stringlengths 144
| refs
int64 1
| click
int64 0
| dblclick
int64 0
| keydown
int64 0
| keypress
int64 0
| keyup
int64 0
| mousedown
int64 0
| mouseup
int64 0
| scroll
int64 0
{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: scroll, ref: 1} {"Departure City":"Miami","Destination City":"Pittsburgh","Ticket Type":"One-way","Departure Day":29,"Passengers":3,"Seat type":"Coach"} <BODY ref="1"><A classes="banner" ref="2"><IMG classes="alaska_logo" ref="3"></IMG></A><DIV id="main" ref="4"><DIV id="starth1" classes="header" ref="5"><H1 classes="h1" ref="6" text="Book a flight"></H1></DIV><FORM id="searchForm" classes="miniwob-main-form" ref="7"><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="8"><DIV classes="left" ref="9"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="10" text="One-way"></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="use-miles-div" classes="right" ref="11"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="12" text="Use miles"></LABEL></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="13"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="14"><t ref="-43" text="From"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-from" classes="text-input-pad" ref="15" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="16"></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-button" classes="geo-button" ref="17"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="18" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="19"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="20"><t ref="-44" text="To"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-to" classes="text-input-pad" ref="21"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="22"></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-button" classes="geo-button" ref="23"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="24" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="25"><DIV classes="datecnt left" ref="26"><LABEL id="lbldep-date" classes="text-label" ref="27" text="Depart"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="departure-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="28"></INPUT_text></DIV><DIV id="rt-container" classes="datecnt right" ref="29"><LABEL id="lblret-date" classes="text-label" ref="30" text="Return"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="return-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="31"></INPUT_text></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row" ref="32"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="33" text="Number of passengers"></LABEL><DIV id="num-travelers-cnt" classes="left group" ref="34"><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="35" text="-"></DIV><DIV id="tnum-display" ref="36" text="1"></DIV><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="37" text="+"></DIV></DIV><A id="umnrlink" classes="right" ref="38" text="Child traveling alone?"></A></DIV><DIV id="moreoptionsdiv" classes="drop" ref="39"><H2 classes="closed drop-head" ref="40" text="More search options"></H2></DIV><DIV id="is-cal-div" ref="41"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="42" text="View results on low-fare calendar"></LABEL></DIV><DIV classes="form-row last" ref="43"><INPUT_submit classes="button" ref="44" value="Find Flights"></INPUT_submit></DIV></FORM></DIV><DIV id="footer-wrapper" ref="45"><UL id="footer-nav" classes="group" ref="46"><LI id="help-link" ref="47"><A ref="48" text="FAQ"></A></LI><LI id="full-link" ref="49"><A ref="50" text="Full site"></A></LI><LI id="legal-link" ref="51"><A ref="52" text="Legal"></A></LI><LI id="privacy-link" ref="53"><A ref="54" text="Privacy"></A></LI><LI id="contact-link" ref="55"><A ref="56" text="Contact us"></A></LI></UL><DIV id="more-links" ref="57"></DIV><DIV id="copyright" ref="58" text="© 2017 Alaska Airlines, Inc."></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 15 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: keypress, ref: 88}{action: keypress, ref: 88}{action: keydown, ref: 88}{action: keydown, ref: 88}{action: keydown, ref: 88}{action: keydown, ref: 88}{action: scroll, ref: 88}{action: click, ref: 88}{action: click, ref: 88}{action: mouseup, ref: 88}{action: mouseup, ref: 88}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Find the email by Cathryn and forward that email to Dari. <BODY ref="1"><FORM id="mturk_form" ref="2"><DIV id="wrap" ref="3"><DIV id="area" ref="4"><DIV id="forward" ref="83"><DIV id="forward-bar" ref="84"><SPAN id="close-forward" ref="93"></SPAN><SPAN id="send-forward" ref="94"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="forward-header" ref="85"><DIV classes="forward-info" ref="86"><LABEL ref="87" text="to:"></LABEL><INPUT_text classes="forward-sender" ref="88" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_text></DIV><DIV classes="forward-subject" ref="89"><LABEL ref="90" text="subject:"></LABEL><t ref="-14" text="Viscount."></t></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="forward-body" ref="91"><TEXTAREA id="forward-text" ref="92" value="Impress 1970. Alexandra. Villeneuve opted garland billy theological disappears lima. Explanation."></TEXTAREA></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></FORM></BODY> | 88 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{"Departure City":"Tampa","Destination City":"Miami","Ticket Type":"One-way","Departure Day":17,"Passengers":1,"Seat type":"Coach"} <BODY ref="1"><A classes="banner" ref="2"><IMG classes="alaska_logo" ref="3"></IMG></A><DIV id="main" ref="4"><DIV id="starth1" classes="header" ref="5"><H1 classes="h1" ref="6" text="Book a flight"></H1></DIV><FORM id="searchForm" classes="miniwob-main-form" ref="7"><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="8"><DIV classes="left" ref="9"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="10" text="One-way"></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="use-miles-div" classes="right" ref="11"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="12" text="Use miles"></LABEL></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="13"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="14"><t ref="-1" text="From"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-from" classes="text-input-pad" ref="15"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="16"></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-button" classes="geo-button" ref="17"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="18" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="19"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="20"><t ref="-2" text="To"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-to" classes="text-input-pad" ref="21"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="22"></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-button" classes="geo-button" ref="23"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="24" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="25"><DIV classes="datecnt left" ref="26"><LABEL id="lbldep-date" classes="text-label" ref="27" text="Depart"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="departure-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="28"></INPUT_text></DIV><DIV id="rt-container" classes="datecnt right" ref="29"><LABEL id="lblret-date" classes="text-label" ref="30" text="Return"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="return-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="31"></INPUT_text></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row" ref="32"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="33" text="Number of passengers"></LABEL><DIV id="num-travelers-cnt" classes="left group" ref="34"><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="35" text="-"></DIV><DIV id="tnum-display" ref="36" text="1"></DIV><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="37" text="+"></DIV></DIV><A id="umnrlink" classes="right" ref="38" text="Child traveling alone?"></A></DIV><DIV id="moreoptionsdiv" classes="drop" ref="39"><H2 classes="closed drop-head" ref="40" text="More search options"></H2></DIV><DIV id="is-cal-div" ref="41"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="42" text="View results on low-fare calendar"></LABEL></DIV><DIV classes="form-row last" ref="43"><INPUT_submit classes="button" ref="44" value="Find Flights"></INPUT_submit></DIV></FORM></DIV><DIV id="footer-wrapper" ref="45"><UL id="footer-nav" classes="group" ref="46"><LI id="help-link" ref="47"><A ref="48" text="FAQ"></A></LI><LI id="full-link" ref="49"><A ref="50" text="Full site"></A></LI><LI id="legal-link" ref="51"><A ref="52" text="Legal"></A></LI><LI id="privacy-link" ref="53"><A ref="54" text="Privacy"></A></LI><LI id="contact-link" ref="55"><A ref="56" text="Contact us"></A></LI></UL><DIV id="more-links" ref="57"></DIV><DIV id="copyright" ref="58" text="© 2017 Alaska Airlines, Inc."></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: scroll, ref: 1} {"Departure City":"Atlantic City","Destination City":"Salt Lake City","Ticket Type":"Return flight","Departure Day":22,"Returning Day":24,"Passengers":2,"Seat type":"Coach"} <BODY ref="1"><A classes="banner" ref="2"><IMG classes="alaska_logo" ref="3"></IMG></A><DIV id="main" ref="4"><DIV id="starth1" classes="header" ref="5"><H1 classes="h1" ref="6" text="Book a flight"></H1></DIV><FORM id="searchForm" classes="miniwob-main-form" ref="7"><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="8"><DIV classes="left" ref="9"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="10" text="One-way"></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="use-miles-div" classes="right" ref="11"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="12" text="Use miles"></LABEL></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="13"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="14"><t ref="-149" text="From"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-from" classes="text-input-pad " ref="15" recordingTarget="True" value="altantic ci"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="16"></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-button" classes="geo-button" ref="17"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="18" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="19"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="20"><t ref="-150" text="To"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-to" classes="text-input-pad" ref="21"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="22"></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-button" classes="geo-button" ref="23"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="24" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="25"><DIV classes="datecnt left" ref="26"><LABEL id="lbldep-date" classes="text-label" ref="27" text="Depart"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="departure-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="28"></INPUT_text></DIV><DIV id="rt-container" classes="datecnt right" ref="29"><LABEL id="lblret-date" classes="text-label" ref="30" text="Return"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="return-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="31"></INPUT_text></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row" ref="32"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="33" text="Number of passengers"></LABEL><DIV id="num-travelers-cnt" classes="left group" ref="34"><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="35" text="-"></DIV><DIV id="tnum-display" ref="36" text="1"></DIV><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="37" text="+"></DIV></DIV><A id="umnrlink" classes="right" ref="38" text="Child traveling alone?"></A></DIV><DIV id="moreoptionsdiv" classes="drop" ref="39"><H2 classes="closed drop-head" ref="40" text="More search options"></H2></DIV><DIV id="is-cal-div" ref="41"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="42" text="View results on low-fare calendar"></LABEL></DIV><DIV classes="form-row last" ref="43"><INPUT_submit classes="button" ref="44" value="Find Flights"></INPUT_submit></DIV></FORM></DIV><DIV id="footer-wrapper" ref="45"><UL id="footer-nav" classes="group" ref="46"><LI id="help-link" ref="47"><A ref="48" text="FAQ"></A></LI><LI id="full-link" ref="49"><A ref="50" text="Full site"></A></LI><LI id="legal-link" ref="51"><A ref="52" text="Legal"></A></LI><LI id="privacy-link" ref="53"><A ref="54" text="Privacy"></A></LI><LI 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{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 7}{action: mousedown, ref: 7} Enter 11:11 PM as the time and press submit. <BODY ref="7"><DIV id="wrap" ref="8"><DIV id="area" ref="9"><DIV id="form" ref="10"><INPUT_time id="tt" ref="11" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_time><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="12" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mousedown, ref: 4}{action: mousedown, ref: 4}{action: click, ref: 4}{action: click, ref: 4}{action: click, ref: 25}{action: click, ref: 25}{action: mouseup, ref: 25}{action: mouseup, ref: 25}{action: mousedown, ref: 25}{action: mousedown, ref: 25}{action: click, ref: 25}{action: click, ref: 25}{action: mouseup, ref: 25}{action: mouseup, ref: 25}{action: mousedown, ref: 25}{action: mousedown, ref: 25} Select JKHaBVR, 1fBty7I, W4Q90z, pSu, lo, WV, lgT67K, r9, GMOv, iX9r and click Submit. <BODY ref="25"><DIV id="wrap" ref="26"><DIV id="area" ref="27"><DIV id="boxes-left" ref="28" recordingTarget="True"><LABEL ref="1"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="2" value="False"></input><t ref="-161" text="iX9r"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="3"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="4" value="True"></input><t ref="-162" text="lgT67K"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="6" value="False"></input><t ref="-163" text="1fBty7I"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="8" value="False"></input><t ref="-164" text="WV"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="10" value="False"></input><t ref="-165" text="pSu"></t></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="boxes-right" ref="41"><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="12" value="False"></input><t ref="-166" text="lo"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="13"><input type="checkbox" id="ch6" ref="14" value="False"></input><t ref="-167" text="JKHaBVR"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="15"><input type="checkbox" id="ch7" ref="16" value="False"></input><t ref="-168" text="r9"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="17"><input type="checkbox" id="ch8" ref="18" value="False"></input><t ref="-169" text="GMOv"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="19"><input type="checkbox" id="ch9" ref="20" value="False"></input><t ref="-170" text="W4Q90z"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="54" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
{action: mouseup, ref: 16}{action: mousedown, ref: 8}{action: mousedown, ref: 8}{action: click, ref: 8}{action: click, ref: 8}{action: mouseup, ref: 8}{action: mouseup, ref: 8}{action: mousedown, ref: 6}{action: mousedown, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 6}{action: mouseup, ref: 6}{action: mouseup, ref: 6}{action: mousedown, ref: 4}{action: mousedown, ref: 4}{action: click, ref: 4}{action: click, ref: 4}{action: mouseup, ref: 4}{action: mouseup, ref: 4}{action: mousedown, ref: 2}{action: mousedown, ref: 2}{action: click, ref: 2}{action: click, ref: 2}{action: mouseup, ref: 2}{action: mouseup, ref: 2}{action: mousedown, ref: 23}{action: mousedown, ref: 23} Select 1Zhk, 25Ui, gX3, rM6NWnI, K6q, 4yd2SKN and click Submit. <BODY ref="23"><DIV id="wrap" ref="24"><DIV id="area" ref="25"><DIV id="boxes-left" ref="26"><LABEL ref="1"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="2" value="True"></input><t ref="-217" text="YtUJ"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="3"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="4" value="True"></input><t ref="-218" text="1Zhk"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="6" value="True"></input><t ref="-219" text="4yd2SKN"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="8" value="True"></input><t ref="-220" text="gX3"></t></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="boxes-right" ref="39"><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="10" value="False"></input><t ref="-221" text="7Ycbr"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="12" value="False"></input><t ref="-222" text="K6q"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="13"><input type="checkbox" id="ch6" ref="14" value="False"></input><t ref="-223" text="rM6NWnI"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="15"><input type="checkbox" id="ch7" ref="16" recordingTarget="True" value="False"></input><t ref="-224" text="25Ui"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="50" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
{action: click, ref: 407}{action: click, ref: 403}{action: mouseup, ref: 403}{action: mouseup, ref: 403}{action: mousedown, ref: 407}{action: mousedown, ref: 407}{action: click, ref: 407}{action: click, ref: 403}{action: mouseup, ref: 403}{action: mouseup, ref: 403}{action: mousedown, ref: 407}{action: mousedown, ref: 407}{action: click, ref: 407}{action: click, ref: 403}{action: mouseup, ref: 403}{action: mouseup, ref: 403}{action: mousedown, ref: 407}{action: mousedown, ref: 407}{action: click, ref: 407}{action: click, ref: 403}{action: mouseup, ref: 403}{action: mouseup, ref: 403}{action: mousedown, ref: 407}{action: mousedown, ref: 407}{action: click, ref: 407}{action: click, ref: 403}{action: mouseup, ref: 403}{action: mouseup, ref: 403}{action: mousedown, ref: 407}{action: mousedown, ref: 407}{action: click, ref: 407}{action: click, ref: 403}{action: mouseup, ref: 403}{action: mouseup, ref: 403}{action: mousedown, ref: 407}{action: mousedown, ref: 407}{action: click, ref: 407}{action: click, ref: 403}{action: mouseup, ref: 403}{action: mouseup, ref: 403}{action: mousedown, ref: 407}{action: mousedown, ref: 407}{action: click, ref: 407}{action: click, ref: 403}{action: mouseup, ref: 403}{action: mouseup, ref: 403}{action: mousedown, ref: 407}{action: mousedown, ref: 407}{action: click, ref: 407}{action: click, ref: 403}{action: mouseup, ref: 403}{action: mouseup, ref: 403}{action: mousedown, ref: 407}{action: mousedown, ref: 407}{action: click, ref: 407}{action: click, ref: 403}{action: mouseup, ref: 403}{action: mouseup, ref: 403}{action: mousedown, ref: 407}{action: mousedown, ref: 407}{action: click, ref: 407}{action: click, ref: 403}{action: mouseup, ref: 403}{action: mouseup, ref: 403}{action: mousedown, ref: 407}{action: mousedown, ref: 407}{action: click, ref: 407}{action: click, ref: 407}{action: mouseup, ref: 407}{action: mouseup, ref: 407}{action: mousedown, ref: 403}{action: mousedown, ref: 403} Select 11/15/2016 as the date and hit submit. <BODY ref="403"><DIV id="wrap" ref="404"><DIV id="area" ref="405"><P ref="406"><t ref="-73" text="Date:"></t><INPUT_text id="datepicker" classes="hasDatepicker" ref="407"></INPUT_text></P><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="408" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV><DIV id="ui-datepicker-div" classes="ui-datepicker ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all" ref="409"><DIV classes="ui-datepicker-header ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all" ref="1078"><A classes="ui-datepicker-prev ui-corner-all ui-state-disabled" ref="1079"><SPAN classes="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-triangle-w" ref="1080" text="Prev"></SPAN></A><A classes="ui-datepicker-next ui-corner-all" ref="1081"><SPAN classes="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-triangle-e" ref="1082" text="Next"></SPAN></A><DIV classes="ui-datepicker-title" ref="1083"><SPAN classes="ui-datepicker-month" ref="1084" text="January"></SPAN><SPAN classes="ui-datepicker-year" ref="1085" text="2016"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><TABLE classes="ui-datepicker-calendar" ref="1086"><THEAD ref="1087"><TR ref="1088"><TH classes="ui-datepicker-week-end" ref="1089"><SPAN ref="1090" text="Su"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="1091"><SPAN ref="1092" text="Mo"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="1093"><SPAN ref="1094" text="Tu"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="1095"><SPAN ref="1096" text="We"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="1097"><SPAN ref="1098" text="Th"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="1099"><SPAN ref="1100" text="Fr"></SPAN></TH><TH classes="ui-datepicker-week-end" ref="1101"><SPAN ref="1102" text="Sa"></SPAN></TH></TR></THEAD><TBODY ref="1103"><TR ref="1104"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="1105"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="1106"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="1107"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="1108"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="1109"></TD><TD classes=" " ref="1110"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1111" text="1"></A></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="1112"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1113" text="2"></A></TD></TR><TR ref="1114"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="1115"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1116" text="3"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="1117"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1118" text="4"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="1119"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1120" text="5"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="1121"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1122" text="6"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="1123"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1124" text="7"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="1125"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1126" text="8"></A></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="1127"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1128" text="9"></A></TD></TR><TR ref="1129"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="1130"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1131" text="10"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="1132"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1133" text="11"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="1134"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1135" text="12"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="1136"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1137" text="13"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="1138"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1139" text="14"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="1140"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1141" text="15"></A></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="1142"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1143" text="16"></A></TD></TR><TR ref="1144"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="1145"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1146" text="17"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="1147"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1148" text="18"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="1149"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1150" text="19"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="1151"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1152" text="20"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="1153"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1154" text="21"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="1155"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1156" text="22"></A></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="1157"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1158" text="23"></A></TD></TR><TR ref="1159"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="1160"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1161" text="24"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="1162"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1163" text="25"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="1164"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1165" text="26"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="1166"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1167" text="27"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="1168"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1169" text="28"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="1170"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1171" text="29"></A></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="1172"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1173" text="30"></A></TD></TR><TR ref="1174"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="1175"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="1176" text="31"></A></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="1177"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="1178"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="1179"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="1180"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="1181"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="1182"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV></BODY> | 407 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: click, ref: 4}{action: mouseup, ref: 4}{action: mouseup, ref: 4}{action: mousedown, ref: 10}{action: mousedown, ref: 10}{action: click, ref: 10}{action: click, ref: 10}{action: mouseup, ref: 10}{action: mouseup, ref: 10}{action: mousedown, ref: 2}{action: mousedown, ref: 2}{action: click, ref: 2}{action: click, ref: 2}{action: mouseup, ref: 2}{action: mouseup, ref: 2}{action: mousedown, ref: 8}{action: mousedown, ref: 8}{action: click, ref: 8}{action: click, ref: 8}{action: mouseup, ref: 8}{action: mouseup, ref: 8}{action: mousedown, ref: 16}{action: mousedown, ref: 16} Select words similar to home, reply, sad, peaceful and click Submit. <BODY ref="16"><DIV id="wrap" ref="17"><DIV id="area" ref="18"><DIV id="boxes" ref="19"><LABEL ref="1"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="2" value="True"></input><t ref="-116" text="reply"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="3"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="4" recordingTarget="True" value="True"></input><t ref="-117" text="calm"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="6" value="False"></input><t ref="-118" text="stop"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="8" value="True"></input><t ref="-119" text="house"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="10" value="True"></input><t ref="-120" text="miserable"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="30" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 4 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: dblclick, ref: 5}{action: dblclick, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Enter 5:02 AM as the time and press submit. <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="form" ref="4"><INPUT_time id="tt" ref="5" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_time><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="6" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 7}{action: mousedown, ref: 7} Enter 5:07 PM as the time and press submit. <BODY ref="7"><DIV id="wrap" ref="8"><DIV id="area" ref="9"><DIV id="form" ref="10"><INPUT_time id="tt" ref="11" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_time><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="12" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
{action: mousedown, ref: 14}{action: click, ref: 14}{action: click, ref: 14}{action: mouseup, ref: 14}{action: mouseup, ref: 14}{action: mousedown, ref: 10}{action: mousedown, ref: 10}{action: click, ref: 10}{action: click, ref: 10}{action: mouseup, ref: 10}{action: mouseup, ref: 10}{action: mousedown, ref: 6}{action: mousedown, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 6}{action: mouseup, ref: 6}{action: mouseup, ref: 6}{action: mousedown, ref: 18}{action: mousedown, ref: 18}{action: click, ref: 18}{action: click, ref: 18}{action: mouseup, ref: 18}{action: mouseup, ref: 18}{action: mousedown, ref: 12}{action: mousedown, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 12}{action: mouseup, ref: 12}{action: mouseup, ref: 12}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 21} Select TQh, bDWwM74, u0, Hrh3Dh4, ptEI3G, 9qWZpmJ, 542, q75uE9 and click Submit. <BODY ref="21"><DIV id="wrap" ref="22"><DIV id="area" ref="23"><DIV id="boxes-left" ref="24"><LABEL ref="1"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="2" value="False"></input><t ref="-280" text="q75uE9"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="3"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="4" value="False"></input><t ref="-281" text="PU1TO"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="6" value="True"></input><t ref="-282" text="u0"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="8" value="False"></input><t ref="-283" text="542"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="10" value="True"></input><t ref="-284" text="Hrh3Dh4"></t></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="boxes-right" ref="35"><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="12" value="True"></input><t ref="-285" text="TQh"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="13"><input type="checkbox" id="ch6" ref="14" value="True"></input><t ref="-286" text="ptEI3G"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="15"><input type="checkbox" id="ch7" ref="16" recordingTarget="True" value="False"></input><t ref="-287" text="9qWZpmJ"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="17"><input type="checkbox" id="ch8" ref="18" value="True"></input><t ref="-288" text="bDWwM74"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="46" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: click, ref: 4}{action: click, ref: 4}{action: mouseup, ref: 4}{action: mouseup, ref: 4}{action: mousedown, ref: 12}{action: mousedown, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 12}{action: mouseup, ref: 12}{action: mouseup, ref: 12}{action: mousedown, ref: 2}{action: mousedown, ref: 2}{action: click, ref: 2}{action: click, ref: 2}{action: mouseup, ref: 2}{action: mouseup, ref: 2}{action: mousedown, ref: 25}{action: mousedown, ref: 25} Select YajxPjo, Vfr, k3pF, mT47MyR, fJATX and click Submit. <BODY ref="25"><DIV id="wrap" ref="26"><DIV id="area" ref="27"><DIV id="boxes-left" ref="28"><LABEL ref="1"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="2" value="True"></input><t ref="-127" text="Vfr"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="3"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="4" recordingTarget="True" value="True"></input><t ref="-128" text="k3pF"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="6" value="False"></input><t ref="-129" text="9KCRA"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="8" value="False"></input><t ref="-130" text="mT47MyR"></t></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="boxes-right" ref="39"><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="10" value="False"></input><t ref="-131" text="fJATX"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="12" value="True"></input><t ref="-132" text="YajxPjo"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="13"><input type="checkbox" id="ch6" ref="14" value="False"></input><t ref="-133" text="nwNnYtJ"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="48" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mousedown, ref: 7}{action: mousedown, ref: 7}{action: click, ref: 7}{action: click, ref: 7}{action: mouseup, ref: 7}{action: mouseup, ref: 7}{action: mousedown, ref: 7}{action: mousedown, ref: 7}{action: click, ref: 7}{action: click, ref: 7}{action: mouseup, ref: 7}{action: mouseup, ref: 7}{action: mousedown, ref: 7}{action: mousedown, ref: 7}{action: dblclick, ref: 7}{action: dblclick, ref: 7}{action: click, ref: 7}{action: click, ref: 7}{action: mouseup, ref: 7}{action: mouseup, ref: 7}{action: mousedown, ref: 7}{action: mousedown, ref: 7}{action: click, ref: 7}{action: click, ref: 7}{action: mouseup, ref: 7}{action: mouseup, ref: 7}{action: mousedown, ref: 7}{action: mousedown, ref: 7}{action: click, ref: 7}{action: click, ref: 7}{action: mouseup, ref: 7}{action: mouseup, ref: 7}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Guess the number between 0-9 and press Submit. Use the feedback below to find the right number. <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="feedback" ref="4"><DIV id="waiting" ref="5" text="Waiting for your guess..."></DIV></DIV><FORM ref="6"><INPUT_number id="tt" ref="7" recordingTarget="True" value="3"></INPUT_number><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="8" text="Submit"></BUTTON></FORM></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 7}{action: mousedown, ref: 7} Enter 15:26 as the time and press submit. <BODY ref="7"><DIV id="wrap" ref="8"><DIV id="area" ref="9"><DIV id="form" ref="10"><INPUT_time id="tt" ref="11" recordingTarget="True" value="15:26"></INPUT_time><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="12" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keyup, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keypress, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: keydown, ref: 120}{action: click, ref: 120}{action: click, ref: 120}{action: mouseup, ref: 120}{action: mouseup, ref: 120}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: scroll, ref: 1} Send Myrlene a text, "Accumsan ut quis fermentum." <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="reply" ref="109"><DIV id="reply-bar" ref="110"><SPAN id="close-reply" ref="111"></SPAN><SPAN id="send-reply" ref="112"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="reply-header" ref="113"><DIV classes="reply-info" ref="114"><LABEL classes="reply-to" ref="115" text="to:"></LABEL><SPAN classes="reply-sender" ref="116" text="Myrlene"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="reply-subject" ref="117"><LABEL classes="reply-subj" ref="118" text="subject:"></LABEL><t ref="-100" text="Re: Morbi."></t></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="reply-body" ref="119"><TEXTAREA id="reply-text" ref="120" recordingTarget="True" value="Accumsan ut q"></TEXTAREA></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 120 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mousedown, ref: 897}{action: click, ref: 897}{action: click, ref: 893}{action: mouseup, ref: 893}{action: mouseup, ref: 893}{action: mousedown, ref: 897}{action: mousedown, ref: 897}{action: click, ref: 897}{action: click, ref: 893}{action: mouseup, ref: 893}{action: mouseup, ref: 893}{action: mousedown, ref: 897}{action: mousedown, ref: 897}{action: click, ref: 897}{action: click, ref: 897}{action: mouseup, ref: 897}{action: mouseup, ref: 897}{action: mousedown, ref: 893}{action: mousedown, ref: 893} Select 06/02/2016 as the date and hit submit. <BODY ref="893"><DIV id="wrap" ref="894"><DIV id="area" ref="895"><P ref="896"><t ref="-20" text="Date:"></t><INPUT_text id="datepicker" classes="hasDatepicker" ref="897"></INPUT_text></P><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="898" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV><DIV id="ui-datepicker-div" classes="ui-datepicker ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all" ref="1"><DIV classes="ui-datepicker-header ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all" ref="195"><A classes="ui-datepicker-prev ui-corner-all ui-state-hover ui-datepicker-prev-hover" ref="196"><SPAN classes="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-triangle-w" ref="197" recordingTarget="True" text="Prev"></SPAN></A><A classes="ui-datepicker-next ui-corner-all" ref="198"><SPAN classes="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-triangle-e" ref="199" text="Next"></SPAN></A><DIV classes="ui-datepicker-title" ref="200"><SPAN classes="ui-datepicker-month" ref="201" text="October"></SPAN><SPAN classes="ui-datepicker-year" ref="202" text="2016"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><TABLE classes="ui-datepicker-calendar" ref="203"><THEAD ref="204"><TR ref="205"><TH classes="ui-datepicker-week-end" ref="206"><SPAN ref="207" text="Su"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="208"><SPAN ref="209" text="Mo"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="210"><SPAN ref="211" text="Tu"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="212"><SPAN ref="213" text="We"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="214"><SPAN ref="215" text="Th"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="216"><SPAN ref="217" text="Fr"></SPAN></TH><TH classes="ui-datepicker-week-end" ref="218"><SPAN ref="219" text="Sa"></SPAN></TH></TR></THEAD><TBODY ref="220"><TR ref="221"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="222"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="223"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="224"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="225"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="226"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="227"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="228"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="229" text="1"></A></TD></TR><TR ref="230"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="231"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="232" text="2"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="233"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="234" text="3"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="235"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="236" text="4"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="237"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="238" text="5"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="239"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="240" text="6"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="241"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="242" text="7"></A></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="243"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="244" text="8"></A></TD></TR><TR ref="245"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="246"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="247" text="9"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="248"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="249" text="10"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="250"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="251" text="11"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="252"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="253" text="12"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="254"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="255" text="13"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="256"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="257" text="14"></A></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="258"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="259" text="15"></A></TD></TR><TR ref="260"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="261"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="262" text="16"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="263"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="264" text="17"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="265"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="266" text="18"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="267"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="268" text="19"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="269"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="270" text="20"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="271"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="272" text="21"></A></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="273"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="274" text="22"></A></TD></TR><TR ref="275"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="276"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="277" text="23"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="278"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="279" text="24"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="280"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="281" text="25"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="282"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="283" text="26"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="284"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="285" text="27"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="286"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="287" text="28"></A></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="288"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="289" text="29"></A></TD></TR><TR ref="290"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="291"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="292" text="30"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="293"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="294" text="31"></A></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="295"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="296"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="297"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="298"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="299"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV></BODY> | 897 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mousedown, ref: 4}{action: click, ref: 4}{action: click, ref: 4}{action: mouseup, ref: 4}{action: mouseup, ref: 4}{action: mousedown, ref: 14}{action: mousedown, ref: 14}{action: click, ref: 14}{action: click, ref: 14}{action: mouseup, ref: 14}{action: mouseup, ref: 14}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: click, ref: 21}{action: click, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: click, ref: 21}{action: click, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: click, ref: 21}{action: click, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 2}{action: mousedown, ref: 2}{action: click, ref: 2}{action: click, ref: 2}{action: click, ref: 21}{action: click, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 21} Select aQ1Q, dng, Sp8, cH9se4, u6Jn, 0Sgamc, nHm39, 1NPC, I1s, 2AlVY, 5W and click Submit. <BODY ref="21"><DIV id="wrap" ref="22"><DIV id="area" ref="23"><DIV id="boxes-left" ref="24"><LABEL ref="1"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="2" value="True"></input><t ref="-469" text="AQ5pzq"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="3"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="4" value="True"></input><t ref="-470" text="5W"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="5" recordingTarget="True"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="6" value="False"></input><t ref="-471" text="I1s"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="8" value="False"></input><t ref="-472" text="nHm39"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="10" value="False"></input><t ref="-473" text="u6Jn"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="12" value="False"></input><t ref="-474" text="Sp8"></t></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="boxes-right" ref="35"><LABEL ref="13"><input type="checkbox" id="ch6" ref="14" value="True"></input><t ref="-475" text="aQ1Q"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="15"><input type="checkbox" id="ch7" ref="16" value="False"></input><t ref="-476" text="1NPC"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="17"><input type="checkbox" id="ch8" ref="18" value="False"></input><t ref="-477" text="0Sgamc"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="19"><input type="checkbox" id="ch9" ref="20" value="False"></input><t ref="-478" text="2AlVY"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="21"><input type="checkbox" id="ch10" ref="22" value="False"></input><t ref="-479" text="cH9se4"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="23"><input type="checkbox" id="ch11" ref="24" value="False"></input><t ref="-480" text="dng"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="46" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mouseup, ref: 22}{action: mouseup, ref: 22}{action: mousedown, ref: 17}{action: mousedown, ref: 17}{action: click, ref: 17}{action: click, ref: 17}{action: mouseup, ref: 17}{action: mouseup, ref: 17}{action: mousedown, ref: 17}{action: mousedown, ref: 17}{action: click, ref: 17}{action: click, ref: 17}{action: mouseup, ref: 17}{action: mouseup, ref: 17}{action: mousedown, ref: 17}{action: mousedown, ref: 17}{action: click, ref: 17}{action: click, ref: 17}{action: mouseup, ref: 17}{action: mouseup, ref: 17}{action: mousedown, ref: 17}{action: mousedown, ref: 17}{action: click, ref: 17}{action: click, ref: 17}{action: mouseup, ref: 17}{action: mouseup, ref: 17}{action: mousedown, ref: 17}{action: mousedown, ref: 17}{action: dblclick, ref: 17}{action: dblclick, ref: 17}{action: click, ref: 17}{action: click, ref: 17}{action: mouseup, ref: 17}{action: mouseup, ref: 17}{action: mousedown, ref: 17}{action: mousedown, ref: 17}{action: click, ref: 17}{action: click, ref: 17}{action: mouseup, ref: 17}{action: mouseup, ref: 17}{action: mousedown, ref: 17}{action: mousedown, ref: 12} Select 6 with the spinner and hit Submit. <BODY ref="12"><DIV id="wrap" ref="13"><DIV id="area" ref="14"><LABEL ref="15" text="Select a value:"></LABEL><SPAN classes="ui-spinner ui-corner-all ui-widget ui-widget-content" ref="16"><INPUT_text id="spinner" classes="ui-spinner-input" ref="17" value="6"></INPUT_text><A classes="ui-button ui-widget ui-spinner-button ui-spinner-up ui-corner-tr ui-button-icon-only" ref="18"><SPAN classes="ui-button-icon ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-n" ref="19"></SPAN></A><A classes="ui-button ui-widget ui-spinner-button ui-spinner-down ui-corner-br ui-button-icon-only" ref="20"><SPAN classes="ui-button-icon ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s" ref="21"></SPAN></A></SPAN><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="22" recordingTarget="True" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 22 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Enter 1:20 AM as the time and press submit. <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="form" ref="4"><INPUT_time id="tt" ref="5" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_time><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="6" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
{action: click, ref: 2}{action: click, ref: 13}{action: click, ref: 13}{action: mouseup, ref: 13}{action: mouseup, ref: 13}{action: mousedown, ref: 13}{action: mousedown, ref: 13}{action: click, ref: 13}{action: click, ref: 13}{action: mouseup, ref: 13}{action: mouseup, ref: 13}{action: mousedown, ref: 4}{action: mousedown, ref: 4}{action: click, ref: 4}{action: click, ref: 4}{action: click, ref: 13}{action: click, ref: 13}{action: mouseup, ref: 13}{action: mouseup, ref: 13}{action: mousedown, ref: 10}{action: mousedown, ref: 10}{action: click, ref: 10}{action: click, ref: 10}{action: click, ref: 13}{action: click, ref: 13}{action: mouseup, ref: 13}{action: mouseup, ref: 13}{action: mousedown, ref: 8}{action: mousedown, ref: 8}{action: click, ref: 8}{action: click, ref: 8}{action: click, ref: 13}{action: click, ref: 13}{action: mouseup, ref: 13}{action: mouseup, ref: 13}{action: mousedown, ref: 12}{action: mousedown, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 13}{action: click, ref: 13}{action: mouseup, ref: 13}{action: mouseup, ref: 13}{action: mousedown, ref: 13}{action: mousedown, ref: 13} Select words similar to unusual, slice, houses, TVs, flames and click Submit. <BODY ref="13"><DIV id="wrap" ref="14"><DIV id="area" ref="15"><DIV id="boxes" ref="16"><LABEL ref="1"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="2" recordingTarget="True" value="True"></input><t ref="-271" text="odd"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="3"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="4" value="True"></input><t ref="-272" text="fires"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="6" value="False"></input><t ref="-273" text="camouflage"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="8" value="True"></input><t ref="-274" text="house"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="10" value="True"></input><t ref="-275" text="televisions"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="12" value="True"></input><t ref="-276" text="cut"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="29" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: keydown, ref: 7}{action: keydown, ref: 7} Enter 4:24 AM as the time and press submit. <BODY ref="7" recordingTarget="True"><DIV id="wrap" ref="8"><DIV id="area" ref="9"><DIV id="form" ref="10"><INPUT_time id="tt" ref="11"></INPUT_time><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="12" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: click, ref: 4}{action: mouseup, ref: 4}{action: mouseup, ref: 4}{action: mousedown, ref: 16}{action: mousedown, ref: 16}{action: click, ref: 16}{action: click, ref: 16}{action: mouseup, ref: 16}{action: mouseup, ref: 16}{action: mousedown, ref: 22}{action: mousedown, ref: 22}{action: click, ref: 22}{action: click, ref: 22}{action: mouseup, ref: 22}{action: mouseup, ref: 22}{action: mousedown, ref: 25}{action: mousedown, ref: 25} Select ZnbT, CLX93nL, UiKAbY, pM9l, 5ouEsu and click Submit. <BODY ref="25"><DIV id="wrap" ref="26"><DIV id="area" ref="27"><DIV id="boxes-left" ref="28"><LABEL ref="1"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="2" value="False"></input><t ref="-188" text="pM9l"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="3"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="4" recordingTarget="True" value="True"></input><t ref="-189" text="UiKAbY"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="6" value="False"></input><t ref="-190" text="f7Vr4"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="8" value="False"></input><t ref="-191" text="NZNsnpk"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="10" value="False"></input><t ref="-192" text="5ouEsu"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="12" value="False"></input><t ref="-193" text="gJ"></t></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="boxes-right" ref="41"><LABEL ref="13"><input type="checkbox" id="ch6" ref="14" value="False"></input><t ref="-194" text="d4"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="15"><input type="checkbox" id="ch7" ref="16" value="True"></input><t ref="-195" text="CLX93nL"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="17"><input type="checkbox" id="ch8" ref="18" value="False"></input><t ref="-196" text="kYE"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="19"><input type="checkbox" id="ch9" ref="20" value="False"></input><t ref="-197" text="VrCO"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="21"><input type="checkbox" id="ch10" ref="22" value="True"></input><t ref="-198" text="ZnbT"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="54" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 4 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mouseup, ref: 305}{action: mouseup, ref: 305}{action: mousedown, ref: 300}{action: mousedown, ref: 300}{action: click, ref: 1147}{action: mouseup, ref: 1147}{action: mouseup, ref: 1147}{action: mousedown, ref: 304}{action: mousedown, ref: 304}{action: click, ref: 304}{action: click, ref: 300}{action: mouseup, ref: 300}{action: mouseup, ref: 300}{action: mousedown, ref: 304}{action: mousedown, ref: 304}{action: click, ref: 304}{action: click, ref: 300}{action: mouseup, ref: 300}{action: mouseup, ref: 300}{action: mousedown, ref: 304}{action: mousedown, ref: 304}{action: click, ref: 304}{action: click, ref: 300}{action: mouseup, ref: 300}{action: mouseup, ref: 300}{action: mousedown, ref: 304}{action: mousedown, ref: 304}{action: click, ref: 304}{action: click, ref: 300}{action: mouseup, ref: 300}{action: mouseup, ref: 300}{action: mousedown, ref: 304}{action: mousedown, ref: 304}{action: click, ref: 304}{action: click, ref: 300}{action: mouseup, ref: 300}{action: mouseup, ref: 300}{action: mousedown, ref: 304}{action: mousedown, ref: 304}{action: click, ref: 304}{action: click, ref: 300}{action: mouseup, ref: 300}{action: mouseup, ref: 300}{action: mousedown, ref: 304}{action: mousedown, ref: 304}{action: click, ref: 304}{action: click, ref: 300}{action: mouseup, ref: 300}{action: mouseup, ref: 300}{action: mousedown, ref: 304}{action: mousedown, ref: 304}{action: click, ref: 304}{action: click, ref: 300}{action: mouseup, ref: 300}{action: mouseup, ref: 300}{action: mousedown, ref: 304}{action: mousedown, ref: 304}{action: click, ref: 304}{action: click, ref: 300}{action: mouseup, ref: 300}{action: mouseup, ref: 300}{action: mousedown, ref: 304}{action: mousedown, ref: 304}{action: click, ref: 304}{action: click, ref: 300}{action: mouseup, ref: 300}{action: mouseup, ref: 300}{action: mousedown, ref: 304}{action: mousedown, ref: 304}{action: click, ref: 304}{action: click, ref: 300}{action: mouseup, ref: 300}{action: mouseup, ref: 300}{action: mousedown, ref: 300}{action: mousedown, ref: 300}{action: click, ref: 300}{action: click, ref: 300}{action: mouseup, ref: 300}{action: mouseup, ref: 300}{action: mousedown, ref: 304}{action: mousedown, ref: 304}{action: click, ref: 304}{action: click, ref: 304}{action: mouseup, ref: 304}{action: mouseup, ref: 304}{action: mousedown, ref: 300}{action: mousedown, ref: 300} Select 01/17/2016 as the date and hit submit. <BODY ref="300"><DIV id="wrap" ref="301"><DIV id="area" ref="302"><P ref="303"><t ref="-88" text="Date:"></t><INPUT_text id="datepicker" classes="hasDatepicker" ref="304" value="01/17/2016"></INPUT_text></P><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="305" recordingTarget="True" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 305 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mousedown, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 12}{action: mouseup, ref: 12}{action: mouseup, ref: 12}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 21} Select 4fxcr, uGNEs6K, UhLRpE, 7uZyT, xDJ, 7yjx9, hDmvbo7 and click Submit. <BODY ref="21"><DIV id="wrap" ref="22"><DIV id="area" ref="23"><DIV id="boxes-left" ref="24"><LABEL ref="1"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="2" value="False"></input><t ref="-50" text="hDmvbo7"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="3"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="4" recordingTarget="True" value="False"></input><t ref="-51" text="uGNEs6K"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="6" value="False"></input><t ref="-52" text="7yjx9"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="8" value="False"></input><t ref="-53" text="UhLRpE"></t></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="boxes-right" ref="33"><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="10" value="False"></input><t ref="-54" text="xDJ"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="12" value="True"></input><t ref="-55" text="4fxcr"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="13"><input type="checkbox" id="ch6" ref="14" value="False"></input><t ref="-56" text="7uZyT"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="40" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: dblclick, ref: 5}{action: dblclick, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: dblclick, ref: 5}{action: dblclick, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: dblclick, ref: 5}{action: dblclick, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Enter 5:40 PM as the time and press submit. <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="form" ref="4"><INPUT_time id="tt" ref="5" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_time><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="6" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 5 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mouseup, ref: 493}{action: mouseup, ref: 493}{action: mousedown, ref: 497}{action: mousedown, ref: 497}{action: click, ref: 497}{action: click, ref: 493}{action: mouseup, ref: 493}{action: mouseup, ref: 493}{action: mousedown, ref: 497}{action: mousedown, ref: 497}{action: click, ref: 497}{action: click, ref: 493}{action: mouseup, ref: 493}{action: mouseup, ref: 493}{action: mousedown, ref: 497}{action: mousedown, ref: 497}{action: click, ref: 497}{action: click, ref: 493}{action: mouseup, ref: 493}{action: mouseup, ref: 493}{action: mousedown, ref: 497}{action: mousedown, ref: 497}{action: click, ref: 497}{action: click, ref: 493}{action: mouseup, ref: 493}{action: mouseup, ref: 493}{action: mousedown, ref: 497}{action: mousedown, ref: 497}{action: click, ref: 497}{action: click, ref: 493}{action: mouseup, ref: 493}{action: mouseup, ref: 493}{action: mousedown, ref: 497}{action: mousedown, ref: 497}{action: click, ref: 497}{action: click, ref: 493}{action: mouseup, ref: 493}{action: mouseup, ref: 493}{action: mousedown, ref: 497}{action: mousedown, ref: 497}{action: click, ref: 497}{action: click, ref: 493}{action: mouseup, ref: 493}{action: mouseup, ref: 493}{action: mousedown, ref: 497}{action: mousedown, ref: 497}{action: click, ref: 497}{action: click, ref: 493}{action: mouseup, ref: 493}{action: mouseup, ref: 493}{action: mousedown, ref: 497}{action: mousedown, ref: 497}{action: click, ref: 497}{action: click, ref: 497}{action: mouseup, ref: 497}{action: mouseup, ref: 497}{action: mousedown, ref: 493}{action: mousedown, ref: 493} Select 01/06/2016 as the date and hit submit. <BODY ref="493"><DIV id="wrap" ref="494"><DIV id="area" ref="495"><P ref="496"><t ref="-59" text="Date:"></t><INPUT_text id="datepicker" classes="hasDatepicker" ref="497"></INPUT_text></P><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="498" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV><DIV id="ui-datepicker-div" classes="ui-datepicker ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all" ref="1"><DIV classes="ui-datepicker-header ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all" ref="791"><A classes="ui-datepicker-prev ui-corner-all ui-state-hover ui-datepicker-prev-hover" ref="792"><SPAN classes="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-triangle-w" ref="793" recordingTarget="True" text="Prev"></SPAN></A><A classes="ui-datepicker-next ui-corner-all" ref="794"><SPAN classes="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-triangle-e" ref="795" text="Next"></SPAN></A><DIV classes="ui-datepicker-title" ref="796"><SPAN classes="ui-datepicker-month" ref="797" text="April"></SPAN><SPAN classes="ui-datepicker-year" ref="798" text="2016"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><TABLE classes="ui-datepicker-calendar" ref="799"><THEAD ref="800"><TR ref="801"><TH classes="ui-datepicker-week-end" ref="802"><SPAN ref="803" text="Su"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="804"><SPAN ref="805" text="Mo"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="806"><SPAN ref="807" text="Tu"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="808"><SPAN ref="809" text="We"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="810"><SPAN ref="811" text="Th"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="812"><SPAN ref="813" text="Fr"></SPAN></TH><TH classes="ui-datepicker-week-end" ref="814"><SPAN ref="815" text="Sa"></SPAN></TH></TR></THEAD><TBODY ref="816"><TR ref="817"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="818"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="819"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="820"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="821"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="822"></TD><TD classes=" " ref="823"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="824" text="1"></A></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="825"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="826" text="2"></A></TD></TR><TR ref="827"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="828"><A 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classes="ui-state-default" ref="852" text="14"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="853"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="854" text="15"></A></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="855"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="856" text="16"></A></TD></TR><TR ref="857"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="858"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="859" text="17"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="860"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="861" text="18"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="862"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="863" text="19"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="864"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="865" text="20"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="866"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="867" text="21"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="868"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="869" text="22"></A></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="870"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="871" text="23"></A></TD></TR><TR ref="872"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="873"><A 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{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: dblclick, ref: 15}{action: dblclick, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: dblclick, ref: 15}{action: dblclick, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: click, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: click, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: scroll, ref: 1} {"Departure City":"Denver","Destination City":"Redmond","Ticket Type":"Return flight","Departure Day":6,"Returning Day":14,"Passengers":2,"Seat type":"Coach"} <BODY ref="1"><A classes="banner" ref="2"><IMG classes="alaska_logo" ref="3"></IMG></A><DIV id="client-msg-div" classes="server-msg-error" ref="65" text="Please enable location services on your device."></DIV><DIV id="main" ref="4"><DIV id="starth1" classes="header" ref="5"><H1 classes="h1" ref="6" text="Book a flight"></H1></DIV><FORM id="searchForm" classes="miniwob-main-form" ref="7"><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="8"><DIV classes="left" ref="9"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="10" text="One-way"></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="use-miles-div" classes="right" ref="11"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="12" text="Use miles"></LABEL></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="13"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="14"><t ref="-205" text="From"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-from" classes="text-input-pad geo-active" ref="15" recordingTarget="True" value="de"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="16"></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-button" classes="geo-button" ref="17"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="18" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV><OL id="input-selections-geo-from" classes="input-selections" ref="66"><LI classes="input-selection" ref="67" text="Aberdeen, SD (ABR-Aberdeen)"></LI><LI classes="input-selection" ref="68" text="Burbank, CA (BUR-Burbank/Glendale/Pasadena)"></LI><LI classes="input-selection" ref="69" text="Ciudad Del Carmen, Mexico (CME-Ciudad Del Carmen)"></LI><LI classes="input-selection" ref="70" text="Columbus, MS (GTR-Golden Triangle)"></LI><LI classes=" last" ref="71" text="Denver, CO (DEN-Denver Intl.)"></LI></OL></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="19"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="20"><t ref="-206" text="To"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-to" classes="text-input-pad" ref="21"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="22"></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-button" classes="geo-button" ref="23"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="24" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="25"><DIV classes="datecnt left" ref="26"><LABEL id="lbldep-date" classes="text-label" ref="27" text="Depart"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="departure-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="28"></INPUT_text></DIV><DIV id="rt-container" classes="datecnt right" ref="29"><LABEL id="lblret-date" classes="text-label" ref="30" text="Return"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="return-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="31"></INPUT_text></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row" ref="32"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="33" text="Number of passengers"></LABEL><DIV id="num-travelers-cnt" classes="left group" ref="34"><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="35" text="-"></DIV><DIV id="tnum-display" ref="36" text="1"></DIV><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="37" text="+"></DIV></DIV><A id="umnrlink" classes="right" ref="38" text="Child traveling alone?"></A></DIV><DIV id="moreoptionsdiv" classes="drop" ref="39"><H2 classes="closed drop-head" ref="40" text="More search options"></H2></DIV><DIV id="is-cal-div" ref="41"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="42" text="View results on low-fare calendar"></LABEL></DIV><DIV classes="form-row last" ref="43"><INPUT_submit classes="button" ref="44" value="Find 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{action: mousedown, ref: 19}{action: click, ref: 19}{action: click, ref: 19}{action: mouseup, ref: 19}{action: mouseup, ref: 19}{action: mousedown, ref: 12}{action: mousedown, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 12}{action: mouseup, ref: 12}{action: mouseup, ref: 12}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Select tOF, lrs, mP4, n6gTSJ, OKWIMu, tmOqt, JkRxB and click Submit. <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="boxes-left" ref="4"><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="6" recordingTarget="True" value="False"></input><t ref="-157" text="mP4"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="8" value="False"></input><t ref="-158" text="OKWIMu"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="10" value="False"></input><t ref="-159" text="nijTnM"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="12" value="True"></input><t ref="-160" text="lrs"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="13"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="14" value="False"></input><t ref="-161" text="om"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="15"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="16" value="False"></input><t ref="-162" text="JkRxB"></t></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="boxes-right" ref="17"><LABEL ref="18"><input type="checkbox" id="ch6" ref="19" value="True"></input><t ref="-163" text="tOF"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="20"><input type="checkbox" id="ch7" ref="21" value="False"></input><t ref="-164" text="tmOqt"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="22"><input type="checkbox" id="ch8" ref="23" value="False"></input><t ref="-165" text="UcHVPo"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="24"><input type="checkbox" id="ch9" ref="25" value="False"></input><t ref="-166" text="difqHkC"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="26"><input type="checkbox" id="ch10" ref="27" value="False"></input><t ref="-167" text="AdMik1T"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="28"><input type="checkbox" id="ch11" ref="29" value="False"></input><t ref="-168" text="n6gTSJ"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="30" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 19 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mousedown, ref: 102}{action: scroll, ref: 102}{action: mouseup, ref: 102}{action: mouseup, ref: 102}{action: scroll, ref: 102}{action: mousedown, ref: 102}{action: mousedown, ref: 102}{action: scroll, ref: 102}{action: mouseup, ref: 102}{action: mouseup, ref: 102}{action: scroll, ref: 102}{action: mousedown, ref: 102}{action: mousedown, ref: 102}{action: scroll, ref: 102} For the user @bernardine, click on the "Reply" button. <BODY ref="102"><DIV id="wrap" ref="103"><DIV id="area" ref="104"><DIV classes="media" ref="1"><DIV classes="details" ref="2"><SPAN classes="name" ref="3" text="Newman"></SPAN><SPAN classes="username" ref="4" text="@feugiat"></SPAN><SPAN classes="spacer" ref="5"></SPAN><SPAN classes="time" ref="6" text="7h ago"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="body" ref="7" text="Volutpat turpis."></DIV><DIV classes="controls" ref="8"><SPAN classes="reply" ref="9"></SPAN><SPAN classes="retweet" ref="10"></SPAN><SPAN classes="like" ref="11"></SPAN><SPAN ref="12"><SPAN classes="more" ref="13"></SPAN></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="media" ref="14"><DIV classes="details" ref="15"><SPAN classes="name" ref="16" text="Lyons"></SPAN><SPAN classes="username" ref="17" text="@morbi"></SPAN><SPAN classes="spacer" ref="18"></SPAN><SPAN classes="time" ref="19" text="17h ago"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="body" ref="20" text="Quis amet sed adipiscing congue."></DIV><DIV classes="controls" ref="21"><SPAN classes="reply" ref="22"></SPAN><SPAN classes="retweet" ref="23"></SPAN><SPAN classes="like" ref="24"></SPAN><SPAN ref="25"><SPAN classes="more" ref="26"></SPAN></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="media" ref="27"><DIV classes="details" ref="28"><SPAN classes="name" ref="29" text="Guzman"></SPAN><SPAN classes="username" ref="30" text="@bernardine"></SPAN><SPAN classes="spacer" ref="31"></SPAN><SPAN classes="time" ref="32" text="15h ago"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="body" ref="33" text="Mus tempus lacus amet consequat."></DIV><DIV classes="controls" ref="34"><SPAN classes="reply" ref="35"></SPAN><SPAN classes="retweet" ref="36" recordingTarget="True"></SPAN><SPAN classes="like" ref="37"></SPAN><SPAN ref="38"><SPAN classes="more" ref="39"></SPAN></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="media" ref="40"><DIV classes="details" ref="41"><SPAN classes="name" ref="42" text="Workman"></SPAN><SPAN classes="username" ref="43" text="@chas"></SPAN><SPAN classes="spacer" ref="44"></SPAN><SPAN classes="time" ref="45" text="7h ago"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="body" ref="46" text="Sapien, suscipit eget enim,. Nulla."></DIV><DIV classes="controls" ref="47"><SPAN classes="reply" ref="48"></SPAN><SPAN classes="retweet" ref="49"></SPAN><SPAN classes="like" ref="50"></SPAN><SPAN ref="51"><SPAN classes="more" ref="52"></SPAN></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="media" ref="53"><DIV classes="details" ref="54"><SPAN classes="name" ref="55" text="Compton"></SPAN><SPAN classes="username" ref="56" text="@ipsum"></SPAN><SPAN classes="spacer" ref="57"></SPAN><SPAN classes="time" ref="58" text="7h ago"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="body" ref="59" text="Turpis aenean lectus vitae ac."></DIV><DIV classes="controls" ref="60"><SPAN classes="reply" ref="61"></SPAN><SPAN classes="retweet" ref="62"></SPAN><SPAN classes="like" ref="63"></SPAN><SPAN ref="64"><SPAN classes="more" ref="65"></SPAN></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="media" ref="66"><DIV classes="details" ref="67"><SPAN classes="name" ref="68" text="Vikki"></SPAN><SPAN classes="username" ref="69" text="@sergio"></SPAN><SPAN classes="spacer" ref="70"></SPAN><SPAN classes="time" ref="71" text="10h ago"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="body" ref="72" text="Egestas nibh lorem lectus turpis."></DIV><DIV classes="controls" ref="73"><SPAN classes="reply" ref="74"></SPAN><SPAN classes="retweet" ref="75"></SPAN><SPAN classes="like" ref="76"></SPAN><SPAN ref="77"><SPAN classes="more" ref="78"></SPAN></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="media" ref="79"><DIV classes="details" ref="80"><SPAN classes="name" ref="81" text="Jena"></SPAN><SPAN classes="username" ref="82" text="@pulvinar"></SPAN><SPAN classes="spacer" ref="83"></SPAN><SPAN classes="time" ref="84" text="5h ago"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="body" ref="85" text="At quis augue euismod. Lectus."></DIV><DIV classes="controls" ref="86"><SPAN classes="reply" ref="87"></SPAN><SPAN classes="retweet" ref="88"></SPAN><SPAN classes="like" ref="89"></SPAN><SPAN ref="90"><SPAN classes="more" ref="91"></SPAN></SPAN></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 102 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Select Conny from the list and click Submit. <BODY ref="11"><FORM id="mturk_form" ref="12"><DIV id="wrap" ref="13"><DIV id="area" ref="14"><SELECT id="options" ref="1"><OPTION ref="2" text="Conny"></OPTION><OPTION ref="3" text="Jocelyn"></OPTION><OPTION ref="4" text="Livvy"></OPTION></SELECT><BUTTON classes="secondary-action" ref="5" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></FORM></BODY> | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: click, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: scroll, ref: 1} {"Departure City":"Redmond","Destination City":"Miami","Ticket Type":"Return flight","Departure Day":21,"Returning Day":24,"Passengers":1,"Seat type":"Coach"} <BODY ref="1"><A classes="banner" ref="2"><IMG classes="alaska_logo" ref="3"></IMG></A><DIV id="main" ref="4"><DIV id="starth1" classes="header" ref="5"><H1 classes="h1" ref="6" text="Book a flight"></H1></DIV><FORM id="searchForm" classes="miniwob-main-form" ref="7"><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="8"><DIV classes="left" ref="9"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="10" text="One-way"></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="use-miles-div" classes="right" ref="11"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="12" text="Use miles"></LABEL></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="13"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="14"><t ref="-13" text="From"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-from" classes="text-input-pad" ref="15" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="16"></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-button" classes="geo-button" ref="17"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="18" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="19"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="20"><t ref="-14" text="To"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-to" classes="text-input-pad" ref="21"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="22"></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-button" classes="geo-button" ref="23"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="24" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="25"><DIV classes="datecnt left" ref="26"><LABEL id="lbldep-date" classes="text-label" ref="27" text="Depart"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="departure-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="28"></INPUT_text></DIV><DIV id="rt-container" classes="datecnt right" ref="29"><LABEL id="lblret-date" classes="text-label" ref="30" text="Return"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="return-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="31"></INPUT_text></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row" ref="32"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="33" text="Number of passengers"></LABEL><DIV id="num-travelers-cnt" classes="left group" ref="34"><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="35" text="-"></DIV><DIV id="tnum-display" ref="36" text="1"></DIV><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="37" text="+"></DIV></DIV><A id="umnrlink" classes="right" ref="38" text="Child traveling alone?"></A></DIV><DIV id="moreoptionsdiv" classes="drop" ref="39"><H2 classes="closed drop-head" ref="40" text="More search options"></H2></DIV><DIV id="is-cal-div" ref="41"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="42" text="View results on low-fare calendar"></LABEL></DIV><DIV classes="form-row last" ref="43"><INPUT_submit classes="button" ref="44" value="Find Flights"></INPUT_submit></DIV></FORM></DIV><DIV id="footer-wrapper" ref="45"><UL id="footer-nav" classes="group" ref="46"><LI id="help-link" ref="47"><A ref="48" text="FAQ"></A></LI><LI id="full-link" ref="49"><A ref="50" text="Full site"></A></LI><LI id="legal-link" ref="51"><A ref="52" text="Legal"></A></LI><LI id="privacy-link" ref="53"><A ref="54" text="Privacy"></A></LI><LI id="contact-link" ref="55"><A ref="56" text="Contact us"></A></LI></UL><DIV id="more-links" ref="57"></DIV><DIV id="copyright" ref="58" text="© 2017 Alaska Airlines, Inc."></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 15 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mouseup, ref: 19}{action: mouseup, ref: 19}{action: mousedown, ref: 24}{action: mousedown, ref: 24}{action: click, ref: 24}{action: click, ref: 24}{action: mouseup, ref: 24}{action: mouseup, ref: 24}{action: mousedown, ref: 22}{action: mousedown, ref: 22}{action: click, ref: 22}{action: click, ref: 22}{action: mouseup, ref: 22}{action: mouseup, ref: 22}{action: mousedown, ref: 19}{action: mousedown, ref: 19}{action: click, ref: 19}{action: click, ref: 19}{action: mouseup, ref: 19}{action: mouseup, ref: 19}{action: mousedown, ref: 12}{action: mousedown, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 19}{action: click, ref: 19}{action: mouseup, ref: 19}{action: mouseup, ref: 19}{action: mousedown, ref: 10}{action: mousedown, ref: 10}{action: click, ref: 10}{action: click, ref: 10}{action: click, ref: 19}{action: click, ref: 19}{action: mouseup, ref: 19}{action: mouseup, ref: 19}{action: mousedown, ref: 19}{action: mousedown, ref: 19}{action: click, ref: 19}{action: click, ref: 19}{action: mouseup, ref: 19}{action: mouseup, ref: 19}{action: mousedown, ref: 8}{action: mousedown, ref: 8}{action: click, ref: 8}{action: click, ref: 8}{action: mouseup, ref: 8}{action: mouseup, ref: 8}{action: mousedown, ref: 6}{action: mousedown, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 6}{action: mouseup, ref: 6}{action: mouseup, ref: 6}{action: mousedown, ref: 4}{action: mousedown, ref: 4}{action: click, ref: 4}{action: click, ref: 4}{action: click, ref: 19}{action: click, ref: 19}{action: mouseup, ref: 19}{action: mouseup, ref: 19}{action: mousedown, ref: 2}{action: mousedown, ref: 2}{action: click, ref: 2}{action: click, ref: 2}{action: mouseup, ref: 2}{action: mouseup, ref: 2}{action: mousedown, ref: 19}{action: mousedown, ref: 19} Select dgv2osU, IFd51F4, tW, zv9rQY, YMXfl, IYF6o, h23gj, La4kPc2, IGz7J, eSa6zV, 0D, 8eyio and click Submit. <BODY ref="19"><DIV id="wrap" ref="20"><DIV id="area" ref="21"><DIV id="boxes-left" ref="22"><LABEL ref="1"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="2" value="True"></input><t ref="-841" text="YMXfl"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="3"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="4" value="True"></input><t ref="-842" text="h23gj"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="6" value="True"></input><t ref="-843" text="tW"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="8" value="True"></input><t ref="-844" text="zv9rQY"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="10" value="True"></input><t ref="-845" text="eSa6zV"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="12" value="True"></input><t ref="-846" text="8eyio"></t></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="boxes-right" ref="33" recordingTarget="True"><LABEL ref="13"><input type="checkbox" id="ch6" ref="14" value="False"></input><t ref="-847" text="La4kPc2"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="15"><input type="checkbox" id="ch7" ref="16" value="False"></input><t ref="-848" text="IFd51F4"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="17"><input type="checkbox" id="ch8" ref="18" value="False"></input><t ref="-849" text="IYF6o"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="19"><input type="checkbox" id="ch9" ref="20" value="False"></input><t ref="-850" text="dgv2osU"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="21"><input type="checkbox" id="ch10" ref="22" value="True"></input><t ref="-851" text="0D"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="23"><input type="checkbox" id="ch11" ref="24" value="True"></input><t ref="-852" text="IGz7J"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="42" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 19 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 228}{action: mousedown, ref: 228}{action: click, ref: 228}{action: mouseup, ref: 228}{action: mouseup, ref: 228}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 119}{action: mousedown, ref: 119}{action: scroll, ref: 119}{action: click, ref: 119}{action: mouseup, ref: 119}{action: mouseup, ref: 119}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: click, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: scroll, ref: 1} {"Departure City":"Dallas","Destination City":"Las Vegas","Ticket Type":"Return flight","Departure Day":4,"Returning Day":9,"Passengers":1,"Seat type":"Coach"} <BODY ref="1"><A classes="banner" ref="2"><IMG classes="alaska_logo" ref="3"></IMG></A><DIV id="main" ref="4"><DIV id="starth1" classes="header" ref="5"><H1 classes="h1" ref="6" text="Book a flight"></H1></DIV><FORM id="searchForm" classes="miniwob-main-form" ref="7"><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="8"><DIV classes="left" ref="9"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="10" text="One-way"></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="use-miles-div" classes="right" ref="11"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="12" text="Use miles"></LABEL></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="13"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="14"><t ref="-395" text="From"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-from" classes="text-input-pad " ref="15" value="Dallas, TX (DAL-Love Field)"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="16"></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-button" classes="geo-button" ref="17"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="18" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="19"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="20"><t ref="-396" text="To"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-to" classes="text-input-pad " ref="21" value="Las Vegas, NV (LAS-McCarran Intl.)"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="22"></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-button" classes="geo-button" ref="23"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="24" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="25"><DIV classes="datecnt left" ref="26"><LABEL id="lbldep-date" classes="text-label" ref="27" text="Depart"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="departure-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="28" value="3/4/2017"></INPUT_text></DIV><DIV id="rt-container" classes="datecnt right" ref="29"><LABEL id="lblret-date" classes="text-label" ref="30" text="Return"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="return-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="31" value="3/9/2017"></INPUT_text></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row" ref="32"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="33" text="Number of passengers"></LABEL><DIV id="num-travelers-cnt" classes="left group" ref="34"><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="35" text="-"></DIV><DIV id="tnum-display" ref="36" text="1"></DIV><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="37" text="+"></DIV></DIV><A id="umnrlink" classes="right" ref="38" text="Child traveling alone?"></A></DIV><DIV id="moreoptionsdiv" classes="drop" ref="39"><H2 classes="closed drop-head" ref="40" recordingTarget="True" text="More search options"></H2></DIV><DIV id="is-cal-div" ref="41"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="42" text="View results on low-fare calendar"></LABEL></DIV><DIV classes="form-row last" ref="43"><INPUT_submit classes="button" ref="44" value="Find Flights"></INPUT_submit></DIV></FORM></DIV><DIV id="footer-wrapper" ref="45"><UL id="footer-nav" classes="group" ref="46"><LI id="help-link" ref="47"><A ref="48" text="FAQ"></A></LI><LI id="full-link" ref="49"><A ref="50" text="Full site"></A></LI><LI id="legal-link" ref="51"><A ref="52" text="Legal"></A></LI><LI id="privacy-link" ref="53"><A ref="54" text="Privacy"></A></LI><LI id="contact-link" ref="55"><A ref="56" text="Contact us"></A></LI></UL><DIV id="more-links" ref="57"></DIV><DIV id="copyright" ref="58" text="© 2017 Alaska Airlines, Inc."></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Enter 5:10 PM as the time and press submit. <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="form" ref="4"><INPUT_time id="tt" ref="5" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_time><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="6" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mouseup, ref: 19}{action: mouseup, ref: 19}{action: mousedown, ref: 24}{action: mousedown, ref: 24}{action: click, ref: 24}{action: click, ref: 24}{action: click, ref: 19}{action: click, ref: 19}{action: mouseup, ref: 19}{action: mouseup, ref: 19}{action: mousedown, ref: 19}{action: mousedown, ref: 19} Select Pg, SmkJxw, kLg, rVUBg, zWTU, wJvXcl, 1u, 1UY6dx, bpy, fkE, ak and click Submit. <BODY ref="19"><DIV id="wrap" ref="20"><DIV id="area" ref="21"><DIV id="boxes-left" ref="22"><LABEL ref="1"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="2" value="False"></input><t ref="-145" text="zWTU"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="3"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="4" value="False"></input><t ref="-146" text="1u"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="6" value="False"></input><t ref="-147" text="ak"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="8" value="False"></input><t ref="-148" text="kLg"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="9" recordingTarget="True"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="10" value="False"></input><t ref="-149" text="SmkJxw"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="12" value="False"></input><t ref="-150" text="wJvXcl"></t></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="boxes-right" ref="33"><LABEL ref="13"><input type="checkbox" id="ch6" ref="14" value="False"></input><t ref="-151" text="bpy"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="15"><input type="checkbox" id="ch7" ref="16" value="False"></input><t ref="-152" text="rVUBg"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="17"><input type="checkbox" id="ch8" ref="18" value="False"></input><t ref="-153" text="fkE"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="19"><input type="checkbox" id="ch9" ref="20" value="False"></input><t ref="-154" text="1UY6dx"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="21"><input type="checkbox" id="ch10" ref="22" value="False"></input><t ref="-155" text="n7eju"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="23"><input type="checkbox" id="ch11" ref="24" value="True"></input><t ref="-156" text="Pg"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="42" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 19 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mousedown, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 6}{action: mouseup, ref: 6}{action: mouseup, ref: 6}{action: mousedown, ref: 9}{action: mousedown, ref: 9} Select words similar to cut and click Submit. <BODY ref="9"><DIV id="wrap" ref="10"><DIV id="area" ref="11"><DIV id="boxes" ref="12"><LABEL ref="1"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="2" value="False"></input><t ref="-29" text="assassinate"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="3"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="4" value="False"></input><t ref="-30" text="actual"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="6" value="True"></input><t ref="-31" text="chop"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="8" value="False"></input><t ref="-32" text="mistaken"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="21" recordingTarget="True" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: scroll, ref: 1} {"Departure City":"Portland","Destination City":"Honolulu","Ticket Type":"One-way","Departure Day":28,"Passengers":3,"Seat type":"First"} <BODY ref="1"><A classes="banner" ref="2"><IMG classes="alaska_logo" ref="3"></IMG></A><DIV id="main" ref="4"><DIV id="starth1" classes="header" ref="5"><H1 text="Book a flight" classes="h1" ref="6"></H1></DIV><FORM id="searchForm" classes="miniwob-main-form" ref="7"><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="8"><DIV classes="left" ref="9"><LABEL text="One-way" classes="css-lbl" ref="10"></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="use-miles-div" classes="right" ref="11"><LABEL text="Use miles" classes="css-lbl" ref="12"></LABEL></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="13"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="14"><t text="From" ref="-111"></t><INPUT_text value="Portlan" recordingTarget="True" id="geo-from" classes="text-input-pad geo-active" ref="15"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="16"></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-button" classes="geo-button" ref="17"><SPAN text="Geolocation" classes="geo-img" ref="18"></SPAN></DIV><OL id="input-selections-geo-from" classes="input-selections" ref="59"><LI text="Portland, ME (PWM-Intl. Jet Port)" classes="input-selection" ref="60"></LI><LI text="Portland, OR (PDX-Portland Intl.)" classes="input-selection last" ref="61"></LI></OL></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="19"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="20"><t text="To" ref="-112"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-to" classes="text-input-pad" ref="21"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="22"></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-button" classes="geo-button" ref="23"><SPAN text="Geolocation" classes="geo-img" ref="24"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="25"><DIV classes="datecnt left" ref="26"><LABEL text="Depart" id="lbldep-date" classes="text-label" ref="27"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="departure-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="28"></INPUT_text></DIV><DIV id="rt-container" classes="datecnt right" ref="29"><LABEL text="Return" id="lblret-date" classes="text-label" ref="30"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="return-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="31"></INPUT_text></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row" ref="32"><LABEL text="Number of passengers" classes="text-label" ref="33"></LABEL><DIV id="num-travelers-cnt" classes="left group" ref="34"><DIV text="-" classes="tnum-button" ref="35"></DIV><DIV text="1" id="tnum-display" ref="36"></DIV><DIV text="+" classes="tnum-button" ref="37"></DIV></DIV><A text="Child traveling alone?" id="umnrlink" classes="right" ref="38"></A></DIV><DIV id="moreoptionsdiv" classes="drop" ref="39"><H2 text="More search options" classes="closed drop-head" ref="40"></H2></DIV><DIV id="is-cal-div" ref="41"><LABEL text="View results on low-fare calendar" classes="css-lbl" ref="42"></LABEL></DIV><DIV classes="form-row last" ref="43"><INPUT_submit value="Find Flights" classes="button" ref="44"></INPUT_submit></DIV></FORM></DIV><DIV id="footer-wrapper" ref="45"><UL id="footer-nav" classes="group" ref="46"><LI id="help-link" ref="47"><A text="FAQ" ref="48"></A></LI><LI id="full-link" ref="49"><A text="Full site" ref="50"></A></LI><LI id="legal-link" ref="51"><A text="Legal" ref="52"></A></LI><LI id="privacy-link" ref="53"><A text="Privacy" ref="54"></A></LI><LI id="contact-link" ref="55"><A text="Contact us" ref="56"></A></LI></UL><DIV id="more-links" ref="57"></DIV><DIV text="© 2017 Alaska Airlines, Inc." id="copyright" ref="58"></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: keyup, ref: 111}{action: keyup, ref: 111}{action: keyup, ref: 111}{action: keyup, ref: 111}{action: keypress, ref: 111}{action: keypress, ref: 111}{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: keypress, ref: 111}{action: keypress, ref: 111}{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: keyup, ref: 111}{action: keyup, ref: 111}{action: keyup, ref: 111}{action: keyup, ref: 111}{action: keypress, ref: 111}{action: keypress, ref: 111}{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: keyup, ref: 111}{action: keyup, ref: 111}{action: keypress, ref: 111}{action: keypress, ref: 111}{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: keypress, ref: 111}{action: keypress, ref: 111}{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: keyup, ref: 111}{action: keyup, ref: 111}{action: keypress, ref: 111}{action: keypress, ref: 111}{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: keyup, ref: 111}{action: keyup, ref: 111}{action: keyup, ref: 111}{action: keyup, ref: 111}{action: keyup, ref: 111}{action: keyup, ref: 111}{action: keypress, ref: 111}{action: keypress, ref: 111}{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: keypress, ref: 111}{action: keypress, ref: 111}{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: keyup, ref: 111}{action: keyup, ref: 111}{action: keypress, ref: 111}{action: keypress, ref: 111}{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: keypress, ref: 111}{action: keypress, ref: 111}{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: keyup, ref: 111}{action: keyup, ref: 111}{action: keyup, ref: 111}{action: keyup, ref: 111}{action: keypress, ref: 111}{action: keypress, ref: 111}{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: keydown, ref: 111}{action: click, ref: 111}{action: click, ref: 111}{action: mouseup, ref: 111}{action: mouseup, ref: 111}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: scroll, ref: 1} Send Cyb email saying "Lorem viverra." <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="reply" ref="100"><DIV id="reply-bar" ref="101"><SPAN id="close-reply" ref="102"></SPAN><SPAN id="send-reply" ref="103"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="reply-header" ref="104"><DIV classes="reply-info" ref="105"><LABEL classes="reply-to" ref="106" text="to:"></LABEL><SPAN classes="reply-sender" ref="107" text="Cyb"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="reply-subject" ref="108"><LABEL classes="reply-subj" ref="109" text="subject:"></LABEL><t ref="-78" text="Re: Aenean."></t></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="reply-body" ref="110"><TEXTAREA id="reply-text" ref="111" recordingTarget="True" value="Lorem viver"></TEXTAREA></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 111 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mousedown, ref: 8}{action: click, ref: 8}{action: click, ref: 8}{action: click, ref: 23}{action: click, ref: 23}{action: mouseup, ref: 23}{action: mouseup, ref: 23}{action: mousedown, ref: 14}{action: mousedown, ref: 14}{action: click, ref: 14}{action: click, ref: 14}{action: mouseup, ref: 14}{action: mouseup, ref: 14}{action: mousedown, ref: 2}{action: mousedown, ref: 2}{action: click, ref: 2}{action: click, ref: 2}{action: click, ref: 23}{action: click, ref: 23}{action: mouseup, ref: 23}{action: mouseup, ref: 23}{action: mousedown, ref: 23}{action: mousedown, ref: 23} Select 2e8, OctF0, Cyar3I, Ybq, Zv, g24Qr5, f43jS and click Submit. <BODY ref="23"><DIV id="wrap" ref="24"><DIV id="area" ref="25"><DIV id="boxes-left" ref="26"><LABEL ref="1"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="2" value="True"></input><t ref="-162" text="2e8"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="3"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="4" value="False"></input><t ref="-163" text="g24Qr5"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="5" recordingTarget="True"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="6" value="False"></input><t ref="-164" text="Ybq"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="8" value="True"></input><t ref="-165" text="Cyar3I"></t></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="boxes-right" ref="39"><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="10" value="False"></input><t ref="-166" text="Zv"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="12" value="False"></input><t ref="-167" text="f43jS"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="13"><input type="checkbox" id="ch6" ref="14" value="True"></input><t ref="-168" text="OctF0"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="50" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: click, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: scroll, ref: 1} {"Departure City":"Salt Lake City","Destination City":"Austin","Ticket Type":"Return flight","Departure Day":11,"Returning Day":11,"Passengers":3,"Seat type":"Coach"} <BODY ref="1"><A classes="banner" ref="2"><IMG classes="alaska_logo" ref="3"></IMG></A><DIV id="main" ref="4"><DIV id="starth1" classes="header" ref="5"><H1 classes="h1" ref="6" text="Book a flight"></H1></DIV><FORM id="searchForm" classes="miniwob-main-form" ref="7"><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="8"><DIV classes="left" ref="9"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="10" text="One-way"></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="use-miles-div" classes="right" ref="11"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="12" text="Use miles"></LABEL></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="13"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="14"><t ref="-183" text="From"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-from" classes="text-input-pad " ref="15" value="Salt Lake City, UT (SLC-Salt Lake City Intl.)"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="16"></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-button" classes="geo-button" ref="17"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="18" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="19"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="20"><t ref="-184" text="To"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-to" classes="text-input-pad geo-active" ref="21" recordingTarget="True" value="Austi"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="22"></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-button" classes="geo-button" ref="23"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="24" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV><OL id="input-selections-geo-to" classes="input-selections" ref="65"><LI classes="input-selection" ref="66" text="Austin, TX (AUS-Austin/Bergstrom Intl.)"></LI><LI classes="input-selection last" ref="67" text="Green Bay, WI (GRB-Austin Straubel Intl.)"></LI></OL></DIV><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="25"><DIV classes="datecnt left" ref="26"><LABEL id="lbldep-date" classes="text-label" ref="27" text="Depart"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="departure-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="28"></INPUT_text></DIV><DIV id="rt-container" classes="datecnt right" ref="29"><LABEL id="lblret-date" classes="text-label" ref="30" text="Return"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="return-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="31"></INPUT_text></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row" ref="32"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="33" text="Number of passengers"></LABEL><DIV id="num-travelers-cnt" classes="left group" ref="34"><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="35" text="-"></DIV><DIV id="tnum-display" ref="36" text="1"></DIV><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="37" text="+"></DIV></DIV><A id="umnrlink" classes="right" ref="38" text="Child traveling alone?"></A></DIV><DIV id="moreoptionsdiv" classes="drop" ref="39"><H2 classes="closed drop-head" ref="40" text="More search options"></H2></DIV><DIV id="is-cal-div" ref="41"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="42" text="View results on low-fare calendar"></LABEL></DIV><DIV classes="form-row last" ref="43"><INPUT_submit classes="button" ref="44" value="Find Flights"></INPUT_submit></DIV></FORM></DIV><DIV id="footer-wrapper" ref="45"><UL id="footer-nav" classes="group" ref="46"><LI id="help-link" ref="47"><A ref="48" text="FAQ"></A></LI><LI id="full-link" ref="49"><A ref="50" text="Full site"></A></LI><LI id="legal-link" ref="51"><A ref="52" text="Legal"></A></LI><LI id="privacy-link" ref="53"><A ref="54" text="Privacy"></A></LI><LI id="contact-link" ref="55"><A ref="56" text="Contact us"></A></LI></UL><DIV id="more-links" ref="57"></DIV><DIV id="copyright" ref="58" text="© 2017 Alaska Airlines, Inc."></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 21 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: click, ref: 406}{action: click, ref: 402}{action: mouseup, ref: 402}{action: mouseup, ref: 402}{action: mousedown, ref: 406}{action: mousedown, ref: 406}{action: click, ref: 406}{action: click, ref: 406}{action: mouseup, ref: 406}{action: mouseup, ref: 406}{action: mousedown, ref: 402}{action: mousedown, ref: 402} Select 11/15/2016 as the date and hit submit. <BODY ref="402"><DIV id="wrap" ref="403"><DIV id="area" ref="404"><P ref="405"><t ref="-13" text="Date:"></t><INPUT_text id="datepicker" classes="hasDatepicker" ref="406"></INPUT_text></P><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="407" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV><DIV id="ui-datepicker-div" classes="ui-datepicker ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all" ref="1"><DIV classes="ui-datepicker-header ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all" ref="99"><A classes="ui-datepicker-prev ui-corner-all" ref="100"><SPAN classes="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-triangle-w" ref="101" 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{action: mousedown, ref: 493} Select 06/20/2016 as the date and hit submit. <BODY ref="493"><DIV id="wrap" ref="494"><DIV id="area" ref="495"><P ref="496"><t ref="-2" text="Date:"></t><INPUT_text id="datepicker" classes="hasDatepicker" ref="497" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_text></P><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="498" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 493 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mousedown, ref: 7}{action: mousedown, ref: 7} Click on the "No" button. <BODY ref="7"><DIV id="wrap" ref="8"><DIV id="area" ref="9"><SPAN ref="1" text="posuere vestibulum nulla:"></SPAN><INPUT_text ref="2"></INPUT_text><DIV ref="3" text="integer penatibus et"></DIV><INPUT_text ref="4"></INPUT_text><BUTTON ref="5" text="Yes"></BUTTON><INPUT_text ref="6"></INPUT_text><BUTTON ref="7" recordingTarget="True" text="No"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: scroll, ref: 1} {"Departure City":"Phoenix","Destination City":"Philadelphia","Ticket Type":"Return flight","Departure Day":16,"Returning Day":28,"Passengers":1,"Seat type":"Coach"} <BODY ref="1"><A classes="banner" ref="2"><IMG classes="alaska_logo" ref="3"></IMG></A><DIV id="main" ref="4"><DIV id="starth1" classes="header" ref="5"><H1 classes="h1" ref="6" text="Book a flight"></H1></DIV><FORM id="searchForm" classes="miniwob-main-form" ref="7"><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="8"><DIV classes="left" ref="9"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="10" text="One-way"></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="use-miles-div" classes="right" ref="11"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="12" text="Use miles"></LABEL></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="13"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="14"><t ref="-11" text="From"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-from" classes="text-input-pad" ref="15" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="16"></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-button" classes="geo-button" ref="17"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="18" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="19"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="20"><t ref="-12" text="To"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-to" classes="text-input-pad" ref="21"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="22"></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-button" classes="geo-button" ref="23"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="24" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="25"><DIV classes="datecnt left" ref="26"><LABEL id="lbldep-date" classes="text-label" ref="27" text="Depart"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="departure-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="28"></INPUT_text></DIV><DIV id="rt-container" classes="datecnt right" ref="29"><LABEL id="lblret-date" classes="text-label" ref="30" text="Return"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="return-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="31"></INPUT_text></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row" ref="32"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="33" text="Number of passengers"></LABEL><DIV id="num-travelers-cnt" classes="left group" ref="34"><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="35" text="-"></DIV><DIV id="tnum-display" ref="36" text="1"></DIV><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="37" text="+"></DIV></DIV><A id="umnrlink" classes="right" ref="38" text="Child traveling alone?"></A></DIV><DIV id="moreoptionsdiv" classes="drop" ref="39"><H2 classes="closed drop-head" ref="40" text="More search options"></H2></DIV><DIV id="is-cal-div" ref="41"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="42" text="View results on low-fare calendar"></LABEL></DIV><DIV classes="form-row last" ref="43"><INPUT_submit classes="button" ref="44" value="Find Flights"></INPUT_submit></DIV></FORM></DIV><DIV id="footer-wrapper" ref="45"><UL id="footer-nav" classes="group" ref="46"><LI id="help-link" ref="47"><A ref="48" text="FAQ"></A></LI><LI id="full-link" ref="49"><A ref="50" text="Full site"></A></LI><LI id="legal-link" ref="51"><A ref="52" text="Legal"></A></LI><LI id="privacy-link" ref="53"><A ref="54" text="Privacy"></A></LI><LI id="contact-link" ref="55"><A ref="56" text="Contact us"></A></LI></UL><DIV id="more-links" ref="57"></DIV><DIV id="copyright" ref="58" text="© 2017 Alaska Airlines, Inc."></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 15 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Select -9 with the spinner and hit Submit. <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><LABEL ref="4" text="Select a value:"></LABEL><SPAN classes="ui-spinner ui-corner-all ui-widget ui-widget-content" ref="5"><INPUT_text id="spinner" classes="ui-spinner-input" ref="6" value="0"></INPUT_text><A classes="ui-button ui-widget ui-spinner-button ui-spinner-up ui-corner-tr ui-button-icon-only" ref="7"><SPAN classes="ui-button-icon ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-n" ref="8"></SPAN></A><A classes="ui-button ui-widget ui-spinner-button ui-spinner-down ui-corner-br ui-button-icon-only" ref="9"><SPAN classes="ui-button-icon ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s" ref="10" recordingTarget="True"></SPAN></A></SPAN><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="11" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mousedown, ref: 99}{action: mousedown, ref: 99}{action: mouseup, ref: 99}{action: mouseup, ref: 99}{action: scroll, ref: 99}{action: mousedown, ref: 99}{action: mousedown, ref: 99}{action: click, ref: 99}{action: click, ref: 99}{action: mouseup, ref: 99}{action: mouseup, ref: 99}{action: mousedown, ref: 99}{action: mousedown, ref: 99}{action: mouseup, ref: 99}{action: mouseup, ref: 99}{action: mousedown, ref: 99}{action: mousedown, ref: 99}{action: mouseup, ref: 99}{action: mouseup, ref: 99}{action: scroll, ref: 99}{action: mousedown, ref: 99}{action: mousedown, ref: 99}{action: scroll, ref: 99} For the user @cierra, click on the "Embed Tweet" button. <BODY ref="99"><DIV id="wrap" ref="100"><DIV id="area" ref="101"><DIV classes="media" ref="1"><DIV classes="details" ref="2"><SPAN classes="name" ref="3" text="Sharl"></SPAN><SPAN classes="username" ref="4" text="@id"></SPAN><SPAN classes="spacer" ref="5"></SPAN><SPAN classes="time" ref="6" text="4h ago"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="body" ref="7" text="Arcu ac leo."></DIV><DIV classes="controls" ref="8"><SPAN classes="reply" ref="9"></SPAN><SPAN classes="retweet" ref="10"></SPAN><SPAN classes="like" ref="11"></SPAN><SPAN ref="12"><SPAN classes="more" ref="13"></SPAN></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="media" ref="14"><DIV classes="details" ref="15"><SPAN classes="name" ref="16" text="Karilynn"></SPAN><SPAN classes="username" ref="17" text="@nunc"></SPAN><SPAN classes="spacer" ref="18"></SPAN><SPAN classes="time" ref="19" text="17h ago"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="body" ref="20" text="Aliquam, nullam."></DIV><DIV classes="controls" ref="21"><SPAN classes="reply" ref="22"></SPAN><SPAN classes="retweet" ref="23"></SPAN><SPAN classes="like" ref="24"></SPAN><SPAN ref="25"><SPAN classes="more" ref="26"></SPAN></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="media" ref="27"><DIV classes="details" ref="28"><SPAN classes="name" ref="29" text="Annabelle"></SPAN><SPAN classes="username" ref="30" text="@nec"></SPAN><SPAN classes="spacer" ref="31"></SPAN><SPAN classes="time" ref="32" text="7h ago"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="body" ref="33" text="Vulputate porttitor iaculis."></DIV><DIV classes="controls" ref="34"><SPAN classes="reply" ref="35"></SPAN><SPAN classes="retweet" ref="36"></SPAN><SPAN classes="like" ref="37"></SPAN><SPAN ref="38"><SPAN classes="more" ref="39"></SPAN></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="media" ref="40"><DIV classes="details" ref="41"><SPAN classes="name" ref="42" text="Colon"></SPAN><SPAN classes="username" ref="43" text="@feugiat"></SPAN><SPAN classes="spacer" ref="44"></SPAN><SPAN classes="time" ref="45" text="17h ago"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="body" ref="46" text="Massa quis. Quis gravida morbi."></DIV><DIV classes="controls" ref="47"><SPAN classes="reply" ref="48"></SPAN><SPAN classes="retweet" ref="49"></SPAN><SPAN classes="like" ref="50"></SPAN><SPAN ref="51"><SPAN classes="more" ref="52"></SPAN></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="media" ref="53"><DIV classes="details" ref="54"><SPAN classes="name" ref="55" text="Mullins"></SPAN><SPAN classes="username" ref="56" text="@egestas"></SPAN><SPAN classes="spacer" ref="57"></SPAN><SPAN classes="time" ref="58" text="8h ago"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="body" ref="59" text="Aliquam. Fringilla morbi. Tempor."></DIV><DIV classes="controls" ref="60"><SPAN classes="reply" ref="61"></SPAN><SPAN classes="retweet" ref="62"></SPAN><SPAN classes="like" ref="63"></SPAN><SPAN ref="64"><SPAN classes="more" ref="65"></SPAN></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="media" ref="66"><DIV classes="details" ref="67"><SPAN classes="name" ref="68" text="Donetta"></SPAN><SPAN classes="username" ref="69" text="@cierra"></SPAN><SPAN classes="spacer" ref="70"></SPAN><SPAN classes="time" ref="71" text="14h ago"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="body" ref="72" text="Enim libero nullam nunc. At."></DIV><DIV classes="controls" ref="73"><SPAN classes="reply" ref="74"></SPAN><SPAN classes="retweet" ref="75"></SPAN><SPAN classes="like" ref="76"></SPAN><SPAN ref="77"><SPAN classes="more" ref="78"></SPAN><UL ref="92"><LI classes="share" ref="93" text="Share via DM"></LI><LI classes="copy" ref="94" text="Copy link to Tweet"></LI><LI classes="embed" ref="95" recordingTarget="True" text="Embed Tweet"></LI><LI classes="menu-user" ref="96" text="Mute @cierra"></LI><LI classes="block-user" ref="97" text="Block @cierra"></LI><LI classes="report" ref="98" text="Report"></LI></UL></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="media" ref="79"><DIV classes="details" ref="80"><SPAN classes="name" ref="81" text="Kimberlee"></SPAN><SPAN classes="username" ref="82" text="@tora"></SPAN><SPAN classes="spacer" ref="83"></SPAN><SPAN classes="time" ref="84" text="1h ago"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="body" ref="85" text="Ut scelerisque lacus, vestibulum. Mi."></DIV><DIV classes="controls" ref="86"><SPAN classes="reply" ref="87"></SPAN><SPAN classes="retweet" ref="88"></SPAN><SPAN classes="like" ref="89"></SPAN><SPAN ref="90"><SPAN classes="more" ref="91"></SPAN></SPAN></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: click, ref: 8}{action: click, ref: 8}{action: click, ref: 19}{action: click, ref: 19}{action: mouseup, ref: 19}{action: mouseup, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: mousedown, ref: 19}{action: mousedown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19}{action: keydown, ref: 19} Select 7R, G498SO, OenTZdc, CnE, Pe, ZJ, UAz3B, ri8, tjw and click Submit. <BODY ref="19"><DIV id="wrap" ref="20"><DIV id="area" ref="21"><DIV id="boxes-left" ref="22"><LABEL ref="1"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="2" value="False"></input><t ref="-1631" text="Pe"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="3"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="4" value="False"></input><t ref="-1632" text="G498SO"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="6" value="False"></input><t ref="-1633" text="OenTZdc"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="8" recordingTarget="True" value="True"></input><t ref="-1634" text="7R"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="10" value="False"></input><t ref="-1635" text="eEjM4VK"></t></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="boxes-right" ref="33"><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="12" value="False"></input><t ref="-1636" text="tjw"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="13"><input type="checkbox" id="ch6" ref="14" value="False"></input><t ref="-1637" text="ZJ"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="15"><input type="checkbox" id="ch7" ref="16" value="False"></input><t ref="-1638" text="UAz3B"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="17"><input type="checkbox" id="ch8" ref="18" value="False"></input><t ref="-1639" text="CnE"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="19"><input type="checkbox" id="ch9" ref="20" value="False"></input><t ref="-1640" text="ri8"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="42" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 8 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: click, ref: 275}{action: click, ref: 275}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 259}{action: mousedown, ref: 259}{action: click, ref: 259}{action: mouseup, ref: 259}{action: mouseup, ref: 259}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 155}{action: mousedown, ref: 155}{action: click, ref: 155}{action: mouseup, ref: 155}{action: mouseup, ref: 155}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: scroll, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: click, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: scroll, ref: 1} {"Departure City":"Buffalo","Destination City":"Philadelphia","Ticket Type":"Return flight","Departure Day":26,"Returning Day":29,"Passengers":1,"Seat type":"First"} <BODY ref="1"><A classes="banner" ref="2"><IMG classes="alaska_logo" ref="3"></IMG></A><DIV id="main" ref="4"><DIV id="starth1" classes="header" ref="5"><H1 classes="h1" ref="6" text="Book a flight"></H1></DIV><FORM id="searchForm" classes="miniwob-main-form" ref="7"><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="8"><DIV classes="left" ref="9"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="10" text="One-way"></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="use-miles-div" classes="right" ref="11"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="12" text="Use miles"></LABEL></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="13"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="14"><t ref="-327" text="From"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-from" classes="text-input-pad " ref="15" value="Buffalo, NY (BUF-Buffalo Niagara Intl.)"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="16"></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-button" classes="geo-button" ref="17"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="18" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="19"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="20"><t ref="-328" text="To"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-to" classes="text-input-pad " ref="21" value="Philadelphia, PA (PHL-Philadelphia Intl.)"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="22"></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-button" classes="geo-button" ref="23"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="24" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="25"><DIV classes="datecnt left" ref="26"><LABEL id="lbldep-date" classes="text-label" ref="27" text="Depart"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="departure-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="28" value="3/26/2017"></INPUT_text></DIV><DIV id="rt-container" classes="datecnt right" ref="29"><LABEL id="lblret-date" classes="text-label" ref="30" text="Return"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="return-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="31" value="3/29/2017"></INPUT_text></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row" ref="32"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="33" text="Number of passengers"></LABEL><DIV id="num-travelers-cnt" classes="left group" ref="34"><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="35" text="-"></DIV><DIV id="tnum-display" ref="36" text="1"></DIV><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="37" text="+"></DIV></DIV><A id="umnrlink" classes="right" ref="38" text="Child traveling alone?"></A></DIV><DIV id="moreoptionsdiv" classes="drop open" ref="39"><H2 classes="closed drop-head" ref="40" text="More search options"></H2><DIV classes="drop-content" ref="267"><DIV ref="268"><DIV id="cabin-container" classes="form-row" ref="269"><DIV classes="row-label-head" ref="270" text="Cabin"></DIV><DIV classes="form-row radio-controller two group" ref="271"><LABEL classes="left-link " ref="272"><INPUT_radio id="cabin-coach" ref="273" value="False"></INPUT_radio><t ref="-329" text="Coach"></t></LABEL><LABEL classes="right-link current" 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{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Select U3VqypG, gCA5Laq, 0e7S, MDF, RV and click Submit. <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="boxes-left" ref="4"><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="6" value="False"></input><t ref="-13" text="QhT9t"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="8" value="False"></input><t ref="-14" text="s5ifMb0"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="10" value="False"></input><t ref="-15" text="MDF"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="12" value="False"></input><t ref="-16" text="V3wZjJ"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="13"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="14" value="False"></input><t ref="-17" text="Gw2jX"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="15"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="16" value="False"></input><t ref="-18" text="Ske"></t></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="boxes-right" ref="17"><LABEL ref="18"><input type="checkbox" id="ch6" ref="19" value="False"></input><t ref="-19" text="tRrI6"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="20"><input type="checkbox" id="ch7" ref="21" value="False"></input><t ref="-20" text="0e7S"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="22"><input type="checkbox" id="ch8" ref="23" value="False"></input><t ref="-21" text="Xwudm"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="24"><input type="checkbox" id="ch9" ref="25" recordingTarget="True" value="False"></input><t ref="-22" text="U3VqypG"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="26"><input type="checkbox" id="ch10" ref="27" value="False"></input><t ref="-23" text="gCA5Laq"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="28"><input type="checkbox" id="ch11" ref="29" value="False"></input><t ref="-24" text="RV"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="30" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mousedown, ref: 25}{action: mousedown, ref: 25}{action: click, ref: 25}{action: click, ref: 25}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 12}{action: mousedown, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 14}{action: mousedown, ref: 14}{action: click, ref: 14}{action: click, ref: 14}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 6}{action: mousedown, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 19}{action: mousedown, ref: 19}{action: click, ref: 19}{action: click, ref: 19}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 8}{action: mousedown, ref: 8}{action: click, ref: 8}{action: click, ref: 8}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: click, ref: 21}{action: click, ref: 21}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Select G9aQWE, ksXnD, Vll5J, U0, rXa7B, shS, dItVu, Rnr, vm, IU, 73kmLkq and click Submit. <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="boxes-left" ref="4"><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="6" value="True"></input><t ref="-639" text="dItVu"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="8" value="True"></input><t ref="-640" text="vm"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="10" value="False"></input><t ref="-641" text="ksXnD"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="12" value="True"></input><t ref="-642" text="rXa7B"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="13"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="14" value="True"></input><t ref="-643" text="shS"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="15"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="16" value="False"></input><t ref="-644" text="73kmLkq"></t></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="boxes-right" ref="17"><LABEL ref="18"><input type="checkbox" id="ch6" ref="19" value="True"></input><t ref="-645" text="Rnr"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="20"><input type="checkbox" id="ch7" ref="21" value="True"></input><t ref="-646" text="IU"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="22" recordingTarget="True"><input type="checkbox" id="ch8" ref="23" value="False"></input><t ref="-647" text="Vll5J"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="24"><input type="checkbox" id="ch9" ref="25" value="True"></input><t ref="-648" text="U0"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="26"><input type="checkbox" id="ch10" ref="27" value="False"></input><t ref="-649" text="G9aQWE"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="28" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mark an email from Robbin as important <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="main" ref="4"><DIV id="main-header" ref="5"><H2 ref="6" text="Primary"></H2><SPAN id="open-search" ref="7"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="email-thread" ref="8"><DIV classes="email-left" ref="9"><DIV classes="email-sender" ref="10" text="Robbin"></DIV><DIV classes="email-subject" ref="11" text="Sit."></DIV><DIV classes="email-body" ref="12" text="Scelerisque ele.."></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-right" ref="13"><DIV classes="email-actions" ref="14"><SPAN classes="trash" ref="15"></SPAN><SPAN classes="star" ref="16"></SPAN></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-thread" ref="17"><DIV classes="email-left" ref="18"><DIV classes="email-sender" ref="19" text="Mair"></DIV><DIV classes="email-subject" ref="20" text="Fames."></DIV><DIV classes="email-body" ref="21" text="Eros, bibendum .."></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-right" ref="22"><DIV classes="email-actions" ref="23"><SPAN classes="trash" ref="24"></SPAN><SPAN classes="star" ref="25"></SPAN></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-thread" ref="26"><DIV classes="email-left" ref="27"><DIV classes="email-sender" ref="28" text="Sharla"></DIV><DIV classes="email-subject" ref="29" text="Tellus elementu.."></DIV><DIV classes="email-body" ref="30" text="Egestas viverra.."></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-right" ref="31"><DIV classes="email-actions" ref="32"><SPAN classes="trash" ref="33"></SPAN><SPAN classes="star" ref="34"></SPAN></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-thread" ref="35"><DIV classes="email-left" ref="36"><DIV classes="email-sender" ref="37" text="Harriette"></DIV><DIV classes="email-subject" ref="38" text="Enim quis."></DIV><DIV classes="email-body" ref="39" text="Fusce. Adipisci.."></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-right" ref="40"><DIV classes="email-actions" ref="41"><SPAN classes="trash" ref="42"></SPAN><SPAN classes="star" ref="43"></SPAN></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-thread" ref="44"><DIV classes="email-left" ref="45"><DIV classes="email-sender" ref="46" text="Melanie"></DIV><DIV classes="email-subject" ref="47" text="Velit."></DIV><DIV classes="email-body" ref="48" text="Aliquam, quis s.."></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-right" ref="49"><DIV classes="email-actions" ref="50"><SPAN classes="trash" ref="51"></SPAN><SPAN classes="star" ref="52"></SPAN></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-thread" ref="53"><DIV classes="email-left" ref="54"><DIV classes="email-sender" ref="55" text="Olenka"></DIV><DIV classes="email-subject" ref="56" text="Orci."></DIV><DIV classes="email-body" ref="57" text="Ullamcorper. Lo.."></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-right" ref="58"><DIV classes="email-actions" ref="59"><SPAN classes="trash" ref="60"></SPAN><SPAN classes="star" ref="61"></SPAN></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-thread" ref="62"><DIV classes="email-left" ref="63"><DIV classes="email-sender" ref="64" text="Gayleen"></DIV><DIV classes="email-subject" ref="65" text="Massa. Nec."></DIV><DIV classes="email-body" ref="66" text="Ut eleifend vul.."></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-right" ref="67"><DIV classes="email-actions" ref="68"><SPAN classes="trash" ref="69"></SPAN><SPAN classes="star" ref="70"></SPAN></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 218}{action: mousedown, ref: 218}{action: click, ref: 218}{action: mouseup, ref: 218}{action: mouseup, ref: 218}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 105}{action: mousedown, ref: 105}{action: click, ref: 105}{action: mouseup, ref: 105}{action: mouseup, ref: 105}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: click, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: scroll, ref: 1} {"Departure City":"San Francisco","Destination City":"Denver","Ticket Type":"Return flight","Departure Day":2,"Returning Day":9,"Passengers":3,"Seat type":"Coach"} <BODY ref="1"><A classes="banner" ref="2"><IMG classes="alaska_logo" ref="3"></IMG></A><DIV id="main" ref="4"><DIV id="starth1" classes="header" ref="5"><H1 classes="h1" ref="6" text="Book a flight"></H1></DIV><FORM id="searchForm" classes="miniwob-main-form" ref="7"><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="8"><DIV classes="left" ref="9"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="10" text="One-way"></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="use-miles-div" classes="right" ref="11"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="12" text="Use miles"></LABEL></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="13"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="14"><t ref="-303" text="From"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-from" classes="text-input-pad " ref="15" value="San Francisco, CA (SFO-San Francisco Intl.)"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="16"></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-button" classes="geo-button" ref="17"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="18" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="19"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="20"><t ref="-304" text="To"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-to" classes="text-input-pad " ref="21" value="Denver, CO (DEN-Denver Intl.)"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="22"></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-button" classes="geo-button" ref="23"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="24" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="25"><DIV classes="datecnt left" ref="26"><LABEL id="lbldep-date" classes="text-label" ref="27" text="Depart"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="departure-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="28" value="3/2/2017"></INPUT_text></DIV><DIV id="rt-container" classes="datecnt right" ref="29"><LABEL id="lblret-date" classes="text-label" ref="30" text="Return"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="return-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="31" value="3/9/2017"></INPUT_text></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row" ref="32"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="33" text="Number of passengers"></LABEL><DIV id="num-travelers-cnt" classes="left group" ref="34"><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="35" text="-"></DIV><DIV id="tnum-display" ref="36" text="1"></DIV><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="37" text="+"></DIV></DIV><A id="umnrlink" classes="right" ref="38" text="Child traveling alone?"></A></DIV><DIV id="moreoptionsdiv" classes="drop" ref="39"><H2 classes="closed drop-head" ref="40" text="More search options"></H2></DIV><DIV id="is-cal-div" ref="41"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="42" text="View 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{action: mousedown, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 12}{action: mouseup, ref: 12}{action: mouseup, ref: 12}{action: mousedown, ref: 14}{action: mousedown, ref: 14}{action: click, ref: 14}{action: click, ref: 14}{action: mouseup, ref: 14}{action: mouseup, ref: 14}{action: mousedown, ref: 31}{action: mousedown, ref: 31} Select Gdi, BApOb, FO7hL, ogLmPt, dpXbYz, MRG0u, zHAgg4e, eiJ, lMvgiBb and click Submit. <BODY ref="31"><DIV id="wrap" ref="32"><DIV id="area" ref="33"><DIV id="boxes-left" ref="34"><LABEL ref="1"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="2" value="False"></input><t ref="-144" text="dpXbYz"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="3"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="4" value="False"></input><t ref="-145" text="lMvgiBb"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="6" value="False"></input><t ref="-146" text="MRG0u"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="8" value="False"></input><t ref="-147" text="6J"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="10" value="False"></input><t ref="-148" text="eiJ"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="12" value="True"></input><t ref="-149" text="BApOb"></t></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="boxes-right" ref="47"><LABEL ref="13"><input type="checkbox" id="ch6" ref="14" value="True"></input><t ref="-150" text="Gdi"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="15"><input type="checkbox" id="ch7" ref="16" value="False"></input><t ref="-151" text="ogLmPt"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="17"><input type="checkbox" id="ch8" ref="18" value="False"></input><t ref="-152" text="zHAgg4e"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="19"><input type="checkbox" id="ch9" ref="20" value="False"></input><t ref="-153" text="08"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="21"><input type="checkbox" id="ch10" ref="22" recordingTarget="True" value="False"></input><t ref="-154" text="FO7hL"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="60" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mouseup, ref: 29}{action: mousedown, ref: 12}{action: mousedown, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 12}{action: mouseup, ref: 12}{action: mouseup, ref: 12}{action: mousedown, ref: 8}{action: mousedown, ref: 8}{action: click, ref: 8}{action: click, ref: 8}{action: mouseup, ref: 8}{action: mouseup, ref: 8}{action: mousedown, ref: 4}{action: mousedown, ref: 4}{action: click, ref: 4}{action: click, ref: 4}{action: mouseup, ref: 4}{action: mouseup, ref: 4}{action: mousedown, ref: 10}{action: mousedown, ref: 10}{action: click, ref: 10}{action: click, ref: 10}{action: mouseup, ref: 10}{action: mouseup, ref: 10}{action: mousedown, ref: 13}{action: mousedown, ref: 13} Select words similar to television, corrupt, water, conceal and click Submit. <BODY ref="13"><DIV id="wrap" ref="14"><DIV id="area" ref="15"><DIV id="boxes" ref="16"><LABEL ref="1"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="2" value="False"></input><t ref="-163" text="old"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="3"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="4" value="True"></input><t ref="-164" text="sinful"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="6" value="False"></input><t ref="-165" text="rabbits"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="8" value="True"></input><t ref="-166" text="water"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="10" value="True"></input><t ref="-167" text="TV"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="12" value="True"></input><t ref="-168" text="conceal"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="29" recordingTarget="True" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 29 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 21} Switch between the tabs to find and click on the link "ut". <BODY ref="21"><DIV id="wrap" ref="22"><DIV id="area" classes="ui-tabs ui-corner-all ui-widget ui-widget-content" ref="23"><UL classes="ui-tabs-nav ui-corner-all ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-header" ref="1"><LI classes="ui-tabs-tab ui-corner-top ui-state-default ui-tab ui-tabs-active ui-state-active" ref="2"><A id="ui-id-12" classes="ui-tabs-anchor" ref="3" text="1"></A></LI><LI classes="ui-tabs-tab ui-corner-top ui-state-default ui-tab" ref="4"><A id="ui-id-13" classes="ui-tabs-anchor" ref="5" text="2"></A></LI><LI classes="ui-tabs-tab ui-corner-top ui-state-default ui-tab" ref="6"><A id="ui-id-14" classes="ui-tabs-anchor" ref="7" text="3"></A></LI><LI classes="ui-tabs-tab ui-corner-top ui-state-default ui-tab" ref="8"><A id="ui-id-15" classes="ui-tabs-anchor" ref="9" text="4"></A></LI></UL><DIV id="tabs-1" classes="ui-tabs-panel ui-corner-bottom ui-widget-content" ref="10"><P ref="11"><t ref="-25" text="Ultrices aenean sagittis,"></t><SPAN classes="alink" ref="12" recordingTarget="True" text="elementum"></SPAN><t ref="-26" text="ut."></t><SPAN classes="alink" ref="13" text="Est"></SPAN><t ref="-27" text="habitasse sit mauris."></t><t ref="-28" text="Lobortis"></t><SPAN classes="alink" ref="14" text="pellentesque"></SPAN><t ref="-29" text="aliquam convallis cras"></t><t ref="-30" text="interdum"></t><SPAN classes="alink" ref="15" text="condimentum"></SPAN><t ref="-31" text="purus convallis"></t><SPAN classes="alink" ref="16" text="ut"></SPAN><t ref="-32" text="montes."></t></P></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 21 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
{action: click, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: scroll, ref: 1} {"Departure City":"Charlottesville","Destination City":"Charlotte","Ticket Type":"Return flight","Departure Day":15,"Returning Day":22,"Passengers":1,"Seat type":"First"} <BODY ref="1"><A classes="banner" ref="2"><IMG classes="alaska_logo" ref="3"></IMG></A><DIV id="main" ref="4"><DIV id="starth1" classes="header" ref="5"><H1 classes="h1" ref="6" text="Book a flight"></H1></DIV><FORM id="searchForm" classes="miniwob-main-form" ref="7"><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="8"><DIV classes="left" ref="9"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="10" text="One-way"></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="use-miles-div" classes="right" ref="11"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="12" text="Use miles"></LABEL></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="13"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="14"><t ref="-35" text="From"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-from" classes="text-input-pad" ref="15" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="16"></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-button" classes="geo-button" ref="17"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="18" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="19"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="20"><t ref="-36" text="To"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-to" classes="text-input-pad" ref="21"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="22"></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-button" classes="geo-button" ref="23"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="24" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="25"><DIV classes="datecnt left" ref="26"><LABEL id="lbldep-date" classes="text-label" ref="27" text="Depart"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="departure-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="28"></INPUT_text></DIV><DIV id="rt-container" classes="datecnt right" ref="29"><LABEL id="lblret-date" classes="text-label" ref="30" text="Return"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="return-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="31"></INPUT_text></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row" ref="32"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="33" text="Number of passengers"></LABEL><DIV id="num-travelers-cnt" classes="left group" ref="34"><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="35" text="-"></DIV><DIV id="tnum-display" ref="36" text="1"></DIV><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="37" text="+"></DIV></DIV><A id="umnrlink" classes="right" ref="38" text="Child traveling alone?"></A></DIV><DIV id="moreoptionsdiv" classes="drop" ref="39"><H2 classes="closed drop-head" ref="40" text="More search options"></H2></DIV><DIV id="is-cal-div" ref="41"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="42" text="View results on low-fare calendar"></LABEL></DIV><DIV classes="form-row last" ref="43"><INPUT_submit classes="button" ref="44" value="Find Flights"></INPUT_submit></DIV></FORM></DIV><DIV id="footer-wrapper" ref="45"><UL id="footer-nav" classes="group" ref="46"><LI id="help-link" ref="47"><A ref="48" text="FAQ"></A></LI><LI id="full-link" ref="49"><A ref="50" text="Full site"></A></LI><LI id="legal-link" ref="51"><A ref="52" text="Legal"></A></LI><LI id="privacy-link" ref="53"><A ref="54" text="Privacy"></A></LI><LI id="contact-link" ref="55"><A ref="56" text="Contact us"></A></LI></UL><DIV id="more-links" ref="57"></DIV><DIV id="copyright" ref="58" text="© 2017 Alaska Airlines, Inc."></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 15 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Enter 4:33 AM as the time and press submit. <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="form" ref="4"><INPUT_time id="tt" ref="5" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_time><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="6" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 5 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: keydown, ref: 134}{action: click, ref: 134}{action: click, ref: 134}{action: mouseup, ref: 134}{action: mouseup, ref: 134}{action: mousedown, ref: 138}{action: mousedown, ref: 138}{action: click, ref: 138}{action: click, ref: 138}{action: mouseup, ref: 138}{action: mouseup, ref: 138}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: scroll, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Hi Jere, I\ll "Congue.". <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="forward" ref="127"><DIV id="forward-bar" ref="128"><SPAN id="close-forward" ref="129"></SPAN><SPAN id="send-forward" ref="130"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="forward-header" ref="131"><DIV classes="forward-info" ref="132"><LABEL ref="133" text="to:"></LABEL><INPUT_text classes="forward-sender" ref="134" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_text></DIV><DIV classes="forward-subject" ref="135"><LABEL ref="136" text="subject:"></LABEL><t ref="-14" text="Aliquam senectus."></t></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="forward-body" ref="137"><TEXTAREA id="forward-text" ref="138" value="Senectus ipsum nisl, morbi at faucibus placerat ut arcu. Ut in."></TEXTAREA></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 134 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: click, ref: 8}{action: mouseup, ref: 8}{action: mouseup, ref: 8}{action: mousedown, ref: 16}{action: mousedown, ref: 16}{action: click, ref: 16}{action: click, ref: 16}{action: mouseup, ref: 16}{action: mouseup, ref: 16}{action: mousedown, ref: 12}{action: mousedown, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 12}{action: mouseup, ref: 12}{action: mouseup, ref: 12}{action: mousedown, ref: 10}{action: mousedown, ref: 10}{action: click, ref: 10}{action: click, ref: 10}{action: mouseup, ref: 10}{action: mouseup, ref: 10}{action: mousedown, ref: 6}{action: mousedown, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 6}{action: mouseup, ref: 6}{action: mouseup, ref: 6}{action: mousedown, ref: 24}{action: mousedown, ref: 24}{action: click, ref: 24}{action: click, ref: 24}{action: mouseup, ref: 24}{action: mouseup, ref: 24}{action: mousedown, ref: 22}{action: mousedown, ref: 22}{action: click, ref: 22}{action: click, ref: 22}{action: mouseup, ref: 22}{action: mouseup, ref: 22}{action: mousedown, ref: 23}{action: mousedown, ref: 23} Select m8UvDec, RoQt, lq4ctN, Ap, Q8sM, GRij0, jGmS, IWaf, KXIuZl, pW, SrdXAr, e9zDOm and click Submit. <BODY ref="23"><DIV id="wrap" ref="24"><DIV id="area" ref="25"><DIV id="boxes-left" ref="26"><LABEL ref="1"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="2" value="False"></input><t ref="-493" text="SrdXAr"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="3"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="4" value="False"></input><t ref="-494" text="KXIuZl"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="6" value="True"></input><t ref="-495" text="lq4ctN"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="8" recordingTarget="True" value="True"></input><t ref="-496" text="jGmS"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="10" value="True"></input><t ref="-497" text="Ap"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="12" value="True"></input><t ref="-498" text="Q8sM"></t></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="boxes-right" ref="39"><LABEL ref="13"><input type="checkbox" id="ch6" ref="14" value="False"></input><t ref="-499" text="e9zDOm"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="15"><input type="checkbox" id="ch7" ref="16" value="True"></input><t ref="-500" text="GRij0"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="17"><input type="checkbox" id="ch8" ref="18" value="False"></input><t ref="-501" text="IWaf"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="19"><input type="checkbox" id="ch9" ref="20" value="False"></input><t ref="-502" text="pW"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="21"><input type="checkbox" id="ch10" ref="22" value="True"></input><t ref="-503" text="m8UvDec"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="23"><input type="checkbox" id="ch11" ref="24" value="True"></input><t ref="-504" text="RoQt"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="50" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 8 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mousedown, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 2}{action: mousedown, ref: 2}{action: click, ref: 2}{action: click, ref: 2}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11} Select words similar to angry, hide and click Submit. <BODY ref="11"><DIV id="wrap" ref="12"><DIV id="area" ref="13"><DIV id="boxes" ref="14"><LABEL ref="1"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="2" value="True"></input><t ref="-52" text="angry"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="3"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="4" value="False"></input><t ref="-53" text="pig"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="6" value="True"></input><t ref="-54" text="conceal"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="25" recordingTarget="True" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mouseup, ref: 77}{action: mousedown, ref: 100}{action: mousedown, ref: 100}{action: click, ref: 100}{action: click, ref: 100}{action: mouseup, ref: 100}{action: mouseup, ref: 100}{action: mousedown, ref: 100}{action: mousedown, ref: 100}{action: click, ref: 100}{action: click, ref: 100}{action: mouseup, ref: 100}{action: mouseup, ref: 100}{action: mousedown, ref: 100}{action: mousedown, ref: 100}{action: click, ref: 100}{action: click, ref: 100}{action: mouseup, ref: 100}{action: mouseup, ref: 100}{action: mousedown, ref: 100}{action: mousedown, ref: 100}{action: scroll, ref: 100} Send Arden\s email Livy. <BODY ref="100"><DIV id="wrap" ref="101"><DIV id="area" ref="102"><DIV id="forward" ref="70"><DIV id="forward-bar" ref="71"><SPAN id="close-forward" ref="72"></SPAN><SPAN id="send-forward" ref="73"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="forward-header" ref="74"><DIV classes="forward-info" ref="75"><LABEL ref="76" text="to:"></LABEL><INPUT_text classes="forward-sender" ref="77" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_text></DIV><DIV classes="forward-subject" ref="78"><LABEL ref="79" text="subject:"></LABEL><t ref="-10" text="Turpis."></t></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="forward-body" ref="80"><TEXTAREA id="forward-text" ref="81" value="Sit pellentesque massa massa nunc."></TEXTAREA></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><SPAN ref="115"></SPAN></BODY> | 77 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
{action: mouseup, ref: 25}{action: mousedown, ref: 14}{action: mousedown, ref: 14}{action: click, ref: 14}{action: click, ref: 14}{action: mouseup, ref: 14}{action: mouseup, ref: 14}{action: mousedown, ref: 12}{action: mousedown, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 12}{action: click, ref: 12}{action: mouseup, ref: 12}{action: mouseup, ref: 12}{action: mousedown, ref: 6}{action: mousedown, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 6}{action: mouseup, ref: 6}{action: mouseup, ref: 6}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Select VSgC5, xn8loJ, WqM, NncFfX, dEoT3Uw, EAWX, ogU, JWPU3, z5Ma3, 7ojiEh and click Submit. <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="boxes-left" ref="4"><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="6" value="True"></input><t ref="-211" text="JWPU3"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="8" value="False"></input><t ref="-212" text="NncFfX"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="10" value="False"></input><t ref="-213" text="VSgC5"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="12" value="True"></input><t ref="-214" text="EAWX"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="13"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="14" value="True"></input><t ref="-215" text="7ojiEh"></t></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="boxes-right" ref="15"><LABEL ref="16"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="17" value="False"></input><t ref="-216" text="xn8loJ"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="18"><input type="checkbox" id="ch6" ref="19" value="False"></input><t ref="-217" text="WqM"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="20"><input type="checkbox" id="ch7" ref="21" value="False"></input><t ref="-218" text="dEoT3Uw"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="22"><input type="checkbox" id="ch8" ref="23" value="False"></input><t ref="-219" text="z5Ma3"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="24"><input type="checkbox" id="ch9" ref="25" recordingTarget="True" value="False"></input><t ref="-220" text="ogU"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="26" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Select -9 with the spinner and hit Submit. <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3" recordingTarget="True"><LABEL ref="4" text="Select a value:"></LABEL><SPAN classes="ui-spinner ui-corner-all ui-widget ui-widget-content" ref="5"><INPUT_text id="spinner" classes="ui-spinner-input" ref="6" value="0"></INPUT_text><A classes="ui-button ui-widget ui-spinner-button ui-spinner-up ui-corner-tr ui-button-icon-only" ref="7"><SPAN classes="ui-button-icon ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-n" ref="8"></SPAN></A><A classes="ui-button ui-widget ui-spinner-button ui-spinner-down ui-corner-br ui-button-icon-only" ref="9"><SPAN classes="ui-button-icon ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s" ref="10"></SPAN></A></SPAN><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="11" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} {"Departure City":"Phoenix","Destination City":"San Diego","Ticket Type":"One-way","Departure Day":25,"Passengers":3,"Seat type":"First"} <BODY ref="1"><A classes="banner" ref="2"><IMG classes="alaska_logo" ref="3"></IMG></A><DIV id="main" ref="4"><DIV id="starth1" classes="header" ref="5"><H1 classes="h1" ref="6" text="Book a flight"></H1></DIV><FORM id="searchForm" classes="miniwob-main-form" ref="7"><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="8"><DIV classes="left" ref="9"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="10" text="One-way"></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="use-miles-div" classes="right" ref="11"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="12" text="Use miles"></LABEL></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="13"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="14"><t ref="-23" text="From"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-from" classes="text-input-pad" ref="15" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="16"></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-button" classes="geo-button" ref="17"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="18" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="19"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="20"><t ref="-24" text="To"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-to" classes="text-input-pad" ref="21"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="22"></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-button" classes="geo-button" ref="23"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="24" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="25"><DIV classes="datecnt left" ref="26"><LABEL id="lbldep-date" classes="text-label" ref="27" text="Depart"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="departure-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="28"></INPUT_text></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row" ref="32"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="33" text="Number of passengers"></LABEL><DIV id="num-travelers-cnt" classes="left group" ref="34"><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="35" text="-"></DIV><DIV id="tnum-display" ref="36" text="1"></DIV><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="37" text="+"></DIV></DIV><A id="umnrlink" classes="right" ref="38" text="Child traveling alone?"></A></DIV><DIV id="moreoptionsdiv" classes="drop" ref="39"><H2 classes="closed drop-head" ref="40" text="More search options"></H2></DIV><DIV id="is-cal-div" ref="41"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="42" text="View results on low-fare calendar"></LABEL></DIV><DIV classes="form-row last" ref="43"><INPUT_submit classes="button" ref="44" value="Find Flights"></INPUT_submit></DIV></FORM></DIV><DIV id="footer-wrapper" ref="45"><UL id="footer-nav" classes="group" ref="46"><LI id="help-link" ref="47"><A ref="48" text="FAQ"></A></LI><LI id="full-link" ref="49"><A ref="50" text="Full site"></A></LI><LI id="legal-link" ref="51"><A ref="52" text="Legal"></A></LI><LI id="privacy-link" ref="53"><A ref="54" text="Privacy"></A></LI><LI id="contact-link" ref="55"><A ref="56" text="Contact us"></A></LI></UL><DIV id="more-links" ref="57"></DIV><DIV id="copyright" ref="58" text="© 2017 Alaska Airlines, Inc."></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
{action: keypress, ref: 13}{action: keypress, ref: 13}{action: keydown, ref: 13}{action: keydown, ref: 13}{action: keyup, ref: 13}{action: keyup, ref: 13}{action: keypress, ref: 13}{action: keypress, ref: 13}{action: keydown, ref: 13}{action: keydown, ref: 13}{action: click, ref: 13}{action: click, ref: 13}{action: mouseup, ref: 13}{action: mouseup, ref: 13}{action: mousedown, ref: 8}{action: mousedown, ref: 8}{action: keyup, ref: 8}{action: keyup, ref: 8}{action: keyup, ref: 8}{action: keyup, ref: 8}{action: keypress, ref: 8}{action: keypress, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keypress, ref: 8}{action: keypress, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keyup, ref: 8}{action: keyup, ref: 8}{action: keypress, ref: 8}{action: keypress, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keyup, ref: 8}{action: keyup, ref: 8}{action: keypress, ref: 8}{action: keypress, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8}{action: keydown, ref: 8} Enter 4:18 PM as the time and press submit. <BODY ref="8"><FORM id="mturk_form" ref="9"><DIV id="wrap" ref="10"><DIV id="area" ref="11"><DIV id="form" ref="12"><INPUT_time id="tt" ref="13" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_time><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="14" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></DIV></FORM></BODY> | 13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: click, ref: 10}{action: click, ref: 10}{action: click, ref: 17}{action: click, ref: 17}{action: mouseup, ref: 17}{action: mouseup, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: mousedown, ref: 18}{action: mousedown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, 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keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: mousedown, ref: 17}{action: mousedown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, 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keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: mousedown, ref: 6}{action: mousedown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 17}{action: click, ref: 17}{action: mouseup, ref: 17}{action: mouseup, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: mousedown, ref: 17}{action: mousedown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: 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ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17}{action: keydown, ref: 17} Select ckKo, uRk, i3k, vY, qfzPVU, BoW2, OXY7t, tYfWI, 036Cpur and click Submit. <BODY ref="17"><DIV id="wrap" ref="18"><DIV id="area" ref="19"><DIV id="boxes-left" ref="20"><LABEL ref="1"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="2" value="False"></input><t ref="-4042" text="OXY7t"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="3"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="4" value="False"></input><t ref="-4043" text="uRk"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="6" value="True"></input><t ref="-4044" text="ckKo"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="8" value="False"></input><t ref="-4045" text="036Cpur"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="10" recordingTarget="True" value="True"></input><t ref="-4046" text="vY"></t></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="boxes-right" ref="29"><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="12" value="False"></input><t ref="-4047" text="qfzPVU"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="13"><input type="checkbox" id="ch6" ref="14" value="False"></input><t ref="-4048" text="tYfWI"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="15"><input type="checkbox" id="ch7" ref="16" value="False"></input><t ref="-4049" text="BoW2"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="17"><input type="checkbox" id="ch8" ref="18" value="True"></input><t ref="-4050" text="i3k"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="38" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 10 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: click, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: scroll, ref: 1} {"Departure City":"Charlotte","Destination City":"Honolulu","Ticket Type":"One-way","Departure Day":8,"Passengers":2,"Seat type":"Coach"} <BODY ref="1"><A classes="banner" ref="2"><IMG classes="alaska_logo" ref="3"></IMG></A><DIV id="main" ref="4"><DIV id="starth1" classes="header" ref="5"><H1 classes="h1" ref="6" text="Book a flight"></H1></DIV><FORM id="searchForm" classes="miniwob-main-form" ref="7"><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="8"><DIV classes="left" ref="9"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="10" text="One-way"></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="use-miles-div" classes="right" ref="11"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="12" text="Use miles"></LABEL></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="13"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="14"><t ref="-193" text="From"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-from" classes="text-input-pad " ref="15" value="Charlotte, NC (CLT-Douglas Intl.)"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="16"></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-button" classes="geo-button" ref="17"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="18" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="19"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="20"><t ref="-194" text="To"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-to" classes="text-input-pad geo-active" ref="21" recordingTarget="True" value="HONOLUL"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="22"></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-button" classes="geo-button" ref="23"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="24" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV><OL id="input-selections-geo-to" classes="input-selections" ref="65"><LI classes="input-selection last" ref="66" text="Honolulu, HI (HNL-Honolulu Intl.)"></LI></OL></DIV><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="25"><DIV classes="datecnt left" ref="26"><LABEL id="lbldep-date" classes="text-label" ref="27" text="Depart"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="departure-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="28"></INPUT_text></DIV><DIV id="rt-container" classes="datecnt right" ref="29"><LABEL id="lblret-date" classes="text-label" ref="30" text="Return"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="return-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="31"></INPUT_text></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row" ref="32"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="33" text="Number of passengers"></LABEL><DIV id="num-travelers-cnt" classes="left group" ref="34"><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="35" text="-"></DIV><DIV id="tnum-display" ref="36" text="1"></DIV><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="37" text="+"></DIV></DIV><A id="umnrlink" classes="right" ref="38" text="Child traveling alone?"></A></DIV><DIV id="moreoptionsdiv" classes="drop" ref="39"><H2 classes="closed drop-head" ref="40" text="More search options"></H2></DIV><DIV id="is-cal-div" ref="41"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="42" text="View results on low-fare calendar"></LABEL></DIV><DIV classes="form-row last" ref="43"><INPUT_submit classes="button" ref="44" value="Find Flights"></INPUT_submit></DIV></FORM></DIV><DIV id="footer-wrapper" ref="45"><UL id="footer-nav" classes="group" ref="46"><LI id="help-link" ref="47"><A ref="48" text="FAQ"></A></LI><LI id="full-link" ref="49"><A ref="50" text="Full site"></A></LI><LI id="legal-link" ref="51"><A ref="52" text="Legal"></A></LI><LI id="privacy-link" ref="53"><A ref="54" text="Privacy"></A></LI><LI id="contact-link" ref="55"><A ref="56" text="Contact us"></A></LI></UL><DIV id="more-links" ref="57"></DIV><DIV id="copyright" ref="58" text="© 2017 Alaska Airlines, Inc."></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 21 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Enter 11:44 PM as the time and press submit. <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="form" ref="4"><INPUT_time id="tt" ref="5" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_time><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="6" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: click, ref: 8}{action: mouseup, ref: 8}{action: mouseup, ref: 8}{action: mousedown, ref: 13}{action: mousedown, ref: 13} Select words similar to comical, mistaken, swine and click Submit. <BODY ref="13"><DIV id="wrap" ref="14"><DIV id="area" ref="15"><DIV id="boxes" ref="16"><LABEL ref="1"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="2" value="False"></input><t ref="-31" text="fires"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="3"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="4" value="False"></input><t ref="-32" text="pig"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="6" value="False"></input><t ref="-33" text="incorrect"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="8" recordingTarget="True" value="True"></input><t ref="-34" text="comical"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="10" value="False"></input><t ref="-35" text="televisions"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="12" value="False"></input><t ref="-36" text="chop"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="29" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 8 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mousedown, ref: 15} Select txJia, UMUYD, QAyd, zmEbH, T4 and click Submit. <BODY ref="15"><DIV id="wrap" ref="16"><DIV id="area" ref="17"><DIV id="boxes-left" ref="18"><LABEL ref="1"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="2" value="False"></input><t ref="-13" text="T4"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="3"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="4" value="False"></input><t ref="-14" text="c17"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="6" value="False"></input><t ref="-15" text="v79"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7" recordingTarget="True"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="8" value="False"></input><t ref="-16" text="UMUYD"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="10" value="False"></input><t ref="-17" text="K1Mp"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="12" value="False"></input><t ref="-18" text="QAyd"></t></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="boxes-right" ref="27"><LABEL ref="13"><input type="checkbox" id="ch6" ref="14" value="False"></input><t ref="-19" text="zmEbH"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="15"><input type="checkbox" id="ch7" ref="16" value="False"></input><t ref="-20" text="txJia"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="17"><input type="checkbox" id="ch8" ref="18" value="False"></input><t ref="-21" text="MS4lRpp"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="19"><input type="checkbox" id="ch9" ref="20" value="False"></input><t ref="-22" text="EMO6"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="21"><input type="checkbox" id="ch10" ref="22" value="False"></input><t ref="-23" text="6dQXt"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="23"><input type="checkbox" id="ch11" ref="24" value="False"></input><t ref="-24" text="60TQOeA"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="34" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: dblclick, ref: 5}{action: dblclick, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Enter 6:12 PM as the time and press submit. <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="form" ref="4"><INPUT_time id="tt" ref="5"></INPUT_time><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="6" recordingTarget="True" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Enter 9:53 AM as the time and press submit. <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="form" ref="4"><INPUT_time id="tt" ref="5" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_time><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="6" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 5 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 244}{action: mousedown, ref: 244}{action: click, ref: 244}{action: mouseup, ref: 244}{action: mouseup, ref: 244}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 127}{action: mousedown, ref: 127}{action: click, ref: 127}{action: mouseup, ref: 127}{action: mouseup, ref: 127}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: click, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: scroll, ref: 1} {"Departure City":"Miami","Destination City":"San Francisco","Ticket Type":"Return flight","Departure Day":13,"Returning Day":22,"Passengers":3,"Seat type":"First"} <BODY ref="1"><A classes="banner" ref="2"><IMG classes="alaska_logo" ref="3"></IMG></A><DIV id="main" ref="4"><DIV id="starth1" classes="header" ref="5"><H1 classes="h1" ref="6" text="Book a flight"></H1></DIV><FORM id="searchForm" classes="miniwob-main-form" ref="7"><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="8"><DIV classes="left" ref="9"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="10" text="One-way"></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="use-miles-div" classes="right" ref="11"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="12" text="Use miles"></LABEL></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="13"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="14"><t ref="-311" text="From"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-from" classes="text-input-pad " ref="15" value="Miami, FL (MIA-Miami Intl.)"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="16"></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-button" classes="geo-button" ref="17"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="18" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="19"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="20"><t ref="-312" text="To"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-to" classes="text-input-pad " ref="21" value="San Francisco, CA (SFO-San Francisco Intl.)"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="22"></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-button" classes="geo-button" ref="23"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="24" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="25"><DIV classes="datecnt left" ref="26"><LABEL id="lbldep-date" classes="text-label" ref="27" text="Depart"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="departure-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="28" value="3/13/2017"></INPUT_text></DIV><DIV id="rt-container" classes="datecnt right" ref="29"><LABEL id="lblret-date" classes="text-label" ref="30" text="Return"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="return-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="31" value="3/22/2017"></INPUT_text></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row" ref="32"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="33" text="Number of passengers"></LABEL><DIV id="num-travelers-cnt" classes="left group" ref="34"><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="35" text="-"></DIV><DIV id="tnum-display" ref="36" text="3"></DIV><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="37" text="+"></DIV></DIV><A id="umnrlink" classes="right" ref="38" text="Child traveling alone?"></A></DIV><DIV id="moreoptionsdiv" classes="drop" ref="39"><H2 classes="closed drop-head" ref="40" recordingTarget="True" text="More search options"></H2></DIV><DIV id="is-cal-div" 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{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: keydown, ref: 18}{action: 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10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: keydown, ref: 10}{action: 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21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21} Select omqvP, R0o8P, cRoD, HhQaJN, OiqN, HEF, GCaUJS, 2SheSB, MH, rPTyQfQ, BVN and click Submit. <BODY ref="21"><DIV id="wrap" ref="22"><DIV id="area" ref="23"><DIV id="boxes-left" ref="24"><LABEL ref="1"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="2" value="False"></input><t ref="-8867" text="rPTyQfQ"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="3"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="4" value="True"></input><t ref="-8868" text="R0o8P"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="6" value="True"></input><t ref="-8869" text="HhQaJN"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="8" value="False"></input><t ref="-8870" text="MH"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="10" value="True"></input><t ref="-8871" text="omqvP"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="12" value="True"></input><t ref="-8872" text="cRoD"></t></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="boxes-right" ref="35"><LABEL ref="13"><input type="checkbox" id="ch6" ref="14" value="False"></input><t ref="-8873" text="2SheSB"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="15"><input type="checkbox" id="ch7" ref="16" value="False"></input><t ref="-8874" text="BVN"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="17"><input type="checkbox" id="ch8" ref="18" recordingTarget="True" value="True"></input><t ref="-8875" text="OiqN"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="19"><input type="checkbox" id="ch9" ref="20" value="False"></input><t ref="-8876" text="HEF"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="21"><input type="checkbox" id="ch10" ref="22" value="False"></input><t ref="-8877" text="GCaUJS"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="46" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 18 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: click, ref: 13}{action: click, ref: 13}{action: mouseup, ref: 13}{action: mouseup, ref: 13}{action: mousedown, ref: 13}{action: mousedown, ref: 13} Select words similar to fearless, reply and click Submit. <BODY ref="13"><DIV id="wrap" ref="14"><DIV id="area" ref="15"><DIV id="boxes" ref="16"><LABEL ref="1"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="2" value="False"></input><t ref="-37" text="serene"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="3"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="4" value="False"></input><t ref="-38" text="fearful"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="6" value="False"></input><t ref="-39" text="little"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="8" value="False"></input><t ref="-40" text="answer"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="9" recordingTarget="True"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="10" value="False"></input><t ref="-41" text="favor"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="12" value="False"></input><t ref="-42" text="brave"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="29" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 10 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Enter 6:52 PM as the time and press submit. <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="form" ref="4"><INPUT_time id="tt" ref="5" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_time><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="6" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 54}{action: mousedown, ref: 54} Switch between the tabs to find and click on the link "nunc". <BODY ref="54"><DIV id="wrap" ref="55"><DIV id="area" classes="ui-tabs ui-corner-all ui-widget ui-widget-content" ref="56"><UL classes="ui-tabs-nav ui-corner-all ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-header" ref="1"><LI classes="ui-tabs-tab ui-corner-top ui-state-default ui-tab ui-tabs-active ui-state-active" ref="2"><A id="ui-id-7" classes="ui-tabs-anchor" ref="3" text="1"></A></LI><LI classes="ui-tabs-tab ui-corner-top ui-state-default ui-tab ui-state-hover ui-state-focus" ref="4"><A id="ui-id-8" classes="ui-tabs-anchor" ref="5" recordingTarget="True" text="2"></A></LI></UL><DIV id="tabs-1" classes="ui-tabs-panel ui-corner-bottom ui-widget-content" ref="6"><P ref="7"><t ref="-25" text="Quis enim. Ipsum id."></t><SPAN classes="alink" ref="8" text="In"></SPAN><t ref="-26" text="ullamcorper duis fringilla"></t><t ref="-27" text="malesuada et tortor."></t><t ref="-28" text="Vestibulum tincidunt"></t><t ref="-29" text="congue magna nulla"></t><t ref="-30" text="pellentesque. Mauris"></t><SPAN classes="alink" ref="9" text="cursus"></SPAN><SPAN classes="alink" ref="10" text="amet."></SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 5 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: scroll, ref: 1} Tag Barbette\s email as important. <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="email" ref="53"><DIV id="email-bar" ref="54"><SPAN id="close-email" ref="55"></SPAN><DIV classes="email-actions" ref="56"><SPAN classes="trash" ref="57"></SPAN><SPAN classes="star" ref="58" recordingTarget="True"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-header" ref="59"><DIV classes="email-subject" ref="60" text="Volutpat. Luctus."></DIV><SPAN classes="email-left" ref="61"><DIV classes="email-sender" ref="62" text="Barbette"></DIV><DIV ref="63" text="to me"></DIV></SPAN><SPAN classes="email-right" ref="64"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="email-body" ref="65" text="Ac nec et vitae mauris, orci vel a purus."></DIV><DIV classes="email-send" ref="66"><SPAN classes="email-reply" ref="67"><DIV classes="icon" ref="68"></DIV><DIV ref="69" text="Reply"></DIV></SPAN><SPAN classes="email-forward" ref="70"><DIV classes="icon" ref="71"></DIV><DIV ref="72" text="Forward"></DIV></SPAN></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: scroll, ref: 1} {"Departure City":"Los Angeles","Destination City":"Seattle","Ticket Type":"Return flight","Departure Day":17,"Returning Day":27,"Passengers":2,"Seat type":"Coach"} <BODY ref="1"><A classes="banner" ref="2"><IMG classes="alaska_logo" ref="3"></IMG></A><DIV id="main" ref="4"><DIV id="starth1" classes="header" ref="5"><H1 classes="h1" ref="6" text="Book a flight"></H1></DIV><FORM id="searchForm" classes="miniwob-main-form" ref="7"><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="8"><DIV classes="left" ref="9"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="10" text="One-way"></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="use-miles-div" classes="right" ref="11"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="12" text="Use miles"></LABEL></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="13"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="14"><t ref="-51" text="From"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-from" classes="text-input-pad geo-active" ref="15" recordingTarget="True" value="lax"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="16"></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-button" classes="geo-button" ref="17"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="18" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV><OL id="input-selections-geo-from" classes="input-selections" ref="59"><LI classes="input-selection" ref="60" text="Adak Island, AK (ADK-Adak Island)"></LI><LI classes="input-selection" ref="61" text="Alexandria, LA (AEX-Alexandria Intl.)"></LI><LI classes="input-selection" ref="62" text="Atlanta, GA (ATL-Hartsfield Intl.)"></LI><LI classes="input-selection" ref="63" text="Atlantic City, NJ (ACY-Atlantic City Intl.)"></LI><LI classes=" last" ref="64" text="Baton Rouge, LA (BTR-Metropolitan)"></LI></OL></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="19"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="20"><t ref="-52" text="To"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-to" classes="text-input-pad" ref="21"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="22"></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-button" classes="geo-button" ref="23"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="24" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="25"><DIV classes="datecnt left" ref="26"><LABEL id="lbldep-date" classes="text-label" ref="27" text="Depart"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="departure-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="28"></INPUT_text></DIV><DIV id="rt-container" classes="datecnt right" ref="29"><LABEL id="lblret-date" classes="text-label" ref="30" text="Return"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="return-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="31"></INPUT_text></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row" ref="32"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="33" text="Number of passengers"></LABEL><DIV id="num-travelers-cnt" classes="left group" ref="34"><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="35" text="-"></DIV><DIV id="tnum-display" ref="36" text="1"></DIV><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="37" text="+"></DIV></DIV><A id="umnrlink" classes="right" ref="38" text="Child traveling alone?"></A></DIV><DIV id="moreoptionsdiv" classes="drop" ref="39"><H2 classes="closed drop-head" ref="40" text="More search options"></H2></DIV><DIV id="is-cal-div" ref="41"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="42" text="View results on low-fare calendar"></LABEL></DIV><DIV classes="form-row last" ref="43"><INPUT_submit classes="button" ref="44" value="Find Flights"></INPUT_submit></DIV></FORM></DIV><DIV id="footer-wrapper" ref="45"><UL id="footer-nav" classes="group" ref="46"><LI id="help-link" ref="47"><A ref="48" text="FAQ"></A></LI><LI id="full-link" ref="49"><A ref="50" text="Full site"></A></LI><LI id="legal-link" ref="51"><A ref="52" text="Legal"></A></LI><LI id="privacy-link" ref="53"><A ref="54" text="Privacy"></A></LI><LI id="contact-link" ref="55"><A ref="56" text="Contact us"></A></LI></UL><DIV id="more-links" ref="57"></DIV><DIV id="copyright" ref="58" text="© 2017 Alaska Airlines, Inc."></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: scroll, ref: 1} {"Departure City":"Charlottesville","Destination City":"Atlanta","Ticket Type":"Return flight","Departure Day":11,"Returning Day":30,"Passengers":2,"Seat type":"Coach"} <BODY ref="1"><A classes="banner" ref="2"><IMG classes="alaska_logo" ref="3"></IMG></A><DIV id="main" ref="4"><DIV id="starth1" classes="header" ref="5"><H1 classes="h1" ref="6" text="Book a flight"></H1></DIV><FORM id="searchForm" classes="miniwob-main-form" ref="7"><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="8"><DIV classes="left" ref="9"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="10" text="One-way"></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="use-miles-div" classes="right" ref="11"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="12" text="Use miles"></LABEL></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="13"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="14"><t ref="-99" text="From"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-from" classes="text-input-pad geo-active" ref="15" recordingTarget="True" value="charlot"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="16"></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-button" classes="geo-button" ref="17"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="18" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV><OL id="input-selections-geo-from" classes="input-selections" ref="59"><LI classes="input-selection" ref="60" text="Charlotte, NC (CLT-Douglas Intl.)"></LI><LI classes="input-selection last" ref="61" text="Charlottesville, VA (CHO-Charlottesville)"></LI></OL></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="19"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="20"><t ref="-100" text="To"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-to" classes="text-input-pad" ref="21"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="22"></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-button" classes="geo-button" ref="23"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="24" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="25"><DIV classes="datecnt left" ref="26"><LABEL id="lbldep-date" classes="text-label" ref="27" text="Depart"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="departure-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="28"></INPUT_text></DIV><DIV id="rt-container" classes="datecnt right" ref="29"><LABEL id="lblret-date" classes="text-label" ref="30" text="Return"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="return-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="31"></INPUT_text></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row" ref="32"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="33" text="Number of passengers"></LABEL><DIV id="num-travelers-cnt" classes="left group" ref="34"><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="35" text="-"></DIV><DIV id="tnum-display" ref="36" text="1"></DIV><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="37" text="+"></DIV></DIV><A id="umnrlink" classes="right" ref="38" text="Child traveling alone?"></A></DIV><DIV id="moreoptionsdiv" classes="drop" ref="39"><H2 classes="closed drop-head" ref="40" text="More search options"></H2></DIV><DIV id="is-cal-div" ref="41"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="42" text="View results on low-fare calendar"></LABEL></DIV><DIV classes="form-row last" ref="43"><INPUT_submit classes="button" ref="44" value="Find Flights"></INPUT_submit></DIV></FORM></DIV><DIV id="footer-wrapper" ref="45"><UL id="footer-nav" classes="group" ref="46"><LI id="help-link" ref="47"><A ref="48" text="FAQ"></A></LI><LI id="full-link" ref="49"><A ref="50" text="Full site"></A></LI><LI id="legal-link" ref="51"><A ref="52" text="Legal"></A></LI><LI id="privacy-link" ref="53"><A ref="54" text="Privacy"></A></LI><LI id="contact-link" ref="55"><A ref="56" text="Contact us"></A></LI></UL><DIV id="more-links" ref="57"></DIV><DIV id="copyright" ref="58" text="© 2017 Alaska Airlines, Inc."></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 15 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Expand the pie menu below and click on the item labeled "p". <BODY ref="1"><FORM id="mturk_form" ref="2"><DIV id="wrap" ref="3"><DIV id="area" ref="4"><DIV id="divWheel" ref="5"><svg classes="{}" ref="6"><path id="wheelnav-divWheel-slice-5" classes="{}" ref="7"></path><text id="wheelnav-divWheel-title-5" classes="{}" ref="8"><tspan classes="{}" ref="9" text="s"></tspan></text><path id="wheelnav-divWheel-slice-4" classes="{}" ref="10"></path><text id="wheelnav-divWheel-title-4" classes="{}" ref="11"><tspan classes="{}" ref="12" text="8"></tspan></text><path id="wheelnav-divWheel-slice-3" classes="{}" ref="13"></path><text id="wheelnav-divWheel-title-3" classes="{}" ref="14"><tspan classes="{}" ref="15" text="j"></tspan></text><path id="wheelnav-divWheel-slice-2" classes="{}" ref="16"></path><text id="wheelnav-divWheel-title-2" classes="{}" ref="17"><tspan classes="{}" ref="18" text="0"></tspan></text><path id="wheelnav-divWheel-slice-1" classes="{}" ref="19"></path><text id="wheelnav-divWheel-title-1" classes="{}" ref="20"><tspan classes="{}" ref="21" text="a"></tspan></text><path id="wheelnav-divWheel-slice-0" classes="{}" ref="22"></path><text id="wheelnav-divWheel-title-0" classes="{}" ref="23"><tspan classes="{}" ref="24" text="p"></tspan></text><path id="wheelnav-divWheel-spreader" classes="{}" ref="25"></path><text id="wheelnav-divWheel-spreadertitle" classes="{}" ref="26"><tspan classes="{}" ref="27" recordingTarget="True" text="+"></tspan></text></svg></DIV></DIV></DIV></FORM></BODY> | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: keyup, ref: 6}{action: keypress, ref: 6}{action: keypress, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keyup, ref: 6}{action: keyup, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Enter 04:17 as the time and press submit. <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="form" ref="4"><INPUT_time id="tt" ref="5" value="04:17"></INPUT_time><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="6" recordingTarget="True" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mousedown, ref: 1675}{action: mousedown, ref: 1675}{action: click, ref: 1675}{action: click, ref: 1671}{action: mouseup, ref: 1671}{action: mouseup, ref: 1671}{action: mousedown, ref: 1675}{action: mousedown, ref: 1675}{action: click, ref: 1675}{action: click, ref: 1671}{action: mouseup, ref: 1671}{action: mouseup, ref: 1671}{action: mousedown, ref: 1675}{action: mousedown, ref: 1675}{action: click, ref: 1675}{action: click, ref: 1675}{action: mouseup, ref: 1675}{action: mouseup, ref: 1675}{action: mousedown, ref: 1671}{action: mousedown, ref: 1671} Select 04/04/2016 as the date and hit submit. <BODY ref="1671"><DIV id="wrap" ref="1672"><DIV id="area" ref="1673"><P ref="1674"><t ref="-21" text="Date:"></t><INPUT_text id="datepicker" classes="hasDatepicker" ref="1675"></INPUT_text></P><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="1676" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV><DIV id="ui-datepicker-div" classes="ui-datepicker ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all" ref="1"><DIV classes="ui-datepicker-header ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all" ref="195"><A classes="ui-datepicker-prev ui-corner-all ui-state-hover ui-datepicker-prev-hover" ref="196"><SPAN classes="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-triangle-w" ref="197" recordingTarget="True" text="Prev"></SPAN></A><A classes="ui-datepicker-next ui-corner-all" ref="198"><SPAN classes="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-triangle-e" ref="199" text="Next"></SPAN></A><DIV classes="ui-datepicker-title" ref="200"><SPAN classes="ui-datepicker-month" ref="201" text="October"></SPAN><SPAN classes="ui-datepicker-year" ref="202" text="2016"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><TABLE classes="ui-datepicker-calendar" ref="203"><THEAD ref="204"><TR ref="205"><TH classes="ui-datepicker-week-end" ref="206"><SPAN ref="207" text="Su"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="208"><SPAN ref="209" text="Mo"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="210"><SPAN ref="211" text="Tu"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="212"><SPAN ref="213" text="We"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="214"><SPAN ref="215" text="Th"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="216"><SPAN ref="217" text="Fr"></SPAN></TH><TH classes="ui-datepicker-week-end" ref="218"><SPAN ref="219" text="Sa"></SPAN></TH></TR></THEAD><TBODY ref="220"><TR ref="221"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="222"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="223"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="224"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="225"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="226"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="227"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="228"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="229" text="1"></A></TD></TR><TR ref="230"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="231"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="232" text="2"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="233"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="234" text="3"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="235"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="236" text="4"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="237"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="238" text="5"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="239"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="240" text="6"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="241"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="242" text="7"></A></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="243"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="244" text="8"></A></TD></TR><TR ref="245"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="246"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="247" text="9"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="248"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="249" text="10"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="250"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="251" text="11"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="252"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="253" text="12"></A></TD><TD classes=" " 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ref="296"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="297"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="298"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="299"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV></BODY> | 1,671 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
{action: mousedown, ref: 1188}{action: mousedown, ref: 1188}{action: click, ref: 1188}{action: click, ref: 1184}{action: mouseup, ref: 1184}{action: mouseup, ref: 1184}{action: mousedown, ref: 1188}{action: mousedown, ref: 1188}{action: click, ref: 1188}{action: click, ref: 1184}{action: mouseup, ref: 1184}{action: mouseup, ref: 1184}{action: mousedown, ref: 1188}{action: mousedown, ref: 1188}{action: click, ref: 1188}{action: click, ref: 1184}{action: mouseup, ref: 1184}{action: mouseup, ref: 1184}{action: mousedown, ref: 1188}{action: mousedown, ref: 1188}{action: click, ref: 1188}{action: click, ref: 1184}{action: mouseup, ref: 1184}{action: mouseup, ref: 1184}{action: mousedown, ref: 1188}{action: mousedown, ref: 1188}{action: click, ref: 1188}{action: click, ref: 1184}{action: mouseup, ref: 1184}{action: mouseup, ref: 1184}{action: mousedown, ref: 1188}{action: mousedown, ref: 1188}{action: click, ref: 1188}{action: click, ref: 1188}{action: mouseup, ref: 1188}{action: mouseup, ref: 1188}{action: mousedown, ref: 1184}{action: mousedown, ref: 1184} Select 03/19/2016 as the date and hit submit. <BODY ref="1184"><DIV id="wrap" ref="1185"><DIV id="area" ref="1186"><P ref="1187"><t ref="-39" text="Date:"></t><INPUT_text id="datepicker" classes="hasDatepicker" ref="1188"></INPUT_text></P><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="1189" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV><DIV id="ui-datepicker-div" classes="ui-datepicker ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all" ref="1"><DIV classes="ui-datepicker-header ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all" ref="493"><A classes="ui-datepicker-prev ui-corner-all ui-state-hover ui-datepicker-prev-hover" ref="494"><SPAN classes="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-triangle-w" ref="495" recordingTarget="True" text="Prev"></SPAN></A><A classes="ui-datepicker-next ui-corner-all" ref="496"><SPAN classes="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-triangle-e" ref="497" text="Next"></SPAN></A><DIV classes="ui-datepicker-title" ref="498"><SPAN classes="ui-datepicker-month" ref="499" text="July"></SPAN><SPAN classes="ui-datepicker-year" ref="500" text="2016"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><TABLE classes="ui-datepicker-calendar" ref="501"><THEAD ref="502"><TR ref="503"><TH classes="ui-datepicker-week-end" ref="504"><SPAN ref="505" text="Su"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="506"><SPAN ref="507" text="Mo"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="508"><SPAN ref="509" text="Tu"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="510"><SPAN ref="511" text="We"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="512"><SPAN ref="513" text="Th"></SPAN></TH><TH ref="514"><SPAN ref="515" text="Fr"></SPAN></TH><TH classes="ui-datepicker-week-end" ref="516"><SPAN ref="517" text="Sa"></SPAN></TH></TR></THEAD><TBODY ref="518"><TR ref="519"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="520"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="521"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="522"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="523"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="524"></TD><TD classes=" " ref="525"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="526" text="1"></A></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="527"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="528" text="2"></A></TD></TR><TR ref="529"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="530"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="531" text="3"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="532"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="533" text="4"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="534"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="535" text="5"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="536"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="537" text="6"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="538"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="539" text="7"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="540"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="541" text="8"></A></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="542"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="543" text="9"></A></TD></TR><TR ref="544"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="545"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="546" text="10"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="547"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="548" text="11"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="549"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="550" text="12"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="551"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="552" text="13"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="553"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="554" text="14"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="555"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="556" text="15"></A></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="557"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="558" text="16"></A></TD></TR><TR ref="559"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="560"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="561" text="17"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="562"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="563" text="18"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="564"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="565" text="19"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="566"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="567" text="20"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="568"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="569" text="21"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="570"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="571" text="22"></A></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="572"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="573" text="23"></A></TD></TR><TR ref="574"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="575"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="576" text="24"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="577"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="578" text="25"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="579"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="580" text="26"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="581"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="582" text="27"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="583"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="584" text="28"></A></TD><TD classes=" " ref="585"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="586" text="29"></A></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="587"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="588" text="30"></A></TD></TR><TR ref="589"><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end " ref="590"><A classes="ui-state-default" ref="591" text="31"></A></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="592"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="593"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="594"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="595"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="596"></TD><TD classes=" ui-datepicker-week-end ui-datepicker-other-month ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled" ref="597"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV></BODY> | 1,184 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
{action: keyup, ref: 6}{action: keypress, ref: 6}{action: keypress, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keyup, ref: 6}{action: keyup, ref: 6}{action: keypress, ref: 6}{action: keypress, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keyup, ref: 6}{action: keyup, ref: 6}{action: keyup, ref: 6}{action: keyup, ref: 6}{action: keypress, ref: 6}{action: keypress, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: keydown, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 6}{action: mouseup, ref: 6}{action: mouseup, ref: 6}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Enter "Ashlea" into the text field and press Submit. <BODY ref="1"><FORM id="mturk_form" ref="2"><DIV id="wrap" ref="3"><DIV id="area" ref="4"><DIV id="form" ref="5"><INPUT_text id="tt" ref="6" recordingTarget="True" value="Ash"></INPUT_text><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="7" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></DIV></FORM></BODY> | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: click, ref: 21}{action: click, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 27}{action: mousedown, ref: 27}{action: click, ref: 27}{action: click, ref: 27}{action: mouseup, ref: 27}{action: mouseup, ref: 27}{action: mousedown, ref: 19}{action: mousedown, ref: 19}{action: click, ref: 19}{action: click, ref: 19}{action: mouseup, ref: 19}{action: mouseup, ref: 19}{action: mousedown, ref: 10}{action: mousedown, ref: 10}{action: click, ref: 10}{action: click, ref: 10}{action: mouseup, ref: 10}{action: mouseup, ref: 10}{action: mousedown, ref: 25}{action: mousedown, ref: 25}{action: click, ref: 25}{action: click, ref: 25}{action: mouseup, ref: 25}{action: mouseup, ref: 25}{action: mousedown, ref: 23}{action: mousedown, ref: 23}{action: click, ref: 23}{action: click, ref: 23}{action: mouseup, ref: 23}{action: mouseup, ref: 23}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Select p5, 9TLJP, eXAMdTp, VArlmtw, Ao4Bo9J, 8Xj and click Submit. <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="boxes-left" ref="4"><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="6" value="False"></input><t ref="-397" text="zgbBQ"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="8" value="False"></input><t ref="-398" text="2JyHY"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="10" value="True"></input><t ref="-399" text="eXAMdTp"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="12" value="False"></input><t ref="-400" text="KN"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="13"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="14" value="False"></input><t ref="-401" text="XRXN32Y"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="15"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="16" value="False"></input><t ref="-402" text="R1l9UZi"></t></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="boxes-right" ref="17"><LABEL ref="18"><input type="checkbox" id="ch6" ref="19" value="True"></input><t ref="-403" text="VArlmtw"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="20"><input type="checkbox" id="ch7" ref="21" recordingTarget="True" value="True"></input><t ref="-404" text="8Xj"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="22"><input type="checkbox" id="ch8" ref="23" value="True"></input><t ref="-405" text="p5"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="24"><input type="checkbox" id="ch9" ref="25" value="True"></input><t ref="-406" text="9TLJP"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="26"><input type="checkbox" id="ch10" ref="27" value="True"></input><t ref="-407" text="Ao4Bo9J"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="28" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 21 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Enter 2:45 PM as the time and press submit. <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="form" ref="4"><INPUT_time id="tt" ref="5" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_time><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="6" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 5 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keyup, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Enter 8:12 AM as the time and press submit. <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="form" ref="4"><INPUT_time id="tt" ref="5" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_time><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="6" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} {"Departure City":"Las Vegas","Destination City":"Redmond","Ticket Type":"Return flight","Departure Day":4,"Returning Day":24,"Passengers":1,"Seat type":"First"} <BODY ref="1"><A classes="banner" ref="2"><IMG classes="alaska_logo" ref="3"></IMG></A><DIV id="main" ref="4"><DIV id="starth1" classes="header" ref="5"><H1 classes="h1" ref="6" text="Book a flight"></H1></DIV><FORM id="searchForm" classes="miniwob-main-form" ref="7"><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="8"><DIV classes="left" ref="9"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="10" text="One-way"></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="use-miles-div" classes="right" ref="11"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="12" text="Use miles"></LABEL></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="13"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="14"><t ref="-133" text="From"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-from" classes="text-input-pad geo-active" ref="15" recordingTarget="True" value="Las Ve"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="16"></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-button" classes="geo-button" ref="17"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="18" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV><OL id="input-selections-geo-from" classes="input-selections" ref="59"><LI classes="input-selection last" ref="60" text="Las Vegas, NV (LAS-McCarran Intl.)"></LI></OL></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="19"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="20"><t ref="-134" text="To"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-to" classes="text-input-pad" ref="21"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="22"></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-button" classes="geo-button" ref="23"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="24" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="25"><DIV classes="datecnt left" ref="26"><LABEL id="lbldep-date" classes="text-label" ref="27" text="Depart"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="departure-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="28"></INPUT_text></DIV><DIV id="rt-container" classes="datecnt right" ref="29"><LABEL id="lblret-date" classes="text-label" ref="30" text="Return"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="return-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="31"></INPUT_text></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row" ref="32"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="33" text="Number of passengers"></LABEL><DIV id="num-travelers-cnt" classes="left group" ref="34"><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="35" text="-"></DIV><DIV id="tnum-display" ref="36" text="1"></DIV><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="37" text="+"></DIV></DIV><A id="umnrlink" classes="right" ref="38" text="Child traveling alone?"></A></DIV><DIV id="moreoptionsdiv" classes="drop" ref="39"><H2 classes="closed drop-head" ref="40" text="More search options"></H2></DIV><DIV id="is-cal-div" ref="41"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="42" text="View results on low-fare calendar"></LABEL></DIV><DIV classes="form-row last" ref="43"><INPUT_submit classes="button" ref="44" value="Find Flights"></INPUT_submit></DIV></FORM></DIV><DIV id="footer-wrapper" ref="45"><UL id="footer-nav" classes="group" ref="46"><LI id="help-link" ref="47"><A ref="48" text="FAQ"></A></LI><LI id="full-link" ref="49"><A ref="50" text="Full site"></A></LI><LI id="legal-link" ref="51"><A ref="52" text="Legal"></A></LI><LI id="privacy-link" ref="53"><A ref="54" text="Privacy"></A></LI><LI id="contact-link" ref="55"><A ref="56" 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{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: click, ref: 129}{action: mouseup, ref: 129}{action: mouseup, ref: 129}{action: keydown, ref: 129}{action: keydown, ref: 129}{action: keydown, ref: 129}{action: keydown, ref: 129}{action: keydown, ref: 129}{action: keydown, ref: 129}{action: keydown, ref: 129}{action: keydown, ref: 129}{action: mousedown, ref: 704}{action: mousedown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 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704}{action: mouseup, ref: 704}{action: mouseup, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: keydown, ref: 704}{action: mousedown, ref: 700}{action: mousedown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700}{action: keydown, ref: 700} Select 11/01/2016 as the date and hit submit. <BODY ref="700" recordingTarget="True"><DIV id="wrap" ref="701"><DIV id="area" ref="702"><P ref="703"><t ref="-250" text="Date:"></t><INPUT_text id="datepicker" classes="hasDatepicker" ref="704" value="11/01/2016"></INPUT_text></P><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="705" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 700 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mouseup, ref: 10}{action: mouseup, ref: 10}{action: mousedown, ref: 23}{action: mousedown, ref: 23}{action: click, ref: 23}{action: click, ref: 23}{action: mouseup, ref: 23}{action: mouseup, ref: 23}{action: mousedown, ref: 6}{action: mousedown, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 6}{action: click, ref: 6}{action: mouseup, ref: 6}{action: mouseup, ref: 6}{action: mousedown, ref: 27}{action: mousedown, ref: 27}{action: click, ref: 27}{action: click, ref: 27}{action: mouseup, ref: 27}{action: mouseup, ref: 27}{action: mousedown, ref: 8}{action: mousedown, ref: 8}{action: click, ref: 8}{action: click, ref: 8}{action: mouseup, ref: 8}{action: mouseup, ref: 8}{action: mousedown, ref: 14}{action: mousedown, ref: 14}{action: click, ref: 14}{action: click, ref: 14}{action: mouseup, ref: 14}{action: mouseup, ref: 14}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: click, ref: 21}{action: click, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 19}{action: mousedown, ref: 19}{action: click, ref: 19}{action: click, ref: 19}{action: mouseup, ref: 19}{action: mouseup, ref: 19}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Select UJ, grtGuX, iD, LV1s8sA, xwWQqNP, FShZn2S, V9, nq and click Submit. <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="boxes-left" ref="4"><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="6" value="True"></input><t ref="-507" text="FShZn2S"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="8" value="True"></input><t ref="-508" text="LV1s8sA"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="10" recordingTarget="True" value="False"></input><t ref="-509" text="nq"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="12" value="False"></input><t ref="-510" text="uG"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="13"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="14" value="True"></input><t ref="-511" text="iD"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="15"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="16" value="False"></input><t ref="-512" text="LIfs7oo"></t></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="boxes-right" ref="17"><LABEL ref="18"><input type="checkbox" id="ch6" ref="19" value="True"></input><t ref="-513" text="UJ"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="20"><input type="checkbox" id="ch7" ref="21" value="True"></input><t ref="-514" text="grtGuX"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="22"><input type="checkbox" id="ch8" ref="23" value="True"></input><t ref="-515" text="V9"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="24"><input type="checkbox" id="ch9" ref="25" value="False"></input><t ref="-516" text="nXxviPd"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="26"><input type="checkbox" id="ch10" ref="27" value="True"></input><t ref="-517" text="xwWQqNP"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="28" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 10 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: scroll, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} put Leola on the list of people to send Serene\s email to <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="main" ref="4"><DIV id="main-header" ref="5"><H2 ref="6" text="Primary"></H2><SPAN id="open-search" ref="7"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="email-thread" ref="8"><DIV classes="email-left" ref="9"><DIV classes="email-sender" ref="10" text="Stevena"></DIV><DIV classes="email-subject" ref="11" text="Dignissim."></DIV><DIV classes="email-body" ref="12" text="Eu. Odio id et .."></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-right" ref="13"><DIV classes="email-actions" ref="14"><SPAN classes="trash" ref="15"></SPAN><SPAN classes="star" ref="16"></SPAN></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-thread" ref="17"><DIV classes="email-left" ref="18"><DIV classes="email-sender" ref="19" text="Filippa"></DIV><DIV classes="email-subject" ref="20" text="Rutrum. Dui."></DIV><DIV classes="email-body" ref="21" text="Sit hac eget ut.."></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-right" ref="22"><DIV classes="email-actions" ref="23"><SPAN classes="trash" ref="24"></SPAN><SPAN classes="star" ref="25"></SPAN></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-thread" ref="26"><DIV classes="email-left" ref="27"><DIV classes="email-sender" ref="28" text="Serene"></DIV><DIV classes="email-subject" ref="29" text="Habitasse. Puru.."></DIV><DIV classes="email-body" ref="30" text="Lobortis iaculi.."></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-right" ref="31"><DIV classes="email-actions" ref="32"><SPAN classes="trash" ref="33"></SPAN><SPAN classes="star" ref="34"></SPAN></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-thread" ref="35"><DIV classes="email-left" ref="36"><DIV classes="email-sender" ref="37" text="Lolly"></DIV><DIV classes="email-subject" ref="38" text="Nibh sit."></DIV><DIV classes="email-body" ref="39" text="Pulvinar portti.."></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-right" ref="40"><DIV classes="email-actions" ref="41"><SPAN classes="trash" ref="42"></SPAN><SPAN classes="star" ref="43"></SPAN></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-thread" ref="44"><DIV classes="email-left" ref="45"><DIV classes="email-sender" ref="46" text="Leola"></DIV><DIV classes="email-subject" ref="47" recordingTarget="True" text="Vitae urna."></DIV><DIV classes="email-body" ref="48" text="Aliquam nibh. N.."></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-right" ref="49"><DIV classes="email-actions" ref="50"><SPAN classes="trash" ref="51"></SPAN><SPAN classes="star" ref="52"></SPAN></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-thread" ref="53"><DIV classes="email-left" ref="54"><DIV classes="email-sender" ref="55" text="Merrile"></DIV><DIV classes="email-subject" ref="56" text="At."></DIV><DIV classes="email-body" ref="57" text="Sodales tempor .."></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-right" ref="58"><DIV classes="email-actions" ref="59"><SPAN classes="trash" ref="60"></SPAN><SPAN classes="star" ref="61"></SPAN></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-thread" ref="62"><DIV classes="email-left" ref="63"><DIV classes="email-sender" ref="64" text="Faina"></DIV><DIV classes="email-subject" ref="65" text="A."></DIV><DIV classes="email-body" ref="66" text="Ac potenti iacu.."></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-right" ref="67"><DIV classes="email-actions" ref="68"><SPAN classes="trash" ref="69"></SPAN><SPAN classes="star" ref="70"></SPAN></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-thread" ref="71"><DIV classes="email-left" ref="72"><DIV classes="email-sender" ref="73" text="Jennie"></DIV><DIV classes="email-subject" ref="74" text="Fames."></DIV><DIV classes="email-body" ref="75" text="Sapien varius. .."></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-right" ref="76"><DIV classes="email-actions" ref="77"><SPAN classes="trash" ref="78"></SPAN><SPAN classes="star" ref="79"></SPAN></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
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21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: click, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keyup, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keypress, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: keydown, ref: 21}{action: click, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mouseup, ref: 21}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keyup, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keypress, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: keydown, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: click, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: scroll, ref: 1} {"Departure City":"Miami","Destination City":"Portland","Ticket Type":"One-way","Departure Day":29,"Passengers":1,"Seat type":"Coach"} <BODY ref="1"><A classes="banner" ref="2"><IMG classes="alaska_logo" ref="3"></IMG></A><DIV id="main" ref="4"><DIV id="starth1" classes="header" ref="5"><H1 classes="h1" ref="6" text="Book a flight"></H1></DIV><FORM id="searchForm" classes="miniwob-main-form" ref="7"><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="8"><DIV classes="left" ref="9"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="10" text="One-way"></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="use-miles-div" classes="right" ref="11"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="12" text="Use miles"></LABEL></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="13"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="14"><t ref="-301" text="From"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-from" classes="text-input-pad " ref="15" value="Miami, FL (MIA-Miami Intl.)"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="16"></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-button" classes="geo-button" ref="17"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="18" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="19"><LABEL 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{action: keypress, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: keydown, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: click, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mouseup, ref: 5}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1} Select 08/22/2016 as the date and hit submit. <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><P ref="4"><t ref="-10" text="Date:"></t><INPUT_text id="datepicker" classes="hasDatepicker" ref="5" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_text></P><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="6" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV><DIV id="ui-datepicker-div" classes="ui-datepicker ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all" ref="7"><DIV classes="ui-datepicker-header ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all" ref="8"><A classes="ui-datepicker-prev ui-corner-all" ref="9"><SPAN classes="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-triangle-w" ref="10" text="Prev"></SPAN></A><A classes="ui-datepicker-next ui-corner-all ui-state-disabled" ref="11"><SPAN 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mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: dblclick, ref: 11}{action: dblclick, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: dblclick, ref: 11}{action: dblclick, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: dblclick, ref: 11}{action: dblclick, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: dblclick, ref: 11}{action: dblclick, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 7}{action: mousedown, ref: 7} Enter 5:07 AM as the time and press submit. <BODY ref="7"><DIV id="wrap" ref="8"><DIV id="area" ref="9"><DIV id="form" ref="10"><INPUT_time id="tt" ref="11" recordingTarget="True" value="05:00"></INPUT_time><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="12" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 11 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mouseup, ref: 15}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: scroll, ref: 1} {"Departure City":"San Diego","Destination City":"Atlanta","Ticket Type":"Return flight","Departure Day":19,"Returning Day":26,"Passengers":1,"Seat type":"Coach"} <BODY ref="1"><A classes="banner" ref="2"><IMG classes="alaska_logo" ref="3"></IMG></A><DIV id="main" ref="4"><DIV id="starth1" classes="header" ref="5"><H1 classes="h1" ref="6" text="Book a flight"></H1></DIV><FORM id="searchForm" classes="miniwob-main-form" ref="7"><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="8"><DIV classes="left" ref="9"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="10" text="One-way"></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="use-miles-div" classes="right" ref="11"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="12" text="Use miles"></LABEL></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="13"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="14"><t ref="-11" text="From"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-from" classes="text-input-pad" ref="15" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="16"></DIV><DIV id="geo-from-button" classes="geo-button" ref="17"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="18" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-wrap" classes="form-row geo-wrap" ref="19"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="20"><t ref="-12" text="To"></t><INPUT_text id="geo-to" classes="text-input-pad" ref="21"></INPUT_text></LABEL><DIV classes="cleartxt" ref="22"></DIV><DIV id="geo-to-button" classes="geo-button" ref="23"><SPAN classes="geo-img" ref="24" text="Geolocation"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row group" ref="25"><DIV classes="datecnt left" ref="26"><LABEL id="lbldep-date" classes="text-label" ref="27" text="Depart"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="departure-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="28"></INPUT_text></DIV><DIV id="rt-container" classes="datecnt right" ref="29"><LABEL id="lblret-date" classes="text-label" ref="30" text="Return"></LABEL><INPUT_text id="return-date" classes="text-input calbg" ref="31"></INPUT_text></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="form-row" ref="32"><LABEL classes="text-label" ref="33" text="Number of passengers"></LABEL><DIV id="num-travelers-cnt" classes="left group" ref="34"><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="35" text="-"></DIV><DIV id="tnum-display" ref="36" text="1"></DIV><DIV classes="tnum-button" ref="37" text="+"></DIV></DIV><A id="umnrlink" classes="right" ref="38" text="Child traveling alone?"></A></DIV><DIV id="moreoptionsdiv" classes="drop" ref="39"><H2 classes="closed drop-head" ref="40" text="More search options"></H2></DIV><DIV id="is-cal-div" ref="41"><LABEL classes="css-lbl" ref="42" text="View results on low-fare calendar"></LABEL></DIV><DIV classes="form-row last" ref="43"><INPUT_submit classes="button" ref="44" value="Find Flights"></INPUT_submit></DIV></FORM></DIV><DIV id="footer-wrapper" ref="45"><UL id="footer-nav" classes="group" ref="46"><LI id="help-link" ref="47"><A ref="48" text="FAQ"></A></LI><LI id="full-link" ref="49"><A ref="50" text="Full site"></A></LI><LI id="legal-link" ref="51"><A ref="52" text="Legal"></A></LI><LI id="privacy-link" ref="53"><A ref="54" text="Privacy"></A></LI><LI id="contact-link" ref="55"><A ref="56" text="Contact us"></A></LI></UL><DIV id="more-links" ref="57"></DIV><DIV id="copyright" ref="58" text="© 2017 Alaska Airlines, Inc."></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 15 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: 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ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: 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11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keyup, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keypress, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: keydown, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: click, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mouseup, ref: 11}{action: mousedown, ref: 7}{action: mousedown, ref: 7} Enter 10:45 AM as the time and press submit. <BODY ref="7"><DIV id="wrap" ref="8"><DIV id="area" ref="9"><DIV id="form" ref="10"><INPUT_time id="tt" ref="11" recordingTarget="True"></INPUT_time><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="12" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 11 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
{action: click, ref: 1}{action: click, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mouseup, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: mousedown, ref: 1}{action: scroll, ref: 1} Copy the email from Kinna and send it to Xaviera. <BODY ref="1"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="email" ref="71"><DIV id="email-bar" ref="72"><SPAN id="close-email" ref="73"></SPAN><DIV classes="email-actions" ref="74"><SPAN classes="trash" ref="75"></SPAN><SPAN classes="star" ref="76"></SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV classes="email-header" ref="77"><DIV classes="email-subject" ref="78" text="Pharetra."></DIV><SPAN classes="email-left" ref="79"><DIV classes="email-sender" ref="80" text="Kinna"></DIV><DIV ref="81" text="to me"></DIV></SPAN><SPAN classes="email-right" ref="82"></SPAN></DIV><DIV classes="email-body" ref="83" text="Sit ultricies integer. Eget aliquet nulla. Consectetur."></DIV><DIV classes="email-send" ref="84"><SPAN classes="email-reply" ref="85"><DIV classes="icon" ref="86"></DIV><DIV ref="87" text="Reply"></DIV></SPAN><SPAN classes="email-forward" ref="88"><DIV classes="icon" ref="89"></DIV><DIV ref="90" text="Forward"></DIV></SPAN></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1}{action: keydown, ref: 1} Select 1dBMPN, Fj6, ttAlP, 8nN, LiP2m, voywg and click Submit. <BODY ref="1" recordingTarget="True"><DIV id="wrap" ref="2"><DIV id="area" ref="3"><DIV id="boxes-left" ref="4"><LABEL ref="5"><input type="checkbox" id="ch0" ref="6" value="False"></input><t ref="-625" text="LiP2m"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="7"><input type="checkbox" id="ch1" ref="8" value="False"></input><t ref="-626" text="8nN"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="9"><input type="checkbox" id="ch2" ref="10" value="False"></input><t ref="-627" text="ttAlP"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="11"><input type="checkbox" id="ch3" ref="12" value="False"></input><t ref="-628" text="J1pE"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="13"><input type="checkbox" id="ch4" ref="14" value="False"></input><t ref="-629" text="bKUKx"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="15"><input type="checkbox" id="ch5" ref="16" value="False"></input><t ref="-630" text="1dBMPN"></t></LABEL></DIV><DIV id="boxes-right" ref="17"><LABEL ref="18"><input type="checkbox" id="ch6" ref="19" value="False"></input><t ref="-631" text="voywg"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="20"><input type="checkbox" id="ch7" ref="21" value="False"></input><t ref="-632" text="tfw"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="22"><input type="checkbox" id="ch8" ref="23" value="False"></input><t ref="-633" text="gcy"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="24"><input type="checkbox" id="ch9" ref="25" value="False"></input><t ref="-634" text="z48BXv"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="26"><input type="checkbox" id="ch10" ref="27" value="False"></input><t ref="-635" text="Fj6"></t></LABEL><LABEL ref="28"><input type="checkbox" id="ch11" ref="29" value="False"></input><t ref="-636" text="Lc"></t></LABEL></DIV><BUTTON id="subbtn" classes="secondary-action" ref="30" text="Submit"></BUTTON></DIV></DIV></BODY> | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Subsets and Splits