", "\t\t\t[2747] StaticText 'Address Information'", "\t\t\t[2854] StaticText 'Billing Address'", "\t\t\t[2906] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2749] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2856] StaticText 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2857] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2858] StaticText '123 Malibu Beach Road'", "\t\t\t\t[2859] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2860] StaticText 'Malibu, California, 90265'", "\t\t\t\t[2861] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2862] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2863] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2864] StaticText 'T: 3105555555'", "\t\t\t[2866] StaticText 'Shipping Address'", "\t\t\t[2907] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2751] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2868] StaticText 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2869] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2870] StaticText '123 Malibu Beach Road'", "\t\t\t\t[2871] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2872] StaticText 'Malibu, California, 90265'", "\t\t\t\t[2873] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2874] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2875] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2876] StaticText 'T: 3105555555'", "\t\t\t[2752] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method'", "\t\t\t[2878] StaticText 'Payment Information'", "\t\t\t[2908] StaticText 'Check / Money order'", "\t\t\t[2909] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.'", "\t\t\t[2883] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information'", "\t\t\t[2885] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed'", "\t\t\t[2888] StaticText '$10.00'", "\t\t\t[2757] StaticText 'Items Ordered'", "\t\t\t[2705] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2889] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2910] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2911] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2912] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2913] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2914] columnheader 'Qty' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2915] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2916] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2917] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2918] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2919] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2890] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2920] gridcell 'Proteus Fitness Jackshirt SKU: MJ12-M-Blue Color: Blue Size: M' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3043] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3114] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3115] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3142] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3116] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3143] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3117] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3144] StaticText 'M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2921] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2922] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2923] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2924] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2986] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3118] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3145] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3146] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2925] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2926] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2927] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2928] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2929] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2930] gridcell 'Ida Workout Parachute Pant SKU: WP03-28-Blue Color: Blue Size: 28' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3051] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3123] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3124] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3148] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3125] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3149] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3126] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3150] StaticText '28'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2931] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2932] gridcell '$48.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2933] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2934] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3000] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3127] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3151] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3152] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2935] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2936] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2937] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2938] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2939] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[2761] StaticText 'Order Total'", "\t\t\t[2893] StaticText 'Notes for this Order'", "\t\t\t[3057] StaticText 'Status'", "\t\t\t[3058] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[3129] menuitem 'Complete' selected: True", "\t\t\t[3059] StaticText 'Comment'", "\t\t\t[3060] textbox 'Comment' required: False", "\t\t\t[3131] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3133] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3063] button 'Submit Comment'", "\t\t\t[2897] StaticText 'Order Totals'", "\t\t\t[2765] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2943] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3015] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3016] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2944] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3017] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3018] gridcell '$10.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3019] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3020] gridcell '$93.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2946] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3021] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3022] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2947] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3023] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3024] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2948] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3025] gridcell 'Total Due' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3026] gridcell '$93.40' required: False", "\t\t[1334] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW'", "\t\t[2605] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[2607] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content", "\t\t\t\t[2617] link 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2609] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content", "\t\t\t\t[2619] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t[2611] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content", "\t\t\t\t[2621] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t[2613] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content", "\t\t\t\t[2623] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t[2615] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[2625] link 'Comments History'", "\t[1338] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1449] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[1450] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[1452] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[1453] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[1454] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[1455] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[1456] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[2168] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[2220] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[2228] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[2173] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[2175] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[2179] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[2183] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[2187] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[2191] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[2195] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[2199] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[2203] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[2207] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[2211] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[2247] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[2248] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[2250] link '\\ue607'", "\t[2477] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[3387] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[2218] main ''", "\t\t[2253] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[2315] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[2318] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[2435] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[2436] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[2485] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[2486] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[2438] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[2986] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[2987] link 'here'", "\t\t[3040] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[3014] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[3041] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[3042] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[3043] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[3286] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3288] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[3296] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3317] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3318] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3319] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3320] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[3290] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[3298] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3322] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3323] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3324] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3325] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[3292] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[3300] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3327] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3328] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3329] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3330] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[3294] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[3302] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3332] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3333] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3334] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3335] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[3307] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[3315] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[3338] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3344] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3345] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3346] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3339] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3347] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3348] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3349] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3340] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3350] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3351] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3352] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3341] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3353] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3354] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3355] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3342] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3356] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3357] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3358] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3343] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3359] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3360] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3361] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[2994] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[2997] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[2999] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[3004] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[3005] table ''", "\t\t\t[3052] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[3075] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3076] columnheader 'Items' 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[3087] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3088] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3089] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[3057] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[3090] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3091] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3092] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[3006] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[3007] table ''", "\t\t\t[3058] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[3093] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3094] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3095] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[3059] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[3096] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3097] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3098] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[3060] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[3099] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3100] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3101] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[3061] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[3102] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3103] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3104] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[3062] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[3105] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3106] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3107] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[3063] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[3108] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2958] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2948] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2949] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2950] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2951] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2952] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[601] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[602] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[603] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[932] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[935] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[937] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[942] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[943] table ''", "\t\t\t[954] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[972] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[973] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[978] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[979] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[982] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[984] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[944] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[945] table ''", "\t\t\t[960] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[990] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[991] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[961] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[996] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[997] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1000] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1002] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[946] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[947] table ''", "\t\t\t[966] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1008] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1009] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[967] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[968] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1014] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1015] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1016] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[969] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1017] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1018] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1019] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[970] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1020] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1021] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1022] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[971] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1023] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1024] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1025] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[894] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[899] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[900] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[911] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[902] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[903] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[904] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[905] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[906] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0: Dashboard / Magento Admin | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ] }
[ "hover [1281]", "scroll [down]", "click [8]", "type [3618] [49.50] [1]", "press [Ctrl+s]", "click [931]", "go_back", "go_forward", "new_tab", "close_tab" ]
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): #000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1272] RootWebArea '#000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[1331] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1339] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1277] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1279] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1283] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1287] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1291] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1295] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1299] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1303] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1307] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1311] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1315] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1358] heading '#000000230'", "\t[1359] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1361] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1603] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1499] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1319] main ''", "\t\t[1363] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1364] button 'Login as Customer'", "\t\t[1365] button 'Send Email'", "\t\t[1366] button 'Ship'", "\t\t[1367] button 'Reorder'", "\t\t[2622] tabpanel 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2733] StaticText 'Order & Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2835] StaticText 'Order # 000000230 ('", "\t\t\t[2837] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent'", "\t\t\t[2838] StaticText ')'", "\t\t\t[2839] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2942] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3018] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3019] gridcell 'May 19, 2023, 8:11:51 AM' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2943] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3020] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3021] gridcell 'Complete' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2944] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3022] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3023] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3089] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3091] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3024] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3025] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[2841] StaticText 'Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2895] link 'Edit Customer'", "\t\t\t[2843] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2947] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3026] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3027] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3096] link 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2948] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3028] rowheader 'Email' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3029] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3098] link '[email protected]'", "\t\t\t\t[2949] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3030] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3031] gridcell 'General' required: False", "\t\t\t[2738] StaticText 'Address Information'", "\t\t\t[2845] StaticText 'Billing Address'", "\t\t\t[2897] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2740] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2847] StaticText 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2848] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2849] StaticText '123 Malibu Beach Road'", "\t\t\t\t[2850] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2851] StaticText 'Malibu, California, 90265'", "\t\t\t\t[2852] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2853] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2854] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2855] StaticText 'T: 3105555555'", "\t\t\t[2857] StaticText 'Shipping Address'", "\t\t\t[2898] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2742] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2859] StaticText 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2860] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2861] StaticText '123 Malibu Beach Road'", "\t\t\t\t[2862] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2863] StaticText 'Malibu, California, 90265'", "\t\t\t\t[2864] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2865] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2866] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2867] StaticText 'T: 3105555555'", "\t\t\t[2743] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method'", "\t\t\t[2869] StaticText 'Payment Information'", "\t\t\t[2899] StaticText 'Check / Money order'", "\t\t\t[2900] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.'", "\t\t\t[2874] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information'", "\t\t\t[2876] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed'", "\t\t\t[2879] StaticText '$10.00'", "\t\t\t[2748] StaticText 'Items Ordered'", "\t\t\t[2696] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2880] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2901] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2902] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2903] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2904] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2905] columnheader 'Qty' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2906] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2907] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2908] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2909] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2910] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2881] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2911] gridcell 'Proteus Fitness Jackshirt SKU: MJ12-M-Blue Color: Blue Size: M' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3034] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3105] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3106] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3133] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3107] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3134] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3108] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3135] StaticText 'M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2912] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2913] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2914] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2915] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2977] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3109] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3136] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3137] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2916] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2917] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2918] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2919] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2920] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2882] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2921] gridcell 'Ida Workout Parachute Pant SKU: WP03-28-Blue Color: Blue Size: 28' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3042] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3114] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3115] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3139] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3116] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3140] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3117] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3141] StaticText '28'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2922] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2923] gridcell '$48.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2924] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2925] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2991] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3118] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3142] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3143] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2926] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2927] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2928] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2929] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2930] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[2752] StaticText 'Order Total'", "\t\t\t[2884] StaticText 'Notes for this Order'", "\t\t\t[3048] StaticText 'Status'", "\t\t\t[3049] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[3120] menuitem 'Complete' selected: True", "\t\t\t[3050] StaticText 'Comment'", "\t\t\t[3051] textbox 'Comment' required: False", "\t\t\t[3122] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3124] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3054] button 'Submit Comment'", "\t\t\t[2888] StaticText 'Order Totals'", "\t\t\t[2756] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2934] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3006] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3007] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2935] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3008] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3009] gridcell '$10.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2936] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3010] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3011] gridcell '$93.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2937] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3012] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3013] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2938] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3014] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3015] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2939] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3016] gridcell 'Total Due' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3017] gridcell '$93.40' required: False", "\t\t[1325] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW'", "\t\t[2596] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[2598] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content", "\t\t\t\t[2608] link 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2600] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content", "\t\t\t\t[2610] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t[2602] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content", "\t\t\t\t[2612] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t[2604] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content", "\t\t\t\t[2614] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t[2606] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[2616] link 'Comments History'", "\t[1329] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1440] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[1441] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1511] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[1443] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[1444] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[1445] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[1446] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[1447] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be "Tab 0 (current): #000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin". The main focus has shifted from the product inventory page to an order management interface, indicating that the user is now viewing details related to a specific order rather than product attributes. This transition suggests a navigation away from product management tasks to order processing tasks in the Magento Admin interface.
The next observation would remain unchanged as there are no actions taken. The state of the webpage continues to reflect the product inventory management, with no updates or transitions occurring in the interface.
type [3618] [49.50] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): WP10 / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin", "", "[1281] RootWebArea 'WP10 / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1329] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1330] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1286] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1288] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1292] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1296] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1300] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1304] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1308] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1312] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1316] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1320] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1324] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1957] heading 'WP10'", "\t[1958] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1960] link '\\ue607'", "\t[2035] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[2013] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1937] main ''", "\t\t[1962] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1963] button 'Reset'", "\t\t[1964] button 'Delete Search'", "\t\t[1965] button 'Save Search'", "\t\t[2032] group 'General Information'", "\t\t\t[2038] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t[2085] StaticText 'Search Query'", "\t\t\t[2111] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t[2063] textbox 'Search Query *' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2112] StaticText 'WP10'", "\t\t\t[2089] StaticText 'Store'", "\t\t\t[2066] combobox 'Store *' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[2092] menuitem '' selected: False", "\t\t\t\t[2093] menuitem '\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0Default Store View' selected: True", "\t\t\t[2094] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t\t[2096] StaticText 'Number of results'", "\t\t\t[2116] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t[2070] textbox 'Number of results *' required: False", "\t\t\t[2099] StaticText 'For the last time placed.'", "\t\t\t[2101] StaticText 'Number of Uses'", "\t\t\t[2074] textbox 'Number of Uses *' required: False", "\t\t\t[2077] StaticText 'Redirect URL'", "\t\t\t[2078] textbox 'Redirect URL' required: False", "\t\t\t[2106] StaticText 'ex. http://domain.com'", "\t\t\t[2082] StaticText 'Display in Suggested Terms'", "\t\t\t[2083] combobox 'Display in Suggested Terms' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[2109] menuitem 'No' selected: False", "\t\t\t\t[2110] menuitem 'Yes' selected: True", "\t[1938] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1999] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2000] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2020] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2002] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2003] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2004] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2005] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2006] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be "Tab 0 (current): WP10 / Search Terms / SEO & Search / Marketing / Magento Admin". The focus has completely shifted from managing product pricing to the search term settings in the marketing section, indicating a potential error or conflict that redirected the user away from the intended action of updating product information.
press [Ctrl+s]
[ "Tab 0 (current): #000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1281] RootWebArea '#000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1333] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1341] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1286] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1288] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1292] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1296] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1300] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1304] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1308] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1312] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1316] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1320] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1324] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1359] heading '#000000230'", "\t[1360] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1362] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1569] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1489] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1331] main ''", "\t\t[1364] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1365] button 'Login as Customer'", "\t\t[1366] button 'Send Email'", "\t\t[1367] button 'Ship'", "\t\t[1368] button 'Reorder'", "\t\t[2631] tabpanel 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2742] StaticText 'Order & Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2844] StaticText 'Order # 000000230 ('", "\t\t\t[2846] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent'", "\t\t\t[2847] StaticText ')'", "\t\t\t[2848] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2951] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3027] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3028] gridcell 'May 19, 2023, 8:11:51 AM' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2952] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3029] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3030] gridcell 'Complete' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2953] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3031] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3032] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3098] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3100] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2954] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3033] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3034] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[2850] StaticText 'Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2904] link 'Edit Customer'", "\t\t\t[2852] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2956] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3035] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3036] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3105] link 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2957] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3037] rowheader 'Email' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3038] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3107] link '[email protected]'", "\t\t\t\t[2958] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3039] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3040] gridcell 'General' required: False", "\t\t\t[2747] StaticText 'Address Information'", "\t\t\t[2854] StaticText 'Billing Address'", "\t\t\t[2906] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2749] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2856] StaticText 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2857] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2858] StaticText '123 Malibu Beach Road'", "\t\t\t\t[2859] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2860] StaticText 'Malibu, California, 90265'", "\t\t\t\t[2861] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2862] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2863] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2864] StaticText 'T: 3105555555'", "\t\t\t[2866] StaticText 'Shipping Address'", "\t\t\t[2907] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2751] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2868] StaticText 'Ava Brown'", "\t\t\t\t[2869] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2870] StaticText '123 Malibu Beach Road'", "\t\t\t\t[2871] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2872] StaticText 'Malibu, California, 90265'", "\t\t\t\t[2873] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2874] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2875] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2876] StaticText 'T: 3105555555'", "\t\t\t[2752] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method'", "\t\t\t[2878] StaticText 'Payment Information'", "\t\t\t[2908] StaticText 'Check / Money order'", "\t\t\t[2909] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.'", "\t\t\t[2883] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information'", "\t\t\t[2885] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed'", "\t\t\t[2888] StaticText '$10.00'", "\t\t\t[2757] StaticText 'Items Ordered'", "\t\t\t[2705] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2889] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2910] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2911] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2912] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2913] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2914] columnheader 'Qty' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2915] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2916] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2917] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2918] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2919] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2890] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2920] gridcell 'Proteus Fitness Jackshirt SKU: MJ12-M-Blue Color: Blue Size: M' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3043] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3114] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3115] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3142] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3116] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3143] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3117] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3144] StaticText 'M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2921] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2922] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2923] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2924] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2986] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3118] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3145] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3146] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2925] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2926] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2927] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2928] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2929] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2930] gridcell 'Ida Workout Parachute Pant SKU: WP03-28-Blue Color: Blue Size: 28' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3051] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3123] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3124] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3148] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3125] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3149] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3126] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3150] StaticText '28'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2931] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2932] gridcell '$48.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2933] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2934] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3000] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3127] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3151] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3152] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2935] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2936] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2937] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2938] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2939] gridcell '$38.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[2761] StaticText 'Order Total'", "\t\t\t[2893] StaticText 'Notes for this Order'", "\t\t\t[3057] StaticText 'Status'", "\t\t\t[3058] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[3129] menuitem 'Complete' selected: True", "\t\t\t[3059] StaticText 'Comment'", "\t\t\t[3060] textbox 'Comment' required: False", "\t\t\t[3131] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3133] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3063] button 'Submit Comment'", "\t\t\t[2897] StaticText 'Order Totals'", "\t\t\t[2765] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2943] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3015] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3016] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2944] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3017] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3018] gridcell '$10.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3019] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3020] gridcell '$93.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2946] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3021] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3022] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2947] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3023] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3024] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2948] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3025] gridcell 'Total Due' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3026] gridcell '$93.40' required: False", "\t\t[2021] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW'", "\t\t[2605] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[2607] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content", "\t\t\t\t[2617] link 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2609] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content", "\t\t\t\t[2619] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t[2611] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content", "\t\t\t\t[2621] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t[2613] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content", "\t\t\t\t[2623] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t[2615] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[2625] link 'Comments History'", "\t[2022] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2028] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2029] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2045] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2031] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2032] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2033] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2034] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2035] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be "Tab 0 (current): #000000230 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin". This indicates that instead of a successful save of product changes, the focus has reverted back to the orders section, suggesting that the save operation either failed or caused a context change to the order management view, potentially leaving the previous changes unsaved.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' focused: True [71] generic '\ue60b SALES Sales \ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal' [94] link '\ue62f' [95] menu '' orientation: vertical [273] menu '' orientation: vertical [395] link 'Orders' [396] link 'Invoices' [397] link 'Shipments' [398] link 'Credit Memos' [399] link 'Billing Agreements' [400] link 'Transactions' [401] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [268] button 'Reload Data' [269] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [318] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [319] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [271] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [820] link 'here' [873] StaticText 'Revenue' [847] StaticText '$0.00' [874] StaticText 'Tax' [875] StaticText 'Shipping' [876] StaticText 'Quantity' [861] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [830] StaticText '$0.00' [832] StaticText 'Average Order' [837] StaticText 'Last Orders' [838] table '' [885] row '' [908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [909] columnheader 'Items' required: False [910] columnheader 'Total' required: False [886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [912] gridcell '5' required: False [913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [915] gridcell '4' required: False [916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [918] gridcell '3' required: False [919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [921] gridcell '4' required: False [922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [924] gridcell '2' required: False [925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [840] table '' [891] row '' [926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [927] columnheader 'Results' required: False [928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [930] gridcell '23' required: False [931] gridcell '1' required: False [893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [932] gridcell 'nike' required: False [933] gridcell '0' required: False [934] gridcell '3' required: False [894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [936] gridcell '10' required: False [937] gridcell '4' required: False [895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [939] gridcell '1' required: False [940] gridcell '19' required: False [896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [942] gridcell '23' required: False [943] gridcell '2' required: False [841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [842] table '' [897] row '' [944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [945] columnheader 'Results' required: False [946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [948] gridcell '1' required: False [949] gridcell '19' required: False [899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [951] gridcell '10' required: False [952] gridcell '4' required: False [900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [954] gridcell '23' required: False [955] gridcell '2' required: False [901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [957] gridcell '23' required: False [958] gridcell '1' required: False [902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [960] gridcell '1' required: False [961] gridcell '1' required: False [772] contentinfo '' [778] link '\ue606' [779] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [791] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [781] link 'Privacy Policy' [782] StaticText ' |' [783] link ' Account Activity' [784] StaticText ' | ' [785] link 'Report an Issue'
click [12] where [12] is link '\ue60b SALES'
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [268] button 'Reload Data' [269] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [318] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [319] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [271] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [820] link 'here' [873] StaticText 'Revenue' [847] StaticText '$0.00' [874] StaticText 'Tax' [875] StaticText 'Shipping' [876] StaticText 'Quantity' [861] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [830] StaticText '$0.00' [832] StaticText 'Average Order' [837] StaticText 'Last Orders' [838] table '' [885] row '' [908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [909] columnheader 'Items' required: False [910] columnheader 'Total' required: False [886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [912] gridcell '5' required: False [913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [915] gridcell '4' required: False [916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [918] gridcell '3' required: False [919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [921] gridcell '4' required: False [922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [924] gridcell '2' required: False [925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [840] table '' [891] row '' [926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [927] columnheader 'Results' required: False [928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [930] gridcell '23' required: False [931] gridcell '1' required: False [893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [932] gridcell 'nike' required: False [933] gridcell '0' required: False [934] gridcell '3' required: False [894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [936] gridcell '10' required: False [937] gridcell '4' required: False [895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [939] gridcell '1' required: False [940] gridcell '19' required: False [896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [942] gridcell '23' required: False [943] gridcell '2' required: False [841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [842] table '' [897] row '' [944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [945] columnheader 'Results' required: False [946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [948] gridcell '1' required: False [949] gridcell '19' required: False [899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [951] gridcell '10' required: False [952] gridcell '4' required: False [900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [954] gridcell '23' required: False [955] gridcell '2' required: False [901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [957] gridcell '23' required: False [958] gridcell '1' required: False [902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [960] gridcell '1' required: False [961] gridcell '1' required: False [772] contentinfo '' [778] link '\ue606' [779] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [791] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [781] link 'Privacy Policy' [782] StaticText ' |' [783] link ' Account Activity' [784] StaticText ' | ' [785] link 'Report an Issue'
Presents the monthly count of successful orders from Mar to Oct 2023 in MM:COUNT format
The next observation would be a focused view on the sales options within the Magento Admin dashboard. This view provides access to various sales-related functionalities such as `Orders`, `Invoices`, `Shipments`, and more. The layout remains consistent with the dashboard structure, but the primary focus is now on sales data management. This change is crucial for gathering the monthly count of successful orders from March to October 2023, as it enables the user to navigate to the specific reports necessary for fulfilling the objective.
{ "neg_action0": "click [123]", "neg_action1": "click [124]", "neg_action2": "click [128]", "neg_action3": "scroll [down]", "neg_action4": "scroll [up]", "neg_action5": "tab_focus [1]", "neg_action6": "hover [3997]", "neg_action7": "type [164] [monthly count of successful orders from Mar to Oct 2023] [1]", "neg_action8": "go_back", "neg_action9": "go_forward", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready' focused: True", "\t[48] link 'My Account'", "\t[49] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[50] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3997] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[54] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[104] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[105] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[80] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[108] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[73] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3984] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3986] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2197] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2948] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3013] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3023] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3037] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3074] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3082] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3087] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3093] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3098] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3159] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3174] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3187] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[2191] link 'Home'", "\t[2196] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[2194] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t[402] main ''", "\t\t[457] heading 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t\t[408] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[410] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[614] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[734] StaticText 'B00JXLGF06'", "\t\t[488] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[736] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[617] generic '35%'", "\t\t\t\t[966] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1191] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1360] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[618] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[619] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText '$607.39'", "\t\t[528] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1194] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1195] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[971] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[529] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[530] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[492] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3952] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3954] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3980] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3953] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3970] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3975] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4003] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3976] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4004] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3972] button 'Next'", "\t\t[494] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3992] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3993] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[535] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3994] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1198] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1199] heading 'From the manufacturer'", "\t\t\t\t[1598] img 'PrecisionCore Technology'", "\t\t\t\t[1600] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[1639] img 'Print direct from phone'", "\t\t\t\t[1641] heading 'Additional Features'", "\t\t\t\t[431] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1706] StaticText 'Wireless and Wi-Fi Direct — print from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[433] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1709] StaticText 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax — includes 35-page 2-sided Automatic Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[435] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1712] StaticText 'Easy navigation and control — intuitive 2.7\" color touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t[1602] heading 'Performance Beyond Laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1603] heading 'WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One'", "\t\t\t\t[1644] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNET'", "\t\t\t\t[442] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1683] StaticText 'Print-shop quality — print documents and graphics in high resolution with precise color placement'", "\t\t\t\t[444] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1686] StaticText 'Save on ink — up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[446] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1689] StaticText 'Fast printing — professional-quality prints at speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[448] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1692] StaticText 'Extremely durable prints — smudge, fade and water resistant prints'", "\t\t\t\t[450] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1695] StaticText 'Laser-sharp black and color text — crisp fonts and precise lines on plain paper'", "\t\t\t\t[1574] heading 'KEY FEATURES'", "\t\t\t\t[1606] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1671] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1673] columnheader 'Fast speeds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1729] img 'Fast speeds'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1674] columnheader '250-sheet capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1731] img '250-sheet capacity'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1675] columnheader '2.7\" touchscreen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1733] img '2.7\" touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1676] columnheader 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1735] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1677] gridcell 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1722] heading 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1678] gridcell 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1723] heading 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1679] gridcell '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1724] heading '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1680] gridcell 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1725] heading 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1607] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1609] heading 'Efficient'", "\t\t\t\t[1611] img 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1613] heading 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1651] StaticText 'Print from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1615] img 'Various connectivity options'", "\t\t\t\t[1617] heading 'Connectivity'", "\t\t\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Built-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1619] img 'Front and rear trays'", "\t\t\t\t[1621] heading 'Versatile'", "\t\t\t\t[1657] StaticText 'Front tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty media'", "\t\t\t\t[1623] img 'Designed to be jam free'", "\t\t\t\t[1625] heading 'Reliable'", "\t\t\t\t[1627] img 'Replacement Inks'", "\t\t\t\t[1629] heading 'Replacement Ink Cartridges'", "\t\t\t\t[1663] StaticText '252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1631] img 'Weight & Dimensions'", "\t\t\t\t[1633] heading 'Weight and Dimensions (W x D x H)'", "\t\t\t\t[1666] StaticText 'Printing: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1667] StaticText 'Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText 'Weight: 21.4 lb'", "\t\t\t\t[1637] img 'In the box'", "\t\t\t\t[1993] heading 'What’s In The Box'", "\t\t\t\t[2057] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1939] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1975] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1995] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1996] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2058] img 'WorkForce WF-3620'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1997] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2059] img 'WorkForce WF-3640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1998] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2060] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1999] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2061] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1976] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2000] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2001] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2002] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2003] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2004] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1977] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2005] rowheader 'Technology' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2006] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2007] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2008] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2009] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1978] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2010] rowheader 'Cost Savings vs. Laser' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2011] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2012] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2013] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2014] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1979] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2015] rowheader 'ISO Print Speed' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2016] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2017] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2018] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2019] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1980] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2020] rowheader 'Screen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2021] gridcell '2.7\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2022] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2023] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2024] gridcell '4.3\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1981] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2025] rowheader 'Total Paper Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2026] gridcell '250' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2027] gridcell '500' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2028] gridcell '330' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2029] gridcell '580' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1982] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2030] rowheader 'Special Media (rear feed)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2031] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2032] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2033] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2034] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1983] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2035] rowheader 'ADF Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2036] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2037] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2038] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2039] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1984] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2040] rowheader 'Auto 2-sided' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2041] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2042] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2043] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2044] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1985] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2045] rowheader 'Ethernet / Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi Direct Tablet / Smartphone' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2046] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2047] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2048] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2049] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1986] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2050] rowheader 'Media Card Slot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2051] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2052] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2053] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2054] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1826] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1750] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNETAuto 2-sided print, copy, scan & faxPrint from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphonesBuilt-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi DirectFront tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty mediaDesigned to be jam free252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, YellowPrinting: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"Weight: 21.4 lbEpson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1752] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1880] StaticText 'Epson strongly recommends the use of Genuine Epson inks for a quality printing experience. Non Epson inks and inks not formulated for your specific printer may cause damage that is not covered by the Epson warranty.'", "\t\t\t\t[1754] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Get Performance Beyond Laser with the WorkForce WF-3620, powered by Precision Core'", "\t\t\t\t[1756] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1884] StaticText 'Save time - Professional-quality prints with speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1758] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1886] StaticText 'Save up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1760] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1888] StaticText 'Print anywhere, anytime - from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones; includes wireless and Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1762] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1890] StaticText 'Do more - auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax; plus 35-page Auto Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1764] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1892] StaticText 'Never run out of ink again - Printer features Amazon Dash Replenishment which, after activation, keeps track of your ink usage and orders more from Amazon when you are running low.'", "\t\t\t\t[1847] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1893] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1921] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1922] gridcell '19.2 x 21.1 x 12.9 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1894] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1923] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1924] gridcell '24.7 pounds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1895] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1925] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1926] gridcell 'C11CD19201' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1896] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1927] rowheader 'Batteries' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1928] gridcell '1 Lithium ion batteries required.' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1929] rowheader 'Is Discontinued By Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1930] gridcell 'No' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1898] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1931] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1932] gridcell 'June 2, 2014' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1899] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1933] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1934] gridcell 'Epson' required: False", "\t\t\t[3995] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1804] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1765] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1823] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1833] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1825] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1808] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1788] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1789] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1790] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1791] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1792] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1781] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1783] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1785] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[4093] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[4140] link 'My Account'", "\t[4141] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[4142] link 'Sign In'", "\t[4146] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[4114] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[4108] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[4116] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[4117] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4257] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4258] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4193] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4261] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4172] button 'Search'", "\t[4173] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4175] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4177] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4179] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4181] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4183] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4185] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4187] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4189] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[4088] RootWebArea 'Create New Customer Account' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[4135] link 'My Account'", "\t[4136] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[4137] link 'Sign In'", "\t[4141] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[4109] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[4103] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[4111] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[4112] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4252] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4253] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4188] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4256] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4167] button 'Search'", "\t[4168] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4170] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4172] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4174] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4176] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4178] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4180] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4182] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4184] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready' focused: True", "\t[122] link 'My Account'", "\t[123] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[124] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3997] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[128] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[80] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[69] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[82] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[83] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[330] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[331] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[214] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[334] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[167] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3984] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3986] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2197] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2948] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3013] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3023] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3037] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3074] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3082] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3087] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3093] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3098] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3159] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3174] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3187] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[2191] link 'Home'", "\t[2196] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[2194] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[76] heading 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[316] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[471] StaticText 'B00JXLGF06'", "\t\t[150] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[473] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[319] generic '35%'", "\t\t\t\t[777] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1075] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1302] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[320] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[321] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText '$607.39'", "\t\t[204] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1078] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1079] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[205] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[206] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[154] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3952] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3954] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3980] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3953] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3970] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3975] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4003] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3976] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4004] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3972] button 'Next'", "\t\t[156] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3992] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3993] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[211] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3994] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1082] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1083] heading 'From the manufacturer'", "\t\t\t\t[1614] img 'PrecisionCore Technology'", "\t\t\t\t[1616] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[1660] img 'Print direct from phone'", "\t\t\t\t[1662] heading 'Additional Features'", "\t\t\t\t[34] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1731] StaticText 'Wireless and Wi-Fi Direct — print from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[36] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1734] StaticText 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax — includes 35-page 2-sided Automatic Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[38] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Easy navigation and control — intuitive 2.7\" color touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t[1618] heading 'Performance Beyond Laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1619] heading 'WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One'", "\t\t\t\t[1665] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNET'", "\t\t\t\t[45] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1708] StaticText 'Print-shop quality — print documents and graphics in high resolution with precise color placement'", "\t\t\t\t[47] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1711] StaticText 'Save on ink — up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[49] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1714] StaticText 'Fast printing — professional-quality prints at speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[51] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1717] StaticText 'Extremely durable prints — smudge, fade and water resistant prints'", "\t\t\t\t[53] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1720] StaticText 'Laser-sharp black and color text — crisp fonts and precise lines on plain paper'", "\t\t\t\t[1587] heading 'KEY FEATURES'", "\t\t\t\t[1622] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1696] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1698] columnheader 'Fast speeds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1754] img 'Fast speeds'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1699] columnheader '250-sheet capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1756] img '250-sheet capacity'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1700] columnheader '2.7\" touchscreen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1758] img '2.7\" touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1701] columnheader 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1760] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1697] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1702] gridcell 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1747] heading 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1703] gridcell 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1748] heading 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1704] gridcell '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1749] heading '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1705] gridcell 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1750] heading 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1623] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1625] heading 'Efficient'", "\t\t\t\t[1627] img 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1629] heading 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1672] StaticText 'Print from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1631] img 'Various connectivity options'", "\t\t\t\t[1633] heading 'Connectivity'", "\t\t\t\t[1675] StaticText 'Built-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1635] img 'Front and rear trays'", "\t\t\t\t[1637] heading 'Versatile'", "\t\t\t\t[1678] StaticText 'Front tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty media'", "\t\t\t\t[1639] img 'Designed to be jam free'", "\t\t\t\t[1641] heading 'Reliable'", "\t\t\t\t[1643] img 'Replacement Inks'", "\t\t\t\t[1645] heading 'Replacement Ink Cartridges'", "\t\t\t\t[1684] StaticText '252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1647] img 'Weight & Dimensions'", "\t\t\t\t[1649] heading 'Weight and Dimensions (W x D x H)'", "\t\t\t\t[1687] StaticText 'Printing: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1688] StaticText 'Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1689] StaticText 'Weight: 21.4 lb'", "\t\t\t\t[1653] img 'In the box'", "\t\t\t\t[1655] heading 'What’s In The Box'", "\t\t\t\t[1692] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1557] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1569] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1613] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1657] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1658] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1693] img 'WorkForce WF-3620'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2001] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2059] img 'WorkForce WF-3640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2002] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2060] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2003] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2061] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1985] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2004] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2005] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2006] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2007] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2008] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1986] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2009] rowheader 'Technology' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2010] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2011] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2012] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2013] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1987] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2014] rowheader 'Cost Savings vs. Laser' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2015] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2016] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2017] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2018] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1988] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2019] rowheader 'ISO Print Speed' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2020] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2021] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2022] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2023] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1989] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2024] rowheader 'Screen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2025] gridcell '2.7\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2026] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2027] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2028] gridcell '4.3\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1990] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2029] rowheader 'Total Paper Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2030] gridcell '250' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2031] gridcell '500' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2032] gridcell '330' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2033] gridcell '580' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1991] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2034] rowheader 'Special Media (rear feed)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2035] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2036] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2037] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2038] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1992] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2039] rowheader 'ADF Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2040] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2041] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2042] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2043] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1993] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2044] rowheader 'Auto 2-sided' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2045] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2046] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2047] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2048] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1994] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2049] rowheader 'Ethernet / Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi Direct Tablet / Smartphone' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2050] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2051] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2052] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2053] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1995] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2054] rowheader 'Media Card Slot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2055] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2056] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2057] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2058] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1851] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1775] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1899] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNETAuto 2-sided print, copy, scan & faxPrint from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphonesBuilt-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi DirectFront tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty mediaDesigned to be jam free252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, YellowPrinting: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"Weight: 21.4 lbEpson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1777] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1901] StaticText 'Epson strongly recommends the use of Genuine Epson inks for a quality printing experience. Non Epson inks and inks not formulated for your specific printer may cause damage that is not covered by the Epson warranty.'", "\t\t\t\t[1779] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText 'Get Performance Beyond Laser with the WorkForce WF-3620, powered by Precision Core'", "\t\t\t\t[1781] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1905] StaticText 'Save time - Professional-quality prints with speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1783] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1907] StaticText 'Save up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1785] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1909] StaticText 'Print anywhere, anytime - from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones; includes wireless and Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1787] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1911] StaticText 'Do more - auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax; plus 35-page Auto Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1789] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1913] StaticText 'Never run out of ink again - Printer features Amazon Dash Replenishment which, after activation, keeps track of your ink usage and orders more from Amazon when you are running low.'", "\t\t\t\t[1871] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1914] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1938] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1939] gridcell '19.2 x 21.1 x 12.9 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1915] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1940] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1941] gridcell '24.7 pounds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1916] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1942] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1943] gridcell 'C11CD19201' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1917] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1944] rowheader 'Batteries' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1945] gridcell '1 Lithium ion batteries required.' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1918] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1946] rowheader 'Is Discontinued By Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1947] gridcell 'No' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1919] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1948] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1949] gridcell 'June 2, 2014' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1920] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1950] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1951] gridcell 'Epson' required: False", "\t\t\t[3995] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1829] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1790] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1848] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1858] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1850] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1833] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1813] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1814] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1815] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1816] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1817] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1806] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1808] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1810] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready' focused: True", "\t[27] link 'My Account'", "\t[28] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[29] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3997] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[16] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[14] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[65] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[66] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[295] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[296] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[178] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[299] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[130] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3984] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3986] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2197] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2948] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3013] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3023] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3037] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3074] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3082] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3087] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3093] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3098] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3159] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3174] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3187] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[2191] link 'Home'", "\t[2196] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[2194] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t[41] main ''", "\t\t[62] heading 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t\t[47] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[49] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[280] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[436] StaticText 'B00JXLGF06'", "\t\t[119] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[438] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[283] generic '35%'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1042] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1270] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[284] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[285] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText '$607.39'", "\t\t[167] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1045] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1046] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[748] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[168] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[169] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[123] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3952] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3954] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3980] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3953] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3970] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3975] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4003] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3976] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4004] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3972] button 'Next'", "\t\t[125] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3992] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3993] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[174] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3994] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1049] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1050] heading 'From the manufacturer'", "\t\t\t\t[1845] img 'PrecisionCore Technology'", "\t\t\t\t[1847] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[1949] img 'Print direct from phone'", "\t\t\t\t[1951] heading 'Additional Features'", "\t\t\t\t[1506] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2125] StaticText 'Wireless and Wi-Fi Direct — print from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1508] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2128] StaticText 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax — includes 35-page 2-sided Automatic Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1510] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2131] StaticText 'Easy navigation and control — intuitive 2.7\" color touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t[1849] heading 'Performance Beyond Laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1850] heading 'WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNET'", "\t\t\t\t[1517] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2102] StaticText 'Print-shop quality — print documents and graphics in high resolution with precise color placement'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2105] StaticText 'Save on ink — up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1521] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2108] StaticText 'Fast printing — professional-quality prints at speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2111] StaticText 'Extremely durable prints — smudge, fade and water resistant prints'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2114] StaticText 'Laser-sharp black and color text — crisp fonts and precise lines on plain paper'", "\t\t\t\t[1802] heading 'KEY FEATURES'", "\t\t\t\t[1853] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2090] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2092] columnheader 'Fast speeds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2148] img 'Fast speeds'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2093] columnheader '250-sheet capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2150] img '250-sheet capacity'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2094] columnheader '2.7\" touchscreen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2152] img '2.7\" touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2095] columnheader 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2154] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2091] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2096] gridcell 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2141] heading 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2097] gridcell 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2142] heading 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2098] gridcell '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2143] heading '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2099] gridcell 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2144] heading 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1854] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1856] heading 'Efficient'", "\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1860] heading 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1961] StaticText 'Print from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1862] img 'Various connectivity options'", "\t\t\t\t[1864] heading 'Connectivity'", "\t\t\t\t[1964] StaticText 'Built-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1866] img 'Front and rear trays'", "\t\t\t\t[1868] heading 'Versatile'", "\t\t\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Front tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty media'", "\t\t\t\t[1870] img 'Designed to be jam free'", "\t\t\t\t[1872] heading 'Reliable'", "\t\t\t\t[1874] img 'Replacement Inks'", "\t\t\t\t[1876] heading 'Replacement Ink Cartridges'", "\t\t\t\t[1973] StaticText '252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1878] img 'Weight & Dimensions'", "\t\t\t\t[1880] heading 'Weight and Dimensions (W x D x H)'", "\t\t\t\t[1976] StaticText 'Printing: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1977] StaticText 'Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1978] StaticText 'Weight: 21.4 lb'", "\t\t\t\t[1884] img 'In the box'", "\t\t\t\t[1886] heading 'What’s In The Box'", "\t\t\t\t[1981] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1717] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1753] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1828] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1888] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1889] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1982] img 'WorkForce WF-3620'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1890] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1983] img 'WorkForce WF-3640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1891] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1984] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1892] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1985] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1829] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1893] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1894] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1895] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1896] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1897] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1898] rowheader 'Technology' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1899] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1900] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1901] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1902] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1903] rowheader 'Cost Savings vs. Laser' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1904] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1905] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1906] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1907] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1908] rowheader 'ISO Print Speed' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1909] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1910] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1911] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1912] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1913] rowheader 'Screen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1914] gridcell '2.7\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1915] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1916] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1917] gridcell '4.3\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1918] rowheader 'Total Paper Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1919] gridcell '250' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1920] gridcell '500' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1921] gridcell '330' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1922] gridcell '580' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1923] rowheader 'Special Media (rear feed)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1924] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1925] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1926] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1927] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1836] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1928] rowheader 'ADF Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1929] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1930] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1931] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1932] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1837] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1933] rowheader 'Auto 2-sided' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1934] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1935] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1936] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1937] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1838] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1938] rowheader 'Ethernet / Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi Direct Tablet / Smartphone' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1939] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1940] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1941] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1942] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1839] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1943] rowheader 'Media Card Slot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1944] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1945] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1946] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1947] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1607] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNETAuto 2-sided print, copy, scan & faxPrint from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphonesBuilt-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi DirectFront tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty mediaDesigned to be jam free252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, YellowPrinting: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"Weight: 21.4 lbEpson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText 'Epson strongly recommends the use of Genuine Epson inks for a quality printing experience. Non Epson inks and inks not formulated for your specific printer may cause damage that is not covered by the Epson warranty.'", "\t\t\t\t[1535] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1675] StaticText 'Get Performance Beyond Laser with the WorkForce WF-3620, powered by Precision Core'", "\t\t\t\t[1537] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText 'Save time - Professional-quality prints with speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1539] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1679] StaticText 'Save up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1541] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1681] StaticText 'Print anywhere, anytime - from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones; includes wireless and Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1543] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1683] StaticText 'Do more - auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax; plus 35-page Auto Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1545] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1685] StaticText 'Never run out of ink again - Printer features Amazon Dash Replenishment which, after activation, keeps track of your ink usage and orders more from Amazon when you are running low.'", "\t\t\t\t[1631] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1686] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1726] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1727] gridcell '19.2 x 21.1 x 12.9 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1687] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1728] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1729] gridcell '24.7 pounds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1688] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1730] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1731] gridcell 'C11CD19201' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1689] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1732] rowheader 'Batteries' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1733] gridcell '1 Lithium ion batteries required.' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1690] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1734] rowheader 'Is Discontinued By Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1735] gridcell 'No' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1691] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1736] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1737] gridcell 'June 2, 2014' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1692] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1738] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1739] gridcell 'Epson' required: False", "\t\t\t[3995] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1585] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1546] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1604] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1614] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1606] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1589] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1569] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1570] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1571] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1572] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1573] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1562] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1564] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1566] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready' focused: True", "\t[28] link 'My Account'", "\t[29] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[30] link 'Sign In'", "\t[4083] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[34] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[16] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[14] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[18] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[126] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[359] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[360] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[239] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[363] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[189] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[4070] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[4072] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2283] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[3034] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3099] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3109] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3123] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3160] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3168] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3173] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3179] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3184] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3245] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3260] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3273] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[2277] link 'Home'", "\t[2282] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[2280] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t[42] main ''", "\t\t[123] heading 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t\t[48] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[50] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[341] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[500] StaticText 'B00JXLGF06'", "\t\t[177] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[502] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[344] generic '35%'", "\t\t\t\t[812] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1117] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1353] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[345] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[346] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[2273] StaticText '$607.39'", "\t\t[226] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1120] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1121] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[817] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[227] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[228] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[181] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[4038] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[4040] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4066] img 'Image'", "\t\t[4039] button 'Next'", "\t\t[4056] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[4061] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4089] img 'Image'", "\t\t[4062] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4159] img 'Image'", "\t\t[4058] button 'Next'", "\t\t[183] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[4078] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[4079] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[233] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[4080] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1124] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1125] heading 'From the manufacturer'", "\t\t\t\t[1812] img 'PrecisionCore Technology'", "\t\t\t\t[1814] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[1916] img 'Print direct from phone'", "\t\t\t\t[1918] heading 'Additional Features'", "\t\t\t\t[71] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2092] StaticText 'Wireless and Wi-Fi Direct — print from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[73] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2095] StaticText 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax — includes 35-page 2-sided Automatic Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[75] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2098] StaticText 'Easy navigation and control — intuitive 2.7\" color touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t[1816] heading 'Performance Beyond Laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1817] heading 'WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNET'", "\t\t\t\t[82] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2069] StaticText 'Print-shop quality — print documents and graphics in high resolution with precise color placement'", "\t\t\t\t[84] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2072] StaticText 'Save on ink — up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[86] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2075] StaticText 'Fast printing — professional-quality prints at speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[88] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2078] StaticText 'Extremely durable prints — smudge, fade and water resistant prints'", "\t\t\t\t[90] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2081] StaticText 'Laser-sharp black and color text — crisp fonts and precise lines on plain paper'", "\t\t\t\t[1764] heading 'KEY FEATURES'", "\t\t\t\t[1820] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2057] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2059] columnheader 'Fast speeds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2115] img 'Fast speeds'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2060] columnheader '250-sheet capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2117] img '250-sheet capacity'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2061] columnheader '2.7\" touchscreen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2119] img '2.7\" touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2062] columnheader 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2121] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2058] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2063] gridcell 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2108] heading 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2064] gridcell 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2109] heading 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2065] gridcell '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2110] heading '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2066] gridcell 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2111] heading 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1821] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1823] heading 'Efficient'", "\t\t\t\t[1825] img 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1827] heading 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1928] StaticText 'Print from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1829] img 'Various connectivity options'", "\t\t\t\t[1831] heading 'Connectivity'", "\t\t\t\t[1931] StaticText 'Built-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1833] img 'Front and rear trays'", "\t\t\t\t[1835] heading 'Versatile'", "\t\t\t\t[1934] StaticText 'Front tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty media'", "\t\t\t\t[1837] img 'Designed to be jam free'", "\t\t\t\t[1839] heading 'Reliable'", "\t\t\t\t[1841] img 'Replacement Inks'", "\t\t\t\t[1843] heading 'Replacement Ink Cartridges'", "\t\t\t\t[1940] StaticText '252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1845] img 'Weight & Dimensions'", "\t\t\t\t[1847] heading 'Weight and Dimensions (W x D x H)'", "\t\t\t\t[1943] StaticText 'Printing: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1944] StaticText 'Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText 'Weight: 21.4 lb'", "\t\t\t\t[1851] img 'In the box'", "\t\t\t\t[1853] heading 'What’s In The Box'", "\t\t\t\t[1948] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1672] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1708] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1790] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1855] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1856] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1949] img 'WorkForce WF-3620'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1857] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1950] img 'WorkForce WF-3640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1858] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1951] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1859] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1952] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1791] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1860] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1861] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1862] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1863] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1864] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1792] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1865] rowheader 'Technology' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1866] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1867] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1868] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1869] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1793] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1870] rowheader 'Cost Savings vs. Laser' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1871] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1872] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1873] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1874] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1794] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1875] rowheader 'ISO Print Speed' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1876] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1877] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1878] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1879] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1795] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1880] rowheader 'Screen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1881] gridcell '2.7\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1882] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1883] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1884] gridcell '4.3\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1796] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1885] rowheader 'Total Paper Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1886] gridcell '250' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1887] gridcell '500' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1888] gridcell '330' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1889] gridcell '580' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1797] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1890] rowheader 'Special Media (rear feed)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1891] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1892] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1893] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1894] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1798] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1895] rowheader 'ADF Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1896] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1897] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1898] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1899] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1799] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1900] rowheader 'Auto 2-sided' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1901] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1902] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1903] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1904] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1800] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1905] rowheader 'Ethernet / Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi Direct Tablet / Smartphone' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1906] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1907] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1908] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1909] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1801] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1910] rowheader 'Media Card Slot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1911] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1912] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1913] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1914] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[96] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1627] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNETAuto 2-sided print, copy, scan & faxPrint from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphonesBuilt-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi DirectFront tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty mediaDesigned to be jam free252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, YellowPrinting: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"Weight: 21.4 lbEpson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[98] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1629] StaticText 'Epson strongly recommends the use of Genuine Epson inks for a quality printing experience. Non Epson inks and inks not formulated for your specific printer may cause damage that is not covered by the Epson warranty.'", "\t\t\t\t[100] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1631] StaticText 'Get Performance Beyond Laser with the WorkForce WF-3620, powered by Precision Core'", "\t\t\t\t[102] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1633] StaticText 'Save time - Professional-quality prints with speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[104] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1635] StaticText 'Save up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[106] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1637] StaticText 'Print anywhere, anytime - from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones; includes wireless and Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[108] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1639] StaticText 'Do more - auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax; plus 35-page Auto Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[110] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1641] StaticText 'Never run out of ink again - Printer features Amazon Dash Replenishment which, after activation, keeps track of your ink usage and orders more from Amazon when you are running low.'", "\t\t\t\t[1363] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1642] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1681] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1682] gridcell '19.2 x 21.1 x 12.9 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1643] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1683] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1684] gridcell '24.7 pounds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1644] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1685] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1686] gridcell 'C11CD19201' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1645] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1687] rowheader 'Batteries' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1688] gridcell '1 Lithium ion batteries required.' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1646] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1689] rowheader 'Is Discontinued By Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1690] gridcell 'No' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1647] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1691] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1692] gridcell 'June 2, 2014' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1648] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1693] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1694] gridcell 'Epson' required: False", "\t\t\t[4081] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[234] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[2131] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2179] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[2184] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[2181] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[2172] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[2154] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[2155] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[2156] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[2157] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[2158] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[2147] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2149] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[2151] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready' focused: True", "\t[51] link 'My Account'", "\t[52] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[53] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3997] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[57] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[23] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[25] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[26] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[214] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[215] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[113] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[218] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[86] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3984] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3986] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2197] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2948] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3013] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3023] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3037] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3074] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3082] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3087] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3093] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3098] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3159] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3174] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3187] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[2191] link 'Home'", "\t[2196] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[2194] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t[1368] main ''", "\t\t[1444] heading 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t\t[1374] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[1376] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[1534] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[1556] StaticText 'B00JXLGF06'", "\t\t[1490] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1558] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1537] generic '35%'", "\t\t\t\t[1581] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1600] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1620] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[1538] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[1539] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText '$607.39'", "\t\t[1520] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1603] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1604] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1586] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1521] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1522] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3952] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3954] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3980] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3953] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3970] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3975] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4003] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3976] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4071] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3972] button 'Next'", "\t\t[1496] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3992] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3993] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1527] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3994] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1607] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1608] heading 'From the manufacturer'", "\t\t\t\t[1845] img 'PrecisionCore Technology'", "\t\t\t\t[1847] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[1949] img 'Print direct from phone'", "\t\t\t\t[1951] heading 'Additional Features'", "\t\t\t\t[1397] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2125] StaticText 'Wireless and Wi-Fi Direct — print from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1399] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2128] StaticText 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax — includes 35-page 2-sided Automatic Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1401] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2131] StaticText 'Easy navigation and control — intuitive 2.7\" color touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t[1849] heading 'Performance Beyond Laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1850] heading 'WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNET'", "\t\t\t\t[1408] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2102] StaticText 'Print-shop quality — print documents and graphics in high resolution with precise color placement'", "\t\t\t\t[1410] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2105] StaticText 'Save on ink — up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1412] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2108] StaticText 'Fast printing — professional-quality prints at speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1414] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2111] StaticText 'Extremely durable prints — smudge, fade and water resistant prints'", "\t\t\t\t[1416] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2114] StaticText 'Laser-sharp black and color text — crisp fonts and precise lines on plain paper'", "\t\t\t\t[1802] heading 'KEY FEATURES'", "\t\t\t\t[1853] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2090] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2092] columnheader 'Fast speeds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2148] img 'Fast speeds'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2093] columnheader '250-sheet capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2150] img '250-sheet capacity'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2094] columnheader '2.7\" touchscreen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2152] img '2.7\" touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2095] columnheader 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2154] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2091] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2096] gridcell 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2141] heading 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2097] gridcell 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2142] heading 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2098] gridcell '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2143] heading '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2099] gridcell 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2144] heading 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1854] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1856] heading 'Efficient'", "\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1860] heading 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1961] StaticText 'Print from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1862] img 'Various connectivity options'", "\t\t\t\t[1864] heading 'Connectivity'", "\t\t\t\t[1964] StaticText 'Built-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1866] img 'Front and rear trays'", "\t\t\t\t[1868] heading 'Versatile'", "\t\t\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Front tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty media'", "\t\t\t\t[1870] img 'Designed to be jam free'", "\t\t\t\t[1872] heading 'Reliable'", "\t\t\t\t[1874] img 'Replacement Inks'", "\t\t\t\t[1876] heading 'Replacement Ink Cartridges'", "\t\t\t\t[1973] StaticText '252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1878] img 'Weight & Dimensions'", "\t\t\t\t[1880] heading 'Weight and Dimensions (W x D x H)'", "\t\t\t\t[1976] StaticText 'Printing: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1977] StaticText 'Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1978] StaticText 'Weight: 21.4 lb'", "\t\t\t\t[1884] img 'In the box'", "\t\t\t\t[1886] heading 'What’s In The Box'", "\t\t\t\t[1981] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1717] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1753] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1828] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1888] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1889] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1982] img 'WorkForce WF-3620'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1890] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1983] img 'WorkForce WF-3640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1891] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1984] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1892] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1985] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1829] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1893] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1894] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1895] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1896] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1897] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1898] rowheader 'Technology' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1899] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1900] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1901] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1902] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1903] rowheader 'Cost Savings vs. Laser' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1904] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1905] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1906] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1907] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1908] rowheader 'ISO Print Speed' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1909] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1910] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1911] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1912] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1913] rowheader 'Screen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1914] gridcell '2.7\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1915] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1916] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1917] gridcell '4.3\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1918] rowheader 'Total Paper Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1919] gridcell '250' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1920] gridcell '500' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1921] gridcell '330' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1922] gridcell '580' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1923] rowheader 'Special Media (rear feed)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1924] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1925] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1926] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1927] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1836] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1928] rowheader 'ADF Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1929] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1930] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1931] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1932] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1837] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1933] rowheader 'Auto 2-sided' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1934] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1935] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1936] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1937] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1838] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1938] rowheader 'Ethernet / Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi Direct Tablet / Smartphone' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1939] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1940] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1941] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1942] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1839] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1943] rowheader 'Media Card Slot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1944] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1945] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1946] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1947] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1588] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1422] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNETAuto 2-sided print, copy, scan & faxPrint from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphonesBuilt-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi DirectFront tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty mediaDesigned to be jam free252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, YellowPrinting: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"Weight: 21.4 lbEpson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1424] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText 'Epson strongly recommends the use of Genuine Epson inks for a quality printing experience. Non Epson inks and inks not formulated for your specific printer may cause damage that is not covered by the Epson warranty.'", "\t\t\t\t[1426] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1675] StaticText 'Get Performance Beyond Laser with the WorkForce WF-3620, powered by Precision Core'", "\t\t\t\t[1428] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText 'Save time - Professional-quality prints with speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1430] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1679] StaticText 'Save up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1432] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1681] StaticText 'Print anywhere, anytime - from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones; includes wireless and Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1434] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1683] StaticText 'Do more - auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax; plus 35-page Auto Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1436] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1685] StaticText 'Never run out of ink again - Printer features Amazon Dash Replenishment which, after activation, keeps track of your ink usage and orders more from Amazon when you are running low.'", "\t\t\t\t[1630] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1686] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1726] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1727] gridcell '19.2 x 21.1 x 12.9 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1687] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1728] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1729] gridcell '24.7 pounds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1688] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1730] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1731] gridcell 'C11CD19201' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1689] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1732] rowheader 'Batteries' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1733] gridcell '1 Lithium ion batteries required.' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1690] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1734] rowheader 'Is Discontinued By Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1735] gridcell 'No' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1691] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1736] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1737] gridcell 'June 2, 2014' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1692] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1738] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1739] gridcell 'Epson' required: False", "\t\t\t[3995] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1528] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1438] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1578] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1595] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1580] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1532] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1485] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1486] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1466] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1468] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1470] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready' focused: True", "\t[48] link 'My Account'", "\t[49] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[50] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3997] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[54] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[115] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[116] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[85] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[119] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[75] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3984] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3986] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2197] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2948] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3013] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3023] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3037] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3074] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3082] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3087] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3093] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3098] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3159] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3174] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3187] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[2191] link 'Home'", "\t[2196] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[2194] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t[465] main ''", "\t\t[480] heading 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t\t[471] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[473] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[630] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[743] StaticText 'B00JXLGF06'", "\t\t[511] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[745] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[633] generic '35%'", "\t\t\t\t[963] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1176] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1337] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[634] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[635] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText '$607.39'", "\t\t[549] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1179] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1180] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[968] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[550] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[551] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[515] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3952] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3954] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3980] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3953] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3970] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3975] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4003] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3976] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4073] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3972] button 'Next'", "\t\t[517] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3992] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3993] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[556] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3994] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1183] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1184] heading 'From the manufacturer'", "\t\t\t\t[1845] img 'PrecisionCore Technology'", "\t\t\t\t[1847] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[1949] img 'Print direct from phone'", "\t\t\t\t[1951] heading 'Additional Features'", "\t\t\t\t[1506] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2125] StaticText 'Wireless and Wi-Fi Direct — print from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1508] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2128] StaticText 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax — includes 35-page 2-sided Automatic Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1510] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2131] StaticText 'Easy navigation and control — intuitive 2.7\" color touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t[1849] heading 'Performance Beyond Laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1850] heading 'WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNET'", "\t\t\t\t[1517] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2102] StaticText 'Print-shop quality — print documents and graphics in high resolution with precise color placement'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2105] StaticText 'Save on ink — up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1521] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2108] StaticText 'Fast printing — professional-quality prints at speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2111] StaticText 'Extremely durable prints — smudge, fade and water resistant prints'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2114] StaticText 'Laser-sharp black and color text — crisp fonts and precise lines on plain paper'", "\t\t\t\t[1802] heading 'KEY FEATURES'", "\t\t\t\t[1853] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2090] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2092] columnheader 'Fast speeds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2148] img 'Fast speeds'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2093] columnheader '250-sheet capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2150] img '250-sheet capacity'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2094] columnheader '2.7\" touchscreen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2152] img '2.7\" touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2095] columnheader 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2154] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2091] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2096] gridcell 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2141] heading 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2097] gridcell 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2142] heading 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2098] gridcell '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2143] heading '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2099] gridcell 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2144] heading 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1854] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1856] heading 'Efficient'", "\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1860] heading 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1961] StaticText 'Print from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1862] img 'Various connectivity options'", "\t\t\t\t[1864] heading 'Connectivity'", "\t\t\t\t[1964] StaticText 'Built-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1866] img 'Front and rear trays'", "\t\t\t\t[1868] heading 'Versatile'", "\t\t\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Front tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty media'", "\t\t\t\t[1870] img 'Designed to be jam free'", "\t\t\t\t[1872] heading 'Reliable'", "\t\t\t\t[1874] img 'Replacement Inks'", "\t\t\t\t[1876] heading 'Replacement Ink Cartridges'", "\t\t\t\t[1973] StaticText '252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1878] img 'Weight & Dimensions'", "\t\t\t\t[1880] heading 'Weight and Dimensions (W x D x H)'", "\t\t\t\t[1976] StaticText 'Printing: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1977] StaticText 'Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1978] StaticText 'Weight: 21.4 lb'", "\t\t\t\t[1884] img 'In the box'", "\t\t\t\t[1886] heading 'What’s In The Box'", "\t\t\t\t[1981] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1717] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1753] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1828] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1888] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1889] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1982] img 'WorkForce WF-3620'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1890] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1983] img 'WorkForce WF-3640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1891] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1984] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1892] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1985] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1829] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1893] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1894] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1895] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1896] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1897] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1898] rowheader 'Technology' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1899] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1900] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1901] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1902] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1903] rowheader 'Cost Savings vs. Laser' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1904] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1905] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1906] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1907] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1908] rowheader 'ISO Print Speed' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1909] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1910] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1911] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1912] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1913] rowheader 'Screen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1914] gridcell '2.7\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1915] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1916] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1917] gridcell '4.3\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1918] rowheader 'Total Paper Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1919] gridcell '250' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1920] gridcell '500' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1921] gridcell '330' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1922] gridcell '580' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1923] rowheader 'Special Media (rear feed)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1924] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1925] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1926] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1927] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1836] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1928] rowheader 'ADF Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1929] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1930] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1931] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1932] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1837] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1933] rowheader 'Auto 2-sided' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1934] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1935] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1936] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1937] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1838] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1938] rowheader 'Ethernet / Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi Direct Tablet / Smartphone' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1939] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1940] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1941] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1942] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1839] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1943] rowheader 'Media Card Slot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1944] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1945] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1946] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1947] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1607] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNETAuto 2-sided print, copy, scan & faxPrint from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphonesBuilt-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi DirectFront tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty mediaDesigned to be jam free252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, YellowPrinting: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"Weight: 21.4 lbEpson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText 'Epson strongly recommends the use of Genuine Epson inks for a quality printing experience. Non Epson inks and inks not formulated for your specific printer may cause damage that is not covered by the Epson warranty.'", "\t\t\t\t[1535] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1675] StaticText 'Get Performance Beyond Laser with the WorkForce WF-3620, powered by Precision Core'", "\t\t\t\t[1537] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText 'Save time - Professional-quality prints with speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1539] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1679] StaticText 'Save up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1541] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1681] StaticText 'Print anywhere, anytime - from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones; includes wireless and Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1543] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1683] StaticText 'Do more - auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax; plus 35-page Auto Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1545] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1685] StaticText 'Never run out of ink again - Printer features Amazon Dash Replenishment which, after activation, keeps track of your ink usage and orders more from Amazon when you are running low.'", "\t\t\t\t[1631] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1686] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1726] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1727] gridcell '19.2 x 21.1 x 12.9 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1687] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1728] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1729] gridcell '24.7 pounds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1688] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1730] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1731] gridcell 'C11CD19201' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1689] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1732] rowheader 'Batteries' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1733] gridcell '1 Lithium ion batteries required.' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1690] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1734] rowheader 'Is Discontinued By Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1735] gridcell 'No' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1691] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1736] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1737] gridcell 'June 2, 2014' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1692] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1738] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1739] gridcell 'Epson' required: False", "\t\t\t[3995] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1585] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1546] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1604] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1614] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1606] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1589] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1569] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1570] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1571] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1572] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1573] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1562] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1564] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1566] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[4088] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready' focused: True", "\t[84] link 'My Account'", "\t[85] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[86] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3997] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[90] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[295] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[296] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[178] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[299] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[130] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3984] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3986] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2197] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2948] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3013] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3023] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3037] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3074] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3082] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3087] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3093] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3098] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3159] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3174] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: 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spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[748] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[168] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[169] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[116] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3952] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3954] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3980] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3953] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3970] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3975] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4003] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3976] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4004] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3972] button 'Next'", "\t\t[118] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3992] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3993] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[174] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3994] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1049] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1050] heading 'From the manufacturer'", "\t\t\t\t[1845] img 'PrecisionCore Technology'", "\t\t\t\t[1847] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[1949] img 'Print direct from phone'", "\t\t\t\t[1951] heading 'Additional Features'", "\t\t\t\t[1506] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2125] StaticText 'Wireless and Wi-Fi Direct — print from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1508] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2128] StaticText 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax — includes 35-page 2-sided Automatic Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1510] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2131] StaticText 'Easy navigation and control — intuitive 2.7\" color touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t[1849] heading 'Performance Beyond Laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1850] heading 'WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNET'", "\t\t\t\t[1517] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2102] StaticText 'Print-shop quality — print documents and graphics in high resolution with precise color placement'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2105] StaticText 'Save on ink — up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1521] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2108] StaticText 'Fast printing — professional-quality prints at speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2111] StaticText 'Extremely durable prints — smudge, fade and water resistant prints'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2114] StaticText 'Laser-sharp black and color text — crisp fonts and precise lines on plain paper'", "\t\t\t\t[1802] heading 'KEY FEATURES'", "\t\t\t\t[1853] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2090] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2092] columnheader 'Fast speeds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2148] img 'Fast speeds'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2093] columnheader '250-sheet capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2150] img '250-sheet capacity'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2094] columnheader '2.7\" touchscreen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2152] img '2.7\" touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2095] columnheader 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2154] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2091] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2096] gridcell 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2141] heading 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2097] gridcell 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2142] heading 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2098] gridcell '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2143] heading '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2099] gridcell 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2144] heading 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1854] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1856] heading 'Efficient'", "\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1860] heading 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1961] StaticText 'Print from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1862] img 'Various connectivity options'", "\t\t\t\t[1864] heading 'Connectivity'", "\t\t\t\t[1964] StaticText 'Built-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1866] img 'Front and rear trays'", "\t\t\t\t[1868] heading 'Versatile'", "\t\t\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Front tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty media'", "\t\t\t\t[1870] img 'Designed to be jam free'", "\t\t\t\t[1872] heading 'Reliable'", "\t\t\t\t[1874] img 'Replacement Inks'", "\t\t\t\t[1876] heading 'Replacement Ink Cartridges'", "\t\t\t\t[1973] StaticText '252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1878] img 'Weight & Dimensions'", "\t\t\t\t[1880] heading 'Weight and Dimensions (W x D x H)'", "\t\t\t\t[1976] StaticText 'Printing: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1977] StaticText 'Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1978] StaticText 'Weight: 21.4 lb'", "\t\t\t\t[1884] img 'In the box'", "\t\t\t\t[1886] heading 'What’s In The Box'", "\t\t\t\t[1981] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1717] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1753] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1828] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1888] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1889] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1982] img 'WorkForce WF-3620'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1890] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1983] img 'WorkForce WF-3640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1891] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1984] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1892] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1985] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1829] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1893] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1894] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1895] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1896] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1897] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1898] rowheader 'Technology' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1899] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1900] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1901] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1902] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1903] rowheader 'Cost Savings vs. Laser' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1904] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1905] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1906] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1907] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1908] rowheader 'ISO Print Speed' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1909] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1910] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1911] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1912] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1913] rowheader 'Screen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1914] gridcell '2.7\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1915] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1916] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1917] gridcell '4.3\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1918] rowheader 'Total Paper Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1919] gridcell '250' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1920] gridcell '500' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1921] gridcell '330' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1922] gridcell '580' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1923] rowheader 'Special Media (rear feed)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1924] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1925] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1926] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1927] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1836] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1928] rowheader 'ADF Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1929] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1930] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1931] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1932] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1837] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1933] rowheader 'Auto 2-sided' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1934] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1935] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1936] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1937] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1838] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1938] rowheader 'Ethernet / Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi Direct Tablet / Smartphone' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1939] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1940] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1941] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1942] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1839] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1943] rowheader 'Media Card Slot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1944] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1945] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1946] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1947] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1607] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNETAuto 2-sided print, copy, scan & faxPrint from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphonesBuilt-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi DirectFront tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty mediaDesigned to be jam free252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, YellowPrinting: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"Weight: 21.4 lbEpson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText 'Epson strongly recommends the use of Genuine Epson inks for a quality printing experience. Non Epson inks and inks not formulated for your specific printer may cause damage that is not covered by the Epson warranty.'", "\t\t\t\t[1535] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1675] StaticText 'Get Performance Beyond Laser with the WorkForce WF-3620, powered by Precision Core'", "\t\t\t\t[1537] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText 'Save time - Professional-quality prints with speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1539] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1679] StaticText 'Save up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1541] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1681] StaticText 'Print anywhere, anytime - from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones; includes wireless and Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1543] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1683] StaticText 'Do more - auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax; plus 35-page Auto Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1545] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1685] StaticText 'Never run out of ink again - Printer features Amazon Dash Replenishment which, after activation, keeps track of your ink usage and orders more from Amazon when you are running low.'", "\t\t\t\t[1631] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1686] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1726] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1727] gridcell '19.2 x 21.1 x 12.9 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1687] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1728] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1729] gridcell '24.7 pounds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1688] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1730] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1731] gridcell 'C11CD19201' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1689] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1732] rowheader 'Batteries' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1733] gridcell '1 Lithium ion batteries required.' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1690] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1734] rowheader 'Is Discontinued By Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1735] gridcell 'No' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1691] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1736] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1737] gridcell 'June 2, 2014' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1692] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1738] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1739] gridcell 'Epson' required: False", "\t\t\t[3995] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1585] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1546] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1604] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1614] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1606] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1589] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1569] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1570] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1571] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1572] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1573] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1562] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1564] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1566] link 'Report All Bugs'" ] }
[ "click [123]", "click [124]", "click [128]", "scroll [down]", "scroll [up]", "tab_focus [1]", "hover [3997]", "type [164] [monthly count of successful orders from Mar to Oct 2023] [1]", "go_back", "go_forward" ]
click [124]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[4093] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[4140] link 'My Account'", "\t[4141] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[4142] link 'Sign In'", "\t[4146] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[4114] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[4108] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[4116] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[4117] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4257] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4258] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4193] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4261] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4172] button 'Search'", "\t[4173] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4175] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4177] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4179] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4181] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4183] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4185] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4187] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4189] link 'Electronics'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is now focused on the 'Customer Login' area. The interface includes links for account management, such as 'My Account' and 'Sign In', indicating that the user has transitioned from the sales dashboard to a login or account management page. This shift reflects a change in user intent from viewing sales data to managing personal account information.
click [128]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[4088] RootWebArea 'Create New Customer Account' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[4135] link 'My Account'", "\t[4136] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[4137] link 'Sign In'", "\t[4141] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[4109] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[4103] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[4111] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[4112] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4252] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4253] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4188] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4256] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4167] button 'Search'", "\t[4168] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4170] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4172] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4174] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4176] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4178] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4180] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4182] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4184] link 'Electronics'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is now focused on the 'Create New Customer Account' section. This page provides options for account creation, indicating that the user has transitioned from the sales dashboard to a new account setup interface. The focus on account creation suggests a further intent shift towards establishing a new user profile rather than managing existing account details.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready' focused: True", "\t[122] link 'My Account'", "\t[123] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[124] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3997] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[128] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[80] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[69] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[82] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[83] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[330] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[331] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[214] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[334] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[167] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3984] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3986] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2197] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2948] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3013] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3023] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3037] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3074] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3082] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3087] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3093] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3098] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3159] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3174] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3187] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[2191] link 'Home'", "\t[2196] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[2194] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[76] heading 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[316] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[471] StaticText 'B00JXLGF06'", "\t\t[150] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[473] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[319] generic '35%'", "\t\t\t\t[777] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1075] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1302] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[320] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[321] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText '$607.39'", "\t\t[204] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1078] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1079] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[205] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[206] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[154] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3952] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3954] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3980] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3953] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3970] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3975] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4003] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3976] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4004] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3972] button 'Next'", "\t\t[156] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3992] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3993] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[211] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3994] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1082] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1083] heading 'From the manufacturer'", "\t\t\t\t[1614] img 'PrecisionCore Technology'", "\t\t\t\t[1616] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[1660] img 'Print direct from phone'", "\t\t\t\t[1662] heading 'Additional Features'", "\t\t\t\t[34] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1731] StaticText 'Wireless and Wi-Fi Direct — print from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[36] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1734] StaticText 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax — includes 35-page 2-sided Automatic Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[38] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Easy navigation and control — intuitive 2.7\" color touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t[1618] heading 'Performance Beyond Laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1619] heading 'WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One'", "\t\t\t\t[1665] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNET'", "\t\t\t\t[45] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1708] StaticText 'Print-shop quality — print documents and graphics in high resolution with precise color placement'", "\t\t\t\t[47] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1711] StaticText 'Save on ink — up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[49] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1714] StaticText 'Fast printing — professional-quality prints at speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[51] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1717] StaticText 'Extremely durable prints — smudge, fade and water resistant prints'", "\t\t\t\t[53] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1720] StaticText 'Laser-sharp black and color text — crisp fonts and precise lines on plain paper'", "\t\t\t\t[1587] heading 'KEY FEATURES'", "\t\t\t\t[1622] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1696] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1698] columnheader 'Fast speeds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1754] img 'Fast speeds'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1699] columnheader '250-sheet capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1756] img '250-sheet capacity'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1700] columnheader '2.7\" touchscreen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1758] img '2.7\" touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1701] columnheader 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1760] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1697] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1702] gridcell 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1747] heading 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1703] gridcell 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1748] heading 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1704] gridcell '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1749] heading '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1705] gridcell 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1750] heading 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1623] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1625] heading 'Efficient'", "\t\t\t\t[1627] img 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1629] heading 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1672] StaticText 'Print from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1631] img 'Various connectivity options'", "\t\t\t\t[1633] heading 'Connectivity'", "\t\t\t\t[1675] StaticText 'Built-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1635] img 'Front and rear trays'", "\t\t\t\t[1637] heading 'Versatile'", "\t\t\t\t[1678] StaticText 'Front tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty media'", "\t\t\t\t[1639] img 'Designed to be jam free'", "\t\t\t\t[1641] heading 'Reliable'", "\t\t\t\t[1643] img 'Replacement Inks'", "\t\t\t\t[1645] heading 'Replacement Ink Cartridges'", "\t\t\t\t[1684] StaticText '252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1647] img 'Weight & Dimensions'", "\t\t\t\t[1649] heading 'Weight and Dimensions (W x D x H)'", "\t\t\t\t[1687] StaticText 'Printing: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1688] StaticText 'Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1689] StaticText 'Weight: 21.4 lb'", "\t\t\t\t[1653] img 'In the box'", "\t\t\t\t[1655] heading 'What’s In The Box'", "\t\t\t\t[1692] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1557] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1569] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1613] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1657] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1658] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1693] img 'WorkForce WF-3620'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2001] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2059] img 'WorkForce WF-3640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2002] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2060] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2003] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2061] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1985] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2004] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2005] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2006] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2007] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2008] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1986] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2009] rowheader 'Technology' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2010] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2011] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2012] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2013] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1987] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2014] rowheader 'Cost Savings vs. Laser' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2015] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2016] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2017] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2018] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1988] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2019] rowheader 'ISO Print Speed' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2020] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2021] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2022] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2023] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1989] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2024] rowheader 'Screen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2025] gridcell '2.7\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2026] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2027] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2028] gridcell '4.3\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1990] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2029] rowheader 'Total Paper Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2030] gridcell '250' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2031] gridcell '500' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2032] gridcell '330' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2033] gridcell '580' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1991] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2034] rowheader 'Special Media (rear feed)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2035] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2036] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2037] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2038] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1992] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2039] rowheader 'ADF Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2040] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2041] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2042] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2043] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1993] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2044] rowheader 'Auto 2-sided' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2045] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2046] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2047] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2048] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1994] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2049] rowheader 'Ethernet / Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi Direct Tablet / Smartphone' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2050] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2051] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2052] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2053] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1995] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2054] rowheader 'Media Card Slot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2055] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2056] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2057] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2058] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1851] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1775] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1899] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNETAuto 2-sided print, copy, scan & faxPrint from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphonesBuilt-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi DirectFront tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty mediaDesigned to be jam free252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, YellowPrinting: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"Weight: 21.4 lbEpson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1777] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1901] StaticText 'Epson strongly recommends the use of Genuine Epson inks for a quality printing experience. Non Epson inks and inks not formulated for your specific printer may cause damage that is not covered by the Epson warranty.'", "\t\t\t\t[1779] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText 'Get Performance Beyond Laser with the WorkForce WF-3620, powered by Precision Core'", "\t\t\t\t[1781] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1905] StaticText 'Save time - Professional-quality prints with speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1783] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1907] StaticText 'Save up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1785] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1909] StaticText 'Print anywhere, anytime - from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones; includes wireless and Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1787] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1911] StaticText 'Do more - auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax; plus 35-page Auto Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1789] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1913] StaticText 'Never run out of ink again - Printer features Amazon Dash Replenishment which, after activation, keeps track of your ink usage and orders more from Amazon when you are running low.'", "\t\t\t\t[1871] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1914] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1938] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1939] gridcell '19.2 x 21.1 x 12.9 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1915] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1940] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1941] gridcell '24.7 pounds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1916] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1942] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1943] gridcell 'C11CD19201' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1917] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1944] rowheader 'Batteries' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1945] gridcell '1 Lithium ion batteries required.' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1918] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1946] rowheader 'Is Discontinued By Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1947] gridcell 'No' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1919] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1948] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1949] gridcell 'June 2, 2014' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1920] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1950] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1951] gridcell 'Epson' required: False", "\t\t\t[3995] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1829] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1790] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1848] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1858] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1850] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1833] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1813] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1814] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1815] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1816] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1817] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1806] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1808] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1810] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
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[ "Tab 0 (current): Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready' focused: True", "\t[27] link 'My Account'", "\t[28] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[29] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3997] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[16] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[14] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[65] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[66] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[295] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[296] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[178] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[299] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[130] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3984] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3986] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2197] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2948] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3013] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3023] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3037] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3074] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3082] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3087] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3093] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3098] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3159] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3174] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3187] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[2191] link 'Home'", "\t[2196] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[2194] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t[41] main ''", "\t\t[62] heading 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t\t[47] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[49] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[280] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[436] StaticText 'B00JXLGF06'", "\t\t[119] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[438] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[283] generic '35%'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1042] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1270] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[284] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[285] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText '$607.39'", "\t\t[167] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1045] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1046] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[748] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[168] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[169] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[123] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3952] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3954] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3980] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3953] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3970] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3975] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4003] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3976] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4004] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3972] button 'Next'", "\t\t[125] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3992] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3993] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[174] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3994] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1049] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1050] heading 'From the manufacturer'", "\t\t\t\t[1845] img 'PrecisionCore Technology'", "\t\t\t\t[1847] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[1949] img 'Print direct from phone'", "\t\t\t\t[1951] heading 'Additional Features'", "\t\t\t\t[1506] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2125] StaticText 'Wireless and Wi-Fi Direct — print from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1508] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2128] StaticText 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax — includes 35-page 2-sided Automatic Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1510] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2131] StaticText 'Easy navigation and control — intuitive 2.7\" color touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t[1849] heading 'Performance Beyond Laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1850] heading 'WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNET'", "\t\t\t\t[1517] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2102] StaticText 'Print-shop quality — print documents and graphics in high resolution with precise color placement'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2105] StaticText 'Save on ink — up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1521] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2108] StaticText 'Fast printing — professional-quality prints at speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2111] StaticText 'Extremely durable prints — smudge, fade and water resistant prints'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2114] StaticText 'Laser-sharp black and color text — crisp fonts and precise lines on plain paper'", "\t\t\t\t[1802] heading 'KEY FEATURES'", "\t\t\t\t[1853] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2090] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2092] columnheader 'Fast speeds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2148] img 'Fast speeds'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2093] columnheader '250-sheet capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2150] img '250-sheet capacity'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2094] columnheader '2.7\" touchscreen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2152] img '2.7\" touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2095] columnheader 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2154] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2091] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2096] gridcell 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2141] heading 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2097] gridcell 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2142] heading 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2098] gridcell '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2143] heading '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2099] gridcell 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2144] heading 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1854] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1856] heading 'Efficient'", "\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1860] heading 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1961] StaticText 'Print from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1862] img 'Various connectivity options'", "\t\t\t\t[1864] heading 'Connectivity'", "\t\t\t\t[1964] StaticText 'Built-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1866] img 'Front and rear trays'", "\t\t\t\t[1868] heading 'Versatile'", "\t\t\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Front tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty media'", "\t\t\t\t[1870] img 'Designed to be jam free'", "\t\t\t\t[1872] heading 'Reliable'", "\t\t\t\t[1874] img 'Replacement Inks'", "\t\t\t\t[1876] heading 'Replacement Ink Cartridges'", "\t\t\t\t[1973] StaticText '252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1878] img 'Weight & Dimensions'", "\t\t\t\t[1880] heading 'Weight and Dimensions (W x D x H)'", "\t\t\t\t[1976] StaticText 'Printing: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1977] StaticText 'Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1978] StaticText 'Weight: 21.4 lb'", "\t\t\t\t[1884] img 'In the box'", "\t\t\t\t[1886] heading 'What’s In The Box'", "\t\t\t\t[1981] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1717] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1753] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1828] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1888] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1889] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1982] img 'WorkForce WF-3620'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1890] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1983] img 'WorkForce WF-3640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1891] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1984] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1892] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1985] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1829] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1893] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1894] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1895] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1896] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1897] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1898] rowheader 'Technology' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1899] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1900] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1901] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1902] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1903] rowheader 'Cost Savings vs. Laser' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1904] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1905] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1906] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1907] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1908] rowheader 'ISO Print Speed' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1909] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1910] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1911] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1912] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1913] rowheader 'Screen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1914] gridcell '2.7\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1915] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1916] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1917] gridcell '4.3\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1918] rowheader 'Total Paper Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1919] gridcell '250' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1920] gridcell '500' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1921] gridcell '330' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1922] gridcell '580' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1923] rowheader 'Special Media (rear feed)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1924] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1925] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1926] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1927] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1836] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1928] rowheader 'ADF Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1929] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1930] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1931] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1932] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1837] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1933] rowheader 'Auto 2-sided' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1934] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1935] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1936] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1937] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1838] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1938] rowheader 'Ethernet / Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi Direct Tablet / Smartphone' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1939] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1940] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1941] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1942] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1839] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1943] rowheader 'Media Card Slot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1944] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1945] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1946] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1947] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1607] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNETAuto 2-sided print, copy, scan & faxPrint from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphonesBuilt-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi DirectFront tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty mediaDesigned to be jam free252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, YellowPrinting: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"Weight: 21.4 lbEpson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText 'Epson strongly recommends the use of Genuine Epson inks for a quality printing experience. Non Epson inks and inks not formulated for your specific printer may cause damage that is not covered by the Epson warranty.'", "\t\t\t\t[1535] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1675] StaticText 'Get Performance Beyond Laser with the WorkForce WF-3620, powered by Precision Core'", "\t\t\t\t[1537] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText 'Save time - Professional-quality prints with speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1539] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1679] StaticText 'Save up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1541] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1681] StaticText 'Print anywhere, anytime - from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones; includes wireless and Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1543] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1683] StaticText 'Do more - auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax; plus 35-page Auto Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1545] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1685] StaticText 'Never run out of ink again - Printer features Amazon Dash Replenishment which, after activation, keeps track of your ink usage and orders more from Amazon when you are running low.'", "\t\t\t\t[1631] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1686] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1726] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1727] gridcell '19.2 x 21.1 x 12.9 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1687] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1728] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1729] gridcell '24.7 pounds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1688] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1730] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1731] gridcell 'C11CD19201' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1689] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1732] rowheader 'Batteries' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1733] gridcell '1 Lithium ion batteries required.' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1690] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1734] rowheader 'Is Discontinued By Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1735] gridcell 'No' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1691] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1736] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1737] gridcell 'June 2, 2014' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1692] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1738] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1739] gridcell 'Epson' required: False", "\t\t\t[3995] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1585] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1546] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1604] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1614] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1606] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1589] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1569] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1570] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1571] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1572] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1573] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1562] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1564] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1566] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the user has scrolled up to return to the top of the 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620' product page. This indicates a desire to revisit essential information such as the product title, pricing, and key features after having explored additional details lower down the page. The user's navigation reflects a typical browsing behavior of wanting to reassess important details before making a decision.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' focused: True [71] generic '\ue60b SALES Sales \ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal' [94] link '\ue62f' [95] menu '' orientation: vertical [273] menu '' orientation: vertical [395] link 'Orders' [396] link 'Invoices' [397] link 'Shipments' [398] link 'Credit Memos' [399] link 'Billing Agreements' [400] link 'Transactions' [401] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [268] button 'Reload Data' [269] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [318] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [319] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [271] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [820] link 'here' [873] StaticText 'Revenue' [847] StaticText '$0.00' [874] StaticText 'Tax' [875] StaticText 'Shipping' [876] StaticText 'Quantity' [861] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [830] StaticText '$0.00' [832] StaticText 'Average Order' [837] StaticText 'Last Orders' [838] table '' [885] row '' [908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [909] columnheader 'Items' required: False [910] columnheader 'Total' required: False [886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [912] gridcell '5' required: False [913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [887] row 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'Search Term' required: False [927] columnheader 'Results' required: False [928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [930] gridcell '23' required: False [931] gridcell '1' required: False [893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [932] gridcell 'nike' required: False [933] gridcell '0' required: False [934] gridcell '3' required: False [894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [936] gridcell '10' required: False [937] gridcell '4' required: False [895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [939] gridcell '1' required: False [940] gridcell '19' required: False [896] row 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False [954] gridcell '23' required: False [955] gridcell '2' required: False [901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [957] gridcell '23' required: False [958] gridcell '1' required: False [902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [960] gridcell '1' required: False [961] gridcell '1' required: False [772] contentinfo '' [778] link '\ue606' [779] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [791] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [781] link 'Privacy Policy' [782] StaticText ' |' [783] link ' Account Activity' [784] StaticText ' | ' [785] link 'Report an Issue'
click [12] where [12] is link '\ue60b SALES'
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [268] button 'Reload Data' [269] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [318] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [319] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [271] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [820] link 'here' [873] StaticText 'Revenue' [847] StaticText '$0.00' [874] StaticText 'Tax' [875] StaticText 'Shipping' [876] StaticText 'Quantity' [861] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [830] StaticText '$0.00' [832] StaticText 'Average Order' [837] StaticText 'Last Orders' [838] table '' [885] row '' [908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [909] columnheader 'Items' required: False [910] columnheader 'Total' required: False [886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [912] gridcell '5' required: False [913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [915] gridcell '4' required: False [916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [918] gridcell '3' required: False [919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [921] gridcell '4' required: False [922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [924] gridcell '2' required: False [925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [840] table '' [891] row '' [926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [927] columnheader 'Results' required: False [928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [930] gridcell '23' required: False [931] gridcell '1' required: False [893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [932] gridcell 'nike' required: False [933] gridcell '0' required: False [934] gridcell '3' required: False [894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [936] gridcell '10' required: False [937] gridcell '4' required: False [895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [939] gridcell '1' required: False [940] gridcell '19' required: False [896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [942] gridcell '23' required: False [943] gridcell '2' required: False [841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [842] table '' [897] row '' [944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [945] columnheader 'Results' required: False [946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [948] gridcell '1' required: False [949] gridcell '19' required: False [899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [951] gridcell '10' required: False [952] gridcell '4' required: False [900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [954] gridcell '23' required: False [955] gridcell '2' required: False [901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [957] gridcell '23' required: False [958] gridcell '1' required: False [902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [960] gridcell '1' required: False [961] gridcell '1' required: False [772] contentinfo '' [778] link '\ue606' [779] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [791] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [781] link 'Privacy Policy' [782] StaticText ' |' [783] link ' Account Activity' [784] StaticText ' | ' [785] link 'Report an Issue'
Presents the monthly count of successful orders from Mar to Oct 2023 in MM:COUNT format
The next observation would be a focused view on the sales options within the Magento Admin dashboard. This view provides access to various sales-related functionalities such as `Orders`, `Invoices`, `Shipments`, and more. The layout remains consistent with the dashboard structure, but the primary focus is now on sales data management. This change is crucial for gathering the monthly count of successful orders from March to October 2023, as it enables the user to navigate to the specific reports necessary for fulfilling the objective.
{ "neg_action0": "click [123]", "neg_action1": "click [124]", "neg_action2": "click [128]", "neg_action3": "scroll [down]", "neg_action4": "scroll [up]", "neg_action5": "tab_focus [1]", "neg_action6": "hover [3997]", "neg_action7": "type [164] [monthly count of successful orders from Mar to Oct 2023] [1]", "neg_action8": "go_back", "neg_action9": "go_forward", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready' focused: True", "\t[48] link 'My Account'", "\t[49] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[50] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3997] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[54] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[104] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[105] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[80] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[108] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[73] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3984] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3986] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2197] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2948] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3013] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3023] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3037] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3074] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3082] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3087] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3093] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3098] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3159] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3174] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3187] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[2191] link 'Home'", "\t[2196] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[2194] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t[402] main ''", "\t\t[457] heading 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t\t[408] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[410] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[614] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[734] StaticText 'B00JXLGF06'", "\t\t[488] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[736] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[617] generic '35%'", "\t\t\t\t[966] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1191] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1360] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[618] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[619] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText '$607.39'", "\t\t[528] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1194] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1195] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[971] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[529] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[530] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[492] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3952] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3954] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3980] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3953] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3970] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3975] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4003] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3976] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4004] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3972] button 'Next'", "\t\t[494] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3992] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3993] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[535] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3994] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1198] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1199] heading 'From the manufacturer'", "\t\t\t\t[1598] img 'PrecisionCore Technology'", "\t\t\t\t[1600] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[1639] img 'Print direct from phone'", "\t\t\t\t[1641] heading 'Additional Features'", "\t\t\t\t[431] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1706] StaticText 'Wireless and Wi-Fi Direct — print from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[433] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1709] StaticText 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax — includes 35-page 2-sided Automatic Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[435] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1712] StaticText 'Easy navigation and control — intuitive 2.7\" color touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t[1602] heading 'Performance Beyond Laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1603] heading 'WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One'", "\t\t\t\t[1644] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNET'", "\t\t\t\t[442] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1683] StaticText 'Print-shop quality — print documents and graphics in high resolution with precise color placement'", "\t\t\t\t[444] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1686] StaticText 'Save on ink — up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[446] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1689] StaticText 'Fast printing — professional-quality prints at speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[448] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1692] StaticText 'Extremely durable prints — smudge, fade and water resistant prints'", "\t\t\t\t[450] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1695] StaticText 'Laser-sharp black and color text — crisp fonts and precise lines on plain paper'", "\t\t\t\t[1574] heading 'KEY FEATURES'", "\t\t\t\t[1606] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1671] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1673] columnheader 'Fast speeds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1729] img 'Fast speeds'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1674] columnheader '250-sheet capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1731] img '250-sheet capacity'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1675] columnheader '2.7\" touchscreen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1733] img '2.7\" touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1676] columnheader 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1735] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1677] gridcell 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1722] heading 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1678] gridcell 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1723] heading 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1679] gridcell '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1724] heading '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1680] gridcell 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1725] heading 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1607] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1609] heading 'Efficient'", "\t\t\t\t[1611] img 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1613] heading 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1651] StaticText 'Print from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1615] img 'Various connectivity options'", "\t\t\t\t[1617] heading 'Connectivity'", "\t\t\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Built-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1619] img 'Front and rear trays'", "\t\t\t\t[1621] heading 'Versatile'", "\t\t\t\t[1657] StaticText 'Front tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty media'", "\t\t\t\t[1623] img 'Designed to be jam free'", "\t\t\t\t[1625] heading 'Reliable'", "\t\t\t\t[1627] img 'Replacement Inks'", "\t\t\t\t[1629] heading 'Replacement Ink Cartridges'", "\t\t\t\t[1663] StaticText '252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1631] img 'Weight & Dimensions'", "\t\t\t\t[1633] heading 'Weight and Dimensions (W x D x H)'", "\t\t\t\t[1666] StaticText 'Printing: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1667] StaticText 'Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText 'Weight: 21.4 lb'", "\t\t\t\t[1637] img 'In the box'", "\t\t\t\t[1993] heading 'What’s In The Box'", "\t\t\t\t[2057] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1939] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1975] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1995] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1996] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2058] img 'WorkForce WF-3620'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1997] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2059] img 'WorkForce WF-3640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1998] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2060] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1999] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2061] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1976] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2000] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2001] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2002] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2003] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2004] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1977] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2005] rowheader 'Technology' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2006] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2007] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2008] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2009] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1978] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2010] rowheader 'Cost Savings vs. Laser' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2011] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2012] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2013] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2014] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1979] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2015] rowheader 'ISO Print Speed' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2016] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2017] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2018] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2019] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1980] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2020] rowheader 'Screen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2021] gridcell '2.7\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2022] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2023] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2024] gridcell '4.3\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1981] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2025] rowheader 'Total Paper Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2026] gridcell '250' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2027] gridcell '500' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2028] gridcell '330' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2029] gridcell '580' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1982] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2030] rowheader 'Special Media (rear feed)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2031] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2032] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2033] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2034] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1983] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2035] rowheader 'ADF Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2036] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2037] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2038] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2039] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1984] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2040] rowheader 'Auto 2-sided' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2041] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2042] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2043] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2044] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1985] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2045] rowheader 'Ethernet / Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi Direct Tablet / Smartphone' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2046] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2047] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2048] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2049] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1986] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2050] rowheader 'Media Card Slot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2051] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2052] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2053] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2054] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1826] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1750] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNETAuto 2-sided print, copy, scan & faxPrint from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphonesBuilt-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi DirectFront tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty mediaDesigned to be jam free252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, YellowPrinting: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"Weight: 21.4 lbEpson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1752] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1880] StaticText 'Epson strongly recommends the use of Genuine Epson inks for a quality printing experience. Non Epson inks and inks not formulated for your specific printer may cause damage that is not covered by the Epson warranty.'", "\t\t\t\t[1754] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Get Performance Beyond Laser with the WorkForce WF-3620, powered by Precision Core'", "\t\t\t\t[1756] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1884] StaticText 'Save time - Professional-quality prints with speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1758] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1886] StaticText 'Save up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1760] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1888] StaticText 'Print anywhere, anytime - from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones; includes wireless and Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1762] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1890] StaticText 'Do more - auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax; plus 35-page Auto Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1764] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1892] StaticText 'Never run out of ink again - Printer features Amazon Dash Replenishment which, after activation, keeps track of your ink usage and orders more from Amazon when you are running low.'", "\t\t\t\t[1847] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1893] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1921] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1922] gridcell '19.2 x 21.1 x 12.9 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1894] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1923] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1924] gridcell '24.7 pounds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1895] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1925] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1926] gridcell 'C11CD19201' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1896] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1927] rowheader 'Batteries' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1928] gridcell '1 Lithium ion batteries required.' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1929] rowheader 'Is Discontinued By Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1930] gridcell 'No' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1898] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1931] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1932] gridcell 'June 2, 2014' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1899] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1933] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1934] gridcell 'Epson' required: False", "\t\t\t[3995] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1804] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1765] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1823] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1833] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1825] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1808] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1788] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1789] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1790] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1791] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1792] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1781] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1783] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1785] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[4093] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[4140] link 'My Account'", "\t[4141] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[4142] link 'Sign In'", "\t[4146] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[4114] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[4108] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[4116] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[4117] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4257] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4258] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4193] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4261] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4172] button 'Search'", "\t[4173] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4175] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4177] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4179] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4181] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4183] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4185] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4187] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4189] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[4088] RootWebArea 'Create New Customer Account' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[4135] link 'My Account'", "\t[4136] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[4137] link 'Sign In'", "\t[4141] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[4109] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[4103] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[4111] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[4112] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4252] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4253] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4188] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4256] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4167] button 'Search'", "\t[4168] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4170] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4172] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4174] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4176] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4178] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4180] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4182] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4184] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready' focused: True", "\t[122] link 'My Account'", "\t[123] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[124] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3997] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[128] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[80] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[69] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[82] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[83] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[330] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[331] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[214] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[334] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[167] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3984] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3986] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2197] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2948] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3013] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3023] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3037] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3074] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3082] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3087] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3093] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3098] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3159] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3174] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3187] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[2191] link 'Home'", "\t[2196] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[2194] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[76] heading 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[316] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[471] StaticText 'B00JXLGF06'", "\t\t[150] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[473] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[319] generic '35%'", "\t\t\t\t[777] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1075] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1302] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[320] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[321] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText '$607.39'", "\t\t[204] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1078] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1079] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[205] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[206] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[154] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3952] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3954] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3980] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3953] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3970] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3975] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4003] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3976] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4004] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3972] button 'Next'", "\t\t[156] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3992] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3993] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[211] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3994] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1082] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1083] heading 'From the manufacturer'", "\t\t\t\t[1614] img 'PrecisionCore Technology'", "\t\t\t\t[1616] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[1660] img 'Print direct from phone'", "\t\t\t\t[1662] heading 'Additional Features'", "\t\t\t\t[34] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1731] StaticText 'Wireless and Wi-Fi Direct — print from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[36] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1734] StaticText 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax — includes 35-page 2-sided Automatic Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[38] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Easy navigation and control — intuitive 2.7\" color touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t[1618] heading 'Performance Beyond Laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1619] heading 'WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One'", "\t\t\t\t[1665] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNET'", "\t\t\t\t[45] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1708] StaticText 'Print-shop quality — print documents and graphics in high resolution with precise color placement'", "\t\t\t\t[47] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1711] StaticText 'Save on ink — up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[49] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1714] StaticText 'Fast printing — professional-quality prints at speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[51] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1717] StaticText 'Extremely durable prints — smudge, fade and water resistant prints'", "\t\t\t\t[53] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1720] StaticText 'Laser-sharp black and color text — crisp fonts and precise lines on plain paper'", "\t\t\t\t[1587] heading 'KEY FEATURES'", "\t\t\t\t[1622] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1696] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1698] columnheader 'Fast speeds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1754] img 'Fast speeds'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1699] columnheader '250-sheet capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1756] img '250-sheet capacity'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1700] columnheader '2.7\" touchscreen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1758] img '2.7\" touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1701] columnheader 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1760] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1697] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1702] gridcell 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1747] heading 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1703] gridcell 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1748] heading 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1704] gridcell '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1749] heading '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1705] gridcell 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1750] heading 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1623] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1625] heading 'Efficient'", "\t\t\t\t[1627] img 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1629] heading 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1672] StaticText 'Print from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1631] img 'Various connectivity options'", "\t\t\t\t[1633] heading 'Connectivity'", "\t\t\t\t[1675] StaticText 'Built-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1635] img 'Front and rear trays'", "\t\t\t\t[1637] heading 'Versatile'", "\t\t\t\t[1678] StaticText 'Front tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty media'", "\t\t\t\t[1639] img 'Designed to be jam free'", "\t\t\t\t[1641] heading 'Reliable'", "\t\t\t\t[1643] img 'Replacement Inks'", "\t\t\t\t[1645] heading 'Replacement Ink Cartridges'", "\t\t\t\t[1684] StaticText '252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1647] img 'Weight & Dimensions'", "\t\t\t\t[1649] heading 'Weight and Dimensions (W x D x H)'", "\t\t\t\t[1687] StaticText 'Printing: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1688] StaticText 'Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1689] StaticText 'Weight: 21.4 lb'", "\t\t\t\t[1653] img 'In the box'", "\t\t\t\t[1655] heading 'What’s In The Box'", "\t\t\t\t[1692] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1557] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1569] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1613] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1657] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1658] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1693] img 'WorkForce WF-3620'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2001] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2059] img 'WorkForce WF-3640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2002] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2060] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2003] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2061] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1985] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2004] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2005] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2006] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2007] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2008] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1986] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2009] rowheader 'Technology' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2010] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2011] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2012] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2013] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1987] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2014] rowheader 'Cost Savings vs. Laser' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2015] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2016] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2017] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2018] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1988] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2019] rowheader 'ISO Print Speed' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2020] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2021] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2022] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2023] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1989] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2024] rowheader 'Screen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2025] gridcell '2.7\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2026] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2027] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2028] gridcell '4.3\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1990] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2029] rowheader 'Total Paper Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2030] gridcell '250' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2031] gridcell '500' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2032] gridcell '330' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2033] gridcell '580' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1991] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2034] rowheader 'Special Media (rear feed)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2035] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2036] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2037] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2038] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1992] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2039] rowheader 'ADF Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2040] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2041] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2042] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2043] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1993] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2044] rowheader 'Auto 2-sided' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2045] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2046] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2047] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2048] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1994] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2049] rowheader 'Ethernet / Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi Direct Tablet / Smartphone' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2050] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2051] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2052] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2053] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1995] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2054] rowheader 'Media Card Slot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2055] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2056] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2057] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2058] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1851] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1775] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1899] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNETAuto 2-sided print, copy, scan & faxPrint from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphonesBuilt-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi DirectFront tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty mediaDesigned to be jam free252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, YellowPrinting: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"Weight: 21.4 lbEpson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1777] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1901] StaticText 'Epson strongly recommends the use of Genuine Epson inks for a quality printing experience. Non Epson inks and inks not formulated for your specific printer may cause damage that is not covered by the Epson warranty.'", "\t\t\t\t[1779] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText 'Get Performance Beyond Laser with the WorkForce WF-3620, powered by Precision Core'", "\t\t\t\t[1781] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1905] StaticText 'Save time - Professional-quality prints with speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1783] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1907] StaticText 'Save up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1785] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1909] StaticText 'Print anywhere, anytime - from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones; includes wireless and Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1787] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1911] StaticText 'Do more - auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax; plus 35-page Auto Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1789] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1913] StaticText 'Never run out of ink again - Printer features Amazon Dash Replenishment which, after activation, keeps track of your ink usage and orders more from Amazon when you are running low.'", "\t\t\t\t[1871] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1914] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1938] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1939] gridcell '19.2 x 21.1 x 12.9 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1915] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1940] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1941] gridcell '24.7 pounds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1916] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1942] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1943] gridcell 'C11CD19201' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1917] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1944] rowheader 'Batteries' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1945] gridcell '1 Lithium ion batteries required.' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1918] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1946] rowheader 'Is Discontinued By Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1947] gridcell 'No' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1919] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1948] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1949] gridcell 'June 2, 2014' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1920] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1950] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1951] gridcell 'Epson' required: False", "\t\t\t[3995] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1829] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1790] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1848] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1858] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1850] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1833] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1813] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1814] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1815] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1816] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1817] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1806] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1808] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1810] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready' focused: True", "\t[27] link 'My Account'", "\t[28] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[29] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3997] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[16] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[14] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[65] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[66] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[295] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[296] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[178] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[299] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[130] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3984] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3986] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2197] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2948] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3013] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3023] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3037] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3074] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3082] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3087] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3093] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3098] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3159] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3174] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3187] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[2191] link 'Home'", "\t[2196] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[2194] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t[41] main ''", "\t\t[62] heading 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t\t[47] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[49] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[280] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[436] StaticText 'B00JXLGF06'", "\t\t[119] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[438] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[283] generic '35%'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1042] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1270] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[284] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[285] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText '$607.39'", "\t\t[167] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1045] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1046] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[748] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[168] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[169] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[123] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3952] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3954] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3980] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3953] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3970] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3975] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4003] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3976] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4004] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3972] button 'Next'", "\t\t[125] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3992] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3993] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[174] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3994] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1049] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1050] heading 'From the manufacturer'", "\t\t\t\t[1845] img 'PrecisionCore Technology'", "\t\t\t\t[1847] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[1949] img 'Print direct from phone'", "\t\t\t\t[1951] heading 'Additional Features'", "\t\t\t\t[1506] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2125] StaticText 'Wireless and Wi-Fi Direct — print from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1508] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2128] StaticText 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax — includes 35-page 2-sided Automatic Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1510] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2131] StaticText 'Easy navigation and control — intuitive 2.7\" color touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t[1849] heading 'Performance Beyond Laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1850] heading 'WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNET'", "\t\t\t\t[1517] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2102] StaticText 'Print-shop quality — print documents and graphics in high resolution with precise color placement'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2105] StaticText 'Save on ink — up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1521] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2108] StaticText 'Fast printing — professional-quality prints at speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2111] StaticText 'Extremely durable prints — smudge, fade and water resistant prints'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2114] StaticText 'Laser-sharp black and color text — crisp fonts and precise lines on plain paper'", "\t\t\t\t[1802] heading 'KEY FEATURES'", "\t\t\t\t[1853] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2090] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2092] columnheader 'Fast speeds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2148] img 'Fast speeds'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2093] columnheader '250-sheet capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2150] img '250-sheet capacity'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2094] columnheader '2.7\" touchscreen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2152] img '2.7\" touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2095] columnheader 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2154] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2091] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2096] gridcell 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2141] heading 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2097] gridcell 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2142] heading 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2098] gridcell '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2143] heading '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2099] gridcell 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2144] heading 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1854] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1856] heading 'Efficient'", "\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1860] heading 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1961] StaticText 'Print from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1862] img 'Various connectivity options'", "\t\t\t\t[1864] heading 'Connectivity'", "\t\t\t\t[1964] StaticText 'Built-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1866] img 'Front and rear trays'", "\t\t\t\t[1868] heading 'Versatile'", "\t\t\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Front tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty media'", "\t\t\t\t[1870] img 'Designed to be jam free'", "\t\t\t\t[1872] heading 'Reliable'", "\t\t\t\t[1874] img 'Replacement Inks'", "\t\t\t\t[1876] heading 'Replacement Ink Cartridges'", "\t\t\t\t[1973] StaticText '252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1878] img 'Weight & Dimensions'", "\t\t\t\t[1880] heading 'Weight and Dimensions (W x D x H)'", "\t\t\t\t[1976] StaticText 'Printing: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1977] StaticText 'Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1978] StaticText 'Weight: 21.4 lb'", "\t\t\t\t[1884] img 'In the box'", "\t\t\t\t[1886] heading 'What’s In The Box'", "\t\t\t\t[1981] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1717] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1753] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1828] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1888] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1889] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1982] img 'WorkForce WF-3620'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1890] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1983] img 'WorkForce WF-3640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1891] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1984] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1892] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1985] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1829] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1893] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1894] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1895] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1896] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1897] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1898] rowheader 'Technology' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1899] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1900] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1901] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1902] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1903] rowheader 'Cost Savings vs. Laser' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1904] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1905] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1906] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1907] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1908] rowheader 'ISO Print Speed' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1909] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1910] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1911] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1912] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1913] rowheader 'Screen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1914] gridcell '2.7\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1915] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1916] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1917] gridcell '4.3\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1918] rowheader 'Total Paper Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1919] gridcell '250' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1920] gridcell '500' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1921] gridcell '330' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1922] gridcell '580' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1923] rowheader 'Special Media (rear feed)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1924] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1925] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1926] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1927] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1836] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1928] rowheader 'ADF Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1929] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1930] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1931] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1932] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1837] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1933] rowheader 'Auto 2-sided' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1934] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1935] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1936] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1937] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1838] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1938] rowheader 'Ethernet / Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi Direct Tablet / Smartphone' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1939] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1940] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1941] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1942] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1839] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1943] rowheader 'Media Card Slot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1944] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1945] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1946] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1947] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1607] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNETAuto 2-sided print, copy, scan & faxPrint from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphonesBuilt-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi DirectFront tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty mediaDesigned to be jam free252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, YellowPrinting: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"Weight: 21.4 lbEpson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText 'Epson strongly recommends the use of Genuine Epson inks for a quality printing experience. Non Epson inks and inks not formulated for your specific printer may cause damage that is not covered by the Epson warranty.'", "\t\t\t\t[1535] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1675] StaticText 'Get Performance Beyond Laser with the WorkForce WF-3620, powered by Precision Core'", "\t\t\t\t[1537] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText 'Save time - Professional-quality prints with speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1539] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1679] StaticText 'Save up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1541] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1681] StaticText 'Print anywhere, anytime - from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones; includes wireless and Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1543] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1683] StaticText 'Do more - auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax; plus 35-page Auto Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1545] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1685] StaticText 'Never run out of ink again - Printer features Amazon Dash Replenishment which, after activation, keeps track of your ink usage and orders more from Amazon when you are running low.'", "\t\t\t\t[1631] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1686] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1726] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1727] gridcell '19.2 x 21.1 x 12.9 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1687] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1728] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1729] gridcell '24.7 pounds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1688] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1730] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1731] gridcell 'C11CD19201' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1689] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1732] rowheader 'Batteries' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1733] gridcell '1 Lithium ion batteries required.' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1690] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1734] rowheader 'Is Discontinued By Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1735] gridcell 'No' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1691] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1736] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1737] gridcell 'June 2, 2014' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1692] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1738] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1739] gridcell 'Epson' required: False", "\t\t\t[3995] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1585] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1546] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1604] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1614] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1606] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1589] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1569] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1570] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1571] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1572] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1573] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1562] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1564] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1566] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready' focused: True", "\t[28] link 'My Account'", "\t[29] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[30] link 'Sign In'", "\t[4083] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[34] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[16] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[14] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[18] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[126] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[359] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[360] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[239] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[363] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[189] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[4070] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[4072] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2283] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[3034] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3099] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3109] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3123] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3160] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3168] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3173] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3179] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3184] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3245] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3260] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3273] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[2277] link 'Home'", "\t[2282] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[2280] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t[42] main ''", "\t\t[123] heading 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t\t[48] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[50] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[341] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[500] StaticText 'B00JXLGF06'", "\t\t[177] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[502] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[344] generic '35%'", "\t\t\t\t[812] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1117] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1353] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[345] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[346] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[2273] StaticText '$607.39'", "\t\t[226] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1120] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1121] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[817] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[227] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[228] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[181] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[4038] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[4040] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4066] img 'Image'", "\t\t[4039] button 'Next'", "\t\t[4056] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[4061] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4089] img 'Image'", "\t\t[4062] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4159] img 'Image'", "\t\t[4058] button 'Next'", "\t\t[183] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[4078] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[4079] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[233] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[4080] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1124] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1125] heading 'From the manufacturer'", "\t\t\t\t[1812] img 'PrecisionCore Technology'", "\t\t\t\t[1814] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[1916] img 'Print direct from phone'", "\t\t\t\t[1918] heading 'Additional Features'", "\t\t\t\t[71] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2092] StaticText 'Wireless and Wi-Fi Direct — print from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[73] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2095] StaticText 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax — includes 35-page 2-sided Automatic Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[75] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2098] StaticText 'Easy navigation and control — intuitive 2.7\" color touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t[1816] heading 'Performance Beyond Laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1817] heading 'WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNET'", "\t\t\t\t[82] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2069] StaticText 'Print-shop quality — print documents and graphics in high resolution with precise color placement'", "\t\t\t\t[84] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2072] StaticText 'Save on ink — up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[86] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2075] StaticText 'Fast printing — professional-quality prints at speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[88] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2078] StaticText 'Extremely durable prints — smudge, fade and water resistant prints'", "\t\t\t\t[90] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2081] StaticText 'Laser-sharp black and color text — crisp fonts and precise lines on plain paper'", "\t\t\t\t[1764] heading 'KEY FEATURES'", "\t\t\t\t[1820] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2057] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2059] columnheader 'Fast speeds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2115] img 'Fast speeds'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2060] columnheader '250-sheet capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2117] img '250-sheet capacity'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2061] columnheader '2.7\" touchscreen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2119] img '2.7\" touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2062] columnheader 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2121] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2058] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2063] gridcell 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2108] heading 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2064] gridcell 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2109] heading 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2065] gridcell '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2110] heading '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2066] gridcell 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2111] heading 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1821] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1823] heading 'Efficient'", "\t\t\t\t[1825] img 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1827] heading 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1928] StaticText 'Print from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1829] img 'Various connectivity options'", "\t\t\t\t[1831] heading 'Connectivity'", "\t\t\t\t[1931] StaticText 'Built-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1833] img 'Front and rear trays'", "\t\t\t\t[1835] heading 'Versatile'", "\t\t\t\t[1934] StaticText 'Front tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty media'", "\t\t\t\t[1837] img 'Designed to be jam free'", "\t\t\t\t[1839] heading 'Reliable'", "\t\t\t\t[1841] img 'Replacement Inks'", "\t\t\t\t[1843] heading 'Replacement Ink Cartridges'", "\t\t\t\t[1940] StaticText '252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1845] img 'Weight & Dimensions'", "\t\t\t\t[1847] heading 'Weight and Dimensions (W x D x H)'", "\t\t\t\t[1943] StaticText 'Printing: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1944] StaticText 'Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText 'Weight: 21.4 lb'", "\t\t\t\t[1851] img 'In the box'", "\t\t\t\t[1853] heading 'What’s In The Box'", "\t\t\t\t[1948] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1672] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1708] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1790] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1855] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1856] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1949] img 'WorkForce WF-3620'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1857] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1950] img 'WorkForce WF-3640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1858] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1951] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1859] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1952] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1791] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1860] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1861] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1862] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1863] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1864] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1792] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1865] rowheader 'Technology' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1866] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1867] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1868] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1869] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1793] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1870] rowheader 'Cost Savings vs. Laser' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1871] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1872] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1873] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1874] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1794] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1875] rowheader 'ISO Print Speed' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1876] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1877] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1878] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1879] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1795] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1880] rowheader 'Screen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1881] gridcell '2.7\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1882] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1883] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1884] gridcell '4.3\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1796] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1885] rowheader 'Total Paper Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1886] gridcell '250' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1887] gridcell '500' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1888] gridcell '330' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1889] gridcell '580' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1797] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1890] rowheader 'Special Media (rear feed)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1891] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1892] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1893] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1894] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1798] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1895] rowheader 'ADF Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1896] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1897] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1898] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1899] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1799] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1900] rowheader 'Auto 2-sided' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1901] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1902] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1903] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1904] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1800] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1905] rowheader 'Ethernet / Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi Direct Tablet / Smartphone' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1906] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1907] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1908] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1909] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1801] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1910] rowheader 'Media Card Slot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1911] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1912] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1913] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1914] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[96] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1627] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNETAuto 2-sided print, copy, scan & faxPrint from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphonesBuilt-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi DirectFront tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty mediaDesigned to be jam free252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, YellowPrinting: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"Weight: 21.4 lbEpson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[98] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1629] StaticText 'Epson strongly recommends the use of Genuine Epson inks for a quality printing experience. Non Epson inks and inks not formulated for your specific printer may cause damage that is not covered by the Epson warranty.'", "\t\t\t\t[100] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1631] StaticText 'Get Performance Beyond Laser with the WorkForce WF-3620, powered by Precision Core'", "\t\t\t\t[102] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1633] StaticText 'Save time - Professional-quality prints with speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[104] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1635] StaticText 'Save up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[106] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1637] StaticText 'Print anywhere, anytime - from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones; includes wireless and Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[108] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1639] StaticText 'Do more - auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax; plus 35-page Auto Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[110] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1641] StaticText 'Never run out of ink again - Printer features Amazon Dash Replenishment which, after activation, keeps track of your ink usage and orders more from Amazon when you are running low.'", "\t\t\t\t[1363] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1642] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1681] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1682] gridcell '19.2 x 21.1 x 12.9 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1643] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1683] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1684] gridcell '24.7 pounds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1644] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1685] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1686] gridcell 'C11CD19201' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1645] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1687] rowheader 'Batteries' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1688] gridcell '1 Lithium ion batteries required.' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1646] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1689] rowheader 'Is Discontinued By Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1690] gridcell 'No' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1647] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1691] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1692] gridcell 'June 2, 2014' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1648] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1693] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1694] gridcell 'Epson' required: False", "\t\t\t[4081] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[234] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[2131] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2179] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[2184] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[2181] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[2172] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[2154] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[2155] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[2156] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[2157] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[2158] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[2147] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2149] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[2151] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready' focused: True", "\t[51] link 'My Account'", "\t[52] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[53] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3997] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[57] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[23] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[25] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[26] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[214] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[215] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[113] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[218] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[86] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3984] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3986] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2197] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2948] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3013] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3023] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3037] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3074] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3082] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3087] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3093] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3098] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3159] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3174] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3187] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[2191] link 'Home'", "\t[2196] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[2194] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t[1368] main ''", "\t\t[1444] heading 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t\t[1374] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[1376] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[1534] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[1556] StaticText 'B00JXLGF06'", "\t\t[1490] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1558] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1537] generic '35%'", "\t\t\t\t[1581] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1600] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1620] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[1538] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[1539] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText '$607.39'", "\t\t[1520] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1603] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1604] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1586] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1521] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1522] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3952] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3954] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3980] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3953] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3970] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3975] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4003] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3976] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4071] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3972] button 'Next'", "\t\t[1496] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3992] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3993] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1527] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3994] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1607] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1608] heading 'From the manufacturer'", "\t\t\t\t[1845] img 'PrecisionCore Technology'", "\t\t\t\t[1847] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[1949] img 'Print direct from phone'", "\t\t\t\t[1951] heading 'Additional Features'", "\t\t\t\t[1397] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2125] StaticText 'Wireless and Wi-Fi Direct — print from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1399] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2128] StaticText 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax — includes 35-page 2-sided Automatic Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1401] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2131] StaticText 'Easy navigation and control — intuitive 2.7\" color touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t[1849] heading 'Performance Beyond Laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1850] heading 'WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNET'", "\t\t\t\t[1408] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2102] StaticText 'Print-shop quality — print documents and graphics in high resolution with precise color placement'", "\t\t\t\t[1410] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2105] StaticText 'Save on ink — up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1412] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2108] StaticText 'Fast printing — professional-quality prints at speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1414] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2111] StaticText 'Extremely durable prints — smudge, fade and water resistant prints'", "\t\t\t\t[1416] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2114] StaticText 'Laser-sharp black and color text — crisp fonts and precise lines on plain paper'", "\t\t\t\t[1802] heading 'KEY FEATURES'", "\t\t\t\t[1853] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2090] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2092] columnheader 'Fast speeds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2148] img 'Fast speeds'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2093] columnheader '250-sheet capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2150] img '250-sheet capacity'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2094] columnheader '2.7\" touchscreen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2152] img '2.7\" touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2095] columnheader 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2154] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2091] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2096] gridcell 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2141] heading 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2097] gridcell 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2142] heading 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2098] gridcell '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2143] heading '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2099] gridcell 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2144] heading 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1854] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1856] heading 'Efficient'", "\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1860] heading 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1961] StaticText 'Print from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1862] img 'Various connectivity options'", "\t\t\t\t[1864] heading 'Connectivity'", "\t\t\t\t[1964] StaticText 'Built-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1866] img 'Front and rear trays'", "\t\t\t\t[1868] heading 'Versatile'", "\t\t\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Front tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty media'", "\t\t\t\t[1870] img 'Designed to be jam free'", "\t\t\t\t[1872] heading 'Reliable'", "\t\t\t\t[1874] img 'Replacement Inks'", "\t\t\t\t[1876] heading 'Replacement Ink Cartridges'", "\t\t\t\t[1973] StaticText '252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1878] img 'Weight & Dimensions'", "\t\t\t\t[1880] heading 'Weight and Dimensions (W x D x H)'", "\t\t\t\t[1976] StaticText 'Printing: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1977] StaticText 'Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1978] StaticText 'Weight: 21.4 lb'", "\t\t\t\t[1884] img 'In the box'", "\t\t\t\t[1886] heading 'What’s In The Box'", "\t\t\t\t[1981] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1717] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1753] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1828] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1888] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1889] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1982] img 'WorkForce WF-3620'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1890] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1983] img 'WorkForce WF-3640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1891] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1984] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1892] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1985] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1829] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1893] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1894] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1895] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1896] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1897] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1898] rowheader 'Technology' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1899] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1900] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1901] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1902] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1903] rowheader 'Cost Savings vs. Laser' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1904] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1905] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1906] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1907] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1908] rowheader 'ISO Print Speed' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1909] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1910] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1911] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1912] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1913] rowheader 'Screen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1914] gridcell '2.7\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1915] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1916] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1917] gridcell '4.3\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1918] rowheader 'Total Paper Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1919] gridcell '250' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1920] gridcell '500' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1921] gridcell '330' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1922] gridcell '580' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1923] rowheader 'Special Media (rear feed)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1924] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1925] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1926] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1927] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1836] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1928] rowheader 'ADF Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1929] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1930] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1931] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1932] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1837] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1933] rowheader 'Auto 2-sided' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1934] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1935] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1936] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1937] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1838] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1938] rowheader 'Ethernet / Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi Direct Tablet / Smartphone' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1939] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1940] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1941] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1942] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1839] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1943] rowheader 'Media Card Slot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1944] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1945] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1946] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1947] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1588] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1422] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNETAuto 2-sided print, copy, scan & faxPrint from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphonesBuilt-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi DirectFront tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty mediaDesigned to be jam free252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, YellowPrinting: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"Weight: 21.4 lbEpson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1424] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText 'Epson strongly recommends the use of Genuine Epson inks for a quality printing experience. Non Epson inks and inks not formulated for your specific printer may cause damage that is not covered by the Epson warranty.'", "\t\t\t\t[1426] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1675] StaticText 'Get Performance Beyond Laser with the WorkForce WF-3620, powered by Precision Core'", "\t\t\t\t[1428] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText 'Save time - Professional-quality prints with speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1430] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1679] StaticText 'Save up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1432] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1681] StaticText 'Print anywhere, anytime - from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones; includes wireless and Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1434] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1683] StaticText 'Do more - auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax; plus 35-page Auto Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1436] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1685] StaticText 'Never run out of ink again - Printer features Amazon Dash Replenishment which, after activation, keeps track of your ink usage and orders more from Amazon when you are running low.'", "\t\t\t\t[1630] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1686] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1726] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1727] gridcell '19.2 x 21.1 x 12.9 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1687] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1728] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1729] gridcell '24.7 pounds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1688] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1730] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1731] gridcell 'C11CD19201' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1689] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1732] rowheader 'Batteries' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1733] gridcell '1 Lithium ion batteries required.' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1690] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1734] rowheader 'Is Discontinued By Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1735] gridcell 'No' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1691] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1736] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1737] gridcell 'June 2, 2014' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1692] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1738] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1739] gridcell 'Epson' required: False", "\t\t\t[3995] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1528] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1438] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1578] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1595] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1580] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1532] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1485] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1486] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1466] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1468] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1470] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready' focused: True", "\t[48] link 'My Account'", "\t[49] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[50] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3997] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[54] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[115] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[116] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[85] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[119] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[75] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3984] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3986] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2197] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2948] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3013] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3023] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3037] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3074] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3082] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3087] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3093] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3098] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3159] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3174] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3187] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[2191] link 'Home'", "\t[2196] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[2194] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t[465] main ''", "\t\t[480] heading 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t\t[471] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[473] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[630] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[743] StaticText 'B00JXLGF06'", "\t\t[511] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[745] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[633] generic '35%'", "\t\t\t\t[963] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1176] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1337] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[634] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[635] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText '$607.39'", "\t\t[549] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1179] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1180] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[968] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[550] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[551] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[515] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3952] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3954] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3980] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3953] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3970] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3975] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4003] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3976] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4073] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3972] button 'Next'", "\t\t[517] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3992] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3993] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[556] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3994] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1183] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1184] heading 'From the manufacturer'", "\t\t\t\t[1845] img 'PrecisionCore Technology'", "\t\t\t\t[1847] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[1949] img 'Print direct from phone'", "\t\t\t\t[1951] heading 'Additional Features'", "\t\t\t\t[1506] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2125] StaticText 'Wireless and Wi-Fi Direct — print from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1508] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2128] StaticText 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax — includes 35-page 2-sided Automatic Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1510] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2131] StaticText 'Easy navigation and control — intuitive 2.7\" color touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t[1849] heading 'Performance Beyond Laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1850] heading 'WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNET'", "\t\t\t\t[1517] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2102] StaticText 'Print-shop quality — print documents and graphics in high resolution with precise color placement'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2105] StaticText 'Save on ink — up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1521] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2108] StaticText 'Fast printing — professional-quality prints at speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2111] StaticText 'Extremely durable prints — smudge, fade and water resistant prints'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2114] StaticText 'Laser-sharp black and color text — crisp fonts and precise lines on plain paper'", "\t\t\t\t[1802] heading 'KEY FEATURES'", "\t\t\t\t[1853] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2090] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2092] columnheader 'Fast speeds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2148] img 'Fast speeds'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2093] columnheader '250-sheet capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2150] img '250-sheet capacity'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2094] columnheader '2.7\" touchscreen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2152] img '2.7\" touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2095] columnheader 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2154] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2091] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2096] gridcell 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2141] heading 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2097] gridcell 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2142] heading 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2098] gridcell '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2143] heading '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2099] gridcell 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2144] heading 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1854] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1856] heading 'Efficient'", "\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1860] heading 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1961] StaticText 'Print from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1862] img 'Various connectivity options'", "\t\t\t\t[1864] heading 'Connectivity'", "\t\t\t\t[1964] StaticText 'Built-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1866] img 'Front and rear trays'", "\t\t\t\t[1868] heading 'Versatile'", "\t\t\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Front tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty media'", "\t\t\t\t[1870] img 'Designed to be jam free'", "\t\t\t\t[1872] heading 'Reliable'", "\t\t\t\t[1874] img 'Replacement Inks'", "\t\t\t\t[1876] heading 'Replacement Ink Cartridges'", "\t\t\t\t[1973] StaticText '252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1878] img 'Weight & Dimensions'", "\t\t\t\t[1880] heading 'Weight and Dimensions (W x D x H)'", "\t\t\t\t[1976] StaticText 'Printing: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1977] StaticText 'Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1978] StaticText 'Weight: 21.4 lb'", "\t\t\t\t[1884] img 'In the box'", "\t\t\t\t[1886] heading 'What’s In The Box'", "\t\t\t\t[1981] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1717] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1753] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1828] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1888] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1889] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1982] img 'WorkForce WF-3620'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1890] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1983] img 'WorkForce WF-3640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1891] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1984] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1892] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1985] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1829] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1893] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1894] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1895] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1896] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1897] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1898] rowheader 'Technology' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1899] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1900] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1901] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1902] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1903] rowheader 'Cost Savings vs. Laser' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1904] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1905] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1906] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1907] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1908] rowheader 'ISO Print Speed' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1909] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1910] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1911] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1912] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1913] rowheader 'Screen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1914] gridcell '2.7\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1915] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1916] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1917] gridcell '4.3\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1918] rowheader 'Total Paper Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1919] gridcell '250' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1920] gridcell '500' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1921] gridcell '330' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1922] gridcell '580' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1923] rowheader 'Special Media (rear feed)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1924] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1925] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1926] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1927] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1836] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1928] rowheader 'ADF Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1929] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1930] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1931] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1932] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1837] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1933] rowheader 'Auto 2-sided' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1934] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1935] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1936] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1937] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1838] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1938] rowheader 'Ethernet / Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi Direct Tablet / Smartphone' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1939] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1940] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1941] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1942] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1839] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1943] rowheader 'Media Card Slot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1944] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1945] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1946] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1947] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1607] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNETAuto 2-sided print, copy, scan & faxPrint from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphonesBuilt-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi DirectFront tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty mediaDesigned to be jam free252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, YellowPrinting: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"Weight: 21.4 lbEpson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText 'Epson strongly recommends the use of Genuine Epson inks for a quality printing experience. Non Epson inks and inks not formulated for your specific printer may cause damage that is not covered by the Epson warranty.'", "\t\t\t\t[1535] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1675] StaticText 'Get Performance Beyond Laser with the WorkForce WF-3620, powered by Precision Core'", "\t\t\t\t[1537] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText 'Save time - Professional-quality prints with speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1539] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1679] StaticText 'Save up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1541] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1681] StaticText 'Print anywhere, anytime - from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones; includes wireless and Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1543] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1683] StaticText 'Do more - auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax; plus 35-page Auto Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1545] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1685] StaticText 'Never run out of ink again - Printer features Amazon Dash Replenishment which, after activation, keeps track of your ink usage and orders more from Amazon when you are running low.'", "\t\t\t\t[1631] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1686] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1726] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1727] gridcell '19.2 x 21.1 x 12.9 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1687] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1728] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1729] gridcell '24.7 pounds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1688] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1730] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1731] gridcell 'C11CD19201' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1689] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1732] rowheader 'Batteries' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1733] gridcell '1 Lithium ion batteries required.' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1690] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1734] rowheader 'Is Discontinued By Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1735] gridcell 'No' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1691] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1736] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1737] gridcell 'June 2, 2014' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1692] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1738] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1739] gridcell 'Epson' required: False", "\t\t\t[3995] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1585] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1546] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1604] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1614] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1606] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1589] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1569] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1570] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1571] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1572] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1573] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1562] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1564] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1566] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[4088] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready' focused: True", "\t[84] link 'My Account'", "\t[85] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[86] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3997] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[90] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[295] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[296] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[178] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[299] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[130] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3984] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3986] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2197] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2948] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3013] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3023] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3037] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3074] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3082] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3087] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3093] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3098] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3159] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3174] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: 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spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[748] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[168] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[169] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[116] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3952] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3954] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3980] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3953] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3970] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3975] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4003] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3976] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4004] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3972] button 'Next'", "\t\t[118] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3992] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3993] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[174] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3994] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1049] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1050] heading 'From the manufacturer'", "\t\t\t\t[1845] img 'PrecisionCore Technology'", "\t\t\t\t[1847] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[1949] img 'Print direct from phone'", "\t\t\t\t[1951] heading 'Additional Features'", "\t\t\t\t[1506] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2125] StaticText 'Wireless and Wi-Fi Direct — print from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1508] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2128] StaticText 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax — includes 35-page 2-sided Automatic Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1510] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2131] StaticText 'Easy navigation and control — intuitive 2.7\" color touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t[1849] heading 'Performance Beyond Laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1850] heading 'WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNET'", "\t\t\t\t[1517] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2102] StaticText 'Print-shop quality — print documents and graphics in high resolution with precise color placement'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2105] StaticText 'Save on ink — up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1521] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2108] StaticText 'Fast printing — professional-quality prints at speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2111] StaticText 'Extremely durable prints — smudge, fade and water resistant prints'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2114] StaticText 'Laser-sharp black and color text — crisp fonts and precise lines on plain paper'", "\t\t\t\t[1802] heading 'KEY FEATURES'", "\t\t\t\t[1853] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2090] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2092] columnheader 'Fast speeds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2148] img 'Fast speeds'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2093] columnheader '250-sheet capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2150] img '250-sheet capacity'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2094] columnheader '2.7\" touchscreen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2152] img '2.7\" touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2095] columnheader 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2154] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2091] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2096] gridcell 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2141] heading 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2097] gridcell 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2142] heading 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2098] gridcell '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2143] heading '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2099] gridcell 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2144] heading 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1854] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1856] heading 'Efficient'", "\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1860] heading 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1961] StaticText 'Print from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1862] img 'Various connectivity options'", "\t\t\t\t[1864] heading 'Connectivity'", "\t\t\t\t[1964] StaticText 'Built-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1866] img 'Front and rear trays'", "\t\t\t\t[1868] heading 'Versatile'", "\t\t\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Front tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty media'", "\t\t\t\t[1870] img 'Designed to be jam free'", "\t\t\t\t[1872] heading 'Reliable'", "\t\t\t\t[1874] img 'Replacement Inks'", "\t\t\t\t[1876] heading 'Replacement Ink Cartridges'", "\t\t\t\t[1973] StaticText '252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1878] img 'Weight & Dimensions'", "\t\t\t\t[1880] heading 'Weight and Dimensions (W x D x H)'", "\t\t\t\t[1976] StaticText 'Printing: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1977] StaticText 'Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1978] StaticText 'Weight: 21.4 lb'", "\t\t\t\t[1884] img 'In the box'", "\t\t\t\t[1886] heading 'What’s In The Box'", "\t\t\t\t[1981] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1717] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1753] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1828] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1888] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1889] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1982] img 'WorkForce WF-3620'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1890] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1983] img 'WorkForce WF-3640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1891] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1984] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1892] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1985] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1829] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1893] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1894] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1895] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1896] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1897] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1898] rowheader 'Technology' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1899] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1900] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1901] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1902] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1903] rowheader 'Cost Savings vs. Laser' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1904] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1905] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1906] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1907] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1908] rowheader 'ISO Print Speed' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1909] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1910] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1911] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1912] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1913] rowheader 'Screen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1914] gridcell '2.7\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1915] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1916] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1917] gridcell '4.3\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1918] rowheader 'Total Paper Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1919] gridcell '250' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1920] gridcell '500' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1921] gridcell '330' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1922] gridcell '580' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1923] rowheader 'Special Media (rear feed)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1924] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1925] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1926] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1927] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1836] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1928] rowheader 'ADF Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1929] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1930] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1931] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1932] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1837] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1933] rowheader 'Auto 2-sided' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1934] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1935] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1936] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1937] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1838] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1938] rowheader 'Ethernet / Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi Direct Tablet / Smartphone' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1939] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1940] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1941] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1942] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1839] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1943] rowheader 'Media Card Slot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1944] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1945] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1946] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1947] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1607] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNETAuto 2-sided print, copy, scan & faxPrint from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphonesBuilt-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi DirectFront tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty mediaDesigned to be jam free252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, YellowPrinting: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"Weight: 21.4 lbEpson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText 'Epson strongly recommends the use of Genuine Epson inks for a quality printing experience. Non Epson inks and inks not formulated for your specific printer may cause damage that is not covered by the Epson warranty.'", "\t\t\t\t[1535] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1675] StaticText 'Get Performance Beyond Laser with the WorkForce WF-3620, powered by Precision Core'", "\t\t\t\t[1537] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText 'Save time - Professional-quality prints with speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1539] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1679] StaticText 'Save up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1541] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1681] StaticText 'Print anywhere, anytime - from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones; includes wireless and Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1543] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1683] StaticText 'Do more - auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax; plus 35-page Auto Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1545] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1685] StaticText 'Never run out of ink again - Printer features Amazon Dash Replenishment which, after activation, keeps track of your ink usage and orders more from Amazon when you are running low.'", "\t\t\t\t[1631] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1686] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1726] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1727] gridcell '19.2 x 21.1 x 12.9 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1687] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1728] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1729] gridcell '24.7 pounds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1688] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1730] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1731] gridcell 'C11CD19201' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1689] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1732] rowheader 'Batteries' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1733] gridcell '1 Lithium ion batteries required.' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1690] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1734] rowheader 'Is Discontinued By Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1735] gridcell 'No' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1691] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1736] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1737] gridcell 'June 2, 2014' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1692] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1738] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1739] gridcell 'Epson' required: False", "\t\t\t[3995] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1585] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1546] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1604] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1614] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1606] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1589] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1569] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1570] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1571] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1572] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1573] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1562] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1564] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1566] link 'Report All Bugs'" ] }
[ "click [123]", "click [124]", "click [128]", "scroll [down]", "scroll [up]", "tab_focus [1]", "hover [3997]", "type [164] [monthly count of successful orders from Mar to Oct 2023] [1]", "go_back", "go_forward" ]
click [124]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[4093] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[4140] link 'My Account'", "\t[4141] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[4142] link 'Sign In'", "\t[4146] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[4114] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[4108] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[4116] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[4117] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4257] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4258] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4193] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4261] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4172] button 'Search'", "\t[4173] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4175] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4177] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4179] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4181] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4183] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4185] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4187] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4189] link 'Electronics'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is now on the 'Customer Login' page of the Magento Admin interface. The focus has shifted to elements related to user account management, including links for 'Sign In' and 'Create an Account'. This change indicates that the user has navigated away from the sales dashboard, moving towards functionalities that allow customers to manage their accounts and access various services. The administrative dashboard context has been replaced with customer-centric features, reflecting a different aspect of the Magento system.
click [128]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[4088] RootWebArea 'Create New Customer Account' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[4135] link 'My Account'", "\t[4136] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[4137] link 'Sign In'", "\t[4141] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[4109] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[4103] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[4111] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[4112] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4252] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4253] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4188] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4256] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4167] button 'Search'", "\t[4168] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4170] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4172] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4174] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4176] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4178] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4180] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4182] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4184] link 'Electronics'" ]
The next observation would be that the user has navigated to the 'Create New Customer Account' page within the Magento Admin interface. The focus has now transitioned to account registration features, including options to sign in and create new accounts, which indicates that the user is engaged in the process of managing customer information rather than sales data. This shift underscores a move from administrative oversight to customer service functionalities, emphasizing a different operational aspect of the Magento platform.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready' focused: True", "\t[122] link 'My Account'", "\t[123] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[124] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3997] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[128] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[80] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[69] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[82] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[83] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[330] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[331] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[214] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[334] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[167] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3984] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3986] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2197] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2948] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3013] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3023] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3037] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3074] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3082] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3087] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3093] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3098] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3159] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3174] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3187] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[2191] link 'Home'", "\t[2196] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[2194] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[76] heading 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[316] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[471] StaticText 'B00JXLGF06'", "\t\t[150] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[473] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[319] generic '35%'", "\t\t\t\t[777] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1075] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1302] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[320] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[321] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText '$607.39'", "\t\t[204] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1078] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1079] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[205] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[206] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[154] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3952] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3954] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3980] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3953] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3970] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3975] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4003] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3976] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4004] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3972] button 'Next'", "\t\t[156] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3992] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3993] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[211] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3994] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1082] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1083] heading 'From the manufacturer'", "\t\t\t\t[1614] img 'PrecisionCore Technology'", "\t\t\t\t[1616] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[1660] img 'Print direct from phone'", "\t\t\t\t[1662] heading 'Additional Features'", "\t\t\t\t[34] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1731] StaticText 'Wireless and Wi-Fi Direct — print from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[36] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1734] StaticText 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax — includes 35-page 2-sided Automatic Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[38] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Easy navigation and control — intuitive 2.7\" color touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t[1618] heading 'Performance Beyond Laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1619] heading 'WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One'", "\t\t\t\t[1665] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNET'", "\t\t\t\t[45] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1708] StaticText 'Print-shop quality — print documents and graphics in high resolution with precise color placement'", "\t\t\t\t[47] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1711] StaticText 'Save on ink — up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[49] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1714] StaticText 'Fast printing — professional-quality prints at speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[51] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1717] StaticText 'Extremely durable prints — smudge, fade and water resistant prints'", "\t\t\t\t[53] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1720] StaticText 'Laser-sharp black and color text — crisp fonts and precise lines on plain paper'", "\t\t\t\t[1587] heading 'KEY FEATURES'", "\t\t\t\t[1622] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1696] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1698] columnheader 'Fast speeds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1754] img 'Fast speeds'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1699] columnheader '250-sheet capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1756] img '250-sheet capacity'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1700] columnheader '2.7\" touchscreen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1758] img '2.7\" touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1701] columnheader 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1760] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1697] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1702] gridcell 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1747] heading 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1703] gridcell 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1748] heading 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1704] gridcell '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1749] heading '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1705] gridcell 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1750] heading 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1623] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1625] heading 'Efficient'", "\t\t\t\t[1627] img 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1629] heading 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1672] StaticText 'Print from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1631] img 'Various connectivity options'", "\t\t\t\t[1633] heading 'Connectivity'", "\t\t\t\t[1675] StaticText 'Built-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1635] img 'Front and rear trays'", "\t\t\t\t[1637] heading 'Versatile'", "\t\t\t\t[1678] StaticText 'Front tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty media'", "\t\t\t\t[1639] img 'Designed to be jam free'", "\t\t\t\t[1641] heading 'Reliable'", "\t\t\t\t[1643] img 'Replacement Inks'", "\t\t\t\t[1645] heading 'Replacement Ink Cartridges'", "\t\t\t\t[1684] StaticText '252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1647] img 'Weight & Dimensions'", "\t\t\t\t[1649] heading 'Weight and Dimensions (W x D x H)'", "\t\t\t\t[1687] StaticText 'Printing: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1688] StaticText 'Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1689] StaticText 'Weight: 21.4 lb'", "\t\t\t\t[1653] img 'In the box'", "\t\t\t\t[1655] heading 'What’s In The Box'", "\t\t\t\t[1692] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1557] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1569] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1613] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1657] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1658] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1693] img 'WorkForce WF-3620'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2001] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2059] img 'WorkForce WF-3640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2002] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2060] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2003] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2061] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1985] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2004] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2005] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2006] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2007] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2008] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1986] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2009] rowheader 'Technology' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2010] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2011] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2012] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2013] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1987] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2014] rowheader 'Cost Savings vs. Laser' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2015] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2016] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2017] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2018] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1988] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2019] rowheader 'ISO Print Speed' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2020] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2021] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2022] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2023] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1989] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2024] rowheader 'Screen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2025] gridcell '2.7\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2026] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2027] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2028] gridcell '4.3\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1990] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2029] rowheader 'Total Paper Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2030] gridcell '250' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2031] gridcell '500' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2032] gridcell '330' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2033] gridcell '580' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1991] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2034] rowheader 'Special Media (rear feed)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2035] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2036] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2037] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2038] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1992] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2039] rowheader 'ADF Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2040] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2041] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2042] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2043] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1993] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2044] rowheader 'Auto 2-sided' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2045] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2046] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2047] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2048] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1994] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2049] rowheader 'Ethernet / Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi Direct Tablet / Smartphone' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2050] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2051] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2052] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2053] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1995] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2054] rowheader 'Media Card Slot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2055] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2056] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2057] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2058] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1851] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1775] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1899] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNETAuto 2-sided print, copy, scan & faxPrint from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphonesBuilt-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi DirectFront tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty mediaDesigned to be jam free252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, YellowPrinting: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"Weight: 21.4 lbEpson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1777] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1901] StaticText 'Epson strongly recommends the use of Genuine Epson inks for a quality printing experience. Non Epson inks and inks not formulated for your specific printer may cause damage that is not covered by the Epson warranty.'", "\t\t\t\t[1779] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText 'Get Performance Beyond Laser with the WorkForce WF-3620, powered by Precision Core'", "\t\t\t\t[1781] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1905] StaticText 'Save time - Professional-quality prints with speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1783] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1907] StaticText 'Save up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1785] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1909] StaticText 'Print anywhere, anytime - from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones; includes wireless and Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1787] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1911] StaticText 'Do more - auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax; plus 35-page Auto Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1789] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1913] StaticText 'Never run out of ink again - Printer features Amazon Dash Replenishment which, after activation, keeps track of your ink usage and orders more from Amazon when you are running low.'", "\t\t\t\t[1871] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1914] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1938] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1939] gridcell '19.2 x 21.1 x 12.9 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1915] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1940] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1941] gridcell '24.7 pounds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1916] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1942] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1943] gridcell 'C11CD19201' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1917] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1944] rowheader 'Batteries' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1945] gridcell '1 Lithium ion batteries required.' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1918] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1946] rowheader 'Is Discontinued By Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1947] gridcell 'No' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1919] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1948] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1949] gridcell 'June 2, 2014' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1920] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1950] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1951] gridcell 'Epson' required: False", "\t\t\t[3995] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1829] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1790] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1848] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1858] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1850] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1833] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1813] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1814] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1815] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1816] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1817] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1806] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1808] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1810] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is now viewing the detailed product page for the 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620', indicating a transition from the Magento Admin interface to a customer-facing product page. The focus has shifted to detailed product specifications and purchasing options, which may include features like availability and pricing. This change highlights an engagement with product information rather than administrative tasks, reflecting a broader use case of the Magento system.
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[ "Tab 0 (current): Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready' focused: True", "\t[27] link 'My Account'", "\t[28] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[29] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3997] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[16] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[14] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[65] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[66] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[295] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[296] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[178] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[299] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[130] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3984] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3986] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2197] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2948] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3013] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3023] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3037] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3074] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3082] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3087] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3093] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3098] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3159] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3174] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3187] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[2191] link 'Home'", "\t[2196] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[2194] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t[41] main ''", "\t\t[62] heading 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 WiFi Direct All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer, Copier, Scanner, Amazon Dash Replenishment Ready'", "\t\t[47] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[49] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[280] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[436] StaticText 'B00JXLGF06'", "\t\t[119] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[438] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[283] generic '35%'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1042] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1270] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[284] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[285] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText '$607.39'", "\t\t[167] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1045] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1046] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[748] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[168] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[169] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[123] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3952] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3954] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3980] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3953] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3970] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3975] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4003] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3976] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[4004] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3972] button 'Next'", "\t\t[125] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3992] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3993] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[174] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3994] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1049] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1050] heading 'From the manufacturer'", "\t\t\t\t[1845] img 'PrecisionCore Technology'", "\t\t\t\t[1847] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[1949] img 'Print direct from phone'", "\t\t\t\t[1951] heading 'Additional Features'", "\t\t\t\t[1506] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2125] StaticText 'Wireless and Wi-Fi Direct — print from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1508] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2128] StaticText 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax — includes 35-page 2-sided Automatic Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1510] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2131] StaticText 'Easy navigation and control — intuitive 2.7\" color touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t[1849] heading 'Performance Beyond Laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1850] heading 'WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNET'", "\t\t\t\t[1517] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2102] StaticText 'Print-shop quality — print documents and graphics in high resolution with precise color placement'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2105] StaticText 'Save on ink — up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1521] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2108] StaticText 'Fast printing — professional-quality prints at speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2111] StaticText 'Extremely durable prints — smudge, fade and water resistant prints'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[2114] StaticText 'Laser-sharp black and color text — crisp fonts and precise lines on plain paper'", "\t\t\t\t[1802] heading 'KEY FEATURES'", "\t\t\t\t[1853] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2090] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2092] columnheader 'Fast speeds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2148] img 'Fast speeds'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2093] columnheader '250-sheet capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2150] img '250-sheet capacity'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2094] columnheader '2.7\" touchscreen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2152] img '2.7\" touchscreen'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2095] columnheader 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2154] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2091] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2096] gridcell 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2141] heading 'Fast speeds for high-volume printing'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2097] gridcell 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2142] heading 'Large, 250-sheet paper capacity plus rear tray'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2098] gridcell '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2143] heading '2.7\" touchscreen for easy navigation'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2099] gridcell 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[2144] heading 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1854] img 'Auto 2-sided print, copy, scan & fax'", "\t\t\t\t[1856] heading 'Efficient'", "\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1860] heading 'Epson Connect'", "\t\t\t\t[1961] StaticText 'Print from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphones'", "\t\t\t\t[1862] img 'Various connectivity options'", "\t\t\t\t[1864] heading 'Connectivity'", "\t\t\t\t[1964] StaticText 'Built-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1866] img 'Front and rear trays'", "\t\t\t\t[1868] heading 'Versatile'", "\t\t\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Front tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty media'", "\t\t\t\t[1870] img 'Designed to be jam free'", "\t\t\t\t[1872] heading 'Reliable'", "\t\t\t\t[1874] img 'Replacement Inks'", "\t\t\t\t[1876] heading 'Replacement Ink Cartridges'", "\t\t\t\t[1973] StaticText '252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1878] img 'Weight & Dimensions'", "\t\t\t\t[1880] heading 'Weight and Dimensions (W x D x H)'", "\t\t\t\t[1976] StaticText 'Printing: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1977] StaticText 'Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"'", "\t\t\t\t[1978] StaticText 'Weight: 21.4 lb'", "\t\t\t\t[1884] img 'In the box'", "\t\t\t\t[1886] heading 'What’s In The Box'", "\t\t\t\t[1981] StaticText 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1717] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1753] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1828] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1888] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1889] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1982] img 'WorkForce WF-3620'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1890] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1983] img 'WorkForce WF-3640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1891] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1984] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1892] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1985] img 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1829] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1893] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1894] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3620' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1895] columnheader 'WorkForce WF-3640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1896] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4630' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1897] columnheader 'WorkForce Pro WF-4640' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1898] rowheader 'Technology' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1899] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1900] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1901] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1902] gridcell 'Powered by PrecisionCore' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1903] rowheader 'Cost Savings vs. Laser' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1904] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1905] gridcell 'up to 40%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1906] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1907] gridcell 'up to 50%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1908] rowheader 'ISO Print Speed' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1909] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1910] gridcell '19 / 10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1911] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1912] gridcell '20 / 20' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1913] rowheader 'Screen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1914] gridcell '2.7\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1915] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1916] gridcell '3.5\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1917] gridcell '4.3\" Color Touch' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1918] rowheader 'Total Paper Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1919] gridcell '250' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1920] gridcell '500' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1921] gridcell '330' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1922] gridcell '580' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1923] rowheader 'Special Media (rear feed)' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1924] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1925] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1926] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1927] gridcell '80' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1836] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1928] rowheader 'ADF Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1929] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1930] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1931] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1932] gridcell '35' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1837] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1933] rowheader 'Auto 2-sided' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1934] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1935] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1936] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1937] gridcell 'Print, Copy, Scan, Fax' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1838] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1938] rowheader 'Ethernet / Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi Direct Tablet / Smartphone' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1939] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1940] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1941] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1942] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1839] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1943] rowheader 'Media Card Slot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1944] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1945] gridcell '✓' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1946] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1947] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1607] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText 'WIRELESS | PRINT | COPY | SCAN | FAX | ETHERNETAuto 2-sided print, copy, scan & faxPrint from iPad, iPhone, tablets & smartphonesBuilt-in wireless & Ethernet networking; includes Wi-Fi DirectFront tray plus rear tray for envelopes & specialty mediaDesigned to be jam free252 Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta, YellowPrinting: 17.7\" x 22\" x 9.6\"Storage: 17.7\" x 16.4\" x 9.6\"Weight: 21.4 lbEpson WorkForce WF-3620 All-in-One, instruction manual, CD-ROM for product setup, power cord, DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges – Four 252-series ink cartridges: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText 'Epson strongly recommends the use of Genuine Epson inks for a quality printing experience. Non Epson inks and inks not formulated for your specific printer may cause damage that is not covered by the Epson warranty.'", "\t\t\t\t[1535] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1675] StaticText 'Get Performance Beyond Laser with the WorkForce WF-3620, powered by Precision Core'", "\t\t\t\t[1537] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText 'Save time - Professional-quality prints with speeds of 19 ISO ppm (black) and 10 ISO ppm (color)'", "\t\t\t\t[1539] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1679] StaticText 'Save up to 40 percent lower printing cost vs. color laser'", "\t\t\t\t[1541] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1681] StaticText 'Print anywhere, anytime - from iPad, iPhone, tablets and smartphones; includes wireless and Wi-Fi Direct'", "\t\t\t\t[1543] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1683] StaticText 'Do more - auto 2-sided print, copy, scan and fax; plus 35-page Auto Document Feeder'", "\t\t\t\t[1545] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1685] StaticText 'Never run out of ink again - Printer features Amazon Dash Replenishment which, after activation, keeps track of your ink usage and orders more from Amazon when you are running low.'", "\t\t\t\t[1631] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1686] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1726] rowheader 'Product Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1727] gridcell '19.2 x 21.1 x 12.9 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1687] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1728] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1729] gridcell '24.7 pounds' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1688] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1730] rowheader 'Item model number' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1731] gridcell 'C11CD19201' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1689] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1732] rowheader 'Batteries' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1733] gridcell '1 Lithium ion batteries required.' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1690] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1734] rowheader 'Is Discontinued By Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1735] gridcell 'No' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1691] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1736] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1737] gridcell 'June 2, 2014' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1692] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1738] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1739] gridcell 'Epson' required: False", "\t\t\t[3995] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1585] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1546] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1604] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1614] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1606] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1589] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1569] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1570] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1571] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1572] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1573] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1562] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1564] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1566] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the user has navigated back to the top portion of the 'Epson WorkForce WF-3620' product page, further exploring the details of the product. The focus remains on product-specific information, with options available for purchasing or managing product-related actions. This reflects continued engagement with the customer-facing aspect of Magento, highlighting the interactive nature of the shopping experience rather than administrative functionalities.
Tab 0 (current): #000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1281] RootWebArea '#000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [3636] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [3637] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [3549] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [3551] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [3554] link '\ue60b SALES' [3560] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [3566] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [3572] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [3578] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [3584] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [3602] link '\ue60d STORES' [3608] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [3614] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1285] main '' [4194] button '\ue626 Back' [4195] button 'Login as Customer' [4196] button 'Reorder' [2810] tabpanel 'Information' [2931] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method' [3060] StaticText 'Payment Information' [3093] StaticText 'Check / Money order' [3094] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.' [3065] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information' [3067] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed' [3070] StaticText '$25.00' [2936] StaticText 'Items Ordered' [2884] table '' [3071] row '' [3095] columnheader 'Product' required: False [3096] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False [3097] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False [3098] columnheader 'Price' required: False [3099] columnheader 'Qty' required: False [3100] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False [3101] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False [3102] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False [3103] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False [3104] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False [3072] row '' [3105] gridcell 'Argus All-Weather Tank SKU: MT07-M-Gray Color: Gray Size: M' required: False [3303] DescriptionList '' [3402] DescriptionListTerm '' [3403] DescriptionListDetail '' [3462] StaticText 'Gray' [3404] DescriptionListTerm '' [3463] StaticText 'Size:' [3405] DescriptionListDetail '' [3464] StaticText 'M' [3106] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3107] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3108] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3109] gridcell '' required: False [3202] table '' [3406] row '' [3465] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3466] gridcell '1' required: False [3407] row '' [3467] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3468] gridcell '1' required: False [3110] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3111] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3112] gridcell '0%' required: False [3113] gridcell '$4.40' required: False [3114] gridcell '$17.60' required: False [3073] row '' [3115] gridcell 'Marco Lightweight Active Hoodie SKU: MH13-S-Green Color: Green Size: S' required: False [3311] DescriptionList '' [3412] DescriptionListTerm '' [3413] DescriptionListDetail '' [3470] StaticText 'Green' [3414] DescriptionListTerm '' [3471] StaticText 'Size:' [3415] DescriptionListDetail '' [3116] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3117] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3118] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3119] gridcell '' required: False [3216] table '' [3416] row '' [3473] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3474] gridcell '1' required: False [3417] row '' [3475] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3476] gridcell '1' required: False [3120] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3121] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3122] gridcell '0%' required: False [3123] gridcell '$14.80' required: False [3124] gridcell '$59.20' required: False [3074] row '' [3125] gridcell 'Tiffany Fitness Tee SKU: WS09-XL-Blue Color: Blue Size: XL' required: False [3319] DescriptionList '' [3422] DescriptionListTerm '' [3423] DescriptionListDetail '' [3478] StaticText 'Blue' [3424] DescriptionListTerm '' [3479] StaticText 'Size:' [3425] DescriptionListDetail '' [3480] StaticText 'XL' [3126] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3127] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3128] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3129] gridcell '' required: False [3230] table '' [3426] row '' [3481] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3482] gridcell '1' required: False [3427] row '' [3483] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3484] gridcell '1' required: False [3130] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3131] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3132] gridcell '0%' required: False [3133] gridcell '$5.60' required: False [3134] gridcell '$22.40' required: False [3075] row '' [3135] gridcell 'Nadia Elements Shell SKU: WJ10-XS-Yellow Color: Yellow Size: XS' required: False [3327] DescriptionList '' [3432] DescriptionListTerm '' [3433] DescriptionListDetail '' [3486] StaticText 'Yellow' [3434] DescriptionListTerm '' [3487] StaticText 'Size:' [3435] DescriptionListDetail '' [3488] StaticText 'XS' [3136] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3137] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3138] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3139] gridcell '' required: False [3244] table '' [3436] row '' [3489] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3490] gridcell '1' required: False [3437] row '' [3491] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3492] gridcell '1' required: False [3140] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3141] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3142] gridcell '0%' required: False [3143] gridcell '$13.80' required: False [3144] gridcell '$55.20' required: False [3076] row '' [3145] gridcell 'Gwen Drawstring Bike Short SKU: WSH03-28-Orange Color: Orange Size: 28' required: False [3335] DescriptionList '' [3442] DescriptionListTerm '' [3443] DescriptionListDetail '' [3494] StaticText 'Orange' [3444] DescriptionListTerm '' [3495] StaticText 'Size:' [3445] DescriptionListDetail '' [3496] StaticText '28' [3146] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3147] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3148] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3149] gridcell '' required: False [3258] table '' [3446] row '' [3497] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3498] gridcell '1' required: False [3447] row '' [3499] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3500] gridcell '1' required: False [3150] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3151] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3152] gridcell '0%' required: False [3153] gridcell '$10.00' required: False [3154] gridcell '$40.00' required: False [2943] StaticText 'Order Total' [3078] StaticText 'Notes for this Order' [3341] StaticText 'Status' [3342] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [3343] StaticText 'Comment' [3344] textbox 'Comment' required: False [3451] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false [3453] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false [3347] button 'Submit Comment' [3082] StaticText 'Order Totals' [2947] table '' [3158] row '' [3273] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False [3274] gridcell '$243.00' required: False [3159] row '' [3275] gridcell 'Discount' required: False [3276] gridcell '-$48.60' required: False [3160] row '' [3277] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False [3278] gridcell '$25.00' required: False [3161] row '' [3279] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False [3280] gridcell '$219.40' required: False [3162] row '' [3281] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False [3282] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3163] row '' [3283] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False [3284] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3164] row '' [3285] gridcell 'Total Canceled' required: False [3286] gridcell '$219.40' required: False [1338] contentinfo '' [1443] link '\ue606' [1444] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [1514] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [1446] link 'Privacy Policy' [1447] StaticText ' |' [1448] link ' Account Activity' [1449] StaticText ' | ' [1450] link 'Report an Issue'
scroll [down]
[ "None", "click [673] where [673] is row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "scroll [down]", "scroll [down]", "scroll [down]" ]
Tab 0 (current): #000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1281] RootWebArea '#000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [3636] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [3637] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [3549] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [3551] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [3554] link '\ue60b SALES' [3560] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [3566] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [3572] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [3578] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [3584] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [3602] link '\ue60d STORES' [3608] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [3614] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1285] main '' [4194] button '\ue626 Back' [4195] button 'Login as Customer' [4196] button 'Reorder' [2810] tabpanel 'Information' [2931] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method' [3060] StaticText 'Payment Information' [3093] StaticText 'Check / Money order' [3094] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.' [3065] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information' [3067] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed' [3070] StaticText '$25.00' [2936] StaticText 'Items Ordered' [2884] table '' [3071] row '' [3095] columnheader 'Product' required: False [3096] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False [3097] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False [3098] columnheader 'Price' required: False [3099] columnheader 'Qty' required: False [3100] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False [3101] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False [3102] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False [3103] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False [3104] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False [3072] row '' [3105] gridcell 'Argus All-Weather Tank SKU: MT07-M-Gray Color: Gray Size: M' required: False [3303] DescriptionList '' [3402] DescriptionListTerm '' [3403] DescriptionListDetail '' [3462] StaticText 'Gray' [3404] DescriptionListTerm '' [3463] StaticText 'Size:' [3405] DescriptionListDetail '' [3464] StaticText 'M' [3106] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3107] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3108] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3109] gridcell '' required: False [3202] table '' [3406] row '' [3465] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3466] gridcell '1' required: False [3407] row '' [3467] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3468] gridcell '1' required: False [3110] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3111] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3112] gridcell '0%' required: False [3113] gridcell '$4.40' required: False [3114] gridcell '$17.60' required: False [3073] row '' [3115] gridcell 'Marco Lightweight Active Hoodie SKU: MH13-S-Green Color: Green Size: S' required: False [3311] DescriptionList '' [3412] DescriptionListTerm '' [3413] DescriptionListDetail '' [3470] StaticText 'Green' [3414] DescriptionListTerm '' [3471] StaticText 'Size:' [3415] DescriptionListDetail '' [3116] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3117] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3118] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3119] gridcell '' required: False [3216] table '' [3416] row '' [3473] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3474] gridcell '1' required: False [3417] row '' [3475] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3476] gridcell '1' required: False [3120] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3121] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3122] gridcell '0%' required: False [3123] gridcell '$14.80' required: False [3124] gridcell '$59.20' required: False [3074] row '' [3125] gridcell 'Tiffany Fitness Tee SKU: WS09-XL-Blue Color: Blue Size: XL' required: False [3319] DescriptionList '' [3422] DescriptionListTerm '' [3423] DescriptionListDetail '' [3478] StaticText 'Blue' [3424] DescriptionListTerm '' [3479] StaticText 'Size:' [3425] DescriptionListDetail '' [3480] StaticText 'XL' [3126] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3127] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3128] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3129] gridcell '' required: False [3230] table '' [3426] row '' [3481] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3482] gridcell '1' required: False [3427] row '' [3483] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3484] gridcell '1' required: False [3130] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3131] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3132] gridcell '0%' required: False [3133] gridcell '$5.60' required: False [3134] gridcell '$22.40' required: False [3075] row '' [3135] gridcell 'Nadia Elements Shell SKU: WJ10-XS-Yellow Color: Yellow Size: XS' required: False [3327] DescriptionList '' [3432] DescriptionListTerm '' [3433] DescriptionListDetail '' [3486] StaticText 'Yellow' [3434] DescriptionListTerm '' [3487] StaticText 'Size:' [3435] DescriptionListDetail '' [3488] StaticText 'XS' [3136] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3137] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3138] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3139] gridcell '' required: False [3244] table '' [3436] row '' [3489] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3490] gridcell '1' required: False [3437] row '' [3491] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3492] gridcell '1' required: False [3140] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3141] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3142] gridcell '0%' required: False [3143] gridcell '$13.80' required: False [3144] gridcell '$55.20' required: False [3076] row '' [3145] gridcell 'Gwen Drawstring Bike Short SKU: WSH03-28-Orange Color: Orange Size: 28' required: False [3335] DescriptionList '' [3442] DescriptionListTerm '' [3443] DescriptionListDetail '' [3494] StaticText 'Orange' [3444] DescriptionListTerm '' [3495] StaticText 'Size:' [3445] DescriptionListDetail '' [3496] StaticText '28' [3146] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3147] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3148] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3149] gridcell '' required: False [3258] table '' [3446] row '' [3497] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3498] gridcell '1' required: False [3447] row '' [3499] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3500] gridcell '1' required: False [3150] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3151] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3152] gridcell '0%' required: False [3153] gridcell '$10.00' required: False [3154] gridcell '$40.00' required: False [2943] StaticText 'Order Total' [3078] StaticText 'Notes for this Order' [3341] StaticText 'Status' [3342] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [3343] StaticText 'Comment' [3344] textbox 'Comment' required: False [3451] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false [3453] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false [3347] button 'Submit Comment' [3082] StaticText 'Order Totals' [2947] table '' [3158] row '' [3273] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False [3274] gridcell '$243.00' required: False [3159] row '' [3275] gridcell 'Discount' required: False [3276] gridcell '-$48.60' required: False [3160] row '' [3277] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False [3278] gridcell '$25.00' required: False [3161] row '' [3279] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False [3280] gridcell '$219.40' required: False [3162] row '' [3281] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False [3282] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3163] row '' [3283] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False [3284] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3164] row '' [3285] gridcell 'Total Canceled' required: False [3286] gridcell '$219.40' required: False [1338] contentinfo '' [1443] link '\ue606' [1444] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [1514] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [1446] link 'Privacy Policy' [1447] StaticText ' |' [1448] link ' Account Activity' [1449] StaticText ' | ' [1450] link 'Report an Issue'
Get the shipping address of the most recent shipped order
The next observation would still be within the order detail page for order #000000299, and additional scrolling may reveal the shipping address. The layout remains unchanged, featuring sections for payment information, items ordered, and order totals. The user is likely in pursuit of the shipping information, which is typically located further down the page. The structure continues to show the same static elements, suggesting the need for ongoing interaction to uncover the desired shipping details.
{ "neg_action0": "click [111]", "neg_action1": "click [65]", "neg_action2": null, "neg_action3": "click [537]", "neg_action4": "hover [36]", "neg_action5": null, "neg_action6": null, "neg_action7": null, "neg_action8": "go_back", "neg_action9": null, "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[7] generic '' describedby: tooltip394724", "\t\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom in to edit the map'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation2": null, "neg_observation3": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[546] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[554] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[558] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[564] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[552] generic 'Zoom in to edit the map'", "\t\t[579] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[580] button ''", "\t[567] link 'History'", "\t[568] link 'Export'", "\t[584] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[585] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[586] link 'Communities'", "\t[587] link 'Copyright'", "\t[588] link 'Help'", "\t[589] link 'About'", "\t[576] link 'Log In'", "\t[577] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[706] StaticText '©'", "\t[707] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap'", "\t[708] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t[709] StaticText 'contributors'", "\t[654] heading 'OpenStreetMap provides map data for thousands of websites, mobile apps, and hardware devices'", "\t[632] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is built by a community of mappers that contribute and maintain data about roads, trails, cafés, railway stations, and much more, all over the world.'", "\t[656] heading 'Local Knowledge'", "\t[657] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap emphasizes local knowledge. Contributors use aerial imagery, GPS devices, and low-tech field maps to verify that OSM is accurate and up to date.'", "\t[659] heading 'Community Driven'", "\t[660] StaticText \"OpenStreetMap's community is diverse, passionate, and growing every day. Our contributors include enthusiast mappers, GIS professionals, engineers running the OSM servers, humanitarians mapping disaster-affected areas, and many more. To learn more about the community, see the \"", "\t[661] link 'OpenStreetMap Blog'", "\t[663] link 'user diaries'", "\t[665] link 'community blogs'", "\t[666] StaticText ', and the '", "\t[667] link 'OSM Foundation'", "\t[668] StaticText ' website.'", "\t[670] heading 'Open Data'", "\t[671] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is '", "\t[673] StaticText 'open data'", "\t[674] StaticText ': you are free to use it for any purpose as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or build upon the data in certain ways, you may distribute the result only under the same licence. See the '", "\t[675] link 'Copyright and License page'", "\t[676] StaticText ' for details.'", "\t[678] heading 'Legal'", "\t[679] StaticText 'This site and many other related services are formally operated by the '", "\t[680] link 'OpenStreetMap Foundation'", "\t[681] StaticText ' (OSMF) on behalf of the community. Use of all OSMF operated services is subject to our '", "\t[682] link 'Terms of Use'", "\t[683] StaticText ', '", "\t[684] link 'Acceptable Use Policies'", "\t[685] StaticText ' and our '", "\t[686] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t[687] StaticText '.'", "\t[688] StaticText 'Please '", "\t[689] link 'contact the OSMF'", "\t[690] StaticText ' if you have licensing, copyright or other legal questions.'", "\t[691] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap, the magnifying glass logo and State of the Map are '", "\t[692] link 'registered trademarks of the OSMF'", "\t[695] heading 'Partners'", "\t[696] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[697] link 'UCL'", "\t[698] StaticText ', '", "\t[699] link 'Fastly'", "\t[701] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[702] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[703] link 'partners'", "\t[704] StaticText '.'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": null, "neg_observation7": null, "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[546] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation9": null }
[ "click [111]", "click [65]", "click [64]", "click [537]", "hover [36]", "scroll [up]", "scroll [down]", "tab_focus [0]", "go_back", "go_forward" ]
click [65]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus has shifted to the OpenStreetMap interface. The webpage now displays the OpenStreetMap logo prominently at the top, and various links related to map functionality, user contributions, and mapping support. The content has transformed from order management details in Magento to map-related resources, including options to edit maps, view history, and access user diaries. This transition signifies a complete departure from e-commerce functionalities to a community-driven mapping platform.
The next observation would be that the webpage now indicates that the OpenStreetMap service is busy processing the user's request. The focus remains on the OpenStreetMap interface, which includes headings and descriptions about the community-driven nature of the mapping service. The content emphasizes local knowledge, community involvement, and open data principles, thereby completely shifting the context from Magento's order management to OpenStreetMap's mapping capabilities and community contributions.
click [537]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[546] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[554] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[558] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[564] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[552] generic 'Zoom in to edit the map'", "\t\t[579] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[580] button ''", "\t[567] link 'History'", "\t[568] link 'Export'", "\t[584] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[585] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[586] link 'Communities'", "\t[587] link 'Copyright'", "\t[588] link 'Help'", "\t[589] link 'About'", "\t[576] link 'Log In'", "\t[577] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[706] StaticText '©'", "\t[707] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap'", "\t[708] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t[709] StaticText 'contributors'", "\t[654] heading 'OpenStreetMap provides map data for thousands of websites, mobile apps, and hardware devices'", "\t[632] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is built by a community of mappers that contribute and maintain data about roads, trails, cafés, railway stations, and much more, all over the world.'", "\t[656] heading 'Local Knowledge'", "\t[657] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap emphasizes local knowledge. Contributors use aerial imagery, GPS devices, and low-tech field maps to verify that OSM is accurate and up to date.'", "\t[659] heading 'Community Driven'", "\t[660] StaticText \"OpenStreetMap's community is diverse, passionate, and growing every day. Our contributors include enthusiast mappers, GIS professionals, engineers running the OSM servers, humanitarians mapping disaster-affected areas, and many more. To learn more about the community, see the \"", "\t[661] link 'OpenStreetMap Blog'", "\t[663] link 'user diaries'", "\t[665] link 'community blogs'", "\t[666] StaticText ', and the '", "\t[667] link 'OSM Foundation'", "\t[668] StaticText ' website.'", "\t[670] heading 'Open Data'", "\t[671] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is '", "\t[673] StaticText 'open data'", "\t[674] StaticText ': you are free to use it for any purpose as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or build upon the data in certain ways, you may distribute the result only under the same licence. See the '", "\t[675] link 'Copyright and License page'", "\t[676] StaticText ' for details.'", "\t[678] heading 'Legal'", "\t[679] StaticText 'This site and many other related services are formally operated by the '", "\t[680] link 'OpenStreetMap Foundation'", "\t[681] StaticText ' (OSMF) on behalf of the community. Use of all OSMF operated services is subject to our '", "\t[682] link 'Terms of Use'", "\t[683] StaticText ', '", "\t[684] link 'Acceptable Use Policies'", "\t[685] StaticText ' and our '", "\t[686] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t[687] StaticText '.'", "\t[688] StaticText 'Please '", "\t[689] link 'contact the OSMF'", "\t[690] StaticText ' if you have licensing, copyright or other legal questions.'", "\t[691] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap, the magnifying glass logo and State of the Map are '", "\t[692] link 'registered trademarks of the OSMF'", "\t[695] heading 'Partners'", "\t[696] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[697] link 'UCL'", "\t[698] StaticText ', '", "\t[699] link 'Fastly'", "\t[701] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[702] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[703] link 'partners'", "\t[704] StaticText '.'" ]
The next observation would be that the OpenStreetMap interface highlights the logo and provides context-specific information about the map service. This interaction enhances the user experience by offering insights into the functionalities available, such as editing maps and accessing community resources. While the focus remains on OpenStreetMap, the hover action enriches the user's navigation experience by making related actions more visible, reinforcing the transition away from the Magento Admin functionalities.
hover [36]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
Tab 0 (current): #000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1281] RootWebArea '#000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [3636] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [3637] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [3549] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [3551] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [3554] link '\ue60b SALES' [3560] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [3566] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [3572] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [3578] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [3584] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [3602] link '\ue60d STORES' [3608] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [3614] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1285] main '' [4194] button '\ue626 Back' [4195] button 'Login as Customer' [4196] button 'Reorder' [2810] tabpanel 'Information' [2931] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method' [3060] StaticText 'Payment Information' [3093] StaticText 'Check / Money order' [3094] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.' [3065] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information' [3067] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed' [3070] StaticText '$25.00' [2936] StaticText 'Items Ordered' [2884] table '' [3071] row '' [3095] columnheader 'Product' required: False [3096] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False [3097] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False [3098] columnheader 'Price' required: False [3099] columnheader 'Qty' required: False [3100] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False [3101] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False [3102] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False [3103] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False [3104] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False [3072] row '' [3105] gridcell 'Argus All-Weather Tank SKU: MT07-M-Gray Color: Gray Size: M' required: False [3303] DescriptionList '' [3402] DescriptionListTerm '' [3403] DescriptionListDetail '' [3462] StaticText 'Gray' [3404] DescriptionListTerm '' [3463] StaticText 'Size:' [3405] DescriptionListDetail '' [3464] StaticText 'M' [3106] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3107] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3108] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3109] gridcell '' required: False [3202] table '' [3406] row '' [3465] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3466] gridcell '1' required: False [3407] row '' [3467] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3468] gridcell '1' required: False [3110] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3111] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3112] gridcell '0%' required: False [3113] gridcell '$4.40' required: False [3114] gridcell '$17.60' required: False [3073] row '' [3115] gridcell 'Marco Lightweight Active Hoodie SKU: MH13-S-Green Color: Green Size: S' required: False [3311] DescriptionList '' [3412] DescriptionListTerm '' [3413] DescriptionListDetail '' [3470] StaticText 'Green' [3414] DescriptionListTerm '' [3471] StaticText 'Size:' [3415] DescriptionListDetail '' [3116] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3117] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3118] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3119] gridcell '' required: False [3216] table '' [3416] row '' [3473] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3474] gridcell '1' required: False [3417] row '' [3475] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3476] gridcell '1' required: False [3120] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3121] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3122] gridcell '0%' required: False [3123] gridcell '$14.80' required: False [3124] gridcell '$59.20' required: False [3074] row '' [3125] gridcell 'Tiffany Fitness Tee SKU: WS09-XL-Blue Color: Blue Size: XL' required: False [3319] DescriptionList '' [3422] DescriptionListTerm '' [3423] DescriptionListDetail '' [3478] StaticText 'Blue' [3424] DescriptionListTerm '' [3479] StaticText 'Size:' [3425] DescriptionListDetail '' [3480] StaticText 'XL' [3126] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3127] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3128] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3129] gridcell '' required: False [3230] table '' [3426] row '' [3481] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3482] gridcell '1' required: False [3427] row '' [3483] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3484] gridcell '1' required: False [3130] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3131] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3132] gridcell '0%' required: False [3133] gridcell '$5.60' required: False [3134] gridcell '$22.40' required: False [3075] row '' [3135] gridcell 'Nadia Elements Shell SKU: WJ10-XS-Yellow Color: Yellow Size: XS' required: False [3327] DescriptionList '' [3432] DescriptionListTerm '' [3433] DescriptionListDetail '' [3486] StaticText 'Yellow' [3434] DescriptionListTerm '' [3487] StaticText 'Size:' [3435] DescriptionListDetail '' [3488] StaticText 'XS' [3136] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3137] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3138] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3139] gridcell '' required: False [3244] table '' [3436] row '' [3489] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3490] gridcell '1' required: False [3437] row '' [3491] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3492] gridcell '1' required: False [3140] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3141] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3142] gridcell '0%' required: False [3143] gridcell '$13.80' required: False [3144] gridcell '$55.20' required: False [3076] row '' [3145] gridcell 'Gwen Drawstring Bike Short SKU: WSH03-28-Orange Color: Orange Size: 28' required: False [3335] DescriptionList '' [3442] DescriptionListTerm '' [3443] DescriptionListDetail '' [3494] StaticText 'Orange' [3444] DescriptionListTerm '' [3495] StaticText 'Size:' [3445] DescriptionListDetail '' [3496] StaticText '28' [3146] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3147] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3148] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3149] gridcell '' required: False [3258] table '' [3446] row '' [3497] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3498] gridcell '1' required: False [3447] row '' [3499] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3500] gridcell '1' required: False [3150] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3151] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3152] gridcell '0%' required: False [3153] gridcell '$10.00' required: False [3154] gridcell '$40.00' required: False [2943] StaticText 'Order Total' [3078] StaticText 'Notes for this Order' [3341] StaticText 'Status' [3342] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [3343] StaticText 'Comment' [3344] textbox 'Comment' required: False [3451] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false [3453] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false [3347] button 'Submit Comment' [3082] StaticText 'Order Totals' [2947] table '' [3158] row '' [3273] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False [3274] gridcell '$243.00' required: False [3159] row '' [3275] gridcell 'Discount' required: False [3276] gridcell '-$48.60' required: False [3160] row '' [3277] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False [3278] gridcell '$25.00' required: False [3161] row '' [3279] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False [3280] gridcell '$219.40' required: False [3162] row '' [3281] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False [3282] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3163] row '' [3283] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False [3284] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3164] row '' [3285] gridcell 'Total Canceled' required: False [3286] gridcell '$219.40' required: False [1338] contentinfo '' [1443] link '\ue606' [1444] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [1514] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [1446] link 'Privacy Policy' [1447] StaticText ' |' [1448] link ' Account Activity' [1449] StaticText ' | ' [1450] link 'Report an Issue'
scroll [down]
[ "None", "click [673] where [673] is row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "scroll [down]", "scroll [down]", "scroll [down]" ]
Tab 0 (current): #000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1281] RootWebArea '#000000299 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [3636] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [3637] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [3549] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [3551] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [3554] link '\ue60b SALES' [3560] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [3566] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [3572] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [3578] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [3584] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [3602] link '\ue60d STORES' [3608] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [3614] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1285] main '' [4194] button '\ue626 Back' [4195] button 'Login as Customer' [4196] button 'Reorder' [2810] tabpanel 'Information' [2931] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method' [3060] StaticText 'Payment Information' [3093] StaticText 'Check / Money order' [3094] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.' [3065] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information' [3067] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed' [3070] StaticText '$25.00' [2936] StaticText 'Items Ordered' [2884] table '' [3071] row '' [3095] columnheader 'Product' required: False [3096] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False [3097] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False [3098] columnheader 'Price' required: False [3099] columnheader 'Qty' required: False [3100] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False [3101] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False [3102] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False [3103] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False [3104] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False [3072] row '' [3105] gridcell 'Argus All-Weather Tank SKU: MT07-M-Gray Color: Gray Size: M' required: False [3303] DescriptionList '' [3402] DescriptionListTerm '' [3403] DescriptionListDetail '' [3462] StaticText 'Gray' [3404] DescriptionListTerm '' [3463] StaticText 'Size:' [3405] DescriptionListDetail '' [3464] StaticText 'M' [3106] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3107] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3108] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3109] gridcell '' required: False [3202] table '' [3406] row '' [3465] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3466] gridcell '1' required: False [3407] row '' [3467] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3468] gridcell '1' required: False [3110] gridcell '$22.00' required: False [3111] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3112] gridcell '0%' required: False [3113] gridcell '$4.40' required: False [3114] gridcell '$17.60' required: False [3073] row '' [3115] gridcell 'Marco Lightweight Active Hoodie SKU: MH13-S-Green Color: Green Size: S' required: False [3311] DescriptionList '' [3412] DescriptionListTerm '' [3413] DescriptionListDetail '' [3470] StaticText 'Green' [3414] DescriptionListTerm '' [3471] StaticText 'Size:' [3415] DescriptionListDetail '' [3116] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3117] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3118] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3119] gridcell '' required: False [3216] table '' [3416] row '' [3473] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3474] gridcell '1' required: False [3417] row '' [3475] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3476] gridcell '1' required: False [3120] gridcell '$74.00' required: False [3121] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3122] gridcell '0%' required: False [3123] gridcell '$14.80' required: False [3124] gridcell '$59.20' required: False [3074] row '' [3125] gridcell 'Tiffany Fitness Tee SKU: WS09-XL-Blue Color: Blue Size: XL' required: False [3319] DescriptionList '' [3422] DescriptionListTerm '' [3423] DescriptionListDetail '' [3478] StaticText 'Blue' [3424] DescriptionListTerm '' [3479] StaticText 'Size:' [3425] DescriptionListDetail '' [3480] StaticText 'XL' [3126] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3127] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3128] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3129] gridcell '' required: False [3230] table '' [3426] row '' [3481] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3482] gridcell '1' required: False [3427] row '' [3483] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3484] gridcell '1' required: False [3130] gridcell '$28.00' required: False [3131] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3132] gridcell '0%' required: False [3133] gridcell '$5.60' required: False [3134] gridcell '$22.40' required: False [3075] row '' [3135] gridcell 'Nadia Elements Shell SKU: WJ10-XS-Yellow Color: Yellow Size: XS' required: False [3327] DescriptionList '' [3432] DescriptionListTerm '' [3433] DescriptionListDetail '' [3486] StaticText 'Yellow' [3434] DescriptionListTerm '' [3487] StaticText 'Size:' [3435] DescriptionListDetail '' [3488] StaticText 'XS' [3136] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3137] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3138] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3139] gridcell '' required: False [3244] table '' [3436] row '' [3489] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3490] gridcell '1' required: False [3437] row '' [3491] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3492] gridcell '1' required: False [3140] gridcell '$69.00' required: False [3141] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3142] gridcell '0%' required: False [3143] gridcell '$13.80' required: False [3144] gridcell '$55.20' required: False [3076] row '' [3145] gridcell 'Gwen Drawstring Bike Short SKU: WSH03-28-Orange Color: Orange Size: 28' required: False [3335] DescriptionList '' [3442] DescriptionListTerm '' [3443] DescriptionListDetail '' [3494] StaticText 'Orange' [3444] DescriptionListTerm '' [3495] StaticText 'Size:' [3445] DescriptionListDetail '' [3496] StaticText '28' [3146] gridcell 'Canceled' required: False [3147] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3148] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3149] gridcell '' required: False [3258] table '' [3446] row '' [3497] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3498] gridcell '1' required: False [3447] row '' [3499] rowheader 'Canceled' required: False [3500] gridcell '1' required: False [3150] gridcell '$50.00' required: False [3151] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3152] gridcell '0%' required: False [3153] gridcell '$10.00' required: False [3154] gridcell '$40.00' required: False [2943] StaticText 'Order Total' [3078] StaticText 'Notes for this Order' [3341] StaticText 'Status' [3342] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [3343] StaticText 'Comment' [3344] textbox 'Comment' required: False [3451] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false [3453] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false [3347] button 'Submit Comment' [3082] StaticText 'Order Totals' [2947] table '' [3158] row '' [3273] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False [3274] gridcell '$243.00' required: False [3159] row '' [3275] gridcell 'Discount' required: False [3276] gridcell '-$48.60' required: False [3160] row '' [3277] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False [3278] gridcell '$25.00' required: False [3161] row '' [3279] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False [3280] gridcell '$219.40' required: False [3162] row '' [3281] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False [3282] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3163] row '' [3283] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False [3284] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3164] row '' [3285] gridcell 'Total Canceled' required: False [3286] gridcell '$219.40' required: False [1338] contentinfo '' [1443] link '\ue606' [1444] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [1514] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [1446] link 'Privacy Policy' [1447] StaticText ' |' [1448] link ' Account Activity' [1449] StaticText ' | ' [1450] link 'Report an Issue'
Get the shipping address of the most recent shipped order
The next observation would still be within the order detail page for order #000000299, and additional scrolling may reveal the shipping address. The layout remains unchanged, featuring sections for payment information, items ordered, and order totals. The user is likely in pursuit of the shipping information, which is typically located further down the page. The structure continues to show the same static elements, suggesting the need for ongoing interaction to uncover the desired shipping details.
{ "neg_action0": "click [111]", "neg_action1": "click [65]", "neg_action2": null, "neg_action3": "click [537]", "neg_action4": "hover [36]", "neg_action5": null, "neg_action6": null, "neg_action7": null, "neg_action8": "go_back", "neg_action9": null, "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[7] generic '' describedby: tooltip394724", "\t\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom in to edit the map'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation2": null, "neg_observation3": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[546] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[554] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[558] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[564] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[552] generic 'Zoom in to edit the map'", "\t\t[579] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[580] button ''", "\t[567] link 'History'", "\t[568] link 'Export'", "\t[584] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[585] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[586] link 'Communities'", "\t[587] link 'Copyright'", "\t[588] link 'Help'", "\t[589] link 'About'", "\t[576] link 'Log In'", "\t[577] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[706] StaticText '©'", "\t[707] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap'", "\t[708] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t[709] StaticText 'contributors'", "\t[654] heading 'OpenStreetMap provides map data for thousands of websites, mobile apps, and hardware devices'", "\t[632] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is built by a community of mappers that contribute and maintain data about roads, trails, cafés, railway stations, and much more, all over the world.'", "\t[656] heading 'Local Knowledge'", "\t[657] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap emphasizes local knowledge. Contributors use aerial imagery, GPS devices, and low-tech field maps to verify that OSM is accurate and up to date.'", "\t[659] heading 'Community Driven'", "\t[660] StaticText \"OpenStreetMap's community is diverse, passionate, and growing every day. Our contributors include enthusiast mappers, GIS professionals, engineers running the OSM servers, humanitarians mapping disaster-affected areas, and many more. To learn more about the community, see the \"", "\t[661] link 'OpenStreetMap Blog'", "\t[663] link 'user diaries'", "\t[665] link 'community blogs'", "\t[666] StaticText ', and the '", "\t[667] link 'OSM Foundation'", "\t[668] StaticText ' website.'", "\t[670] heading 'Open Data'", "\t[671] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is '", "\t[673] StaticText 'open data'", "\t[674] StaticText ': you are free to use it for any purpose as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or build upon the data in certain ways, you may distribute the result only under the same licence. See the '", "\t[675] link 'Copyright and License page'", "\t[676] StaticText ' for details.'", "\t[678] heading 'Legal'", "\t[679] StaticText 'This site and many other related services are formally operated by the '", "\t[680] link 'OpenStreetMap Foundation'", "\t[681] StaticText ' (OSMF) on behalf of the community. Use of all OSMF operated services is subject to our '", "\t[682] link 'Terms of Use'", "\t[683] StaticText ', '", "\t[684] link 'Acceptable Use Policies'", "\t[685] StaticText ' and our '", "\t[686] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t[687] StaticText '.'", "\t[688] StaticText 'Please '", "\t[689] link 'contact the OSMF'", "\t[690] StaticText ' if you have licensing, copyright or other legal questions.'", "\t[691] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap, the magnifying glass logo and State of the Map are '", "\t[692] link 'registered trademarks of the OSMF'", "\t[695] heading 'Partners'", "\t[696] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[697] link 'UCL'", "\t[698] StaticText ', '", "\t[699] link 'Fastly'", "\t[701] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[702] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[703] link 'partners'", "\t[704] StaticText '.'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": null, "neg_observation7": null, "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[546] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation9": null }
[ "click [111]", "click [65]", "click [64]", "click [537]", "hover [36]", "scroll [up]", "scroll [down]", "tab_focus [0]", "go_back", "go_forward" ]
click [65]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the user has navigated away from the Magento Admin panel and is now on the OpenStreetMap interface. The focus has shifted to the OpenStreetMap logo and various functionalities related to map editing and user interactions. The previous order management context has been replaced by a mapping service interface, indicating a significant change in user activity and environment. The user is now presented with options to edit the map, view history, and access community features, marking a transition from e-commerce to geographical mapping.
The next observation would be that the user has accessed detailed information within the OpenStreetMap interface. The content now emphasizes the community contributions to map data and the open data philosophy. The focus has shifted from order management to exploring the nature and benefits of OpenStreetMap, showcasing headings that describe its community-driven approach and legal aspects. This reflects a significant transition from transactional content to informational and community-based interaction.
click [537]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[546] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[554] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[558] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[564] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[552] generic 'Zoom in to edit the map'", "\t\t[579] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[580] button ''", "\t[567] link 'History'", "\t[568] link 'Export'", "\t[584] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[585] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[586] link 'Communities'", "\t[587] link 'Copyright'", "\t[588] link 'Help'", "\t[589] link 'About'", "\t[576] link 'Log In'", "\t[577] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[706] StaticText '©'", "\t[707] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap'", "\t[708] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t[709] StaticText 'contributors'", "\t[654] heading 'OpenStreetMap provides map data for thousands of websites, mobile apps, and hardware devices'", "\t[632] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is built by a community of mappers that contribute and maintain data about roads, trails, cafés, railway stations, and much more, all over the world.'", "\t[656] heading 'Local Knowledge'", "\t[657] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap emphasizes local knowledge. Contributors use aerial imagery, GPS devices, and low-tech field maps to verify that OSM is accurate and up to date.'", "\t[659] heading 'Community Driven'", "\t[660] StaticText \"OpenStreetMap's community is diverse, passionate, and growing every day. Our contributors include enthusiast mappers, GIS professionals, engineers running the OSM servers, humanitarians mapping disaster-affected areas, and many more. To learn more about the community, see the \"", "\t[661] link 'OpenStreetMap Blog'", "\t[663] link 'user diaries'", "\t[665] link 'community blogs'", "\t[666] StaticText ', and the '", "\t[667] link 'OSM Foundation'", "\t[668] StaticText ' website.'", "\t[670] heading 'Open Data'", "\t[671] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is '", "\t[673] StaticText 'open data'", "\t[674] StaticText ': you are free to use it for any purpose as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or build upon the data in certain ways, you may distribute the result only under the same licence. See the '", "\t[675] link 'Copyright and License page'", "\t[676] StaticText ' for details.'", "\t[678] heading 'Legal'", "\t[679] StaticText 'This site and many other related services are formally operated by the '", "\t[680] link 'OpenStreetMap Foundation'", "\t[681] StaticText ' (OSMF) on behalf of the community. Use of all OSMF operated services is subject to our '", "\t[682] link 'Terms of Use'", "\t[683] StaticText ', '", "\t[684] link 'Acceptable Use Policies'", "\t[685] StaticText ' and our '", "\t[686] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t[687] StaticText '.'", "\t[688] StaticText 'Please '", "\t[689] link 'contact the OSMF'", "\t[690] StaticText ' if you have licensing, copyright or other legal questions.'", "\t[691] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap, the magnifying glass logo and State of the Map are '", "\t[692] link 'registered trademarks of the OSMF'", "\t[695] heading 'Partners'", "\t[696] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[697] link 'UCL'", "\t[698] StaticText ', '", "\t[699] link 'Fastly'", "\t[701] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[702] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[703] link 'partners'", "\t[704] StaticText '.'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is interacting with the OpenStreetMap interface, focusing on various elements related to the mapping service. The hover action has likely highlighted key features and links associated with the OpenStreetMap functionalities. This indicates the user is exploring the available tools and information while remaining engaged with the community-driven mapping context, demonstrating a shift towards user interaction exploration without leaving the platform.
hover [36]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
Tab {idx} [3892] RootWebArea 'Shipments / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1 [3944] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [3951] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [3897] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [3899] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [3903] link '\ue60b SALES' [3907] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [3911] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [3915] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [3919] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [3923] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [3927] link '\ue60d STORES' [3931] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [3935] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [3968] heading 'Shipments' [3969] link '\ue600 admin' [3971] link '\ue607' [4079] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [3942] main '' [4616] contentinfo '' [4621] link '\ue606' [4622] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [4632] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [4624] link 'Privacy Policy' [4625] StaticText ' |' [4626] link ' Account Activity' [4627] StaticText ' | ' [4628] link 'Report an Issue'
click [1606] where [1606] is link 'Shipments'
[ "None", "hover [20] where [20] is link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "click [20] where [20] is link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "click [203] where [203] is link 'All Customers'", "click [1286] where [1286] is link '\\ue60b SALES'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Customers / Customers / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Customers / Customers / Magento Admin' focused: True [1325] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1330] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1282] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1286] link '\ue60b SALES' focused: True [1337] generic '\ue60b SALES Sales \ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal' [1354] link '\ue62f' [1355] menu '' orientation: vertical [1496] menu '' orientation: vertical [1604] link 'Orders' [1605] link 'Invoices' [1606] link 'Shipments' [1607] link 'Credit Memos' [1608] link 'Billing Agreements' [1609] link 'Transactions' [1610] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal' [1290] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1294] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1298] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1302] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1306] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1310] link '\ue60d STORES' [1314] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1318] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1346] heading 'Customers' [1347] link '\ue600 admin' [1349] link '\ue607' [2027] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1981] main '' [2034] button 'Add New Customer' [2162] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2180] button '\ue610 Columns' [2183] button '\ue635 Export' [2176] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2208] StaticText '555-123-45673216549870329876543210Antonia Racer Tank dissatisfactiondecentunhappunhappy with Zoe productsy with Zoe products2137418080+1 2058812302+1 2058812302bagsunhappy with bagsdissatisfaction with Ava leggingsunhappy with shoesunhappy with shoes800555121216549870' [2177] button 'Search' [2339] button '\ue605Filters' [2760] LayoutTable '' [2769] StaticText 'Active filters:' [2782] StaticText 'Keyword:' [2784] StaticText '555-123-45673216549870329876543210Antonia Racer Tank dissatisfactiondecentunhappunhappy with Zoe productsy with Zoe products2137418080+1 2058812302+1 2058812302bagsunhappy with bagsdissatisfaction with Ava leggingsunhappy with shoesunhappy with shoes800555121216549870' [2785] button '\ue620' [2771] button 'Clear all' [3346] button 'Actions' [2587] StaticText 'records found' [2821] textbox 'per page' required: False [2848] StaticText '100' [2815] button 'per page Select' [2357] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2600] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2358] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2067] table '' [2070] row '' [2101] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2104] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false [2106] button 'Options' disabled: True [2129] columnheader 'Name' required: False [2130] columnheader 'Email' required: False [2131] columnheader 'Group' required: False [2132] columnheader 'Phone' required: False [2133] columnheader '↓ ZIP' required: False [2134] columnheader 'Country' required: False [2135] columnheader 'State/Province' required: False [2136] columnheader 'Customer Since' required: False [3349] row '' [3351] gridcell "We couldn't find any records." required: False [1982] contentinfo '' [1996] link '\ue606' [1997] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [2009] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [1999] link 'Privacy Policy' [2000] StaticText ' |' [2001] link ' Account Activity' [2002] StaticText ' | ' [2003] link 'Report an Issue'
What is the total count of Pending reviews amongst all the reviews?
The next observation would lead to the 'Shipments' section within the Magento Admin panel. This page is expected to provide a detailed view of all shipment records, including their statuses. The user will be able to see various shipment entries, which may include columns for reviewing the status of each shipment. This transition allows the user to focus on shipment-related actions, potentially enabling them to identify any pending reviews associated with the shipments listed.
{ "neg_action0": "click [212]", "neg_action1": "scroll [up]", "neg_action2": "type [164] [Pending reviews] [1]", "neg_action3": "hover [237]", "neg_action4": "scroll [down]", "neg_action5": "click [563]", "neg_action6": "click [562]", "neg_action7": "hover [567]", "neg_action8": "click [566]", "neg_action9": "click [44]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[614] RootWebArea 'Powering the best of the internet | Fastly' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[705] link 'Fastly'", "\t\t[787] img 'Fastly'", "\t[789] button 'EN' hasPopup: menu expanded: False controls: language-selector", "\t[790] listbox 'Set a site language' multiselectable: False orientation: vertical required: False expanded: False", "\t\t[947] option 'EN' selected: True", "\t\t[948] option 'JA' selected: False", "\t\t[949] option 'ES' selected: False", "\t\t[950] option 'DE' selected: False", "\t[707] link 'Under Attack?'", "\t[708] link '(844) 4FASTLY'", "\t[709] link 'Support Center'", "\t[710] link 'Log in'", "\t[644] navigation 'Main'", "\t\t[1835] ListMarker ''", "\t\t[1836] button 'Why Fastly' expanded: False", "\t\t[1837] ListMarker ''", "\t\t[1838] button 'Products' expanded: False", "\t\t[1839] ListMarker ''", "\t\t[1840] button 'Services' expanded: False", "\t\t[1841] ListMarker ''", "\t\t[1842] button 'Solutions' expanded: False", "\t\t[1843] ListMarker ''", "\t\t[1844] button 'Developers' expanded: False", "\t\t[1845] ListMarker ''", "\t\t[1846] button 'Partners' expanded: False", "\t\t[1847] ListMarker ''", "\t\t[1848] button 'Resources' expanded: False", "\t\t[1849] ListMarker ''", "\t\t[1850] link 'Pricing'", "\t\t[1215] search ''", "\t\t\t[1417] button 'Open search'", "\t\t[953] link 'Talk to an expert'", "\t\t[954] link 'Try Fastly Free'", "\t[625] main ''", "\t\t[667] group 'Powering the best of the internet. Get better web and application performance with smarter security on a platform that makes your team more productive. Learn more' roledescription: Carousel", "\t\t\t[960] heading 'Powering the best of the internet.'", "\t\t\t[962] link 'Learn more'", "\t\t[966] link 'Learn more' hidden: True", "\t\t[648] tablist 'Slideshow controls' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[676] heading 'More announcements'", "\t\t[819] link 'Fastly is named a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Edge Development Platforms, Q4 2023'", "\t\t[820] link 'Fastly is quantifiably better than other CDNs'", "\t\t[821] link 'Preventing outages with resilient architectures'", "\t\t[633] marquee ''", "\t\t\t[678] heading 'Trusted by the world’s leading digital innovators'", "\t\t[1017] StaticText 'Fastly Edge Cloud Platform'", "\t\t[836] heading 'Our platform is fully programmable. You get smarter solutions, better insights, and more control.'", "\t\t[732] link 'A better experience is waiting'", "\t\t[1048] tabpanel ''", "\t\t[1275] heading 'Network Services'", "\t\t\t[1568] button 'Network Services' disabled: True expanded: True controls: radix-:R9kl5:", "\t\t[1276] region 'Network Services'", "\t\t\t[1878] StaticText 'Move to a faster, more secure network and get immediate benefits for your org and users. Step up to a better CDN for everything from ecommerce to publishing and streaming. Plan confidently with predictable pricing and no surprise overages.'", "\t\t\t[1742] link 'Check out the Fastly CDN'", "\t\t[1277] heading 'Security'", "\t\t\t[1571] button 'Security' expanded: False controls: radix-:Rakl5:", "\t\t[1279] heading 'Compute'", "\t\t\t[1572] button 'Compute' expanded: False controls: radix-:Rbkl5:", "\t\t[1281] heading 'Observability'", "\t\t\t[1573] button 'Observability' expanded: False controls: radix-:Rckl5:", "\t\t[844] StaticText 'Our network map'", "\t\t[739] heading 'A more powerful global network'", "\t\t[846] StaticText 'We built our network with intention. By design, we run fewer POPs than our competitors, but they’re much more powerful so we can cache more and serve it faster. Our network is fully software defined. We can do anything, and do it faster.'", "\t\t[847] link 'Take a closer look'", "\t\t[848] img 'fastly-globe'", "\t\t[1293] StaticText 'On average'", "\t\t[1578] StaticText '150 ms'", "\t\t[1579] StaticText 'Purge time'", "\t\t[1296] superscript ''", "\t\t[1297] StaticText 'More than'", "\t\t[1581] StaticText '1.8 trillion'", "\t\t[1582] StaticText 'Daily requests served'", "\t\t[1300] superscript ''", "\t\t[1301] StaticText 'Almost'", "\t\t[1584] StaticText '90%'", "\t\t[1585] StaticText 'Of customers run Next-Gen WAF in blocking mode'", "\t\t[1304] superscript ''", "\t\t[1305] StaticText 'Global'", "\t\t[1587] StaticText '353 Tbps'", "\t\t[1588] StaticText 'Edge network capacity'", "\t\t[1308] superscript ''", "\t\t\t[1589] StaticText '4'", "\t\t[1309] StaticText 'Up to'", "\t\t[1590] StaticText '32%'", "\t\t[1591] StaticText 'faster time to first byte (TTFB) than other CDNs'", "\t\t[1312] superscript ''", "\t\t[753] superscript ''", "\t\t[864] StaticText 'as of December 31, 2022'", "\t\t[755] superscript ''", "\t\t[866] StaticText 'as of July 31, 2023'", "\t\t[757] superscript ''", "\t\t[868] StaticText 'as of March 2023'", "\t\t[759] superscript ''", "\t\t\t[869] StaticText '4'", "\t\t[870] StaticText 'as of June 30, 2024'", "\t\t[761] superscript ''", "\t\t\t[871] StaticText '5'", "\t\t[872] link 'read about the methodology'", "\t\t[873] heading 'The one thing every business needs is flexibility'", "\t\t[1100] StaticText 'Everybody needs speed, reliability, security, savings, and scale – but different industries have different needs. Fastly’s powerful network and smarter solutions can be tailored to your organization. We partner with you to guarantee a smooth migration, so you can deliver the best possible user experiences.'", "\t\t[1334] button \"Ecommerce Provide faster and more secure retail experiences You’re always open for business with Fastly. We handle the crowds and load-balancing so no one is turned away. Your customers will always see accurate information with real-time updates, and all of it is protected from DDoS, bots, and other threats. Ticketmaster Brad's Deals Shop Japan\"", "\t\t\t[1750] link 'Provide faster and more secure retail experiences'", "\t\t\t\t[1896] heading 'Provide faster and more secure retail experiences'", "\t\t\t[1898] img 'Ticketmaster'", "\t\t\t[1899] img \"Brad's Deals\"", "\t\t\t[1900] img 'Shop Japan'", "\t\t[1335] button 'Streaming Media Deliver stellar streaming experiences Paramount Global Gannett | USA TODAY Network Giphy' expanded: False controls: 5rygCVFWr5XKYgwsVdEkLe", "\t\t\t[1755] heading 'Deliver stellar streaming experiences'", "\t\t\t[1903] img 'Paramount Global'", "\t\t\t[1904] img 'Gannett | USA TODAY Network'", "\t\t\t[1905] img 'Giphy'", "\t\t[1337] button 'Travel and hospitality Deliver faster service from the start with our travel planning experiences loveholidays Kayak Priceline' expanded: False controls: 077VRrN6z0oYW8Y4nTEWw", "\t\t\t[1763] heading 'Deliver faster service from the start with our travel planning experiences'", "\t\t\t[1914] img 'loveholidays'", "\t\t\t[1915] img 'Kayak'", "\t\t\t[1916] img 'Priceline'", "\t\t[1339] button 'Financial services Try a modern CDN and innovate ahead of the market Betterment Affirm' expanded: False controls: 5rzVUyi2qVQYTpWneeMyhd", "\t\t\t[1771] heading 'Try a modern CDN and innovate ahead of the market'", "\t\t\t[1925] img 'Betterment'", "\t\t\t[1926] img 'Affirm'", "\t\t[882] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1113] tab 'Edgemesh' selected: False", "\t\t\t\t[1649] StaticText 'SaaS/PaaS'", "\t\t\t[1114] tab 'Gannett' selected: False", "\t\t\t\t[1651] StaticText 'Digital publishing'", "\t\t\t[1115] tab 'Giphy' selected: False", "\t\t\t[1116] tab '1stDibs' selected: False", "\t\t\t\t[1655] StaticText 'Ecommerce'", "\t\t[767] heading 'Want to learn more?'", "\t\t[769] article ''", "\t\t\t[885] link 'Download the white paper'", "\t\t\t[887] heading 'Fastly Network Effect Threat Report'", "\t\t\t\t[1119] link 'Fastly Network Effect Threat Report'", "\t\t\t[1120] StaticText \"Fastly's Security Research Team presents attack trends and techniques from malicious traffic flagged by our Network Learning Exchange.\"", "\t\t\t[889] link 'Download the white paper'", "\t\t[770] article ''", "\t\t\t[890] link 'Learn more'", "\t\t\t[892] heading '2024 Gartner® Peer Insights™ ‘Voice of the Customer’ for Cloud WAAP'", "\t\t\t\t[1124] link '2024 Gartner® Peer Insights™ ‘Voice of the Customer’ for Cloud WAAP'", "\t\t\t[1125] StaticText 'Learn why Fastly is the only WAAP vendor to be recognized as a Gartner® Peer Insights™ Customers’ Choice for six years in a row.'", "\t\t\t[894] link 'Learn more'", "\t\t[771] article ''", "\t\t\t[895] link 'Watch now'", "\t\t\t[897] heading 'What is the modern CDN and why is it important?'", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'What is the modern CDN and why is it important?'", "\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 'Too many developers and companies are dealing with the dark ages of black-box, legacy content delivery networks (CDNs) that weren’t built to provide the real-time observability, baked-in security, and programmatic control needed to deliver the dynamic experiences today’s users and developers demand.'", "\t\t\t[899] link 'Watch now'", "\t\t[1378] heading 'Let’s build something amazing'", "\t\t[1667] StaticText 'Get in touch or create an account'", "\t\t[1380] link 'Build with a free trial'", "\t\t[1381] link 'Consult with an expert'", "\t[697] img 'Fastly'", "\t[902] StaticText 'Products'", "\t[1135] ListMarker ''", "\t[1136] link 'Edge Cloud Platform'", "\t[1137] ListMarker ''", "\t[1138] link 'Pricing'", "\t[1139] ListMarker ''", "\t[1140] link 'Try Fastly Free'", "\t[1141] ListMarker ''", "\t[1142] link 'Network Map'", "\t[907] StaticText 'Solutions'", "\t[1143] ListMarker ''", "\t[1144] link 'Professional Services'", "\t[1145] ListMarker ''", "\t[1146] link 'Managed CDN'", "\t[1147] ListMarker ''", "\t[1148] link 'Support Plans'", "\t[1149] ListMarker ''", "\t[1150] link 'Talk to an Expert'", "\t[912] StaticText 'Learn'", "\t[1151] ListMarker ''", "\t[1152] link 'Documentation'", "\t[1153] ListMarker ''", "\t[1154] link 'Developers'", "\t[1155] ListMarker ''", "\t[1156] link 'Resource Library'", "\t[1157] ListMarker ''", "\t[1158] link 'Blog'", "\t[1159] ListMarker ''", "\t[1160] link 'Events'", "\t[918] StaticText 'Support'", "\t[1161] ListMarker ''", "\t[1162] link 'Support Center'", "\t[1163] ListMarker ''", "\t[1164] link 'Network Status'", "\t[1165] ListMarker ''", "\t[1166] link 'Contact Us'", "\t[922] StaticText 'Company'", "\t[1167] ListMarker ''", "\t[1168] link 'About Us'", "\t[1169] ListMarker ''", "\t[1170] link 'Careers'", "\t[1171] ListMarker ''", "\t[1172] link 'Customer Stories'", "\t[1173] ListMarker ''", "\t[1174] link 'Partners'", "\t[1175] ListMarker ''", "\t[1176] link 'News'", "\t[1177] ListMarker ''", "\t[1178] link 'Investor Relations'", "\t[1179] ListMarker ''", "\t[1180] link 'Trust'", "\t[930] StaticText '©\\xa0Fastly\\xa0'", "\t[931] StaticText '2024'", "\t[1181] ListMarker ''", "\t[1182] link 'Terms of Service'", "\t[1183] ListMarker ''", "\t[1184] link 'Privacy policy'", "\t[1185] ListMarker ''", "\t[1186] link 'Acceptable Use'", "\t[1187] ListMarker ''", "\t[1188] link 'X'", "\t[1189] ListMarker ''", "\t[1190] link 'LinkedIn'", "\t[1191] ListMarker ''", "\t[1192] link 'Instagram'", "\t[1193] ListMarker ''", "\t[1194] link 'YouTube'", "\t[621] generic '' live: assertive atomic: True relevant: additions text" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[116] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[117] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[118] link 'Communities'", "\t[119] link 'Copyright'", "\t[120] link 'Help'", "\t[121] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip864599", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[585] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[586] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[525] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[116] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[117] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[118] link 'Communities'", "\t[119] link 'Copyright'", "\t[120] link 'Help'", "\t[121] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip841204", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[585] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[586] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[525] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip672855", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip260711", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip405252", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[116] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[117] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[118] link 'Communities'", "\t[119] link 'Copyright'", "\t[120] link 'Help'", "\t[121] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip971646", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[585] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[586] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[525] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip585730", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip459216", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[116] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[117] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[118] link 'Communities'", "\t[119] link 'Copyright'", "\t[120] link 'Help'", "\t[121] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip350282", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[585] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[586] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[525] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ] }
[ "click [212]", "scroll [up]", "type [164] [Pending reviews] [1]", "hover [237]", "scroll [down]", "click [563]", "click [562]", "hover [567]", "click [566]", "click [44]" ]
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[116] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[117] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[118] link 'Communities'", "\t[119] link 'Copyright'", "\t[120] link 'Help'", "\t[121] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip864599", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[585] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[586] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[525] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus has shifted to the "OpenStreetMap" webpage, indicating a complete change in context from the Magento Admin interface to a map service. The content now includes links to map-related features like "GPS Traces" and "User Diaries," which were not present in the previous state. The user is now interacting with a different set of functionalities, moving away from customer management tasks.
type [164] [Pending reviews] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[116] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[117] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[118] link 'Communities'", "\t[119] link 'Copyright'", "\t[120] link 'Help'", "\t[121] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip841204", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[585] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[586] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[525] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus has transitioned to the "OpenStreetMap" webpage. This indicates that the search for pending reviews in the Magento Admin did not yield the expected results and may have caused a redirect. The user is now faced with map-related features and information, far removed from the reviews they intended to access.
hover [237]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip672855", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus has shifted to the "OpenStreetMap" webpage. This suggests that the hover action led to an unintended navigation away from the Magento Admin interface. The user is now interacting with mapping functionalities instead of the customer management features they were previously exploring.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip260711", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus has changed to the "OpenStreetMap" webpage. This indicates that the scroll action did not simply reveal more content within Magento but instead redirected the user to an entirely different service. The navigation now includes features related to mapping, which were not part of the original task related to customer management.
Tab {idx} [3892] RootWebArea 'Shipments / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1 [3944] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [3951] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [3897] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [3899] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [3903] link '\ue60b SALES' [3907] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [3911] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [3915] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [3919] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [3923] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [3927] link '\ue60d STORES' [3931] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [3935] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [3968] heading 'Shipments' [3969] link '\ue600 admin' [3971] link '\ue607' [4079] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [3942] main '' [4616] contentinfo '' [4621] link '\ue606' [4622] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [4632] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [4624] link 'Privacy Policy' [4625] StaticText ' |' [4626] link ' Account Activity' [4627] StaticText ' | ' [4628] link 'Report an Issue'
click [1606] where [1606] is link 'Shipments'
[ "None", "hover [20] where [20] is link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "click [20] where [20] is link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "click [203] where [203] is link 'All Customers'", "click [1286] where [1286] is link '\\ue60b SALES'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Customers / Customers / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Customers / Customers / Magento Admin' focused: True [1325] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1330] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1282] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1286] link '\ue60b SALES' focused: True [1337] generic '\ue60b SALES Sales \ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal' [1354] link '\ue62f' [1355] menu '' orientation: vertical [1496] menu '' orientation: vertical [1604] link 'Orders' [1605] link 'Invoices' [1606] link 'Shipments' [1607] link 'Credit Memos' [1608] link 'Billing Agreements' [1609] link 'Transactions' [1610] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal' [1290] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1294] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1298] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1302] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1306] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1310] link '\ue60d STORES' [1314] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1318] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1346] heading 'Customers' [1347] link '\ue600 admin' [1349] link '\ue607' [2027] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1981] main '' [2034] button 'Add New Customer' [2162] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2180] button '\ue610 Columns' [2183] button '\ue635 Export' [2176] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2208] StaticText '555-123-45673216549870329876543210Antonia Racer Tank dissatisfactiondecentunhappunhappy with Zoe productsy with Zoe products2137418080+1 2058812302+1 2058812302bagsunhappy with bagsdissatisfaction with Ava leggingsunhappy with shoesunhappy with shoes800555121216549870' [2177] button 'Search' [2339] button '\ue605Filters' [2760] LayoutTable '' [2769] StaticText 'Active filters:' [2782] StaticText 'Keyword:' [2784] StaticText '555-123-45673216549870329876543210Antonia Racer Tank dissatisfactiondecentunhappunhappy with Zoe productsy with Zoe products2137418080+1 2058812302+1 2058812302bagsunhappy with bagsdissatisfaction with Ava leggingsunhappy with shoesunhappy with shoes800555121216549870' [2785] button '\ue620' [2771] button 'Clear all' [3346] button 'Actions' [2587] StaticText 'records found' [2821] textbox 'per page' required: False [2848] StaticText '100' [2815] button 'per page Select' [2357] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2600] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2358] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2067] table '' [2070] row '' [2101] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2104] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false [2106] button 'Options' disabled: True [2129] columnheader 'Name' required: False [2130] columnheader 'Email' required: False [2131] columnheader 'Group' required: False [2132] columnheader 'Phone' required: False [2133] columnheader '↓ ZIP' required: False [2134] columnheader 'Country' required: False [2135] columnheader 'State/Province' required: False [2136] columnheader 'Customer Since' required: False [3349] row '' [3351] gridcell "We couldn't find any records." required: False [1982] contentinfo '' [1996] link '\ue606' [1997] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [2009] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [1999] link 'Privacy Policy' [2000] StaticText ' |' [2001] link ' Account Activity' [2002] StaticText ' | ' [2003] link 'Report an Issue'
What is the total count of Pending reviews amongst all the reviews?
The next observation would lead to the 'Shipments' section within the Magento Admin panel. This page is expected to provide a detailed view of all shipment records, including their statuses. The user will be able to see various shipment entries, which may include columns for reviewing the status of each shipment. This transition allows the user to focus on shipment-related actions, potentially enabling them to identify any pending reviews associated with the shipments listed.
{ "neg_action0": "click [212]", "neg_action1": "scroll [up]", "neg_action2": "type [164] [Pending reviews] [1]", "neg_action3": "hover [237]", "neg_action4": "scroll [down]", "neg_action5": "click [563]", "neg_action6": "click [562]", "neg_action7": "hover [567]", "neg_action8": "click [566]", "neg_action9": "click [44]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[614] RootWebArea 'Powering the best of the internet | Fastly' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[705] link 'Fastly'", "\t\t[787] img 'Fastly'", "\t[789] button 'EN' hasPopup: menu expanded: False controls: language-selector", "\t[790] listbox 'Set a site language' multiselectable: False orientation: vertical required: False expanded: False", "\t\t[947] option 'EN' selected: True", "\t\t[948] option 'JA' selected: False", "\t\t[949] option 'ES' selected: False", "\t\t[950] option 'DE' selected: False", "\t[707] link 'Under Attack?'", "\t[708] link '(844) 4FASTLY'", "\t[709] link 'Support Center'", "\t[710] link 'Log in'", "\t[644] navigation 'Main'", "\t\t[1835] ListMarker ''", "\t\t[1836] button 'Why Fastly' expanded: False", "\t\t[1837] ListMarker ''", "\t\t[1838] button 'Products' expanded: False", "\t\t[1839] ListMarker ''", "\t\t[1840] button 'Services' expanded: False", "\t\t[1841] ListMarker ''", "\t\t[1842] button 'Solutions' expanded: False", "\t\t[1843] ListMarker ''", "\t\t[1844] button 'Developers' expanded: False", "\t\t[1845] ListMarker ''", "\t\t[1846] button 'Partners' expanded: False", "\t\t[1847] ListMarker ''", "\t\t[1848] button 'Resources' expanded: False", "\t\t[1849] ListMarker ''", "\t\t[1850] link 'Pricing'", "\t\t[1215] search ''", "\t\t\t[1417] button 'Open search'", "\t\t[953] link 'Talk to an expert'", "\t\t[954] link 'Try Fastly Free'", "\t[625] main ''", "\t\t[667] group 'Powering the best of the internet. Get better web and application performance with smarter security on a platform that makes your team more productive. Learn more' roledescription: Carousel", "\t\t\t[960] heading 'Powering the best of the internet.'", "\t\t\t[962] link 'Learn more'", "\t\t[966] link 'Learn more' hidden: True", "\t\t[648] tablist 'Slideshow controls' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[676] heading 'More announcements'", "\t\t[819] link 'Fastly is named a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Edge Development Platforms, Q4 2023'", "\t\t[820] link 'Fastly is quantifiably better than other CDNs'", "\t\t[821] link 'Preventing outages with resilient architectures'", "\t\t[633] marquee ''", "\t\t\t[678] heading 'Trusted by the world’s leading digital innovators'", "\t\t[1017] StaticText 'Fastly Edge Cloud Platform'", "\t\t[836] heading 'Our platform is fully programmable. You get smarter solutions, better insights, and more control.'", "\t\t[732] link 'A better experience is waiting'", "\t\t[1048] tabpanel ''", "\t\t[1275] heading 'Network Services'", "\t\t\t[1568] button 'Network Services' disabled: True expanded: True controls: radix-:R9kl5:", "\t\t[1276] region 'Network Services'", "\t\t\t[1878] StaticText 'Move to a faster, more secure network and get immediate benefits for your org and users. Step up to a better CDN for everything from ecommerce to publishing and streaming. Plan confidently with predictable pricing and no surprise overages.'", "\t\t\t[1742] link 'Check out the Fastly CDN'", "\t\t[1277] heading 'Security'", "\t\t\t[1571] button 'Security' expanded: False controls: radix-:Rakl5:", "\t\t[1279] heading 'Compute'", "\t\t\t[1572] button 'Compute' expanded: False controls: radix-:Rbkl5:", "\t\t[1281] heading 'Observability'", "\t\t\t[1573] button 'Observability' expanded: False controls: radix-:Rckl5:", "\t\t[844] StaticText 'Our network map'", "\t\t[739] heading 'A more powerful global network'", "\t\t[846] StaticText 'We built our network with intention. By design, we run fewer POPs than our competitors, but they’re much more powerful so we can cache more and serve it faster. Our network is fully software defined. We can do anything, and do it faster.'", "\t\t[847] link 'Take a closer look'", "\t\t[848] img 'fastly-globe'", "\t\t[1293] StaticText 'On average'", "\t\t[1578] StaticText '150 ms'", "\t\t[1579] StaticText 'Purge time'", "\t\t[1296] superscript ''", "\t\t[1297] StaticText 'More than'", "\t\t[1581] StaticText '1.8 trillion'", "\t\t[1582] StaticText 'Daily requests served'", "\t\t[1300] superscript ''", "\t\t[1301] StaticText 'Almost'", "\t\t[1584] StaticText '90%'", "\t\t[1585] StaticText 'Of customers run Next-Gen WAF in blocking mode'", "\t\t[1304] superscript ''", "\t\t[1305] StaticText 'Global'", "\t\t[1587] StaticText '353 Tbps'", "\t\t[1588] StaticText 'Edge network capacity'", "\t\t[1308] superscript ''", "\t\t\t[1589] StaticText '4'", "\t\t[1309] StaticText 'Up to'", "\t\t[1590] StaticText '32%'", "\t\t[1591] StaticText 'faster time to first byte (TTFB) than other CDNs'", "\t\t[1312] superscript ''", "\t\t[753] superscript ''", "\t\t[864] StaticText 'as of December 31, 2022'", "\t\t[755] superscript ''", "\t\t[866] StaticText 'as of July 31, 2023'", "\t\t[757] superscript ''", "\t\t[868] StaticText 'as of March 2023'", "\t\t[759] superscript ''", "\t\t\t[869] StaticText '4'", "\t\t[870] StaticText 'as of June 30, 2024'", "\t\t[761] superscript ''", "\t\t\t[871] StaticText '5'", "\t\t[872] link 'read about the methodology'", "\t\t[873] heading 'The one thing every business needs is flexibility'", "\t\t[1100] StaticText 'Everybody needs speed, reliability, security, savings, and scale – but different industries have different needs. Fastly’s powerful network and smarter solutions can be tailored to your organization. We partner with you to guarantee a smooth migration, so you can deliver the best possible user experiences.'", "\t\t[1334] button \"Ecommerce Provide faster and more secure retail experiences You’re always open for business with Fastly. We handle the crowds and load-balancing so no one is turned away. Your customers will always see accurate information with real-time updates, and all of it is protected from DDoS, bots, and other threats. Ticketmaster Brad's Deals Shop Japan\"", "\t\t\t[1750] link 'Provide faster and more secure retail experiences'", "\t\t\t\t[1896] heading 'Provide faster and more secure retail experiences'", "\t\t\t[1898] img 'Ticketmaster'", "\t\t\t[1899] img \"Brad's Deals\"", "\t\t\t[1900] img 'Shop Japan'", "\t\t[1335] button 'Streaming Media Deliver stellar streaming experiences Paramount Global Gannett | USA TODAY Network Giphy' expanded: False controls: 5rygCVFWr5XKYgwsVdEkLe", "\t\t\t[1755] heading 'Deliver stellar streaming experiences'", "\t\t\t[1903] img 'Paramount Global'", "\t\t\t[1904] img 'Gannett | USA TODAY Network'", "\t\t\t[1905] img 'Giphy'", "\t\t[1337] button 'Travel and hospitality Deliver faster service from the start with our travel planning experiences loveholidays Kayak Priceline' expanded: False controls: 077VRrN6z0oYW8Y4nTEWw", "\t\t\t[1763] heading 'Deliver faster service from the start with our travel planning experiences'", "\t\t\t[1914] img 'loveholidays'", "\t\t\t[1915] img 'Kayak'", "\t\t\t[1916] img 'Priceline'", "\t\t[1339] button 'Financial services Try a modern CDN and innovate ahead of the market Betterment Affirm' expanded: False controls: 5rzVUyi2qVQYTpWneeMyhd", "\t\t\t[1771] heading 'Try a modern CDN and innovate ahead of the market'", "\t\t\t[1925] img 'Betterment'", "\t\t\t[1926] img 'Affirm'", "\t\t[882] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1113] tab 'Edgemesh' selected: False", "\t\t\t\t[1649] StaticText 'SaaS/PaaS'", "\t\t\t[1114] tab 'Gannett' selected: False", "\t\t\t\t[1651] StaticText 'Digital publishing'", "\t\t\t[1115] tab 'Giphy' selected: False", "\t\t\t[1116] tab '1stDibs' selected: False", "\t\t\t\t[1655] StaticText 'Ecommerce'", "\t\t[767] heading 'Want to learn more?'", "\t\t[769] article ''", "\t\t\t[885] link 'Download the white paper'", "\t\t\t[887] heading 'Fastly Network Effect Threat Report'", "\t\t\t\t[1119] link 'Fastly Network Effect Threat Report'", "\t\t\t[1120] StaticText \"Fastly's Security Research Team presents attack trends and techniques from malicious traffic flagged by our Network Learning Exchange.\"", "\t\t\t[889] link 'Download the white paper'", "\t\t[770] article ''", "\t\t\t[890] link 'Learn more'", "\t\t\t[892] heading '2024 Gartner® Peer Insights™ ‘Voice of the Customer’ for Cloud WAAP'", "\t\t\t\t[1124] link '2024 Gartner® Peer Insights™ ‘Voice of the Customer’ for Cloud WAAP'", "\t\t\t[1125] StaticText 'Learn why Fastly is the only WAAP vendor to be recognized as a Gartner® Peer Insights™ Customers’ Choice for six years in a row.'", "\t\t\t[894] link 'Learn more'", "\t\t[771] article ''", "\t\t\t[895] link 'Watch now'", "\t\t\t[897] heading 'What is the modern CDN and why is it important?'", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'What is the modern CDN and why is it important?'", "\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 'Too many developers and companies are dealing with the dark ages of black-box, legacy content delivery networks (CDNs) that weren’t built to provide the real-time observability, baked-in security, and programmatic control needed to deliver the dynamic experiences today’s users and developers demand.'", "\t\t\t[899] link 'Watch now'", "\t\t[1378] heading 'Let’s build something amazing'", "\t\t[1667] StaticText 'Get in touch or create an account'", "\t\t[1380] link 'Build with a free trial'", "\t\t[1381] link 'Consult with an expert'", "\t[697] img 'Fastly'", "\t[902] StaticText 'Products'", "\t[1135] ListMarker ''", "\t[1136] link 'Edge Cloud Platform'", "\t[1137] ListMarker ''", "\t[1138] link 'Pricing'", "\t[1139] ListMarker ''", "\t[1140] link 'Try Fastly Free'", "\t[1141] ListMarker ''", "\t[1142] link 'Network Map'", "\t[907] StaticText 'Solutions'", "\t[1143] ListMarker ''", "\t[1144] link 'Professional Services'", "\t[1145] ListMarker ''", "\t[1146] link 'Managed CDN'", "\t[1147] ListMarker ''", "\t[1148] link 'Support Plans'", "\t[1149] ListMarker ''", "\t[1150] link 'Talk to an Expert'", "\t[912] StaticText 'Learn'", "\t[1151] ListMarker ''", "\t[1152] link 'Documentation'", "\t[1153] ListMarker ''", "\t[1154] link 'Developers'", "\t[1155] ListMarker ''", "\t[1156] link 'Resource Library'", "\t[1157] ListMarker ''", "\t[1158] link 'Blog'", "\t[1159] ListMarker ''", "\t[1160] link 'Events'", "\t[918] StaticText 'Support'", "\t[1161] ListMarker ''", "\t[1162] link 'Support Center'", "\t[1163] ListMarker ''", "\t[1164] link 'Network Status'", "\t[1165] ListMarker ''", "\t[1166] link 'Contact Us'", "\t[922] StaticText 'Company'", "\t[1167] ListMarker ''", "\t[1168] link 'About Us'", "\t[1169] ListMarker ''", "\t[1170] link 'Careers'", "\t[1171] ListMarker ''", "\t[1172] link 'Customer Stories'", "\t[1173] ListMarker ''", "\t[1174] link 'Partners'", "\t[1175] ListMarker ''", "\t[1176] link 'News'", "\t[1177] ListMarker ''", "\t[1178] link 'Investor Relations'", "\t[1179] ListMarker ''", "\t[1180] link 'Trust'", "\t[930] StaticText '©\\xa0Fastly\\xa0'", "\t[931] StaticText '2024'", "\t[1181] ListMarker ''", "\t[1182] link 'Terms of Service'", "\t[1183] ListMarker ''", "\t[1184] link 'Privacy policy'", "\t[1185] ListMarker ''", "\t[1186] link 'Acceptable Use'", "\t[1187] ListMarker ''", "\t[1188] link 'X'", "\t[1189] ListMarker ''", "\t[1190] link 'LinkedIn'", "\t[1191] ListMarker ''", "\t[1192] link 'Instagram'", "\t[1193] ListMarker ''", "\t[1194] link 'YouTube'", "\t[621] generic '' live: assertive atomic: True relevant: additions text" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[116] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[117] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[118] link 'Communities'", "\t[119] link 'Copyright'", "\t[120] link 'Help'", "\t[121] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip864599", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[585] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[586] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[525] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[116] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[117] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[118] link 'Communities'", "\t[119] link 'Copyright'", "\t[120] link 'Help'", "\t[121] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip841204", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[585] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[586] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[525] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip672855", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip260711", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip405252", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[116] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[117] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[118] link 'Communities'", "\t[119] link 'Copyright'", "\t[120] link 'Help'", "\t[121] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip971646", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[585] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[586] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[525] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip585730", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip459216", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[116] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[117] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[118] link 'Communities'", "\t[119] link 'Copyright'", "\t[120] link 'Help'", "\t[121] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip350282", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[585] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[586] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[525] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ] }
[ "click [212]", "scroll [up]", "type [164] [Pending reviews] [1]", "hover [237]", "scroll [down]", "click [563]", "click [562]", "hover [567]", "click [566]", "click [44]" ]
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[116] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[117] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[118] link 'Communities'", "\t[119] link 'Copyright'", "\t[120] link 'Help'", "\t[121] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip864599", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[585] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[586] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[525] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus has shifted from the Magento Admin interface to the OpenStreetMap page. The content hierarchy has changed entirely, now displaying elements related to mapping rather than eCommerce. The previously shown customer-related options have been replaced by links and buttons pertinent to OpenStreetMap, indicating a complete navigation away from the original context.
type [164] [Pending reviews] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[116] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[117] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[118] link 'Communities'", "\t[119] link 'Copyright'", "\t[120] link 'Help'", "\t[121] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip841204", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[585] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[586] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[525] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ]
The next observation would be that the user has been redirected from the Magento Admin to the OpenStreetMap interface. The focus has completely shifted away from customer review functionalities, and instead, the user is now confronted with mapping options and functionalities, reflecting a loss of context regarding customer management.
hover [237]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip672855", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ]
The next observation would be that the interface has transitioned from the Magento Admin dashboard to the OpenStreetMap page. The user is now viewing elements related to mapping functionalities instead of the expected customer management details, indicating a significant shift in task context.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip260711", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ]
The next observation would be that the user has moved from the Magento Admin interface to the OpenStreetMap page. The focus has shifted away from customer management, and the content now revolves around mapping features, showcasing a total transition in the page's context.
Tab 0 (current): Customers / Customers / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Customers / Customers / Magento Admin' focused: True [1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1335] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1282] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1286] link '\ue60b SALES' [1290] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1294] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1298] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1302] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1306] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1310] link '\ue60d STORES' [1314] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1318] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1354] heading 'Customers' [1355] link '\ue600 admin' [1357] link '\ue607' [2027] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1324] main '' [2034] button 'Add New Customer' [2145] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2146] button '\ue610 Columns' [2281] button '\ue635 Export' [2305] textbox 'Search by keyword' focused: True required: False [2313] StaticText 'leggings fit issuecolor options tops' [2306] button 'Search' [2321] button '\ue605Filters' [2595] LayoutTable '' [2604] StaticText 'Active filters:' [3294] StaticText 'Keyword:' [3296] StaticText 'leggings fit issuecolor options tops' [3297] button '\ue620' [2606] button 'Clear all' [2546] button 'Actions' [2345] StaticText 'records found' [2655] textbox 'per page' required: False [2682] StaticText '100' [2649] button 'per page Select' [2340] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2346] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2341] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2067] table '' [2070] row '' [2083] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2086] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false [2088] button 'Options' disabled: True [2111] columnheader 'Name' required: False [2112] columnheader 'Email' required: False [2113] columnheader 'Group' required: False [2114] columnheader 'Phone' required: False [2115] columnheader '↓ ZIP' required: False [2116] columnheader 'Country' required: False [2117] columnheader 'State/Province' required: False [2118] columnheader 'Customer Since' required: False [2071] row '' [2072] gridcell "We couldn't find any records." required: False [1325] contentinfo '' [1419] link '\ue606' [1420] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [1484] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [1422] link 'Privacy Policy' [1423] StaticText ' |' [1424] link ' Account Activity' [1425] StaticText ' | ' [1426] link 'Report an Issue'
type [2305] [color options tops ] where [2305] is textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False
[ "None", "click [20] where [20] is link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "click [229] where [229] is link 'All Customers'", "click [1324] where [1324] is main ''" ]
Tab 0 (current): Customers / Customers / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Customers / Customers / Magento Admin' focused: True [1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1335] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1282] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1286] link '\ue60b SALES' [1290] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1294] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1298] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1302] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1306] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1310] link '\ue60d STORES' [1314] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1318] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1354] heading 'Customers' [1355] link '\ue600 admin' [1357] link '\ue607' [2027] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1324] main '' [2034] button 'Add New Customer' [2145] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2146] button '\ue610 Columns' [2281] button '\ue635 Export' [2305] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2313] StaticText 'leggings fit issue' [2306] button 'Search' [2321] button '\ue605Filters' [2595] LayoutTable '' [2604] StaticText 'Active filters:' [2619] StaticText 'Keyword:' [2621] StaticText 'leggings fit issue' [2622] button '\ue620' [2606] button 'Clear all' [2546] button 'Actions' [2345] StaticText 'records found' [2655] textbox 'per page' required: False [2682] StaticText '100' [2649] button 'per page Select' [2340] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2346] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2341] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2067] table '' [2070] row '' [2083] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2086] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false [2088] button 'Options' disabled: True [2111] columnheader 'Name' required: False [2112] columnheader 'Email' required: False [2113] columnheader 'Group' required: False [2114] columnheader 'Phone' required: False [2115] columnheader '↓ ZIP' required: False [2116] columnheader 'Country' required: False [2117] columnheader 'State/Province' required: False [2118] columnheader 'Customer Since' required: False [2071] row '' [2072] gridcell "We couldn't find any records." required: False [1325] contentinfo '' [1419] link '\ue606' [1420] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [1484] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [1422] link 'Privacy Policy' [1423] StaticText ' |' [1424] link ' Account Activity' [1425] StaticText ' | ' [1426] link 'Report an Issue'
Show me the email address of the customer who is the most unhappy with the color options of the tops
The next observation would show that no customer records were found related to the search query. The search has resulted in the message "We couldn't find any records," indicating that there are currently no customers who have provided feedback that matches the keywords entered. This outcome suggests that the specific customer dissatisfaction regarding color options for tops may not have been documented in the system, or the specific terms used in the search did not align with the recorded feedback. Consequently, the objective of finding the email address of an unhappy customer regarding this issue cannot be fulfilled at this time due to the lack of relevant records.
{ "neg_action0": "click [36]", "neg_action1": "scroll [up]", "neg_action2": "click [220]", "neg_action3": "click [217]", "neg_action4": "type [2305] [unhappy customers email] [1]", "neg_action5": "click [64]", "neg_action6": null, "neg_action7": null, "neg_action8": "click [210]", "neg_action9": null, "neg_observation0": [ "Error: Timeout 30000ms exceeded.\n=========================== logs ===========================\nnavigating to \"http://ec2-3-131-244-37.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:3000/\", waiting until \"load\"\n============================================================" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip56005", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms' focused: True", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' describedby: tooltip679334", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip444230", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History' focused: True", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' describedby: tooltip810611", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[654] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[655] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ], "neg_observation6": null, "neg_observation7": null, "neg_observation8": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[614] RootWebArea \"UCL - London's Global University\" focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation9": null }
[ "click [36]", "scroll [up]", "click [220]", "click [217]", "type [2305] [unhappy customers email] [1]", "click [64]", "type [2305] [customer feedback] [1]", "hover [210]", "click [210]", "scroll [down]" ]
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip56005", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus shifts away from the "Customers" section in the Magento Admin, moving instead to content related to the OpenStreetMap. This change reflects a significant transition as the user is no longer viewing customer management options but is instead engaged with mapping functionalities. The new focus on OpenStreetMap indicates the user might have inadvertently navigated away from their intended task of managing customer information. --- **For NEGATIVE ACTION 2: click [220]**
click [220]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms' focused: True", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus has transitioned from the Magento Admin's customer management features to the OpenStreetMap interface. This indicates that the user has navigated away from customer-related tasks and is now interacting with mapping functionalities. The abrupt change in focus highlights a potential misdirection or unwanted navigation from the original task. --- **For NEGATIVE ACTION 3: click [217]**
click [217]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' describedby: tooltip679334", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is now focused on the OpenStreetMap interface, moving away from the Magento Admin's customer functionalities. This indicates a significant shift in the user's activity, suggesting that the click action has redirected them to a completely different web application. The change in focus reveals a potential error in navigation, pulling the user away from their original intention. --- **For NEGATIVE ACTION 4: type [2305] [unhappy customers email] [1]**
type [2305] [unhappy customers email] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip444230", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ]
The next observation would be that the user has shifted focus from the Magento Admin's customer management features to the OpenStreetMap interface. This transition suggests that the user inadvertently navigated away from addressing customer issues and is now viewing mapping content instead. The action of typing has not produced the expected outcome related to customer management, indicating a disconnect in user interaction.
Tab 0 (current): Customers / Customers / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Customers / Customers / Magento Admin' focused: True [1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1335] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1282] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1286] link '\ue60b SALES' [1290] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1294] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1298] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1302] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1306] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1310] link '\ue60d STORES' [1314] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1318] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1354] heading 'Customers' [1355] link '\ue600 admin' [1357] link '\ue607' [2027] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1324] main '' [2034] button 'Add New Customer' [2145] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2146] button '\ue610 Columns' [2281] button '\ue635 Export' [2305] textbox 'Search by keyword' focused: True required: False [2313] StaticText 'leggings fit issuecolor options tops' [2306] button 'Search' [2321] button '\ue605Filters' [2595] LayoutTable '' [2604] StaticText 'Active filters:' [3294] StaticText 'Keyword:' [3296] StaticText 'leggings fit issuecolor options tops' [3297] button '\ue620' [2606] button 'Clear all' [2546] button 'Actions' [2345] StaticText 'records found' [2655] textbox 'per page' required: False [2682] StaticText '100' [2649] button 'per page Select' [2340] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2346] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2341] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2067] table '' [2070] row '' [2083] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2086] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false [2088] button 'Options' disabled: True [2111] columnheader 'Name' required: False [2112] columnheader 'Email' required: False [2113] columnheader 'Group' required: False [2114] columnheader 'Phone' required: False [2115] columnheader '↓ ZIP' required: False [2116] columnheader 'Country' required: False [2117] columnheader 'State/Province' required: False [2118] columnheader 'Customer Since' required: False [2071] row '' [2072] gridcell "We couldn't find any records." required: False [1325] contentinfo '' [1419] link '\ue606' [1420] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [1484] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [1422] link 'Privacy Policy' [1423] StaticText ' |' [1424] link ' Account Activity' [1425] StaticText ' | ' [1426] link 'Report an Issue'
type [2305] [color options tops ] where [2305] is textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False
[ "None", "click [20] where [20] is link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "click [229] where [229] is link 'All Customers'", "click [1324] where [1324] is main ''" ]
Tab 0 (current): Customers / Customers / Magento Admin [1275] RootWebArea 'Customers / Customers / Magento Admin' focused: True [1327] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1335] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1280] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1282] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1286] link '\ue60b SALES' [1290] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1294] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1298] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1302] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1306] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1310] link '\ue60d STORES' [1314] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1318] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1354] heading 'Customers' [1355] link '\ue600 admin' [1357] link '\ue607' [2027] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1324] main '' [2034] button 'Add New Customer' [2145] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2146] button '\ue610 Columns' [2281] button '\ue635 Export' [2305] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2313] StaticText 'leggings fit issue' [2306] button 'Search' [2321] button '\ue605Filters' [2595] LayoutTable '' [2604] StaticText 'Active filters:' [2619] StaticText 'Keyword:' [2621] StaticText 'leggings fit issue' [2622] button '\ue620' [2606] button 'Clear all' [2546] button 'Actions' [2345] StaticText 'records found' [2655] textbox 'per page' required: False [2682] StaticText '100' [2649] button 'per page Select' [2340] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2346] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2341] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2067] table '' [2070] row '' [2083] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2086] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false [2088] button 'Options' disabled: True [2111] columnheader 'Name' required: False [2112] columnheader 'Email' required: False [2113] columnheader 'Group' required: False [2114] columnheader 'Phone' required: False [2115] columnheader '↓ ZIP' required: False [2116] columnheader 'Country' required: False [2117] columnheader 'State/Province' required: False [2118] columnheader 'Customer Since' required: False [2071] row '' [2072] gridcell "We couldn't find any records." required: False [1325] contentinfo '' [1419] link '\ue606' [1420] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [1484] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [1422] link 'Privacy Policy' [1423] StaticText ' |' [1424] link ' Account Activity' [1425] StaticText ' | ' [1426] link 'Report an Issue'
Show me the email address of the customer who is the most unhappy with the color options of the tops
The next observation would show that no customer records were found related to the search query. The search has resulted in the message "We couldn't find any records," indicating that there are currently no customers who have provided feedback that matches the keywords entered. This outcome suggests that the specific customer dissatisfaction regarding color options for tops may not have been documented in the system, or the specific terms used in the search did not align with the recorded feedback. Consequently, the objective of finding the email address of an unhappy customer regarding this issue cannot be fulfilled at this time due to the lack of relevant records.
{ "neg_action0": "click [36]", "neg_action1": "scroll [up]", "neg_action2": "click [220]", "neg_action3": "click [217]", "neg_action4": "type [2305] [unhappy customers email] [1]", "neg_action5": "click [64]", "neg_action6": null, "neg_action7": null, "neg_action8": "click [210]", "neg_action9": null, "neg_observation0": [ "Error: Timeout 30000ms exceeded.\n=========================== logs ===========================\nnavigating to \"http://ec2-3-131-244-37.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:3000/\", waiting until \"load\"\n============================================================" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip56005", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms' focused: True", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' describedby: tooltip679334", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip444230", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History' focused: True", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' describedby: tooltip810611", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[654] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[655] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ], "neg_observation6": null, "neg_observation7": null, "neg_observation8": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[614] RootWebArea \"UCL - London's Global University\" focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation9": null }
[ "click [36]", "scroll [up]", "click [220]", "click [217]", "type [2305] [unhappy customers email] [1]", "click [64]", "type [2305] [customer feedback] [1]", "hover [210]", "click [210]", "scroll [down]" ]
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip56005", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ]
The next observation would be "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", indicating a drastic shift in context from the Magento Admin to an entirely different webpage related to OpenStreetMap. This change suggests that the user has navigated away from the customer management interface, possibly due to an error or distraction, leading to a complete change in focus to mapping functionalities.
click [220]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms' focused: True", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", which signifies that the user has left the Magento Admin environment. This transition indicates that the click action resulted in a navigation event, directing the user to a mapping service rather than remaining within the administrative interface.
click [217]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' describedby: tooltip679334", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ]
The next observation would be "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", indicating that a navigation event has occurred. This action has caused the user to exit the Magento Admin environment, demonstrating a clear shift in focus to mapping functionalities provided by OpenStreetMap.
type [2305] [unhappy customers email] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 100 km 100 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out' focused: True describedby: tooltip444230", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[606] StaticText '100 km'", "\t\t[607] StaticText '100 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom Out'" ]
The next observation would be "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", highlighting a significant shift from the Magento Admin to OpenStreetMap. This indicates that the input action may have resulted in an unexpected navigation away from the customer management tasks, leading the user to a completely different context.
Tab 0 (current): New Product / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [3458] RootWebArea 'New Product / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1 [3510] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [3518] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [3463] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [3465] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [3469] link '\ue60b SALES' [3473] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [3477] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [3481] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [3485] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [3489] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [3493] link '\ue60d STORES' [3497] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [3501] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [3536] heading 'New Product' [3537] link '\ue600 admin' [3539] link '\ue607' [4377] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [3508] main '' [4348] generic 'Save' [4351] button 'Save' [4352] button 'Save options' [4349] button '\ue626 Back' [4350] button 'Add Attribute' [4239] contentinfo '' [4248] link '\ue606' [4249] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [4251] link 'Privacy Policy' [4252] StaticText ' |' [4253] link ' Account Activity' [4254] StaticText ' | ' [4255] link 'Report an Issue'
click [1422] where [1422] is button 'Add Product'
[ "None", "click [16] where [16] is link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "click [419] where [419] is link 'Products'" ]
Tab {idx} [1284] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1 [1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1344] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1291] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1295] link '\ue60b SALES' [1299] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1303] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1307] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1311] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1315] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1319] link '\ue60d STORES' [1323] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1327] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1362] heading 'Products' [1363] link '\ue600 admin' [1365] link '\ue607' [1477] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1334] main '' [1367] generic 'Add Product' [1422] button 'Add Product' [1423] button 'Add product of type' [2036] contentinfo '' [2041] link '\ue606' [2042] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [2052] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [2044] link 'Privacy Policy' [2045] StaticText ' |' [2046] link ' Account Activity' [2047] StaticText ' | ' [2048] link 'Report an Issue'
Add a new material option leather to the size M of Leather Jacket
The next observation would be a page titled `New Product` within the Magento Admin panel. This page is designed for entering details about a new product, featuring options to save the product, add attributes, and navigate back to previous pages. The layout includes a textbox for entering product information and buttons for saving changes or adding product options. The user is now positioned to specify the new material option of leather for the size M of the Leather Jacket, aligning with the overall objective of the user.
{ "neg_action0": "close_tab", "neg_action1": "hover [1422]", "neg_action2": "scroll [down]", "neg_action3": "type [1422] [Leather Jacket] [1]", "neg_action4": "click [18]", "neg_action5": "click [2750]", "neg_action6": "scroll [up]", "neg_action7": "click [106]", "neg_action8": "tab_focus [0]", "neg_action9": "new_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[102] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[121] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[103] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[123] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[105] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[106] link 'Help'", "\t[108] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[133] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1873] main ''", "\t\t[1789] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1807] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2014] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2229] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2328] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2390] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2238] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1704] link 'All'", "\t\t[2258] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1742] link ''", "\t\t[2162] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2445] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1824] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2078] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2427] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2149] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1691] link '0'", "\t\t[2248] link '0'", "\t\t[2132] link '0'", "\t\t[1802] link '0'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1953] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1600] link 'A'", "\t\t[2003] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1489] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1674] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1584] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1623] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1688] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2429] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2049] link '1'", "\t\t[2097] link '0'", "\t\t[2142] link '0'", "\t\t[1710] link '1'", "\t\t[1747] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1680] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2403] link 'A'", "\t\t[1491] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2124] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1662] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2151] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1933] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2261] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2072] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1557] link '2'", "\t\t[1930] link '0'", "\t\t[1663] link '1'", "\t\t[1913] link '4'", "\t\t[1885] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1819] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2351] link 'A'", "\t\t[1968] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2182] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1931] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2010] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2416] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1998] link '20'", "\t\t[1783] link '0'", "\t\t[2407] link '10'", "\t\t[2038] link '40'", "\t\t[2171] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1575] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2275] link 'A'", "\t\t[2396] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2361] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2118] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1603] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1604] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1740] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2164] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1831] link '1'", "\t\t[2355] link '0'", "\t\t[2354] link '0'", "\t\t[1668] link '0'", "\t\t[2465] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1556] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2310] link 'A'", "\t\t[2341] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1721] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1766] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1846] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2466] link '0'", "\t\t[2085] link '0'", "\t\t[2073] link '0'", "\t\t[1993] link '0'", "\t\t[1752] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1550] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1834] link 'A'", "\t\t[1549] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1606] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1761] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2458] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1947] link '0'", "\t\t[1665] link '0'", "\t\t[2114] link '0'", "\t\t[2093] link '0'", "\t\t[2064] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2128] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1994] link 'A'", "\t\t[2311] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1683] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2245] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2109] link '0'", "\t\t[2400] link '0'", "\t\t[2308] link '0'", "\t\t[1943] link '0'", "\t\t[2397] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2026] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2013] link 'A'", "\t\t[2042] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2280] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1959] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2046] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2329] link '0'", "\t\t[2338] link '0'", "\t\t[2126] link '0'", "\t\t[1566] link '0'", "\t\t[2034] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1912] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2241] link 'B'", "\t\t[2294] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2385] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2286] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2055] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2210] link '0'", "\t\t[2243] link '0'", "\t\t[2139] link '0'", "\t\t[2296] link '0'", "\t\t[2426] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2303] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2387] link 'C'", "\t\t[2121] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2443] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2115] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2137] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1881] link '0'", "\t\t[1877] link '0'", "\t\t[2175] link '0'", "\t\t[2360] link '0'", "\t\t[1839] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1647] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1611] link ''", "\t\t[2419] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1733] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1985] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1518] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2116] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1751] link '0'", "\t\t[1630] link '0'", "\t\t[2315] link '0'", "\t\t[2107] link '0'", "\t\t[2213] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1515] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1589] link 'D'", "\t\t[1921] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2435] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2322] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2173] link '21'", "\t\t[2270] link '0'", "\t\t[1655] link '16'", "\t\t[1587] link '21'", "\t\t[2216] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2112] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2365] link 'D'", "\t\t[2305] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1976] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2111] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1524] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2090] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1656] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1521] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1966] link '0'", "\t\t[1910] link '0'", "\t\t[1559] link '0'", "\t\t[2239] link '1'", "\t\t[1963] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1856] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1988] link 'E'", "\t\t[1940] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2431] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2468] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1960] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2432] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2374] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1722] link '6'", "\t\t[2475] link '1'", "\t\t[2460] link '2'", "\t\t[1918] link '5'", "\t\t[2220] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1545] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1548] link 'E'", "\t\t[1511] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2000] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2289] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2456] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2350] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1728] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1971] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1956] link '2'", "\t\t[1795] link '0'", "\t\t[2079] link '0'", "\t\t[2009] link '0'", "\t\t[1898] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2012] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2131] link 'G'", "\t\t[2452] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2240] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1841] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1597] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1849] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2327] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2476] link '0'", "\t\t[1957] link '0'", "\t\t[1843] link '0'", "\t\t[2089] link '0'", "\t\t[2335] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2039] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1539] link 'L'", "\t\t[2402] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2285] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2029] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2212] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2268] link '0'", "\t\t[1880] link '0'", "\t\t[2060] link '0'", "\t\t[1955] link '0'", "\t\t[2184] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1833] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2129] link 'M'", "\t\t[1888] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1723] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2233] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1689] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2065] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1574] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2369] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2095] link '6'", "\t\t[1786] link '0'", "\t\t[2159] link '2'", "\t\t[1905] link '4'", "\t\t[1920] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1739] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2273] link 'N'", "\t\t[1601] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1503] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1797] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2122] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1605] link '0'", "\t\t[2052] link '0'", "\t\t[1666] link '0'", "\t\t[1669] link '0'", "\t\t[1703] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2478] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1541] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2398] link '1'", "\t\t[1713] link '2'", "\t\t[1543] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[125] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[127] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[137] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1873] main ''", "\t\t[1788] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2287] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1956] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2142] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1698] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1792] button 'Name'", "\t\t[2226] link 'All'", "\t\t[2401] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2058] link ''", "\t\t[1704] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1898] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2331] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1715] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2157] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1826] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2330] link '0'", "\t\t[1946] link '0'", "\t\t[2398] link '0'", "\t\t[2459] link '0'", "\t\t[1994] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1671] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2186] link 'A'", "\t\t[2372] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2262] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2115] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2479] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2010] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1796] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2045] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1984] link '1'", "\t\t[2369] link '0'", "\t\t[1759] link '0'", "\t\t[1811] link '1'", "\t\t[1734] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1557] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1587] link 'A'", "\t\t[1859] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1931] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1683] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1914] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1810] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2237] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2252] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1710] link '2'", "\t\t[1950] link '0'", "\t\t[1720] link '1'", "\t\t[2449] link '4'", "\t\t[2267] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2223] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2168] link 'A'", "\t\t[1797] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2378] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1531] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1501] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1614] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2130] link '20'", "\t\t[2174] link '0'", "\t\t[2314] link '10'", "\t\t[1848] link '40'", "\t\t[2233] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1547] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1724] link 'A'", "\t\t[1559] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2124] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1858] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2125] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2092] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1490] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2032] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1798] link '1'", "\t\t[1508] link '0'", "\t\t[2325] link '0'", "\t\t[1561] link '0'", "\t\t[2391] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1708] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2162] link 'A'", "\t\t[2404] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1540] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1904] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2207] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1697] link '0'", "\t\t[1627] link '0'", "\t\t[2110] link '0'", "\t\t[1532] link '0'", "\t\t[2370] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1689] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2310] link 'A'", "\t\t[1676] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2473] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1678] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1621] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2289] link '0'", "\t\t[1506] link '0'", "\t\t[1765] link '0'", "\t\t[2081] link '0'", "\t\t[2476] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1776] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2402] link 'A'", "\t\t[2109] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1550] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1818] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1688] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1738] link '0'", "\t\t[2338] link '0'", "\t\t[1861] link '0'", "\t\t[1711] link '0'", "\t\t[1545] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2089] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1565] link 'A'", "\t\t[1604] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1814] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1911] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1730] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2190] link '0'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[1616] link '0'", "\t\t[1538] link '0'", "\t\t[2206] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1544] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1556] link 'B'", "\t\t[2170] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1582] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1601] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1937] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2458] link '0'", "\t\t[1907] link '0'", "\t\t[2244] link '0'", "\t\t[1807] link '0'", "\t\t[2254] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1892] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1844] link 'C'", "\t\t[1713] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1799] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1497] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1932] link '0'", "\t\t[2326] link '0'", "\t\t[1815] link '0'", "\t\t[2018] link '0'", "\t\t[2079] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2069] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2227] link ''", "\t\t[2184] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1986] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1930] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2067] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1548] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1863] link '0'", "\t\t[1834] link '0'", "\t\t[1733] link '0'", "\t\t[1919] link '0'", "\t\t[2305] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2245] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2113] link 'D'", "\t\t[2411] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1809] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1971] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1803] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1519] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1891] link '21'", "\t\t[1781] link '0'", "\t\t[1925] link '16'", "\t\t[2250] link '21'", "\t\t[1837] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2246] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2037] link 'D'", "\t\t[1643] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2435] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2072] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2231] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1620] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2322] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1700] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2425] link '0'", "\t\t[2049] link '0'", "\t\t[1694] link '0'", "\t\t[1955] link '1'", "\t\t[1943] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2375] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1503] link 'E'", "\t\t[2427] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2264] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1800] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1722] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1491] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2199] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1974] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1750] link '6'", "\t\t[2098] link '1'", "\t\t[1567] link '2'", "\t\t[2224] link '5'", "\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1821] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2185] link 'E'", "\t\t[1682] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2336] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2447] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1615] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2096] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1855] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2295] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2070] link '2'", "\t\t[1626] link '0'", "\t\t[1767] link '0'", "\t\t[1856] link '0'", "\t\t[2134] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2392] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1835] link 'G'", "\t\t[1897] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2364] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1866] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2082] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2259] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2099] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1849] link '0'", "\t\t[2218] link '0'", "\t\t[2327] link '0'", "\t\t[2399] link '0'", "\t\t[2156] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1747] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1913] link 'L'", "\t\t[1584] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1778] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1893] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1702] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2204] link '0'", "\t\t[1847] link '0'", "\t\t[2324] link '0'", "\t\t[2035] link '0'", "\t\t[2093] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1640] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2052] link 'M'", "\t\t[2212] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2232] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1802] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1564] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2419] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2061] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1969] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1684] link '6'", "\t\t[1656] link '0'", "\t\t[1611] link '2'", "\t\t[2387] link '4'", "\t\t[2418] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1850] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2139] link 'N'", "\t\t[1833] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1655] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1718] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1965] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2354] link '0'", "\t\t[1959] link '0'", "\t\t[1766] link '0'", "\t\t[2281] link '0'", "\t\t[2433] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2456] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2188] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2350] link '1'", "\t\t[1857] link '2'", "\t\t[2090] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[131] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[133] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[143] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1862] main ''", "\t\t[1782] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2289] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2277] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2321] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1913] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1612] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1993] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1911] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1867] link 'All'", "\t\t[2372] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2165] link ''", "\t\t[2229] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2313] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2252] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2221] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2398] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2374] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2387] link '0'", "\t\t[1729] link '0'", "\t\t[1556] link '0'", "\t\t[1919] link '0'", "\t\t[2230] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2183] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1739] link 'A'", "\t\t[1799] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2406] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2253] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2188] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2472] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1797] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1720] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1547] link '1'", "\t\t[2322] link '0'", "\t\t[1985] link '0'", "\t\t[1777] link '1'", "\t\t[2027] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1586] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1603] link 'A'", "\t\t[2069] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2193] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2272] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1666] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1658] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2184] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1812] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2004] link '2'", "\t\t[2415] link '0'", "\t\t[1823] link '1'", "\t\t[2354] link '4'", "\t\t[1538] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2320] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1499] link 'A'", "\t\t[1787] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1738] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1847] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2344] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2299] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2438] link '20'", "\t\t[2006] link '0'", "\t\t[2065] link '10'", "\t\t[2418] link '40'", "\t\t[1616] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1745] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1991] link 'A'", "\t\t[1715] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1995] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2240] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1916] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1948] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1589] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1717] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2081] link '1'", "\t\t[1712] link '0'", "\t\t[1674] link '0'", "\t\t[1554] link '0'", "\t\t[2174] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2318] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1874] link 'A'", "\t\t[1783] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1838] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1583] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2403] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1567] link '0'", "\t\t[2150] link '0'", "\t\t[2296] link '0'", "\t\t[2291] link '0'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2014] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2177] link 'A'", "\t\t[1540] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2400] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2301] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1926] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2114] link '0'", "\t\t[1780] link '0'", "\t\t[2141] link '0'", "\t\t[1924] link '0'", "\t\t[2129] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1707] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2389] link 'A'", "\t\t[2366] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2435] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2364] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1506] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1931] link '0'", "\t\t[1870] link '0'", "\t\t[1726] link '0'", "\t\t[2176] link '0'", "\t\t[2345] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1850] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2473] link 'A'", "\t\t[2178] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1708] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2038] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1826] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1918] link '0'", "\t\t[1910] link '0'", "\t\t[2319] link '0'", "\t\t[2173] link '0'", "\t\t[2231] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2432] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1546] link 'B'", "\t\t[1986] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1618] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2164] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1807] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2263] link '0'", "\t\t[2367] link '0'", "\t\t[2303] link '0'", "\t\t[2095] link '0'", "\t\t[1817] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2226] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2341] link 'C'", "\t\t[1884] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1836] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2434] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2273] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2243] link '0'", "\t\t[1753] link '0'", "\t\t[1875] link '0'", "\t\t[1929] link '0'", "\t\t[1905] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2454] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1663] link ''", "\t\t[1996] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1966] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2133] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2118] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1632] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2457] link '0'", "\t\t[1908] link '0'", "\t\t[2474] link '0'", "\t\t[2428] link '0'", "\t\t[1502] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1544] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1641] link 'D'", "\t\t[1639] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2309] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1614] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1776] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1629] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2066] link '21'", "\t\t[1997] link '0'", "\t\t[1883] link '16'", "\t\t[1785] link '21'", "\t\t[1636] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2035] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2249] link 'D'", "\t\t[1592] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2187] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2327] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1846] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2084] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2218] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1684] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1944] link '0'", "\t\t[1831] link '0'", "\t\t[2067] link '0'", "\t\t[2476] link '1'", "\t\t[1959] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2046] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1560] link 'E'", "\t\t[2017] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1568] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1624] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2048] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1827] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2029] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1643] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2049] link '6'", "\t\t[1942] link '1'", "\t\t[2085] link '2'", "\t\t[2101] link '5'", "\t\t[2443] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1520] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2305] link 'E'", "\t\t[2196] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2298] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2206] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2214] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1516] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2356] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2430] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2148] link '2'", "\t\t[1895] link '0'", "\t\t[1704] link '0'", "\t\t[2404] link '0'", "\t\t[2265] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1878] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1494] link 'G'", "\t\t[2393] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2256] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1828] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2171] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1784] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2080] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1664] link '0'", "\t\t[1498] link '0'", "\t\t[2086] link '0'", "\t\t[1615] link '0'", "\t\t[2127] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2478] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2090] link 'L'", "\t\t[1561] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1572] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2419] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1915] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2153] link '0'", "\t\t[1994] link '0'", "\t\t[2251] link '0'", "\t\t[2285] link '0'", "\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1509] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1932] link 'M'", "\t\t[1504] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1673] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1733] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1814] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1843] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2340] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1876] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1958] link '6'", "\t\t[1761] link '0'", "\t\t[2216] link '2'", "\t\t[2145] link '4'", "\t\t[2383] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1587] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1645] link 'N'", "\t\t[1955] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[2238] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1866] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2424] link '0'", "\t\t[2449] link '0'", "\t\t[2343] link '0'", "\t\t[2326] link '0'", "\t\t[1856] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2227] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1768] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1816] link '1'", "\t\t[2156] link '2'", "\t\t[2132] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[2977] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[2981] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2994] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3016] link ''", "\t[3043] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3032] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[3010] link 'Create new...'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: True", "\t[2995] list '' focused: True", "\t\t[3022] StaticText 'Switch to'", "\t\t[3006] button 'Projects'", "\t\t[2992] button 'Groups'", "\t\t[2979] StaticText 'Explore'", "\t\t[3035] link 'Milestones'", "\t\t[3059] link 'Snippets'", "\t\t[3014] link 'Activity'", "\t\t[3015] searchbox 'Search your projects'", "\t\t[3041] StaticText 'Frequently visited'", "\t\t[3026] StaticText 'Projects you visit often will appear here'", "\t\t[3031] link 'View all projects'", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[133] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[135] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[145] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1859] main ''", "\t\t[1783] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2281] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1842] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2160] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1954] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2161] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1942] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1745] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1732] link 'All'", "\t\t[1531] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1603] link ''", "\t\t[1777] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1552] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2402] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2175] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1643] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2104] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2096] link '0'", "\t\t[2034] link '0'", "\t\t[1755] link '0'", "\t\t[1995] link '0'", "\t\t[2019] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2226] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1756] link 'A'", "\t\t[2347] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2271] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2346] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1631] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2066] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2421] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2004] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1760] link '1'", "\t\t[1584] link '0'", "\t\t[1695] link '0'", "\t\t[2440] link '1'", "\t\t[1720] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1793] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1508] link 'A'", "\t\t[2419] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1538] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2130] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1992] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2013] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2358] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2277] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1798] link '2'", "\t\t[2054] link '0'", "\t\t[1582] link '1'", "\t\t[2075] link '4'", "\t\t[1517] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2449] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2032] link 'A'", "\t\t[1556] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1794] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1936] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2328] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1560] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2423] link '20'", "\t\t[1967] link '0'", "\t\t[1569] link '10'", "\t\t[2140] link '40'", "\t\t[1540] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2407] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2413] link 'A'", "\t\t[1647] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2033] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2466] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1685] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2117] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2077] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1706] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1684] link '1'", "\t\t[2106] link '0'", "\t\t[1782] link '0'", "\t\t[2131] link '0'", "\t\t[2380] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2302] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2455] link 'A'", "\t\t[1510] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1739] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2361] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1847] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1621] link '0'", "\t\t[1925] link '0'", "\t\t[1866] link '0'", "\t\t[1730] link '0'", "\t\t[1619] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1543] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2245] link 'A'", "\t\t[1810] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2267] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2171] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2164] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2356] link '0'", "\t\t[1915] link '0'", "\t\t[1928] link '0'", "\t\t[1586] link '0'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1495] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2146] link 'A'", "\t\t[1601] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1591] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2124] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1897] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1577] link '0'", "\t\t[2354] link '0'", "\t\t[1722] link '0'", "\t\t[1605] link '0'", "\t\t[2378] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1849] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1505] link 'A'", "\t\t[1917] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1821] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2132] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1904] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2401] link '0'", "\t\t[2374] link '0'", "\t\t[2207] link '0'", "\t\t[1563] link '0'", "\t\t[1626] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1502] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2468] link 'B'", "\t\t[1557] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1617] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1713] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1711] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2424] link '0'", "\t\t[2214] link '0'", "\t\t[2176] link '0'", "\t\t[2408] link '0'", "\t\t[2114] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2068] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2244] link 'C'", "\t\t[2471] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2113] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1723] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2020] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1503] link '0'", "\t\t[1548] link '0'", "\t\t[2303] link '0'", "\t\t[2178] link '0'", "\t\t[1885] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1993] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2324] link ''", "\t\t[1632] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2234] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1823] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1599] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1834] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1737] link '0'", "\t\t[2039] link '0'", "\t\t[2126] link '0'", "\t\t[1595] link '0'", "\t\t[2195] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1832] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2255] link 'D'", "\t\t[2027] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2327] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2179] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2275] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2012] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2420] link '21'", "\t\t[2291] link '0'", "\t\t[2438] link '16'", "\t\t[1974] link '21'", "\t\t[2349] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2158] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1828] link 'D'", "\t\t[1666] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1820] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2099] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2005] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1688] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1787] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2050] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1570] link '0'", "\t\t[2002] link '0'", "\t\t[2041] link '0'", "\t\t[1826] link '1'", "\t\t[2051] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1908] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1663] link 'E'", "\t\t[1754] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1741] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1521] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2375] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2098] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2116] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2048] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2237] link '6'", "\t\t[1963] link '1'", "\t\t[2404] link '2'", "\t\t[2444] link '5'", "\t\t[2478] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2315] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1625] link 'E'", "\t\t[2372] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2314] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2202] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1811] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1835] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1762] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1880] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1766] link '2'", "\t\t[2272] link '0'", "\t\t[2095] link '0'", "\t\t[1914] link '0'", "\t\t[2007] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2326] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2259] link 'G'", "\t\t[2382] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1598] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1658] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1788] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2193] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2464] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1962] link '0'", "\t\t[1546] link '0'", "\t\t[1530] link '0'", "\t\t[2070] link '0'", "\t\t[1926] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1571] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1939] link 'L'", "\t\t[1774] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2018] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1912] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2053] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1646] link '0'", "\t\t[2058] link '0'", "\t\t[2115] link '0'", "\t\t[1983] link '0'", "\t\t[2415] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1965] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1875] link 'M'", "\t\t[2427] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1660] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2036] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1512] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1627] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2280] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2432] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2426] link '6'", "\t\t[1796] link '0'", "\t\t[1746] link '2'", "\t\t[2305] link '4'", "\t\t[1639] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1812] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2196] link 'N'", "\t\t[1747] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1779] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2085] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2369] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1982] link '0'", "\t\t[1683] link '0'", "\t\t[2447] link '0'", "\t\t[2341] link '0'", "\t\t[2422] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1960] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2074] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1780] link '1'", "\t\t[2138] link '2'", "\t\t[1893] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[76] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[85] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[77] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[87] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[79] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[80] link 'Help'", "\t[82] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[97] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[2200] main ''", "\t\t[2296] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1584] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2180] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2104] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1822] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2464] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1499] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1846] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1508] link 'All'", "\t\t[2396] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2207] link ''", "\t\t[2071] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2170] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1780] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1559] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1838] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1771] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1667] link '0'", "\t\t[1556] link '0'", "\t\t[1934] link '0'", "\t\t[1490] link '0'", "\t\t[1884] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1918] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2162] link 'A'", "\t\t[1624] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1841] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2426] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1688] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1626] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1724] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2103] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2286] link '1'", "\t\t[1643] link '0'", "\t\t[2466] link '0'", "\t\t[1540] link '1'", "\t\t[1743] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2075] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1985] link 'A'", "\t\t[1725] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2188] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1672] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2121] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1790] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1977] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2443] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2057] link '2'", "\t\t[1510] link '0'", "\t\t[2367] link '1'", "\t\t[2364] link '4'", "\t\t[2138] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1638] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1921] link 'A'", "\t\t[1617] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2096] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1922] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1583] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1616] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1795] link '20'", "\t\t[2172] link '0'", "\t\t[2030] link '10'", "\t\t[1995] link '40'", "\t\t[2242] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1781] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1878] link 'A'", "\t\t[1913] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1840] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1926] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1699] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1495] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2027] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1594] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2131] link '1'", "\t\t[2202] link '0'", "\t\t[1635] link '0'", "\t\t[2158] link '0'", "\t\t[2227] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1811] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2226] link 'A'", "\t\t[1705] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2381] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1605] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1816] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2139] link '0'", "\t\t[2309] link '0'", "\t\t[2195] link '0'", "\t\t[2213] link '0'", "\t\t[2216] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2380] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1908] link 'A'", "\t\t[2209] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1622] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1564] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1613] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1703] link '0'", "\t\t[2233] link '0'", "\t\t[1823] link '0'", "\t\t[2164] link '0'", "\t\t[2225] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1548] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2254] link 'A'", "\t\t[2177] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2119] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2409] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2120] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1706] link '0'", "\t\t[2419] link '0'", "\t\t[1744] link '0'", "\t\t[1631] link '0'", "\t\t[2053] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1539] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2310] link 'A'", "\t\t[2133] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2390] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1853] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1542] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2021] link '0'", "\t\t[1589] link '0'", "\t\t[2186] link '0'", "\t\t[1669] link '0'", "\t\t[2311] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2303] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1693] link 'B'", "\t\t[1796] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2374] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2239] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2476] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2255] link '0'", "\t\t[2176] link '0'", "\t\t[1632] link '0'", "\t\t[2111] link '0'", "\t\t[1880] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2356] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2371] link 'C'", "\t\t[1537] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2475] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2314] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1554] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2294] link '0'", "\t\t[1923] link '0'", "\t\t[2191] link '0'", "\t\t[2020] link '0'", "\t\t[2275] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2440] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2331] link ''", "\t\t[2277] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1546] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2064] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1797] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1726] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1619] link '0'", "\t\t[1729] link '0'", "\t\t[1991] link '0'", "\t\t[1718] link '0'", "\t\t[2338] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2201] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2461] link 'D'", "\t\t[1704] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1545] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2450] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1933] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1835] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2106] link '21'", "\t\t[2137] link '0'", "\t\t[2193] link '16'", "\t\t[1935] link '21'", "\t\t[2013] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1943] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2174] link 'D'", "\t\t[2003] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1727] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2041] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1566] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2215] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2223] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1543] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1520] link '0'", "\t\t[2099] link '0'", "\t\t[1787] link '0'", "\t\t[2454] link '1'", "\t\t[1836] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1695] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2456] link 'E'", "\t\t[1959] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1679] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2407] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1850] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1879] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1927] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1997] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2206] link '6'", "\t\t[1516] link '1'", "\t\t[2431] link '2'", "\t\t[1810] link '5'", "\t\t[1873] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1565] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2114] link 'E'", "\t\t[2278] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1761] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2100] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2199] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1826] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1671] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2326] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1651] link '2'", "\t\t[2261] link '0'", "\t\t[1870] link '0'", "\t\t[2252] link '0'", "\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1609] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2070] link 'G'", "\t\t[1960] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2385] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1541] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2157] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1809] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2050] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1909] link '0'", "\t\t[2246] link '0'", "\t\t[2060] link '0'", "\t\t[2007] link '0'", "\t\t[1766] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1523] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2009] link 'L'", "\t\t[2123] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2051] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1986] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2347] link '0'", "\t\t[1640] link '0'", "\t\t[1983] link '0'", "\t\t[1966] link '0'", "\t\t[1736] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1512] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1507] link 'M'", "\t\t[2474] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1907] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1573] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1834] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1975] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2054] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1852] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2194] link '6'", "\t\t[1588] link '0'", "\t\t[1659] link '2'", "\t\t[2065] link '4'", "\t\t[2016] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2152] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1829] link 'N'", "\t\t[1745] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1872] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1740] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2452] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1847] link '0'", "\t\t[1792] link '0'", "\t\t[1832] link '0'", "\t\t[1868] link '0'", "\t\t[1534] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2107] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1952] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1742] link '1'", "\t\t[2208] link '2'", "\t\t[2145] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[105] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[143] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[106] link 'Merge requests' focused: True expanded: True", "\t\t[145] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[2974] link 'Assigned to you 3'", "\t[2972] link 'Review requests for you 5'", "\t[108] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[109] link 'Help'", "\t[111] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[155] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1933] main ''", "\t\t[1582] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1686] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1863] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1907] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2469] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2252] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1781] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2339] button 'Name'", "\t\t[2334] link 'All'", "\t\t[2020] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1556] link ''", "\t\t[1836] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2147] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2172] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1784] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1936] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2380] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2108] link '0'", "\t\t[2186] link '0'", "\t\t[2472] link '0'", "\t\t[1728] link '0'", "\t\t[2179] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1633] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1802] link 'A'", "\t\t[1632] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1939] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1540] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2053] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2047] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1523] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1654] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1691] link '1'", "\t\t[1887] link '0'", "\t\t[2033] link '0'", "\t\t[1592] link '1'", "\t\t[2451] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1950] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1747] link 'A'", "\t\t[1671] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1536] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1661] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2149] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1703] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1775] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1557] link '2'", "\t\t[2266] link '0'", "\t\t[2182] link '1'", "\t\t[1634] link '4'", "\t\t[2095] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2146] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1561] link 'A'", "\t\t[2437] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2393] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1541] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2468] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2464] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2307] link '20'", "\t\t[1926] link '0'", "\t\t[2197] link '10'", "\t\t[2031] link '40'", "\t\t[1937] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1669] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2184] link 'A'", "\t\t[2071] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2103] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1628] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1646] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1943] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2376] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2317] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1755] link '1'", "\t\t[2001] link '0'", "\t\t[1746] link '0'", "\t\t[1916] link '0'", "\t\t[2039] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1952] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2110] link 'A'", "\t\t[2453] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1701] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2052] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2391] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1894] link '0'", "\t\t[2005] link '0'", "\t\t[2024] link '0'", "\t\t[2286] link '0'", "\t\t[1663] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2210] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2354] link 'A'", "\t\t[2327] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2256] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1840] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2303] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1849] link '0'", "\t\t[1795] link '0'", "\t\t[1860] link '0'", "\t\t[1520] link '0'", "\t\t[2367] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1803] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2389] link 'A'", "\t\t[1513] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2415] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2343] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2211] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2406] link '0'", "\t\t[1886] link '0'", "\t\t[1924] link '0'", "\t\t[1852] link '0'", "\t\t[2328] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2175] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2217] link 'A'", "\t\t[1626] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2068] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2109] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1993] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1685] link '0'", "\t\t[1687] link '0'", "\t\t[2132] link '0'", "\t\t[1714] link '0'", "\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2441] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2171] link 'B'", "\t\t[1512] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1957] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1768] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1566] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2113] link '0'", "\t\t[1812] link '0'", "\t\t[2444] link '0'", "\t\t[2390] link '0'", "\t\t[1491] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2459] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2004] link 'C'", "\t\t[2357] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1906] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1854] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2434] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1602] link '0'", "\t\t[1896] link '0'", "\t\t[2143] link '0'", "\t\t[1641] link '0'", "\t\t[1881] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1793] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1928] link ''", "\t\t[2189] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2450] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1584] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1596] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2340] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2174] link '0'", "\t\t[1599] link '0'", "\t\t[2022] link '0'", "\t\t[2026] link '0'", "\t\t[2023] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1621] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1883] link 'D'", "\t\t[1889] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2462] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2257] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2280] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1868] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1497] link '21'", "\t\t[1594] link '0'", "\t\t[2169] link '16'", "\t\t[1895] link '21'", "\t\t[2085] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1789] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2239] link 'D'", "\t\t[1810] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2153] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2019] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1712] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2410] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1498] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1604] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2240] link '0'", "\t\t[1828] link '0'", "\t\t[2388] link '0'", "\t\t[1856] link '1'", "\t\t[2319] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2234] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1913] link 'E'", "\t\t[1904] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2438] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1989] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1763] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1813] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1815] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1837] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1651] link '6'", "\t\t[2253] link '1'", "\t\t[2276] link '2'", "\t\t[2225] link '5'", "\t\t[2229] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1838] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2267] link 'E'", "\t\t[1506] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2282] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1613] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1586] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1935] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1779] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2416] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2350] link '2'", "\t\t[2371] link '0'", "\t\t[1643] link '0'", "\t\t[2226] link '0'", "\t\t[1801] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2120] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2323] link 'G'", "\t\t[2237] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1642] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1552] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2076] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2413] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1559] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1543] link '0'", "\t\t[2015] link '0'", "\t\t[1901] link '0'", "\t\t[2123] link '0'", "\t\t[1629] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1829] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1711] link 'L'", "\t\t[2281] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1874] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1833] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1899] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1713] link '0'", "\t\t[1547] link '0'", "\t\t[1778] link '0'", "\t\t[2207] link '0'", "\t\t[1848] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2091] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2377] link 'M'", "\t\t[1998] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1689] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2425] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2310] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2446] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1647] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1981] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2324] link '6'", "\t\t[2315] link '0'", "\t\t[2381] link '2'", "\t\t[1700] link '4'", "\t\t[2051] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1830] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2296] link 'N'", "\t\t[1575] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1976] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1865] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1991] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2301] link '0'", "\t\t[1963] link '0'", "\t\t[2426] link '0'", "\t\t[2165] link '0'", "\t\t[2195] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2018] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1880] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2417] link '1'", "\t\t[2455] link '2'", "\t\t[1612] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[102] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[121] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[103] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[123] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[105] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[106] link 'Help'", "\t[108] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[133] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1869] main ''", "\t\t[1793] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1805] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1635] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2010] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2226] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2323] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2384] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2237] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1706] link 'All'", "\t\t[2254] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1967] link ''", "\t\t[2400] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2118] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2379] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2119] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2089] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2030] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1555] link '0'", "\t\t[1723] link '0'", "\t\t[2235] link '0'", "\t\t[1840] link '0'", "\t\t[2394] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1715] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1968] link 'A'", "\t\t[2218] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1542] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2180] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2200] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1550] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2219] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1792] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1730] link '1'", "\t\t[2419] link '0'", "\t\t[1774] link '0'", "\t\t[1634] link '1'", "\t\t[2477] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2442] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1821] link 'A'", "\t\t[2132] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1621] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1866] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2362] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1573] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2197] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2452] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1589] link '2'", "\t\t[2188] link '0'", "\t\t[1683] link '1'", "\t\t[1674] link '4'", "\t\t[1694] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2142] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2110] link 'A'", "\t\t[2242] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2079] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2002] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1964] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2376] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1638] link '20'", "\t\t[2111] link '0'", "\t\t[2348] link '10'", "\t\t[2433] link '40'", "\t\t[2177] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1641] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2246] link 'A'", "\t\t[1747] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1946] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2229] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2051] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2045] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2026] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1657] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2029] link '1'", "\t\t[2230] link '0'", "\t\t[2275] link '0'", "\t\t[2068] link '0'", "\t\t[2446] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1956] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1972] link 'A'", "\t\t[2015] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1532] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2277] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2144] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1745] link '0'", "\t\t[1922] link '0'", "\t\t[1957] link '0'", "\t\t[1728] link '0'", "\t\t[2137] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1780] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1681] link 'A'", "\t\t[1729] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2092] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1799] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2386] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2023] link '0'", "\t\t[2278] link '0'", "\t\t[2123] link '0'", "\t\t[2171] link '0'", "\t\t[1829] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2342] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2465] link 'A'", "\t\t[2173] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2288] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2402] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1677] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1864] link '0'", "\t\t[1513] link '0'", "\t\t[2454] link '0'", "\t\t[1800] link '0'", "\t\t[2395] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2301] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2086] link 'A'", "\t\t[1558] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1941] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1753] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1496] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1934] link '0'", "\t\t[1856] link '0'", "\t\t[1518] link '0'", "\t\t[1705] link '0'", "\t\t[2470] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2287] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2222] link 'B'", "\t\t[1536] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2280] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2407] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1498] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2125] link '0'", "\t\t[1716] link '0'", "\t\t[2440] link '0'", "\t\t[2286] link '0'", "\t\t[2195] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2155] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1665] link 'C'", "\t\t[2080] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1878] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2190] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2168] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2443] link '0'", "\t\t[2382] link '0'", "\t\t[2305] link '0'", "\t\t[1742] link '0'", "\t\t[2318] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2094] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2391] link ''", "\t\t[1858] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2451] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1718] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1916] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2316] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2140] link '0'", "\t\t[1644] link '0'", "\t\t[2100] link '0'", "\t\t[2185] link '0'", "\t\t[2298] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2098] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1926] link 'D'", "\t\t[1540] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1662] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2270] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1893] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2437] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2025] link '21'", "\t\t[1526] link '0'", "\t\t[2461] link '16'", "\t\t[1900] link '21'", "\t\t[1666] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2217] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1810] link 'D'", "\t\t[1855] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1725] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2359] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2458] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1913] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1714] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2471] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1906] link '0'", "\t\t[1927] link '0'", "\t\t[2331] link '0'", "\t\t[1809] link '1'", "\t\t[2003] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1892] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1928] link 'E'", "\t\t[2181] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1796] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1925] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1836] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1596] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2322] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2327] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1860] link '6'", "\t\t[1831] link '1'", "\t\t[1739] link '2'", "\t\t[1911] link '5'", "\t\t[2021] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1628] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1553] link 'E'", "\t\t[2410] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2463] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2007] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2264] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1881] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2204] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2050] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2215] link '2'", "\t\t[2381] link '0'", "\t\t[1624] link '0'", "\t\t[1501] link '0'", "\t\t[1790] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2148] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1787] link 'G'", "\t\t[1721] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1903] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1592] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2406] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1604] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1930] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1980] link '0'", "\t\t[1859] link '0'", "\t\t[2225] link '0'", "\t\t[1547] link '0'", "\t\t[1632] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1510] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2374] link 'L'", "\t\t[2427] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1682] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2459] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1814] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2256] link '0'", "\t\t[2291] link '0'", "\t\t[2169] link '0'", "\t\t[1795] link '0'", "\t\t[2350] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1574] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1757] link 'M'", "\t\t[1899] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2390] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2083] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2231] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1857] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1648] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1763] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1646] link '6'", "\t\t[1995] link '0'", "\t\t[1976] link '2'", "\t\t[1593] link '4'", "\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2220] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2088] link 'N'", "\t\t[1572] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1695] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1684] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1523] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2192] link '0'", "\t\t[1587] link '0'", "\t\t[1675] link '0'", "\t\t[2069] link '0'", "\t\t[2265] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2413] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1645] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1561] link '1'", "\t\t[2421] link '2'", "\t\t[1969] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0: Projects · Dashboard · GitLab | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ] }
[ "close_tab", "hover [1422]", "scroll [down]", "type [1422] [Leather Jacket] [1]", "click [18]", "click [2750]", "scroll [up]", "click [106]", "tab_focus [0]", "new_tab" ]
hover [1422]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[102] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[121] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[103] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[123] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[105] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[106] link 'Help'", "\t[108] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[133] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1873] main ''", "\t\t[1789] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1807] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2014] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2229] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2328] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2390] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2238] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1704] link 'All'", "\t\t[2258] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1742] link ''", "\t\t[2162] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2445] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1824] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2078] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2427] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2149] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1691] link '0'", "\t\t[2248] link '0'", "\t\t[2132] link '0'", "\t\t[1802] link '0'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1953] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1600] link 'A'", "\t\t[2003] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1489] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1674] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1584] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1623] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1688] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2429] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2049] link '1'", "\t\t[2097] link '0'", "\t\t[2142] link '0'", "\t\t[1710] link '1'", "\t\t[1747] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1680] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2403] link 'A'", "\t\t[1491] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2124] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1662] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2151] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1933] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2261] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2072] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1557] link '2'", "\t\t[1930] link '0'", "\t\t[1663] link '1'", "\t\t[1913] link '4'", "\t\t[1885] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1819] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2351] link 'A'", "\t\t[1968] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2182] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1931] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2010] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2416] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1998] link '20'", "\t\t[1783] link '0'", "\t\t[2407] link '10'", "\t\t[2038] link '40'", "\t\t[2171] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1575] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2275] link 'A'", "\t\t[2396] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2361] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2118] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1603] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1604] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1740] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2164] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1831] link '1'", "\t\t[2355] link '0'", "\t\t[2354] link '0'", "\t\t[1668] link '0'", "\t\t[2465] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1556] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2310] link 'A'", "\t\t[2341] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1721] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1766] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1846] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2466] link '0'", "\t\t[2085] link '0'", "\t\t[2073] link '0'", "\t\t[1993] link '0'", "\t\t[1752] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1550] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1834] link 'A'", "\t\t[1549] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1606] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1761] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2458] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1947] link '0'", "\t\t[1665] link '0'", "\t\t[2114] link '0'", "\t\t[2093] link '0'", "\t\t[2064] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2128] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1994] link 'A'", "\t\t[2311] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1683] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2245] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2109] link '0'", "\t\t[2400] link '0'", "\t\t[2308] link '0'", "\t\t[1943] link '0'", "\t\t[2397] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2026] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2013] link 'A'", "\t\t[2042] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2280] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1959] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2046] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2329] link '0'", "\t\t[2338] link '0'", "\t\t[2126] link '0'", "\t\t[1566] link '0'", "\t\t[2034] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1912] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2241] link 'B'", "\t\t[2294] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2385] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2286] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2055] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2210] link '0'", "\t\t[2243] link '0'", "\t\t[2139] link '0'", "\t\t[2296] link '0'", "\t\t[2426] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2303] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2387] link 'C'", "\t\t[2121] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2443] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2115] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2137] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1881] link '0'", "\t\t[1877] link '0'", "\t\t[2175] link '0'", "\t\t[2360] link '0'", "\t\t[1839] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1647] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1611] link ''", "\t\t[2419] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1733] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1985] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1518] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2116] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1751] link '0'", "\t\t[1630] link '0'", "\t\t[2315] link '0'", "\t\t[2107] link '0'", "\t\t[2213] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1515] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1589] link 'D'", "\t\t[1921] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2435] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2322] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2173] link '21'", "\t\t[2270] link '0'", "\t\t[1655] link '16'", "\t\t[1587] link '21'", "\t\t[2216] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2112] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2365] link 'D'", "\t\t[2305] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1976] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2111] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1524] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2090] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1656] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1521] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1966] link '0'", "\t\t[1910] link '0'", "\t\t[1559] link '0'", "\t\t[2239] link '1'", "\t\t[1963] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1856] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1988] link 'E'", "\t\t[1940] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2431] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2468] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1960] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2432] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2374] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1722] link '6'", "\t\t[2475] link '1'", "\t\t[2460] link '2'", "\t\t[1918] link '5'", "\t\t[2220] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1545] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1548] link 'E'", "\t\t[1511] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2000] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2289] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2456] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2350] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1728] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1971] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1956] link '2'", "\t\t[1795] link '0'", "\t\t[2079] link '0'", "\t\t[2009] link '0'", "\t\t[1898] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2012] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2131] link 'G'", "\t\t[2452] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2240] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1841] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1597] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1849] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2327] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2476] link '0'", "\t\t[1957] link '0'", "\t\t[1843] link '0'", "\t\t[2089] link '0'", "\t\t[2335] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2039] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1539] link 'L'", "\t\t[2402] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2285] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2029] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2212] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2268] link '0'", "\t\t[1880] link '0'", "\t\t[2060] link '0'", "\t\t[1955] link '0'", "\t\t[2184] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1833] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2129] link 'M'", "\t\t[1888] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1723] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2233] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1689] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2065] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1574] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2369] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2095] link '6'", "\t\t[1786] link '0'", "\t\t[2159] link '2'", "\t\t[1905] link '4'", "\t\t[1920] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1739] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2273] link 'N'", "\t\t[1601] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1503] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1797] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2122] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1605] link '0'", "\t\t[2052] link '0'", "\t\t[1666] link '0'", "\t\t[1669] link '0'", "\t\t[1703] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2478] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1541] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2398] link '1'", "\t\t[1713] link '2'", "\t\t[1543] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be the same as the previous state, indicating no change in the displayed content. The user remains focused within the 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' area, with the same links and buttons available, confirming that the hover action did not alter the state of the page or the focus of the user, which remains on the 'Add Product' button. ### For NEGATIVE ACTION 2: scroll [down] **
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[125] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[127] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[137] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1873] main ''", "\t\t[1788] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2287] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1956] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2142] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1698] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1792] button 'Name'", "\t\t[2226] link 'All'", "\t\t[2401] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2058] link ''", "\t\t[1704] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1898] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2331] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1715] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2157] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1826] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2330] link '0'", "\t\t[1946] link '0'", "\t\t[2398] link '0'", "\t\t[2459] link '0'", "\t\t[1994] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1671] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2186] link 'A'", "\t\t[2372] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2262] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2115] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2479] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2010] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1796] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2045] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1984] link '1'", "\t\t[2369] link '0'", "\t\t[1759] link '0'", "\t\t[1811] link '1'", "\t\t[1734] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1557] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1587] link 'A'", "\t\t[1859] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1931] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1683] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1914] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1810] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2237] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2252] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1710] link '2'", "\t\t[1950] link '0'", "\t\t[1720] link '1'", "\t\t[2449] link '4'", "\t\t[2267] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2223] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2168] link 'A'", "\t\t[1797] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2378] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1531] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1501] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1614] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2130] link '20'", "\t\t[2174] link '0'", "\t\t[2314] link '10'", "\t\t[1848] link '40'", "\t\t[2233] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1547] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1724] link 'A'", "\t\t[1559] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2124] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1858] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2125] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2092] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1490] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2032] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1798] link '1'", "\t\t[1508] link '0'", "\t\t[2325] link '0'", "\t\t[1561] link '0'", "\t\t[2391] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1708] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2162] link 'A'", "\t\t[2404] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1540] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1904] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2207] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1697] link '0'", "\t\t[1627] link '0'", "\t\t[2110] link '0'", "\t\t[1532] link '0'", "\t\t[2370] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1689] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2310] link 'A'", "\t\t[1676] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2473] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1678] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1621] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2289] link '0'", "\t\t[1506] link '0'", "\t\t[1765] link '0'", "\t\t[2081] link '0'", "\t\t[2476] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1776] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2402] link 'A'", "\t\t[2109] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1550] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1818] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1688] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1738] link '0'", "\t\t[2338] link '0'", "\t\t[1861] link '0'", "\t\t[1711] link '0'", "\t\t[1545] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2089] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1565] link 'A'", "\t\t[1604] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1814] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1911] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1730] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2190] link '0'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[1616] link '0'", "\t\t[1538] link '0'", "\t\t[2206] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1544] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1556] link 'B'", "\t\t[2170] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1582] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1601] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1937] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2458] link '0'", "\t\t[1907] link '0'", "\t\t[2244] link '0'", "\t\t[1807] link '0'", "\t\t[2254] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1892] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1844] link 'C'", "\t\t[1713] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1799] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1497] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1932] link '0'", "\t\t[2326] link '0'", "\t\t[1815] link '0'", "\t\t[2018] link '0'", "\t\t[2079] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2069] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2227] link ''", "\t\t[2184] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1986] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1930] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2067] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1548] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1863] link '0'", "\t\t[1834] link '0'", "\t\t[1733] link '0'", "\t\t[1919] link '0'", "\t\t[2305] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2245] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2113] link 'D'", "\t\t[2411] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1809] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1971] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1803] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1519] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1891] link '21'", "\t\t[1781] link '0'", "\t\t[1925] link '16'", "\t\t[2250] link '21'", "\t\t[1837] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2246] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2037] link 'D'", "\t\t[1643] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2435] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2072] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2231] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1620] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2322] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1700] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2425] link '0'", "\t\t[2049] link '0'", "\t\t[1694] link '0'", "\t\t[1955] link '1'", "\t\t[1943] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2375] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1503] link 'E'", "\t\t[2427] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2264] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1800] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1722] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1491] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2199] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1974] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1750] link '6'", "\t\t[2098] link '1'", "\t\t[1567] link '2'", "\t\t[2224] link '5'", "\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1821] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2185] link 'E'", "\t\t[1682] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2336] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2447] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1615] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2096] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1855] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2295] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2070] link '2'", "\t\t[1626] link '0'", "\t\t[1767] link '0'", "\t\t[1856] link '0'", "\t\t[2134] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2392] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1835] link 'G'", "\t\t[1897] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2364] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1866] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2082] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2259] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2099] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1849] link '0'", "\t\t[2218] link '0'", "\t\t[2327] link '0'", "\t\t[2399] link '0'", "\t\t[2156] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1747] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1913] link 'L'", "\t\t[1584] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1778] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1893] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1702] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2204] link '0'", "\t\t[1847] link '0'", "\t\t[2324] link '0'", "\t\t[2035] link '0'", "\t\t[2093] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1640] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2052] link 'M'", "\t\t[2212] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2232] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1802] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1564] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2419] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2061] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1969] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1684] link '6'", "\t\t[1656] link '0'", "\t\t[1611] link '2'", "\t\t[2387] link '4'", "\t\t[2418] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1850] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2139] link 'N'", "\t\t[1833] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1655] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1718] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1965] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2354] link '0'", "\t\t[1959] link '0'", "\t\t[1766] link '0'", "\t\t[2281] link '0'", "\t\t[2433] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2456] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2188] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2350] link '1'", "\t\t[1857] link '2'", "\t\t[2090] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would indicate an increase in available links and project elements visible to the user. The user would still be in the 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' area, but with additional options or information becoming accessible, reflecting an expanded view of the content related to their current context. ### For NEGATIVE ACTION 3: type [1422] [Leather Jacket] [1] **
type [1422] [Leather Jacket] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[131] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[133] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[143] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1862] main ''", "\t\t[1782] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2289] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2277] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2321] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1913] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1612] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1993] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1911] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1867] link 'All'", "\t\t[2372] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2165] link ''", "\t\t[2229] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2313] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2252] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2221] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2398] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2374] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2387] link '0'", "\t\t[1729] link '0'", "\t\t[1556] link '0'", "\t\t[1919] link '0'", "\t\t[2230] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2183] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1739] link 'A'", "\t\t[1799] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2406] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2253] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2188] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2472] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1797] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1720] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1547] link '1'", "\t\t[2322] link '0'", "\t\t[1985] link '0'", "\t\t[1777] link '1'", "\t\t[2027] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1586] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1603] link 'A'", "\t\t[2069] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2193] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2272] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1666] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1658] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2184] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1812] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2004] link '2'", "\t\t[2415] link '0'", "\t\t[1823] link '1'", "\t\t[2354] link '4'", "\t\t[1538] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2320] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1499] link 'A'", "\t\t[1787] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1738] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1847] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2344] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2299] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2438] link '20'", "\t\t[2006] link '0'", "\t\t[2065] link '10'", "\t\t[2418] link '40'", "\t\t[1616] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1745] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1991] link 'A'", "\t\t[1715] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1995] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2240] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1916] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1948] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1589] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1717] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2081] link '1'", "\t\t[1712] link '0'", "\t\t[1674] link '0'", "\t\t[1554] link '0'", "\t\t[2174] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2318] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1874] link 'A'", "\t\t[1783] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1838] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1583] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2403] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1567] link '0'", "\t\t[2150] link '0'", "\t\t[2296] link '0'", "\t\t[2291] link '0'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2014] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2177] link 'A'", "\t\t[1540] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2400] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2301] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1926] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2114] link '0'", "\t\t[1780] link '0'", "\t\t[2141] link '0'", "\t\t[1924] link '0'", "\t\t[2129] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1707] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2389] link 'A'", "\t\t[2366] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2435] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2364] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1506] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1931] link '0'", "\t\t[1870] link '0'", "\t\t[1726] link '0'", "\t\t[2176] link '0'", "\t\t[2345] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1850] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2473] link 'A'", "\t\t[2178] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1708] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2038] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1826] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1918] link '0'", "\t\t[1910] link '0'", "\t\t[2319] link '0'", "\t\t[2173] link '0'", "\t\t[2231] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2432] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1546] link 'B'", "\t\t[1986] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1618] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2164] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1807] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2263] link '0'", "\t\t[2367] link '0'", "\t\t[2303] link '0'", "\t\t[2095] link '0'", "\t\t[1817] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2226] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2341] link 'C'", "\t\t[1884] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1836] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2434] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2273] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2243] link '0'", "\t\t[1753] link '0'", "\t\t[1875] link '0'", "\t\t[1929] link '0'", "\t\t[1905] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2454] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1663] link ''", "\t\t[1996] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1966] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2133] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2118] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1632] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2457] link '0'", "\t\t[1908] link '0'", "\t\t[2474] link '0'", "\t\t[2428] link '0'", "\t\t[1502] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1544] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1641] link 'D'", "\t\t[1639] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2309] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1614] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1776] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1629] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2066] link '21'", "\t\t[1997] link '0'", "\t\t[1883] link '16'", "\t\t[1785] link '21'", "\t\t[1636] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2035] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2249] link 'D'", "\t\t[1592] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2187] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2327] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1846] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2084] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2218] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1684] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1944] link '0'", "\t\t[1831] link '0'", "\t\t[2067] link '0'", "\t\t[2476] link '1'", "\t\t[1959] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2046] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1560] link 'E'", "\t\t[2017] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1568] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1624] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2048] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1827] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2029] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1643] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2049] link '6'", "\t\t[1942] link '1'", "\t\t[2085] link '2'", "\t\t[2101] link '5'", "\t\t[2443] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1520] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2305] link 'E'", "\t\t[2196] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2298] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2206] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2214] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1516] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2356] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2430] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2148] link '2'", "\t\t[1895] link '0'", "\t\t[1704] link '0'", "\t\t[2404] link '0'", "\t\t[2265] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1878] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1494] link 'G'", "\t\t[2393] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2256] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1828] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2171] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1784] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2080] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1664] link '0'", "\t\t[1498] link '0'", "\t\t[2086] link '0'", "\t\t[1615] link '0'", "\t\t[2127] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2478] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2090] link 'L'", "\t\t[1561] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1572] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2419] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1915] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2153] link '0'", "\t\t[1994] link '0'", "\t\t[2251] link '0'", "\t\t[2285] link '0'", "\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1509] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1932] link 'M'", "\t\t[1504] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1673] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1733] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1814] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1843] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2340] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1876] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1958] link '6'", "\t\t[1761] link '0'", "\t\t[2216] link '2'", "\t\t[2145] link '4'", "\t\t[2383] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1587] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1645] link 'N'", "\t\t[1955] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[2238] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1866] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2424] link '0'", "\t\t[2449] link '0'", "\t\t[2343] link '0'", "\t\t[2326] link '0'", "\t\t[1856] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2227] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1768] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1816] link '1'", "\t\t[2156] link '2'", "\t\t[2132] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would indicate that the input did not result in a change to the displayed content. The user remains within the 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' area, but the expected interaction for adding a product does not materialize, resulting in a lack of response or feedback on the input made. ### For NEGATIVE ACTION 4: click [18] **
click [18]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[2977] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[2981] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2994] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3016] link ''", "\t[3043] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3032] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[3010] link 'Create new...'" ]
The next observation would reveal that the user does not transition to the intended 'Dashboard' section as expected. Instead, they remain in the 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' area, indicating that the click action did not facilitate a successful navigation away from the current context, leaving the user in the same interface.
Tab 0 (current): New Product / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [3458] RootWebArea 'New Product / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1 [3510] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [3518] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [3463] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [3465] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [3469] link '\ue60b SALES' [3473] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [3477] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [3481] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [3485] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [3489] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [3493] link '\ue60d STORES' [3497] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [3501] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [3536] heading 'New Product' [3537] link '\ue600 admin' [3539] link '\ue607' [4377] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [3508] main '' [4348] generic 'Save' [4351] button 'Save' [4352] button 'Save options' [4349] button '\ue626 Back' [4350] button 'Add Attribute' [4239] contentinfo '' [4248] link '\ue606' [4249] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [4251] link 'Privacy Policy' [4252] StaticText ' |' [4253] link ' Account Activity' [4254] StaticText ' | ' [4255] link 'Report an Issue'
click [1422] where [1422] is button 'Add Product'
[ "None", "click [16] where [16] is link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "click [419] where [419] is link 'Products'" ]
Tab {idx} [1284] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1 [1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1344] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1291] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1295] link '\ue60b SALES' [1299] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1303] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1307] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1311] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1315] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1319] link '\ue60d STORES' [1323] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1327] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1362] heading 'Products' [1363] link '\ue600 admin' [1365] link '\ue607' [1477] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1334] main '' [1367] generic 'Add Product' [1422] button 'Add Product' [1423] button 'Add product of type' [2036] contentinfo '' [2041] link '\ue606' [2042] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [2052] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [2044] link 'Privacy Policy' [2045] StaticText ' |' [2046] link ' Account Activity' [2047] StaticText ' | ' [2048] link 'Report an Issue'
Add a new material option leather to the size M of Leather Jacket
The next observation would be a page titled `New Product` within the Magento Admin panel. This page is designed for entering details about a new product, featuring options to save the product, add attributes, and navigate back to previous pages. The layout includes a textbox for entering product information and buttons for saving changes or adding product options. The user is now positioned to specify the new material option of leather for the size M of the Leather Jacket, aligning with the overall objective of the user.
{ "neg_action0": "close_tab", "neg_action1": "hover [1422]", "neg_action2": "scroll [down]", "neg_action3": "type [1422] [Leather Jacket] [1]", "neg_action4": "click [18]", "neg_action5": "click [2750]", "neg_action6": "scroll [up]", "neg_action7": "click [106]", "neg_action8": "tab_focus [0]", "neg_action9": "new_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[102] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[121] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[103] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[123] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[105] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[106] link 'Help'", "\t[108] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[133] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1873] main ''", "\t\t[1789] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1807] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2014] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2229] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2328] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2390] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2238] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1704] link 'All'", "\t\t[2258] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1742] link ''", "\t\t[2162] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2445] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1824] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2078] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2427] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2149] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1691] link '0'", "\t\t[2248] link '0'", "\t\t[2132] link '0'", "\t\t[1802] link '0'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1953] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1600] link 'A'", "\t\t[2003] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1489] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1674] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1584] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1623] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1688] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2429] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2049] link '1'", "\t\t[2097] link '0'", "\t\t[2142] link '0'", "\t\t[1710] link '1'", "\t\t[1747] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1680] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2403] link 'A'", "\t\t[1491] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2124] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1662] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2151] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1933] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2261] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2072] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1557] link '2'", "\t\t[1930] link '0'", "\t\t[1663] link '1'", "\t\t[1913] link '4'", "\t\t[1885] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1819] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2351] link 'A'", "\t\t[1968] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2182] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1931] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2010] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2416] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1998] link '20'", "\t\t[1783] link '0'", "\t\t[2407] link '10'", "\t\t[2038] link '40'", "\t\t[2171] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1575] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2275] link 'A'", "\t\t[2396] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2361] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2118] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1603] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1604] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1740] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2164] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1831] link '1'", "\t\t[2355] link '0'", "\t\t[2354] link '0'", "\t\t[1668] link '0'", "\t\t[2465] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1556] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2310] link 'A'", "\t\t[2341] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1721] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1766] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1846] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2466] link '0'", "\t\t[2085] link '0'", "\t\t[2073] link '0'", "\t\t[1993] link '0'", "\t\t[1752] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1550] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1834] link 'A'", "\t\t[1549] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1606] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1761] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2458] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1947] link '0'", "\t\t[1665] link '0'", "\t\t[2114] link '0'", "\t\t[2093] link '0'", "\t\t[2064] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2128] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1994] link 'A'", "\t\t[2311] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1683] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2245] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2109] link '0'", "\t\t[2400] link '0'", "\t\t[2308] link '0'", "\t\t[1943] link '0'", "\t\t[2397] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2026] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2013] link 'A'", "\t\t[2042] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2280] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1959] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2046] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2329] link '0'", "\t\t[2338] link '0'", "\t\t[2126] link '0'", "\t\t[1566] link '0'", "\t\t[2034] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1912] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2241] link 'B'", "\t\t[2294] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2385] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2286] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2055] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2210] link '0'", "\t\t[2243] link '0'", "\t\t[2139] link '0'", "\t\t[2296] link '0'", "\t\t[2426] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2303] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2387] link 'C'", "\t\t[2121] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2443] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2115] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2137] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1881] link '0'", "\t\t[1877] link '0'", "\t\t[2175] link '0'", "\t\t[2360] link '0'", "\t\t[1839] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1647] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1611] link ''", "\t\t[2419] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1733] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1985] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1518] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2116] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1751] link '0'", "\t\t[1630] link '0'", "\t\t[2315] link '0'", "\t\t[2107] link '0'", "\t\t[2213] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1515] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1589] link 'D'", "\t\t[1921] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2435] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2322] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2173] link '21'", "\t\t[2270] link '0'", "\t\t[1655] link '16'", "\t\t[1587] link '21'", "\t\t[2216] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2112] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2365] link 'D'", "\t\t[2305] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1976] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2111] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1524] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2090] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1656] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1521] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1966] link '0'", "\t\t[1910] link '0'", "\t\t[1559] link '0'", "\t\t[2239] link '1'", "\t\t[1963] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1856] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1988] link 'E'", "\t\t[1940] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2431] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2468] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1960] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2432] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2374] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1722] link '6'", "\t\t[2475] link '1'", "\t\t[2460] link '2'", "\t\t[1918] link '5'", "\t\t[2220] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1545] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1548] link 'E'", "\t\t[1511] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2000] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2289] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2456] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2350] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1728] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1971] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1956] link '2'", "\t\t[1795] link '0'", "\t\t[2079] link '0'", "\t\t[2009] link '0'", "\t\t[1898] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2012] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2131] link 'G'", "\t\t[2452] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2240] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1841] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1597] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1849] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2327] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2476] link '0'", "\t\t[1957] link '0'", "\t\t[1843] link '0'", "\t\t[2089] link '0'", "\t\t[2335] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2039] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1539] link 'L'", "\t\t[2402] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2285] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2029] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2212] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2268] link '0'", "\t\t[1880] link '0'", "\t\t[2060] link '0'", "\t\t[1955] link '0'", "\t\t[2184] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1833] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2129] link 'M'", "\t\t[1888] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1723] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2233] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1689] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2065] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1574] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2369] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2095] link '6'", "\t\t[1786] link '0'", "\t\t[2159] link '2'", "\t\t[1905] link '4'", "\t\t[1920] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1739] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2273] link 'N'", "\t\t[1601] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1503] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1797] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2122] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1605] link '0'", "\t\t[2052] link '0'", "\t\t[1666] link '0'", "\t\t[1669] link '0'", "\t\t[1703] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2478] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1541] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2398] link '1'", "\t\t[1713] link '2'", "\t\t[1543] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[125] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[127] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[137] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1873] main ''", "\t\t[1788] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2287] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1956] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2142] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1698] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1792] button 'Name'", "\t\t[2226] link 'All'", "\t\t[2401] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2058] link ''", "\t\t[1704] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1898] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2331] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1715] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2157] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1826] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2330] link '0'", "\t\t[1946] link '0'", "\t\t[2398] link '0'", "\t\t[2459] link '0'", "\t\t[1994] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1671] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2186] link 'A'", "\t\t[2372] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2262] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2115] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2479] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2010] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1796] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2045] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1984] link '1'", "\t\t[2369] link '0'", "\t\t[1759] link '0'", "\t\t[1811] link '1'", "\t\t[1734] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1557] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1587] link 'A'", "\t\t[1859] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1931] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1683] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1914] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1810] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2237] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2252] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1710] link '2'", "\t\t[1950] link '0'", "\t\t[1720] link '1'", "\t\t[2449] link '4'", "\t\t[2267] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2223] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2168] link 'A'", "\t\t[1797] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2378] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1531] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1501] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1614] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2130] link '20'", "\t\t[2174] link '0'", "\t\t[2314] link '10'", "\t\t[1848] link '40'", "\t\t[2233] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1547] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1724] link 'A'", "\t\t[1559] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2124] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1858] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2125] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2092] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1490] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2032] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1798] link '1'", "\t\t[1508] link '0'", "\t\t[2325] link '0'", "\t\t[1561] link '0'", "\t\t[2391] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1708] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2162] link 'A'", "\t\t[2404] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1540] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1904] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2207] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1697] link '0'", "\t\t[1627] link '0'", "\t\t[2110] link '0'", "\t\t[1532] link '0'", "\t\t[2370] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1689] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2310] link 'A'", "\t\t[1676] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2473] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1678] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1621] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2289] link '0'", "\t\t[1506] link '0'", "\t\t[1765] link '0'", "\t\t[2081] link '0'", "\t\t[2476] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1776] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2402] link 'A'", "\t\t[2109] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1550] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1818] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1688] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1738] link '0'", "\t\t[2338] link '0'", "\t\t[1861] link '0'", "\t\t[1711] link '0'", "\t\t[1545] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2089] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1565] link 'A'", "\t\t[1604] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1814] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1911] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1730] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2190] link '0'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[1616] link '0'", "\t\t[1538] link '0'", "\t\t[2206] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1544] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1556] link 'B'", "\t\t[2170] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1582] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1601] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1937] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2458] link '0'", "\t\t[1907] link '0'", "\t\t[2244] link '0'", "\t\t[1807] link '0'", "\t\t[2254] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1892] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1844] link 'C'", "\t\t[1713] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1799] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1497] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1932] link '0'", "\t\t[2326] link '0'", "\t\t[1815] link '0'", "\t\t[2018] link '0'", "\t\t[2079] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2069] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2227] link ''", "\t\t[2184] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1986] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1930] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2067] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1548] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1863] link '0'", "\t\t[1834] link '0'", "\t\t[1733] link '0'", "\t\t[1919] link '0'", "\t\t[2305] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2245] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2113] link 'D'", "\t\t[2411] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1809] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1971] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1803] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1519] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1891] link '21'", "\t\t[1781] link '0'", "\t\t[1925] link '16'", "\t\t[2250] link '21'", "\t\t[1837] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2246] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2037] link 'D'", "\t\t[1643] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2435] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2072] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2231] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1620] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2322] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1700] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2425] link '0'", "\t\t[2049] link '0'", "\t\t[1694] link '0'", "\t\t[1955] link '1'", "\t\t[1943] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2375] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1503] link 'E'", "\t\t[2427] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2264] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1800] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1722] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1491] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2199] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1974] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1750] link '6'", "\t\t[2098] link '1'", "\t\t[1567] link '2'", "\t\t[2224] link '5'", "\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1821] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2185] link 'E'", "\t\t[1682] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2336] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2447] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1615] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2096] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1855] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2295] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2070] link '2'", "\t\t[1626] link '0'", "\t\t[1767] link '0'", "\t\t[1856] link '0'", "\t\t[2134] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2392] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1835] link 'G'", "\t\t[1897] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2364] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1866] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2082] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2259] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2099] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1849] link '0'", "\t\t[2218] link '0'", "\t\t[2327] link '0'", "\t\t[2399] link '0'", "\t\t[2156] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1747] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1913] link 'L'", "\t\t[1584] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1778] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1893] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1702] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2204] link '0'", "\t\t[1847] link '0'", "\t\t[2324] link '0'", "\t\t[2035] link '0'", "\t\t[2093] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1640] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2052] link 'M'", "\t\t[2212] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2232] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1802] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1564] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2419] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2061] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1969] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1684] link '6'", "\t\t[1656] link '0'", "\t\t[1611] link '2'", "\t\t[2387] link '4'", "\t\t[2418] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1850] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2139] link 'N'", "\t\t[1833] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1655] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1718] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1965] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2354] link '0'", "\t\t[1959] link '0'", "\t\t[1766] link '0'", "\t\t[2281] link '0'", "\t\t[2433] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2456] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2188] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2350] link '1'", "\t\t[1857] link '2'", "\t\t[2090] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[131] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[133] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[143] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1862] main ''", "\t\t[1782] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2289] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2277] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2321] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1913] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1612] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1993] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1911] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1867] link 'All'", "\t\t[2372] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2165] link ''", "\t\t[2229] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2313] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2252] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2221] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2398] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2374] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2387] link '0'", "\t\t[1729] link '0'", "\t\t[1556] link '0'", "\t\t[1919] link '0'", "\t\t[2230] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2183] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1739] link 'A'", "\t\t[1799] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2406] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2253] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2188] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2472] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1797] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1720] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1547] link '1'", "\t\t[2322] link '0'", "\t\t[1985] link '0'", "\t\t[1777] link '1'", "\t\t[2027] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1586] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1603] link 'A'", "\t\t[2069] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2193] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2272] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1666] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1658] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2184] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1812] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2004] link '2'", "\t\t[2415] link '0'", "\t\t[1823] link '1'", "\t\t[2354] link '4'", "\t\t[1538] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2320] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1499] link 'A'", "\t\t[1787] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1738] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1847] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2344] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2299] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2438] link '20'", "\t\t[2006] link '0'", "\t\t[2065] link '10'", "\t\t[2418] link '40'", "\t\t[1616] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1745] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1991] link 'A'", "\t\t[1715] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1995] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2240] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1916] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1948] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1589] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1717] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2081] link '1'", "\t\t[1712] link '0'", "\t\t[1674] link '0'", "\t\t[1554] link '0'", "\t\t[2174] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2318] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1874] link 'A'", "\t\t[1783] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1838] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1583] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2403] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1567] link '0'", "\t\t[2150] link '0'", "\t\t[2296] link '0'", "\t\t[2291] link '0'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2014] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2177] link 'A'", "\t\t[1540] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2400] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2301] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1926] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2114] link '0'", "\t\t[1780] link '0'", "\t\t[2141] link '0'", "\t\t[1924] link '0'", "\t\t[2129] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1707] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2389] link 'A'", "\t\t[2366] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2435] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2364] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1506] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1931] link '0'", "\t\t[1870] link '0'", "\t\t[1726] link '0'", "\t\t[2176] link '0'", "\t\t[2345] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1850] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2473] link 'A'", "\t\t[2178] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1708] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2038] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1826] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1918] link '0'", "\t\t[1910] link '0'", "\t\t[2319] link '0'", "\t\t[2173] link '0'", "\t\t[2231] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2432] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1546] link 'B'", "\t\t[1986] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1618] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2164] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1807] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2263] link '0'", "\t\t[2367] link '0'", "\t\t[2303] link '0'", "\t\t[2095] link '0'", "\t\t[1817] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2226] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2341] link 'C'", "\t\t[1884] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1836] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2434] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2273] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2243] link '0'", "\t\t[1753] link '0'", "\t\t[1875] link '0'", "\t\t[1929] link '0'", "\t\t[1905] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2454] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1663] link ''", "\t\t[1996] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1966] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2133] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2118] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1632] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2457] link '0'", "\t\t[1908] link '0'", "\t\t[2474] link '0'", "\t\t[2428] link '0'", "\t\t[1502] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1544] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1641] link 'D'", "\t\t[1639] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2309] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1614] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1776] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1629] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2066] link '21'", "\t\t[1997] link '0'", "\t\t[1883] link '16'", "\t\t[1785] link '21'", "\t\t[1636] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2035] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2249] link 'D'", "\t\t[1592] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2187] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2327] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1846] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2084] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2218] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1684] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1944] link '0'", "\t\t[1831] link '0'", "\t\t[2067] link '0'", "\t\t[2476] link '1'", "\t\t[1959] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2046] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1560] link 'E'", "\t\t[2017] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1568] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1624] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2048] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1827] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2029] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1643] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2049] link '6'", "\t\t[1942] link '1'", "\t\t[2085] link '2'", "\t\t[2101] link '5'", "\t\t[2443] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1520] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2305] link 'E'", "\t\t[2196] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2298] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2206] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2214] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1516] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2356] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2430] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2148] link '2'", "\t\t[1895] link '0'", "\t\t[1704] link '0'", "\t\t[2404] link '0'", "\t\t[2265] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1878] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1494] link 'G'", "\t\t[2393] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2256] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1828] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2171] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1784] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2080] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1664] link '0'", "\t\t[1498] link '0'", "\t\t[2086] link '0'", "\t\t[1615] link '0'", "\t\t[2127] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2478] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2090] link 'L'", "\t\t[1561] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1572] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2419] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1915] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2153] link '0'", "\t\t[1994] link '0'", "\t\t[2251] link '0'", "\t\t[2285] link '0'", "\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1509] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1932] link 'M'", "\t\t[1504] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1673] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1733] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1814] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1843] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2340] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1876] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1958] link '6'", "\t\t[1761] link '0'", "\t\t[2216] link '2'", "\t\t[2145] link '4'", "\t\t[2383] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1587] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1645] link 'N'", "\t\t[1955] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[2238] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1866] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2424] link '0'", "\t\t[2449] link '0'", "\t\t[2343] link '0'", "\t\t[2326] link '0'", "\t\t[1856] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2227] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1768] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1816] link '1'", "\t\t[2156] link '2'", "\t\t[2132] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[2977] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[2981] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2994] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3016] link ''", "\t[3043] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3032] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[3010] link 'Create new...'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: True", "\t[2995] list '' focused: True", "\t\t[3022] StaticText 'Switch to'", "\t\t[3006] button 'Projects'", "\t\t[2992] button 'Groups'", "\t\t[2979] StaticText 'Explore'", "\t\t[3035] link 'Milestones'", "\t\t[3059] link 'Snippets'", "\t\t[3014] link 'Activity'", "\t\t[3015] searchbox 'Search your projects'", "\t\t[3041] StaticText 'Frequently visited'", "\t\t[3026] StaticText 'Projects you visit often will appear here'", "\t\t[3031] link 'View all projects'", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[133] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[135] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[145] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1859] main ''", "\t\t[1783] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2281] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1842] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2160] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1954] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2161] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1942] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1745] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1732] link 'All'", "\t\t[1531] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1603] link ''", "\t\t[1777] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1552] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2402] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2175] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1643] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2104] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2096] link '0'", "\t\t[2034] link '0'", "\t\t[1755] link '0'", "\t\t[1995] link '0'", "\t\t[2019] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2226] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1756] link 'A'", "\t\t[2347] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2271] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2346] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1631] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2066] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2421] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2004] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1760] link '1'", "\t\t[1584] link '0'", "\t\t[1695] link '0'", "\t\t[2440] link '1'", "\t\t[1720] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1793] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1508] link 'A'", "\t\t[2419] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1538] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2130] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1992] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2013] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2358] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2277] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1798] link '2'", "\t\t[2054] link '0'", "\t\t[1582] link '1'", "\t\t[2075] link '4'", "\t\t[1517] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2449] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2032] link 'A'", "\t\t[1556] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1794] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1936] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2328] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1560] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2423] link '20'", "\t\t[1967] link '0'", "\t\t[1569] link '10'", "\t\t[2140] link '40'", "\t\t[1540] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2407] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2413] link 'A'", "\t\t[1647] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2033] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2466] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1685] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2117] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2077] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1706] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1684] link '1'", "\t\t[2106] link '0'", "\t\t[1782] link '0'", "\t\t[2131] link '0'", "\t\t[2380] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2302] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2455] link 'A'", "\t\t[1510] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1739] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2361] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1847] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1621] link '0'", "\t\t[1925] link '0'", "\t\t[1866] link '0'", "\t\t[1730] link '0'", "\t\t[1619] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1543] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2245] link 'A'", "\t\t[1810] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2267] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2171] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2164] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2356] link '0'", "\t\t[1915] link '0'", "\t\t[1928] link '0'", "\t\t[1586] link '0'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1495] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2146] link 'A'", "\t\t[1601] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1591] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2124] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1897] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1577] link '0'", "\t\t[2354] link '0'", "\t\t[1722] link '0'", "\t\t[1605] link '0'", "\t\t[2378] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1849] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1505] link 'A'", "\t\t[1917] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1821] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2132] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1904] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2401] link '0'", "\t\t[2374] link '0'", "\t\t[2207] link '0'", "\t\t[1563] link '0'", "\t\t[1626] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1502] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2468] link 'B'", "\t\t[1557] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1617] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1713] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1711] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2424] link '0'", "\t\t[2214] link '0'", "\t\t[2176] link '0'", "\t\t[2408] link '0'", "\t\t[2114] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2068] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2244] link 'C'", "\t\t[2471] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2113] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1723] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2020] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1503] link '0'", "\t\t[1548] link '0'", "\t\t[2303] link '0'", "\t\t[2178] link '0'", "\t\t[1885] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1993] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2324] link ''", "\t\t[1632] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2234] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1823] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1599] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1834] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1737] link '0'", "\t\t[2039] link '0'", "\t\t[2126] link '0'", "\t\t[1595] link '0'", "\t\t[2195] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1832] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2255] link 'D'", "\t\t[2027] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2327] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2179] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2275] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2012] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2420] link '21'", "\t\t[2291] link '0'", "\t\t[2438] link '16'", "\t\t[1974] link '21'", "\t\t[2349] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2158] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1828] link 'D'", "\t\t[1666] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1820] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2099] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2005] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1688] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1787] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2050] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1570] link '0'", "\t\t[2002] link '0'", "\t\t[2041] link '0'", "\t\t[1826] link '1'", "\t\t[2051] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1908] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1663] link 'E'", "\t\t[1754] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1741] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1521] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2375] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2098] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2116] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2048] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2237] link '6'", "\t\t[1963] link '1'", "\t\t[2404] link '2'", "\t\t[2444] link '5'", "\t\t[2478] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2315] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1625] link 'E'", "\t\t[2372] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2314] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2202] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1811] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1835] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1762] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1880] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1766] link '2'", "\t\t[2272] link '0'", "\t\t[2095] link '0'", "\t\t[1914] link '0'", "\t\t[2007] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2326] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2259] link 'G'", "\t\t[2382] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1598] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1658] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1788] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2193] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2464] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1962] link '0'", "\t\t[1546] link '0'", "\t\t[1530] link '0'", "\t\t[2070] link '0'", "\t\t[1926] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1571] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1939] link 'L'", "\t\t[1774] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2018] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1912] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2053] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1646] link '0'", "\t\t[2058] link '0'", "\t\t[2115] link '0'", "\t\t[1983] link '0'", "\t\t[2415] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1965] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1875] link 'M'", "\t\t[2427] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1660] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2036] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1512] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1627] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2280] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2432] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2426] link '6'", "\t\t[1796] link '0'", "\t\t[1746] link '2'", "\t\t[2305] link '4'", "\t\t[1639] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1812] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2196] link 'N'", "\t\t[1747] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1779] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2085] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2369] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1982] link '0'", "\t\t[1683] link '0'", "\t\t[2447] link '0'", "\t\t[2341] link '0'", "\t\t[2422] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1960] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2074] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1780] link '1'", "\t\t[2138] link '2'", "\t\t[1893] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[76] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[85] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[77] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[87] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[79] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[80] link 'Help'", "\t[82] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[97] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[2200] main ''", "\t\t[2296] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1584] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2180] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2104] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1822] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2464] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1499] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1846] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1508] link 'All'", "\t\t[2396] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2207] link ''", "\t\t[2071] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2170] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1780] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1559] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1838] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1771] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1667] link '0'", "\t\t[1556] link '0'", "\t\t[1934] link '0'", "\t\t[1490] link '0'", "\t\t[1884] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1918] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2162] link 'A'", "\t\t[1624] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1841] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2426] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1688] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1626] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1724] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2103] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2286] link '1'", "\t\t[1643] link '0'", "\t\t[2466] link '0'", "\t\t[1540] link '1'", "\t\t[1743] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2075] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1985] link 'A'", "\t\t[1725] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2188] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1672] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2121] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1790] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1977] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2443] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2057] link '2'", "\t\t[1510] link '0'", "\t\t[2367] link '1'", "\t\t[2364] link '4'", "\t\t[2138] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1638] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1921] link 'A'", "\t\t[1617] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2096] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1922] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1583] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1616] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1795] link '20'", "\t\t[2172] link '0'", "\t\t[2030] link '10'", "\t\t[1995] link '40'", "\t\t[2242] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1781] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1878] link 'A'", "\t\t[1913] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1840] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1926] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1699] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1495] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2027] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1594] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2131] link '1'", "\t\t[2202] link '0'", "\t\t[1635] link '0'", "\t\t[2158] link '0'", "\t\t[2227] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1811] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2226] link 'A'", "\t\t[1705] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2381] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1605] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1816] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2139] link '0'", "\t\t[2309] link '0'", "\t\t[2195] link '0'", "\t\t[2213] link '0'", "\t\t[2216] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2380] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1908] link 'A'", "\t\t[2209] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1622] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1564] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1613] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1703] link '0'", "\t\t[2233] link '0'", "\t\t[1823] link '0'", "\t\t[2164] link '0'", "\t\t[2225] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1548] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2254] link 'A'", "\t\t[2177] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2119] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2409] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2120] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1706] link '0'", "\t\t[2419] link '0'", "\t\t[1744] link '0'", "\t\t[1631] link '0'", "\t\t[2053] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1539] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2310] link 'A'", "\t\t[2133] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2390] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1853] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1542] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2021] link '0'", "\t\t[1589] link '0'", "\t\t[2186] link '0'", "\t\t[1669] link '0'", "\t\t[2311] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2303] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1693] link 'B'", "\t\t[1796] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2374] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2239] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2476] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2255] link '0'", "\t\t[2176] link '0'", "\t\t[1632] link '0'", "\t\t[2111] link '0'", "\t\t[1880] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2356] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2371] link 'C'", "\t\t[1537] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2475] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2314] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1554] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2294] link '0'", "\t\t[1923] link '0'", "\t\t[2191] link '0'", "\t\t[2020] link '0'", "\t\t[2275] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2440] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2331] link ''", "\t\t[2277] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1546] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2064] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1797] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1726] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1619] link '0'", "\t\t[1729] link '0'", "\t\t[1991] link '0'", "\t\t[1718] link '0'", "\t\t[2338] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2201] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2461] link 'D'", "\t\t[1704] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1545] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2450] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1933] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1835] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2106] link '21'", "\t\t[2137] link '0'", "\t\t[2193] link '16'", "\t\t[1935] link '21'", "\t\t[2013] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1943] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2174] link 'D'", "\t\t[2003] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1727] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2041] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1566] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2215] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2223] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1543] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1520] link '0'", "\t\t[2099] link '0'", "\t\t[1787] link '0'", "\t\t[2454] link '1'", "\t\t[1836] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1695] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2456] link 'E'", "\t\t[1959] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1679] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2407] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1850] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1879] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1927] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1997] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2206] link '6'", "\t\t[1516] link '1'", "\t\t[2431] link '2'", "\t\t[1810] link '5'", "\t\t[1873] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1565] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2114] link 'E'", "\t\t[2278] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1761] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2100] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2199] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1826] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1671] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2326] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1651] link '2'", "\t\t[2261] link '0'", "\t\t[1870] link '0'", "\t\t[2252] link '0'", "\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1609] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2070] link 'G'", "\t\t[1960] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2385] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1541] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2157] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1809] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2050] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1909] link '0'", "\t\t[2246] link '0'", "\t\t[2060] link '0'", "\t\t[2007] link '0'", "\t\t[1766] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1523] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2009] link 'L'", "\t\t[2123] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2051] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1986] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2347] link '0'", "\t\t[1640] link '0'", "\t\t[1983] link '0'", "\t\t[1966] link '0'", "\t\t[1736] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1512] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1507] link 'M'", "\t\t[2474] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1907] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1573] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1834] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1975] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2054] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1852] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2194] link '6'", "\t\t[1588] link '0'", "\t\t[1659] link '2'", "\t\t[2065] link '4'", "\t\t[2016] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2152] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1829] link 'N'", "\t\t[1745] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1872] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1740] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2452] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1847] link '0'", "\t\t[1792] link '0'", "\t\t[1832] link '0'", "\t\t[1868] link '0'", "\t\t[1534] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2107] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1952] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1742] link '1'", "\t\t[2208] link '2'", "\t\t[2145] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[105] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[143] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[106] link 'Merge requests' focused: True expanded: True", "\t\t[145] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[2974] link 'Assigned to you 3'", "\t[2972] link 'Review requests for you 5'", "\t[108] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[109] link 'Help'", "\t[111] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[155] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1933] main ''", "\t\t[1582] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1686] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1863] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1907] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2469] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2252] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1781] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2339] button 'Name'", "\t\t[2334] link 'All'", "\t\t[2020] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1556] link ''", "\t\t[1836] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2147] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2172] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1784] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1936] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2380] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2108] link '0'", "\t\t[2186] link '0'", "\t\t[2472] link '0'", "\t\t[1728] link '0'", "\t\t[2179] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1633] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1802] link 'A'", "\t\t[1632] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1939] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1540] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2053] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2047] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1523] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1654] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1691] link '1'", "\t\t[1887] link '0'", "\t\t[2033] link '0'", "\t\t[1592] link '1'", "\t\t[2451] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1950] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1747] link 'A'", "\t\t[1671] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1536] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1661] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2149] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1703] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1775] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1557] link '2'", "\t\t[2266] link '0'", "\t\t[2182] link '1'", "\t\t[1634] link '4'", "\t\t[2095] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2146] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1561] link 'A'", "\t\t[2437] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2393] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1541] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2468] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2464] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2307] link '20'", "\t\t[1926] link '0'", "\t\t[2197] link '10'", "\t\t[2031] link '40'", "\t\t[1937] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1669] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2184] link 'A'", "\t\t[2071] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2103] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1628] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1646] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1943] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2376] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2317] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1755] link '1'", "\t\t[2001] link '0'", "\t\t[1746] link '0'", "\t\t[1916] link '0'", "\t\t[2039] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1952] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2110] link 'A'", "\t\t[2453] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1701] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2052] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2391] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1894] link '0'", "\t\t[2005] link '0'", "\t\t[2024] link '0'", "\t\t[2286] link '0'", "\t\t[1663] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2210] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2354] link 'A'", "\t\t[2327] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2256] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1840] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2303] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1849] link '0'", "\t\t[1795] link '0'", "\t\t[1860] link '0'", "\t\t[1520] link '0'", "\t\t[2367] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1803] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2389] link 'A'", "\t\t[1513] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2415] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2343] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2211] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2406] link '0'", "\t\t[1886] link '0'", "\t\t[1924] link '0'", "\t\t[1852] link '0'", "\t\t[2328] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2175] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2217] link 'A'", "\t\t[1626] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2068] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2109] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1993] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1685] link '0'", "\t\t[1687] link '0'", "\t\t[2132] link '0'", "\t\t[1714] link '0'", "\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2441] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2171] link 'B'", "\t\t[1512] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1957] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1768] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1566] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2113] link '0'", "\t\t[1812] link '0'", "\t\t[2444] link '0'", "\t\t[2390] link '0'", "\t\t[1491] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2459] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2004] link 'C'", "\t\t[2357] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1906] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1854] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2434] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1602] link '0'", "\t\t[1896] link '0'", "\t\t[2143] link '0'", "\t\t[1641] link '0'", "\t\t[1881] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1793] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1928] link ''", "\t\t[2189] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2450] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1584] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1596] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2340] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2174] link '0'", "\t\t[1599] link '0'", "\t\t[2022] link '0'", "\t\t[2026] link '0'", "\t\t[2023] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1621] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1883] link 'D'", "\t\t[1889] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2462] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2257] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2280] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1868] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1497] link '21'", "\t\t[1594] link '0'", "\t\t[2169] link '16'", "\t\t[1895] link '21'", "\t\t[2085] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1789] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2239] link 'D'", "\t\t[1810] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2153] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2019] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1712] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2410] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1498] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1604] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2240] link '0'", "\t\t[1828] link '0'", "\t\t[2388] link '0'", "\t\t[1856] link '1'", "\t\t[2319] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2234] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1913] link 'E'", "\t\t[1904] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2438] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1989] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1763] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1813] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1815] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1837] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1651] link '6'", "\t\t[2253] link '1'", "\t\t[2276] link '2'", "\t\t[2225] link '5'", "\t\t[2229] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1838] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2267] link 'E'", "\t\t[1506] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2282] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[1613] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1586] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1935] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1779] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2416] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2350] link '2'", "\t\t[2371] link '0'", "\t\t[1643] link '0'", "\t\t[2226] link '0'", "\t\t[1801] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2120] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2323] link 'G'", "\t\t[2237] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1642] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1552] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2076] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2413] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1559] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1543] link '0'", "\t\t[2015] link '0'", "\t\t[1901] link '0'", "\t\t[2123] link '0'", "\t\t[1629] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1829] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1711] link 'L'", "\t\t[2281] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1874] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1833] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1899] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1713] link '0'", "\t\t[1547] link '0'", "\t\t[1778] link '0'", "\t\t[2207] link '0'", "\t\t[1848] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2091] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2377] link 'M'", "\t\t[1998] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1689] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2425] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2310] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2446] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1647] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1981] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2324] link '6'", "\t\t[2315] link '0'", "\t\t[2381] link '2'", "\t\t[1700] link '4'", "\t\t[2051] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1830] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2296] link 'N'", "\t\t[1575] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1976] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1865] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1991] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2301] link '0'", "\t\t[1963] link '0'", "\t\t[2426] link '0'", "\t\t[2165] link '0'", "\t\t[2195] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2018] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1880] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2417] link '1'", "\t\t[2455] link '2'", "\t\t[1612] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[102] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[121] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[103] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[123] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[105] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[106] link 'Help'", "\t[108] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[133] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1869] main ''", "\t\t[1793] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1805] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1635] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2010] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2226] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2323] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2384] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2237] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1706] link 'All'", "\t\t[2254] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1967] link ''", "\t\t[2400] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2118] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2379] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2119] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2089] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2030] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1555] link '0'", "\t\t[1723] link '0'", "\t\t[2235] link '0'", "\t\t[1840] link '0'", "\t\t[2394] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1715] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1968] link 'A'", "\t\t[2218] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1542] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2180] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2200] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1550] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2219] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1792] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1730] link '1'", "\t\t[2419] link '0'", "\t\t[1774] link '0'", "\t\t[1634] link '1'", "\t\t[2477] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2442] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1821] link 'A'", "\t\t[2132] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1621] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1866] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2362] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1573] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2197] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2452] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1589] link '2'", "\t\t[2188] link '0'", "\t\t[1683] link '1'", "\t\t[1674] link '4'", "\t\t[1694] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2142] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2110] link 'A'", "\t\t[2242] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2079] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2002] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1964] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2376] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1638] link '20'", "\t\t[2111] link '0'", "\t\t[2348] link '10'", "\t\t[2433] link '40'", "\t\t[2177] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1641] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2246] link 'A'", "\t\t[1747] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1946] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2229] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2051] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2045] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2026] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1657] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2029] link '1'", "\t\t[2230] link '0'", "\t\t[2275] link '0'", "\t\t[2068] link '0'", "\t\t[2446] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1956] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1972] link 'A'", "\t\t[2015] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1532] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2277] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2144] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1745] link '0'", "\t\t[1922] link '0'", "\t\t[1957] link '0'", "\t\t[1728] link '0'", "\t\t[2137] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1780] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1681] link 'A'", "\t\t[1729] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2092] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1799] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2386] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2023] link '0'", "\t\t[2278] link '0'", "\t\t[2123] link '0'", "\t\t[2171] link '0'", "\t\t[1829] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2342] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2465] link 'A'", "\t\t[2173] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2288] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2402] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1677] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1864] link '0'", "\t\t[1513] link '0'", "\t\t[2454] link '0'", "\t\t[1800] link '0'", "\t\t[2395] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2301] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2086] link 'A'", "\t\t[1558] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1941] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1753] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1496] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1934] link '0'", "\t\t[1856] link '0'", "\t\t[1518] link '0'", "\t\t[1705] link '0'", "\t\t[2470] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2287] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2222] link 'B'", "\t\t[1536] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2280] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2407] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1498] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2125] link '0'", "\t\t[1716] link '0'", "\t\t[2440] link '0'", "\t\t[2286] link '0'", "\t\t[2195] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2155] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1665] link 'C'", "\t\t[2080] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1878] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2190] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2168] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2443] link '0'", "\t\t[2382] link '0'", "\t\t[2305] link '0'", "\t\t[1742] link '0'", "\t\t[2318] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2094] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2391] link ''", "\t\t[1858] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2451] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1718] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1916] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2316] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2140] link '0'", "\t\t[1644] link '0'", "\t\t[2100] link '0'", "\t\t[2185] link '0'", "\t\t[2298] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2098] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1926] link 'D'", "\t\t[1540] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1662] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2270] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1893] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2437] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2025] link '21'", "\t\t[1526] link '0'", "\t\t[2461] link '16'", "\t\t[1900] link '21'", "\t\t[1666] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2217] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1810] link 'D'", "\t\t[1855] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1725] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2359] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2458] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1913] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1714] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[2471] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1906] link '0'", "\t\t[1927] link '0'", "\t\t[2331] link '0'", "\t\t[1809] link '1'", "\t\t[2003] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1892] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1928] link 'E'", "\t\t[2181] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1796] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1925] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1836] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1596] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2322] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2327] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1860] link '6'", "\t\t[1831] link '1'", "\t\t[1739] link '2'", "\t\t[1911] link '5'", "\t\t[2021] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1628] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1553] link 'E'", "\t\t[2410] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2463] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2007] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2264] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1881] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2204] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2050] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2215] link '2'", "\t\t[2381] link '0'", "\t\t[1624] link '0'", "\t\t[1501] link '0'", "\t\t[1790] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2148] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1787] link 'G'", "\t\t[1721] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1903] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1592] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2406] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1604] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1930] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1980] link '0'", "\t\t[1859] link '0'", "\t\t[2225] link '0'", "\t\t[1547] link '0'", "\t\t[1632] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1510] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2374] link 'L'", "\t\t[2427] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1682] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2459] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1814] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2256] link '0'", "\t\t[2291] link '0'", "\t\t[2169] link '0'", "\t\t[1795] link '0'", "\t\t[2350] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1574] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1757] link 'M'", "\t\t[1899] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2390] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2083] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2231] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1857] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1648] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1763] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1646] link '6'", "\t\t[1995] link '0'", "\t\t[1976] link '2'", "\t\t[1593] link '4'", "\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2220] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2088] link 'N'", "\t\t[1572] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1695] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1684] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1523] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2192] link '0'", "\t\t[1587] link '0'", "\t\t[1675] link '0'", "\t\t[2069] link '0'", "\t\t[2265] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2413] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1645] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1561] link '1'", "\t\t[2421] link '2'", "\t\t[1969] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0: Projects · Dashboard · GitLab | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ] }
[ "close_tab", "hover [1422]", "scroll [down]", "type [1422] [Leather Jacket] [1]", "click [18]", "click [2750]", "scroll [up]", "click [106]", "tab_focus [0]", "new_tab" ]
hover [1422]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[102] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[121] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[103] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[123] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[105] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[106] link 'Help'", "\t[108] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[133] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1873] main ''", "\t\t[1789] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1807] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2014] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2229] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2328] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2390] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2238] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1704] link 'All'", "\t\t[2258] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1742] link ''", "\t\t[2162] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2445] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1824] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2078] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2427] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2149] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1691] link '0'", "\t\t[2248] link '0'", "\t\t[2132] link '0'", "\t\t[1802] link '0'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1953] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1600] link 'A'", "\t\t[2003] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1489] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1674] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1584] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1623] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1688] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2429] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2049] link '1'", "\t\t[2097] link '0'", "\t\t[2142] link '0'", "\t\t[1710] link '1'", "\t\t[1747] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1680] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2403] link 'A'", "\t\t[1491] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2124] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1662] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2151] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1933] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2261] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2072] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1557] link '2'", "\t\t[1930] link '0'", "\t\t[1663] link '1'", "\t\t[1913] link '4'", "\t\t[1885] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1819] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2351] link 'A'", "\t\t[1968] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2182] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1931] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2010] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2416] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1998] link '20'", "\t\t[1783] link '0'", "\t\t[2407] link '10'", "\t\t[2038] link '40'", "\t\t[2171] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1575] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2275] link 'A'", "\t\t[2396] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2361] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2118] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1603] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1604] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1740] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2164] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1831] link '1'", "\t\t[2355] link '0'", "\t\t[2354] link '0'", "\t\t[1668] link '0'", "\t\t[2465] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1556] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2310] link 'A'", "\t\t[2341] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1721] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1766] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1846] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2466] link '0'", "\t\t[2085] link '0'", "\t\t[2073] link '0'", "\t\t[1993] link '0'", "\t\t[1752] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1550] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1834] link 'A'", "\t\t[1549] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1606] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1761] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2458] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1947] link '0'", "\t\t[1665] link '0'", "\t\t[2114] link '0'", "\t\t[2093] link '0'", "\t\t[2064] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2128] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1994] link 'A'", "\t\t[2311] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1683] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2245] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2109] link '0'", "\t\t[2400] link '0'", "\t\t[2308] link '0'", "\t\t[1943] link '0'", "\t\t[2397] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2026] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2013] link 'A'", "\t\t[2042] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2280] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1959] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2046] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2329] link '0'", "\t\t[2338] link '0'", "\t\t[2126] link '0'", "\t\t[1566] link '0'", "\t\t[2034] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1912] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2241] link 'B'", "\t\t[2294] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2385] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2286] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2055] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2210] link '0'", "\t\t[2243] link '0'", "\t\t[2139] link '0'", "\t\t[2296] link '0'", "\t\t[2426] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2303] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2387] link 'C'", "\t\t[2121] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2443] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2115] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2137] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1881] link '0'", "\t\t[1877] link '0'", "\t\t[2175] link '0'", "\t\t[2360] link '0'", "\t\t[1839] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1647] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1611] link ''", "\t\t[2419] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1733] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1985] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1518] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2116] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1751] link '0'", "\t\t[1630] link '0'", "\t\t[2315] link '0'", "\t\t[2107] link '0'", "\t\t[2213] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1515] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1589] link 'D'", "\t\t[1921] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2435] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2322] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2173] link '21'", "\t\t[2270] link '0'", "\t\t[1655] link '16'", "\t\t[1587] link '21'", "\t\t[2216] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2112] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2365] link 'D'", "\t\t[2305] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1976] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2111] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1524] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2090] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1656] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1521] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1966] link '0'", "\t\t[1910] link '0'", "\t\t[1559] link '0'", "\t\t[2239] link '1'", "\t\t[1963] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1856] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1988] link 'E'", "\t\t[1940] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2431] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2468] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1960] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2432] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2374] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1722] link '6'", "\t\t[2475] link '1'", "\t\t[2460] link '2'", "\t\t[1918] link '5'", "\t\t[2220] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1545] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1548] link 'E'", "\t\t[1511] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2000] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2289] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2456] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2350] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1728] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1971] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1956] link '2'", "\t\t[1795] link '0'", "\t\t[2079] link '0'", "\t\t[2009] link '0'", "\t\t[1898] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2012] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2131] link 'G'", "\t\t[2452] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2240] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1841] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1597] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1849] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2327] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2476] link '0'", "\t\t[1957] link '0'", "\t\t[1843] link '0'", "\t\t[2089] link '0'", "\t\t[2335] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2039] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1539] link 'L'", "\t\t[2402] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2285] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2029] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2212] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2268] link '0'", "\t\t[1880] link '0'", "\t\t[2060] link '0'", "\t\t[1955] link '0'", "\t\t[2184] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1833] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2129] link 'M'", "\t\t[1888] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1723] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2233] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1689] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2065] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1574] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2369] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2095] link '6'", "\t\t[1786] link '0'", "\t\t[2159] link '2'", "\t\t[1905] link '4'", "\t\t[1920] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1739] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2273] link 'N'", "\t\t[1601] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1503] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1797] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2122] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1605] link '0'", "\t\t[2052] link '0'", "\t\t[1666] link '0'", "\t\t[1669] link '0'", "\t\t[1703] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2478] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1541] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2398] link '1'", "\t\t[1713] link '2'", "\t\t[1543] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be a change in the visual state of the "Add Product" button, where it is highlighted, indicating active interactivity. The surrounding elements would remain static; however, the button may display a tooltip or additional instructions on what to do next. This indicates that the webpage is now emphasizing the button's functionality, preparing the user for the subsequent action of adding a product.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[125] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[127] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[137] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1873] main ''", "\t\t[1788] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2287] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1956] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2142] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1698] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1792] button 'Name'", "\t\t[2226] link 'All'", "\t\t[2401] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2058] link ''", "\t\t[1704] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1898] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2331] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1715] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2157] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1826] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2330] link '0'", "\t\t[1946] link '0'", "\t\t[2398] link '0'", "\t\t[2459] link '0'", "\t\t[1994] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1671] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2186] link 'A'", "\t\t[2372] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2262] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2115] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2479] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2010] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1796] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2045] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1984] link '1'", "\t\t[2369] link '0'", "\t\t[1759] link '0'", "\t\t[1811] link '1'", "\t\t[1734] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1557] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1587] link 'A'", "\t\t[1859] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1931] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1683] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1914] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1810] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2237] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2252] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1710] link '2'", "\t\t[1950] link '0'", "\t\t[1720] link '1'", "\t\t[2449] link '4'", "\t\t[2267] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2223] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2168] link 'A'", "\t\t[1797] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2378] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1531] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1501] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1614] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2130] link '20'", "\t\t[2174] link '0'", "\t\t[2314] link '10'", "\t\t[1848] link '40'", "\t\t[2233] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1547] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1724] link 'A'", "\t\t[1559] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2124] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1858] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2125] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2092] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1490] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2032] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1798] link '1'", "\t\t[1508] link '0'", "\t\t[2325] link '0'", "\t\t[1561] link '0'", "\t\t[2391] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1708] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2162] link 'A'", "\t\t[2404] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1540] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1904] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2207] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1697] link '0'", "\t\t[1627] link '0'", "\t\t[2110] link '0'", "\t\t[1532] link '0'", "\t\t[2370] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1689] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2310] link 'A'", "\t\t[1676] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2473] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1678] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1621] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2289] link '0'", "\t\t[1506] link '0'", "\t\t[1765] link '0'", "\t\t[2081] link '0'", "\t\t[2476] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1776] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2402] link 'A'", "\t\t[2109] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1550] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1818] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1688] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1738] link '0'", "\t\t[2338] link '0'", "\t\t[1861] link '0'", "\t\t[1711] link '0'", "\t\t[1545] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2089] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1565] link 'A'", "\t\t[1604] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1814] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1911] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1730] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2190] link '0'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[1616] link '0'", "\t\t[1538] link '0'", "\t\t[2206] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1544] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1556] link 'B'", "\t\t[2170] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1582] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1601] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1937] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2458] link '0'", "\t\t[1907] link '0'", "\t\t[2244] link '0'", "\t\t[1807] link '0'", "\t\t[2254] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1892] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1844] link 'C'", "\t\t[1713] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1799] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1497] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1932] link '0'", "\t\t[2326] link '0'", "\t\t[1815] link '0'", "\t\t[2018] link '0'", "\t\t[2079] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2069] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2227] link ''", "\t\t[2184] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1986] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1930] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2067] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1548] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1863] link '0'", "\t\t[1834] link '0'", "\t\t[1733] link '0'", "\t\t[1919] link '0'", "\t\t[2305] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2245] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2113] link 'D'", "\t\t[2411] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1809] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1971] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1803] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1519] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1891] link '21'", "\t\t[1781] link '0'", "\t\t[1925] link '16'", "\t\t[2250] link '21'", "\t\t[1837] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2246] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2037] link 'D'", "\t\t[1643] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2435] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2072] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2231] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1620] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2322] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1700] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2425] link '0'", "\t\t[2049] link '0'", "\t\t[1694] link '0'", "\t\t[1955] link '1'", "\t\t[1943] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2375] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1503] link 'E'", "\t\t[2427] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2264] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1800] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1722] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1491] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2199] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1974] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1750] link '6'", "\t\t[2098] link '1'", "\t\t[1567] link '2'", "\t\t[2224] link '5'", "\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1821] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2185] link 'E'", "\t\t[1682] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2336] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2447] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1615] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2096] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1855] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2295] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2070] link '2'", "\t\t[1626] link '0'", "\t\t[1767] link '0'", "\t\t[1856] link '0'", "\t\t[2134] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2392] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1835] link 'G'", "\t\t[1897] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2364] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1866] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2082] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2259] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2099] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1849] link '0'", "\t\t[2218] link '0'", "\t\t[2327] link '0'", "\t\t[2399] link '0'", "\t\t[2156] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1747] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1913] link 'L'", "\t\t[1584] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1778] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1893] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1702] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2204] link '0'", "\t\t[1847] link '0'", "\t\t[2324] link '0'", "\t\t[2035] link '0'", "\t\t[2093] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1640] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2052] link 'M'", "\t\t[2212] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2232] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1802] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1564] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2419] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2061] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1969] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1684] link '6'", "\t\t[1656] link '0'", "\t\t[1611] link '2'", "\t\t[2387] link '4'", "\t\t[2418] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1850] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2139] link 'N'", "\t\t[1833] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1655] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1718] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1965] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2354] link '0'", "\t\t[1959] link '0'", "\t\t[1766] link '0'", "\t\t[2281] link '0'", "\t\t[2433] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2456] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2188] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2350] link '1'", "\t\t[1857] link '2'", "\t\t[2090] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be the display of additional project links and headings that were previously off-screen. The user would see a broader array of options and possibly new sections that enhance their navigation experience. The context of the page shifts from focusing solely on product management to a wider view of projects, allowing the user to explore other functionalities available within the GitLab environment.
type [1422] [Leather Jacket] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[131] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[133] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[143] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1862] main ''", "\t\t[1782] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2289] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2277] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2321] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[1913] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1612] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1993] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1911] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1867] link 'All'", "\t\t[2372] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2165] link ''", "\t\t[2229] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2313] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[2252] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2221] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2398] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[2374] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2387] link '0'", "\t\t[1729] link '0'", "\t\t[1556] link '0'", "\t\t[1919] link '0'", "\t\t[2230] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2183] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1739] link 'A'", "\t\t[1799] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2406] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2253] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2188] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2472] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1797] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1720] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1547] link '1'", "\t\t[2322] link '0'", "\t\t[1985] link '0'", "\t\t[1777] link '1'", "\t\t[2027] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1586] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1603] link 'A'", "\t\t[2069] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2193] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2272] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1666] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1658] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2184] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1812] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2004] link '2'", "\t\t[2415] link '0'", "\t\t[1823] link '1'", "\t\t[2354] link '4'", "\t\t[1538] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2320] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1499] link 'A'", "\t\t[1787] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1738] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1847] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2344] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2299] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2438] link '20'", "\t\t[2006] link '0'", "\t\t[2065] link '10'", "\t\t[2418] link '40'", "\t\t[1616] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1745] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1991] link 'A'", "\t\t[1715] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1995] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2240] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1916] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1948] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1589] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1717] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2081] link '1'", "\t\t[1712] link '0'", "\t\t[1674] link '0'", "\t\t[1554] link '0'", "\t\t[2174] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2318] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1874] link 'A'", "\t\t[1783] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[1838] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1583] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2403] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1567] link '0'", "\t\t[2150] link '0'", "\t\t[2296] link '0'", "\t\t[2291] link '0'", "\t\t[1744] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2014] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2177] link 'A'", "\t\t[1540] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2400] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2301] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1926] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2114] link '0'", "\t\t[1780] link '0'", "\t\t[2141] link '0'", "\t\t[1924] link '0'", "\t\t[2129] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1707] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2389] link 'A'", "\t\t[2366] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2435] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2364] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1506] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1931] link '0'", "\t\t[1870] link '0'", "\t\t[1726] link '0'", "\t\t[2176] link '0'", "\t\t[2345] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1850] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2473] link 'A'", "\t\t[2178] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1708] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2038] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1826] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1918] link '0'", "\t\t[1910] link '0'", "\t\t[2319] link '0'", "\t\t[2173] link '0'", "\t\t[2231] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2432] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1546] link 'B'", "\t\t[1986] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1618] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2164] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1807] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2263] link '0'", "\t\t[2367] link '0'", "\t\t[2303] link '0'", "\t\t[2095] link '0'", "\t\t[1817] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2226] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2341] link 'C'", "\t\t[1884] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1836] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2434] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2273] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2243] link '0'", "\t\t[1753] link '0'", "\t\t[1875] link '0'", "\t\t[1929] link '0'", "\t\t[1905] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2454] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1663] link ''", "\t\t[1996] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1966] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2133] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2118] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1632] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2457] link '0'", "\t\t[1908] link '0'", "\t\t[2474] link '0'", "\t\t[2428] link '0'", "\t\t[1502] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1544] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1641] link 'D'", "\t\t[1639] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2309] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1614] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1776] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1629] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2066] link '21'", "\t\t[1997] link '0'", "\t\t[1883] link '16'", "\t\t[1785] link '21'", "\t\t[1636] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2035] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2249] link 'D'", "\t\t[1592] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2187] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2327] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1846] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2084] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2218] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1684] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1944] link '0'", "\t\t[1831] link '0'", "\t\t[2067] link '0'", "\t\t[2476] link '1'", "\t\t[1959] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2046] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1560] link 'E'", "\t\t[2017] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1568] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1624] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2048] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1827] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2029] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1643] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2049] link '6'", "\t\t[1942] link '1'", "\t\t[2085] link '2'", "\t\t[2101] link '5'", "\t\t[2443] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1520] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2305] link 'E'", "\t\t[2196] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2298] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2206] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2214] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1516] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2356] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2430] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2148] link '2'", "\t\t[1895] link '0'", "\t\t[1704] link '0'", "\t\t[2404] link '0'", "\t\t[2265] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1878] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1494] link 'G'", "\t\t[2393] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2256] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1828] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2171] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1784] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[2080] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1664] link '0'", "\t\t[1498] link '0'", "\t\t[2086] link '0'", "\t\t[1615] link '0'", "\t\t[2127] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2478] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2090] link 'L'", "\t\t[1561] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1572] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2419] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1915] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2153] link '0'", "\t\t[1994] link '0'", "\t\t[2251] link '0'", "\t\t[2285] link '0'", "\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1509] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1932] link 'M'", "\t\t[1504] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1673] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1733] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1814] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1843] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2340] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1876] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1958] link '6'", "\t\t[1761] link '0'", "\t\t[2216] link '2'", "\t\t[2145] link '4'", "\t\t[2383] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1587] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1645] link 'N'", "\t\t[1955] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[2238] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1866] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2424] link '0'", "\t\t[2449] link '0'", "\t\t[2343] link '0'", "\t\t[2326] link '0'", "\t\t[1856] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2227] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1768] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1816] link '1'", "\t\t[2156] link '2'", "\t\t[2132] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be a shift where the focus is now on the search results related to the entered keyword rather than the product management area. The webpage reflects a search context, displaying results and suggestions rather than the expected interface for adding a new product. This indicates a change in user intention and interaction, moving from product creation to searching for specific items or projects.
click [18]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[2977] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[2981] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2994] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3016] link ''", "\t[3043] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3032] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[3010] link 'Create new...'" ]
The next observation would be a complete transition to the GitLab Dashboard, where the user is now presented with a new set of links and options for navigating through various projects. The previous product management interface is no longer in view, and the focus is redirected towards project-level functionalities, indicating a significant change in the user's current workflow within the GitLab environment.
Tab {idx} [1284] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1 [1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1344] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1291] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1295] link '\ue60b SALES' [1299] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1303] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1307] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1311] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1315] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1319] link '\ue60d STORES' [1323] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1327] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1362] heading 'Products' [1363] link '\ue600 admin' [1365] link '\ue607' [1477] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1334] main '' [1367] generic 'Add Product' [1422] button 'Add Product' [1423] button 'Add product of type' [2036] contentinfo '' [2041] link '\ue606' [2042] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [2052] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [2044] link 'Privacy Policy' [2045] StaticText ' |' [2046] link ' Account Activity' [2047] StaticText ' | ' [2048] link 'Report an Issue'
click [473] where [473] is link 'Products'
[ "None", "click [16] where [16] is link '\\ue608 CATALOG'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [54] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [63] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True [75] generic '\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \ue62f Products Categories' [103] link '\ue62f' [104] menu '' orientation: vertical [307] menu '' orientation: vertical [473] link 'Products' [474] link 'Categories' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [83] heading 'Dashboard' [84] link '\ue600 admin' [86] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [89] StaticText 'Scope:' [153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [156] link '\ue633 What is this?' [291] button 'Reload Data' [292] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [351] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [443] link 'here' [660] StaticText 'Revenue' [531] StaticText '$0.00' [661] StaticText 'Tax' [662] StaticText 'Shipping' [663] StaticText 'Quantity' [545] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [453] StaticText '$0.00' [455] StaticText 'Average Order' [460] StaticText 'Last Orders' [461] table '' [672] row '' [776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [777] columnheader 'Items' required: False [778] columnheader 'Total' required: False [673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [780] gridcell '5' required: False [781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [783] gridcell '4' required: False [784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [786] gridcell '3' required: False [787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [789] gridcell '4' required: False [790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [792] gridcell '2' required: False [793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [463] table '' [678] row '' [794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [795] columnheader 'Results' required: False [796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [798] gridcell '23' required: False [799] gridcell '1' required: False [680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [800] gridcell 'nike' required: False [801] gridcell '0' required: False [802] gridcell '3' required: False [681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [804] gridcell '10' required: False [805] gridcell '4' required: False [682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [807] gridcell '1' required: False [808] gridcell '19' required: False [683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [810] gridcell '23' required: False [811] gridcell '2' required: False [464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [465] table '' [684] row '' [812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [813] columnheader 'Results' required: False [814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [816] gridcell '1' required: False [817] gridcell '19' required: False [686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [819] gridcell '10' required: False [820] gridcell '4' required: False [687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [822] gridcell '23' required: False [823] gridcell '2' required: False [688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [825] gridcell '23' required: False [826] gridcell '1' required: False [689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [828] gridcell '1' required: False [829] gridcell '1' required: False [52] contentinfo '' [160] link '\ue606' [161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [163] link 'Privacy Policy' [164] StaticText ' |' [165] link ' Account Activity' [166] StaticText ' | ' [167] link 'Report an Issue'
Add new color red to all sizes of Diana Tights
The next observation would be a detailed products management page within the Magento Admin. This page is titled `Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin` and provides access to the inventory of products. It includes options such as `Add Product`, allowing the user to introduce new items or variants. The page sets the stage for the user to locate the `Diana Tights` product, where they can subsequently add the new color red to all available sizes. The layout remains consistent with previous sections of the admin panel, providing navigation links and a header for easy access to other areas of the admin interface.
{ "neg_action0": "hover [36]", "neg_action1": "scroll [down]", "neg_action2": "click [532]", "neg_action3": null, "neg_action4": null, "neg_action5": "goto [http://homepage.com]", "neg_action6": "close_tab", "neg_action7": "press [Ctrl+F]", "neg_action8": null, "neg_action9": null, "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[546] RootWebArea 'Action Controller: Exception caught' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[551] heading 'ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in Traces#index'", "\t[550] main ''", "\t\t[565] StaticText 'Showing '", "\t\t[567] StaticText '/app/app/views/traces/index.html.erb'", "\t\t[568] StaticText ' where line '", "\t\t[570] StaticText '#68'", "\t\t[571] StaticText ' raised:'", "\t\t[553] Pre ''", "\t\t\t[573] StaticText 'PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation \"gpx_files\" does not exist\\nLINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"gpx_files\" WHERE...\\n ^\\n'" ], "neg_observation3": null, "neg_observation4": null, "neg_observation5": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[116] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[117] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[118] link 'Communities'", "\t[119] link 'Copyright'", "\t[120] link 'Help'", "\t[121] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation8": null, "neg_observation9": null }
[ "hover [36]", "scroll [down]", "click [532]", "click [111]", "tab_focus [1]", "goto [http://homepage.com]", "close_tab", "press [Ctrl+F]", "type [16] [Diana Tights] [1]", "click [537]" ]
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is taken to a section titled 'OpenStreetMap'. The focus shifts away from the Magento Admin dashboard to a map interface, suggesting that the current session context has changed unexpectedly. The new webpage includes various interactive elements such as links to edit, history, and export, as well as buttons for zooming in and out. This change signifies a significant diversion from the intended management tasks within the Magento environment to a mapping service.
click [532]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[546] RootWebArea 'Action Controller: Exception caught' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[551] heading 'ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in Traces#index'", "\t[550] main ''", "\t\t[565] StaticText 'Showing '", "\t\t[567] StaticText '/app/app/views/traces/index.html.erb'", "\t\t[568] StaticText ' where line '", "\t\t[570] StaticText '#68'", "\t\t[571] StaticText ' raised:'", "\t\t[553] Pre ''", "\t\t\t[573] StaticText 'PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation \"gpx_files\" does not exist\\nLINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"gpx_files\" WHERE...\\n ^\\n'" ]
The next observation would be an error state titled 'Action Controller: Exception caught'. Instead of accessing the intended content, the user encounters an error indicating that a critical database table, "gpx_files", does not exist. This error disrupts the interaction flow, presenting a technical failure that prevents the user from completing their task and highlights issues within the backend of the application.
The next observation would be that the state of the webpage remains as it was, with no changes or transitions occurring. The user continues to view the Magento Admin dashboard, maintaining their focus on the previously displayed products and associated functionalities without any new interactions or updates.
The next observation would be that the webpage remains in the current state, with the user still engaged with the Magento Admin dashboard. There are no updates or transitions, and the focus on the dashboard's functionalities and data persists as it was before.
Tab {idx} [1284] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1 [1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1344] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1291] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1295] link '\ue60b SALES' [1299] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1303] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1307] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1311] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1315] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1319] link '\ue60d STORES' [1323] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1327] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1362] heading 'Products' [1363] link '\ue600 admin' [1365] link '\ue607' [1477] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1334] main '' [1367] generic 'Add Product' [1422] button 'Add Product' [1423] button 'Add product of type' [2036] contentinfo '' [2041] link '\ue606' [2042] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [2052] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [2044] link 'Privacy Policy' [2045] StaticText ' |' [2046] link ' Account Activity' [2047] StaticText ' | ' [2048] link 'Report an Issue'
click [473] where [473] is link 'Products'
[ "None", "click [16] where [16] is link '\\ue608 CATALOG'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [54] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [63] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True [75] generic '\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \ue62f Products Categories' [103] link '\ue62f' [104] menu '' orientation: vertical [307] menu '' orientation: vertical [473] link 'Products' [474] link 'Categories' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [83] heading 'Dashboard' [84] link '\ue600 admin' [86] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [89] StaticText 'Scope:' [153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [156] link '\ue633 What is this?' [291] button 'Reload Data' [292] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [351] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [443] link 'here' [660] StaticText 'Revenue' [531] StaticText '$0.00' [661] StaticText 'Tax' [662] StaticText 'Shipping' [663] StaticText 'Quantity' [545] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [453] StaticText '$0.00' [455] StaticText 'Average Order' [460] StaticText 'Last Orders' [461] table '' [672] row '' [776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [777] columnheader 'Items' required: False [778] columnheader 'Total' required: False [673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [780] gridcell '5' required: False [781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [783] gridcell '4' required: False [784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [786] gridcell '3' required: False [787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [789] gridcell '4' required: False [790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [792] gridcell '2' required: False [793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [463] table '' [678] row '' [794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [795] columnheader 'Results' required: False [796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [798] gridcell '23' required: False [799] gridcell '1' required: False [680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [800] gridcell 'nike' required: False [801] gridcell '0' required: False [802] gridcell '3' required: False [681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [804] gridcell '10' required: False [805] gridcell '4' required: False [682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [807] gridcell '1' required: False [808] gridcell '19' required: False [683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [810] gridcell '23' required: False [811] gridcell '2' required: False [464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [465] table '' [684] row '' [812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [813] columnheader 'Results' required: False [814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [816] gridcell '1' required: False [817] gridcell '19' required: False [686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [819] gridcell '10' required: False [820] gridcell '4' required: False [687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [822] gridcell '23' required: False [823] gridcell '2' required: False [688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [825] gridcell '23' required: False [826] gridcell '1' required: False [689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [828] gridcell '1' required: False [829] gridcell '1' required: False [52] contentinfo '' [160] link '\ue606' [161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [163] link 'Privacy Policy' [164] StaticText ' |' [165] link ' Account Activity' [166] StaticText ' | ' [167] link 'Report an Issue'
Add new color red to all sizes of Diana Tights
The next observation would be a detailed products management page within the Magento Admin. This page is titled `Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin` and provides access to the inventory of products. It includes options such as `Add Product`, allowing the user to introduce new items or variants. The page sets the stage for the user to locate the `Diana Tights` product, where they can subsequently add the new color red to all available sizes. The layout remains consistent with previous sections of the admin panel, providing navigation links and a header for easy access to other areas of the admin interface.
{ "neg_action0": "hover [36]", "neg_action1": "scroll [down]", "neg_action2": "click [532]", "neg_action3": null, "neg_action4": null, "neg_action5": "goto [http://homepage.com]", "neg_action6": "close_tab", "neg_action7": "press [Ctrl+F]", "neg_action8": null, "neg_action9": null, "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[546] RootWebArea 'Action Controller: Exception caught' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[551] heading 'ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in Traces#index'", "\t[550] main ''", "\t\t[565] StaticText 'Showing '", "\t\t[567] StaticText '/app/app/views/traces/index.html.erb'", "\t\t[568] StaticText ' where line '", "\t\t[570] StaticText '#68'", "\t\t[571] StaticText ' raised:'", "\t\t[553] Pre ''", "\t\t\t[573] StaticText 'PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation \"gpx_files\" does not exist\\nLINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"gpx_files\" WHERE...\\n ^\\n'" ], "neg_observation3": null, "neg_observation4": null, "neg_observation5": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[116] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[117] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[118] link 'Communities'", "\t[119] link 'Copyright'", "\t[120] link 'Help'", "\t[121] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation8": null, "neg_observation9": null }
[ "hover [36]", "scroll [down]", "click [532]", "click [111]", "tab_focus [1]", "goto [http://homepage.com]", "close_tab", "press [Ctrl+F]", "type [16] [Diana Tights] [1]", "click [537]" ]
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the interface has unexpectedly transitioned to displaying 'OpenStreetMap.' The focus has shifted to a completely different web structure, highlighting an 'OpenStreetMap logo' and various links associated with it. The expected product-related content is absent, indicating a failure in the navigation process. Instead of accessing the products section, the user now sees a map interface, which suggests a significant navigation error or misconfiguration within the application. ### For NEGATIVE ACTION 2 and NEGATIVE OBSERVATION 2
click [532]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[546] RootWebArea 'Action Controller: Exception caught' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[551] heading 'ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in Traces#index'", "\t[550] main ''", "\t\t[565] StaticText 'Showing '", "\t\t[567] StaticText '/app/app/views/traces/index.html.erb'", "\t\t[568] StaticText ' where line '", "\t\t[570] StaticText '#68'", "\t\t[571] StaticText ' raised:'", "\t\t[553] Pre ''", "\t\t\t[573] StaticText 'PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation \"gpx_files\" does not exist\\nLINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"gpx_files\" WHERE...\\n ^\\n'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is presented with an error message indicating an 'ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid' state. The interface has shifted from the previous interaction with the products to an error page focused on a problem with data retrieval. Instead of accessing product management functionalities, the user sees a technical error detailing that a required database table does not exist. This indicates a significant issue within the application, which hinders the ability to complete the intended action successfully.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' focused: True [73] generic '\ue603 CUSTOMERS Customers \ue62f All Customers Now Online Login as Customer Log Customer Groups' [102] link '\ue62f' [103] menu '' orientation: vertical [229] link 'All Customers' [230] link 'Now Online' [231] link 'Login as Customer Log' [232] link 'Customer Groups' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [599] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [600] StaticText 'Tax' [601] StaticText 'Shipping' [602] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [924] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [927] StaticText '$0.00' [929] StaticText 'Average Order' [934] StaticText 'Last Orders' [935] table '' [949] row '' [968] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [969] columnheader 'Items' required: False [970] columnheader 'Total' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [971] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [972] gridcell '5' required: False [973] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [974] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [975] gridcell '4' required: False [976] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [977] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [978] gridcell '3' required: False [979] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [980] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [981] gridcell '4' required: False [982] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [983] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [984] gridcell '2' required: False [985] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [936] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [937] table '' [955] row '' [986] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [987] columnheader 'Results' required: False [988] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [989] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [990] gridcell '23' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [992] gridcell 'nike' required: False [993] gridcell '0' required: False [994] gridcell '3' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [995] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [996] gridcell '10' required: False [997] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [998] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [999] gridcell '1' required: False [1000] gridcell '19' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1001] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1002] gridcell '23' required: False [1003] gridcell '2' required: False [938] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [939] table '' [961] row '' [1004] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1005] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1006] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1007] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1008] gridcell '1' required: False [1009] gridcell '19' required: False [963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1010] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1011] gridcell '10' required: False [1012] gridcell '4' required: False [964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1013] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1014] gridcell '23' required: False [1015] gridcell '2' required: False [965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1016] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1017] gridcell '23' required: False [1018] gridcell '1' required: False [966] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1019] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1020] gridcell '1' required: False [1021] gridcell '1' required: False [886] contentinfo '' [891] link '\ue606' [892] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [903] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [894] link 'Privacy Policy' [895] StaticText ' |' [896] link ' Account Activity' [897] StaticText ' | ' [898] link 'Report an Issue'
click [20] where [20] is link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS'
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [599] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [600] StaticText 'Tax' [601] StaticText 'Shipping' [602] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [924] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [927] StaticText '$0.00' [929] StaticText 'Average Order' [934] StaticText 'Last Orders' [935] table '' [949] row '' [968] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [969] columnheader 'Items' required: False [970] columnheader 'Total' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [971] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [972] gridcell '5' required: False [973] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [974] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [975] gridcell '4' required: False [976] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [977] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [978] gridcell '3' required: False [979] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [980] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [981] gridcell '4' required: False [982] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [983] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [984] gridcell '2' required: False [985] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [936] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [937] table '' [955] row '' [986] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [987] columnheader 'Results' required: False [988] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [989] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [990] gridcell '23' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [992] gridcell 'nike' required: False [993] gridcell '0' required: False [994] gridcell '3' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [995] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [996] gridcell '10' required: False [997] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [998] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [999] gridcell '1' required: False [1000] gridcell '19' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1001] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1002] gridcell '23' required: False [1003] gridcell '2' required: False [938] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [939] table '' [961] row '' [1004] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1005] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1006] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1007] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1008] gridcell '1' required: False [1009] gridcell '19' required: False [963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1010] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1011] gridcell '10' required: False [1012] gridcell '4' required: False [964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1013] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1014] gridcell '23' required: False [1015] gridcell '2' required: False [965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1016] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1017] gridcell '23' required: False [1018] gridcell '1' required: False [966] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1019] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1020] gridcell '1' required: False [1021] gridcell '1' required: False [886] contentinfo '' [891] link '\ue606' [892] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [903] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [894] link 'Privacy Policy' [895] StaticText ' |' [896] link ' Account Activity' [897] StaticText ' | ' [898] link 'Report an Issue'
Tell me the the number of reviews that our store received by far that mention term "amazing"
The next observation would likely present a new view focused on customer-related data. This section may include options to view all customers, their orders, and potentially reviews associated with each customer. By accessing this section, the user can further explore customer feedback, including any reviews that mention the term "amazing." The navigation remains consistent with the Magento Admin layout, allowing for easy access to various reports and functionalities related to customer interactions.
{ "neg_action0": "scroll [up]", "neg_action1": "click [111]", "neg_action2": "press [Ctrl+F]", "neg_action3": "type [164] [amazing] [0]", "neg_action4": null, "neg_action5": null, "neg_action6": null, "neg_action7": "click [64]", "neg_action8": null, "neg_action9": "close_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Error: Timeout 30000ms exceeded.\n=========================== logs ===========================\nnavigating to \"http://ec2-3-131-244-37.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:3000/\", waiting until \"load\"\n============================================================" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[7] generic '' describedby: tooltip831515", "\t\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom in to edit the map'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation4": null, "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": null, "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History' focused: True", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[593] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[594] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation8": null, "neg_observation9": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ] }
[ "scroll [up]", "click [111]", "press [Ctrl+F]", "type [164] [amazing] [0]", "hover [212]", "click [75]", "scroll [down]", "click [64]", "click [210]", "close_tab" ]
click [111]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[7] generic '' describedby: tooltip831515", "\t\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom in to edit the map'" ]
The next observation would be a complete shift from the Magento Admin Dashboard to the OpenStreetMap interface. The focus would now be on the OpenStreetMap logo and its related navigation options, such as editing, viewing history, and exporting data. The user would find themselves in a different context with no access to the intended customer management features of the Magento platform. This unexpected navigation indicates a significant disruption in the expected user experience.
press [Ctrl+F]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the search function is now active within the OpenStreetMap interface instead of the Magento Admin environment. The user would see the search textbox focused and ready for input, but it would be in the context of locating map-related features rather than managing customer data. This shift highlights a disconnection from the anticipated functionality, underscoring the loss of access to the Magento Admin features that were initially intended to be navigated.
type [164] [amazing] [0]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the inputted search term is processed within the OpenStreetMap environment rather than the Magento Admin Dashboard. The search textbox is still focused, but the context is now entirely about locating mapping features instead of customer management tools. This illustrates a clear departure from the intended navigational path, highlighting a frustrating user experience as they attempt to engage with an unrelated service.
The next observation would be that the user is still within the OpenStreetMap interface, with no further interactions occurring. This state of inactivity emphasizes the disconnect from the original Magento Admin environment, leaving the user in a context that they did not intend to access. The absence of further actions illustrates a potential frustration or confusion stemming from the navigation issues experienced earlier, marking a significant deviation from the expected user journey.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' focused: True [73] generic '\ue603 CUSTOMERS Customers \ue62f All Customers Now Online Login as Customer Log Customer Groups' [102] link '\ue62f' [103] menu '' orientation: vertical [229] link 'All Customers' [230] link 'Now Online' [231] link 'Login as Customer Log' [232] link 'Customer Groups' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [599] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [600] StaticText 'Tax' [601] StaticText 'Shipping' [602] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [924] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [927] StaticText '$0.00' [929] StaticText 'Average Order' [934] StaticText 'Last Orders' [935] table '' [949] row '' [968] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [969] columnheader 'Items' required: False [970] columnheader 'Total' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [971] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [972] gridcell '5' required: False [973] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [974] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [975] gridcell '4' required: False [976] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [977] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [978] gridcell '3' required: False [979] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [980] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [981] gridcell '4' required: False [982] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [983] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [984] gridcell '2' required: False [985] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [936] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [937] table '' [955] row '' [986] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [987] columnheader 'Results' required: False [988] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [989] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [990] gridcell '23' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [992] gridcell 'nike' required: False [993] gridcell '0' required: False [994] gridcell '3' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [995] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [996] gridcell '10' required: False [997] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [998] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [999] gridcell '1' required: False [1000] gridcell '19' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1001] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1002] gridcell '23' required: False [1003] gridcell '2' required: False [938] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [939] table '' [961] row '' [1004] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1005] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1006] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1007] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1008] gridcell '1' required: False [1009] gridcell '19' required: False [963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1010] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1011] gridcell '10' required: False [1012] gridcell '4' required: False [964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1013] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1014] gridcell '23' required: False [1015] gridcell '2' required: False [965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1016] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1017] gridcell '23' required: False [1018] gridcell '1' required: False [966] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1019] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1020] gridcell '1' required: False [1021] gridcell '1' required: False [886] contentinfo '' [891] link '\ue606' [892] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [903] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [894] link 'Privacy Policy' [895] StaticText ' |' [896] link ' Account Activity' [897] StaticText ' | ' [898] link 'Report an Issue'
click [20] where [20] is link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS'
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [599] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [600] StaticText 'Tax' [601] StaticText 'Shipping' [602] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [924] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [927] StaticText '$0.00' [929] StaticText 'Average Order' [934] StaticText 'Last Orders' [935] table '' [949] row '' [968] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [969] columnheader 'Items' required: False [970] columnheader 'Total' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [971] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [972] gridcell '5' required: False [973] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [974] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [975] gridcell '4' required: False [976] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [977] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [978] gridcell '3' required: False [979] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [980] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [981] gridcell '4' required: False [982] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [983] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [984] gridcell '2' required: False [985] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [936] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [937] table '' [955] row '' [986] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [987] columnheader 'Results' required: False [988] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [989] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [990] gridcell '23' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [992] gridcell 'nike' required: False [993] gridcell '0' required: False [994] gridcell '3' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [995] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [996] gridcell '10' required: False [997] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [998] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [999] gridcell '1' required: False [1000] gridcell '19' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1001] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1002] gridcell '23' required: False [1003] gridcell '2' required: False [938] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [939] table '' [961] row '' [1004] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1005] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1006] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1007] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1008] gridcell '1' required: False [1009] gridcell '19' required: False [963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1010] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1011] gridcell '10' required: False [1012] gridcell '4' required: False [964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1013] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1014] gridcell '23' required: False [1015] gridcell '2' required: False [965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1016] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1017] gridcell '23' required: False [1018] gridcell '1' required: False [966] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1019] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1020] gridcell '1' required: False [1021] gridcell '1' required: False [886] contentinfo '' [891] link '\ue606' [892] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [903] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [894] link 'Privacy Policy' [895] StaticText ' |' [896] link ' Account Activity' [897] StaticText ' | ' [898] link 'Report an Issue'
Tell me the the number of reviews that our store received by far that mention term "amazing"
The next observation would likely present a new view focused on customer-related data. This section may include options to view all customers, their orders, and potentially reviews associated with each customer. By accessing this section, the user can further explore customer feedback, including any reviews that mention the term "amazing." The navigation remains consistent with the Magento Admin layout, allowing for easy access to various reports and functionalities related to customer interactions.
{ "neg_action0": "scroll [up]", "neg_action1": "click [111]", "neg_action2": "press [Ctrl+F]", "neg_action3": "type [164] [amazing] [0]", "neg_action4": null, "neg_action5": null, "neg_action6": null, "neg_action7": "click [64]", "neg_action8": null, "neg_action9": "close_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Error: Timeout 30000ms exceeded.\n=========================== logs ===========================\nnavigating to \"http://ec2-3-131-244-37.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:3000/\", waiting until \"load\"\n============================================================" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[7] generic '' describedby: tooltip831515", "\t\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom in to edit the map'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation4": null, "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": null, "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History' focused: True", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[593] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[594] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation8": null, "neg_observation9": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ] }
[ "scroll [up]", "click [111]", "press [Ctrl+F]", "type [164] [amazing] [0]", "hover [212]", "click [75]", "scroll [down]", "click [64]", "click [210]", "close_tab" ]
click [111]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[7] generic '' describedby: tooltip831515", "\t\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom in to edit the map'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus has shifted to the "OpenStreetMap" interface, indicating a complete transition from the Magento Admin dashboard. The content now displays a range of links and tools related to map editing, including options for exporting, viewing GPS traces, and accessing user diaries. The administrative elements of Magento have been replaced with mapping functionalities, significantly altering the user's interaction with the webpage. The previous e-commerce metrics and data are no longer present, replaced by geographic features and mapping tools.
press [Ctrl+F]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is now positioned within the OpenStreetMap interface with the search textbox focused. The content and functionality available have transitioned entirely from the Magento Admin dashboard to a mapping environment. The previously accessible sales and catalog data are replaced by options to find directions, edit map features, and access community information. The focus of the webpage has shifted from e-commerce management to geographical exploration and navigation.
type [164] [amazing] [0]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is engaged in a search within the OpenStreetMap platform, with the search textbox still focused. The interaction has shifted away from the Magento Admin functionalities, emphasizing a community and open-source collaboration aspect of mapping. The metrics and administrative tools from the previous state are now absent, replaced by search results and options related to the mapping application, showcasing a user-driven exploration of geographic content.
The next observation would be that the webpage remains in the OpenStreetMap context, emphasizing user exploration and engagement without any further interactive actions. The interface showcases a variety of mapping tools and community resources, maintaining the absence of e-commerce elements that were present in the initial Magento Admin dashboard. The user experience is now centered around geographic information and community collaboration, reinforcing the shift from e-commerce to mapping functionalities.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [54] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [63] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' focused: True [79] generic '\ue60a REPORTS Reports \ue62f Marketing Products in Cart Search Terms Abandoned Carts Newsletter Problem Reports Reviews By Customers By Products Sales Orders Tax Invoiced Shipping Refunds Coupons PayPal Settlement Braintree Settlement Customers Order Total Order Count New Products Views Bestsellers Low Stock Ordered Downloads Statistics Refresh Statistics Business Intelligence Advanced Reporting\ue644 BI Essentials\ue644' [119] link '\ue62f' [120] menu '' orientation: vertical [265] menu '' orientation: vertical [590] StaticText 'Marketing' [492] menu '' orientation: vertical [719] link 'Products in Cart' [720] link 'Search Terms' [721] link 'Abandoned Carts' [722] link 'Newsletter Problem Reports' [595] StaticText 'Reviews' [494] menu '' orientation: vertical [723] link 'By Customers' [724] link 'By Products' [266] menu '' orientation: vertical [598] StaticText 'Sales' [496] menu '' orientation: vertical [725] link 'Orders' [726] link 'Tax' [727] link 'Invoiced' [728] link 'Shipping' [729] link 'Refunds' [730] link 'Coupons' [731] link 'PayPal Settlement' [732] link 'Braintree Settlement' [267] menu '' orientation: vertical [607] StaticText 'Customers' [498] menu '' orientation: vertical [733] link 'Order Total' [734] link 'Order Count' [735] link 'New' [611] StaticText 'Products' [500] menu '' orientation: vertical [736] link 'Views' [737] link 'Bestsellers' [738] link 'Low Stock' [739] link 'Ordered' [740] link 'Downloads' [617] StaticText 'Statistics' [502] menu '' orientation: vertical [741] link 'Refresh Statistics' [268] menu '' orientation: vertical [619] StaticText 'Business Intelligence' [504] menu '' orientation: vertical [742] link 'Advanced Reporting\ue644' [743] link 'BI Essentials\ue644' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [83] heading 'Dashboard' [84] link '\ue600 admin' [86] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [89] StaticText 'Scope:' [153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [156] link '\ue633 What is this?' [291] button 'Reload Data' [292] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [351] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [443] link 'here' [660] StaticText 'Revenue' [531] StaticText '$0.00' [661] StaticText 'Tax' [662] StaticText 'Shipping' [663] StaticText 'Quantity' [545] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [453] StaticText '$0.00' [455] StaticText 'Average Order' [460] StaticText 'Last Orders' [461] table '' [672] row '' [776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [777] columnheader 'Items' required: False [778] columnheader 'Total' required: False [673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [780] gridcell '5' required: False [781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [783] gridcell '4' required: False [784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [786] gridcell '3' required: False [787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [789] gridcell '4' required: False [790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [792] gridcell '2' required: False [793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [463] table '' [678] row '' [794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [795] columnheader 'Results' required: False [796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [798] gridcell '23' required: False [799] gridcell '1' required: False [680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [800] gridcell 'nike' required: False [801] gridcell '0' required: False [802] gridcell '3' required: False [681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [804] gridcell '10' required: False [805] gridcell '4' required: False [682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [807] gridcell '1' required: False [808] gridcell '19' required: False [683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [810] gridcell '23' required: False [811] gridcell '2' required: False [464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [465] table '' [684] row '' [812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [813] columnheader 'Results' required: False [814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [816] gridcell '1' required: False [817] gridcell '19' required: False [686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [819] gridcell '10' required: False [820] gridcell '4' required: False [687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [822] gridcell '23' required: False [823] gridcell '2' required: False [688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [825] gridcell '23' required: False [826] gridcell '1' required: False [689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [828] gridcell '1' required: False [829] gridcell '1' required: False [52] contentinfo '' [160] link '\ue606' [161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [163] link 'Privacy Policy' [164] StaticText ' |' [165] link ' Account Activity' [166] StaticText ' | ' [167] link 'Report an Issue'
hover [32] where [32] is link '\ue60a REPORTS' focused: True
[ "None", "click [32] where [32] is link '\\ue60a REPORTS'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [54] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [63] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' focused: True [79] generic '\ue60a REPORTS Reports \ue62f Marketing Products in Cart Search Terms Abandoned Carts Newsletter Problem Reports Reviews By Customers By Products Sales Orders Tax Invoiced Shipping Refunds Coupons PayPal Settlement Braintree Settlement Customers Order Total Order Count New Products Views Bestsellers Low Stock Ordered Downloads Statistics Refresh Statistics Business Intelligence Advanced Reporting\ue644 BI Essentials\ue644' [119] link '\ue62f' [120] menu '' orientation: vertical [265] menu '' orientation: vertical [590] StaticText 'Marketing' [492] menu '' orientation: vertical [719] link 'Products in Cart' [720] link 'Search Terms' [721] link 'Abandoned Carts' [722] link 'Newsletter Problem Reports' [595] StaticText 'Reviews' [494] menu '' orientation: vertical [723] link 'By Customers' [724] link 'By Products' [266] menu '' orientation: vertical [598] StaticText 'Sales' [496] menu '' orientation: vertical [725] link 'Orders' [726] link 'Tax' [727] link 'Invoiced' [728] link 'Shipping' [729] link 'Refunds' [730] link 'Coupons' [731] link 'PayPal Settlement' [732] link 'Braintree Settlement' [267] menu '' orientation: vertical [607] StaticText 'Customers' [498] menu '' orientation: vertical [733] link 'Order Total' [734] link 'Order Count' [735] link 'New' [611] StaticText 'Products' [500] menu '' orientation: vertical [736] link 'Views' [737] link 'Bestsellers' [738] link 'Low Stock' [739] link 'Ordered' [740] link 'Downloads' [617] StaticText 'Statistics' [502] menu '' orientation: vertical [741] link 'Refresh Statistics' [268] menu '' orientation: vertical [619] StaticText 'Business Intelligence' [504] menu '' orientation: vertical [742] link 'Advanced Reporting\ue644' [743] link 'BI Essentials\ue644' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [83] heading 'Dashboard' [84] link '\ue600 admin' [86] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [89] StaticText 'Scope:' [153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [156] link '\ue633 What is this?' [291] button 'Reload Data' [292] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [351] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [443] link 'here' [660] StaticText 'Revenue' [531] StaticText '$0.00' [661] StaticText 'Tax' [662] StaticText 'Shipping' [663] StaticText 'Quantity' [545] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [453] StaticText '$0.00' [455] StaticText 'Average Order' [460] StaticText 'Last Orders' [461] table '' [672] row '' [776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [777] columnheader 'Items' required: False [778] columnheader 'Total' required: False [673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [780] gridcell '5' required: False [781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [783] gridcell '4' required: False [784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [786] gridcell '3' required: False [787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [789] gridcell '4' required: False [790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [792] gridcell '2' required: False [793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [463] table '' [678] row '' [794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [795] columnheader 'Results' required: False [796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [798] gridcell '23' required: False [799] gridcell '1' required: False [680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [800] gridcell 'nike' required: False [801] gridcell '0' required: False [802] gridcell '3' required: False [681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [804] gridcell '10' required: False [805] gridcell '4' required: False [682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [807] gridcell '1' required: False [808] gridcell '19' required: False [683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [810] gridcell '23' required: False [811] gridcell '2' required: False [464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [465] table '' [684] row '' [812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [813] columnheader 'Results' required: False [814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [816] gridcell '1' required: False [817] gridcell '19' required: False [686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [819] gridcell '10' required: False [820] gridcell '4' required: False [687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [822] gridcell '23' required: False [823] gridcell '2' required: False [688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [825] gridcell '23' required: False [826] gridcell '1' required: False [689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [828] gridcell '1' required: False [829] gridcell '1' required: False [52] contentinfo '' [160] link '\ue606' [161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [163] link 'Privacy Policy' [164] StaticText ' |' [165] link ' Account Activity' [166] StaticText ' | ' [167] link 'Report an Issue'
Create a inventory report from 11/01/2022 to 12/31/2022
The next observation would still display the `Dashboard / Magento Admin` layout, but now with the `REPORTS` link actively focused. This indicates that the drop-down menu associated with the `REPORTS` link is ready for interaction, providing the user with options to select different types of reports, such as Sales, Marketing, and Customer reports. The user is now positioned to choose specific reporting options relevant to creating an inventory report for the specified date range from 11/01/2022 to 12/31/2022, facilitating their objective.
{ "neg_action0": "click [70]", "neg_action1": "click [71]", "neg_action2": "click [72]", "neg_action3": "scroll [down]", "neg_action4": "scroll [up]", "neg_action5": "hover [3838]", "neg_action6": "type [164] [inventory report] [1]", "neg_action7": "click [3832]", "neg_action8": "scroll [left]", "neg_action9": "go_back", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3933] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3980] link 'My Account'", "\t[3981] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3982] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3986] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3954] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3948] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3956] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3957] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4097] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4098] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4033] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4101] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4012] button 'Search'", "\t[4013] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4015] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4017] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4019] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4021] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4023] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4025] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4027] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4029] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3973] link 'My Account'", "\t[3974] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3975] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3979] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4090] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4091] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4026] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4094] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4005] button 'Search'", "\t[4006] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4008] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4010] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4012] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4014] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4016] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4018] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4020] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4022] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[64] link 'My Account'", "\t[65] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[66] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[31] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[20] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[33] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[34] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[227] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[228] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[126] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[231] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[99] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[27] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1390] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1409] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1467] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1468] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1427] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1517] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1659] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1518] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1585] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1586] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1587] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1411] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1474] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1475] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1433] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1589] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1526] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1527] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1529] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1598] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1599] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1600] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1413] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1439] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1602] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1535] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1536] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1538] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1611] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1612] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1613] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1415] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1445] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1615] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1544] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1686] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1545] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1547] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1624] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1625] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1626] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1417] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1451] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1628] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1553] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1695] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1554] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1556] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1637] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1638] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1639] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1419] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1502] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1562] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1643] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1644] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1645] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1421] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1507] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1508] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1462] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1647] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1568] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1710] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1569] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1571] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1656] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1657] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1658] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1423] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1514] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1869] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1835] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1944] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1906] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1994] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1907] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1909] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1953] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1954] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1955] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1823] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1875] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1876] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1915] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1959] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1960] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1961] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1825] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1880] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1881] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1846] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1963] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1921] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2009] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1922] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1924] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1972] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1973] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1974] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1827] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1887] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1888] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1930] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1978] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1979] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1980] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1829] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1892] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1893] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1857] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1982] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1936] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2024] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1937] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1939] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1991] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1992] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1993] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1805] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1815] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1807] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1899] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1832] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1833] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1759] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1808] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1819] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1810] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1793] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1779] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1780] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1781] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1782] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1772] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1774] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1776] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1577] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1502] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1759] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1661] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1893] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1662] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1664] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1768] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1769] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1583] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1584] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1508] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1772] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1670] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1902] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1671] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1673] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1781] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1782] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1590] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1591] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1514] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1785] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1679] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1911] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1680] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1682] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1794] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1795] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1480] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1597] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1598] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1520] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1798] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1688] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1920] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1689] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1691] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1807] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1808] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1604] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1605] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1526] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1811] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1697] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1929] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1698] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1700] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1820] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1821] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1611] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1612] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1706] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1826] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1827] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1486] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1616] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1617] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1830] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1712] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1944] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1713] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1715] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1839] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1840] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1488] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1623] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1624] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1543] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1721] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1953] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1722] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1724] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1852] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1853] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1490] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1630] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1631] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1730] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1858] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1859] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1492] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1635] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1636] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1554] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1862] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1736] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1968] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1737] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1739] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1871] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1872] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1642] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1643] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1745] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1877] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1878] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1496] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1647] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1648] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1565] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1881] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1751] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1983] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1752] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1754] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1890] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1891] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1451] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1468] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1453] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1654] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1499] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1500] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1399] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1454] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1472] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1456] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1432] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1419] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1420] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1421] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1422] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1412] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1503] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1509] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1515] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1481] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1521] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[34] link 'My Account'", "\t[35] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[36] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[17] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[14] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[19] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[20] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[97] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[98] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[77] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[101] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[70] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[362] main ''", "\t\t[369] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[420] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1092] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1511] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1512] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1282] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1689] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1591] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1823] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1592] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1594] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1698] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1699] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1700] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1094] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1518] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1519] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1288] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1702] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1600] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1832] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1601] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1603] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1711] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1712] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1713] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1096] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1525] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1526] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1294] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1715] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1609] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1610] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1612] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1724] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1725] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1726] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1098] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1532] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1533] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1300] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1728] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1618] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1619] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1621] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1737] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1738] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1739] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1100] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1539] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1540] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2003] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[2005] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[967] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1433] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1434] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1195] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1498] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1463] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1548] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1464] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1466] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1507] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1508] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1509] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[969] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1440] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1441] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1201] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1511] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1472] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1557] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1473] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1475] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1520] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1521] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1522] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[971] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1447] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1448] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1524] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1481] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1566] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1482] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1484] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1533] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1534] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1535] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1454] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1455] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1537] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1490] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1575] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1491] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1493] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1546] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1547] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1866] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1675] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1748] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1749] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1619] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1621] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3946] RootWebArea 'Cell Phones & Accessories' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3993] link 'My Account'", "\t[3994] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3995] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3999] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3967] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3961] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3969] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3970] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4109] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4110] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4046] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4113] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4025] button 'Search'", "\t[4026] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4028] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4030] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4032] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4034] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4036] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4038] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4040] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4042] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1496] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1222] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1648] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1565] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1763] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1566] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1568] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1657] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1658] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1659] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1503] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1504] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1228] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1661] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1574] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1772] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1575] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1577] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1670] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1671] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1672] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1510] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1511] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1234] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1674] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1583] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1781] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1584] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1586] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1683] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1684] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1685] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[987] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1517] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1518] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1240] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1687] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1592] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1790] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1593] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1595] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1696] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1697] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1698] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[989] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1524] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1525] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1246] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1700] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1601] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1799] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1602] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1604] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1709] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1710] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1711] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[991] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1531] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1532] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1610] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1715] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1716] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1717] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[993] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1536] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1537] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1257] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1719] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1616] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1814] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1617] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1619] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1728] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1729] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1730] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[995] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1543] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1544] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1263] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1732] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1625] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1823] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1626] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1628] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1741] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1742] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1743] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[997] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1550] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1551] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1634] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1747] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1748] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1749] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[999] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1555] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1556] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1274] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1751] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1640] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1838] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1641] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1643] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1760] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1761] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1762] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1001] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1562] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1984] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[2002] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[2018] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2019] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2020] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1988] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1989] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1972] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[2022] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[2008] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2040] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[2009] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[2011] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[2031] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2032] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2033] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1946] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1953] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1948] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1995] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1964] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1965] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1903] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1949] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1957] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1951] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1937] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1923] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1924] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1925] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1926] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1916] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1918] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1920] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[3926] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ] }
[ "click [70]", "click [71]", "click [72]", "scroll [down]", "scroll [up]", "hover [3838]", "type [164] [inventory report] [1]", "click [3832]", "scroll [left]", "go_back" ]
click [71]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3973] link 'My Account'", "\t[3974] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3975] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3979] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4090] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4091] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4026] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4094] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4005] button 'Search'", "\t[4006] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4008] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4010] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4012] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4014] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4016] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4018] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4020] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4022] link 'Electronics'" ]
The next observation would be a transition to the 'Customer Login' interface, where the primary focus shifts from the dashboard to a login system. The user is presented with login options such as 'My Account' and 'Sign In', rather than the previously focused reports and data analytics. The dashboard's detailed statistics and navigation links are replaced by simpler login-related content, indicating a potential disruption in the workflow that may cause confusion for the user.
click [72]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[64] link 'My Account'", "\t[65] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[66] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[31] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[20] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[33] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[34] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[227] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[228] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[126] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[231] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[99] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[27] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1390] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1409] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1467] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1468] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1427] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1517] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1659] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1518] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1585] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1586] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1587] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1411] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1474] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1475] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1433] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1589] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1526] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1527] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1529] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1598] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1599] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1600] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1413] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1439] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1602] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1535] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1536] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1538] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1611] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1612] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1613] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1415] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1445] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1615] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1544] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1686] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1545] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1547] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1624] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1625] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1626] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1417] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1451] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1628] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1553] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1695] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1554] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1556] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1637] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1638] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1639] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1419] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1502] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1562] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1643] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1644] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1645] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1421] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1507] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1508] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1462] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1647] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1568] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1710] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1569] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1571] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1656] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1657] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1658] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1423] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1514] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1869] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1835] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1944] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1906] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1994] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1907] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1909] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1953] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1954] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1955] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1823] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1875] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1876] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1915] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1959] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1960] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1961] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1825] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1880] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1881] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1846] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1963] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1921] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2009] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1922] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1924] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1972] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1973] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1974] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1827] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1887] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1888] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1930] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1978] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1979] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1980] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1829] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1892] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1893] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1857] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1982] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1936] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2024] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1937] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1939] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1991] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1992] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1993] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1805] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1815] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1807] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1899] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1832] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1833] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1759] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1808] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1819] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1810] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1793] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1779] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1780] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1781] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1782] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1772] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1774] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1776] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be a switch to the 'One Stop Market' interface, presenting product categories and shopping options instead of the previous reports. The format changes to a more consumer-oriented layout, featuring links for 'My Account', 'My Wish List', and product showcases rather than administrative tasks. This shift in focus from backend management to frontend shopping reflects a significant alteration in user experience and functionality.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1577] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1502] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1759] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1661] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1893] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1662] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1664] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1768] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1769] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1583] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1584] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1508] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1772] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1670] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1902] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1671] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1673] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1781] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1782] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1590] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1591] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1514] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1785] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1679] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1911] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1680] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1682] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1794] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1795] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1480] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1597] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1598] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1520] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1798] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1688] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1920] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1689] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1691] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1807] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1808] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1604] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1605] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1526] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1811] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1697] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1929] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1698] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1700] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1820] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1821] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1611] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1612] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1706] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1826] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1827] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1486] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1616] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1617] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1830] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1712] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1944] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1713] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1715] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1839] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1840] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1488] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1623] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1624] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1543] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1721] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1953] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1722] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1724] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1852] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1853] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1490] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1630] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1631] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1730] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1858] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1859] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1492] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1635] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1636] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1554] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1862] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1736] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1968] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1737] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1739] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1871] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1872] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1642] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1643] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1745] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1877] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1878] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1496] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1647] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1648] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1565] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1881] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1751] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1983] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1752] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1754] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1890] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1891] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1451] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1468] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1453] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1654] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1499] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1500] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1399] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1454] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1472] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1456] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1432] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1419] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1420] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1421] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1422] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1412] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be an expansion of the 'One Stop Market' interface, revealing more product options and categories. The content dynamically updates to show additional items available for purchase, providing a more extensive browsing experience. This change enhances user interaction by allowing them to engage with more products than what was initially visible, thereby shifting focus from a limited view to a more expansive shopping array.
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1503] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1509] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1515] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1481] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1521] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1527] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1485] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1487] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1538] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1544] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1491] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1493] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1555] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1495] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1566] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1452] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1454] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1500] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1501] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1399] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1455] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1473] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1457] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1433] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1419] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1420] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1421] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1422] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1412] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be a reversion to earlier sections of the 'One Stop Market' interface, allowing the user to revisit previously viewed products and categories. The browsing experience is enhanced as the user can seamlessly navigate back to earlier content, reinforcing engagement with the products. This scroll action emphasizes the continuous nature of the shopping experience, where users can fluidly move through different sections of the webpage.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [54] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [63] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' focused: True [79] generic '\ue60a REPORTS Reports \ue62f Marketing Products in Cart Search Terms Abandoned Carts Newsletter Problem Reports Reviews By Customers By Products Sales Orders Tax Invoiced Shipping Refunds Coupons PayPal Settlement Braintree Settlement Customers Order Total Order Count New Products Views Bestsellers Low Stock Ordered Downloads Statistics Refresh Statistics Business Intelligence Advanced Reporting\ue644 BI Essentials\ue644' [119] link '\ue62f' [120] menu '' orientation: vertical [265] menu '' orientation: vertical [590] StaticText 'Marketing' [492] menu '' orientation: vertical [719] link 'Products in Cart' [720] link 'Search Terms' [721] link 'Abandoned Carts' [722] link 'Newsletter Problem Reports' [595] StaticText 'Reviews' [494] menu '' orientation: vertical [723] link 'By Customers' [724] link 'By Products' [266] menu '' orientation: vertical [598] StaticText 'Sales' [496] menu '' orientation: vertical [725] link 'Orders' [726] link 'Tax' [727] link 'Invoiced' [728] link 'Shipping' [729] link 'Refunds' [730] link 'Coupons' [731] link 'PayPal Settlement' [732] link 'Braintree Settlement' [267] menu '' orientation: vertical [607] StaticText 'Customers' [498] menu '' orientation: vertical [733] link 'Order Total' [734] link 'Order Count' [735] link 'New' [611] StaticText 'Products' [500] menu '' orientation: vertical [736] link 'Views' [737] link 'Bestsellers' [738] link 'Low Stock' [739] link 'Ordered' [740] link 'Downloads' [617] StaticText 'Statistics' [502] menu '' orientation: vertical [741] link 'Refresh Statistics' [268] menu '' orientation: vertical [619] StaticText 'Business Intelligence' [504] menu '' orientation: vertical [742] link 'Advanced Reporting\ue644' [743] link 'BI Essentials\ue644' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [83] heading 'Dashboard' [84] link '\ue600 admin' [86] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [89] StaticText 'Scope:' [153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [156] link '\ue633 What is this?' [291] button 'Reload Data' [292] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [351] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [443] link 'here' [660] StaticText 'Revenue' [531] StaticText '$0.00' [661] StaticText 'Tax' [662] StaticText 'Shipping' [663] StaticText 'Quantity' [545] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [453] StaticText '$0.00' [455] StaticText 'Average Order' [460] StaticText 'Last Orders' [461] table '' [672] row '' [776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [777] columnheader 'Items' required: False [778] columnheader 'Total' required: False [673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [780] gridcell '5' required: False [781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [783] gridcell '4' required: False [784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [786] gridcell '3' required: False [787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [789] gridcell '4' required: False [790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [792] gridcell '2' required: False [793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [463] table '' [678] row '' [794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [795] columnheader 'Results' required: False [796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [798] gridcell '23' required: False [799] gridcell '1' required: False [680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [800] gridcell 'nike' required: False [801] gridcell '0' required: False [802] gridcell '3' required: False [681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [804] gridcell '10' required: False [805] gridcell '4' required: False [682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [807] gridcell '1' required: False [808] gridcell '19' required: False [683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [810] gridcell '23' required: False [811] gridcell '2' required: False [464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [465] table '' [684] row '' [812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [813] columnheader 'Results' required: False [814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [816] gridcell '1' required: False [817] gridcell '19' required: False [686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [819] gridcell '10' required: False [820] gridcell '4' required: False [687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [822] gridcell '23' required: False [823] gridcell '2' required: False [688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [825] gridcell '23' required: False [826] gridcell '1' required: False [689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [828] gridcell '1' required: False [829] gridcell '1' required: False [52] contentinfo '' [160] link '\ue606' [161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [163] link 'Privacy Policy' [164] StaticText ' |' [165] link ' Account Activity' [166] StaticText ' | ' [167] link 'Report an Issue'
hover [32] where [32] is link '\ue60a REPORTS' focused: True
[ "None", "click [32] where [32] is link '\\ue60a REPORTS'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [54] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [63] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' focused: True [79] generic '\ue60a REPORTS Reports \ue62f Marketing Products in Cart Search Terms Abandoned Carts Newsletter Problem Reports Reviews By Customers By Products Sales Orders Tax Invoiced Shipping Refunds Coupons PayPal Settlement Braintree Settlement Customers Order Total Order Count New Products Views Bestsellers Low Stock Ordered Downloads Statistics Refresh Statistics Business Intelligence Advanced Reporting\ue644 BI Essentials\ue644' [119] link '\ue62f' [120] menu '' orientation: vertical [265] menu '' orientation: vertical [590] StaticText 'Marketing' [492] menu '' orientation: vertical [719] link 'Products in Cart' [720] link 'Search Terms' [721] link 'Abandoned Carts' [722] link 'Newsletter Problem Reports' [595] StaticText 'Reviews' [494] menu '' orientation: vertical [723] link 'By Customers' [724] link 'By Products' [266] menu '' orientation: vertical [598] StaticText 'Sales' [496] menu '' orientation: vertical [725] link 'Orders' [726] link 'Tax' [727] link 'Invoiced' [728] link 'Shipping' [729] link 'Refunds' [730] link 'Coupons' [731] link 'PayPal Settlement' [732] link 'Braintree Settlement' [267] menu '' orientation: vertical [607] StaticText 'Customers' [498] menu '' orientation: vertical [733] link 'Order Total' [734] link 'Order Count' [735] link 'New' [611] StaticText 'Products' [500] menu '' orientation: vertical [736] link 'Views' [737] link 'Bestsellers' [738] link 'Low Stock' [739] link 'Ordered' [740] link 'Downloads' [617] StaticText 'Statistics' [502] menu '' orientation: vertical [741] link 'Refresh Statistics' [268] menu '' orientation: vertical [619] StaticText 'Business Intelligence' [504] menu '' orientation: vertical [742] link 'Advanced Reporting\ue644' [743] link 'BI Essentials\ue644' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [83] heading 'Dashboard' [84] link '\ue600 admin' [86] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [89] StaticText 'Scope:' [153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [156] link '\ue633 What is this?' [291] button 'Reload Data' [292] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [351] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [443] link 'here' [660] StaticText 'Revenue' [531] StaticText '$0.00' [661] StaticText 'Tax' [662] StaticText 'Shipping' [663] StaticText 'Quantity' [545] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [453] StaticText '$0.00' [455] StaticText 'Average Order' [460] StaticText 'Last Orders' [461] table '' [672] row '' [776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [777] columnheader 'Items' required: False [778] columnheader 'Total' required: False [673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [780] gridcell '5' required: False [781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [783] gridcell '4' required: False [784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [786] gridcell '3' required: False [787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [789] gridcell '4' required: False [790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [792] gridcell '2' required: False [793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [463] table '' [678] row '' [794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [795] columnheader 'Results' required: False [796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [798] gridcell '23' required: False [799] gridcell '1' required: False [680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [800] gridcell 'nike' required: False [801] gridcell '0' required: False [802] gridcell '3' required: False [681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [804] gridcell '10' required: False [805] gridcell '4' required: False [682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [807] gridcell '1' required: False [808] gridcell '19' required: False [683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [810] gridcell '23' required: False [811] gridcell '2' required: False [464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [465] table '' [684] row '' [812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [813] columnheader 'Results' required: False [814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [816] gridcell '1' required: False [817] gridcell '19' required: False [686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [819] gridcell '10' required: False [820] gridcell '4' required: False [687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [822] gridcell '23' required: False [823] gridcell '2' required: False [688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [825] gridcell '23' required: False [826] gridcell '1' required: False [689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [828] gridcell '1' required: False [829] gridcell '1' required: False [52] contentinfo '' [160] link '\ue606' [161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [163] link 'Privacy Policy' [164] StaticText ' |' [165] link ' Account Activity' [166] StaticText ' | ' [167] link 'Report an Issue'
Create a inventory report from 11/01/2022 to 12/31/2022
The next observation would still display the `Dashboard / Magento Admin` layout, but now with the `REPORTS` link actively focused. This indicates that the drop-down menu associated with the `REPORTS` link is ready for interaction, providing the user with options to select different types of reports, such as Sales, Marketing, and Customer reports. The user is now positioned to choose specific reporting options relevant to creating an inventory report for the specified date range from 11/01/2022 to 12/31/2022, facilitating their objective.
{ "neg_action0": "click [70]", "neg_action1": "click [71]", "neg_action2": "click [72]", "neg_action3": "scroll [down]", "neg_action4": "scroll [up]", "neg_action5": "hover [3838]", "neg_action6": "type [164] [inventory report] [1]", "neg_action7": "click [3832]", "neg_action8": "scroll [left]", "neg_action9": "go_back", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3933] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3980] link 'My Account'", "\t[3981] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3982] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3986] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3954] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3948] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3956] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3957] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4097] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4098] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4033] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4101] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4012] button 'Search'", "\t[4013] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4015] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4017] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4019] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4021] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4023] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4025] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4027] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4029] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3973] link 'My Account'", "\t[3974] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3975] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3979] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4090] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4091] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4026] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4094] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4005] button 'Search'", "\t[4006] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4008] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4010] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4012] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4014] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4016] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4018] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4020] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4022] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[64] link 'My Account'", "\t[65] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[66] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[31] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[20] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[33] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[34] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[227] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[228] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[126] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[231] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[99] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1774] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1776] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1577] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1502] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1759] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1661] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1893] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1662] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1664] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1768] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1769] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1583] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1584] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1508] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1772] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1670] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1902] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1671] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1673] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1781] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1782] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1590] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1591] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1514] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1785] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1679] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1911] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1680] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1682] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1794] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1795] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1480] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1597] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1598] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1520] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1798] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1688] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1920] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1689] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1691] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1807] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1808] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1604] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1605] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1503] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1509] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1515] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1481] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1521] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[34] link 'My Account'", "\t[35] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[36] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[17] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[14] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[19] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[20] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[97] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[98] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[77] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[101] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[70] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[362] main ''", "\t\t[369] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[420] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1092] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1511] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1512] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1282] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1689] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1591] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1823] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1592] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1594] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1698] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1699] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1700] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1094] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1518] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1519] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1288] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1702] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1600] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1832] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1601] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1603] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1711] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1712] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1713] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1096] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1525] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1526] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1294] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1715] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1609] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1610] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1612] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1724] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1725] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1726] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1098] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1532] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1533] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1300] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1728] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1618] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1619] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1621] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1737] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1738] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1739] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1100] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1539] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1540] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2003] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[2005] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[967] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1433] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1434] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1195] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1498] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1463] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1548] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1464] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1466] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1507] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1508] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1509] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[969] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1440] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1441] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1201] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1511] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1472] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1557] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1473] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1475] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1520] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1521] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1522] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[971] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1447] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1448] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1524] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1481] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1566] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1482] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1484] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1533] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1534] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1535] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1454] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1455] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1537] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1490] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1575] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1491] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1493] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1546] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1547] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1866] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1675] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1748] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1749] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1619] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1621] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3946] RootWebArea 'Cell Phones & Accessories' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3993] link 'My Account'", "\t[3994] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3995] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3999] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3967] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3961] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3969] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3970] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4109] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4110] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4046] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4113] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4025] button 'Search'", "\t[4026] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4028] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4030] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4032] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4034] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4036] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4038] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4040] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4042] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1496] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1222] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1648] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1565] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1763] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1566] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1568] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1657] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1658] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1659] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1503] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1504] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1228] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1661] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1574] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1772] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1575] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1577] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1670] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1671] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1672] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1510] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1511] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1234] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1674] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1583] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1781] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1584] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1586] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1683] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1684] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1685] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[987] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1517] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1518] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1240] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1687] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1592] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1790] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1593] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1595] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1696] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1697] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1698] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[989] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1524] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1525] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1246] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1700] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1601] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1799] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1602] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1604] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1709] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1710] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1711] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[991] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1531] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1532] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1610] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1715] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1716] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1717] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[993] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1536] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1537] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1257] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1719] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1616] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1814] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1617] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1619] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1728] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1729] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1730] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[995] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1543] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1544] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1263] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1732] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1625] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1823] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1626] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1628] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1741] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1742] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1743] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[997] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1550] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1551] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1634] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1747] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1748] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1749] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[999] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1555] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1556] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1274] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1751] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1640] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1838] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1641] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1643] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1760] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1761] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1762] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1001] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1562] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1984] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[2002] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[2018] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2019] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2020] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1988] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1989] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1972] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[2022] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[2008] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2040] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[2009] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[2011] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[2031] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2032] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2033] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1946] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1953] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1948] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1995] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1964] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1965] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1903] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1949] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1957] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1951] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1937] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1923] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1924] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1925] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1926] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1916] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1918] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1920] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[3926] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ] }
[ "click [70]", "click [71]", "click [72]", "scroll [down]", "scroll [up]", "hover [3838]", "type [164] [inventory report] [1]", "click [3832]", "scroll [left]", "go_back" ]
click [71]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3973] link 'My Account'", "\t[3974] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3975] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3979] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4090] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4091] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4026] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4094] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4005] button 'Search'", "\t[4006] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4008] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4010] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4012] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4014] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4016] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4018] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4020] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4022] link 'Electronics'" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage transitions from the 'Magento Admin' dashboard to the 'Customer Login' area. The focus shifts to the user account management features, such as 'My Account', 'My Wish List', and 'Sign In'. The interface now emphasizes customer-related actions rather than admin tasks, indicating a complete context shift from the administrative dashboard to customer-centric functionalities.
click [72]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[64] link 'My Account'", "\t[65] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[66] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[31] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[20] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[33] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[34] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[227] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[228] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[126] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[231] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[99] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[27] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1390] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1409] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1467] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1468] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1427] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1517] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1659] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1518] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1585] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1586] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1587] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1411] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1474] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1475] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1433] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1589] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1526] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1527] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1529] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1598] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1599] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1600] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1413] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1439] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1602] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1535] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1536] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1538] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1611] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1612] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1613] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1415] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1445] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1615] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1544] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1686] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1545] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1547] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1624] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1625] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1626] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1417] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1451] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1628] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1553] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1695] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1554] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1556] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1637] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1638] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1639] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1419] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1502] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1562] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1643] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1644] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1645] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1421] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1507] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1508] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1462] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1647] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1568] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1710] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1569] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1571] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1656] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1657] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1658] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1423] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1514] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1869] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1835] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1944] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1906] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1994] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1907] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1909] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1953] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1954] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1955] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1823] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1875] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1876] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1915] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1959] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1960] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1961] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1825] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1880] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1881] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1846] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1963] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1921] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2009] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1922] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1924] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1972] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1973] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1974] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1827] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1887] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1888] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1930] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1978] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1979] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1980] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1829] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1892] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1893] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1857] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1982] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1936] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2024] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1937] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1939] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1991] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1992] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1993] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1805] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1815] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1807] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1899] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1832] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1833] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1759] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1808] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1819] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1810] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1793] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1779] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1780] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1781] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1782] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1772] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1774] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1776] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be a transition where the user is signed out from the 'One Stop Market'. The webpage now displays customer-centric elements like 'Welcome to One Stop Market', emphasizing shopping options rather than administrative tasks. The focus on account management is replaced with product showcases and navigation links relevant to customers instead of admin functionalities.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1577] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1502] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1759] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1661] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1893] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1662] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1664] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1768] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1769] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1583] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1584] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1508] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1772] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1670] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1902] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1671] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1673] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1781] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1782] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1590] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1591] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1514] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1785] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1679] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1911] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1680] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1682] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1794] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1795] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1480] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1597] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1598] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1520] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1798] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1688] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1920] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1689] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1691] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1807] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1808] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1604] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1605] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1526] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1811] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1697] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1929] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1698] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1700] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1820] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1821] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1611] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1612] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1706] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1826] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1827] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1486] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1616] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1617] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1830] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1712] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1944] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1713] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1715] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1839] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1840] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1488] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1623] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1624] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1543] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1721] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1953] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1722] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1724] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1852] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1853] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1490] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1630] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1631] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1730] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1858] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1859] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1492] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1635] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1636] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1554] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1862] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1736] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1968] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1737] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1739] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1871] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1872] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1494] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1642] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1643] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1745] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1877] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1878] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1496] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1647] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1648] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1565] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1881] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1751] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1983] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1752] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1754] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1890] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1891] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1451] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1468] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1453] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1654] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1499] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1500] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1399] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1454] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1472] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1456] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1432] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1419] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1420] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1421] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1422] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1412] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage reveals additional product listings and promotional content within the 'One Stop Market'. This transition highlights the ongoing customer shopping experience, showcasing more items and enhancing product visibility as the user explores the site further.
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1503] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1509] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1515] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1481] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1521] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1527] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1485] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1487] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1538] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1544] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1491] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1493] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1555] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1495] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1566] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1452] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1454] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1500] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1501] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1399] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1455] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1473] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1457] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1433] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1419] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1420] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1421] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1422] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1412] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage reveals previously hidden content within the 'One Stop Market', such as earlier product listings and account management options. The user is able to re-engage with the account interface or view previously displayed items as they navigate back through the content.
Tab 0 (current): Shipments / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1255] RootWebArea 'Shipments / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [1307] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1314] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1260] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1262] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1266] link '\ue60b SALES' [1270] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1274] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1278] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1282] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1286] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1290] link '\ue60d STORES' [1294] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1298] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1331] heading 'Shipments' [1332] link '\ue600 admin' [1334] link '\ue607' [2004] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1305] main '' [2179] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2180] button '\ue610 Columns' [2273] button '\ue635 Export' [2297] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2298] button 'Search' [2312] button '\ue605Filters' [2327] button 'Actions' [2339] StaticText 'records found' [2344] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2346] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2345] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2037] table '' [2040] row '' [2090] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2124] checkbox '' checked: false [2126] button 'Options' [2091] columnheader '↑ Shipment' required: False [2092] columnheader 'Order #' required: False [2093] columnheader 'Ship-to Name' required: False [2094] columnheader 'Total Quantity' required: False [2095] columnheader 'Action' required: False [2041] row '' [2044] gridcell '' required: False [2130] checkbox '' checked: false [2045] gridcell '000000003' required: False [2046] gridcell '000000300' required: False [2047] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [2048] gridcell '2.0000' required: False [2049] gridcell 'View' required: False [2196] link 'View' [2042] row '' [2050] gridcell '' required: False [2136] checkbox '' checked: false [2051] gridcell '000000002' required: False [2052] gridcell '000000002' required: False [2053] gridcell 'Veronica Costello' required: False [2054] gridcell '1.0000' required: False [2055] gridcell 'View' required: False [2197] link 'View' [2043] row '' [2056] gridcell '' required: False [2142] checkbox '' checked: false [2057] gridcell '000000001' required: False [2058] gridcell '000000001' required: False [2059] gridcell 'Veronica Costello' required: False [2060] gridcell '1.0000' required: False [2061] gridcell 'View' required: False [2198] link 'View' [1979] contentinfo '' [1984] link '\ue606' [1985] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [1995] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [1987] link 'Privacy Policy' [1988] StaticText ' |' [1989] link ' Account Activity' [1990] StaticText ' | ' [1991] link 'Report an Issue'
click [414] where [414] is link 'Shipments'
[ "None", "click [12] where [12] is link '\\ue60b SALES'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' focused: True [71] generic '\ue60b SALES Sales \ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal' [94] link '\ue62f' [95] menu '' orientation: vertical [278] menu '' orientation: vertical [412] link 'Orders' [413] link 'Invoices' [414] link 'Shipments' [415] link 'Credit Memos' [416] link 'Billing Agreements' [417] link 'Transactions' [418] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [597] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [598] StaticText 'Tax' [599] StaticText 'Shipping' [600] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [911] StaticText '$0.00' [913] StaticText 'Average Order' [918] StaticText 'Last Orders' [919] table '' [939] row '' [960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [961] columnheader 'Items' required: False [962] columnheader 'Total' required: False [940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [964] gridcell '5' required: False [965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [967] gridcell '4' required: False [968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [970] gridcell '3' required: False [971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [973] gridcell '4' required: False [974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [976] gridcell '2' required: False [977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [921] table '' [945] row '' [978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [979] columnheader 'Results' required: False [980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [982] gridcell '23' required: False [983] gridcell '1' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [984] gridcell 'nike' required: False [985] gridcell '0' required: False [986] gridcell '3' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [988] gridcell '10' required: False [989] gridcell '4' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [992] gridcell '19' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [994] gridcell '23' required: False [995] gridcell '2' required: False [922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [923] table '' [951] row '' [996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [997] columnheader 'Results' required: False [998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1000] gridcell '1' required: False [1001] gridcell '19' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1003] gridcell '10' required: False [1004] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1006] gridcell '23' required: False [1007] gridcell '2' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1009] gridcell '23' required: False [1010] gridcell '1' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1012] gridcell '1' required: False [1013] gridcell '1' required: False [870] contentinfo '' [875] link '\ue606' [876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [878] link 'Privacy Policy' [879] StaticText ' |' [880] link ' Account Activity' [881] StaticText ' | ' [882] link 'Report an Issue'
Lookup orders that are shipped
The next observation would be the `Shipments` page in the Magento Admin panel. This page presents a focused view on shipment records, displaying details such as order numbers, recipient names, and the total quantity shipped. The layout continues to provide navigation options for sales and other admin sections, but the content is now specifically tailored to track and manage shipments. Users can view details for each shipment and perform actions such as exporting data or applying filters, aligning with the objective of looking up orders that have been shipped.
{ "neg_action0": "click [111]", "neg_action1": "type [164] [lookup ordered shipments] [1]", "neg_action2": "scroll [down]", "neg_action3": null, "neg_action4": "click [112]", "neg_action5": "go_back", "neg_action6": null, "neg_action7": null, "neg_action8": "click [73]", "neg_action9": "click [217]", "neg_observation0": [ "Error: Timeout 30000ms exceeded.\n=========================== logs ===========================\nnavigating to \"http://ec2-3-131-244-37.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:3000/\", waiting until \"load\"\n============================================================" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation3": null, "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[7] generic '' describedby: tooltip317414", "\t\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[112] button '' focused: True expanded: True", "\t\t[550] link 'Edit with iD (in-browser editor)'", "\t\t[553] link 'Edit with Remote Control (JOSM, Potlatch, Merkaartor)'", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom in to edit the map'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[546] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation6": null, "neg_observation7": null, "neg_observation8": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[546] RootWebArea '' focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ] }
[ "click [111]", "type [164] [lookup ordered shipments] [1]", "scroll [down]", "hover [12]", "click [112]", "go_back", "go_forward", "click [64]", "click [73]", "click [217]" ]
type [164] [lookup ordered shipments] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage has transitioned to OpenStreetMap. The accessibility tree now centers around the OpenStreetMap interface, highlighting various features such as links, buttons, and headings relevant to mapping and geographical data. The original focus on Magento's shipment management has been replaced by navigation options and functionalities pertinent to OpenStreetMap, signifying a complete loss of context for the user in relation to their initial task.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage remains focused on OpenStreetMap. The content structure continues to be centered around mapping functionalities, with static texts and links describing features like editing the map and accessing user diaries. This reinforces the separation from the Magento Admin context, as the user is unable to access any information regarding shipments or orders, remaining in a completely different domain.
The next observation would be that the webpage still displays the OpenStreetMap interface. The user finds themselves in a state where no further actions have been taken, indicating a lack of progress in returning to their previous task related to shipments. This reinforces the disconnect from the intended navigation path within the Magento Admin, as the user remains unable to engage with any relevant ecommerce functionalities.
click [112]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[7] generic '' describedby: tooltip317414", "\t\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[112] button '' focused: True expanded: True", "\t\t[550] link 'Edit with iD (in-browser editor)'", "\t\t[553] link 'Edit with Remote Control (JOSM, Potlatch, Merkaartor)'", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom in to edit the map'" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage remains on the OpenStreetMap interface. The user is now presented with editing options, indicating an active engagement with map features instead of the shipment management functionalities that were originally intended. This further emphasizes the user's detachment from the Magento Admin context, as they are now immersed in tools and options related to modifying map data rather than handling ecommerce-related tasks.
Tab 0 (current): Shipments / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1255] RootWebArea 'Shipments / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [1307] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1314] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1260] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1262] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1266] link '\ue60b SALES' [1270] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1274] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1278] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1282] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1286] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1290] link '\ue60d STORES' [1294] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1298] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1331] heading 'Shipments' [1332] link '\ue600 admin' [1334] link '\ue607' [2004] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1305] main '' [2179] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2180] button '\ue610 Columns' [2273] button '\ue635 Export' [2297] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2298] button 'Search' [2312] button '\ue605Filters' [2327] button 'Actions' [2339] StaticText 'records found' [2344] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2346] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2345] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2037] table '' [2040] row '' [2090] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2124] checkbox '' checked: false [2126] button 'Options' [2091] columnheader '↑ Shipment' required: False [2092] columnheader 'Order #' required: False [2093] columnheader 'Ship-to Name' required: False [2094] columnheader 'Total Quantity' required: False [2095] columnheader 'Action' required: False [2041] row '' [2044] gridcell '' required: False [2130] checkbox '' checked: false [2045] gridcell '000000003' required: False [2046] gridcell '000000300' required: False [2047] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [2048] gridcell '2.0000' required: False [2049] gridcell 'View' required: False [2196] link 'View' [2042] row '' [2050] gridcell '' required: False [2136] checkbox '' checked: false [2051] gridcell '000000002' required: False [2052] gridcell '000000002' required: False [2053] gridcell 'Veronica Costello' required: False [2054] gridcell '1.0000' required: False [2055] gridcell 'View' required: False [2197] link 'View' [2043] row '' [2056] gridcell '' required: False [2142] checkbox '' checked: false [2057] gridcell '000000001' required: False [2058] gridcell '000000001' required: False [2059] gridcell 'Veronica Costello' required: False [2060] gridcell '1.0000' required: False [2061] gridcell 'View' required: False [2198] link 'View' [1979] contentinfo '' [1984] link '\ue606' [1985] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [1995] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [1987] link 'Privacy Policy' [1988] StaticText ' |' [1989] link ' Account Activity' [1990] StaticText ' | ' [1991] link 'Report an Issue'
click [414] where [414] is link 'Shipments'
[ "None", "click [12] where [12] is link '\\ue60b SALES'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' focused: True [71] generic '\ue60b SALES Sales \ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal' [94] link '\ue62f' [95] menu '' orientation: vertical [278] menu '' orientation: vertical [412] link 'Orders' [413] link 'Invoices' [414] link 'Shipments' [415] link 'Credit Memos' [416] link 'Billing Agreements' [417] link 'Transactions' [418] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [597] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [598] StaticText 'Tax' [599] StaticText 'Shipping' [600] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [911] StaticText '$0.00' [913] StaticText 'Average Order' [918] StaticText 'Last Orders' [919] table '' [939] row '' [960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [961] columnheader 'Items' required: False [962] columnheader 'Total' required: False [940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [964] gridcell '5' required: False [965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [967] gridcell '4' required: False [968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [970] gridcell '3' required: False [971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [973] gridcell '4' required: False [974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [976] gridcell '2' required: False [977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [921] table '' [945] row '' [978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [979] columnheader 'Results' required: False [980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [982] gridcell '23' required: False [983] gridcell '1' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [984] gridcell 'nike' required: False [985] gridcell '0' required: False [986] gridcell '3' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [988] gridcell '10' required: False [989] gridcell '4' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [992] gridcell '19' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [994] gridcell '23' required: False [995] gridcell '2' required: False [922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [923] table '' [951] row '' [996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [997] columnheader 'Results' required: False [998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1000] gridcell '1' required: False [1001] gridcell '19' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1003] gridcell '10' required: False [1004] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1006] gridcell '23' required: False [1007] gridcell '2' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1009] gridcell '23' required: False [1010] gridcell '1' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1012] gridcell '1' required: False [1013] gridcell '1' required: False [870] contentinfo '' [875] link '\ue606' [876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [878] link 'Privacy Policy' [879] StaticText ' |' [880] link ' Account Activity' [881] StaticText ' | ' [882] link 'Report an Issue'
Lookup orders that are shipped
The next observation would be the `Shipments` page in the Magento Admin panel. This page presents a focused view on shipment records, displaying details such as order numbers, recipient names, and the total quantity shipped. The layout continues to provide navigation options for sales and other admin sections, but the content is now specifically tailored to track and manage shipments. Users can view details for each shipment and perform actions such as exporting data or applying filters, aligning with the objective of looking up orders that have been shipped.
{ "neg_action0": "click [111]", "neg_action1": "type [164] [lookup ordered shipments] [1]", "neg_action2": "scroll [down]", "neg_action3": null, "neg_action4": "click [112]", "neg_action5": "go_back", "neg_action6": null, "neg_action7": null, "neg_action8": "click [73]", "neg_action9": "click [217]", "neg_observation0": [ "Error: Timeout 30000ms exceeded.\n=========================== logs ===========================\nnavigating to \"http://ec2-3-131-244-37.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:3000/\", waiting until \"load\"\n============================================================" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation3": null, "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[7] generic '' describedby: tooltip317414", "\t\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[112] button '' focused: True expanded: True", "\t\t[550] link 'Edit with iD (in-browser editor)'", "\t\t[553] link 'Edit with Remote Control (JOSM, Potlatch, Merkaartor)'", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom in to edit the map'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[546] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation6": null, "neg_observation7": null, "neg_observation8": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[546] RootWebArea '' focused: True busy: 1" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ] }
[ "click [111]", "type [164] [lookup ordered shipments] [1]", "scroll [down]", "hover [12]", "click [112]", "go_back", "go_forward", "click [64]", "click [73]", "click [217]" ]
type [164] [lookup ordered shipments] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the Magento Admin dashboard has been abandoned and the focus has shifted to OpenStreetMap. The user is now interacting with a new web area, where elements such as the OpenStreetMap logo and links related to map editing and user contributions are present. The entire context of the Magento Admin system is lost, and instead, the user is presented with functionalities related to mapping, indicating a significant deviation from their original intent.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is still within the OpenStreetMap interface, indicating a lack of new content or relevant information related to their task. The user remains focused on OpenStreetMap, where the interface includes various map-related features and buttons, showcasing a disconnect from the original Magento Admin dashboard. This suggests that the scrolling action did not provide the expected additional functionalities or insights from the Magento context, reinforcing the transition into a different application environment.
The next observation would remain unchanged, indicating that the user continues to interact with the OpenStreetMap interface. The focus remains on the map functionalities and related options available to the user, with no new interactions or transitions occurring at this moment.
click [112]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[7] generic '' describedby: tooltip317414", "\t\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[112] button '' focused: True expanded: True", "\t\t[550] link 'Edit with iD (in-browser editor)'", "\t\t[553] link 'Edit with Remote Control (JOSM, Potlatch, Merkaartor)'", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'", "\t[546] tooltip 'Zoom in to edit the map'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is now engaged with the editing functionalities of OpenStreetMap, accessing options for modifying the map. The focus has shifted to various editing tools, including options for using different editing interfaces, indicating an active effort to contribute to the map. This change reflects a transition from merely viewing the map to engaging in content creation within the OpenStreetMap platform, further distancing the user from the original Magento Admin context.
Tab 0 (current): Pittsburgh Zoo to The Andy Warhol Museum | OpenStreetMap [1] RootWebArea 'Pittsburgh Zoo to The Andy Warhol Museum | OpenStreetMap' focused: True [36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo' [111] link 'Edit' [112] button '' [64] link 'History' [65] link 'Export' [532] link 'GPS Traces' [533] link 'User Diaries' [534] link 'Communities' [535] link 'Copyright' [536] link 'Help' [537] link 'About' [73] link 'Log In' [74] link 'Sign Up' [35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False [546] StaticText 'Pittsburgh Zoo to The Andy Warhol Museum' [468] button 'Go' [285] link 'Find directions between two points' [617] heading 'Search Results' [624] button 'Close' [614] heading 'Results from OpenStreetMap Nominatim' [620] link 'OpenStreetMap Nominatim' [631] StaticText 'No results found' [15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi' [19] link 'Zoom In' [20] link 'Zoom Out' [22] button 'Show My Location' [24] link 'Layers' [253] link '' [26] link 'Share' [254] link '' [255] link '' [597] StaticText '50 km' [598] StaticText '50 mi' [258] StaticText '© ' [259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors' [260] StaticText ' ♥ ' [261] link 'Make a Donation' [262] StaticText '. ' [263] link 'Website and API terms'
type [35] [Pittsburgh Zoo to The Andy Warhol Museum ] where [35] is textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False
[ "None", "Attempt to perfom \"click\" on element \"[174]\" but no matching element found. Please check the observation more carefully." ]
Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap [1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True [36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo' [111] link 'Edit' [112] button '' [64] link 'History' [65] link 'Export' [532] link 'GPS Traces' [533] link 'User Diaries' [534] link 'Communities' [535] link 'Copyright' [536] link 'Help' [537] link 'About' [73] link 'Log In' [74] link 'Sign Up' [467] link 'Where is this?' [35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False [468] button 'Go' [285] link 'Find directions between two points' [133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!' [207] button 'Close' [208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.' [209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by ' [210] link 'UCL' [212] link 'Fastly' [213] StaticText ', ' [214] link 'Bytemark Hosting' [215] StaticText ', and other ' [216] link 'partners' [217] StaticText '.' [298] link 'Learn More' [299] link 'Start Mapping' [15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms' [19] link 'Zoom In' [20] link 'Zoom Out' [22] button 'Show My Location' [24] link 'Layers' [253] link '' [26] link 'Share' [254] link '' [255] link '' [386] StaticText '50 km' [387] StaticText '50 mi' [258] StaticText '© ' [259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors' [260] StaticText ' ♥ ' [261] link 'Make a Donation' [262] StaticText '. ' [263] link 'Website and API terms'
Check if the The Andy Warhol Museum in pittsburgh can be reached in one hour by car from Pittsburgh Zoo
The next observation would be a results page titled `Pittsburgh Zoo to The Andy Warhol Museum | OpenStreetMap.` This page confirms the search attempt but unfortunately indicates that no results were found for the specified locations. The content remains consistent with the OpenStreetMap layout, with the search textbox still focused and options to zoom in or out. Despite the absence of results, the page structure suggests that the system attempted to process the query and present relevant information but was unable to find a route or directions between the two specified points.
{ "neg_action0": "click [86]", "neg_action1": "scroll [down]", "neg_action2": "hover [51]", "neg_action3": "type [164] [route to The Andy Warhol Museum from Pittsburgh Zoo] [1]", "neg_action4": null, "neg_action5": "go_back", "neg_action6": null, "neg_action7": "new_tab", "neg_action8": "close_tab", "neg_action9": null, "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[40] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[41] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[543] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[540] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[572] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[573] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[575] link '\\ue607'", "\t[703] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[550] main ''", "\t\t[578] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[613] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[616] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[683] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[684] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[711] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[712] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[686] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[745] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[746] link 'here'", "\t\t[831] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[785] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[833] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[834] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[799] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[753] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[756] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[758] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[763] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[764] table ''", "\t\t\t[843] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[880] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[881] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[882] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[844] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[883] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[884] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[885] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[845] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[886] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[887] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[888] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[846] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[889] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[890] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[891] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[847] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[892] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[893] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[894] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[848] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[895] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[896] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[897] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[765] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[766] table ''", "\t\t\t[849] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[898] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[899] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[900] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[850] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[901] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[902] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[903] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[851] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[904] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[905] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[906] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[852] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[907] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[908] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[853] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[910] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[854] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[767] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[768] table ''", "\t\t\t[855] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[916] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[917] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[856] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[857] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[858] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[926] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[859] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[928] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[860] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[551] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[620] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[621] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[660] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[623] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[624] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[625] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[626] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[627] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[60] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[77] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[78] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[80] link '\\ue607'", "\t[276] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[83] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[738] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[740] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[779] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[780] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[782] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[768] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[747] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[748] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[749] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[750] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[751] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[319] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[271] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[327] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[328] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[274] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[415] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[416] link 'here'", "\t\t[625] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[500] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[626] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[627] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[628] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[514] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[980] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[972] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[973] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[974] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[975] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[976] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation4": null, "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[1281] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation6": null, "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0: Dashboard / Magento Admin | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ], "neg_observation9": null }
[ "click [86]", "scroll [down]", "hover [51]", "type [164] [route to The Andy Warhol Museum from Pittsburgh Zoo] [1]", "click [171]", "go_back", "go_forward", "new_tab", "close_tab", "tab_focus [0]" ]
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[60] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[77] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[78] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[80] link '\\ue607'", "\t[276] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[83] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[738] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[740] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[779] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[780] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[782] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[840] table ''", "\t\t\t[891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[955] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[957] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[958] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[960] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[726] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[744] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[745] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[768] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[747] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[748] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[749] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[750] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[751] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be the transition from the OpenStreetMap webpage to the Dashboard of Magento Admin. The focus shifts to the Magento Admin Panel, with its own set of links and static text related to e-commerce management. Key interactive elements like the dashboard, sales, and catalog links replace the map-related functionalities of OpenStreetMap. This change indicates a complete navigation away from the mapping interface to an administrative interface, disrupting the initial user intent of searching for directions. --- **Negative Action 2: hover [51]**
hover [51]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be the transition from the OpenStreetMap webpage to the Dashboard of Magento Admin. The interaction intended to provide additional information or functionality has resulted in a complete context switch, moving the user focus away from map navigation tools to administrative controls specific to Magento. The original content, including map-related functions, is replaced by a dashboard environment that is entirely unrelated to the prior task. --- **Negative Action 3: type [164] [route to The Andy Warhol Museum from Pittsburgh Zoo] [1]**
type [164] [route to The Andy Warhol Museum from Pittsburgh Zoo] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[319] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[271] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[327] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[328] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[274] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[415] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[416] link 'here'", "\t\t[625] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[500] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[626] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[627] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[628] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[514] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[423] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[426] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[428] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[433] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[434] table ''", "\t\t\t[637] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[729] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[730] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[731] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[638] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[732] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[733] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[734] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[639] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[735] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[736] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[737] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[640] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[738] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[739] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[740] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[641] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[741] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[742] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[743] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[642] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[744] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[745] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[746] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[991] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[992] table ''", "\t\t\t[999] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1011] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[1000] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1014] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1015] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1016] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[1001] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[1017] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1018] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1019] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[1002] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1020] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1021] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1022] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[1003] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1023] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1024] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1025] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[1004] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1026] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1027] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1028] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[993] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[994] table ''", "\t\t\t[1005] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1029] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1030] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1031] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[1006] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1032] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1033] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1034] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[1007] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1035] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1036] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1037] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[1008] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1038] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1039] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[1009] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1041] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1042] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1043] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[1010] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1044] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1045] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1046] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[964] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[969] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[970] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[980] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[972] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[973] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[974] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[975] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[976] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be the transition from the OpenStreetMap webpage to the Dashboard of Magento Admin. The intended action of finding a route has been disrupted, resulting in the user being directed to an unrelated administrative panel instead. This unexpected navigation indicates a malfunction in handling the routing request, leading to a significant deviation from the user's original intention of mapping directions. --- **Negative Action 4: None**
The next observation would be a continuation of the current state on the OpenStreetMap webpage. The user remains focused on the mapping interface, maintaining access to features such as searching for locations and retrieving directions. There are no interruptions or context switches, indicating a successful ongoing engagement with the intended functionalities of the webpage.
Tab 0 (current): Pittsburgh Zoo to The Andy Warhol Museum | OpenStreetMap [1] RootWebArea 'Pittsburgh Zoo to The Andy Warhol Museum | OpenStreetMap' focused: True [36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo' [111] link 'Edit' [112] button '' [64] link 'History' [65] link 'Export' [532] link 'GPS Traces' [533] link 'User Diaries' [534] link 'Communities' [535] link 'Copyright' [536] link 'Help' [537] link 'About' [73] link 'Log In' [74] link 'Sign Up' [35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False [546] StaticText 'Pittsburgh Zoo to The Andy Warhol Museum' [468] button 'Go' [285] link 'Find directions between two points' [617] heading 'Search Results' [624] button 'Close' [614] heading 'Results from OpenStreetMap Nominatim' [620] link 'OpenStreetMap Nominatim' [631] StaticText 'No results found' [15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi' [19] link 'Zoom In' [20] link 'Zoom Out' [22] button 'Show My Location' [24] link 'Layers' [253] link '' [26] link 'Share' [254] link '' [255] link '' [597] StaticText '50 km' [598] StaticText '50 mi' [258] StaticText '© ' [259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors' [260] StaticText ' ♥ ' [261] link 'Make a Donation' [262] StaticText '. ' [263] link 'Website and API terms'
type [35] [Pittsburgh Zoo to The Andy Warhol Museum ] where [35] is textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False
[ "None", "Attempt to perfom \"click\" on element \"[174]\" but no matching element found. Please check the observation more carefully." ]
Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap [1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True [36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo' [111] link 'Edit' [112] button '' [64] link 'History' [65] link 'Export' [532] link 'GPS Traces' [533] link 'User Diaries' [534] link 'Communities' [535] link 'Copyright' [536] link 'Help' [537] link 'About' [73] link 'Log In' [74] link 'Sign Up' [467] link 'Where is this?' [35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False [468] button 'Go' [285] link 'Find directions between two points' [133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!' [207] button 'Close' [208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.' [209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by ' [210] link 'UCL' [212] link 'Fastly' [213] StaticText ', ' [214] link 'Bytemark Hosting' [215] StaticText ', and other ' [216] link 'partners' [217] StaticText '.' [298] link 'Learn More' [299] link 'Start Mapping' [15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms' [19] link 'Zoom In' [20] link 'Zoom Out' [22] button 'Show My Location' [24] link 'Layers' [253] link '' [26] link 'Share' [254] link '' [255] link '' [386] StaticText '50 km' [387] StaticText '50 mi' [258] StaticText '© ' [259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors' [260] StaticText ' ♥ ' [261] link 'Make a Donation' [262] StaticText '. ' [263] link 'Website and API terms'
Check if the The Andy Warhol Museum in pittsburgh can be reached in one hour by car from Pittsburgh Zoo
The next observation would be a results page titled `Pittsburgh Zoo to The Andy Warhol Museum | OpenStreetMap.` This page confirms the search attempt but unfortunately indicates that no results were found for the specified locations. The content remains consistent with the OpenStreetMap layout, with the search textbox still focused and options to zoom in or out. Despite the absence of results, the page structure suggests that the system attempted to process the query and present relevant information but was unable to find a route or directions between the two specified points.
{ "neg_action0": "click [86]", "neg_action1": "scroll [down]", "neg_action2": "hover [51]", "neg_action3": "type [164] [route to The Andy Warhol Museum from Pittsburgh Zoo] [1]", "neg_action4": null, "neg_action5": "go_back", "neg_action6": null, "neg_action7": "new_tab", "neg_action8": "close_tab", "neg_action9": null, "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[40] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[41] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[543] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[540] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[572] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[573] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[575] link '\\ue607'", "\t[703] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[550] main ''", "\t\t[578] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[613] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[616] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[683] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[684] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[711] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[712] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[686] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[745] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[746] link 'here'", "\t\t[831] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[785] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[833] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[834] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[799] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' 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'2' required: False", "\t\t[767] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[768] table ''", "\t\t\t[855] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[916] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[917] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[856] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[857] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[858] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[926] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[660] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[623] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[624] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[625] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[626] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[627] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[60] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[77] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[78] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[80] link '\\ue607'", "\t[276] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[83] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[738] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[740] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[779] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[780] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[782] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[768] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[747] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[748] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[749] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[750] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[751] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[319] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[271] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[327] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[328] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[274] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[415] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[416] link 'here'", "\t\t[625] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[500] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[626] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[627] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[628] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[514] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' 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False", "\t\t\t\t[731] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[638] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[732] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[733] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[734] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[639] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[735] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[736] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[737] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[640] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[738] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[739] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[740] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[641] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[1017] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1018] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1019] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[1002] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1020] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1021] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1022] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[1003] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1023] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1024] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1025] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[1004] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1026] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1027] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1028] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[993] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[994] table ''", "\t\t\t[1005] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1029] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1030] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1031] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[1006] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1032] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1033] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1034] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[1007] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1035] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1036] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1037] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[1008] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1038] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1039] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[1009] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1041] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1042] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1043] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[1010] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1044] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1045] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1046] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[964] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[969] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[970] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[980] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[972] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[973] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[974] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[975] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[976] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation4": null, "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[1281] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation6": null, "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0: Dashboard / Magento Admin | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ], "neg_observation9": null }
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scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[60] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[77] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[78] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[80] link '\\ue607'", "\t[276] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[83] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[738] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[740] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[779] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[780] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[782] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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'2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[768] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[747] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[748] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[749] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[750] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[751] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
hover [51]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
type [164] [route to The Andy Warhol Museum from Pittsburgh Zoo] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[319] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[271] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[327] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[328] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[274] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[415] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[416] link 'here'", "\t\t[625] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[500] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[626] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[627] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[628] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[514] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' 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"\t\t\t\t[741] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[742] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[743] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[642] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[744] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[745] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[746] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[991] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[992] table ''", "\t\t\t[999] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1011] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1012] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[1000] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1014] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1015] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1016] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[1001] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[1017] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1018] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1019] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[1002] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1020] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1021] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1022] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[1003] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1023] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1024] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1025] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[1004] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1026] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1027] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1028] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[993] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[994] table ''", "\t\t\t[1005] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1029] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1030] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1031] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[1006] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1032] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1033] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1034] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[1007] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1035] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1036] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1037] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[1008] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1038] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1039] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[1009] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1041] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1042] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1043] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[1010] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1044] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1045] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1046] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[964] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[969] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[970] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[980] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[972] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[973] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[974] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[975] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[976] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' focused: True [76] generic '\ue60a REPORTS Reports \ue62f Marketing Products in Cart Search Terms Abandoned Carts Newsletter Problem Reports Reviews By Customers By Products Sales Orders Tax Invoiced Shipping Refunds Coupons PayPal Settlement Braintree Settlement Customers Order Total Order Count New Products Views Bestsellers Low Stock Ordered Downloads Statistics Refresh Statistics Business Intelligence Advanced Reporting\ue644 BI Essentials\ue644' [114] link '\ue62f' [115] menu '' orientation: vertical [244] menu '' orientation: vertical [527] StaticText 'Marketing' [438] menu '' orientation: vertical [632] link 'Products in Cart' [633] link 'Search Terms' [634] link 'Abandoned Carts' [635] link 'Newsletter Problem Reports' [532] StaticText 'Reviews' [440] menu '' orientation: vertical [636] link 'By Customers' [637] link 'By Products' [245] menu '' orientation: vertical [535] StaticText 'Sales' [442] menu '' orientation: vertical [638] link 'Orders' [639] link 'Tax' [640] link 'Invoiced' [641] link 'Shipping' [642] link 'Refunds' [643] link 'Coupons' [644] link 'PayPal Settlement' [645] link 'Braintree Settlement' [246] menu '' orientation: vertical [544] StaticText 'Customers' [444] menu '' orientation: vertical [646] link 'Order Total' [647] link 'Order Count' [648] link 'New' [548] StaticText 'Products' [446] menu '' orientation: vertical [649] link 'Views' [650] link 'Bestsellers' [651] link 'Low Stock' [652] link 'Ordered' [653] link 'Downloads' [554] StaticText 'Statistics' [448] menu '' orientation: vertical [654] link 'Refresh Statistics' [247] menu '' orientation: vertical [556] StaticText 'Business Intelligence' [450] menu '' orientation: vertical [655] link 'Advanced Reporting\ue644' [656] link 'BI Essentials\ue644' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [597] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [598] StaticText 'Tax' [599] StaticText 'Shipping' [600] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [911] StaticText '$0.00' [913] StaticText 'Average Order' [918] StaticText 'Last Orders' [919] table '' [939] row '' [960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [961] columnheader 'Items' required: False [962] columnheader 'Total' required: False [940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [964] gridcell '5' required: False [965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [967] gridcell '4' required: False [968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [970] gridcell '3' required: False [971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [973] gridcell '4' required: False [974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [976] gridcell '2' required: False [977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [921] table '' [945] row '' [978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [979] columnheader 'Results' required: False [980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [982] gridcell '23' required: False [983] gridcell '1' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [984] gridcell 'nike' required: False [985] gridcell '0' required: False [986] gridcell '3' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [988] gridcell '10' required: False [989] gridcell '4' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [992] gridcell '19' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [994] gridcell '23' required: False [995] gridcell '2' required: False [922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [923] table '' [951] row '' [996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [997] columnheader 'Results' required: False [998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1000] gridcell '1' required: False [1001] gridcell '19' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1003] gridcell '10' required: False [1004] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1006] gridcell '23' required: False [1007] gridcell '2' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1009] gridcell '23' required: False [1010] gridcell '1' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1012] gridcell '1' required: False [1013] gridcell '1' required: False [870] contentinfo '' [875] link '\ue606' [876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [878] link 'Privacy Policy' [879] StaticText ' |' [880] link ' Account Activity' [881] StaticText ' | ' [882] link 'Report an Issue'
click [32] where [32] is link '\ue60a REPORTS'
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [597] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [598] StaticText 'Tax' [599] StaticText 'Shipping' [600] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [911] StaticText '$0.00' [913] StaticText 'Average Order' [918] StaticText 'Last Orders' [919] table '' [939] row '' [960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [961] columnheader 'Items' required: False [962] columnheader 'Total' required: False [940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [964] gridcell '5' required: False [965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [967] gridcell '4' required: False [968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [970] gridcell '3' required: False [971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [973] gridcell '4' required: False [974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [976] gridcell '2' required: False [977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [921] table '' [945] row '' [978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [979] columnheader 'Results' required: False [980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [982] gridcell '23' required: False [983] gridcell '1' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [984] gridcell 'nike' required: False [985] gridcell '0' required: False [986] gridcell '3' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [988] gridcell '10' required: False [989] gridcell '4' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [992] gridcell '19' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [994] gridcell '23' required: False [995] gridcell '2' required: False [922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [923] table '' [951] row '' [996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [997] columnheader 'Results' required: False [998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1000] gridcell '1' required: False [1001] gridcell '19' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1003] gridcell '10' required: False [1004] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1006] gridcell '23' required: False [1007] gridcell '2' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1009] gridcell '23' required: False [1010] gridcell '1' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1012] gridcell '1' required: False [1013] gridcell '1' required: False [870] contentinfo '' [875] link '\ue606' [876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [878] link 'Privacy Policy' [879] StaticText ' |' [880] link ' Account Activity' [881] StaticText ' | ' [882] link 'Report an Issue'
Create a returns report from 10/15/2022 to 12/15/2022
The next observation would show the `REPORTS` section of the Magento Admin panel, now focused for further actions. This section presents a range of report categories, including Sales, Customers, and Products, which will allow the user to find and generate the returns report they need. The layout remains consistent with the dashboard, but now includes options tailored for reporting, enabling the user to proceed with creating the returns report for the specified date range.
{ "neg_action0": "click [84]", "neg_action1": "click [85]", "neg_action2": "click [86]", "neg_action3": "click [90]", "neg_action4": "scroll [down]", "neg_action5": "scroll [up]", "neg_action6": "hover [168]", "neg_action7": "hover [169]", "neg_action8": "click [43]", "neg_action9": "click [130]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3793] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3840] link 'My Account'", "\t[3841] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3842] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3846] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3814] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3808] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3816] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3817] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[3957] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[3958] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[3893] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[3961] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[3872] button 'Search'", "\t[3873] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[3875] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[3877] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[3879] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[3881] link 'Office Products'", "\t[3883] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[3885] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[3887] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[3889] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[74] link 'My Account'", "\t[75] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[76] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3684] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[80] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[244] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[245] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[140] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[248] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[112] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3663] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3665] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1909] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2660] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2725] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2735] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2749] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2786] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2794] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2799] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2805] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2810] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2871] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2886] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2899] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1903] link 'Home'", "\t[1908] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1906] StaticText 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[242] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[385] StaticText 'B07P69DRY8'", "\t\t[102] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1451] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1438] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1464] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1474] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1485] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[1439] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[1440] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1899] StaticText '$43.89'", "\t\t[1428] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1477] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1478] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1469] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1429] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1430] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1412] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3679] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3681] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3709] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3680] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3699] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3704] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3784] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3705] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3797] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3701] button 'Next'", "\t\t[1414] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3671] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3672] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1435] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3673] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1481] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1482] heading 'Product Description'", "\t\t\t\t[1503] img 'LOGO'", "\t\t\t\t[1505] img '1'", "\t\t\t\t[1522] StaticText '-The memory card expands the storage capacity and multimedia capabilities of the Sony PlayStation Vita handheld system.'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] StaticText '-This memory card can store save data for games, music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1524] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1526] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1529] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1532] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1535] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1516] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1539] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1544] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1552] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1553] columnheader '8GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1583] link '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1632] img '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1554] columnheader '16GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1584] link '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1633] img '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1555] columnheader '32GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1585] link '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1634] img '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1556] columnheader '64GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1586] link '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1635] img '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1545] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1557] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1558] columnheader 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1587] link 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1559] columnheader 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1588] link 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1560] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1589] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1561] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1590] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1546] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1562] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1563] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1564] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1565] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1566] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1547] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1567] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1568] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1569] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1570] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1571] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1548] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1572] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1573] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1574] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1575] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1576] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1549] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1577] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1578] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1579] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1580] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1581] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1542] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1643] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1841] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1843] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1861] img '16GB memory card'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1844] columnheader 'memory cards' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1863] img 'memory cards'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1845] columnheader 'cards 3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1865] img 'cards 3'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1842] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1846] gridcell 'Compatible with all Sony PS Vita PSV1000 2000 consoles' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1847] gridcell 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1848] gridcell 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1719] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1649] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1767] StaticText 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1651] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1769] StaticText 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1653] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1771] StaticText 'Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1655] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1657] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1775] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1739] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1776] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1797] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1798] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1777] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1799] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1800] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1778] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1801] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1802] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1779] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1803] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1804] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3674] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1697] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1658] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1726] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1718] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1701] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1681] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1682] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1683] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1684] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1685] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1676] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1678] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[48] link 'My Account'", "\t[49] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[50] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3702] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[54] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[161] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[162] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[101] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[165] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[80] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3689] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3691] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1902] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2718] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2728] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2779] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2787] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2792] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2798] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2803] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2864] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2879] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2892] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1896] link 'Home'", "\t[1901] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1899] StaticText 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t[748] main ''", "\t\t[763] heading 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t[754] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[756] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[867] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[947] StaticText 'B07P69DRY8'", "\t\t[789] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[949] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[870] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1105] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1258] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1377] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[871] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[872] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText '$43.89'", "\t\t[816] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1261] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1262] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1110] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[817] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[818] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[793] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3657] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3659] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3685] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3658] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3675] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3680] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3708] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3681] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3709] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3677] button 'Next'", "\t\t[795] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3697] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3698] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[823] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3699] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1265] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1266] heading 'Product Description'", "\t\t\t\t[1500] img 'LOGO'", "\t\t\t\t[1502] img '1'", "\t\t\t\t[1518] StaticText '-The memory card expands the storage capacity and multimedia capabilities of the Sony PlayStation Vita handheld system.'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] StaticText '-This memory card can store save data for games, music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1520] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1522] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1524] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1513] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1534] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1536] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1537] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1538] columnheader '8GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1539] link '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1540] img '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1752] columnheader '16GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1782] link '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] img '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1753] columnheader '32GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1783] link '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1836] img '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1754] columnheader '64GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1784] link '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1837] img '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1740] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1755] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1756] columnheader 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1785] link 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1757] columnheader 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1786] link 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1758] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1787] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1759] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1788] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1741] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1760] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1761] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1762] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1763] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1764] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1742] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1765] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1766] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1767] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1768] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1769] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1743] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1770] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1771] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1772] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1773] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1774] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1744] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1775] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1776] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1777] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1778] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1779] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1731] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1732] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1780] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1829] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1854] img '16GB memory card'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] columnheader 'memory cards' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1856] img 'memory cards'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] columnheader 'cards 3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'cards 3'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1781] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] gridcell 'Compatible with all Sony PS Vita PSV1000 2000 consoles' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] gridcell 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] gridcell 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1616] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1546] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1548] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1670] StaticText 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1550] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1672] StaticText 'Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1552] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1674] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1554] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1676] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1637] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1677] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1699] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1700] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1701] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1702] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1679] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1703] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1704] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1680] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1705] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1706] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3700] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1594] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1555] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1613] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1623] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1615] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1598] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1579] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1580] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1581] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1582] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1571] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1573] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1575] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[48] link 'My Account'", "\t[49] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[50] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3702] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[54] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[209] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[210] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[110] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[213] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[83] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3689] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3691] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1902] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2718] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2728] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2779] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2787] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2792] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2798] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2803] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2864] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2879] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2892] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1896] link 'Home'", "\t[1901] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1899] StaticText 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t[1350] main ''", "\t\t[1386] heading 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t[1356] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[1358] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[1480] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[1504] StaticText 'B07P69DRY8'", "\t\t[1434] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1506] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1483] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1555] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1578] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[1484] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[1485] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText '$43.89'", "\t\t[1464] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1558] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1559] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1536] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1465] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1466] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1438] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3657] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3659] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3685] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3658] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3675] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3680] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3777] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3681] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3778] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3677] button 'Next'", "\t\t[1440] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3697] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3698] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1471] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3699] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1562] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1563] heading 'Product Description'", "\t\t\t\t[1624] img 'LOGO'", "\t\t\t\t[1626] img '1'", "\t\t\t\t[1667] StaticText '-The memory card expands the storage capacity and multimedia capabilities of the Sony PlayStation Vita handheld system.'", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText '-This memory card can store save data for games, music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1669] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1672] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1674] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1676] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1680] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1637] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1682] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1702] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1735] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1748] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1749] columnheader '8GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1780] link '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] img '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1750] columnheader '16GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1781] link '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] img '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1751] columnheader '32GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1782] link '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1836] img '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1752] columnheader '64GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1783] link '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1837] img '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1736] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1753] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1754] columnheader 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1784] link 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1755] columnheader 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1785] link 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1756] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1786] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1757] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1787] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1737] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1758] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1759] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1760] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1761] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1762] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1738] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1763] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1764] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1765] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1766] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1767] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1739] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1768] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1769] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1770] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1771] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1772] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1740] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1773] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1774] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1775] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1776] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1777] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1726] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1727] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1778] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1828] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1854] img '16GB memory card'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1829] columnheader 'memory cards' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1856] img 'memory cards'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] columnheader 'cards 3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'cards 3'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1779] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] gridcell 'Compatible with all Sony PS Vita PSV1000 2000 consoles' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] gridcell 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] gridcell 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1539] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1369] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1643] StaticText 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1371] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1645] StaticText 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1373] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1647] StaticText 'Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1375] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1649] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1377] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1651] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1589] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1652] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1692] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1693] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1653] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1694] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1695] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1654] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1696] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1697] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1655] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1698] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1699] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3700] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1472] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1379] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1525] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1546] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1527] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1476] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1426] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1427] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1428] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1429] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1430] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1409] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1411] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1413] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[84] link 'My Account'", "\t[85] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[86] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3702] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[90] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[295] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[296] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[178] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[299] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[130] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3689] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3691] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1902] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2718] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2728] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2779] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2787] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2792] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2798] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2803] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2864] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2879] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2892] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1896] link 'Home'", "\t[1901] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1899] StaticText 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t[7] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t[13] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[15] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[280] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[436] StaticText 'B07P69DRY8'", "\t\t[112] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[438] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[283] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[741] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1268] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[284] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[285] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText '$43.89'", "\t\t[167] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1043] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1044] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[746] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[168] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[169] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[116] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3657] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3659] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3685] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3658] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3675] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3680] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3777] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3681] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3778] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3677] button 'Next'", "\t\t[118] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3697] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3698] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[174] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3699] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1047] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1048] heading 'Product Description'", "\t\t\t\t[1500] img 'LOGO'", "\t\t\t\t[1502] img '1'", "\t\t\t\t[1518] StaticText '-The memory card expands the storage capacity and multimedia capabilities of the Sony PlayStation Vita handheld system.'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] StaticText '-This memory card can store save data for games, music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1520] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1522] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1524] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1513] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1534] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1536] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1537] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1538] columnheader '8GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1540] link '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1542] img '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1539] columnheader '16GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1541] link '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1543] img '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1755] columnheader '32GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1784] link '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1836] img '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1756] columnheader '64GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1785] link '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1837] img '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1743] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1757] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1758] columnheader 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1786] link 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1759] columnheader 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1787] link 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1760] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1788] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1761] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1789] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1744] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1762] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1763] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1764] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1765] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1766] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1745] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1767] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1768] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1769] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1770] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1771] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1746] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1772] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1773] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1774] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1775] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1776] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1747] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1777] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1778] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1779] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1780] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1781] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1734] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1735] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1782] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1854] img '16GB memory card'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] columnheader 'memory cards' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1856] img 'memory cards'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] columnheader 'cards 3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'cards 3'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1783] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] gridcell 'Compatible with all Sony PS Vita PSV1000 2000 consoles' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] gridcell 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] gridcell 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1619] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1549] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1551] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1553] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1675] StaticText 'Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1555] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1557] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1679] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1640] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1680] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1702] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1703] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1681] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1704] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1705] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1682] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1706] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1707] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1683] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1708] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1709] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3700] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1597] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1558] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1616] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1626] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1618] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1601] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1581] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1582] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1583] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1584] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1585] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1574] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[48] link 'My Account'", "\t[49] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[50] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3677] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[54] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[93] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[94] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[77] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[97] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[72] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3656] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3658] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1902] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2718] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2728] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2779] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2787] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2792] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2798] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2803] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2864] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2879] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2892] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1896] link 'Home'", "\t[1901] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1899] StaticText 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t[335] main ''", "\t\t[350] heading 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t[341] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[343] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[522] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[653] StaticText 'B07P69DRY8'", "\t\t[384] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[655] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[525] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[898] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1138] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1317] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[526] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[527] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText '$43.89'", "\t\t[427] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1141] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1142] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[903] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[428] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[429] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[388] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3672] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3674] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3702] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3673] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3692] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3697] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3708] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3698] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3790] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3694] button 'Next'", "\t\t[390] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3664] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3665] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[434] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3666] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1145] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1146] heading 'Product Description'", "\t\t\t\t[1500] img 'LOGO'", "\t\t\t\t[1502] img '1'", "\t\t\t\t[1518] StaticText '-The memory card expands the storage capacity and multimedia capabilities of the Sony PlayStation Vita handheld system.'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] StaticText '-This memory card can store save data for games, music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1520] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1522] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1524] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1513] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1534] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1536] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1537] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1538] columnheader '8GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1541] link '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1544] img '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1539] columnheader '16GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1542] link '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1545] img '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1540] columnheader '32GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1543] link '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1546] img '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1547] columnheader '64GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1548] link '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1549] img '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1749] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1761] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1762] columnheader 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1788] link 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1763] columnheader 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1789] link 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1764] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1790] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1765] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1791] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1750] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1766] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1767] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1768] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1769] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1770] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1751] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1771] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1772] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1773] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1774] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1775] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1752] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1776] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1777] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1778] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1779] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1780] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1753] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1781] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1782] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1783] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1784] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1785] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1740] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1741] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1786] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1854] img '16GB memory card'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] columnheader 'memory cards' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1856] img 'memory cards'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] columnheader 'cards 3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'cards 3'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1787] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] gridcell 'Compatible with all Sony PS Vita PSV1000 2000 consoles' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1836] gridcell 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1837] gridcell 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1625] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1555] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1557] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1679] StaticText 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1559] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1681] StaticText 'Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1561] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1683] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1563] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1685] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1646] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1686] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1708] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1709] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1687] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1710] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1711] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1688] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1712] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1713] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1689] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1714] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1715] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3667] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1603] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1564] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1622] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1632] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1624] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1607] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1587] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1588] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1589] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1590] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1591] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1580] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1582] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1584] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[48] link 'My Account'", "\t[49] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[50] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3702] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[54] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[90] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[91] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[77] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[94] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[72] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3689] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3691] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1902] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2718] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2728] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2779] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2787] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2792] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2798] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2803] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2864] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2879] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2892] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1896] link 'Home'", "\t[1901] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1899] StaticText 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t[284] main ''", "\t\t[299] heading 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t[290] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[292] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[474] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[611] StaticText 'B07P69DRY8'", "\t\t[333] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[613] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[477] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[868] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1120] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1308] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[478] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[479] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText '$43.89'", "\t\t[376] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1123] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1124] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[873] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[377] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[378] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[337] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3657] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3659] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3685] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3658] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3675] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3680] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3708] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3681] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3709] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3677] button 'Next'", "\t\t[339] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3697] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3698] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[383] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3699] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1127] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1128] heading 'Product Description'", "\t\t\t\t[1624] img 'LOGO'", "\t\t\t\t[1626] img '1'", "\t\t\t\t[1667] StaticText '-The memory card expands the storage capacity and multimedia capabilities of the Sony PlayStation Vita handheld system.'", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText '-This memory card can store save data for games, music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1669] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1672] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1674] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1676] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1680] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1637] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1682] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1702] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1735] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1748] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1749] columnheader '8GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1780] link '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] img '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1750] columnheader '16GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1781] link '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] img '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1751] columnheader '32GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1782] link '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1836] img '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1752] columnheader '64GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1783] link '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1837] img '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1736] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1753] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1754] columnheader 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1784] link 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1755] columnheader 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1785] link 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1756] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1786] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1757] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1787] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1737] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1758] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1759] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1760] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1761] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1762] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1738] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1763] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1764] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1765] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1766] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1767] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1739] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1768] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1769] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1770] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1771] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1772] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1740] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1773] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1774] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1775] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1776] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1777] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1726] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1727] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1778] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1828] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1854] img '16GB memory card'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1829] columnheader 'memory cards' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1856] img 'memory cards'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] columnheader 'cards 3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'cards 3'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1779] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] gridcell 'Compatible with all Sony PS Vita PSV1000 2000 consoles' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] gridcell 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] gridcell 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1567] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1497] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1643] StaticText 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1499] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1645] StaticText 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1501] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1647] StaticText 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gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3700] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1545] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1506] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1564] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1574] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1566] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1549] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1529] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1530] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1531] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1532] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1533] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1522] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1524] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1526] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[84] link 'My Account'", "\t[85] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[86] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3702] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[90] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[295] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[296] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[178] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[299] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[130] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3689] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3691] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1902] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2718] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2728] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2779] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2787] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2792] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2798] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2803] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2864] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2879] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2892] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1896] link 'Home'", "\t[1901] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1899] StaticText 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[280] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[436] StaticText 'B07P69DRY8'", "\t\t[112] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[438] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[283] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[741] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1268] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[284] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[285] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText '$43.89'", "\t\t[167] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1043] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1044] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[746] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[168] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[169] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[116] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3657] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3659] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3685] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3658] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3675] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3680] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3708] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3681] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3709] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3677] button 'Next'", "\t\t[118] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3697] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3698] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[174] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3699] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1047] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1048] heading 'Product Description'", "\t\t\t\t[1500] img 'LOGO'", "\t\t\t\t[1502] img '1'", "\t\t\t\t[1518] StaticText '-The memory card expands the storage capacity and multimedia capabilities of the Sony PlayStation Vita handheld system.'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] StaticText '-This memory card can store save data for games, music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1520] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1522] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1524] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1513] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1534] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1536] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1537] columnheader '' 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PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1787] link 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1760] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1788] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1761] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1789] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1744] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1762] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1763] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1764] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1765] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1766] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1745] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1767] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1768] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1769] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1770] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1771] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1746] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1772] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1773] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1774] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1775] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1776] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1747] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1777] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1778] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1779] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1780] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1781] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1734] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1735] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1782] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1854] img '16GB memory card'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] columnheader 'memory cards' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1856] img 'memory cards'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] columnheader 'cards 3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'cards 3'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1783] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] gridcell 'Compatible with all Sony PS Vita PSV1000 2000 consoles' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] gridcell 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] gridcell 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1619] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1549] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1551] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1553] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1675] StaticText 'Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1555] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1557] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1679] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1640] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1680] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1702] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1703] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1681] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1704] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1705] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1682] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1706] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1707] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1683] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1708] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1709] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3700] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1597] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1558] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1616] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1626] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1618] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1601] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1581] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1582] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1583] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1584] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1585] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1574] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[84] link 'My Account'", "\t[85] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[86] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3702] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[90] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[3800] dialog '' modal: False describedby: ui-id-303", "\t\t[3793] button '\\ue616 Close' focused: True", "\t\t[3802] StaticText 'You have no items in your shopping cart.'", "\t[295] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[296] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[178] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[299] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[130] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3688] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3690] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1902] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2718] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2728] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2779] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2787] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2792] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2798] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2803] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2864] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2879] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2892] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1896] link 'Home'", "\t[1901] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1899] StaticText 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[280] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[436] StaticText 'B07P69DRY8'", "\t\t[112] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[438] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[283] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[741] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1268] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[284] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[285] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText '$43.89'", "\t\t[167] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1043] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1044] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[746] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[168] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[169] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[116] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3657] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3659] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3685] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3658] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3675] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3680] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3775] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3681] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3778] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3677] button 'Next'", "\t\t[118] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3696] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3697] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[174] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3698] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1047] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1048] heading 'Product Description'", "\t\t\t\t[1500] img 'LOGO'", "\t\t\t\t[1502] img '1'", "\t\t\t\t[1518] StaticText '-The memory card expands the storage capacity and multimedia capabilities of the Sony PlayStation Vita handheld system.'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] StaticText '-This memory card can store save data for games, music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1520] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1522] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1524] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1513] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1534] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1536] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1537] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1538] columnheader '8GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1539] link '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1540] img '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1752] columnheader '16GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1782] link '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] img '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1753] columnheader '32GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1783] link '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1836] img '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1754] columnheader '64GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1784] link '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1837] img '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1740] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1755] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1756] columnheader 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1785] link 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1757] columnheader 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1786] link 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1758] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1787] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1759] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1788] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1741] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1760] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1761] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1762] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1763] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1764] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1742] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1765] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1766] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1767] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1768] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1769] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1743] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1770] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1771] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1772] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1773] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1774] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1744] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1775] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1776] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1777] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1778] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1779] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1731] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1732] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1780] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1829] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1854] img '16GB memory card'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] columnheader 'memory cards' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1856] img 'memory cards'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] columnheader 'cards 3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'cards 3'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1781] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] gridcell 'Compatible with all Sony PS Vita PSV1000 2000 consoles' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] gridcell 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] gridcell 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1616] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1546] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1548] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1670] StaticText 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1550] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1672] StaticText 'Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1552] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1674] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1554] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1676] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1637] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1677] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1699] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1700] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1701] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1702] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1679] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1703] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1704] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1680] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1705] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1706] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3699] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1594] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1555] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1613] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1623] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1615] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1598] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1579] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1580] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1581] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1582] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1571] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1573] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1575] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[84] link 'My Account'", "\t[85] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[86] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3702] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[90] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[295] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[296] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[178] combobox '\\ue615 Search' focused: True autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: True", "\t[299] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[130] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3689] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3691] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1902] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2718] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2728] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2779] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2787] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2792] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2798] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2803] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2864] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2879] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2892] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1896] link 'Home'", "\t[1901] 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Compare'", "\t\t[116] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3657] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3659] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3685] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3658] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3675] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3680] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3708] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3681] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3778] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3677] button 'Next'", "\t\t[118] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3697] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3698] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[174] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3699] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1047] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1048] heading 'Product Description'", "\t\t\t\t[1500] img 'LOGO'", "\t\t\t\t[1502] img '1'", "\t\t\t\t[1518] StaticText '-The memory card expands the storage capacity and multimedia capabilities of the Sony PlayStation Vita handheld system.'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] StaticText '-This memory card can store save data for games, music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1520] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1522] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1524] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1513] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1534] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1536] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1537] 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PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1750] link 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1725] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1751] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1726] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1752] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1711] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1727] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1728] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1729] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1730] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1731] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1712] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1732] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1733] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1734] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1735] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1736] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1713] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1737] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1738] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1739] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1740] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1741] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1714] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1742] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1743] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1744] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1745] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1746] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1701] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1702] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1747] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1793] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1815] img '16GB memory card'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1794] columnheader 'memory cards' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1817] img 'memory cards'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1795] columnheader 'cards 3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1819] img 'cards 3'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1748] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1796] gridcell 'Compatible with all Sony PS Vita PSV1000 2000 consoles' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1797] gridcell 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1798] gridcell 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1589] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1555] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1638] StaticText 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1557] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1640] StaticText 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1559] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1642] StaticText 'Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1561] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1563] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1646] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1607] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1647] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1669] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1670] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1648] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1671] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1672] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1649] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1673] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1674] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1650] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1675] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1676] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3700] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1576] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1564] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1863] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1866] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1865] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1858] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1844] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1845] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1846] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1847] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1848] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1839] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1841] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1843] link 'Report All Bugs'" ] }
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[ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[74] link 'My Account'", "\t[75] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[76] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3684] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[80] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[244] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[245] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[140] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[248] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[112] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3663] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3665] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1909] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2660] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' 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"\t\t[36] heading 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[242] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[385] StaticText 'B07P69DRY8'", "\t\t[102] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1451] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1438] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1464] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1474] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1485] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[1439] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[1440] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1899] StaticText '$43.89'", "\t\t[1428] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1477] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1478] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1469] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1429] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1430] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1412] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3679] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3681] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3709] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3680] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3699] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3704] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3784] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3705] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3797] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3701] button 'Next'", "\t\t[1414] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3671] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3672] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1435] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3673] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1481] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1482] heading 'Product Description'", "\t\t\t\t[1503] img 'LOGO'", "\t\t\t\t[1505] img '1'", "\t\t\t\t[1522] StaticText '-The memory card expands the storage capacity and multimedia capabilities of the Sony PlayStation Vita handheld system.'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] StaticText '-This memory card can store save data for games, music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1524] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1526] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1529] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1532] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1535] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1516] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1539] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1544] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1552] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1553] columnheader '8GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1583] link '8GB'", 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PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1560] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1589] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1561] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1590] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1546] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1562] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1563] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1564] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1565] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1566] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1547] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1567] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1568] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1569] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1570] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1571] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1548] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1572] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1573] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1574] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1575] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1576] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1549] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1577] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1578] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1579] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1580] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1581] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1542] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1643] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1841] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1843] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", 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Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1655] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1657] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1775] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1739] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1776] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1797] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1798] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1777] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1799] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1800] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1778] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1801] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1802] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1779] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1803] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1804] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3674] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1697] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1658] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1726] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1718] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1701] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1681] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1682] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1683] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1684] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1685] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1676] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1678] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is now viewing a product page titled "OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641". The focus has shifted entirely from the Magento Admin Dashboard to the product details page. The webpage now displays various links related to the product, including account management options and product specifications, indicating a complete transition away from the admin functionalities intended in the previous state.
click [86]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[48] link 'My Account'", "\t[49] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[50] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3702] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[54] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[161] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[162] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[101] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[165] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[80] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3689] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3691] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1902] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' 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"\t\t[763] heading 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t[754] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[756] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[867] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[947] StaticText 'B07P69DRY8'", "\t\t[789] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[949] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[870] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1105] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1258] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1377] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[871] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[872] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText '$43.89'", "\t\t[816] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1261] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1262] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1110] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[817] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[818] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[793] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3657] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3659] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3685] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3658] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3675] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3680] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3708] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3681] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3709] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3677] button 'Next'", "\t\t[795] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3697] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3698] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[823] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3699] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1265] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1266] heading 'Product Description'", "\t\t\t\t[1500] img 'LOGO'", "\t\t\t\t[1502] img '1'", "\t\t\t\t[1518] StaticText '-The memory card expands the storage capacity and multimedia capabilities of the Sony PlayStation Vita handheld system.'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] StaticText '-This memory card can store save data for games, music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1520] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1522] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1524] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1513] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1534] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1536] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1537] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1538] columnheader '8GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1539] link '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1540] 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"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1758] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1787] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1759] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1788] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1741] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1760] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1761] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1762] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1763] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1764] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1742] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1765] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1766] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1767] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1768] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1769] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1743] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1770] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1771] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1772] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1773] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1774] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1744] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1775] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1776] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1777] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1778] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1779] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1731] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1732] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1780] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1829] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1854] img '16GB memory card'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] columnheader 'memory cards' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1856] img 'memory cards'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] columnheader 'cards 3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'cards 3'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1781] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] gridcell 'Compatible with all Sony PS Vita PSV1000 2000 consoles' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] gridcell 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] gridcell 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1616] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1546] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1548] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1670] StaticText 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1550] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1672] StaticText 'Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1552] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1674] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1554] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1676] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1637] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1677] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1699] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1700] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1701] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1702] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1679] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1703] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1704] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1680] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1705] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1706] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3700] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1594] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1555] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1613] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1623] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1615] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1598] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1579] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1580] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1581] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1582] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1571] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1573] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1575] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the user remains on the product page for "OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641". The user has not returned to the Magento Admin Dashboard, and the page continues to present product-related information. This reinforces that both actions have inadvertently led the user further away from the intended administrative tasks.
click [90]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[48] link 'My Account'", "\t[49] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[50] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3702] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[54] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[209] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[210] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[110] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[213] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[83] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3689] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3691] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1902] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2718] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2728] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2779] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2787] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2792] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2798] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2803] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2864] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2879] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2892] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1896] link 'Home'", "\t[1901] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1899] StaticText 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t[1350] main ''", "\t\t[1386] heading 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t[1356] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[1358] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[1480] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[1504] StaticText 'B07P69DRY8'", "\t\t[1434] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1506] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1483] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1555] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1578] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[1484] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[1485] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText '$43.89'", "\t\t[1464] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1558] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1559] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1536] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1465] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1466] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1438] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3657] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3659] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3685] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3658] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3675] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3680] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3777] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3681] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3778] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3677] button 'Next'", "\t\t[1440] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3697] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3698] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1471] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3699] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1562] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1563] heading 'Product Description'", "\t\t\t\t[1624] img 'LOGO'", "\t\t\t\t[1626] img '1'", "\t\t\t\t[1667] StaticText '-The memory card expands the storage capacity and multimedia capabilities of the Sony PlayStation Vita handheld system.'", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText '-This memory card can store save data for games, music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1669] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1672] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1674] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1676] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1680] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1637] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1682] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1702] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1735] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1748] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1749] columnheader '8GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1780] link '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] img '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1750] columnheader '16GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1781] link '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] img '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1751] columnheader '32GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1782] link '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1836] img '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1752] columnheader '64GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1783] link '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1837] img '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1736] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1753] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1754] columnheader 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1784] link 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1755] columnheader 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1785] link 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1756] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1786] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1757] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1787] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1737] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1758] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1759] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1760] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1761] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1762] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1738] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1763] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1764] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1765] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1766] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1767] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1739] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1768] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1769] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1770] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1771] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1772] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1740] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1773] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1774] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1775] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1776] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1777] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1726] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1727] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1778] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1828] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1854] img '16GB memory card'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1829] columnheader 'memory cards' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1856] img 'memory cards'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] columnheader 'cards 3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'cards 3'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1779] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] gridcell 'Compatible with all Sony PS Vita PSV1000 2000 consoles' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] gridcell 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] gridcell 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1539] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1369] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1643] StaticText 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1371] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1645] StaticText 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1373] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1647] StaticText 'Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1375] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1649] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1377] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1651] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1589] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1652] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1692] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1693] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1653] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1694] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1695] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1654] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1696] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1697] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1655] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1698] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1699] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3700] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1472] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1379] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1525] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1546] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1527] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1476] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1426] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1427] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1428] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1429] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1430] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1409] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1411] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1413] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is still situated on the page for "OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641". The repeated navigation away from the Magento Admin Dashboard highlights a persistent issue where intended admin actions lead to product details instead, thus further complicating the user's experience.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[84] link 'My Account'", "\t[85] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[86] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3702] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[90] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[295] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[296] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[178] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[299] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[130] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3689] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3691] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1902] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2718] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2728] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2779] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2787] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2792] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2798] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2803] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2864] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2879] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2892] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1896] link 'Home'", "\t[1901] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1899] StaticText 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t[7] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t[13] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[15] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[280] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[436] StaticText 'B07P69DRY8'", "\t\t[112] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[438] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[283] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[741] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1268] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[284] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[285] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText '$43.89'", "\t\t[167] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1043] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1044] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[746] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[168] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[169] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[116] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3657] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3659] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3685] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3658] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3675] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3680] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3777] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3681] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3778] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3677] button 'Next'", "\t\t[118] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3697] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3698] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[174] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3699] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1047] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1048] heading 'Product Description'", "\t\t\t\t[1500] img 'LOGO'", "\t\t\t\t[1502] img '1'", "\t\t\t\t[1518] StaticText '-The memory card expands the storage capacity and multimedia capabilities of the Sony PlayStation Vita handheld system.'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] StaticText '-This memory card can store save data for games, music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1520] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1522] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1524] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1513] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1534] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1536] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1537] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1538] columnheader '8GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1540] link '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1542] 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"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1760] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1788] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1761] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1789] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1744] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1762] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1763] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1764] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1765] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1766] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1745] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1767] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1768] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1769] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1770] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1771] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1746] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1772] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1773] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1774] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1775] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1776] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1747] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1777] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1778] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1779] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1780] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1781] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1734] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1735] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1782] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1854] img '16GB memory card'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] columnheader 'memory cards' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1856] img 'memory cards'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] columnheader 'cards 3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'cards 3'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1783] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] gridcell 'Compatible with all Sony PS Vita PSV1000 2000 consoles' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] gridcell 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] gridcell 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1619] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1549] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1551] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1553] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1675] StaticText 'Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1555] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1557] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1679] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1640] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1680] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1702] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1703] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1681] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1704] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1705] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1682] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1706] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1707] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1683] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1708] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1709] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3700] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1597] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1558] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1616] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1626] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1618] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1601] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1581] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1582] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1583] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1584] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1585] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1574] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the user continues to engage with the product page for "OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641". The content remains centered on the product, indicating that the user is now attempting to access additional details or customer reviews, further demonstrating the lack of access to the intended Magento Admin functionalities.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' focused: True [76] generic '\ue60a REPORTS Reports \ue62f Marketing Products in Cart Search Terms Abandoned Carts Newsletter Problem Reports Reviews By Customers By Products Sales Orders Tax Invoiced Shipping Refunds Coupons PayPal Settlement Braintree Settlement Customers Order Total Order Count New Products Views Bestsellers Low Stock Ordered Downloads Statistics Refresh Statistics Business Intelligence Advanced Reporting\ue644 BI Essentials\ue644' [114] link '\ue62f' [115] menu '' orientation: vertical [244] menu '' orientation: vertical [527] StaticText 'Marketing' [438] menu '' orientation: vertical [632] link 'Products in Cart' [633] link 'Search Terms' [634] link 'Abandoned Carts' [635] link 'Newsletter Problem Reports' [532] StaticText 'Reviews' [440] menu '' orientation: vertical [636] link 'By Customers' [637] link 'By Products' [245] menu '' orientation: vertical [535] StaticText 'Sales' [442] menu '' orientation: vertical [638] link 'Orders' [639] link 'Tax' [640] link 'Invoiced' [641] link 'Shipping' [642] link 'Refunds' [643] link 'Coupons' [644] link 'PayPal Settlement' [645] link 'Braintree Settlement' [246] menu '' orientation: vertical [544] StaticText 'Customers' [444] menu '' orientation: vertical [646] link 'Order Total' [647] link 'Order Count' [648] link 'New' [548] StaticText 'Products' [446] menu '' orientation: vertical [649] link 'Views' [650] link 'Bestsellers' [651] link 'Low Stock' [652] link 'Ordered' [653] link 'Downloads' [554] StaticText 'Statistics' [448] menu '' orientation: vertical [654] link 'Refresh Statistics' [247] menu '' orientation: vertical [556] StaticText 'Business Intelligence' [450] menu '' orientation: vertical [655] link 'Advanced Reporting\ue644' [656] link 'BI Essentials\ue644' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [597] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [598] StaticText 'Tax' [599] StaticText 'Shipping' [600] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [911] StaticText '$0.00' [913] StaticText 'Average Order' [918] StaticText 'Last Orders' [919] table '' [939] row '' [960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [961] columnheader 'Items' required: False [962] columnheader 'Total' required: False [940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [964] gridcell '5' required: False [965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [967] gridcell '4' required: False [968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [970] gridcell '3' required: False [971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [973] gridcell '4' required: False [974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [976] gridcell '2' required: False [977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [921] table '' [945] row '' [978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [979] columnheader 'Results' required: False [980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [982] gridcell '23' required: False [983] gridcell '1' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [984] gridcell 'nike' required: False [985] gridcell '0' required: False [986] gridcell '3' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [988] gridcell '10' required: False [989] gridcell '4' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [992] gridcell '19' required: False [950] row 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required: False [1006] gridcell '23' required: False [1007] gridcell '2' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1009] gridcell '23' required: False [1010] gridcell '1' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1012] gridcell '1' required: False [1013] gridcell '1' required: False [870] contentinfo '' [875] link '\ue606' [876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [878] link 'Privacy Policy' [879] StaticText ' |' [880] link ' Account Activity' [881] StaticText ' | ' [882] link 'Report an Issue'
click [32] where [32] is link '\ue60a REPORTS'
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [597] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [598] StaticText 'Tax' [599] StaticText 'Shipping' [600] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [911] StaticText '$0.00' [913] StaticText 'Average Order' [918] StaticText 'Last Orders' [919] table '' [939] row '' [960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [961] columnheader 'Items' required: False [962] columnheader 'Total' required: False [940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [964] gridcell '5' required: False [965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [967] gridcell '4' required: False [968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [970] gridcell '3' required: False [971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [973] gridcell '4' required: False [974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [976] gridcell '2' required: False [977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [921] table '' [945] row '' [978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [979] columnheader 'Results' required: False [980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [982] gridcell '23' required: False [983] gridcell '1' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [984] gridcell 'nike' required: False [985] gridcell '0' required: False [986] gridcell '3' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [988] gridcell '10' required: False [989] gridcell '4' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [992] gridcell '19' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [994] gridcell '23' required: False [995] gridcell '2' required: False [922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [923] table '' [951] row '' [996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [997] columnheader 'Results' required: False [998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1000] gridcell '1' required: False [1001] gridcell '19' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1003] gridcell '10' required: False [1004] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1006] gridcell '23' required: False [1007] gridcell '2' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1009] gridcell '23' required: False [1010] gridcell '1' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1012] gridcell '1' required: False [1013] gridcell '1' required: False [870] contentinfo '' [875] link '\ue606' [876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [878] link 'Privacy Policy' [879] StaticText ' |' [880] link ' Account Activity' [881] StaticText ' | ' [882] link 'Report an Issue'
Create a returns report from 10/15/2022 to 12/15/2022
The next observation would show the `REPORTS` section of the Magento Admin panel, now focused for further actions. This section presents a range of report categories, including Sales, Customers, and Products, which will allow the user to find and generate the returns report they need. The layout remains consistent with the dashboard, but now includes options tailored for reporting, enabling the user to proceed with creating the returns report for the specified date range.
{ "neg_action0": "click [84]", "neg_action1": "click [85]", "neg_action2": "click [86]", "neg_action3": "click [90]", "neg_action4": "scroll [down]", "neg_action5": "scroll [up]", "neg_action6": "hover [168]", "neg_action7": "hover [169]", "neg_action8": "click [43]", "neg_action9": "click [130]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3793] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3840] link 'My Account'", "\t[3841] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3842] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3846] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3814] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3808] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3816] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3817] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[3957] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[3958] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[3893] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[3961] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[3872] button 'Search'", "\t[3873] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[3875] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[3877] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[3879] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[3881] link 'Office Products'", "\t[3883] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[3885] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[3887] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[3889] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[74] link 'My Account'", "\t[75] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[76] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3684] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[80] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[244] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[245] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[140] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[248] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[112] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3663] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3665] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1909] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2660] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2725] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2735] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2749] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2786] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2794] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2799] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2805] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2810] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2871] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2886] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2899] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1903] link 'Home'", "\t[1908] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1906] StaticText 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[242] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[385] StaticText 'B07P69DRY8'", "\t\t[102] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1451] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1438] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1464] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1474] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1485] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[1439] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[1440] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1899] StaticText '$43.89'", "\t\t[1428] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1477] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1478] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1469] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1429] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1430] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1412] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3679] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3681] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3709] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3680] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3699] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3704] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3784] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3705] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3797] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3701] button 'Next'", "\t\t[1414] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3671] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3672] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1435] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3673] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1481] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1482] heading 'Product Description'", "\t\t\t\t[1503] img 'LOGO'", "\t\t\t\t[1505] img '1'", "\t\t\t\t[1522] StaticText '-The memory card expands the storage capacity and multimedia capabilities of the Sony PlayStation Vita handheld system.'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] StaticText '-This memory card can store save data for games, music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1524] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1526] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1529] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1532] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1535] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1516] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1539] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1544] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1552] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1553] columnheader '8GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1583] link '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1632] img '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1554] columnheader '16GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1584] link '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1633] img '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1555] columnheader '32GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1585] link '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1634] img '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1556] columnheader '64GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1586] link '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1635] img '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1545] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1557] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1558] columnheader 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1587] link 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1559] columnheader 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1588] link 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1560] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1589] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1561] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1590] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1546] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1562] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1563] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1564] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1565] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1566] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1547] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1567] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1568] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1569] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1570] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1571] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1548] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1572] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1573] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1574] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1575] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1576] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1549] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1577] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1578] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1579] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1580] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1581] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1542] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1643] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1841] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1843] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1861] img '16GB memory card'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1844] columnheader 'memory cards' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1863] img 'memory cards'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1845] columnheader 'cards 3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1865] img 'cards 3'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1842] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1846] gridcell 'Compatible with all Sony PS Vita PSV1000 2000 consoles' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1847] gridcell 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1848] gridcell 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1719] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1649] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1767] StaticText 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1651] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1769] StaticText 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1653] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1771] StaticText 'Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1655] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1657] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1775] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1739] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1776] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1797] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1798] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1777] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1799] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1800] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1778] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1801] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1802] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1779] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1803] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1804] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3674] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1697] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1658] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1726] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1718] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1701] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1681] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1682] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1683] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1684] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1685] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1676] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1678] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[48] link 'My Account'", "\t[49] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[50] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3702] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[54] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[161] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[162] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[101] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[165] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[80] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3689] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3691] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1902] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2718] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2728] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2779] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2787] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2792] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2798] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2803] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2864] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2879] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2892] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1896] link 'Home'", "\t[1901] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1899] StaticText 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t[748] main ''", "\t\t[763] heading 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t[754] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[756] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[867] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[947] StaticText 'B07P69DRY8'", "\t\t[789] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[949] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[870] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1105] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1258] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1377] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[871] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[872] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText '$43.89'", "\t\t[816] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1261] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1262] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1110] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[817] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[818] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[793] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3657] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3659] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3685] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3658] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3675] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3680] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3708] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3681] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3709] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3677] button 'Next'", "\t\t[795] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3697] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3698] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[823] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3699] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1265] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1266] heading 'Product Description'", "\t\t\t\t[1500] img 'LOGO'", "\t\t\t\t[1502] img '1'", "\t\t\t\t[1518] StaticText '-The memory card expands the storage capacity and multimedia capabilities of the Sony PlayStation Vita handheld system.'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] StaticText '-This memory card can store save data for games, music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1520] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1522] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1524] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1513] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1534] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1536] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1537] columnheader '' required: False", 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False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1786] link 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1758] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1787] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1759] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1788] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1741] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1760] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1761] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1762] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1763] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1764] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1742] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1765] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1766] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1767] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1768] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1769] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1743] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1770] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1771] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1772] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1773] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1774] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1744] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1775] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1776] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1777] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1778] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1779] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1731] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1732] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1780] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1829] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1854] img '16GB memory card'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] columnheader 'memory cards' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1856] img 'memory cards'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] columnheader 'cards 3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'cards 3'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1781] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] gridcell 'Compatible with all Sony PS Vita PSV1000 2000 consoles' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] gridcell 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] gridcell 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1616] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1546] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1548] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1670] StaticText 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1550] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1672] StaticText 'Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1552] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1674] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1554] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1676] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1637] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1677] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1699] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1700] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1701] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1702] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1679] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1703] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1704] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1680] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1705] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1706] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3700] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1594] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1555] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1613] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1623] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1615] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1598] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1579] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1580] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1581] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1582] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1571] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1573] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1575] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[48] link 'My Account'", "\t[49] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[50] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3702] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[54] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[209] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[210] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[110] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[213] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[83] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3689] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3691] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1902] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2718] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2728] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2779] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2787] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2792] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2798] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2803] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2864] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2879] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2892] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1896] link 'Home'", "\t[1901] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1899] StaticText 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t[1350] main ''", "\t\t[1386] heading 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t[1356] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[1358] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[1480] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[1504] StaticText 'B07P69DRY8'", "\t\t[1434] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1506] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1483] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1555] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1578] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[1484] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[1485] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText '$43.89'", "\t\t[1464] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1558] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1559] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1536] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1465] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1466] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1438] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3657] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3659] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3685] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3658] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3675] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3680] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3777] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3681] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3778] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3677] button 'Next'", "\t\t[1440] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3697] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3698] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1471] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3699] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1562] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1563] heading 'Product Description'", "\t\t\t\t[1624] img 'LOGO'", "\t\t\t\t[1626] img '1'", "\t\t\t\t[1667] StaticText '-The memory card expands the storage capacity and multimedia capabilities of the Sony PlayStation Vita handheld system.'", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText '-This memory card can store save data for games, music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1669] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1672] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1674] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1676] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1680] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1637] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1682] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1702] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1735] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1748] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1749] columnheader '8GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1780] link '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] img '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1750] columnheader '16GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1781] link '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] img '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1751] columnheader '32GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1782] link '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1836] img '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1752] columnheader '64GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1783] link '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1837] img '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1736] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1753] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1754] columnheader 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1784] link 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1755] columnheader 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1785] link 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1756] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1786] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1757] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1787] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1737] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1758] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1759] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1760] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1761] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1762] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1738] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1763] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1764] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1765] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1766] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1767] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1739] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1768] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1769] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1770] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1771] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1772] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1740] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1773] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1774] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1775] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1776] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1777] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1726] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1727] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1778] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1828] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1854] img '16GB memory card'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1829] columnheader 'memory cards' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1856] img 'memory cards'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] columnheader 'cards 3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'cards 3'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1779] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] gridcell 'Compatible with all Sony PS Vita PSV1000 2000 consoles' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] gridcell 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] gridcell 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1539] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1369] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1643] StaticText 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1371] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1645] StaticText 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1373] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1647] StaticText 'Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1375] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1649] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1377] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1651] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1589] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1652] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1692] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1693] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1653] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1694] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1695] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1654] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1696] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1697] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1655] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1698] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1699] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3700] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1472] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1379] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1525] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1546] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1527] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1476] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1426] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1427] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1428] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1429] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1430] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1409] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1411] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1413] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[84] link 'My Account'", "\t[85] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[86] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3702] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[90] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[295] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[296] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[178] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[299] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[130] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3689] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3691] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1902] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2718] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2728] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2779] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2787] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2792] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2798] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2803] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2864] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2879] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2892] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1896] link 'Home'", "\t[1901] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1899] StaticText 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t[7] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t[13] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[15] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[280] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[436] StaticText 'B07P69DRY8'", "\t\t[112] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[438] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[283] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[741] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1268] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[284] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[285] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText '$43.89'", "\t\t[167] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1043] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1044] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[746] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[168] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[169] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[116] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3657] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3659] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3685] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3658] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3675] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3680] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3777] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3681] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3778] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3677] button 'Next'", "\t\t[118] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3697] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3698] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[174] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3699] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1047] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1048] heading 'Product Description'", "\t\t\t\t[1500] img 'LOGO'", "\t\t\t\t[1502] img '1'", "\t\t\t\t[1518] StaticText '-The memory card expands the storage capacity and multimedia capabilities of the Sony PlayStation Vita handheld system.'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] StaticText '-This memory card can store save data for games, music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1520] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1522] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1524] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1513] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1534] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1536] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1537] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1538] columnheader '8GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1540] link '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1542] img '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1539] columnheader '16GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1541] link '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1543] img '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1755] columnheader '32GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1784] link '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1836] img '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1756] columnheader '64GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1785] link '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1837] img '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1743] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1757] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1758] columnheader 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1786] link 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1759] columnheader 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1787] link 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1760] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1788] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1761] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1789] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1744] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1762] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1763] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1764] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1765] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1766] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1745] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1767] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1768] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1769] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1770] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1771] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1746] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1772] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1773] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1774] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1775] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1776] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1747] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1777] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1778] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1779] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1780] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1781] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1734] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1735] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1782] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1854] img '16GB memory card'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] columnheader 'memory cards' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1856] img 'memory cards'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] columnheader 'cards 3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'cards 3'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1783] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] gridcell 'Compatible with all Sony PS Vita PSV1000 2000 consoles' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] gridcell 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] gridcell 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1619] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1549] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1551] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1553] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1675] StaticText 'Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1555] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1557] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1679] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1640] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1680] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1702] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1703] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1681] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1704] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1705] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1682] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1706] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1707] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1683] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1708] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1709] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3700] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1597] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1558] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1616] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1626] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1618] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1601] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1581] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1582] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1583] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1584] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1585] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1574] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[48] link 'My Account'", "\t[49] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[50] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3677] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[54] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[93] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[94] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[77] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[97] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[72] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3656] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3658] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1902] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2718] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2728] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2779] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2787] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2792] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2798] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2803] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2864] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2879] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2892] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1896] link 'Home'", "\t[1901] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1899] StaticText 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t[335] main ''", "\t\t[350] heading 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t[341] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[343] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[522] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[653] StaticText 'B07P69DRY8'", "\t\t[384] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[655] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[525] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[898] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1138] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1317] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[526] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[527] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText '$43.89'", "\t\t[427] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1141] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1142] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[903] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[428] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[429] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[388] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3672] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3674] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3702] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3673] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3692] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3697] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3708] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3698] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3790] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3694] button 'Next'", "\t\t[390] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3664] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3665] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[434] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3666] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1145] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1146] heading 'Product Description'", "\t\t\t\t[1500] img 'LOGO'", "\t\t\t\t[1502] img '1'", "\t\t\t\t[1518] StaticText '-The memory card expands the storage capacity and multimedia capabilities of the Sony PlayStation Vita handheld system.'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] StaticText '-This memory card can store save data for games, music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1520] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1522] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1524] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1513] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1534] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1536] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1537] columnheader '' required: False", 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False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1789] link 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1764] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1790] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1765] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1791] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1750] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1766] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1767] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1768] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1769] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1770] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1751] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1771] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1772] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1773] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1774] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1775] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1752] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1776] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1777] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1778] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1779] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1780] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1753] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1781] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1782] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1783] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1784] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1785] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1740] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1741] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1786] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1854] img '16GB memory card'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] columnheader 'memory cards' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1856] img 'memory cards'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] columnheader 'cards 3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'cards 3'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1787] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] gridcell 'Compatible with all Sony PS Vita PSV1000 2000 consoles' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1836] gridcell 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1837] gridcell 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1625] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1555] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1557] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1679] StaticText 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1559] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1681] StaticText 'Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1561] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1683] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1563] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1685] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1646] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1686] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1708] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1709] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1687] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1710] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1711] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1688] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1712] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1713] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1689] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1714] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1715] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3667] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1603] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1564] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1622] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1632] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1624] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1607] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1587] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1588] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1589] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1590] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1591] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1580] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1582] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1584] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[48] link 'My Account'", "\t[49] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[50] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3702] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[54] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[90] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[91] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[77] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[94] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[72] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3689] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3691] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1902] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2718] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2728] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2779] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2787] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2792] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2798] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2803] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2864] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2879] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2892] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1896] link 'Home'", "\t[1901] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1899] StaticText 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t[284] main ''", "\t\t[299] heading 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t[290] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[292] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[474] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[611] StaticText 'B07P69DRY8'", "\t\t[333] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[613] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[477] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[868] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1120] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1308] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[478] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[479] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText '$43.89'", "\t\t[376] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1123] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1124] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[873] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[377] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[378] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[337] link 'Skip to 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music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1669] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1672] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1674] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1676] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1680] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1637] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1682] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1702] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1735] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1748] columnheader '' required: False", 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False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1785] link 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1756] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1786] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1757] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1787] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1737] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1758] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1759] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1760] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1761] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1762] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1738] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1763] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1764] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1765] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1766] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1767] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1739] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1768] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1769] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1770] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1771] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1772] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1740] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1773] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1774] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1775] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1776] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1777] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1726] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1727] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1778] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1828] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1854] img '16GB memory card'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1829] columnheader 'memory cards' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1856] img 'memory cards'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] columnheader 'cards 3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'cards 3'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1779] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] gridcell 'Compatible with all Sony PS Vita PSV1000 2000 consoles' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] gridcell 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] gridcell 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1567] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1497] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1643] StaticText 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1499] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1645] StaticText 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1501] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1647] StaticText 'Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1503] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1649] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1505] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1651] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1592] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1652] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1692] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1693] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1653] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1694] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1695] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1654] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1696] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1697] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1655] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1698] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1699] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3700] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1545] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1506] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1564] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1574] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1566] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1549] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1529] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1530] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1531] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1532] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1533] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1522] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1524] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1526] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[84] link 'My Account'", "\t[85] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[86] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3702] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[90] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[295] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[296] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[178] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[299] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[130] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3689] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3691] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1902] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2718] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2728] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2779] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2787] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2792] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2798] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2803] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2864] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2879] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2892] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1896] link 'Home'", "\t[1901] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1899] StaticText 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[280] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[436] StaticText 'B07P69DRY8'", "\t\t[112] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[438] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[283] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[741] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1268] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[284] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[285] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText '$43.89'", "\t\t[167] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1043] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1044] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[746] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[168] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[169] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[116] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3657] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3659] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3685] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3658] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3675] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3680] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3708] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3681] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3709] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3677] button 'Next'", "\t\t[118] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3697] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3698] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[174] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3699] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1047] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1048] heading 'Product Description'", "\t\t\t\t[1500] img 'LOGO'", "\t\t\t\t[1502] img '1'", "\t\t\t\t[1518] StaticText '-The memory card expands the storage capacity and multimedia capabilities of the Sony PlayStation Vita handheld system.'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] StaticText '-This memory card can store save data for games, music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1520] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1522] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1524] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1513] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1534] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1536] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1537] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1538] columnheader '8GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1540] link '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1542] img '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1539] columnheader '16GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1541] link '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1543] img '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1755] columnheader '32GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1784] link '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1836] img '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1756] columnheader '64GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1785] link '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1837] img '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1743] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1757] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1758] columnheader 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1786] link 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1759] columnheader 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1787] link 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1760] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1788] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1761] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1789] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1744] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1762] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1763] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1764] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1765] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1766] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1745] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1767] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1768] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1769] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1770] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1771] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1746] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1772] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1773] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1774] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1775] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1776] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1747] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1777] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1778] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1779] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1780] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1781] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1734] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1735] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1782] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1854] img '16GB memory card'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] columnheader 'memory cards' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1856] img 'memory cards'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] columnheader 'cards 3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'cards 3'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1783] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] gridcell 'Compatible with all Sony PS Vita PSV1000 2000 consoles' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] gridcell 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] gridcell 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1619] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1549] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1551] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1553] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1675] StaticText 'Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1555] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1557] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1679] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1640] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1680] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1702] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1703] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1681] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1704] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1705] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1682] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1706] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1707] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1683] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1708] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1709] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3700] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1597] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1558] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1616] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1626] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1618] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1601] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1581] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1582] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1583] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1584] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1585] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1574] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[84] link 'My Account'", "\t[85] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[86] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3702] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[90] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[3800] dialog '' modal: False describedby: ui-id-303", "\t\t[3793] button '\\ue616 Close' focused: True", "\t\t[3802] StaticText 'You have no items in your shopping cart.'", "\t[295] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[296] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[178] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[299] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[130] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3688] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3690] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1902] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2718] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2728] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2779] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2787] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2792] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2798] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2803] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2864] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2879] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2892] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1896] link 'Home'", "\t[1901] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1899] StaticText 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[280] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[436] StaticText 'B07P69DRY8'", "\t\t[112] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[438] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[283] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[741] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1268] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[284] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[285] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText '$43.89'", "\t\t[167] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1043] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1044] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[746] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[168] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[169] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[116] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3657] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3659] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3685] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3658] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3675] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3680] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3775] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3681] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3778] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3677] button 'Next'", "\t\t[118] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3696] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3697] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[174] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3698] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1047] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1048] heading 'Product Description'", "\t\t\t\t[1500] img 'LOGO'", "\t\t\t\t[1502] img '1'", "\t\t\t\t[1518] StaticText '-The memory card expands the storage capacity and multimedia capabilities of the Sony PlayStation Vita handheld system.'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] StaticText '-This memory card can store save data for games, music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1520] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1522] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1524] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1513] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1534] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1536] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1537] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1538] columnheader '8GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1539] link '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1540] img '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1752] columnheader '16GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1782] link '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] img '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1753] columnheader '32GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1783] link '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1836] img '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1754] columnheader '64GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1784] link '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1837] img '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1740] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1755] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1756] columnheader 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1785] link 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1757] columnheader 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1786] link 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1758] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1787] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1759] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1788] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1741] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1760] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1761] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1762] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1763] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1764] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1742] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1765] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1766] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1767] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1768] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1769] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1743] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1770] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1771] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1772] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1773] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1774] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1744] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1775] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1776] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1777] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1778] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1779] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1731] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1732] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1780] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1829] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1854] img '16GB memory card'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] columnheader 'memory cards' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1856] img 'memory cards'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] columnheader 'cards 3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'cards 3'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1781] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] gridcell 'Compatible with all Sony PS Vita PSV1000 2000 consoles' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] gridcell 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] gridcell 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1616] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1546] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1548] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1670] StaticText 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1550] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1672] StaticText 'Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1552] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1674] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1554] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1676] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1637] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1677] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1699] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1700] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1701] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1702] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1679] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1703] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1704] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1680] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1705] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1706] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3699] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1594] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1555] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1613] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1623] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1615] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1598] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1579] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1580] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1581] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1582] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1571] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1573] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1575] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[84] link 'My Account'", "\t[85] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[86] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3702] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[90] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[295] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[296] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[178] combobox '\\ue615 Search' focused: True autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: True", "\t[299] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[130] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3689] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3691] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1902] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2718] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2728] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2779] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2787] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2792] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2798] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2803] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2864] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2879] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2892] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1896] link 'Home'", "\t[1901] 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Compare'", "\t\t[116] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3657] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3659] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3685] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3658] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3675] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3680] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3708] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3681] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3778] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3677] button 'Next'", "\t\t[118] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3697] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3698] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[174] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3699] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1047] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1048] heading 'Product Description'", "\t\t\t\t[1500] img 'LOGO'", "\t\t\t\t[1502] img '1'", "\t\t\t\t[1518] StaticText '-The memory card expands the storage capacity and multimedia capabilities of the Sony PlayStation Vita handheld system.'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] StaticText '-This memory card can store save data for games, music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1520] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1522] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1524] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1513] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1534] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1536] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1537] 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table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1747] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1793] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1815] img '16GB memory card'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1794] columnheader 'memory cards' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1817] img 'memory cards'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1795] columnheader 'cards 3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1819] img 'cards 3'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1748] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1796] gridcell 'Compatible with all Sony PS Vita PSV1000 2000 consoles' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1797] gridcell 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1798] gridcell 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1589] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1555] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1638] StaticText 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1557] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1640] StaticText 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1559] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1642] StaticText 'Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1561] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1644] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1563] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1646] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1607] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1647] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1669] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1670] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1648] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1671] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1672] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1649] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1673] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1674] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1650] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1675] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1676] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3700] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1576] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1564] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1863] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1866] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1865] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1858] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1844] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1845] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1846] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1847] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1848] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1839] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1841] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1843] link 'Report All Bugs'" ] }
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click [85]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[74] link 'My Account'", "\t[75] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[76] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3684] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[80] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[244] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[245] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[140] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[248] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[112] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3663] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3665] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1909] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2660] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' 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'Image'", "\t\t[3680] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3699] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3704] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3784] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3705] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3797] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3701] button 'Next'", "\t\t[1414] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3671] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3672] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1435] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3673] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1481] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1482] heading 'Product Description'", "\t\t\t\t[1503] img 'LOGO'", "\t\t\t\t[1505] img '1'", "\t\t\t\t[1522] StaticText '-The memory card expands the storage capacity and multimedia capabilities of the Sony PlayStation Vita handheld system.'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] StaticText '-This memory card can store save data for games, music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1524] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1526] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1529] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1532] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1535] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1516] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1539] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1544] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1552] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1553] columnheader '8GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1583] link '8GB'", 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PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1560] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1589] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1561] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1590] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1546] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1562] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1563] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1564] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1565] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1566] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1547] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1567] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1568] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1569] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1570] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1571] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1548] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1572] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1573] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1574] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1575] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1576] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1549] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1577] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1578] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1579] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1580] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1581] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1542] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1643] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1841] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1843] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", 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Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1655] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1657] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1775] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1739] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1776] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1797] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1798] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1777] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1799] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1800] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1778] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1801] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1802] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1779] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1803] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1804] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3674] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1697] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1658] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1726] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1718] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1701] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1681] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1682] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1683] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1684] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1685] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1676] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1678] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be the webpage displaying the product details for the OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita. The main focus has shifted from the administrative functionalities of Magento to a detailed product page, which includes availability, SKU, ratings, and purchase options. The content hierarchy is now centered around the specific product, moving away from the broader dashboard overview. This transition reflects a shift in user intent from administration to product exploration.
click [86]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[48] link 'My Account'", "\t[49] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[50] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3702] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[54] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[161] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[162] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[101] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[165] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[80] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3689] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3691] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1902] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2718] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2728] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2779] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2787] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2792] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2798] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2803] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2864] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2879] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2892] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1896] link 'Home'", "\t[1901] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1899] StaticText 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t[748] main ''", "\t\t[763] heading 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t[754] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[756] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[867] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[947] StaticText 'B07P69DRY8'", "\t\t[789] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[949] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[870] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1105] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1258] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1377] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[871] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[872] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText '$43.89'", "\t\t[816] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1261] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1262] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1110] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[817] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[818] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[793] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3657] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3659] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3685] img 'Image'", 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StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1522] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1524] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1513] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1534] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1536] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1537] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1538] columnheader '8GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1539] link '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1540] 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"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1758] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1787] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1759] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1788] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1741] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1760] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1761] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1762] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1763] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1764] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1742] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1765] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1766] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1767] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1768] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1769] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1743] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1770] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1771] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1772] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1773] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1774] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1744] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1775] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1776] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1777] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1778] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1779] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1731] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1732] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1780] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1829] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1854] img '16GB memory card'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] columnheader 'memory cards' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1856] img 'memory cards'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] columnheader 'cards 3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'cards 3'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1781] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] gridcell 'Compatible with all Sony PS Vita PSV1000 2000 consoles' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] gridcell 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] gridcell 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1616] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1546] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1548] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1670] StaticText 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1550] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1672] StaticText 'Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1552] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1674] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1554] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1676] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1637] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1677] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1699] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1700] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1701] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1702] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1679] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1703] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1704] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1680] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1705] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1706] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3700] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1594] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1555] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1613] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1623] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1615] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1598] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1579] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1580] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1581] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1582] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1571] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1573] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1575] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be the webpage displaying the product details for the OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita. The focus has shifted from the Magento Admin Dashboard to a dedicated product page, showcasing specific information such as availability, SKU, and purchasing options. The content hierarchy is now centered around this product, indicating a diversion from administrative tasks to product-related interactions. This change illustrates the user's intent to engage with product specifics rather than the overall management tools.
click [90]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[48] link 'My Account'", "\t[49] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[50] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3702] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[54] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[209] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[210] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[110] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[213] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[83] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3689] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3691] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1902] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' 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"\t\t[1386] heading 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t[1356] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[1358] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[1480] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[1504] StaticText 'B07P69DRY8'", "\t\t[1434] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1506] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1483] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1555] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1578] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[1484] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[1485] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText '$43.89'", "\t\t[1464] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1558] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1559] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1536] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1465] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1466] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1438] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3657] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3659] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3685] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3658] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3675] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3680] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3777] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3681] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3778] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3677] button 'Next'", "\t\t[1440] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3697] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3698] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1471] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3699] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1562] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1563] heading 'Product Description'", "\t\t\t\t[1624] img 'LOGO'", "\t\t\t\t[1626] img '1'", "\t\t\t\t[1667] StaticText '-The memory card expands the storage capacity and multimedia capabilities of the Sony PlayStation Vita handheld system.'", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText '-This memory card can store save data for games, music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1669] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1672] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1674] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1676] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1680] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1637] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1682] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1702] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1735] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1748] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1749] columnheader '8GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1780] link '8GB'", 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PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1756] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1786] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1757] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1787] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1737] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1758] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1759] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1760] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1761] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1762] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1738] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1763] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1764] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1765] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1766] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1767] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1739] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1768] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1769] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1770] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1771] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1772] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1740] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1773] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1774] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1775] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1776] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1777] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1726] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1727] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1778] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1828] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1854] img '16GB memory card'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1829] columnheader 'memory cards' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1856] img 'memory cards'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] columnheader 'cards 3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'cards 3'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1779] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] gridcell 'Compatible with all Sony PS Vita PSV1000 2000 consoles' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] gridcell 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] gridcell 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1539] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1369] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1643] StaticText 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1371] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1645] StaticText 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1373] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1647] StaticText 'Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1375] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1649] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1377] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1651] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1589] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1652] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1692] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1693] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1653] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1694] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1695] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1654] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1696] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1697] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1655] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1698] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1699] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3700] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1472] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1379] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1525] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1546] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1527] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1476] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1426] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1427] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1428] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1429] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1430] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1409] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1411] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1413] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be the webpage displaying the product details for the OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita. The user remains focused on a product-centric view, which includes detailed information such as SKU and purchasing options. This continued focus on product details shifts the content hierarchy away from the Magento Admin Dashboard, showcasing a clear intent to explore product offerings rather than engage with administrative functionalities. This reflects a sustained interest in the specifics of the product.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' focused: True", "\t[84] link 'My Account'", "\t[85] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[86] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3702] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[90] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[295] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[296] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[178] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[299] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[130] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3689] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3691] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1902] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2653] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2718] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2728] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2742] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2779] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2787] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2792] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2798] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2803] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2864] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2879] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2892] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1896] link 'Home'", "\t[1901] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1899] StaticText 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t[7] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t[13] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[15] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[280] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[436] StaticText 'B07P69DRY8'", "\t\t[112] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[438] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[283] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[741] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1268] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[284] link '12\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[285] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText '$43.89'", "\t\t[167] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1043] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1044] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[746] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[168] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[169] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[116] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3657] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3659] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3685] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3658] button 'Next'", "\t\t[3675] button 'Previous'", "\t\t[3680] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3777] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3681] button 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3778] img 'Image'", "\t\t[3677] button 'Next'", "\t\t[118] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3697] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3698] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[174] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3699] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1047] separator '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t\t[1048] heading 'Product Description'", "\t\t\t\t[1500] img 'LOGO'", "\t\t\t\t[1502] img '1'", "\t\t\t\t[1518] StaticText '-The memory card expands the storage capacity and multimedia capabilities of the Sony PlayStation Vita handheld system.'", "\t\t\t\t[1519] StaticText '-This memory card can store save data for games, music files, photos, movies, and up to 2 full PlayStation Vita games — depending on the file sizes.'", "\t\t\t\t[1520] StaticText '-You can transfer files from other devices or download them directly from the official online Sony store.'", "\t\t\t\t[1522] StaticText '-Features:'", "\t\t\t\t[1523] StaticText '-Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1524] StaticText '-Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] StaticText '-Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1527] StaticText '-Package includes:'", "\t\t\t\t[1528] StaticText ' 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1531] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1513] img '6'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1534] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1536] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1537] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1538] columnheader '8GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1540] link '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1542] img '8GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1539] columnheader '16GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1541] link '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1543] img '16GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1755] columnheader '32GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1784] link '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1836] img '32GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1756] columnheader '64GB' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1785] link '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1837] img '64GB'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1743] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1757] columnheader '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1758] columnheader 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1786] link 'OSTENT 8GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1759] columnheader 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1787] link 'OSTENT 16GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1760] columnheader 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1788] link 'OSTENT 32GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1761] columnheader 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1789] link 'OSTENT 64GB Memory Card for Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 PCH-Z081/Z161/Z321/Z641'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1744] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1762] rowheader 'Media Storage' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1763] gridcell '8GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1764] gridcell '16GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1765] gridcell '32GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1766] gridcell '64GB Capacity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1745] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1767] rowheader 'Movies' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1768] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1769] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1770] gridcell '12' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1771] gridcell '24' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1746] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1772] rowheader 'Songs' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1773] gridcell '1142' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1774] gridcell '2284' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1775] gridcell '4568' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1776] gridcell '9136' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1747] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1777] rowheader 'Photos' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1778] gridcell '800' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1779] gridcell '1600' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1780] gridcell '3200' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1781] gridcell '6400' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1734] heading 'Why you need a memory card :'", "\t\t\t\t[1735] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1782] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1830] columnheader '16GB memory card' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1854] img '16GB memory card'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1831] columnheader 'memory cards' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1856] img 'memory cards'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1832] columnheader 'cards 3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[1858] img 'cards 3'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1783] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1833] gridcell 'Compatible with all Sony PS Vita PSV1000 2000 consoles' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1834] gridcell 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1835] gridcell 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1619] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1549] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText 'Required for most game play on PS Vita system'", "\t\t\t\t[1551] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1673] StaticText 'Store game saves, PSN downloads, and personal media'", "\t\t\t\t[1553] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1675] StaticText 'Provide storage for up to: 2-4 full PS Vita System games, or 6 Movies, or 2,284 Songs, or 1600 Photos'", "\t\t\t\t[1555] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1677] StaticText 'Compatible with: all Sony PS Vita PSV1000/2000 consoles (PCH-1000, PCH-2000, PCH-Z081, PCH-Z161, PCH-Z321, PCH-641)'", "\t\t\t\t[1557] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1679] StaticText 'Package includes: 1 x memory card'", "\t\t\t\t[1640] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1680] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1702] rowheader 'Package Dimensions' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1703] gridcell '6.22 x 3.17 x 0.08 inches' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1681] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1704] rowheader 'Item Weight' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1705] gridcell '0.352 ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1682] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1706] rowheader 'Manufacturer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1707] gridcell 'OSTENT' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1683] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1708] rowheader 'Date First Available' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1709] gridcell 'March 2, 2019' required: False", "\t\t\t[3700] tab 'Reviews (12)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1597] link 'Reviews (12)'", "\t[1558] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1616] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1626] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1618] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1601] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1581] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1582] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1583] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1584] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1585] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1574] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be the webpage still focused on the product details for the OSTENT 16GB Memory Card Stick Storage for Sony PS Vita. The user is actively seeking more information, indicating a deeper engagement with the product's offerings. This action highlights the shift in content hierarchy from the administrative tools of the Magento Admin Dashboard to a detailed exploration of the product, demonstrating the user's intent to gather comprehensive information before making a decision. The focus remains solely on product details rather than management functionalities.
Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1284] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [1337] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1346] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1291] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1295] link '\ue60b SALES' focused: True [1356] generic '\ue60b SALES Sales \ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal' [1377] link '\ue62f' [1378] menu '' orientation: vertical [1541] menu '' orientation: vertical [1657] link 'Orders' [1658] link 'Invoices' [1659] link 'Shipments' [1660] link 'Credit Memos' [1661] link 'Billing Agreements' [1662] link 'Transactions' [1663] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal' [1299] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1303] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1307] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1311] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1315] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1319] link '\ue60d STORES' [1323] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1327] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1365] heading 'Orders' [1366] link '\ue600 admin' [1368] link '\ue607' [2038] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1334] main '' [2045] button 'Create New Order' [2100] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2114] button '\ue610 Columns' [2117] button '\ue635 Export' [2241] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2257] StaticText 'pendingpendingpendingpending' [2242] button 'Search' [2253] button '\ue605Filters' [2747] LayoutTable '' [2756] StaticText 'Active filters:' [2805] StaticText 'Keyword:' [2807] StaticText 'pendingpendingpendingpending' [2808] button '\ue620' [3890] StaticText 'Purchase Date:' [3892] StaticText '6/20/2022' [3893] StaticText ' - ' [3894] StaticText '11/20/2022' [3895] button '\ue620' [2758] button 'Clear all' [3800] button 'Actions' [2563] StaticText 'records found' [2886] textbox 'per page' required: False [2913] StaticText '200' [2880] button 'per page Select' [2298] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2564] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2299] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2086] table '' [2089] row '' [2762] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2813] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false [2815] button 'Options' disabled: True [2763] columnheader 'ID' required: False [2764] columnheader 'Purchase Point' required: False [2765] columnheader 'Purchase Date' required: False [2766] columnheader 'Bill-to Name' required: False [2767] columnheader 'Ship-to Name' required: False [2768] columnheader '↓ Grand Total (Base)' required: False [2769] columnheader 'Grand Total (Purchased)' required: False [2770] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2771] columnheader 'Action' required: False [2772] columnheader 'Allocated sources' required: False [2773] columnheader 'Braintree Transaction Source' required: False [3685] row '' [3687] gridcell "We couldn't find any records." required: False [1335] contentinfo '' [1430] link '\ue606' [1431] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [1495] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [1433] link 'Privacy Policy' [1434] StaticText ' |' [1435] link ' Account Activity' [1436] StaticText ' | ' [1437] link 'Report an Issue'
click [1295] where [1295] is link '\ue60b SALES'
[ "None", "click [12] where [12] is link '\\ue60b SALES'", "click [412] where [412] is link 'Orders'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1284] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [1337] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1346] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1291] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1295] link '\ue60b SALES' [1299] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1303] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1307] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1311] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1315] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1319] link '\ue60d STORES' [1323] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1327] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1365] heading 'Orders' [1366] link '\ue600 admin' [1368] link '\ue607' [2038] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1334] main '' [2045] button 'Create New Order' [1335] contentinfo '' [1430] link '\ue606' [1431] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [1495] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [1433] link 'Privacy Policy' [1434] StaticText ' |' [1435] link ' Account Activity' [1436] StaticText ' | ' [1437] link 'Report an Issue'
Presents the monthly count of successful orders from Apr to Sep 2022 in MM:COUNT format
The next observation would still be within the `Orders / Operations / Sales` section of the Magento Admin Panel. Although the user has successfully navigated to the sales section, the displayed content indicates that there are currently no order records found based on the existing filters. The panel shows search and filter options, including a date range filter from `6/20/2022` to `11/20/2022`, suggesting that the user must modify these parameters to display the relevant monthly order data. Therefore, no counts for successful orders from April to September 2022 are visible at this point, necessitating further action to retrieve that specific information.
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I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '4 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"\t\t\t\t\t[681] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1835] StaticText '1049'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1836] StaticText '1033'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1837] StaticText '1011'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[954] link 'inspiredraven' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1355] StaticText 't3_11en8qn'", "\t\t\t\t[958] time 'February 28, 2023 at 6:15:56 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1880] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[959] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[960] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1360] link '10 comments'", "\t\t\t[547] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1853] StaticText '98'", "\t\t\t[550] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[281] link 'More'", "\t[13] complementary ''", "\t\t[88] heading 'Subscribed forums'", "\t\t[282] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t[8] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[50] StaticText 'Running '", "\t\t[51] link 'Postmill'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Postmill", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Postmill' focused: True", "\t[9] link 'Jump to main content'", "\t[10] link 'Jump to sidebar'", "\t[17] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t[52] link 'Home'", "\t\t\t[93] StaticText 'Postmill'", "\t[168] link 'Forums'", "\t[169] link 'Wiki'", "\t[100] searchbox 'Search query'", 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"\t\t\t[334] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[23] article ''", "\t\t\t[209] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[336] heading 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t\t[605] link 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t[607] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[608] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[610] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:23:13 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1856] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[611] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[612] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1013] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1015] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1388] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[340] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[343] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[24] article ''", "\t\t\t[212] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[345] heading 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[620] link 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[622] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[623] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[625] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:49:09 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[626] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[627] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1027] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1029] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1398] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[349] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1830] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[352] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[25] article ''", "\t\t\t[215] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[354] heading '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '4 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strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[681] link \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link 'RAThrow_clairbear22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_yir25k'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'October 31, 2022 at 6:32:37 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '8 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1836] StaticText '1049'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1837] StaticText '1033'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[954] link 'inspiredraven' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1355] StaticText 't3_11en8qn'", "\t\t\t\t[958] time 'February 28, 2023 at 6:15:56 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1880] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[959] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[960] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1360] link '10 comments'", "\t\t\t[547] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1853] StaticText '98'", "\t\t\t[550] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[281] link 'More'", "\t[13] complementary ''", "\t\t[88] heading 'Subscribed forums'", "\t\t[282] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t[8] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[50] StaticText 'Running '", "\t\t[51] link 'Postmill'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Postmill", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Postmill' focused: True", "\t[9] link 'Jump to main content'", "\t[10] link 'Jump to sidebar'", "\t[17] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t[52] link 'Home'", "\t\t\t[93] StaticText 'Postmill'", "\t[168] link 'Forums'", "\t[169] link 'Wiki'", "\t[100] searchbox 'Search query'", 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"\t\t\t[334] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[23] article ''", "\t\t\t[209] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[336] heading 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t\t[605] link 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t[607] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[608] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[610] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:23:13 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1856] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[611] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[612] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1013] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1015] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1388] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[340] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[343] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[24] article ''", "\t\t\t[212] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[345] heading 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[620] link 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[622] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[623] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[625] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:49:09 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[626] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[627] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1027] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1029] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1398] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[349] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1830] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[352] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[25] article ''", "\t\t\t[215] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[354] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[367] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[370] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[27] article ''", "\t\t\t[221] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[372] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[666] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[668] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[669] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1070] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[673] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[674] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[675] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1075] link '4 comments'", "\t\t\t[376] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[379] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[28] article ''", "\t\t\t[224] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[381] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[681] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'RAThrow_clairbear22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_yir25k'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'October 31, 2022 at 6:32:37 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '8 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1837] StaticText '1049'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 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I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[666] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[668] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[669] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1070] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[673] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[674] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[675] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1075] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[376] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[379] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[28] article ''", "\t\t\t[224] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[381] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[681] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '4 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'RAThrow_clairbear22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_yir25k'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'October 31, 2022 at 6:32:37 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '8 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[954] link 'inspiredraven' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1355] StaticText 't3_11en8qn'", "\t\t\t\t[958] time 'February 28, 2023 at 6:15:56 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1880] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[959] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[960] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1360] link '10 comments'", "\t\t\t[547] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1853] StaticText '98'", "\t\t\t[550] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[281] link 'More'", "\t[13] complementary ''", "\t\t[88] heading 'Subscribed forums'", "\t\t[282] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t[8] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[50] StaticText 'Running '", "\t\t[51] link 'Postmill'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0: Postmill | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation7": null, "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[1899] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation9": null }
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I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '4 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"\t\t\t\t\t[681] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1835] StaticText '1049'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1836] StaticText '1033'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1837] StaticText '1011'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[954] link 'inspiredraven' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1355] StaticText 't3_11en8qn'", "\t\t\t\t[958] time 'February 28, 2023 at 6:15:56 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1880] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[959] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[960] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1360] link '10 comments'", "\t\t\t[547] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1853] StaticText '98'", "\t\t\t[550] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[281] link 'More'", "\t[13] complementary ''", "\t\t[88] heading 'Subscribed forums'", "\t\t[282] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t[8] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[50] StaticText 'Running '", "\t\t[51] link 'Postmill'" ]
The next observation would be that the interface has now displayed additional elements related to the "Orders" section, such as detailed order lists, specific order statuses, and possibly more administrative tools. The previously focused "Orders" heading remains prominent, but now users can interact with order specifics or related functionalities that weren't visible before scrolling. The overall layout has expanded to provide a richer context for managing orders.
click [9]
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I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '4 comments'", "\t\t\t[367] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[370] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[27] article ''", "\t\t\t[221] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[372] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[666] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[668] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[669] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1070] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[673] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[674] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[675] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1075] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[376] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[379] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[28] article ''", "\t\t\t[224] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[381] heading \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[681] link \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link 'RAThrow_clairbear22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_yir25k'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'October 31, 2022 at 6:32:37 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '8 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1836] StaticText '1049'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1837] StaticText '1033'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[954] link 'inspiredraven' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1355] StaticText 't3_11en8qn'", "\t\t\t\t[958] time 'February 28, 2023 at 6:15:56 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1880] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[959] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[960] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1360] link '10 comments'", "\t\t\t[547] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1853] StaticText '98'", "\t\t\t[550] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[281] link 'More'", "\t[13] complementary ''", "\t\t[88] heading 'Subscribed forums'", "\t\t[282] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t[8] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[50] StaticText 'Running '", "\t\t[51] link 'Postmill'" ]
The next observation would be that the interface has shifted to focus on the main content of the Postmill platform, featuring community discussions and forum posts. The previous Magento Admin options are no longer visible, and the user now engages with articles and user-generated content, indicating a transition from administrative tasks to community interactions.
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[ "Tab 0 (current): Postmill", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Postmill' focused: True", "\t[9] link 'Jump to main content'", "\t[10] link 'Jump to sidebar'", "\t[17] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t[52] link 'Home'", "\t\t\t[93] StaticText 'Postmill'", "\t[168] link 'Forums'", "\t[169] link 'Wiki'", "\t[100] searchbox 'Search query'", "\t[101] link 'Notifications (0)'", "\t[102] link 'Submit'", "\t[1824] button 'MarvelsGrantMan136' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[12] main ''", "\t\t[200] link 'Submissions'", "\t\t[201] link 'Comments'", "\t\t[1825] button 'Filter on: Subscribed' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t[1826] button 'Sort by: Hot' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t[22] article ''", "\t\t\t[206] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[327] heading 'Advice about cheating in a relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[589] link 'Advice about cheating in a relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[591] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[592] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[594] time 'September 9, 2024 at 11:22:17 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1854] StaticText '23 hours ago'", "\t\t\t\t[595] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[596] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[998] link 'No comments'", "\t\t\t[1000] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1378] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[331] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1827] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[334] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[23] article ''", "\t\t\t[209] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[336] heading 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t\t[605] link 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t[607] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[608] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[610] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:23:13 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1856] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[611] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[612] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1013] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1015] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1388] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[340] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[343] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[24] article ''", "\t\t\t[212] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[345] heading 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[620] link 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[622] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[623] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[625] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:49:09 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[626] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[627] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1027] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1029] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1398] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[349] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1830] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[352] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[25] article ''", "\t\t\t[215] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[354] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[367] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[370] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[27] article ''", "\t\t\t[221] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[372] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[666] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[668] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[669] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1070] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[673] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[674] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[675] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1075] link '4 comments'", "\t\t\t[376] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[379] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[28] article ''", "\t\t\t[224] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[381] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[681] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'RAThrow_clairbear22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_yir25k'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'October 31, 2022 at 6:32:37 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '8 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1837] StaticText '1049'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[954] link 'inspiredraven' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1355] StaticText 't3_11en8qn'", "\t\t\t\t[958] time 'February 28, 2023 at 6:15:56 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1880] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[959] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[960] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1360] link '10 comments'", "\t\t\t[547] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1853] StaticText '98'", "\t\t\t[550] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[281] link 'More'", "\t[13] complementary ''", "\t\t[88] heading 'Subscribed forums'", "\t\t[282] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t[8] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[50] StaticText 'Running '", "\t\t[51] link 'Postmill'" ]
The next observation would be that the user interface has highlighted options within the "Submissions" area, potentially showing previews of recent posts or additional interaction tools. This allows the user to assess available content before deciding whether to dive deeper into the community discussions, enhancing navigation through visual feedback.
click [201]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1899] RootWebArea 'Recent comments' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1905] link 'Jump to main content'", "\t[1906] link 'Jump to sidebar'", "\t[1910] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t[1914] link 'Home'", "\t\t\t[1924] StaticText 'Postmill'", "\t[1940] link 'Forums'", "\t[1941] link 'Wiki'", "\t[1931] searchbox 'Search query'", "\t[1932] link 'Notifications (0)'", "\t[1933] link 'Submit'", "\t[1934] button 'MarvelsGrantMan136'", "\t[2003] main ''", "\t\t[2020] link 'Submissions'", "\t\t[2021] link 'Comments'", "\t\t[2005] heading 'Recent comments'", "\t\t[2006] article ''", "\t\t\t[2009] checkbox '' checked: true", "\t\t\t[2022] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[2034] heading 'MarvelsGrantMan136 Original poster wrote on September 10, 2024 at 6:59 AM'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2054] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2056] generic 'Original poster'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2075] StaticText 'OP'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2057] StaticText ' wrote '", "\t\t\t\t\t[2058] time 'September 10, 2024 at 6:59:45 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2077] StaticText 'on September 10, 2024 at 6:59 AM'" ]
The next observation would be that the interface has transitioned to the "Recent comments" section, where user interactions and engagement with content are highlighted. This new focus showcases community members' responses, providing an interactive environment for discussions and feedback, moving away from the administrative tasks that characterized the earlier state.
Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1284] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [1337] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1346] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1291] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1295] link '\ue60b SALES' focused: True [1356] generic '\ue60b SALES Sales \ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal' [1377] link '\ue62f' [1378] menu '' orientation: vertical [1541] menu '' orientation: vertical [1657] link 'Orders' [1658] link 'Invoices' [1659] link 'Shipments' [1660] link 'Credit Memos' [1661] link 'Billing Agreements' [1662] link 'Transactions' [1663] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal' [1299] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1303] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1307] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1311] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1315] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1319] link '\ue60d STORES' [1323] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1327] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1365] heading 'Orders' [1366] link '\ue600 admin' [1368] link '\ue607' [2038] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1334] main '' [2045] button 'Create New Order' [2100] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2114] button '\ue610 Columns' [2117] button '\ue635 Export' [2241] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2257] StaticText 'pendingpendingpendingpending' [2242] button 'Search' [2253] button '\ue605Filters' [2747] LayoutTable '' [2756] StaticText 'Active filters:' [2805] StaticText 'Keyword:' [2807] StaticText 'pendingpendingpendingpending' [2808] button '\ue620' [3890] StaticText 'Purchase Date:' [3892] StaticText '6/20/2022' [3893] StaticText ' - ' [3894] StaticText '11/20/2022' [3895] button '\ue620' [2758] button 'Clear all' [3800] button 'Actions' [2563] StaticText 'records found' [2886] textbox 'per page' required: False [2913] StaticText '200' [2880] button 'per page Select' [2298] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2564] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2299] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2086] table '' [2089] row '' [2762] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2813] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false [2815] button 'Options' disabled: True [2763] columnheader 'ID' required: False [2764] columnheader 'Purchase Point' required: False [2765] columnheader 'Purchase Date' required: False [2766] columnheader 'Bill-to Name' required: False [2767] columnheader 'Ship-to Name' required: False [2768] columnheader '↓ Grand Total (Base)' required: False [2769] columnheader 'Grand Total (Purchased)' required: False [2770] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2771] columnheader 'Action' required: False [2772] columnheader 'Allocated sources' required: False [2773] columnheader 'Braintree Transaction Source' required: False [3685] row '' [3687] gridcell "We couldn't find any records." required: False [1335] contentinfo '' [1430] link '\ue606' [1431] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [1495] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [1433] link 'Privacy Policy' [1434] StaticText ' |' [1435] link ' Account Activity' [1436] StaticText ' | ' [1437] link 'Report an Issue'
click [1295] where [1295] is link '\ue60b SALES'
[ "None", "click [12] where [12] is link '\\ue60b SALES'", "click [412] where [412] is link 'Orders'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1284] RootWebArea 'Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [1337] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1346] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1291] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1295] link '\ue60b SALES' [1299] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1303] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1307] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1311] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1315] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1319] link '\ue60d STORES' [1323] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1327] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1365] heading 'Orders' [1366] link '\ue600 admin' [1368] link '\ue607' [2038] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1334] main '' [2045] button 'Create New Order' [1335] contentinfo '' [1430] link '\ue606' [1431] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [1495] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [1433] link 'Privacy Policy' [1434] StaticText ' |' [1435] link ' Account Activity' [1436] StaticText ' | ' [1437] link 'Report an Issue'
Presents the monthly count of successful orders from Apr to Sep 2022 in MM:COUNT format
The next observation would still be within the `Orders / Operations / Sales` section of the Magento Admin Panel. Although the user has successfully navigated to the sales section, the displayed content indicates that there are currently no order records found based on the existing filters. The panel shows search and filter options, including a date range filter from `6/20/2022` to `11/20/2022`, suggesting that the user must modify these parameters to display the relevant monthly order data. Therefore, no counts for successful orders from April to September 2022 are visible at this point, necessitating further action to retrieve that specific information.
{ "neg_action0": "type [100] [monthly successful orders from Apr to Sep 2022] [1]", "neg_action1": "scroll [down]", "neg_action2": "click [9]", "neg_action3": "hover [12]", "neg_action4": "click [201]", "neg_action5": "hover [100]", "neg_action6": "new_tab", "neg_action7": null, "neg_action8": "go_back", "neg_action9": null, "neg_observation0": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1900] RootWebArea 'Search' focused: True", "\t[1908] link 'Jump to main content'", "\t[1909] link 'Jump to sidebar'", "\t[1916] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t[1927] link 'Home'", "\t\t\t[1946] StaticText 'Postmill'", "\t[1965] link 'Forums'", "\t[1966] link 'Wiki'", "\t[1952] searchbox 'Search query'", "\t\t[2009] StaticText 'monthly successful orders from Apr to Sep 2022'", "\t[1953] link 'Notifications (0)'", "\t[1954] link 'Submit'", "\t[2118] button 'MarvelsGrantMan136' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[1911] main ''", "\t\t[1920] heading 'Search'", "\t\t[1997] StaticText 'Search query'", "\t\t[1958] searchbox 'Search query'", "\t\t\t[2026] StaticText 'monthly successful orders from Apr to Sep 2022'", "\t\t[1960] button 'Search'", "\t\t[1922] heading 'No results for monthly successful orders from Apr to Sep 2022'", "\t\t[1942] StaticText 'There are no entries to display.'", "\t[1907] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1925] StaticText 'Running '", "\t\t[1926] link 'Postmill'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Postmill", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Postmill' focused: True", "\t[9] link 'Jump to main content'", "\t[10] link 'Jump to sidebar'", "\t[17] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t[52] link 'Home'", "\t\t\t[93] StaticText 'Postmill'", "\t[168] link 'Forums'", "\t[169] link 'Wiki'", "\t[100] searchbox 'Search query'", "\t[101] link 'Notifications (0)'", "\t[102] link 'Submit'", "\t[1824] button 'MarvelsGrantMan136' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[12] main ''", "\t\t[200] link 'Submissions'", "\t\t[201] link 'Comments'", "\t\t[1825] button 'Filter on: Subscribed' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t[1826] button 'Sort by: Hot' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t[22] article ''", "\t\t\t[206] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[327] heading 'Advice about cheating in a relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[589] link 'Advice about cheating in a relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[591] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[592] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[594] time 'September 9, 2024 at 11:22:17 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1854] StaticText '23 hours ago'", "\t\t\t\t[595] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[596] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[998] link 'No comments'", "\t\t\t[1000] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1378] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[331] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1827] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[334] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[23] article ''", "\t\t\t[209] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[336] heading 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t\t[605] link 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t[607] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[608] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[610] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:23:13 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1856] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[611] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[612] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1013] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1015] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1388] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[340] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[343] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[24] article ''", "\t\t\t[212] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[345] heading 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[620] link 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[622] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[623] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[625] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:49:09 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[626] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[627] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1027] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1029] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1398] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[349] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1830] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[352] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[25] article ''", "\t\t\t[215] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[354] heading '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '4 comments'", "\t\t\t[367] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[370] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[27] article ''", "\t\t\t[221] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[372] heading \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[666] link \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t[668] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[669] link 'RAThrow_clairbear22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1070] StaticText 't3_yir25k'", "\t\t\t\t[673] time 'October 31, 2022 at 6:32:37 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[674] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[675] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1075] link '8 comments'", "\t\t\t[376] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[379] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[28] article ''", "\t\t\t[224] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[381] heading \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[681] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1835] StaticText '1049'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1836] StaticText '1033'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1837] StaticText '1011'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 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"\t\t\t[334] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[23] article ''", "\t\t\t[209] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[336] heading 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t\t[605] link 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t[607] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[608] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[610] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:23:13 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1856] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[611] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[612] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1013] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1015] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1388] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[340] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[343] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[24] article ''", "\t\t\t[212] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[345] heading 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[620] link 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[622] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[623] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[625] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:49:09 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[626] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[627] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1027] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1029] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1398] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[349] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1830] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[352] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[25] article ''", "\t\t\t[215] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[354] heading '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '4 comments'", "\t\t\t[367] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[370] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[27] article ''", "\t\t\t[221] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[372] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[666] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[668] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[669] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1070] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[673] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[674] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[675] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1075] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[376] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[379] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[28] article ''", "\t\t\t[224] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[381] heading \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[681] link \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link 'RAThrow_clairbear22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_yir25k'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'October 31, 2022 at 6:32:37 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '8 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1836] StaticText '1049'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1837] StaticText '1033'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 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"\t[101] link 'Notifications (0)'", "\t[102] link 'Submit'", "\t[1824] button 'MarvelsGrantMan136' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[12] main ''", "\t\t[200] link 'Submissions'", "\t\t[201] link 'Comments'", "\t\t[1825] button 'Filter on: Subscribed' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t[1826] button 'Sort by: Hot' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t[22] article ''", "\t\t\t[206] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[327] heading 'Advice about cheating in a relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[589] link 'Advice about cheating in a relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[591] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[592] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[594] time 'September 9, 2024 at 11:22:17 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1854] StaticText '23 hours ago'", "\t\t\t\t[595] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[596] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[998] link 'No comments'", "\t\t\t[1000] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1378] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[331] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1827] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[334] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[23] article ''", "\t\t\t[209] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[336] heading 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t\t[605] link 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t[607] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[608] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[610] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:23:13 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1856] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[611] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[612] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1013] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1015] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1388] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[340] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[343] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[24] article ''", "\t\t\t[212] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[345] heading 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[620] link 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[622] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[623] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[625] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:49:09 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[626] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[627] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1027] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1029] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1398] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[349] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1830] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[352] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[25] article ''", "\t\t\t[215] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[354] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[367] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[370] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[27] article ''", "\t\t\t[221] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[372] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[666] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[668] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[669] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1070] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[673] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[674] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[675] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1075] link '4 comments'", "\t\t\t[376] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[379] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[28] article ''", "\t\t\t[224] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[381] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[681] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'RAThrow_clairbear22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_yir25k'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'October 31, 2022 at 6:32:37 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '8 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1837] StaticText '1049'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 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I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[666] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[668] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[669] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1070] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[673] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[674] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[675] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1075] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[376] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[379] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[28] article ''", "\t\t\t[224] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[381] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[681] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '4 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'RAThrow_clairbear22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_yir25k'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'October 31, 2022 at 6:32:37 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '8 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[954] link 'inspiredraven' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1355] StaticText 't3_11en8qn'", "\t\t\t\t[958] time 'February 28, 2023 at 6:15:56 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1880] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[959] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[960] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1360] link '10 comments'", "\t\t\t[547] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1853] StaticText '98'", "\t\t\t[550] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[281] link 'More'", "\t[13] complementary ''", "\t\t[88] heading 'Subscribed forums'", "\t\t[282] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t[8] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[50] StaticText 'Running '", "\t\t[51] link 'Postmill'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0: Postmill | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation7": null, "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[1899] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation9": null }
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I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '4 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"\t\t\t\t\t[681] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1835] StaticText '1049'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1836] StaticText '1033'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1837] StaticText '1011'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 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StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[954] link 'inspiredraven' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1355] StaticText 't3_11en8qn'", "\t\t\t\t[958] time 'February 28, 2023 at 6:15:56 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1880] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[959] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[960] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1360] link '10 comments'", "\t\t\t[547] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1853] StaticText '98'", "\t\t\t[550] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[281] link 'More'", "\t[13] complementary ''", "\t\t[88] heading 'Subscribed forums'", "\t\t[282] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t[8] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[50] StaticText 'Running '", "\t\t[51] link 'Postmill'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is now on the 'Postmill' page, which is entirely different from the previous 'Magento Admin' context. The new page lacks any references to orders or sales functionalities, instead presenting a forum-like environment with links to discussions and articles. The focus has shifted to a community-driven platform, indicating a significant change in user intent and context. The hierarchy of content has also changed, with new headings and articles relevant to personal advice, contrasting sharply with the structured order management interface of the previous state.
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[ "Tab 0 (current): Postmill", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Postmill' focused: True", "\t[9] link 'Jump to main content'", "\t[10] link 'Jump to sidebar'", "\t[17] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t[52] link 'Home'", "\t\t\t[93] StaticText 'Postmill'", "\t[168] link 'Forums'", "\t[169] link 'Wiki'", "\t[100] searchbox 'Search query'", "\t[101] link 'Notifications (0)'", "\t[102] link 'Submit'", "\t[1824] button 'MarvelsGrantMan136' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[12] main ''", "\t\t[200] link 'Submissions'", "\t\t[201] link 'Comments'", "\t\t[1825] button 'Filter on: Subscribed' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t[1826] button 'Sort by: Hot' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t[22] article ''", "\t\t\t[206] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[327] heading 'Advice about cheating in a relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[589] link 'Advice about cheating in a relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[591] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[592] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[594] time 'September 9, 2024 at 11:22:17 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1854] StaticText '23 hours ago'", "\t\t\t\t[595] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[596] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[998] link 'No comments'", "\t\t\t[1000] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1378] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[331] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1827] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[334] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[23] article ''", "\t\t\t[209] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[336] heading 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t\t[605] link 'Need advice on break-up remedy'", "\t\t\t\t[607] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[608] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[610] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:23:13 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1856] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[611] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[612] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1013] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1015] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1388] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[340] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[343] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[24] article ''", "\t\t\t[212] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[345] heading 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t\t[620] link 'Long Distance Relationship'", "\t\t\t\t[622] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[623] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[625] time 'September 6, 2024 at 8:49:09 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t\t\t[626] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[627] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1027] link '1 comment'", "\t\t\t[1029] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[1398] button 'Delete'", "\t\t\t[349] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1830] StaticText '−1'", "\t\t\t[352] button 'Retract downvote'", "\t\t[25] article ''", "\t\t\t[215] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[354] heading '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[638] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[639] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1040] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[643] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1859] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[644] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[645] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1045] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[358] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[361] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[26] article ''", "\t\t\t[218] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[363] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '4 comments'", "\t\t\t[367] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[370] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[27] article ''", "\t\t\t[221] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[372] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[666] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[668] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[669] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1070] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[673] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[674] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[675] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1075] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[376] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[379] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[28] article ''", "\t\t\t[224] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[381] heading \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[681] link \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link 'RAThrow_clairbear22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_yir25k'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'October 31, 2022 at 6:32:37 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '8 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1836] StaticText '1049'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1837] StaticText '1033'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link \"How to tell my mom (54F) that I (21F) was SA'd\"", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'Apprehensive-Rest470' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_127ycxx'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:36:04 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '14 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[954] link 'inspiredraven' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1355] StaticText 't3_11en8qn'", "\t\t\t\t[958] time 'February 28, 2023 at 6:15:56 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1880] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[959] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[960] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1360] link '10 comments'", "\t\t\t[547] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1853] StaticText '98'", "\t\t\t[550] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[281] link 'More'", "\t[13] complementary ''", "\t\t[88] heading 'Subscribed forums'", "\t\t[282] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t[8] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[50] StaticText 'Running '", "\t\t[51] link 'Postmill'" ]
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I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t\t[651] link '[22m] [22f] My bf likes me better with makeup. I feel awful'", "\t\t\t\t[653] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[654] link 'ThrowRA3567767' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1055] StaticText 't3_1002u99'", "\t\t\t\t[658] time 'December 31, 2022 at 3:25:45 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1860] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[659] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[660] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1060] link '64 comments'", "\t\t\t[367] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[370] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[27] article ''", "\t\t\t[221] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[372] heading 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t\t[666] link 'I’m tired of being my sister’s nanny UPDATE'", "\t\t\t\t[668] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[669] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1070] StaticText 't3_z94zvu'", "\t\t\t\t[673] time 'November 30, 2022 at 5:09:42 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1861] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[674] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[675] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1075] link '4 comments'", "\t\t\t[376] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[379] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[28] article ''", "\t\t\t[224] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[381] heading 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t\t[681] link 'my female cousin got a new handsome, tall boyfriend and my mom is sad that my boyfriend doesn’t compare'", "\t\t\t\t[683] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[684] link 'RemoteAnything1265' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1085] StaticText 't3_yim2ky'", "\t\t\t\t[688] time 'October 31, 2022 at 3:25:02 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1862] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[689] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[690] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1090] link '56 comments'", "\t\t\t[385] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[388] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[29] article ''", "\t\t\t[227] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[390] heading \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[696] link \"[UPDATE] My (f23) boyfriend (m33) just left me in Europe, told me to 'be strong' and just left\"", "\t\t\t\t[698] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[699] link 'RAThrow_clairbear22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1100] StaticText 't3_yir25k'", "\t\t\t\t[703] time 'October 31, 2022 at 6:32:37 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1863] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[704] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[705] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1105] link '8 comments'", "\t\t\t[394] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[397] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[30] article ''", "\t\t\t[230] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[399] heading \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[711] link \"husband's coworker ( F30) asking my husband why he's so protective of me (f 29)\"", "\t\t\t\t[713] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[714] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1115] StaticText 't3_127vpp1'", "\t\t\t\t[718] time 'March 31, 2023 at 3:08:58 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1864] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[719] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[720] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1120] link '142 comments'", "\t\t\t[403] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1837] StaticText '1049'", "\t\t\t[406] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[31] article ''", "\t\t\t[233] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[408] heading 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t\t[726] link 'should I tell my girlfriend that her parents had lunch with me?'", "\t\t\t\t[728] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[729] link 'Practiccount' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1130] StaticText 't3_yio8rk'", "\t\t\t\t[733] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1865] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[734] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[735] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1135] link '88 comments'", "\t\t\t[412] button 'Retract upvote'", "\t\t\t[415] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[32] article ''", "\t\t\t[236] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[417] heading 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t\t[741] link 'My (F28) mother (F49) wants me to donate my eggs to her to have another child'", "\t\t\t\t[743] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[744] link 'ambs782' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1145] StaticText 't3_11emce0'", "\t\t\t\t[748] time 'February 28, 2023 at 5:40:06 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1866] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[749] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[750] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1150] link '30 comments'", "\t\t\t[421] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1839] StaticText '412'", "\t\t\t[424] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[33] article ''", "\t\t\t[239] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[426] heading 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Is my marriage over ? 31M/29F'", "\t\t\t\t[758] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[759] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1160] StaticText 't3_12709jk'", "\t\t\t\t[763] time 'March 30, 2023 at 5:45:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1867] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[764] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[765] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1165] link '211 comments'", "\t\t\t[430] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText '305'", "\t\t\t[433] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[34] article ''", "\t\t\t[242] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[435] heading 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[771] link 'My partner of 5 years wants to move out but not break-up... I feel so defeated.'", "\t\t\t\t[773] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[774] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] StaticText 't3_yi4kd3'", "\t\t\t\t[778] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:08:53 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1868] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[779] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[780] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1180] link '157 comments'", "\t\t\t[439] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1841] StaticText '296'", "\t\t\t[442] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[35] article ''", "\t\t\t[245] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[444] heading '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[786] link '[40m] [35f] we are 2 people in a monogamous marraige. his fettish is killing the marraige.'", "\t\t\t\t[788] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[789] link 'Tight-Cut-4606' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1190] StaticText 't3_zzsq1h'", "\t\t\t\t[793] time 'December 31, 2022 at 7:07:13 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1869] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[794] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[795] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1195] link '85 comments'", "\t\t\t[448] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1842] StaticText '260'", "\t\t\t[451] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[36] article ''", "\t\t\t[248] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[453] heading '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[801] link '[19f] [20m] I need help being kinder to my boyfriend.'", "\t\t\t\t[803] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[804] link 'L0V3LY-SAVV' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1205] StaticText 't3_10q14l9'", "\t\t\t\t[808] time 'January 31, 2023 at 9:57:50 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1870] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[809] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[810] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1210] link '49 comments'", "\t\t\t[457] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1843] StaticText '213'", "\t\t\t[460] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[37] article ''", "\t\t\t[251] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[462] heading 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t\t[816] link 'Found out Wife cheated on me a bunch during bootcamp 10 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[818] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[819] link 'myWholeWifeIsaLie' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1220] StaticText 't3_z7u5pr'", "\t\t\t\t[823] time 'November 29, 2022 at 8:31:11 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1871] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[824] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[825] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1225] link '123 comments'", "\t\t\t[466] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText '180'", "\t\t\t[469] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[38] article ''", "\t\t\t[254] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[471] heading '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[831] link '(34F)(34M) she said my needs don’t matter. I said if she honestly believes that we shouldn’t be together.'", "\t\t\t\t[833] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[834] link 'ThrowRA_tireddad22' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1235] StaticText 't3_zzzii5'", "\t\t\t\t[838] time 'December 31, 2022 at 12:48:31 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1872] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[839] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[840] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1240] link '31 comments'", "\t\t\t[475] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1845] StaticText '160'", "\t\t\t[478] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[39] article ''", "\t\t\t[257] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[480] heading 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[846] link 'My (f24) husband (m25) sent nudes to someone else.'", "\t\t\t\t[848] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[849] link '[deleted]' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1250] StaticText 't3_10q38p6'", "\t\t\t\t[853] time 'January 31, 2023 at 11:21:53 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1873] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[854] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[855] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1255] link '125 comments'", "\t\t\t[484] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1846] StaticText '153'", "\t\t\t[487] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[40] article ''", "\t\t\t[260] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[489] heading \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[861] link \"[27f][29m] My bf has a female friend that he has stopped me from hanging out with over the 8 years we've been together.\"", "\t\t\t\t[863] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[864] link 'ThrowRAChancez' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1265] StaticText 't3_zzvzku'", "\t\t\t\t[868] time 'December 31, 2022 at 10:04:30 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1874] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[869] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[870] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1270] link '79 comments'", "\t\t\t[493] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1847] StaticText '146'", "\t\t\t[496] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[41] article ''", "\t\t\t[263] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[498] heading '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[876] link '[34M][34F] My wife is inconsolable.'", "\t\t\t\t[878] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[879] link 'papifunko' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1280] StaticText 't3_1005sp9'", "\t\t\t\t[883] time 'December 31, 2022 at 5:51:04 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1875] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[884] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[885] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1285] link '6 comments'", "\t\t\t[502] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1848] StaticText '142'", "\t\t\t[505] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[42] article ''", "\t\t\t[266] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[507] heading 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t\t[891] link 'Should my bf still be allowed to wingman? M28 F27 (relationship of two years with a baby together)'", "\t\t\t\t[893] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[894] link 'secondaccount22223' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1295] StaticText 't3_10pyhd5'", "\t\t\t\t[898] time 'January 31, 2023 at 8:02:40 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1876] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[899] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[900] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1300] link '78 comments'", "\t\t\t[511] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText '140'", "\t\t\t[514] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[43] article ''", "\t\t\t[269] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[516] heading '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t\t[906] link '[23F][23M] I feel like I’m boring my boyfriend and he’s getting tired of it'", "\t\t\t\t[908] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[909] link 'Big_Pirate2229' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1310] StaticText 't3_zzy4tn'", "\t\t\t\t[913] time 'December 31, 2022 at 11:44:56 AM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1877] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[914] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[915] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1315] link '15 comments'", "\t\t\t[520] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1850] StaticText '120'", "\t\t\t[523] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[44] article ''", "\t\t\t[272] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[525] heading 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t\t[921] link 'Neighbor’s worker flirting with my fiancé I’m 24F and he’s 27M'", "\t\t\t\t[923] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[924] link 'IndependentLoud1671' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1325] StaticText 't3_127yrou'", "\t\t\t\t[928] time 'March 31, 2023 at 4:47:01 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1878] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t\t\t[929] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[930] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1330] link '16 comments'", "\t\t\t[529] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText '117'", "\t\t\t[532] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[45] article ''", "\t\t\t[275] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[534] heading 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[936] link 'I no longer want to have sex with my husband.'", "\t\t\t\t[938] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[939] link 'jenbum95' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1340] StaticText 't3_yinkea'", "\t\t\t\t[943] time 'October 31, 2022 at 4:14:29 PM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1879] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[944] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[945] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1345] link '17 comments'", "\t\t\t[538] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1852] StaticText '102'", "\t\t\t[541] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[46] article ''", "\t\t\t[278] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[543] heading \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[951] link \"I'm [35F] ready for divorce but husband [39M] has zero support system and I am close to certain he will kill himself\"", "\t\t\t\t[953] StaticText 'Submitted by '", "\t\t\t\t[954] link 'inspiredraven' expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[1355] StaticText 't3_11en8qn'", "\t\t\t\t[958] time 'February 28, 2023 at 6:15:56 PM EST'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1880] StaticText '2 years ago'", "\t\t\t\t[959] StaticText ' in '", "\t\t\t\t[960] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t\t\t[1360] link '10 comments'", "\t\t\t[547] button 'Upvote'", "\t\t\t[1853] StaticText '98'", "\t\t\t[550] button 'Downvote'", "\t\t[281] link 'More'", "\t[13] complementary ''", "\t\t[88] heading 'Subscribed forums'", "\t\t[282] link 'relationship_advice'", "\t[8] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[50] StaticText 'Running '", "\t\t[51] link 'Postmill'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is now focused on the 'Postmill' page, which has taken precedence over the Magento Admin interface. The hover action did not prompt any additional information or actions as intended, leading to a shift in user interaction towards a community forum. This indicates a loss of functionality and purpose associated with order management, as the user is now immersed in a new environment centered around community discussions and advice, contrasting sharply with the previous administrative tasks.
click [201]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1899] RootWebArea 'Recent comments' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1905] link 'Jump to main content'", "\t[1906] link 'Jump to sidebar'", "\t[1910] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t[1914] link 'Home'", "\t\t\t[1924] StaticText 'Postmill'", "\t[1940] link 'Forums'", "\t[1941] link 'Wiki'", "\t[1931] searchbox 'Search query'", "\t[1932] link 'Notifications (0)'", "\t[1933] link 'Submit'", "\t[1934] button 'MarvelsGrantMan136'", "\t[2003] main ''", "\t\t[2020] link 'Submissions'", "\t\t[2021] link 'Comments'", "\t\t[2005] heading 'Recent comments'", "\t\t[2006] article ''", "\t\t\t[2009] checkbox '' checked: true", "\t\t\t[2022] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t\t[2034] heading 'MarvelsGrantMan136 Original poster wrote on September 10, 2024 at 6:59 AM'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2054] link 'MarvelsGrantMan136'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2056] generic 'Original poster'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2075] StaticText 'OP'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2057] StaticText ' wrote '", "\t\t\t\t\t[2058] time 'September 10, 2024 at 6:59:45 AM EDT'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[2077] StaticText 'on September 10, 2024 at 6:59 AM'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is now on the 'Recent comments' section of the 'Postmill' page, signifying a complete departure from the Magento Admin interface. The click action led to a community-driven environment where discussions take precedence over sales operations, indicating a significant shift in user focus and intent. The structure and content are now aligned with social interactions rather than order management, emphasizing a fundamental change in the user experience and available functionalities.
Tab 0 (current): Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1284] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1344] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1291] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1295] link '\ue60b SALES' [1299] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1354] generic '\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \ue62f Products Categories' [1376] link '\ue62f' [1377] menu '' orientation: vertical [1539] menu '' orientation: vertical [1666] link 'Products' [1667] link 'Categories' [1303] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1307] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1311] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1315] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1319] link '\ue60d STORES' [1323] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1327] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1362] heading 'Products' [1363] link '\ue600 admin' [1365] link '\ue607' [2061] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1334] main '' [2068] generic 'Add Product' [2069] button 'Add Product' [2070] button 'Add product of type' [2544] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2545] button '\ue610 Columns' [2548] button '\ue605Filters' [3709] LayoutTable '' [3718] StaticText 'Active filters:' [3730] StaticText 'Keyword:' [3732] StaticText 'Selena Yoga HoodieNova baStella Joggersblack Adidas track pants SNike hoodie size Mred Nike sneakersLucia Cross-Fit Brackpacks' [3733] button '\ue620' [3720] button 'Clear all' [2536] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2575] StaticText 'Selena Yoga HoodieNova baStella Joggersblack Adidas track pants SNike hoodie size Mred Nike sneakersLucia Cross-Fit Brackpacks' [2537] button 'Search' [4087] button 'Actions' [2621] StaticText 'records found' [3830] textbox 'per page' required: False [3857] StaticText '200' [3824] button 'per page Select' [2724] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2762] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2725] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2143] table '' [2146] row '' [2178] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2461] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false [2463] button 'Options' disabled: True [2486] columnheader '↓ ID' required: False [2487] columnheader 'Thumbnail' required: False [2488] columnheader 'Name' required: False [2489] columnheader 'Type' required: False [2490] columnheader 'Attribute Set' required: False [2491] columnheader 'SKU' required: False [2492] columnheader 'Price' required: False [2493] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [2494] columnheader 'Salable Quantity' required: False [2495] columnheader 'Visibility' required: False [2496] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2497] columnheader 'Websites' required: False [3899] columnheader 'Last Updated At' required: False [2498] columnheader 'Action' required: False [4090] row '' [4092] gridcell "We couldn't find any records." required: False [2036] contentinfo '' [2041] link '\ue606' [2042] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [2052] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [2044] link 'Privacy Policy' [2045] StaticText ' |' [2046] link ' Account Activity' [2047] StaticText ' | ' [2048] link 'Report an Issue'
type [2536] [white Puma sneakers ] where [2536] is textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False
[ "None", "click [16] where [16] is link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "click [127] where [127] is link 'Products'", "click [1299] where [1299] is link '\\ue608 CATALOG'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1284] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1344] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1291] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1295] link '\ue60b SALES' [1299] link '\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True [1354] generic '\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \ue62f Products Categories' [1376] link '\ue62f' [1377] menu '' orientation: vertical [1539] menu '' orientation: vertical [1666] link 'Products' [1667] link 'Categories' [1303] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1307] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1311] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1315] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1319] link '\ue60d STORES' [1323] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1327] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1362] heading 'Products' [1363] link '\ue600 admin' [1365] link '\ue607' [2061] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1334] main '' [2068] generic 'Add Product' [2069] button 'Add Product' [2070] button 'Add product of type' [2544] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2545] button '\ue610 Columns' [2548] button '\ue605Filters' [3709] LayoutTable '' [3718] StaticText 'Active filters:' [3730] StaticText 'Keyword:' [3732] StaticText 'Selena Yoga HoodieNova baStella Joggersblack Adidas track pants SNike hoodie size Mred Nike sneakersLucia Cross-Fit Brackpacks' [3733] button '\ue620' [3720] button 'Clear all' [2536] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2575] StaticText 'Selena Yoga HoodieNova baStella Joggersblack Adidas track pants SNike hoodie size Mred Nike sneakersLucia Cross-Fit Brackpacks' [2537] button 'Search' [4087] button 'Actions' [2621] StaticText 'records found' [3830] textbox 'per page' required: False [3857] StaticText '200' [3824] button 'per page Select' [2724] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2762] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2725] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2143] table '' [2146] row '' [2178] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2461] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false [2463] button 'Options' disabled: True [2486] columnheader '↓ ID' required: False [2487] columnheader 'Thumbnail' required: False [2488] columnheader 'Name' required: False [2489] columnheader 'Type' required: False [2490] columnheader 'Attribute Set' required: False [2491] columnheader 'SKU' required: False [2492] columnheader 'Price' required: False [2493] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [2494] columnheader 'Salable Quantity' required: False [2495] columnheader 'Visibility' required: False [2496] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2497] columnheader 'Websites' required: False [3899] columnheader 'Last Updated At' required: False [2498] columnheader 'Action' required: False [4090] row '' [4092] gridcell "We couldn't find any records." required: False [2036] contentinfo '' [2041] link '\ue606' [2042] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [2052] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [2044] link 'Privacy Policy' [2045] StaticText ' |' [2046] link ' Account Activity' [2047] StaticText ' | ' [2048] link 'Report an Issue'
Increase the price of white Puma sneakers in size 7 and 8 by $15
The next observation reveals that no products were found matching the search criteria. The admin panel still shows the same structure, with options for managing products and filtering search results, but the content area indicates that the search did not yield any results. The user is left with the option to either adjust their search terms or explore other methods to locate the desired white Puma sneakers in size 7 and 8 to proceed with increasing their price by $15.
{ "neg_action0": "click [64]", "neg_action1": "scroll [up]", "neg_action2": "hover [18]", "neg_action3": "click [171]", "neg_action4": "type [64] [Puma sneakers in size 7] [1]", "neg_action5": "click [1299]", "neg_action6": "go_back", "neg_action7": "press [Ctrl+F]", "neg_action8": "type [64] [size 8 white Puma sneakers] [1]", "neg_action9": "close_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[2977] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[2981] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2990] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[5056] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[3045] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3035] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[3019] link 'Create new...'", "\t[3099] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[3131] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[3100] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[3133] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[3102] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[3103] link 'Help'", "\t[3105] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[3143] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[3075] main ''", "\t\t[3093] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[3111] link 'New project'", "\t\t[3245] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[3246] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[3247] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[3248] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[3155] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[3254] button 'Name'", "\t\t[3159] link 'All'", "\t\t[3160] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[3258] link ''", "\t\t[3459] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[3612] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[3460] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3614] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3615] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[3616] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[3465] link '0'", "\t\t[3466] link '0'", "\t\t[3467] link '0'", "\t\t[3468] link '0'", "\t\t[3627] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3628] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4523] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3261] link 'A'", "\t\t[3471] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[3629] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[3472] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3631] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3632] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[3825] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[3633] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[3477] link '1'", "\t\t[3478] link '0'", "\t\t[3479] link '0'", "\t\t[3480] link '1'", "\t\t[3644] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3645] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4529] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3264] link 'A'", "\t\t[3483] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[3646] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[3484] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3648] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3649] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[3845] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[3650] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[3489] link '2'", "\t\t[3490] link '0'", "\t\t[3491] link '1'", "\t\t[3492] link '4'", "\t\t[3661] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3662] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4535] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[3267] link 'A'", "\t\t[3495] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[3663] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[3496] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3665] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[3666] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[3501] link '20'", "\t\t[3502] link '0'", "\t\t[3503] link '10'", "\t\t[3504] link '40'", "\t\t[3677] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3678] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4541] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[3270] link 'A'", "\t\t[3507] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[3679] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[3508] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[3681] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3682] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[3884] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[3683] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[3513] link '1'", "\t\t[3514] link '0'", "\t\t[3515] link '0'", "\t\t[3516] link '0'", "\t\t[3694] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3695] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4547] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3273] link 'A'", "\t\t[3519] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[3696] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[3520] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3698] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3524] link '0'", "\t\t[3525] link '0'", "\t\t[3526] link '0'", "\t\t[3527] link '0'", "\t\t[3709] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3710] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4553] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3276] link 'A'", "\t\t[3530] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[3711] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[3531] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3713] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3535] link '0'", "\t\t[3536] link '0'", "\t\t[3537] link '0'", "\t\t[3538] link '0'", "\t\t[3724] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3725] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4559] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3279] link 'A'", "\t\t[3541] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[3726] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[3542] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3728] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3546] link '0'", "\t\t[3547] link '0'", "\t\t[3548] link '0'", "\t\t[3549] link '0'", "\t\t[3739] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3740] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4565] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3282] link 'A'", "\t\t[3552] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[3741] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[3553] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3743] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3557] link '0'", "\t\t[3558] link '0'", "\t\t[3559] link '0'", "\t\t[3560] link '0'", "\t\t[3754] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3755] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4571] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3285] link 'B'", "\t\t[3563] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[3756] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[3564] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3758] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3568] link '0'", "\t\t[3569] link '0'", "\t\t[3570] link '0'", "\t\t[3571] link '0'", "\t\t[3769] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3770] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4577] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3288] link 'C'", "\t\t[3574] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[3771] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[3575] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3773] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3579] link '0'", "\t\t[3580] link '0'", "\t\t[3581] link '0'", "\t\t[3582] link '0'", "\t\t[3784] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3785] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4583] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3291] link ''", "\t\t[3584] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[3786] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[3585] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3788] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3789] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[3590] link '0'", "\t\t[3591] link '0'", "\t\t[3592] link '0'", "\t\t[3593] link '0'", "\t\t[4382] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4383] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4590] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4187] link 'D'", "\t\t[4282] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[4384] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[4283] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4386] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[4387] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[4288] link '21'", "\t\t[4289] link '0'", "\t\t[4290] link '16'", "\t\t[4291] link '21'", "\t\t[4398] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4399] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4609] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4190] link 'D'", "\t\t[4294] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[4400] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[4295] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4402] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4403] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[4616] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[4404] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[4300] link '0'", "\t\t[4301] link '0'", "\t\t[4302] link '0'", "\t\t[4303] link '1'", "\t\t[4415] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4416] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4629] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[4193] link 'E'", "\t\t[4306] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[4417] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[4307] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4419] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4420] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[4636] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[4421] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[4312] link '6'", "\t\t[4313] link '1'", "\t\t[4314] link '2'", "\t\t[4315] link '5'", "\t\t[4432] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4433] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4649] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[4196] link 'E'", "\t\t[4318] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[4434] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[4319] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4436] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4437] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[4656] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[4438] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[4324] link '2'", "\t\t[4325] link '0'", "\t\t[4326] link '0'", "\t\t[4327] link '0'", "\t\t[4449] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4450] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4669] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4199] link 'G'", "\t\t[4330] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[4451] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[4331] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[4453] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4454] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[4458] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[4337] link '0'", "\t\t[4338] link '0'", "\t\t[4339] link '0'", "\t\t[4340] link '0'", "\t\t[4467] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4468] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4690] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[4202] link 'L'", "\t\t[4343] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[4469] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[4344] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4471] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4348] link '0'", "\t\t[4349] link '0'", "\t\t[4350] link '0'", "\t\t[4351] link '0'", "\t\t[4482] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4483] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4709] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[4205] link 'M'", "\t\t[4354] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[4484] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[4355] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4486] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4487] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[4716] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[4488] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[4360] link '6'", "\t\t[4361] link '0'", "\t\t[4362] link '2'", "\t\t[4363] link '4'", "\t\t[4499] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4500] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4729] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4208] link 'N'", "\t\t[4366] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[4501] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[4367] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4503] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4371] link '0'", "\t\t[4372] link '0'", "\t\t[4373] link '0'", "\t\t[4374] link '0'", "\t\t[4514] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4515] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4748] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[4211] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[4212] link '1'", "\t\t[4213] link '2'", "\t\t[4214] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[137] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[139] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[149] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1857] main ''", "\t\t[1778] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2283] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2396] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1867] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2038] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1704] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1722] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2347] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1821] link 'All'", "\t\t[1597] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2472] link ''", "\t\t[2105] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2458] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1777] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2246] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1795] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1846] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2364] link '0'", "\t\t[2361] link '0'", "\t\t[1799] link '0'", "\t\t[1899] link '0'", "\t\t[2056] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2175] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2401] link 'A'", "\t\t[1862] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1913] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1720] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2226] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1823] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1992] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2379] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2037] link '1'", "\t\t[1995] link '0'", "\t\t[2412] link '0'", "\t\t[2358] link '1'", "\t\t[2238] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2263] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2267] link 'A'", "\t\t[1584] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2214] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1760] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1620] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1502] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1638] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1611] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1630] link '2'", "\t\t[2160] link '0'", "\t\t[1576] link '1'", "\t\t[2355] link '4'", "\t\t[2224] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1549] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1904] link 'A'", "\t\t[1606] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2114] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2152] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2115] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2081] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2212] link '20'", "\t\t[2403] link '0'", "\t\t[2376] link '10'", "\t\t[2209] link '40'", "\t\t[1542] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2391] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2370] link 'A'", "\t\t[2459] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1700] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1558] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1765] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2196] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2461] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2429] link '1'", "\t\t[2216] link '0'", "\t\t[2174] link '0'", "\t\t[2410] link '0'", "\t\t[1687] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2474] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1841] link 'A'", "\t\t[2471] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2442] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1715] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2447] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1539] link '0'", "\t\t[1975] link '0'", "\t\t[2126] link '0'", "\t\t[1854] link '0'", "\t\t[1767] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1551] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1553] link 'A'", "\t\t[1884] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2205] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2026] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2135] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1661] link '0'", "\t\t[1651] link '0'", "\t\t[1808] link '0'", "\t\t[2239] link '0'", "\t\t[2078] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1800] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1792] link 'A'", "\t\t[1554] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1737] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2254] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2171] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2345] link '0'", "\t\t[2436] link '0'", "\t\t[1540] link '0'", "\t\t[2311] link '0'", "\t\t[1546] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1581] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1733] link 'A'", "\t\t[2342] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1723] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2289] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1820] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2228] link '0'", "\t\t[2272] link '0'", "\t\t[2065] link '0'", "\t\t[1623] link '0'", "\t\t[1874] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1787] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1557] link 'B'", "\t\t[2274] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1600] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1614] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1910] link '0'", "\t\t[1946] link '0'", "\t\t[1711] link '0'", "\t\t[2449] link '0'", "\t\t[2060] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1977] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2176] link 'C'", "\t\t[1786] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1577] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1536] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1550] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2278] link '0'", "\t\t[2117] link '0'", "\t\t[2166] link '0'", "\t\t[2309] link '0'", "\t\t[2301] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2241] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2098] link ''", "\t\t[2169] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1796] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2405] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1565] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2088] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1518] link '0'", "\t\t[2450] link '0'", "\t\t[1789] link '0'", "\t\t[1510] link '0'", "\t\t[2318] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2331] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2340] link 'D'", "\t\t[1740] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2107] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2016] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2293] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2476] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1521] link '21'", "\t\t[1691] link '0'", "\t\t[1621] link '16'", "\t\t[2097] link '21'", "\t\t[2457] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2099] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2380] link 'D'", "\t\t[2040] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2091] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1675] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2189] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2150] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2129] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1861] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2284] link '0'", "\t\t[1508] link '0'", "\t\t[1756] link '0'", "\t\t[2072] link '1'", "\t\t[1745] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1625] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2204] link 'E'", "\t\t[2101] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2305] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1804] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2454] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1532] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1809] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1905] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2343] link '6'", "\t\t[1848] link '1'", "\t\t[1702] link '2'", "\t\t[1643] link '5'", "\t\t[1585] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1685] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2019] link 'E'", "\t\t[2375] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1746] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2260] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1500] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2080] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2350] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1641] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2014] link '2'", "\t\t[2323] link '0'", "\t\t[1598] link '0'", "\t\t[2023] link '0'", "\t\t[2281] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2045] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1529] link 'G'", "\t\t[1670] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1900] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2302] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1729] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2423] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1956] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1955] link '0'", "\t\t[1612] link '0'", "\t\t[2084] link '0'", "\t\t[2271] link '0'", "\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1802] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1807] link 'L'", "\t\t[1569] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2430] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2024] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2349] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1764] link '0'", "\t\t[1816] link '0'", "\t\t[2149] link '0'", "\t\t[2122] link '0'", "\t\t[1719] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2143] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1609] link 'M'", "\t\t[2460] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2322] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2073] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1632] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1983] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2102] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1968] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2087] link '6'", "\t\t[1513] link '0'", "\t\t[1622] link '2'", "\t\t[2433] link '4'", "\t\t[1662] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2070] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2162] link 'N'", "\t\t[2346] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1817] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1541] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1759] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1769] link '0'", "\t\t[1574] link '0'", "\t\t[1695] link '0'", "\t\t[1631] link '0'", "\t\t[2006] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1839] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2012] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1678] link '1'", "\t\t[2053] link '2'", "\t\t[2357] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link ''", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[135] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[137] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[147] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1866] main ''", "\t\t[1793] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2297] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1604] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2317] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1500] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1872] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1999] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1725] link 'All'", "\t\t[1724] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2051] link ''", "\t\t[2090] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1748] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1806] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2410] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1899] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1935] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1675] link '0'", "\t\t[1555] link '0'", "\t\t[1948] link '0'", "\t\t[1489] link '0'", "\t\t[2135] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1706] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2417] link 'A'", "\t\t[1619] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2441] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2427] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1511] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1768] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1943] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2093] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2299] link '1'", "\t\t[1641] link '0'", "\t\t[2465] link '0'", "\t\t[1541] link '1'", "\t\t[1708] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1646] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2458] link 'A'", "\t\t[1745] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1837] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1682] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1911] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2147] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2311] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1637] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2080] link '2'", "\t\t[1508] link '0'", "\t\t[2375] link '1'", "\t\t[2372] link '4'", "\t\t[2032] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1525] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2263] link 'A'", "\t\t[1613] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2461] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1938] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2256] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1807] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1821] link '20'", "\t\t[2185] link '0'", "\t\t[2050] link '10'", "\t\t[2007] link '40'", "\t\t[2022] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2071] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2164] link 'A'", "\t\t[1930] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2191] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1940] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2286] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2238] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2460] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1835] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2139] link '1'", "\t\t[2210] link '0'", "\t\t[1632] link '0'", "\t\t[2176] link '0'", "\t\t[1645] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2251] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1504] link 'A'", "\t\t[1719] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2278] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1600] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2388] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2148] link '0'", "\t\t[2320] link '0'", "\t\t[2202] link '0'", "\t\t[2224] link '0'", "\t\t[2227] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1989] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2468] link 'A'", "\t\t[2221] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1858] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1561] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1546] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1713] link '0'", "\t\t[2245] link '0'", "\t\t[1844] link '0'", "\t\t[2181] link '0'", "\t\t[2087] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2282] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2262] link 'A'", "\t\t[2190] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1841] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2413] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1540] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1720] link '0'", "\t\t[2421] link '0'", "\t\t[1771] link '0'", "\t\t[1627] link '0'", "\t\t[1752] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2037] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2392] link 'A'", "\t\t[2141] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2374] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1863] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2312] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2040] link '0'", "\t\t[1587] link '0'", "\t\t[2197] link '0'", "\t\t[1676] link '0'", "\t\t[1649] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2140] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1491] link 'B'", "\t\t[1822] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1878] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2252] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2366] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2267] link '0'", "\t\t[2189] link '0'", "\t\t[1629] link '0'", "\t\t[2121] link '0'", "\t\t[1700] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1751] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1712] link 'C'", "\t\t[1537] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2196] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2326] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2445] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2303] link '0'", "\t\t[1936] link '0'", "\t\t[2199] link '0'", "\t\t[2038] link '0'", "\t\t[2058] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1650] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1973] link ''", "\t\t[2289] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2166] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2086] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2347] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2208] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1614] link '0'", "\t\t[1749] link '0'", "\t\t[2003] link '0'", "\t\t[1738] link '0'", "\t\t[2152] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1697] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2396] link 'D'", "\t\t[1716] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1774] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2452] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2265] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1890] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1909] link '21'", "\t\t[2009] link '0'", "\t\t[2030] link '16'", "\t\t[1960] link '21'", "\t\t[1827] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1818] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2016] link 'D'", "\t\t[1563] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1850] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2226] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1997] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2448] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1634] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1638] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2352] link '0'", "\t\t[1959] link '0'", "\t\t[1647] link '0'", "\t\t[1503] link '1'", "\t\t[2035] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1797] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2145] link 'E'", "\t\t[1770] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2204] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1855] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2318] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2044] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1664] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2464] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1895] link '6'", "\t\t[2011] link '1'", "\t\t[2249] link '2'", "\t\t[1605] link '5'", "\t\t[2036] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1644] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2060] link 'E'", "\t\t[2222] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2072] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2341] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1779] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1826] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1513] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2167] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1889] link '2'", "\t\t[1562] link '0'", "\t\t[1789] link '0'", "\t\t[1519] link '0'", "\t\t[1512] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1616] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2062] link 'G'", "\t\t[2339] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2435] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2041] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1528] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2355] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1743] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2169] link '0'", "\t\t[1901] link '0'", "\t\t[1820] link '0'", "\t\t[1688] link '0'", "\t\t[1584] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1693] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1731] link 'L'", "\t\t[2394] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1754] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2362] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1499] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2021] link '0'", "\t\t[1687] link '0'", "\t\t[2074] link '0'", "\t\t[2367] link '0'", "\t\t[2004] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2259] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2113] link 'M'", "\t\t[2294] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2295] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2000] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1915] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1506] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2081] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1742] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1521] link '6'", "\t\t[2073] link '0'", "\t\t[1921] link '2'", "\t\t[1737] link '4'", "\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1871] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1672] link 'N'", "\t\t[2120] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1695] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2070] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1815] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1838] link '0'", "\t\t[2257] link '0'", "\t\t[2440] link '0'", "\t\t[1859] link '0'", "\t\t[2478] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1900] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2411] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2450] link '1'", "\t\t[1520] link '2'", "\t\t[2304] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[102] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[121] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[103] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[123] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[105] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[106] link 'Help'", "\t[108] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[133] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1860] main ''", "\t\t[1782] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1801] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1636] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2005] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2221] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2321] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2382] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2230] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1704] link 'All'", "\t\t[2249] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1616] link ''", "\t\t[2115] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2211] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1552] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2377] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2209] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1565] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2029] link '0'", "\t\t[2071] link '0'", "\t\t[2262] link '0'", "\t\t[2390] link '0'", "\t\t[2407] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2106] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1982] link 'A'", "\t\t[1758] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2183] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2004] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1727] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2418] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2176] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1766] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1667] link '1'", "\t\t[1787] link '0'", "\t\t[1849] link '0'", "\t\t[2334] link '1'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1677] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1802] link 'A'", "\t\t[1699] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1668] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2442] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2234] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1855] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1997] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2173] link '2'", "\t\t[1723] link '0'", "\t\t[2226] link '1'", "\t\t[2075] link '4'", "\t\t[1743] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2224] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1851] link 'A'", "\t\t[1585] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2342] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2083] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1931] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2191] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1490] link '20'", "\t\t[1783] link '0'", "\t\t[1589] link '10'", "\t\t[1628] link '40'", "\t\t[1995] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1742] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2208] link 'A'", "\t\t[1571] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1918] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2146] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2451] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1979] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2050] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1544] link '1'", "\t\t[2293] link '0'", "\t\t[1694] link '0'", "\t\t[1747] link '0'", "\t\t[1838] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2171] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1714] link 'A'", "\t\t[1781] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2401] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2138] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1848] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2363] link '0'", "\t\t[2361] link '0'", "\t\t[1804] link '0'", "\t\t[1905] link '0'", "\t\t[2405] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1889] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2142] link 'A'", "\t\t[1870] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1925] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1732] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2174] link '0'", "\t\t[2038] link '0'", "\t\t[1999] link '0'", "\t\t[2409] link '0'", "\t\t[2440] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2282] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2311] link 'A'", "\t\t[1934] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1506] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1591] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2079] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2129] link '0'", "\t\t[2201] link '0'", "\t\t[1640] link '0'", "\t\t[2160] link '0'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1651] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2032] link 'A'", "\t\t[1726] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1826] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1611] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1900] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2139] link '0'", "\t\t[2307] link '0'", "\t\t[2195] link '0'", "\t\t[2102] link '0'", "\t\t[1620] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2386] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2289] link 'B'", "\t\t[2190] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1654] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2199] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1877] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1780] link '0'", "\t\t[2145] link '0'", "\t\t[1896] link '0'", "\t\t[1708] link '0'", "\t\t[1916] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2242] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2269] link 'C'", "\t\t[1788] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2065] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2394] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1646] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2042] link '0'", "\t\t[1666] link '0'", "\t\t[1669] link '0'", "\t\t[2148] link '0'", "\t\t[1560] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2426] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1662] link ''", "\t\t[2301] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1792] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2219] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2310] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2022] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1833] link '0'", "\t\t[2132] link '0'", "\t\t[1568] link '0'", "\t\t[1569] link '0'", "\t\t[1959] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1652] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2127] link 'D'", "\t\t[1614] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1504] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2162] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1631] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1768] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1835] link '21'", "\t\t[2264] link '0'", "\t\t[2261] link '16'", "\t\t[1587] link '21'", "\t\t[1840] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2210] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2460] link 'D'", "\t\t[2296] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2330] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2054] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2319] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1800] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2459] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1584] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2197] link '0'", "\t\t[1907] link '0'", "\t\t[2456] link '0'", "\t\t[1965] link '1'", "\t\t[2206] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1794] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2402] link 'E'", "\t\t[1641] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1527] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2272] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1810] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2147] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1691] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2275] link '6'", "\t\t[1555] link '1'", "\t\t[2036] link '2'", "\t\t[1558] link '5'", "\t\t[2360] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1951] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1869] link 'E'", "\t\t[1550] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1764] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2303] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1994] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2178] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2012] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1956] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1875] link '2'", "\t\t[2024] link '0'", "\t\t[1902] link '0'", "\t\t[2376] link '0'", "\t\t[1824] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2359] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2352] link 'G'", "\t\t[2133] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1895] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1602] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2239] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2437] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1703] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1847] link '0'", "\t\t[2086] link '0'", "\t\t[1682] link '0'", "\t\t[2421] link '0'", "\t\t[2445] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1643] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1976] link 'L'", "\t\t[1978] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1935] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2125] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2256] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2135] link '0'", "\t\t[2193] link '0'", "\t\t[1945] link '0'", "\t\t[2047] link '0'", "\t\t[1679] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2305] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2457] link 'M'", "\t\t[2048] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2033] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1828] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1964] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1811] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2341] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2103] link '6'", "\t\t[1805] link '0'", "\t\t[2455] link '2'", "\t\t[1673] link '4'", "\t\t[1986] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1772] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1635] link 'N'", "\t\t[2403] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1815] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2446] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2126] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2207] link '0'", "\t\t[1518] link '0'", "\t\t[2432] link '0'", "\t\t[1818] link '0'", "\t\t[1633] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2433] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2448] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1530] link '1'", "\t\t[1911] link '2'", "\t\t[2313] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3021] RootWebArea 'Puma sneakers in size 7 · Search · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3025] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[3038] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3061] link ''", "\t[3054] link 'Create new...'", "\t[3056] link 'Issues'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[2977] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[2981] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2994] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[4951] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[3043] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3032] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[3010] link 'Create new...'", "\t[3089] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[3121] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[3090] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[3123] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[3092] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[3093] link 'Help'", "\t[3095] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[3133] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[3065] main ''", "\t\t[3083] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[3101] link 'New project'", "\t\t[3235] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[3236] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[3237] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[3238] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[3145] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[3244] button 'Name'", "\t\t[3149] link 'All'", "\t\t[3150] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[3248] link ''", "\t\t[3449] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[3602] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[3450] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3604] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3605] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[3606] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[3455] link '0'", "\t\t[3456] link '0'", "\t\t[3457] link '0'", "\t\t[3458] link '0'", "\t\t[3617] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3618] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4897] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3251] link 'A'", "\t\t[3461] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[3619] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[3462] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3621] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3622] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[3815] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[3623] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[3467] link '1'", "\t\t[3468] link '0'", "\t\t[3469] link '0'", "\t\t[3470] link '1'", "\t\t[3634] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3635] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4898] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3254] link 'A'", "\t\t[3473] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[3636] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[3474] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3638] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3639] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[3835] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[3640] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[3479] link '2'", "\t\t[3480] link '0'", "\t\t[3481] link '1'", "\t\t[3482] link '4'", "\t\t[3651] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3652] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4899] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[3257] link 'A'", "\t\t[3485] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[3653] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[3486] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3655] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[3656] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[3491] link '20'", "\t\t[3492] link '0'", "\t\t[3493] link '10'", "\t\t[3494] link '40'", "\t\t[3667] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3668] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4900] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[3260] link 'A'", "\t\t[3497] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[3669] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[3498] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[3671] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3672] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[3874] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[3673] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[3503] link '1'", "\t\t[3504] link '0'", "\t\t[3505] link '0'", "\t\t[3506] link '0'", "\t\t[3684] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3685] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4901] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3263] link 'A'", "\t\t[3509] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[3686] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[3510] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3688] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3514] link '0'", "\t\t[3515] link '0'", "\t\t[3516] link '0'", "\t\t[3517] link '0'", "\t\t[3699] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3700] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4902] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3266] link 'A'", "\t\t[3520] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[3701] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[3521] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3703] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3525] link '0'", "\t\t[3526] link '0'", "\t\t[3527] link '0'", "\t\t[3528] link '0'", "\t\t[3714] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3715] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4903] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3269] link 'A'", "\t\t[3531] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[3716] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[3532] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3718] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3536] link '0'", "\t\t[3537] link '0'", "\t\t[3538] link '0'", "\t\t[3539] link '0'", "\t\t[3729] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3730] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4904] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3272] link 'A'", "\t\t[3542] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[3731] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[3543] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3733] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3547] link '0'", "\t\t[3548] link '0'", "\t\t[3549] link '0'", "\t\t[3550] link '0'", "\t\t[3744] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3745] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4905] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3275] link 'B'", "\t\t[3553] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[3746] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[3554] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3748] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3558] link '0'", "\t\t[3559] link '0'", "\t\t[3560] link '0'", "\t\t[3561] link '0'", "\t\t[3759] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3760] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4906] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3278] link 'C'", "\t\t[3564] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[3761] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[3565] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3763] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3569] link '0'", "\t\t[3570] link '0'", "\t\t[3571] link '0'", "\t\t[3572] link '0'", "\t\t[3774] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3775] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4907] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3281] link ''", "\t\t[3574] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[3776] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[3575] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3778] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3779] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[3580] link '0'", "\t\t[3581] link '0'", "\t\t[3582] link '0'", "\t\t[3583] link '0'", "\t\t[4372] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4373] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4908] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4177] link 'D'", "\t\t[4272] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[4374] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[4273] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4376] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[4377] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[4278] link '21'", "\t\t[4279] link '0'", "\t\t[4280] link '16'", "\t\t[4281] link '21'", "\t\t[4388] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4389] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4909] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4180] link 'D'", "\t\t[4284] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[4390] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[4285] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4392] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4393] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[4595] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[4394] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[4290] link '0'", "\t\t[4291] link '0'", "\t\t[4292] link '0'", "\t\t[4293] link '1'", "\t\t[4405] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4406] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4910] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[4183] link 'E'", "\t\t[4296] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[4407] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[4297] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4409] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4410] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[4615] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[4411] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[4302] link '6'", "\t\t[4303] link '1'", "\t\t[4304] link '2'", "\t\t[4305] link '5'", "\t\t[4422] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4423] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4911] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[4186] link 'E'", "\t\t[4308] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[4424] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[4309] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4426] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4427] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[4635] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[4428] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[4314] link '2'", "\t\t[4315] link '0'", "\t\t[4316] link '0'", "\t\t[4317] link '0'", "\t\t[4439] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4440] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4912] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4189] link 'G'", "\t\t[4320] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[4441] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[4321] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[4443] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4444] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[4448] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[4327] link '0'", "\t\t[4328] link '0'", "\t\t[4329] link '0'", "\t\t[4330] link '0'", "\t\t[4457] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4458] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4913] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[4192] link 'L'", "\t\t[4333] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[4459] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[4334] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4461] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4338] link '0'", "\t\t[4339] link '0'", "\t\t[4340] link '0'", "\t\t[4341] link '0'", "\t\t[4472] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4473] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4914] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[4195] link 'M'", "\t\t[4344] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[4474] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[4345] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4476] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4477] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[4695] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[4478] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[4350] link '6'", "\t\t[4351] link '0'", "\t\t[4352] link '2'", "\t\t[4353] link '4'", "\t\t[4489] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4490] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4915] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4198] link 'N'", "\t\t[4356] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[4491] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[4357] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4493] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4361] link '0'", "\t\t[4362] link '0'", "\t\t[4363] link '0'", "\t\t[4364] link '0'", "\t\t[4504] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4505] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4916] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[4201] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[4202] link '1'", "\t\t[4203] link '2'", "\t\t[4204] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[2972] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[102] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[121] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[103] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[123] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[105] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[106] link 'Help'", "\t[108] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[133] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1877] main ''", "\t\t[1801] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1818] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1640] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2018] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2220] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2315] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2380] searchbox 'Filter by name' focused: True", "\t\t[2228] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1712] link 'All'", "\t\t[2246] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2464] link ''", "\t\t[2079] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1748] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1635] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1738] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2140] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1789] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1762] link '0'", "\t\t[2009] link '0'", "\t\t[1754] link '0'", "\t\t[1933] link '0'", "\t\t[2069] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1550] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2096] link 'A'", "\t\t[2448] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1775] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2058] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2333] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2281] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1645] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1959] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2012] link '1'", "\t\t[2031] link '0'", "\t\t[2268] link '0'", "\t\t[2127] link '1'", "\t\t[2103] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2391] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2216] link 'A'", "\t\t[1854] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2293] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2168] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1999] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1492] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2206] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2043] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1874] link '2'", "\t\t[1514] link '0'", "\t\t[2449] link '1'", "\t\t[1809] link '4'", "\t\t[2280] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2267] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1668] link 'A'", "\t\t[1563] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1966] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1761] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1671] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2201] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1865] link '20'", "\t\t[1517] link '0'", "\t\t[1711] link '10'", "\t\t[1632] link '40'", "\t\t[1886] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1881] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2387] link 'A'", "\t\t[2404] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2163] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2050] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1814] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2411] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2385] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1991] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2435] link '1'", "\t\t[2279] link '0'", "\t\t[1506] link '0'", "\t\t[1780] link '0'", "\t\t[1927] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2308] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1937] link 'A'", "\t\t[2183] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2166] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2111] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1505] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2297] link '0'", "\t\t[1750] link '0'", "\t\t[2335] link '0'", "\t\t[1867] link '0'", "\t\t[2099] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1903] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1823] link 'A'", "\t\t[1844] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2434] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1605] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1918] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2105] link '0'", "\t\t[2181] link '0'", "\t\t[1589] link '0'", "\t\t[1622] link '0'", "\t\t[1732] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2474] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1938] link 'A'", "\t\t[1794] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2454] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2162] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2479] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1525] link '0'", "\t\t[2457] link '0'", "\t\t[1912] link '0'", "\t\t[2234] link '0'", "\t\t[2011] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1901] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1551] link 'A'", "\t\t[2355] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1803] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1723] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1846] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1916] link '0'", "\t\t[1939] link '0'", "\t\t[2324] link '0'", "\t\t[1822] link '0'", "\t\t[1666] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2394] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1795] link 'B'", "\t\t[2176] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2029] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1936] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2461] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2377] link '0'", "\t\t[1869] link '0'", "\t\t[1842] link '0'", "\t\t[1746] link '0'", "\t\t[2198] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2415] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2080] link 'C'", "\t\t[1751] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1582] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2407] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1798] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2230] link '0'", "\t\t[2256] link '0'", "\t\t[2210] link '0'", "\t\t[2375] link '0'", "\t\t[2052] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1674] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2110] link ''", "\t\t[1500] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1677] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1619] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1988] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2304] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2330] link '0'", "\t\t[2354] link '0'", "\t\t[1650] link '0'", "\t\t[2211] link '0'", "\t\t[1556] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1616] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2016] link 'D'", "\t\t[2219] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2161] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1549] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2329] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1835] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2037] link '21'", "\t\t[1541] link '0'", "\t\t[2021] link '16'", "\t\t[1921] link '21'", "\t\t[1694] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1989] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2343] link 'D'", "\t\t[2081] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2173] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2260] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1922] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2453] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1766] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1983] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1721] link '0'", "\t\t[1544] link '0'", "\t\t[1788] link '0'", "\t\t[2199] link '1'", "\t\t[2044] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1560] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1805] link 'E'", "\t\t[2006] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2392] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2418] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1548] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2299] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2008] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2177] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2303] link '6'", "\t\t[2294] link '1'", "\t\t[2366] link '2'", "\t\t[1705] link '5'", "\t\t[1601] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2137] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1782] link 'E'", "\t\t[1626] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1647] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2462] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2179] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2347] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2204] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1861] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1659] link '2'", "\t\t[2139] link '0'", "\t\t[1889] link '0'", "\t\t[1907] link '0'", "\t\t[2138] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2190] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2438] link 'G'", "\t\t[1790] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1976] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1554] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2022] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1747] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1954] link '0'", "\t\t[2367] link '0'", "\t\t[1713] link '0'", "\t\t[1764] link '0'", "\t\t[2405] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2443] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2425] link 'L'", "\t\t[2437] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1518] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1547] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2371] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1743] link '0'", "\t\t[2172] link '0'", "\t\t[1649] link '0'", "\t\t[1958] link '0'", "\t\t[1623] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2384] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1733] link 'M'", "\t\t[2054] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1661] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1660] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1895] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2244] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1686] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2207] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1546] link '6'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[1745] link '2'", "\t\t[1942] link '4'", "\t\t[2074] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2027] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1815] link 'N'", "\t\t[2445] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1651] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1968] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2126] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1710] link '0'", "\t\t[1785] link '0'", "\t\t[1520] link '0'", "\t\t[2242] link '0'", "\t\t[1811] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1757] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2095] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1730] link '1'", "\t\t[1685] link '2'", "\t\t[1557] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3021] RootWebArea 'size 8 white Puma sneakers · Search · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3025] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[3038] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3061] link ''", "\t[3054] link 'Create new...'", "\t[3056] link 'Issues'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ] }
[ "click [64]", "scroll [up]", "hover [18]", "click [171]", "type [64] [Puma sneakers in size 7] [1]", "click [1299]", "go_back", "press [Ctrl+F]", "type [64] [size 8 white Puma sneakers] [1]", "close_tab" ]
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[137] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[139] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[149] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1857] main ''", "\t\t[1778] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2283] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2396] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1867] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2038] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1704] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1722] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2347] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1821] link 'All'", "\t\t[1597] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2472] link ''", "\t\t[2105] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2458] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1777] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2246] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1795] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1846] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2364] link '0'", "\t\t[2361] link '0'", "\t\t[1799] link '0'", "\t\t[1899] link '0'", "\t\t[2056] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2175] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2401] link 'A'", "\t\t[1862] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1913] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1720] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2226] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1823] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1992] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2379] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2037] link '1'", "\t\t[1995] link '0'", "\t\t[2412] link '0'", "\t\t[2358] link '1'", "\t\t[2238] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2263] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2267] link 'A'", "\t\t[1584] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2214] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1760] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1620] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1502] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1638] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1611] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1630] link '2'", "\t\t[2160] link '0'", "\t\t[1576] link '1'", "\t\t[2355] link '4'", "\t\t[2224] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1549] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1904] link 'A'", "\t\t[1606] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2114] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2152] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2115] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2081] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2212] link '20'", "\t\t[2403] link '0'", "\t\t[2376] link '10'", "\t\t[2209] link '40'", "\t\t[1542] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2391] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2370] link 'A'", "\t\t[2459] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1700] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1558] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1765] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2196] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2461] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2429] link '1'", "\t\t[2216] link '0'", "\t\t[2174] link '0'", "\t\t[2410] link '0'", "\t\t[1687] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2474] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1841] link 'A'", "\t\t[2471] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2442] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1715] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2447] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1539] link '0'", "\t\t[1975] link '0'", "\t\t[2126] link '0'", "\t\t[1854] link '0'", "\t\t[1767] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1551] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1553] link 'A'", "\t\t[1884] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2205] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2026] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2135] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1661] link '0'", "\t\t[1651] link '0'", "\t\t[1808] link '0'", "\t\t[2239] link '0'", "\t\t[2078] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1800] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1792] link 'A'", "\t\t[1554] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1737] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2254] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2171] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2345] link '0'", "\t\t[2436] link '0'", "\t\t[1540] link '0'", "\t\t[2311] link '0'", "\t\t[1546] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1581] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1733] link 'A'", "\t\t[2342] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1723] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2289] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1820] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2228] link '0'", "\t\t[2272] link '0'", "\t\t[2065] link '0'", "\t\t[1623] link '0'", "\t\t[1874] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1787] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1557] link 'B'", "\t\t[2274] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1600] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1614] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1910] link '0'", "\t\t[1946] link '0'", "\t\t[1711] link '0'", "\t\t[2449] link '0'", "\t\t[2060] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1977] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2176] link 'C'", "\t\t[1786] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1577] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1536] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1550] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2278] link '0'", "\t\t[2117] link '0'", "\t\t[2166] link '0'", "\t\t[2309] link '0'", "\t\t[2301] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2241] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2098] link ''", "\t\t[2169] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1796] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2405] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1565] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2088] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1518] link '0'", "\t\t[2450] link '0'", "\t\t[1789] link '0'", "\t\t[1510] link '0'", "\t\t[2318] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2331] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2340] link 'D'", "\t\t[1740] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2107] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2016] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2293] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2476] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1521] link '21'", "\t\t[1691] link '0'", "\t\t[1621] link '16'", "\t\t[2097] link '21'", "\t\t[2457] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2099] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2380] link 'D'", "\t\t[2040] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2091] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1675] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2189] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2150] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2129] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1861] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2284] link '0'", "\t\t[1508] link '0'", "\t\t[1756] link '0'", "\t\t[2072] link '1'", "\t\t[1745] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1625] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2204] link 'E'", "\t\t[2101] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2305] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1804] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2454] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1532] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1809] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1905] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2343] link '6'", "\t\t[1848] link '1'", "\t\t[1702] link '2'", "\t\t[1643] link '5'", "\t\t[1585] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1685] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2019] link 'E'", "\t\t[2375] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1746] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2260] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1500] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2080] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2350] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1641] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2014] link '2'", "\t\t[2323] link '0'", "\t\t[1598] link '0'", "\t\t[2023] link '0'", "\t\t[2281] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2045] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1529] link 'G'", "\t\t[1670] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1900] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2302] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1729] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2423] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1956] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1955] link '0'", "\t\t[1612] link '0'", "\t\t[2084] link '0'", "\t\t[2271] link '0'", "\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1802] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1807] link 'L'", "\t\t[1569] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2430] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2024] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2349] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1764] link '0'", "\t\t[1816] link '0'", "\t\t[2149] link '0'", "\t\t[2122] link '0'", "\t\t[1719] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2143] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1609] link 'M'", "\t\t[2460] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2322] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2073] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1632] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1983] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2102] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1968] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2087] link '6'", "\t\t[1513] link '0'", "\t\t[1622] link '2'", "\t\t[2433] link '4'", "\t\t[1662] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2070] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2162] link 'N'", "\t\t[2346] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1817] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1541] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1759] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1769] link '0'", "\t\t[1574] link '0'", "\t\t[1695] link '0'", "\t\t[1631] link '0'", "\t\t[2006] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1839] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2012] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1678] link '1'", "\t\t[2053] link '2'", "\t\t[2357] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be "Projects · Dashboard · GitLab," indicating a complete transition from the Magento Admin environment to a project management interface. The focus has shifted to a new root area titled "Projects," and the accessibility tree reflects links related to project management rather than product inventory. The user has effectively navigated away from the e-commerce functionalities, potentially due to an interface update or a change in user intent.
hover [18]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link ''", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[135] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[137] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[147] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1866] main ''", "\t\t[1793] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2297] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1604] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2317] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1500] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1872] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1999] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1725] link 'All'", "\t\t[1724] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2051] link ''", "\t\t[2090] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1748] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1806] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2410] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1899] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1935] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1675] link '0'", "\t\t[1555] link '0'", "\t\t[1948] link '0'", "\t\t[1489] link '0'", "\t\t[2135] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1706] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2417] link 'A'", "\t\t[1619] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2441] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2427] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1511] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1768] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1943] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2093] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2299] link '1'", "\t\t[1641] link '0'", "\t\t[2465] link '0'", "\t\t[1541] link '1'", "\t\t[1708] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1646] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2458] link 'A'", "\t\t[1745] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1837] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1682] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1911] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2147] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2311] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1637] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2080] link '2'", "\t\t[1508] link '0'", "\t\t[2375] link '1'", "\t\t[2372] link '4'", "\t\t[2032] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1525] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2263] link 'A'", "\t\t[1613] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2461] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1938] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2256] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1807] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1821] link '20'", "\t\t[2185] link '0'", "\t\t[2050] link '10'", "\t\t[2007] link '40'", "\t\t[2022] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2071] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2164] link 'A'", "\t\t[1930] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2191] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1940] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2286] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2238] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2460] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1835] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2139] link '1'", "\t\t[2210] link '0'", "\t\t[1632] link '0'", "\t\t[2176] link '0'", "\t\t[1645] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2251] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1504] link 'A'", "\t\t[1719] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2278] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1600] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2388] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2148] link '0'", "\t\t[2320] link '0'", "\t\t[2202] link '0'", "\t\t[2224] link '0'", "\t\t[2227] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1989] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2468] link 'A'", "\t\t[2221] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1858] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1561] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1546] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1713] link '0'", "\t\t[2245] link '0'", "\t\t[1844] link '0'", "\t\t[2181] link '0'", "\t\t[2087] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2282] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2262] link 'A'", "\t\t[2190] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1841] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2413] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1540] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1720] link '0'", "\t\t[2421] link '0'", "\t\t[1771] link '0'", "\t\t[1627] link '0'", "\t\t[1752] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2037] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2392] link 'A'", "\t\t[2141] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2374] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1863] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2312] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2040] link '0'", "\t\t[1587] link '0'", "\t\t[2197] link '0'", "\t\t[1676] link '0'", "\t\t[1649] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2140] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1491] link 'B'", "\t\t[1822] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1878] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2252] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2366] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2267] link '0'", "\t\t[2189] link '0'", "\t\t[1629] link '0'", "\t\t[2121] link '0'", "\t\t[1700] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1751] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1712] link 'C'", "\t\t[1537] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2196] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2326] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2445] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2303] link '0'", "\t\t[1936] link '0'", "\t\t[2199] link '0'", "\t\t[2038] link '0'", "\t\t[2058] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1650] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1973] link ''", "\t\t[2289] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2166] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2086] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2347] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2208] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1614] link '0'", "\t\t[1749] link '0'", "\t\t[2003] link '0'", "\t\t[1738] link '0'", "\t\t[2152] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1697] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2396] link 'D'", "\t\t[1716] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1774] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2452] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2265] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1890] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1909] link '21'", "\t\t[2009] link '0'", "\t\t[2030] link '16'", "\t\t[1960] link '21'", "\t\t[1827] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1818] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2016] link 'D'", "\t\t[1563] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1850] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2226] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1997] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2448] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1634] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1638] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2352] link '0'", "\t\t[1959] link '0'", "\t\t[1647] link '0'", "\t\t[1503] link '1'", "\t\t[2035] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1797] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2145] link 'E'", "\t\t[1770] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2204] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1855] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2318] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2044] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1664] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2464] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1895] link '6'", "\t\t[2011] link '1'", "\t\t[2249] link '2'", "\t\t[1605] link '5'", "\t\t[2036] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1644] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2060] link 'E'", "\t\t[2222] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2072] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2341] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1779] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1826] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1513] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2167] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1889] link '2'", "\t\t[1562] link '0'", "\t\t[1789] link '0'", "\t\t[1519] link '0'", "\t\t[1512] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1616] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2062] link 'G'", "\t\t[2339] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2435] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2041] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1528] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2355] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1743] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2169] link '0'", "\t\t[1901] link '0'", "\t\t[1820] link '0'", "\t\t[1688] link '0'", "\t\t[1584] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1693] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1731] link 'L'", "\t\t[2394] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1754] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2362] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1499] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2021] link '0'", "\t\t[1687] link '0'", "\t\t[2074] link '0'", "\t\t[2367] link '0'", "\t\t[2004] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2259] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2113] link 'M'", "\t\t[2294] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2295] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2000] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1915] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1506] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2081] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1742] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1521] link '6'", "\t\t[2073] link '0'", "\t\t[1921] link '2'", "\t\t[1737] link '4'", "\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1871] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1672] link 'N'", "\t\t[2120] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1695] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2070] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1815] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1838] link '0'", "\t\t[2257] link '0'", "\t\t[2440] link '0'", "\t\t[1859] link '0'", "\t\t[2478] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1900] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2411] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2450] link '1'", "\t\t[1520] link '2'", "\t\t[2304] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be "Projects · Dashboard · GitLab," which shows that the hover action did not result in any feedback or interaction within the Magento Admin interface. The user remains within the context of project management, indicating that the hover may have been intended to trigger additional information or options, but it failed to do so, leading to a continued focus on GitLab functionalities rather than the products section.
click [171]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[102] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[121] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[103] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[123] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[105] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[106] link 'Help'", "\t[108] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[133] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1860] main ''", "\t\t[1782] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1801] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1636] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2005] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2221] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2321] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2382] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2230] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1704] link 'All'", "\t\t[2249] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1616] link ''", "\t\t[2115] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2211] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1552] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2377] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2209] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1565] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2029] link '0'", "\t\t[2071] link '0'", "\t\t[2262] link '0'", "\t\t[2390] link '0'", "\t\t[2407] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2106] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1982] link 'A'", "\t\t[1758] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2183] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2004] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1727] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2418] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2176] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1766] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1667] link '1'", "\t\t[1787] link '0'", "\t\t[1849] link '0'", "\t\t[2334] link '1'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1677] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1802] link 'A'", "\t\t[1699] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1668] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2442] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2234] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1855] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1997] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2173] link '2'", "\t\t[1723] link '0'", "\t\t[2226] link '1'", "\t\t[2075] link '4'", "\t\t[1743] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2224] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1851] link 'A'", "\t\t[1585] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2342] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2083] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1931] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2191] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1490] link '20'", "\t\t[1783] link '0'", "\t\t[1589] link '10'", "\t\t[1628] link '40'", "\t\t[1995] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1742] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2208] link 'A'", "\t\t[1571] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1918] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2146] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2451] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1979] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2050] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1544] link '1'", "\t\t[2293] link '0'", "\t\t[1694] link '0'", "\t\t[1747] link '0'", "\t\t[1838] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2171] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1714] link 'A'", "\t\t[1781] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2401] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2138] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1848] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2363] link '0'", "\t\t[2361] link '0'", "\t\t[1804] link '0'", "\t\t[1905] link '0'", "\t\t[2405] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1889] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2142] link 'A'", "\t\t[1870] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1925] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1732] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2174] link '0'", "\t\t[2038] link '0'", "\t\t[1999] link '0'", "\t\t[2409] link '0'", "\t\t[2440] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2282] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2311] link 'A'", "\t\t[1934] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1506] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1591] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2079] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2129] link '0'", "\t\t[2201] link '0'", "\t\t[1640] link '0'", "\t\t[2160] link '0'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1651] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2032] link 'A'", "\t\t[1726] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1826] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1611] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1900] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2139] link '0'", "\t\t[2307] link '0'", "\t\t[2195] link '0'", "\t\t[2102] link '0'", "\t\t[1620] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2386] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2289] link 'B'", "\t\t[2190] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1654] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2199] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1877] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1780] link '0'", "\t\t[2145] link '0'", "\t\t[1896] link '0'", "\t\t[1708] link '0'", "\t\t[1916] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2242] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2269] link 'C'", "\t\t[1788] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2065] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2394] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1646] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2042] link '0'", "\t\t[1666] link '0'", "\t\t[1669] link '0'", "\t\t[2148] link '0'", "\t\t[1560] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2426] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1662] link ''", "\t\t[2301] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1792] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2219] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2310] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2022] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1833] link '0'", "\t\t[2132] link '0'", "\t\t[1568] link '0'", "\t\t[1569] link '0'", "\t\t[1959] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1652] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2127] link 'D'", "\t\t[1614] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1504] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2162] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1631] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1768] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1835] link '21'", "\t\t[2264] link '0'", "\t\t[2261] link '16'", "\t\t[1587] link '21'", "\t\t[1840] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2210] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2460] link 'D'", "\t\t[2296] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2330] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2054] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2319] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1800] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2459] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1584] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2197] link '0'", "\t\t[1907] link '0'", "\t\t[2456] link '0'", "\t\t[1965] link '1'", "\t\t[2206] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1794] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2402] link 'E'", "\t\t[1641] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1527] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2272] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1810] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2147] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1691] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2275] link '6'", "\t\t[1555] link '1'", "\t\t[2036] link '2'", "\t\t[1558] link '5'", "\t\t[2360] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1951] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1869] link 'E'", "\t\t[1550] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1764] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2303] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1994] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2178] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2012] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1956] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1875] link '2'", "\t\t[2024] link '0'", "\t\t[1902] link '0'", "\t\t[2376] link '0'", "\t\t[1824] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2359] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2352] link 'G'", "\t\t[2133] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1895] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1602] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2239] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2437] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1703] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1847] link '0'", "\t\t[2086] link '0'", "\t\t[1682] link '0'", "\t\t[2421] link '0'", "\t\t[2445] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1643] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1976] link 'L'", "\t\t[1978] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1935] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2125] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2256] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2135] link '0'", "\t\t[2193] link '0'", "\t\t[1945] link '0'", "\t\t[2047] link '0'", "\t\t[1679] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2305] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2457] link 'M'", "\t\t[2048] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2033] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1828] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1964] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1811] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2341] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2103] link '6'", "\t\t[1805] link '0'", "\t\t[2455] link '2'", "\t\t[1673] link '4'", "\t\t[1986] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1772] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1635] link 'N'", "\t\t[2403] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1815] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2446] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2126] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2207] link '0'", "\t\t[1518] link '0'", "\t\t[2432] link '0'", "\t\t[1818] link '0'", "\t\t[1633] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2433] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2448] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1530] link '1'", "\t\t[1911] link '2'", "\t\t[2313] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be "Projects · Dashboard · GitLab," suggesting that the click action resulted in a redirection from the Magento Admin interface to the GitLab project management platform. This indicates a fundamental shift away from product management functionalities, revealing a potential design flaw or an intended user flow that leads users to other project-related tasks.
type [64] [Puma sneakers in size 7] [1]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3021] RootWebArea 'Puma sneakers in size 7 · Search · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3025] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[3038] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3061] link ''", "\t[3054] link 'Create new...'", "\t[3056] link 'Issues'" ]
The next observation would be "Puma sneakers in size 7 · Search · GitLab," indicating a malfunction in the search functionality that redirected the user away from the Magento Admin interface to a GitLab page. Instead of returning relevant product results, the search query led the user to a project management interface, suggesting a significant error in user navigation and intent fulfillment.
Tab 0 (current): Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1284] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1344] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1291] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1295] link '\ue60b SALES' [1299] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [1354] generic '\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \ue62f Products Categories' [1376] link '\ue62f' [1377] menu '' orientation: vertical [1539] menu '' orientation: vertical [1666] link 'Products' [1667] link 'Categories' [1303] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1307] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1311] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1315] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1319] link '\ue60d STORES' [1323] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1327] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1362] heading 'Products' [1363] link '\ue600 admin' [1365] link '\ue607' [2061] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1334] main '' [2068] generic 'Add Product' [2069] button 'Add Product' [2070] button 'Add product of type' [2544] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2545] button '\ue610 Columns' [2548] button '\ue605Filters' [3709] LayoutTable '' [3718] StaticText 'Active filters:' [3730] StaticText 'Keyword:' [3732] StaticText 'Selena Yoga HoodieNova baStella Joggersblack Adidas track pants SNike hoodie size Mred Nike sneakersLucia Cross-Fit Brackpacks' [3733] button '\ue620' [3720] button 'Clear all' [2536] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2575] StaticText 'Selena Yoga HoodieNova baStella Joggersblack Adidas track pants SNike hoodie size Mred Nike sneakersLucia Cross-Fit Brackpacks' [2537] button 'Search' [4087] button 'Actions' [2621] StaticText 'records found' [3830] textbox 'per page' required: False [3857] StaticText '200' [3824] button 'per page Select' [2724] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2762] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2725] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2143] table '' [2146] row '' [2178] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2461] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false [2463] button 'Options' disabled: True [2486] columnheader '↓ ID' required: False [2487] columnheader 'Thumbnail' required: False [2488] columnheader 'Name' required: False [2489] columnheader 'Type' required: False [2490] columnheader 'Attribute Set' required: False [2491] columnheader 'SKU' required: False [2492] columnheader 'Price' required: False [2493] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [2494] columnheader 'Salable Quantity' required: False [2495] columnheader 'Visibility' required: False [2496] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2497] columnheader 'Websites' required: False [3899] columnheader 'Last Updated At' required: False [2498] columnheader 'Action' required: False [4090] row '' [4092] gridcell "We couldn't find any records." required: False [2036] contentinfo '' [2041] link '\ue606' [2042] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [2052] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [2044] link 'Privacy Policy' [2045] StaticText ' |' [2046] link ' Account Activity' [2047] StaticText ' | ' [2048] link 'Report an Issue'
type [2536] [white Puma sneakers ] where [2536] is textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False
[ "None", "click [16] where [16] is link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "click [127] where [127] is link 'Products'", "click [1299] where [1299] is link '\\ue608 CATALOG'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1284] RootWebArea 'Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [1336] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [1344] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [1289] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [1291] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [1295] link '\ue60b SALES' [1299] link '\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True [1354] generic '\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \ue62f Products Categories' [1376] link '\ue62f' [1377] menu '' orientation: vertical [1539] menu '' orientation: vertical [1666] link 'Products' [1667] link 'Categories' [1303] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [1307] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [1311] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [1315] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [1319] link '\ue60d STORES' [1323] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [1327] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1362] heading 'Products' [1363] link '\ue600 admin' [1365] link '\ue607' [2061] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1334] main '' [2068] generic 'Add Product' [2069] button 'Add Product' [2070] button 'Add product of type' [2544] button '\ue60fDefault View' [2545] button '\ue610 Columns' [2548] button '\ue605Filters' [3709] LayoutTable '' [3718] StaticText 'Active filters:' [3730] StaticText 'Keyword:' [3732] StaticText 'Selena Yoga HoodieNova baStella Joggersblack Adidas track pants SNike hoodie size Mred Nike sneakersLucia Cross-Fit Brackpacks' [3733] button '\ue620' [3720] button 'Clear all' [2536] textbox 'Search by keyword' required: False [2575] StaticText 'Selena Yoga HoodieNova baStella Joggersblack Adidas track pants SNike hoodie size Mred Nike sneakersLucia Cross-Fit Brackpacks' [2537] button 'Search' [4087] button 'Actions' [2621] StaticText 'records found' [3830] textbox 'per page' required: False [3857] StaticText '200' [3824] button 'per page Select' [2724] button '\ue629' disabled: True [2762] spinbutton 'of 1' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: [2725] button '\ue62a' disabled: True [2143] table '' [2146] row '' [2178] columnheader 'Options' required: False [2461] checkbox '' disabled: True checked: false [2463] button 'Options' disabled: True [2486] columnheader '↓ ID' required: False [2487] columnheader 'Thumbnail' required: False [2488] columnheader 'Name' required: False [2489] columnheader 'Type' required: False [2490] columnheader 'Attribute Set' required: False [2491] columnheader 'SKU' required: False [2492] columnheader 'Price' required: False [2493] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [2494] columnheader 'Salable Quantity' required: False [2495] columnheader 'Visibility' required: False [2496] columnheader 'Status' required: False [2497] columnheader 'Websites' required: False [3899] columnheader 'Last Updated At' required: False [2498] columnheader 'Action' required: False [4090] row '' [4092] gridcell "We couldn't find any records." required: False [2036] contentinfo '' [2041] link '\ue606' [2042] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [2052] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [2044] link 'Privacy Policy' [2045] StaticText ' |' [2046] link ' Account Activity' [2047] StaticText ' | ' [2048] link 'Report an Issue'
Increase the price of white Puma sneakers in size 7 and 8 by $15
The next observation reveals that no products were found matching the search criteria. The admin panel still shows the same structure, with options for managing products and filtering search results, but the content area indicates that the search did not yield any results. The user is left with the option to either adjust their search terms or explore other methods to locate the desired white Puma sneakers in size 7 and 8 to proceed with increasing their price by $15.
{ "neg_action0": "click [64]", "neg_action1": "scroll [up]", "neg_action2": "hover [18]", "neg_action3": "click [171]", "neg_action4": "type [64] [Puma sneakers in size 7] [1]", "neg_action5": "click [1299]", "neg_action6": "go_back", "neg_action7": "press [Ctrl+F]", "neg_action8": "type [64] [size 8 white Puma sneakers] [1]", "neg_action9": "close_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[2977] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[2981] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2990] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[5056] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[3045] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3035] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[3019] link 'Create new...'", "\t[3099] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[3131] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[3100] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[3133] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[3102] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[3103] link 'Help'", "\t[3105] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[3143] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[3075] main ''", "\t\t[3093] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[3111] link 'New project'", "\t\t[3245] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[3246] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[3247] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[3248] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[3155] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[3254] button 'Name'", "\t\t[3159] link 'All'", "\t\t[3160] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[3258] link ''", "\t\t[3459] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[3612] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[3460] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3614] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3615] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[3616] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[3465] link '0'", "\t\t[3466] link '0'", "\t\t[3467] link '0'", "\t\t[3468] link '0'", "\t\t[3627] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3628] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4523] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3261] link 'A'", "\t\t[3471] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[3629] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[3472] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3631] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3632] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[3825] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[3633] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[3477] link '1'", "\t\t[3478] link '0'", "\t\t[3479] link '0'", "\t\t[3480] link '1'", "\t\t[3644] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3645] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4529] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3264] link 'A'", "\t\t[3483] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[3646] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[3484] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3648] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3649] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[3845] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[3650] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[3489] link '2'", "\t\t[3490] link '0'", "\t\t[3491] link '1'", "\t\t[3492] link '4'", "\t\t[3661] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3662] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4535] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[3267] link 'A'", "\t\t[3495] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[3663] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[3496] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3665] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[3666] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[3501] link '20'", "\t\t[3502] link '0'", "\t\t[3503] link '10'", "\t\t[3504] link '40'", "\t\t[3677] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3678] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4541] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[3270] link 'A'", "\t\t[3507] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[3679] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[3508] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[3681] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3682] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[3884] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[3683] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[3513] link '1'", "\t\t[3514] link '0'", "\t\t[3515] link '0'", "\t\t[3516] link '0'", "\t\t[3694] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3695] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4547] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3273] link 'A'", "\t\t[3519] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[3696] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[3520] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3698] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3524] link '0'", "\t\t[3525] link '0'", "\t\t[3526] link '0'", "\t\t[3527] link '0'", "\t\t[3709] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3710] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4553] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3276] link 'A'", "\t\t[3530] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[3711] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[3531] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3713] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3535] link '0'", "\t\t[3536] link '0'", "\t\t[3537] link '0'", "\t\t[3538] link '0'", "\t\t[3724] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3725] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4559] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3279] link 'A'", "\t\t[3541] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[3726] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[3542] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3728] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3546] link '0'", "\t\t[3547] link '0'", "\t\t[3548] link '0'", "\t\t[3549] link '0'", "\t\t[3739] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3740] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4565] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3282] link 'A'", "\t\t[3552] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[3741] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[3553] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3743] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3557] link '0'", "\t\t[3558] link '0'", "\t\t[3559] link '0'", "\t\t[3560] link '0'", "\t\t[3754] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3755] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4571] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3285] link 'B'", "\t\t[3563] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[3756] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[3564] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3758] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3568] link '0'", "\t\t[3569] link '0'", "\t\t[3570] link '0'", "\t\t[3571] link '0'", "\t\t[3769] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3770] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4577] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3288] link 'C'", "\t\t[3574] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[3771] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[3575] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3773] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3579] link '0'", "\t\t[3580] link '0'", "\t\t[3581] link '0'", "\t\t[3582] link '0'", "\t\t[3784] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3785] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4583] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3291] link ''", "\t\t[3584] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[3786] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[3585] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3788] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3789] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[3590] link '0'", "\t\t[3591] link '0'", "\t\t[3592] link '0'", "\t\t[3593] link '0'", "\t\t[4382] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4383] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4590] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4187] link 'D'", "\t\t[4282] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[4384] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[4283] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4386] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[4387] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[4288] link '21'", "\t\t[4289] link '0'", "\t\t[4290] link '16'", "\t\t[4291] link '21'", "\t\t[4398] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4399] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4609] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4190] link 'D'", "\t\t[4294] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[4400] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[4295] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4402] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4403] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[4616] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[4404] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[4300] link '0'", "\t\t[4301] link '0'", "\t\t[4302] link '0'", "\t\t[4303] link '1'", "\t\t[4415] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4416] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4629] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[4193] link 'E'", "\t\t[4306] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[4417] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[4307] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4419] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4420] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[4636] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[4421] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[4312] link '6'", "\t\t[4313] link '1'", "\t\t[4314] link '2'", "\t\t[4315] link '5'", "\t\t[4432] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4433] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4649] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[4196] link 'E'", "\t\t[4318] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[4434] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[4319] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4436] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4437] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[4656] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[4438] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[4324] link '2'", "\t\t[4325] link '0'", "\t\t[4326] link '0'", "\t\t[4327] link '0'", "\t\t[4449] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4450] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4669] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4199] link 'G'", "\t\t[4330] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[4451] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[4331] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[4453] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4454] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[4458] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[4337] link '0'", "\t\t[4338] link '0'", "\t\t[4339] link '0'", "\t\t[4340] link '0'", "\t\t[4467] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4468] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4690] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[4202] link 'L'", "\t\t[4343] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[4469] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[4344] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4471] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4348] link '0'", "\t\t[4349] link '0'", "\t\t[4350] link '0'", "\t\t[4351] link '0'", "\t\t[4482] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4483] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4709] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[4205] link 'M'", "\t\t[4354] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[4484] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[4355] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4486] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4487] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[4716] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[4488] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[4360] link '6'", "\t\t[4361] link '0'", "\t\t[4362] link '2'", "\t\t[4363] link '4'", "\t\t[4499] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4500] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4729] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4208] link 'N'", "\t\t[4366] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[4501] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[4367] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4503] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4371] link '0'", "\t\t[4372] link '0'", "\t\t[4373] link '0'", "\t\t[4374] link '0'", "\t\t[4514] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4515] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4748] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[4211] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[4212] link '1'", "\t\t[4213] link '2'", "\t\t[4214] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[137] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[139] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[149] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1857] main ''", "\t\t[1778] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2283] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2396] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1867] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2038] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1704] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1722] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2347] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1821] link 'All'", "\t\t[1597] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2472] link ''", "\t\t[2105] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2458] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1777] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2246] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1795] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1846] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2364] link '0'", "\t\t[2361] link '0'", "\t\t[1799] link '0'", "\t\t[1899] link '0'", "\t\t[2056] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2175] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2401] link 'A'", "\t\t[1862] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1913] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1720] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2226] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1823] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1992] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2379] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2037] link '1'", "\t\t[1995] link '0'", "\t\t[2412] link '0'", "\t\t[2358] link '1'", "\t\t[2238] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2263] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2267] link 'A'", "\t\t[1584] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2214] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1760] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1620] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1502] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1638] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1611] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1630] link '2'", "\t\t[2160] link '0'", "\t\t[1576] link '1'", "\t\t[2355] link '4'", "\t\t[2224] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1549] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1904] link 'A'", "\t\t[1606] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2114] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2152] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2115] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2081] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2212] link '20'", "\t\t[2403] link '0'", "\t\t[2376] link '10'", "\t\t[2209] link '40'", "\t\t[1542] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2391] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2370] link 'A'", "\t\t[2459] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1700] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1558] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1765] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2196] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2461] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2429] link '1'", "\t\t[2216] link '0'", "\t\t[2174] link '0'", "\t\t[2410] link '0'", "\t\t[1687] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2474] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1841] link 'A'", "\t\t[2471] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2442] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1715] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2447] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1539] link '0'", "\t\t[1975] link '0'", "\t\t[2126] link '0'", "\t\t[1854] link '0'", "\t\t[1767] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1551] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1553] link 'A'", "\t\t[1884] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2205] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2026] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2135] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1661] link '0'", "\t\t[1651] link '0'", "\t\t[1808] link '0'", "\t\t[2239] link '0'", "\t\t[2078] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1800] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1792] link 'A'", "\t\t[1554] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1737] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2254] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2171] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2345] link '0'", "\t\t[2436] link '0'", "\t\t[1540] link '0'", "\t\t[2311] link '0'", "\t\t[1546] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1581] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1733] link 'A'", "\t\t[2342] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1723] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2289] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1820] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2228] link '0'", "\t\t[2272] link '0'", "\t\t[2065] link '0'", "\t\t[1623] link '0'", "\t\t[1874] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1787] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1557] link 'B'", "\t\t[2274] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1600] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1614] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1910] link '0'", "\t\t[1946] link '0'", "\t\t[1711] link '0'", "\t\t[2449] link '0'", "\t\t[2060] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1977] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2176] link 'C'", "\t\t[1786] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1577] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1536] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1550] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2278] link '0'", "\t\t[2117] link '0'", "\t\t[2166] link '0'", "\t\t[2309] link '0'", "\t\t[2301] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2241] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2098] link ''", "\t\t[2169] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1796] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2405] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1565] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2088] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1518] link '0'", "\t\t[2450] link '0'", "\t\t[1789] link '0'", "\t\t[1510] link '0'", "\t\t[2318] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2331] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2340] link 'D'", "\t\t[1740] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2107] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2016] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2293] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2476] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1521] link '21'", "\t\t[1691] link '0'", "\t\t[1621] link '16'", "\t\t[2097] link '21'", "\t\t[2457] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2099] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2380] link 'D'", "\t\t[2040] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2091] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1675] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2189] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2150] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2129] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1861] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2284] link '0'", "\t\t[1508] link '0'", "\t\t[1756] link '0'", "\t\t[2072] link '1'", "\t\t[1745] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1625] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2204] link 'E'", "\t\t[2101] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2305] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1804] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2454] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1532] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1809] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1905] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2343] link '6'", "\t\t[1848] link '1'", "\t\t[1702] link '2'", "\t\t[1643] link '5'", "\t\t[1585] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1685] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2019] link 'E'", "\t\t[2375] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1746] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2260] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1500] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2080] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2350] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1641] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2014] link '2'", "\t\t[2323] link '0'", "\t\t[1598] link '0'", "\t\t[2023] link '0'", "\t\t[2281] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2045] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1529] link 'G'", "\t\t[1670] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1900] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2302] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1729] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2423] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1956] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1955] link '0'", "\t\t[1612] link '0'", "\t\t[2084] link '0'", "\t\t[2271] link '0'", "\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1802] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1807] link 'L'", "\t\t[1569] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2430] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2024] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2349] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1764] link '0'", "\t\t[1816] link '0'", "\t\t[2149] link '0'", "\t\t[2122] link '0'", "\t\t[1719] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2143] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1609] link 'M'", "\t\t[2460] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2322] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2073] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1632] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1983] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2102] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1968] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2087] link '6'", "\t\t[1513] link '0'", "\t\t[1622] link '2'", "\t\t[2433] link '4'", "\t\t[1662] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2070] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2162] link 'N'", "\t\t[2346] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1817] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1541] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1759] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1769] link '0'", "\t\t[1574] link '0'", "\t\t[1695] link '0'", "\t\t[1631] link '0'", "\t\t[2006] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1839] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2012] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1678] link '1'", "\t\t[2053] link '2'", "\t\t[2357] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link ''", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[135] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[137] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[147] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1866] main ''", "\t\t[1793] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2297] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1604] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2317] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1500] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1872] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1999] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1725] link 'All'", "\t\t[1724] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2051] link ''", "\t\t[2090] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1748] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1806] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2410] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1899] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1935] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1675] link '0'", "\t\t[1555] link '0'", "\t\t[1948] link '0'", "\t\t[1489] link '0'", "\t\t[2135] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1706] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2417] link 'A'", "\t\t[1619] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2441] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2427] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1511] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1768] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1943] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2093] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2299] link '1'", "\t\t[1641] link '0'", "\t\t[2465] link '0'", "\t\t[1541] link '1'", "\t\t[1708] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1646] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2458] link 'A'", "\t\t[1745] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1837] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1682] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1911] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2147] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2311] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1637] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2080] link '2'", "\t\t[1508] link '0'", "\t\t[2375] link '1'", "\t\t[2372] link '4'", "\t\t[2032] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1525] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2263] link 'A'", "\t\t[1613] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2461] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1938] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2256] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1807] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1821] link '20'", "\t\t[2185] link '0'", "\t\t[2050] link '10'", "\t\t[2007] link '40'", "\t\t[2022] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2071] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2164] link 'A'", "\t\t[1930] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2191] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1940] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2286] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2238] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2460] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1835] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2139] link '1'", "\t\t[2210] link '0'", "\t\t[1632] link '0'", "\t\t[2176] link '0'", "\t\t[1645] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2251] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1504] link 'A'", "\t\t[1719] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2278] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1600] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2388] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2148] link '0'", "\t\t[2320] link '0'", "\t\t[2202] link '0'", "\t\t[2224] link '0'", "\t\t[2227] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1989] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2468] link 'A'", "\t\t[2221] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1858] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1561] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1546] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1713] link '0'", "\t\t[2245] link '0'", "\t\t[1844] link '0'", "\t\t[2181] link '0'", "\t\t[2087] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2282] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2262] link 'A'", "\t\t[2190] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1841] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2413] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1540] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1720] link '0'", "\t\t[2421] link '0'", "\t\t[1771] link '0'", "\t\t[1627] link '0'", "\t\t[1752] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2037] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2392] link 'A'", "\t\t[2141] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2374] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1863] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2312] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2040] link '0'", "\t\t[1587] link '0'", "\t\t[2197] link '0'", "\t\t[1676] link '0'", "\t\t[1649] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2140] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1491] link 'B'", "\t\t[1822] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1878] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2252] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2366] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2267] link '0'", "\t\t[2189] link '0'", "\t\t[1629] link '0'", "\t\t[2121] link '0'", "\t\t[1700] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1751] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1712] link 'C'", "\t\t[1537] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2196] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2326] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2445] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2303] link '0'", "\t\t[1936] link '0'", "\t\t[2199] link '0'", "\t\t[2038] link '0'", "\t\t[2058] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1650] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1973] link ''", "\t\t[2289] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2166] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2086] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2347] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2208] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1614] link '0'", "\t\t[1749] link '0'", "\t\t[2003] link '0'", "\t\t[1738] link '0'", "\t\t[2152] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1697] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2396] link 'D'", "\t\t[1716] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1774] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2452] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2265] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1890] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1909] link '21'", "\t\t[2009] link '0'", "\t\t[2030] link '16'", "\t\t[1960] link '21'", "\t\t[1827] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1818] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2016] link 'D'", "\t\t[1563] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1850] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2226] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1997] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2448] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1634] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1638] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2352] link '0'", "\t\t[1959] link '0'", "\t\t[1647] link '0'", "\t\t[1503] link '1'", "\t\t[2035] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1797] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2145] link 'E'", "\t\t[1770] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2204] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1855] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2318] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2044] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1664] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2464] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1895] link '6'", "\t\t[2011] link '1'", "\t\t[2249] link '2'", "\t\t[1605] link '5'", "\t\t[2036] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1644] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2060] link 'E'", "\t\t[2222] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2072] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2341] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1779] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1826] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1513] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2167] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1889] link '2'", "\t\t[1562] link '0'", "\t\t[1789] link '0'", "\t\t[1519] link '0'", "\t\t[1512] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1616] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2062] link 'G'", "\t\t[2339] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2435] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2041] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1528] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2355] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1743] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2169] link '0'", "\t\t[1901] link '0'", "\t\t[1820] link '0'", "\t\t[1688] link '0'", "\t\t[1584] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1693] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1731] link 'L'", "\t\t[2394] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1754] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2362] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1499] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2021] link '0'", "\t\t[1687] link '0'", "\t\t[2074] link '0'", "\t\t[2367] link '0'", "\t\t[2004] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2259] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2113] link 'M'", "\t\t[2294] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2295] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2000] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1915] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1506] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2081] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1742] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1521] link '6'", "\t\t[2073] link '0'", "\t\t[1921] link '2'", "\t\t[1737] link '4'", "\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1871] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1672] link 'N'", "\t\t[2120] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1695] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2070] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1815] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1838] link '0'", "\t\t[2257] link '0'", "\t\t[2440] link '0'", "\t\t[1859] link '0'", "\t\t[2478] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1900] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2411] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2450] link '1'", "\t\t[1520] link '2'", "\t\t[2304] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[102] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[121] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[103] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[123] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[105] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[106] link 'Help'", "\t[108] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[133] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1860] main ''", "\t\t[1782] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1801] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1636] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2005] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2221] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2321] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2382] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2230] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1704] link 'All'", "\t\t[2249] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1616] link ''", "\t\t[2115] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2211] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1552] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2377] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2209] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1565] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2029] link '0'", "\t\t[2071] link '0'", "\t\t[2262] link '0'", "\t\t[2390] link '0'", "\t\t[2407] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2106] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1982] link 'A'", "\t\t[1758] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2183] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2004] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1727] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2418] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2176] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1766] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1667] link '1'", "\t\t[1787] link '0'", "\t\t[1849] link '0'", "\t\t[2334] link '1'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1677] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1802] link 'A'", "\t\t[1699] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1668] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2442] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2234] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1855] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1997] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2173] link '2'", "\t\t[1723] link '0'", "\t\t[2226] link '1'", "\t\t[2075] link '4'", "\t\t[1743] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2224] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1851] link 'A'", "\t\t[1585] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2342] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2083] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1931] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2191] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1490] link '20'", "\t\t[1783] link '0'", "\t\t[1589] link '10'", "\t\t[1628] link '40'", "\t\t[1995] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1742] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2208] link 'A'", "\t\t[1571] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1918] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2146] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2451] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1979] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2050] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1544] link '1'", "\t\t[2293] link '0'", "\t\t[1694] link '0'", "\t\t[1747] link '0'", "\t\t[1838] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2171] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1714] link 'A'", "\t\t[1781] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2401] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2138] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1848] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2363] link '0'", "\t\t[2361] link '0'", "\t\t[1804] link '0'", "\t\t[1905] link '0'", "\t\t[2405] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1889] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2142] link 'A'", "\t\t[1870] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1925] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1732] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2174] link '0'", "\t\t[2038] link '0'", "\t\t[1999] link '0'", "\t\t[2409] link '0'", "\t\t[2440] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2282] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2311] link 'A'", "\t\t[1934] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1506] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1591] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2079] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2129] link '0'", "\t\t[2201] link '0'", "\t\t[1640] link '0'", "\t\t[2160] link '0'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1651] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2032] link 'A'", "\t\t[1726] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1826] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1611] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1900] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2139] link '0'", "\t\t[2307] link '0'", "\t\t[2195] link '0'", "\t\t[2102] link '0'", "\t\t[1620] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2386] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2289] link 'B'", "\t\t[2190] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1654] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2199] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1877] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1780] link '0'", "\t\t[2145] link '0'", "\t\t[1896] link '0'", "\t\t[1708] link '0'", "\t\t[1916] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2242] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2269] link 'C'", "\t\t[1788] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2065] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2394] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1646] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2042] link '0'", "\t\t[1666] link '0'", "\t\t[1669] link '0'", "\t\t[2148] link '0'", "\t\t[1560] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2426] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1662] link ''", "\t\t[2301] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1792] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2219] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2310] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2022] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1833] link '0'", "\t\t[2132] link '0'", "\t\t[1568] link '0'", "\t\t[1569] link '0'", "\t\t[1959] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1652] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2127] link 'D'", "\t\t[1614] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1504] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2162] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1631] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1768] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1835] link '21'", "\t\t[2264] link '0'", "\t\t[2261] link '16'", "\t\t[1587] link '21'", "\t\t[1840] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2210] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2460] link 'D'", "\t\t[2296] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2330] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2054] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2319] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1800] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2459] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1584] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2197] link '0'", "\t\t[1907] link '0'", "\t\t[2456] link '0'", "\t\t[1965] link '1'", "\t\t[2206] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1794] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2402] link 'E'", "\t\t[1641] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1527] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2272] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1810] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2147] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1691] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2275] link '6'", "\t\t[1555] link '1'", "\t\t[2036] link '2'", "\t\t[1558] link '5'", "\t\t[2360] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1951] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1869] link 'E'", "\t\t[1550] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1764] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2303] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1994] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2178] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2012] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1956] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1875] link '2'", "\t\t[2024] link '0'", "\t\t[1902] link '0'", "\t\t[2376] link '0'", "\t\t[1824] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2359] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2352] link 'G'", "\t\t[2133] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1895] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1602] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2239] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2437] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1703] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1847] link '0'", "\t\t[2086] link '0'", "\t\t[1682] link '0'", "\t\t[2421] link '0'", "\t\t[2445] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1643] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1976] link 'L'", "\t\t[1978] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1935] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2125] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2256] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2135] link '0'", "\t\t[2193] link '0'", "\t\t[1945] link '0'", "\t\t[2047] link '0'", "\t\t[1679] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2305] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2457] link 'M'", "\t\t[2048] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2033] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1828] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1964] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1811] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2341] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2103] link '6'", "\t\t[1805] link '0'", "\t\t[2455] link '2'", "\t\t[1673] link '4'", "\t\t[1986] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1772] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1635] link 'N'", "\t\t[2403] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1815] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2446] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2126] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2207] link '0'", "\t\t[1518] link '0'", "\t\t[2432] link '0'", "\t\t[1818] link '0'", "\t\t[1633] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2433] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2448] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1530] link '1'", "\t\t[1911] link '2'", "\t\t[2313] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3021] RootWebArea 'Puma sneakers in size 7 · Search · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3025] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[3038] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3061] link ''", "\t[3054] link 'Create new...'", "\t[3056] link 'Issues'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[2977] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[2981] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[2994] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[4951] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[3043] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[3032] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[3010] link 'Create new...'", "\t[3089] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[3121] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[3090] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[3123] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[3092] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[3093] link 'Help'", "\t[3095] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[3133] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[3065] main ''", "\t\t[3083] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[3101] link 'New project'", "\t\t[3235] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[3236] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[3237] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[3238] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[3145] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[3244] button 'Name'", "\t\t[3149] link 'All'", "\t\t[3150] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[3248] link ''", "\t\t[3449] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[3602] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[3450] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3604] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3605] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[3606] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[3455] link '0'", "\t\t[3456] link '0'", "\t\t[3457] link '0'", "\t\t[3458] link '0'", "\t\t[3617] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3618] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4897] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3251] link 'A'", "\t\t[3461] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[3619] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[3462] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3621] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3622] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[3815] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[3623] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[3467] link '1'", "\t\t[3468] link '0'", "\t\t[3469] link '0'", "\t\t[3470] link '1'", "\t\t[3634] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3635] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4898] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3254] link 'A'", "\t\t[3473] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[3636] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[3474] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3638] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3639] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[3835] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[3640] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[3479] link '2'", "\t\t[3480] link '0'", "\t\t[3481] link '1'", "\t\t[3482] link '4'", "\t\t[3651] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3652] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4899] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[3257] link 'A'", "\t\t[3485] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[3653] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[3486] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3655] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[3656] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[3491] link '20'", "\t\t[3492] link '0'", "\t\t[3493] link '10'", "\t\t[3494] link '40'", "\t\t[3667] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3668] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4900] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[3260] link 'A'", "\t\t[3497] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[3669] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[3498] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[3671] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3672] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[3874] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[3673] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[3503] link '1'", "\t\t[3504] link '0'", "\t\t[3505] link '0'", "\t\t[3506] link '0'", "\t\t[3684] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3685] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4901] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[3263] link 'A'", "\t\t[3509] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[3686] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[3510] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3688] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3514] link '0'", "\t\t[3515] link '0'", "\t\t[3516] link '0'", "\t\t[3517] link '0'", "\t\t[3699] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3700] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4902] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3266] link 'A'", "\t\t[3520] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[3701] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[3521] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3703] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3525] link '0'", "\t\t[3526] link '0'", "\t\t[3527] link '0'", "\t\t[3528] link '0'", "\t\t[3714] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3715] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4903] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3269] link 'A'", "\t\t[3531] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[3716] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[3532] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3718] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3536] link '0'", "\t\t[3537] link '0'", "\t\t[3538] link '0'", "\t\t[3539] link '0'", "\t\t[3729] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3730] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4904] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3272] link 'A'", "\t\t[3542] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[3731] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[3543] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3733] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3547] link '0'", "\t\t[3548] link '0'", "\t\t[3549] link '0'", "\t\t[3550] link '0'", "\t\t[3744] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3745] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4905] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3275] link 'B'", "\t\t[3553] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[3746] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[3554] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3748] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3558] link '0'", "\t\t[3559] link '0'", "\t\t[3560] link '0'", "\t\t[3561] link '0'", "\t\t[3759] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3760] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4906] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3278] link 'C'", "\t\t[3564] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[3761] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[3565] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3763] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3569] link '0'", "\t\t[3570] link '0'", "\t\t[3571] link '0'", "\t\t[3572] link '0'", "\t\t[3774] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[3775] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4907] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[3281] link ''", "\t\t[3574] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[3776] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[3575] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[3778] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[3779] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[3580] link '0'", "\t\t[3581] link '0'", "\t\t[3582] link '0'", "\t\t[3583] link '0'", "\t\t[4372] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4373] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4908] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4177] link 'D'", "\t\t[4272] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[4374] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[4273] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4376] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[4377] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[4278] link '21'", "\t\t[4279] link '0'", "\t\t[4280] link '16'", "\t\t[4281] link '21'", "\t\t[4388] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4389] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4909] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4180] link 'D'", "\t\t[4284] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[4390] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[4285] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4392] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4393] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[4595] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[4394] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[4290] link '0'", "\t\t[4291] link '0'", "\t\t[4292] link '0'", "\t\t[4293] link '1'", "\t\t[4405] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4406] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4910] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[4183] link 'E'", "\t\t[4296] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[4407] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[4297] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4409] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4410] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[4615] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[4411] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[4302] link '6'", "\t\t[4303] link '1'", "\t\t[4304] link '2'", "\t\t[4305] link '5'", "\t\t[4422] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4423] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4911] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[4186] link 'E'", "\t\t[4308] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[4424] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[4309] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4426] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4427] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[4635] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[4428] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[4314] link '2'", "\t\t[4315] link '0'", "\t\t[4316] link '0'", "\t\t[4317] link '0'", "\t\t[4439] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4440] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4912] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4189] link 'G'", "\t\t[4320] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[4441] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[4321] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[4443] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4444] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[4448] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[4327] link '0'", "\t\t[4328] link '0'", "\t\t[4329] link '0'", "\t\t[4330] link '0'", "\t\t[4457] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4458] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4913] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[4192] link 'L'", "\t\t[4333] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[4459] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[4334] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4461] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4338] link '0'", "\t\t[4339] link '0'", "\t\t[4340] link '0'", "\t\t[4341] link '0'", "\t\t[4472] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4473] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4914] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[4195] link 'M'", "\t\t[4344] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[4474] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[4345] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4476] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4477] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[4695] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[4478] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[4350] link '6'", "\t\t[4351] link '0'", "\t\t[4352] link '2'", "\t\t[4353] link '4'", "\t\t[4489] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4490] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[4915] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[4198] link 'N'", "\t\t[4356] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[4491] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[4357] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[4493] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[4361] link '0'", "\t\t[4362] link '0'", "\t\t[4363] link '0'", "\t\t[4364] link '0'", "\t\t[4504] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[4505] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[4916] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[4201] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[4202] link '1'", "\t\t[4203] link '2'", "\t\t[4204] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[2972] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[102] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[121] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[103] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[123] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[105] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[106] link 'Help'", "\t[108] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[133] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1877] main ''", "\t\t[1801] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1818] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1640] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2018] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2220] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2315] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2380] searchbox 'Filter by name' focused: True", "\t\t[2228] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1712] link 'All'", "\t\t[2246] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2464] link ''", "\t\t[2079] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1748] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1635] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1738] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2140] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1789] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1762] link '0'", "\t\t[2009] link '0'", "\t\t[1754] link '0'", "\t\t[1933] link '0'", "\t\t[2069] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1550] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2096] link 'A'", "\t\t[2448] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1775] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2058] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2333] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2281] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1645] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1959] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2012] link '1'", "\t\t[2031] link '0'", "\t\t[2268] link '0'", "\t\t[2127] link '1'", "\t\t[2103] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2391] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2216] link 'A'", "\t\t[1854] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2293] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2168] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1999] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1492] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2206] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[2043] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1874] link '2'", "\t\t[1514] link '0'", "\t\t[2449] link '1'", "\t\t[1809] link '4'", "\t\t[2280] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2267] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1668] link 'A'", "\t\t[1563] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[1966] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1761] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1671] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2201] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1865] link '20'", "\t\t[1517] link '0'", "\t\t[1711] link '10'", "\t\t[1632] link '40'", "\t\t[1886] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1881] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2387] link 'A'", "\t\t[2404] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2163] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2050] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1814] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2411] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2385] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1991] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2435] link '1'", "\t\t[2279] link '0'", "\t\t[1506] link '0'", "\t\t[1780] link '0'", "\t\t[1927] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2308] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1937] link 'A'", "\t\t[2183] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2166] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2111] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1505] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2297] link '0'", "\t\t[1750] link '0'", "\t\t[2335] link '0'", "\t\t[1867] link '0'", "\t\t[2099] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1903] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1823] link 'A'", "\t\t[1844] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2434] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1605] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1918] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2105] link '0'", "\t\t[2181] link '0'", "\t\t[1589] link '0'", "\t\t[1622] link '0'", "\t\t[1732] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2474] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1938] link 'A'", "\t\t[1794] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[2454] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2162] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2479] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1525] link '0'", "\t\t[2457] link '0'", "\t\t[1912] link '0'", "\t\t[2234] link '0'", "\t\t[2011] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1901] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1551] link 'A'", "\t\t[2355] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1803] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1723] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1846] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1916] link '0'", "\t\t[1939] link '0'", "\t\t[2324] link '0'", "\t\t[1822] link '0'", "\t\t[1666] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2394] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1795] link 'B'", "\t\t[2176] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[2029] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1936] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2461] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2377] link '0'", "\t\t[1869] link '0'", "\t\t[1842] link '0'", "\t\t[1746] link '0'", "\t\t[2198] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2415] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2080] link 'C'", "\t\t[1751] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1582] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2407] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1798] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2230] link '0'", "\t\t[2256] link '0'", "\t\t[2210] link '0'", "\t\t[2375] link '0'", "\t\t[2052] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1674] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2110] link ''", "\t\t[1500] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1677] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[1619] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1988] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2304] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[2330] link '0'", "\t\t[2354] link '0'", "\t\t[1650] link '0'", "\t\t[2211] link '0'", "\t\t[1556] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1616] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2016] link 'D'", "\t\t[2219] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2161] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[1549] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2329] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1835] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[2037] link '21'", "\t\t[1541] link '0'", "\t\t[2021] link '16'", "\t\t[1921] link '21'", "\t\t[1694] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1989] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2343] link 'D'", "\t\t[2081] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2173] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2260] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1922] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2453] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1766] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1983] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[1721] link '0'", "\t\t[1544] link '0'", "\t\t[1788] link '0'", "\t\t[2199] link '1'", "\t\t[2044] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1560] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[1805] link 'E'", "\t\t[2006] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2392] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2418] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1548] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2299] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2008] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2177] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2303] link '6'", "\t\t[2294] link '1'", "\t\t[2366] link '2'", "\t\t[1705] link '5'", "\t\t[1601] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2137] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1782] link 'E'", "\t\t[1626] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1647] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2462] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2179] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2347] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2204] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1861] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1659] link '2'", "\t\t[2139] link '0'", "\t\t[1889] link '0'", "\t\t[1907] link '0'", "\t\t[2138] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2190] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2438] link 'G'", "\t\t[1790] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1976] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1554] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2022] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1747] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1954] link '0'", "\t\t[2367] link '0'", "\t\t[1713] link '0'", "\t\t[1764] link '0'", "\t\t[2405] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2443] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[2425] link 'L'", "\t\t[2437] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1518] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[1547] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2371] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1743] link '0'", "\t\t[2172] link '0'", "\t\t[1649] link '0'", "\t\t[1958] link '0'", "\t\t[1623] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2384] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1733] link 'M'", "\t\t[2054] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[1661] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1660] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1895] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2244] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1686] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2207] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1546] link '6'", "\t\t[1585] link '0'", "\t\t[1745] link '2'", "\t\t[1942] link '4'", "\t\t[2074] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2027] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1815] link 'N'", "\t\t[2445] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1651] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1968] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2126] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1710] link '0'", "\t\t[1785] link '0'", "\t\t[1520] link '0'", "\t\t[2242] link '0'", "\t\t[1811] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1757] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2095] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1730] link '1'", "\t\t[1685] link '2'", "\t\t[1557] link 'Next '" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3021] RootWebArea 'size 8 white Puma sneakers · Search · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3025] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[3038] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3061] link ''", "\t[3054] link 'Create new...'", "\t[3056] link 'Issues'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ] }
[ "click [64]", "scroll [up]", "hover [18]", "click [171]", "type [64] [Puma sneakers in size 7] [1]", "click [1299]", "go_back", "press [Ctrl+F]", "type [64] [size 8 white Puma sneakers] [1]", "close_tab" ]
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[137] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[139] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[149] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1857] main ''", "\t\t[1778] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2283] link 'New project'", "\t\t[2396] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1867] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2038] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1704] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1722] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2347] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1821] link 'All'", "\t\t[1597] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2472] link ''", "\t\t[2105] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2458] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1777] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2246] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1795] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1846] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2364] link '0'", "\t\t[2361] link '0'", "\t\t[1799] link '0'", "\t\t[1899] link '0'", "\t\t[2056] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2175] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2401] link 'A'", "\t\t[1862] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[1913] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[1720] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2226] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1823] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1992] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2379] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2037] link '1'", "\t\t[1995] link '0'", "\t\t[2412] link '0'", "\t\t[2358] link '1'", "\t\t[2238] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2263] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2267] link 'A'", "\t\t[1584] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[2214] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1760] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1620] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1502] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1638] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1611] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[1630] link '2'", "\t\t[2160] link '0'", "\t\t[1576] link '1'", "\t\t[2355] link '4'", "\t\t[2224] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1549] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1904] link 'A'", "\t\t[1606] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2114] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2152] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2115] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2081] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[2212] link '20'", "\t\t[2403] link '0'", "\t\t[2376] link '10'", "\t\t[2209] link '40'", "\t\t[1542] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2391] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2370] link 'A'", "\t\t[2459] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1700] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1558] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1765] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2196] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2461] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1555] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2429] link '1'", "\t\t[2216] link '0'", "\t\t[2174] link '0'", "\t\t[2410] link '0'", "\t\t[1687] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2474] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1841] link 'A'", "\t\t[2471] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2442] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1715] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2447] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1539] link '0'", "\t\t[1975] link '0'", "\t\t[2126] link '0'", "\t\t[1854] link '0'", "\t\t[1767] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1551] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1553] link 'A'", "\t\t[1884] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[2205] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[2026] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2135] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1661] link '0'", "\t\t[1651] link '0'", "\t\t[1808] link '0'", "\t\t[2239] link '0'", "\t\t[2078] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1800] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1792] link 'A'", "\t\t[1554] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1737] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2254] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2171] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2345] link '0'", "\t\t[2436] link '0'", "\t\t[1540] link '0'", "\t\t[2311] link '0'", "\t\t[1546] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1581] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1733] link 'A'", "\t\t[2342] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1723] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[2289] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1820] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2228] link '0'", "\t\t[2272] link '0'", "\t\t[2065] link '0'", "\t\t[1623] link '0'", "\t\t[1874] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1787] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1557] link 'B'", "\t\t[2274] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1600] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[1614] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1910] link '0'", "\t\t[1946] link '0'", "\t\t[1711] link '0'", "\t\t[2449] link '0'", "\t\t[2060] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1977] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2176] link 'C'", "\t\t[1786] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[1577] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[1536] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1550] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2278] link '0'", "\t\t[2117] link '0'", "\t\t[2166] link '0'", "\t\t[2309] link '0'", "\t\t[2301] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2241] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2098] link ''", "\t\t[2169] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1796] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2405] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1565] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2088] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1518] link '0'", "\t\t[2450] link '0'", "\t\t[1789] link '0'", "\t\t[1510] link '0'", "\t\t[2318] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2331] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2340] link 'D'", "\t\t[1740] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[2107] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2016] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2293] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[2476] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1521] link '21'", "\t\t[1691] link '0'", "\t\t[1621] link '16'", "\t\t[2097] link '21'", "\t\t[2457] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2099] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2380] link 'D'", "\t\t[2040] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2091] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[1675] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2189] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2150] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2129] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1861] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2284] link '0'", "\t\t[1508] link '0'", "\t\t[1756] link '0'", "\t\t[2072] link '1'", "\t\t[1745] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1625] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2204] link 'E'", "\t\t[2101] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2305] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1804] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2454] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1532] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1809] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1905] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2343] link '6'", "\t\t[1848] link '1'", "\t\t[1702] link '2'", "\t\t[1643] link '5'", "\t\t[1585] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1685] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2019] link 'E'", "\t\t[2375] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1746] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2260] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1500] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2080] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2350] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1641] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[2014] link '2'", "\t\t[2323] link '0'", "\t\t[1598] link '0'", "\t\t[2023] link '0'", "\t\t[2281] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2045] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1529] link 'G'", "\t\t[1670] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1900] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2302] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1729] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2423] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1956] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1955] link '0'", "\t\t[1612] link '0'", "\t\t[2084] link '0'", "\t\t[2271] link '0'", "\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1802] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1807] link 'L'", "\t\t[1569] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[2430] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2024] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2349] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1764] link '0'", "\t\t[1816] link '0'", "\t\t[2149] link '0'", "\t\t[2122] link '0'", "\t\t[1719] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2143] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1609] link 'M'", "\t\t[2460] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2322] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2073] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1632] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1983] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2102] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1968] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2087] link '6'", "\t\t[1513] link '0'", "\t\t[1622] link '2'", "\t\t[2433] link '4'", "\t\t[1662] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2070] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2162] link 'N'", "\t\t[2346] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1817] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[1541] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1759] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1769] link '0'", "\t\t[1574] link '0'", "\t\t[1695] link '0'", "\t\t[1631] link '0'", "\t\t[2006] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1839] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2012] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1678] link '1'", "\t\t[2053] link '2'", "\t\t[2357] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be that the focus has shifted from the Magento Admin panel's 'Products / Inventory / Catalog' section to the 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab'. The interface now displays project management links and functions, such as 'Create new...', 'Issues', and 'Merge requests', indicating a complete transition in user focus from product management to project oversight. The content type and layout have dramatically changed, emphasizing project organization over inventory management.
hover [18]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link ''", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[103] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[135] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[104] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[137] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[106] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[107] link 'Help'", "\t[109] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[147] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1866] main ''", "\t\t[1793] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[2297] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1604] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2317] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[1500] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[1872] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[1999] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1725] link 'All'", "\t\t[1724] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[2051] link ''", "\t\t[2090] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[1748] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1806] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2410] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1899] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1935] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[1675] link '0'", "\t\t[1555] link '0'", "\t\t[1948] link '0'", "\t\t[1489] link '0'", "\t\t[2135] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1706] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2417] link 'A'", "\t\t[1619] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2441] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2427] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1511] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1768] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[1943] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[2093] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[2299] link '1'", "\t\t[1641] link '0'", "\t\t[2465] link '0'", "\t\t[1541] link '1'", "\t\t[1708] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1646] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2458] link 'A'", "\t\t[1745] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1837] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[1682] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1911] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2147] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[2311] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1637] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2080] link '2'", "\t\t[1508] link '0'", "\t\t[2375] link '1'", "\t\t[2372] link '4'", "\t\t[2032] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1525] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[2263] link 'A'", "\t\t[1613] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2461] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[1938] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2256] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[1807] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1821] link '20'", "\t\t[2185] link '0'", "\t\t[2050] link '10'", "\t\t[2007] link '40'", "\t\t[2022] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2071] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2164] link 'A'", "\t\t[1930] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[2191] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[1940] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2286] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2238] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[2460] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[1835] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[2139] link '1'", "\t\t[2210] link '0'", "\t\t[1632] link '0'", "\t\t[2176] link '0'", "\t\t[1645] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2251] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1504] link 'A'", "\t\t[1719] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2278] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[1600] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2388] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2148] link '0'", "\t\t[2320] link '0'", "\t\t[2202] link '0'", "\t\t[2224] link '0'", "\t\t[2227] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1989] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2468] link 'A'", "\t\t[2221] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1858] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1561] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1546] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1713] link '0'", "\t\t[2245] link '0'", "\t\t[1844] link '0'", "\t\t[2181] link '0'", "\t\t[2087] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2282] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2262] link 'A'", "\t\t[2190] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1841] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[2413] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1540] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1720] link '0'", "\t\t[2421] link '0'", "\t\t[1771] link '0'", "\t\t[1627] link '0'", "\t\t[1752] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2037] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2392] link 'A'", "\t\t[2141] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[2374] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1863] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2312] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2040] link '0'", "\t\t[1587] link '0'", "\t\t[2197] link '0'", "\t\t[1676] link '0'", "\t\t[1649] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2140] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1491] link 'B'", "\t\t[1822] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1878] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2252] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2366] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2267] link '0'", "\t\t[2189] link '0'", "\t\t[1629] link '0'", "\t\t[2121] link '0'", "\t\t[1700] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1751] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1712] link 'C'", "\t\t[1537] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2196] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2326] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2445] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2303] link '0'", "\t\t[1936] link '0'", "\t\t[2199] link '0'", "\t\t[2038] link '0'", "\t\t[2058] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1650] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1973] link ''", "\t\t[2289] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[2166] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2086] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2347] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2208] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1614] link '0'", "\t\t[1749] link '0'", "\t\t[2003] link '0'", "\t\t[1738] link '0'", "\t\t[2152] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1697] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2396] link 'D'", "\t\t[1716] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1774] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2452] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2265] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1890] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1909] link '21'", "\t\t[2009] link '0'", "\t\t[2030] link '16'", "\t\t[1960] link '21'", "\t\t[1827] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1818] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2016] link 'D'", "\t\t[1563] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[1850] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2226] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1997] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2448] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[1634] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1638] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2352] link '0'", "\t\t[1959] link '0'", "\t\t[1647] link '0'", "\t\t[1503] link '1'", "\t\t[2035] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1797] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2145] link 'E'", "\t\t[1770] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[2204] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[1855] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2318] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2044] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[1664] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[2464] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[1895] link '6'", "\t\t[2011] link '1'", "\t\t[2249] link '2'", "\t\t[1605] link '5'", "\t\t[2036] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1644] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[2060] link 'E'", "\t\t[2222] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[2072] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2341] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1779] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1826] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[1513] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[2167] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1889] link '2'", "\t\t[1562] link '0'", "\t\t[1789] link '0'", "\t\t[1519] link '0'", "\t\t[1512] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1616] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2062] link 'G'", "\t\t[2339] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[2435] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[2041] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1528] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2355] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1743] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[2169] link '0'", "\t\t[1901] link '0'", "\t\t[1820] link '0'", "\t\t[1688] link '0'", "\t\t[1584] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1693] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1731] link 'L'", "\t\t[2394] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1754] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2362] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1499] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2021] link '0'", "\t\t[1687] link '0'", "\t\t[2074] link '0'", "\t\t[2367] link '0'", "\t\t[2004] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2259] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2113] link 'M'", "\t\t[2294] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2295] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[2000] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1915] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1506] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[2081] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[1742] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[1521] link '6'", "\t\t[2073] link '0'", "\t\t[1921] link '2'", "\t\t[1737] link '4'", "\t\t[1967] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1871] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1672] link 'N'", "\t\t[2120] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1695] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2070] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1815] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1838] link '0'", "\t\t[2257] link '0'", "\t\t[2440] link '0'", "\t\t[1859] link '0'", "\t\t[2478] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1900] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2411] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[2450] link '1'", "\t\t[1520] link '2'", "\t\t[2304] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be that the user is now engaged with the GitLab 'Projects · Dashboard', indicating an exploration of project-related actions. The interface highlights project management functionalities such as 'Create new...', 'Issues', and other project navigation links. This change reflects a user experience shift from the Magento Admin's product management features to the collaborative aspects of GitLab's project oversight.
click [171]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Projects · Dashboard · GitLab", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Projects · Dashboard · GitLab' focused: True", "\t[5] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[18] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[2750] button '' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t[64] textbox 'Search GitLab' required: False", "\t[56] generic 'Use the shortcut key <kbd>/</kbd> to start a search'", "\t[34] link 'Create new...'", "\t[102] link 'Issues'", "\t\t[121] generic '12 assigned issues'", "\t[103] link 'Merge requests'", "\t\t[123] generic '8 merge requests'", "\t[105] link 'To-Do List'", "\t[106] link 'Help'", "\t[108] link 'Byte Blaze'", "\t\t[133] img 'Byte Blaze'", "\t[1860] main ''", "\t\t[1782] heading 'Projects'", "\t\t[1801] link 'New project'", "\t\t[1636] link 'Yours 29'", "\t\t[2005] link 'Starred 3'", "\t\t[2221] link 'Explore'", "\t\t[2321] link 'Topics'", "\t\t[2382] searchbox 'Filter by name'", "\t\t[2230] button 'Name'", "\t\t[1704] link 'All'", "\t\t[2249] link 'Personal'", "\t\t[1616] link ''", "\t\t[2115] heading 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t\t[2211] link 'Byte Blaze / 11711_gitlab'", "\t\t[1552] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2377] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2209] StaticText 'Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: '", "\t\t[1565] link 'https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll'", "\t\t[2029] link '0'", "\t\t[2071] link '0'", "\t\t[2262] link '0'", "\t\t[2390] link '0'", "\t\t[2407] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2106] time 'Sep 5, 2024 9:50am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2696] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1982] link 'A'", "\t\t[1758] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t\t[2183] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-syntax-highlighting'", "\t\t[2004] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1727] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2418] generic 'lipstick'", "\t\t\t[2176] StaticText '💄'", "\t\t[1766] StaticText ' Accessible light and dark syntax highlighting themes'", "\t\t[1667] link '1'", "\t\t[1787] link '0'", "\t\t[1849] link '0'", "\t\t[2334] link '1'", "\t\t[2187] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1677] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2697] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1802] link 'A'", "\t\t[1699] heading 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t\t[1668] link 'Byte Blaze / a11y-webring.club'", "\t\t[2442] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2234] generic 'globe with meridians'", "\t\t\t[1855] StaticText '🌐'", "\t\t[1997] StaticText ' A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.'", "\t\t[2173] link '2'", "\t\t[1723] link '0'", "\t\t[2226] link '1'", "\t\t[2075] link '4'", "\t\t[1743] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2224] time 'Sep 9, 2024 3:25pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2698] StaticText '22 hours ago'", "\t\t[1851] link 'A'", "\t\t[1585] heading 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t\t[2342] link 'The A11Y Project / a11yproject.com'", "\t\t[2083] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1931] StaticText 'Maintainer'", "\t\t[2191] StaticText 'The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.'", "\t\t[1490] link '20'", "\t\t[1783] link '0'", "\t\t[1589] link '10'", "\t\t[1628] link '40'", "\t\t[1995] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1742] time 'Sep 7, 2024 5:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2699] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2208] link 'A'", "\t\t[1571] heading 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t\t[1918] link 'Byte Blaze / accessible-html-content-patterns'", "\t\t[2146] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2451] generic 'wheelchair symbol'", "\t\t\t[1979] StaticText '♿'", "\t\t[2050] StaticText '️ The full HTML5 Doctor Element Index as well as common markup patterns for quick reference.'", "\t\t[1544] link '1'", "\t\t[2293] link '0'", "\t\t[1694] link '0'", "\t\t[1747] link '0'", "\t\t[1838] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2171] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2700] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1714] link 'A'", "\t\t[1781] heading 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t\t[2401] link 'Byte Blaze / AutoAGI'", "\t\t[2138] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1848] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2363] link '0'", "\t\t[2361] link '0'", "\t\t[1804] link '0'", "\t\t[1905] link '0'", "\t\t[2405] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1889] time 'Sep 5, 2024 10:54am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2701] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2142] link 'A'", "\t\t[1870] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t\t[1925] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_llm_reading'", "\t\t[1732] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1520] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2174] link '0'", "\t\t[2038] link '0'", "\t\t[1999] link '0'", "\t\t[2409] link '0'", "\t\t[2440] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2282] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:07am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2702] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2311] link 'A'", "\t\t[1934] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t\t[1506] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_program_aided_reasoning'", "\t\t[1591] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2079] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2129] link '0'", "\t\t[2201] link '0'", "\t\t[1640] link '0'", "\t\t[2160] link '0'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1651] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:10am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2703] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2032] link 'A'", "\t\t[1726] heading 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t\t[1826] link 'Byte Blaze / awesome_web_agents'", "\t\t[1611] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1900] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2139] link '0'", "\t\t[2307] link '0'", "\t\t[2195] link '0'", "\t\t[2102] link '0'", "\t\t[1620] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2386] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:06am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2704] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2289] link 'B'", "\t\t[2190] heading 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t\t[1654] link 'webagent / bafta_awards_nolan'", "\t\t[2199] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1877] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1780] link '0'", "\t\t[2145] link '0'", "\t\t[1896] link '0'", "\t\t[1708] link '0'", "\t\t[1916] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2242] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:26am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2705] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2269] link 'C'", "\t\t[1788] heading 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t\t[2065] link 'Byte Blaze / chatgpt_plugin'", "\t\t[2394] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1646] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2042] link '0'", "\t\t[1666] link '0'", "\t\t[1669] link '0'", "\t\t[2148] link '0'", "\t\t[1560] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2426] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2706] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[1662] link ''", "\t\t[2301] heading 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t\t[1792] link 'Byte Blaze / cloud-to-butt'", "\t\t[2219] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2310] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2022] StaticText \"Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'\"", "\t\t[1833] link '0'", "\t\t[2132] link '0'", "\t\t[1568] link '0'", "\t\t[1569] link '0'", "\t\t[1959] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1652] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2707] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2127] link 'D'", "\t\t[1614] heading 'Primer / design'", "\t\t\t[1504] link 'Primer / design'", "\t\t[2162] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1631] StaticText 'Developer'", "\t\t[1768] StaticText 'Primer Design Guidelines'", "\t\t[1835] link '21'", "\t\t[2264] link '0'", "\t\t[2261] link '16'", "\t\t[1587] link '21'", "\t\t[1840] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2210] time 'Mar 27, 2023 9:04pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2708] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2460] link 'D'", "\t\t[2296] heading 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t\t[2330] link 'Byte Blaze / dotfiles'", "\t\t[2054] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2319] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1800] generic 'robot face'", "\t\t\t[2459] StaticText '🤖'", "\t\t[1584] StaticText ' Computer setup'", "\t\t[2197] link '0'", "\t\t[1907] link '0'", "\t\t[2456] link '0'", "\t\t[1965] link '1'", "\t\t[2206] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1794] time 'Sep 6, 2024 7:53pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2709] StaticText '3 days ago'", "\t\t[2402] link 'E'", "\t\t[1641] heading 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t\t[1527] link 'Byte Blaze / empathy-prompts'", "\t\t[2272] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1892] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1810] generic 'electric light bulb'", "\t\t\t[2147] StaticText '💡'", "\t\t[1691] StaticText ' Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use.'", "\t\t[2275] link '6'", "\t\t[1555] link '1'", "\t\t[2036] link '2'", "\t\t[1558] link '5'", "\t\t[2360] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1951] time 'Sep 6, 2024 10:24am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2710] StaticText '4 days ago'", "\t\t[1869] link 'E'", "\t\t[1550] heading 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t\t[1764] link 'Byte Blaze / ericwbailey.website'", "\t\t[2303] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1994] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2178] generic 'triangular ruler'", "\t\t\t[2012] StaticText '📐'", "\t\t[1956] StaticText ' Repo for my personal website.'", "\t\t[1875] link '2'", "\t\t[2024] link '0'", "\t\t[1902] link '0'", "\t\t[2376] link '0'", "\t\t[1824] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2359] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2711] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[2352] link 'G'", "\t\t[2133] heading 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t\t[1895] link 'Byte Blaze / gimmiethat.spaceGIVETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACEHelloTitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACETitle WantedWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACEGIVE ME SPACENot an interesting siteWelcome to my siteGIVE ME SPACE MTitle WantedE SPACE'", "\t\t[1602] generic 'Private - Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access is granted to members of the group.'", "\t\t[2239] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2437] StaticText 'I need some space.'", "\t\t[1703] link 'Pipeline: failed'", "\t\t[1847] link '0'", "\t\t[2086] link '0'", "\t\t[1682] link '0'", "\t\t[2421] link '0'", "\t\t[2445] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1643] time 'Sep 9, 2024 5:15am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2712] StaticText '1 day ago'", "\t\t[1976] link 'L'", "\t\t[1978] heading 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t\t[1935] link 'Byte Blaze / llm_bulk_inference'", "\t\t[2125] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2256] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2135] link '0'", "\t\t[2193] link '0'", "\t\t[1945] link '0'", "\t\t[2047] link '0'", "\t\t[1679] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2305] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:03am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2713] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2457] link 'M'", "\t\t[2048] heading 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t\t[2033] link 'Byte Blaze / millennials-to-snake-people'", "\t\t[1828] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[1964] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[1811] generic 'snake'", "\t\t\t[1857] StaticText '🐍'", "\t\t[2341] StaticText \" Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'Millennials' with 'Snake People'\"", "\t\t[2103] link '6'", "\t\t[1805] link '0'", "\t\t[2455] link '2'", "\t\t[1673] link '4'", "\t\t[1986] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[1772] time 'Mar 27, 2023 11:22pm UTC'", "\t\t\t[2714] StaticText '1 year ago'", "\t\t[1635] link 'N'", "\t\t[2403] heading 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t\t[1815] link 'Byte Blaze / nolan_followers'", "\t\t[2446] generic 'Public - The project can be accessed without any authentication.'", "\t\t[2126] StaticText 'Owner'", "\t\t[2207] link '0'", "\t\t[1518] link '0'", "\t\t[2432] link '0'", "\t\t[1818] link '0'", "\t\t[1633] StaticText 'Updated '", "\t\t[2433] time 'Sep 5, 2024 11:19am UTC'", "\t\t\t[2715] StaticText '5 days ago'", "\t\t[2448] link ' Prev'", "\t\t[1530] link '1'", "\t\t[1911] link '2'", "\t\t[2313] link 'Next '" ]
The next observation would be that the user accesses a specific project page within GitLab, navigating away from the Magento Admin panel. The focus is now on project details and related activities, showcasing project-specific information and functionalities. This transition underscores a shift from product management to a collaborative project environment, reinforcing a new context for the user.
type [64] [Puma sneakers in size 7] [1]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3021] RootWebArea 'Puma sneakers in size 7 · Search · GitLab' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3025] link 'Skip to content'", "\t[3038] link 'Dashboard'", "\t[3061] link ''", "\t[3054] link 'Create new...'", "\t[3056] link 'Issues'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is now in the search results page for 'Puma sneakers in size 7' within the GitLab interface. This represents a significant shift from product inventory management in Magento to searching for specific items, suggesting that the user is now navigating a search function that aligns with GitLab's project-oriented features. The interface reflects a new focus on finding specific products rather than managing existing inventory.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True [72] generic '\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \ue62f Products Categories' [98] link '\ue62f' [99] menu '' orientation: vertical [284] menu '' orientation: vertical [442] link 'Products' [443] link 'Categories' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [271] button 'Reload Data' [272] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [327] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [328] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [274] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [415] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [416] link 'here' [625] StaticText 'Revenue' [500] StaticText '$0.00' [626] StaticText 'Tax' [627] StaticText 'Shipping' [628] StaticText 'Quantity' [514] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [423] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [426] StaticText '$0.00' [428] StaticText 'Average Order' [433] StaticText 'Last Orders' [434] table '' [637] row '' [725] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [726] columnheader 'Items' required: False [727] columnheader 'Total' required: False [638] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [981] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [982] gridcell '5' required: False [983] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [984] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [985] gridcell '4' required: False [986] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [966] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [987] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [988] gridcell '3' required: False [989] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [967] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [990] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [991] gridcell '4' required: False [992] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [968] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [993] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [994] gridcell '2' required: False [995] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [957] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [958] table '' [969] row '' [996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [997] columnheader 'Results' required: False [998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [970] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [999] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1000] gridcell '23' required: False [1001] gridcell '1' required: False [971] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [1002] gridcell 'nike' required: False [1003] gridcell '0' required: False [1004] gridcell '3' required: False [972] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1005] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1006] gridcell '10' required: False [1007] gridcell '4' required: False [973] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1008] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1009] gridcell '1' required: False [1010] gridcell '19' required: False [974] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1011] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1012] gridcell '23' required: False [1013] gridcell '2' required: False [959] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [960] table '' [975] row '' [1014] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1015] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1016] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [976] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1017] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1018] gridcell '1' required: False [1019] gridcell '19' required: False [977] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1020] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1021] gridcell '10' required: False [1022] gridcell '4' required: False [978] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1023] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1024] gridcell '23' required: False [1025] gridcell '2' required: False [979] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1026] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1027] gridcell '23' required: False [1028] gridcell '1' required: False [980] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1029] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1030] gridcell '1' required: False [1031] gridcell '1' required: False [930] contentinfo '' [935] link '\ue606' [936] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [946] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [938] link 'Privacy Policy' [939] StaticText ' |' [940] link ' Account Activity' [941] StaticText ' | ' [942] link 'Report an Issue'
click [16] where [16] is link '\ue608 CATALOG'
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [271] button 'Reload Data' [272] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [327] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [328] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [274] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [415] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [416] link 'here' [625] StaticText 'Revenue' [500] StaticText '$0.00' [626] StaticText 'Tax' [627] StaticText 'Shipping' [628] StaticText 'Quantity' [514] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [423] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [426] StaticText '$0.00' [428] StaticText 'Average Order' [433] StaticText 'Last Orders' [434] table '' [637] row '' [725] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [726] columnheader 'Items' required: False [727] columnheader 'Total' required: False [638] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [981] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [982] gridcell '5' required: False [983] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [984] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [985] gridcell '4' required: False [986] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [966] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [987] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [988] gridcell '3' required: False [989] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [967] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [990] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [991] gridcell '4' required: False [992] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [968] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [993] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [994] gridcell '2' required: False [995] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [957] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [958] table '' [969] row '' [996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [997] columnheader 'Results' required: False [998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [970] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [999] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1000] gridcell '23' required: False [1001] gridcell '1' required: False [971] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [1002] gridcell 'nike' required: False [1003] gridcell '0' required: False [1004] gridcell '3' required: False [972] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1005] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1006] gridcell '10' required: False [1007] gridcell '4' required: False [973] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1008] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1009] gridcell '1' required: False [1010] gridcell '19' required: False [974] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1011] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1012] gridcell '23' required: False [1013] gridcell '2' required: False [959] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [960] table '' [975] row '' [1014] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1015] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1016] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [976] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1017] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1018] gridcell '1' required: False [1019] gridcell '19' required: False [977] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1020] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1021] gridcell '10' required: False [1022] gridcell '4' required: False [978] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1023] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1024] gridcell '23' required: False [1025] gridcell '2' required: False [979] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1026] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1027] gridcell '23' required: False [1028] gridcell '1' required: False [980] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1029] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1030] gridcell '1' required: False [1031] gridcell '1' required: False [930] contentinfo '' [935] link '\ue606' [936] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [946] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [938] link 'Privacy Policy' [939] StaticText ' |' [940] link ' Account Activity' [941] StaticText ' | ' [942] link 'Report an Issue'
Make all Taurus Elements Shell as out of stock
The next observation would display the catalog management interface within the Magento Admin panel. This new view enables the user to manage various products listed in the catalog, including their stock status. The user is now positioned to find and select the Taurus Elements Shell products to mark them as out of stock. The interface retains the familiar layout of the admin panel, maintaining navigation options while focusing on product management functionalities.
{ "neg_action0": "click [12]", "neg_action1": "scroll [down]", "neg_action2": "hover [16]", "neg_action3": "click [16]", "neg_action4": "click [8]", "neg_action5": "type [1220] [Taurus Elements Shell] [1]", "neg_action6": "press [Ctrl+s]", "neg_action7": "click [24]", "neg_action8": "click [36]", "neg_action9": "click [292]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES' focused: True", "\t\t[74] generic '\\ue60b SALES Sales \\ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t\t[99] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[100] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[305] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[466] link 'Orders'", "\t\t\t\t\t[467] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t\t\t[468] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t\t\t[469] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t\t\t[470] link 'Billing Agreements'", "\t\t\t\t\t[471] link 'Transactions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[472] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[6] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[8] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[9] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[47] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[43] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[39] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[35] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[31] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[27] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[23] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[19] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[15] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[11] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[54] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[55] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True", "\t\t[75] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[103] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[104] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[307] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[473] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[474] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1273] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1325] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1333] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1278] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1280] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1284] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1288] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1292] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1296] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1300] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1304] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1308] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1312] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1316] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1352] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[1353] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1355] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1582] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1477] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1323] main ''", "\t\t[1358] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[1420] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[1423] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[1540] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[1541] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[1590] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[1591] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[1543] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[314] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' focused: True required: False", "\t\t[1282] StaticText 'Taurus Elements Shell'", "\t[1281] button 'Search'", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[322] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[323] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[401] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[402] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[842] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[843] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[799] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[790] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[791] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[792] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[793] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[794] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[32] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[33] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[242] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[238] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[234] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[230] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[273] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[274] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[276] link '\\ue607'", "\t[455] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[249] main ''", "\t\t[279] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[322] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[325] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[418] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[419] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[463] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[464] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[421] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[530] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[531] link 'here'", "\t\t[705] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[601] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[706] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[707] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[708] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[538] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[541] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[543] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[548] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[549] table ''", "\t\t\t[717] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[800] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] columnheader 'Items' required: 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[726] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[727] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[830] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[831] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[832] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[728] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[833] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[834] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[835] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[552] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[553] table ''", "\t\t\t[729] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[836] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[837] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[838] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[730] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[839] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[840] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[841] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[731] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[842] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[843] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[844] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[732] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[845] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[846] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[383] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[332] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[333] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[334] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[335] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[336] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING' focused: True", "\t\t[77] generic '\\ue609 MARKETING Marketing \\ue62f Promotions Catalog Price Rule Cart Price Rules Communications Email Templates Newsletter Templates Newsletter Queue Newsletter Subscribers SEO & Search URL Rewrites Search Terms Search Synonyms Site Map User Content All Reviews Pending Reviews'", "\t\t\t[111] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[112] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[255] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[566] StaticText 'Promotions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[476] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[699] link 'Catalog Price Rule'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[700] link 'Cart Price Rules'", "\t\t\t\t\t[569] StaticText 'Communications'", "\t\t\t\t\t[478] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[701] link 'Email Templates'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[702] link 'Newsletter Templates'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[703] link 'Newsletter Queue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[704] link 'Newsletter Subscribers'", "\t\t\t\t[256] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[574] StaticText 'SEO & Search'", "\t\t\t\t\t[480] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[705] link 'URL Rewrites'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[706] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[707] link 'Search Synonyms'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[708] link 'Site Map'", "\t\t\t\t\t[579] StaticText 'User Content'", "\t\t\t\t\t[482] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[709] link 'All Reviews'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[710] link 'Pending Reviews'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES' focused: True", "\t\t[80] generic '\\ue60d STORES Stores \\ue62f Settings All Stores Configuration Terms and Conditions Order Status Inventory Sources Stocks Taxes Tax Rules Tax Zones and Rates Currency Currency Rates Currency Symbols Attributes Product Attribute Set Rating'", "\t\t\t[123] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[124] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[270] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[622] StaticText 'Settings'", "\t\t\t\t\t[506] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[744] link 'All Stores'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[745] link 'Configuration'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[746] link 'Terms and Conditions'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[747] link 'Order Status'", "\t\t\t\t\t[627] StaticText 'Inventory'", "\t\t\t\t\t[508] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[748] link 'Sources'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[749] link 'Stocks'", "\t\t\t\t\t[630] StaticText 'Taxes'", "\t\t\t\t\t[510] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[750] link 'Tax Rules'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[751] link 'Tax Zones and Rates'", "\t\t\t\t[271] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[633] StaticText 'Currency'", "\t\t\t\t\t[512] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[752] link 'Currency Rates'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[753] link 'Currency Symbols'", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] StaticText 'Attributes'", "\t\t\t\t\t[514] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[754] link 'Product'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[755] link 'Attribute Set'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Rating'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[314] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[322] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[323] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[402] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[403] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' 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"\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[843] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[844] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[802] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[793] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[794] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[795] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[796] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[797] link 'Report an Issue'" ] }
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[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[6] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[8] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[9] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[47] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[43] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[39] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[35] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[31] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[27] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[23] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[19] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[15] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[11] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[54] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[55] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the user remains on the "Dashboard / Magento Admin" page but is unable to access any additional content or sections that may exist lower on the page. The scrolling action did not reveal any new information, leaving the user with the same set of data about sales, revenue, and customers. This lack of additional content might hinder the user's ability to gain insights from the dashboard or navigate effectively.
hover [16]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that no visual feedback is provided to indicate the link is interactive, even though it is part of the navigation structure. The user is left unsure if they can click on the "Catalog" link, which could disrupt their navigation experience. This lack of feedback can create confusion about the interactivity of the elements on the page.
click [16]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True", "\t\t[75] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[103] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[104] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[307] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[473] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[474] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the user remains on the "Dashboard / Magento Admin" page without transitioning to the expected catalog management section. Instead, the focus remains on the "Catalog" link, accompanied by a generic label indicating the catalog context. This situation leads to frustration as users expect to access product and category management functionalities but find themselves still within the dashboard interface.
click [8]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1273] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1325] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1333] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1278] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1280] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1284] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1288] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1292] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1296] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1300] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1304] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1308] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1312] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1316] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1352] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[1353] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1355] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1582] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1477] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1323] main ''", "\t\t[1358] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[1420] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[1423] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[1540] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[1541] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[1590] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[1591] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[1543] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'" ]
The next observation would be that the user experiences a busy state indicating that the page is processing the request to load the dashboard. However, it does not confirm whether the dashboard has successfully refreshed or if any new insights are displayed. This could lead to uncertainty for the user, as they may not know if their action was successful or if they should wait for more content to load.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True [72] generic '\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \ue62f Products Categories' [98] link '\ue62f' [99] menu '' orientation: vertical [284] menu '' orientation: vertical [442] link 'Products' [443] link 'Categories' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [271] button 'Reload Data' [272] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [327] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [328] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [274] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [415] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [416] link 'here' [625] StaticText 'Revenue' [500] StaticText '$0.00' [626] StaticText 'Tax' [627] StaticText 'Shipping' [628] StaticText 'Quantity' [514] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [423] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [426] StaticText '$0.00' [428] StaticText 'Average Order' [433] StaticText 'Last Orders' [434] table '' [637] row '' [725] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [726] columnheader 'Items' required: False [727] columnheader 'Total' required: False [638] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [981] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [982] gridcell '5' required: False [983] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [984] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [985] gridcell '4' required: False [986] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [966] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [987] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [988] gridcell '3' required: False [989] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [967] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [990] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [991] gridcell '4' required: False [992] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [968] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [993] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [994] gridcell '2' required: False [995] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [957] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [958] table '' [969] row '' [996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [997] columnheader 'Results' required: False [998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [970] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [999] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1000] gridcell '23' required: False [1001] gridcell '1' required: False [971] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [1002] gridcell 'nike' required: False [1003] gridcell '0' required: False [1004] gridcell '3' required: False [972] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1005] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1006] gridcell '10' required: False [1007] gridcell '4' required: False [973] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1008] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1009] gridcell '1' required: False [1010] gridcell '19' required: False [974] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1011] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1012] gridcell '23' required: False [1013] gridcell '2' required: False [959] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [960] table '' [975] row '' [1014] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1015] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1016] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [976] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1017] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1018] gridcell '1' required: False [1019] gridcell '19' required: False [977] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1020] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1021] gridcell '10' required: False [1022] gridcell '4' required: False [978] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1023] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1024] gridcell '23' required: False [1025] gridcell '2' required: False [979] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1026] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1027] gridcell '23' required: False [1028] gridcell '1' required: False [980] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1029] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1030] gridcell '1' required: False [1031] gridcell '1' required: False [930] contentinfo '' [935] link '\ue606' [936] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [946] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [938] link 'Privacy Policy' [939] StaticText ' |' [940] link ' Account Activity' [941] StaticText ' | ' [942] link 'Report an Issue'
click [16] where [16] is link '\ue608 CATALOG'
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [271] button 'Reload Data' [272] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [327] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [328] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [274] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [415] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [416] link 'here' [625] StaticText 'Revenue' [500] StaticText '$0.00' [626] StaticText 'Tax' [627] StaticText 'Shipping' [628] StaticText 'Quantity' [514] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [423] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [426] StaticText '$0.00' [428] StaticText 'Average Order' [433] StaticText 'Last Orders' [434] table '' [637] row '' [725] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [726] columnheader 'Items' required: False [727] columnheader 'Total' required: False [638] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [981] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [982] gridcell '5' required: False [983] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [984] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [985] gridcell '4' required: False [986] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [966] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [987] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [988] gridcell '3' required: False [989] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [967] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [990] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [991] gridcell '4' required: False [992] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [968] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [993] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [994] gridcell '2' required: False [995] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [957] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [958] table '' [969] row '' [996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [997] columnheader 'Results' required: False [998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [970] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [999] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1000] gridcell '23' required: False [1001] gridcell '1' required: False [971] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [1002] gridcell 'nike' required: False [1003] gridcell '0' required: False [1004] gridcell '3' required: False [972] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1005] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1006] gridcell '10' required: False [1007] gridcell '4' required: False [973] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1008] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1009] gridcell '1' required: False [1010] gridcell '19' required: False [974] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1011] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1012] gridcell '23' required: False [1013] gridcell '2' required: False [959] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [960] table '' [975] row '' [1014] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1015] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1016] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [976] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1017] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1018] gridcell '1' required: False [1019] gridcell '19' required: False [977] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1020] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1021] gridcell '10' required: False [1022] gridcell '4' required: False [978] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1023] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1024] gridcell '23' required: False [1025] gridcell '2' required: False [979] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1026] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1027] gridcell '23' required: False [1028] gridcell '1' required: False [980] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1029] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1030] gridcell '1' required: False [1031] gridcell '1' required: False [930] contentinfo '' [935] link '\ue606' [936] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [946] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [938] link 'Privacy Policy' [939] StaticText ' |' [940] link ' Account Activity' [941] StaticText ' | ' [942] link 'Report an Issue'
Make all Taurus Elements Shell as out of stock
The next observation would display the catalog management interface within the Magento Admin panel. This new view enables the user to manage various products listed in the catalog, including their stock status. The user is now positioned to find and select the Taurus Elements Shell products to mark them as out of stock. The interface retains the familiar layout of the admin panel, maintaining navigation options while focusing on product management functionalities.
{ "neg_action0": "click [12]", "neg_action1": "scroll [down]", "neg_action2": "hover [16]", "neg_action3": "click [16]", "neg_action4": "click [8]", "neg_action5": "type [1220] [Taurus Elements Shell] [1]", "neg_action6": "press [Ctrl+s]", "neg_action7": "click [24]", "neg_action8": "click [36]", "neg_action9": "click [292]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES' focused: True", "\t\t[74] generic '\\ue60b SALES Sales \\ue62f Orders Invoices Shipments Credit Memos Billing Agreements Transactions Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t\t[99] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[100] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[305] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[466] link 'Orders'", "\t\t\t\t\t[467] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t\t\t[468] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t\t\t[469] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t\t\t[470] link 'Billing Agreements'", "\t\t\t\t\t[471] link 'Transactions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[472] link 'Braintree Virtual Terminal'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[6] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[8] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[9] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[47] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[43] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[39] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[35] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[31] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[27] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[23] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[19] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[15] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[11] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[54] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True", "\t\t[75] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[103] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[104] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[307] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[473] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[474] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1273] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1325] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1333] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1278] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1280] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1284] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1288] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1292] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1296] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1300] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1304] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1308] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1312] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1316] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1352] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[1353] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1355] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1582] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1477] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1323] main ''", "\t\t[1358] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[1420] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[1423] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[1540] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[1541] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[1590] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[1591] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[1543] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[314] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' focused: True required: False", "\t\t[1282] StaticText 'Taurus Elements Shell'", "\t[1281] button 'Search'", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[322] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[323] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[401] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[842] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[843] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[799] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[790] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[791] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[792] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[793] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[794] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[32] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[33] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[242] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[238] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[234] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[230] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[273] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[274] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[276] link '\\ue607'", "\t[455] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[249] main ''", "\t\t[279] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[322] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[325] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[418] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[419] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[463] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[464] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[421] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[530] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[531] link 'here'", "\t\t[705] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[601] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[706] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[707] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[708] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[538] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[541] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[543] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[548] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[549] table ''", "\t\t\t[717] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[800] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] columnheader 'Items' required: 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[726] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[727] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[830] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[831] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[832] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[728] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[833] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[834] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[835] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[552] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[553] table ''", "\t\t\t[729] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[836] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[837] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[838] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[730] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[839] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[840] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[841] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[731] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[842] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[843] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[844] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[732] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[845] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[846] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[383] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[332] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[333] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[334] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[335] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[336] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING' focused: True", "\t\t[77] generic '\\ue609 MARKETING Marketing \\ue62f Promotions Catalog Price Rule Cart Price Rules Communications Email Templates Newsletter Templates Newsletter Queue Newsletter Subscribers SEO & Search URL Rewrites Search Terms Search Synonyms Site Map User Content All Reviews Pending Reviews'", "\t\t\t[111] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[112] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[255] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[566] StaticText 'Promotions'", "\t\t\t\t\t[476] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[699] link 'Catalog Price Rule'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[700] link 'Cart Price Rules'", "\t\t\t\t\t[569] StaticText 'Communications'", "\t\t\t\t\t[478] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[701] link 'Email Templates'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[702] link 'Newsletter Templates'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[703] link 'Newsletter Queue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[704] link 'Newsletter Subscribers'", "\t\t\t\t[256] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[574] StaticText 'SEO & Search'", "\t\t\t\t\t[480] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[705] link 'URL Rewrites'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[706] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[707] link 'Search Synonyms'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[708] link 'Site Map'", "\t\t\t\t\t[579] StaticText 'User Content'", "\t\t\t\t\t[482] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[709] link 'All Reviews'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[710] link 'Pending Reviews'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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'2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES' focused: True", "\t\t[80] generic '\\ue60d STORES Stores \\ue62f Settings All Stores Configuration Terms and Conditions Order Status Inventory Sources Stocks Taxes Tax Rules Tax Zones and Rates Currency Currency Rates Currency Symbols Attributes Product Attribute Set Rating'", "\t\t\t[123] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[124] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[270] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[622] StaticText 'Settings'", "\t\t\t\t\t[506] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[744] link 'All Stores'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[745] link 'Configuration'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[746] link 'Terms and Conditions'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[747] link 'Order Status'", "\t\t\t\t\t[627] StaticText 'Inventory'", "\t\t\t\t\t[508] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[748] link 'Sources'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[749] link 'Stocks'", "\t\t\t\t\t[630] StaticText 'Taxes'", "\t\t\t\t\t[510] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[750] link 'Tax Rules'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[751] link 'Tax Zones and Rates'", "\t\t\t\t[271] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[633] StaticText 'Currency'", "\t\t\t\t\t[512] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[752] link 'Currency Rates'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[753] link 'Currency Symbols'", "\t\t\t\t\t[636] StaticText 'Attributes'", "\t\t\t\t\t[514] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[754] link 'Product'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[755] link 'Attribute Set'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[756] link 'Rating'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[314] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[322] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[323] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[402] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[403] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[829] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[832] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[834] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[839] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[840] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[843] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[844] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[955] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[957] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[958] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[960] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[785] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[790] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[791] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[802] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[793] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[794] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[795] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[796] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[797] link 'Report an Issue'" ] }
[ "click [12]", "scroll [down]", "hover [16]", "click [16]", "click [8]", "type [1220] [Taurus Elements Shell] [1]", "press [Ctrl+s]", "click [24]", "click [36]", "click [292]" ]
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[6] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[8] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[9] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[47] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[43] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[39] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[35] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[31] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[27] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[23] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[19] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[15] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[11] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[54] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[55] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that additional sections of the dashboard have become visible, potentially revealing detailed sales reports or product analytics that were previously hidden. The layout remains focused on the 'Dashboard / Magento Admin', but now includes a more extensive view of performance metrics, including visual data representations and expanded lists of products or customers. The accessibility structure still maintains its hierarchy, but the presence of new elements could lead to changes in navigation flow, as users now have access to more data at a glance.
hover [16]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the 'CATALOG' link now displays a dropdown menu with options such as 'Products' and 'Categories' for easier navigation. The link is indicated as focused, highlighting its current state, which enhances the user’s ability to explore catalog options without further clicks. This interaction adds a layer of detail to the dashboard experience, allowing users to quickly access relevant sections without overwhelming the main layout.
click [16]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[54] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[63] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True", "\t\t[75] generic '\\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \\ue62f Products Categories'", "\t\t\t[103] link '\\ue62f'", "\t\t\t[104] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[307] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t\t[473] link 'Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[474] link 'Categories'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[83] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[84] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[86] link '\\ue607'", "\t[342] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[89] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[156] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[291] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[292] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[351] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[443] link 'here'", "\t\t[660] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[531] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[661] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[662] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[663] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[545] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[453] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[455] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[460] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[461] table ''", "\t\t\t[672] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[777] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[778] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[780] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[783] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[786] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[789] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[792] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[463] table ''", "\t\t\t[678] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[795] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[798] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[799] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[800] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[801] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[802] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[804] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[805] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[807] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[808] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[810] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[811] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[465] table ''", "\t\t\t[684] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[813] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[816] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[817] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[819] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[820] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[822] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[823] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[825] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[826] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[828] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[829] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[52] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[160] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[163] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[164] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[165] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[166] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[167] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the user has been redirected to the 'CATALOG' section, which now displays options for managing products and categories. The dashboard content is replaced by a more focused view on catalog management tools, including links for adding new products and viewing categories. The accessibility layout highlights these new options, indicating a successful transition to a different operational aspect of the Magento Admin interface.
click [8]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1273] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1325] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1333] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1278] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1280] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1284] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1288] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1292] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1296] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1300] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1304] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1308] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1312] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1316] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1352] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[1353] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1355] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1582] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1477] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1323] main ''", "\t\t[1358] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[1420] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[1423] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[1540] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[1541] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[1590] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[1591] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[1543] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'" ]
The next observation would be that the user has returned to the 'DASHBOARD' section, which reinstates the previous dashboard layout and performance metrics. The focus shifts back to core analytics, with all relevant dashboard elements, such as sales and customer data, now visible again. The accessibility structure reestablishes the dashboard's hierarchy, providing users with a comprehensive view of their business performance once more.
Tab 0 (current): Sheraton hotel near Los Angeles International Airport | OpenStreetMap [1] RootWebArea 'Sheraton hotel near Los Angeles International Airport | OpenStreetMap' focused: True [36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo' [111] link 'Edit' [112] button '' [64] link 'History' [65] link 'Export' [532] link 'GPS Traces' [533] link 'User Diaries' [534] link 'Communities' [535] link 'Copyright' [536] link 'Help' [537] link 'About' [73] link 'Log In' [74] link 'Sign Up' [35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False [546] StaticText 'Sheraton hotel near Los Angeles International Airport' [468] button 'Go' [285] link 'Find directions between two points' [617] heading 'Search Results' [624] button 'Close' [614] heading 'Results from OpenStreetMap Nominatim' [620] link 'OpenStreetMap Nominatim' [631] StaticText 'No results found' [15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi' [19] link 'Zoom In' [20] link 'Zoom Out' [22] button 'Show My Location' [24] link 'Layers' [253] link '' [26] link 'Share' [254] link '' [255] link '' [597] StaticText '50 km' [598] StaticText '50 mi' [258] StaticText '© ' [259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors' [260] StaticText ' ♥ ' [261] link 'Make a Donation' [262] StaticText '. ' [263] link 'Website and API terms'
type [35] [Sheraton hotel near Los Angeles International Airport ] where [35] is textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap [1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True [36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo' [111] link 'Edit' [112] button '' [64] link 'History' [65] link 'Export' [532] link 'GPS Traces' [533] link 'User Diaries' [534] link 'Communities' [535] link 'Copyright' [536] link 'Help' [537] link 'About' [73] link 'Log In' [74] link 'Sign Up' [467] link 'Where is this?' [35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False [468] button 'Go' [285] link 'Find directions between two points' [133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!' [207] button 'Close' [208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.' [209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by ' [210] link 'UCL' [212] link 'Fastly' [213] StaticText ', ' [214] link 'Bytemark Hosting' [215] StaticText ', and other ' [216] link 'partners' [217] StaticText '.' [298] link 'Learn More' [299] link 'Start Mapping' [15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms' [19] link 'Zoom In' [20] link 'Zoom Out' [22] button 'Show My Location' [24] link 'Layers' [253] link '' [26] link 'Share' [254] link '' [255] link '' [386] StaticText '50 km' [387] StaticText '50 mi' [258] StaticText '© ' [259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors' [260] StaticText ' ♥ ' [261] link 'Make a Donation' [262] StaticText '. ' [263] link 'Website and API terms'
I will arrive Los Angeles International Airport soon. Provide the name of a Sheraton hotel in the vicinity, if available. Then, tell me the the shortest walking time to nearest pharmacy from the hotel.
The next observation would be a search results page indicating that no Sheraton hotels were found near Los Angeles International Airport. The page retains the OpenStreetMap structure but fails to provide any relevant results for the specified query. Consequently, there are no hotels listed, which means the user cannot identify a Sheraton hotel in the area or obtain walking directions to the nearest pharmacy from such a hotel. This lack of results necessitates an alternative search approach or query adjustment to locate nearby accommodations and amenities.
{ "neg_action0": "click [71]", "neg_action1": "click [72]", "neg_action2": "type [35] [Sheraton Los Angeles] [1]", "neg_action3": "scroll [down]", "neg_action4": "hover [35]", "neg_action5": "click [243]", "neg_action6": "go_back", "neg_action7": "tab_focus [0]", "neg_action8": "scroll [up]", "neg_action9": "new_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3973] link 'My Account'", "\t[3974] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3975] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3979] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4090] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4091] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4026] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4094] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4005] button 'Search'", "\t[4006] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4008] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4010] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4012] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4014] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4016] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4018] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4020] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4022] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3933] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3980] link 'My Account'", "\t[3981] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3982] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3986] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3954] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3948] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3956] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3957] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4097] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4098] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4033] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4101] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4012] button 'Search'", "\t[4013] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4015] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4017] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4019] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4021] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4023] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4025] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4027] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4029] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3972] link 'My Account'", "\t[3973] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3974] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4086] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4087] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4023] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4090] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4002] button 'Search'", "\t[4003] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4005] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4007] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4009] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4011] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4013] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4015] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4017] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4019] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1215] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1616] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1542] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1716] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1543] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1545] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1625] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1626] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1627] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1221] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1629] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1551] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1725] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1552] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1554] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1638] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1639] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1640] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1227] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1642] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1560] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1734] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1561] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1563] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1651] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1652] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1653] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1502] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1233] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1569] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1743] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1570] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1664] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1665] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1666] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1509] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1510] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1848] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1850] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1402] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1403] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1183] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1410] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1420] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1411] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1677] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1774] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1775] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1776] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1502] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1601] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1602] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1531] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1778] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1683] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1905] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1684] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1686] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1787] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1788] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1789] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1504] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1608] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1609] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1791] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1692] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1914] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1693] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1695] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1800] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1801] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1802] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1506] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1615] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1616] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1543] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1804] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1701] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1923] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1702] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1704] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1813] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1814] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1815] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1508] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1622] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1623] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1440] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1442] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'Advanced Search' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3973] link 'My Account'", "\t[3974] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3975] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3979] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4090] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4091] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4026] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4094] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4005] button 'Search'", "\t[4006] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4008] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4010] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4012] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4014] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4016] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4018] link 'Health & Household'", 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Tub'", "\t\t[1380] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1190] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1192] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1391] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1194] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1397] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1196] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1198] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1408] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1200] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1202] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1419] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[761] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[976] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[763] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1205] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1206] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[489] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[764] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[980] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[766] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[576] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[531] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[532] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[533] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[534] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[520] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[522] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[524] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1470] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1471] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1211] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1584] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1522] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1523] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1525] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1593] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1594] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1595] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1477] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1478] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1217] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1597] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1531] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1680] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1532] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1534] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1606] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1607] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1608] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1484] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1485] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1223] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1610] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1540] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1689] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1541] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1543] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1619] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1620] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1621] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1491] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1492] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1229] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1623] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1549] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1698] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1550] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1552] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1632] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1633] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1634] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1498] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1499] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1235] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1636] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1558] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1707] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1559] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1561] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1645] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1646] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1647] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1505] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1506] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1567] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1651] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1652] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1653] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[987] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1510] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1511] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1246] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1573] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1722] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1574] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1576] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1664] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1665] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1666] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[989] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1517] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1518] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1252] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1668] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1582] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1731] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1916] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1918] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1958] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1959] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1960] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1839] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1887] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1888] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1924] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1964] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1965] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1966] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1841] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1892] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1893] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1860] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1968] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1930] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2011] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1931] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1933] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1977] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1978] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1979] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1843] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1899] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1900] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1939] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1983] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1984] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1985] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1845] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1904] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1905] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1871] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1987] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1945] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2026] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1946] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1948] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1996] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1997] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1998] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1822] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1832] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1824] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1911] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1848] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1849] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1776] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1825] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1836] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1827] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1810] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1796] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1797] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1798] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1799] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1789] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1791] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1793] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0: One Stop Market | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ] }
[ "click [71]", "click [72]", "type [35] [Sheraton Los Angeles] [1]", "scroll [down]", "hover [35]", "click [243]", "go_back", "tab_focus [0]", "scroll [up]", "new_tab" ]
click [72]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3933] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3980] link 'My Account'", "\t[3981] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3982] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3986] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3954] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3948] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3956] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3957] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4097] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4098] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4033] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4101] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4012] button 'Search'", "\t[4013] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4015] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4017] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4019] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4021] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4023] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4025] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4027] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4029] link 'Electronics'" ]
**: The next observation would be a transition to a new webpage titled 'Customer Login', where the user is presented with options such as 'My Account', 'My Wish List', and 'Sign In'. The interface is now focused on account-related features, indicating a shift from the mapping functionalities of OpenStreetMap to an e-commerce platform. This change reflects a busy state as the customer login area loads with various links and options for account management.
type [35] [Sheraton Los Angeles] [1]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3972] link 'My Account'", "\t[3973] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3974] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4086] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4087] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4023] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4090] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4002] button 'Search'", "\t[4003] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4005] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4007] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4009] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4011] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4013] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4015] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4017] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4019] link 'Electronics'" ]
**: The next observation would be a shift to the 'One Stop Market' page, where the user is presented with various shopping categories such as 'Beauty & Personal Care', 'Sports & Outdoors', and 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'. This transition indicates a complete departure from the mapping interface, as the webpage now focuses on e-commerce functionalities rather than geographical information. The search functionality is now contextualized within a shopping environment.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1215] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1616] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1542] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1716] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1543] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1545] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1625] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1626] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1627] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1221] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1629] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1551] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1725] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1552] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1554] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1638] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1639] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1640] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1227] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1642] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1560] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1734] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1561] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1563] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1651] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1652] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1653] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1502] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1233] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1569] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1743] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1570] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1664] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1665] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1666] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1509] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1510] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1239] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1668] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1578] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1752] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1579] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1581] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1677] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1678] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1679] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[987] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1516] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1517] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1587] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1683] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1684] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1685] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[989] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1521] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1522] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1250] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1687] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1593] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1767] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1594] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1596] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1696] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1697] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1698] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[991] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1528] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1529] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1256] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1700] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1602] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1776] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1603] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1605] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1709] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1710] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1711] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[993] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1535] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1536] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1611] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1715] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1977] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1978] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1894] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1929] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1930] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1906] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1980] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1955] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2015] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1956] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1958] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1989] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1990] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1991] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1896] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1936] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1937] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1964] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1995] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1996] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1997] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1898] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1941] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1942] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1917] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1999] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1970] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2030] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1971] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1973] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[2008] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2009] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2010] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1878] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1887] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1880] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1948] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1901] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1902] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1833] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1881] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1891] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1883] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1867] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1853] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1854] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1855] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1856] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1846] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1848] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1850] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
**: The next observation would be an extended view of the 'One Stop Market', showcasing additional products and categories. The content has expanded to display more items, including product ratings and pricing, indicating an enriching shopping experience. This contrasts with the earlier focus on mapping, emphasizing that the user is now immersed in e-commerce browsing.
hover [35]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1402] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1403] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1183] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1410] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1420] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1411] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1677] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1774] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1775] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1776] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1502] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1601] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1602] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1531] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1778] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1683] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1905] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1684] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1686] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1787] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1788] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1789] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1504] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1608] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1609] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1791] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1692] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1914] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1693] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1695] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1800] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1801] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1802] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1506] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1615] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1616] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1543] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1804] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1701] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1923] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1702] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1704] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1813] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1814] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1815] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1508] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1622] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1623] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1549] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1817] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1710] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1932] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1711] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1713] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1826] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1827] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1510] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1629] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1630] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1719] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1832] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1833] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1834] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1512] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1634] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1635] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1560] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1836] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1725] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1947] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1726] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1728] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1845] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1846] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1847] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1514] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1641] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1642] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1566] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1734] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1956] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1735] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1858] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1859] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1516] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1743] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1864] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1865] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1866] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1518] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1653] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1654] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1577] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1868] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1749] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1971] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1750] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1752] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1877] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1878] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1520] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1660] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1661] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1758] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1883] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1884] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1885] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1522] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1665] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1666] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1588] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1887] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1764] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1986] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1765] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1767] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1896] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1897] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1898] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1478] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1495] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1480] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1672] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1525] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1526] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1425] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1481] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1499] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1483] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1459] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1445] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1446] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1447] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1448] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1438] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1440] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1442] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
**: The next observation would be an interactive moment on the 'One Stop Market' page, where hovering over the search textbox may reveal suggestions or additional options related to items available for purchase. This interaction highlights the user’s engagement with the shopping interface, contrasting starkly with the previous mapping environment of OpenStreetMap, as the focus is now entirely on consumer products and shopping functionalities.
Tab 0 (current): Sheraton hotel near Los Angeles International Airport | OpenStreetMap [1] RootWebArea 'Sheraton hotel near Los Angeles International Airport | OpenStreetMap' focused: True [36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo' [111] link 'Edit' [112] button '' [64] link 'History' [65] link 'Export' [532] link 'GPS Traces' [533] link 'User Diaries' [534] link 'Communities' [535] link 'Copyright' [536] link 'Help' [537] link 'About' [73] link 'Log In' [74] link 'Sign Up' [35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False [546] StaticText 'Sheraton hotel near Los Angeles International Airport' [468] button 'Go' [285] link 'Find directions between two points' [617] heading 'Search Results' [624] button 'Close' [614] heading 'Results from OpenStreetMap Nominatim' [620] link 'OpenStreetMap Nominatim' [631] StaticText 'No results found' [15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi' [19] link 'Zoom In' [20] link 'Zoom Out' [22] button 'Show My Location' [24] link 'Layers' [253] link '' [26] link 'Share' [254] link '' [255] link '' [597] StaticText '50 km' [598] StaticText '50 mi' [258] StaticText '© ' [259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors' [260] StaticText ' ♥ ' [261] link 'Make a Donation' [262] StaticText '. ' [263] link 'Website and API terms'
type [35] [Sheraton hotel near Los Angeles International Airport ] where [35] is textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap [1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True [36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' [59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo' [111] link 'Edit' [112] button '' [64] link 'History' [65] link 'Export' [532] link 'GPS Traces' [533] link 'User Diaries' [534] link 'Communities' [535] link 'Copyright' [536] link 'Help' [537] link 'About' [73] link 'Log In' [74] link 'Sign Up' [467] link 'Where is this?' [35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False [468] button 'Go' [285] link 'Find directions between two points' [133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!' [207] button 'Close' [208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.' [209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by ' [210] link 'UCL' [212] link 'Fastly' [213] StaticText ', ' [214] link 'Bytemark Hosting' [215] StaticText ', and other ' [216] link 'partners' [217] StaticText '.' [298] link 'Learn More' [299] link 'Start Mapping' [15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms' [19] link 'Zoom In' [20] link 'Zoom Out' [22] button 'Show My Location' [24] link 'Layers' [253] link '' [26] link 'Share' [254] link '' [255] link '' [386] StaticText '50 km' [387] StaticText '50 mi' [258] StaticText '© ' [259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors' [260] StaticText ' ♥ ' [261] link 'Make a Donation' [262] StaticText '. ' [263] link 'Website and API terms'
I will arrive Los Angeles International Airport soon. Provide the name of a Sheraton hotel in the vicinity, if available. Then, tell me the the shortest walking time to nearest pharmacy from the hotel.
The next observation would be a search results page indicating that no Sheraton hotels were found near Los Angeles International Airport. The page retains the OpenStreetMap structure but fails to provide any relevant results for the specified query. Consequently, there are no hotels listed, which means the user cannot identify a Sheraton hotel in the area or obtain walking directions to the nearest pharmacy from such a hotel. This lack of results necessitates an alternative search approach or query adjustment to locate nearby accommodations and amenities.
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"\t[4010] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4012] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4014] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4016] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4018] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4020] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4022] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3933] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3980] link 'My Account'", "\t[3981] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3982] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3986] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3954] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3948] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3956] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3957] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4097] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4098] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4033] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4101] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4012] button 'Search'", "\t[4013] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4015] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4017] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4019] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4021] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4023] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4025] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4027] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4029] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3972] link 'My Account'", "\t[3973] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3974] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4086] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4087] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4023] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4090] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4002] button 'Search'", "\t[4003] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4005] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4007] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4009] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4011] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4013] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4015] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4017] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4019] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1215] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1616] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1542] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1716] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1543] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1545] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1625] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1626] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1627] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1221] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1629] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1551] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1725] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1552] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1554] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1638] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1639] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1640] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1227] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1642] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1560] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1734] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1561] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1563] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1651] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1652] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1653] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1502] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1233] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1569] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1743] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1570] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1664] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1665] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1666] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1509] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1510] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1239] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1668] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1578] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1752] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1579] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1581] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1677] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1678] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1679] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[987] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1516] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1517] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1587] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1683] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1684] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1685] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[989] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1521] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1522] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1250] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1687] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1593] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1767] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1594] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1596] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1696] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1697] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1698] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[991] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1528] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1529] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1256] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1700] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1602] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1776] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1603] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1605] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1709] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1710] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1711] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[993] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1535] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1536] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1611] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1715] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1977] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1978] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1894] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1929] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1930] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1906] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1980] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1955] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2015] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1956] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1958] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1989] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1990] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1991] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1896] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1936] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1937] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1964] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1995] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1996] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1997] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1898] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1941] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1942] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1917] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1999] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1970] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2030] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1971] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1973] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[2008] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2009] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2010] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1878] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1887] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1880] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1948] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1901] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1902] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1833] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1881] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1891] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1883] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1867] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1853] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1854] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1855] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1856] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1846] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1848] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1850] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1402] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1403] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1183] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1410] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1420] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1411] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1677] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1774] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1775] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1776] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1502] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1601] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1602] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1531] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1778] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1683] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1905] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1684] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1686] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1787] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1788] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1789] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1504] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1608] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1609] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1791] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1692] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1914] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1693] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1695] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1800] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1801] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1802] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1506] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1615] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1616] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1543] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1804] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1701] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1923] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1702] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1704] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1813] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1814] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1815] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1508] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1622] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1623] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1440] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1442] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'Advanced Search' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3973] link 'My Account'", "\t[3974] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3975] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3979] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4090] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4091] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4026] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4094] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4005] button 'Search'", "\t[4006] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4008] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4010] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4012] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4014] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4016] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4018] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4020] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4022] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[3926] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[116] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[117] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[83] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[120] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[72] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: 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Tub'", "\t\t[1380] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1190] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1192] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1391] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1194] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1397] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1196] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1198] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1408] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1200] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1202] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1419] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[761] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[976] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[763] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1205] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1206] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[489] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[764] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[980] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[766] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[576] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[531] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[532] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[533] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[534] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[520] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[522] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[524] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1470] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1471] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1211] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1584] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1522] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1671] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1523] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1525] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1593] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1594] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1595] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1477] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1478] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1217] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1597] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1531] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1680] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1532] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1534] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1606] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1607] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1608] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1484] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1485] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1223] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1610] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1540] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1689] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1541] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1543] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1619] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1620] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1621] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1491] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1492] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1229] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1623] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1549] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1698] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1550] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1552] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1632] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1633] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1634] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1498] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1499] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1235] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1636] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1558] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1707] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1559] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1561] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1645] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1646] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1647] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1505] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1506] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1567] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1651] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1652] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1653] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[987] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1510] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1511] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1246] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1573] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1722] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1574] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1576] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1664] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1665] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1666] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[989] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1517] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1518] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1252] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1668] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1582] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1731] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1916] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1918] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1958] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1959] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1960] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1839] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1887] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1888] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1924] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1964] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1965] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1966] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1841] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1892] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1893] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1860] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1968] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1930] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2011] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1931] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1933] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1977] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1978] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1979] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1843] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1899] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1900] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1939] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1983] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1984] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1985] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1845] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1904] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1905] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1871] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1987] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1945] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2026] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1946] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1948] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1996] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1997] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1998] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1822] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1832] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1824] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1911] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1848] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1849] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1776] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1825] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1836] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1827] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1810] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1796] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1797] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1798] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1799] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1789] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1791] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1793] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0: One Stop Market | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ] }
[ "click [71]", "click [72]", "type [35] [Sheraton Los Angeles] [1]", "scroll [down]", "hover [35]", "click [243]", "go_back", "tab_focus [0]", "scroll [up]", "new_tab" ]
click [72]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3933] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3980] link 'My Account'", "\t[3981] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3982] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3986] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3954] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3948] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3956] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3957] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4097] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4098] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4033] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4101] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4012] button 'Search'", "\t[4013] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4015] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4017] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4019] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4021] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4023] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4025] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4027] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4029] link 'Electronics'" ]
The next observation would be a transition to the 'Customer Login' webpage, where the user interface has shifted from the map-related content of OpenStreetMap to user account management. The focus is now on account-related links like 'My Account', 'Sign In', and 'Create an Account', indicating a complete change in the webpage context. The previous mapping functionalities have been replaced with user-centric options, illustrating a move away from geographic content towards account management.
type [35] [Sheraton Los Angeles] [1]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3972] link 'My Account'", "\t[3973] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3974] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4086] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4087] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4023] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4090] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4002] button 'Search'", "\t[4003] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4005] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4007] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4009] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4011] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4013] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4015] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4017] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4019] link 'Electronics'" ]
The next observation would be a shift to the 'One Stop Market', where the content has transitioned from map-related information to a retail shopping interface. The user is now presented with various product categories and shopping options instead of geographical data. This change indicates that the search action has redirected the user to a completely different context focused on e-commerce.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1215] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1616] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1542] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1716] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1543] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1545] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1625] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1626] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1627] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1221] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1629] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1551] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1725] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1552] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1554] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1638] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1639] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1640] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1227] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1642] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1560] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1734] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1561] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1563] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1651] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1652] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1653] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1502] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1233] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1569] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1743] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1570] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1664] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1665] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1666] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1509] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1510] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1239] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1668] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1578] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1752] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1579] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1581] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1677] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1678] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1679] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[987] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1516] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1517] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1587] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1683] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1684] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1685] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[989] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1521] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1522] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1250] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1687] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1593] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1767] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1594] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1596] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1696] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1697] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1698] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[991] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1528] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1529] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1256] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1700] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1602] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1776] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1603] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1605] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1709] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1710] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1711] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[993] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1535] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1536] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1611] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1715] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1977] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1978] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1894] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1929] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1930] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1906] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1980] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1955] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2015] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1956] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1958] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1989] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1990] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1991] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1896] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1936] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1937] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1964] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1995] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1996] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1997] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1898] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1941] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1942] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1917] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1999] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1970] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2030] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1971] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1973] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[2008] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2009] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2010] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1878] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1887] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1880] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1948] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1901] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1902] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1833] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1881] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1891] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1883] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1867] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1853] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1854] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1855] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1856] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1846] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1848] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1850] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be a transition to the 'One Stop Market', indicating that the user has moved away from the map interface to a retail-focused webpage. The content now emphasizes product showcases and shopping functionalities, suggesting that the scrolling action inadvertently led the user to a different online shopping environment rather than revealing more geographic information.
hover [35]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1402] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1403] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1183] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1410] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1420] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1411] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1677] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1774] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1775] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1776] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1502] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1601] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1602] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1531] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1778] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1683] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1905] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1684] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1686] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1787] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1788] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1789] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1504] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1608] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1609] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1537] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1791] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1692] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1914] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1693] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1695] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1800] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1801] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1802] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1506] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1615] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1616] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1543] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1804] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1701] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1923] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1702] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1704] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1813] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1814] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1815] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1508] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1622] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1623] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1549] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1817] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1710] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1932] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1711] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1713] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1826] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1827] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1510] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1629] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1630] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1719] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1832] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1833] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1834] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1512] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1634] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1635] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1560] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1836] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1725] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1947] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1726] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1728] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1845] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1846] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1847] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1514] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1641] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1642] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1566] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1849] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1734] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1956] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1735] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1858] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1859] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1516] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1743] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1864] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1865] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1866] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1518] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1653] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1654] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1577] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1868] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1749] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1971] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1750] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1752] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1877] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1878] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1520] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1660] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1661] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1758] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1883] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1884] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1885] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1522] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1665] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1666] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1588] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1887] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1764] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1986] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1765] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1767] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1896] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1897] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1898] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1478] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1495] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1480] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1672] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1525] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1526] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1425] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1481] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1499] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1483] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1459] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1445] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1446] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1447] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1448] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1438] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1440] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1442] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be a shift to the 'One Stop Market', where the user is now interacting with a retail platform instead of OpenStreetMap. The focus has moved from geographic information to shopping options, indicating that the hover action has led to a complete change in context. This transition signifies a departure from mapping functionalities to exploring various product categories.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True [72] generic '\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \ue62f Products Categories' [98] link '\ue62f' [99] menu '' orientation: vertical [280] menu '' orientation: vertical [419] link 'Products' [420] link 'Categories' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [599] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [600] StaticText 'Tax' [601] StaticText 'Shipping' [602] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [924] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [927] StaticText '$0.00' [929] StaticText 'Average Order' [934] StaticText 'Last Orders' [935] table '' [949] row '' [968] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [969] columnheader 'Items' required: False [970] columnheader 'Total' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [971] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [972] gridcell '5' required: False [973] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [974] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [975] gridcell '4' required: False [976] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [977] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [978] gridcell '3' required: False [979] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [980] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [981] gridcell '4' required: False [982] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [983] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [984] gridcell '2' required: False [985] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [936] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [937] table '' [955] row '' [986] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [987] columnheader 'Results' required: False [988] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [989] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [990] gridcell '23' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [992] gridcell 'nike' required: False [993] gridcell '0' required: False [994] gridcell '3' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [995] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [996] gridcell '10' required: False [997] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [998] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [999] gridcell '1' required: False [1000] gridcell '19' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1001] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1002] gridcell '23' required: False [1003] gridcell '2' required: False [938] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [939] table '' [961] row '' [1004] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1005] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1006] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1007] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1008] gridcell '1' required: False [1009] gridcell '19' required: False [963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1010] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1011] gridcell '10' required: False [1012] gridcell '4' required: False [964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1013] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1014] gridcell '23' required: False [1015] gridcell '2' required: False [965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1016] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1017] gridcell '23' required: False [1018] gridcell '1' required: False [966] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1019] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1020] gridcell '1' required: False [1021] gridcell '1' required: False [886] contentinfo '' [891] link '\ue606' [892] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [903] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [894] link 'Privacy Policy' [895] StaticText ' |' [896] link ' Account Activity' [897] StaticText ' | ' [898] link 'Report an Issue'
click [16] where [16] is link '\ue608 CATALOG'
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [599] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [600] StaticText 'Tax' [601] StaticText 'Shipping' [602] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [924] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [927] StaticText '$0.00' [929] StaticText 'Average Order' [934] StaticText 'Last Orders' [935] table '' [949] row '' [968] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [969] columnheader 'Items' required: False [970] columnheader 'Total' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [971] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [972] gridcell '5' required: False [973] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [974] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [975] gridcell '4' required: False [976] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [977] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [978] gridcell '3' required: False [979] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [980] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [981] gridcell '4' required: False [982] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [983] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [984] gridcell '2' required: False [985] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [936] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [937] table '' [955] row '' [986] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [987] columnheader 'Results' required: False [988] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [989] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [990] gridcell '23' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [992] gridcell 'nike' required: False [993] gridcell '0' required: False [994] gridcell '3' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [995] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [996] gridcell '10' required: False [997] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [998] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [999] gridcell '1' required: False [1000] gridcell '19' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1001] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1002] gridcell '23' required: False [1003] gridcell '2' required: False [938] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [939] table '' [961] row '' [1004] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1005] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1006] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1007] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1008] gridcell '1' required: False [1009] gridcell '19' required: False [963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1010] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1011] gridcell '10' required: False [1012] gridcell '4' required: False [964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1013] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1014] gridcell '23' required: False [1015] gridcell '2' required: False [965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1016] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1017] gridcell '23' required: False [1018] gridcell '1' required: False [966] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1019] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1020] gridcell '1' required: False [1021] gridcell '1' required: False [886] contentinfo '' [891] link '\ue606' [892] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [903] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [894] link 'Privacy Policy' [895] StaticText ' |' [896] link ' Account Activity' [897] StaticText ' | ' [898] link 'Report an Issue'
Make all Aeno capri as out of stock
The next observation would lead the user to the catalog management section of the Magento Admin panel. This section will display a list of products, allowing the user to view and edit product details, including inventory status. The layout will remain consistent with the admin interface, but the focus will shift to managing products, where the user can specifically search or filter for all Aeno Capri items to change their availability status to out of stock, fulfilling the user's objective.
{ "neg_action0": "scroll [down]", "neg_action1": "hover [70]", "neg_action2": "click [71]", "neg_action3": "new_tab", "neg_action4": "go_back", "neg_action5": "click [72]", "neg_action6": "scroll [up]", "neg_action7": "press [Ctrl+Tab]", "neg_action8": "tab_focus [0]", "neg_action9": "goto [http://homepage.com]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[963] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1412] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1413] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1187] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1439] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1427] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1458] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1428] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1430] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1448] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1449] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1450] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[965] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1419] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1420] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1193] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1452] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1436] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1467] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1437] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1714] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1802] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1803] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1804] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1553] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1644] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1645] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1580] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1806] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1720] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1920] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1721] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1723] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1815] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1816] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1817] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1555] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1651] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1652] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1586] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1819] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1729] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1929] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1730] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1732] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1828] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1830] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1557] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1658] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1659] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1592] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1832] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1738] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1938] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1739] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1741] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1841] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1843] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1559] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1665] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1666] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1747] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1847] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1848] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1849] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1561] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1670] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1671] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1603] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1753] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1953] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1754] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1756] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1860] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1862] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1563] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1677] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1678] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1609] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1864] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1762] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1962] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1763] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1765] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1873] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1875] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1565] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1684] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1685] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1771] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1879] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1881] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1567] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1689] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1690] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1620] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1883] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1777] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1977] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1778] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1780] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1892] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1894] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1569] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1696] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1697] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1786] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1898] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1899] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1900] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1571] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1701] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1702] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1631] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1902] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1792] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1992] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1793] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1795] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1911] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1912] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1913] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1530] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1546] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1532] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1708] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1574] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1575] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1478] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1533] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1550] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1535] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1512] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1498] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1499] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1500] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1501] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1491] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1493] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1495] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1460] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1461] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1558] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1505] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1632] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1506] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1508] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1567] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1568] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1569] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1467] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1468] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1571] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1514] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1641] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1515] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1517] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1580] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1581] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1582] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1474] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1475] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1219] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1584] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1523] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1650] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1524] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1526] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1593] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1594] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1595] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1225] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1597] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1532] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1659] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1533] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1535] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1606] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1607] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1608] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1231] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1610] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1541] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1542] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1544] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1619] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1620] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1621] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1550] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1625] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1626] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1627] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1500] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1501] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1242] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1629] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1556] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1683] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1879] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1881] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1930] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1931] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1932] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1787] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1843] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1844] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1805] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1934] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1887] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1990] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1888] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1890] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1943] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1944] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1945] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1789] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1850] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1851] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1896] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1949] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1950] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1951] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1791] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1855] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1856] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1816] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1953] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1902] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2005] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1903] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1905] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1962] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1963] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1964] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1793] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1862] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1863] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1911] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1968] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1969] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1970] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1795] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1867] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1868] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1827] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1972] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1917] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2020] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1918] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1920] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1981] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1982] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1983] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1769] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1780] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1771] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1874] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1798] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1799] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1722] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1772] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1784] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1774] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1756] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1742] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1743] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1744] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1745] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1735] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1739] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3973] link 'My Account'", "\t[3974] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3975] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3979] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4090] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4091] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4026] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4094] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4005] button 'Search'", "\t[4006] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4008] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4010] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4012] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4014] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4016] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4018] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4020] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4022] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0: One Stop Market | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[3926] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[177] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[178] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[101] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[181] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[78] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1065] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1067] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1413] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1486] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1487] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1435] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1622] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1548] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1724] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1549] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1551] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1631] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1632] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1633] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1415] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1493] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1494] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1441] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1635] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1557] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1733] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1558] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1560] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1644] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1645] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1646] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1417] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1500] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1501] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1447] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1648] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1566] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1742] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1567] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1569] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1657] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1658] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1659] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1419] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1507] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1508] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1453] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1661] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1575] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1751] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1576] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1578] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1670] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1671] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1672] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1421] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1514] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1515] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1459] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1674] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1584] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1760] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1585] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1587] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1683] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1684] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1685] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1423] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1521] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1522] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1593] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1689] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1690] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1691] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1425] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1526] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1527] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1470] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1693] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1599] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1775] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1600] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1602] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1702] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1703] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1704] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1427] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1533] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1534] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1476] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1706] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1608] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1784] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1609] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1611] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1715] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1716] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1717] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1429] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1540] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1541] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1617] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1721] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1722] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1723] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1431] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1545] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1940] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1917] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1988] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1965] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2019] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1966] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1968] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1997] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1998] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1999] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1909] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1946] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1947] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1974] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[2003] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2004] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2005] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1911] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1951] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1952] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1928] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[2007] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1980] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2034] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1981] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1983] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[2016] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2017] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2018] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1893] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1901] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1895] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1958] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1914] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1915] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1849] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1896] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1905] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1898] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1883] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1869] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1870] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1871] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1872] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1862] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1864] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1866] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account' focused: True", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[971] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1448] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1449] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1202] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1530] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1486] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1594] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1487] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1489] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1539] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1540] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1541] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1455] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1456] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1208] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1543] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1495] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1603] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1496] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1498] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1552] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1553] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1554] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1462] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1463] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1214] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1556] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1504] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1612] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1505] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1507] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1565] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1566] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1567] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1469] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1470] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1220] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1569] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1513] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1621] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1514] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1516] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1578] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1579] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1580] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1476] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1477] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1226] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1582] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1522] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1630] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1523] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1525] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1591] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1592] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1593] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1483] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1698] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1719] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1744] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1745] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1746] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1676] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1702] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1703] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1687] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1748] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1725] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1779] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1726] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1728] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1757] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1758] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1759] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1678] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1709] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1710] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1693] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1761] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1734] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1788] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1735] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1770] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1772] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1680] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1716] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1913] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1943] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1974] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1975] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1976] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1875] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1917] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1918] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1890] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1978] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1949] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2015] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1950] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1952] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1987] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1988] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1989] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1877] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1924] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1925] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1958] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1993] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1994] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1995] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1879] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1929] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1930] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1901] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1997] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1964] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2030] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1965] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1967] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[2006] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2007] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2008] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1858] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1867] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1860] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1936] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1882] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1883] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1813] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1861] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1871] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1863] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1847] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1833] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1834] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1835] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1836] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1826] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1828] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1830] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[967] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1428] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1429] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1194] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1478] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1452] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1516] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1453] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1455] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1487] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1488] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1489] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[969] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1435] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1436] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1200] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1491] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1461] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1462] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1464] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1500] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1501] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1502] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[971] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1442] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1443] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1206] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1504] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1470] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1534] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1471] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1473] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1513] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1514] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1515] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1449] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1710] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1653] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1773] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1939] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1774] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1776] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1633] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1716] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1717] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ] }
[ "scroll [down]", "hover [70]", "click [71]", "new_tab", "go_back", "click [72]", "scroll [up]", "press [Ctrl+Tab]", "tab_focus [0]", "goto [http://homepage.com]" ]
hover [70]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1460] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1461] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1558] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1505] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1632] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1506] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1508] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1567] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1568] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1569] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1467] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1468] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1571] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1514] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1641] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1515] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1517] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1580] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1581] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1582] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1474] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1475] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1219] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1584] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1523] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1650] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1524] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1526] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1593] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1594] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1595] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1225] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1597] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1532] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1659] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1533] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1535] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1606] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1607] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1608] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1231] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1610] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1541] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1542] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1544] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1619] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1620] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1621] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1550] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1625] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1626] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1627] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1500] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1501] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1242] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1629] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1556] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1683] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1879] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1881] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1930] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1931] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1932] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1787] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1843] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1844] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1805] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1934] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1887] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1990] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1888] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1890] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1943] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1944] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1945] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1789] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1850] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1851] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1896] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1949] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1950] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1951] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1791] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1855] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1856] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1816] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1953] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1902] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2005] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1903] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1905] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1962] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1963] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1964] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1793] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1862] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1863] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1911] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1968] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1969] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1970] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1795] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1867] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1868] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1827] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1972] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1917] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2020] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1918] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1920] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1981] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1982] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1983] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1769] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1780] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1771] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1874] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1798] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1799] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1722] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1772] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1784] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1774] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1756] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1742] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1743] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1744] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1745] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1735] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1739] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the "My Account" link becomes highlighted, indicating that it is active. The user may see a tooltip or dropdown menu with options like "Account Details," "Order History," and "Account Settings," which were not previously visible. This interaction suggests that the user is now considering actions related to their account, moving away from the dashboard-centric view. The webpage's focus has shifted from administrative tasks to personal account management.
click [71]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3973] link 'My Account'", "\t[3974] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3975] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3979] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4090] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4091] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4026] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4094] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4005] button 'Search'", "\t[4006] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4008] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4010] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4012] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4014] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4016] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4018] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4020] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4022] link 'Electronics'" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage has transitioned to the "Customer Login" area, focusing on account-related actions. The previous dashboard elements are replaced with options for signing in or creating an account. The user is now prompted to enter their login credentials or to create a new account, marking a shift from administrative tasks to personal account management. This change reflects the user's intent to access their wish list and account details.
[ "Tab 0: One Stop Market | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ]
The next observation would be that a new blank tab has opened, indicating that the user is now exploring a different part of the website or accessing external resources. The original tab remains focused on the "One Stop Market," but the new tab does not carry over any content or context from the previous state, reflecting a pursuit of additional information or options. This action suggests multitasking behavior, allowing the user to compare or gather information without losing their current focus.
[ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[3926] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage returns to a blank state, indicating that the user has navigated back from the "Customer Login" interface. The focus is no longer on any specific content, as the root web area is empty, suggesting a reset of the session. This indicates that the user may need to re-engage with the "One Stop Market" contents or functionalities to proceed with their actions. The transition reflects a potential interruption in the user's workflow.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' focused: True [72] generic '\ue608 CATALOG Catalog \ue62f Products Categories' [98] link '\ue62f' [99] menu '' orientation: vertical [280] menu '' orientation: vertical [419] link 'Products' [420] link 'Categories' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [599] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [600] StaticText 'Tax' [601] StaticText 'Shipping' [602] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [924] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [927] StaticText '$0.00' [929] StaticText 'Average Order' [934] StaticText 'Last Orders' [935] table '' [949] row '' [968] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [969] columnheader 'Items' required: False [970] columnheader 'Total' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [971] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [972] gridcell '5' required: False [973] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [974] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [975] gridcell '4' required: False [976] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [977] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [978] gridcell '3' required: False [979] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [980] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [981] gridcell '4' required: False [982] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [983] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [984] gridcell '2' required: False [985] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [936] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [937] table '' [955] row '' [986] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [987] columnheader 'Results' required: False [988] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [989] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [990] gridcell '23' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [992] gridcell 'nike' required: False [993] gridcell '0' required: False [994] gridcell '3' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [995] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [996] gridcell '10' required: False [997] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [998] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [999] gridcell '1' required: False [1000] gridcell '19' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1001] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1002] gridcell '23' required: False [1003] gridcell '2' required: False [938] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [939] table '' [961] row '' [1004] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1005] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1006] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1007] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1008] gridcell '1' required: False [1009] gridcell '19' required: False [963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1010] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1011] gridcell '10' required: False [1012] gridcell '4' required: False [964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1013] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1014] gridcell '23' required: False [1015] gridcell '2' required: False [965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1016] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1017] gridcell '23' required: False [1018] gridcell '1' required: False [966] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1019] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1020] gridcell '1' required: False [1021] gridcell '1' required: False [886] contentinfo '' [891] link '\ue606' [892] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [903] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [894] link 'Privacy Policy' [895] StaticText ' |' [896] link ' Account Activity' [897] StaticText ' | ' [898] link 'Report an Issue'
click [16] where [16] is link '\ue608 CATALOG'
[ "None" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [599] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [600] StaticText 'Tax' [601] StaticText 'Shipping' [602] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [924] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [927] StaticText '$0.00' [929] StaticText 'Average Order' [934] StaticText 'Last Orders' [935] table '' [949] row '' [968] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [969] columnheader 'Items' required: False [970] columnheader 'Total' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [971] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [972] gridcell '5' required: False [973] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [974] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [975] gridcell '4' required: False [976] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [977] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [978] gridcell '3' required: False [979] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [980] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [981] gridcell '4' required: False [982] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [983] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [984] gridcell '2' required: False [985] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [936] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [937] table '' [955] row '' [986] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [987] columnheader 'Results' required: False [988] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [989] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [990] gridcell '23' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [992] gridcell 'nike' required: False [993] gridcell '0' required: False [994] gridcell '3' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [995] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [996] gridcell '10' required: False [997] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [998] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [999] gridcell '1' required: False [1000] gridcell '19' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1001] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1002] gridcell '23' required: False [1003] gridcell '2' required: False [938] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [939] table '' [961] row '' [1004] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1005] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1006] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1007] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1008] gridcell '1' required: False [1009] gridcell '19' required: False [963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1010] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1011] gridcell '10' required: False [1012] gridcell '4' required: False [964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1013] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1014] gridcell '23' required: False [1015] gridcell '2' required: False [965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1016] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1017] gridcell '23' required: False [1018] gridcell '1' required: False [966] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1019] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1020] gridcell '1' required: False [1021] gridcell '1' required: False [886] contentinfo '' [891] link '\ue606' [892] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [903] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [894] link 'Privacy Policy' [895] StaticText ' |' [896] link ' Account Activity' [897] StaticText ' | ' [898] link 'Report an Issue'
Make all Aeno capri as out of stock
The next observation would lead the user to the catalog management section of the Magento Admin panel. This section will display a list of products, allowing the user to view and edit product details, including inventory status. The layout will remain consistent with the admin interface, but the focus will shift to managing products, where the user can specifically search or filter for all Aeno Capri items to change their availability status to out of stock, fulfilling the user's objective.
{ "neg_action0": "scroll [down]", "neg_action1": "hover [70]", "neg_action2": "click [71]", "neg_action3": "new_tab", "neg_action4": "go_back", "neg_action5": "click [72]", "neg_action6": "scroll [up]", "neg_action7": "press [Ctrl+Tab]", "neg_action8": "tab_focus [0]", "neg_action9": "goto [http://homepage.com]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[963] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1412] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1413] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1187] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1439] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1427] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1458] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1428] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1430] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1448] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1449] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1450] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[965] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1419] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1420] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1193] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1452] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1436] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1467] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1437] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1714] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1802] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1803] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1804] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1553] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1644] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1645] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1580] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1806] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1720] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1920] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1721] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1723] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1815] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1816] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1817] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1555] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1651] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1652] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1586] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1819] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1729] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1929] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1730] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1732] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1828] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1830] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1557] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1658] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1659] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1592] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1832] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1738] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1938] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1739] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1741] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1841] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1843] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1559] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1665] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1666] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1747] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1847] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1848] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1849] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1561] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1670] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1671] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1603] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1851] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1753] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1953] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1754] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1756] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1860] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1862] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1563] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1677] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1678] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1609] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1864] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1762] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1962] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1763] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1765] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1873] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1875] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1565] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1684] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1685] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1771] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1879] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1881] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1567] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1689] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1690] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1620] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1883] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1777] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1977] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1778] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1780] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1892] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1894] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1569] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1696] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1697] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1786] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1898] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1899] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1900] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1571] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1701] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1702] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1631] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1902] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1792] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1992] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1793] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1795] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1911] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1912] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1913] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1530] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1546] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1532] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1708] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1574] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1575] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1478] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1533] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1550] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1535] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1512] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1498] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1499] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1500] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1501] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1491] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1493] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1495] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1460] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1461] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1558] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1505] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1632] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1506] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1508] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1567] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1568] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1569] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1467] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1468] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1571] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1514] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1641] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1515] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1517] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1580] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1581] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1582] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1474] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1475] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1219] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1584] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1523] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1650] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1524] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1526] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1593] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1594] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1595] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1225] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1597] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1532] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1659] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1533] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1535] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1606] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1607] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1608] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1739] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3973] link 'My Account'", "\t[3974] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3975] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3979] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4090] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4091] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4026] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4094] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4005] button 'Search'", "\t[4006] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4008] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4010] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4012] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4014] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4016] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4018] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4020] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4022] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0: One Stop Market | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[3926] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[177] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[178] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[101] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[181] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[78] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1065] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1067] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1413] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1486] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1487] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1435] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1622] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1548] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1724] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1549] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1551] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1631] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1632] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1633] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1415] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1493] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1494] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1441] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1635] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1557] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1733] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1558] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1560] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1644] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1645] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1646] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1417] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1500] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1501] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1447] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1648] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1566] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1742] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1567] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1569] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1657] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1658] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1659] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1419] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1507] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1508] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1453] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1661] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1575] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1751] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1576] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1578] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1670] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1671] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1672] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1421] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1514] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1515] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1864] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1866] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account' focused: True", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[971] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1448] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1449] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1202] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1530] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1486] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1594] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1487] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1489] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1539] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1540] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1541] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1455] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1456] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1208] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1543] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1495] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1603] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1496] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1498] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1552] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1553] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1554] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1462] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1463] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1214] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1556] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1504] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1612] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1505] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1507] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1565] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1566] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1567] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1469] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1470] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1220] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1569] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1513] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1621] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1514] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1516] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1578] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1579] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1580] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1476] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1477] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1226] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1582] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1522] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1630] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1523] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1525] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1591] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1592] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1593] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1483] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1698] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1719] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1744] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1745] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1746] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1676] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1702] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1703] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1687] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1748] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1725] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1779] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1726] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1728] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1757] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1758] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1759] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1678] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1709] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1710] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1693] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1761] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1734] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1788] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1735] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1770] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1772] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1680] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1716] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1913] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1943] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1974] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1975] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1976] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1875] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1917] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1918] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1890] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1978] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1949] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2015] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1950] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1952] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1987] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1988] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1989] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1877] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1924] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1925] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1958] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1993] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1994] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1995] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1879] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1929] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1930] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1901] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1997] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1964] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2030] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1965] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1967] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[2006] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2007] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2008] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1858] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1867] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1860] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1936] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1882] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1883] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1813] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1861] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1871] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1863] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1847] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1833] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1834] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1835] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1836] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1826] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1828] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1830] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[967] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1428] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1429] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1194] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1478] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1452] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1516] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1453] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1455] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1487] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1488] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1489] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[969] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1435] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1436] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1200] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1491] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1461] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1525] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1462] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1464] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1500] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1501] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1502] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[971] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1442] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1443] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1206] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1504] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1470] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1534] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1471] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1473] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1513] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1514] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1515] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1449] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1710] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1653] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1773] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1939] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1774] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1776] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1633] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1716] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1717] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ] }
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hover [70]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1460] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1461] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1558] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1505] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1632] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1506] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1508] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1567] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1568] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1569] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1467] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1468] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1571] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1514] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1641] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1515] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1517] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1580] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1581] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1582] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1474] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1475] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1219] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1584] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1523] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1650] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1524] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1526] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1593] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1594] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1595] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1225] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1597] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1532] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1659] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1533] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1535] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1606] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1607] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1608] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1231] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1610] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1541] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1668] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1542] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1544] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1619] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1620] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1621] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1550] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1625] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1626] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1627] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1500] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1501] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1242] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1629] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1556] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1683] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1879] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1881] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1930] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1931] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1932] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1787] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1843] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1844] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1805] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1934] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1887] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1990] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1888] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1890] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1943] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1944] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1945] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1789] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1850] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1851] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1896] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1949] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1950] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1951] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1791] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1855] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1856] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1816] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1953] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1902] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2005] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1903] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1905] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1962] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1963] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1964] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1793] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1862] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1863] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1911] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1968] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1969] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1970] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1795] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1867] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1868] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1827] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1972] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1917] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2020] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1918] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1920] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1981] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1982] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1983] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1769] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1780] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1771] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1874] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1798] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1799] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1722] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1772] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1784] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1774] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1756] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1742] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1743] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1744] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1745] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1735] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1739] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be the transition to the 'One Stop Market' area, which indicates that the user has navigated away from the Magento Admin Dashboard. The focus shifts to options like 'My Account', 'My Wish List', and 'Sign Out', suggesting a more personalized user experience. The content structure reflects a welcoming interface tailored for user account management and product browsing, differing significantly from the administrative focus of the Dashboard. The presence of a 'Skip to Content' link further emphasizes the user-centric design of the page, contrasting the administrative functionalities previously visible.
click [71]
[ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3926] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3973] link 'My Account'", "\t[3974] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3975] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3979] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3947] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3941] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3949] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3950] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[4090] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[4091] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[4026] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[4094] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[4005] button 'Search'", "\t[4006] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[4008] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[4010] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[4012] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[4014] link 'Office Products'", "\t[4016] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[4018] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[4020] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[4022] link 'Electronics'" ]
The next observation would be the transition to the 'Customer Login' area, indicating that the user is prompted to either sign in or create a new account. This shift from the 'One Stop Market' suggests a focus on user authentication and account management instead of product browsing. The content structure changes significantly, prioritizing links that facilitate access to personal account features, which is a stark contrast to the previous product-oriented interface. The presence of options like 'Sign In' and 'Create an Account' indicates a move towards enhancing user engagement through personalized access.
[ "Tab 0: One Stop Market | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ]
The next observation would be an empty state in the new tab, indicating that the user may have intended to explore other areas or applications outside of the current webpage context. This represents a significant deviation from the focused user experience previously in the 'One Stop Market' or the Magento Admin area. The lack of content in the new tab suggests a momentary disengagement from the tasks within the Magento interface, contrasting the interactive and rich functionalities present in the prior tabs.
[ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[3926] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ]
The next observation would be an empty area, which indicates that the user has returned to a state where no relevant content is displayed. This transition represents a significant break in the flow of the user experience, as the previous context of the 'Customer Login' or 'One Stop Market' has been disrupted. The lack of content may lead to confusion for the user, as they find themselves without a clear path forward, contrasting sharply with the previously engaging and functional interface they were interacting with.
Tab 0 (current): Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [957] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [150] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [153] link '\ue633 What is this?' [928] generic 'Save' [931] button 'Save' [932] button 'Save options' [929] button '\ue626 Back' [930] button 'Add Attribute' [2815] group '' [3457] StaticText 'Enable Product' [3116] checkbox '[website] Enable Product Yes' checked: true [3119] StaticText 'Attribute Set' [3101] generic 'Top' [3459] StaticText 'Product Name' [3102] textbox '[store view] Product Name *' required: False [3460] StaticText 'Minerva LumaTech&trade; V-Tee-S-Blue' [3461] StaticText 'SKU' [3103] textbox '[global] SKU *' required: False [3462] StaticText 'WS08-S-Blue' [2827] group '' [2872] LayoutTable '' [3658] StaticText 'Price' [3618] textbox '[global] Price * $' focused: True required: False [3686] StaticText '32.0037.76' [2830] button 'Advanced Pricing' [3465] StaticText 'Tax Class' [3105] combobox 'notice-PNQUJLO' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2831] group '' [2888] LayoutTable '' [3662] StaticText 'Quantity' [3466] textbox '[global] Quantity' required: False [3663] StaticText '100' [2834] button 'Advanced Inventory' [3468] StaticText 'Stock Status' [3107] combobox 'notice-O2Q1GMN' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2901] group '' [2904] LayoutTable '' [3664] StaticText 'Weight' [3627] textbox '[global] Weight lbs' required: False [3689] StaticText '1' [3470] combobox 'notice-UFQA5NH' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2835] group '' [2836] LayoutTable '' [3668] StaticText 'Categories' [2923] generic 'Default Category \ue62f Tees \ue62f Women Sale \ue62f Tees \ue62f' [2926] button '\ue62f' [2929] button '\ue62f' [2932] button '\ue62f' [3676] StaticText 'Tees' [2935] button '\ue62f' [2839] button 'New Category' [3471] StaticText 'Visibility' [3110] combobox 'notice-V1VXWJU' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2816] group '' [2817] LayoutTable '' [3678] StaticText 'Set Product as New From' [2820] textbox '[website] Set Product as New From' required: False [3900] button 'undefined \ue627' [3640] StaticText 'To' [2823] textbox 'To' required: False [3901] button 'undefined \ue627' [3473] StaticText 'Country of Manufacture' [3112] combobox 'notice-DYCQEYE' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [3474] StaticText 'Activity' [2965] listbox '[global] Activity' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3475] option 'Hike' selected: False [3476] option 'Outdoor' selected: False [3477] option 'Running' selected: False [3478] option 'Warmup' selected: False [3479] option 'Yoga' selected: False [3480] option 'Recreation' selected: False [3481] option 'Lounge' selected: False [3482] option 'Gym' selected: False [3483] option 'Climbing' selected: False [3484] option 'Crosstraining' selected: False [3485] option 'Post-workout' selected: False [3486] option 'Cycling' selected: False [3487] option 'Athletic' selected: False [3488] option 'Sports' selected: False [3489] option 'Hiking' selected: False [3490] option 'Overnight' selected: False [3491] option 'School' selected: False [3492] option 'Trail' selected: False [3493] option 'Travel' selected: False [3494] option 'Urban' selected: False [3495] StaticText 'Style General' [2973] listbox '[global] Style General' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3496] option 'Insulated' selected: False [3497] option 'Jacket' selected: False [3498] option 'Vest' selected: False [3499] option 'Lightweight' selected: False [3500] option 'Hooded' selected: False [3501] option 'Heavy Duty' selected: False [3502] option 'Rain Coat' selected: False [3503] option 'Hard Shell' selected: False [3504] option 'Soft Shell' selected: False [3505] option 'Windbreaker' selected: False [3506] option '&frac12; zip' selected: False [3507] option '&frac14; zip' selected: False [3508] option 'Full Zip' selected: False [3509] option 'Reversible' selected: False [3510] option 'Bra' selected: False [3511] option 'Hoodie' selected: False [3512] option 'Sweatshirt' selected: False [3513] option 'Polo' selected: False [3514] option 'Tank' selected: False [3515] option 'Tee' selected: False [3516] option 'Pullover' selected: False [3517] option 'Hoodie' selected: False [3518] option 'Cardigan' selected: False [3522] StaticText 'Material' [2981] listbox '[global] Material' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3523] option 'Burlap' selected: False [3524] option 'Cocona&reg; performance fabric' selected: False [3525] option 'Canvas' selected: False [3526] option 'Wool' selected: False [3527] option 'Cotton' selected: False [3528] option 'Fleece' selected: False [3529] option 'Faux Leather' selected: False [3530] option 'Hemp' selected: False [3531] option 'Jersey' selected: False [3532] option 'Leather' selected: False [3533] option 'LumaTech&trade;' selected: False [3534] option 'Mesh' selected: False [3535] option 'Lycra&reg;' selected: False [3536] option 'Nylon' selected: False [3537] option 'Microfiber' selected: False [3538] option 'Polyester' selected: False [3559] StaticText 'Sleeve' [2989] listbox '[global] Sleeve' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3560] option 'Sleeve' selected: False [3561] option 'Long-Sleeve' selected: False [3562] option 'Short-Sleeve' selected: False [3563] option 'Sleeveless' selected: False [3564] option 'Tank' selected: False [3565] option 'Strap' selected: False [3566] StaticText 'Size' [3113] combobox 'notice-C8IYFS6' hasPopup: menu expanded: False
type [3618] [37.76] where [3618] is textbox '[global] Price * $' required: False
[ "None", "click [957] where [957] is textbox '\\ue60c' required: False" ]
Tab 0 (current): Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [957] textbox '\ue60c' focused: True required: False [3949] button 'Search' [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [150] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [153] link '\ue633 What is this?' [928] generic 'Save' [931] button 'Save' [932] button 'Save options' [929] button '\ue626 Back' [930] button 'Add Attribute' [2815] group '' [3457] StaticText 'Enable Product' [3116] checkbox '[website] Enable Product Yes' checked: true [3119] StaticText 'Attribute Set' [3101] generic 'Top' [3459] StaticText 'Product Name' [3102] textbox '[store view] Product Name *' required: False [3460] StaticText 'Minerva LumaTech&trade; V-Tee-S-Blue' [3461] StaticText 'SKU' [3103] textbox '[global] SKU *' required: False [3462] StaticText 'WS08-S-Blue' [2827] group '' [2872] LayoutTable '' [3658] StaticText 'Price' [3618] textbox '[global] Price * $' required: False [3686] StaticText '32.00' [2830] button 'Advanced Pricing' [3465] StaticText 'Tax Class' [3105] combobox 'notice-PNQUJLO' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2831] group '' [2888] LayoutTable '' [3662] StaticText 'Quantity' [3466] textbox '[global] Quantity' required: False [3663] StaticText '100' [2834] button 'Advanced Inventory' [3468] StaticText 'Stock Status' [3107] combobox 'notice-O2Q1GMN' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2901] group '' [2904] LayoutTable '' [3664] StaticText 'Weight' [3627] textbox '[global] Weight lbs' required: False [3689] StaticText '1' [3470] combobox 'notice-UFQA5NH' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2835] group '' [2836] LayoutTable '' [3668] StaticText 'Categories' [2923] generic 'Default Category \ue62f Tees \ue62f Women Sale \ue62f Tees \ue62f' [2926] button '\ue62f' [2929] button '\ue62f' [2932] button '\ue62f' [3676] StaticText 'Tees' [2935] button '\ue62f' [2839] button 'New Category' [3471] StaticText 'Visibility' [3110] combobox 'notice-V1VXWJU' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2816] group '' [2817] LayoutTable '' [3678] StaticText 'Set Product as New From' [2820] textbox '[website] Set Product as New From' required: False [3900] button 'undefined \ue627' [3640] StaticText 'To' [2823] textbox 'To' required: False [3901] button 'undefined \ue627' [3473] StaticText 'Country of Manufacture' [3112] combobox 'notice-DYCQEYE' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [3474] StaticText 'Activity' [2965] listbox '[global] Activity' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3475] option 'Hike' selected: False [3476] option 'Outdoor' selected: False [3477] option 'Running' selected: False [3478] option 'Warmup' selected: False [3479] option 'Yoga' selected: False [3480] option 'Recreation' selected: False [3481] option 'Lounge' selected: False [3482] option 'Gym' selected: False [3483] option 'Climbing' selected: False [3484] option 'Crosstraining' selected: False [3485] option 'Post-workout' selected: False [3486] option 'Cycling' selected: False [3487] option 'Athletic' selected: False [3488] option 'Sports' selected: False [3489] option 'Hiking' selected: False [3490] option 'Overnight' selected: False [3491] option 'School' selected: False [3492] option 'Trail' selected: False [3493] option 'Travel' selected: False [3494] option 'Urban' selected: False [3495] StaticText 'Style General' [2973] listbox '[global] Style General' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3496] option 'Insulated' selected: False [3497] option 'Jacket' selected: False [3498] option 'Vest' selected: False [3499] option 'Lightweight' selected: False [3500] option 'Hooded' selected: False [3501] option 'Heavy Duty' selected: False [3502] option 'Rain Coat' selected: False [3503] option 'Hard Shell' selected: False [3504] option 'Soft Shell' selected: False [3505] option 'Windbreaker' selected: False [3506] option '&frac12; zip' selected: False [3507] option '&frac14; zip' selected: False [3508] option 'Full Zip' selected: False [3509] option 'Reversible' selected: False [3510] option 'Bra' selected: False [3511] option 'Hoodie' selected: False [3512] option 'Sweatshirt' selected: False [3513] option 'Polo' selected: False [3514] option 'Tank' selected: False [3515] option 'Tee' selected: False [3516] option 'Pullover' selected: False [3517] option 'Hoodie' selected: False [3518] option 'Cardigan' selected: False [3522] StaticText 'Material' [2981] listbox '[global] Material' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3523] option 'Burlap' selected: False [3524] option 'Cocona&reg; performance fabric' selected: False [3525] option 'Canvas' selected: False [3526] option 'Wool' selected: False [3527] option 'Cotton' selected: False [3528] option 'Fleece' selected: False [3529] option 'Faux Leather' selected: False [3530] option 'Hemp' selected: False [3531] option 'Jersey' selected: False [3532] option 'Leather' selected: False [3533] option 'LumaTech&trade;' selected: False [3534] option 'Mesh' selected: False [3535] option 'Lycra&reg;' selected: False [3536] option 'Nylon' selected: False [3537] option 'Microfiber' selected: False [3538] option 'Polyester' selected: False [3559] StaticText 'Sleeve' [2989] listbox '[global] Sleeve' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3560] option 'Sleeve' selected: False [3561] option 'Long-Sleeve' selected: False [3562] option 'Short-Sleeve' selected: False [3563] option 'Sleeveless' selected: False [3564] option 'Tank' selected: False [3565] option 'Strap' selected: False [3566] StaticText 'Size' [3113] combobox 'notice-C8IYFS6' hasPopup: menu expanded: False
Increase the price of this product by 18%
The next observation would display the updated price for the `Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue` product in the Magento Admin panel as `$37.76`. The textbox for the global price is now focused, showing the newly entered amount, confirming the 18% increase from the original price of $32.00. The page continues to present the same product details and administrative options, maintaining the current context for further edits or actions.
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Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation2": null, "neg_observation3": null, "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t\t[576] StaticText 'v'", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation7": null, "neg_observation8": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[23] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[35] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[62] link 'Edit'", "\t[63] button ''", "\t[40] link 'History'", "\t[41] link 'Export'", "\t[628] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[629] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[630] link 'Communities'", "\t[631] link 'Copyright'", "\t[632] link 'Help'", "\t[633] link 'About'", "\t[49] link 'Log In'", "\t[50] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[11] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[197] button 'Where is this?'", "\t[177] button 'Go'", "\t[150] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[241] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[255] button 'Close'", "\t[246] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[248] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[252] link 'Fastly'", "\t[256] link 'OSMF corporate members'", "\t[244] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[243] link 'partners'", "\t[247] StaticText '.'", "\t[253] link 'Learn More'", "\t[257] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 30 km 30 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[269] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[270] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[272] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[274] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[390] link ''", "\t\t[276] link 'Share'", "\t\t[391] link ''", "\t\t[392] link ''", "\t\t[511] StaticText '30 km'", "\t\t[512] StaticText '30 mi'", "\t\t[395] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[396] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[397] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[398] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[399] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[400] link 'Website and API terms'" ] }
[ "click [14]", "click [37]", "hover [12]", "scroll [up]", "scroll [down]", "scroll [down]", "press [Ctrl+v]", "type [3618] [44.49] [1]", "close_tab", "goto [http://openstreetmap.org]" ]
click [37]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [957] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [150] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [153] link '\ue633 What is this?' [928] generic 'Save' [931] button 'Save' [932] button 'Save options' [929] button '\ue626 Back' [930] button 'Add Attribute' [2815] group '' [3457] StaticText 'Enable Product' [3116] checkbox '[website] Enable Product Yes' checked: true [3119] StaticText 'Attribute Set' [3101] generic 'Top' [3459] StaticText 'Product Name' [3102] textbox '[store view] Product Name *' required: False [3460] StaticText 'Minerva LumaTech&trade; V-Tee-S-Blue' [3461] StaticText 'SKU' [3103] textbox '[global] SKU *' required: False [3462] StaticText 'WS08-S-Blue' [2827] group '' [2872] LayoutTable '' [3658] StaticText 'Price' [3618] textbox '[global] Price * $' focused: True required: False [3686] StaticText '32.0037.76' [2830] button 'Advanced Pricing' [3465] StaticText 'Tax Class' [3105] combobox 'notice-PNQUJLO' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2831] group '' [2888] LayoutTable '' [3662] StaticText 'Quantity' [3466] textbox '[global] Quantity' required: False [3663] StaticText '100' [2834] button 'Advanced Inventory' [3468] StaticText 'Stock Status' [3107] combobox 'notice-O2Q1GMN' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2901] group '' [2904] LayoutTable '' [3664] StaticText 'Weight' [3627] textbox '[global] Weight lbs' required: False [3689] StaticText '1' [3470] combobox 'notice-UFQA5NH' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2835] group '' [2836] LayoutTable '' [3668] StaticText 'Categories' [2923] generic 'Default Category \ue62f Tees \ue62f Women Sale \ue62f Tees \ue62f' [2926] button '\ue62f' [2929] button '\ue62f' [2932] button '\ue62f' [3676] StaticText 'Tees' [2935] button '\ue62f' [2839] button 'New Category' [3471] StaticText 'Visibility' [3110] combobox 'notice-V1VXWJU' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2816] group '' [2817] LayoutTable '' [3678] StaticText 'Set Product as New From' [2820] textbox '[website] Set Product as New From' required: False [3900] button 'undefined \ue627' [3640] StaticText 'To' [2823] textbox 'To' required: False [3901] button 'undefined \ue627' [3473] StaticText 'Country of Manufacture' [3112] combobox 'notice-DYCQEYE' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [3474] StaticText 'Activity' [2965] listbox '[global] Activity' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3475] option 'Hike' selected: False [3476] option 'Outdoor' selected: False [3477] option 'Running' selected: False [3478] option 'Warmup' selected: False [3479] option 'Yoga' selected: False [3480] option 'Recreation' selected: False [3481] option 'Lounge' selected: False [3482] option 'Gym' selected: False [3483] option 'Climbing' selected: False [3484] option 'Crosstraining' selected: False [3485] option 'Post-workout' selected: False [3486] option 'Cycling' selected: False [3487] option 'Athletic' selected: False [3488] option 'Sports' selected: False [3489] option 'Hiking' selected: False [3490] option 'Overnight' selected: False [3491] option 'School' selected: False [3492] option 'Trail' selected: False [3493] option 'Travel' selected: False [3494] option 'Urban' selected: False [3495] StaticText 'Style General' [2973] listbox '[global] Style General' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3496] option 'Insulated' selected: False [3497] option 'Jacket' selected: False [3498] option 'Vest' selected: False [3499] option 'Lightweight' selected: False [3500] option 'Hooded' selected: False [3501] option 'Heavy Duty' selected: False [3502] option 'Rain Coat' selected: False [3503] option 'Hard Shell' selected: False [3504] option 'Soft Shell' selected: False [3505] option 'Windbreaker' selected: False [3506] option '&frac12; zip' selected: False [3507] option '&frac14; zip' selected: False [3508] option 'Full Zip' selected: False [3509] option 'Reversible' selected: False [3510] option 'Bra' selected: False [3511] option 'Hoodie' selected: False [3512] option 'Sweatshirt' selected: False [3513] option 'Polo' selected: False [3514] option 'Tank' selected: False [3515] option 'Tee' selected: False [3516] option 'Pullover' selected: False [3517] option 'Hoodie' selected: False [3518] option 'Cardigan' selected: False [3522] StaticText 'Material' [2981] listbox '[global] Material' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3523] option 'Burlap' selected: False [3524] option 'Cocona&reg; performance fabric' selected: False [3525] option 'Canvas' selected: False [3526] option 'Wool' selected: False [3527] option 'Cotton' selected: False [3528] option 'Fleece' selected: False [3529] option 'Faux Leather' selected: False [3530] option 'Hemp' selected: False [3531] option 'Jersey' selected: False [3532] option 'Leather' selected: False [3533] option 'LumaTech&trade;' selected: False [3534] option 'Mesh' selected: False [3535] option 'Lycra&reg;' selected: False [3536] option 'Nylon' selected: False [3537] option 'Microfiber' selected: False [3538] option 'Polyester' selected: False [3559] StaticText 'Sleeve' [2989] listbox '[global] Sleeve' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3560] option 'Sleeve' selected: False [3561] option 'Long-Sleeve' selected: False [3562] option 'Short-Sleeve' selected: False [3563] option 'Sleeveless' selected: False [3564] option 'Tank' selected: False [3565] option 'Strap' selected: False [3566] StaticText 'Size' [3113] combobox 'notice-C8IYFS6' hasPopup: menu expanded: False
type [3618] [37.76] where [3618] is textbox '[global] Price * $' required: False
[ "None", "click [957] where [957] is textbox '\\ue60c' required: False" ]
Tab 0 (current): Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [957] textbox '\ue60c' focused: True required: False [3949] button 'Search' [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [150] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [153] link '\ue633 What is this?' [928] generic 'Save' [931] button 'Save' [932] button 'Save options' [929] button '\ue626 Back' [930] button 'Add Attribute' [2815] group '' [3457] StaticText 'Enable Product' [3116] checkbox '[website] Enable Product Yes' checked: true [3119] StaticText 'Attribute Set' [3101] generic 'Top' [3459] StaticText 'Product Name' [3102] textbox '[store view] Product Name *' required: False [3460] StaticText 'Minerva LumaTech&trade; V-Tee-S-Blue' [3461] StaticText 'SKU' [3103] textbox '[global] SKU *' required: False [3462] StaticText 'WS08-S-Blue' [2827] group '' [2872] LayoutTable '' [3658] StaticText 'Price' [3618] textbox '[global] Price * $' required: False [3686] StaticText '32.00' [2830] button 'Advanced Pricing' [3465] StaticText 'Tax Class' [3105] combobox 'notice-PNQUJLO' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2831] group '' [2888] LayoutTable '' [3662] StaticText 'Quantity' [3466] textbox '[global] Quantity' required: False [3663] StaticText '100' [2834] button 'Advanced Inventory' [3468] StaticText 'Stock Status' [3107] combobox 'notice-O2Q1GMN' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2901] group '' [2904] LayoutTable '' [3664] StaticText 'Weight' [3627] textbox '[global] Weight lbs' required: False [3689] StaticText '1' [3470] combobox 'notice-UFQA5NH' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2835] group '' [2836] LayoutTable '' [3668] StaticText 'Categories' [2923] generic 'Default Category \ue62f Tees \ue62f Women Sale \ue62f Tees \ue62f' [2926] button '\ue62f' [2929] button '\ue62f' [2932] button '\ue62f' [3676] StaticText 'Tees' [2935] button '\ue62f' [2839] button 'New Category' [3471] StaticText 'Visibility' [3110] combobox 'notice-V1VXWJU' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [2816] group '' [2817] LayoutTable '' [3678] StaticText 'Set Product as New From' [2820] textbox '[website] Set Product as New From' required: False [3900] button 'undefined \ue627' [3640] StaticText 'To' [2823] textbox 'To' required: False [3901] button 'undefined \ue627' [3473] StaticText 'Country of Manufacture' [3112] combobox 'notice-DYCQEYE' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [3474] StaticText 'Activity' [2965] listbox '[global] Activity' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3475] option 'Hike' selected: False [3476] option 'Outdoor' selected: False [3477] option 'Running' selected: False [3478] option 'Warmup' selected: False [3479] option 'Yoga' selected: False [3480] option 'Recreation' selected: False [3481] option 'Lounge' selected: False [3482] option 'Gym' selected: False [3483] option 'Climbing' selected: False [3484] option 'Crosstraining' selected: False [3485] option 'Post-workout' selected: False [3486] option 'Cycling' selected: False [3487] option 'Athletic' selected: False [3488] option 'Sports' selected: False [3489] option 'Hiking' selected: False [3490] option 'Overnight' selected: False [3491] option 'School' selected: False [3492] option 'Trail' selected: False [3493] option 'Travel' selected: False [3494] option 'Urban' selected: False [3495] StaticText 'Style General' [2973] listbox '[global] Style General' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3496] option 'Insulated' selected: False [3497] option 'Jacket' selected: False [3498] option 'Vest' selected: False [3499] option 'Lightweight' selected: False [3500] option 'Hooded' selected: False [3501] option 'Heavy Duty' selected: False [3502] option 'Rain Coat' selected: False [3503] option 'Hard Shell' selected: False [3504] option 'Soft Shell' selected: False [3505] option 'Windbreaker' selected: False [3506] option '&frac12; zip' selected: False [3507] option '&frac14; zip' selected: False [3508] option 'Full Zip' selected: False [3509] option 'Reversible' selected: False [3510] option 'Bra' selected: False [3511] option 'Hoodie' selected: False [3512] option 'Sweatshirt' selected: False [3513] option 'Polo' selected: False [3514] option 'Tank' selected: False [3515] option 'Tee' selected: False [3516] option 'Pullover' selected: False [3517] option 'Hoodie' selected: False [3518] option 'Cardigan' selected: False [3522] StaticText 'Material' [2981] listbox '[global] Material' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3523] option 'Burlap' selected: False [3524] option 'Cocona&reg; performance fabric' selected: False [3525] option 'Canvas' selected: False [3526] option 'Wool' selected: False [3527] option 'Cotton' selected: False [3528] option 'Fleece' selected: False [3529] option 'Faux Leather' selected: False [3530] option 'Hemp' selected: False [3531] option 'Jersey' selected: False [3532] option 'Leather' selected: False [3533] option 'LumaTech&trade;' selected: False [3534] option 'Mesh' selected: False [3535] option 'Lycra&reg;' selected: False [3536] option 'Nylon' selected: False [3537] option 'Microfiber' selected: False [3538] option 'Polyester' selected: False [3559] StaticText 'Sleeve' [2989] listbox '[global] Sleeve' multiselectable: True orientation: vertical required: False [3560] option 'Sleeve' selected: False [3561] option 'Long-Sleeve' selected: False [3562] option 'Short-Sleeve' selected: False [3563] option 'Sleeveless' selected: False [3564] option 'Tank' selected: False [3565] option 'Strap' selected: False [3566] StaticText 'Size' [3113] combobox 'notice-C8IYFS6' hasPopup: menu expanded: False
Increase the price of this product by 18%
The next observation would display the updated price for the `Minerva LumaTech™ V-Tee-S-Blue` product in the Magento Admin panel as `$37.76`. The textbox for the global price is now focused, showing the newly entered amount, confirming the 18% increase from the original price of $32.00. The page continues to present the same product details and administrative options, maintaining the current context for further edits or actions.
{ "neg_action0": "click [14]", "neg_action1": "click [37]", "neg_action2": null, "neg_action3": null, "neg_action4": "scroll [down]", "neg_action5": null, "neg_action6": "press [Ctrl+v]", "neg_action7": null, "neg_action8": "close_tab", "neg_action9": "goto [http://openstreetmap.org]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation2": null, "neg_observation3": null, "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t\t[576] StaticText 'v'", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation7": null, "neg_observation8": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[23] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[35] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[62] link 'Edit'", "\t[63] button ''", "\t[40] link 'History'", "\t[41] link 'Export'", "\t[628] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[629] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[630] link 'Communities'", "\t[631] link 'Copyright'", "\t[632] link 'Help'", "\t[633] link 'About'", "\t[49] link 'Log In'", "\t[50] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[11] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[197] button 'Where is this?'", "\t[177] button 'Go'", "\t[150] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[241] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[255] button 'Close'", "\t[246] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[248] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[252] link 'Fastly'", "\t[256] link 'OSMF corporate members'", "\t[244] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[243] link 'partners'", "\t[247] StaticText '.'", "\t[253] link 'Learn More'", "\t[257] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 30 km 30 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[269] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[270] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[272] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[274] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[390] link ''", "\t\t[276] link 'Share'", "\t\t[391] link ''", "\t\t[392] link ''", "\t\t[511] StaticText '30 km'", "\t\t[512] StaticText '30 mi'", "\t\t[395] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[396] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[397] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[398] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[399] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[400] link 'Website and API terms'" ] }
[ "click [14]", "click [37]", "hover [12]", "scroll [up]", "scroll [down]", "scroll [down]", "press [Ctrl+v]", "type [3618] [44.49] [1]", "close_tab", "goto [http://openstreetmap.org]" ]
click [37]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[36] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[41] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[59] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[111] link 'Edit'", "\t[112] button ''", "\t[64] link 'History'", "\t[65] link 'Export'", "\t[532] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[533] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[534] link 'Communities'", "\t[535] link 'Copyright'", "\t[536] link 'Help'", "\t[537] link 'About'", "\t[73] link 'Log In'", "\t[74] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[467] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[35] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[468] button 'Go'", "\t[285] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[133] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[207] button 'Close'", "\t[208] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[209] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[210] link 'UCL'", "\t[212] link 'Fastly'", "\t[213] StaticText ', '", "\t[214] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[215] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[216] link 'partners'", "\t[217] StaticText '.'", "\t[298] link 'Learn More'", "\t[299] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[15] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[19] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[20] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[22] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[24] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[253] link ''", "\t\t[26] link 'Share'", "\t\t[254] link ''", "\t\t[255] link ''", "\t\t[386] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[387] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[258] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[259] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[260] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[261] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[262] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[263] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is now on the OpenStreetMap webpage instead of the Magento Admin panel. The previously focused area on the product management interface has shifted, and the webpage now displays elements related to OpenStreetMap, including its logo, links for editing and exporting, and a search textbox. The user can see headings and buttons relevant to OpenStreetMap, indicating a complete change in context from product management to mapping services.
The next observation would be that the user remains on the OpenStreetMap webpage, having inadvertently lost focus on the Magento Admin panel. The content displayed reflects various map-related links and buttons, suggesting that the user unintentionally scrolled away from managing product information. The context has shifted entirely to OpenStreetMap, indicating that the user has strayed from their original task in the admin panel, potentially leading to frustration or a loss of progress in their intended actions.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' focused: True [76] generic '\ue60a REPORTS Reports \ue62f Marketing Products in Cart Search Terms Abandoned Carts Newsletter Problem Reports Reviews By Customers By Products Sales Orders Tax Invoiced Shipping Refunds Coupons PayPal Settlement Braintree Settlement Customers Order Total Order Count New Products Views Bestsellers Low Stock Ordered Downloads Statistics Refresh Statistics Business Intelligence Advanced Reporting\ue644 BI Essentials\ue644' [114] link '\ue62f' [115] menu '' orientation: vertical [244] menu '' orientation: vertical [527] StaticText 'Marketing' [438] menu '' orientation: vertical [632] link 'Products in Cart' [633] link 'Search Terms' [634] link 'Abandoned Carts' [635] link 'Newsletter Problem Reports' [532] StaticText 'Reviews' [440] menu '' orientation: vertical [636] link 'By Customers' [637] link 'By Products' [245] menu '' orientation: vertical [535] StaticText 'Sales' [442] menu '' orientation: vertical [638] link 'Orders' [639] link 'Tax' [640] link 'Invoiced' [641] link 'Shipping' [642] link 'Refunds' [643] link 'Coupons' [644] link 'PayPal Settlement' [645] link 'Braintree Settlement' [246] menu '' orientation: vertical [544] StaticText 'Customers' [444] menu '' orientation: vertical [646] link 'Order Total' [647] link 'Order Count' [648] link 'New' [548] StaticText 'Products' [446] menu '' orientation: vertical [649] link 'Views' [650] link 'Bestsellers' [651] link 'Low Stock' [652] link 'Ordered' [653] link 'Downloads' [554] StaticText 'Statistics' [448] menu '' orientation: vertical [654] link 'Refresh Statistics' [247] menu '' orientation: vertical [556] StaticText 'Business Intelligence' [450] menu '' orientation: vertical [655] link 'Advanced Reporting\ue644' [656] link 'BI Essentials\ue644' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [597] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [598] StaticText 'Tax' [599] StaticText 'Shipping' [600] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [911] StaticText '$0.00' [913] StaticText 'Average Order' [918] StaticText 'Last Orders' [919] table '' [939] row '' [960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [961] columnheader 'Items' required: False [962] columnheader 'Total' required: False [940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [964] gridcell '5' required: False [965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [967] gridcell '4' required: False [968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [970] gridcell '3' required: False [971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [973] gridcell '4' required: False [974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [976] gridcell '2' required: False [977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [921] table '' [945] row '' [978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [979] columnheader 'Results' required: False [980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [982] gridcell '23' required: False [983] gridcell '1' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [984] gridcell 'nike' required: False [985] gridcell '0' required: False [986] gridcell '3' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [988] gridcell '10' required: False [989] gridcell '4' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [992] gridcell '19' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [994] gridcell '23' required: False [995] gridcell '2' required: False [922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [923] table '' [951] row '' [996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [997] columnheader 'Results' required: False [998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1000] gridcell '1' required: False [1001] gridcell '19' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1003] gridcell '10' required: False [1004] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1006] gridcell '23' required: False [1007] gridcell '2' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1009] gridcell '23' required: False [1010] gridcell '1' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1012] gridcell '1' required: False [1013] gridcell '1' required: False [870] contentinfo '' [875] link '\ue606' [876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [878] link 'Privacy Policy' [879] StaticText ' |' [880] link ' Account Activity' [881] StaticText ' | ' [882] link 'Report an Issue'
click [32] where [32] is link '\ue60a REPORTS' focused: True
[ "None", "click [32] where [32] is link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "hover [6] where [6] is menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "click [32] where [32] is link '\\ue60a REPORTS' focused: True", "scroll [down]" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' focused: True [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [597] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [598] StaticText 'Tax' [599] StaticText 'Shipping' [600] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [911] StaticText '$0.00' [913] StaticText 'Average Order' [918] StaticText 'Last Orders' [919] table '' [939] row '' [960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [961] columnheader 'Items' required: False [962] columnheader 'Total' required: False [940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [964] gridcell '5' required: False [965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [967] gridcell '4' required: False [968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [970] gridcell '3' required: False [971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [973] gridcell '4' required: False [974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [976] gridcell '2' required: False [977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [921] table '' [945] row '' [978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [979] columnheader 'Results' required: False [980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [982] gridcell '23' required: False [983] gridcell '1' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [984] gridcell 'nike' required: False [985] gridcell '0' required: False [986] gridcell '3' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [988] gridcell '10' required: False [989] gridcell '4' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [992] gridcell '19' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [994] gridcell '23' required: False [995] gridcell '2' required: False [922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [923] table '' [951] row '' [996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [997] columnheader 'Results' required: False [998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1000] gridcell '1' required: False [1001] gridcell '19' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1003] gridcell '10' required: False [1004] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1006] gridcell '23' required: False [1007] gridcell '2' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1009] gridcell '23' required: False [1010] gridcell '1' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1012] gridcell '1' required: False [1013] gridcell '1' required: False [870] contentinfo '' [875] link '\ue606' [876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [878] link 'Privacy Policy' [879] StaticText ' |' [880] link ' Account Activity' [881] StaticText ' | ' [882] link 'Report an Issue'
Create a sales report from 10/01/2022 to 12/31/2022
The next observation would still be within the `Dashboard / Magento Admin` page, but it now includes a detailed menu of report types available under the `REPORTS` section. The user is presented with various categories such as `Sales`, `Marketing`, and `Customers`, which indicate specific reporting functionalities. This menu allows the user to select different types of reports, facilitating the process of creating a sales report for the date range of 10/01/2022 to 12/31/2022. The overall structure remains consistent with the previous layout, emphasizing the importance of reporting in the dashboard interface.
{ "neg_action0": "click [70]", "neg_action1": "type [164] [Create Sales Report] [1]", "neg_action2": "scroll [up]", "neg_action3": "hover [6]", "neg_action4": "click [171]", "neg_action5": "scroll [down]", "neg_action6": "click [71]", "neg_action7": "tab_focus [0]", "neg_action8": "scroll [down]", "neg_action9": "go_back", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[969] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1438] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1439] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1198] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1504] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1469] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1555] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1470] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1472] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1513] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1514] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1515] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[971] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1445] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1446] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1204] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1517] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1478] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1564] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1479] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1481] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1526] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1527] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1528] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1452] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1453] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1210] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1530] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1487] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1573] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1488] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1490] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1539] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1540] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1541] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1459] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1460] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1216] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1543] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1496] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1582] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1497] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1499] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1552] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1553] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1554] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1466] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1754] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1703] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1872] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1810] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1811] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1813] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1881] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1882] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1883] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1685] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1760] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1761] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1819] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1887] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1888] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1889] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1687] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1765] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1766] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1714] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1891] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1825] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1826] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1828] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1900] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1901] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1902] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1689] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1772] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1773] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1720] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1904] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1834] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1978] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1835] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1837] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1913] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1914] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1915] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1691] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1779] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1780] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1843] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1919] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1920] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1921] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1693] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1784] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1785] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1731] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1923] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1849] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1993] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1850] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1852] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1932] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1933] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1934] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1695] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1791] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1792] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1858] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1938] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1939] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1940] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1697] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1796] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1797] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1742] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1942] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1864] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2008] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1865] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1867] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1951] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1952] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1953] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1664] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1677] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1666] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1803] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1700] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1701] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1615] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1667] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1681] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1669] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1649] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1635] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1636] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1637] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1638] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1628] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1630] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1503] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1509] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1515] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1481] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1521] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1527] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1485] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1487] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1538] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1544] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1491] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1493] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1555] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1495] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1566] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1452] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1454] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1500] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1501] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1399] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1455] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1473] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1457] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1433] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1419] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1420] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1421] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1422] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1412] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[169] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[170] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[98] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[173] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[77] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[964] main ''", "\t\t[973] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1033] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1340] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1436] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1342] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1442] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1344] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1448] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1346] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1454] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1348] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1460] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1350] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1352] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1471] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1354] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1477] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1356] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1358] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1488] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1360] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1362] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1499] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1133] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1242] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1135] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1365] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1366] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[965] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1136] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1246] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1138] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1037] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1007] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1008] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1009] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1010] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[996] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[998] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1000] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[963] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1410] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1411] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1187] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1430] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1421] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1442] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1422] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1424] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1439] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1440] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1441] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[965] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1417] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1418] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1465] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1508] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1491] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1492] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1494] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1517] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1518] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1519] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1461] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1482] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1471] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1521] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1500] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1542] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1501] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1503] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1530] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1531] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1532] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1463] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1489] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1710] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1653] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1773] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1939] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1774] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1776] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1634] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1716] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1717] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1578] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1580] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1460] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1461] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1559] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1506] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1633] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1507] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1509] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1568] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1569] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1570] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1467] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1468] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1572] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1515] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1642] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1516] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1518] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1581] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1582] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1583] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1474] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1475] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1219] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1585] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1524] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1651] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1525] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1527] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1594] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1595] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1596] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1225] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1598] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1533] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1660] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1534] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1536] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1607] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1608] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1609] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1231] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1611] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1542] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1669] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1543] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1545] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1620] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1621] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1622] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1551] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1626] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1627] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1628] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1500] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1501] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1242] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1630] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1557] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1684] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1879] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1881] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1930] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1931] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1932] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1788] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1843] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1844] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1806] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1934] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1887] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1990] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1888] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1890] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1943] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1944] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1945] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1790] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1850] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1851] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1896] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1949] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1950] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1951] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1792] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1855] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1856] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1817] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1953] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1902] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2005] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1903] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1905] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1962] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1963] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1964] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1794] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1862] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1863] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1911] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1968] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1969] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1970] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1796] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1867] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1868] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1828] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1972] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1917] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2020] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1918] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1920] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1981] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1982] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1983] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1770] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1781] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1772] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1874] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1799] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1800] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1723] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1773] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1785] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1775] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1757] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1743] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1744] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1745] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1746] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1736] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1738] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1740] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1215] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1615] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1542] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1711] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1543] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1545] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1624] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1625] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1626] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1221] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1628] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1551] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1720] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1552] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1554] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1637] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1638] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1639] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1227] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1641] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1560] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1729] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1561] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1563] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1650] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1651] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1652] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1502] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1233] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1569] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1738] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1570] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1663] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1664] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1665] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1509] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1510] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1239] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1667] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1578] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1747] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1579] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1581] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1676] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1677] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1678] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[987] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1516] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1517] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1587] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1682] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1683] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1684] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[989] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1521] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1522] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1250] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1686] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1593] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1762] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1594] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1596] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1695] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1696] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1697] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[991] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1528] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1529] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1256] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1699] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1602] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1771] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1603] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1605] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1708] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1709] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1710] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[993] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1535] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1536] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1611] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1974] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1975] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1976] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1887] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1922] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1923] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1899] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1978] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1949] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2015] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1950] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1952] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1987] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1988] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1989] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1889] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1929] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1930] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1958] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1993] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1994] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1995] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1891] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1934] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1935] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1910] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1997] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1964] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2030] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1965] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1967] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[2006] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2007] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2008] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1871] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1880] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1873] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1941] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1894] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1895] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1826] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1874] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1884] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1876] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1860] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1846] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1847] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1848] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1849] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1839] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1841] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1843] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1219] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1625] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1551] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1727] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1552] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1554] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1634] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1635] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1636] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1225] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1638] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1560] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1736] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1561] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1563] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1647] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1648] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1649] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1502] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1231] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1651] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1569] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1745] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1570] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1660] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1661] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1662] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1509] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1510] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1237] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1664] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1578] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1754] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1579] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1581] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1673] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1674] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1675] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[987] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1516] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1517] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1243] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1677] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1587] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1763] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1588] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1590] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1686] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1687] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1688] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[989] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1523] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1524] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1596] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1692] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1693] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1694] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[991] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1528] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1529] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1254] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1696] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1602] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1778] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1603] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1605] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1705] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1706] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1707] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[993] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1535] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1536] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1260] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1709] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1611] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1787] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1612] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1614] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1718] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1719] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1720] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[995] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1542] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1543] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1620] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1724] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1725] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1726] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[997] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1547] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1548] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1918] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1988] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1965] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2019] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1966] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1968] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1997] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1998] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1999] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1911] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1946] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1947] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1974] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[2003] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2004] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2005] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1913] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1951] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1952] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1929] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[2007] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1980] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2034] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1981] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1983] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[2016] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2017] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2018] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1896] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1904] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1898] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1958] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1916] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1917] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1852] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1899] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1908] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1901] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1886] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1872] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1873] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1874] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1875] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1865] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1867] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1869] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[95] link 'My Account'", "\t[96] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[97] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[39] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[23] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[41] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[42] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[280] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[281] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[172] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[284] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[139] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[30] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[165] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1038] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1285] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1040] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1291] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1042] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1297] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1044] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1303] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1046] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1309] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1048] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1050] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1320] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1052] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1326] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1054] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1056] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1337] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1058] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1060] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1348] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[434] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[742] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[436] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1063] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1064] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[12] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[437] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[746] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[439] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[169] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[90] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[91] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[92] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[93] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[63] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[65] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[67] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[196] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[197] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[107] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[200] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[80] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1207] main ''", "\t\t[1216] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1267] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1423] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1477] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1425] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1483] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1427] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1489] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1429] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1495] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1431] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1501] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1433] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1435] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1512] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1437] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1518] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1439] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1441] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1529] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1443] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1445] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1540] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1326] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1380] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1328] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1448] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1449] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1208] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1329] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1384] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1331] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1271] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1250] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1251] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1252] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1253] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1239] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1241] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1243] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[3926] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ] }
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type [164] [Create Sales Report] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1503] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1509] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1515] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1481] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1521] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1527] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1485] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1487] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1538] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1544] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1491] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1493] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1555] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1495] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1566] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1452] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1454] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1500] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1501] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1399] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1455] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1473] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1457] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1433] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1419] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1420] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1421] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1422] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1412] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the page has transitioned from the Magento Admin Dashboard to the 'One Stop Market' page, losing the context of reports and sales data. The focus now shifts to a retail environment, featuring links to personal accounts, wish lists, and a shopping cart. This new state highlights a general marketplace setting, devoid of any administrative functionalities necessary for reporting, indicating a significant context shift from a management interface to a consumer-facing storefront.
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[169] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[170] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[98] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[173] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[77] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[964] main ''", "\t\t[973] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1033] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1340] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1436] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1342] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1442] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1344] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1448] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1346] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1454] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1348] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1460] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1350] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1352] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1471] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1354] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1477] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1356] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1358] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1488] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1360] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1362] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1499] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1133] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1242] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1135] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1365] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1366] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[965] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1136] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1246] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1138] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1037] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1007] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1008] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1009] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1010] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[996] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[998] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1000] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the page remains focused on the 'One Stop Market', but the scroll action resulted in a deeper exploration of the same marketplace content. The structure continues to feature products, ratings, and shopping-related links, but does not revert or provide any administrative functionalities. This behavior highlights an unresponsive or improperly segmented content flow, maintaining a consumer interface instead of returning to the expected sales reporting dashboard.
hover [6]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[963] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1410] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1411] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1187] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1430] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1421] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1442] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1422] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1424] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1439] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1440] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1441] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[965] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1417] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1418] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1465] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1508] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1491] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1492] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1494] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1517] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1518] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1519] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1461] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1482] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1471] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1521] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1500] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1542] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1501] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1503] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1530] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1531] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1532] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1463] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1489] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1710] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1653] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1773] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1939] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1774] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1776] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1634] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1716] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1717] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1659] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1857] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1782] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1948] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1783] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1785] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1866] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1867] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1868] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1636] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1723] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1724] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1791] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1638] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1728] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1729] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1670] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1876] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1797] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1963] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1798] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1800] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1885] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1886] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1887] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1640] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1735] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1736] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1676] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1889] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1806] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1972] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1807] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1809] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1898] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1899] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1900] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1642] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1742] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1743] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1815] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1904] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1905] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1906] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1747] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1748] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1687] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1908] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1821] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1987] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1822] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1824] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1917] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1918] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1919] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1646] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1754] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1755] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1830] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1923] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1924] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1925] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1648] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1759] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1760] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1698] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1927] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1836] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2002] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1837] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1839] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1936] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1937] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1938] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1613] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1627] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1615] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1766] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1651] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1652] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1563] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1616] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1631] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1618] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1597] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1583] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1584] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1585] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1586] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1578] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1580] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the 'One Stop Market' page does not display any additional options or interactive elements that could enhance navigation. The hover action failed to yield any expected submenus or details, indicating a lack of responsiveness in the interface. This results in a stagnant user experience where the interaction does not facilitate further exploration of functionalities, reinforcing a disconnect from the original administrative capabilities of the dashboard.
click [171]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1460] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1461] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1559] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1506] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1633] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1507] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1509] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1568] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1569] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1570] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1467] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1468] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1572] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1515] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1642] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1516] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1518] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1581] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1582] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1583] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1474] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1475] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1219] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1585] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1524] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1651] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1525] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1527] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1594] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1595] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1596] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1225] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1598] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1533] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1660] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1534] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1536] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1607] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1608] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1609] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1231] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1611] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1542] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1669] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1543] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1545] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1620] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1621] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1622] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1551] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1626] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1627] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1628] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1500] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1501] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1242] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1630] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1557] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1684] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1879] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1881] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1930] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1931] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1932] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1788] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1843] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1844] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1806] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1934] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1887] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1990] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1888] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1890] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1943] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1944] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1945] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1790] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1850] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1851] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1896] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1949] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1950] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1951] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1792] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1855] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1856] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1817] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1953] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1902] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2005] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1903] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1905] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1962] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1963] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1964] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1794] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1862] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1863] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1911] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1968] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1969] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1970] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1796] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1867] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1868] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1828] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1972] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1917] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2020] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1918] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1920] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1981] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1982] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1983] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1770] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1781] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1772] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1874] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1799] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1800] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1723] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1773] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1785] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1775] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1757] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1743] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1744] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1745] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1746] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1736] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1738] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1740] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus remains within the 'One Stop Market', with no transition to a different page or set of functionalities related to sales reports. The interface continues to display product showcases and shopping options, representing a failure to navigate back to the administrative functionalities needed for managing sales. This reinforces an ongoing issue with the navigation structure, where user actions do not yield expected outcomes or return to the necessary context for management tasks.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' focused: True [76] generic '\ue60a REPORTS Reports \ue62f Marketing Products in Cart Search Terms Abandoned Carts Newsletter Problem Reports Reviews By Customers By Products Sales Orders Tax Invoiced Shipping Refunds Coupons PayPal Settlement Braintree Settlement Customers Order Total Order Count New Products Views Bestsellers Low Stock Ordered Downloads Statistics Refresh Statistics Business Intelligence Advanced Reporting\ue644 BI Essentials\ue644' [114] link '\ue62f' [115] menu '' orientation: vertical [244] menu '' orientation: vertical [527] StaticText 'Marketing' [438] menu '' orientation: vertical [632] link 'Products in Cart' [633] link 'Search Terms' [634] link 'Abandoned Carts' [635] link 'Newsletter Problem Reports' [532] StaticText 'Reviews' [440] menu '' orientation: vertical [636] link 'By Customers' [637] link 'By Products' [245] menu '' orientation: vertical [535] StaticText 'Sales' [442] menu '' orientation: vertical [638] link 'Orders' [639] link 'Tax' [640] link 'Invoiced' [641] link 'Shipping' [642] link 'Refunds' [643] link 'Coupons' [644] link 'PayPal Settlement' [645] link 'Braintree Settlement' [246] menu '' orientation: vertical [544] StaticText 'Customers' [444] menu '' orientation: vertical [646] link 'Order Total' [647] link 'Order Count' [648] link 'New' [548] StaticText 'Products' [446] menu '' orientation: vertical [649] link 'Views' [650] link 'Bestsellers' [651] link 'Low Stock' [652] link 'Ordered' [653] link 'Downloads' [554] StaticText 'Statistics' [448] menu '' orientation: vertical [654] link 'Refresh Statistics' [247] menu '' orientation: vertical [556] StaticText 'Business Intelligence' [450] menu '' orientation: vertical [655] link 'Advanced Reporting\ue644' [656] link 'BI Essentials\ue644' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [597] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [598] StaticText 'Tax' [599] StaticText 'Shipping' [600] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [911] StaticText '$0.00' [913] StaticText 'Average Order' [918] StaticText 'Last Orders' [919] table '' [939] row '' [960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [961] columnheader 'Items' required: False [962] columnheader 'Total' required: False [940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [964] gridcell '5' required: False [965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [967] gridcell '4' required: False [968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [970] gridcell '3' required: False [971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [973] gridcell '4' required: False [974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [976] gridcell '2' required: False [977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [921] table '' [945] row '' [978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [979] columnheader 'Results' required: False [980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [982] gridcell '23' required: False [983] gridcell '1' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [984] gridcell 'nike' required: False [985] gridcell '0' required: False [986] gridcell '3' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [988] gridcell '10' required: False [989] gridcell '4' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [992] gridcell '19' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [994] gridcell '23' required: False [995] gridcell '2' required: False [922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [923] table '' [951] row '' [996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [997] columnheader 'Results' required: False [998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1000] gridcell '1' required: False [1001] gridcell '19' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1003] gridcell '10' required: False [1004] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1006] gridcell '23' required: False [1007] gridcell '2' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1009] gridcell '23' required: False [1010] gridcell '1' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1012] gridcell '1' required: False [1013] gridcell '1' required: False [870] contentinfo '' [875] link '\ue606' [876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [878] link 'Privacy Policy' [879] StaticText ' |' [880] link ' Account Activity' [881] StaticText ' | ' [882] link 'Report an Issue'
click [32] where [32] is link '\ue60a REPORTS' focused: True
[ "None", "click [32] where [32] is link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "hover [6] where [6] is menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "click [32] where [32] is link '\\ue60a REPORTS' focused: True", "scroll [down]" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' focused: True [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [597] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [598] StaticText 'Tax' [599] StaticText 'Shipping' [600] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [908] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [911] StaticText '$0.00' [913] StaticText 'Average Order' [918] StaticText 'Last Orders' [919] table '' [939] row '' [960] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [961] columnheader 'Items' required: False [962] columnheader 'Total' required: False [940] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [963] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [964] gridcell '5' required: False [965] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [941] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [966] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [967] gridcell '4' required: False [968] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [942] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [969] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [970] gridcell '3' required: False [971] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [943] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [972] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [973] gridcell '4' required: False [974] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [944] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [975] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [976] gridcell '2' required: False [977] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [920] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [921] table '' [945] row '' [978] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [979] columnheader 'Results' required: False [980] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [981] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [982] gridcell '23' required: False [983] gridcell '1' required: False [947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [984] gridcell 'nike' required: False [985] gridcell '0' required: False [986] gridcell '3' required: False [948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [987] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [988] gridcell '10' required: False [989] gridcell '4' required: False [949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [990] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [992] gridcell '19' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [993] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [994] gridcell '23' required: False [995] gridcell '2' required: False [922] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [923] table '' [951] row '' [996] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [997] columnheader 'Results' required: False [998] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [999] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1000] gridcell '1' required: False [1001] gridcell '19' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1002] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1003] gridcell '10' required: False [1004] gridcell '4' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1005] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1006] gridcell '23' required: False [1007] gridcell '2' required: False [955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1008] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1009] gridcell '23' required: False [1010] gridcell '1' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1011] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1012] gridcell '1' required: False [1013] gridcell '1' required: False [870] contentinfo '' [875] link '\ue606' [876] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [887] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [878] link 'Privacy Policy' [879] StaticText ' |' [880] link ' Account Activity' [881] StaticText ' | ' [882] link 'Report an Issue'
Create a sales report from 10/01/2022 to 12/31/2022
The next observation would still be within the `Dashboard / Magento Admin` page, but it now includes a detailed menu of report types available under the `REPORTS` section. The user is presented with various categories such as `Sales`, `Marketing`, and `Customers`, which indicate specific reporting functionalities. This menu allows the user to select different types of reports, facilitating the process of creating a sales report for the date range of 10/01/2022 to 12/31/2022. The overall structure remains consistent with the previous layout, emphasizing the importance of reporting in the dashboard interface.
{ "neg_action0": "click [70]", "neg_action1": "type [164] [Create Sales Report] [1]", "neg_action2": "scroll [up]", "neg_action3": "hover [6]", "neg_action4": "click [171]", "neg_action5": "scroll [down]", "neg_action6": "click [71]", "neg_action7": "tab_focus [0]", "neg_action8": "scroll [down]", "neg_action9": "go_back", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[969] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1438] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1439] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1198] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1504] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1469] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1555] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1470] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1472] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1513] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1514] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1515] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[971] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1445] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1446] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1204] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1517] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1478] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1564] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1479] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1481] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1526] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1527] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1528] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1452] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1453] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1210] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1530] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1487] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1573] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1488] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1490] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1539] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1540] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1541] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1459] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1460] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1216] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1543] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1496] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1582] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1497] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1499] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1552] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1553] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1554] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1466] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1754] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1703] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1872] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1810] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1811] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1813] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1881] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1882] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1883] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1685] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1760] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1761] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1819] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1887] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1888] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1889] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1687] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1765] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1766] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1714] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1891] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1825] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1826] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1828] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1900] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1901] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1902] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1689] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1772] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1773] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1720] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1904] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1834] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1978] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1835] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1837] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1913] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1914] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1915] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1691] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1779] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1780] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1843] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1919] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1920] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1921] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1693] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1784] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1785] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1731] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1923] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1849] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1993] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1850] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1852] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1932] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1933] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1934] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1695] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1791] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1792] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1858] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1938] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1939] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1940] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1697] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1796] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1797] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1742] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1942] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1864] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2008] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1865] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1867] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1951] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1952] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1953] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1664] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1677] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1666] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1803] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1700] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1701] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1615] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1667] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1681] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1669] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1649] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1635] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1636] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1637] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1638] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1628] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1630] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1503] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1509] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1515] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1481] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1521] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1527] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1485] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1487] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1538] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1544] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1491] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1493] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1555] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1495] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1566] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1452] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1454] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1500] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1501] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1399] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1455] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1473] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1457] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1433] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1419] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1420] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1421] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1422] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1412] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[169] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[170] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[98] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[173] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[77] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[964] main ''", "\t\t[973] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1033] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1340] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1436] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1342] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1442] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1344] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1448] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1346] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1454] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1348] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[998] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1000] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[963] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1410] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1411] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1187] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1430] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1421] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1442] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1422] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1424] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1439] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1440] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1441] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[965] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1417] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1418] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1465] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1508] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1491] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1492] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1494] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1517] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1518] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1519] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1461] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1482] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1471] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1521] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1500] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1542] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1501] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1503] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1530] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1531] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1532] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1463] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1489] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1710] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1653] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1773] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1939] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1774] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1776] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1634] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1716] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1717] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1578] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1580] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1460] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1461] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1559] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1506] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1633] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1507] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1509] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1568] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1569] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1570] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1467] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1468] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1572] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1515] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1642] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1516] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1518] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1581] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1582] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1583] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1474] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1475] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1219] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1585] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1524] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1651] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1525] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1527] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1594] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1595] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1596] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1225] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1598] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1533] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1660] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1534] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1536] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1607] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1608] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1609] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1738] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1740] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1215] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1615] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1542] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1711] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1543] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1545] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1624] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1625] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1626] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1221] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1628] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1551] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1720] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1552] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1554] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1637] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1638] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1639] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1227] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1641] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1560] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1729] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1561] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1563] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1650] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1651] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1652] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1502] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1233] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1654] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1569] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1738] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1570] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1663] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1664] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1665] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1509] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1510] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1239] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1667] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1578] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1747] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1579] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1581] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1676] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1677] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1678] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[987] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1516] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1517] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1587] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1682] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1683] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1684] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[989] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1521] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1522] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1250] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1686] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1593] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1762] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1594] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1596] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1695] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1696] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1697] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[991] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1528] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1529] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1256] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1699] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1602] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1771] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1603] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1605] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1708] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1709] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1710] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[993] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1535] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1536] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1611] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1974] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1975] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1976] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1887] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1922] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1923] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1899] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1978] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1949] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2015] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1950] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1952] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1987] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1988] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1989] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1889] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1929] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1930] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1958] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1993] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1994] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1995] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1891] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1934] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1935] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1910] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1997] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1964] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2030] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1965] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1967] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[2006] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2007] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2008] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1871] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1880] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1873] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1941] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1894] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1895] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1826] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1874] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1884] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1876] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1860] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1846] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1847] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1848] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1849] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1839] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1841] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1843] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1219] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1625] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1551] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1727] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1552] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1554] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1634] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1635] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1636] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1225] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1638] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1560] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1736] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1561] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1563] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1647] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1648] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1649] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1502] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1503] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1231] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1651] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1569] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1745] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1570] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1572] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1660] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1661] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1662] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1509] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1510] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1237] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1664] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1578] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1754] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1579] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1581] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1673] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1674] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1675] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[987] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1516] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1517] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1243] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1677] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1587] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1763] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1588] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1590] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1686] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1687] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1688] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[989] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1523] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1524] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1596] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1692] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1693] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1694] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[991] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1528] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1529] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1254] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1696] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1602] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1778] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1603] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1605] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1705] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1706] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1707] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[993] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1535] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1536] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1260] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1709] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1611] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1787] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1612] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1614] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1718] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1719] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1720] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[995] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1542] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1543] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1620] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1724] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1725] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1726] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[997] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1547] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1548] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1918] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1988] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1965] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2019] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1966] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1968] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1997] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1998] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1999] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1911] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1946] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1947] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1974] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[2003] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2004] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2005] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1913] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1951] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1952] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1929] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[2007] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1980] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2034] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1981] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1983] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[2016] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[2017] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[2018] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1896] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1904] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1898] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1958] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1916] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1917] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1852] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1899] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1908] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1901] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1886] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1872] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1873] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1874] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1875] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1865] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1867] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1869] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[95] link 'My Account'", "\t[96] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[97] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[39] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[23] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[41] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[42] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[280] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[281] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[172] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[284] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[139] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[30] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[165] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1038] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1285] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1040] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1291] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1042] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1297] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1044] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1303] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1046] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1309] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1048] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1050] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1320] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1052] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1326] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1054] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1056] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1337] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1058] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1060] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1348] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[434] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[742] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[436] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1063] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1064] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[12] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[437] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[746] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[439] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[169] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[90] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[91] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[92] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[93] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[63] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[65] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[67] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[196] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[197] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[107] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[200] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[80] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1207] main ''", "\t\t[1216] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1267] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1423] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1477] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1425] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1483] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1427] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1489] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1429] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1495] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1431] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1241] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1243] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[3926] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ] }
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[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[961] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1398] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1503] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1509] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1515] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1481] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1521] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1527] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1485] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1487] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1538] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1489] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1544] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1491] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1493] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1555] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1495] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1566] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1452] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1469] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1454] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1500] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1501] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1399] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1455] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1473] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1457] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1433] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1419] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1420] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1421] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1422] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1412] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be a shift to the "One Stop Market" page, indicating that the attempt to create a sales report did not execute as intended. The page structure now focuses on a retail environment rather than the administrative functionalities of Magento. The user is presented with various links and product showcases, which suggests a navigation error or misdirection resulting from the input action.
scroll [up]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[169] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[170] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[98] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[173] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[77] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[964] main ''", "\t\t[973] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1033] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1340] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1436] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1342] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1442] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1344] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1448] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1346] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1454] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1348] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1460] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1350] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1352] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1471] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1354] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1477] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1356] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1358] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1488] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1360] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1362] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1499] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1133] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1242] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1135] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1365] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1366] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[965] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1136] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1246] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1138] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1037] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1007] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1008] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1009] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1010] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[996] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[998] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1000] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be the continued focus on the "One Stop Market" page, indicating that the scrolling action did not alter the displayed content. The user remains on the same page, which may imply that the intended navigation or visibility of elements was not achieved, leaving the user still within the product showcase context without progressing to other areas.
hover [6]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[963] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1410] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1411] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1187] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1430] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1421] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1442] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1422] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1424] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1439] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1440] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1441] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[965] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1417] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1418] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1465] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1508] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1491] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1533] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1492] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1494] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1517] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1518] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1519] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1461] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1482] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1471] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1521] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1500] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1542] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1501] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1503] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1530] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1531] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1532] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1463] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1489] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1710] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1653] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1773] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1939] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1774] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1776] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1634] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1716] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1717] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1659] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1857] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1782] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1948] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1783] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1785] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1866] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1867] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1868] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1636] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1723] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1724] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1791] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1638] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1728] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1729] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1670] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1876] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1797] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1963] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1798] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1800] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1885] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1886] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1887] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1640] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1735] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1736] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1676] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1889] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1806] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1972] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1807] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1809] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1898] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1899] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1900] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1642] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1742] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1743] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1815] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1904] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1905] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1906] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1747] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1748] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1687] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1908] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1821] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1987] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1822] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1824] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1917] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1918] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1919] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1646] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1754] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1755] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1830] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1923] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1924] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1925] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1648] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1759] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1760] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1698] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1927] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1836] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2002] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1837] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1839] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1936] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1937] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1938] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1613] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1627] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1615] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1766] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1651] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1652] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1563] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1616] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1631] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1618] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1597] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1583] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1584] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1585] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1586] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1578] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1580] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would still focus on the "One Stop Market" page, demonstrating that the hover action did not yield any new content or options for the user. This suggests a lack of expected interactivity, potentially frustrating the user as they are left without additional context or features that could enhance their shopping experience.
click [171]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1460] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1461] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1559] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1506] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1633] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1507] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1509] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1568] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1569] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1570] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1467] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1468] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1572] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1515] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1642] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1516] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1518] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1581] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1582] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1583] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1474] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1475] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1219] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1585] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1524] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1651] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1525] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1527] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1594] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1595] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1596] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1225] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1598] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1533] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1660] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1534] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1536] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1607] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1608] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1609] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1231] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1611] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1542] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1669] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1543] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1545] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1620] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1621] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1622] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[983] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1495] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1496] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1551] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1626] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1627] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1628] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[985] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1500] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1501] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1242] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1630] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1557] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1684] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1879] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1881] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1930] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1931] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1932] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1788] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1843] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1844] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1806] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1934] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1887] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1990] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1888] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1890] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1943] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1944] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1945] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1790] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1850] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1851] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1896] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1949] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1950] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1951] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1792] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1855] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1856] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1817] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1953] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1902] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[2005] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1903] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1905] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1962] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1963] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1964] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1794] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1862] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1863] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1911] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1968] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1969] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1970] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1796] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1867] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1868] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1828] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1972] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1917] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2020] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1918] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1920] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1981] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1982] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1983] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1770] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1781] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1772] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1874] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1799] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1800] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1723] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1773] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1785] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1775] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1757] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1743] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1744] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1745] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1746] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1736] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1738] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1740] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would still show the "One Stop Market" page, indicating that the click action did not result in the expected navigation or functionality. This suggests that the link or button clicked may be broken or misconfigured, leaving the user unable to proceed to the desired product or information.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [54] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [63] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [79] generic '\ue60a REPORTS Reports \ue62f Marketing Products in Cart Search Terms Abandoned Carts Newsletter Problem Reports Reviews By Customers By Products Sales Orders Tax Invoiced Shipping Refunds Coupons PayPal Settlement Braintree Settlement Customers Order Total Order Count New Products Views Bestsellers Low Stock Ordered Downloads Statistics Refresh Statistics Business Intelligence Advanced Reporting\ue644 BI Essentials\ue644' [119] link '\ue62f' [120] menu '' orientation: vertical [265] menu '' orientation: vertical [590] StaticText 'Marketing' [492] menu '' orientation: vertical [719] link 'Products in Cart' [720] link 'Search Terms' [721] link 'Abandoned Carts' [722] link 'Newsletter Problem Reports' [595] StaticText 'Reviews' [494] menu '' orientation: vertical [723] link 'By Customers' [724] link 'By Products' [266] menu '' orientation: vertical [598] StaticText 'Sales' [496] menu '' orientation: vertical [725] link 'Orders' [726] link 'Tax' [727] link 'Invoiced' [728] link 'Shipping' [729] link 'Refunds' [730] link 'Coupons' [731] link 'PayPal Settlement' [732] link 'Braintree Settlement' [267] menu '' orientation: vertical [607] StaticText 'Customers' [498] menu '' orientation: vertical [733] link 'Order Total' [734] link 'Order Count' [735] link 'New' [611] StaticText 'Products' [500] menu '' orientation: vertical [736] link 'Views' [737] link 'Bestsellers' [738] link 'Low Stock' [739] link 'Ordered' [740] link 'Downloads' [617] StaticText 'Statistics' [502] menu '' orientation: vertical [741] link 'Refresh Statistics' [268] menu '' orientation: vertical [619] StaticText 'Business Intelligence' [504] menu '' orientation: vertical [742] link 'Advanced Reporting\ue644' [743] link 'BI Essentials\ue644' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [83] heading 'Dashboard' [84] link '\ue600 admin' [86] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [89] StaticText 'Scope:' [153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [156] link '\ue633 What is this?' [291] button 'Reload Data' [292] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [351] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [443] link 'here' [660] StaticText 'Revenue' [531] StaticText '$0.00' [661] StaticText 'Tax' [662] StaticText 'Shipping' [663] StaticText 'Quantity' [545] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [453] StaticText '$0.00' [455] StaticText 'Average Order' [460] StaticText 'Last Orders' [461] table '' [672] row '' [776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [777] columnheader 'Items' required: False [778] columnheader 'Total' required: False [673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [780] gridcell '5' required: False [781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [783] gridcell '4' required: False [784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [786] gridcell '3' required: False [787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [789] gridcell '4' required: False [790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [792] gridcell '2' required: False [793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [463] table '' [678] row '' [794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [795] columnheader 'Results' required: False [796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [798] gridcell '23' required: False [799] gridcell '1' required: False [680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [800] gridcell 'nike' required: False [801] gridcell '0' required: False [802] gridcell '3' required: False [681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [804] gridcell '10' required: False [805] gridcell '4' required: False [682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [807] gridcell '1' required: False [808] gridcell '19' required: False [683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [810] gridcell '23' required: False [811] gridcell '2' required: False [464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [465] table '' [684] row '' [812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [813] columnheader 'Results' required: False [814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [816] gridcell '1' required: False [817] gridcell '19' required: False [686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [819] gridcell '10' required: False [820] gridcell '4' required: False [687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [822] gridcell '23' required: False [823] gridcell '2' required: False [688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [825] gridcell '23' required: False [826] gridcell '1' required: False [689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [828] gridcell '1' required: False [829] gridcell '1' required: False [52] contentinfo '' [160] link '\ue606' [161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [163] link 'Privacy Policy' [164] StaticText ' |' [165] link ' Account Activity' [166] StaticText ' | ' [167] link 'Report an Issue'
click [294] where [294] is link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644'
[ "None", "click [32] where [32] is link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "hover [32] where [32] is link '\\ue60a REPORTS' focused: True" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [54] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [63] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' focused: True [79] generic '\ue60a REPORTS Reports \ue62f Marketing Products in Cart Search Terms Abandoned Carts Newsletter Problem Reports Reviews By Customers By Products Sales Orders Tax Invoiced Shipping Refunds Coupons PayPal Settlement Braintree Settlement Customers Order Total Order Count New Products Views Bestsellers Low Stock Ordered Downloads Statistics Refresh Statistics Business Intelligence Advanced Reporting\ue644 BI Essentials\ue644' [119] link '\ue62f' [120] menu '' orientation: vertical [265] menu '' orientation: vertical [590] StaticText 'Marketing' [492] menu '' orientation: vertical [719] link 'Products in Cart' [720] link 'Search Terms' [721] link 'Abandoned Carts' [722] link 'Newsletter Problem Reports' [595] StaticText 'Reviews' [494] menu '' orientation: vertical [723] link 'By Customers' [724] link 'By Products' [266] menu '' orientation: vertical [598] StaticText 'Sales' [496] menu '' orientation: vertical [725] link 'Orders' [726] link 'Tax' [727] link 'Invoiced' [728] link 'Shipping' [729] link 'Refunds' [730] link 'Coupons' [731] link 'PayPal Settlement' [732] link 'Braintree Settlement' [267] menu '' orientation: vertical [607] StaticText 'Customers' [498] menu '' orientation: vertical [733] link 'Order Total' [734] link 'Order Count' [735] link 'New' [611] StaticText 'Products' [500] menu '' orientation: vertical [736] link 'Views' [737] link 'Bestsellers' [738] link 'Low Stock' [739] link 'Ordered' [740] link 'Downloads' [617] StaticText 'Statistics' [502] menu '' orientation: vertical [741] link 'Refresh Statistics' [268] menu '' orientation: vertical [619] StaticText 'Business Intelligence' [504] menu '' orientation: vertical [742] link 'Advanced Reporting\ue644' [743] link 'BI Essentials\ue644' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [83] heading 'Dashboard' [84] link '\ue600 admin' [86] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [89] StaticText 'Scope:' [153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [156] link '\ue633 What is this?' [291] button 'Reload Data' [292] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [351] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [443] link 'here' [660] StaticText 'Revenue' [531] StaticText '$0.00' [661] StaticText 'Tax' [662] StaticText 'Shipping' [663] StaticText 'Quantity' [545] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [453] StaticText '$0.00' [455] StaticText 'Average Order' [460] StaticText 'Last Orders' [461] table '' [672] row '' [776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [777] columnheader 'Items' required: False [778] columnheader 'Total' required: False [673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [780] gridcell '5' required: False [781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [783] gridcell '4' required: False [784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [786] gridcell '3' required: False [787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [789] gridcell '4' required: False [790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [792] gridcell '2' required: False [793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [463] table '' [678] row '' [794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [795] columnheader 'Results' required: False [796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [798] gridcell '23' required: False [799] gridcell '1' required: False [680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [800] gridcell 'nike' required: False [801] gridcell '0' required: False [802] gridcell '3' required: False [681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [804] gridcell '10' required: False [805] gridcell '4' required: False [682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [807] gridcell '1' required: False [808] gridcell '19' required: False [683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [810] gridcell '23' required: False [811] gridcell '2' required: False [464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [465] table '' [684] row '' [812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [813] columnheader 'Results' required: False [814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [816] gridcell '1' required: False [817] gridcell '19' required: False [686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [819] gridcell '10' required: False [820] gridcell '4' required: False [687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [822] gridcell '23' required: False [823] gridcell '2' required: False [688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [825] gridcell '23' required: False [826] gridcell '1' required: False [689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [828] gridcell '1' required: False [829] gridcell '1' required: False [52] contentinfo '' [160] link '\ue606' [161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [163] link 'Privacy Policy' [164] StaticText ' |' [165] link ' Account Activity' [166] StaticText ' | ' [167] link 'Report an Issue'
Create a inventory report from 11/01/2022 to 12/31/2022
The next observation would be that the user remains on the `Dashboard` of the Magento Admin panel but is now focused on `Advanced Reporting`. The interface still displays the admin panel structure, but emphasizes the reporting capabilities tailored for analyzing product, order, and customer data. This change sets the stage for the user to create an inventory report, as the advanced reporting section typically contains the necessary tools and options to filter and generate reports for the specified date range from 11/01/2022 to 12/31/2022.
{ "neg_action0": "scroll [up]", "neg_action1": "hover [294]", "neg_action2": "scroll [down]", "neg_action3": "click [95]", "neg_action4": "click [96]", "neg_action5": null, "neg_action6": "tab_focus [0]", "neg_action7": "close_tab", "neg_action8": "new_tab", "neg_action9": "goto [http://homepage.com]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[971] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1448] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1449] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1202] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1530] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1486] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1594] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1487] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1489] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1539] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1540] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1541] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1455] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1456] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1208] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1543] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1495] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1603] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1496] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1498] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1552] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1553] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1554] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1462] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1463] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1214] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1556] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1504] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1612] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1505] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1507] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1565] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1566] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1567] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1469] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1470] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1220] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1569] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1513] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1621] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1514] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1516] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1578] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1579] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1580] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1476] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1477] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1226] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1582] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1522] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1630] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1523] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1525] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1591] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1592] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1593] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1483] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1798] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1847] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1902] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1903] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1904] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1737] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1802] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1803] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1758] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1906] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1853] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1975] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1854] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1856] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1915] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1916] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1917] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1739] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1809] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1810] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1764] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1919] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1862] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1863] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1865] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1928] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1929] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1930] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1741] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1816] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1817] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1871] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1934] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1935] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1936] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1743] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1821] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1822] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1775] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1938] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1877] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1999] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1878] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1880] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1947] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1948] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1949] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1745] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1828] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1829] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1886] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1953] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1954] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1955] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1747] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1833] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1834] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1786] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1957] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1892] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2014] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1893] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1895] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1966] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1967] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1968] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1717] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1729] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1719] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1750] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1751] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1669] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1720] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1733] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1722] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1703] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1689] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1690] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1691] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1692] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1682] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1684] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1686] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[99] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[100] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[77] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[103] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[70] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[380] main ''", "\t\t[389] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[470] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1148] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1340] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1150] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1346] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1152] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1352] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1154] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1358] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1156] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1364] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1158] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1160] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1375] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1162] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1381] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1164] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1166] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1392] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1168] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1170] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1403] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[683] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[921] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[685] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1173] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1174] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[381] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[686] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[925] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[688] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[474] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[423] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[424] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[425] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[426] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[412] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[205] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[206] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[107] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[209] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[80] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1333] main ''", "\t\t[1342] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1393] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1466] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1499] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1468] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1505] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1470] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1511] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1517] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1474] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1367] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1369] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[204] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[205] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[107] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[208] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[80] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1313] main ''", "\t\t[1322] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1373] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1456] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1494] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1458] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1500] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1460] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1506] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1462] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1512] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1464] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1518] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1466] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1468] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1529] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1470] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1535] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1474] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1546] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1557] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1408] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1437] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1410] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1481] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1482] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1314] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1411] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1441] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1413] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1377] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1356] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1357] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1358] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1359] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1345] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1347] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1349] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[188] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[189] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[104] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[192] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[79] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1098] main ''", "\t\t[1107] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1161] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1380] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1456] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1382] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1462] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1384] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1468] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1386] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1474] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1388] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1480] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1390] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1392] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1491] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1394] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1497] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1396] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1398] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1508] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1400] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1402] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1519] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1231] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1311] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1233] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1405] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1406] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1099] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1234] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1315] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1236] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1165] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1141] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1142] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1143] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1144] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1130] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1132] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1134] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1460] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1461] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1558] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1505] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1632] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1506] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1508] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1567] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1568] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1569] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1467] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1468] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1571] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1514] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1641] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1515] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1517] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1580] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1581] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1582] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1474] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1475] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1219] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1584] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1523] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1650] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1524] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1526] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1593] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1594] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1595] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1225] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1597] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1532] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1659] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1533] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1535] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1606] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1607] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1608] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1739] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0: One Stop Market | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ] }
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[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[99] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[100] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[77] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[103] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[70] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[380] main ''", "\t\t[389] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[470] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1148] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1340] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1150] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1346] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1152] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1352] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1154] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1358] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1156] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1364] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1158] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1160] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1375] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1162] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1381] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1164] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1166] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1392] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1168] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1170] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1403] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[683] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[921] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[685] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1173] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1174] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[381] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[686] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[925] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[688] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[474] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[423] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[424] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[425] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[426] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[412] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus has shifted to 'One Stop Market', which indicates a navigation away from the Magento Admin interface. The primary links such as 'My Account', 'My Wish List', and 'Sign Out' now dominate the focus, replacing the original dashboard elements. Static text welcoming users to 'One Stop Market' is displayed, indicating a complete context switch. The interface now includes product showcases and options related to shopping, which are irrelevant to the previous admin-focused dashboard.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[205] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[206] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[107] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[209] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[80] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1333] main ''", "\t\t[1342] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1393] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1466] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1499] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1468] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1505] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1470] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1511] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1517] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1474] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1523] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1534] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1480] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1540] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1551] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1486] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1488] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1562] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1427] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1452] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1429] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1491] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1492] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1334] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1430] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1456] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1432] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1397] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1376] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1377] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1378] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1379] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1365] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1367] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1369] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the page remains focused on 'One Stop Market', continuing to present different product showcases. The user sees additional items available for purchase, with links and static texts related to shopping rather than admin functions. This emphasizes that the navigation away from the Magento Admin has fully occurred, and the interface is now oriented towards retail activities instead of administrative tasks.
click [95]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[204] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[205] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[107] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[208] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[80] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1313] main ''", "\t\t[1322] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1373] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1456] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1494] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1458] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1500] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1460] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1506] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1462] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1512] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1464] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1518] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1466] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1468] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1529] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1470] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1535] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1474] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1546] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1557] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1408] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1437] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1410] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1481] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1482] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1314] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1411] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1441] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1413] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1377] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1356] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1357] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1358] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1359] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1345] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1347] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1349] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus remains on 'One Stop Market', reinforcing the user's navigation away from the Magento Admin panel. The user continues to see various product showcases with details such as ratings and prices, further solidifying the context of an online shopping experience. The lack of any admin-related functionality confirms that the system has completely transitioned away from the original dashboard.
click [96]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[188] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[189] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[104] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[192] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[79] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1098] main ''", "\t\t[1107] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1161] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1380] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1456] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1382] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1462] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1384] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1468] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1386] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1474] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1388] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1480] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1390] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1392] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1491] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1394] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1497] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1396] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1398] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1508] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1400] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1402] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1519] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1231] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1311] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1233] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1405] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1406] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1099] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1234] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1315] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1236] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1165] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1141] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1142] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1143] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1144] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1130] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1132] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1134] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus continues on 'One Stop Market', reinforcing the user's involvement in a retail environment. The page displays more product showcases, maintaining features such as reviews and prices, indicating ongoing shopping interactions. This further confirms that the user has entirely left the Magento Admin space and is now immersed in a customer-centric interface.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [54] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [63] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [79] generic '\ue60a REPORTS Reports \ue62f Marketing Products in Cart Search Terms Abandoned Carts Newsletter Problem Reports Reviews By Customers By Products Sales Orders Tax Invoiced Shipping Refunds Coupons PayPal Settlement Braintree Settlement Customers Order Total Order Count New Products Views Bestsellers Low Stock Ordered Downloads Statistics Refresh Statistics Business Intelligence Advanced Reporting\ue644 BI Essentials\ue644' [119] link '\ue62f' [120] menu '' orientation: vertical [265] menu '' orientation: vertical [590] StaticText 'Marketing' [492] menu '' orientation: vertical [719] link 'Products in Cart' [720] link 'Search Terms' [721] link 'Abandoned Carts' [722] link 'Newsletter Problem Reports' [595] StaticText 'Reviews' [494] menu '' orientation: vertical [723] link 'By Customers' [724] link 'By Products' [266] menu '' orientation: vertical [598] StaticText 'Sales' [496] menu '' orientation: vertical [725] link 'Orders' [726] link 'Tax' [727] link 'Invoiced' [728] link 'Shipping' [729] link 'Refunds' [730] link 'Coupons' [731] link 'PayPal Settlement' [732] link 'Braintree Settlement' [267] menu '' orientation: vertical [607] StaticText 'Customers' [498] menu '' orientation: vertical [733] link 'Order Total' [734] link 'Order Count' [735] link 'New' [611] StaticText 'Products' [500] menu '' orientation: vertical [736] link 'Views' [737] link 'Bestsellers' [738] link 'Low Stock' [739] link 'Ordered' [740] link 'Downloads' [617] StaticText 'Statistics' [502] menu '' orientation: vertical [741] link 'Refresh Statistics' [268] menu '' orientation: vertical [619] StaticText 'Business Intelligence' [504] menu '' orientation: vertical [742] link 'Advanced Reporting\ue644' [743] link 'BI Essentials\ue644' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [83] heading 'Dashboard' [84] link '\ue600 admin' [86] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [89] StaticText 'Scope:' [153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [156] link '\ue633 What is this?' [291] button 'Reload Data' [292] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [351] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [443] link 'here' [660] StaticText 'Revenue' [531] StaticText '$0.00' [661] StaticText 'Tax' [662] StaticText 'Shipping' [663] StaticText 'Quantity' [545] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [453] StaticText '$0.00' [455] StaticText 'Average Order' [460] StaticText 'Last Orders' [461] table '' [672] row '' [776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [777] columnheader 'Items' required: False [778] columnheader 'Total' required: False [673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [780] gridcell '5' required: False [781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [783] gridcell '4' required: False [784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [786] gridcell '3' required: False [787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [789] gridcell '4' required: False [790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [792] gridcell '2' required: False [793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [463] table '' [678] row '' [794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [795] columnheader 'Results' required: False [796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [798] gridcell '23' required: False [799] gridcell '1' required: False [680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [800] gridcell 'nike' required: False [801] gridcell '0' required: False [802] gridcell '3' required: False [681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [804] gridcell '10' required: False [805] gridcell '4' required: False [682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [807] gridcell '1' required: False [808] gridcell '19' required: False [683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [810] gridcell '23' required: False [811] gridcell '2' required: False [464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [465] table '' [684] row '' [812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [813] columnheader 'Results' required: False [814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [816] gridcell '1' required: False [817] gridcell '19' required: False [686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [819] gridcell '10' required: False [820] gridcell '4' required: False [687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [822] gridcell '23' required: False [823] gridcell '2' required: False [688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [825] gridcell '23' required: False [826] gridcell '1' required: False [689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [828] gridcell '1' required: False [829] gridcell '1' required: False [52] contentinfo '' [160] link '\ue606' [161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [163] link 'Privacy Policy' [164] StaticText ' |' [165] link ' Account Activity' [166] StaticText ' | ' [167] link 'Report an Issue'
click [294] where [294] is link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644'
[ "None", "click [32] where [32] is link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "hover [32] where [32] is link '\\ue60a REPORTS' focused: True" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [54] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [63] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' focused: True [79] generic '\ue60a REPORTS Reports \ue62f Marketing Products in Cart Search Terms Abandoned Carts Newsletter Problem Reports Reviews By Customers By Products Sales Orders Tax Invoiced Shipping Refunds Coupons PayPal Settlement Braintree Settlement Customers Order Total Order Count New Products Views Bestsellers Low Stock Ordered Downloads Statistics Refresh Statistics Business Intelligence Advanced Reporting\ue644 BI Essentials\ue644' [119] link '\ue62f' [120] menu '' orientation: vertical [265] menu '' orientation: vertical [590] StaticText 'Marketing' [492] menu '' orientation: vertical [719] link 'Products in Cart' [720] link 'Search Terms' [721] link 'Abandoned Carts' [722] link 'Newsletter Problem Reports' [595] StaticText 'Reviews' [494] menu '' orientation: vertical [723] link 'By Customers' [724] link 'By Products' [266] menu '' orientation: vertical [598] StaticText 'Sales' [496] menu '' orientation: vertical [725] link 'Orders' [726] link 'Tax' [727] link 'Invoiced' [728] link 'Shipping' [729] link 'Refunds' [730] link 'Coupons' [731] link 'PayPal Settlement' [732] link 'Braintree Settlement' [267] menu '' orientation: vertical [607] StaticText 'Customers' [498] menu '' orientation: vertical [733] link 'Order Total' [734] link 'Order Count' [735] link 'New' [611] StaticText 'Products' [500] menu '' orientation: vertical [736] link 'Views' [737] link 'Bestsellers' [738] link 'Low Stock' [739] link 'Ordered' [740] link 'Downloads' [617] StaticText 'Statistics' [502] menu '' orientation: vertical [741] link 'Refresh Statistics' [268] menu '' orientation: vertical [619] StaticText 'Business Intelligence' [504] menu '' orientation: vertical [742] link 'Advanced Reporting\ue644' [743] link 'BI Essentials\ue644' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [83] heading 'Dashboard' [84] link '\ue600 admin' [86] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [89] StaticText 'Scope:' [153] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [156] link '\ue633 What is this?' [291] button 'Reload Data' [292] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [350] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [351] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [294] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [442] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [443] link 'here' [660] StaticText 'Revenue' [531] StaticText '$0.00' [661] StaticText 'Tax' [662] StaticText 'Shipping' [663] StaticText 'Quantity' [545] StaticText '0' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [450] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [453] StaticText '$0.00' [455] StaticText 'Average Order' [460] StaticText 'Last Orders' [461] table '' [672] row '' [776] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [777] columnheader 'Items' required: False [778] columnheader 'Total' required: False [673] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [779] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [780] gridcell '5' required: False [781] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [674] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [782] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [783] gridcell '4' required: False [784] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [675] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [785] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [786] gridcell '3' required: False [787] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [676] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [788] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [789] gridcell '4' required: False [790] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [677] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [791] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [792] gridcell '2' required: False [793] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [462] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [463] table '' [678] row '' [794] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [795] columnheader 'Results' required: False [796] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [679] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [797] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [798] gridcell '23' required: False [799] gridcell '1' required: False [680] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [800] gridcell 'nike' required: False [801] gridcell '0' required: False [802] gridcell '3' required: False [681] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [803] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [804] gridcell '10' required: False [805] gridcell '4' required: False [682] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [806] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [807] gridcell '1' required: False [808] gridcell '19' required: False [683] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [809] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [810] gridcell '23' required: False [811] gridcell '2' required: False [464] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [465] table '' [684] row '' [812] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [813] columnheader 'Results' required: False [814] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [685] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [815] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [816] gridcell '1' required: False [817] gridcell '19' required: False [686] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [818] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [819] gridcell '10' required: False [820] gridcell '4' required: False [687] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [821] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [822] gridcell '23' required: False [823] gridcell '2' required: False [688] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [824] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [825] gridcell '23' required: False [826] gridcell '1' required: False [689] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [827] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [828] gridcell '1' required: False [829] gridcell '1' required: False [52] contentinfo '' [160] link '\ue606' [161] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [239] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [163] link 'Privacy Policy' [164] StaticText ' |' [165] link ' Account Activity' [166] StaticText ' | ' [167] link 'Report an Issue'
Create a inventory report from 11/01/2022 to 12/31/2022
The next observation would be that the user remains on the `Dashboard` of the Magento Admin panel but is now focused on `Advanced Reporting`. The interface still displays the admin panel structure, but emphasizes the reporting capabilities tailored for analyzing product, order, and customer data. This change sets the stage for the user to create an inventory report, as the advanced reporting section typically contains the necessary tools and options to filter and generate reports for the specified date range from 11/01/2022 to 12/31/2022.
{ "neg_action0": "scroll [up]", "neg_action1": "hover [294]", "neg_action2": "scroll [down]", "neg_action3": "click [95]", "neg_action4": "click [96]", "neg_action5": null, "neg_action6": "tab_focus [0]", "neg_action7": "close_tab", "neg_action8": "new_tab", "neg_action9": "goto [http://homepage.com]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[971] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1448] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1449] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1202] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1530] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1486] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1594] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1487] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1489] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1539] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1540] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1541] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1455] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1456] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1208] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1543] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1495] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1603] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1496] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1498] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1552] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1553] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1554] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1462] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1463] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1214] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1556] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1504] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1612] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1505] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1507] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1565] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1566] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1567] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1469] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1470] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1220] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1569] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1513] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1621] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1514] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1516] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1578] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1579] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1580] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1476] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1477] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1226] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1582] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1522] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1630] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1523] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1525] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1591] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1592] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1593] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1483] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1798] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1847] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1902] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1903] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1904] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1737] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1802] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1803] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1758] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1906] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1853] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1975] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1854] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1856] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1915] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1916] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1917] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1739] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1809] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1810] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1764] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1919] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1862] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1863] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1865] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1928] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1929] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1930] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1741] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1816] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1817] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1871] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1934] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1935] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1936] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1743] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1821] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1822] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1775] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1938] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1877] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1999] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1878] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1880] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1947] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1948] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1949] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1745] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1828] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1829] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1886] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1953] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1954] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1955] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1747] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1833] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1834] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1786] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1957] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1892] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[2014] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1893] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1895] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1966] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1967] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1968] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1717] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1729] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1719] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1840] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1750] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1751] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1669] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1720] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1733] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1722] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1703] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1689] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1690] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1691] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1692] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1682] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1684] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1686] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[99] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[100] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[77] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[103] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[70] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[380] main ''", "\t\t[389] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[470] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1148] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1340] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1150] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1346] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1152] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1352] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1154] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1358] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1156] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1364] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1158] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1160] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1375] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1162] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1381] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1164] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1166] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1392] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1168] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1170] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1403] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[683] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[921] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[685] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1173] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1174] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[381] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[686] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[925] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[688] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[474] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[423] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[424] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[425] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[426] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[412] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[205] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[206] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[107] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[209] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[80] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1333] main ''", "\t\t[1342] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1393] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1466] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1499] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1468] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1505] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1470] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1511] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1517] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1474] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1367] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1369] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[204] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[205] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[107] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[208] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[80] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1313] main ''", "\t\t[1322] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1373] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1456] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1494] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1458] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1500] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1460] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1506] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1462] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1512] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1464] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1518] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1466] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1468] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1529] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1470] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1535] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1474] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1546] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1557] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1408] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1437] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1410] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1481] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1482] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1314] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1411] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1441] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1413] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1377] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1356] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1357] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1358] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1359] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1345] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1347] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1349] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[188] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[189] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[104] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[192] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[79] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1098] main ''", "\t\t[1107] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1161] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1380] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1456] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1382] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1462] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1384] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1468] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1386] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1474] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1388] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1480] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1390] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1392] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1491] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1394] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1497] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1396] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1398] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1508] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1400] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1402] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1519] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1231] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1311] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1233] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1405] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1406] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1099] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1234] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1315] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1236] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1165] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1141] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1142] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1143] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1144] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1130] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1132] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1134] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[70] link 'My Account'", "\t[71] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[72] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[33] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[35] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[36] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[239] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[240] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[137] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[243] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[107] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[11] main ''", "\t\t[28] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[133] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[973] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1460] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1461] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1207] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1558] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1505] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1632] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1506] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1508] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1567] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1568] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1569] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[975] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1467] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1468] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1213] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1571] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1514] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1641] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1515] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1517] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1580] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1581] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1582] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[977] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1474] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1475] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1219] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1584] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1523] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1650] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1524] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1526] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1593] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1594] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1595] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[979] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1481] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1225] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1597] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1532] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1659] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1533] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1535] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1606] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1607] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1608] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[981] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1488] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1489] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1737] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1739] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0: One Stop Market | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ] }
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[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[99] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[100] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[77] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[103] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[70] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[380] main ''", "\t\t[389] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[470] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1148] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1340] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1150] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1346] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1152] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1352] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1154] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1358] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1156] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1364] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1158] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1160] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1375] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1162] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1381] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1164] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1166] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1392] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1168] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1170] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1403] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[683] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[921] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[685] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1173] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1174] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[381] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[686] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[925] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[688] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[474] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[423] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[424] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[425] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[426] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[412] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[414] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[416] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
**: The next observation would be that the webpage has shifted from the Magento Admin panel to a new context titled "One Stop Market." The root web area now indicates that the focus is on "One Stop Market," with different links such as 'My Account' and 'My Wish List' taking precedence. The original admin-related elements are no longer present, reflecting a complete change in navigational context and user focus.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[205] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[206] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[107] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[209] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[80] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1333] main ''", "\t\t[1342] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1393] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1466] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1499] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1468] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1505] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1470] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1511] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1517] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1474] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1523] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1534] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1480] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1540] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1482] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1484] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1551] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1486] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1488] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1562] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1427] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1452] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1429] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1491] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1492] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1334] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1430] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1456] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1432] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1397] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1376] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1377] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1378] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1379] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1365] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1367] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1369] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
**: The next observation would be that the webpage continues to display the "One Stop Market" content, presenting additional product showcases with ratings and prices. As the user scrolls, more items become visible, enhancing the shopping experience by displaying a broader selection of products. The layout shifts further into product details, reinforcing the e-commerce focus of the page.
click [95]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[204] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[205] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[107] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[208] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[80] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1313] main ''", "\t\t[1322] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1373] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1456] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1494] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1458] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1500] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1460] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1506] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1462] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1512] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1464] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1518] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1466] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1468] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1529] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1470] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1535] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1472] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1474] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1546] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1557] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1408] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1437] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1410] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1481] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1482] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1314] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1411] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1441] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1413] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1377] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1356] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1357] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1358] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1359] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1345] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1347] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1349] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
**: The next observation would be that the webpage transitions to show detailed information about a specific product within the "One Stop Market." The focus now is on the product's features, ratings, and options to add it to the cart. This represents a shift from the administrative tasks of the Magento Admin panel to the customer-centric view of product offerings.
click [96]
[ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[47] link 'My Account'", "\t[48] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[49] link 'Sign Out'", "\t[3838] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[22] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[16] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[24] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[25] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[188] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[189] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[104] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[192] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[79] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3832] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3834] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[2078] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2829] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2894] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2904] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2918] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2955] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2963] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2968] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2974] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2979] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3040] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3055] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[3068] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1098] main ''", "\t\t[1107] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[1161] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[1380] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1577] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1578] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[1456] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1760] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1662] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[1894] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1663] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[1665] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[1769] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1770] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1771] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1382] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1584] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1585] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[1462] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1773] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1671] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[1903] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1672] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1674] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[1782] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1783] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1784] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1384] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1591] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1592] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[1468] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1786] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1680] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[1912] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1681] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1683] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[1795] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1796] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1797] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1386] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1598] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1599] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[1474] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1799] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1689] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[1921] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1690] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1692] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[1808] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1809] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1810] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1388] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1605] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1606] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[1480] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1812] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1698] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[1930] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1699] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1701] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[1821] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1822] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1823] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1390] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1612] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1613] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[1707] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[1827] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1828] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1829] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1392] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1617] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1618] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[1491] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1831] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1713] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[1945] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1714] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1716] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[1840] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1841] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1842] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1394] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1624] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1625] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[1497] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1844] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1722] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[1954] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1723] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1725] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[1853] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1854] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1855] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1396] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1631] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1632] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[1731] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[1859] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1860] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1861] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1398] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1636] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1637] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[1508] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1863] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1737] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[1969] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1738] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1740] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[1872] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1873] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1874] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1400] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1643] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1644] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[1746] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[1878] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1879] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1880] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1402] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[1648] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1649] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[1519] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1882] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1752] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[1984] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[1753] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[1755] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[1891] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1892] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1893] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1231] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[1311] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[1233] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[1655] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[1405] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[1406] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[1099] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1234] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1315] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1236] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1165] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1141] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1142] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1143] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1144] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1130] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1132] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1134] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
**: The next observation would be that the webpage deepens the user's exploration of the "One Stop Market," showcasing another specific product with its details and options. This action reinforces the transition away from administrative tasks, focusing solely on consumer product engagement and potentially altering the user's shopping journey.
Tab 0 (current): New Product / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [4362] RootWebArea 'New Product / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [4414] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [4421] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [4367] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [4369] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [4373] link '\ue60b SALES' [4377] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [4381] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [4385] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [4389] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [4393] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [4397] link '\ue60d STORES' [4401] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [4405] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [4438] heading 'New Product' [4439] link '\ue600 admin' [4441] link '\ue607' [5281] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [7343] StaticText '10 black Nike running shoes' [7342] button 'Search' [4412] main '' [5252] generic 'Save' [5255] button 'Save' [5256] button 'Save options' [5253] button '\ue626 Back' [5254] button 'Add Attribute' [6595] group '' [7173] StaticText 'Enable Product' [6888] checkbox '[website] Enable Product Yes' checked: true [6891] StaticText 'Attribute Set' [6872] generic 'Default' [7175] StaticText 'Product Name' [6873] textbox '[store view] Product Name *' required: False [7176] StaticText 'SKU' [6874] textbox '[global] SKU *' required: False [6626] group '' [6629] LayoutTable '' [7224] StaticText 'Price' [7196] textbox '[global] Price * $' required: False [7250] button 'Advanced Pricing' [7178] StaticText 'Tax Class' [6877] combobox 'notice-Y7PASW4' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [6643] group '' [6646] LayoutTable '' [7228] StaticText 'Quantity' [7179] textbox '[global] Quantity' focused: True required: False [7251] button 'Advanced Inventory' [7180] StaticText 'Stock Status' [6880] combobox 'notice-R824QO9' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [6659] group '' [6662] LayoutTable '' [7229] StaticText 'Weight' [7203] textbox '[global] Weight lbs' required: False [7182] combobox 'notice-D2O95E1' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [6672] group '' [6675] LayoutTable '' [7233] StaticText 'Categories' [7183] generic 'Select...' [7252] button 'New Category' [7184] StaticText 'Visibility' [6884] combobox 'notice-JDG9WP1' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [6688] group '' [6691] LayoutTable '' [7235] StaticText 'Set Product as New From' [6708] textbox '[website] Set Product as New From' required: False [7185] button 'undefined \ue627' [7218] StaticText 'To' [6710] textbox 'To' required: False [7187] button 'undefined \ue627' [7188] StaticText 'Country of Manufacture' [6886] combobox 'notice-P1HFPPN' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [5525] generic '\ue616 Content' [5543] generic '\ue615 Configurations' [5914] group '' [7249] button 'Create Configurations' [5974] StaticText 'Configurable products allow customers to choose options (Ex: shirt color). You need to create a simple product for each configuration (Ex: a product for each color).' [5521] generic '\ue616 Images And Videos' [5527] generic '\ue616 Search Engine Optimization' [5541] generic '\ue616 Related Products, Up-Sells, and Cross-Sells' [5539] generic '\ue616 Customizable Options' [5537] generic '\ue616 Product in Websites' [5529] generic '\ue616 Design' [5531] generic '\ue616 Schedule Design Update' [5533] generic '\ue616 Gift Options' [5535] generic '\ue616 Downloadable Information' [5923] group ''
type [7179] [9 ] where [7179] is textbox '[global] Quantity' required: False
[ "None", "click [16] where [16] is link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "click [416] where [416] is link 'Products'", "click [1422] where [1422] is button 'Add Product'", "type [5281] [10 black Nike running shoes\n] where [5281] is textbox '\\ue60c' required: False" ]
Tab 0 (current): New Product / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [4362] RootWebArea 'New Product / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [4414] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [4421] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [4367] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [4369] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [4373] link '\ue60b SALES' [4377] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [4381] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [4385] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [4389] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [4393] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [4397] link '\ue60d STORES' [4401] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [4405] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [4438] heading 'New Product' [4439] link '\ue600 admin' [4441] link '\ue607' [5281] textbox '\ue60c' focused: True required: False [7343] StaticText '10 black Nike running shoes' [7342] button 'Search' [4412] main '' [5252] generic 'Save' [5255] button 'Save' [5256] button 'Save options' [5253] button '\ue626 Back' [5254] button 'Add Attribute' [6595] group '' [7173] StaticText 'Enable Product' [6888] checkbox '[website] Enable Product Yes' checked: true [6891] StaticText 'Attribute Set' [6872] generic 'Default' [7175] StaticText 'Product Name' [6873] textbox '[store view] Product Name *' required: False [7176] StaticText 'SKU' [6874] textbox '[global] SKU *' required: False [6626] group '' [6629] LayoutTable '' [7224] StaticText 'Price' [7196] textbox '[global] Price * $' required: False [7250] button 'Advanced Pricing' [7178] StaticText 'Tax Class' [6877] combobox 'notice-Y7PASW4' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [6643] group '' [6646] LayoutTable '' [7228] StaticText 'Quantity' [7179] textbox '[global] Quantity' required: False [7251] button 'Advanced Inventory' [7180] StaticText 'Stock Status' [6880] combobox 'notice-R824QO9' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [6659] group '' [6662] LayoutTable '' [7229] StaticText 'Weight' [7203] textbox '[global] Weight lbs' required: False [7182] combobox 'notice-D2O95E1' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [6672] group '' [6675] LayoutTable '' [7233] StaticText 'Categories' [7183] generic 'Select...' [7252] button 'New Category' [7184] StaticText 'Visibility' [6884] combobox 'notice-JDG9WP1' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [6688] group '' [6691] LayoutTable '' [7235] StaticText 'Set Product as New From' [6708] textbox '[website] Set Product as New From' required: False [7185] button 'undefined \ue627' [7218] StaticText 'To' [6710] textbox 'To' required: False [7187] button 'undefined \ue627' [7188] StaticText 'Country of Manufacture' [6886] combobox 'notice-P1HFPPN' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [5525] generic '\ue616 Content' [5543] generic '\ue615 Configurations' [5914] group '' [7249] button 'Create Configurations' [5974] StaticText 'Configurable products allow customers to choose options (Ex: shirt color). You need to create a simple product for each configuration (Ex: a product for each color).' [5521] generic '\ue616 Images And Videos' [5527] generic '\ue616 Search Engine Optimization' [5541] generic '\ue616 Related Products, Up-Sells, and Cross-Sells' [5539] generic '\ue616 Customizable Options' [5537] generic '\ue616 Product in Websites' [5529] generic '\ue616 Design' [5531] generic '\ue616 Schedule Design Update' [5533] generic '\ue616 Gift Options' [5535] generic '\ue616 Downloadable Information' [5923] group ''
10 black Nike running shoes with size 9 arrived, update the stock
The next observation would maintain the same page structure, focusing on the `New Product` entry for `10 black Nike running shoes.` The quantity textbox is now focused, indicating the user is in the process of specifying that the stock available for this product is `9.` The overall layout remains unchanged, with options to configure various product attributes, ensuring that the user can efficiently finalize the details for the new product entry before saving the changes. This action is a step towards updating the stock level for the newly added shoes.
{ "neg_action0": "click [3522]", "neg_action1": "type [524] [size 9] [1]", "neg_action2": "scroll [down]", "neg_action3": "hover [5281]", "neg_action4": "press [Ctrl+s]", "neg_action5": null, "neg_action6": "click [126]", "neg_action7": "click [219]", "neg_action8": "scroll [up]", "neg_action9": "type [520] [Update stock] [1]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose' focused: True", "\t[28] link 'My Account'", "\t[29] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[30] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3494] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[34] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[16] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[14] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[18] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[85] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[357] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[358] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[232] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[361] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[179] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3481] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3483] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1727] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2478] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2543] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2553] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2567] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2604] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2612] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2617] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2623] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2628] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2689] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2704] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2717] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1721] link 'Home'", "\t[1726] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1724] StaticText 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t[42] main ''", "\t\t[78] heading 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t\t[48] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[50] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[334] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[498] StaticText 'B0848QB12J'", "\t\t[159] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[500] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[337] generic '73%'", "\t\t\t\t[813] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1121] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1361] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[338] link '3\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[339] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1717] StaticText '$20.00'", "\t\t[342] generic 'Color * Jasmine Ruby Rose Tequila Sunrise'", "\t\t\t[1601] radio 'Jasmine' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1603] radio 'Ruby Rose' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1605] radio 'Tequila Sunrise' checked: false", "\t\t[343] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1367] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1368] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1131] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[218] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[219] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[163] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3500] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3523] img 'Image'", "\t\t[165] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3489] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3490] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[224] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3491] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[820] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[61] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1632] StaticText \"Bring luscious back to your lips with Mineralogie's Lip Gloss. Our formula provides the sheerness and shine you expect in a gloss with the added benefit of light, yet rich color. Wear it alone or as an added boost to your lipstick. Mineralogie's Lip Gloss glides on smoothly and actually feels good on your lips. Paraben free with a soothing silky texture. Available in a wide range of shades which means it will be easy to find one that is perfect for you!\"", "\t\t\t\t[63] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1634] StaticText 'All Natural, Moisturizing, Good Coverage, Full Pigment'", "\t\t\t\t[1371] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1635] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1651] rowheader 'Package Dimensions \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1652] gridcell '\\u200e 2.17 x 1.97 x 1.69 inches; 0.25 Ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1636] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1653] rowheader 'UPC \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1654] gridcell '\\u200e 812885016096' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1637] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1655] rowheader 'Manufacturer \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1656] gridcell '\\u200e Demaur Cosmetics' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1638] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1657] rowheader 'ASIN \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1658] gridcell '\\u200e B0848QB12J' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1639] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1659] rowheader '#1,764 in Lip Gloss' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1660] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[3492] tab 'Reviews (3)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[225] link 'Reviews (3)'", "\t[66] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[520] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[522] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[229] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[132] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[133] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[134] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[135] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[136] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[107] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[109] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[111] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose' focused: True", "\t[124] link 'My Account'", "\t[125] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[126] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3524] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[130] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[59] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[44] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[61] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[62] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[357] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[358] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[232] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[361] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[179] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3511] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3513] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1729] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2480] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2545] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2555] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2569] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2606] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2614] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2619] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2625] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2630] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2691] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2706] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2719] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1723] link 'Home'", "\t[1728] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1726] StaticText 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[51] heading 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[334] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[498] StaticText 'B0848QB12J'", "\t\t[152] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[500] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[337] generic '73%'", "\t\t\t\t[813] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1121] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1361] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[338] link '3\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[339] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1719] StaticText '$20.00'", "\t\t[342] generic 'Color * Jasmine Ruby Rose Tequila Sunrise'", "\t\t\t[1601] radio 'Jasmine' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1603] radio 'Ruby Rose' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1605] radio 'Tequila Sunrise' checked: false", "\t\t[343] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1367] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1368] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1131] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[218] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[219] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[156] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3485] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3508] img 'Image'", "\t\t[158] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3519] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3520] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[224] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3521] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[820] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[24] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1632] StaticText \"Bring luscious back to your lips with Mineralogie's Lip Gloss. Our formula provides the sheerness and shine you expect in a gloss with the added benefit of light, yet rich color. Wear it alone or as an added boost to your lipstick. Mineralogie's Lip Gloss glides on smoothly and actually feels good on your lips. Paraben free with a soothing silky texture. Available in a wide range of shades which means it will be easy to find one that is perfect for you!\"", "\t\t\t\t[26] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1634] StaticText 'All Natural, Moisturizing, Good Coverage, Full Pigment'", "\t\t\t\t[1371] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1635] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1651] rowheader 'Package Dimensions \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1652] gridcell '\\u200e 2.17 x 1.97 x 1.69 inches; 0.25 Ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1636] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1653] rowheader 'UPC \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1654] gridcell '\\u200e 812885016096' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1637] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1655] rowheader 'Manufacturer \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1656] gridcell '\\u200e Demaur Cosmetics' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1638] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1657] rowheader 'ASIN \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1658] gridcell '\\u200e B0848QB12J' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1639] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1659] rowheader '#1,764 in Lip Gloss' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1660] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[3522] tab 'Reviews (3)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[225] link 'Reviews (3)'", "\t[34] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[520] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[522] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[229] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[118] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[119] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[120] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[121] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[122] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[84] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[88] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose' focused: True", "\t[75] link 'My Account'", "\t[76] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[77] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3522] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[81] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[268] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[269] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[156] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[272] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[115] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3509] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3511] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1727] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2478] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2543] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2553] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2567] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2604] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2612] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2617] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2623] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2628] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2689] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2704] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2717] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1721] link 'Home'", "\t[1726] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1724] StaticText 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[258] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[409] StaticText 'B0848QB12J'", "\t\t[103] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[411] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[261] generic '73%'", "\t\t\t\t[712] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1009] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t[262] link '3\\xa0 Reviews ' focused: True", "\t\t\t[263] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1717] StaticText '$20.00'", "\t\t[266] generic 'Color * Jasmine Ruby Rose Tequila Sunrise'", "\t\t\t[1462] radio 'Jasmine' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1464] radio 'Ruby Rose' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1466] radio 'Tequila Sunrise' checked: false", "\t\t[267] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1243] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1244] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1591] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1543] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1544] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1529] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3483] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3506] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1531] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3517] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3518] tab 'Details' expanded: False selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1549] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3520] tab 'Reviews (3)' expanded: True selected: True controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1550] link 'Reviews (3)'", "\t\t\t[3614] tabpanel 'Reviews (3)'", "\t\t\t\t[3750] StaticText 'Customer Reviews'", "\t\t\t\t[3773] StaticText 'Yes'", "\t\t\t\t[3761] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3774] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3790] LayoutTableCell 'Rating'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3791] generic '100%'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3846] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[3792] StaticText 'Those labial never came to me and I would like them again because I paid for them'", "\t\t\t\t[3795] StaticText 'Review by '", "\t\t\t\t[3797] StaticText 'Mary Mir'", "\t\t\t\t[3826] StaticText 'Posted on '", "\t\t\t\t[3827] time ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3849] StaticText '4/18/23'", "\t\t\t\t[3777] StaticText 'Meh'", "\t\t\t\t[3764] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3778] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3799] LayoutTableCell 'Rating'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3800] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3850] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[3801] StaticText 'DryUneven color'", "\t\t\t\t[3804] StaticText 'Review by '", "\t\t\t\t[3806] StaticText 'catherine brown'", "\t\t\t\t[3835] StaticText 'Posted on '", "\t\t\t\t[3836] time ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3853] StaticText '4/18/23'", "\t\t\t\t[3781] StaticText 'Loved It!'", "\t\t\t\t[3767] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3782] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3808] LayoutTableCell 'Rating'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3809] generic '100%'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3854] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[3810] StaticText 'Love this lipgloss! Color is gorgeous, texture is perfect. I can’t wait to try more products from this company.'", "\t\t\t\t[3813] StaticText 'Review by '", "\t\t\t\t[3815] StaticText 'Amazon Customer'", "\t\t\t\t[3844] StaticText 'Posted on '", "\t\t\t\t[3845] time ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3857] StaticText '4/18/23'", "\t\t\t\t[3671] group \"You're reviewing: Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[3639] group 'Your Rating*'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3622] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3666] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3735] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3669] radio 'Rating \\ue605 1 star' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3616] LabelText '1 star'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3630] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605 2 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3642] LabelText '2 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3658] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 3 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3627] LabelText '3 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3664] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 4 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3651] LabelText '4 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3661] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 5 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3673] LabelText '5 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3620] StaticText 'Nickname'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3710] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3619] textbox 'Nickname*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t[3653] StaticText 'Summary'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3646] textbox 'Summary*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t[3615] StaticText 'Review'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3645] textbox 'Review*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t[3613] button 'Submit Review'", "\t[1492] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1577] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1588] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1579] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1554] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1522] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1523] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1524] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1525] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1526] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1509] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1511] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1513] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose' focused: True", "\t[75] link 'My Account'", "\t[76] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[77] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3522] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[81] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[258] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[259] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[148] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[262] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[114] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3509] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3511] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1727] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2478] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2543] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2553] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2567] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2604] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2612] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2617] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2623] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2628] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2689] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2704] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2717] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1721] link 'Home'", "\t[1726] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1724] StaticText 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[250] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[399] StaticText 'B0848QB12J'", "\t\t[103] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[401] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[253] generic '73%'", "\t\t\t\t[700] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[994] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1214] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[254] link '3\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[255] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1717] StaticText '$20.00'", "\t\t[1516] generic 'Color * Jasmine Ruby Rose Tequila Sunrise'", "\t\t\t[1601] radio 'Jasmine' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1603] radio 'Ruby Rose' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1605] radio 'Tequila Sunrise' checked: false", "\t\t[1517] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1584] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1585] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1567] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1504] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1505] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3483] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3506] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1485] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3517] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3518] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1510] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3519] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1549] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1442] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1632] StaticText \"Bring luscious back to your lips with Mineralogie's Lip Gloss. Our formula provides the sheerness and shine you expect in a gloss with the added benefit of light, yet rich color. Wear it alone or as an added boost to your lipstick. Mineralogie's Lip Gloss glides on smoothly and actually feels good on your lips. Paraben free with a soothing silky texture. Available in a wide range of shades which means it will be easy to find one that is perfect for you!\"", "\t\t\t\t[1444] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1634] StaticText 'All Natural, Moisturizing, Good Coverage, Full Pigment'", "\t\t\t\t[1588] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1635] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1651] rowheader 'Package Dimensions \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1652] gridcell '\\u200e 2.17 x 1.97 x 1.69 inches; 0.25 Ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1636] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1653] rowheader 'UPC \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1654] gridcell '\\u200e 812885016096' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1637] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1655] rowheader 'Manufacturer \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1656] gridcell '\\u200e Demaur Cosmetics' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1638] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1657] rowheader 'ASIN \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1658] gridcell '\\u200e B0848QB12J' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1639] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1659] rowheader '#1,764 in Lip Gloss' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1660] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[3520] tab 'Reviews (3)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1511] link 'Reviews (3)'", "\t[1445] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1542] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1556] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1544] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1515] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1475] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1462] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1464] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1466] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose' focused: True", "\t[75] link 'My Account'", "\t[76] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[77] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3524] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[81] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[266] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[267] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[155] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[270] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[115] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3511] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3513] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1729] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2480] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2545] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2555] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2569] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2606] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2614] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2619] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2625] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2630] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2691] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2706] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2719] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1723] link 'Home'", "\t[1728] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1726] StaticText 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[257] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[407] StaticText 'B0848QB12J'", "\t\t[103] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[409] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[260] generic '73%'", "\t\t\t\t[709] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t[261] link '3\\xa0 Reviews ' focused: True", "\t\t\t[262] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1719] StaticText '$20.00'", "\t\t[265] generic 'Color * Jasmine Ruby Rose Tequila Sunrise'", "\t\t\t[1452] radio 'Jasmine' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1454] radio 'Ruby Rose' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1456] radio 'Tequila Sunrise' checked: false", "\t\t[1540] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1595] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1596] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1582] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1528] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1529] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1513] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3485] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3508] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1515] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3519] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3520] tab 'Details' expanded: False selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1534] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3522] tab 'Reviews (3)' expanded: True selected: True controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1535] link 'Reviews (3)'", "\t\t\t[3636] tabpanel 'Reviews (3)'", "\t\t\t\t[3752] StaticText 'Customer Reviews'", "\t\t\t\t[3775] StaticText 'Yes'", "\t\t\t\t[3763] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3776] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3792] LayoutTableCell 'Rating'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3793] generic '100%'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3848] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[3794] StaticText 'Those labial never came to me and I would like them again because I paid for them'", "\t\t\t\t[3797] StaticText 'Review by '", "\t\t\t\t[3799] StaticText 'Mary Mir'", "\t\t\t\t[3828] StaticText 'Posted on '", "\t\t\t\t[3829] time ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3851] StaticText '4/18/23'", "\t\t\t\t[3779] StaticText 'Meh'", "\t\t\t\t[3766] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3780] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3801] LayoutTableCell 'Rating'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3802] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3852] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[3803] StaticText 'DryUneven color'", "\t\t\t\t[3806] StaticText 'Review by '", "\t\t\t\t[3808] StaticText 'catherine brown'", "\t\t\t\t[3837] StaticText 'Posted on '", "\t\t\t\t[3838] time ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3855] StaticText '4/18/23'", "\t\t\t\t[3783] StaticText 'Loved It!'", "\t\t\t\t[3769] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3784] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3810] LayoutTableCell 'Rating'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3811] generic '100%'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3856] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[3812] StaticText 'Love this lipgloss! Color is gorgeous, texture is perfect. I can’t wait to try more products from this company.'", "\t\t\t\t[3815] StaticText 'Review by '", "\t\t\t\t[3817] StaticText 'Amazon Customer'", "\t\t\t\t[3846] StaticText 'Posted on '", "\t\t\t\t[3847] time ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3859] StaticText '4/18/23'", "\t\t\t\t[3618] group \"You're reviewing: Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[3646] group 'Your Rating*'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3678] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3737] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3672] radio 'Rating \\ue605 1 star' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3619] LabelText '1 star'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3635] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605 2 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3643] LabelText '2 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3662] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 3 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3631] LabelText '3 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3668] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 4 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3651] LabelText '4 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3666] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 5 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3677] LabelText '5 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3625] StaticText 'Nickname'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3712] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3652] textbox 'Nickname*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t[3656] StaticText 'Summary'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3622] textbox 'Summary*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t[3617] StaticText 'Review'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3647] textbox 'Review*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t[3649] button 'Submit Review'", "\t[1476] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1564] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1566] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1539] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1506] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1507] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1508] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1509] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1510] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1493] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1495] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3610] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3657] link 'My Account'", "\t[3658] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3659] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3663] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3631] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3625] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3633] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3634] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[3774] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[3775] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[3710] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[3778] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[3689] button 'Search'", "\t[3690] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[3692] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[3694] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[3696] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[3698] link 'Office Products'", "\t[3700] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[3702] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[3704] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[3706] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3620] RootWebArea 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3667] link 'My Account'", "\t[3668] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3669] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3673] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3641] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3635] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3643] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3644] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[3798] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[3799] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[3723] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[3802] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[3700] button 'Search'", "\t[3701] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[3703] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[3705] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[3707] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[3709] link 'Office Products'", "\t[3711] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[3713] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[3715] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[3717] link 'Electronics'", "\t[3719] link 'Cell Phones & Accessories'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose' focused: True", "\t[65] link 'My Account'", "\t[66] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[67] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3502] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[71] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[32] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[34] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[35] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[229] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[230] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[128] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[233] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[101] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3483] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3485] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1729] menu '' orientation: vertical", 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''", "\t\t[28] heading 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t\t[1388] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[1390] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[1488] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[1511] StaticText 'B0848QB12J'", "\t\t[1443] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1513] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1491] generic '73%'", "\t\t\t\t[1536] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1555] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1578] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[1492] link '3\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[1493] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1719] StaticText '$20.00'", "\t\t[1496] generic 'Color * Jasmine Ruby Rose Tequila Sunrise'", "\t\t\t[1601] radio 'Jasmine' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1603] radio 'Ruby Rose' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1605] radio 'Tequila Sunrise' checked: false", "\t\t[1497] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1584] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1585] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1565] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1475] link 'Add to Wish List'", 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Our formula provides the sheerness and shine you expect in a gloss with the added benefit of light, yet rich color. Wear it alone or as an added boost to your lipstick. Mineralogie's Lip Gloss glides on smoothly and actually feels good on your lips. Paraben free with a soothing silky texture. Available in a wide range of shades which means it will be easy to find one that is perfect for you!\"", "\t\t\t\t[1403] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1634] StaticText 'All Natural, Moisturizing, Good Coverage, Full Pigment'", "\t\t\t\t[1588] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1635] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1651] rowheader 'Package Dimensions \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1652] gridcell '\\u200e 2.17 x 1.97 x 1.69 inches; 0.25 Ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1636] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1653] rowheader 'UPC \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1654] gridcell '\\u200e 812885016096' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1637] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1655] rowheader 'Manufacturer \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1656] gridcell '\\u200e Demaur Cosmetics' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1638] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1657] rowheader 'ASIN \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1658] gridcell '\\u200e B0848QB12J' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1639] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1659] rowheader '#1,764 in Lip Gloss' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1660] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[3494] tab 'Reviews (3)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1482] link 'Reviews (3)'", "\t[1404] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1533] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1550] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1535] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1486] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1436] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1437] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1438] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1439] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1440] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1421] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1423] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1425] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[3610] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[3657] link 'My Account'", "\t[3658] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3659] link 'Sign In'", "\t[7464] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[3663] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3631] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3625] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3633] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3634] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[3774] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[3775] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[3710] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[3778] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[3689] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[7450] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[7452] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[5696] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[6447] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6512] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6522] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6536] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6573] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6581] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6586] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6592] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6597] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6658] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6673] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6686] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[4416] main ''", "\t\t[4423] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[4453] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[4813] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5012] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5013] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[5142] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5397] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5299] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[5531] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5300] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[5302] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[5406] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5407] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5408] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5117] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5222] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5223] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[5148] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5410] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5308] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[5540] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5309] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5311] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[5419] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5420] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5421] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5119] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5229] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5230] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[5154] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5423] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5317] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[5549] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5318] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5320] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[5432] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5433] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5434] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5121] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5236] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5237] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[5160] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5436] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5326] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[5558] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5327] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5329] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[5445] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5446] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5447] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5123] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5243] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5244] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[5166] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5449] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5335] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[5567] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5336] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5338] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[5458] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5459] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5460] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5125] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5250] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5251] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[5344] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[5464] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5465] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5466] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5127] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5255] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5256] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[5177] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5468] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5350] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[5582] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5351] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5353] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[5477] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5478] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5479] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5129] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5262] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5263] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[5183] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5481] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5359] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[5591] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5360] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5362] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[5490] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5491] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5492] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5131] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5269] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5270] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[5368] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[5496] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5497] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5498] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5133] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5274] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5275] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[5194] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5500] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5374] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[5606] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5375] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5377] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[5509] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5510] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5511] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5135] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5281] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5282] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[5383] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[5515] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5516] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5517] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5137] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5286] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5287] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[5205] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5519] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5389] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[5621] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5390] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5392] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[5528] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5529] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5530] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5093] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[5110] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[5095] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[5293] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[5140] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[5141] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[5015] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[5096] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[5114] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[5098] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[5074] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[5044] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[5045] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[5046] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[5047] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[5048] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[5031] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[5033] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[5035] link 'Report All Bugs'" ] }
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type [524] [size 9] [1]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose' focused: True", "\t[124] link 'My Account'", "\t[125] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[126] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3524] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[130] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[59] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[44] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[61] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[62] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[357] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[358] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[232] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[361] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[179] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3511] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3513] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1729] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2480] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2545] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2555] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2569] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2606] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2614] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2619] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2625] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2630] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2691] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2706] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2719] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1723] link 'Home'", "\t[1728] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1726] StaticText 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[51] heading 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[334] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[498] StaticText 'B0848QB12J'", "\t\t[152] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[500] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[337] generic '73%'", "\t\t\t\t[813] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1121] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1361] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[338] link '3\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[339] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1719] StaticText '$20.00'", "\t\t[342] generic 'Color * Jasmine Ruby Rose Tequila Sunrise'", "\t\t\t[1601] radio 'Jasmine' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1603] radio 'Ruby Rose' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1605] radio 'Tequila Sunrise' checked: false", "\t\t[343] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1367] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1368] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1131] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[218] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[219] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[156] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3485] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3508] img 'Image'", "\t\t[158] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3519] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3520] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[224] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3521] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[820] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[24] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1632] StaticText \"Bring luscious back to your lips with Mineralogie's Lip Gloss. Our formula provides the sheerness and shine you expect in a gloss with the added benefit of light, yet rich color. Wear it alone or as an added boost to your lipstick. Mineralogie's Lip Gloss glides on smoothly and actually feels good on your lips. Paraben free with a soothing silky texture. Available in a wide range of shades which means it will be easy to find one that is perfect for you!\"", "\t\t\t\t[26] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1634] StaticText 'All Natural, Moisturizing, Good Coverage, Full Pigment'", "\t\t\t\t[1371] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1635] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1651] rowheader 'Package Dimensions \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1652] gridcell '\\u200e 2.17 x 1.97 x 1.69 inches; 0.25 Ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1636] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1653] rowheader 'UPC \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1654] gridcell '\\u200e 812885016096' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1637] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1655] rowheader 'Manufacturer \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1656] gridcell '\\u200e Demaur Cosmetics' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1638] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1657] rowheader 'ASIN \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1658] gridcell '\\u200e B0848QB12J' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1639] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1659] rowheader '#1,764 in Lip Gloss' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1660] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[3522] tab 'Reviews (3)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[225] link 'Reviews (3)'", "\t[34] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[520] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[522] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[229] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[118] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[119] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[120] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[121] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[122] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[84] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[88] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
**: The next observation would be that the webpage displays the details for 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose', including product availability and related links such as 'My Account' and 'Add to Cart'. The focus shifts from product management in the Magento Admin to a product detail page tailored for customers. The layout now includes product ratings, reviews, and options to add the product to a cart, indicating a transition from an admin interface to a consumer shopping experience.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose' focused: True", "\t[75] link 'My Account'", "\t[76] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[77] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3522] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[81] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[268] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[269] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[156] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[272] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[115] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3509] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3511] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1727] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2478] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2543] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2553] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2567] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2604] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2612] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2617] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2623] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2628] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2689] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2704] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2717] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1721] link 'Home'", "\t[1726] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1724] StaticText 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[258] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[409] StaticText 'B0848QB12J'", "\t\t[103] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[411] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[261] generic '73%'", "\t\t\t\t[712] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1009] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t[262] link '3\\xa0 Reviews ' focused: True", "\t\t\t[263] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1717] StaticText '$20.00'", "\t\t[266] generic 'Color * Jasmine Ruby Rose Tequila Sunrise'", "\t\t\t[1462] radio 'Jasmine' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1464] radio 'Ruby Rose' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1466] radio 'Tequila Sunrise' checked: false", "\t\t[267] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1243] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1244] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1591] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1543] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1544] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1529] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3483] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3506] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1531] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3517] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3518] tab 'Details' expanded: False selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1549] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3520] tab 'Reviews (3)' expanded: True selected: True controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1550] link 'Reviews (3)'", "\t\t\t[3614] tabpanel 'Reviews (3)'", "\t\t\t\t[3750] StaticText 'Customer Reviews'", "\t\t\t\t[3773] StaticText 'Yes'", "\t\t\t\t[3761] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3774] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3790] LayoutTableCell 'Rating'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3791] generic '100%'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3846] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[3792] StaticText 'Those labial never came to me and I would like them again because I paid for them'", "\t\t\t\t[3795] StaticText 'Review by '", "\t\t\t\t[3797] StaticText 'Mary Mir'", "\t\t\t\t[3826] StaticText 'Posted on '", "\t\t\t\t[3827] time ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3849] StaticText '4/18/23'", "\t\t\t\t[3777] StaticText 'Meh'", "\t\t\t\t[3764] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3778] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3799] LayoutTableCell 'Rating'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3800] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3850] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[3801] StaticText 'DryUneven color'", "\t\t\t\t[3804] StaticText 'Review by '", "\t\t\t\t[3806] StaticText 'catherine brown'", "\t\t\t\t[3835] StaticText 'Posted on '", "\t\t\t\t[3836] time ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3853] StaticText '4/18/23'", "\t\t\t\t[3781] StaticText 'Loved It!'", "\t\t\t\t[3767] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3782] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3808] LayoutTableCell 'Rating'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3809] generic '100%'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3854] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[3810] StaticText 'Love this lipgloss! Color is gorgeous, texture is perfect. I can’t wait to try more products from this company.'", "\t\t\t\t[3813] StaticText 'Review by '", "\t\t\t\t[3815] StaticText 'Amazon Customer'", "\t\t\t\t[3844] StaticText 'Posted on '", "\t\t\t\t[3845] time ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3857] StaticText '4/18/23'", "\t\t\t\t[3671] group \"You're reviewing: Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[3639] group 'Your Rating*'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3622] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3666] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3735] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3669] radio 'Rating \\ue605 1 star' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3616] LabelText '1 star'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3630] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605 2 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3642] LabelText '2 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3658] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 3 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3627] LabelText '3 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3664] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 4 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3651] LabelText '4 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3661] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 5 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3673] LabelText '5 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3620] StaticText 'Nickname'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3710] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3619] textbox 'Nickname*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t[3653] StaticText 'Summary'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3646] textbox 'Summary*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t[3615] StaticText 'Review'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3645] textbox 'Review*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t[3613] button 'Submit Review'", "\t[1492] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1577] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1588] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1579] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1554] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1522] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1523] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1524] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1525] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1526] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1509] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1511] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1513] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
**: The next observation would be that the webpage now shows details for 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose', including customer reviews and a more detailed product description. The focus has shifted from the admin interface to a consumer product page, providing users with information on user experiences and ratings for the lip gloss. This indicates a transition where the user has moved from managing product details to viewing customer feedback on the product.
hover [5281]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose' focused: True", "\t[75] link 'My Account'", "\t[76] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[77] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3522] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[81] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[258] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[259] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[148] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[262] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[114] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3509] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3511] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1727] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2478] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2543] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2553] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2567] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2604] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2612] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2617] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2623] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2628] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2689] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2704] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2717] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1721] link 'Home'", "\t[1726] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1724] StaticText 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[250] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[399] StaticText 'B0848QB12J'", "\t\t[103] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[401] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[253] generic '73%'", "\t\t\t\t[700] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[994] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1214] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[254] link '3\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[255] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1717] StaticText '$20.00'", "\t\t[1516] generic 'Color * Jasmine Ruby Rose Tequila Sunrise'", "\t\t\t[1601] radio 'Jasmine' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1603] radio 'Ruby Rose' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1605] radio 'Tequila Sunrise' checked: false", "\t\t[1517] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1584] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1585] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1567] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1504] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1505] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3483] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3506] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1485] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3517] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3518] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1510] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3519] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1549] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1442] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1632] StaticText \"Bring luscious back to your lips with Mineralogie's Lip Gloss. Our formula provides the sheerness and shine you expect in a gloss with the added benefit of light, yet rich color. Wear it alone or as an added boost to your lipstick. Mineralogie's Lip Gloss glides on smoothly and actually feels good on your lips. Paraben free with a soothing silky texture. Available in a wide range of shades which means it will be easy to find one that is perfect for you!\"", "\t\t\t\t[1444] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1634] StaticText 'All Natural, Moisturizing, Good Coverage, Full Pigment'", "\t\t\t\t[1588] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1635] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1651] rowheader 'Package Dimensions \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1652] gridcell '\\u200e 2.17 x 1.97 x 1.69 inches; 0.25 Ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1636] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1653] rowheader 'UPC \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1654] gridcell '\\u200e 812885016096' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1637] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1655] rowheader 'Manufacturer \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1656] gridcell '\\u200e Demaur Cosmetics' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1638] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1657] rowheader 'ASIN \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1658] gridcell '\\u200e B0848QB12J' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1639] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1659] rowheader '#1,764 in Lip Gloss' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1660] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[3520] tab 'Reviews (3)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1511] link 'Reviews (3)'", "\t[1445] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1542] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1556] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1544] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1515] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1475] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1462] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1464] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1466] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
**: The next observation would be that the webpage displays the product details for 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose', including options for quantity and an 'Add to Cart' button. The focus has shifted from the admin interface to a product detail page aimed at customers, allowing potential buyers to see product specifications and customer ratings. This indicates a transition from a backend management perspective to a consumer interaction experience.
press [Ctrl+s]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose' focused: True", "\t[75] link 'My Account'", "\t[76] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[77] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3524] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[81] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[266] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[267] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[155] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[270] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[115] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3511] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3513] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1729] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2480] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2545] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2555] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2569] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2606] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2614] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2619] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2625] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2630] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2691] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2706] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2719] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1723] link 'Home'", "\t[1728] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1726] StaticText 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[257] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[407] StaticText 'B0848QB12J'", "\t\t[103] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[409] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[260] generic '73%'", "\t\t\t\t[709] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t[261] link '3\\xa0 Reviews ' focused: True", "\t\t\t[262] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1719] StaticText '$20.00'", "\t\t[265] generic 'Color * Jasmine Ruby Rose Tequila Sunrise'", "\t\t\t[1452] radio 'Jasmine' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1454] radio 'Ruby Rose' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1456] radio 'Tequila Sunrise' checked: false", "\t\t[1540] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1595] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1596] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1582] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1528] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1529] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1513] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3485] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3508] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1515] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3519] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3520] tab 'Details' expanded: False selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1534] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3522] tab 'Reviews (3)' expanded: True selected: True controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1535] link 'Reviews (3)'", "\t\t\t[3636] tabpanel 'Reviews (3)'", "\t\t\t\t[3752] StaticText 'Customer Reviews'", "\t\t\t\t[3775] StaticText 'Yes'", "\t\t\t\t[3763] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3776] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3792] LayoutTableCell 'Rating'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3793] generic '100%'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3848] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[3794] StaticText 'Those labial never came to me and I would like them again because I paid for them'", "\t\t\t\t[3797] StaticText 'Review by '", "\t\t\t\t[3799] StaticText 'Mary Mir'", "\t\t\t\t[3828] StaticText 'Posted on '", "\t\t\t\t[3829] time ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3851] StaticText '4/18/23'", "\t\t\t\t[3779] StaticText 'Meh'", "\t\t\t\t[3766] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3780] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3801] LayoutTableCell 'Rating'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3802] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3852] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[3803] StaticText 'DryUneven color'", "\t\t\t\t[3806] StaticText 'Review by '", "\t\t\t\t[3808] StaticText 'catherine brown'", "\t\t\t\t[3837] StaticText 'Posted on '", "\t\t\t\t[3838] time ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3855] StaticText '4/18/23'", "\t\t\t\t[3783] StaticText 'Loved It!'", "\t\t\t\t[3769] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3784] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3810] LayoutTableCell 'Rating'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3811] generic '100%'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3856] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[3812] StaticText 'Love this lipgloss! Color is gorgeous, texture is perfect. I can’t wait to try more products from this company.'", "\t\t\t\t[3815] StaticText 'Review by '", "\t\t\t\t[3817] StaticText 'Amazon Customer'", "\t\t\t\t[3846] StaticText 'Posted on '", "\t\t\t\t[3847] time ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3859] StaticText '4/18/23'", "\t\t\t\t[3618] group \"You're reviewing: Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[3646] group 'Your Rating*'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3678] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3737] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3672] radio 'Rating \\ue605 1 star' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3619] LabelText '1 star'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3635] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605 2 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3643] LabelText '2 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3662] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 3 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3631] LabelText '3 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3668] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 4 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3651] LabelText '4 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3666] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 5 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3677] LabelText '5 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3625] StaticText 'Nickname'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3712] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3652] textbox 'Nickname*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t[3656] StaticText 'Summary'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3622] textbox 'Summary*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t[3617] StaticText 'Review'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3647] textbox 'Review*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t[3649] button 'Submit Review'", "\t[1476] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1564] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1566] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1539] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1506] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1507] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1508] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1509] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1510] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1493] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1495] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
**: The next observation would be that the webpage now shows the details for 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose', including product pricing and availability. The focus has moved from the admin panel to a customer-oriented product page, providing users with essential information such as customer reviews and options to add the product to their cart. This indicates a significant change from managing product entries to engaging with consumer content.
Tab 0 (current): New Product / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [4362] RootWebArea 'New Product / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [4414] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [4421] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [4367] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [4369] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [4373] link '\ue60b SALES' [4377] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [4381] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [4385] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [4389] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [4393] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [4397] link '\ue60d STORES' [4401] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [4405] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [4438] heading 'New Product' [4439] link '\ue600 admin' [4441] link '\ue607' [5281] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [7343] StaticText '10 black Nike running shoes' [7342] button 'Search' [4412] main '' [5252] generic 'Save' [5255] button 'Save' [5256] button 'Save options' [5253] button '\ue626 Back' [5254] button 'Add Attribute' [6595] group '' [7173] StaticText 'Enable Product' [6888] checkbox '[website] Enable Product Yes' checked: true [6891] StaticText 'Attribute Set' [6872] generic 'Default' [7175] StaticText 'Product Name' [6873] textbox '[store view] Product Name *' required: False [7176] StaticText 'SKU' [6874] textbox '[global] SKU *' required: False [6626] group '' [6629] LayoutTable '' [7224] StaticText 'Price' [7196] textbox '[global] Price * $' required: False [7250] button 'Advanced Pricing' [7178] StaticText 'Tax Class' [6877] combobox 'notice-Y7PASW4' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [6643] group '' [6646] LayoutTable '' [7228] StaticText 'Quantity' [7179] textbox '[global] Quantity' focused: True required: False [7251] button 'Advanced Inventory' [7180] StaticText 'Stock Status' [6880] combobox 'notice-R824QO9' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [6659] group '' [6662] LayoutTable '' [7229] StaticText 'Weight' [7203] textbox '[global] Weight lbs' required: False [7182] combobox 'notice-D2O95E1' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [6672] group '' [6675] LayoutTable '' [7233] StaticText 'Categories' [7183] generic 'Select...' [7252] button 'New Category' [7184] StaticText 'Visibility' [6884] combobox 'notice-JDG9WP1' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [6688] group '' [6691] LayoutTable '' [7235] StaticText 'Set Product as New From' [6708] textbox '[website] Set Product as New From' required: False [7185] button 'undefined \ue627' [7218] StaticText 'To' [6710] textbox 'To' required: False [7187] button 'undefined \ue627' [7188] StaticText 'Country of Manufacture' [6886] combobox 'notice-P1HFPPN' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [5525] generic '\ue616 Content' [5543] generic '\ue615 Configurations' [5914] group '' [7249] button 'Create Configurations' [5974] StaticText 'Configurable products allow customers to choose options (Ex: shirt color). You need to create a simple product for each configuration (Ex: a product for each color).' [5521] generic '\ue616 Images And Videos' [5527] generic '\ue616 Search Engine Optimization' [5541] generic '\ue616 Related Products, Up-Sells, and Cross-Sells' [5539] generic '\ue616 Customizable Options' [5537] generic '\ue616 Product in Websites' [5529] generic '\ue616 Design' [5531] generic '\ue616 Schedule Design Update' [5533] generic '\ue616 Gift Options' [5535] generic '\ue616 Downloadable Information' [5923] group ''
type [7179] [9 ] where [7179] is textbox '[global] Quantity' required: False
[ "None", "click [16] where [16] is link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "click [416] where [416] is link 'Products'", "click [1422] where [1422] is button 'Add Product'", "type [5281] [10 black Nike running shoes\n] where [5281] is textbox '\\ue60c' required: False" ]
Tab 0 (current): New Product / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin [4362] RootWebArea 'New Product / Products / Inventory / Catalog / Magento Admin' focused: True [4414] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [4421] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [4367] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [4369] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [4373] link '\ue60b SALES' [4377] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [4381] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [4385] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [4389] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [4393] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [4397] link '\ue60d STORES' [4401] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [4405] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [4438] heading 'New Product' [4439] link '\ue600 admin' [4441] link '\ue607' [5281] textbox '\ue60c' focused: True required: False [7343] StaticText '10 black Nike running shoes' [7342] button 'Search' [4412] main '' [5252] generic 'Save' [5255] button 'Save' [5256] button 'Save options' [5253] button '\ue626 Back' [5254] button 'Add Attribute' [6595] group '' [7173] StaticText 'Enable Product' [6888] checkbox '[website] Enable Product Yes' checked: true [6891] StaticText 'Attribute Set' [6872] generic 'Default' [7175] StaticText 'Product Name' [6873] textbox '[store view] Product Name *' required: False [7176] StaticText 'SKU' [6874] textbox '[global] SKU *' required: False [6626] group '' [6629] LayoutTable '' [7224] StaticText 'Price' [7196] textbox '[global] Price * $' required: False [7250] button 'Advanced Pricing' [7178] StaticText 'Tax Class' [6877] combobox 'notice-Y7PASW4' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [6643] group '' [6646] LayoutTable '' [7228] StaticText 'Quantity' [7179] textbox '[global] Quantity' required: False [7251] button 'Advanced Inventory' [7180] StaticText 'Stock Status' [6880] combobox 'notice-R824QO9' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [6659] group '' [6662] LayoutTable '' [7229] StaticText 'Weight' [7203] textbox '[global] Weight lbs' required: False [7182] combobox 'notice-D2O95E1' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [6672] group '' [6675] LayoutTable '' [7233] StaticText 'Categories' [7183] generic 'Select...' [7252] button 'New Category' [7184] StaticText 'Visibility' [6884] combobox 'notice-JDG9WP1' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [6688] group '' [6691] LayoutTable '' [7235] StaticText 'Set Product as New From' [6708] textbox '[website] Set Product as New From' required: False [7185] button 'undefined \ue627' [7218] StaticText 'To' [6710] textbox 'To' required: False [7187] button 'undefined \ue627' [7188] StaticText 'Country of Manufacture' [6886] combobox 'notice-P1HFPPN' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [5525] generic '\ue616 Content' [5543] generic '\ue615 Configurations' [5914] group '' [7249] button 'Create Configurations' [5974] StaticText 'Configurable products allow customers to choose options (Ex: shirt color). You need to create a simple product for each configuration (Ex: a product for each color).' [5521] generic '\ue616 Images And Videos' [5527] generic '\ue616 Search Engine Optimization' [5541] generic '\ue616 Related Products, Up-Sells, and Cross-Sells' [5539] generic '\ue616 Customizable Options' [5537] generic '\ue616 Product in Websites' [5529] generic '\ue616 Design' [5531] generic '\ue616 Schedule Design Update' [5533] generic '\ue616 Gift Options' [5535] generic '\ue616 Downloadable Information' [5923] group ''
10 black Nike running shoes with size 9 arrived, update the stock
The next observation would maintain the same page structure, focusing on the `New Product` entry for `10 black Nike running shoes.` The quantity textbox is now focused, indicating the user is in the process of specifying that the stock available for this product is `9.` The overall layout remains unchanged, with options to configure various product attributes, ensuring that the user can efficiently finalize the details for the new product entry before saving the changes. This action is a step towards updating the stock level for the newly added shoes.
{ "neg_action0": "click [3522]", "neg_action1": "type [524] [size 9] [1]", "neg_action2": "scroll [down]", "neg_action3": "hover [5281]", "neg_action4": "press [Ctrl+s]", "neg_action5": null, "neg_action6": "click [126]", "neg_action7": "click [219]", "neg_action8": "scroll [up]", "neg_action9": "type [520] [Update stock] [1]", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose' focused: True", "\t[28] link 'My Account'", "\t[29] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[30] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3494] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[34] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[16] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[14] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[18] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[85] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[357] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[358] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[232] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[361] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[179] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3481] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3483] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1727] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2478] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2543] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2553] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2567] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2604] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2612] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2617] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2623] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2628] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2689] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2704] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2717] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1721] link 'Home'", "\t[1726] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1724] StaticText 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t[42] main ''", "\t\t[78] heading 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t\t[48] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[50] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[334] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[498] StaticText 'B0848QB12J'", "\t\t[159] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[500] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[337] generic '73%'", "\t\t\t\t[813] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1121] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1361] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[338] link '3\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[339] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1717] StaticText '$20.00'", "\t\t[342] generic 'Color * Jasmine Ruby Rose Tequila Sunrise'", "\t\t\t[1601] radio 'Jasmine' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1603] radio 'Ruby Rose' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1605] radio 'Tequila Sunrise' checked: false", "\t\t[343] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1367] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1368] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1131] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[218] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[219] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[163] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3500] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3523] img 'Image'", "\t\t[165] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3489] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3490] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[224] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3491] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[820] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[61] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1632] StaticText \"Bring luscious back to your lips with Mineralogie's Lip Gloss. Our formula provides the sheerness and shine you expect in a gloss with the added benefit of light, yet rich color. Wear it alone or as an added boost to your lipstick. Mineralogie's Lip Gloss glides on smoothly and actually feels good on your lips. Paraben free with a soothing silky texture. Available in a wide range of shades which means it will be easy to find one that is perfect for you!\"", "\t\t\t\t[63] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1634] StaticText 'All Natural, Moisturizing, Good Coverage, Full Pigment'", "\t\t\t\t[1371] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1635] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1651] rowheader 'Package Dimensions \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1652] gridcell '\\u200e 2.17 x 1.97 x 1.69 inches; 0.25 Ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1636] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1653] rowheader 'UPC \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1654] gridcell '\\u200e 812885016096' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1637] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1655] rowheader 'Manufacturer \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1656] gridcell '\\u200e Demaur Cosmetics' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1638] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1657] rowheader 'ASIN \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1658] gridcell '\\u200e B0848QB12J' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1639] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1659] rowheader '#1,764 in Lip Gloss' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1660] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[3492] tab 'Reviews (3)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[225] link 'Reviews (3)'", "\t[66] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[520] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[522] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[229] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[132] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[133] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[134] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[135] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[136] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[107] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[109] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[111] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose' focused: True", "\t[124] link 'My Account'", "\t[125] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[126] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3524] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[130] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[59] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[44] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[61] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[62] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[357] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[358] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[232] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[361] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[179] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3511] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3513] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1729] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2480] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2545] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2555] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2569] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2606] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2614] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2619] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2625] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2630] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2691] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2706] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2719] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1723] link 'Home'", "\t[1728] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1726] StaticText 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[51] heading 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[334] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[498] StaticText 'B0848QB12J'", "\t\t[152] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[500] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[337] generic '73%'", "\t\t\t\t[813] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1121] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1361] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[338] link '3\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[339] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1719] StaticText '$20.00'", "\t\t[342] generic 'Color * Jasmine Ruby Rose Tequila Sunrise'", "\t\t\t[1601] radio 'Jasmine' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1603] radio 'Ruby Rose' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1605] radio 'Tequila Sunrise' checked: false", "\t\t[343] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1367] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1368] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1131] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[218] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[219] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[156] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3485] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3508] img 'Image'", "\t\t[158] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3519] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3520] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[224] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3521] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[820] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[24] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1632] StaticText \"Bring luscious back to your lips with Mineralogie's Lip Gloss. Our formula provides the sheerness and shine you expect in a gloss with the added benefit of light, yet rich color. Wear it alone or as an added boost to your lipstick. Mineralogie's Lip Gloss glides on smoothly and actually feels good on your lips. Paraben free with a soothing silky texture. Available in a wide range of shades which means it will be easy to find one that is perfect for you!\"", "\t\t\t\t[26] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1634] StaticText 'All Natural, Moisturizing, Good Coverage, Full Pigment'", "\t\t\t\t[1371] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1635] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1651] rowheader 'Package Dimensions \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1652] gridcell '\\u200e 2.17 x 1.97 x 1.69 inches; 0.25 Ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1636] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1653] rowheader 'UPC \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1654] gridcell '\\u200e 812885016096' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1637] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1655] rowheader 'Manufacturer \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1656] gridcell '\\u200e Demaur Cosmetics' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1638] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1657] rowheader 'ASIN \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1658] gridcell '\\u200e B0848QB12J' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1639] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1659] rowheader '#1,764 in Lip Gloss' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1660] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[3522] tab 'Reviews (3)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[225] link 'Reviews (3)'", "\t[34] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[520] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[522] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[229] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[118] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[119] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[120] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[121] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[122] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[84] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[88] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose' focused: True", "\t[75] link 'My Account'", "\t[76] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[77] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3522] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[81] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[268] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[269] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[156] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[272] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[115] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3509] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3511] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1727] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2478] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2543] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2553] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2567] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2604] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2612] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2617] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2623] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2628] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2689] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2704] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2717] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1721] link 'Home'", "\t[1726] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1724] StaticText 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[258] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[409] StaticText 'B0848QB12J'", "\t\t[103] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[411] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[261] generic '73%'", "\t\t\t\t[712] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1009] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t[262] link '3\\xa0 Reviews ' focused: True", "\t\t\t[263] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1717] StaticText '$20.00'", "\t\t[266] generic 'Color * Jasmine Ruby Rose Tequila Sunrise'", "\t\t\t[1462] radio 'Jasmine' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1464] radio 'Ruby Rose' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1466] radio 'Tequila Sunrise' checked: false", "\t\t[267] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1243] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1244] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1591] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1543] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1544] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1529] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3483] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3506] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1531] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3517] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3518] tab 'Details' expanded: False selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1549] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3520] tab 'Reviews (3)' expanded: True selected: True controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1550] link 'Reviews (3)'", "\t\t\t[3614] tabpanel 'Reviews (3)'", "\t\t\t\t[3750] StaticText 'Customer Reviews'", "\t\t\t\t[3773] StaticText 'Yes'", "\t\t\t\t[3761] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3774] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3790] LayoutTableCell 'Rating'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3791] generic '100%'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3846] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[3792] StaticText 'Those labial never came to me and I would like them again because I paid for them'", "\t\t\t\t[3795] StaticText 'Review by '", "\t\t\t\t[3797] StaticText 'Mary Mir'", "\t\t\t\t[3826] StaticText 'Posted on '", "\t\t\t\t[3827] time ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3849] StaticText '4/18/23'", "\t\t\t\t[3777] StaticText 'Meh'", "\t\t\t\t[3764] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3778] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3799] LayoutTableCell 'Rating'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3800] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3850] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[3801] StaticText 'DryUneven color'", "\t\t\t\t[3804] StaticText 'Review by '", "\t\t\t\t[3806] StaticText 'catherine brown'", "\t\t\t\t[3835] StaticText 'Posted on '", "\t\t\t\t[3836] time ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3853] StaticText '4/18/23'", "\t\t\t\t[3781] StaticText 'Loved It!'", "\t\t\t\t[3767] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3782] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3808] LayoutTableCell 'Rating'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3809] generic '100%'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3854] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[3810] StaticText 'Love this lipgloss! Color is gorgeous, texture is perfect. I can’t wait to try more products from this company.'", "\t\t\t\t[3813] StaticText 'Review by '", "\t\t\t\t[3815] StaticText 'Amazon Customer'", "\t\t\t\t[3844] StaticText 'Posted on '", "\t\t\t\t[3845] time ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3857] StaticText '4/18/23'", "\t\t\t\t[3671] group \"You're reviewing: Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[3639] group 'Your Rating*'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3622] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3666] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3735] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3669] radio 'Rating \\ue605 1 star' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3616] LabelText '1 star'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3630] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605 2 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3642] LabelText '2 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3658] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 3 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3627] LabelText '3 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3664] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 4 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3651] LabelText '4 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3661] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 5 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3673] LabelText '5 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3620] StaticText 'Nickname'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3710] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3619] textbox 'Nickname*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t[3653] StaticText 'Summary'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3646] textbox 'Summary*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t[3615] StaticText 'Review'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3645] textbox 'Review*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t[3613] button 'Submit Review'", "\t[1492] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1577] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1588] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1579] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1554] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1522] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1523] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1524] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1525] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1526] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1509] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1511] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1513] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose' focused: True", "\t[75] link 'My Account'", "\t[76] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[77] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3522] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[81] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[258] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[259] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[148] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[262] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[114] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3509] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3511] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1727] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2478] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2543] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2553] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2567] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2604] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2612] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2617] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2623] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2628] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2689] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2704] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2717] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1721] link 'Home'", "\t[1726] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1724] StaticText 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[250] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[399] StaticText 'B0848QB12J'", "\t\t[103] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[401] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[253] generic '73%'", "\t\t\t\t[700] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[994] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1214] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[254] link '3\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[255] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1717] StaticText '$20.00'", "\t\t[1516] generic 'Color * Jasmine Ruby Rose Tequila Sunrise'", "\t\t\t[1601] radio 'Jasmine' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1603] radio 'Ruby Rose' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1605] radio 'Tequila Sunrise' checked: false", "\t\t[1517] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1584] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1585] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1567] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1504] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1505] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3483] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3506] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1485] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3517] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3518] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1510] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3519] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1549] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1442] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1632] StaticText \"Bring luscious back to your lips with Mineralogie's Lip Gloss. Our formula provides the sheerness and shine you expect in a gloss with the added benefit of light, yet rich color. Wear it alone or as an added boost to your lipstick. Mineralogie's Lip Gloss glides on smoothly and actually feels good on your lips. Paraben free with a soothing silky texture. Available in a wide range of shades which means it will be easy to find one that is perfect for you!\"", "\t\t\t\t[1444] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1634] StaticText 'All Natural, Moisturizing, Good Coverage, Full Pigment'", "\t\t\t\t[1588] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1635] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1651] rowheader 'Package Dimensions \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1652] gridcell '\\u200e 2.17 x 1.97 x 1.69 inches; 0.25 Ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1636] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1653] rowheader 'UPC \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1654] gridcell '\\u200e 812885016096' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1637] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1655] rowheader 'Manufacturer \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1656] gridcell '\\u200e Demaur Cosmetics' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1638] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1657] rowheader 'ASIN \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1658] gridcell '\\u200e B0848QB12J' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1639] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1659] rowheader '#1,764 in Lip Gloss' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1660] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[3520] tab 'Reviews (3)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1511] link 'Reviews (3)'", "\t[1445] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1542] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1556] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1544] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1515] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1475] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1462] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1464] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1466] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose' focused: True", "\t[75] link 'My Account'", "\t[76] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[77] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3524] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[81] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[266] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[267] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[155] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[270] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[115] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3511] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3513] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1729] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2480] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2545] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2555] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2569] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2606] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2614] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2619] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2625] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2630] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2691] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2706] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2719] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1723] link 'Home'", "\t[1728] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1726] StaticText 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[257] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[407] StaticText 'B0848QB12J'", "\t\t[103] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[409] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[260] generic '73%'", "\t\t\t\t[709] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t[261] link '3\\xa0 Reviews ' focused: True", "\t\t\t[262] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1719] StaticText '$20.00'", "\t\t[265] generic 'Color * Jasmine Ruby Rose Tequila Sunrise'", "\t\t\t[1452] radio 'Jasmine' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1454] radio 'Ruby Rose' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1456] radio 'Tequila Sunrise' checked: false", "\t\t[1540] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1595] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1596] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1582] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1528] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1529] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1513] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3485] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3508] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1515] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3519] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3520] tab 'Details' expanded: False selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1534] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3522] tab 'Reviews (3)' expanded: True selected: True controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1535] link 'Reviews (3)'", "\t\t\t[3636] tabpanel 'Reviews (3)'", "\t\t\t\t[3752] StaticText 'Customer Reviews'", "\t\t\t\t[3775] StaticText 'Yes'", "\t\t\t\t[3763] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3776] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3792] LayoutTableCell 'Rating'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3793] generic '100%'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3848] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[3794] StaticText 'Those labial never came to me and I would like them again because I paid for them'", "\t\t\t\t[3797] StaticText 'Review by '", "\t\t\t\t[3799] StaticText 'Mary Mir'", "\t\t\t\t[3828] StaticText 'Posted on '", "\t\t\t\t[3829] time ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3851] StaticText '4/18/23'", "\t\t\t\t[3779] StaticText 'Meh'", "\t\t\t\t[3766] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3780] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3801] LayoutTableCell 'Rating'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3802] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3852] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[3803] StaticText 'DryUneven color'", "\t\t\t\t[3806] StaticText 'Review by '", "\t\t\t\t[3808] StaticText 'catherine brown'", "\t\t\t\t[3837] StaticText 'Posted on '", "\t\t\t\t[3838] time ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3855] StaticText '4/18/23'", "\t\t\t\t[3783] StaticText 'Loved It!'", "\t\t\t\t[3769] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3784] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3810] LayoutTableCell 'Rating'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3811] generic '100%'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3856] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[3812] StaticText 'Love this lipgloss! Color is gorgeous, texture is perfect. I can’t wait to try more products from this company.'", "\t\t\t\t[3815] StaticText 'Review by '", "\t\t\t\t[3817] StaticText 'Amazon Customer'", "\t\t\t\t[3846] StaticText 'Posted on '", "\t\t\t\t[3847] time ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3859] StaticText '4/18/23'", "\t\t\t\t[3618] group \"You're reviewing: Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[3646] group 'Your Rating*'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3678] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3737] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3672] radio 'Rating \\ue605 1 star' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3619] LabelText '1 star'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3635] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605 2 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3643] LabelText '2 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3662] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 3 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3631] LabelText '3 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3668] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 4 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3651] LabelText '4 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3666] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 5 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3677] LabelText '5 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3625] StaticText 'Nickname'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3712] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3652] textbox 'Nickname*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t[3656] StaticText 'Summary'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3622] textbox 'Summary*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t[3617] StaticText 'Review'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3647] textbox 'Review*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t[3649] button 'Submit Review'", "\t[1476] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1564] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1566] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1539] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1506] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1507] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1508] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1509] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1510] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1493] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1495] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3610] RootWebArea 'Customer Login' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3657] link 'My Account'", "\t[3658] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3659] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3663] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3631] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3625] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3633] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3634] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[3774] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[3775] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[3710] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[3778] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[3689] button 'Search'", "\t[3690] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[3692] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[3694] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[3696] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[3698] link 'Office Products'", "\t[3700] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[3702] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[3704] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[3706] link 'Electronics'" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab {idx}", "", "[3620] RootWebArea 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3667] link 'My Account'", "\t[3668] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3669] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3673] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3641] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3635] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3643] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3644] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[3798] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[3799] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[3723] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[3802] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[3700] button 'Search'", "\t[3701] link 'Beauty & Personal Care'", "\t[3703] link 'Sports & Outdoors'", "\t[3705] link 'Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry'", "\t[3707] link 'Home & Kitchen'", "\t[3709] link 'Office Products'", "\t[3711] link 'Tools & Home Improvement'", "\t[3713] link 'Health & Household'", "\t[3715] link 'Patio, Lawn & Garden'", "\t[3717] link 'Electronics'", "\t[3719] link 'Cell Phones & Accessories'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose' focused: True", "\t[65] link 'My Account'", "\t[66] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[67] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3502] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[71] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[32] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[21] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[34] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[35] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[229] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[230] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[128] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[233] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[101] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3483] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3485] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1729] menu '' orientation: vertical", 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''", "\t\t[28] heading 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t\t[1388] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[1390] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[1488] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[1511] StaticText 'B0848QB12J'", "\t\t[1443] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1513] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[1491] generic '73%'", "\t\t\t\t[1536] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1555] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1578] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[1492] link '3\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[1493] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1719] StaticText '$20.00'", "\t\t[1496] generic 'Color * Jasmine Ruby Rose Tequila Sunrise'", "\t\t\t[1601] radio 'Jasmine' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1603] radio 'Ruby Rose' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1605] radio 'Tequila Sunrise' checked: false", "\t\t[1497] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1584] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1585] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1565] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1475] link 'Add to Wish List'", 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Our formula provides the sheerness and shine you expect in a gloss with the added benefit of light, yet rich color. Wear it alone or as an added boost to your lipstick. Mineralogie's Lip Gloss glides on smoothly and actually feels good on your lips. Paraben free with a soothing silky texture. Available in a wide range of shades which means it will be easy to find one that is perfect for you!\"", "\t\t\t\t[1403] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1634] StaticText 'All Natural, Moisturizing, Good Coverage, Full Pigment'", "\t\t\t\t[1588] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1635] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1651] rowheader 'Package Dimensions \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1652] gridcell '\\u200e 2.17 x 1.97 x 1.69 inches; 0.25 Ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1636] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1653] rowheader 'UPC \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1654] gridcell '\\u200e 812885016096' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1637] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1655] rowheader 'Manufacturer \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1656] gridcell '\\u200e Demaur Cosmetics' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1638] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1657] rowheader 'ASIN \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1658] gridcell '\\u200e B0848QB12J' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1639] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1659] rowheader '#1,764 in Lip Gloss' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1660] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[3494] tab 'Reviews (3)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1482] link 'Reviews (3)'", "\t[1404] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1533] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1550] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1535] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1486] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1436] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1437] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1438] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1439] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1440] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1421] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1423] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1425] link 'Report All Bugs'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): One Stop Market", "", "[3610] RootWebArea 'One Stop Market' focused: True", "\t[3657] link 'My Account'", "\t[3658] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[3659] link 'Sign In'", "\t[7464] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[3663] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[3631] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[3625] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[3633] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[3634] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[3774] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[3775] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[3710] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[3778] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[3689] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[7450] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[7452] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[5696] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[6447] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6512] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6522] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6536] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6573] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6581] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6586] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6592] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6597] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6658] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6673] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[6686] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[4416] main ''", "\t\t[4423] heading 'One Stop Market'", "\t\t[4453] StaticText 'Product Showcases'", "\t\t[4813] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5012] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5013] link 'Pre-baked Gingerbread House Kit Value Pack, 17 oz., Pack of 2, Total 34 oz.'", "\t\t[5142] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5397] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5299] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t[5531] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5300] link '1 \\xa0Review'", "\t\t[5302] StaticText '$19.99'", "\t\t[5406] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5407] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5408] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5117] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5222] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5223] link 'V8 +Energy, Healthy Energy Drink, Steady Energy from Black and Green Tea, Pomegranate Blueberry, 8 Ounce Can ,Pack of 24'", "\t\t[5148] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5410] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5308] generic '57%'", "\t\t\t\t[5540] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5309] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5311] StaticText '$14.47'", "\t\t[5419] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5420] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5421] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5119] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5229] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5230] link 'Elmwood Inn Fine Teas, Orange Vanilla Caffeine-free Fruit Infusion, 16-Ounce Pouch'", "\t\t[5154] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5423] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5317] generic '95%'", "\t\t\t\t[5549] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5318] link '4 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5320] StaticText '$19.36'", "\t\t[5432] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5433] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5434] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5121] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5236] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5237] link 'Belle Of The Ball Princess Sprinkle Mix| Wedding Colorful Sprinkles| Cake Cupcake Cookie Sprinkles| Ice cream Candy Sprinkles| Yellow Gold Red Royal Red Rose Icing Flowers Decorating Sprinkles, 8OZ'", "\t\t[5160] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5436] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5326] generic '63%'", "\t\t\t\t[5558] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5327] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5329] StaticText '$23.50'", "\t\t[5445] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5446] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5447] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5123] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5243] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5244] link 'So Delicious Dairy Free CocoWhip Light, Vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, 9 oz. Tub'", "\t\t[5166] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5449] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5335] generic '78%'", "\t\t\t\t[5567] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5336] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5338] StaticText '$15.62'", "\t\t[5458] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5459] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5460] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5125] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5250] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5251] link 'Cheongeun Sweet Potato Starch Powder 500g, 2ea(Sweet Potato 55%, Corn 45%)'", "\t\t[5344] StaticText '$34.00'", "\t\t[5464] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5465] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5466] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5127] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5255] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5256] link 'Q Mixers Premium Ginger Ale: Real Ingredients & Less Sweet, 6.7 Fl Oz (24 Bottles)'", "\t\t[5177] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5468] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5350] generic '88%'", "\t\t\t\t[5582] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5351] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5353] StaticText '$68.50'", "\t\t[5477] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5478] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5479] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5129] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5262] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5263] link 'Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix (12 oz Boxes, Pack of 2)'", "\t\t[5183] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5481] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5359] generic '85%'", "\t\t\t\t[5591] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5360] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5362] StaticText '$8.49'", "\t\t[5490] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5491] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5492] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5131] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5269] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5270] link 'Briess DME - Pilsen Light - 1 lb Bag'", "\t\t[5368] StaticText '$12.99'", "\t\t[5496] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5497] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5498] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5133] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5274] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5275] link \"Tony Chachere's More Spice Creole Seasoning - 14 oz\"", "\t\t[5194] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5500] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5374] generic '75%'", "\t\t\t\t[5606] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5375] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5377] StaticText '$7.92'", "\t\t[5509] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5510] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5511] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5135] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5281] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5282] link 'Lobster Cobbler Pot Pie - Gourmet Frozen Seafood Appetizers (Set of 8 Trays)'", "\t\t[5383] StaticText '$411.76'", "\t\t[5515] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5516] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5517] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5137] link 'Image'", "\t\t\t[5286] img 'Image'", "\t\t[5287] link 'Crunchy Rice Rollers - Gluten Free - Vegan - 3.5 oz Individual Packs (4 Packs of 8 Rollers)'", "\t\t[5205] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[5519] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[5389] generic '83%'", "\t\t\t\t[5621] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t[5390] link '12 \\xa0Reviews'", "\t\t[5392] StaticText '$11.50'", "\t\t[5528] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[5529] link '\\ue601 Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[5530] link '\\ue61f Add to Compare'", "\t\t[5093] StaticText 'Items 1 to 12 of 24 total'", "\t\t[5110] StaticText 'Page'", "\t\t[5095] list 'Page'", "\t\t\t[5293] StaticText \"You're currently reading page\"", "\t\t\t[5140] link 'Page 2'", "\t\t\t[5141] link '\\ue608 Page Next'", "\t[5015] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[5096] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[5114] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[5098] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[5074] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[5044] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[5045] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[5046] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[5047] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[5048] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[5031] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[5033] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[5035] link 'Report All Bugs'" ] }
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[ "Tab 0 (current): Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose' focused: True", "\t[124] link 'My Account'", "\t[125] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[126] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3524] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[130] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[59] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[44] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[61] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[62] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[357] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[358] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[232] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[361] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[179] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3511] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3513] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1729] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2480] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2545] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2555] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2569] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2606] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2614] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2619] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2625] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2630] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2691] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2706] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2719] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1723] link 'Home'", "\t[1728] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1726] StaticText 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[51] heading 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[334] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[498] StaticText 'B0848QB12J'", "\t\t[152] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[500] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[337] generic '73%'", "\t\t\t\t[813] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1121] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1361] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[338] link '3\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[339] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1719] StaticText '$20.00'", "\t\t[342] generic 'Color * Jasmine Ruby Rose Tequila Sunrise'", "\t\t\t[1601] radio 'Jasmine' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1603] radio 'Ruby Rose' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1605] radio 'Tequila Sunrise' checked: false", "\t\t[343] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1367] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1368] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1131] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[218] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[219] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[156] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3485] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3508] img 'Image'", "\t\t[158] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3519] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3520] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[224] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3521] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[820] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[24] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1632] StaticText \"Bring luscious back to your lips with Mineralogie's Lip Gloss. Our formula provides the sheerness and shine you expect in a gloss with the added benefit of light, yet rich color. Wear it alone or as an added boost to your lipstick. Mineralogie's Lip Gloss glides on smoothly and actually feels good on your lips. Paraben free with a soothing silky texture. Available in a wide range of shades which means it will be easy to find one that is perfect for you!\"", "\t\t\t\t[26] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1634] StaticText 'All Natural, Moisturizing, Good Coverage, Full Pigment'", "\t\t\t\t[1371] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1635] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1651] rowheader 'Package Dimensions \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1652] gridcell '\\u200e 2.17 x 1.97 x 1.69 inches; 0.25 Ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1636] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1653] rowheader 'UPC \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1654] gridcell '\\u200e 812885016096' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1637] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1655] rowheader 'Manufacturer \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1656] gridcell '\\u200e Demaur Cosmetics' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1638] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1657] rowheader 'ASIN \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1658] gridcell '\\u200e B0848QB12J' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1639] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1659] rowheader '#1,764 in Lip Gloss' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1660] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[3522] tab 'Reviews (3)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[225] link 'Reviews (3)'", "\t[34] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[520] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[522] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[229] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[118] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[119] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[120] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[121] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[122] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[84] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[88] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus has shifted to a different product page, specifically for "Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose." The interface elements related to product creation are no longer visible, and the user is now presented with the details of a different product. This indicates a potential navigation or input error that redirected the user to an entirely different product's webpage.
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose' focused: True", "\t[75] link 'My Account'", "\t[76] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[77] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3522] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[81] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[268] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[269] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[156] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[272] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[115] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3509] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3511] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1727] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2478] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2543] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2553] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2567] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2604] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2612] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2617] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2623] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2628] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2689] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2704] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2717] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1721] link 'Home'", "\t[1726] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1724] StaticText 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[258] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[409] StaticText 'B0848QB12J'", "\t\t[103] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[411] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[261] generic '73%'", "\t\t\t\t[712] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1009] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t[262] link '3\\xa0 Reviews ' focused: True", "\t\t\t[263] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1717] StaticText '$20.00'", "\t\t[266] generic 'Color * Jasmine Ruby Rose Tequila Sunrise'", "\t\t\t[1462] radio 'Jasmine' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1464] radio 'Ruby Rose' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1466] radio 'Tequila Sunrise' checked: false", "\t\t[267] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1243] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1244] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1591] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1543] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1544] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1529] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3483] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3506] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1531] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3517] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3518] tab 'Details' expanded: False selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1549] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3520] tab 'Reviews (3)' expanded: True selected: True controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1550] link 'Reviews (3)'", "\t\t\t[3614] tabpanel 'Reviews (3)'", "\t\t\t\t[3750] StaticText 'Customer Reviews'", "\t\t\t\t[3773] StaticText 'Yes'", "\t\t\t\t[3761] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3774] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3790] LayoutTableCell 'Rating'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3791] generic '100%'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3846] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[3792] StaticText 'Those labial never came to me and I would like them again because I paid for them'", "\t\t\t\t[3795] StaticText 'Review by '", "\t\t\t\t[3797] StaticText 'Mary Mir'", "\t\t\t\t[3826] StaticText 'Posted on '", "\t\t\t\t[3827] time ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3849] StaticText '4/18/23'", "\t\t\t\t[3777] StaticText 'Meh'", "\t\t\t\t[3764] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3778] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3799] LayoutTableCell 'Rating'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3800] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3850] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[3801] StaticText 'DryUneven color'", "\t\t\t\t[3804] StaticText 'Review by '", "\t\t\t\t[3806] StaticText 'catherine brown'", "\t\t\t\t[3835] StaticText 'Posted on '", "\t\t\t\t[3836] time ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3853] StaticText '4/18/23'", "\t\t\t\t[3781] StaticText 'Loved It!'", "\t\t\t\t[3767] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3782] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3808] LayoutTableCell 'Rating'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3809] generic '100%'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3854] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[3810] StaticText 'Love this lipgloss! Color is gorgeous, texture is perfect. I can’t wait to try more products from this company.'", "\t\t\t\t[3813] StaticText 'Review by '", "\t\t\t\t[3815] StaticText 'Amazon Customer'", "\t\t\t\t[3844] StaticText 'Posted on '", "\t\t\t\t[3845] time ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3857] StaticText '4/18/23'", "\t\t\t\t[3671] group \"You're reviewing: Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[3639] group 'Your Rating*'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3622] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3666] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3735] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3669] radio 'Rating \\ue605 1 star' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3616] LabelText '1 star'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3630] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605 2 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3642] LabelText '2 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3658] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 3 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3627] LabelText '3 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3664] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 4 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3651] LabelText '4 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3661] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 5 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3673] LabelText '5 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3620] StaticText 'Nickname'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3710] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3619] textbox 'Nickname*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t[3653] StaticText 'Summary'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3646] textbox 'Summary*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t[3615] StaticText 'Review'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3645] textbox 'Review*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t[3613] button 'Submit Review'", "\t[1492] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1577] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1588] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1579] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1554] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1522] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1523] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1524] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1525] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1526] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1509] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1511] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1513] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is now on the "Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose" product page instead of the product creation interface. The elements for adding a new product have disappeared, indicating that the scroll action caused an unexpected navigation away from the intended task of creating a new product.
hover [5281]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose' focused: True", "\t[75] link 'My Account'", "\t[76] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[77] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3522] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[81] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[258] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[259] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[148] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[262] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[114] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3509] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3511] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1727] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2478] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2543] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2553] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2567] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2604] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2612] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2617] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2623] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2628] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2689] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2704] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2717] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1721] link 'Home'", "\t[1726] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1724] StaticText 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[250] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[399] StaticText 'B0848QB12J'", "\t\t[103] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[401] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[253] generic '73%'", "\t\t\t\t[700] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[994] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t\t[1214] StaticText '100'", "\t\t\t[254] link '3\\xa0 Reviews '", "\t\t\t[255] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1717] StaticText '$20.00'", "\t\t[1516] generic 'Color * Jasmine Ruby Rose Tequila Sunrise'", "\t\t\t[1601] radio 'Jasmine' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1603] radio 'Ruby Rose' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1605] radio 'Tequila Sunrise' checked: false", "\t\t[1517] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1584] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1585] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1567] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1504] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1505] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1483] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3483] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3506] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1485] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3517] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3518] tab 'Details' expanded: True selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1510] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3519] tabpanel 'Details'", "\t\t\t\t[1549] heading 'Product Quick Look'", "\t\t\t\t[1442] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1632] StaticText \"Bring luscious back to your lips with Mineralogie's Lip Gloss. Our formula provides the sheerness and shine you expect in a gloss with the added benefit of light, yet rich color. Wear it alone or as an added boost to your lipstick. Mineralogie's Lip Gloss glides on smoothly and actually feels good on your lips. Paraben free with a soothing silky texture. Available in a wide range of shades which means it will be easy to find one that is perfect for you!\"", "\t\t\t\t[1444] ListMarker '• '", "\t\t\t\t[1634] StaticText 'All Natural, Moisturizing, Good Coverage, Full Pigment'", "\t\t\t\t[1588] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1635] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1651] rowheader 'Package Dimensions \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1652] gridcell '\\u200e 2.17 x 1.97 x 1.69 inches; 0.25 Ounces' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1636] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1653] rowheader 'UPC \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1654] gridcell '\\u200e 812885016096' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1637] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1655] rowheader 'Manufacturer \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1656] gridcell '\\u200e Demaur Cosmetics' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1638] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1657] rowheader 'ASIN \\u200f' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1658] gridcell '\\u200e B0848QB12J' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1639] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1659] rowheader '#1,764 in Lip Gloss' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[1660] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[3520] tab 'Reviews (3)' expanded: False selected: False controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1511] link 'Reviews (3)'", "\t[1445] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1542] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1556] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1544] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1515] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1475] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1476] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1477] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1478] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1479] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1462] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1464] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1466] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the user has been redirected to the "Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose" product page. The expected interaction with the quantity textbox has been interrupted, resulting in the loss of focus from the product creation interface and presenting the user with details of a completely different product.
press [Ctrl+s]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose' focused: True", "\t[75] link 'My Account'", "\t[76] link 'My Wish List'", "\t[77] link 'Sign In'", "\t[3524] StaticText 'Welcome to One Stop Market'", "\t[81] link 'Create an Account'", "\t[40] link 'Skip to Content'", "\t[29] link 'store logo'", "\t\t[42] img 'one_stop_market_logo'", "\t[43] link '\\ue611 My Cart'", "\t[266] StaticText '\\ue615'", "\t[267] StaticText 'Search'", "\t[155] combobox '\\ue615 Search' autocomplete: both hasPopup: listbox required: False expanded: False", "\t[270] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t[115] button 'Search' disabled: True", "\t[3511] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3513] tabpanel ''", "\t\t\t[1729] menu '' orientation: vertical", "\t\t\t\t[2480] menuitem '\\ue622 Beauty & Personal Care' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2545] menuitem '\\ue622 Sports & Outdoors' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2555] menuitem '\\ue622 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2569] menuitem '\\ue622 Home & Kitchen' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2606] menuitem '\\ue622 Office Products' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2614] menuitem '\\ue622 Tools & Home Improvement' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2619] menuitem '\\ue622 Health & Household' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2625] menuitem '\\ue622 Patio, Lawn & Garden' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2630] menuitem '\\ue622 Electronics' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2691] menuitem '\\ue622 Cell Phones & Accessories' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2706] menuitem '\\ue622 Video Games' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t\t\t[2719] menuitem '\\ue622 Grocery & Gourmet Food' hasPopup: menu", "\t[1723] link 'Home'", "\t[1728] StaticText '\\ue608'", "\t[1726] StaticText 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t[5] main ''", "\t\t[36] heading 'Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose'", "\t\t[11] generic 'Availability'", "\t\t\t[13] StaticText 'IN STOCK'", "\t\t[257] StaticText 'SKU'", "\t\t[407] StaticText 'B0848QB12J'", "\t\t[103] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[409] StaticText 'Rating:'", "\t\t\t[260] generic '73%'", "\t\t\t\t[709] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[1005] StaticText '% of'", "\t\t\t[261] link '3\\xa0 Reviews ' focused: True", "\t\t\t[262] link 'Add Your Review'", "\t\t[1719] StaticText '$20.00'", "\t\t[265] generic 'Color * Jasmine Ruby Rose Tequila Sunrise'", "\t\t\t[1452] radio 'Jasmine' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1454] radio 'Ruby Rose' checked: false", "\t\t\t[1456] radio 'Tequila Sunrise' checked: false", "\t\t[1540] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t[1595] StaticText 'Qty'", "\t\t\t[1596] spinbutton 'Qty' required: False valuemin: 0 valuemax: 0 valuetext: ", "\t\t\t[1582] button 'Add to Cart'", "\t\t[1528] link 'Add to Wish List'", "\t\t[1529] link 'Add to Compare'", "\t\t[1513] link 'Skip to the end of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3485] generic 'Image'", "\t\t\t[3508] img 'Image'", "\t\t[1515] link 'Skip to the beginning of the images gallery'", "\t\t[3519] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[3520] tab 'Details' expanded: False selected: False controls: description", "\t\t\t\t[1534] link 'Details'", "\t\t\t[3522] tab 'Reviews (3)' expanded: True selected: True controls: reviews", "\t\t\t\t[1535] link 'Reviews (3)'", "\t\t\t[3636] tabpanel 'Reviews (3)'", "\t\t\t\t[3752] StaticText 'Customer Reviews'", "\t\t\t\t[3775] StaticText 'Yes'", "\t\t\t\t[3763] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3776] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3792] LayoutTableCell 'Rating'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3793] generic '100%'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3848] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[3794] StaticText 'Those labial never came to me and I would like them again because I paid for them'", "\t\t\t\t[3797] StaticText 'Review by '", "\t\t\t\t[3799] StaticText 'Mary Mir'", "\t\t\t\t[3828] StaticText 'Posted on '", "\t\t\t\t[3829] time ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3851] StaticText '4/18/23'", "\t\t\t\t[3779] StaticText 'Meh'", "\t\t\t\t[3766] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3780] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3801] LayoutTableCell 'Rating'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3802] generic '20%'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3852] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[3803] StaticText 'DryUneven color'", "\t\t\t\t[3806] StaticText 'Review by '", "\t\t\t\t[3808] StaticText 'catherine brown'", "\t\t\t\t[3837] StaticText 'Posted on '", "\t\t\t\t[3838] time ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3855] StaticText '4/18/23'", "\t\t\t\t[3783] StaticText 'Loved It!'", "\t\t\t\t[3769] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3784] LayoutTableRow ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3810] LayoutTableCell 'Rating'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3811] generic '100%'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3856] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t[3812] StaticText 'Love this lipgloss! Color is gorgeous, texture is perfect. I can’t wait to try more products from this company.'", "\t\t\t\t[3815] StaticText 'Review by '", "\t\t\t\t[3817] StaticText 'Amazon Customer'", "\t\t\t\t[3846] StaticText 'Posted on '", "\t\t\t\t[3847] time ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3859] StaticText '4/18/23'", "\t\t\t\t[3618] group \"You're reviewing: Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose\"", "\t\t\t\t\t[3646] group 'Your Rating*'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3678] LayoutTable ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3737] StaticText '\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3672] radio 'Rating \\ue605 1 star' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3619] LabelText '1 star'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3635] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605 2 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3643] LabelText '2 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3662] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 3 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3631] LabelText '3 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3668] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 4 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3651] LabelText '4 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3666] radio 'Rating \\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605\\ue605 5 stars' checked: false", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3677] LabelText '5 stars'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3625] StaticText 'Nickname'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3712] StaticText '*'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3652] textbox 'Nickname*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t[3656] StaticText 'Summary'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3622] textbox 'Summary*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t\t[3617] StaticText 'Review'", "\t\t\t\t\t[3647] textbox 'Review*' required: True", "\t\t\t\t[3649] button 'Submit Review'", "\t[1476] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[1564] StaticText '\\ue61d'", "\t\t[1576] StaticText 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:'", "\t\t[1566] textbox 'Sign Up for Our Newsletter:' required: False", "\t\t[1539] button 'Subscribe'", "\t\t[1506] link 'Privacy and Cookie Policy'", "\t\t[1507] link 'Search Terms'", "\t\t[1508] link 'Advanced Search'", "\t\t[1509] link 'Orders and Returns'", "\t\t[1510] link 'Contact Us'", "\t\t[1493] StaticText 'Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1495] StaticText 'Help Us Keep Magento Healthy'", "\t\t[1497] link 'Report All Bugs'" ]
The next observation would be that the user finds themselves on the "Mineralogie All Natural Lip Gloss, Ruby Rose" product page instead of saving the new product details. This suggests that the save operation did not function as intended, resulting in the user being redirected to a different product rather than finalizing their current task.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [76] generic '\ue60a REPORTS Reports \ue62f Marketing Products in Cart Search Terms Abandoned Carts Newsletter Problem Reports Reviews By Customers By Products Sales Orders Tax Invoiced Shipping Refunds Coupons PayPal Settlement Braintree Settlement Customers Order Total Order Count New Products Views Bestsellers Low Stock Ordered Downloads Statistics Refresh Statistics Business Intelligence Advanced Reporting\ue644 BI Essentials\ue644' [114] link '\ue62f' [115] menu '' orientation: vertical [244] menu '' orientation: vertical [529] StaticText 'Marketing' [438] menu '' orientation: vertical [637] link 'Products in Cart' [638] link 'Search Terms' [639] link 'Abandoned Carts' [640] link 'Newsletter Problem Reports' [534] StaticText 'Reviews' [440] menu '' orientation: vertical [641] link 'By Customers' [642] link 'By Products' [245] menu '' orientation: vertical [537] StaticText 'Sales' [442] menu '' orientation: vertical [643] link 'Orders' [644] link 'Tax' [645] link 'Invoiced' [646] link 'Shipping' [647] link 'Refunds' [648] link 'Coupons' [649] link 'PayPal Settlement' [650] link 'Braintree Settlement' [246] menu '' orientation: vertical [546] StaticText 'Customers' [444] menu '' orientation: vertical [651] link 'Order Total' [652] link 'Order Count' [653] link 'New' [550] StaticText 'Products' [446] menu '' orientation: vertical [654] link 'Views' [655] link 'Bestsellers' [656] link 'Low Stock' [657] link 'Ordered' [658] link 'Downloads' [556] StaticText 'Statistics' [448] menu '' orientation: vertical [659] link 'Refresh Statistics' [247] menu '' orientation: vertical [558] StaticText 'Business Intelligence' [450] menu '' orientation: vertical [660] link 'Advanced Reporting\ue644' [661] link 'BI Essentials\ue644' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [599] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [600] StaticText 'Tax' [601] StaticText 'Shipping' [602] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [923] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [926] StaticText '$0.00' [928] StaticText 'Average Order' [933] StaticText 'Last Orders' [934] table '' [949] row '' [968] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [969] columnheader 'Items' required: False [970] columnheader 'Total' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [971] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [972] gridcell '5' required: False [973] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [974] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [975] gridcell '4' required: False [976] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [977] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [978] gridcell '3' required: False [979] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [980] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [981] gridcell '4' required: False [982] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [983] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [984] gridcell '2' required: False [985] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [935] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [936] table '' [955] row '' [986] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [987] columnheader 'Results' required: False [988] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [989] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [990] gridcell '23' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [992] gridcell 'nike' required: False [993] gridcell '0' required: False [994] gridcell '3' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [995] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [996] gridcell '10' required: False [997] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [998] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [999] gridcell '1' required: False [1000] gridcell '19' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1001] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1002] gridcell '23' required: False [1003] gridcell '2' required: False [937] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [938] table '' [961] row '' [1004] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1005] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1006] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1007] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1008] gridcell '1' required: False [1009] gridcell '19' required: False [963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1010] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1011] gridcell '10' required: False [1012] gridcell '4' required: False [964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1013] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1014] gridcell '23' required: False [1015] gridcell '2' required: False [965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1016] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1017] gridcell '23' required: False [1018] gridcell '1' required: False [966] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1019] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1020] gridcell '1' required: False [1021] gridcell '1' required: False [885] contentinfo '' [890] link '\ue606' [891] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [902] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [893] link 'Privacy Policy' [894] StaticText ' |' [895] link ' Account Activity' [896] StaticText ' | ' [897] link 'Report an Issue'
hover [534] where [534] is StaticText 'Reviews'
[ "None", "click [12] where [12] is link '\\ue60b SALES'", "click [40] where [40] is link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "click [32] where [32] is link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "click [534] where [534] is StaticText 'Reviews'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [76] generic '\ue60a REPORTS Reports \ue62f Marketing Products in Cart Search Terms Abandoned Carts Newsletter Problem Reports Reviews By Customers By Products Sales Orders Tax Invoiced Shipping Refunds Coupons PayPal Settlement Braintree Settlement Customers Order Total Order Count New Products Views Bestsellers Low Stock Ordered Downloads Statistics Refresh Statistics Business Intelligence Advanced Reporting\ue644 BI Essentials\ue644' [114] link '\ue62f' [115] menu '' orientation: vertical [244] menu '' orientation: vertical [529] StaticText 'Marketing' [438] menu '' orientation: vertical [637] link 'Products in Cart' [638] link 'Search Terms' [639] link 'Abandoned Carts' [640] link 'Newsletter Problem Reports' [534] StaticText 'Reviews' [440] menu '' orientation: vertical [641] link 'By Customers' [642] link 'By Products' [245] menu '' orientation: vertical [537] StaticText 'Sales' [442] menu '' orientation: vertical [643] link 'Orders' [644] link 'Tax' [645] link 'Invoiced' [646] link 'Shipping' [647] link 'Refunds' [648] link 'Coupons' [649] link 'PayPal Settlement' [650] link 'Braintree Settlement' [246] menu '' orientation: vertical [546] StaticText 'Customers' [444] menu '' orientation: vertical [651] link 'Order Total' [652] link 'Order Count' [653] link 'New' [550] StaticText 'Products' [446] menu '' orientation: vertical [654] link 'Views' [655] link 'Bestsellers' [656] link 'Low Stock' [657] link 'Ordered' [658] link 'Downloads' [556] StaticText 'Statistics' [448] menu '' orientation: vertical [659] link 'Refresh Statistics' [247] menu '' orientation: vertical [558] StaticText 'Business Intelligence' [450] menu '' orientation: vertical [660] link 'Advanced Reporting\ue644' [661] link 'BI Essentials\ue644' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [599] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [600] StaticText 'Tax' [601] StaticText 'Shipping' [602] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [923] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [926] StaticText '$0.00' [928] StaticText 'Average Order' [933] StaticText 'Last Orders' [934] table '' [949] row '' [968] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [969] columnheader 'Items' required: False [970] columnheader 'Total' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [971] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [972] gridcell '5' required: False [973] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [974] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [975] gridcell '4' required: False [976] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [977] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [978] gridcell '3' required: False [979] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [980] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [981] gridcell '4' required: False [982] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [983] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [984] gridcell '2' required: False [985] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [935] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [936] table '' [955] row '' [986] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [987] columnheader 'Results' required: False [988] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [989] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [990] gridcell '23' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [992] gridcell 'nike' required: False [993] gridcell '0' required: False [994] gridcell '3' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [995] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [996] gridcell '10' required: False [997] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [998] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [999] gridcell '1' required: False [1000] gridcell '19' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1001] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1002] gridcell '23' required: False [1003] gridcell '2' required: False [937] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [938] table '' [961] row '' [1004] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1005] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1006] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1007] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1008] gridcell '1' required: False [1009] gridcell '19' required: False [963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1010] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1011] gridcell '10' required: False [1012] gridcell '4' required: False [964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1013] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1014] gridcell '23' required: False [1015] gridcell '2' required: False [965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1016] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1017] gridcell '23' required: False [1018] gridcell '1' required: False [966] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1019] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1020] gridcell '1' required: False [1021] gridcell '1' required: False [885] contentinfo '' [890] link '\ue606' [891] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [902] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [893] link 'Privacy Policy' [894] StaticText ' |' [895] link ' Account Activity' [896] StaticText ' | ' [897] link 'Report an Issue'
How many reviews our shop received in the last quarter?
The next observation remains on the same dashboard page without any new content loaded. This indicates that the hover action likely triggers a submenu or additional options related to reviews, but without clicking, the user has not yet navigated to a specific page that would display the review statistics. The user is still positioned to explore further details or reports associated with customer reviews, which is necessary to fulfill the objective of finding out how many reviews the shop received in the last quarter.
{ "neg_action0": "click [12]", "neg_action1": "click [40]", "neg_action2": null, "neg_action3": null, "neg_action4": "hover [536]", "neg_action5": null, "neg_action6": null, "neg_action7": "click [33]", "neg_action8": null, "neg_action9": "go_back", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[546] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[593] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[597] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[603] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[592] generic 'Zoom in to edit the map'", "\t\t[624] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[625] button ''", "\t[606] link 'History'", "\t[607] link 'Export'", "\t[743] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[744] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[745] link 'Communities'", "\t[746] link 'Copyright'", "\t[747] link 'Help'", "\t[748] link 'About'", "\t[615] link 'Log In'", "\t[616] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[617] heading 'Communities'", "\t[640] StaticText 'People from all over the world contribute to or use OpenStreetMap. While many participate as individuals, others have formed communities. These groups come in a range of sizes and represent geographies from small towns to large multi-country regions. They can also be formal or informal.'", "\t[619] heading 'Local Chapters'", "\t[642] StaticText \"Local Chapters are country-level or region-level groups that have taken the formal step of establishing not-for-profit legal entities. They represent the area's map and mappers when dealing with local government, business, and media. They have also formed an affiliation with the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF), giving them a link to the legal and copyright governing body.\"", "\t[643] StaticText 'The following communities are formally established as Local Chapters:'", "\t[554] ListMarker '• '", "\t[665] link 'OpenStreetMap Belgium'", "\t[556] ListMarker '• '", "\t[666] link 'OpenStreetMap RDC'", "\t[558] ListMarker '• '", "\t[667] link 'OpenStreetMap CZ'", "\t[560] ListMarker '• '", "\t[668] link 'OpenStreetMap France'", "\t[562] ListMarker '• '", "\t[669] link 'OpenStreetMap Ireland'", "\t[564] ListMarker '• '", "\t[670] link 'OpenStreetMap Iceland'", "\t[566] ListMarker '• '", "\t[671] link 'OpenStreetMap Italy'", "\t[568] ListMarker '• '", "\t[672] link 'Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova (FLOSSK)'", "\t[570] ListMarker '• '", "\t[673] link 'OSGeo Oceania'", "\t[572] ListMarker '• '", "\t[674] link 'GeoLibres'", "\t[574] ListMarker '• '", "\t[675] link 'OpenStreetMap Austria'", "\t[576] ListMarker '• '", "\t[676] link 'OpenStreetMap Switzerland'", "\t[578] ListMarker '• '", "\t[677] link 'OpenStreetMap Germany'", "\t[580] ListMarker '• '", "\t[678] link 'OpenStreetMap Japan'", "\t[582] ListMarker '• '", "\t[679] link 'OpenStreetMap Poland'", "\t[584] ListMarker '• '", "\t[680] link 'OpenStreetMap US'", "\t[586] ListMarker '• '", "\t[681] link 'OpenStreetMap Freemap Slovakia'", "\t[588] ListMarker '• '", "\t[682] link 'OpenStreetMap UK'", "\t[622] heading 'Other Groups'", "\t[645] StaticText 'There is no need to formally establish a group to the same extent as the Local Chapters. Indeed many groups exist very sucessfully as an informal gathering of people or as a community group. Anyone can set up or join these. Read more on the '", "\t[646] link 'Communities wiki page'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[546] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[590] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[595] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[602] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[605] generic 'Zoom in to edit the map'", "\t\t[624] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[625] button ''", "\t[606] link 'History'", "\t[607] link 'Export'", "\t[743] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[744] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[745] link 'Communities'", "\t[746] link 'Copyright'", "\t[747] link 'Help'", "\t[748] link 'About'", "\t[615] link 'Log In'", "\t[616] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[617] heading 'Communities'", "\t[640] StaticText 'People from all over the world contribute to or use OpenStreetMap. While many participate as individuals, others have formed communities. These groups come in a range of sizes and represent geographies from small towns to large multi-country regions. They can also be formal or informal.'", "\t[619] heading 'Local Chapters'", "\t[642] StaticText \"Local Chapters are country-level or region-level groups that have taken the formal step of establishing not-for-profit legal entities. They represent the area's map and mappers when dealing with local government, business, and media. They have also formed an affiliation with the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF), giving them a link to the legal and copyright governing body.\"", "\t[643] StaticText 'The following communities are formally established as Local Chapters:'", "\t[554] ListMarker '• '", "\t[665] link 'OpenStreetMap Belgium'", "\t[556] ListMarker '• '", "\t[666] link 'OpenStreetMap RDC'", "\t[558] ListMarker '• '", "\t[667] link 'OpenStreetMap CZ'", "\t[560] ListMarker '• '", "\t[668] link 'OpenStreetMap France'", "\t[562] ListMarker '• '", "\t[669] link 'OpenStreetMap Ireland'", "\t[564] ListMarker '• '", "\t[670] link 'OpenStreetMap Iceland'", "\t[566] ListMarker '• '", "\t[671] link 'OpenStreetMap Italy'", "\t[568] ListMarker '• '", "\t[672] link 'Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova (FLOSSK)'", "\t[570] ListMarker '• '", "\t[673] link 'OSGeo Oceania'", "\t[572] ListMarker '• '", "\t[674] link 'GeoLibres'", "\t[574] ListMarker '• '", "\t[675] link 'OpenStreetMap Austria'", "\t[576] ListMarker '• '", "\t[676] link 'OpenStreetMap Switzerland'", "\t[578] ListMarker '• '", "\t[677] link 'OpenStreetMap Germany'", "\t[580] ListMarker '• '", "\t[678] link 'OpenStreetMap Japan'", "\t[582] ListMarker '• '", "\t[679] link 'OpenStreetMap Poland'", "\t[584] ListMarker '• '", "\t[680] link 'OpenStreetMap US'", "\t[586] ListMarker '• '", "\t[681] link 'OpenStreetMap Freemap Slovakia'", "\t[588] ListMarker '• '", "\t[682] link 'OpenStreetMap UK'", "\t[622] heading 'Other Groups'", "\t[645] StaticText 'There is no need to formally establish a group to the same extent as the Local Chapters. Indeed many groups exist very sucessfully as an informal gathering of people or as a community group. Anyone can set up or join these. Read more on the '", "\t[646] link 'Communities wiki page'" ], "neg_observation2": null, "neg_observation3": null, "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": null, "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[546] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[593] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[597] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[603] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[592] generic 'Zoom in to edit the map'", "\t\t[624] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[625] button ''", "\t[606] link 'History'", "\t[607] link 'Export'", "\t[629] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[630] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[631] link 'Communities'", "\t[632] link 'Copyright'", "\t[633] link 'Help'", "\t[634] link 'About'", "\t[615] link 'Log In'", "\t[616] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[617] heading 'Communities'", "\t[640] StaticText 'People from all over the world contribute to or use OpenStreetMap. While many participate as individuals, others have formed communities. These groups come in a range of sizes and represent geographies from small towns to large multi-country regions. They can also be formal or informal.'", "\t[619] heading 'Local Chapters'", "\t[642] StaticText \"Local Chapters are country-level or region-level groups that have taken the formal step of establishing not-for-profit legal entities. They represent the area's map and mappers when dealing with local government, business, and media. They have also formed an affiliation with the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF), giving them a link to the legal and copyright governing body.\"", "\t[643] StaticText 'The following communities are formally established as Local Chapters:'", "\t[554] ListMarker '• '", "\t[665] link 'OpenStreetMap Belgium'", "\t[556] ListMarker '• '", "\t[666] link 'OpenStreetMap RDC'", "\t[558] ListMarker '• '", "\t[667] link 'OpenStreetMap CZ'", "\t[560] ListMarker '• '", "\t[668] link 'OpenStreetMap France'", "\t[562] ListMarker '• '", "\t[669] link 'OpenStreetMap Ireland'", "\t[564] ListMarker '• '", "\t[670] link 'OpenStreetMap Iceland'", "\t[566] ListMarker '• '", "\t[671] link 'OpenStreetMap Italy'", "\t[568] ListMarker '• '", "\t[672] link 'Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova (FLOSSK)'", "\t[570] ListMarker '• '", "\t[673] link 'OSGeo Oceania'", "\t[572] ListMarker '• '", "\t[674] link 'GeoLibres'", "\t[574] ListMarker '• '", "\t[675] link 'OpenStreetMap Austria'", "\t[576] ListMarker '• '", "\t[676] link 'OpenStreetMap Switzerland'", "\t[578] ListMarker '• '", "\t[677] link 'OpenStreetMap Germany'", "\t[580] ListMarker '• '", "\t[678] link 'OpenStreetMap Japan'", "\t[582] ListMarker '• '", "\t[679] link 'OpenStreetMap Poland'", "\t[584] ListMarker '• '", "\t[680] link 'OpenStreetMap US'", "\t[586] ListMarker '• '", "\t[681] link 'OpenStreetMap Freemap Slovakia'", "\t[588] ListMarker '• '", "\t[682] link 'OpenStreetMap UK'", "\t[622] heading 'Other Groups'", "\t[645] StaticText 'There is no need to formally establish a group to the same extent as the Local Chapters. Indeed many groups exist very sucessfully as an informal gathering of people or as a community group. Anyone can set up or join these. Read more on the '", "\t[646] link 'Communities wiki page'" ], "neg_observation8": null, "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[576] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ] }
[ "click [12]", "click [40]", "click [32]", "scroll [down]", "hover [536]", "click [537]", "type [164] [quarterly review data] [1]", "click [33]", "scroll [up]", "go_back" ]
click [40]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[546] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[590] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[595] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[602] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[605] generic 'Zoom in to edit the map'", "\t\t[624] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[625] button ''", "\t[606] link 'History'", "\t[607] link 'Export'", "\t[743] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[744] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[745] link 'Communities'", "\t[746] link 'Copyright'", "\t[747] link 'Help'", "\t[748] link 'About'", "\t[615] link 'Log In'", "\t[616] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[617] heading 'Communities'", "\t[640] StaticText 'People from all over the world contribute to or use OpenStreetMap. While many participate as individuals, others have formed communities. These groups come in a range of sizes and represent geographies from small towns to large multi-country regions. They can also be formal or informal.'", "\t[619] heading 'Local Chapters'", "\t[642] StaticText \"Local Chapters are country-level or region-level groups that have taken the formal step of establishing not-for-profit legal entities. They represent the area's map and mappers when dealing with local government, business, and media. They have also formed an affiliation with the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF), giving them a link to the legal and copyright governing body.\"", "\t[643] StaticText 'The following communities are formally established as Local Chapters:'", "\t[554] ListMarker '• '", "\t[665] link 'OpenStreetMap Belgium'", "\t[556] ListMarker '• '", "\t[666] link 'OpenStreetMap RDC'", "\t[558] ListMarker '• '", "\t[667] link 'OpenStreetMap CZ'", "\t[560] ListMarker '• '", "\t[668] link 'OpenStreetMap France'", "\t[562] ListMarker '• '", "\t[669] link 'OpenStreetMap Ireland'", "\t[564] ListMarker '• '", "\t[670] link 'OpenStreetMap Iceland'", "\t[566] ListMarker '• '", "\t[671] link 'OpenStreetMap Italy'", "\t[568] ListMarker '• '", "\t[672] link 'Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova (FLOSSK)'", "\t[570] ListMarker '• '", "\t[673] link 'OSGeo Oceania'", "\t[572] ListMarker '• '", "\t[674] link 'GeoLibres'", "\t[574] ListMarker '• '", "\t[675] link 'OpenStreetMap Austria'", "\t[576] ListMarker '• '", "\t[676] link 'OpenStreetMap Switzerland'", "\t[578] ListMarker '• '", "\t[677] link 'OpenStreetMap Germany'", "\t[580] ListMarker '• '", "\t[678] link 'OpenStreetMap Japan'", "\t[582] ListMarker '• '", "\t[679] link 'OpenStreetMap Poland'", "\t[584] ListMarker '• '", "\t[680] link 'OpenStreetMap US'", "\t[586] ListMarker '• '", "\t[681] link 'OpenStreetMap Freemap Slovakia'", "\t[588] ListMarker '• '", "\t[682] link 'OpenStreetMap UK'", "\t[622] heading 'Other Groups'", "\t[645] StaticText 'There is no need to formally establish a group to the same extent as the Local Chapters. Indeed many groups exist very sucessfully as an informal gathering of people or as a community group. Anyone can set up or join these. Read more on the '", "\t[646] link 'Communities wiki page'" ]
The next observation would be that the user is now focused on the "OpenStreetMap" interface, which has replaced the previous dashboard content. The root web area shows that "OpenStreetMap" is the new focus, and the main elements now include a logo and various navigation links related to mapping functions, such as editing the map and accessing user diaries. The content structure has also changed significantly, with headings and static text related to OpenStreetMap instead of the previous sales and catalog information. ---
The next observation would be that the user remains in the "OpenStreetMap" interface, with no changes or additional interactions registered. The focus continues to be on the mapping features, with the user able to see all the available functionalities related to OpenStreetMap without any new content being introduced. The dashboard has not reverted back to the Magento Admin environment, maintaining the current context. ---
The next observation would be that the user still finds themselves within the "OpenStreetMap" interface, with the same static elements displayed as before. The lack of interaction means that the content structure remains unchanged, and the user continues to have access to the mapping features and information presented previously, with no new context or navigation back to the Magento Admin dashboard. ---
hover [536]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
The next observation would be that the user briefly focuses on the "Reviews" option within the Magento Admin dashboard, but remains in the "OpenStreetMap" interface. The static text related to reviews is highlighted, yet the user does not navigate back to the original dashboard, indicating a potential desire to return while still being situated in the mapping context. The focus on "Reviews" does not alter the current state, which remains strictly within OpenStreetMap functionalities.
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [76] generic '\ue60a REPORTS Reports \ue62f Marketing Products in Cart Search Terms Abandoned Carts Newsletter Problem Reports Reviews By Customers By Products Sales Orders Tax Invoiced Shipping Refunds Coupons PayPal Settlement Braintree Settlement Customers Order Total Order Count New Products Views Bestsellers Low Stock Ordered Downloads Statistics Refresh Statistics Business Intelligence Advanced Reporting\ue644 BI Essentials\ue644' [114] link '\ue62f' [115] menu '' orientation: vertical [244] menu '' orientation: vertical [529] StaticText 'Marketing' [438] menu '' orientation: vertical [637] link 'Products in Cart' [638] link 'Search Terms' [639] link 'Abandoned Carts' [640] link 'Newsletter Problem Reports' [534] StaticText 'Reviews' [440] menu '' orientation: vertical [641] link 'By Customers' [642] link 'By Products' [245] menu '' orientation: vertical [537] StaticText 'Sales' [442] menu '' orientation: vertical [643] link 'Orders' [644] link 'Tax' [645] link 'Invoiced' [646] link 'Shipping' [647] link 'Refunds' [648] link 'Coupons' [649] link 'PayPal Settlement' [650] link 'Braintree Settlement' [246] menu '' orientation: vertical [546] StaticText 'Customers' [444] menu '' orientation: vertical [651] link 'Order Total' [652] link 'Order Count' [653] link 'New' [550] StaticText 'Products' [446] menu '' orientation: vertical [654] link 'Views' [655] link 'Bestsellers' [656] link 'Low Stock' [657] link 'Ordered' [658] link 'Downloads' [556] StaticText 'Statistics' [448] menu '' orientation: vertical [659] link 'Refresh Statistics' [247] menu '' orientation: vertical [558] StaticText 'Business Intelligence' [450] menu '' orientation: vertical [660] link 'Advanced Reporting\ue644' [661] link 'BI Essentials\ue644' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [599] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [600] StaticText 'Tax' [601] StaticText 'Shipping' [602] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [923] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [926] StaticText '$0.00' [928] StaticText 'Average Order' [933] StaticText 'Last Orders' [934] table '' [949] row '' [968] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [969] columnheader 'Items' required: False [970] columnheader 'Total' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [971] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [972] gridcell '5' required: False [973] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [974] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [975] gridcell '4' required: False [976] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [977] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [978] gridcell '3' required: False [979] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [980] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [981] gridcell '4' required: False [982] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [983] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [984] gridcell '2' required: False [985] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [935] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [936] table '' [955] row '' [986] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [987] columnheader 'Results' required: False [988] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [989] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [990] gridcell '23' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [992] gridcell 'nike' required: False [993] gridcell '0' required: False [994] gridcell '3' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [995] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [996] gridcell '10' required: False [997] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [998] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [999] gridcell '1' required: False [1000] gridcell '19' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1001] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1002] gridcell '23' required: False [1003] gridcell '2' required: False [937] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [938] table '' [961] row '' [1004] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1005] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1006] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1007] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1008] gridcell '1' required: False [1009] gridcell '19' required: False [963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1010] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1011] gridcell '10' required: False [1012] gridcell '4' required: False [964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1013] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1014] gridcell '23' required: False [1015] gridcell '2' required: False [965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1016] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1017] gridcell '23' required: False [1018] gridcell '1' required: False [966] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1019] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1020] gridcell '1' required: False [1021] gridcell '1' required: False [885] contentinfo '' [890] link '\ue606' [891] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [902] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [893] link 'Privacy Policy' [894] StaticText ' |' [895] link ' Account Activity' [896] StaticText ' | ' [897] link 'Report an Issue'
hover [534] where [534] is StaticText 'Reviews'
[ "None", "click [12] where [12] is link '\\ue60b SALES'", "click [40] where [40] is link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "click [32] where [32] is link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "click [534] where [534] is StaticText 'Reviews'" ]
Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin [1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True [53] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [61] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [8] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [12] link '\ue60b SALES' [16] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [20] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [24] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [28] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [32] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [76] generic '\ue60a REPORTS Reports \ue62f Marketing Products in Cart Search Terms Abandoned Carts Newsletter Problem Reports Reviews By Customers By Products Sales Orders Tax Invoiced Shipping Refunds Coupons PayPal Settlement Braintree Settlement Customers Order Total Order Count New Products Views Bestsellers Low Stock Ordered Downloads Statistics Refresh Statistics Business Intelligence Advanced Reporting\ue644 BI Essentials\ue644' [114] link '\ue62f' [115] menu '' orientation: vertical [244] menu '' orientation: vertical [529] StaticText 'Marketing' [438] menu '' orientation: vertical [637] link 'Products in Cart' [638] link 'Search Terms' [639] link 'Abandoned Carts' [640] link 'Newsletter Problem Reports' [534] StaticText 'Reviews' [440] menu '' orientation: vertical [641] link 'By Customers' [642] link 'By Products' [245] menu '' orientation: vertical [537] StaticText 'Sales' [442] menu '' orientation: vertical [643] link 'Orders' [644] link 'Tax' [645] link 'Invoiced' [646] link 'Shipping' [647] link 'Refunds' [648] link 'Coupons' [649] link 'PayPal Settlement' [650] link 'Braintree Settlement' [246] menu '' orientation: vertical [546] StaticText 'Customers' [444] menu '' orientation: vertical [651] link 'Order Total' [652] link 'Order Count' [653] link 'New' [550] StaticText 'Products' [446] menu '' orientation: vertical [654] link 'Views' [655] link 'Bestsellers' [656] link 'Low Stock' [657] link 'Ordered' [658] link 'Downloads' [556] StaticText 'Statistics' [448] menu '' orientation: vertical [659] link 'Refresh Statistics' [247] menu '' orientation: vertical [558] StaticText 'Business Intelligence' [450] menu '' orientation: vertical [660] link 'Advanced Reporting\ue644' [661] link 'BI Essentials\ue644' [36] link '\ue60d STORES' [40] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [44] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [80] heading 'Dashboard' [81] link '\ue600 admin' [83] link '\ue607' [1220] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [51] main '' [86] StaticText 'Scope:' [148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu [151] link '\ue633 What is this?' [270] button 'Reload Data' [271] HeaderAsNonLandmark '' [323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting' [324] StaticText "Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data." [273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \ue644' [404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click ' [405] link 'here' [599] StaticText 'Revenue' [477] StaticText '$0.00' [600] StaticText 'Tax' [601] StaticText 'Shipping' [602] StaticText 'Quantity' [1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content [1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' [1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2 [1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' [1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3 [1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' [1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' [1148] table '' [1171] row '' [1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False [1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False [1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False [1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/' [1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False [1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False [1182] gridcell '6' required: False [1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/' [1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False [1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False [1185] gridcell '6' required: False [1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/' [1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False [1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False [1188] gridcell '6' required: False [1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/' [1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False [1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False [1191] gridcell '5' required: False [1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/' [1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False [1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False [1194] gridcell '5' required: False [923] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales' [926] StaticText '$0.00' [928] StaticText 'Average Order' [933] StaticText 'Last Orders' [934] table '' [949] row '' [968] columnheader 'Customer' required: False [969] columnheader 'Items' required: False [970] columnheader 'Total' required: False [950] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/' [971] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False [972] gridcell '5' required: False [973] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/' [974] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False [975] gridcell '4' required: False [976] gridcell '$190.00' required: False [952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/' [977] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [978] gridcell '3' required: False [979] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/' [980] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False [981] gridcell '4' required: False [982] gridcell '$188.20' required: False [954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/' [983] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False [984] gridcell '2' required: False [985] gridcell '$83.40' required: False [935] StaticText 'Last Search Terms' [936] table '' [955] row '' [986] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [987] columnheader 'Results' required: False [988] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [956] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [989] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [990] gridcell '23' required: False [991] gridcell '1' required: False [957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/' [992] gridcell 'nike' required: False [993] gridcell '0' required: False [994] gridcell '3' required: False [958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [995] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [996] gridcell '10' required: False [997] gridcell '4' required: False [959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [998] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [999] gridcell '1' required: False [1000] gridcell '19' required: False [960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1001] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1002] gridcell '23' required: False [1003] gridcell '2' required: False [937] StaticText 'Top Search Terms' [938] table '' [961] row '' [1004] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False [1005] columnheader 'Results' required: False [1006] columnheader 'Uses' required: False [962] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/' [1007] gridcell 'hollister' required: False [1008] gridcell '1' required: False [1009] gridcell '19' required: False [963] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/' [1010] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False [1011] gridcell '10' required: False [1012] gridcell '4' required: False [964] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/' [1013] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False [1014] gridcell '23' required: False [1015] gridcell '2' required: False [965] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/' [1016] gridcell 'tanks' required: False [1017] gridcell '23' required: False [1018] gridcell '1' required: False [966] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/' [1019] gridcell 'WP10' required: False [1020] gridcell '1' required: False [1021] gridcell '1' required: False [885] contentinfo '' [890] link '\ue606' [891] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.' [902] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6' [893] link 'Privacy Policy' [894] StaticText ' |' [895] link ' Account Activity' [896] StaticText ' | ' [897] link 'Report an Issue'
How many reviews our shop received in the last quarter?
The next observation remains on the same dashboard page without any new content loaded. This indicates that the hover action likely triggers a submenu or additional options related to reviews, but without clicking, the user has not yet navigated to a specific page that would display the review statistics. The user is still positioned to explore further details or reports associated with customer reviews, which is necessary to fulfill the objective of finding out how many reviews the shop received in the last quarter.
{ "neg_action0": "click [12]", "neg_action1": "click [40]", "neg_action2": null, "neg_action3": null, "neg_action4": "hover [536]", "neg_action5": null, "neg_action6": null, "neg_action7": "click [33]", "neg_action8": null, "neg_action9": "go_back", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[546] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[593] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[597] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[603] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[592] generic 'Zoom in to edit the map'", "\t\t[624] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[625] button ''", "\t[606] link 'History'", "\t[607] link 'Export'", "\t[743] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[744] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[745] link 'Communities'", "\t[746] link 'Copyright'", "\t[747] link 'Help'", "\t[748] link 'About'", "\t[615] link 'Log In'", "\t[616] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[617] heading 'Communities'", "\t[640] StaticText 'People from all over the world contribute to or use OpenStreetMap. While many participate as individuals, others have formed communities. These groups come in a range of sizes and represent geographies from small towns to large multi-country regions. They can also be formal or informal.'", "\t[619] heading 'Local Chapters'", "\t[642] StaticText \"Local Chapters are country-level or region-level groups that have taken the formal step of establishing not-for-profit legal entities. They represent the area's map and mappers when dealing with local government, business, and media. They have also formed an affiliation with the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF), giving them a link to the legal and copyright governing body.\"", "\t[643] StaticText 'The following communities are formally established as Local Chapters:'", "\t[554] ListMarker '• '", "\t[665] link 'OpenStreetMap Belgium'", "\t[556] ListMarker '• '", "\t[666] link 'OpenStreetMap RDC'", "\t[558] ListMarker '• '", "\t[667] link 'OpenStreetMap CZ'", "\t[560] ListMarker '• '", "\t[668] link 'OpenStreetMap France'", "\t[562] ListMarker '• '", "\t[669] link 'OpenStreetMap Ireland'", "\t[564] ListMarker '• '", "\t[670] link 'OpenStreetMap Iceland'", "\t[566] ListMarker '• '", "\t[671] link 'OpenStreetMap Italy'", "\t[568] ListMarker '• '", "\t[672] link 'Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova (FLOSSK)'", "\t[570] ListMarker '• '", "\t[673] link 'OSGeo Oceania'", "\t[572] ListMarker '• '", "\t[674] link 'GeoLibres'", "\t[574] ListMarker '• '", "\t[675] link 'OpenStreetMap Austria'", "\t[576] ListMarker '• '", "\t[676] link 'OpenStreetMap Switzerland'", "\t[578] ListMarker '• '", "\t[677] link 'OpenStreetMap Germany'", "\t[580] ListMarker '• '", "\t[678] link 'OpenStreetMap Japan'", "\t[582] ListMarker '• '", "\t[679] link 'OpenStreetMap Poland'", "\t[584] ListMarker '• '", "\t[680] link 'OpenStreetMap US'", "\t[586] ListMarker '• '", "\t[681] link 'OpenStreetMap Freemap Slovakia'", "\t[588] ListMarker '• '", "\t[682] link 'OpenStreetMap UK'", "\t[622] heading 'Other Groups'", "\t[645] StaticText 'There is no need to formally establish a group to the same extent as the Local Chapters. Indeed many groups exist very sucessfully as an informal gathering of people or as a community group. Anyone can set up or join these. Read more on the '", "\t[646] link 'Communities wiki page'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[546] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[590] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[595] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[602] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[605] generic 'Zoom in to edit the map'", "\t\t[624] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[625] button ''", "\t[606] link 'History'", "\t[607] link 'Export'", "\t[743] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[744] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[745] link 'Communities'", "\t[746] link 'Copyright'", "\t[747] link 'Help'", "\t[748] link 'About'", "\t[615] link 'Log In'", "\t[616] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[617] heading 'Communities'", "\t[640] StaticText 'People from all over the world contribute to or use OpenStreetMap. While many participate as individuals, others have formed communities. These groups come in a range of sizes and represent geographies from small towns to large multi-country regions. They can also be formal or informal.'", "\t[619] heading 'Local Chapters'", "\t[642] StaticText \"Local Chapters are country-level or region-level groups that have taken the formal step of establishing not-for-profit legal entities. They represent the area's map and mappers when dealing with local government, business, and media. They have also formed an affiliation with the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF), giving them a link to the legal and copyright governing body.\"", "\t[643] StaticText 'The following communities are formally established as Local Chapters:'", "\t[554] ListMarker '• '", "\t[665] link 'OpenStreetMap Belgium'", "\t[556] ListMarker '• '", "\t[666] link 'OpenStreetMap RDC'", "\t[558] ListMarker '• '", "\t[667] link 'OpenStreetMap CZ'", "\t[560] ListMarker '• '", "\t[668] link 'OpenStreetMap France'", "\t[562] ListMarker '• '", "\t[669] link 'OpenStreetMap Ireland'", "\t[564] ListMarker '• '", "\t[670] link 'OpenStreetMap Iceland'", "\t[566] ListMarker '• '", "\t[671] link 'OpenStreetMap Italy'", "\t[568] ListMarker '• '", "\t[672] link 'Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova (FLOSSK)'", "\t[570] ListMarker '• '", "\t[673] link 'OSGeo Oceania'", "\t[572] ListMarker '• '", "\t[674] link 'GeoLibres'", "\t[574] ListMarker '• '", "\t[675] link 'OpenStreetMap Austria'", "\t[576] ListMarker '• '", "\t[676] link 'OpenStreetMap Switzerland'", "\t[578] ListMarker '• '", "\t[677] link 'OpenStreetMap Germany'", "\t[580] ListMarker '• '", "\t[678] link 'OpenStreetMap Japan'", "\t[582] ListMarker '• '", "\t[679] link 'OpenStreetMap Poland'", "\t[584] ListMarker '• '", "\t[680] link 'OpenStreetMap US'", "\t[586] ListMarker '• '", "\t[681] link 'OpenStreetMap Freemap Slovakia'", "\t[588] ListMarker '• '", "\t[682] link 'OpenStreetMap UK'", "\t[622] heading 'Other Groups'", "\t[645] StaticText 'There is no need to formally establish a group to the same extent as the Local Chapters. Indeed many groups exist very sucessfully as an informal gathering of people or as a community group. Anyone can set up or join these. Read more on the '", "\t[646] link 'Communities wiki page'" ], "neg_observation2": null, "neg_observation3": null, "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ], "neg_observation5": null, "neg_observation6": null, "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[546] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[593] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[597] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[603] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[592] generic 'Zoom in to edit the map'", "\t\t[624] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[625] button ''", "\t[606] link 'History'", "\t[607] link 'Export'", "\t[629] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[630] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[631] link 'Communities'", "\t[632] link 'Copyright'", "\t[633] link 'Help'", "\t[634] link 'About'", "\t[615] link 'Log In'", "\t[616] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[617] heading 'Communities'", "\t[640] StaticText 'People from all over the world contribute to or use OpenStreetMap. While many participate as individuals, others have formed communities. These groups come in a range of sizes and represent geographies from small towns to large multi-country regions. They can also be formal or informal.'", "\t[619] heading 'Local Chapters'", "\t[642] StaticText \"Local Chapters are country-level or region-level groups that have taken the formal step of establishing not-for-profit legal entities. They represent the area's map and mappers when dealing with local government, business, and media. They have also formed an affiliation with the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF), giving them a link to the legal and copyright governing body.\"", "\t[643] StaticText 'The following communities are formally established as Local Chapters:'", "\t[554] ListMarker '• '", "\t[665] link 'OpenStreetMap Belgium'", "\t[556] ListMarker '• '", "\t[666] link 'OpenStreetMap RDC'", "\t[558] ListMarker '• '", "\t[667] link 'OpenStreetMap CZ'", "\t[560] ListMarker '• '", "\t[668] link 'OpenStreetMap France'", "\t[562] ListMarker '• '", "\t[669] link 'OpenStreetMap Ireland'", "\t[564] ListMarker '• '", "\t[670] link 'OpenStreetMap Iceland'", "\t[566] ListMarker '• '", "\t[671] link 'OpenStreetMap Italy'", "\t[568] ListMarker '• '", "\t[672] link 'Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova (FLOSSK)'", "\t[570] ListMarker '• '", "\t[673] link 'OSGeo Oceania'", "\t[572] ListMarker '• '", "\t[674] link 'GeoLibres'", "\t[574] ListMarker '• '", "\t[675] link 'OpenStreetMap Austria'", "\t[576] ListMarker '• '", "\t[676] link 'OpenStreetMap Switzerland'", "\t[578] ListMarker '• '", "\t[677] link 'OpenStreetMap Germany'", "\t[580] ListMarker '• '", "\t[678] link 'OpenStreetMap Japan'", "\t[582] ListMarker '• '", "\t[679] link 'OpenStreetMap Poland'", "\t[584] ListMarker '• '", "\t[680] link 'OpenStreetMap US'", "\t[586] ListMarker '• '", "\t[681] link 'OpenStreetMap Freemap Slovakia'", "\t[588] ListMarker '• '", "\t[682] link 'OpenStreetMap UK'", "\t[622] heading 'Other Groups'", "\t[645] StaticText 'There is no need to formally establish a group to the same extent as the Local Chapters. Indeed many groups exist very sucessfully as an informal gathering of people or as a community group. Anyone can set up or join these. Read more on the '", "\t[646] link 'Communities wiki page'" ], "neg_observation8": null, "neg_observation9": [ "Tab 0 (current): ", "", "[576] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ] }
[ "click [12]", "click [40]", "click [32]", "scroll [down]", "hover [536]", "click [537]", "type [164] [quarterly review data] [1]", "click [33]", "scroll [up]", "go_back" ]
click [40]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[546] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[590] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[595] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[602] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[605] generic 'Zoom in to edit the map'", "\t\t[624] link 'Edit'", "\t\t[625] button ''", "\t[606] link 'History'", "\t[607] link 'Export'", "\t[743] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[744] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[745] link 'Communities'", "\t[746] link 'Copyright'", "\t[747] link 'Help'", "\t[748] link 'About'", "\t[615] link 'Log In'", "\t[616] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[617] heading 'Communities'", "\t[640] StaticText 'People from all over the world contribute to or use OpenStreetMap. While many participate as individuals, others have formed communities. These groups come in a range of sizes and represent geographies from small towns to large multi-country regions. They can also be formal or informal.'", "\t[619] heading 'Local Chapters'", "\t[642] StaticText \"Local Chapters are country-level or region-level groups that have taken the formal step of establishing not-for-profit legal entities. They represent the area's map and mappers when dealing with local government, business, and media. They have also formed an affiliation with the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF), giving them a link to the legal and copyright governing body.\"", "\t[643] StaticText 'The following communities are formally established as Local Chapters:'", "\t[554] ListMarker '• '", "\t[665] link 'OpenStreetMap Belgium'", "\t[556] ListMarker '• '", "\t[666] link 'OpenStreetMap RDC'", "\t[558] ListMarker '• '", "\t[667] link 'OpenStreetMap CZ'", "\t[560] ListMarker '• '", "\t[668] link 'OpenStreetMap France'", "\t[562] ListMarker '• '", "\t[669] link 'OpenStreetMap Ireland'", "\t[564] ListMarker '• '", "\t[670] link 'OpenStreetMap Iceland'", "\t[566] ListMarker '• '", "\t[671] link 'OpenStreetMap Italy'", "\t[568] ListMarker '• '", "\t[672] link 'Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova (FLOSSK)'", "\t[570] ListMarker '• '", "\t[673] link 'OSGeo Oceania'", "\t[572] ListMarker '• '", "\t[674] link 'GeoLibres'", "\t[574] ListMarker '• '", "\t[675] link 'OpenStreetMap Austria'", "\t[576] ListMarker '• '", "\t[676] link 'OpenStreetMap Switzerland'", "\t[578] ListMarker '• '", "\t[677] link 'OpenStreetMap Germany'", "\t[580] ListMarker '• '", "\t[678] link 'OpenStreetMap Japan'", "\t[582] ListMarker '• '", "\t[679] link 'OpenStreetMap Poland'", "\t[584] ListMarker '• '", "\t[680] link 'OpenStreetMap US'", "\t[586] ListMarker '• '", "\t[681] link 'OpenStreetMap Freemap Slovakia'", "\t[588] ListMarker '• '", "\t[682] link 'OpenStreetMap UK'", "\t[622] heading 'Other Groups'", "\t[645] StaticText 'There is no need to formally establish a group to the same extent as the Local Chapters. Indeed many groups exist very sucessfully as an informal gathering of people or as a community group. Anyone can set up or join these. Read more on the '", "\t[646] link 'Communities wiki page'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus has shifted to the 'OpenStreetMap' page. The interface has changed from the Magento Admin Dashboard, which was centered around e-commerce functionalities, to a map-centric interface. The new page features various links and functionalities related to handling maps, such as editing, exporting, and accessing GPS traces. This transition indicates a complete departure from sales and customer management tasks to geographical mapping and community engagement. ### For NEGATIVE ACTION 4: hover [536] **
The next observation would be that the focus remains on the 'OpenStreetMap' page. The user is engaged with interactive elements that facilitate map editing and community interactions. The interface continues to display functionalities such as searching for locations and accessing local community chapters. Importantly, this demonstrates that the user remains within the OpenStreetMap context, enhancing their ability to interact with geographical data without navigating away from the map-centric functionalities.
hover [536]
[ "Tab 0 (current): OpenStreetMap", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'OpenStreetMap' focused: True", "\t[14] heading 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t[22] link 'OpenStreetMap logo OpenStreetMap'", "\t\t\t[37] img 'OpenStreetMap logo'", "\t[66] link 'Edit'", "\t[67] button ''", "\t[43] link 'History'", "\t[44] link 'Export'", "\t[562] link 'GPS Traces'", "\t[563] link 'User Diaries'", "\t[564] link 'Communities'", "\t[565] link 'Copyright'", "\t[566] link 'Help'", "\t[567] link 'About'", "\t[52] link 'Log In'", "\t[53] link 'Sign Up'", "\t[218] link 'Where is this?'", "\t[12] textbox 'Search' focused: True required: False", "\t[219] button 'Go'", "\t[169] link 'Find directions between two points'", "\t[233] heading 'Welcome to OpenStreetMap!'", "\t[237] button 'Close'", "\t[235] StaticText 'OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.'", "\t[251] StaticText 'Hosting is supported by '", "\t[247] link 'UCL'", "\t[243] link 'Fastly'", "\t[244] StaticText ', '", "\t[232] link 'Bytemark Hosting'", "\t[255] StaticText ', and other '", "\t[256] link 'partners'", "\t[252] StaticText '.'", "\t[230] link 'Learn More'", "\t[254] link 'Start Mapping'", "\t[20] generic 'Zoom In Zoom Out Show My Location Layers Share 50 km 50 mi © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms'", "\t\t[266] link 'Zoom In'", "\t\t[267] link 'Zoom Out'", "\t\t[269] button 'Show My Location'", "\t\t[271] link 'Layers'", "\t\t[363] link ''", "\t\t[273] link 'Share'", "\t\t[364] link ''", "\t\t[365] link ''", "\t\t[460] StaticText '50 km'", "\t\t[461] StaticText '50 mi'", "\t\t[368] StaticText '© '", "\t\t[369] link 'OpenStreetMap contributors'", "\t\t[370] StaticText ' ♥ '", "\t\t[371] link 'Make a Donation'", "\t\t[372] StaticText '. '", "\t\t[373] link 'Website and API terms'" ]
Tab 0 (current): #000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1272] RootWebArea '#000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [3357] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [3358] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [3269] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [3271] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [3274] link '\ue60b SALES' [3280] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [3286] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [3292] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [3298] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [3304] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [3322] link '\ue60d STORES' [3328] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [3334] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1355] heading '#000000125' [1356] link '\ue600 admin' [1358] link '\ue607' [3913] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1319] main '' [3939] button '\ue626 Back' [3940] button 'Login as Customer' [3941] button 'Edit' [3942] button 'Cancel' [3943] button 'Send Email' [3944] button 'Hold' [3945] button 'Invoice' [3946] button 'Ship' [3947] button 'Reorder' [2685] tabpanel 'Information' [2796] StaticText 'Order & Account Information' [2899] StaticText 'Order # 000000125 (' [2901] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent' [2902] StaticText ')' [2903] table '' [3017] row '' [3107] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False [3108] gridcell 'May 24, 2023, 8:28:12 AM' required: False [3018] row '' [3109] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False [3110] gridcell 'Processing' required: False [3019] row '' [3111] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False [3112] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False [3020] row '' [3113] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False [3114] gridcell '' required: False [2905] StaticText 'Account Information' [2960] link 'Edit Customer' [2907] table '' [3022] row '' [3115] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False [3116] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [3193] link 'Matt Baker' [3023] row '' [3117] rowheader 'Email' required: False [3118] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3195] link '[email protected]' [3024] row '' [3119] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False [3120] gridcell 'General' required: False [2801] StaticText 'Address Information' [2909] StaticText 'Billing Address' [2962] link 'Edit' [2803] group '' [2911] StaticText 'Matt Baker' [2913] StaticText '123 Peachtree St' [2915] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308' [2917] StaticText 'United States' [2919] StaticText 'T: 4045551234' [2921] StaticText 'Shipping Address' [2963] link 'Edit' [2805] group '' [2923] StaticText 'Matt Baker' [2925] StaticText '123 Peachtree St' [2927] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308' [2929] StaticText 'United States' [2931] StaticText 'T: 4045551234' [2806] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method' [2933] StaticText 'Payment Information' [2964] StaticText 'Check / Money order' [2965] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.' [2938] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information' [2940] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed' [2943] StaticText '$15.00' [2811] StaticText 'Items Ordered' [2759] table '' [2944] row '' [2966] columnheader 'Product' required: False [2967] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False [2968] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False [2969] columnheader 'Price' required: False [2970] columnheader 'Qty' required: False [2971] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False [2972] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False [2973] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False [2974] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False [2975] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False [2945] row '' [2976] gridcell 'Rapha Sports Short SKU: MSH07-36-Blue Color: Blue Size: 36' required: False [3123] DescriptionList '' [3202] DescriptionListTerm '' [3203] DescriptionListDetail '' [3240] StaticText 'Blue' [3204] DescriptionListTerm '' [3241] StaticText 'Size:' [3205] DescriptionListDetail '' [3242] StaticText '36' [2977] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False [2978] gridcell '$35.00' required: False [2979] gridcell '$35.00' required: False [2980] gridcell '' required: False [3052] table '' [3206] row '' [3243] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3244] gridcell '1' required: False [2981] gridcell '$35.00' required: False [2982] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [2983] gridcell '0%' required: False [2984] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [2985] gridcell '$35.00' required: False [2946] row '' [2986] gridcell 'Mach Street Sweatshirt SKU: MH10-XL-Blue Color: Blue Size: XL' required: False [3131] DescriptionList '' [3211] DescriptionListTerm '' [3212] DescriptionListDetail '' [3246] StaticText 'Blue' [3213] DescriptionListTerm '' [3247] StaticText 'Size:' [3214] DescriptionListDetail '' [3248] StaticText 'XL' [2987] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False [2988] gridcell '$62.00' required: False [2989] gridcell '$62.00' required: False [2990] gridcell '' required: False [3066] table '' [3215] row '' [3249] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3250] gridcell '1' required: False [2991] gridcell '$62.00' required: False [2992] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [2993] gridcell '0%' required: False [2994] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [2995] gridcell '$62.00' required: False [2947] row '' [2996] gridcell 'Thorpe Track Pant SKU: MP07-32-Purple Color: Purple Size: 32' required: False [3139] DescriptionList '' [3220] DescriptionListTerm '' [3221] DescriptionListDetail '' [3252] StaticText 'Purple' [3222] DescriptionListTerm '' [3253] StaticText 'Size:' [3223] DescriptionListDetail '' [2997] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False [2998] gridcell '$68.00' required: False [2999] gridcell '$54.40' required: False [3000] gridcell '' required: False [3080] table '' [3224] row '' [3255] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3256] gridcell '1' required: False [3001] gridcell '$54.40' required: False [3002] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3003] gridcell '0%' required: False [3004] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3005] gridcell '$54.40' required: False [2816] StaticText 'Order Total' [2949] StaticText 'Notes for this Order' [3145] StaticText 'Status' [3146] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [3147] StaticText 'Comment' [3148] textbox 'Comment' required: False [2953] StaticText 'Order Totals' [2820] table '' [3009] row '' [3095] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False [3096] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [3010] row '' [3097] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False [3098] gridcell '$15.00' required: False [3011] row '' [3099] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False [3100] gridcell '$166.40' required: False [3012] row '' [3101] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False [3102] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [1325] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW' [2659] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [2661] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content [2671] link 'Information' [2663] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content [2673] link 'Invoices' [2665] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content [2675] link 'Credit Memos' [2667] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content [2677] link 'Shipments' [2669] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [2679] link 'Comments History'
click [3148] where [3148] is textbox 'Comment' required: False
[ "None", "click [675] where [675] is row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'" ]
Tab 0 (current): #000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1272] RootWebArea '#000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1 [3357] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [3358] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [3269] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [3271] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [3274] link '\ue60b SALES' [3280] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [3286] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [3292] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [3298] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [3304] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [3322] link '\ue60d STORES' [3328] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [3334] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1355] heading '#000000125' [1356] link '\ue600 admin' [1358] link '\ue607' [3913] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1319] main '' [3939] button '\ue626 Back' [3940] button 'Login as Customer' [3941] button 'Edit' [3942] button 'Cancel' [3943] button 'Send Email' [3944] button 'Hold' [3945] button 'Invoice' [3946] button 'Ship' [3947] button 'Reorder' [2685] tabpanel 'Information' [2796] StaticText 'Order & Account Information' [2899] StaticText 'Order # 000000125 (' [2901] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent' [2902] StaticText ')' [2903] table '' [3017] row '' [3107] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False [3108] gridcell 'May 24, 2023, 8:28:12 AM' required: False [3018] row '' [3109] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False [3110] gridcell 'Processing' required: False [3019] row '' [3111] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False [3112] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False [3020] row '' [3113] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False [3114] gridcell '' required: False [2905] StaticText 'Account Information' [2960] link 'Edit Customer' [2907] table '' [3022] row '' [3115] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False [3116] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [3193] link 'Matt Baker' [3023] row '' [3117] rowheader 'Email' required: False [3118] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3195] link '[email protected]' [3024] row '' [3119] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False [3120] gridcell 'General' required: False [2801] StaticText 'Address Information' [2909] StaticText 'Billing Address' [2962] link 'Edit' [2803] group '' [2911] StaticText 'Matt Baker' [2913] StaticText '123 Peachtree St' [2915] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308' [2917] StaticText 'United States' [2919] StaticText 'T: 4045551234' [2921] StaticText 'Shipping Address' [2963] link 'Edit' [2805] group '' [2923] StaticText 'Matt Baker' [2925] StaticText '123 Peachtree St' [2927] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308' [2929] StaticText 'United States' [2931] StaticText 'T: 4045551234' [2806] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method' [2933] StaticText 'Payment Information' [2964] StaticText 'Check / Money order' [2965] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.' [2938] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information' [2940] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed' [2943] StaticText '$15.00' [2811] StaticText 'Items Ordered' [2759] table '' [2944] row '' [2966] columnheader 'Product' required: False [2967] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False [2968] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False [2969] columnheader 'Price' required: False [2970] columnheader 'Qty' required: False [2971] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False [2972] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False [2973] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False [2974] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False [2975] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False [2945] row '' [2976] gridcell 'Rapha Sports Short SKU: MSH07-36-Blue Color: Blue Size: 36' required: False [3123] DescriptionList '' [3202] DescriptionListTerm '' [3203] DescriptionListDetail '' [3240] StaticText 'Blue' [3204] DescriptionListTerm '' [3241] StaticText 'Size:' [3205] DescriptionListDetail '' [3242] StaticText '36' [2977] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False [2978] gridcell '$35.00' required: False [2979] gridcell '$35.00' required: False [2980] gridcell '' required: False [3052] table '' [3206] row '' [3243] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3244] gridcell '1' required: False [2981] gridcell '$35.00' required: False [2982] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [2983] gridcell '0%' required: False [2984] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [2985] gridcell '$35.00' required: False [2946] row '' [2986] gridcell 'Mach Street Sweatshirt SKU: MH10-XL-Blue Color: Blue Size: XL' required: False [3131] DescriptionList '' [3211] DescriptionListTerm '' [3212] DescriptionListDetail '' [3246] StaticText 'Blue' [3213] DescriptionListTerm '' [3247] StaticText 'Size:' [3214] DescriptionListDetail '' [3248] StaticText 'XL' [2987] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False [2988] gridcell '$62.00' required: False [2989] gridcell '$62.00' required: False [2990] gridcell '' required: False [3066] table '' [3215] row '' [3249] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3250] gridcell '1' required: False [2991] gridcell '$62.00' required: False [2992] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [2993] gridcell '0%' required: False [2994] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [2995] gridcell '$62.00' required: False [2947] row '' [2996] gridcell 'Thorpe Track Pant SKU: MP07-32-Purple Color: Purple Size: 32' required: False [3139] DescriptionList '' [3220] DescriptionListTerm '' [3221] DescriptionListDetail '' [3252] StaticText 'Purple' [3222] DescriptionListTerm '' [3253] StaticText 'Size:' [3223] DescriptionListDetail '' [2997] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False [2998] gridcell '$68.00' required: False [2999] gridcell '$54.40' required: False [3000] gridcell '' required: False [3080] table '' [3224] row '' [3255] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3256] gridcell '1' required: False [3001] gridcell '$54.40' required: False [3002] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3003] gridcell '0%' required: False [3004] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3005] gridcell '$54.40' required: False [2816] StaticText 'Order Total' [2949] StaticText 'Notes for this Order' [3145] StaticText 'Status' [3146] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [3147] StaticText 'Comment' [3148] textbox 'Comment' required: False [2953] StaticText 'Order Totals' [2820] table '' [3009] row '' [3095] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False [3096] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [3010] row '' [3097] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False [3098] gridcell '$15.00' required: False [3011] row '' [3099] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False [3100] gridcell '$166.40' required: False [3012] row '' [3101] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False [3102] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [1325] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW' [2659] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [2661] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content [2671] link 'Information' [2663] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content [2673] link 'Invoices' [2665] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content [2675] link 'Credit Memos' [2667] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content [2677] link 'Shipments' [2669] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [2679] link 'Comments History'
Notify Michael Brown in their most recent pending order with message "your order has been cancelled, please contact customer service for more information"
The next observation would retain the same order management interface with a focus on the comment section. This indicates that the user is preparing to input a message for the customer. The interface remains consistent, with the order details still displayed, and now the user can enter the notification message: "your order has been cancelled, please contact customer service for more information." This step sets the stage for notifying the customer, in this case, Michael Brown, about the cancellation of the order.
{ "neg_action0": "scroll [up]", "neg_action1": "scroll [down]", "neg_action2": "press [Ctrl+A]", "neg_action3": "hover [3148]", "neg_action4": "click [1281]", "neg_action5": "tab_focus [0]", "neg_action6": "new_tab", "neg_action7": "go_back", "neg_action8": "go_forward", "neg_action9": "close_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[60] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[77] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[78] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[80] link '\\ue607'", "\t[275] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[83] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[738] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[740] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[779] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[780] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[782] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[840] table ''", "\t\t\t[891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[955] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[957] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[958] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[960] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[725] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[744] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[745] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[768] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[747] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[748] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[749] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[750] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[751] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[601] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[916] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[919] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[921] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[926] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[927] table ''", "\t\t\t[944] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[964] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[966] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[945] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[978] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[979] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[928] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[929] table ''", "\t\t\t[950] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[982] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[984] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[996] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[997] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[930] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[931] table ''", "\t\t\t[956] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1000] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1002] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1014] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[961] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1015] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1016] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1017] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[878] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[883] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[884] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[895] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[886] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[888] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[889] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[890] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[44] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[45] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[583] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[611] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[612] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[614] link '\\ue607'", "\t[730] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[590] main ''", "\t\t[617] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[648] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[651] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[712] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[713] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[738] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[739] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[715] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[768] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[769] link 'here'", "\t\t[843] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[804] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[844] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[845] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[846] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[818] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[776] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[779] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[781] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[786] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[787] table ''", "\t\t\t[855] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[888] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[889] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[890] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[856] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[891] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[892] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[893] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[857] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[894] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[895] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[896] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[858] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[897] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[898] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[899] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[859] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[900] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[901] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[902] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[860] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[903] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[904] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[905] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[788] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[789] table ''", "\t\t\t[861] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[906] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[907] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[862] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[909] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[863] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[864] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[865] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[866] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[790] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[791] table ''", "\t\t\t[867] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[924] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[868] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[927] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[869] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[870] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[871] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[872] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[591] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[655] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[656] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[691] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[658] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[659] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[660] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[661] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[662] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): #000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1252] RootWebArea '#000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1310] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1317] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1257] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1259] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1263] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1267] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1271] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1275] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1279] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1283] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1287] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1291] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1295] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1335] heading '#000000125'", "\t[1336] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1338] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1562] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1478] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1299] main ''", "\t\t[1340] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1341] button 'Login as Customer'", "\t\t[1342] button 'Edit'", "\t\t[1343] button 'Cancel'", "\t\t[1344] button 'Send Email'", "\t\t[1345] button 'Hold'", "\t\t[1346] button 'Invoice'", "\t\t[1347] button 'Ship'", "\t\t[1348] button 'Reorder'", "\t\t[2665] tabpanel 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2776] StaticText 'Order & Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2879] StaticText 'Order # 000000125 ('", "\t\t\t[2881] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent'", "\t\t\t[2882] StaticText ')'", "\t\t\t[2883] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2997] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3087] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3088] gridcell 'May 24, 2023, 8:28:12 AM' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2998] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3089] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3090] gridcell 'Processing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2999] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3091] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3092] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3166] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3168] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[3000] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3093] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3094] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[2885] StaticText 'Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2940] link 'Edit Customer'", "\t\t\t[2887] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[3002] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3095] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3096] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3173] link 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[3003] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3097] rowheader 'Email' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3098] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3175] link '[email protected]'", "\t\t\t\t[3004] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3099] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3100] gridcell 'General' required: False", "\t\t\t[2781] StaticText 'Address Information'", "\t\t\t[2889] StaticText 'Billing Address'", "\t\t\t[2942] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2783] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2891] StaticText 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[2892] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2893] StaticText '123 Peachtree St'", "\t\t\t\t[2894] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2895] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308'", "\t\t\t\t[2896] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2897] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2898] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2899] StaticText 'T: 4045551234'", "\t\t\t[2901] StaticText 'Shipping Address'", "\t\t\t[2943] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2785] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2903] StaticText 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[2904] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2905] StaticText '123 Peachtree St'", "\t\t\t\t[2906] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2907] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308'", "\t\t\t\t[2908] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2909] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2910] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2911] StaticText 'T: 4045551234'", "\t\t\t[2786] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method'", "\t\t\t[2913] StaticText 'Payment Information'", "\t\t\t[2944] StaticText 'Check / Money order'", "\t\t\t[2945] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.'", "\t\t\t[2918] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information'", "\t\t\t[2920] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed'", "\t\t\t[2923] StaticText '$15.00'", "\t\t\t[2791] StaticText 'Items Ordered'", "\t\t\t[2739] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2924] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2946] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2947] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2948] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2949] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2950] columnheader 'Qty' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2951] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2952] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2953] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2954] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2955] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2925] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2956] gridcell 'Rapha Sports Short SKU: MSH07-36-Blue Color: Blue Size: 36' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3103] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3182] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3183] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3220] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3184] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3221] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3185] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3222] StaticText '36'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2957] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2958] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2959] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2960] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3032] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3186] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3223] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3224] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2961] 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"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3195] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3229] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3230] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2971] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2972] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2973] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2974] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2975] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2927] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2976] gridcell 'Thorpe Track Pant SKU: MP07-32-Purple Color: Purple Size: 32' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3119] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3200] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3201] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3232] StaticText 'Purple'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3202] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3233] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3203] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2977] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2978] gridcell '$68.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2979] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2980] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3060] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3204] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3235] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3236] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2981] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2982] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2983] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2984] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2985] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[2796] StaticText 'Order Total'", "\t\t\t[2929] StaticText 'Notes for this Order'", "\t\t\t[3125] StaticText 'Status'", "\t\t\t[3126] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[3206] menuitem 'Processing' selected: True", "\t\t\t\t[3207] menuitem 'Suspected Fraud' selected: False", "\t\t\t[3127] StaticText 'Comment'", "\t\t\t[3128] textbox 'Comment' required: False", "\t\t\t[3209] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false", 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2052] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2040] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2041] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2042] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2043] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2044] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): #000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1272] RootWebArea '#000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3356] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[3357] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[3269] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3271] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[3274] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[3280] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[3286] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[3292] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[3298] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[3304] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[3322] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[3328] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[3334] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1953] heading '#000000125'", "\t[1954] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1956] link '\\ue607'", "\t[2062] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[3913] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1925] main ''", "\t\t[3939] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[3940] button 'Login as Customer'", "\t\t[3941] button 'Edit'", "\t\t[3942] button 'Cancel'", "\t\t[3943] button 'Send Email'", "\t\t[3944] button 'Hold'", "\t\t[3945] button 'Invoice'", "\t\t[3946] button 'Ship'", "\t\t[3947] button 'Reorder'", "\t\t[2685] tabpanel 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2796] StaticText 'Order & Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2899] StaticText 'Order # 000000125 ('", "\t\t\t[2901] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent'", "\t\t\t[2902] StaticText ')'", "\t\t\t[2903] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[3017] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3107] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3108] gridcell 'May 24, 2023, 8:28:12 AM' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3018] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3109] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3110] gridcell 'Processing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3019] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3111] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3112] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3186] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3188] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[3020] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3113] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3114] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[2905] StaticText 'Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2960] link 'Edit Customer'", "\t\t\t[2907] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[3022] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3115] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3116] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3193] link 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[3023] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3117] rowheader 'Email' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3118] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3195] link '[email protected]'", "\t\t\t\t[3024] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3119] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False", 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"\t\t\t\t[2931] StaticText 'T: 4045551234'", "\t\t\t[2806] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method'", "\t\t\t[2933] StaticText 'Payment Information'", "\t\t\t[2964] StaticText 'Check / Money order'", "\t\t\t[2965] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.'", "\t\t\t[2938] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information'", "\t\t\t[2940] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed'", "\t\t\t[2943] StaticText '$15.00'", "\t\t\t[2811] StaticText 'Items Ordered'", "\t\t\t[2759] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2944] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2966] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2967] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2968] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2969] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2970] columnheader 'Qty' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2971] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2972] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2973] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2974] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2975] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2976] gridcell 'Rapha Sports Short SKU: MSH07-36-Blue Color: Blue Size: 36' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3123] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3202] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3203] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3240] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3204] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3241] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3205] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3242] StaticText '36'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2977] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2978] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2979] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2980] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3052] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3206] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3243] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3244] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2981] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2982] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2983] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2984] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2985] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2946] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2986] gridcell 'Mach Street Sweatshirt SKU: MH10-XL-Blue Color: Blue Size: XL' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3131] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3211] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3212] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3246] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3213] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3247] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3214] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3248] StaticText 'XL'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2987] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2988] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2989] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2990] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3066] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3215] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3249] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3250] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2991] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2992] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2993] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2994] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2995] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2947] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2996] gridcell 'Thorpe Track Pant SKU: MP07-32-Purple Color: Purple Size: 32' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3139] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3220] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3221] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3252] StaticText 'Purple'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3222] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3253] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3223] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2997] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2998] gridcell '$68.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2999] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3000] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3080] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3224] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3255] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3256] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3001] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3002] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3003] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3004] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3005] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[2816] StaticText 'Order Total'", "\t\t\t[2949] StaticText 'Notes for this Order'", "\t\t\t[3145] StaticText 'Status'", "\t\t\t[3146] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[3226] menuitem 'Processing' selected: True", "\t\t\t\t[3227] menuitem 'Suspected Fraud' selected: False", "\t\t\t[3147] StaticText 'Comment'", "\t\t\t[3148] textbox 'Comment' required: False", "\t\t\t[3229] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3231] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3151] button 'Submit Comment'", "\t\t\t[2953] StaticText 'Order Totals'", "\t\t\t[2820] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[3009] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3095] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3096] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3010] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3097] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3098] gridcell '$15.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3011] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3099] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3100] gridcell '$166.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3012] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3101] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3102] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3013] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3103] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3104] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3014] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3105] gridcell 'Total Due' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3106] gridcell '$166.40' required: False", "\t\t[1931] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW'", "\t\t[2659] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[2661] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content", "\t\t\t\t[2671] link 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2663] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content", "\t\t\t\t[2673] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t[2665] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content", "\t\t\t\t[2675] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t[2667] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content", "\t\t\t\t[2677] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t[2669] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[2679] link 'Comments History'", "\t[1935] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2013] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2014] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2039] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2016] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2017] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2018] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2019] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2020] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): #000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1252] RootWebArea '#000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3336] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[3337] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[3249] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3251] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[3254] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[3260] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[3266] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[3272] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[3278] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[3284] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[3302] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[3308] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[3314] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1335] heading '#000000125'", "\t[1336] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1338] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1568] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1478] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1299] main ''", "\t\t[1340] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1341] button 'Login as Customer'", "\t\t[1342] button 'Edit'", "\t\t[1343] button 'Cancel'", "\t\t[1344] button 'Send Email'", "\t\t[1345] button 'Hold'", "\t\t[1346] button 'Invoice'", "\t\t[1347] button 'Ship'", "\t\t[1348] button 'Reorder'", "\t\t[2665] tabpanel 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2776] StaticText 'Order & Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2879] StaticText 'Order # 000000125 ('", "\t\t\t[2881] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent'", "\t\t\t[2882] StaticText ')'", "\t\t\t[2883] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2997] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3087] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3088] gridcell 'May 24, 2023, 8:28:12 AM' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2998] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3089] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3090] gridcell 'Processing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2999] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3091] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3092] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3166] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3168] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[3000] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3093] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3094] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[2885] StaticText 'Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2940] link 'Edit Customer'", "\t\t\t[2887] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[3002] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3095] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3096] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3173] link 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[3003] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3097] rowheader 'Email' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3098] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3175] link '[email protected]'", "\t\t\t\t[3004] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3099] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3100] gridcell 'General' required: False", "\t\t\t[2781] StaticText 'Address Information'", "\t\t\t[2889] StaticText 'Billing Address'", "\t\t\t[2942] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2783] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2891] StaticText 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[2892] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2893] StaticText '123 Peachtree St'", "\t\t\t\t[2894] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2895] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308'", "\t\t\t\t[2896] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2897] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2898] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2899] StaticText 'T: 4045551234'", "\t\t\t[2901] StaticText 'Shipping Address'", "\t\t\t[2943] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2785] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2903] StaticText 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[2904] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2905] StaticText '123 Peachtree St'", "\t\t\t\t[2906] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2907] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308'", "\t\t\t\t[2908] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2909] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2910] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2911] StaticText 'T: 4045551234'", "\t\t\t[2786] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method'", "\t\t\t[2913] StaticText 'Payment Information'", "\t\t\t[2944] StaticText 'Check / Money order'", "\t\t\t[2945] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.'", "\t\t\t[2918] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information'", "\t\t\t[2920] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed'", "\t\t\t[2923] StaticText '$15.00'", "\t\t\t[2791] StaticText 'Items Ordered'", "\t\t\t[2739] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2924] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2946] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2947] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2948] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2949] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2950] columnheader 'Qty' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2951] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2952] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2953] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2954] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2955] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2925] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2956] gridcell 'Rapha Sports Short SKU: MSH07-36-Blue Color: Blue Size: 36' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3103] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3182] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3183] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3220] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3184] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3221] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3185] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3222] StaticText '36'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2957] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2958] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2959] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2960] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3032] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3186] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3223] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3224] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2961] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2962] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2963] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2964] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2965] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2926] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2966] gridcell 'Mach Street Sweatshirt SKU: MH10-XL-Blue Color: Blue Size: XL' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3111] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3191] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3192] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3226] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3193] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3227] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3194] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3228] StaticText 'XL'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2967] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2968] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2969] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2970] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3046] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3195] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3229] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3230] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2971] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2972] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2973] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2974] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2975] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2927] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2976] gridcell 'Thorpe Track Pant SKU: MP07-32-Purple Color: Purple Size: 32' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3119] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3200] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3201] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3232] StaticText 'Purple'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3202] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3233] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3203] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2977] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2978] gridcell '$68.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2979] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2980] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3060] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3204] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3235] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3236] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2981] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2982] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2983] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2984] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2985] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[2796] StaticText 'Order Total'", "\t\t\t[2929] StaticText 'Notes for this Order'", "\t\t\t[3125] StaticText 'Status'", "\t\t\t[3126] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[3206] menuitem 'Processing' selected: True", "\t\t\t\t[3207] menuitem 'Suspected Fraud' selected: False", "\t\t\t[3127] StaticText 'Comment'", "\t\t\t[3128] textbox 'Comment' required: False", "\t\t\t[3209] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3211] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3131] button 'Submit Comment'", "\t\t\t[2933] StaticText 'Order Totals'", "\t\t\t[2800] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2989] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3075] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3076] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2990] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3077] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3078] gridcell '$15.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2991] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3079] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3080] gridcell '$166.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2992] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3081] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3082] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2993] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3083] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3084] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2994] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3085] gridcell 'Total Due' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3086] gridcell '$166.40' required: False", "\t\t[1305] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW'", "\t\t[2639] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[2641] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content", "\t\t\t\t[2651] link 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2643] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content", "\t\t\t\t[2653] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t[2645] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content", "\t\t\t\t[2655] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t[2647] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content", "\t\t\t\t[2657] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t[2649] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[2659] link 'Comments History'", "\t[2528] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2533] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2534] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2546] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2536] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2537] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2538] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2539] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2540] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0: #000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[3981] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[4033] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[4041] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[3986] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3988] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[3992] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[3996] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[4000] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[4004] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[4008] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[4012] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[4016] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[4020] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[4024] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[4060] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[4061] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[4063] link '\\ue607'", "\t[4290] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[5128] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[4031] main ''", "\t\t[4066] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[4128] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[4131] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[4248] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[4249] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[4298] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[4299] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[4251] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[4799] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[4800] link 'here'", "\t\t[4853] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[4827] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[4854] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[4855] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[4856] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[4841] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[5100] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[5102] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[5110] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5137] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5138] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5139] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5140] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[5104] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[5112] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5142] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5143] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5144] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5145] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[5106] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[5114] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5147] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5148] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5149] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5150] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[5108] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[5116] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5152] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5153] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5154] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5155] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[5121] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[5135] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[5158] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[5164] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[5165] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[5166] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[5159] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5167] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[5168] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[5169] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[5160] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5170] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[5171] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[5172] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[5161] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5173] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[5174] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[5175] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[5162] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5176] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[5177] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[5178] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[5163] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5179] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[5180] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[5181] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[4807] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[4810] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[4812] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[4817] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[4818] table ''", "\t\t\t[4865] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[4888] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4889] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4890] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[4866] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[4891] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4892] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4893] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[4867] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[4894] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4895] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4896] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[4868] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[4897] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4898] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4899] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[4869] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[4900] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4901] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4902] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[4870] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[4903] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4904] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4905] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[4819] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[4820] table ''", "\t\t\t[4871] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[4906] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4907] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4908] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[4872] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[4909] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4910] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4911] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[4873] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[4912] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4913] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4914] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[4874] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[4915] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4916] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4917] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[4875] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[4918] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4919] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4920] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[4876] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[4921] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4922] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4923] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[4821] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[4822] table ''", "\t\t\t[4877] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[4924] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4925] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4926] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[4878] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[4927] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4928] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4929] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[4879] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[4930] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4931] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4932] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[4880] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[4933] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4934] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4935] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[4881] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[4936] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4937] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4938] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[4882] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[4939] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4940] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4941] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[4752] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[4758] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[4759] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[4771] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[4761] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[4762] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[4763] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[4764] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[4765] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): #000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1272] RootWebArea '#000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[3357] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[3358] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[3269] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3271] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[3274] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[3280] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[3286] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[3292] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[3298] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[3304] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[3322] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[3328] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[3334] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1358] heading '#000000125'", "\t[1359] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1361] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1615] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1319] main ''", "\t\t[1363] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1364] button 'Login as Customer'", "\t\t[1365] button 'Edit'", "\t\t[1366] button 'Cancel'", "\t\t[1367] button 'Send Email'", "\t\t[1368] button 'Hold'", "\t\t[1369] button 'Invoice'", "\t\t[1370] button 'Ship'", "\t\t[1371] button 'Reorder'", "\t\t[2685] tabpanel 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2796] StaticText 'Order & Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2899] StaticText 'Order # 000000125 ('", "\t\t\t[2901] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent'", "\t\t\t[2902] StaticText ')'", "\t\t\t[2903] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[3017] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3107] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3108] gridcell 'May 24, 2023, 8:28:12 AM' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3018] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3109] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3110] gridcell 'Processing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3019] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3111] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3112] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3186] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3188] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[3020] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3113] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3114] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[2905] StaticText 'Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2960] link 'Edit Customer'", "\t\t\t[2907] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[3022] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3115] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3116] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3193] link 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[3023] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3117] rowheader 'Email' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3118] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3195] link '[email protected]'", "\t\t\t\t[3024] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3119] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3120] gridcell 'General' required: False", "\t\t\t[2801] StaticText 'Address Information'", "\t\t\t[2909] StaticText 'Billing Address'", "\t\t\t[2962] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2803] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2911] StaticText 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[2912] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2913] StaticText '123 Peachtree St'", "\t\t\t\t[2914] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2915] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308'", "\t\t\t\t[2916] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2917] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2918] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2919] StaticText 'T: 4045551234'", "\t\t\t[2921] StaticText 'Shipping Address'", "\t\t\t[2963] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2805] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2923] StaticText 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[2924] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2925] StaticText '123 Peachtree St'", "\t\t\t\t[2926] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2927] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308'", "\t\t\t\t[2928] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2929] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2930] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2931] StaticText 'T: 4045551234'", "\t\t\t[2806] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method'", "\t\t\t[2933] StaticText 'Payment Information'", "\t\t\t[2964] StaticText 'Check / Money order'", "\t\t\t[2965] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.'", "\t\t\t[2938] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information'", "\t\t\t[2940] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed'", "\t\t\t[2943] StaticText '$15.00'", "\t\t\t[2811] StaticText 'Items Ordered'", "\t\t\t[2759] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2944] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2966] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2967] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2968] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2969] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2970] columnheader 'Qty' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2971] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2972] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2973] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2974] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2975] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2976] gridcell 'Rapha Sports Short SKU: MSH07-36-Blue Color: Blue Size: 36' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3123] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3202] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3203] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3240] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3204] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3241] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3205] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3242] StaticText '36'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2977] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2978] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2979] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2980] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3052] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3206] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3243] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3244] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2981] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2982] 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required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3080] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3224] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3255] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3256] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3001] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3002] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3003] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3004] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3005] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[2816] StaticText 'Order Total'", "\t\t\t[2949] StaticText 'Notes for this Order'", "\t\t\t[3145] StaticText 'Status'", "\t\t\t[3146] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[3226] menuitem 'Processing' selected: True", "\t\t\t\t[3227] menuitem 'Suspected Fraud' selected: False", "\t\t\t[3147] StaticText 'Comment'", "\t\t\t[3148] textbox 'Comment' required: False", "\t\t\t[3229] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3231] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3151] button 'Submit Comment'", "\t\t\t[2953] StaticText 'Order Totals'", "\t\t\t[2820] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[3009] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3095] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3096] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3010] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3097] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3098] gridcell '$15.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3011] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3099] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3100] gridcell '$166.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3012] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3101] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3102] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3013] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3103] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3104] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3014] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3105] gridcell 'Total Due' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3106] gridcell '$166.40' required: False", "\t\t[1325] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW'", "\t\t[2659] tablist '' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1523] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[1455] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[1456] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[1457] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[1458] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[1459] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ] }
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[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[601] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... 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False", "\t\t\t\t[966] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[945] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[978] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[979] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[928] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[929] table ''", "\t\t\t[950] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[982] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[984] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[996] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[997] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[930] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[931] table ''", "\t\t\t[956] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1000] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1002] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1014] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[961] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1015] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1016] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1017] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[878] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[883] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[884] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[895] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[886] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[888] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[889] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[890] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the page's focus has shifted to the "Dashboard" section of the Magento Admin. The previous detailed order information has been replaced with a more general overview, indicating a movement away from the specific order context. The interface now reflects a focus on broader administrative functionalities rather than the detailed order view. This suggests that the user is no longer interacting with the current order but rather exploring other options within the admin panel.
press [Ctrl+A]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[44] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[45] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[583] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[611] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[612] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[614] link '\\ue607'", "\t[730] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[590] main ''", "\t\t[617] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[648] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[651] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[712] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[713] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[738] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[739] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[715] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[768] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[769] link 'here'", "\t\t[843] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[804] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[844] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[845] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[846] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[818] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[776] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[779] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[781] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[786] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[787] table ''", "\t\t\t[855] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[888] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[889] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[890] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[856] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[891] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[892] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[893] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[857] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[894] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[895] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[896] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[858] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[897] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[898] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[899] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[859] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[900] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[901] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[902] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[860] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[903] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[904] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[905] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[788] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[789] table ''", "\t\t\t[861] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[906] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[907] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[862] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[909] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[863] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[864] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[865] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[866] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[790] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[791] table ''", "\t\t\t[867] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[924] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[868] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[927] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[869] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[870] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[871] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[872] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[591] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[655] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[656] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[691] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[658] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[659] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[660] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[661] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[662] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the attention has returned to the "Dashboard" view of the Magento Admin. The previous detailed context regarding the current order is now obscured, as the overall interface reflects a shift in focus away from specific order details. This implies that the user is potentially unable to interact effectively with the order information due to the selection action, which has altered their view.
hover [3148]
[ "Tab 0 (current): #000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1252] RootWebArea '#000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1310] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1317] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1257] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1259] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1263] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1267] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1271] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1275] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1279] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1283] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1287] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1291] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1295] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1335] heading '#000000125'", "\t[1336] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1338] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1562] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1478] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1299] main ''", "\t\t[1340] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1341] button 'Login as Customer'", "\t\t[1342] button 'Edit'", "\t\t[1343] button 'Cancel'", "\t\t[1344] button 'Send Email'", "\t\t[1345] button 'Hold'", "\t\t[1346] button 'Invoice'", "\t\t[1347] button 'Ship'", "\t\t[1348] button 'Reorder'", "\t\t[2665] tabpanel 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2776] StaticText 'Order & Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2879] StaticText 'Order # 000000125 ('", "\t\t\t[2881] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent'", "\t\t\t[2882] StaticText ')'", "\t\t\t[2883] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2997] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3087] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3088] gridcell 'May 24, 2023, 8:28:12 AM' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2998] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3089] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3090] gridcell 'Processing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2999] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3091] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3092] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3166] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3168] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[3000] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3093] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3094] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[2885] StaticText 'Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2940] link 'Edit Customer'", "\t\t\t[2887] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[3002] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3095] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3096] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3173] link 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[3003] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3097] rowheader 'Email' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3098] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3175] link '[email protected]'", "\t\t\t\t[3004] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3099] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3100] gridcell 'General' required: False", "\t\t\t[2781] StaticText 'Address Information'", "\t\t\t[2889] StaticText 'Billing Address'", "\t\t\t[2942] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2783] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2891] StaticText 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[2892] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2893] StaticText '123 Peachtree St'", "\t\t\t\t[2894] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2895] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308'", "\t\t\t\t[2896] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2897] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2898] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2899] StaticText 'T: 4045551234'", "\t\t\t[2901] StaticText 'Shipping Address'", "\t\t\t[2943] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2785] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2903] StaticText 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[2904] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2905] StaticText '123 Peachtree St'", "\t\t\t\t[2906] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2907] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308'", "\t\t\t\t[2908] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2909] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2910] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2911] StaticText 'T: 4045551234'", "\t\t\t[2786] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method'", "\t\t\t[2913] StaticText 'Payment Information'", "\t\t\t[2944] StaticText 'Check / Money order'", "\t\t\t[2945] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.'", "\t\t\t[2918] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information'", "\t\t\t[2920] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed'", "\t\t\t[2923] StaticText '$15.00'", "\t\t\t[2791] StaticText 'Items Ordered'", "\t\t\t[2739] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2924] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2946] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2947] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2948] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2949] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2950] columnheader 'Qty' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2951] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2952] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2953] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2954] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2955] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2925] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2956] gridcell 'Rapha Sports Short SKU: MSH07-36-Blue Color: Blue Size: 36' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3103] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3182] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3183] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3220] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3184] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3221] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3185] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3222] StaticText '36'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2957] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2958] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2959] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2960] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3032] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3186] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3223] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3224] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2961] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2962] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2963] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2964] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2965] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2926] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2966] gridcell 'Mach Street Sweatshirt SKU: MH10-XL-Blue Color: Blue Size: XL' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3111] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3191] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3192] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3226] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3193] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3227] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3194] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3228] StaticText 'XL'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2967] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2968] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2969] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2970] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3046] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3195] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3229] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3230] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2971] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2972] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2973] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2974] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2975] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2927] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2976] gridcell 'Thorpe Track Pant SKU: MP07-32-Purple Color: Purple Size: 32' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3119] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3200] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3201] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3232] StaticText 'Purple'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3202] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3233] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3203] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2977] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2978] gridcell '$68.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2979] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2980] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3060] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3204] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3235] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3236] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2981] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2982] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2983] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2984] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2985] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[2796] StaticText 'Order Total'", "\t\t\t[2929] StaticText 'Notes for this Order'", "\t\t\t[3125] StaticText 'Status'", "\t\t\t[3126] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[3206] menuitem 'Processing' selected: True", "\t\t\t\t[3207] menuitem 'Suspected Fraud' selected: False", "\t\t\t[3127] StaticText 'Comment'", "\t\t\t[3128] textbox 'Comment' required: False", "\t\t\t[3209] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3211] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3131] button 'Submit Comment'", "\t\t\t[2933] StaticText 'Order Totals'", "\t\t\t[2800] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2989] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3075] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3076] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2990] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3077] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3078] gridcell '$15.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2991] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3079] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3080] gridcell '$166.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2992] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3081] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3082] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2993] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3083] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3084] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2994] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3085] gridcell 'Total Due' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3086] gridcell '$166.40' required: False", "\t\t[1305] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW'", "\t\t[2639] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[2641] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content", "\t\t\t\t[2651] link 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2643] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content", "\t\t\t\t[2653] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t[2645] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content", "\t\t\t\t[2655] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t[2647] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content", "\t\t\t\t[2657] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t[2649] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[2659] link 'Comments History'", "\t[2032] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2037] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2038] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2052] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2040] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2041] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2042] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2043] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2044] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the webpage remains focused on the order details, particularly the "Comment" textbox. This indicates that the user intended to gain more information or interaction options related to the comment feature. However, there is no significant change in the interface or functionality as a result of the hover action, suggesting that the expected feedback was either minimal or not effectively communicated.
click [1281]
[ "Tab 0 (current): #000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1272] RootWebArea '#000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3356] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[3357] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[3269] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3271] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[3274] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[3280] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[3286] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[3292] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[3298] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[3304] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[3322] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[3328] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[3334] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1953] heading '#000000125'", "\t[1954] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1956] link '\\ue607'", "\t[2062] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[3913] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1925] main ''", "\t\t[3939] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[3940] button 'Login as Customer'", "\t\t[3941] button 'Edit'", "\t\t[3942] button 'Cancel'", "\t\t[3943] button 'Send Email'", "\t\t[3944] button 'Hold'", "\t\t[3945] button 'Invoice'", "\t\t[3946] button 'Ship'", "\t\t[3947] button 'Reorder'", "\t\t[2685] tabpanel 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2796] StaticText 'Order & Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2899] StaticText 'Order # 000000125 ('", "\t\t\t[2901] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent'", "\t\t\t[2902] StaticText ')'", "\t\t\t[2903] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[3017] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3107] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3108] gridcell 'May 24, 2023, 8:28:12 AM' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3018] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3109] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3110] gridcell 'Processing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3019] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3111] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3112] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3186] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3188] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[3020] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3113] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3114] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[2905] StaticText 'Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2960] link 'Edit Customer'", "\t\t\t[2907] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[3022] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3115] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3116] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3193] link 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[3023] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3117] rowheader 'Email' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3118] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3195] link '[email protected]'", "\t\t\t\t[3024] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3119] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3120] gridcell 'General' required: False", "\t\t\t[2801] StaticText 'Address Information'", "\t\t\t[2909] StaticText 'Billing Address'", "\t\t\t[2962] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2803] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2911] StaticText 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[2912] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2913] StaticText '123 Peachtree St'", "\t\t\t\t[2914] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2915] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308'", "\t\t\t\t[2916] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2917] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2918] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2919] StaticText 'T: 4045551234'", "\t\t\t[2921] StaticText 'Shipping Address'", "\t\t\t[2963] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2805] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2923] StaticText 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[2924] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2925] StaticText '123 Peachtree St'", "\t\t\t\t[2926] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2927] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308'", "\t\t\t\t[2928] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2929] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2930] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2931] StaticText 'T: 4045551234'", "\t\t\t[2806] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method'", "\t\t\t[2933] StaticText 'Payment Information'", "\t\t\t[2964] StaticText 'Check / Money order'", "\t\t\t[2965] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.'", "\t\t\t[2938] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information'", "\t\t\t[2940] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed'", "\t\t\t[2943] StaticText '$15.00'", "\t\t\t[2811] StaticText 'Items Ordered'", "\t\t\t[2759] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2944] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2966] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2967] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2968] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2969] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2970] columnheader 'Qty' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2971] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2972] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2973] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2974] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2975] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2976] gridcell 'Rapha Sports Short SKU: MSH07-36-Blue Color: Blue Size: 36' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3123] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3202] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3203] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3240] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3204] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3241] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3205] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3242] StaticText '36'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2977] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2978] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2979] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2980] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3052] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3206] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3243] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3244] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2981] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2982] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2983] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2984] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2985] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2946] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2986] gridcell 'Mach Street Sweatshirt SKU: MH10-XL-Blue Color: Blue Size: XL' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3131] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3211] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3212] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3246] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3213] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3247] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3214] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3248] StaticText 'XL'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2987] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2988] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2989] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2990] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3066] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3215] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3249] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3250] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2991] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2992] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2993] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2994] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2995] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2947] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2996] gridcell 'Thorpe Track Pant SKU: MP07-32-Purple Color: Purple Size: 32' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3139] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3220] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3221] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3252] StaticText 'Purple'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3222] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3253] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3223] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2997] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2998] gridcell '$68.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2999] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3000] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3080] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3224] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3255] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3256] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3001] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3002] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3003] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3004] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3005] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[2816] StaticText 'Order Total'", "\t\t\t[2949] StaticText 'Notes for this Order'", "\t\t\t[3145] StaticText 'Status'", "\t\t\t[3146] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[3226] menuitem 'Processing' selected: True", "\t\t\t\t[3227] menuitem 'Suspected Fraud' selected: False", "\t\t\t[3147] StaticText 'Comment'", "\t\t\t[3148] textbox 'Comment' required: False", "\t\t\t[3229] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3231] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3151] button 'Submit Comment'", "\t\t\t[2953] StaticText 'Order Totals'", "\t\t\t[2820] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[3009] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3095] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3096] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3010] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3097] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3098] gridcell '$15.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3011] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3099] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3100] gridcell '$166.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3012] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3101] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3102] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3013] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3103] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3104] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3014] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3105] gridcell 'Total Due' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3106] gridcell '$166.40' required: False", "\t\t[1931] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW'", "\t\t[2659] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[2661] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content", "\t\t\t\t[2671] link 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2663] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content", "\t\t\t\t[2673] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t[2665] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content", "\t\t\t\t[2675] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t[2667] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content", "\t\t\t\t[2677] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t[2669] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[2679] link 'Comments History'", "\t[1935] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2013] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2014] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2039] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2016] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2017] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2018] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2019] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2020] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
The next observation would be that the focus remains on the order details within the Magento Admin interface. The click action appears to have triggered a response, but the overall context remains centered on the order, specifically the comment area. This suggests that while the interaction was processed, it did not result in a significant change or navigation away from the current order context, indicating possible limitations in the expected functionality following the click.
Tab 0 (current): #000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1272] RootWebArea '#000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True [3357] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [3358] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [3269] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [3271] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [3274] link '\ue60b SALES' [3280] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [3286] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [3292] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [3298] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [3304] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [3322] link '\ue60d STORES' [3328] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [3334] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1355] heading '#000000125' [1356] link '\ue600 admin' [1358] link '\ue607' [3913] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1319] main '' [3939] button '\ue626 Back' [3940] button 'Login as Customer' [3941] button 'Edit' [3942] button 'Cancel' [3943] button 'Send Email' [3944] button 'Hold' [3945] button 'Invoice' [3946] button 'Ship' [3947] button 'Reorder' [2685] tabpanel 'Information' [2796] StaticText 'Order & Account Information' [2899] StaticText 'Order # 000000125 (' [2901] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent' [2902] StaticText ')' [2903] table '' [3017] row '' [3107] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False [3108] gridcell 'May 24, 2023, 8:28:12 AM' required: False [3018] row '' [3109] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False [3110] gridcell 'Processing' required: False [3019] row '' [3111] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False [3112] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False [3020] row '' [3113] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False [3114] gridcell '' required: False [2905] StaticText 'Account Information' [2960] link 'Edit Customer' [2907] table '' [3022] row '' [3115] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False [3116] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [3193] link 'Matt Baker' [3023] row '' [3117] rowheader 'Email' required: False [3118] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3195] link '[email protected]' [3024] row '' [3119] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False [3120] gridcell 'General' required: False [2801] StaticText 'Address Information' [2909] StaticText 'Billing Address' [2962] link 'Edit' [2803] group '' [2911] StaticText 'Matt Baker' [2913] StaticText '123 Peachtree St' [2915] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308' [2917] StaticText 'United States' [2919] StaticText 'T: 4045551234' [2921] StaticText 'Shipping Address' [2963] link 'Edit' [2805] group '' [2923] StaticText 'Matt Baker' [2925] StaticText '123 Peachtree St' [2927] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308' [2929] StaticText 'United States' [2931] StaticText 'T: 4045551234' [2806] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method' [2933] StaticText 'Payment Information' [2964] StaticText 'Check / Money order' [2965] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.' [2938] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information' [2940] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed' [2943] StaticText '$15.00' [2811] StaticText 'Items Ordered' [2759] table '' [2944] row '' [2966] columnheader 'Product' required: False [2967] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False [2968] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False [2969] columnheader 'Price' required: False [2970] columnheader 'Qty' required: False [2971] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False [2972] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False [2973] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False [2974] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False [2975] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False [2945] row '' [2976] gridcell 'Rapha Sports Short SKU: MSH07-36-Blue Color: Blue Size: 36' required: False [3123] DescriptionList '' [3202] DescriptionListTerm '' [3203] DescriptionListDetail '' [3240] StaticText 'Blue' [3204] DescriptionListTerm '' [3241] StaticText 'Size:' [3205] DescriptionListDetail '' [3242] StaticText '36' [2977] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False [2978] gridcell '$35.00' required: False [2979] gridcell '$35.00' required: False [2980] gridcell '' required: False [3052] table '' [3206] row '' [3243] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3244] gridcell '1' required: False [2981] gridcell '$35.00' required: False [2982] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [2983] gridcell '0%' required: False [2984] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [2985] gridcell '$35.00' required: False [2946] row '' [2986] gridcell 'Mach Street Sweatshirt SKU: MH10-XL-Blue Color: Blue Size: XL' required: False [3131] DescriptionList '' [3211] DescriptionListTerm '' [3212] DescriptionListDetail '' [3246] StaticText 'Blue' [3213] DescriptionListTerm '' [3247] StaticText 'Size:' [3214] DescriptionListDetail '' [3248] StaticText 'XL' [2987] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False [2988] gridcell '$62.00' required: False [2989] gridcell '$62.00' required: False [2990] gridcell '' required: False [3066] table '' [3215] row '' [3249] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3250] gridcell '1' required: False [2991] gridcell '$62.00' required: False [2992] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [2993] gridcell '0%' required: False [2994] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [2995] gridcell '$62.00' required: False [2947] row '' [2996] gridcell 'Thorpe Track Pant SKU: MP07-32-Purple Color: Purple Size: 32' required: False [3139] DescriptionList '' [3220] DescriptionListTerm '' [3221] DescriptionListDetail '' [3252] StaticText 'Purple' [3222] DescriptionListTerm '' [3253] StaticText 'Size:' [3223] DescriptionListDetail '' [2997] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False [2998] gridcell '$68.00' required: False [2999] gridcell '$54.40' required: False [3000] gridcell '' required: False [3080] table '' [3224] row '' [3255] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3256] gridcell '1' required: False [3001] gridcell '$54.40' required: False [3002] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3003] gridcell '0%' required: False [3004] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3005] gridcell '$54.40' required: False [2816] StaticText 'Order Total' [2949] StaticText 'Notes for this Order' [3145] StaticText 'Status' [3146] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [3147] StaticText 'Comment' [3148] textbox 'Comment' required: False [2953] StaticText 'Order Totals' [2820] table '' [3009] row '' [3095] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False [3096] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [3010] row '' [3097] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False [3098] gridcell '$15.00' required: False [3011] row '' [3099] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False [3100] gridcell '$166.40' required: False [3012] row '' [3101] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False [3102] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [1325] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW' [2659] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [2661] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content [2671] link 'Information' [2663] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content [2673] link 'Invoices' [2665] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content [2675] link 'Credit Memos' [2667] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content [2677] link 'Shipments' [2669] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [2679] link 'Comments History'
click [3148] where [3148] is textbox 'Comment' required: False
[ "None", "click [675] where [675] is row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'" ]
Tab 0 (current): #000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin [1272] RootWebArea '#000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1 [3357] link 'Magento Admin Panel' [3358] img 'Magento Admin Panel' [3269] menubar '' orientation: horizontal [3271] link '\ue604 DASHBOARD' [3274] link '\ue60b SALES' [3280] link '\ue608 CATALOG' [3286] link '\ue603 CUSTOMERS' [3292] link '\ue609 MARKETING' [3298] link '\ue602 CONTENT' [3304] link '\ue60a REPORTS' [3322] link '\ue60d STORES' [3328] link '\ue610 SYSTEM' [3334] link '\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS' [1355] heading '#000000125' [1356] link '\ue600 admin' [1358] link '\ue607' [3913] textbox '\ue60c' required: False [1319] main '' [3939] button '\ue626 Back' [3940] button 'Login as Customer' [3941] button 'Edit' [3942] button 'Cancel' [3943] button 'Send Email' [3944] button 'Hold' [3945] button 'Invoice' [3946] button 'Ship' [3947] button 'Reorder' [2685] tabpanel 'Information' [2796] StaticText 'Order & Account Information' [2899] StaticText 'Order # 000000125 (' [2901] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent' [2902] StaticText ')' [2903] table '' [3017] row '' [3107] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False [3108] gridcell 'May 24, 2023, 8:28:12 AM' required: False [3018] row '' [3109] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False [3110] gridcell 'Processing' required: False [3019] row '' [3111] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False [3112] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False [3020] row '' [3113] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False [3114] gridcell '' required: False [2905] StaticText 'Account Information' [2960] link 'Edit Customer' [2907] table '' [3022] row '' [3115] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False [3116] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False [3193] link 'Matt Baker' [3023] row '' [3117] rowheader 'Email' required: False [3118] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False [3195] link '[email protected]' [3024] row '' [3119] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False [3120] gridcell 'General' required: False [2801] StaticText 'Address Information' [2909] StaticText 'Billing Address' [2962] link 'Edit' [2803] group '' [2911] StaticText 'Matt Baker' [2913] StaticText '123 Peachtree St' [2915] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308' [2917] StaticText 'United States' [2919] StaticText 'T: 4045551234' [2921] StaticText 'Shipping Address' [2963] link 'Edit' [2805] group '' [2923] StaticText 'Matt Baker' [2925] StaticText '123 Peachtree St' [2927] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308' [2929] StaticText 'United States' [2931] StaticText 'T: 4045551234' [2806] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method' [2933] StaticText 'Payment Information' [2964] StaticText 'Check / Money order' [2965] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.' [2938] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information' [2940] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed' [2943] StaticText '$15.00' [2811] StaticText 'Items Ordered' [2759] table '' [2944] row '' [2966] columnheader 'Product' required: False [2967] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False [2968] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False [2969] columnheader 'Price' required: False [2970] columnheader 'Qty' required: False [2971] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False [2972] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False [2973] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False [2974] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False [2975] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False [2945] row '' [2976] gridcell 'Rapha Sports Short SKU: MSH07-36-Blue Color: Blue Size: 36' required: False [3123] DescriptionList '' [3202] DescriptionListTerm '' [3203] DescriptionListDetail '' [3240] StaticText 'Blue' [3204] DescriptionListTerm '' [3241] StaticText 'Size:' [3205] DescriptionListDetail '' [3242] StaticText '36' [2977] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False [2978] gridcell '$35.00' required: False [2979] gridcell '$35.00' required: False [2980] gridcell '' required: False [3052] table '' [3206] row '' [3243] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3244] gridcell '1' required: False [2981] gridcell '$35.00' required: False [2982] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [2983] gridcell '0%' required: False [2984] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [2985] gridcell '$35.00' required: False [2946] row '' [2986] gridcell 'Mach Street Sweatshirt SKU: MH10-XL-Blue Color: Blue Size: XL' required: False [3131] DescriptionList '' [3211] DescriptionListTerm '' [3212] DescriptionListDetail '' [3246] StaticText 'Blue' [3213] DescriptionListTerm '' [3247] StaticText 'Size:' [3214] DescriptionListDetail '' [3248] StaticText 'XL' [2987] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False [2988] gridcell '$62.00' required: False [2989] gridcell '$62.00' required: False [2990] gridcell '' required: False [3066] table '' [3215] row '' [3249] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3250] gridcell '1' required: False [2991] gridcell '$62.00' required: False [2992] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [2993] gridcell '0%' required: False [2994] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [2995] gridcell '$62.00' required: False [2947] row '' [2996] gridcell 'Thorpe Track Pant SKU: MP07-32-Purple Color: Purple Size: 32' required: False [3139] DescriptionList '' [3220] DescriptionListTerm '' [3221] DescriptionListDetail '' [3252] StaticText 'Purple' [3222] DescriptionListTerm '' [3253] StaticText 'Size:' [3223] DescriptionListDetail '' [2997] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False [2998] gridcell '$68.00' required: False [2999] gridcell '$54.40' required: False [3000] gridcell '' required: False [3080] table '' [3224] row '' [3255] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False [3256] gridcell '1' required: False [3001] gridcell '$54.40' required: False [3002] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3003] gridcell '0%' required: False [3004] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [3005] gridcell '$54.40' required: False [2816] StaticText 'Order Total' [2949] StaticText 'Notes for this Order' [3145] StaticText 'Status' [3146] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False [3147] StaticText 'Comment' [3148] textbox 'Comment' required: False [2953] StaticText 'Order Totals' [2820] table '' [3009] row '' [3095] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False [3096] gridcell '$151.40' required: False [3010] row '' [3097] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False [3098] gridcell '$15.00' required: False [3011] row '' [3099] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False [3100] gridcell '$166.40' required: False [3012] row '' [3101] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False [3102] gridcell '$0.00' required: False [1325] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW' [2659] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal [2661] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content [2671] link 'Information' [2663] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content [2673] link 'Invoices' [2665] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content [2675] link 'Credit Memos' [2667] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content [2677] link 'Shipments' [2669] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1 [2679] link 'Comments History'
Notify Michael Brown in their most recent pending order with message "your order has been cancelled, please contact customer service for more information"
The next observation would retain the same order management interface with a focus on the comment section. This indicates that the user is preparing to input a message for the customer. The interface remains consistent, with the order details still displayed, and now the user can enter the notification message: "your order has been cancelled, please contact customer service for more information." This step sets the stage for notifying the customer, in this case, Michael Brown, about the cancellation of the order.
{ "neg_action0": "scroll [up]", "neg_action1": "scroll [down]", "neg_action2": "press [Ctrl+A]", "neg_action3": "hover [3148]", "neg_action4": "click [1281]", "neg_action5": "tab_focus [0]", "neg_action6": "new_tab", "neg_action7": "go_back", "neg_action8": "go_forward", "neg_action9": "close_tab", "neg_observation0": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[60] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[77] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[78] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[80] link '\\ue607'", "\t[275] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[83] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[738] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[740] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[779] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[780] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[797] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[798] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[782] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[819] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[820] link 'here'", "\t\t[873] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[847] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[874] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[875] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[876] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[861] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[827] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[830] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[832] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[837] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[838] table ''", "\t\t\t[885] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[909] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[886] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[887] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[888] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[889] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[890] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[924] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[839] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[840] table ''", "\t\t\t[891] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[927] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[892] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[893] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[894] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[895] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[896] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[942] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[943] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[841] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[842] table ''", "\t\t\t[897] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[944] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[945] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[946] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[898] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[947] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[948] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[949] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[899] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[950] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[951] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[952] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[900] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[953] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[954] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[955] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[901] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[956] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[957] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[958] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[902] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[959] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[960] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[961] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[725] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[744] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[745] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[768] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[747] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[748] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[749] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[750] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[751] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation1": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[601] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[916] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[919] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[921] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[926] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[927] table ''", "\t\t\t[944] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[964] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[966] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[945] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[978] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[979] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[928] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[929] table ''", "\t\t\t[950] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[982] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[984] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[996] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[997] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[930] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[931] table ''", "\t\t\t[956] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1000] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1002] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1014] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[961] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1015] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1016] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1017] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[878] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[883] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[884] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[895] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[886] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[888] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[889] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[890] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation2": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[44] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[45] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[583] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[611] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[612] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[614] link '\\ue607'", "\t[730] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[590] main ''", "\t\t[617] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[648] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[651] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[712] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[713] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[738] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[739] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[715] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[768] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[769] link 'here'", "\t\t[843] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[804] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[844] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[845] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[846] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[818] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[776] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[779] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[781] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[786] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[787] table ''", "\t\t\t[855] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[888] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[889] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[890] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[856] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[891] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[892] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[893] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[857] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[894] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[895] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[896] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[858] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[897] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[898] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[899] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[859] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[864] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[865] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[866] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[790] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[791] table ''", "\t\t\t[867] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[924] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[868] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[927] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[869] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[870] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[871] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[872] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[591] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[655] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[656] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[691] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[658] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[659] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[660] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[661] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[662] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation3": [ "Tab 0 (current): #000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1252] RootWebArea '#000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1310] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1317] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1257] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1259] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1263] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1267] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1271] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1275] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1279] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1283] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1287] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1291] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1295] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1335] heading '#000000125'", "\t[1336] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1338] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1562] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1478] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1299] main ''", "\t\t[1340] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1341] button 'Login as Customer'", "\t\t[1342] button 'Edit'", "\t\t[1343] button 'Cancel'", "\t\t[1344] button 'Send Email'", "\t\t[1345] button 'Hold'", "\t\t[1346] button 'Invoice'", "\t\t[1347] button 'Ship'", "\t\t[1348] button 'Reorder'", "\t\t[2665] tabpanel 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2776] StaticText 'Order & Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2879] StaticText 'Order # 000000125 ('", "\t\t\t[2881] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent'", "\t\t\t[2882] StaticText ')'", "\t\t\t[2883] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2997] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3087] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3088] gridcell 'May 24, 2023, 8:28:12 AM' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2998] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3089] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3090] gridcell 'Processing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2999] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3091] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3092] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3166] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3168] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[3000] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3093] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3094] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[2885] StaticText 'Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2940] link 'Edit Customer'", "\t\t\t[2887] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[3002] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3095] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3096] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3173] link 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[3003] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3097] rowheader 'Email' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3098] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3175] link '[email protected]'", "\t\t\t\t[3004] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3099] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3100] gridcell 'General' required: False", "\t\t\t[2781] StaticText 'Address Information'", "\t\t\t[2889] StaticText 'Billing Address'", "\t\t\t[2942] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2783] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2891] StaticText 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[2892] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2893] StaticText '123 Peachtree St'", "\t\t\t\t[2894] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2895] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308'", "\t\t\t\t[2896] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2897] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2898] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2899] StaticText 'T: 4045551234'", "\t\t\t[2901] StaticText 'Shipping Address'", "\t\t\t[2943] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2785] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2903] StaticText 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[2904] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2905] StaticText '123 Peachtree St'", "\t\t\t\t[2906] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2907] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308'", "\t\t\t\t[2908] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2909] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2910] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2911] StaticText 'T: 4045551234'", "\t\t\t[2786] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method'", "\t\t\t[2913] StaticText 'Payment Information'", "\t\t\t[2944] StaticText 'Check / Money order'", "\t\t\t[2945] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.'", "\t\t\t[2918] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information'", "\t\t\t[2920] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed'", "\t\t\t[2923] StaticText '$15.00'", "\t\t\t[2791] StaticText 'Items Ordered'", "\t\t\t[2739] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2924] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2946] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2947] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2948] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2949] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2950] columnheader 'Qty' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2951] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2952] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2953] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2954] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2955] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2925] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2956] gridcell 'Rapha Sports Short SKU: MSH07-36-Blue Color: Blue Size: 36' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3103] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3182] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3183] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3220] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3184] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3221] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3185] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3222] StaticText '36'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2957] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2958] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2959] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2960] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3032] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3186] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3223] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3224] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2961] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2962] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2963] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2964] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2965] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2926] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2966] gridcell 'Mach Street Sweatshirt SKU: MH10-XL-Blue Color: Blue Size: XL' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3111] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3191] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3192] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3226] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3193] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3227] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3194] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3228] StaticText 'XL'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2967] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2968] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2969] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2970] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3046] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3195] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3229] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3230] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2971] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2972] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2973] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2974] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2975] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2927] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2976] gridcell 'Thorpe Track Pant SKU: MP07-32-Purple Color: Purple Size: 32' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3119] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3200] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3201] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3232] StaticText 'Purple'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3202] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3233] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3203] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2977] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2978] gridcell '$68.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2979] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2980] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3060] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3204] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3235] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3236] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2981] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2982] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2983] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2984] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2985] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[2796] StaticText 'Order Total'", "\t\t\t[2929] StaticText 'Notes for this Order'", "\t\t\t[3125] StaticText 'Status'", "\t\t\t[3126] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[3206] menuitem 'Processing' selected: True", "\t\t\t\t[3207] menuitem 'Suspected Fraud' selected: False", "\t\t\t[3127] StaticText 'Comment'", "\t\t\t[3128] textbox 'Comment' required: False", "\t\t\t[3209] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3211] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3131] button 'Submit Comment'", "\t\t\t[2933] StaticText 'Order Totals'", "\t\t\t[2800] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2989] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3075] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3076] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2990] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3077] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3078] gridcell '$15.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2991] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3079] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3080] gridcell '$166.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2992] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3081] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3082] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2993] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3083] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3084] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2994] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3085] gridcell 'Total Due' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3086] gridcell '$166.40' required: False", "\t\t[1305] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW'", "\t\t[2639] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[2641] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content", "\t\t\t\t[2651] link 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2643] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content", "\t\t\t\t[2653] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t[2645] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content", "\t\t\t\t[2655] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t[2647] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content", "\t\t\t\t[2657] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t[2649] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[2659] link 'Comments History'", "\t[2032] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2037] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2038] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2052] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2040] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2041] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2042] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2043] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2044] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation4": [ "Tab 0 (current): #000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1272] RootWebArea '#000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3356] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[3357] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[3269] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3271] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[3274] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[3280] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[3286] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[3292] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[3298] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[3304] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[3322] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[3328] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[3334] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1953] heading '#000000125'", "\t[1954] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1956] link '\\ue607'", "\t[2062] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[3913] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1925] main ''", "\t\t[3939] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[3940] button 'Login as Customer'", "\t\t[3941] button 'Edit'", "\t\t[3942] button 'Cancel'", "\t\t[3943] button 'Send Email'", "\t\t[3944] button 'Hold'", "\t\t[3945] button 'Invoice'", "\t\t[3946] button 'Ship'", "\t\t[3947] button 'Reorder'", "\t\t[2685] tabpanel 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2796] StaticText 'Order & Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2899] StaticText 'Order # 000000125 ('", "\t\t\t[2901] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent'", "\t\t\t[2902] StaticText ')'", "\t\t\t[2903] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[3017] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3107] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3108] gridcell 'May 24, 2023, 8:28:12 AM' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3018] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3109] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3110] gridcell 'Processing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3019] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3111] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3112] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3186] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3188] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[3020] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3113] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3114] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[2905] StaticText 'Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2960] link 'Edit Customer'", "\t\t\t[2907] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[3022] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3115] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3116] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3193] link 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[3023] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3117] rowheader 'Email' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3118] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3195] link '[email protected]'", "\t\t\t\t[3024] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3119] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3120] gridcell 'General' required: False", "\t\t\t[2801] StaticText 'Address Information'", "\t\t\t[2909] StaticText 'Billing Address'", "\t\t\t[2962] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2803] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2911] StaticText 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[2912] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2913] StaticText '123 Peachtree St'", "\t\t\t\t[2914] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2915] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308'", "\t\t\t\t[2916] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2917] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2918] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2919] StaticText 'T: 4045551234'", "\t\t\t[2921] StaticText 'Shipping Address'", "\t\t\t[2963] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2805] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2923] StaticText 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[2924] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2925] StaticText '123 Peachtree St'", "\t\t\t\t[2926] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2927] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308'", "\t\t\t\t[2928] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2929] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2930] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2931] StaticText 'T: 4045551234'", "\t\t\t[2806] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method'", "\t\t\t[2933] StaticText 'Payment Information'", "\t\t\t[2964] StaticText 'Check / Money order'", "\t\t\t[2965] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.'", "\t\t\t[2938] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information'", "\t\t\t[2940] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed'", "\t\t\t[2943] StaticText '$15.00'", "\t\t\t[2811] StaticText 'Items Ordered'", "\t\t\t[2759] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2944] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2966] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2967] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2968] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2969] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2970] columnheader 'Qty' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2971] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2972] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2973] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2974] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2975] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2976] gridcell 'Rapha Sports Short SKU: MSH07-36-Blue Color: Blue Size: 36' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3123] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3202] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3203] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3240] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3204] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3241] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3205] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3242] StaticText '36'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2977] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2978] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2979] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2980] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3052] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3206] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3243] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3244] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2981] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2982] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2983] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2984] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2985] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2946] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2986] gridcell 'Mach Street Sweatshirt SKU: MH10-XL-Blue Color: Blue Size: XL' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3131] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3211] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3212] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3246] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3213] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3247] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3214] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3248] StaticText 'XL'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2987] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2988] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2989] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2990] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3066] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3215] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3249] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3250] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2991] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2992] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2993] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2994] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2995] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2947] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2996] gridcell 'Thorpe Track Pant SKU: MP07-32-Purple Color: Purple Size: 32' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3139] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3220] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3221] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3252] StaticText 'Purple'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3222] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3253] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3223] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2997] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2998] gridcell '$68.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2999] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3000] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3080] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3224] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3255] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3256] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3001] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3002] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3003] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3004] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3005] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[2816] StaticText 'Order Total'", "\t\t\t[2949] StaticText 'Notes for this Order'", "\t\t\t[3145] StaticText 'Status'", "\t\t\t[3146] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[3226] menuitem 'Processing' selected: True", "\t\t\t\t[3227] menuitem 'Suspected Fraud' selected: False", "\t\t\t[3147] StaticText 'Comment'", "\t\t\t[3148] textbox 'Comment' required: False", "\t\t\t[3229] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3231] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3151] button 'Submit Comment'", "\t\t\t[2953] StaticText 'Order Totals'", "\t\t\t[2820] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[3009] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3095] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3096] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3010] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3097] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3098] gridcell '$15.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3011] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3099] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3100] gridcell '$166.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3012] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3101] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3102] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3013] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3103] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3104] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3014] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3105] gridcell 'Total Due' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3106] gridcell '$166.40' required: False", "\t\t[1931] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW'", "\t\t[2659] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[2661] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content", "\t\t\t\t[2671] link 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2663] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content", "\t\t\t\t[2673] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t[2665] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content", "\t\t\t\t[2675] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t[2667] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content", "\t\t\t\t[2677] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t[2669] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[2679] link 'Comments History'", "\t[1935] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2013] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2014] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2039] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2016] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2017] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2018] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2019] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2020] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation5": [ "Tab 0 (current): #000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1252] RootWebArea '#000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3336] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[3337] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[3249] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3251] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[3254] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[3260] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[3266] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[3272] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[3278] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[3284] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[3302] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[3308] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[3314] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1335] heading '#000000125'", "\t[1336] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1338] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1568] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1478] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1299] main ''", "\t\t[1340] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1341] button 'Login as Customer'", "\t\t[1342] button 'Edit'", "\t\t[1343] button 'Cancel'", "\t\t[1344] button 'Send Email'", "\t\t[1345] button 'Hold'", "\t\t[1346] button 'Invoice'", "\t\t[1347] button 'Ship'", "\t\t[1348] button 'Reorder'", "\t\t[2665] tabpanel 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2776] StaticText 'Order & Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2879] StaticText 'Order # 000000125 ('", "\t\t\t[2881] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent'", "\t\t\t[2882] StaticText ')'", "\t\t\t[2883] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2997] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3087] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3088] gridcell 'May 24, 2023, 8:28:12 AM' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2998] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3089] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3090] gridcell 'Processing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2999] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3091] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3092] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3166] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3168] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[3000] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3093] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3094] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[2885] StaticText 'Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2940] link 'Edit Customer'", "\t\t\t[2887] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[3002] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3095] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3096] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3173] link 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[3003] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3097] rowheader 'Email' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3098] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3175] link '[email protected]'", "\t\t\t\t[3004] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3099] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3100] gridcell 'General' required: False", "\t\t\t[2781] StaticText 'Address Information'", "\t\t\t[2889] StaticText 'Billing Address'", "\t\t\t[2942] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2783] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2891] StaticText 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[2892] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2893] StaticText '123 Peachtree St'", "\t\t\t\t[2894] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2895] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308'", "\t\t\t\t[2896] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2897] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2898] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2899] StaticText 'T: 4045551234'", "\t\t\t[2901] StaticText 'Shipping Address'", "\t\t\t[2943] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2785] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2903] StaticText 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[2904] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2905] StaticText '123 Peachtree St'", "\t\t\t\t[2906] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2907] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308'", "\t\t\t\t[2908] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2909] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2910] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2911] StaticText 'T: 4045551234'", "\t\t\t[2786] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method'", "\t\t\t[2913] StaticText 'Payment Information'", "\t\t\t[2944] StaticText 'Check / Money order'", "\t\t\t[2945] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.'", "\t\t\t[2918] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information'", "\t\t\t[2920] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed'", "\t\t\t[2923] StaticText '$15.00'", "\t\t\t[2791] StaticText 'Items Ordered'", "\t\t\t[2739] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2924] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2946] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2947] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2948] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2949] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2950] columnheader 'Qty' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2951] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2952] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2953] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2954] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2955] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2925] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2956] gridcell 'Rapha Sports Short SKU: MSH07-36-Blue Color: Blue Size: 36' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3103] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3182] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3183] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3220] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3184] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3221] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3185] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3222] StaticText '36'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2957] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2958] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2959] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2960] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3032] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3186] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3223] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3224] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2961] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2962] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2963] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2964] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2965] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2926] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2966] gridcell 'Mach Street Sweatshirt SKU: MH10-XL-Blue Color: Blue Size: XL' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3111] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3191] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3192] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3226] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3193] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3227] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3194] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3228] StaticText 'XL'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2967] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2968] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2969] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2970] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3046] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3195] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3229] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3230] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2971] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2972] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2973] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2974] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2975] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2927] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2976] gridcell 'Thorpe Track Pant SKU: MP07-32-Purple Color: Purple Size: 32' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3119] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3200] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3201] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3232] StaticText 'Purple'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3202] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3233] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3203] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2977] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2978] gridcell '$68.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2979] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2980] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3060] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3204] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3235] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3236] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2981] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2982] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2983] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2984] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2985] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[2796] StaticText 'Order Total'", "\t\t\t[2929] StaticText 'Notes for this Order'", "\t\t\t[3125] StaticText 'Status'", "\t\t\t[3126] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[3206] menuitem 'Processing' selected: True", "\t\t\t\t[3207] menuitem 'Suspected Fraud' selected: False", "\t\t\t[3127] StaticText 'Comment'", "\t\t\t[3128] textbox 'Comment' required: False", "\t\t\t[3209] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3211] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3131] button 'Submit Comment'", "\t\t\t[2933] StaticText 'Order Totals'", "\t\t\t[2800] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2989] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3075] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3076] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2990] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3077] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3078] gridcell '$15.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2991] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3079] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3080] gridcell '$166.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2992] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3081] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3082] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2993] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3083] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3084] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2994] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3085] gridcell 'Total Due' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3086] gridcell '$166.40' required: False", "\t\t[1305] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW'", "\t\t[2639] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[2641] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content", "\t\t\t\t[2651] link 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2643] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content", "\t\t\t\t[2653] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t[2645] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content", "\t\t\t\t[2655] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t[2647] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content", "\t\t\t\t[2657] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t[2649] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[2659] link 'Comments History'", "\t[2528] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2533] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2534] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2546] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2536] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2537] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2538] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2539] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2540] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation6": [ "Tab 0: #000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin | Tab 1 (current): ", "", "[1] RootWebArea '' focused: True" ], "neg_observation7": [ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[3981] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[4033] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[4041] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[3986] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3988] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[3992] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[3996] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[4000] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[4004] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[4008] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[4012] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[4016] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[4020] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[4024] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[4060] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[4061] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[4063] link '\\ue607'", "\t[4290] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[5128] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[4031] main ''", "\t\t[4066] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[4128] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[4131] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[4248] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[4249] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[4298] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[4299] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[4251] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[4799] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[4800] link 'here'", "\t\t[4853] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[4827] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[4854] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[4855] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[4856] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[4841] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[5100] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[5102] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[5110] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5137] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5138] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5139] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5140] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[5104] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[5112] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5142] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5143] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5144] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5145] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[5106] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[5114] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5147] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5148] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5149] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5150] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[5108] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[5116] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5152] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5153] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5154] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5155] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[5121] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[5135] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[5158] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[5164] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[5165] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[5166] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[5159] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5167] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[5168] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[5169] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[5160] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5170] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[5171] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[5172] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[5161] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[5173] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' 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'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[4900] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4901] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4902] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[4870] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[4903] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4904] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4905] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[4819] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[4820] table ''", "\t\t\t[4871] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[4906] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4907] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4908] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[4872] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[4909] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4910] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4911] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[4873] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[4912] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4913] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4914] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[4874] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[4915] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4916] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4917] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[4875] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[4918] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4919] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4920] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[4876] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[4921] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4922] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4923] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[4821] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[4822] table ''", "\t\t\t[4877] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[4924] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4925] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4926] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[4878] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[4927] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4928] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4929] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[4879] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[4930] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4931] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[4932] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[4880] row 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[4771] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[4761] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[4762] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[4763] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[4764] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[4765] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation8": [ "Tab 0 (current): #000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1272] RootWebArea '#000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[3357] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[3358] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[3269] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3271] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[3274] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[3280] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[3286] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[3292] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[3298] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[3304] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[3322] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[3328] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[3334] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1358] heading '#000000125'", "\t[1359] link 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'Payment & Shipping Method'", "\t\t\t[2933] StaticText 'Payment Information'", "\t\t\t[2964] StaticText 'Check / Money order'", "\t\t\t[2965] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.'", "\t\t\t[2938] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information'", "\t\t\t[2940] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed'", "\t\t\t[2943] StaticText '$15.00'", "\t\t\t[2811] StaticText 'Items Ordered'", "\t\t\t[2759] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2944] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2966] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2967] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2968] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2969] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2970] columnheader 'Qty' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2971] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2972] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2973] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2974] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2975] 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button 'Submit Comment'", "\t\t\t[2953] StaticText 'Order Totals'", "\t\t\t[2820] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[3009] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3095] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3096] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3010] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3097] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3098] gridcell '$15.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3011] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3099] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3100] gridcell '$166.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3012] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3101] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3102] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3013] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3103] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3104] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3014] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3105] gridcell 'Total Due' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3106] gridcell '$166.40' required: False", "\t\t[1325] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW'", "\t\t[2659] tablist '' 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All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[1523] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[1455] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[1456] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[1457] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[1458] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[1459] link 'Report an Issue'" ], "neg_observation9": [ "Error: 'Page' object has no attribute 'client'" ] }
[ "scroll [up]", "scroll [down]", "press [Ctrl+A]", "hover [3148]", "click [1281]", "tab_focus [0]", "new_tab", "go_back", "go_forward", "close_tab" ]
scroll [down]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[53] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[61] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[44] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[80] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[81] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[83] link '\\ue607'", "\t[315] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[51] main ''", "\t\t[86] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[148] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[151] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[270] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[271] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[323] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[324] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[273] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[404] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[405] link 'here'", "\t\t[598] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[477] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[599] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[600] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[601] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[916] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[919] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[921] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[926] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[927] table ''", "\t\t\t[944] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[964] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[965] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[966] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[945] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[967] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[968] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[969] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[946] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[970] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[971] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[972] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[947] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[973] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[974] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[975] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[948] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[976] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[977] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[978] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[949] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[979] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[980] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[981] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[928] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[929] table ''", "\t\t\t[950] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[982] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[983] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[984] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[951] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[985] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[986] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[987] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[952] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[988] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[989] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[990] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[953] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[991] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[992] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[993] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[954] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[994] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[995] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[996] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[955] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[997] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[998] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[999] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[930] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[931] table ''", "\t\t\t[956] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[1000] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1001] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1002] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[957] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[1003] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1004] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1005] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[958] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[1006] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1007] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1008] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[959] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[1009] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1010] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1011] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[960] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[1012] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1013] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1014] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[961] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[1015] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1016] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1017] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[878] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[883] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[884] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[895] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[886] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[887] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[888] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[889] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[890] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
**: The next observation would be that the focus has shifted to the `Dashboard` section of the Magento Admin panel. The relevant order details and the comment textbox are no longer in focus, indicating that the user has lost context regarding the specific order they were interacting with. The header now reads `Dashboard / Magento Admin`, reflecting a broader view that lacks the details pertinent to the order previously being viewed.
press [Ctrl+A]
[ "Tab 0 (current): Dashboard / Magento Admin", "", "[1] RootWebArea 'Dashboard / Magento Admin' focused: True", "\t[44] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[45] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[6] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[8] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[12] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[16] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[20] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[24] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[28] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[32] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[36] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[40] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[583] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[611] heading 'Dashboard'", "\t[612] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[614] link '\\ue607'", "\t[730] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1220] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[590] main ''", "\t\t[617] StaticText 'Scope:'", "\t\t[648] button 'All Store Views' hasPopup: menu", "\t\t[651] link '\\ue633 What is this?'", "\t\t[712] button 'Reload Data'", "\t\t[713] HeaderAsNonLandmark ''", "\t\t\t[738] StaticText 'Advanced Reporting'", "\t\t[739] StaticText \"Gain new insights and take command of your business' performance, using our dynamic product, order, and customer reports tailored to your customer data.\"", "\t\t[715] link 'Go to Advanced Reporting \\ue644'", "\t\t[768] StaticText 'Chart is disabled. To enable the chart, click '", "\t\t[769] link 'here'", "\t\t[843] StaticText 'Revenue'", "\t\t[804] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[844] StaticText 'Tax'", "\t\t[845] StaticText 'Shipping'", "\t\t[846] StaticText 'Quantity'", "\t\t[818] StaticText '0'", "\t\t[1119] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[1121] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers' expanded: True selected: True controls: grid_tab_ordered_products_content", "\t\t\t\t[1129] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1150] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1151] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1152] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1153] StaticText 'Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1123] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[1131] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1155] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1156] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1157] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1158] StaticText 'Most Viewed Products'", "\t\t\t[1125] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-2", "\t\t\t\t[1133] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... New Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1160] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1161] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1162] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1163] StaticText 'New Customers'", "\t\t\t[1127] tab 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-3", "\t\t\t\t[1135] link 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Customers'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1165] generic 'The information in this tab has been changed.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1166] generic 'This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1167] generic 'Loading...'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1168] StaticText 'Customers'", "\t\t[1140] tabpanel 'The information in this tab has been changed. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving. Loading... Bestsellers'", "\t\t\t[1148] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[1171] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[1177] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1178] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1179] columnheader 'Quantity' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1172] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/29/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1180] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 65 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1181] gridcell '$27.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1182] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1173] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/20/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1183] gridcell 'Quest Lumaflex™ Band' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1184] gridcell '$19.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1185] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1174] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/33/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1186] gridcell 'Sprite Yoga Strap 6 foot' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1187] gridcell '$14.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1188] gridcell '6' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1175] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1189] gridcell 'Sprite Stasis Ball 55 cm' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1190] gridcell '$23.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1191] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[1176] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/catalog/product/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t\t[1192] gridcell 'Overnight Duffle' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1193] gridcell '$45.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[1194] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t[776] StaticText 'Lifetime Sales'", "\t\t[779] StaticText '$0.00'", "\t\t[781] StaticText 'Average Order'", "\t\t[786] StaticText 'Last Orders'", "\t\t[787] table ''", "\t\t\t[855] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[888] columnheader 'Customer' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[889] columnheader 'Items' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[890] columnheader 'Total' required: False", "\t\t\t[856] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/299/'", "\t\t\t\t[891] gridcell 'Sarah Miller' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[892] gridcell '5' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[893] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[857] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/65/'", "\t\t\t\t[894] gridcell 'Grace Nguyen' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[895] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[896] gridcell '$190.00' required: False", "\t\t\t[858] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/125/'", "\t\t\t\t[897] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[898] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[899] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[859] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/136/'", "\t\t\t\t[900] gridcell 'Lily Potter' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[901] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[902] gridcell '$188.20' required: False", "\t\t\t[860] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/sales/order/view/order_id/230/'", "\t\t\t\t[903] gridcell 'Ava Brown' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[904] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[905] gridcell '$83.40' required: False", "\t\t[788] StaticText 'Last Search Terms'", "\t\t[789] table ''", "\t\t\t[861] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[906] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[907] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[908] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[862] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[909] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[910] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[911] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[863] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/19/'", "\t\t\t\t[912] gridcell 'nike' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[913] gridcell '0' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[914] gridcell '3' required: False", "\t\t\t[864] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[915] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[916] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[917] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[865] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[918] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[919] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[920] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[866] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[921] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[922] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[923] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t[790] StaticText 'Top Search Terms'", "\t\t[791] table ''", "\t\t\t[867] row ''", "\t\t\t\t[924] columnheader 'Search Term' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[925] columnheader 'Results' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[926] columnheader 'Uses' required: False", "\t\t\t[868] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/11/'", "\t\t\t\t[927] gridcell 'hollister' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[928] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[929] gridcell '19' required: False", "\t\t\t[869] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/1/'", "\t\t\t\t[930] gridcell 'Joust Bag' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[931] gridcell '10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[932] gridcell '4' required: False", "\t\t\t[870] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/13/'", "\t\t\t\t[933] gridcell 'Antonia Racer Tank' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[934] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[935] gridcell '2' required: False", "\t\t\t[871] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/25/'", "\t\t\t\t[936] gridcell 'tanks' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[937] gridcell '23' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[938] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t[872] row 'http://ec2-3-23-128-184.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7780/admin/search/term/edit/id/9/'", "\t\t\t\t[939] gridcell 'WP10' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[940] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[941] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t[591] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[655] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[656] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[691] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[658] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[659] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[660] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[661] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[662] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
**: The next observation would be a return to the `Dashboard` view in the Magento Admin panel. The context of the order details has been lost, and the focus is now on the broader dashboard elements, indicating that the attempt to select all text resulted in a navigation away from the order comment textbox.
hover [3148]
[ "Tab 0 (current): #000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1252] RootWebArea '#000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[1310] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[1317] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[1257] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[1259] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[1263] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[1267] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[1271] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[1275] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[1279] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[1283] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[1287] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[1291] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[1295] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1335] heading '#000000125'", "\t[1336] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1338] link '\\ue607'", "\t[1562] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[1478] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1299] main ''", "\t\t[1340] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[1341] button 'Login as Customer'", "\t\t[1342] button 'Edit'", "\t\t[1343] button 'Cancel'", "\t\t[1344] button 'Send Email'", "\t\t[1345] button 'Hold'", "\t\t[1346] button 'Invoice'", "\t\t[1347] button 'Ship'", "\t\t[1348] button 'Reorder'", "\t\t[2665] tabpanel 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2776] StaticText 'Order & Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2879] StaticText 'Order # 000000125 ('", "\t\t\t[2881] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent'", "\t\t\t[2882] StaticText ')'", "\t\t\t[2883] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2997] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3087] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3088] gridcell 'May 24, 2023, 8:28:12 AM' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2998] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3089] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3090] gridcell 'Processing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2999] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3091] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3092] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3166] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3168] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[3000] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3093] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3094] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[2885] StaticText 'Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2940] link 'Edit Customer'", "\t\t\t[2887] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[3002] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3095] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3096] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3173] link 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[3003] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3097] rowheader 'Email' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3098] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3175] link '[email protected]'", "\t\t\t\t[3004] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3099] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3100] gridcell 'General' required: False", "\t\t\t[2781] StaticText 'Address Information'", "\t\t\t[2889] StaticText 'Billing Address'", "\t\t\t[2942] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2783] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2891] StaticText 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[2892] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2893] StaticText '123 Peachtree St'", "\t\t\t\t[2894] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2895] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308'", "\t\t\t\t[2896] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2897] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2898] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2899] StaticText 'T: 4045551234'", "\t\t\t[2901] StaticText 'Shipping Address'", "\t\t\t[2943] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2785] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2903] StaticText 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[2904] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2905] StaticText '123 Peachtree St'", "\t\t\t\t[2906] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2907] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308'", "\t\t\t\t[2908] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2909] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2910] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2911] StaticText 'T: 4045551234'", "\t\t\t[2786] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method'", "\t\t\t[2913] StaticText 'Payment Information'", "\t\t\t[2944] StaticText 'Check / Money order'", "\t\t\t[2945] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.'", "\t\t\t[2918] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information'", "\t\t\t[2920] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed'", "\t\t\t[2923] StaticText '$15.00'", "\t\t\t[2791] StaticText 'Items Ordered'", "\t\t\t[2739] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2924] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2946] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2947] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2948] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2949] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2950] columnheader 'Qty' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2951] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2952] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2953] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2954] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2955] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2925] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2956] gridcell 'Rapha Sports Short SKU: MSH07-36-Blue Color: Blue Size: 36' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3103] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3182] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3183] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3220] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3184] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3221] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3185] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3222] StaticText '36'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2957] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2958] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2959] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2960] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3032] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3186] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3223] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3224] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2961] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2962] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2963] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2964] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2965] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2926] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2966] gridcell 'Mach Street Sweatshirt SKU: MH10-XL-Blue Color: Blue Size: XL' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3111] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3191] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3192] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3226] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3193] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3227] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3194] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3228] StaticText 'XL'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2967] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2968] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2969] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2970] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3046] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3195] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3229] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3230] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2971] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2972] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2973] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2974] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2975] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2927] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2976] gridcell 'Thorpe Track Pant SKU: MP07-32-Purple Color: Purple Size: 32' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3119] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3200] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3201] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3232] StaticText 'Purple'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3202] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3233] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3203] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2977] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2978] gridcell '$68.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2979] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2980] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3060] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3204] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3235] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3236] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2981] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2982] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2983] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2984] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2985] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[2796] StaticText 'Order Total'", "\t\t\t[2929] StaticText 'Notes for this Order'", "\t\t\t[3125] StaticText 'Status'", "\t\t\t[3126] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[3206] menuitem 'Processing' selected: True", "\t\t\t\t[3207] menuitem 'Suspected Fraud' selected: False", "\t\t\t[3127] StaticText 'Comment'", "\t\t\t[3128] textbox 'Comment' required: False", "\t\t\t[3209] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3211] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3131] button 'Submit Comment'", "\t\t\t[2933] StaticText 'Order Totals'", "\t\t\t[2800] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2989] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3075] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3076] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2990] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3077] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3078] gridcell '$15.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2991] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3079] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3080] gridcell '$166.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2992] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3081] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3082] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2993] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3083] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3084] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2994] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3085] gridcell 'Total Due' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3086] gridcell '$166.40' required: False", "\t\t[1305] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW'", "\t\t[2639] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[2641] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content", "\t\t\t\t[2651] link 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2643] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content", "\t\t\t\t[2653] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t[2645] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content", "\t\t\t\t[2655] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t[2647] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content", "\t\t\t\t[2657] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t[2649] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[2659] link 'Comments History'", "\t[2032] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2037] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2038] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2052] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2040] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2041] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2042] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2043] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2044] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
**: The next observation would be that the focus shifts back to the order overview within the Magento Admin panel. The comment textbox is now part of a larger set of order details, which may indicate an unintentional reversion to a previous state rather than maintaining the focus on editing the comment.
click [1281]
[ "Tab 0 (current): #000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin", "", "[1272] RootWebArea '#000000125 / Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin' focused: True busy: 1", "\t[3356] link 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t\t[3357] img 'Magento Admin Panel'", "\t[3269] menubar '' orientation: horizontal", "\t\t[3271] link '\\ue604 DASHBOARD'", "\t\t[3274] link '\\ue60b SALES'", "\t\t[3280] link '\\ue608 CATALOG'", "\t\t[3286] link '\\ue603 CUSTOMERS'", "\t\t[3292] link '\\ue609 MARKETING'", "\t\t[3298] link '\\ue602 CONTENT'", "\t\t[3304] link '\\ue60a REPORTS'", "\t\t[3322] link '\\ue60d STORES'", "\t\t[3328] link '\\ue610 SYSTEM'", "\t\t[3334] link '\\ue612 FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS'", "\t[1953] heading '#000000125'", "\t[1954] link '\\ue600 admin'", "\t[1956] link '\\ue607'", "\t[2062] StaticText '\\ue60c'", "\t[3913] textbox '\\ue60c' required: False", "\t[1925] main ''", "\t\t[3939] button '\\ue626 Back'", "\t\t[3940] button 'Login as Customer'", "\t\t[3941] button 'Edit'", "\t\t[3942] button 'Cancel'", "\t\t[3943] button 'Send Email'", "\t\t[3944] button 'Hold'", "\t\t[3945] button 'Invoice'", "\t\t[3946] button 'Ship'", "\t\t[3947] button 'Reorder'", "\t\t[2685] tabpanel 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2796] StaticText 'Order & Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2899] StaticText 'Order # 000000125 ('", "\t\t\t[2901] StaticText 'The order confirmation email was sent'", "\t\t\t[2902] StaticText ')'", "\t\t\t[2903] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[3017] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3107] rowheader 'Order Date' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3108] gridcell 'May 24, 2023, 8:28:12 AM' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3018] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3109] rowheader 'Order Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3110] gridcell 'Processing' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3019] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3111] rowheader 'Purchased From' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3112] gridcell 'Main Website Main Website Store Default Store View' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3186] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3188] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[3020] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3113] rowheader 'Placed from IP' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3114] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t[2905] StaticText 'Account Information'", "\t\t\t[2960] link 'Edit Customer'", "\t\t\t[2907] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[3022] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3115] rowheader 'Customer Name' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3116] gridcell 'Matt Baker' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3193] link 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[3023] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3117] rowheader 'Email' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3118] gridcell '[email protected]' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3195] link '[email protected]'", "\t\t\t\t[3024] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3119] rowheader 'Customer Group' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3120] gridcell 'General' required: False", "\t\t\t[2801] StaticText 'Address Information'", "\t\t\t[2909] StaticText 'Billing Address'", "\t\t\t[2962] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2803] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2911] StaticText 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[2912] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2913] StaticText '123 Peachtree St'", "\t\t\t\t[2914] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2915] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308'", "\t\t\t\t[2916] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2917] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2918] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2919] StaticText 'T: 4045551234'", "\t\t\t[2921] StaticText 'Shipping Address'", "\t\t\t[2963] link 'Edit'", "\t\t\t[2805] group ''", "\t\t\t\t[2923] StaticText 'Matt Baker'", "\t\t\t\t[2924] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2925] StaticText '123 Peachtree St'", "\t\t\t\t[2926] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2927] StaticText 'Atlanta, Georgia, 30308'", "\t\t\t\t[2928] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2929] StaticText 'United States'", "\t\t\t\t[2930] LineBreak '\\n'", "\t\t\t\t[2931] StaticText 'T: 4045551234'", "\t\t\t[2806] StaticText 'Payment & Shipping Method'", "\t\t\t[2933] StaticText 'Payment Information'", "\t\t\t[2964] StaticText 'Check / Money order'", "\t\t\t[2965] StaticText 'The order was placed using USD.'", "\t\t\t[2938] StaticText 'Shipping & Handling Information'", "\t\t\t[2940] StaticText 'Flat Rate - Fixed'", "\t\t\t[2943] StaticText '$15.00'", "\t\t\t[2811] StaticText 'Items Ordered'", "\t\t\t[2759] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[2944] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2966] columnheader 'Product' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2967] columnheader 'Item Status' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2968] columnheader 'Original Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2969] columnheader 'Price' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2970] columnheader 'Qty' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2971] columnheader 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2972] columnheader 'Tax Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2973] columnheader 'Tax Percent' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2974] columnheader 'Discount Amount' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2975] columnheader 'Row Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2945] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2976] gridcell 'Rapha Sports Short SKU: MSH07-36-Blue Color: Blue Size: 36' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3123] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3202] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3203] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3240] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3204] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3241] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3205] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3242] StaticText '36'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2977] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2978] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2979] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2980] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3052] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3206] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3243] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3244] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2981] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2982] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2983] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2984] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2985] gridcell '$35.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2946] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2986] gridcell 'Mach Street Sweatshirt SKU: MH10-XL-Blue Color: Blue Size: XL' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3131] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3211] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3212] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3246] StaticText 'Blue'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3213] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3247] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3214] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3248] StaticText 'XL'", "\t\t\t\t\t[2987] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2988] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2989] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2990] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3066] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3215] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3249] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3250] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2991] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2992] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2993] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2994] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2995] gridcell '$62.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[2947] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2996] gridcell 'Thorpe Track Pant SKU: MP07-32-Purple Color: Purple Size: 32' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3139] DescriptionList ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3220] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3221] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3252] StaticText 'Purple'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3222] DescriptionListTerm ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3253] StaticText 'Size:'", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3223] DescriptionListDetail ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[2997] gridcell 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2998] gridcell '$68.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[2999] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3000] gridcell '' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t[3080] table ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3224] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3255] rowheader 'Ordered' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[3256] gridcell '1' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3001] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3002] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3003] gridcell '0%' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3004] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3005] gridcell '$54.40' required: False", "\t\t\t[2816] StaticText 'Order Total'", "\t\t\t[2949] StaticText 'Notes for this Order'", "\t\t\t[3145] StaticText 'Status'", "\t\t\t[3146] combobox 'Status' hasPopup: menu expanded: False", "\t\t\t\t[3226] menuitem 'Processing' selected: True", "\t\t\t\t[3227] menuitem 'Suspected Fraud' selected: False", "\t\t\t[3147] StaticText 'Comment'", "\t\t\t[3148] textbox 'Comment' required: False", "\t\t\t[3229] checkbox 'Notify Customer by Email' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3231] checkbox 'Visible on Storefront' checked: false", "\t\t\t[3151] button 'Submit Comment'", "\t\t\t[2953] StaticText 'Order Totals'", "\t\t\t[2820] table ''", "\t\t\t\t[3009] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3095] gridcell 'Subtotal' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3096] gridcell '$151.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3010] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3097] gridcell 'Shipping & Handling' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3098] gridcell '$15.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3011] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3099] gridcell 'Grand Total' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3100] gridcell '$166.40' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3012] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3101] gridcell 'Total Paid' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3102] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3013] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3103] gridcell 'Total Refunded' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3104] gridcell '$0.00' required: False", "\t\t\t\t[3014] row ''", "\t\t\t\t\t[3105] gridcell 'Total Due' required: False", "\t\t\t\t\t[3106] gridcell '$166.40' required: False", "\t\t[1931] StaticText 'ORDER VIEW'", "\t\t[2659] tablist '' multiselectable: False orientation: horizontal", "\t\t\t[2661] tab 'Information' expanded: True selected: True controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_info_content", "\t\t\t\t[2671] link 'Information'", "\t\t\t[2663] tab 'Invoices' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_invoices_content", "\t\t\t\t[2673] link 'Invoices'", "\t\t\t[2665] tab 'Credit Memos' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_creditmemos_content", "\t\t\t\t[2675] link 'Credit Memos'", "\t\t\t[2667] tab 'Shipments' expanded: False selected: False controls: sales_order_view_tabs_order_shipments_content", "\t\t\t\t[2677] link 'Shipments'", "\t\t\t[2669] tab 'Comments History' expanded: False selected: False controls: ui-id-1", "\t\t\t\t[2679] link 'Comments History'", "\t[1935] contentinfo ''", "\t\t[2013] link '\\ue606'", "\t\t[2014] StaticText ' Copyright © 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.'", "\t\t[2039] StaticText ' ver. 2.4.6'", "\t\t[2016] link 'Privacy Policy'", "\t\t[2017] StaticText ' |'", "\t\t[2018] link ' Account Activity'", "\t\t[2019] StaticText ' | '", "\t\t[2020] link 'Report an Issue'" ]
**: The next observation would be that the user remains within the `Orders / Operations / Sales / Magento Admin` environment, but the focus has shifted to a different aspect of order management. The details related to the previous order action are now supplanted by a different set of functionalities or information, signaling a navigation away from the comment textbox and its associated order context.