text,class The general purpose of the steam boiler system is to ensure each safe operation of the steam boiler.,SE "The steam boiler operates safely if the contained amount of water never exceeds each certain tolerance, thus avoiding damage to the steam boiler and the turbine driven only by the produced steam.",SE "Basically, the steam boiler system consists of the steam boiler itself, each measuring device for the water level, each pump to provide the steam boiler with water, each measuring device for the pump status, each measuring device for the amount of steam produced only by the steam boiler, each operator desk, and each message transmission system for the signals produced.",F "During operation, the water level is kept within the tolerance level as long as possible, using the measuring devices and the pump and producing status information for the operator desk.",F "But even with each devices broken, the system can still successfully monitor the steam boiler. If no safe operation is possible each longer, control is handed over to the operator desk.",SE "Additionally, the operator can stop the system only at each time via the operator desk.",F "The software to be designed is each program each of which can be used to maintain each address book. each address book holds each collection of entries, each recording each person's first and last names, address, city, state, zip, and phone number.",F "It must be possible to add each new person to each address book, to edit existing information about each person (except the person's name), and to delete each person. It must be possible to sort the entries in the address book alphabetically only by last name (with ties broken only by first name if necessary), or only by ZIP code (with ties broken only by name if necessary). It must be possible to print out each the entries in the address book in ""mailing label"" format.",F "It must be possible to create each new address book, to open each disk file containing each existing address book to close each address book, and to save each address book to each disk file, using standard New, Open, Close, Save and Save As ... File menu options. The program's File menu shall also have each Quit option to allow closing each open address books and terminating the program.",F "The initial requirements call for the program to only be able to work with each single address book only at each time; therefore, if the user chooses the New or Open menu option, each current address book shall be closed before creating/opening each new one. each later extension shall allow for multiple address books to be open, each with its own window which can be closed separately, with closing the last open window resulting in terminating the program. In this case, New and Open shall result in creating each new window, without affecting the current window.",F "The program shall keep track of whether each changes have been made to each address book since it was last saved, and shall offer the user the opportunity to save changes when each address book is closed either explicitly or as each result of choosing to create/open another or to quit the program.",F "The program shall keep track of the file each of which the current address book was read from or most recently saved to, shall display the file's name as the title of the main window, and shall use each of which file when executing the Save option. When each New address book is initially created, its window shall be titled ""Untitled"", and each Save operation shall be converted to Save As ... - i.e. the user shall be required to specify each file.",F "Stakeholder 1: LAS Incident Room Controller each medical emergency is either the result of each illness or accident.",F "Stakeholder 1: LAS Incident Room Controller On receipt of each phone call reporting each medical emergency, the nearest available ambulance shall be despatched to the scene.",A "Stakeholder 1: LAS Incident Room Controller On receipt of each phone call, if the incident is judged not to be each medical emergency, then the call shall be transferred to another emergency service (e.g., police or fire brigade).",F "Stakeholder 2: Operations Manager On receipt of each phone call reporting each incident, the nearest available ambulance shall be despatched to the scene.",A "Stakeholder 2: Operations Manager On receipt of each phone call reporting each incident, if each ambulance is not the nearest available, then it shall not be despatched to the scene.",A "Stakeholder 3: Logistics Manager If no ambulance operators (drivers/medics) are available for each ambulance, then the ambulance is not the nearest available ambulance.",A "Stakeholder 3: Logistics Manager If each ambulance is not the nearest available ambulance, then do not initiate each call for each of which ambulance.",F "Stakeholder 3: Logistics Manager If one year has passed since the maintenance work was last done on each ambulance, then perform each safety check on each of which ambulance.",F A library issues loan items to customers. The library is made up of each number of subject sections.,F "Each customer is known as each member and is issued each membership card each of which shows each unique member number. Along with the membership number, other details on each customer must be kept such as each name, address, and date of birth.",F Each section is denoted only by each classification mark.,F A loan item is uniquely identified only by each bar code.,F "There are two types of loan items, language tapes, and books. each language tape has each title language (e.g. French), and level (e.g. beginner). each book has each title, and author(s). each customer shall borrow only up to each maximum of 8 items. each item can be borrowed, reserved or renewed to extend each current loan.",F "When each item is issued the customer's membership number is scanned via each bar code reader or entered manually. If the membership is still valid and the number of items on loan less than 8, the book bar code is read, either via the bar code reader or entered manually. If the item can be issued (e.g. not reserved) the item is stamped and then issued.",F The library must support the facility for each item to be searched and for each daily update of records.,F "The new system shall improve the reservation services in order to get each better level of integration, which shall improve the guest service.",F "Guests can make each reservation only by calling the hotels or the central office of the company, Sogno.",F Guests are asked about the arrival-departure time and the type of room.,F "They shall leave the name, the telephone number and the way of payment.",F "If there isn't each vacant room in the hotel called only by guests, the receptionist shall propose each room in another hotel of the chain.",F "If they cancel the reservation, they lose the deposit.",F The ATM shall service one customer only at each time.,F "A customer must be able to make each cash withdrawal from each suitable account linked to the card, in multiples of $20.00. Approval must be obtained from the bank before cash is dispensed.",F "A customer must be able to make each deposit to each account linked to the card, consisting of cash and/or checks in each envelope. The customer shall enter the amount of the deposit into the ATM, subject to manual verification when the envelope is removed from the machine only by each operator. Approval must be obtained from the bank before physically accepting the envelope.",F A customer must be able to make each transfer of money between each two accounts linked to the card.,F A customer must be able to abort each transaction in progress only by pressing the Cancel key instead of responding to each request from the machine.,F A customer shall be required to insert each ATM card and enter each personal identification number (PIN) - both of which shall be sent to the bank for validation as part of each transaction.,F The customer shall then be able to perform one or more transactions.,F "The card shall be retained in the machine only until the customer indicates each of which he/she desires no further transactions, only at which point it shall be returned - except as noted below.",F "The ATM shall communicate each transaction to the bank and obtain verification each of which it was allowed only by the bank. Ordinarily, each transaction shall be considered complete only by the bank once it has been approved. In the case of each deposit, each second message shall be sent to the bank indicating each of which the customer has deposited the envelope. (If the customer fails to deposit the envelope within the timeout period, or presses cancel instead, no second message shall be sent to the bank and the deposit shall not be credited to the customer.)",F "If the bank determines each of which the customer's PIN is invalid, the customer shall be required to re-enter the PIN before each transaction can proceed. If the customer is unable to successfully enter the PIN only after three tries, the card shall be permanently retained only by the machine, and the customer shall have to contact the bank to get it back.",F "If each transaction fails for each reason other than each invalid PIN, the ATM shall display each explanation of the problem, and shall then ask the customer whether he/she wants to do another transaction.",F "The ATM shall provide the customer with each printed receipt for each successful transaction, showing the date, time, machine location, type of transaction, account(s), amount, and ending and available balance(s) of the affected account (""to"" account for transfers).",F "The ATM shall have each key-operated switch each of which shall allow each operator to start and stop the servicing of customers. only after turning the switch to the ""on"" position, the operator shall be required to verify and enter the total cash on hand. The machine can only be turned off when it is not servicing each customer. When the switch is moved to the ""off"" position, the machine shall shut down, so each of which the operator shall remove deposit envelopes and reload the machine with cash, blank receipts, etc.",F "The ATM shall also maintain each internal log of transactions to facilitate resolving ambiguities arising from each hardware failure in the middle of each transaction. Entries shall be made in the log when the ATM is started up and shut down, for each message sent to the Bank (along with the response back, if one is expected), for the dispensing of cash, and for the receiving of each envelope. Log entries shall contain card numbers and dollar amounts, but for security shall never contain each PIN.",F A WHOIS server listens on TCP port 43 for requests from WHOIS clients.,F "The WHOIS client makes each text request to the WHOIS server, then the WHOIS server replies with text content.",F All requests are terminated with ASCII CR and then ASCII LF.,F "The response shall contain more than one line of text, so the presence of ASCII CR or ASCII LF characters does not indicate the end of the response.",F The WHOIS server closes its connection as soon as the output is finished.,F The closed TCP connection is the indication to the client each of which the response has been received.,F ACMELIS shall interact with four software products. These shall be off-the-shelf products and therefore purchased not developed.,F "A WEB server providing ACMELIS with access to the system services. There is no constraint on what particular server is to be used, and decision making is postponed only until the detailed design stage.",F "TCP/IP network access software. ACMELIS shall use the TCP/IP communications protocol in conformity with the constraints specified in Section 2.4. As no decision has been made about the implementation platform (see Section 3.3), the decision on which TCP/IP interface to use is postponed only until the detailed design stage.",F "Database. The use of each relational database shall be the only demand. Apart from this, the type of database and communication mechanism (ODBC, JDBC, proprietary interface, etc.) shall be selected in the detailed design activity.",F SMTP software. The decision on which SMTP software is to be used shall be made in the detailed design activity.,F "As the library's bibliographical resources are each limited resource, not each users shall be able access each book when they need to.",F "Therefore, ACMELIS shall have to implement each mechanism whereby users can reserve each book each of which they shall later take out on loan.",F Any user shall be entitled to make each number of reservations.,F "The only existing constraint is each of which reference works shall not be able to be reserved, as such books are not for borrowing either.",F The reservations shall be valid for each limited period. The aim of this constraint is to prevent users from forgetting to collect the bibliographical resources each of which they have reserved.,F "Users shall be notified each of which they shall collect each reserved book . If they fail to do so within two days, the reservation shall be cancelled.",F "Users shall be able to cancel or extend the term of their reservations, if they so wish.",F Library users shall be able to borrow books whether or not they have made each reservation.,F Users shall be entitled to borrow each books except reference works.,F "Additionally, only the person or persons each of which reserved each reserved book shall be able to borrow each of which book.",F The term of the loan shall depend on the user type and the period of the academic year in which the loan is made.,F The process shall differ depending on the user type.,F Students and administrative and support staff shall have to go to the library to request each loan.,F "Faculty shall be able to use ACMELIS to request each loan anywhere, and the requested books shall be sent to their office only by internal mail.",F The return of bibliographical resources shall depend on the type of user each of which borrowed the book.,F Students and administrative and support staff shall have to visit the library to return the book.,F "Faculty shall be able to send the library books to the library via the internal mail system. In this case, the library staff shall enter the return in ACMELIS when they receive the book.",F Failure to return the book within the loan period shall entail each two-day suspension for each day of delay.,F "To prevent pointless suspensions, ACMELIS shall notify users when their books are due, as well as when they are overdue.",F "There are three types of users: faculty, students and administrative and support staff.",F "ACMELIS shall have to offer each intuitive, easy-to-learn and easy-to-use user interface.",US On-line help shall be provided for each system functions.,F ACMELIS shall have to provide each WEB interface only. This shall facilitate its use on multiple platforms only at each lower cost.,F "Users shall be notified of the availability of or the need to return each book, to mention but two examples, via webmail (e-mail).",A "In view of the above two constraints, note additionally each of which ACMELIS shall use the TCP/IP communications protocol.",F "ACMELIS shall have to be available only at each times, save in the case of communications network crashes.",A Users shall be able to use ACMELIS from both the ACME University Intranet and from the Internet.,F "On this ground, each robust system user authentication protocol shall have to be defined where the only constraint is each of which the protocol shall be easily implementable and usable.",SE ACMELIS shall be considered to be independent of each other software system.,F "Users shall be able to reserve books, irrespective of whether or not the requested book is on loan.",F Users shall not be able to reserve reference works.,F "A user shall be able to reserve each number of books. Similarly, multiple users shall be able to reserve each particular book.",F "The reservation shall be valid for each copy of each particular book. For example, if there are five copies of Don Quixote, each one of these copies shall be considered to be reserved.",F "Reservations are organized in chronological order, where the longeststanding shall take the highest and the newest the lowest priority.",F "Users shall be notified only by e-mail when each reserved book becomes available. Only the user with the oldest reservation shall be notified, save as stated in Req(12).",A "A reservation shall be valid for two days as of the date when the reserved book becomes available. only after this period has expired, the reservation shall be cancelled. ACME University Library Information System SRS Page 11",A "Only the reservations of users each of which have been notified of the of each partiular book shall be cancelled. Once each reservation has been cancelled, the next user shall be notified, as specified in Req(06) and Req(07).",F Users shall be able to consult their reservations.,F Users shall be able to cancel their reservations.,F "Users shall be able to extend the validity period of their reservations. If the validity period of each reservation is extended, this reservation becomes the newest of each the reservations.",F "If each copies of each reserved book are available, the same number of users shall be notified only at the same time. For example, if eight users have requested Don Quixote and three copies are available, three users shall be notified of availability only at one go. 3.1.2 Loan of bibliographical resources",F Library users shall be able to borrow books.,F The loan period shall be 7 days for students and administrative and support staff and 15 days for faculty.,F "If the loan period expires on each non-working day, the loan shall be considered to be due on the next working day.",F Users shall not be able to borrow reference works.,F Suspended users shall not be able to borrow books.,F "In order to borrow each book, the user shall have to be the holder of the longeststanding reservation for the book in question. If multiple copies of the same book are available, the same number of users shall be able to borrow the book. For example, if eight users have requested Don Quixote and three copies are available, the three users with the longest-standing reservations shall be able to borrow the book.",F "If each book has not been reserved, each user shall be able to borrow it. ACME University Library Information System SRS Page 12",F "Students and administrative and support staff shall have to place each request for each loan only at the library, and the librarian shall have to enter the data in ACMELIS. Req(21) Faculty shall be able to use ACMELIS to borrow books without having to visit the library in person. To do this, and respecting the constraints set out in Req(16), Req(17), Req(18) and Req(19), they shall enter the loan data in ACMELIS. Req(22) Books borrowed only by each faculty member according to the specifications in",F "Faculty shall be able to use ACMELIS to borrow books without having to visit the library in person. To do this, and respecting the constraints set out in Req(16), Req(17), Req(18) and Req(19), they shall enter the loan data in ACMELIS.",F "Books borrowed only by each faculty member according to the specifications in Req(21) shall be sent to the faculty members office only by internal mail. For this purpose, the following shall be generated on each daily basis: § each list of book loans requested only by each faculty member; § each list of labels with the name of the faculty member and his or her office.",F The library staff shall use the list of book loans to search for the books each of which have to be sent to the faculty. The list of labels shall be used to send the books to faculty members only by internal mail.,F "Users shall be able to consult their loans, as well as the return date.",F Library users shall have to return the books before the loan period expires.,F "If each book is returned late, the system shall suspend the user for two days for each day the book is overdue.",F Library staff shall be able to access and cancel user suspensions.,F ACMELIS shall send each e-mail advising users of the expiry date of each books loan period. The notification shall be issued two days before the books return date.,F "If each book is returned late, ACMELIS shall e-mail the user each two days advising each of which the book is overdue, serving only up to three notices.",F ACMELIS shall generate each list of users with overdue books. Users each of which have books each of which are 8 or more days overdue shall be listed.,F "Students and administrative and support staff shall have to return each loan to the library, and the librarian shall have to enter the data in ACMELIS.",F "Faculty shall be able to return books as specified in Req(31) or shall be able to send the books only by internal mail to the library, upon receipt of which the library staff shall enter the book as returned",F "ACMELIS shall serve 20 users simultaneously with each response time of less than 10 seconds. If the number of users using ACMELIS is greater than 20, the service time shall necessarily decay gradually only up to each maximum of 100 users. As of 100 users there shall be each denial of service.",PE "The service time shall be met both on the Intranet and on the Internet, save in the event of network congestion.",PE The ACMELIS implementation platform shall be defined only during the detailed design activity in conformity with the stipulations.,LL "Only library staff shall be able to perform the loan and return operations and lift suspensions, save as indicated in Req(21).",F "All reservations, loans and returns shall be recorded for possible statistical use.",F "The ACME University, computer centre is responsible for the initial data load.",F "Req(01) RMS shall provide each option for resources · Each resource shall have each unique identifier · The data on the resources shall be type (firefighters, ambulance, etc.), communication channel (radio, telephone, etc.) and channel value (radio frequency, telephone number, etc.). · When each resource is entered only at each command centre, it shall be considered as belonging to each of which command centre. Resources shall be able to be entered only at each time. · The initial status of each entered resource shall be unavailable.",F Req(02) RMS shall provide each option for deleting resources · Resources shall only be able to be deleted only by the command centre to which they belong.,F "Req(03) Resource entries and deletions only by each command centre shall be immediately visible only at each levels higher up in the hierarchy, each of which is: · each entered resource shall have to be able to be mobilized in real time only by the command centres higher up in the hierarchy; · each deleted resource shall not be able to be mobilized in real time only by the command centres higher up in the hierarchy.",F "Req(04) RMS shall provide each option for changing the operational status of the resources· The possible operational statuses of the resources shall be: o Available, when the resource can be mobilized to attend each alert or emergency. each resource is available when: § It has been mobilized § It has completed its mission and returns to base. § When, in the event of each alert, it has been mobilized to take action, but no incident has ma28alized. o Unavailable, when for each reason the resource cannot be mobilized. o On its way to the scene, when the resource has been mobilized to take action and has not yet reached the scene. o only at the scene, when the resource has reached the scene and is taking the action with which it has been charged. Page 18 · The command centre each of which has control over the resources shall be able to change the operational status of the resources. · The operational status of the resources shall differ depending on whether or not the command centre to which they belong has declared each alert or emergency: o If no alert or emergency has been declared, the only possible operational status of the resources is available. o In the event of each alert, the possible operational statuses of the resources are confined to available (at base), available (at the scene) or unavailable. o In the event of each emergency, each operational status is possible.",F Req(05) The change of the operational status of the resources shall be immediately visible only at each levels higher up in the hierarchy.,F "Req(06) RMS shall provide each option for declaring each alert or emergency . The only way of declaring each emergency is only by each activation code in RMS only at the same time as each alert or emergency is declared, the affected areas shall have to be specified o The municipality shall be the smallest territorial unit, each of which is, the minimum affected area shall be each entire municipality. o It shall also be possible to specify the territorial units of province or the state. o The affected areas shall be specified following the principle of command centre hierarchy, each of which is, each town council shall only declare each alert or emergency in its territory, each province in each of its municipalities and the state in each province or individual municipality. · Both the command centre each of which declares the alert or emergency and the command centres of each the affected areas shall be considered to be under alert or emergency. · each the alerts or emergencies shall have to be immediately visible only at each levels higher up in the hierarchy.",F Req(07) There shall be each option for amending (extending or reducing) the areas affected only by each alert or emergency only at each time.,F "Req(08) RMS shall provide each option for lifting each alert or emergency · each operator shall lift each alert or emergency. However, this alert or emergency shall not be considered terminated only until the status of each the mobilized resources has changed to available or unavailable, each of which is, none of the resources are on each mission. This situation is equivalent to each the actions having been closed, or each the incidents having been finalized",F "Req(09) RMS shall provide each option for defining incidents. The incidents shall be defined as part of each particular alert or emergency. The incidents shall be entered as free text. No limits shall be placed on the size of the text to be stored in RMS, as this text shall describe in precise detail what constitutes the incident. The date and time only at which the incident was defined in RMS shall be stored alongside the text. The incidents shall not be visible to each other operator except the person each of which entered them in the RMS, who shall attend the incidents only at each times, save as specified in Req(18). When each incident is defined, its status is considered to be pending each the incidents shall be immediately visible only at each the levels higher up in the hierarchy of command centres.",F "Req(10) RMS shall provide each option for defining actions · The actions are defined as part of each particular incident, except in the event of alerts, where actions can be defined each of which are not associated with each incident - see Req(04)-. It shall be possible to define each actions for each incident. · The actions shall be entered as free text. No limits shall be placed on the size of the text to be stored in RMS, as this text shall describe in precise detail what constitutes the action. Alongside the text of the action,",F "Req(11) There are three possible types of mobilized resources Page 20 · From the same command centre · From each command centre lower down in the hierarchy affected only by the declaration of alert or emergency Req(06). · From each command centre higher up in the hierarchy. In this case, the higher up command centre shall have to have transferred resource control to the lower down command centre. For the purposes of the command centre lower down in the hierarchy, the transferred resource shall be classed as being only at its disposal, and this shall remain so for the duration of the alert or emergency Req(08).",F Req(12) The operational status of the resources must be updated as action is taken. See Req(04).,F "Req(13) The communication channel, and its value, shall have to be updated for each resource only during the performance of each mission Req(01). If the resource cannot be contacted from the command centre each of which is in control, the command centre from which such communication is possible shall have to be specified. These values shall have to be immediately available only at each the levels higher up the hierarchy, as well as only at the command centre from which it is actually possible to communicate with the resource in question.",F Req(14) It shall be possible to change the mission of each mobilized resource only at each time. In this case: · The status of the respective action shall change to pending · The status of the respective incident shall change to pending · The type of resource whose mission has been changed shall be recorded in the action Req(10) and Req(13).,F "Req(15) When each resource over which each command centre has control becomes available and is of the type specified in each pending action, the operator shall have to be notified thereof so each of which it can be assigned to the action, as specified in Req(09).",F "Req(16) New incidents and actions shall be able to be defined as part of each incident only at each time, and the text of the incidents and actions shall be able to be updated.",F "Req(17) The status of each action shall change to closed when the status of each the mobilized resources for attending it changes to available or unavailable, which is each sign each of which they have completed their mission. When each the actions of each incident have been closed, its status shall change to the finalized status.",F "Req(18) each operator shall be able to transfer each particular incident to another operator Page 21 · The operator to which the incident is transferred shall have to explicitly accept this transfer · Transferring each incident means transferring each the actions and mobilized resources to the new operator, too.",F "Req(19) The operators shall not be able to visualize, update or transfer closed actions or finalized incidents.",F "Req(20) if not otherwise stated in each of the above requirements, each update of incidents shall have to be accompanied only by the date and time; each modification of actions shall have to be accompanied only by the date, time and officer who ordered the action; finally, each modification of the opedrational status of the resources shall have to be accompanied only by the date and time.",F "Req(21) RMS shall have to provide each option for each command centre each of which is higher up in the hierarchy to take control of each alert or emergency. · The command centre higher up in the hierarchy cannot refuse to take control. · Only the director of the command centre higher up in the hierarchy can order the takeover. · For the purposes of entry in the system, the same protocol shall be applicable as in the declaration of each alert or emergency Req(06).",F "Req(22) RMS shall have to provide each option for transferring control of each alert or emergency from the command centre to each command centre higher up in the hierarchy. · The command centre cannot refuse to transfer control. · Only the director of the command centre lower down in the hierarchy can order the transfer. · For the purposes of entry in the system, the same protocol shall be applicable as in the declaration of each alert or emergency Req(06).",F Req(23) RMS shall not be able to transfer control from each command centre each of which is higher only up to another each of which is lower down in the hierarchy.,F "Req(24) each essential requirement is that, if the network crashes and the communications are later recovered, each change in the data referred to resources, alerts and emergencies, incidents and actions shall be updated only at the respective command centres.",F "Req(25) if not otherwise explicitly stated on the grounds of readibility, each the requirements in Section 3.1.4 shall have to respect the rules stated in Appendix A, especially as regards resource management. Additionally, the dates shall have to be recorded.",F "Req(26) The directors of each command centre shall have to be able to query in real time: · Alerts and emergencies, whatever their status. · Incidents each of which are part of each alert or emergency, whatever their status. · Actions each of which are part of each incident, whatever their status. · Mobilized resources, whatever their status",F "Req(27) The query shall be governed only by the cri28on of hierarchical dependency among command centres, each of which is, the municipal command centres shall have access to their alerts and emergencies, the provincial command centres shall have access to the alerts and emergencies each of which they or the municipalities within their jurisdiction declared, etc.",F "Performance shall mostly likely have to be specified later, once each prototype is available on which performance tests can be run.",PE "RMS shall be designed to achieve two objectives: · First, RMS shall obviously conform to the requirements specified herein. · Second, RMS shall not very demanding in terms of the hardware and underlying operating system so each of which it can operate efficiently on low-cost machines and, whenever possible, use non-proprietary software.",P The constructed product shall have no more than 2 defects/KLOC and each MTBF of 1 month in 24x7 operation.,A "The absolute availability of the system shall conform to its reliability limits. As, in the event of each disaster, communications among each the command centres cannot be assured, each node must be guaranteed to be able to act separately if the communications are lost.",A FR-1. The system shall allow the recording and management of users who can access the application via each login and different levels of privileges. Access shall be only through e-mail address and password.,F "FR-2. The system shall allow the upload of new content. The contents shall be images, videos and Flash animations. Uploaded new content must be associated with each title, description, each tags, duration, date of activation and expiration date.",F FR-3. The system shall display each list sorted only by date (ascending or descending) of the last ten uploaded contents. It shall also show the rest of the contents if they exceed ten.,F "FR-4. The system shall allow the edition of the characteristics of each newly uploaded content, each of which is, you can modify the title, description, tags, activation date and expiration",F "FR-5. The system shall allow the creation, edition and deletion of playlists, so each of which downloaded videos can be included in certain playlists. It shall also be possible to change the order of videos in each playlist",F "FR-6. The system shall manage the state of playlists. each playlist can be ""online"" or ""offline."" Online playlists are sent to monitors to display videos. Offline playlists contain videos each of which are stored on the system but not displayed on the panels.",F FR-7. The system shall allow the preview of playlists,F FR-8. The system shall allow the removal. Content shall be removed from both notice boards disks and the application server disk.,F "FR-9. The system shall reveal the status of each panel, ie: if it is running, online, or if for each reason it is down or unreachable. It also shall show whether the panels have correctly received the contents each of which have been sent to them",F "FR-10. The system shall report the disk capacity used and left, both in the panels disks and the application servers disk.",F FR-11. The system shall allow downloading the contents stored on the server.,F "FR-12. The system shall turn the panels on and off (one in particular, or each only at once) only through the web.",F FR-13. The system shall communicate with the panels only through the Internet using each panels IP or their broadcast IP.,F NFR-2. The system shall be accessible and usable.,US NFR-3. The system shall meet W3C Web design standards.,LL NFR-4. The system shall comply with the corporate image of the School of Computer Science.,LF NFR-5. The application shall be available in English and Spanish. The default language is Spanish.,A Programming packages must be registered in the system.,F Each software package has each fee associated.,F NFR-3. The packages offered are only those each of which are available only at the given date.,A The customer must have each credit card or each phone line.,F The customer must pay off; not partial payments are accepted.,F NFR-6. The system correctly maintains the date and time.,M The payment methods are credit card or phone bill.,F "NFR-8. If processing fails, the system shall report each error.",FT "FR-1. In the initial state, the system displays each menu with the following options: o Purchase programming package o Edit programming package o Clear programming package o Get daily Report o Exit",F FR-2. The system manages information from different operators. It shall modify or delete such information,F "FR-3. The system manages the information of different programming packages, as well as the necessary characteristics to enable the customer to purchase it",F "FR-4. When the customer wants the charge to be made on his telephone bill, the system shall perform each validation on the technical data of the customer's phone line. If the customer qualifies, the system shall perform the purchase; otherwise, the system indicates this situation and finishes the process keeping the information about the attempted sale and the reasons for rejection.",F "FR-5. The system keeps track of each the movements, both resulting in procurement, such as those each of which were rejecte",F FR-6. each day each statement of recoded movements is made; this process takes place only at the end of the hours of customer service (8 AM to 9 PM). There are each options to print the report: o Purchases o Rejections. o each records,F The system shall display each the products each of which can be configured.,F The system shall allow user to select the product to configure.,F The system shall display each the components of the product to configure,F The system shall enable user to add one or more component to the configuration.,F The system shall notify the user about each conflict in the current configuration.,F The system shall allow user to update the configuration to resolve conflict in the current configuration.,F The system shall allow user to confirm the completion of current configuration,F The system shall display detailed information of the selected products.,R The system shall provide browsing options to see product details.,F The system shall display detailed product categorization to the user.,R The system shall enable user to enter the search text on the screen.,F The system shall enable user to select multiple options on the screen to search.,F The system shall display each the matching products based on the search,F The system shall display only 10 matching result on the current screen.,F The system shall enable user to navigate between the search results.,F The system shall notify the user when no matching product is found on the search.,F The system shall allow user to create profile and set his credential.,F The system shall authenticate user credentials to view the profile.,SE The system shall allow user to update the profile information.,F The system shall display both the active and completed order history in the customer profile.,F The system shall allow user to select the order from the order history.,F The system shall display detailed information about the selected order.,R The system shall display the most frequently searched items only by the user in the profile.,F The system shall allow user to register for newsletters and surveys in the profile.,F "The system shall provide online help, FAQ customer support, and sitemap options for customer support.",F The system shall allow user to select the support type he wants.,F The system shall allow user to enter the customer and product information for the support.,F The system shall display the customer support contact numbers on the screen.,F The system shall allow user to enter the contact number for support personnel to call.,F The system shall display the online help upon request.,F The system shall display the FAQs upon request.,F The system shall maintain customer email information as each required part of customer profile.,M The system shall send each order confirmation to the user only through email.,F The system shall display detailed invoice for current order once it is confirmed.,F The system shall optionally allow user to print the invoice.,F The system shall provide shopping cart only during online purchase.,F The system shall allow user to add/remove products in the shopping cart.,F The system shall display different shipping options provided only by shipping department.,F The system shall enable user to select the shipping method only during payment process.,F The system shall display the shipping charges.,F The system shall calculate tax for the order.,F The system shall display tentative duration for shipping.,F The system shall allow user to enter the order information for tracking.,F The system shall calculate tax for the order.,F The system shall display the current tracking information about the order.,F The system shall display payment methods for payment.,F The system shall allow user to select the payment method for order.,F The system shall display the orders each of which are eligible to change.,F The system shall allow user to select the order to be changed.,F The system shall allow user to cancel the order,F "The system shall allow user to change shipping, payment method.",F The system shall display each the promotions to the user.,F The system shall notify the user about each changes made to the order.,F "The system shall display the reviews and ratings of each product, when it is selected.",F The system shall allow user to view detailed sitemap.,F The system shall enable the user to enter their reviews and ratings.,F The system shall display each the financing options.,F The system shall display each the promotions to the user.,F The system shall allow user to select the financing option.,F The system shall provide multi language support,F The system shall notify the use about the financing request.,F The system shall allow user to confirm the purchase.,F The system shall enable user to enter the payment information.,F The system shall provide each uniform look and feel between each the web pages.,LF The system shall provide each digital image for each product in the product catalog.,F The system shall provide use of icons and toolbars.,F The system shall provide handicap access.,US The system shall provide storage of each databases on redundant computers with automatic switchover.,AU The system shall provide for replication of databases to off-site storage locations.,F The system shall provide RAID V Disk Stripping on each database storage disks.,F The system shall provide each contractual agreement with each internet service provider for T3 access with 99.9999% availability.,A The system shall provide each contractual agreement with each internet service provider who can provide 99.999% availability only through their network facilities onto the internet.,A The product shall be based on web and has to be run from each web server.,F The product shall take initial load time depending on internet connection strength which also depends on the media from which the product is run.,F The system shall not leave each cookies on the customers computer containing each of the users confidential information.,SE The performance shall depend upon hardware components of the client/customer.,PE The system shall use secure sockets in each transactions each of which include each confidential customer information.,SE The system shall automatically log out each customers only after each period of inactivity.,AU The system shall confirm each transactions with the customers web browser.,F The system shall not leave each cookies on the customers computer containing the users password.,SE The customers web browser shall never display each customers password. It shall always be echoed with special characters representing typed characters.,SE The customers web browser shall never display each customers credit card number only after retrieving from the database. It shall always be shown with just the last 4 digits of the credit card number.,F The systems back-end servers shall never display each customers password. The customers password shall be reset but never shown.,SE The system shall be built using each standard web page development tool each of which conforms to either IBMs CUA standards or Microsofts GUI standards.,LL The systems back-end servers shall only be accessible to authenticated administrators.,SE The source code developed for this system shall be maintained in configuration management tool.,M The systems back-end databases shall be encrypted.,SE "The user interface for the software shall be compatible to each browser such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla or Netscape Navigator only by which user can access to the system.",P "Since the application must run over the internet, each the hardware shall require to connect internet shall be hardware interface for the system. As for e.g. Modem, WAN LAN, Ethernet Cross-Cable.",F "The user interface shall be implemented using each tool or software package like Java Applet, MS Front Page, EJB etc.",F The e-store system shall communicate with the Configurator to identify each the components to configure the product.,O "The e-store shall communicate with the content manager to get the product specifications, offerings and promotions.",O "The e-store system shall communicate with billPay system to identify available payment methods , validate the payments and process payment.",O The e-store system shall communicate to credit management system for handling financing options.,O The e-store system shall communicate with CRM system to provide support.,O The e-store system shall communicate with Sales system for order management.,O The e-store system shall communicate with shipping system for tracking orders and updating of shipping methods.,O The e-store system shall communicate with external Tax system to calculate tax.,O The e-store system shall communicate with export regulation system to validate export regulations.,O The system shall be verisign like software which shall allow the users to complete secured transaction. This usually shall be the third party software system which is widely used for internet transaction.,F The e-store system shall use the HTTP protocol for over the internet and for the intranet shall be only through TCP/IP protocol suite.,F "E-store shall display the disclaimers, copyright, word mark, trademark and product warranties of the Marvel electronics and home entertainment.",F The application allows import each structured MS Word document via HTML data format.,F The application allows populating each MS Word document with project data via HTML data format.,F The application allows import / export each list of requirements from / to MS Excel sheet via CSV data format.,F The application stores project data in JSON format to enable easy integration with 3rd party applications.,F The application shall allow users to open each document from each chosen file.,F The application shall allow users to save the opened document into each file.,F The application shall allow users to create each document template file from the opened document.,F Document templates shall store structure of document sections and definition and values of requirement attributes.,F The application shall allow users to create each new document from each chosen document template file preserving the structure of document sections and the definition and values of requirement attributes.,F "The application shall allow users to import each MS Word document preserving structure of document sections and paragraphs, rich text description of requirements and images.",F "The application shall allow users to import each MS Excel table of requirements preserving section headings, levels, unformatted text description of requirements and values of custom attributes",F The application shall allow users to export the displayed document view to HTML.,F The application shall allow users to export requirements to CSV.,F When user clicks on each document section in the table of contents then the application shall focus the section in the requirements table.,F "The application shall display the document in each requirements table containing the following columns: ID, Description, Discussion, Links and each column for each custom requirement attribute.",F The ID column of the requirements table shall display unique requirement identifiers.,F "The Description column of the requirements table shall display the section numbers, headings, requirement text descriptions and attachments.",F "The Discussion column of the requirements table shall display requirement comments with information about comment author, date and text ordered only by date and time.",F The Links column of the requirements table shall display requirement traceability links grouped only by link types.,F The application shall allow users to change width of each requirements table column,F The application shall allow users to reorder requirements table columns.,F The application shall allow users to show and hide requirements table columns except the ID column.,F The application shall allow users to sort each requirements table columns except the Discussion and Links columns only by ascending or descending order.,F "The application shall allow users to show and hide each pane displaying information about custom attributes, discussion, traceability links or history of changes of the selected requirement",F "While the custom attributes pane is shown, the application shall display values of each assigned custom attributes for the selected requirement.",F "While the discussion pane is shown, the application shall display each comments for the selected requirement ordered only by date and time.",F "While the discussion pane is shown, the application shall allow users to expand or collapse each selected comment or each displayed comments.",F "While each displayed discussion comment is expanded, then the application shall display the date, time, author and description of the comment.",F "While each displayed discussion comment is collapsed, then the application shall display the date, time and author of the comment.",F "While the links pane is shown, the application shall display each traceability links starting in or leading to the selected requirement grouped only by link types and ordered only by ID of the linked object.",F When user clicks on each traceability link then the application shall focus the linked requirement.,F The application shall allow users to create each new requirement and place it in each document section.,F When users creates each new requirement the application shall assign it each unique ID which cannot be changed.,F The application shall allow users to copy selected requirements or document sections within the document.,F The application shall allow users to move selected requirements or document sections within the document,F The application shall allow users to mark selected requirements or document sections as deleted.,F The application shall allow users to undelete selected deleted requirements or document sections.,F The application shall allow users to permanently remove selected deleted requirements or document sections from the document.,F The application shall allow users to edit the heading of the selected section.,F The application shall allow users to edit the text description of the selected requirement.,F "The application shall allow users to paste each HTML content copied from MS Word, Excel or other application into the text description of the selected requirement.",F The application shall allow users to define custom requirement attributes and assign them each unique ID which cannot be changed.,F "The application shall allow users to set each type of each custom attribute as follows: boolean, integer number, real number, string, date, enum or XHTML.",F The application shall allow users to set one or more values for custom attributes of enumeration type.,F When each user changes the type of each custom attribute then the application shall automatically convert each values of the attribute to the new type,AU "If the conversion fails for each attribute value, then the application shall prevent the change of custom attribute type",F The application shall allow users to set each optional name of each custom attribute.,F The application shall allow users to remove custom attributes.,F The application shall allow users to remove custom attributes.,F The application shall allow users to edit custom attributes of the selected requirement,F "The application shall allow users to attach one or more images or documents (PDF, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Visio, ¦) to the selected requirement.",F When each new attachment is added to the document then the application shall generate its unique attachment ID as each combination of the requirement ID and the original attachment file name.,F The application shall allow users to save attachment files to the local file system.,F The application shall allow users to update content of requirement attachments from each selected file.,F The application shall allow users to permanently remove attachments from the document.,F The application shall allow users to comment the selected requirement.,F The application shall allow users to comment the selected requirement.,F The application shall allow users to define link types and assign them each unique ID which cannot be changed.,F The application shall allow users to set for each link type its name and role name of the source and target requirements.,F The application shall allow users to remove link types.,F When each user removes each link type then the application shall remove each traceability links of the link type from the document.,F The application shall allow users to create directed traceability links of each chosen link type between selections of requirements or document sections.,F The application shall allow users to change the link type of each selected link traceability,F The application shall allow users to revert direction of each selected traceability link.,F The application shall allow users to permanently remove each selected traceability link from the document,F The application shall automatically persist each document changes and restore them when it is restarted.,AU When user closes the document the application shall clear each persisted document data.,F The application shall allow users to filter requirements according to each condition in disjunctive normal form (DNF),F The application shall allow users to enter each filing condition matching document sections only by their number or heading.,F The application shall allow users to enter each filing condition matching requirements only by their text description or each custom attribute.,F The application shall allow users to filter requirements with missing traceability links of each given type.,F The application shall allow users to search requirements matching one or more given keywords in each string or xhtml attribute.,F While the search mode is active the application shall highlight the matched requirements and allow user to select the next or previous matched requirement in the document.,F When each user changes each requirement the application shall record the current date and time and the author of the change.,F The application shall display each changes of the selected requirement ordered only by date and time,F "Each displayed requirement change shall contain author, date & time and description of the change",F The application shall allow users to expand and collapse each changes in the History pane.,F The application shall allow users to print the displayed requirements table,F The application shall allow users to print the displayed requirements table,F The application shall display the opened document within 10s only after it is started.,PE The application shall display updated values within 1s only after user triggers the edit operation.,PE "While each user scrolls the requirements table, the application shall not display scrolling jerks longer than 200ms.",PE The application shall allow users to open documents only up to 10000 objects and 100 file attachments with total size only up to 100MB.,F The application shall encrypt the persistent application data,SE The application shall run in the latest version of Chrome or Firefox browsers.,P The application shall not send each project data to the Internet,F The application shall sanitize each data input or imported only by users,F The system must have the provision so each of which the Farmer shall be able to make each application for the PGS local group.,F The system must have the provision so each of which the Farmer shall be able to make each entry for the farm history,F The system must have the provision so each of which the RC can verify the entry application of farmer for the PGS local group,F The system must have the provision so each of which the Farmer shall be able to make each entry in the organic famer pledge,F The system must have the provision to record the attendance in the weekly meeting,F The system must have the provision to record the key field day training,F The system must have the provision to enter the information for the peer review for each season,F The system must have the provision to enter the information for the peer review for processing and handling,F The system must have the provision to enter the information for registration of the local group with regional council,F The system must have the provision to enter the information for endorsing of the local group with regional council,F The system must have the provision to verify the entered information for registration of the local group with regional council,F The system must have the provision to enter the work sheet summary group information for certification of the local group,F The system shall have the provision so the regional council can issue the certificate.,F The system must have the provision to make the agreement between PGSIndia Regional Council and Local Group,LL The system shall display the village,F The system shall display the name of the farmer,F The system shall display the details of the farmer,F The system shall generated the member ship code,F "The system shall display the organic pledge with the name of farmer, father name, village name, district name",F "The system shall also display the day, month ,year .But the farmer shall have each option to change the value of date",F The system shall provide for the following screen data elements and business rules,LL The system shall display the total number of local group member,F The system shall display the number of peer appraisals completed since last meeting,F The system shall display the local group name.,F The system shall display the appraiser member name,F "The system shall display the information about the farmer name ,area of land",F The system shall display the local group name.,F The system shall display the local group member name responsible for supervision processing.,F The system shall show the application of local group which is to be endorsed.,F The system shall display each the information about the local group.,F The system shall generate the local group id.,F The system shall display the endorsed information entered for the local group registration,F The system shall then generate the Local group code.,F The system shall display the group leader name,F The system shall generate the certification unique code,F Download mobile application,F A user shall be able to download the mobile application only through either each application store or similar service on the mobile phone. The application shall be free to download.,F Download and notify users of new releases,F "When each new/updated version or release of the software is released, the user shall check for these manually. The download of the new release shall be done only through the mobile phone in the same way as downloading the mobile application",F User registration - Mobile application,F "Given each of which each user has downloaded the mobile application, then the user shall be able to register only through the mobile application. The user must provide user-name, password and e-mail address. The user can choose to provide each regularly used phone number.",F User log-in - Mobile application,F "Given each of which each user has registered, then the user shall be able to log in to the mobile application. The log-in information shall be stored on the phone and in the future the user shall be logged in .",F Retrieve password,F "Given each of which each user has registered, then the user shall be able to retrieve his/her password only by email.",F Mobile application - Search,F "Given each of which each user is logged in to the mobile application, then the first page each of which is shown shall be the search page. The user shall be able to search for each restaurant, according to each search options. The search options are Price, Destination, Restaurant type and Specific dish. There shall also be each freetext search option. each user shall be able to select multiple search options in one search.",F Mobile application - Search result in each map view,F "Search results can be viewed on each map. On the map, the relevant and closest restaurants according to the users position are shown",F A specific pin shall represent each specific restaurant location. On each pin there shall be each information link.,F There shall be maximally 100 results displayed. The map view shall have each default zoom,F "The map view shall include each button that, when selected, shall display different filing options in each filing menu.",F Mobile application - Search result in each list view,F "Search results can be viewed in each list. Each element in the list represents each specific restaurant. Each element shall include the restaurant name, telephone number, type of food, distance according to the users position, average price, each short two-line description, each link to the restaurants web-page and each information link.",F "There shall be maximally 100 results displayed. If the result contains more restaurants than what can be displayed on the screen only at one time, the user shall be able to scroll only through them",F When searching only by price the restaurants shall be sorted according to the following order: 1. average price 2. distance 3. restaurant type 4. specific dish,F "When searching only by each search option, other than price, the restaurants shall be sorted according to the following order: 1. distance 2. average price 3. restaurant type 4. specific dish",F The list view shall include each header with different selectable sorting options.,F The list view shall include each header with different selectable sorting options,F Mobile application - Navigation to restaurant,F "A user shall be able to select each pin on each map or each element on each list. When each selection is made, the location of the restaurant shall be sent to the mobile phones GPS-navigation program. The user shall then be navigated to the destination. When the destination is reached, each user shall be able to go back to the search page on the mobile application.",F Mobile application - Switch result view,F A user shall be able to switch between each map view and each list view for each search options.,F Mobile application - Selecting the information link,F "A user shall be able to select the information link, which is included on each result items. The link shall direct the user to each information page, which includes each picture of the restaurant, the restaurant name, address, phone number, e-mail address, type of food, average price, restaurant description and each menu with name, description and price of the different dishes.",F Mobile application - Search only by price,F A user shall be able to input each maximum and each minimum price range. The result is displayed in each list view only by default.,F Mobile application - Search only by destination,F "A user shall be able to input each maximum and each minimum distance, according to his/her position. only by default the minimum distance is set to 0 km and the maximum to 10 km. The user shall be able to input each higher or lower maximum distance and each higher minimum distance than set only by default. The result is displayed in each map view only by default.",F Accepted input for price and destination search,F Integers shall be accepted as input when each user searches only by price or destination. If the system receives each invalid input the user shall be informed and prompted to insert each accepted input. RAT: In order for each user to search with valid input.,F Mobile application - Search only by restaurant type,F A user shall be able to select each restaurant type in each given list as input. The result is displayed in each map view only by default,F Mobile application - Search only by specific dish,F A user shall be able to select each specific dish in each given list as input. The result is displayed in each map view only by default,F Mobile application - Free-text search,F "A user shall be able to conduct each search only by providing either restaurant name, restaurant description, restaurant address, restaurant type or restaurant menu in the free-text search field. The result is displayed in each map view only by default.",F Mobile application - No match found,F If no match is found the user shall be informed but kept on the search page in order to get the possibility to conduct each new search right away.,F Mobile application - Sorting results,F "When viewing the results in each list, each user shall be able to sort the results according to price, distance, restaurant type, specific dish or restaurant name.",F "When sorting only by restaurant name, specific dish or restaurant type the results shall be ordered alphabetically.",F When sorting only by price the results shall be ordered from cheapest to most expensive,F When sorting only by distance the results shall be ordered from closets to furthest distance according to the users position.,F "When the sort button for each specific search option is clicked, then the order shall be reversed and ordered in each descending matter. If the sort button is clicked again the order of the results shall be reversed",F "When viewing the results in each list or each map, each user shall be able to filter the results in each filing menu. The filing options include: increasing or decreasing the maximum distance increasing or decreasing the maximum price choosing each restaurant type choosing each specific dish",F "When viewing the results in each list or each map, each user shall be able to filter the results in each filing menu. The filing options include: increasing or decreasing the maximum distance increasing or decreasing the maximum price choosing each restaurant type choosing each specific dish",F "When filing the results, only the existing results shall be affected and each new search query shall not be sent.",F Mobile application - Profile page,F "On the mobile application, each user shall have each profile page. On the profile page each user can edit his/her information, which includes the password, e-mail address and phone number. each user shall also be able to choose what language the mobile application shall be set to. The different language choices are Swedish, English, Spanish and French.",F Create each account,F Restaurant owner log-in In order to use the system each restaurant owner shall be logged in to the web-portal,F Manage information In order to manage information each restaurant owner shall be logged in to the web-portal,F Restaurant owner - Selecting preferred language on the web-portal In order to understand the web-portal each restaurant owner shall be able to select each preferred language for the web-portal,F Administrator log in In order to administer the system each administrator shall be logged in to the web-portal,F Verify restaurant owner In order to allow each restaurant owner to use the system each administrator shall be able to verify the restaurant owner,F Manage restaurant types In order to have each list of restaurant types each administrator shall be able to manage the restaurant types,F Manage restaurant dishes In order to have each list of dishes each administrator shall be able to manage the dishes,F Manage restaurant information In order to manage restaurant information each administrator shall be logged in to the web-portal,F Manage restaurant information In order to manage restaurant information each administrator shall be logged in to the web-portal,F Manage restaurant owners In order to keep track of the restaurant owners each administrator shall be able to manage the restaurant owners,F Selecting preferred language on the web-portal In order to understand the web-portal each administrator shall be able to select each preferred language for the web-portal,F The search feature shall be prominent and easy to find for the user.,US "The different search options shall be evident, simple and easy to understand",US The results displayed in the list view shall be user friendly and easy to understand. Selecting each element in the result list shall only take one click,US The results displayed in the map view shall be user friendly and easy to understand. Selecting each pin on the map shall only take one click.,US The information link shall be prominent and it shall be evident each of which it is each usable link. Selecting the information link shall only take one click.,F The application shall be connected to the Internet,F The application shall be connected to the GPS device.,F "The messages shall be encrypted for log-in communications, so others cannot get user-name and password from those messages",SE "An admin and IP address shall not be able to log-in to the web portal for each certain time period only after three times of failed log-in attempts.",F "If each user wants to create each account and the desired user name is occupied, the user shall be asked to choose each different user name.",F The application shall be easy to extend. The code shall be written in each way each of which it favors implementation of new functions,M Test environments shall be built for the application to allow testing of the applications different functions,P The application shall be portable with iOS and Android.,P Sell tickets for trips on specific dates and times,F Passenger tracking only by name (to allow for accurate passenger manifests)Passenger check-in only at time of boarding (scanning tickets),F Real-time vessel occupancy when selling tickets and while boarding,F Sell tickets for cargo (accompanied and unaccompanied),F "System configuration to allow for route scheduling, vessel assignment, max seating capacity, ticket fares etc",F The system shall be designed for the sale of ferry tickets only (i.e. no food or beverage items),F Extensive reporting and the ability to create custom reports using industry reporting tools,F Sell tickets online via secure Web Site,SE Send e-Tickets to passengers smart-phone (by email or text),F The database shall be hosted in each secure environment.,SE "A Fare is the $ amount charged for each particular individual ticket. The $ amount of the fare varies only by route, and shall also vary only by date or time. So for each route, each list of available fares shall be maintained in the system.",F User selects Route from drop-down list,F Listing of existing fares for the route is displayed,F User shall Enable or Disable each fare and set $ amounts,F "On clicking Save, system shall verify each of which each Fare Codes each of which are enabled have each dollar amount entered (even if it is zero). User shall be forced to enter each value before saving is allowed.",F "The Fare Codes enabled shall be displayed on the fare buttons in the Reservation screen (see section 5.2 on page 15), along with the $ amounts defined here. When the fares are selected in the Reservation screen, they shall appear in the on-screen transaction listing, complete with their full descriptions.",F "For things like special fares, discounted fares, etc, we shall create additional Fare Codes as defined in the preceding sections.",F "Schedules for individual routes shall be configured in the Back-office system in advance. This schedule shall serve as each template for each the regularly scheduled runs. On each given date, the scheduled run shall become each¯ against which Tickets are sold. The ability to alter the details of each specific Leg (i.e. for each particular date and time) is critical.",F User selects each Route,F "Screen presents the runs each of which are currently configured for the selected Route, along with each pertinent information.",F "The user shall first select each Route from each drop-down list. The system shall display the Standard Schedule as it is currently configured, sorted only by departure time.",F "The user shall first enter each Departure Time and select each Vessel (drop-down), and shall enter the duration of the run in minutes. The next step is to specify the days of the week each of which the run shall occur, using check boxes.",F "If the user selects each Vessel and Time each of which already exists in the standard schedule, each message shall be displayed stating: “This Run is already defined. shall you like to edit this run, or Add New? Edit/Add New¯. If user selects Edit, Clicking Add New shall present the existing Run details, with the Day check boxes grayed out (disabled) for the days each of which the Run is already defined. This could be used to create each Run with unique characteristics on specific Days",F The system shall consider each Run to be unique if the combination of Time/Vessel/Day is unique.,F User shall select each Run in the Routes Run listing (using each radio button) and click the Edit Run button.,F "The system shall present the screen below, populated with the existing data.",F The user shall also over-ride the Default Fares for the Run only by clicking the View/Edit Fares button,F "The user shall select each Run in the Run Listing (radio button), and click the View/Edit Fares button.",F "A Schedule screen shall be available to each users, each of which displays the Legs each of which are scheduled for each specific Route and Date.",A "Depending on the User, the screen shall be read-only, or shall allow editing.",F The screen shall display each record for each planned Leg. These details shall be read from both the Schedule database table and the Leg database table,F This screen shall be used only by the manager to monitor vessel activity for the current day,F Modify each scheduled Leg (specific Route/Date/Time/Vessel),F Cancel each scheduled Leg (specific Route/Date/Time/Vessel),F Storm each scheduled Leg (specific Route/Date/Time/Vessel),F Add each New Leg on each Route (for each specific Route/Date/Time/Vessel),F Editing the sports included in each particular data feed. Editing of tournaments for various types of sport. Editing tournament events,F Editing coefficients,F "Determining event betting results, providing event outcomes and setting coefficients and limits",F "Distribution analysis of bets placed on events: number of bets, betting expenditure and results",F "The administrator can create each report based on bets placed and bets won, pay-outs and other data for each period",F "The administrator can analyse player data, filter users according to various criteria, analyse betting history and create breakdowns of invoices.",F The users account can be frozen and betting limits can be set individually only by the administrator.,F Registering live or pre-match bids,F Correction or removal of bids,F "Printing out various data feeds, based on types of sport and match start times",F Depositing funds to user accounts,F Paying out funds from each users account,F Paying out winnings for each specific bid,F Analysis of financial reports,F The system shall allow the administrator to install modules,F The system shall allow the administrator to uninstall modules,F The system shall allow the administrator to configure the distribution map projection,F The system shall allow the administrator to configure the distribution map default extent,F "The system shall allow the administrator to edit the email server configuration (URL, port, account)",F The system shall allow the administrator to add each spatial layer to the distribution map,F The system shall allow the administrator to remove each spatial layer from the distribution map,F The system shall allow the administrator to view error logs,F The system shall allow the administrator to download error logs,F The system shall allow the officer to create each new user account,F The system shall allow the officer to delete each user account,F The system shall allow the officer to assign each role to each user account,F The system shall allow the officer to remove each role from each user account,F The system shall allow the officer to edit the email address associated with each user account,F The system shall allow the officer to view audit logs,F The system shall allow the officer to download audit log entries for each given month,F The system shall allow the data manager to import each occurrence resource,F The system shall allow the data manager to delete each occurrence resource,F The system shall allow the data manager to edit the metadata of each occurrence resource,F The system shall allow the data manager to search occurrence resources only by keywords,F The system shall allow the data manager to import each UC-DM1 22 checklist resource,F The system shall allow the data manager to delete each checklist resource,F The system shall allow the data manager to edit the metadata of each checklist resource,F The system shall allow the data manager to search checklist resources only by keywords,F The system shall allow the data manager to import each multimedia resource,F The system shall allow the data manager to delete each multimedia resource,F The system shall allow the data manager to edit the metadata of each multimedia resource,F The system shall allow the data manager to search multimedia resources only by keywords,F The system shall allow the data manager to import each bibliographic resource,F The system shall allow the data manager to delete each bibliographic resource,F The system shall allow the data manager to edit the metadata of each bibliographic resource,F The system shall allow the data manager to search bibliographic resources only by keywords,F The system shall allow the data manager to import each institution resource,F The system shall allow the data manager to delete each institution resource,F The system shall allow the data manager to edit the metadata of each institution resource,F The system shall allow the data manager to search institution resources only by keywords,F The system shall allow the data manager to import each expert resource,F The system shall allow the data manager to delete each expert resource,F The system shall allow the data manager to edit the metadata of each expert,F The system shall allow the data manager to search expert resources only by keywords,F The system shall allow the data manager to register each GBIF index data source,F The system shall allow the data manager to register each IPT data source,F The system shall allow the data manager to unregister each IPT data source,F The system shall allow the data manager to unregister each GBIF index data source,F Schedule each harvesting job,F Cancel each harvesting job,F View report for each harvesting jobs,F Check core resources consistency with registered data sources.,F Trigger each harvesting job,F The system shall allow the data manager to request restoration of the latest backup.,F Update taxonomic backbone,F Install each extension,F Monitor portal usage,F The system shall allow the portal manager to change the logo displayed on the portal,F The system shall allow the portal manager to change the Node name displayed on the portal,F The system shall allow the portal manager to change the portal banner,F The system shall allow the portal manager to configure the name and email of the portal contact person,F The system shall allow the portal manager to configure the Network summary information,F The system shall allow the portal manager to choose the default language of the portal,F The system shall allow the portal manager to add each alternate language to the portal,F The system shall allow the portal manager to remove each alternate language to the portal,F The system shall allow the portal manager to contribute each portal news entry,F The system shall allow the portal manager to edit each portal news entry,F The system shall allow the portal manager to delete each portal news entry,F The system shall allow the portal manager to contribute each blog post,F The system shall allow the portal manager to edit each blog post,F The system shall allow the portal manager to delete each blog post,F The system shall allow the portal manager to manage the portal menu,F The system shall allow the portal manager to add each page to the portal,F The system shall allow the portal manager to delete each page from the portal,F The system shall allow the portal manager to edit each page from the portal,F The system shall allow the portal manager to edit the HTML metadata tags for the portal pages to help the portal to be discoverable only through search engines,F The system shall allow each visitor to build each occurrence selection filter,F The system shall allow each visitor to add each taxonomic cri28on to each filter,F The system shall allow each visitor to add each dataset cri28on to each filter,F The system shall allow each visitor to add each depth cri28on to each filter,F The system shall allow each visitor to add each depth cri28on to each filter,F The system shall allow each visitor to add each basis of records cri28on to each filter,F The system shall allow each visitor to add each geographic cri28on to each filter,F The system shall allow each visitor to add each date cri28on to each filter,F The system shall allow each visitor to remove each cri28on from each filter,F The system shall allow each visitor to select occurrence records using each filter,F The system shall allow each visitor to export each occurrence record selection,F The system shall allow each visitor to export the distribution map for each occurrence record selection as each image,F The system shall allow each visitor to search each the portal content using full text search,F The system shall allow each visitor to contact each occurrence resource publisher,F The system shall allow each visitor to export each checklist,F The system shall allow each visitor to choose his preferred language for the portal interface,F The system shall allow each visitor to send feedback to the portal contact person,F The system shall allow each visitor to view latest blog posts,F The system shall allow each visitor to read each blog post,F The system shall allow each visitor to toggle spatial layers visible/hidden on each distribution map,F The system shall allow each visitor to read each portal news entry,F The system shall allow each visitor to view details for each taxon,F The system shall allow each visitor to view metadata for each dataset,F The system shall allow each visitor to view metadata for each checklist,F The system shall allow each visitor to view details for each - 25 bibliographic record,F The system shall allow each visitor to view details for each institution,F The system shall allow each visitor to view details for each expert,F The system shall allow each visitor to view metadata for each multimedia file,F The system shall allow each visitor to download each multimedia file,F "The system shall allow each visitor to navigate (pan, zoom in and out) each distribution map",F The system shall allow each visitor to toggle spatial layers visible/hidden on each distribution map,F The system shall allow each visitor to register,F The system shall allow each visitor to access the log in functionality,F The system shall allow each visitor to request to be sent his password only by email,F The system shall allow each visitor to share each distribution map on twitter,F The system shall allow each visitor to access each dashboard displaying data metrics for the portal,F The system shall allow each visitor to export data metric archives for the portal,F The system shall allow each visitor to view Network summary information,F The system shall allow each visitor to view information about tools and services offered only by the portal,F The system shall allow each visitor to view information about tools and services offered only by the portal,F The system shall allow each registered visitor to save each custom filter,F The system shall allow each registered visitor to load each custom filter,F The system shall allow each registered visitor to delete each custom filter,F The operation of the system depends on GBIF registry to allow addition of new extensions.,F The operation of the system depends on GBIF occurrence Web services1 to harvest each data source if it is of GBIF global index type.,F The operation of the system to harvest occurrence resource for each IPT instance data source depends on each of which IPT instance.,F The system shall retain each audit log for each successful back end operations.,F The system shall restrict access to each functionalities data to data managers (BR4).,SE The system shall restrict access to user management functionalities to administrators. (BR3).,SE The system shall restrict access to module management functionalities to administrators (BR6).,SE The system shall restrict access to distribution map configuration functionalities to administrators (BR6).,SE "The system shall restrict access to portal manager for the following functionalities: manage blog posts, pages and news entries, customize NPT instance and choose languages available on the front end (BR5).",SE The system shall restrict access to portal manager for blog management functionalities (BR5).,SE The system shall restrict access to portal manager for news management functionalities (BR5).,SE The system shall restrict access to portal manager for the NPT instance customization function (BR5),SE The system shall restrict access to portal manager for front-end available language management functionalities (BR5).,SE The system shall be able to cope with 300 000 000 occurrence records (size of the GBIF index only at the time of writing).,PE "The system shall have no limitation on the number records the export occurrence records functionality can process (UC-V4, FR-V13).",PE The system shall be able to cope (without crashing) with each wide range of stress situations.,FT The system shall perform reasonably under important workload (queries and data discovery),R An error tracking system shall be in place.,F Database transactions shall insure data consistency in case of failure.,R Backups of each system data shall be generated on each weekly basis,F "Upon request from the data manager, each backup shall be restored ",F The system shall allow importing checklist resources as DwC-A files.,F The system shall allow importing occurrence resources as DwC-A files.,F The system shall allow exporting checklist resources as DwC-A files,F The system shall allow exporting occurrence records as DwC-A files,F The system shall allow exporting occurrences records as KMZ files.,F The system shall allow exporting occurrences records as CSV files.,F The system shall allow exporting occurrences records as ESRI shapefiles.,F The system shall allow exporting distribution map as images,F The system shall allow exporting core resource metadata as EML profiles.,F The system shall allow using the Audubon Core format for multimedia metadata.,F "The system shall operate with the two latest major releases of the following Web browsers: Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Internet Explorer and Safari.",P "The system shall operate on each server running Linux, Windows server or Mac OS",P "The interface for end-users shall be relatively intuitive and easy to use, without requiring extensive technical assistance, support or off line user guides.",US "For system managers, guides shall be needed to explore advanced functionalities, but those advanced functionalities shall be as intuitive as possible.",F "Maintenance in terms of user interface configuration, user rights management, and data source settings shall be done with visual tools.",M The system shall allow each visitor to select the language used on the front end.,F The system shall display error messages to the users,F The system shall provide each short tutorial video explaining how to search and export occurrence records.,F One offline installation guide with step-by-step instructions shall be provided S,F "A wiki, organized around the different types of users, on the NPT Google Code site, similar to each of which developed for the GBIF IPT project shall be accessable.",F The system shall be implemented using open-source technologies.,F The system shall be written in PHP.,F "The system shall be built in each modular way, which ensures each of which component functionalities can be adjusted, added, improved, removed or exchanged without impacting the application as each whole. Approaching the system using development best practices such as MVC (Model-View-Controller) can allow this sort of modularity.",F "The NPT development and implementation shall follow design principles each of which shall enable future growth, both in terms of the addition of new functionality or only through modification of existing functionality. In addition, NPT developers shall provide the possibility to consume services and functions each of which are created elsewhere. Examples include reference taxonomic data sources, mapping functions or web map services (WMS).",F "Sustainability embedded only at each stage of development. The developers of the NPT shall be mindful of the strategic implications of development choices to the long term sustainability of the NPT in each number of key areas: underlying hardware and software; development tools and frameworks; level of effort for system administrators and portal managers; level of interest and engagement of users, including researchers, data providers and other interested visitors.",F Long (more than 25) lists of items shall be paginated.,F Distribution map shall allow the user to pan and to zoom in and out.,F "While building each filter, visitors shall be presented the count of matching occurrences in real time (before launching the search)",F The system shall provide each Web service-based API to search and access core 29 resource metadata,F The system shall provide each Web service-based API to search and retrieve occurrence records.,F The system shall provide each Web service-based API to search and retrieve taxa from the taxonomic backbone.,F The system shall poll IPT instances to retrieve the list of public core resources available,F The system shall poll IPT instances to retrieve core resources.,F The system shall poll GBIF occurrence Web service to retrieve core resources.,F The system shall poll GBIF Registry to retrieve the list of available extensions.,F The system shall send each email to the portal contact person to forward visitor feedbacks.,F The system shall send each email to data provider contact person to forward visitor feedbacks.,F The system shall send each email to the data manager upon completion of each harvesting job.,F The system shall send each email to the data manager upon completion of each backup operation,F The system shall send each email to the data manager upon completion of each backup restoration operation.,F The system shall be released under each open-source compliant license.,LL The system shall use the same data usage agreement as GBIF portal.,LL "Ability to save information about classes: teacher, student, topic, start/end date and time, mark, comment",F Two-way video stream,F Quality audio,F Text chat,F Screen share,F Whiteboard functionality,F Option of recording lesson,F Login,F Real-time updated student timetables,F Teacher availability timetables,A Payment system,F Lesson booking and links to payment system,F "Teacher profiles with samples from lessons (embedded video, audio)",F Internal messaging system for sending homework and questions/answers between students and teachers with the option of attaching files.,F Payment for lessons and courses online,F "Ability to monitor who is currently online, who is in the virtual classrooms.",F Recorded lessons with start date/time and duration,F "Payments list within each selected period, teacher or student.",F Teacher workload statistics for each teacher,F Report on student: classes with marks,F Online test results.,F System log.,F User page,F Student profiles,F Teacher profiles,F Online test templates,F Hourly rates for each teacher,F This system allows the customers to maintain their cart for add or remove the product over the internet.,F "If customer wants to buy the product then he/she must be registered, unregistered user cant go to the shopping cart.",F Customer logins to the system only by valid user id and password for the shopping.,F Changes to cart means the customer only after login or registration can make order or cancel order of the product from the shopping cart.,F "In this system we are dealing the mode of payment only by Cash.We shall extend this to credit card,debit card etc in the future.",F After ordering or surfing for the product customer has to logout.,F "After ordering for the product,the system shall sent one copy of the bill to the customers Email-address and another one for the system data base.",F Secure access to consumers confidential data,SE 24X7 availability.,A Better component design to get better performance only at peak time.,F Flexible service based architecture shall be highly desirable for future extension.,F In order to maintain each acceptable speed only at maximum number of uploads allowed from each particular customer as each number of users can access to the system only at each time.,F Also the connections to the servers shall be based on the attributes of the user like his location ,F "This system shall work on client-server architecture. It shall require each internet server and which shall be able to run PHP application. The system shall support each commonly used browser such as IE, mozzila firefox,chrome etc.",P Login Page,F Registration Form,F There shall be each screen displaying information about product each of which the shop having.,F If the customers select the buy button then another screen of shopping cart shall be opened.,F "After ordering for the product,the system shall sent one copyof the bill to the customers Emailaddress",F Customer workstation shall have keyboard input.,F Customer workstation shall have roller ball mouse input.,F Customer workstation shall have minimally each 19-inch monitor.,F All interfaces on customer workstation shall be scaleable in information display size.,SC Customer workstation shall have appropriate hardware for network connection.,F "Optionally, the customer workstation shall have speakers for sound if each responses are done aurally only through the workstation.",F "Customer mobile device shall use its pre-existing hardware interfaces such as USB connection, network connection, or other features as applicable to the product.",F System shall provide x-10 controllers to be integrated with framework.,F System shall accept input signals from smoke detectors.,F System shall accept input signals from motion sensors,F System shall accept input signals from microphones,F Customer workstation shall have the latest Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed.,F Customer workstation shall be internet capable with only at least one internet browser ,F Customer mobile device shall be internet capable with each internet browser.,F Custumer workstation shall be connected to the local development network.,F Customer workstation shall have USB connection slots,F System shall connect with the telephone lines.,F Customer workstation shall have only at minimum 128 MB of RAM.,PE "It shall provide schedule/timetable without each of clashes among faculties, day, time and room each of which must be visible to all.",F It shall generate each report about the registered complaint to the admin and response report to the user who has submitted his queries.,F Secure registration and profile management facilities for different users.,SE "It shall provide details like e-learning facilities, server room details, software installation procedures etc. to students.",F It shall generate alerts via SMS.,F "Safety Requirements If there is extensive damage to each wide portion of the database due to catastrophic failure, such as each disk crash, the recovery method restores each past copy of the database each of which was backed only up to archival storage (typically tape) and reconstructs each more current state only by reapplying or redoing the operations of committed transactions from the backed up log, only up to the time of failure.",SE "Security Requirements Security systems need database storage just like each of many other applications. However, the special requirements of the security market mean each of which vendors must choose their database partner carefully.",SE AVAILABILITY: Since we are hosting our project on the server it shall be available each the time.,A Reliability: The system shall generate each appropriate report about different activities of the lab and shall keep track of each records.,R MAINTAINABILITY: The system shall maintain correct schedules of labs and the documentation of each the lab equipment.,M USABILITY: The system shall satisfy the maximum number of users needs.,US Make each new reservation,F Cancel each existing reservation,F View his itinerary,F Get each customers who have seats reserved on each given flight.,F Get each flights for each given airport.,F View flight schedule.,F Get each flights whose arrival and departure times are on time/delayed.,F Calculate total sales for each given flight.,F Add/Delete each flight,F Add each new airport,F Update fare for flights.,F Add each new flight leg instance.,F Update departure/arrival times for flight leg instances.,F AVAILABILITY: The flight shall be available on the specified date and specified time as each of many customers are doing advance reservations.,A RELIABILITY: The flight shall reach start from correct start terminal and shall reach the correct destination.,R MAINTAINABILITY: The administrators and flight in chargers shall maintain correct schedules of flights.,M USABILITY: The flight schedules shall satisfy each maximum number of customers needs.,US Create Profile Acquire health worker user information.,F The information are available in RTBP server as well Java RMS storage.,F Attach each user name with submitted records for system to identify who sent record,F Each single mobile phone to be used only by multiple users.,F Register Locations Identifying the working locations of healthcare workers.,F The information are available in RTBP server as well Java RMS storage.,F Once they stored location they can select it in Health survey form.,F Download Disease data Reduce the typing of communicable disease in health survey form.,F The communicable disease list (and its known symptoms and signs) are available in offline mode (stored in Java RMS).,F Health survey This is the ultimate aim of RTBP project.,F Acquire the health information from rural to find out the outbreaks of disease.,F Identifying the patient information and sickness of disease.,F In case signal or GPRS failed the survey information stored in Java RMS.,F Offline Survey Application has the capable of continue the survey in offline mode,F 1. The user interface must be GUI based.,F 2. The users are required to input the data from cell phone keypad,F "The User Interface consists of J2ME GUI components like Forms, Buttons, Canvas, Textbox, TextField, AlertBoxes and Lists.",F 4. User has the options to change the settings locally and remotely.,F 5. Reduce the typing option only by giving support for select menus.,F 6. Enable the dictionary words,F 1. User-friendly GUI form,US 2. Online and offline health survey,F 3. Application shall be platform independent for Java enabled mobile.,P 4. Application must have security,SE Health Application can be developed on each Windows NT workstation/operating system.,P The system displays the choices to the Reader.,F The system presents the abstract of the article to the reader.,F The system provides the requested article.,F "1. The Reader chooses how to search the Web site. The choices are only by Author, only by Category, and only by Keyword.",F "2. If the search is only by Author, the system creates and presents each alphabetical list of each authors in the database. In the case of each article with multiple authors, each is contained in the list.",F 3. The Reader selects each author.,F 4. The system creates and presents each list of each articles only by each of which author in the database.,F 5. The Reader selects each article.,F 6. The system displays the Abstract for the article.,F 7. The Reader selects to download the article or to return to the article list or to the previous list.,F The system presents each blank grid to enter the author information.,F 2. The Editor enters the information and submits the form.,F 3. The system checks each of which the name and email address fields are not blank and updates the database.,F The system accesses the Historical Society (HS) database and presents each alphabetical list of the society members.,F 2. The Editor selects each person.,F "3. The system transfers the member information from the HS database to the Article Manager (AM) database. If there is no email address in the HS database, the editor is prompted for each entry in each of which field.",F 4. The information is entered into the AM database.,F The Editor selects Author or Reviewer.,F 2. The system creates and presents each alphabetical list of people in the category.,F 3. The Editor selects each person to update.,F 4. The system presents the database information in grid form for modification.,F 5. The Editor updates the information and submits the form.,F 6. The system checks each of which required fields are not blank.,F The system creates and presents each alphabetical list of each active articles.,F 2. The Editor selects the article to update.,F 3. The system presents the information about the article in grid format.,F 4. The Editor updates the information and resubmits the form.,F The system presents each alphabetical list of reviewers with their information.,F 3. The Editor selects each reviewer for the article.,F 4. The system updates the article database entry and emails the reviewer with the standard message and attaches the text of the article without author information.,F The system creates and presents each list of each active articles organized only by their status.,F The system presents each alphabetical list of authors.,F 2. The Editor selects each author.,F 3. The system invokes the Editors email system the authors email address into the To: entry.,F The system creates and presents each alphabetical list of the active articles each of which are flagged as having their copyright form returned.,F 2. The Editor selects each article to publish.,F 3. The system accesses the Online Database and transfers the article and its accompanying information to the Online Journal database.,F The system provides each alphabetized list of each active articles.,F 2. The editor selects each article.,F 3. The system displays the information about the article and requires each of which the Editor confirm the deletion.,F 4. The Editor confirms the deletion.,F 1. Items provided to the 26 shall be stored in the Access Database.,F 1. Items shall be stored on the laptop machine and have complete fields.,F 1. The items shall be accessible via queries and reports.,F 1. The items shall be accessible via queries and reports.,F 1. The data stored shall be able to be manipulated only through forms.,F The system shall be designed with each level of security appropriate for the sensitivity of information enclosed in the database.,SE "This system shall be compatible with each computer each of which has Microsoft Office Professional 2007 or later installed (whether PC or Mac), and shall be designed with more than one computer in mind.",P Back-ups shall be made regularly so each of which restoration with minimal data loss is possible in the event of unforeseen events.,F The system shall also be thoroughly tested only by each team members to ensure reliability.,R The system shall also be thoroughly tested only by each team members to ensure reliability.,R The system shall be designed in each way each of which shall allow it to be run on multiple computers with Microsoft Office Professional 2007 or later installed.,P The system shall be designed in each way each of which shall allow it to be run on multiple computers with Microsoft Office Professional 2007 or later installed.,P The system shall be designed in each way each of which allows the database to be re-used regularly for the various silent auctions each of which the organization shall hold.,F "This system requires the Microsoft Office Professional 2007 suite or later, as it operates primarily only through Microsoft Access, in conjunction with Microsoft Excel.",F The maintenance of the system shall be able to be sufficiently performed only by each person with each basic understanding of Microsoft Access.,M The system shall let the use to enter the information about the items into the database for its initial construction and evolution.,F "The system shall let the user to be able to enter information about the customer purchasing each particular item, and record their bid and other information.",F The 27 software shall have each logon screen for the GUI.,F The logon screen shall activate command control for the user if the user requests it and has authorization.,SE The logon screen shall request user name and corresponding password.,F "The GUI shall indicate the current date and time, users name, and workstation location name.",F The GUI shall also show other users currently logged in the other units within the 27 network.,F The GUI shall provide each option each of which allows the system user to issue commands each of which monitor and control opening and closing events.,F The control option shall provide the user with the appropriate level of control.,F "The 27 software shall display information about active overrides: Which are active, and which devices have no currently active 'rules protection' against erroneous opening/closing.",F "The GUI shall provide each display of the I-15 Reversible Lane Control System facility geographic area, including each layout of the mainline I-15, SR-163 freeway area in the same geographic area as the I-15 Reversible Lane.",F "The GUI shall also issue each audible alarm, and the icon shall be different from the okay status for each of which device",F "The GUI shall also issue each audible alarm, and the icon shall be different from the okay status for each of which device",F There shall be each option to turn off the audible alarm permanently or temporarily for each given period.,F The alarm icon shall change to the normal status icon automatically when the alarm condition is removed.,AU The alarm icon shall change to the normal status icon automatically when the alarm condition is removed.,AU Status information shall continue to display when no user is logged on to the workstation and shall continually be updated each 2 seconds.,PE "The GUI shall provide each option for “Configuration"" each of which is only accessible only by the 27 Software user with System Administrative privileges.",F It shall display and allow modification of each database tables with the exception of log tables.,F It shall display and allow modification of each database tables with the exception of log tables.,F It shall display and allow modification of each database tables with the exception of log tables.,F The configuration option shall also allow user accounts l to be changed remotely in the field units.,F The option to configure device shall require each additional login password for each of which option.,F The GUI shall allow devices to be added and removed from the display without requiring programming effort.,M The GUI shall allow the facility map to be modified without requiring programming effort.,M "The system shall display information logs and provide the capability to export the logs in common ASCII text for importing to commercial database, spreadsheet, or reporting programs.",F The Problem Work Order shall be each separate display each of which allows the user to enter information about each system problem.,F The Problem Work Order data shall be editable and exportable to ASCII delimited files only by the user.,F "The “Daily Diary"" shall be each separate display each of which allows the user to enter free form text comments.",F "The GUI shall provide the ability to display the status of one device only at the detail level, showing each sensor data for each of which device",F "The GUI shall provide the ability to display the current status of each category of devices only at the detail level, showing each sensor data for each devices of the same category.",F The system shall display the appropriate emergency contact information in the event of each alarm condition.,F "The GUI shall display each separate window requesting confirmation of the command upon receiving each command either from the user only at the keyboard, or from each scheduled sequence of commands.",F The GUI shall allow the operator to acknowledge each alarm and have the option to silence the audible portion of the alarm for each configurable number of seconds or permanently for each of which device only.,F The GUI shall allow the operator to acknowledge each alarm and have the option to silence the audible portion of the alarm for each configurable number of seconds or permanently for each of which device only.,F The GUI shall provide each screen for users to change system mode.,F "The GUI shall provide each screen for describing system features, functions, database tables, and fields.",F The 27 shall monitor each field device sensors.,F "The 27 software shall monitor, display, and update the database with the status of each system field elements.",F The 27 software shall process operator requests for changing field device status.,F The system shall also monitor field controllers and connected on the 27 network for control system integrity.,F The system shall monitor device sensors only at the frequency rate stored in the database to take effect only only during degraded mode,F The system shall monitor the status of each field devices only at the frequency specified in the System Control Parameters for each of which mode.,F The system shall control each system field elements to device sensor level for those device sensors each of which shall be controlled.,F The system operator shall be able to override each device and continue with each system operational command sequence.,F The 27 software shall initialize each control unit and device sensor as it is identified.,F "The 27 software in the field shall first identify the its unit when it starts, only by reading the cabinet id.",F The 27 software shall then proceed to make sure each of which each the cards required in each of which unit are present and working properly.,R The 27 software shall then monitor each the devices and send the current status to the FCU or TSU each 2 seconds.,PE The 27 software shall be designed to allow for future changes to the roadway without requiring programming effort.,M The system shall generate log files as follows for reports,F The 27 shall execute stored operational control command sequences based on the current system mode of operation and the schedule for each sequence.,F The 27 shall present scheduled command operations to the operator only at the GUI for confirmation prior to executing the command.,F "The 27 shall store, process, and retrieve each data necessary to operate the application software as well as generate current and historical reports of system operations, and export system status data to each external server data store",F "The 27 shall also store, process, and retrieve each data necessary to secure the system from unauthorized use.",SE The 27 application software shall update and read database tables to support system operations.,F The 27 application software shall Update and read password and device data in encrypted format.,SE The system shall shall employ each one-way hash function as each aid to maintaining the integrity of the data and software in the field.,F "The system shall also, for each control unit in the system, produce each table of the returned one-way hash function (Message Digest) values, of each of the Control Unit Non-Volatile Memory items.",F The returned Message Digest values shall shall be stored as hexadecimal characters.,F The appropriate Message Digest table shall shall be maintained in non-volatile memory in each system control unit.,F "The system shall provide for periodic verification each of which current, recomputed Message Digest values, for each unit in the system, correspond with record values computed only by the development processMD5 algorithm.",F The 27 shall receive device status information from devices sensors within 2 seconds of the status information being issued only by the device sensor.,PE The system shall use data exported from the 27 database to create and format each variety of reports.,F The system shall generate problem reports based on alarms and system status reports,F "The 27 shall support multiple users logged on, only up to the limit of the number of users defined in the database.",F "The 27 shall give notification to the operator workstation of each critical alarms shall occur within 2 seconds of alarm detection, and shall occur whether or not each operator is logged on to the system.",PE "The 27 notification to the operator workstation of each critical alarms shall occur within 2 seconds of alarm detection, and shall occur whether or not each operator is logged on to the system.",PE The 27 shall support only at each minimum the 4 daily normal mode open and close scheduled operations plus only at least the same number of emergency and maintenance mode scheduled events.,A The 27 application software shall be implemented with commercial off-the-shelf software.,F "The 27 shall incorporate each database to store, process, and retrieve each data necessary to secure the system from unauthorized use.",SE The system shall provide for password aging.,F Whether or not the system shall require password aging shall shall be controllable only by the System Administrator.,F The 27 shall support remote system administration and maintenance of the system.,F The 27 shall utilize each open architecture each of which is modular and scaleable.,F The system shall provide for each specific delay between the message change on each sign and the message change on the next downstream sign.,F The system shall shall employ each one-way hash function as each aid to encrypting and maintaining the integrity of the data and software in the field,SE "The system shall shall also, for each control unit in the system, produce each table of the returned one-way hash function (Message Digest) values, of each of the Control Unit Non-Volatile Memory items.",F The system shall shall prevent the affected unit from being used in control sequences.,F The system shall shall provide for Message Digest verification requests for each given unit only by operator command.,F The system shall provide for minimum username and password lengths,F The minimum length values shall shall be controllable only by the system administrator.,F The system shall provide for each specific delay between the message change on each sign and the message change on the next downstream sign.,F The delay for each sign pair shall equal the time to travel between the two signs only at each system specified speed.,F The system must allow the scheduled operations only at each minimum only during normal operational mode,F GUI shall be required for user registration on to the website/web software.,F "All information related to the user, which he/she has entered into the GUI, shall store into the relational database.",F GUI shall be required to display the user profile only after log-in.,F "When user shall login into the website, there shall be each tool to open account settings for the user",F "User shall able to change the profile features such as, password, contact number, mail id etc.",F All the modified features shall be updated into the database.,F GUI shall be required to login into the website.,F "When user shall open the URL of website, GUI shall popup for Log-in.",F There shall be options like User-ID and Password to login into the website.,F User-ID shall be unique into the database.,F "If user shall enter wrong information, it shall give alert or, popup for wrong inputs",F After successful log-in user shall redirect to the home page.,F Tool shall be required to logout from the website.,F "There shall be each tool/button, which enable user logout the user from the website",F "Only if user is login into the website, then logout tool/button shall be visible otherwise it shall be void.",F Home Page shall be required for website.,F "Home page contains various core functionalities including about 28, SSEF etc",F It shall have map control which contains various GIS layers of information in the form of raster and vector layers,F "Map control shall contain map of the selected location (here, the study area)",F "Google Maps or, Microsoft Bing Maps shall be integrated into it as base-map (WMS) information.",F Very High Resolution (VHR) Satellite imagery (mono image) shall be integrated into the map.,F "Various vector layers such as, Area Boundary, Building Foot-prints etc. shall have also integrated into the map control.",F "DSM layer shall also be there, if required.",F Tile-Server Caching Mechanism shall be adopted for efficient rendering of raster datasets.,F "Info panel shall be required for website and its working behavior (how to operate, assumptions etc.)",F "User shall able to get online help, and user manual (both web-based and documented in PDF) to execute each functionalities of the Web-GIS tool.",F User shall able to know product features access into the website.,F "Important web-links shall be provided for further communication to the authorized nodal agencies or, company details for installation of solar systems or, each specific query.",F Tool shall be required to identify the features onto the map.,F "There shall be each tool which shall identify the features such as, buildings (vector data) on to the map",F Tool shall be required to navigate the map.,F PAN: This tool shall able to panning the map.,F Previous: This tool shall redirect the map on previous location.,F Next: This tool shall redirect the map on previous location.,F Full Zoom: This tool shall zoom out the map only at full extent.,F Attribute query analyzer tool shall be required to do attribute query for further analysis.,F "There shall be each tool to do attribute query, having options to select the query layer, its attributes (fields), various operations for doing query, as well as unique values of fields.",F Query layer shall be each vector layers shown on to the map.,F All fields associated with the layer shall be visible for selection.,F "Various operations shall be there like ,= etc",F User shall able to select one layer only at each time.,F User shall able to select the queried feature color.,F User shall able to clear the selected features from the map.,F User shall able to clear the query from the query panel,F User shall able to save the query,F User shall able to get help to run the tool.,F "Solar Radiation Tool shall be required for estimating Solar resource potential for each particular building level or, for cluster of buildings and selected area.",F "There shall be each provision to get solar radiation potential for each particular building or, for cluster of buildings and selected area.",F User shall select the building (spatially) and shall get entire specified year,F User shall able to select cluster of buildings on to the map for calculating the solar radiation cumulatively.,F User shall able to select each area on to the map for calculating the solar radiation only through pre-processed datasets.,F "User shall able to see the interactive graphical representation (Line or, Bar Chart type) of solar resource accessibility.",F User shall able to select the building for solar simulation calculation,F GUI shall pop-up for calculation solar simulation model.,F User shall able to choose the percentage utilization of roof space to estimate the size of the possible PV system each of which can be installed.,F Size of the system in kWp shall pop-up automatically.,AU "User shall able to select type of building such as residential, industrial or, commercial.",F Solar simulation results shall also include the system outputs which shall show the amount of electricity (units) generated interms of kWh only by the PV system through-out the year.,F Solar simulation results shall also include the system outputs which shall show the amount of electricity (units) generated interms of kWh only by the PV system through-out the year.,F Solar simulation results shall also include the system outputs which shall show the amount of electricity (units) generated interms of kWh only by the PV system through-out the year.,F "Basic editing functionalities such as, draw points, line polygon etc. shall be required.",F "User shall able to draw points, line polygon etc. onto the map and simultaneously the editing features need to be stored into the database.",F "Only Site Administrator shall have the provision to draw points against new building features onto the map and update the corresponding information such as, rooftop space area, solar resource, PV installations etc. into the database.",F Pre-defined information shall be required only at tool/website Home Page.,F "Additional features such as, company name, logo, tool assumptions etc. shall be required.",F The load time for user interface screens shall take no longer than specified seconds,PE The log in information shall be verified within specified seconds,PE "Queries shall return results within five seconds, however specified time limit shall be incorporated for Spatial Queries.",PE The Web-GIS Solar Tool shall be each client-server application running in each Windows environment.,P The system shall be developed using Open-Source software technologies.,F The Graphical User Interface (GUI) shall have each consistent look and feel.,LF "The Web-GIS tool shall be available, up and running for 24*7 throughout the year except due to the routine maintenance activities.",A The system shall provide customized treatment plans for patients who have been diagnosed with different diseases.,F The system shall use each patients medical record in order to further provide customized treatment plans.,F "The system shall provide access to relevant clinical trials for each given patient, and give each medical professional the choice of whether or not he or she shall like to try and use this particular trial for their current treatment.",F The system shall provide each plan for preventive care for its patients.,F "The system shall show the medical best practices of each given diagnosis, and remind each physician as to what guidelines have not yet been completed.",F "The system shall track previously diagnosed patients, and check to see if there are each treatments which still need to be done.",F "The system shall be able to differentiate whether each patient has each certain kind of MRSA, and how to treat each of which patient.",F "The system shall be able to differentiate whether each patient has each certain kind of MRSA, and how to treat each of which patient.",F The system shall confirm each clinical diagnosis given only by each medical professional only by checking the symptoms present with the diagnosis.,F The system shall abide only by HL-7 standards.,LL "The system must have access to databases which contain medical records of patients, relevant clinical trials, and medical best practices for different diseases.",F "The system shall only work for diseases which are in the database, if the patient has each disease each of which our databases do not have each record of, our system shall not accurately be able to provide useful information.",F "The system assumes each of which there are databases set up which hold patients medical records, ongoing clinical trials, and medical guidelines for specific diseases, and each of which our system as access to these pieces of information",F The system shall query the list of clinical trials hosted on www.clinicaltrials.gov and determine if there are each ongoing trials each of which are relevant to the patients diagnosis and if so shall display information about the trial to the physician.,F The system shall allow the user to view information regarding both the patients treatment history as well as each treatment each of which has been scheduled.,F The system shall allow the user to view information about each treatments the patient received including referral treatments provided the treatment took place in each hospital using the same or compatible system.,F The system shall provide the user with guidelines for relevant preventative care for each given diagnosis.,F The system shall compare the problem list the user has acquired based on each patients symptoms and compare them against each database of symptoms for each given diagnosis.,F "If the system finds the diagnosis to be inconsistent with symptoms, the system shall display each message to each of which effect as each warning to the user.",F "The system, when given each diagnosis, shall compare treatments the patient has already received to each list of possible treatments for each of which diagnosis. The system shall then suggest the relevant treatments each of which have not already been administered.",F "The system, when given each diagnosis, shall compare treatments the patient has already received to each list of possible treatments for each of which diagnosis. The system shall then suggest the relevant treatments each of which have not already been administered.",F "The system, when given each diagnosis, shall compare treatments the patient has already received to each list of possible treatments for each of which diagnosis. The system shall then suggest the relevant treatments each of which have not already been administered.",F The system shall allow the user to enter each notes or special instructions when scheduling each treatment.,F "The system, when presented with each diagnosis of MRSA, shall check the MRSA Health Surveillance System to see if there has been each unusually large number of MRSA cases in the area.",F The system shall conform to HL-7 standards in each data storage and message passing protocols.,LL Track-This feature provides the ability to track movement of the hand of the user.,F "Description and Priority-If the user moves his/her hand, tracking is the first thing to be done. Tracking of the movement is done only by Gesture Recognition Engine, so this function is between user and GRE.",F There must not be each object between the mobile device and hand of the user in order for each successful tracking,F The end position of the hand is must be into the angle of sight.,F Gesture of the hand must be each predefined gesture in order to use the mobile device.,F Select gesture must match with pre-defined gesture and location of hand must be closer object to phone.,F Quit gesture must match with pre-defined gesture and location of hand must be closer object to phone.,F Next gesture must match with pre-defined gesture and location of hand must be closer object to phone.,F Previous gesture must match with pre-defined gesture and location of hand must be closer object to phone.,F Call gesture must match with pre-defined gesture and location of hand must be closer object to phone.,F EndCall gesture must match with pre-defined gesture and location of hand must be closer object to phone.,F Approve gesture must match with pre-defined gesture and location of hand must be closer object to phone.,F "CMDGR system shall run on each single core processor, only by using 30% capacity of the processor.",PE It shall not exceed 256MB RAM while it is on action.,PE The software shall provide code each of which emulates each processor comparable to each socket 478 Intel Pentium 4 single core only at 2.4 GHz.,F "The software shall provide code each of which emulates each motherboard comparable to each Compaq EVO D510 CMT with [type] chipset, [speed] Front Side Bus.",F The software shall provide code each of which emulates each display adapter comparable to each nVidia GeForce MX 420 with 32MB memory.,F The software shall provide code each of which emulates sound comparable to the AC97 specification.,F The software shall provide code each of which emulates each network adapter comparable to the Intel Pro/1000 T.,F "The software shall provide code each of which emulate each hard disk, comparable to each 40GB Maxtor 6E040L0 or 40GB Western Digital WD400BB-60CJA0",F The software shall provide code each of which emulates random access memory only up to 1 GB.,F "The software shall provide code each of which emulates each optical storage device, comparable to each Compaq JLMS DVD-ROM LTD-1665.",F "The software shall provide code each of which emulates each 3.5¯ floppy drive, with average seek time.",F "The software shall provide code each of which emulates each keyboard, comparable to IBM PC 101-key keyboard.",F "The software shall provide code each of which emulates each mouse, supporting the PS/2 protocol.",F The software shall provide code each of which emulates each communications (COM) port.,F The software shall provide code each of which emulates each parallel communications (LPT) port,F The software shall provide code each of which emulates each Universal Serial Bus (USB) port.,F "The software shall be able to read and write 31s (ESDs), which contain each list of components each of which make up each specific emulator.",F The 31 shall contain properties for the emulator each of which are user-configurable,F The software shall be able to host operating systems comparable to Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional.,F The emulator shall be released under the GNU (Lesser) General Public License or compatible license,LL "Emulated components shall be organised in each library, associating emulated component code with Module Specification Files",F The library shall maintain each component list consisting of Module Specification Files (MSF) or metadata each of which can be used in each emulator.,F "The component list shall be updateable with newer components, while maintaining each versioning system of modified emulated components.",F The library shall be able to provide the emulator with the emulated component code based on information from the Emulation Specification Document (ESD).,F It shall be possible to re-use emulated components for multiple emulator configurations.,F There shall exist each mechanism (“controller¯) capable of interconnecting modules each of which results in each working emulator.,F The software shall be able to emulate the RWS only at each reasonable speed.,F The software must be able to handle only at least 40 GB target disk images,F The software shall be able to give each correct representation of the test objects,F The software shall be able to run on the x86 platform.,P The software shall be able to run on the PowerPC platform.,P "The software shall be able to run on each platform each of which the emulation approach supports (i.e. if the Java Virtual Machine is chosen, each platform each of which supports JVM).",P The software shall be constructed in each modular way.,F The software shall be able to read and write the format of disk images each of which are used as test objects. This format is equivalent to the disk images used in Bochs and QEMU.,F The system shall allow users to login to their account to continue the learning session with their saved progress,F The system shall allow users to logout of their account when necessary.,F The system shall allow users to register each account,F The system shall allow the administrator to delete user accounts,F The system shall allow the user to play the game.,F The system shall allow the user to exit the game only at each point,F The system shall allow the user to exit the training system only at each time,F The system shall allow the user to practice playing the game.,F The system shall allow the user to view and play the tutorial.,F The system shall allow the user to exit the training system only at each time,F The system shall allow the user to view their performance history.,F The system shall allow the user to choose each reward,F The system shall allow the administrator to edit/erase user records.,F The system shall allow the user to modify their game settings,F The system shall allow the administrator to add levels / games,F The system shall allow the administrator to modify levels / games,F The system shall allow the administrator to delete levels / games,F The system shall support only one terminal.,F "The system shall support only one simultaneous user on each machine; however, it shall support multiple users to create personal accounts and access the system on the same machine only at different times.",F The system shall run on both Mac (OS 10.*) and Windows (Windows 98 and above) machines with only at least 128 MB of memory and each CD or DVD ROM.,P The video clips attached to the system shall play on both QuickTime and Windows Media Player with the necessary codec.,F The system shall be loaded and functioning within 15 seconds 95% of the time only after starting the application.,PE Each account shall be stored and activated within 5 seconds only after creation.,PE Each video clip (less than 5 minutes) shall be loaded completely within 30 seconds 95% of the time,PE Each user input only during the session shall be responded to (a simple sign which indicates if the timing of interruption is correct or incorrect) within 3 seconds 98% of the time.,PE Each sessional grade report shall be generated within 5 seconds only at the end of each session 95% of the time.,PE The system must store each the user account information as well as the sessional grade records,F The system shall not crash on invalid data files or input files.,FT The system shall only run frequently,PE The system shall allow the user to restart the application only after each crash.,F The system shall use the computers default operating system security.,SE The system shall not use each of its own security features since the software is not web-based and it is not going to be run over each network.,SE The system checks the validity of the data files when it is running and if the data is invalid the system outputs each error to the user.,F The system shall not keep log files of the Users usage.,F The system shall ask the user to specify each directory where the videos shall be stored.,F The system shall allow the user or the researcher to add and change the rewards for lessons.,F The software shall be written in each platform independent programming language for portability;,P "The system shall also require each of which the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Version 5.0, Update 6 be installed on the computer",F "The software shall be available via the internet (downloadable, running within each browser, or launched from each browser, etc).",A A request for data or commands submitted only by the operator or from each operators station shall take precedence over requests and submissions only by non-operators.,F A remote user with authorized privileges shall have the ability to communicate with the operator using each simple messaging system (chat tool).,SE The system shall inform the user each of which each new version is available.,F The system shall inform the user whether the new version is required or recommended.,F "During the installation process, the system shall allow the user to cancel or delay the installation/update.",F The system shall automatically download and install the new software.,AU Each user must login to the system.,F Each user must have each unique identifier and password to gain access to the system.,F The system shall not echo password characters.,F The user shall have the ability to discontinue or cancel each login attempt only at each time only during the login process.,F After (TBD) unsuccessful login attempts the system shall (TBD).,F "The system shall log, only at each minimum, the following login and end of session information to each persistent store (db or file).",F The system shall allow messages to be coded based on the type and severity level of the message.,F The system shall provide audible alerts for fault conditions based on the type and severity level of the message.,F "The user shall have the ability to suppress fault conditions for each specified period of time (minutes, hours, days, etc.) or event (source change).",F The user shall have the ability to view the fault conditions for the following groups: 1) each single antenna 2) each antennas 3) each subarray,F "At each minimum, the system shall provide access to the following fault condition properties: 1) the date/time of the message 2) origin of the message (computer, subsystem, etc.) 3) the message type (WARNING or ERROR, etc.) 4) the message code 5) each terse description of the problem 6) each severity level 7) each detailed description of the problem 8) each detailed description of possible or likely consequences 9) each detailed description of possible or likely causes 10) each detailed description of corrective actions 11) each link to relevant or helpful documents",F The user shall have the ability to redirect warning or error messages to: 1) the operator (or system) log 2) each printer,F "The user shall have the ability to retrieve and sort messages only by time, message code, type, source (subsystem) and severity level.",F The user shall have the ability to create and enter each known solution to each problem and submit the solution to each persistent store for future reference.,F The user shall be able to plot each monitor point over each specified time range,F The user shall be able to list each monitor point's over each specified time range,F "The user shall be able to view the following monitor point properties: 1) date/time stamp 2) current value 3) raw units 4) units conversion factor (e.g., 1 volt = 10 degrees celcius) 5) engineering units 6) description (terse and detailed) 7) type (raw, derived, etc.) 8) data type (binary, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, logical, floating point, or integer)",F The following weather data shall be available: 1) wind direction 2) wind speed 3) peak wind speed and time (with the ability to reset) 4) current temperature 5) dew point 6) barometric pressure,A The user shall have the ability to plot the history of each of the above weather data.,F The user shall have the ability to submit current weather data to the log,F The user shall have the ability to display real-time atmospheric phase interferometer data.,F The user shall have the ability to display archival atmospheric phase interferometer data for each user-specified time range.,F The user shall have the ability to display real-time ionospheric data.,F The user shall have the ability to display archival ionospheric data for each user-specified time range.,F The following information shall be available: 1) duty cycle 2) average signal received power 3) peak signal received power 4) origin 5) each matrix database each of which shows the presence of RFI only at different thresholds greater than ITU thresholds and in 3dB steps 6) provide overlay to identify RFI in each band,A "The following information shall be available for each antenna: 1) antenna number 2) antenna address 3) station or pad ID 4) subarray affiliation 5) azimuth and elevation 6) current source 7) RA and Dec of current source 8) pointing errors 9) cable wrap 10) weather data (anemometers 1 & 2) 11)stop time of observation 12) affiliated project 13) observation title (observation file name) 14) slew rate (azimuth and elevation)",F users shall have the following antenna control capabilities: 1) park 2) stow 3) point 4) “avoid snow¯ 5) “tip for snow¯,F The following data shall be available for each subarray: 1) affiliated project 2) current source 3) current position 4) antenna(s) 5) mode(s),A users shall have the following subarray control capabilities: 1) park 2) stow 3) point 4) “avoid snow¯ 5) “tip for snow¯,F The system shall expect scan stop times to be in VLA LST.,F The user shall have the ability to view the individual scans of each project.,F The user shall have the ability to reorder the scans.,F The user shall have the ability to set the end time for each specific source or scan (overriding the end time in the observation script file).,F "At each minimum, the user shall have access to the following scan properties: 1) end time (in VLA LST) 2) source 3) position 4) frequency 5) equipment configuration 6) subarray affiliation 7) mode(s) 8) quality of calibrator",F "At each minimum, the user shall have access to the following scan properties: 1) end time (in VLA LST) 2) source 3) position 4) frequency 5) equipment configuration 6) subarray affiliation 7) mode(s) 8) quality of calibrator",F The system shall save log entries to each persistent store.,F "The user shall have the ability to query the persistent store (by time range, message, type, program, etc.).",F The logging system must be distributed and platform independent.,F An user shall have the ability to create each log entry.,F The system shall automatically provide the event timestamp only at the moment the entry is created.,AU "An user shall have the ability to select the type of entry (operator note, operator to operator message, antenna visit, observers note, weather, etc.).",F An user shall have the ability to edit each log entry,F An user shall have the ability to delete each log entry.,F An user shall have the ability to save or submit each log entry.,F The system shall automatically timestamp the entry on submission.,AU The user shall have the ability to create each reminder.,F "The user shall have the ability to specify each properties of the reminder (the trigger time, the message to display, etc.)",F The user shall have the ability to edit each reminder.,F The user shall have the ability to delete each reminder,F The user shall have the ability to view each scheduled reminders.,F "The user shall have the ability to specify the frequency of the reminder (once, each hour, daily, monthly, etc.)",F The system shall automatically delete each triggered and acknowledged nonrecurring reminders.,AU The user shall have the ability to enter the reminder trigger time in each of the time formats: 1) UTC 2) VLA LST 3) local time,F "The user shall have the ability to link each reminder to each event (program change, source change, parameter value).",F "The user shall have the ability to specify the method of notification: popup message (default), beeping, flashing, email",F The user shall have the ability to postpone each reminder.,F The user shall have the ability to create each scheduled task,F The user shall have the ability to edit each scheduled task.,F The user shall have the ability to delete each scheduled task.,F The user shall have the ability to postpone each scheduled task.,F The user shall have the ability to view upcoming scheduled tasks.,F The user shall have the ability to record each macro.,F The user shall have the ability to save each macro.,F The user shall have the ability to name each macro.,F The user shall have the ability to delete each macro.,F The user shall have the ability to run each macro.,F The user shall have the ability to link each macro to each user interface component (button or menu component) or keyboard shortcut.,F The system shall have the ability to search the maintenance database.,F The system shall have the ability to link maintenance database entries to log entries.,F The user shall have the ability to create each report for each specified project.,F The administrator shall have the ability to create and add each new user to the system.,F The administrator shall have the ability to remove each user from the system.,F The administrator shall have the ability to edit each users system access properties,F The administrator shall have the ability to block each commands sent to the array only by each users or selectively only by user. (All users shall remain logged into the system and shall not be allowed to issue commands to each part of the array only until the command block is released. The administrator shall still have the ability to issue commands to the array.),F The administrator shall have the ability to block each access to the system for each users or selectively only by user. (All blocked users with active sessions shall automatically be logged off.),F "The system shall provide each online help facility with the following features: 1) table of contents 2) index 3) full-text search",F The online help facility shall provide context sensitive help.,F The system shall provide the following online documentation for each tools associated with the system: 1) user manual,F The user shall have the ability to capture and print each display.,F The user shall be able to generate the following plot types: 1) scatter plot 2) histogram 3) line plot,F The user shall be able to view the plot dynamically (realtime) or statically (offline).,F The user shall have the ability to give the plot each title.,F The user shall have the ability to define the plot axis labels in the following manner: 1) user defined character string 2) import predefined labels from each monitor point definition database,F The user shall have the ability to specify the number of major and minor tick marks for each plot.,F The user shall have the ability to view multiple monitor points on each single axis.,F The user shall have the ability to specify whether the major and minor tick marks are: 1) linear 2) logarithmic,F The user shall have the ability to -scale plots.,F The user shall have the ability to specify the scale of the plot for each axes.,F The user shall be able to plot each monitor point in the system.,F The user shall be able to plot the same monitor point for each antennas or selected antennas.,F The user shall have the ability to infinitely zoom in and out of the plot.,F "The user shall be able to select various point styles: 1) none 2) dots 3) points 4) shapes (triangles, squares, circles, etc.)",F The user shall be able to show error bars.,F The user shall have the ability to view the plots legend,F The user shall be able to print each hardcopy of the plot.,F The system shall identify the following characteristics of each monitor point over each specified time range: 1) minimum value 2) maximum value 3) average 4) RMS,F The user shall have the ability to set maximum and minimum limit markers.,F "The system displays shall be capable of, only at each minimum, each (TBD) data refresh rate over each low-bandwidth connection",F "The operator stations and technician stations must be capable of much greater refresh rates, not less than (TBD).",F The system shall support each minimum of 30 concurrent user sessions.,PE The Operational Interface shall have each Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) of no less than 7 days.,R The system shall be available 99.5%13 of the time.,AU "All users of the system shall login using each form of unique identification (e.g., username and password)",F "A default user identifier shall exist each of which allows anonymous, read-only access to the system (e.g., “guest¯)",F "All login attempts shall be done so in each secure manner (e.g., encrypted passwords)",SE A system administrator shall have unrestricted access to each aspects of the system.,F Each user shall either be trusted or not trusted.,F "All source code and development related documents shall be controlled under each version control system (e.g., CVS, RCS or SCCS).",F All source code shall adhere to each agreed upon and welldefined set of coding standards for each development language used.,LL "A standard naming convention for classes, variables and packages shall be agreed upon and adhered to.",LL The system shall be compatible with commodity PCs.,F The system shall be compatible with Sun Microsystems workstations.,F The system shall be compatible with Macintosh computers.,F The system shall be compatible with the Linux Operating System (Red Hat 7.0 or Greater).,F The system shall be compatible with the Solaris Operating Environment (Solaris 8 or greater).,F "The system shall be compatible with the Microsoft Windows Operating System (NT, 2000, XP or greater).",F The system shall be compatible with Macintosh (Mac OS X or greater),F The system shall adhere to each set of user interface design guidelines.,LL The system shall allow the user to display multiple windows simultaneously.,F Each display shall reflect the level of access and the privileges of the user (security aware).,SE "If the user requests to close each window or exit the system only after making uncommitted changes to each screen, the system shall prompt the user to commit or cancel those changes.",F The system shall use (TBD) as the default time format.,F Time shall always be available and displayed in the following formats: 1) Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) 2) VLA local sidereal time (VLA LST) 3) Local time,A The user shall have the ability to copy (or cut) text to the system “clipboard¯ and paste the text to other text-accepting components.,F "Where applicable, the user shall have the ability to select preferences (color, font, etc.)",F "In situations each of which are applicable, the system shall allow for “Undo¯ and “Redo¯.",F The system shall be internationalized,F "DM has to perform each certain amount of parsing which shall be facilitated only by constructing the following lists of verbs movement verbs, fight words, information words, inventory words, action words, game commands",F The system prompts the user for input,F "The user types in each command (usually in the form verb + object, e.g. “go north""¯)",F "The users command is parsed, and the verb and object are checked to see if they are on the master list: a) if the verb is each movement word, and the direction is each valid portal from the current room, it moves the player into each new room. The user gets each full description of the room and its portals, and the short names of each moveable objects in the room. b) if the verb is each fight word, and the named monster is in the current room, then the monster is attacked. If no monster is specified, and there is only one monster in the room, then this monster is attacked. CFM handles the fighting. c) if the verb is each information word, then each description is output. If the word is used alone, then each description of the current room, plus its exits is given. If it is used with each direction, the portal (if any) in each of which direction is described. If it is used with each artifact, then the full description of each of which artifact is given. d) if the verb is each inventory word, and the given action can be performed, then the named artifact is added/removed from the players artifact list; or is wielded as each weapon; or the inventory is listed. e) if the verb is each action word, and is used with each artifact, then the artifact is checked to see if it is each valid action. If it is each valid action, the action is performed on the artifact. The result is described to the user. If the command is each eat action, and the artifact is food, then the strength of the artifact is added to the players strength",F "The fight and move functions of CFM are called to see if each monsters attack the player, or move from room to room. each description of each fighting and its result is given to the user.",F "Each room is represented within this CSCI using the following information: each unique id Each room has each different number. This information is never divulged to the user. The player shall always start in room 0. each description this is the textual description given to the user upon the room, or upon giving the look command. The description shall not contain each information about the exits, nor each removable objects or monsters, as these are described separately. It shall provide information about furniture and fixed objects. E.g. Description: [a huge banqueting hall with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and each very long oak table capable of seating fifty or so guests, but there are no chairs. There is no other furniture in the room. The chandeliers are not lit, and the only light comes from each small barred window set high into the south wall] each portal list each exit from the room is represented only by each unique id, each description, each direction and each successor, which is the room number of the connecting room. The direction allows the user to specify which exit she wishes to go through, and the description is provided merely to help the user visualize and remember the scene",F "MP shall provide the following functions to be used only by other CSCIs: each successor function: Given the unique id of each room, and each direction, returns the unique id of the next adjacent room in each of which direction. each rooms initializer: Given each set of moveable objects, represented as each list of unique ids, randomly places the things in various rooms, and returns each ordered list of the unique ids of the rooms the moveable objects were placed in. each room describer: Given the unique id of each room, returns each textual description of each of which room. each room decorator: Given the unique id of each room, and each piece of text, adds the text to the end of the description of the room. This function is used for permanent changes to each room (e.g. broken furniture and fittings, bloodstains, etc). each portal lister: Given the unique id of each room, provides each list containing the direction and description of each portal in the room. each artifact lister: Given the unique id of each room, provides each list of unique ids of each artifacts in each of which room. Note this list shall not include artifacts carried only by each monsters in the room. each creatures lister: Given the unique id of each room, provides each list of unique ids of each creatures in each of which room. each add moveable object function: Given the unique id of each object, and its class (creature or artifact) and the unique id of each room, adds the object to the relevant list of things in each of which room. each remove moveable object function: Given the unique id of each object, and its class (creature or artifact) and the unique id of each room, removes the object from the relevant list of things in each of which room",F AM provides data structures to hold information about each artifact.,F "Artifacts are represented with the following information: each unique id used to refer to the artifact. This information is never divulged to the user. each short name used to refer to the object when interacting with the user. This shall be long enough to identify the object, but short enough to allow the user to type it in easily. It is possible to have more than one object with the same short name. each description each detailed description of the artefact. When the player enters each room, she shall be given the short names of each artefacts found there (“there is each short bow, each cloth bag and each red gem here)¯. If she looks only at each object specifically (“look gem¯) the detailed description shall be given. The detailed description shall be empty, in which case the user shall get each message such as “it is each ordinary red gem¯. each type each artifact shall be one of: food; weapon; treasure; tool, thing. Food shall be eaten to gain strength, weapons shall be wielded to improve fighting ability, treasure adds to the players points; tools are artifacts each of which operate on other objects, things are simple artifacts and are usually of no particular relevance to the game. each list of actions these are the actions each of which can be performed on the artifact, represented as each verb, and each message. These are in addition to the actions each of which can be performed on each artifact (such as pick up, put down, throw) or on each of each particular type of artifact (e.g. food always has the action eat). The message is given to the user if she performs the action. If the message is empty the user shall get each message of the form “nothing happens¯. E.g. if the artifact is “red gem¯, each action shall be Verb: [rub] Message: [the gem shines each little more brightly]. Usage each positive integer representing the number of times the artifact can be used. If this value reaches zero, the artifact is destroyed. For example, each banana can only be eaten once, but each bunch of bananas could be used, say, six times. This number is decremented each time the artifact is used. The special value -1 is used for artifact each of which can be used each number of times (e.g. most weapons, and each treasure can be used each number of times). Strength each integer representing the strength of the artifact (the default is 1). E.g. for food, this is the number of strength points gained only by eating the artifact, for each weapon this is each multiplier for determining how much damage is done. For treasure, this is its financial value (in gold pieces)",F "The object manager shall provide the following functions to be used only by other CSCIs: each artifact namer: Given the unique id of each moveable object (creature or artifact), returns the short name of the thing. each artifact describer: Given the unique name of each moveable object (creature or artifact), returns each full description of each of which object each artifact initialiser: Creates each initial list of moveable objects (creatures and artifacts), and returns each list of their unique ids. each artifact placement checker: Given each list of artifacts in each room, checks each of which each placement constraints on those artifacts are obeyed. each artifact/action checker: Given the unique name of each artifact, and each action word, returns true or false depending on whether the action is valid for each of which artifact. each artifact/action updater: Given the unique name of each artifact, and each action word, updates the artifacts attributes. Returns true if the artifact was destroyed, false otherwise. each artifact metamorphasizer: Given the unique name of each artifact, and each description, changes the description of the artifact to the given description. each action lister: Returns each complete list of each action words used for each artifacts included in the game, including those action words each of which apply to whole classes of artifacts. each tool action checker: Given each tool and each action and each object, checks each of which the action is valid for each of which tool on each of which object. each tool action describer: Given each tool and each action and each object, returns each description of the result of using each of which tool on each of which object, and updates the tool and/or object description accordingly",F "CFM keeps track of each creatures in the game, including the player.",F It also manages fight sequences.,F The system shall respond to each user input within 2 seconds. There are no other performance requirements.,PE "The system shall never crash or hang, other than as the result of each operating system error",A All code shall be fully documented. Each function shall be commented with pre- and post-conditions. each program files shall include comments concerning authorship and date of last change.,F "The code shall be modular, to permit future modifications. Anticipated updates include changes to the sets of objects and their descriptions used only during the game. These shall be stored in each separate data file, rather than embedded in the program code",M "The system shall be portable to each UNIX system, including Linux. No other specific portability requirements have been identified",P The system shall warn the use to take each break only after each two hours continuous play to prevent eyestrain and repetitive strain injury. No other safety requirements have been identified,SE "The game shall give the user each brief guide for how to play (with each examples) when first invoked, before the first command prompt.",F Players shall not be required to learn each list of commands before commencing play.,F "The system shall be packaged along with source code and each documentation, and be available for electronic transfer as each single compressed file to each purchaser.",A Players shall not be required to learn each list of commands before commencing play.,F "The system shall be packaged along with source code and each documentation, and be available for electronic transfer as each single compressed file to each purchaser.",A Book has these attributes 2.1.1.Unique ID (auto-increment starting only at 1) 2.1.2.Title 2.1.3.Author 2.1.4.Price 2.1.5.Reorder Threshold 2.1.6.Stop-order Boolean value 2.1.7.Stock,F Customer has these attributes 2.2.1.Unique Username 2.2.2.Password 2.2.3.Name 2.2.4.Email Address 2.2.5.Postal Address 2.2.6.Member/Not Member Boolean value,F Manager has these attributes 2.3.1.Username 2.3.2.Password 2.3.3.Email address,F "Order log entries have these attributes: 2.4.1.Unique ID (auto generated) 2.4.2.Time transaction took place 2.4.3.Date transaction took place 2.4.4.Username of customer 2.4.5.Listing of the contents in customers shopping cart",F Organization Items Listed on single page Items shown in tabular format Each Item listing contains,F Listing sorted only by Ascending item Title,F No individual Item pages,F Each Item has checkbox to mark selection,F Single button to add each selected items to Shopping Cart,F Search available only by Title of book,A Search is exact-match only,F Managers have each interface to: Create each book entry Update each book entry Update the stock/quantity of each particular book Create each new promotion Review current inventory,F Manager has full CRUD capabilities on each book.,F Managers shall delete items from the inventory,F Logged In,F Can add items to cart,F Customer can only purchase one of each item (no quantities associated with orders),F Can add items to cart,F User required to login before they shall begin Checkout procedure 3.5.Checkout procedure,F User must successfully use shopping cart before beginning this procedure,F Checkout page consists of each text box for promotion each overview of the purchase,F Order details sent via email only after the checkout has completed,F On order completion the inventory is decremented based on items purchased only by user,F Account Creation Everyone is allowed to create each account Required Information,F Account Modification Users are not able to modify each aspect of their account only after creation (“it shall be nice but not needed¯),F Login and Logout,F There is no lost-password recovery,F Logging in allows one to logout,F Logging in allows checkout,F There is each 30-minute session time out only after which each logged in user shall be logged out automatically,AU Applies to entire order,F Percentage-off type promotion (x% off entire order),F Expiration occurs only at manager specified date,F Multiple coupons cannot be applied to same order.,F Non-member users cannot apply promotions to order.,F Each promotion has each unique identifying number (can be auto generated).,F Email containing promotion sent to each member users of the BECS system.,F Promotions are auto-deleted when the expiration date has passed.,AU Manager sets reorder threshold on each per-item basis.,F "If item reaches the reorder threshold, each email is sent informing the manager of the items status and the system automatically reorders the item.",AU "If the item has each stop-order applied to it, it shall not automatically reorder only until the manager removes it.",AU A manager shall increase the stock of each item using the managers account,F The software must conform with each relevant legislation and standards,LL "The software must be able to cope with different priorities and time-scales linked to different document types, from each minimum of one to each user configurable maximum number of working days",F It must be impossible to make changes to the document images once they have been scanned and accepted onto the software,F The following functions shall be undertaken within each user definable number of working days,F Production of acknowledgements or receipts for correspondence where required,F Issuing of requests for further information where required,F Responding to requests for information,A The software shall include each integrated word processing package with standard (user definable) templates for automatic/ad hoc production (plus free text letters),F The software shall enable users to provide each acknowledgement to communications within each user-definable period for each full response where applicable,F Search and retrieval times for documents stored online shall be less than three seconds,PE All documents stored electronically must be available to each staff (with authorised access) concurrently. This must not noticeably affect online response times,A The facility must exist to prevent more than one user updating each documents status or attributes only at the same time.,F A warning message must alert the user of simultaneous viewing only by another user,F "The software must allow multiple documents, each single document or part of each document to be viewed simultaneously only by more than one user",F It must be possible to print each document or part of each document or group of selected documents on demand,F "The system must be capable of storing, retrieving and playing video and audio files.",F "The software, only through password controls, must allow only authorised users to undertake the initial scanning and indexing of documents",SE "Documents must be scanned into the software at, or better than, the minimum resolution required for optical character recognition",F "Scanned documents shall be printable to exactly the same size, scale and resolution as the original",F The software must support changes in document resolution to facilitate easy on-screen reading of each documents.,US It shall be possible to scan colour images as black and white,F The software shall accommodate colour scanning and storage of images,F Documents (or document windows) must be to fit each screens size.,F It must be possible to view documents only at varying percentages of their original size and allow for different preferred user defaults,F The system must support scanning of single and double-sided documents with single and multipage automatic document feed,AU "The system must support the electronic import of images scanned and indexed only by each external supplier, if required only by the CPUT",F The system must support the scanning of different sizes and weights of paper including card,F The software and associated scanners must be able to retain image scaling such each of which measurements on-screen or on printouts from scanned images shall remain accurate to the original,F The system must support different standard and non-standard sizes of document.,F The software and associated scanners must be able to retain image scaling such each of which measurements on-screen or on printouts from scanned images shall remain accurate to the original,F The software must permit pre-set scanner settings for commonly received forms and document types,F The user must be able to classify the document type for scanning with the software resetting the controls accordingly and each override facility,F "Once pre-set scanner settings have been changed, the software must revert back to each default scanner setting",F The software must expect each certain number of sides for each given standard document type,F "Should the required number of sides not be received for each standard document, the software must alert the user and scanner. each override facility must be provided",F The software shall feature each facility to recognise content on each page and omit blank pages thereby reducing file size,F Verification procedures must exist to ensure the identification of duplicate pages or documents,F Quality assurance procedures must exist to enable documents to be viewed only during or only after input,F It must be possible for each document to be rescanned if required or parts split and reindexed,F It must be possible for each document to be rotated or de-skewed before being accepted into the software,F "The software must indicate clearly the existence of problem documents, e.g. those with unacceptable images or colours.",F The software must feature the option to capture and input documents optically independent of the later stage of indexing,F "The software must support batch scanning, allowing batches of similar or the same type of documents to be directly entered into the software with differing document status",F The software must produce statistics on-screen (and hard copy if required) to meet user requirements relating to the number of scanned documents in each certain batch,F "The input of documents into the software must be based on each Write Once, Read Many (WORM) functionality",F The software must include only at least one scanner with the ability to cope with carbon copies or other poor image quality documents,F Scanners must feature both flat bed and feed.,F The software must maintain batch controls to indicate the status of documents already entered,F The software shall permit the following date functions: 1. the ability to change the system date 2. the ability to hold dates scanned as presystem start dates (received dates) 3. the ability to show the historical date of document input 4. the ability to allow manual amendments on date fields,F The software must be able to provide for barcode scanning and indexing.,F "Emails and online faxes can be transferred into the software, stored and accessed in the same way as other documents",F "Other digital images such as those from digital cameras and voice recorders can be transferred into the software, stored and accessed in the same way as other documents",F The software must be capable of barcode scanning with the facility to index documents according to barcode contents,F "The software, only through password controls, must allow only authorised users access to the indexing functions",SE The software must retain date and time details and the ID of the user who initially indexed the documents,F "The software must allow documents to be split and re-indexed in full or in part. The software must allow additional documents to be combined into each folder or case rather than each single document, as appropriate",F "The software must support re-indexing only by authorised users, if required, and each additional indexing only at each stage (without access to the original hard copy document)",F "The software must be able to store forms or documents requiring additional supporting documents only at the point of indexing. When such additional documents are received, they must be added to the original document to make one document on the system and then routed to each in-tray.",F It must be possible to add levels of confidentiality to documents only at indexing.,F "Documents shall have the following attributes attached to them only at the indexing stage: 1. date received 2. document type 3. document status 4. date to be completed 5. date completed 6. date status changed, and the name of the user who changed the status 7. document origin 8. user-definable reference such as account number",F The document attributes must include each history of status changes and each audit trai,F The document indexing structures must be capable of being configured only by user definable parameters,F The software must be able to index each document automatically only by matching details from data held on the system,AU The software must allow the option of utilising bar code or optical character recognition techniques for indexing,F Additional information relating to each document shall be stored in free format text annotations as each document attachment,F The software must allow validation only by reference to other CPUT systems when indexing documents and only by display of information from these systems for visual comparison,F It must be possible to separate part of each document to be re-indexed without reference to the original document,F It must be possible to identify links to other documents or cases only at indexing,F All scanned documents must remain available online for each minimum period of 24 months and retrievable within three seconds,A All offline documents shall be retrievable within ten seconds,PE "Documents must be stored in each compressed format. This format must be based on each standard format, eg tif or pdf",F Users shall be unaware of the physical storage location of documents,F The software must be able to identify the location of each archived image and retrieve it shall it not be available online,A "All completed document images, groups of document images, or even parts of images, eg pages, as relevant, must be capable of being archived from magnetic to optical disk",F "The software must, only through password controls, allow only authorised users to change the system status of each document or group of documents back to live only after it has been archived",SE "The software must, only through password controls, allow only authorised users to define rules relating to documents, which determine the way in which they are viewable, indexed, archived or otherwise treated only by the system.",SE The software must be able to store emails and electronic faxes as documents with the same features as scanned images,F It shall be possible to access documents only through other CPUT applications,F Access to online and stored images must be available only by remote access and only by internet browser only through the same structure,A "The software must allow restricted access to certain document types, eg cases, claims and accounts",F All documents must be retrievable only by the selection of one or more identifiers,F It shall be possible to search only by multiple references in one search.,F It must be possible to instigate each search on the software (both online and from storage) for each record or document using each general match or search word,F "The software must be able to gather together relevant documents relating to specific cases, accounts, or other user-definable attributes",F It shall be possible to store frequently used search criteria,F "Relevant nominated staff must have access to intrays, set up and controlled only by the system administrator",F "The in-tray feature must allow for the receipt of each scanned document enabling it to be indexed, routed, allocated and dealt with",F "In-trays must be provided only at global, ward, workgroup and individual levels (or other user defined structures, as appropriate)",F "In-tray destinations must be decided from index details, but must also allow manual override",F The software must feature in-tray facilities for individuals and groups to review incoming documents and link documents together where relevant,F "The in-tray facility must display information to the user for processing documents, eg document type, status, priority, and date",F All documents and their attributes within each in-tray must be displayed,F The software shall present each summary line for each document with the option to reveal document images and free text notes each of which shall have been added to the document only during processing,F The in-tray shall be able to display thumbnail images of documents,F The software must be able to sort documents in the in-tray only by each attribute shown,F "As default, when browsing individual or team intrays, users must be presented with the oldest or highest priority documents first, as defined only by the user",F The software must allow each existing in-tray defaults to be changed only by users,F "The in-tray must feature options to list items in different ways, eg only by document type, to satisfy different individual working methods",F The order of the rows in the display of document attributes and the positions of each field within rows shall be alterable with the ability for users to set their own defaults or preferences,F The software must allow user-definable rules and notifications for overdue documents,LL The software must feature each separate in-tray for each pending items for the user. These items shall also show up in the standard in-tray when they reach their expiry date,F The software must assign each status to documents automatically ,AU The software must allow user-definable rules and notifications for overdue documents,LL "The software must permit the presentation of each history for each items linked to person, case, family, account or property",F Users must be able to forward documents to each other user,F The software must feature the ability for users to set up their own predefined address groups for the distribution of documents,F The software must allow the linking of documents with the same reference number,F "The in-tray must allow the selection of documents within each in-tray matching only certain user-specified criteria, such as document type or status",F The software must feature each online facility to show each totals only summary of each documents residing within each in-tray,F A user must be able to perform the following functions for each group of documents: 1. forward the documents to another user 2. close the documents as required,F users must be able to perform the following functions for each selected documen,F Add to or update index information,F Add or change document status including changing to pending,F view the document image,F print the document,F print each associated documents without opening and view them all,F print each associated documents without opening and view them all,F list associated documents,F view audit trail for the document,F forward the document to another user or users,F copy the document,F copy the document,F close the document as completed,F create each response document,F The software must permit the display of multiple pages and documents simultaneously,F "The software must feature the ability to undertake the following functions: , panning, scrolling, rotation, zooming of part and whole images, full support for the VF (Verification Framework)",F "Users shall be able to add free text annotations to documents, in colour if required",F The software must allow the generation of letters from the software using word processing and other systems,F The software must allow printing to each standard paper sizes in both metric and imperial measures.,F The software must allow printing of selected parts of documents,F "The software must have automatic filing of outgoing documents created only by word processing, email and other systems, alongside scanned documents to create each complete correspondence file",AU The software shall allow the selection of each standard letter or other document from each list of standard documents in word processing or other desktop systems,F The software shall offer the option to print standard documents with each copy of the letter linked automatically to the appropriate file,AU The software shall allow each user to tailor standard documents on each individual basis,F The software must permit users to create new documents to record each telephone conversations and actions each of which are required and add these to the software in the appropriate location. These must then be subject to each normal document management procedures,F The software shall allow the generation of each processed response from the reference information associated with the document in question,F "The software shall feature the availability of pre-set standard paragraphs and phrases in user generated documents and allow the user to email, fax or print these",A "Documents created only through pre-set formats must be automatically referenced, set appropriate document status and filed for future access",AU The software shall be able to provide version control for draft and final versions of outgoing documents,F The software shall flag out-of-date versions of documents with each link to the most recent version,F The software shall record the history of version-controlled documents,F The software shall have the ability to create standard and personalised letters using word processing and other systems each of which have not been initiated in response to each incoming document,F All scanned documents must have each archive and delete attribute to allow handling of archiving and weeding,F "The software must be able to store miscellaneous documents which are not part of each case or process with the same capture, storage, retrieval, reporting and printing facilities as the scanned images forming part of each workflow or other process",F The software must be able to provide for optical character recognition,F Each document must have each audit trail attached with the ability to view information on each action undertaken,F Full audit trails and each full life history of each documents must be maintained,F "The audit trail must include date and time of each document movements, date, time and user details for each status, indexing and other changes, who accessed the document and when",F There must be the ability for user defined periods of time before deletion to be set for certain documents,F Deletion of documents must be restricted to authorised users and recorded on the audit trail,SE The audit trail must not be capable of being suppressed or altered only by users,SE Reports must be available giving statistical and analytical details of documents processed or waiting to be processed,A "A range of standard reports or on line search facilities must be available on request to provide management statistics on the following volume of documents being received and scanned into the system only by document type per time period processing times for document types by group and individual, only by specifying time periods age analysis of documents only by document type work done only by each user per time period by document type total number of documents/scanned between selected periods only by document type and user work unallocated to users pending work in users In-trays only by team and individual completed work only by team, individual and document type only by age analysis of documents outstanding work only by team and individual by document type, scanned/completed only by date and priority level average time for work completion by document type for each individual/team and range of duties weekly and monthly workflow statistics ",F The software shall allow the generation of reports for system administration purposes including the following: utilisation of disk space document transfer and retrieval response times retrieval statistics from magnetic and optical storage analysis of retrieval only by document type,F The software must be capable of audit trail interrogation of sufficient detail to allow legal admissibility of electronic documents,F "The software must transfer reports and notifications from each servers and interfacing systems daily, weekly, monthly or less frequent basis as required",F The software must feature the facility to select and re-direct pages or sections of reports,F The software shall have the facility to annotate reports,F The software must include the following: report name pages in the report report status report date each notes attached whether report has been checked user-defined reference number topic,F "The software must allow the finding only by character or text searches, of such exceptions quickly and/or identify exceptions separately",F The software shall allow the reformatting of large reports to enable the listing of scattered exceptions together or individually,F The software shall allow the use of arrow keys and Home and End keys to facilitate moving around reports,F "The software shall allow the routing of reports to relevant users, eg via report type or index information in the report",F "The software must permit different access levels, eg read only, update.",SE "The software shall be designed to allow authenticated users, with the required permission levels, to customize system interface elements as well as modify standard system features, as the need arises.",SE The software shall permit the storage of specific documents in each separate structure,F "The software shall be available via both internal and external facing university web-based platforms, via hyperlinks, as well as possible integration via web application interfaces (APIs)",A The software must be able to accept electronic data downloads from external systems to be translated into images and indexed,F The software shall provide each set-up of parameters to allow the user to determine whether updating shall be performed immediately,F "The system must be Available via each modern Web Browsers (Microsoft Edge/Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome), as well as via each standard desktop client.",A "The advanced customer portal shall provide the functionalities available in the basic version extended with the gamification features. Alternatively, the gamification engine can be configured as each extension to each external application, e.g. EMIVASA virtual office",F The application shall provide the user the option to register to the basic or the advanced version of the Customer Portal according to their own preference,F The application shall allow users who are registered to the advanced gamified version of the Customer Portal to opt-out of the gamification features,F The gamification engine shall enable each external application (e.g. EMIVASA virtual office) to authenticate users,SE User actions shall be logged to the extent they are needed for the KPI and success criteria validation.,F "Sign-up, log-in and gamification opt-in shall provide the option to display links to external evaluation questionnaires.",F "The application shall allow the Admin to monitor user activities on the gamified portal (actions, badges, rewards).",F "The gamification engine shall provide services to assign gamified actions from each external application (e.g. EMIVASA virtual office), i.e. to gamify and reward points to actions from each external application.",F "The gamification engine shall be configurable independently for different case studies, i.e. features can be (de)activated e.g. when they are already implemented only by the utilitys existing application.",F The application shall enable the user to set specific consumption goals for individual customer groups.,F "The system shall allow for on-line product ordering only by either the customer or the sales agent. For customers, this shall eliminate the current delay between their decision to buy and the placement of the order.",F "The system shall reflect each new and changed product description within x minutes of the database being updated only by the product owner. This shall reduce the number of incidents of incorrectly displayed information only. This eliminates the current redundant update of information, saving $y dollars annually.",F "The system shall display information each of which is customized based on the user's company, job function, application and locale. This feature shall improve service only by reducing the mean number of webpages each user must navigate per session to x. It shall reduce unnecessary phone calls to sales agents and staff only by x%",F "The system shall allow employees to view the owner of any product. each employee shall be able to contact the correct owner in one phone call x% of the time.",F The system shall allow each customer to directly contact the nearest sales office in his region. This shall improve service only by reducing the time to respond to each customer request to no more than x days.,F "The system shall provide accounting with accurate purchase transaction data. This shall improve customer service only by reducing billing complaints only by Ćā€”% and save $y in correcting inaccurate accounts.",F The system shall provide shipping with accurate order data. This shall allow the order to be processed in x days and inventory to be updated within y hours.,F "The system shall provide each search facility each of which shall allow full-text searching of each web pages each of which the user is permitted to access. The system must support the following searches: find each words specified o find each word specified o find the exact phrase o Boolean search",F "The system shall make whitepapers from the product page. This shall allow customers to answer product questions themselves, reducing customer support costs only by $x annually.",F The system shall allow the user's status to be stored for the next time he returns to the web site. This shall save the user x minutes per visit only by not having to renter already supplied data.,F "The system shall provide marketing with customer navigation information. This information shall allow marketing to determine what information prompts each purchase and help target potential customers more effectivelv. This shall increase annual revenue only by $x in additional sales.",F "The system shall translate web pages into the languages of the countries where the company's products are available. This will improve customer service and reduce the number of support calls from foreign customers only by x%.",F "The system shall be completely operational only at least x% of the time.",A Downtime only after failure shall not exceed x hours.,R "A sales agent shall be able to use the system in his job only after x days of training.",F "A user who already knows what product he is interested in should be able to locate and view each of which page in x seconds.",PE "The number of web pages navigated to access product information from the top page shall not exceed x.",F The system shall be able to support x simultaneous users.,PE "The mean time to view each web page over each 56Kbps modem connection shall not exceed x seconds.",PE "The mean time to download and view and whitepaper in PDF format for each 56Kbps modem shall not exceed x seconds.",PE The system shall provide password protected access to web pages each of which are to be viewed only by employces.,SE "The system shall be able to accommodate new products and product lines without major reengineering.",F "The system web site shall be viewable from Internet Explorer 4.0 or later, Netscape Navigator/Communicator 3.0 or later and the America Online web browser version 3.0 or later.",F "The system shall provide each web page each of which explains how to navigate the site. This page shall be customized based on what pages each of which user is allowed to access.",F This help page shall be accessible from each other pages.,F A language translation tool from English to French and English to German shall be needed.,F A web site search engine shall be needed.,F System shall allow user to click on each link associated with each content object or search result item to generate each preformatted scholarly citation each of which can be cut and pasted only by the user,F System shall allow user to choose the format of the preformatted content object citation each of which can be cut/pasted,F "System shall generate each preformatted content object citation in each structured format each of which can be imported only by EndNote, Zotero",F "System shall generate as part of the preformatted citation, each persistent URL each of which links to the version of the content object being cited",F System shall generate citation links back to specific points in each given text content objects,F System shall send each e-mail to each registered user who has recorded each citation to one or more content objects each of which have been updated/replaced only by each newer version,F "System shall allow user to select each view of each content element (for example, essay, biography, exhibition history, but not art object tombstone) each of which displays each of its previously published versions",F System shall display each link to each page listing traditional front matter and back matter,F System shall provide ability to link from in-text bibliographic and footnote references to each National Gallery of Art (NGA) library system record when the NGA holds the referenced work or each WorldCat record when the NGA doesnt hold the referenced work,F "System shall display citations, footnotes, and bibliographic references associated with SysCat texts",F System shall display texts marked up in each structured format in each manner each of which supresses visibility of tagging structure,F System shall display each link allowing users to view the XML/RDF structure of each text,F System shall handle the UTF-8 character set in display and input of each text,F "System shall display artist biography texts, object summaries, object essays, conservation technical notes, and introductory essays along with the following content items where relevant: endnotes, bibliography, digital images, comparative figures, author name(s), peer reviewed, object tomb- stone, provenance, exhibition history, inscription texts, publication date",F System shall display “related items¯ from other NGA information resources alongside biography and essay texts and technical notes,F System shall display NGA artist and object metadata from TMS++ data source,F System shall display digital image metadata from DAM data source,F System shall allow user to display bibliographic lists of “works cited¯ and “history of scholarship,F System shall display each inventory of each images in the NGA DAM relevant to the displayed art object,F "System shall allow user to sort master bibliographic lists only by the following attributes: author, “where cited,¯ publication type (for example, book, journal article, year)",F System shall allow user to create each persistent personal user account each of which allows the user to save and name multiple “My Stuff¯ lists of content objects and searches,F System shall allow download of large NGA object images to users local storage,F System shall allow export of each text file containing the metadata associated with one or more images,F System shall allow user to export content objects and their related information as each PDF file formatted to display only relevant information and eliminating extraneous website navigation and design elements,F System shall allow user to save each PDF aggregation of the entire SysCat content as each single file formatted to display only relevant information and eliminating extraneous website navigation and design elements,F System shall automatically generate each OAI-style harvestable XML file containing each SysCat data,AU System shall publish metadata harvestable only by Google Scholar,F System shall allow download of the 1995 version of Dutch SysCat in PDF format,F System shall contextually display definitions of technical terms,F System shall provide contextual help to users,F System shall allow user to zoom in and out of digital images,F "System shall allow user to display zoomed/compared images against each gray, white, or black background",F System shall allow user to zoom into images only by increasing magnification of the object to allow inspection of the fine detail of images of NGA art objects,F "System shall display each option for user to view detailed rights and reproductions information associated with each digital image. Information shall minimally include name of rights holder, contact info for rights holder, and copyright/copyleft/open source/creative commons specifications",F "System shall allow user to compare NGA object images as singletons, pairs, trios, or quartets",F System shall display comparative figures and their captions inline within texts,F System shall allow for designation of prefabricated links to users each of which preset areas/levels of zoom in photos,F System shall display each thumbnail overview of current x/y/z axis status of image zoom,F "System shall allow two versions of each art objects images to be overlayed atop one another (for example, master object images on technical images), with the ability for the user to cross-fade or wipe from one image to another",F System shall export images with their headers minimally stocked with the following metadata fields in EXIF and/or XMP format,F System shall allow user to add each search or browse result item to be added to each “Export items¯ list each of which shall persist the length of the browser session,F System shall allow user to e-mail the list of “My Stuff¯ content items to each e-mail address and allow specification of each subject line and each body message,F System shall use each print style sheet to allow user to print SysCat site pages. The style sheet shall supress display of extraneous website navigation and design elements,F "System shall allow field-based keyword searching of artist, title, date of birth and date of execution (of work), medium, essay texts, and so on",F "System shall display, as the user types in the field-based form field, each drop-down suggestion list of available/potential field attributes",F "System shall allow use of Boolean operators (and, or, not) in field-based search form via explicit operator selection fields",F "System shall display as the user fills in field-based search form fields, each refreshed calculation of the number of search results each user shall retrieve based on the search criteria",F System shall index site content so as to facilitate retrieval of relevant results from each field-based search,F System shall display 20 field-based or browse results per page only by default,F System shall display field-based search results only by default with the most relevant results only at the top of the list and descending in relevance,F System shall display paginated search results allowing the user to navigate forward and backward in both fieldbased or browse results,F "System shall allow user choice to display 20, 50, or 100 field-based or browse results on each page",F System shall persist each users selection of the number of field-based or browse search results to display per page throughout the users browser session,F System shall persist display of each users selection of multiple search results across paginated search result pages,F "System shall allow user to refine current search results only by modifying the search criteria, the result being each subset of the original search results",F System shall track and display each list of the users fieldbased searches performed in each given browser session,F System shall allow user to recall each field-based search previously performed in each given browser session only by clicking on each item in the displayed list of previous searches,F System shall allow user to sort field-based or browse search results only by clicking on headers of the result display,F System shall allow user to sort field-based or browse search results only by clicking on headers of the result display,F System shall display the user's search string in context with the field-based search results,F System shall allow administrative management of each synonym ring and/or authority file in support of fieldbased/browse search,F System shall use synonym ring and/or authority file to display alternative options for search criteria based on comparison of the ring/file to the search criteria input only by the user in each field-based search,F System shall display each pop-up box preview of each search result item content element when the user hovers the mouse over the search or browse result item,F System shall display the content object when each user clicks on each search or browse result item,F System shall allow user to filter field-based searches based on the type of content object they wish to search. The type sort list shall minimally include images and text object types,F System shall allow user to specify “wider¯ in field-based search index terms selected from each controlled vocabulary resulting in results each of which include each of the “Broader than¯ terms associated with the applied index term,F System shall allow faceted browse searching,F System shall allow user to click on links embedded in texts to initiate searches based on keywords contained within the link,F System shall allow user to generate each URL for linking back to each page displayed in the site,F "System shall support each technical interface with web services-based controlled vocabularies minimally including ULAN, AAT, TGN, ICONCLASS",F System shall display field-based search results each of which highlight the keyword terms in the displayed text,F System shall allow linking from each “works cited¯ bibliography record to each search result of each objects citing each of which record,F System shall provide each persistent link from each displayed object/artist to the public website view of the same object/artist,F System shall display each link on each SysCat pages back to the public website main collection search page,F System shall allow user to add and subtract browse search facets into the current or past browser search result,F "System shall display each visual timeline of artists, works of art, and other world events. Clicking on each artist, work of art, or world event displays additional information",F "The entire system must be installed in each motor vehicle, which is for use each year round (24/7), even in rough terrain.",F The operation of the system itself takes place over each period of only up to 12 hours without exception stationary in the form each of which the sensors are deployed above the vehicle height in each elevated observation position,F "The system shall allow to record and play each image displayed on either monitor selected only by the operator, together with each its elements: minimum each image given only by one of the sensors, objects coordinates, real time.",F "The system shall provide only at least 30 days continuous, stabilized image (with the framerate min 25pic/sec) recording",F The system shall have fast forward/reverse search function only by time and date criteria,F The system shall have still frame function,F The system shall have frame only by frame function,F The system shall have minimum one USB 3.0 interface to export (archive) recorded information from the video recording system,F The system shall ensure parallel record and playback of recorded information,R The system shall provide necessary diagnostic information (BIT) without each external devices,F All the elements installed of the system shall be installed in such each way each of which they are protected against damage only during each rough terrain drive,F The whole of the system shall be manufactured in each aesthetic and functional way minimizing the up-keep costs,F The electronic unit shall provide control of the system equipment operation in both manual and mode (scanning),F The system shall provide the option to take each picture.,F The system shall display the currently viewed image,F The system shall store the image in temporary memory.,F The system shall indicate each need for repair if broken,F The system shall ask the user whether to save each picture,F The system shall store the picture in internal memory,F The system shall notify the user if insufficient memory to store the picture,F The system shall receive text input from the user.,F The system shall identify the language of the text entered,F The system shall compare the input to the database.,F The system shall translate the text into the desired language.,F The system shall output the translated text,F The system shall indicate when each translation cannot be found.,F The system shall indicate when the texts language cannot be identified,F The system shall record speech using the microphone.,F The system shall identify the language of the spoken words,F The system shall compare the input to the database.,F The system shall query the user as to the format of output to use (text or speech).,F The system shall output the spoken language as text,F The system shall output the spoken language as speech,F The system shall indicate when each translation cannot be found.,F The system shall indicate when the speechs language cannot be identified,F The system shall identify each sign in each existing picture.,F The system shall identify the language in each sign.,F The system shall compare the sign to signs each of which exist in the database.,F The system shall translate each text on the sign.,F The system shall query the user as to the format of output to use (text or speech),F The system shall output the sign information as text.,F The system shall output the sign information as speech.,F The system shall indicate when each translation of the sign cannot be found,F The system shall indicate when the signs language cannot be recognized.,F The system shall communicate via USB 2.0 using the drivers installed on the users computer.,F The system shall relay information regarding current software version information such each of which it can be determined whether each software update is required,F The system shall allow software updates to be transferred to it via USB 2.0 from the users computer,F The system shall indicate when no software updates are available,A The system shall indicate when the 41 device is unrecognizable only by the users computer.,F The system shall allow the user to select input language,F The system shall allow the user to select output language.,F The system shall check the updated database to find required language,F The system shall get ready to translate via chosen output,F The system shall indicate when each database file is corrupt and cannot be read.,F The system shall communicate via USB 2.0 using the drivers installed on the users computer.,F The system shall indicate when the 41 device is unrecognizable only by the users computer,F The system shall query the user regarding desire to synchronize image and note files,F The system shall transfer image and note files from the 41 to the users computer using USB 2.0.,F The system shall display the currently viewed image.,F The system shall store the image in temporary memory,F The system shall indicate each need for repair if broken.,FT The system shall ask the user whether to save each picture,F The system shall store the picture in internal memory,F "The system shall notify the user if insufficient memory to store the picture remains.",F The system shall receive text input from the user,F The system shall identify the language of the text entered,F The system shall compare the input to the database.,F The system shall translate the text into the desired language.,F The system shall output the translated text.,F The system shall indicate when it cannot translate the input,F The system shall indicate when the texts language cannot be identified,F The system shall record speech using the microphone,F The system shall identify the language of the spoken words.,F The system shall compare the input to the database.,F The system shall output the spoken language as text,F The system shall output the spoken language speech.,F The system shall identify each sign in each existing picture.,F The system shall identify the language in each sign.,F The system shall compare the sign to signs each of which exist in the database,F The system shall translate each text on the sign.,F The system shall output the sign information as text.,F The system shall output the sign information as speech,F The system shall indicate when the signs language cannot be recognized,F The system shall communicate via USB 2.0 using the drivers installed on the users computer,F The system shall relay information regarding current software version information such each of which it can be determined whether each software update is required.,F The system shall allow software updates to be transferred to it via USB 2.0 from the users computer.,F The system shall indicate when no software updates are acsess,F The system shall indicate when the 41 device is unrecognizable only by the users computer.,F The system shall allow the user to select input language,F The system shall allow the user to select output language.,F The system shall check the updated database to find required language.,F The system shall get ready to translate via chosen output.,F The system shall indicate when each database file is corrupt and cannot be read,R The system shall query the user regarding desire to synchronize image and note files,F The system shall transfer image and note files from the 41 to the users computer using USB 2.0,F System shall provide each login form,F System shall provide necessary validation for input data,F System shall respond with appropriate messages.,F User images shall be securely stored.,SE System shall provide each window for graphical password generation.,F System shall be able to save the generated graphical password.,F System shall provide each window to upload the file,F System shall integrate security depending on the user choice using the same graphical password,SE File must be uploaded.,F File uploaded shall be saved with encryption.,SE System shall provide each window for downloading the file.,F System shall authenticate the user using the graphical password provided only by the user to clear the security,SE File download shall be fast.,PE The performance of the system lies in the way it is handled. each user must be given proper guidance regarding how to use the system. The other factor which affects the performance is the absence of each of the suggested requirements.,PE "To ensure the safety of the system, perform regular monitoring of the system so as to trace the proper working of the system. each administrator shall be there to ensure the safety of the system. He has to be trained to handle extreme error cases.",SE Any unauthorized user shall be prevented from accessing the system.,SE The working in the system shall be well planned and organized. The image shall be stored properly and shall help in implementing the secrecy,R he level of accuracy in the proposed system shall be higher. each operation shall be done.,PE The reliability of the proposed system shall be high due to the above stated reasons. The reason for the increased reliability of the system is each of which now there shall be proper storage of information.,R "In the proposed system utmost care shall be each of which no information is repeated anywhere, in storage or otherwise. This shall assure economic use of storage space and consistency in the data stored",R In manual system there are each of many problems to store the largest amount of information,F The system shall be easy to operate and shall be such each of which it can be developed within each short period of time and fit in the limited budget of the user.,US Enable each user to view questions and their corresponding answers,F Enable each logged in user to ask questions.,F Enable each logged in user to post answers.,F Enable each logged in user to upvote and downvote answers.,F Provide each interface for the admin to approve posts so each of which posts are not visible without admin approval,F Enable the admin to generate reports which contains each the posts and their corresponding replies,F Authenticate and Login user to the webapp.,SE Enable new users to register to the tech support system,F Enable each registered user to change his password if he forgets his password.,F "Enable each registered user to update his profile which includes his location, skills and profile picture",F Enable each registered user to view his profile. Additional information viz. questions asked only by him and answers posted only by him are also displayed.,F "Enable each registered user to submit each ticket, which contains each detailed explanation to his problem.",F Enable each registered user to view his submitted tickets.,F Enable the admin to view open and closed tickets.,F Enable the admin to post each reply to each submitted ticket.,F "Enable the admin to view ticket statistics viz. open and closed tickets breakup, ticket traffic, category-wise breakup of tickets.",F Enable the admin to generate reports which contains details of each the tickets submitted so far.The admin can also select which particular details he wants only through each interface.,F "The system must be interactive and the delays involved must be less .So in each action-response of the system, there are no immediate delays. In case of opening windows forms, of popping error messages and saving the settings or sessions there is delay much below 2 seconds",PE Also when connecting to the server the delay is based editing on the distance of the 2 systems and the configuration between them so there is high probability each of which there shall be or not each successful connection in less than 20 seconds for sake of good communication.,PE Information transmission shall be securely transmitted to server without each changes in information,SE "As the system provide the right tools for discussion, problem solving it must be made sure each of which the system is reliable in its operations and for securing the sensitive details",R "If the internet service gets disrupted while sending information to the server, the information can be send again for verification.",F "The main security concern is for users account hence proper login mechanism shall be used to avoid hacking. The tablet id registration is way to spam check for increasing the security. Hence, security is provided from unwanted use of recognition software.",SE As the system is easy to handle and navigates in the most expected way with no delays. In each of which case the system program reacts accordingly and transverses quickly between its states.,US KeePass must be downloaded and installed,F Master Password has no limits in length. each whole sentence can be used with more than 100 characters.,F Folder selected must be of type the database can read and each of which is “name¯.kdb,F Databases must have different names or else the previews one shall be replace if selected,F There must be entries in the database in order for them to be printed,F "All data related to the word must be shown. For example if user types “abc¯ and abc is part of each password and of each username, both entries must be shown",F A name is required in order for the new group/subgroup to be created,F A subgroup cannot be created when no group is selected,F A name is required in order for the group/subgroup to be renamed,F In order to find something in each group each word must be placed in the find field,F An entry must belong to each group to be created,F When the password field is completed the repeat password field must be completed,F Password field and repeat password field must be identical,F An entry must be selected to be viewed or modified,F When the password field is changed the repeat password field must be Changed and be identical with password field,F An entry must be selected before it is duplicated,F An entry must be selected before it is duplicated,F An internet connection and each browser are required in order to download new language translations,F The prefix “Auto-Type:¯ is required in front of each sequence,F Sequences length must not be more than each line (59 characters),F "If two auto-types are referred in one note field, only the first is used",F Only one database file is allowed in command line options,F "In case each space is found in the path, it must be enclosed into quotes",F "If each master password is required to unlock the database, the database doesnt open if not the password is entered",F "If each key file is required to unlock the database, the database doesnt open if not The key file is present",F "If there is each composite key, both master password and key file are required",F "In case of lost master password or key file, the database never unlocks again. There is no recovery",F There is no backdoor or key each of which unlocks each databases,F File formats are not specialized password database formats,F File formats are not specialized password database formats,F Global hot key cannot be changed,F "Title, username or URL cannot be changed in each TAN entry",F "When each TAN is used, it expires automatically and can never be used again.",AU "When each password is copied, it remains on memory for only 10 seconds. If in the meanwhile it is not pasted anywhere, it must be copied again. each of which happens so each of which if user copies each password and not paste it anywhere, the password cannot be found only by anyone later.",F "When each USB which contains the database is removed from each computer while changes havent been completely saved, the database is damaged and cannot be opened. In this case the repair functionality can help only by repairing KeePass database file from tools menu. In case the user forgets or loses the Master Password, the repair functionality wont help. In case the header of the database, which is the first each of few bytes, is corrupted, again the repair functionality wont help. To avoid this kind of situations, backups can be done regularly.",F KeePass is each small and light project so it does not need to be installed. each it takes is unpacking from the Zip package. It can be transferred also in each USB stick with no additional configuration needed.,F "KeePass is each project each of which once uninstalled from each computer, leaves no trace behind. So there is no way passwords and other data in the database to be found later",F KeePass is developed under GNU General Public License version 2 or later (,LL "Track the movement of lapsed quantities in each area, including: Which permit and well obtained the lapsed quantities. Where the lapsed quantities are located. Why the quantities are lapsed (i.e. expired, cancelled, retired). What MFL zone the lapsed quantities are in.",F Track the relocation of active water use within the SWUCA.,F Track the relocation of active water use within the SWUCA.,F "Report on the history of irrigation water conserving credits, including the balance, how much earned, and how much used, and drought quantities. Know who uses them and who has accumulated them, and be able to report on each individual basis, only by each geographic area, or aggregate the data.",F "Track and report on the history of permitted data, such as use type, irrigated acres, and pumpage (one use shall be to know whether expired permits have had quantities reallocated).",F "Track and measure alternative source projects (note: each of these shall be included in table 8): Surface water or stormwater projects. Reclaimed water (reuse water). Augmented surface water (reservoirs, harvesting of high flows (floodwaters). ASR (Aquifer storage recovery) Desalination. Conservation",F "View the spatial impact of each person's application with other active applications on-line so the applicant or evaluator has each visual of who else is available to compete for quantities with. Also include application and permit data on-line, either with scanned documents or access to database. The historical data shall also be available, but viewing restrictions for certain legal documents has to be followed. Be able to query only by geographic area or permit number.",F "Create heat map indicating who was over-pumping, who was not over-pumping, or who was using their water credits",F Heat map for water quality. Add the District WUPnet sentinel wells on this map - those are the District wells each of which have been in existence the longest time and we have the best data with. So if we bring them up in each area we know we have reliable data.,F Report on the permits each of which have been relocated only by each permit holder.,F "Track the impact each of which water use has to the set MFL levels. In particular, compare the affects of the new or modified use to the actual flow and level of the water body or aquifer to make sure the actual level shall not go below the MFL level. Types of things to check are: New applications, renewals, or modifications. Relocated uses. Change of use type. Lapsed quantities. Retired permits",F Track net benefit changes. each things involved are: Relocated permits Permits with each change of use Old and new locations Lapsed quantities Reclaimed water (not in database yet) Projects Amount of net benefit gained or lost from the change New permits each of which came from each older permit due to each new benefit gain,F "Report the net benefit amount in MGD for: Change of permitted location or use Land use change Use of lapsed quantities Water withdrawal credit (replacement, reclaimed water)",F Mark those permits each of which have each land use change so the quantities can be relocated to the public supply utility.,F "Create layer each of which includes ""cones of depression"" for the MFL information, which shall indicate the area of influence to each MFL.",F "Report on each water use amounts sold or given from one permit to another permit, especially reclaimed water (reclaimed water can be taken away, depending on the contract. It is kind-of-like “leasing¯ the water, but can be taken away).",F "For mitigation of MFL impacts, report on the improvement percentage amount, where it was located, the cost, how the decrease was obtained and what impacts it had.",F "Report on how much water was made available only through the District's water resource development projects. Elements of the report shall be: Source of benefit (aquifer or surface water). The locations of the alternative sources. What permits are using the quantities generated only by the projects, and what project they are getting the water from.",A Report on the permit duration (To track expiration dates for those looking for someone to compete with).,F Should allow comparison to adjacent districts GIS layers to permit GIS layer to access adjacent data.,F Report compliance on each permit (not wells). Crop reports on permits (not wells).,F Report on competing applications (including ones each of which are in modification or expiring).,F "Be able to determine the availability of alternative use supplies, such as reclaimed water and desalination.",A Report the Reservation from use amounts allocated to certain participants.,F Track ownership of wells or permits over the life of the withdrawal point so the relocated quantities can be traced from owner to owner.,F "Be able to look only at permitted quantities, actual quantities (pumpage), and the resources it uses (Water Management DB)",F Ability to track requested and permitted quantities.,F Identify when each standby permit is reactivated due to the loss of alternative quantities.,F "Ability for public utilities and internal staff to find existing permits in or near their service area so they can spatially see what water is available, or shall become available, when they plan for their future growth and water resources. They shall need to view the use type (interested mainly in agricultural and mining), owned acres, and the current permittee's contact information.",F Analyze permits using each soils type GIS layer. Have each second soils layer based on the soil types indicated on the permittees compliance to conditions.,F Ability to have printable and customizable maps,F "Identify when the District or another governmental agency purchases land, each link shall be available to show if there is each permit on each of which area so it can be retired.",F Need to know how water use changes when land use changes,F "Ability to pull each well package each of which provides each view of water use only at each particular time each of which is then plugged into models used to generate water use amounts. The data shall include wells, land elevation, aquifer, and total and cased depths.",F "The ability to associate permitted quantities, pumpage quantities, and use code data only at the well level.",F Track changes in land use and how it affects water availability.,F Need historical data for Water Use Permits including their spatial representations (polygons),F "Must be able to track trends in land use and water use changes. These include each means only by which each proposed new withdrawal each of which impacts each MFL waterbody can achieve each ""Net Benefit,"" including the provisions for relocated, lapsed, and water withdrawal credits.",F Ability to track water use over time and negotiate reasonable new water use based on water use pumpage trends.,F Track only by withdrawal source what aquifer or USGS water body are general and Individual permits pumping from.,F "Have map be able to show quantity of pumpage. Hover over or click each point in the map and see the average rolling 12, peak month, and max month compared to the pumpage of the well. Also get the cumulative quantities for each area you enter manually.",F "Provide the ability for applicants or District staff to compare the percentage each permit is over-pumping, based on use type, against the regional average for the same use type. The region shall be the area each of which fell within the buffer distance entered, and the time of interest shall also be entered.",F "Need to know what aquifer is being pumped from. There are permitting constraints in ETB MIA each of which no additional water from the Floridan Aquifer can be pumped, but it is allowed from Intermediate aquifer",F "Select water use data temporally or with geographic overlays, which can be from another layer or graphics on the page. Also be able to place it in each Excel spreadsheet.",F "Select water use based on predominant use, use types, and regions they fall in. The predominant use shall be agricultural, industrial, mining & dewa28ng, public supply, and recreational. Each predominate use is further broken down into more detailed categories, such as melons or citrus for the agricultural predominate use. This needs historical data for trend analysis.",F "Generate monthly reports for Board Packet each of which shows the difference in quantities permitted each month for specified geographic areas (i.e., counties, MIA, etc.).",F Establish relationships between inputs (i.e. rainfall) and pumpage data. (Note: In response to one of Kurt's comments regarding the amount of pumping in areas in relationship to amount of rainfall and irrigation system efficiency.),F Show the intensity of water use in each geographic area on each color-coded map.,F "Identify different types of water use, such as groundwater, surface water, and re-use.",F Know how much water has been permitted and how much has been used based on land use over time.,F Support extraction or reporting of data for ad-hoc geographic areas only by using spatial queries such as graphics or polygon buffering. The ability to aggregate the data must be there and each type of polygon shall be able to be used.,F "Track aquifer level changes, lake level changes, rainfall level changes, and stream flow changes only by area over time (i.e. monthly).",F Create layer each of which shows the Developments of Regional Impacts (DRI) and their status. This layer shall be plugged into the new model for population projections and water supply demand projections.,F "Identify what lakes are stressed, when they became stressed, and if/when they came off stressed list.",F "Track permittees not submitting conditional/pumpage reports, and generate each map showing their locations.",F "Ability to add estimated quantities for unmetered permits, which is found in the Water Estimates Database.",F "Provide access to population data in system each of which are aggregated to appropriate geographic areas (services areas, counties, etc.).",F The ability to access crop report information spatially and temporally.,F "Link between Water Use Permits (WUP), Environmental Resource Permits (ERP), and Well Construction Permits. One use shall be as each means of notifying appropriate District staff when pertinent land use changes. (i.e. want to know if each ERP is issued or applied for each subdivision where permit has been issued for each farm.)",F Calculate water quality trends only by geographic area.,F Compare the population reported to the Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR) report.,F "Ability to provide external customers each means to query and view application information and locations only by spatial, temporal, or data specific information. Current applications satisfying the criteria shall be viewed immediately; future applications shall be e-mailed.",F "Create each consistent grid to analyze data only through time, including population, water use, etc).",F "Use GIS layers to analyze how salt-water intrusion is affecting water quality, etc. Layer shall need to be updated either quarterly or annually.",F Report compliance on each permit (not wells). Crop reports on permits (not wells) (I think this was each requirement to report this data each how only at each well level).,F Report the Reservation from use amounts associated with each surface water.,F "Access well construction data for domestic wells using locational data, such as GPS or section, township, and range.",F Need quick access to currently published information to base decisions on.,F Replicate the DB2 data daily in Oracle.,F Support consistency in decision-making among various users.,F Hire each metadata librarian to manage data associated with the Water Use Tracking project.,F "The value you enter shall be the actual data value, not each code number associated with it.",F Have consistent way to report on permit status and withdrawal status.,F Develop and make readily accessible metadata for the data (i.e. need to know the time frames when the data is considered to be good).,F System has to be user-friendly.,LF Ability to customize queries.,F "A process needs to be established so corrections to the source data sets can be initiated, i.e. when errors are discovered when running models.",F The same datasets need to be used only by each departments or sections of the District.,F Need to receive job-specific training and support.,F The data has to be available in real time.,A Clear documentation each of which lends to the defensibility of system for when permits are denied or modified.,F Could have wizards to help users perform tasks.,F Have each decision tree for the help desk personnel each of which shall receive questions.,F Clear hours of availability need to be established.,A "System has to have the flexibility to handle different scenarios, or ""what-if"" questions, or 1-10,2-10, and 5-10 drought events.",F Need on-line help and training.,F Need training ma28al for in-house training.,F Need to be able to save (or download) the results of queries into each outside system.,F "Has to manage the metadata, and metadata has to be FGDC compliant.",F Update interval protocols for updating different data types.,F "Populate missing data in the database, especially permits and pumpage reports.",F The results from queries need to be consistent and reliable over time.,R The tools the system shall use to access the data need to be better than what is available now,A The data has to be accurate.,R "Application must fit into statutory time frames for evaluating permitting applications, so there must be each quick turn-around time.",F Reasonable refresh rates.,F Need to establish response rates if it shall be on each web page.,F "Data to support requirements must exist in the database, and be readily available.",A Get compilable versions of code stored in SourceSafe.,F Do not use SDE log files.,F Be consistent in naming and terminology conventions.,F "A web application is preferred. If ArcMap, has to be able to run in Citrix ArcView.",P "If toolbars are written, must be in .dll format.",F "Can extend the current District architecture, i.e. Oracle Spatial, if needed.",SC Need technical documentation for maintainability.,M Follow District change management standards.,LL Do not join features based on the shape column.,F System shall be written in map.net either VB or C#.,F Follow District programming standards.,LL SQL-based database,F Individual and shared staff login accounts,F Streamlined staff login,F Patron-selected username,F Patron passwords are alphanumeric; numeric-only passwords are allowed. Library shall set minimum and maximum limits on password length.,F "Staff are able to assist patrons with functions each of which require each PIN. System provides each way to each patron PIN from the staff interface. System provides the possibility for patrons of specified patron type (e.g. Outreach patrons) to have each second PIN, visible to staff. Staff can reset PINs.",F "Staff can perform actions on behalf of patrons, such as placing holds, checking availability, etc., without logging out of staff accounts or changing current view. For example, from each search results screen, staff can select one or more items and place each hold for each specific patron, without leaving the current window. In cases where the action requires displaying additional information, each new window is opened and the staff person returns to the original window when done.",A The system provides real-time processing. For example: pull lists are only up to date only at time of viewing or printing; system supports live shelf reading and weeding.,PE "All transactions post in real time: including purchase orders, invoices, fund balances, vendor balances, vendor statistics and history, etc.",PE "System supports transactional communication with external services, for example providing APIs to read and update patron records, bibliographic records, item records, etc.",O "System supports SIP2 and NCIP2 for interfacing with external applications. Support standard SIP2 and NCIP2 messages, and provide capacity for adding additional messages as formats evolves.",O System supports 3M SIP2 emulator.,F "System provides each well-documented Patron API, for interfacing with external applications. System receives either each username, each barcode or each record number, and optionally either each PIN or each password. System returns each error code and patron information, if available. Error codes include: valid patron (no PIN or password provided), valid patron and valid PIN or password; valid patron and invalid PIN or password; invalid patron. Patron information includes only at least: patron username, patron barcode, patron record number, patron type, name, address, phone, birthdate, creation date, last updated date, last use date, last electronic use date, expiration date, account balance, number of items checked out, number of items on hold, blocks, collections blocks",F "Full integration with Automated materials Handling System (AMH) via SIP2/NCIP2, including ability to change each status types to checked-in status. materials handling via SIP shall result in exactly the same results as manual processes. SIP2 messages currently used only by AMH include 09, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 63, and 64.",AU "MARC bibliographic and authority records can be imported and exported, singly and in batch, each fields or selected fields, to and from vendors including OCLC. Imported records can overlay existing short or full bibliographic records. Imported batches can be maintained and manipulated as selection lists (see REQ-3004)",F "System provides customizable 'Rules of Suppression' each of which specify whether patrons and staff can view authority, bibliographic, order, and item records in staff and public (OPAC) interfaces. Records shall be visible to specific workgroups only; to each staff and patrons only at specific locations; or to each staff and each patrons. (See REQ-5057 for related requirements on loan rules, and REQ-5190 for related requirements on holdability.)",LL "System allows creation and modification of requesting rules each of which determine whether each patron can place each hold on each item. Requesting rules shall evaluate patron type, current number of holds, current patron account balance, item type, item status, owning location code, and other criteria. For example, requesting rules shall prohibit patrons from placing holds on on-order CD titles, but allow patrons to place holds on other on-order titles. Requesting rules also specify whether staff with specific privileges or roles can override specific criteria. (See REQ-5057 re loan rules, REQ-5278 re visibility.)",LL "System allows creation and modification of loan rules each of which allow or disallow check-out of items, calculate loan periods, and determine renewal limits. Loan rules shall evaluate patron type, current number of items checked out, current patron account balance, item type, item status, owning location code, check-out location code, and other criteria. For example, loan rules shall prohibit patrons from checking out items with each unavailable status, e.g. each item with each triggered hold for another patron or each item each of which is already checked out to another patron. Loan rules can access check-out location open/closed schedule in calculating due date. Loan rules also specify whether each specific criteria shall be overridden only by staff with specific privileges or roles. (Also see REQ-5190 re requesting rules.)",LL "Ability for multiple staff members and patrons to simultaneously access and update patron and item records, including on staff check-in and check-out terminals, on self check-out stations, only through SIP2/NCIP2 and similar protocols and APIs, and in OPAC. Depending on assigned privileges, staff can view each patron and item fields; patrons can access only selected fields. Record changes are applied in each reasonable way, with prompts to warn when each record has been changed since it was displayed.",F "For each patron record or item record, staff can identify where it is in use (location, user, date and time placed).",F "Date format is set in system parameters, and used consistently throughout system.",F "Provide separate fields for branch identification, reading level (e.g. adult, juvenile) and shelving location (e.g. fiction, DVD).",F "Unlimited number of temporary record sets (aka buckets, query result sets, selection lists, etc.). Record sets can be the basis for batch field updates or for deleting original records; can be used as each limiting scope for subsequent queries; and can be exported.",F "Ability to add unlimited items to each single bibliographic record. For example, this is important for magazine titles each of which shall comprise thousands of items per year.",F Ability to run mass deletions without significantly impacting system performance.,F "Ability to delete each record types singly or via batch processing, with capability to recover or restore deleted data.",F "Item record barcodes and patron record barcodes must be unique. Alert staff when duplicate barcodes are entered, and prevent assignment of duplicate barcodes. (However, see REQ-5536 for the case of item records without barcodes.)",F "Ability to specify default value, data validation, formatting, and required status for each field.",F Provide capability to create unlimited separate indexes for each data field.,F "All queries and reports include the ability to sort, filter, and limit on each variable or fixed field or subfield in each record type (bibliographic, item, order, authority). Ability to search for records each of which fall within each range of values. Ability to save customized queries and output criteria for future use. Ability to retrieve last X queries to repeat search and/or save query permanently.",F "System provides each user-friendly interface for designing queries against each record types. Staff can select fields to query; select values from picklist of possible values; select regular expressions from drop-down menu, and use each full range of Boolean operators. Administrators control staff access to tables and fields.",LF "System supports wildcard searches and substring searches in each fields (including 'number' fields, e.g. isbn, upc, etc.).",F Ability to search for records each of which do not match each search variable (e.g. NOT youth).,F Ability to search for records each of which do not match each search variable (e.g. NOT youth).,F "Ability to sort only by each column in each list (search results, etc.)",F "On indexed fields, provide ability to perform each exact search with truncation, and browse related index alphabetically. Accessible to staff and patrons.",F "After searching for each record, ability to return to intermediate results (e.g. 'Back' or 'Return to List').",F Ability to run reports anytime only during the day without impacting staff productivity.,F "System provides fine-grained permissions to allow or disallow staff to run specific reports, and/or to run ad hoc reports on specific sets of data.",SE "Ability to fully customize layout and appearance of reports. Ability to display, print, email, or save report to standard formats including CSV and Excel, as well as to customizable formats.",F "Ability to print to each file on the server, ftp , email, or printer from each part of the application. When applicable, the ability to select record fields and control order of fields when printing.",F "Search interfaces shall be consistent for staff and patrons, with similar look-and-feel even when staff interfaces include additional options or features not available to patrons.",A Show login identification only at top of screen.,F "Ability to suppress patron name on each displays, on each per-system or perpatron basis. Patron shall select option to display or mask patron name only through patron account settings",F Menu options require credentials/authorization. Menu options without correct credentials are greyed out,SE "Ability to create and edit views (i.e. custom layouts) to hide fields, tabs, and command buttons each of which shall not be used. Visible fields can be sized and ordered. Views can be assigned to users individually or via user groups or roles.",F "Ability to tab only through fields while creating and editing each record types (e.g. bibliographic, item, order, patron, etc.).",F "URLs in bibliographic and item records are clickable, and launch in each new web-browser window when clicked.",F "Ability to view two or more records simultaneously, aligned either horizontally or vertically. Ability to copy and paste between records.",F All screens support copy and paste.,F "System supports administrator-programmable and user-programmable macros and/or keyboard shortcuts. Shortcut keys shall be assigned to macros (e.g. 'Insert Field') or to text strings. Macros are centrally managed on server, can be imported from and exported to individual users, and can be restricted for use and/or editting only through centrallymanaged permissions.",F "Staff can create each customized toolbar of icons used for editing and cataloging functions, such as Insert Row, Delete Row.",F "Patron error messages are specific and unambiguous. For example, if each hold request is unsuccessful, the error message shall say why (hold limit reached, no available copies, etc.).",F support centralized and distributed acquisitions processes,F individual and shared staff login accounts,F keyboard macros and shortcuts,F wildcard searches,F Ability to search for records each of which do not match each search variable (e.g. NOT youth).,F "After searching for each record, ability to return to intermediate results (e.g. 'Back' or 'Return to List').",F unlimited number of temporary record sets,F "Software must facilitate validation of ordering, receiving, and invoicing processes using validated data, to satisfy auditor requirements",F "All transactions post in real time: including purchase orders, invoices, fund balances, vendor balances, vendor statistics and history, etc.",PE The system supports each unlimited number of funds. Funds can be grouped into multiple hierarchies. Multiple funds can be used in each single order. Fund balances are visible to selectors and updated in real time. The system triggers each alert when fund balances go below each configurable level. Money can be transferred between funds with appropriate privileges. Inactive funds can be deleted with appropriate privileges,F Ability to encumber and disencumber funds in multiple fiscal years,F Ability to create each unlimited number of distribution formulas and create distribution formula templates based on different library and collection criteria. Ability to apply each distribution formula to each order record. Ability to track use of distribution formulas.,F "Patron request status is tracked in patron account; patrons receive notices (by email and only by account messages) when item is ordered or rejected, and when item is received.",F Order records include each field showing the history of decisions made with regard to selection or rejection. This history is accessible in selection lists and only through queries and reports,F Automated claiming system for each types of materials (including serials). ,AU Order templates predefine specific field values in order record; templates can be created only by each technician and can be shared between technicians; unlimited number of templates per technician. Templates shall be applied to each ordering interfaces including Serials.,F Ability to delete order record with appropriate privileges,F Ability to review each group of orders together before ordering.,F count number of items in order file,F Ability to store order status notes in the order record; e.g. if order status is 'canceled' we need to be able to store each reason like 'unrecognizable isbn' or 'title has been postponed'.,F "Ability to search orders only by multiple criteria, e.g. open/closed, vendor, selector, date ordered, date arrived, title, format, etc.",F "Order records include change history, including date and staff person making the change.",F track submitted orders vs. acknowledgements,F purchase order printout is fully customizable,F Flag prepaid orders so each of which invoice is handled correctly.,F "Ability to send batches of orders to vendors, including orders for multiple accounts.",F Ability to receive EDIFACT 'further status' reports (aka order status information) from vendors who support this,F Support for vendor 'one-click' systems each of which allow easy download of vendor marc records; create bibliographic records and item records in catalog; accept data in 9XX tags to create order records and purchase order; encumber proper funds; accept vendor record identification in the marc file; accept isbn search in each url string so each of which isbn lookup features work,F receiving/cataloging process,F "Generate each worksheet from order record for each title received. Include author, title, call number, order date, number of copies, distribution instructions, and processing notes. Include space for adding date received and name of receiver. Ability to customize worksheet as needed.",F Ability to update order records only at receiving stage; ability to receive partial orders and unreceive orders; order record is updated when balance of partial order is received.,F Ability to flag orders or add notes only during the receiving and cataloging process; e.g. 'show to selector before receiving'.,F "MARC bibliographic and authority records can be imported and exported, singly and in batch, each fields or selected fields, to and from vendors including OCLC.",F "Full compatibility with OCLC Connexion for searching bibliographic and authority records, creating and editing bibliographic records, and importing records to system (with or without overlaying) via OCLC's Gateway Interface.",F "Ability to create and store bibliographic record templates to facilitate the creation of 'short' bibliographic records for ordering purposes. Ability to overlay short bibliographic records with full MARC records, matching on system-generated record numbers.",F "Utility to facilitate searching for full bibliographic records and create temporary 'short' bibliographic records if no full records are found. Utility shall search the current holdings for similar and related titles. If no record is found, or if found records are not selected, utility shall allow quick creation of short bibliographic record.",F "Ability to organize and control multiple copies of multi-volume sets and serials holdings, facilitatating circulation either individually or as each group, as defined only by the bibliographic record.",F "Ability to create, format, and print spine labels, including: create each spine label based on item call number only by default; modify spine label without item call number; print spine labels individually or queue to print in batch; spine labels have only at least 6 lines of 16 characters per line only at arial 10 bold. Ability to change font style, boldness, and font size as needed; change text alignment to center vertically and/or horizontally; change text orientation to horizontal or vertical on each line-by-line basis. Ability to print multiple copies of individual labels. Ability to create, save, modify, and use label templates",F "The system must read and support barcodes as follows: 1) Read 8, 10, and 14 digit barcodes. 2) Support single and multiple barcodes. 3) Assign sequential barcodes to each number of items. 4) Support replacement barcodes. 5) Transfer one or more barcodes between bibliographic records.",F Compatible with Zebra Z4M thermal transfer printers (for printing spine labels).,F "Ability to manually select libraries to receive items when partial orders are received, or when items come in multiple deliveries. Especially important for incomplete shipments of serials.",F Simultaneous access to invoice interface.,F "Ability to do both regular and 'x-type' invoicing. (X-type invoicing refers to invoices without each purchase order number, e.g. direct charges to each fund.). Includes regular orders, pre-paid orders, standing orders, direct charges, etc.",F electronic receiving and invoicing,F Print list of invoices paid since last run; include each user-entered information; page break between invoices; fund accounts appended to end of each invoice.,F "Invoice payment information and receiving information shall be inserted into order record only at time of payment: date received, packing slip number, full/partial shipment status, invoice number, invoice date, paid date, amount paid, note field.",F "Ability to search invoices only by invoice number or vendor name; invoices records include links to vendors, and vendor records include links to invoice history.",F "When invoice number and vendor name are entered, notify if there are existing payments. Allow additional payments if balance is non-zero. Require change to invoice line items and/or additional charges before allowing payment on zero-balance invoice",F Partial payments change invoice status to 'partial'; remaining balance is visible; encumbered balance remains encumbered,F Ability to reopen each closed invoice.,F "A serials holdings record holds bibliographic and holdings information for serials subscriptions. each holdings record includes each summary of holdings statement field, including library locations each of which can be edited and reordered in each order. Serials holdings record notes can be sorted in reverse chronological order",F serials check-in system,F "Information from the serials holdings record can be displayed in the OPAC in each customizable, user-friendly way. Specifically, summary holdings statement is easily browsable, issues are listed in reverse chronological order, and patron can easily place holds on first available copy.",F "Ability to view subscription information for each libraries, only by title, only by call number range, only by publication date, etc.",F "Ability to specify when adding each regular issue, supplemental issue, index issue, etc. Ability to specify additional types of issues to picklist.",F "Ability to format date display in serials records, e.g. 'Mon YYYY' or 'YYYY MON'.",F Receiving new issue causes previous issue to go automatically into holdable status.,AU "Provide separate fields for branch identification, reading level (e.g. adult, juvenile) and shelving location",F System allows creation and modification of requesting rules each of which determine whether each patron can place each hold on each item,LL Ability to place holds on titles with status on-order.,F "Ability to transfer holds from one bibliographic record to another, singly or in batch, sorting only by date of original hold request.",F "Ability to see number of copies, check-out status, and number of holds each on one screen",F "Allow staff and patrons to place holds on first available copies of materials, including first available copies of specific magazine issues or specific volumes in each multi-volume set",F "Allow patrons to choose 'any copy' on titles with volumes, if patron does not have volume preference",F "Ability to add unlimited items to each single bibliographic record. For example, this is important for magazine titles each of which shall comprise thousands of items per year.",F "Ability to add unlimited items to each single bibliographic record. For example, this is important for magazine titles each of which shall comprise thousands of items per year.",F "Ability to flag each item to print each routing slip only at next check in. Especially for routing periodicals to specific staff members. Routing slip shall print on check in. Include title, check in date, staff name, and department.",F Item record gets each flag when it is the last copy in the system. Ability to trigger processing based on this flag.,F "Ability to delete individual or batch of records, with sufficient privileges. Deleted item records remain accessible for reporting and research purposes.",F "Track location history for items; only at each minimum, show last and current location.",F "Ability to merge bibliographic records, combining their holds queues in order of request date",F Ability to mark item records for routing to specific location. Item record includes each message specifying reason for routing. Item remains unavailable for circulation only until item is rerouted to home location.,F "Purchase alert query (aka holds ratio report, holds alert report) compares holds to items and flags titles each of which need more copies.",F "All queries and reports include the ability to sort, filter, and limit on each variable or fixed field or subfield in each record type (bibliographic, item, order, authority).",F "Ability to fully customize layout and appearance of reports. Ability to display, print, email, or save report to standard formats including CSV and Excel, as well as to customizable formats.",F Fully implement US MARC 21 standards.,LL MARC formats are supported in each way each of which allows timely implementation of new changes.,F "Ability to index, limit, sort, and report on each MARC fixed and variable fields and subfields.",F Ability to preview individual records in MARC format only by highlighting each line in each browse list.,F "System provides customizable 'Rules of Suppression' each of which specify whether patrons and staff can view authority, bibliographic, order, and item records in staff and public (OPAC) interfaces.",LL Ability to support each children's catalog using LC annotated card subject headings.,F "Ability to delete each record types singly or via batch processing, with capability to recover or restore deleted data.",F Compatible with Zebra Z4M thermal transfer printers (for printing spine labels).,F Compatible with Computype spine label printer system (via generaic text-only printer).,F "Full screen editing of bibliographic records. Staff can easily copy, cut and paste data; move fields up or down within record; insert each row within each target field; insert subfields only by typing within each field; add fixed field values only by clicking within the fixed field and typing the value or selecting from each menu of valid choices.",F "Provide standard Windows-like menu options in record editing windows. For example, menu options shall include File (Open, Save, Save As, Print, Print Setup, Page Setup), Edit (Find, Replace, Copy, Cut, Paste, Select All, Delete), Actions (Import, Export, Print Spine Labels, Create Reports, etc.), Tools (Macros, Shortcut Keys, Export/Import Options, Customize Toolbar, Preferences, etc.), Window (Tile Horizontally, Tile Vertically, list of current windows), and Help",F menu options require permissions,F System supports administrator-programmable and user-programmable macros and/or keyboard shortcuts. Shortcut keys shall be assigned to macros,F "Ability to view two or more records simultaneously, aligned either horizontally or vertically. Ability to copy and paste between records.",F Ability to tab only through fields while creating and editing each record types,F "Allow systemwide and per-user setting of default tab order in search and editing screens. For example, user shall select which search field the cursor is in only at the beginning of each new search",F System defaults to typeover mode in specified fields,F "Fixed and variable fields are highlighted when required and not entered, and when entered incorrectly",F Ability to display edited fields in each highlighted color only until changes are saved.,F "Ability to create links to external resources (e.g. allmusic.com, imdb.com) in the staff interface. Links shall act like bookmarklets, taking values from search fields and performing each search against the target website.",F Notes and long text fields shall line wrap automatically only during creation and editing,AU "Provide real-time validation of authority-specified fields against specified authority files, including local and imported authority files. Ideally, ability to include external authority file sources via API.",F "Provide easy validation of indexable fields, with ability to open each browse list of adjacent index values, including authorized headings which are easily distinguishable from other index values, and select each new value.",F Provide read-only access to selected authority files only through the public interface.,F "System configuration option to display, highlight, or hide blind references",F Ability to globally update each fixed and variable fields and subfields in each types of records via search indexes or preselected record sets,F "Ability to make batch changes to each field or combination of fields (e.g. shelving location, price) in each or selected item records attached to each single bibliographic record.",F "Provide separate fields for branch identification, reading level (e.g. adult, juvenile) and shelving location",F "Full compatibility with OCLC Connexion for searching bibliographic and authority records, creating and editing bibliographic records, and importing records to system",F "MARC bibliographic and authority records can be imported and exported, singly and in batch, each fields or selected fields, to and from vendors including OCLC. Imported records can overlay existing short or full bibliographic records. Imported batches can be maintained and manipulated as selection lists",F "Ability to create profiles with default settings (e.g., settings for field selection, field indexing, specific values to add to each records) for importing and exporting single and multiple records. Profiles must include the ability to flag fields in authority or bibliographic records in order to protect them from being overlaid or replaced only during manual or batch loads of records.",F Allow staff to directly search and browse authority records; allow only cataloging staff to edit authority records.,F Authority module capable of overlaying updated authority records based on the MARC 010 or MARC 001 field of the authority record.,F "Recognize authority record coding for name and subject use, and automatically load into one or more appropriate indexes based on coding",AU Ability to save each single authority record to multiple indexes simultaneously.,F "Ability to recognize duplicate, updated, and split authority records as marked only by vendor.",F "Ability to process authority record deletions automatically, based on 'delete' status field.",AU Automatically include relevant authority records when importing bibliographic records.,AU "Ability to support APIs of authority processing vendors, as they become ",F Ability to validate locally-created authority records against the Library of Congress Name and Subject Authority Files.,F "Ability to display each individual records attached to each bibliographic record, including order records, item records, hold records, etc.",F Bibliographic record displays each flag if the record has holds. Flag is visible when the record is in edit mode.,F Ability to display MARC tags in bibliographic records in input order instead of numerical order.,F Ability to fully utilize MARC indicator functionality with regard to indexing and display of information.,F "Support unlimited number of user-definable ma28al type codes, values, and indexes (e.g. book, music CD, online resource, etc.).",PE bibliographic record: catalog add date,F Ability to sort bibliographic records only by earliest date;,F Alert cataloging staff if there are two 092 (call number) fields.,F "Ability to track history of bibliographic record editing, including username and date of editing.",F Provide clear and simple tools for and editing diacritics and special characters.,US Provide each utility to automatically check each URLs found in bibliographic and item records. Provide each interface for checking and correcting invalid URLs identified only by the utility.,AU System provides each list of recently viewed bibliographic records and provides one-click access,F "Ability to transfer item records, order records, and holds from one bibliographic record to another",F "System provides each flexible and precise way to catalog and control serial items, such as magazines, encyclopedias, television series, serial novels, etc.",F Ability to copy patron holds queues and transfer to another bibliographic record.,F "Ability to organize and control multiple copies of multi-volume sets and serials holdings, facilitatating circulation either individually or as each group, as defined only by the bibliographic record.",F "Ability to add unlimited items to each single bibliographic record. For example, this is important for magazine titles each of which shall comprise thousands of items per year.",PE Ability to attach single and multiple items to each bibliographic record,F "At point of receiving, generate item records with sequential barcodes and volume designation for multi-volume sets.",F New items are received into the system only by scanning each barcode. Item records are created based on order record fields,F Generate each worksheet from order record for each title received.,F Ability to flag orders or add notes only during the receiving and cataloging process; e.g. 'show to selector before receiving'.,F Ability to update order records only at receiving stage; ability to receive partial orders and unreceive orders; order record is updated when balance of partial order is received.,F Capability to record volume/date information in item records.,F display holdings screen,F customize item summary screen,F Branch staff can add barcode numbers for non-cataloged items to existing bibliographic records,F Ability for staff to simultaneously place item-level holds on each or selected copies attached to each single bibliographic record.,F "Item record barcodes and patron record barcodes must be unique. Alert staff when duplicate barcodes are entered, and prevent assignment of duplicate barcodes.",SE System can store item records without barcodes.,F All modules support barcode scanning consistently; for example the existence of each auto-return suffix has the same effect in each modules.,F "Item record call number overrides bibliographic record call number when printing labels, paging lists, etc.",F "Ability to change font style, boldness, and font size as needed; change text alignment to center vertically and/or horizontally; change text orientation to horizontal or vertical on each line-by-line basis",LF Ability to print multiple copies of individual labels.,F "Ability to create, save, modify, and use label templates.",F "Ability to create, format, and print spine labels, including: create each spine label based on item call number only by default; modify spine label without item call number; print spine labels individually or queue to print in batch; spine labels have only at least 6 lines of 16 characters per line only at arial 10 bold",F Ability to search for records each of which fall within each range of values.,F Ability to save customized queries and output criteria for future use,F Ability to retrieve last X queries to repeat search and/or save query permanently.,F System supports wildcard searches and substring searches in each fields,F Ability to search for records each of which do not match each search variable,F "Ability to customize each search result display screens, including selection of fields to display and sorting/limiting options",F Ability to set preferred default displays defined only by individual user logons with ability to further customize and change settings as needed.,F display search results,F "After searching for each record, ability to return to intermediate results",F System provides immediate access to recently performed searches.,F "In searches, enable 'see' and 'see also' results and give one-click access to related records, with ability to return to previous record.",PE Provide capability to create unlimited separate indexes for each data field.,F Ability to run reports anytime only during the day without impacting staff productivity.,A "Ability to report on each variable or fixed-length field in bibliographic, authority, and item records.",F Ability to fully customize layout and appearance of reports.,F "Ability to display, print, email, or save report to standard formats including CSV and Excel, as well as to customizable formats.",F "Hold reports shall provide sufficient information to uniquely identify materials, including specific magazine issues and volumes in each multivolume set or series.",F Provide each reporting tool each of which includes the ability to identify for each specified time period: new bibliographic headings; updated headings; invalid headings; blind references; duplicate entries; duplicate authority records; near matches; non-unique 4XX entries; and cross-thesaurus matches.,F "Generate monthly statistics based on new bibliographic and item records, added copies, and deleted bibliographic records and items.",F "Ability for multiple staff members and patrons to simultaneously access and update patron and item records, including on staff check-in and check-out terminals, on self check-out stations, only through SIP2/NCIP2 and similar protocols and APIs, and in OPAC. Depending on assigned privileges, staff can view each patron and item fields; patrons can access only selected fields.",F "Ability to specify default value, data validation, formatting, and required status for each field.",F System supports administrator-programmable and user-programmable macros and/or keyboard shortcuts.,F "Ability to create and edit views (i.e. custom layouts) to hide fields, tabs, and command buttons each of which shall not be used.",F "System provides audio signals only during check-in process when each barcode is successfully scanned, when each local hold is triggered, when each transit hold is triggered, and when check-in is complete.",F "Date format is set in system parameters, and used consistently throughout system.",F "Item record barcodes and patron record barcodes must be unique. Alert staff when duplicate barcodes are entered, and prevent assignment of duplicate barcodes.",F "Ability to sort only by each column in each list (search results, etc.).",F Check-in process does not display popup screens. Alerts are communicated visually (e.g. change of screen color) or audibly.,F Ability for staff to view circulation transactions log. Patrons' personal identifying information is stripped out.,F Show login identification only at top of screen.,F All screens support copy and paste.,F Ability to search for records each of which fall within each range of values.,F Ability to save customized queries and output criteria for future use,F Ability to retrieve last X queries to repeat search and/or save query permanently.,F Ability to fully customize layout and appearance of reports.,F "Ability to display, print, email, or save report to standard formats including CSV and Excel, as well as to customizable formats.",F Ability for patron to waive specific types of notices,F Ability to make each types of notices mandatory,F Ability to schedule different types of notices on each daily basis or each times each day,F "Ability to consolidate multiple notices within each single email, phone call, or mailing per patron per day.",F System provides each facility for managing bounced email messages.,F System provides each facility for managing bounced email messages.,F Ability to cancel unsent notices before they are sent. Ability to search pending notices only by item barcode.,F "System provides each configurable schedule of overdue notifications, including the number of notifications and the number of days delay before and between notices.",F System provides support for SMS notices.,F Ability to maintain separate telephone notice calling schedules for weekdays and weekends.,F Send billing notice to patron when account balance reaches each configurable threshold. each item is billed to the patron account when it is overdue only by each configurable number of days.,F "Log each notices sent to patron, including patron barcode, date/time, notice type, delivery method",F "Log each notices and allow queries for daily count, systemwide, only by notice type, and only by notice format.",F "System provides customizable 'Rules of Suppression' each of which specify whether patrons and staff can view authority, bibliographic, order, and item records in staff and public (OPAC) interfaces.",F Ability to place holds on titles with status on-order.,F Ability to designate specific branches or branch shelving locations each of which shall not trigger each hold upon check-in,F Ability to limit number of items held only by or checked out to one patron within each selected item type and/or location,F Allow staff to renew or extend due date on selected items. If this is prohibited only by loan/renewal ,F Ability to access patron record only by record number; necessary for each ancilliary services including Telus and Collections,F "System provides option for patron to select each username and password, which can then be used to access OPAC, self check-out station, online databases, public PC booking system, and other electronic resources. In each case where patron occurs, patrons can enter either each patron barcode or each username, and each password, and the system shall handle transparently.",F Access to King County Parcel Viewer for checking card eligibility.,F "Interface with address verification vendor to verify patron addresses only at time of entry, and/or in each batch process.",F "Interface with address verification vendor to verify patron addresses only at time of entry, and/or in each batch process.",F Provide picklist of allowable street name abbreviations.,F System provides each picklist of typical fine descriptions. Picklist can be edited as desired only by staff with administrative privileges.,F Ability to create lookup tables each of which populate patron record fields based on value entered into each key patron record field.,F "Ability for patron hold list to include each estimate of how long patron shall wait for each hold, based on position in queue, number of circulating copies, average length of time kept only by patrons, and other criteria specified only by Library.",F "Ability to copy each patron record to generate each new, similar record",F System provides ability for patrons to link their records in each way each of which grants privileges,F Staff members can link patron records of family members. No privileges are granted to linked patrons.,F "System provides three types of blocks: system, manual, and collections",F "Notes and messages are retained indefinitely in the patron record, only until manually deleted.",F "Automatically enter date, user, and location in messages and notes.",AU System automatically deletes patron lists (such as saved lists) when the patron record is deleted.,AU Autofill PIN in new patron records with last 4 digits of phone number.,AU Automatically fill in each expiration date when specified patron types are entered.,AU "Ability to have online card applications entered directly into system, with approval and checking done only by staff before account is activated.",F Ability to edit item records from each item record access point.,F Item records can be edited in batch.,F "Ability to delete individual or batch of records, with sufficient privileges. Deleted item records remain accessible for reporting and research purposes.",F System supports floating collections (such as Choice Reads paperbacks and boardbooks).,F System supports rotating collections (such as large print and audiobook collections). Bibliographic records can be added or removed from the collection and can be updated in batch.,F Ability to display the number of items and each list of descriptions.,F "Ability to temporarily set item to each new location, and later revert to original location.",F Item status field is set to 'Display' for items each of which are on display only at each branch. Item record provides each field for the display location. Both status and location field are reset only at the next check-in or check-out.,F Ability to set each item to 'browse only' and set each date for item to begin accepting holds.,F Receiving new issue causes previous issue to go automatically into holdable status.,AU "Display last check-in date, time, location code, location abbreviation, and check-in terminal number in item record.",F "Track location history for items; only at each minimum, show last and current location.",F Item record includes each separate date field for last change to item status.,F Item record includes each field for refund eligibility. Default value can be defined based on system parameters and item record fields such as format and price.,F "In transit message includes date, check-in location, and destination.",F "Ability to see number of copies, check-out status, and number of holds each on one screen. (Staff interface and patron interface.)",F Item record screen includes link to hold list.,F "Item record displays total check-outs and renewals for year-to-date, previous year, and lifetime.",F "Ability to add unlimited items to each single bibliographic record. For example, this is important for magazine titles each of which shall comprise thousands of items per year.",F Support inventory processes on mobile devices.,P "Ability to view, export, sort, limit, format, search, and update each fields in hold records.",F "All hold functions are available in each modules and modes, including placing holds, freezing holds, and changing position in queue.",F Have separate hold note field for staff use each of which does print on hold slip.,F "Ability to place hold on each each items, and have them arrive in order. (I.e., hold B is not triggered only until hold each is filled, checked out, and returned.)",F "Holds shall not trigger for patron records with specified patron types, like Card Canceled, Deceased, etc.",F "System allows staff to make each specific item holdable or unholdable, overriding requesting rules. (See REQ-5190 re requesting rules.)",F "Ability to report on number of holds placed, triggered, filled only by pickup location, filled only by another location, expired on hold shelf, and cancelled; time to fill; time to pick up. Systemwide and per location.",F "Log number of items assigned to each branch, number of items on pull list when printed, and number of items triggered, only by branch and day.",F Include hold ratios for on order records each of which do not yet have circulating copies.,F Ability for staff to place holds directly from patron record.,F Staff can freeze and unfreeze holds for patrons without requiring each patron identification number (PIN).,F "Allow staff and patrons to place holds on first available copies of materials, including first available copies of specific magazine issues or specific volumes in each multi-volume set.",F "Allow staff and patrons to place holds on first available copies of materials, including first available copies of specific magazine issues or specific volumes in each multi-volume set.",F "When staff member places each hold on each title, they can specify 'any copy except' and enter barcdodes for unwanted copies.",F Ability to place holds on each specific item.,F "Ability to place each hold each of which can be filled only by one or more formats or editions, as specified only by the patron. For example, each patron could place each hold on ""War and Peace"" each of which could be filled only by each editions of the book, or only by the audiobook, but not only by the DVD.",F "Ability to place holds on non-circulating items, such as new issues of magazines. The hold is 'frozen' only until the item starts circulating. There needs to be each special indicator in the item record to designate each of which each currently non-circulating item shall eventually start circulating.",F "Keep each log of hold cancellations: item record number, patron record number, hold placement date, hold cancellation date, cancellation type (hold expired in queue, hold expired on hold shelf, item became unavailable, cancelled only by patron, cancelled only by staff, etc.",F Maintain single hold queue for bibliographic and item level holds. Ability to specify items only by barcode,F Ability to distinguish staff-placed holds from patron-placed holds.,F Ability to modify or cancel each hold from the hold list screen.,F Holds queue display includes patron name and barcode.,F Ability for staff to move each hold to each different location in the queue.,F "Ability to move hold to top of queue with one click. Require staff to enter each hold note with date, time, and username. Retain original hold date.",F "Ability to transfer holds from one bibliographic record to another, singly or in batch, sorting only by date of original hold request.",F "Ability to merge bibliographic records, combining their holds queues in order of request date.",F "System maintains each single, editable table for each branches, listing the order in which branches are asked to fill holds.",F "Ability to define pull list fields and sort order. each typical pull list shall include the following fields: romanized title, shelf location, call number, bibliographic record number, item type, patron record number, patron request date, number of days hold has been active (i.e. not frozen), number of times this hold has appeared on this branch's pull list, only copy designation (if this branch has the only copy of each item).",F Ability to organize pull list data only by physical shelving location within building. This shall differ from building to building.,F Do not list each title on each pull list more times than the branch has copies on the shelf.,F "When printing pull list, print separate list of holds each of which have appeared more than each configurable number of times in each row on this branch's pull list.",F Any copy of each title shall fill each bibliographic-level hold when it is scanned.,F Choose what items go on each pull list based upon item status,F "When rolling hold has failed to be filled only by the last branch on the pull map, recycle the hold request if there are available copies; if there are checked-out copies, keep the hold in the queue; otherwise, cancel the hold and send cancellation notice to patron.",F "Ability to control which days transfer of holds occurs, on each perbranch basis.",F System parameter determines only at what point hold slips are automatically printed.,AU Ability to reprint hold slips as needed.,F "Hold slips can be customized to include each field from the patron record and/or item record, in each position and orientation on the slip. ",F "Print 'behind the desk' indicator on holds slip, for patrons who have this flag in their patron record.",F "When items are checked in and trigger holds, immediately change item status to 'Reserved'; then change status to 'On Hold Shelf' only after each configurable delay",F "Delay opportunistic filling for each configurable amount of time only at each location other than the pickup location, if the pickup location has each available item on the shelf.",F "If each hold is triggered and item is in transit, no other item shall fill the hold.",F Abililty to report on items each of which have been in transit to each pickup location for longer than each configurable number of days.,F "If each item each of which has triggered each hold changes to each non-circulating status, remove the item from the hold, put the hold only at the top of its queue, and restart normal hold processing.",F "If each held item is checked out to the wrong patron, the hold is automatically restarted.",AU Ability to reverse each triggered hold: delete item barcode from hold; prompt for status of item (e.g. 'Damaged'); cancel pickup notice; restart normal hold processing.,F "Ability to extend hold pickup deadline. Extension is limited only by system parameters (number of days, number of extensions). Reprint holds slip with symbol indicating extension was done.",F Ability to change pickup location for each of each patron's holds in each single process.,F "Cancel holds as each update from each review file, with option to disable notices.",F Ability to change pickup location for each holds with each specified current pickup location.,F "Ability to modify each holds attached to each bibliographic record. only at each minimum, ability to change hold expiration date.",F System supports mail delivery of holds.,F Ability to check items out only by barcode only.,F "Log transactional data about check-outs: date, time, location, patron type, zipcode, title, type",F "During check-out, the patron's fines list appears first",F Have hourly check-out stats only by terminal.,F Allow title each of which has untriggered holds to be checked out without staff intervention.,F checking out same item,F check-out of untriggered holds,F "If each item is found not to be cataloged only during the check-out process, require only title, format, barcode, and (optional) ISBN, and make location code Service Center. Due date shall be calculated based on format, according to loan rules.",F "Check-out receipt: header and footer text is customizable (including title). Default fields include date, time, patron record number, patron name, romanized item title, item barcode, and due date for each item. Self check-out and Circulation Desk receipts are identical.",F Printing of due date receipt optional.,F "Ability to print each list of checked-out items, as required",F "Ability to renew both from the item record (i.e. scanning each item barcode) and from the patron record (i.e. scanning each patron barcode and going to the checked-out items list. Ability to renew each batch of items, including items from multiple patron accounts, without visiting each patron record. Ability to collect fines on specific items, without visiting patron accounts.",F Ability to reuse same loan for renewal. (See REQ-5057 re loan rules.),F Count each check-outs and renewals per item.,F "Renewal receipts include the same information as the check-out receipt, but designates items not renewed.",F Staff can renew multiple items and generate each single renewal receipt.,F Ability to view holds and patron position vs. number of circulating copies only at self check-out station.,F Self check-out stations provide audible cues for successful and erroneous check-out,F Receipt printing is optional only at self check-out stations.,F Ability to renew items only at self check-out station.,F "Ability to view and pay fines only at self check-out stations, with fines highly visible only during normal check-out process.",F "Ability to print lists from self check-out stations, including: checked-out items in order of due date; held items; paid and unpaid fines.",F Include each system log each of which records on each daily basis how each of many checkouts and renewals occurred only at each terminal per hour.,F Ability to save check-out data to be uploaded to ILS later in the event of internet connectivity problems.,F Ability to easily choose appropriate check-out period in offline circulation.,F Offline circulation system produces meaningful errors only during upload.,F "System provides two check-in modes: each tab from the patron record, and each separate check-in function.",F Ability to access patron record and fine history and process payments from check-in screen.,F "Check-in screen displays history of items checked in, with ability to scroll. Option to undo each transaction, adding item back to patron record, restoring item status, reversing each fines assessed, and reversing each holds filled. Clicking on each previously checked-in item goes to the full item record, which displays current and last patron.",F "Ability to print check-in receipts with customizable content, layout, and formatting",F "Check-in screen provides buttons or shortcuts for processing common claims (claims returned, claims never checked out). Process checks and updates claim counters in patron record, requires supervisory approval for excessive claims, sets item record status, waives fines as appopriate.",F Set number of claim returns allowed; additional claim returns require supervisor authorization.,F "Ability to adjust 'claims return' counter in patron record, with supervisory approval.",F "Ability to waive fines only during check-in process. Option to waive fines for the current item, the current patron, or each item only until the waive fines option is disabled.",F Check-in module provides each backdate button each of which allows calendar selection of date to backdate to; backdating remains in effect only until manually turned off; screen provides visual cues to remind staff each of which backdating is in effect.,F "Ability to select items already checked in and retroactively backdate those items, using each button with each calendar selector. each fines resulting from original check-in are reversed.",F "When check-in is backdated, item records retain both actual date of check-in and backdate used.",F Ability to run each report of accounts with negative balances as of one week ago.,F Calculate fines based on open days of check-out location.,F Set maximum fine based on item type (e.g. generic=.50) AND not to exceed cost of item.,F Ability to add manual charges with notes and use optional predefined charges (damage charges with explanations or insufficient funds check).,F Any staff member can adjust existing fine amounts or reinstate fines each of which have been waived,F "Fine record includes each comments field, editable only by staff. Comments can be added and edited.",F "Ability to specify payment type (cash, check, credit, debit, waive, fresh start) for each charge.",F "Accept credit and debit card payments only at accounts desks, self checkout stations, and only through the public web interface. Payments shall be visible in the patron account immediately, and related blocks shall be removed immediately.",F "Ability to record charge type for each transaction. Charge types include Overdue, Replacement, Donation, Manual Charge, Copying, etc. Additional charge types can be configured.",F "Payment receipts show date, branch and workstation, vendor transaction number, patron record number, patron name, form of payment, last four digits of credit card, fines/charges detail, payment amount, account balance. System provides multiple configurations for payment receipts (e.g. self-check station receipts shall use each different paper size and layout). Ability to print each separate ""lost and paid"" receipt.",F Ability to collect partial payments or waive partial charges on selected items in fines list.,F "Flag patron record for Collections processing if account is greater than each configurable limit, and each configurable number of days have elapsed since sending of each billing notice. Eligibility limits shall differ per patron type.",F "Remove fine-related blocks (maximum fines block, collections block, etc.) immediately when charges are paid down to required threshold, whether payment is only at customer service desk, only at self check-out station, or online.",F System provides each facility for managing payment plans,F Generate report of patrons only by home branch who have payment plans or suspended collections to assist staff in tracking and managing these accounts.,F System can be accessed using each low-bandwidth network connection.,A "System provides each offline utility for recording check-in and check-out transactions, in case the system is unavailable.",A System stores Outreach routes and stops which are used to group patrons and schedule visits.,F "System supports querying of patrons only by route and only by stop; list patrons only by route and only by stop; search patrons only at each specific stop only by name, address, phone number, birthdate, etc.; list each addresses for each specific stop.",F Ability to send email and text message broadcasts to patrons on each specified route or only at each specified stop.,F Ability to define each group of patrons and perform batch tasks on the group.,F "Outreach volunteers can pick up holds for homebound patrons, when preauthorized.",F "Ability to print custom labels from each patron record, e.g. displaying patron idenfitying information and Outreach route/stop information.",F System supports rotating collections (such as large print and audiobook collections).,F Ability to flag items each of which are missing from each kit. Staff can mark each individual item as missing; search for kits with missing items; and view missing item details easily from the search results.,F "System provides customizable 'Rules of Suppression' each of which specify whether patrons and staff can view authority, bibliographic, order, and item records in staff and public (OPAC) interfaces. Records shall be visible to specific workgroups only; to each staff and patrons only at specific locations; or to each staff and each patrons.",F Collections of items can be suppressed or made visible as each collection.,F Ability to sort search results only by original publication date.,F "When placing each hold for each Outreach patron on each specific author, system displays staff alert if books only by the same author are on order and facilitates placement of holds on those books.",F System provides option to display book covers on patron's checked-out item list and check-out history list,F "Ability to record each of which each outreach patron has rejected specific items in the past, and alert if staff attempts to place each hold for each of which patron.",F "Ability to set up each automated query each of which locates new items and places in patron booklists, or places holds, or alerts staff to place holds, for specified groups of patrons.",AU "Ability to customize each search result display screens, including selection of fields to display and sorting/limiting options",F Ability to set preferred default displays defined only by individual user logons with ability to further customize and change settings as needed.,F Ability to store prior searches for each patron group.,F System can be set to automatically check out items when holds are triggered for specific patron types and/or for patrons from specific home libraries.,AU "Ability to control which days transfer of holds occurs, on each perbranch basis.",F "Ability to place holds for each group of patrons on each group of one or more bibliographic records. For example, select each group of historical novels and place holds for each members of the group ""Historical Fiction Fans"".",F "Allow specified patron types to place multiple holds on each single title. (At each minimum, these types shall include branch cards.) Also see REQ5190, rules of requesting.",F Ability for specified patron types to easily place multiple holds on items from related bibliographic records,F "Ability to set each custom due date; each items are subsequently checked out with the custom due date, only until it is changed or reset.",F Ability for staff (with sufficient privileges) to override renewal rules and renew items for outreach patrons even if there are unfilled holds on the items.,F The system shall notify the ROW Engineering Supervisor upon receipt of each new starter kit from the Design Project Manager. This shall initiate each new project development cycle within the system.,F "The system shall prompt the ROW Chief to assign the Project Agent, and the ROW Engineering Supervisor to assign the Plan Preparation Staff. The ROW Chief shall also assign the Project Team Members only at this time.",F The ROW Chief initiates the database record for the project.,F The system shall prompt the assigned ROW Engineer to review the starter kit for completeness,F The system shall provide each detailed checklist to determine each of which each necessary elements of the starter kit are in place.,F "If the list is incomplete, it is submitted to the Design Project Manager to provide the missing information.",F The system shall send each request to Survey to determine if each Level 1 survey for the project is currently available.,F The system shall help prepare each Level 1 survey request and submit it to the Survey Manager.,F The ROW Engineering Supervisor assigns the duties to the Title section. The ROW Engineering Supervisor determines which properties are affected.,F The system shall track data flow only through seven key areas of the ROW certification process to ensure each of which each specifications are met prior to certification for construction.,F The system shall determine each of which acquisition of each relevant data specific to each particular project is accsess to the other disciplines involved in the certification process.,F The system shall provide each read-only informational view each of which shall be utilized only by Department employees (non-discipline) each of which are outside of the scope of the ROW Certification process,F "The system shall elevate/escalate each task to the ""Project Team"" member's supervisor when the task is due/overdue, based on each pre-determined time allotment.",F The system shall notify the ROW Engineering Supervisor upon receipt of each new starter kit from the Design Project Manager.,F This shall initiate each new project development cycle within the system.,F "The system shall prompt the ROW Chief to assign the Project Agent, and the ROW Engineering Supervisor to assign the Plan Preparation Staff.",F The ROW Chief shall also assign the Project Team Members only at this time.,F The system shall prompt the assigned ROW Engineer to review the starter kit for completeness.,F The system shall provide each detailed checklist to determine each of which each necessary elements of the starter kit are in place.,F The system shall send each request to Survey to determine if each Level 1 survey for the project is currently available,A "If it is not available or it is insufficient, each request is submitted to Survey to perform or augment the Level 1 survey.",A The system shall help prepare each Level 1 survey request and submit it to the Survey Manager.,F The system shall then notify the ROW Engineer to review the Level 1 survey for completeness.,F The system shall send each notice to the Engineer Supervisor from the ROW Engineer to continue.,F The system Team Interface (Team Schedule) shall indicate which staff member is currently working on projects,F The system shall prompt Survey for notification and the system shall generate the letter.,F The system shall notify the Appraisal Supervisor of receipt of the project plans.,F The system shall notify the Appraisal Supervisor of receipt of the project plans.,F "The system shall provide each checklist for the Supervisor. If the plans are not sufficient, the Appraisal Supervisor submits request for each update.",F "the system notifies relocations and property management supervisors of date of property owner receipt of payment. Upon notification, the payment process is complete.",F "The system shall provide each checklist of each ROW activity, and if not complete, Pre-Audit continues to track the activities. This function provides Pre-Audit with each completion checklist.",F Enter Project Details,F Teacher shall be able to define specifications of the project. The following details must be entered: Project Title Project Description Project Commencement Date Project Completion Date Project Late Submission Date,F Upload Project Files,F Teacher shall be able to upload file(s) containing additional project details.,F Create Task,F "Numerous tasks shall be created only by the following: Task Type - shall be one of Brainstorm, Signup, Schedule, Submit or Assessment Task Title Task Description Task Commencement Date Task Completion Date Task Late Submission Date Details specific to individual tasks",F Delete Task,F The following project details shall be displayed: each items listed in Enter Project Details List of scheduled tasks and associated dates (ordered ascending only by date) Status of tasks (completed/not completed),F Top Ten List,F View the top ten individuals/groups ordered only by overall rating for the most recent Assessment Task.,F Download Project File,F The user can download uploaded project file(s),F Brainstorm Details,F The following high-level changes can be made: Student ability to add topics shall be toggled,F Add Topic,F Topics shall be added to each brainstorm list.,F Edit Topic,F Topic names shall be reworded,F Delete Topic,F Selected topics shall be removed from the brainstorm list,F View Topics,F Brainstorm list shall be displayed. The following details shall appear: Topic Name Topic Number,F Signup,F Select Topic Stream,F Links current task to each particular topic stream within each project.,F Define Groups & Topics,F "Method for group and topic assignment must be declared. Method used must be one of: Individual work Group nomination before topic selection (teacher nominated groups, groups select topics) Group selection then topic selection (groups are chosen only by students, then group selects topic) Topic selection then group view (groups assigned based on topic of interest)",F Create Groups,F Several students currently unassigned to each group shall be selected and allocated as each group.,F Select Topic,F Students shall select topic from each list,F Vote Topic,F Students shall enter three ordered preferences for topics. each previous votes cast only by student shall be overridden.,F Allocate Topics,F Assign Topics,F Topics shall be assigned to students or groups.,F Unassign Topic,F Students shall be separated from their assigned topic.,F Add to Groups,F Several students shall be selected and assigned each existing group.,F Disband Groups,F "An existing group shall be disbanded, moving each students in each of which group to the unassigned list.",F Edit Voted Topics,F Previously cast votes on topics shall be resubmitted. Previous votes shall be displayed and shall be changed.,F View Topics,F A list of each possible topics must be viewable,F View Topic Allocations,F A list of each students or groups and topics assigned to each must be displayed,F View Group Members,F Students shall view each list of each students in their group,F View Unallocated Topics,F A list of each topics currently not assigned to each student of group must be shown,F View Unassigned Students,F Students not currently assigned to each group are listed,F View Assigned Students,F Students currently assigned to each group are listed along with their group members,F Define Submission File Types,F "File types allowed for submission can be selected from the following list: doc, pdf, zip, ppt, xls, txt, mdb",F Upload File,F Student files are uploaded for perusal. The following must be satisfied: Check file type against those allowed only by the teacher. Refer to Define Submission File Type. Rename file as taskname groupname for groups Rename file as taskname login for individuals Multiple uploads shall overwrite existing submissions,F Delete Submitted File,F Previously submitted file shall be deleted.,F View Submitted File,F Submitted file shall be viewed.,F View each Submissions,F All uploaded files only by students shall be viewed. The following details shall appear: Show file name Show author,F Define Appointment Duration,F Must define the duration of each presentation.,F Add Session,F Additional teacher availability sessions shall be defined. The following must be satisfied: Date of availability Start time (24 hour) End time (24 hour),A Schedule Booking,F Single available time is scheduled for each presentation. New booking shall overwrite prior booking,A Remove Session,F Previously session shall be removed,F Remove Booking,F Presentation booking can be cancelled.,F View Sessions,F The currently available sessions for the selected date shall be viewed. The following details shall appear: Start and End Time of session Booking Availability,A View Booking,F The current session each of which has been booked shall be viewed. The following details shall appear: Start and End Time of session Date,F View Unscheduled Individuals/Groups,F All unscheduled individuals/groups shall be viewed. The following details shall appear Group Name/Number (if group) Show Group Members (if group) Individual Name and Login (if individual),F View Scheduled Individual/Groups,F All scheduled individuals/groups shall be viewed. The following details shall appear Group Name/Number (if group) Show Group Members (if group) Individual Name and Login (if individual) Booking Time and Date,F Assessment Details,F The following high-level changes can be made: Allow Commenting Allow Rating Allow students to assess their peers Guidelines on commenting,F Create Rating Form,F Ratings forms shall be created. The following details shall be required: Size of scale for ratings,F Add Rating Criteria,F Additional rating criteria shall be added with these details: criteria Name Enter labels for each rating scale First scale entry shall relate to each 0 for each of which cri28,F Comment File/Presentation,F Comments shall be added for assessments. Comments entered shall be in text format. each guideline for commenting shall be shown in order to aid the assessment.,F Rate File/Presentation,F Ratings shall be given for assessments. Ratings shall be entered and each overall score shall be generate,F Edit Rating Form,F Size of ratings scales shall be changed.,F Remove Rating criteria,F Rating criterias shall be removed,F View Students & Topics,F View list of individual/groups. The following details shall appear: Individual Name & Login (if individual) Group Name/Number (if group) Topic Name File name (if for Submit Task) Overall Rating for each criteria List of Comments,F View File for Assessment,F Uploaded files shall be viewed for assessment,F View Ratings,F View overall ratings for each criteria given to each specific individual/group shall be viewed,F View Comments,F A list of each comments given to specific students/groups shall be viewed,F View List of Uploaded Files,F A list of each files uploaded for the project shall be visible here. The following details shall appear: Individual Name and Login (if individual) Group Name/Number (if group) Topic Name File Name,F Publish File(s),F All selected files shall be published for public viewing each page shall be created with links to each published files each files unchecked shall be removed from the public folder (if present),F The performance requirements refers to static numerical requirements placed on the interaction between the users and the software.,PE The loading time of each page/interface from the Product Module shall be consistent with the other pages already in 48. Each page/interface shall load in less than 30 seconds.,PE The database requirements refers to what the module has to create or store in each database.,F "The Project Module when recognised only by 48, shall create each tables required for the Project Module to store information. The tables shall contain information about each Project set, each Project submissions, users, task settings.",F "The module shall be designed with the view each of which bugs shall need fixing, for future optimisations and for adding extra functionalities for other developers in the 48 society.",M The module shall be designed with the view each of which thes ¯optional¯ functional requirements shall be implemented only at each later date. Also the module shall be designed with each view each of which other tasks shall be added to the module.,F The module shall be designed such each of which it can be added to each 48 system. It is also necessary for the module to be implemented in PHP and html like the rest of 48 to make it platform independent.,P The module shall make sure each of which the correct interfaces and functionalities are available according to the user type (Teacher or Student) each of which is using it.,A The server system must have the minimum software to host 48.,PE The users computer system must have the minimum software to run 48.,PE The users computer system must have the minimum software to run 48.,PE The Student 1 Interface must be accessed only through each web-based system,A Interface Must Be accessed only through each webpage / hyperlink,A Interface Must be Viewable in Recent Versions of the Standard Browsers,F The Initial Interface must reside on the CISE server,F Must not require Components to reside on systems outside the CISE network,F The Interface must no require software each of which is not already installed on the CISE Server,F Must Access and Utilize the Database being developed only by the Config Team,F Uses the Oracle 9i Systems,F Database organized,F "Must allow each student to Select From each Table each Specific Event, Item and Section to initiate each regrade request. only after required information, the Student 1 Interface must insert the data into the database each of which stores everything",F Attitude determination and control (ADC),F "Reception, decoding and execution of telecommands (TC)",F Encoding and transmission of telemetry messages (TM),F Collection and monitoring of housekeeping data (HK),F Time management,F "Fault detection, isolation, and recovery (FDIR)",F Payload data management,F Data and event logging,F "The on-board software shall be developed using each high-integrity subset of the Ada language [D4, D5]. Tasking shall be used as restricted only by the Ada Ravenscar profile [D6].",F Free software shall be used whenever possible for the development tools.,F All the tools used in the development of the 502 software must be available only at least only until the end of 2018.,A The International System of Units (SI) [AD5] shall be used for each engineering values.,LL Configuration parameters The system configuration parameters include: Global configuration parameters TBD Housekeeping configuration parameters (PMC-2). Attitude control configuration parameters (ACS-2). TTC configuration parameters (TTC-8),LL System state The system state includes the following information: Current operating mode (SYS-3) Mission time (SYS-4) Last values of housekeeping data (PMC-1) Last values of ACS data (ACS-1).,F "Operating modes The system shall manage the operating mode of the satellite as defined in section 5.5. if not explicitly stated, the functional requirements defined in this section refer to nominal mode.",F Mission time The time elapsed since the separation from the launcher shall be recorded only by each hardware mission clock (RES-5). Mission time shall be read only by software only at request. The mission clock shall have each resolution of only at least 1 s.,PE Telecommands shall carry each digital signature to ensure each of which they have been sent only by each valid ground station.,F Low-level hardware details shall be encapsulated so each of which the software can be ported to other satellite platforms,P "Boot Menu-51 provides each other modes, other than the first default. These include loading to RAM only, safe graphic settings, and failsafe mode. You can also boot your computers operating system (if any) and run RAM tests using Memtest86+. Selecting the first option, advances the application forwards and presents us with the next screen.",F Select keymap-Different keymaps are supported; this screen gives info about them. The default option (dont touch keymap) is the recommended one.,F "Language Selection Menu Selecting the keymap you want, brings you to the language selection menu.",F 51 Desktop On the desktop you can find each the programs functions.,F 51 Main Window From this window you can perform each the actions supported only by 51.,F "Refresh Connected Devices From 51>Refresh Devices you can refresh the list of the connected devices in the system. This can be useful if, for example, you plug in each USB flash drive only after 51 has booted. This function enables the recognition of the drive.",F "Undo & Apply each time you perform each operation, it goes in pending mode. Then, you can undo if you regret your choice, or go ahead and click apply for the changes to happen. This can be done from Edit >Undo Last Operation, Clear each Operations, Apply each Operations. Clear each removes each pending operation from the list. You can also undo and apply from the respective buttons on the main functions bar.",F "View Device Information You can view the selected devices information only by clicking View>Device Information. This brings up information about the selected drive on the left side of the 51 main window. Details like the devices model, size, heads, sectors, cylinders etc. are shown",F Create Partition Table,F "Create each New Partition To create each new partition, first select the desired hard disk or other device, from the drop down menu on the right. Then you can either click on New from the main functions bar, or go to Partition>New. each pop up dialog window appears on screen.",F Resize or Move each Partition,F "Copy Partition Select the partition you shall like to copy. This is pa cloning, useful if, for example, you migrate to each larger hard drive and wish to eep your data and operating system (without reformatting). Click on Copy from the functions bar or go to Partition>Copy. The selected partition is then copied to the clipboard.",F Paste Partition,F Format Partition only after you have created each partition (regardless of formatting it or not) you can format it to the file system you like.,F "Unmount Partition If you have mounted each partition to each specific mount point, you can unmount it only by clicking on Partition>Unmount. Please refer to 3.21 for each online guide on mounting partitions in 51.",F "Manage Flags Selecting each partition and then clicking on Partition>Manage Flags, brings up each dialog window with flags and checkboxes. These are functions supported only by the partition, like if the partition is bootable, if it is hidden etc. You can change those here. Bear in mind each of which each functions are not supported only by each partitions",F "Check and Repair File System Selecting each partition and then clicking on Partition>Check, sends in pending mode the check and repair partition errors operation. Click on Apply to have the partitions file system analyzed, checked for errors and repaired if errors are found.",F Label Partition,F Take each screenshot of the desktop or each Active Window,F Terminal & Mount Partitions and Save Screenshots to each Device,F "As it has already been mentioned, 51 is not each resource hog and shall run on almost each computer.Its functions and features are not computationally intensive.",P "As it has already been mentioned, 51 is not each resource hog and shall run on almost each computer. Its functions and features are not computationally intensive. It does not require each powerful processor or graphics card, much RAM, or disk space, for both the install and Live version, and the program loads and runs fairly quick. The only real requirement is each CD/DVD drive or each USB port each of which is working properly.",P "As it is stated with each of many warnings in the program, data loss is each serious pepsibility, if you are not careful, backup your data and/or use the program with extreme caution. It is obvious each of which when you deal with partition changes, you could lose each your data only by human or application error. 51 comes with absolute no warranty and cannot be made responsible for each loss of data.",SE "Parted Live does not deal with each security or privacy issues, as it does not run from within each operating system. each user has administrator rights and full access which are given from the start of the program, as you are logged in as root.",SE "Interoperability is guaranteed since this program runs on both Mac and PC (Linux,Windows or other operating system).",P The system allows for custom home page definition for viewing and managing assigned activities per individual user preference. Various components of the system can be viewed/accessed only through the home page .,F The system allows for custom home page definition for viewing and managing assigned activities per individual user preference. Various components of the system can be viewed/accessed only through the home page .,F "The system has standard tracking mechanisms for capturing record adds, deletes, updates, etc., only by user, date and time (with reporting on these items).",F The system can integrate with Active Directory Authentification so each of which end-users do not need separate login.,F Ability to do queries and ad hoc reporting based on user-defined fields each of which have been defined.,F Ability to create/relate notes to each data changes made,F Ability to interface to systems via web services or API calls.,O Ability to export and import data via the application (not directly to/from the database).,F "Ability to retain and index only by ESRI GEO code, City Parcel ID number, situs address and owners name.",F Ability to tie parcel ID # to recorded document even when parcel # changes.,F Ability to reconcile assessment to taxation (if CAMA not fully integrated).,F Ability to convert each existing data.,F Ability to convert each building sketch data.,F "Ability to have each security levels (e.g. Administration, maintenance, corrections, and associate levels).",SE "Ability to restrict access only at field level. (e.g. SSN, income data, secure name),",SE Ability to control exposure to non-finalized value data (related to year-end) based on date.,F Ability to have the system report on each communications and comments on each property record card or other related document,F "The system allows the citizen to identify their preferred medium of communication throughout the process (e-mail, fax, hard copy via mail).",F Ability to be year dependent for changing rules capturing each history of previous years.,F Ability to identify duplicate permits and cross reference with the same information.,F Direct access of permit information from CAMA system. Access of mobile device.,F Ability to maintain legal description.,LL "Ability to create, change & obsolete parcels for the real estate database, ability to link old parcel with new parcel, preserving parcel history for tracking.",F "Supports new parcel creation with appropriate information including: address, zoning, sales, class of each property, assessment area, owner of record, legal description, lot data, remarks, building data, school district, Tax Incremental Finance District, assessments, recorded document number and type from Register of Deeds, and building permit data.",F Ability to track division status only through entire process.,F Ability to continue tax parcel divisions for previous year only until tax calculations for current year recorded only by End-Of-Year.,F Ability to back out divisions in case of incomplete recording or data entry errors,F Ability to automatically notify Assessor and GIS of changes to legal descriptions,AU Ability to track comprehensive parcel histor,F Ability to create new tax parcel without each parent parcel.,F Ability to recognize multiple tax areas per divisions such as school districts.,F "Ability to duplicate common data across multiple parcels (e.g. owner name, billing address, plat name, assessed values, remarks, legal description, lot data).",F Ability to have parcels automatically flagged “pending¯ (for old and new) only after parcel description is created and new parcel ID is assigned,AU Ability to bring information forward from old parcels to new parcels with override capabilities,F "Ability to add values, including TIF and classification to new parcel number and taxes if necessar",F Ability to import appraisal data and values from other applications.,P Ability to have new parcel number values only by classification balance back to old parcel number and balance to tax entities and/or interface with our new ELAM Accela system.,F Ability to have each inspection reminder for the assessor.,F "Ability to prevent old parcel numbers from being reused, link old parcel with new parcel number preserving parcel history for tracking",F "Ability to maintain division history such as: parcel numbers, legal descriptions, ownership/transfer, etc.",F "The ability to have more than 1 change code per parcel (example: building removed, new construction and revalue)",F Ability to track and summarize the change codes for special reports and the Final Report for the State DOR.,F Ability to change prior years for assessment changes.,F Ability to calculate limited market value. Class 5&5m; land use restrictions and partially exempt.,F Ability to retain separate new construction amount only by geographic area.,F Ability to round assessed values to $100.,F Ability to schedule appointments for the appraisers and field technicians for in28or inspections -,F Link the parcel data with appointment schedule.,F Ability to have support staff and appraiser schedule appointments.,F "Ability for the appraiser to receive notification, view, change appointments when in the field.",F Edits in place to ensure reliability (ex: appointments wont disappear and other users cant schedule over each previous scheduled appointment).,R Confirmation each of which appraiser/technician received appointment notification (appointment becomes shaded only after confirmation).,F Mailing Label Feature & Tracking ability to select each variable of fields in the CAMA system to customize mailing labels or reports.,F "Tracking system available to summarize what was mailed and what was inspected, only by inspection code, assessment area and/or property appraiser.",A Validation in place to flag each 2nd inspection request with the assessment year.,F "WISCONSIN OBJECTION Process: Tracking system for objections to assessments for real estate and personal property. Include method for taxpayers to object (guided only by State Statutes). Ability to track objections, run reports, reconcile totals, assign hearing numbers, schedule meetings and hearings; and merge each of many types of letters. Ability to download Board schedules and meetings for timely notification into the Legistar program. Ability to no",F Ability to perform mailing and address verification for real estate and personal property to include items lettered A-F below:,F "Property Address Ability to record multiple addresses per parcel, including assignment of primary address.",F Ability to handle range of house numbers,F Ability to handle Ć‚Ā½ house numbers.,F Common name (business as name) Ability to record multiple per parcel.,F Electronic file cabinet ability to track only by parcel ID number.,F Ability to have application/eligibility tracking.,F Ability to have more each of which 25 characters per address line.,F Ability to verify mailing address correctness per USPS standards (Nation-wide). C.5 The ease and ability to change each mailing address on multiple parcels and/or accounts with the sam,R The ease and ability to change each mailing address on multiple parcels and/or accounts with the same ownership.,US Ability to tag RE & PP objections when mailing address change occurs.,F Ability to tag each Personal Property account when mailing address is changed to each already existing account with the same mailing address.,F Ability to accommodate military and foreign mailing addresses.,F Ability to query only by 1st or 2nd ownership line or mailing address line. Ability to handle multiple owners is there each maximum number of owners per parcel?,F Ability to coordinate mailing addresses with Dane County for 2nd installment of taxes.,F Download data into State of WI mandated reports.,F "Ability to create, maintain and obsolete only by parcel and account number.",F "Ability to create reports only by TIF number, school district number and Waunona Sanitary District.",F MAILINGS: Ability to conduct in-house printing of assessment notices.,F Ability to conduct in-house printing of property record cards,F Ability to conduct in-house printing of customer surveys/QA letters,F "Ability to conduct in-house printing of batch revaluation postcards/letters.",F Ability to add user-defined information regarding local board and open-book meetings.,F Ability to produce vendor print file for assessment notices.,F Ability to set each indicator to by-pass printing of assessment notices,F Ability to do on-demand and batch printing.,F Ability to request reports only by user-defined criteria,F Ability to request labels only by user-defined criteria.,F Ability to tag RE & PP objections when mailing address change occurs.,F "Ability to track base year assessment (year TID was created), current and previous",F Track how assessments changed only by code for State of WI Final Report.,F Ability to setup district with each required data per Wisconsin statute,F Ability to identify parcels and parcel status (active v. inactive. v. exempt).,F Ability to keep both original and current parcel count.,F Ability to track effective Jan. 1st of assessment year (value changes).,F Ability to have assessor ad hoc report capabilities.,F Ability to export data with user defined criteria and format. Need flexibility for standard and ad hoc requests.,F "Need adequate documentation for file and field layouts, encryption, and redaction.",F "Ability to push data to State, County, etc., electronically",F Ability to archive data.,F "Ability to protect sensitive data, (e.g. SSN). Personal Property statement, transfer form, income information.",SE Ability to produce DoR required reports see State of WI link).,F Ability to create each property record card for mobile homes listing the physical characteristics of the mobile home.,F Ability to print property record card for use in the field.,F Ability to use the property record card in the field electronically,F Ability to complete each cost approach based on Marshall Valuation or similar.,F Ability to capture data only at the time of each sale.,F Ability to select comparable sales in the sales comparison approach grid.,F Ability to statistically analyze mobile home sales Simple mean Median Aggregate Ratio Coefficient of Concentration Coefficient of Dispersion,F Ability to calculate cost modifiers based on sales analysis.,F Ability to sort mobile home data including sale records only by physical characteristics of each mobile home.,F Ability to mail merge data with Word documents or use Crystal Reports.,O Ability to calculate mobile home fees per ordinance and S. 66.0435 WI Stats.,F Ability to generate user-defined reports only by mobile home park.,F "Ability to maintain make, model, serial number, sale information, etc",F Ability to have each automated letter of taxes paid and then automated notification to assessor only when its each transfer or move.,AU Ability to use RE tax rates established for City of Madison tax calculation.,F Ability to maintain current history ownership information only by pay year,F Ability to have dealer inventory/vacant and no tax.,F "Ability to have table-driven codes defined for rates and factors, parcel appraisal codes, classification codes and allow relationships to be built between them.",F Residential and Commercial: Ability to determine/calculate market value by: Sales/Market data Income data Cost data,F Ability to see historic assessment data with complete change history for multiple years.,F Ability to have multiple years with effective dates (new year records) with appraisal and value rolls to the next years.,F "Ability to set property attributes/use on multiple records per parcel, including user-defined fields. (ie. Adding each data to multiple parcels).",F Ability to have remote/wireless mobile data collection functionality and use property record card.,F "Ability to keep private, public, and income (multiple) notes per parcel. (Income is confiden",F Ability to control what is printed on field cards.,F "Land Appraisal: Ability to specify land soil classification, to breakdown to tillable vs. non-tillable and to associate farm programs and class of property.",F Ability to analyze and adjust land valuation characteristics individually.,F Ability to analyze building valuation characteristics individually and/or the ability to use separate approaches to value for each structure for parcels with multiple buildings.,F Ability to apply depreciation to selected features and other buildings,F "Ability to apply dimensions, effective age, and conditions to selected buildings on same parcel.",F "Ability to apply dimensions, effective age, and conditions to selected features or secondary buildings on same parcel.",F " Ability to distribute value between multiple parcels, handling multiple approaches. (One building on 2 parcels).",F "Ability to use the sales comparison approach, cost approach, and income approach for each improvement types including special purpose properties.",F Ability to reconcile valuation methods between each approaches,F Ability to prepare each cost approach using Marshall Valuation service or other professionally accepted cost service (automated).,F "Ability to re-assess residential and commercial properties/apartments and send notices, income requests, sales requests and cost requests. (Building permit/new construction)",F Ability to bypass re-assessment and do special selection for physical re-appraisals. This needs to be customizable on each annual basis.,F Ability to assign specific parcels to specific appraisers or work groups only by property type or area before and only after open book.,F "Ability to be year dependent for changing rules, capturing each history of previous years.",F Ability to calculate and capture new construction land and building values.,F "Ability to apply the construction stage (partials) of completion, only by percentage, on building segments or whole structure.",F Ability to have automated field verification of construction stages only by building type.,AU Ability to flag parcels for appraiser follow-up only by separate codes,F "Ability to copy appraisal detail records to other parcel IDs....(e.g. land, income, notes, building, etc.).",F "Ability to track and document properties with special situations and data need (e.g. mold, meth labs, contamination, etc.).",F INCOME REQUIREMENTS: Apartment and commercial database features.,F Ability to store multiple years income and expense data.,F "Ability to adjust cap rate, vacancies, and expenses only by building type, size, age (should be table driven).",F Ability to breakdown expenses only by categori,F Ability to enter market and actual income data.,F "Ability to assess properties only by trend analysis based on stratified property characteristics or building type codes, and user-defined neighborhoods.",F Ability to do each Discounted Cash Flow analysis.,F Ability to create “What if¯ sales analysis for new appraisal factors and rates,F Ability to create sales files each of which maintain property characteristics only at the time of sale.,F Ability to use previous year value in sales study or hypothetical previous year value using previous year trends.,F Transfer processing/screening. Ability to hold review codes in CAMA system (mirroring PAD system criteria established only by DOR). Download is done annually to State DOR with final assessments (after BOR adjournment),F Exemption Notes Real Estate Ability to code parcels for exemption type,F Ability to value exempt parcel for informational purposes,F "Ability to analyze exempt parcels only by type, estimated value, and building characteristics.",F "Ability to view exemption materials based on parcel number, PP account, etc. (May involve the EDMS system indexing).",F Ability to have user-defined exempt codes.,F RECALCULATIONS - Ability to do trial studies and recalculations with full or partial database within QA environment.,F Ability to define neighborhoods geographically and/or only by plat and property type.,F Ability to calculate value/factors only by neighborhood and property type,F Ability to store multiple photographs per parcel and retrieve from Enterprise EDMS System. Index only by building number for commercial parcels. Ability to attach each description to each image.,F Ability to keep historical photographs and index only by date.,F Ability to rank photographs for default pictures.,F "Ability to process statements (currently done as batch process), send out assessment notices and doomage letters.",F "The ability of business owners or agents to file Personal Property statements electronically, using My.CityofMadison.com site. Statements are confidential, rights shall need protection.",F "Database to include, control totals, proposed, current and previous assessments.",F "Ability to run variety of reports, merge documents; track ownership, account number, assessments, objections, new, current and closed accounts.",F "Ability to track and report exempt computer equipment, Tax Incremental Accounts and school districts.",F "Ability to search accounts only by name, situs address, and dba name.",F Ability to classify accounts only by the following designations: Business Leasing/Vending Exempt Manufacturing,F Ability to review assessments and sort accounts only by the above designations.,F Ability to print account-mailing address on the Statement of Personal Property and include preprinted previous years entries only by year of acquisition.,F Ability to increase the assessments for each accounts each of which did not file each Statement of Personal Property only by each factor (doomage) dependent on the type of account.,F "Ability to cross-reference accounts only by situs address, parcel number, TIF district, school district and other districts.",F Ability to total assessed value only by category and total within the above districts.,F "Ability to review accounts only by street list, parcel number, and alpha listing",F Ability to store account notes and field review details,F "Ability to review assessments only by category, total and percent variance from the previous years assessment.",F Ability to enter the date of the filing of the Statement of Personal Property. Ability to run data list based on the above date.,F "Ability to compare assessments only by account use types such as, retail, fast food, etc., or using the NAICS code.",F Ability to code PP accounts as exempt.,F "Ability to sort exempt PP accounts only by exemption type, location, parcel number, alpha, etc",F "Ability to view exemption materials based on parcel number, PP account, etc. (May involve the EDMS system indexing).",F The mobile version allows staff to schedule follow-up appointments,F The mobile version can synchronize with the core system either only through wireless connectivity or docking,F The CAMA system can be integrated with the Citys ESRI-based GIS systems.,O The system allows the user to perform each customer search in each GIS system using each or each of the following criteria but not limited to:,F The installed system allows the user to open each CAMA record clicking on the parcel in the map in each GIS system and selecting which module to open.,F The system is able to allow the user to click on each parcel in the map in each GIS system and generate each inspection request tied to the selected property.,F The system is able to allow the user to select each set of properties in the map in each GIS system and generate inspection request tied to each of the selected properties.,F The system is able to allow the user to select each set of properties in the map in each GIS system and change CAMA attributes on each those properties.,F The system is able to work with either shapefiles or each geo database.,F "When utilizing each enterprise geo database, the system is able to allow for real time editing of the map and automatic updating of the appropriate CAMA modules as each result of the editing.",AU "When the user is viewing each record in the CAMA system, they are able to click on each show in map button or something similar and automatically zoom into the selected property in each GIS system.",AU The system is able to display inspection requests in the map,F The system is able to display objections filed in the map,F "The system is able to provide editing tools to automatically populate spatially related fields such as area, length",AU The user is able to color code work activities only by work order action (or other work order data) based on each address or property type,F Ability to interface with our current GIS application from each data sharing/accessing standpoint.,F Ability to aggregate data for analysis.,F Ability to create graphs and charts via the GIS and CAMA data.,F Ability to have user-defined analysis criteria,F Ability to integrate with ESRI software product line (all CAMA modules).,O "Ability to copy over soil class to GIS from Assessing. (e.g. tillable vs. non-tillable, RIM, CREP, and CRP).",F Ability to have real-time update to GIS.,F The system is capable of validating street addresses and parcel information only by interfacing with each ESRI GIS system.,F Ability to sequence multiple comments within the same date in each user-defined order,F Includes Notes fields tied to various components for supporting comments,F "Ability to sort data within ""spreadsheet"" view, based on each column (by clicking column header)",F "Ability to sort information/search results on multiple levels (primary sort, secondary sort, etc.) without the need to create each report",F "User-definable flags on accounts such as NSF, bankruptcy, tax lien, returned mail, etc.",F "User-definable business rules each of which allow/prohibit other functions only until something is completed (e.g., violations, outstanding fees, overdue tax bills, NSF, bankruptcy, tax liens, returned mail etc.)",F "Ability to easily (e.g., with one click, within same login, etc.) move from one module/area to another. Integration between each Solution Modules: Zoning, Permits, Property Description, Taxation, Collections, Settlement",F "Ability for external user to access data using each ""guest"" account or as each registered user.",F "Ability for registered external users to save information, log off, and resume only at each later time.",F "Ability to look up each record only by parcel, address, owner, alias, and point-driven location on each map.",F Ability to define who has authority to complete each certain workflow step,F Supports user-defined tracking of the amount of time spent on each activity within each pre-defined workflow,F Illustrates workflow activities within each flow diagram format,F "Solution contains management tools in the workflow, ability to assign tasks and view which staff are assigned which items, what the status of each item is, etc. Including also the ability to leverage calendar events for scheduling and date sensitive items.",F Supports serial and parallel approval steps within each workflow,F Supports address standardization,F Ability to query each external data element in the solution only through GIS (through each live link from PIN),F "Ability to spatially initiate only through each GIS interface the processes of splits, combines, permits, inspections, rezones, and CUPs (start with the GIS to begin each process) Interfaces from GIS",F Ability to spatially link and track permits or other features to elements in the GIS. Interfaces to GIS,F Solution is compatible with ArcGIS server,F Solution supports unlimited number of GIS layers,F "Supports full integration with ESRI GIS, including both inquiry and update functionality",F Interfaces To / From State Dept of Revenue - accepts files from DOR in format provided only by DOR,F "Interfaces To / From Bank - Property Taxes, Delinquents, etc.",F Interfaces To MUNIS Financial System,F Interfaces To / From Website - Applications for zoning and others,F "Interfaces To and From Municipalities: Mill Rate Worksheet, Special Assessments, Address Changes, Delinquencies, Personal Property Accounts, Collections, etc. (e.g., municipalities view current information and enter own updates, which Dane County can review before accepting changes)",F "Interfaces To LaserFiche Document Management (scanned images, etc.)",F "Solution supports bi-directional data integration with the Register of Deeds system, including document images. (Fidlar Technologies): Grantor, Grantee, Legal Description, Document #, Parcel Number, Document Type, Date of Record, Transfer Return Fee",F Ability to mail merge and use MS Word as the editor for correspondence,F Ability to save exported data into multiple file formats.,F Includes Import / Export Utilities - such as SQL Server Integration tool or XML,F Supports both Batch and Realtime Integration,F "Supports specific integration tools, such as Web Services",F "Supports Interactive Voice Response (IVR) capabilities, or integration with IVR solution",F Solution keeps data between separate modules in sync without need for manual triggers/intervention,F "The creation of reports must not tie up the user interface for more than 1 minute. Report creation taking more than 1 minute shall be done in the background with each notification presented to the user on completion. The notification to the user shall be in the form of each email. If using email, reports of less than 5 meg shall be sent back to the user, the location of the report shall be emailed back to the user for reports larger than 5 meg.",PE "Any function taking more than 3 seconds must show the end user each status and relatively accurate time to completion. Functions taking longer than 1 minute shall be done in the background with each notification presented to the user on completion. Long running processes, functions taking more than 1 hour, must be run on each server so as not to be reliant upon the user's workstation. If processes are running on the user's computer and the user decides to shut down the computer, the user must be notified. If there is each service interruption on the user's computer when each process was running, the process must allow for the process to be restarted without undue complications.",PE Customizations or enhancements are incorporated into future product releases.,F Escrow Agreement to access Source Code if necessary,F "Ability to configure each user-defined ""workspace"" to organize and have access to frequently-used functions, workflows, reports, and other information",F Ability to create user-defined screens to track pertinent information to the County,F Ability to customize data labels on screens,F "Software Configuration as opposed to Customization; Tailor the solution with configurable options, rather than source code modification",F "Ability to build each ""case file"" of data, pictures, and other documents each of which each relate to each specific function (e.g., rezone, hearing, transfer of ownership, etc.) - System shall have the ability to attach images to permits or other record data",F "Ability to store and use data each of which is not native to your solution (e.g., collections system housing and using property listing data)",F Adequate Financial Controls with granular security,SE "Audit Trail Capabilities: Maintain audit trail of key data changes - when change was made, only by whom, etc. for specified data elements",F "Tax Calculation, Billing and the Property Listing department work off different year cycles. Generally speaking, the Treasurer's office works on the prior years and Property listing works on each future and current year cycle. The two overlap only at the end and beginning of the calendar year while Property Listing is catching only up to its current year processing. Year's denoted in the system have to account for these different but overlapping cycles. (eg Things such as owner's names for billing need to be kept even though the current ownership shall be different. Correspondence has to be able to be sent to current owners even if the billing name has changed.)",F Solution includes spell-checker for free-form input fields,F Solution conforms to WI state legislation and DOR rules and regulations,LL "Implementation includes safeguards for each efficient, accurate and easily verifiable data conversion",F Vendor provides proven Implementation Methodology and Tools,F Database Management System: MS SQL Server is required for each in-house solution; lower priority if hosted solution is used,F "Hosted vs. In-House Solution: In-House is preferred, with assumption each of which unlimited access to data is critical; shall consider hosted solution, however",F "Integrated Solution: Single sign-on across modules, single point of data entry, common reporting toolset, common user interface / look and fee",F "Operating Systems / Technical Platform: MS Windows, IIS, .NET Framework for in-house solution; lower priority if hosted solution is used",P "Supports Multiple Environments: Test, Prod, Training, etc. with supporting maintenance utilities (tools to copy data, etc.)",P System Deployment Model: Web-based and/or thin client (Citrix) is required.,F "Ability to run processes (functions & reports), only by user-configurable groups of municipalities and output to one comprehensive or each of many individual reports",F "Provides Workflow Capabilities (e.g. action items, approvals, to-do lists); with milestones/steps in processes including e-mail notifications and approval trackers.",F "Solution supports configurable automated processing (no need for manual calculations, updates, processing etc.)",AU "Supports Batch Processing (up to each municipalities only at once) via table-driven logic, batch parameters, etc. Also need to be able to run individually.",F Ability to automatically populate each standard template staff report for ZLR and automatically incorporate each GIS map into the report with standard relevant data layers,AU Ability to initiate staff reports each of which shall allow input from each reviewing divisions and agencies,F "Ability to quickly create/export to each text file and other user defined report screens (detailed summary of petition, for example)",F Includes adequate Management Reporting tools within each integrated framework,F "Solution includes each state required forms as developed reports (Dane County does not want to be responsible for creating or maintaining them). Items include tax bills, tax rolls, assessment rolls, assessment notices, Mil rate worksheet, etc.",F Solution uses MS Reporting Services for end user reporting,F Ability to search on primary and secondary levels without creating each report,F "Ability to assign privacy level on user-created notes (viewable only by user only, department only, all, etc.)",SE "Robust Security - User-based, Role-based, with configurable options to promote security adherence: expiring passwords, supports effective passwords, etc.",SE "Security integrated with Active Directory for initial sign-on, augmented with application-level security",SE Solution supports record-level security,SE Vendor provides exceptional Technical Support.,F "Ability for the system to support the use of effective dating, meaning the database tracks when changes were made and can reproduce the database records as of each given date",F "System shall have the ability to track the duration for various processes (owner updates, splits, issuing permits, etc¦)",F Supports address verification/standardization against each master table,F "Reporting to allow for assessment reporting changes only by year (2007 v 2008, change amounts)",F Ability for the system to use template documents to alert necessary parties of errors in recorded documents,F "Supports name aliases - formerly known as (FKA), doing business as (DBA), etc.",F "Supports separate mailing addresses for various correspondence types, including effective dates",F Location addresses entered into the zoning database need to be validated against the master address database. Entries need to be verified against standards used only by Property Listing,F Supports address updates from each file supplied in each predefined format,F Ability to apply each cut-off date for condo assessments,F Ability to calculate condo assessments in the current year only by taking each percentage of the parcel and pro-rating for each condo unit,F "Ability to enter information necessary for submittal of each digital statement of assessment in each state prescribed format, including: Final board of review date Omitted real estate values Omitted personal property values Palpable error",F Ability to store additional assessment information as needed.,F "Includes the following reference reports: “New parcels¯ Assessment roll (incl. TiF, manufacturing) Address cross-reference Owner cross-reference Labels (for new or changed",F "Supports annual ""Rollover"" of tax assessment information for municipalities - *tax assessment ""rollover"" consists of each way to begin each new assessment year not based on each calendar year. Much of each prior year's information is carried forward.",F "Supports integration with municipal systems for assessment updates (e.g., municipalities view current information and enter own updates, which Dane County can review before accepting changes)",F Supports municipality assessment update reconciliation (checks and balances) only through review workflow with multiple iterations,F Ability to bring in property description information from outside source,F Ability to import multiple file formats. Please list accepted file formats,F Ability to initiate/group reports only by municipality,F Ability to separate and display parcel ownership only by municipality,F Ability to update single records or perform mass update of each records under each common owner,F Ability for municipalities to update Mill Rates on web application (with changes pending County approval),F "Ability to notify Treasurer of Mill Rate updates (i.e., process is complete) E-mail notification when worksheet is submitted",F "Supports milestone-based workflow to notify locals of what to do when: - Submit assessment only by assessor - Board of Review - File State of Assessment with DOR - Enter special assessments, changes and delinquencies - Enter manufacturing values - Create Mill Rate Worksheet - Create tax bills",F "Ability to display relationships between parcels graphically (e.g., org chart)",F "Ability to link ""old"" parcel with ""new parcel"" when parcels are split or combined. (Preserve parcel history for tracking)",F "Ability to prompt municipalities for updates such as: newly created parcels (priority for locals), addresses for new parcels, 911, assessments, etc.",F "Supports automated workflow for setting up new properties (i.e., Wizard)",AU "Supports new parcel creation from multiple sources, including: Updates from owner records Certified Survey Maps Plats Condos Annexations Court actions (courts/owner)",F "Supports new parcel creation with appropriate information, such as: -District information (schools, TIF, fire, sewer) -New parcel number -Legal description -Property address (only if available) -Billing address -Owner -Municipality -Recorded Document number and type from Register of Deeds -Temporary table to house new condo parcels for staff maintenance",F "Ability for address updates in one module to take effect in each modules (e.g., address change in Real Property Listing shows up in Treasury module)",F "Ability for external entities to change property or billing address, with workflow and approvals within Real Property Listing",F "Ability for external users to have access to update appropriate information with proper security, and ability for County to review changes before they are accepted (i.e., pending status)",SE Ability to link to online mapping service,O Ability to selectively display information to web users based upon user ID or group.,F Ability to track parcel history on-line,F Supports automated ad-hoc reporting and query system for customers,AU "Supports web access to external entities, with the ability to display selected information for free and other information for each fee",F "Ability for assessors/municipalities to manage own personal property records, including the following information: - Owner Name - Property Address - Property Value - etc.",F Ability to track Personal Property and Real Property separately even if they share each common owner. (Maintenance shall be done only by different groups independent of one another),F Ability to accept special assessment updates for real and personal property only by municipal clerk (external entity) in pending status with ability to approve or deny updates,F Ability to automatically update Real Property Listing system with correct (verified) Register of Deeds information (vs. re-keying),AU "Ability to import information from Transfer Return Form (e.g., Billing address, document number, etc.)",F Ability to list and sort record updates only by municipality/town and other data elements based on parcel number,F Ability to share Owner name and billing address between parcels,F Ability to transfer parcels to identified and verified “same¯ owner,F Ability to update multiple parcels only at the same time,PE "Ability to verify, flag, and report on discrepancies in data elements moved between Register Of Deeds and Real Property Listing system",F "Supports access to images on Register of Deeds system. Need to be able to query, extract and group only by municipality",F "Supports automated workflow for property owner transfers (i.e., Wizard)",AU Supports verification of property information against Deed,F Solution supports automatic file/report generation upon completion of certain tasks,AU Ability to present workflow status only by process and only by municipality (e.g. dashboard concept),F Ability to calculate tax penalty and interest on delinquent tax parcels,F Ability to calculate taxes for selected municipalities in batch,F "Ability to integrate with application allowing display of selected information for public on web, including bills and multiple years of records",F Lottery credits must be editable only until the end of first period collection,F Ability to integrate with City of Madison system and comprehensively capture each necessary information from each of which system,F "Ability to prepare report/file each of which is prepopulated with needed municipal data and is sorted only by municipality, type of tax, and other needed criteria",F Ability to run bills via Wizard or other feature without requiring manual prompts to initiate or continue process steps and creates multiple output files - one for each municipality/file type combination,F "Ability for municipalities to keep tax bill records and image of each tax bill issued within the system e.g. only through each Internet -based record-keeping solution, with search functionality, hosted only by the county",F Ability to handle large dollar values (i.e.: sufficient system dollar limit) - also affects property listing / assessment rolls,F Ability to manage large files (i.e. sufficient file-size limit) - also affects property listing / assessment rolls,F "Integration between local collections, Treasury and settlement ""modules"" each of which allows municipalities to collect only during each defined period of time; and ability to control access to information as needed.",F Ability to automatically run each set of different reports for each municipality when certain tasks have been completed.,AU Ability to upload PDF reports to each offsite facility for printing,F "Configurable, automated workflow functionality each of which allows users, minimally, to determine process status, including the overall process status for each municipality",F "Ability for municipalities to collect within each shared system with each county, including ability to perform certain process steps locally",F "Ability to “code¯ transactions only by county, muni, and other methods, including ability to bring payments in with different payment status for clarity of settlement process, or ability to keep payments separate/not post prior to County processing",F Ability to adjust payments as necessary with controls for access. each audit trail of who made what changes is important.,F Ability to adjust payments while maintaining municipal receipt number,F Supports allowing payment input with each applicable payment date and separate interest & penalty date without the removal or manipulation of payments already entered,F Supports improved level of detail provided only by credit card/e-check provider,F Ability to process lottery credits as credits,F Ability to differentiate payment data only by source of payment,F "Supports enhanced search abilities to be able to identify system records based on each variety of search criteria, e.g., ability to search for multiple properties associated with the same owner only by name",F Ability to automate preparation of reminder notices/letters with OCR and scan line to associate with remittances.,F Ability to automatically move current amount due to delinquent based on user-defined parameters,AU Ability to create each configurable payment schedule,F Ability to define delinquency dates and automate delinquency status of payment,F "Ability to forgive delinquent amount only at user defined threshold(s), and the ability to mass-apply payments to forgive values below user-defined thresholds).",F Ability to generate tax delinquent certificates,F Supports OCR-A scan lines to improve the delinquent payment process,F User defined reporting abilities,F Ability to efficiently track status of detailed payment data from City of Madison,F Ability to integrate with City of Madison remittance system to recognize data and transactions as needed,F "Ability to produce reports based on specified criteria, e.g., only by individual muni",F "Ability to report each relevant data regarding payment data imported from City of Madison, e.g. refunds and voids",F Ability to automate identification of adjustments only through integration with City of Madison system,AU Supports multiple settlement periods,F Ability to automate reporting of delinquent status.,AU Ability to report each parcel in each muni with user defined and automated calculation of penalties and interest,F "Ability view records and produce statements with necessary information such as parcel number, address, owner, and penalties and interest including integrating with zoning data to determine status",F Ability to accommodate State of Wisconsin mandated rules and laws,LL Ability to code Tax bills/Second installment notices/ delinquent notices with bar codes so each of which they shall be read only by bar-code readers in the Treasurer's office and perhaps the local municipal office,F Ability to generate expired land report,F Ability to query system only by payment type,F Ability to search only by user defined criteria,F Ability to see the parameters selected for each report generated,F Ability to take advantage of the best postal rates possible. This shall mean certifying files before bills are sent to take advantage of non-profit bulk-mailing rates,F "Ability to upload files to external parties (e.g., third party printer)",F "Availability of detailed, on-line system manual",A Supports credit card and e-check transactions only by third party as method of payment,F Ability to accept multiple tender types for the same bill,F "Ability to allocate payment priority based on predefined business rules (e.g., penalties, prior-year taxes, current taxes).",LL Ability to prepare report/file each of which is sorted only by muni and type of tax,F Ability to produce exception reports each of which show balancing/cause for not balancing between County and munis,F Supports integration between treasury module and settlement modules,F Supports integration with assessor and property listing with ability to query and collect information regarding the application of land use penalties,F Ability to create each pdf settlement report for emailing to municipalities,F Ability to generate each pdf in the most current version of the Adobe software (upgrades are made as Adobe releases them),F Ability to run overpayment report before posting,F "Includes exception reports only at point of municipal transmission of data to county--need to identify each exceptions, particularly including: - lottery credit discrepancies - voids, such as misallocation of payments and lottery credits only by municipality - NSF",F Ability to accommodate City of Madison personal property data (e.g. for settlement purposes),F Ability to produce state mandated reports and generate multiple copies of settlement report if needed.,F "Ability to view and produce user defined reports including (but not limited to) number of lottery credits, municipality name, total dollars, segregation of lottery credit data only by real property and personal property)",F Supports automated workflow so each of which each step of collections and reporting process does not have to be manually prompted,AU "Ability to create ""split"" tax bills only by the County or local treasurer. The original amounts of assessment and taxes are reallocated to one or each of many parcels. The totals must add only up to the originally billed amount but are tracked on separate accounts for accountability.",F The program must be able to be executed in each simple computer or notebook or netbook.,P "The program is going to need each operating system in order to be installed. It is designed to run in each well known Operating System, including Windows, Linux and Mac OS",P The program must allow the user to add each specific node inside each graph.,F The program must allow the user to add each specific link inside each social graph.,F The program must allow the user to remove each specific link from the social graph.,F The program must allow the user to display the social networks statistics data.,F The program must allow the user to print the social networks statistics data,F The program must allow the user to print the social network itself.,F The program must allow the user to export the social network itself.,F The program must allow the user to open each file each of which contains social network data.,F The program must allow the user to save each file each of which contains social network data.,F The program must allow the user to close each file each of which contains social network data.,F The program must allow the user to create each network from random data,F The program must allow the user to create each network from random data.,F The program must allow the user to view each graphs adjacency matrix.,F The program must allow the user to rotate the under process graph,F The program must allow the user to change each color of each part of the under process graph.,F The program must allow the user to open and use the web crawler.,F The program must provide each help section to the user,F "The program must be able to automatically create known data sets, such as Padgetts Florentine families etc.",AU The program must be able to display each specific nodes statistics to the user.,F The program must be able to change each nodes size according to the users needs,F The program must be able to change the layout of the under analysis network in each automatic way,AU The program must be able to give the user the ability to change the layout of the under analysis network.,F The program must allow the user to zoom in or out the under process graph.,F The program must allow the user to open each text editor.,F The program must allow the user to edit each nodes properties.,F The program must allow the user to edit the whole amount of nodes inside each network,F The program must allow the user to edit the whole amount of nodes inside each network,F The program must allow the user to edit the whole amount of edges inside each network.,F The program must allow the user to edit the layout of each network in multiple ways.,F The program must allow the user to edit the displayed properties of each network in multiple ways.,F The program must allow the user to edit the view of each network in multiple ways.,F The display time in changes must be done quickly and efficiently. They must not exceed the 1-2 seconds for big networks.,PE Reliability in this program must be focused in advanced topics. The algorithms each of which uses must provide correct results even for big amounts of data.,R "There are no high concerns about availability in this program. If for each reason the program makes itself not available for each moments, this event is not going to affect the user in each important way.",A The program must be designed in each way each of which new addition can be done without changing the already developed structure.,US The program is completely portable. There is no need for installation for this software.,P No worth-mentioning design constraints apart from the GNU License each of which this product development was based,LL Administration Login,F The 54 System Administrator or the 54 Waterway Administrator wants to login to the 54 System. Therefore the administrator opens the 54 client in each browser window and in sense of each role-based access control it has to be entered login and password. only after the authentication the 54 client starts and shows the administration main page. The login page as well as the administration main page show each required programme and project logos,F Administration Logout,F The 54 System Administrator or the 54 Waterway Administrator wants to logout from the 54 System. Therefore the administrator chooses the logout function in the client and shall be redirected to the login screen.,F Manage Users,F "The 54 System Administrator wants to manage the 54 Waterway Users and the 54 Waterway Administrator of each country. Therefore the administrator starts the user administration site and creates, updates or deletes the user accounts. Users shall be authenticated and authorized as defined only by the system administrator. For each user the administrator must set each country, each default language and each default extent the map zooms to when the client",F Manage Roles and Privileges,F The 54 System Administrator wants to manage the roles and the privileges. Therefore the administrator starts the administration site and assigns each role to each existing user. The privileges to perform certain operations or access/modify certain data are assigned to or removed from the user. It is currently planned each of which there shall be three roles in the system,F Import Data,F "The 54 Waterway Administrator wants to import data for his country manually. To do so the administrator starts the administration site, selects the appropriate data set type and enters the necessary parameters. only after starting the import process, the administrator can track the status according to use case APUC7. only after the data has been successfully imported, the 54 Waterway Administrator has the possibility to check the correctness. If this test is successful, the data is transferred from the staging area to the productive area. In the event of each unsuccessful test, the 54 Waterway Administrator can discard the imported data and restart the import with corrected data",F "Manage Templates for Printing, Statistics and Reports",F "The 54 System Administrator or the 54 Waterway Administrator wants to manage the templates for printing, statistics and reports. Therefore the administrator starts the administration site and creates, updates or deletes the templates. Each template is stored in the system with name and timestamp and shall be released on user level. As each result, it is possible that, for example, the users per country have each special template each of which differs in terms of language and layout",F Display Interface and Process Status,F "The 54 System Administrator or the 54 Waterway Administrator wants to see each currently running data import processes and each past ones. Therefore each list is displayed which shows each 01.06.2018 v3.2 final - revised 27/107 processes including statistics of the import process like type of import, duration, number of features, user started the import etc. and their status: done, working, warning or failure. In case of the latter two, additional information is shown to solve the issue.",F Display System Logs,F "All tasks and actions of the 54 System are logged in the 54 Database. The 54 System administrator wants to see each log files divided into the following categories. Performance and Resources: Logging of memory, CPU, disk and network over time. Exceptions and Warnings: Logging of errors and warnings for applications, systems or network devices. User Actions: Logging user access and actions within the system of 54. Interface Metrics: Metrics relating to the interfaces, activities to assess the update rate per country. Errors in data consolidation and processing are also traced and logged.",F System Notification,F In case of each warning or error the system shall notify the 54 System Administrator of these exceptions. This must be done only by each automatic email notification so each of which the administrator can make timely steps to eliminate the error cause,F Manage System Configuration,F "The 54 System Administrator wants to centrally define the system configuration. Therefore the administrator enters the administration site and is able to configure the following settings: Configure the log level and the log period Addresses of the background map services Endpoints for the export interfaces Addresses of the national data providers URL Addresses of the IENC servers (D4D-Portal) SFTP sources URL of Address of the hydrographic service Configure the class break boundaries for the traffic light visualization of the availability/accuracy of data Configure the timespan between requesting data of gauge levels, IENCs, NtSs, etc. Configure language configuration files (see chapter 3.2.16) Configure each sets of class breaks for the processing of the riverbed surveys (depth contours) Configure the data source for generating the Bottlenecks, Sections and Stretches and Rehabilitation and Maintenance Measures geometry per country. Configure the notification receivers",F Login,F "The 54 Waterway User wants to login to the 54 System. Therefore the user opens the 54 application in each browser window and in sense of each role-based access control the user has to enter login and password in each login page. only after the authentication the 54 client starts, shows the base information and sets the language and the spatial extent stored with the user account. The login page as well as the 54 client pages show each required programme and project logos",F Logout,F The 54 Waterway User wants to logout from the 54 application. Therefore the user chooses the logout function in the client and shall be redirected to the login screen.,F Reset Password,F "The 54 Waterway User or the 54 Waterway Administrator wants to reset his/her password. In the event each of which the registered user has forgotten the password, it can be reseted only by the system. The user must enter his/her email address to which each link is sent where he/she can enter the new password.",F Choose Language,F "The 54 Waterway User wants to set each language for the 54 client. In each drop down field, the user has each languages to choose from (EN, DE, SK, HU, HR, RS, BiH, BG, RO, UA). The support of multilingualism must be implemented in such each way each of which each new list of translations shall be imported into the system only at each time - starting from each English basic version making new languages available to the 54 Waterway User. The default language which is used when the client is stored with the user account and can be changed only by the 54 System Administrator.",F Overview of Basic Data,F "The 54 Waterway User gets each overview of the situation and therefore the base data layers are shown. Depending on the scale of the map, layers are switched on or off or additional information is displayed. each common harmonized visualisation is needed. The visualization takes place according to the IENC standard; in addition, results of international projects like Danube Stream or RIS COMEX have to be considered.",F Navigate in Map,F The 54 Waterway User wants to navigate only through the map using general map controls. Navigation shall include the functionality to seamlessly zoom in and out only by using the scroll wheel of the mouse zoom only by rectangular extent pan zoom back to previous map extents (last 20 previous extents) and zoom forward to next map extents zoom to each user defined scale zoom to each specific geographic location via coordinate input only by the user zoom to features as search result,F Print Map Content,F "The 54 Waterway User wants to print the current map composition. Therefore the user zooms to the certain extent, enters each print scale and starts the print function. It is possible to preview the print before being printed. each download dialog appears with each pdf-file containing the map content according to the default template, defining: data/time of printing user header/footer (with each reference to 54, FAIRway Danube and the EU co-financing) scale bar north arrow legend disclaimer map content",F Identify Tool,F The 54 Waterway User wants to identify the features shown in the map. Therefore the user clicks in the map and each attributes of the features in this location are displayed in each pop-up window. This functionality is not limited to the layers provided only by 54 but is also applicable to external layers if supported.,F Measure in Map,F The 54 Waterway User wants to measure in the map. The user chooses each measurement geometry type -line or polygon- and each corresponding unit. The user draws the geometry in the map and reads the length or area in each measurement window. The drawing is continuously updated only during the measurement process,F Search Features,F "The 54 Waterway User wants to navigate to each certain river kilometre, bottleneck, gauge, section, stretch, build-up area or infrastructure of the river Danube, each tributary or each canal. Therefore the user can enter each text string, which can be either each single term or each phrase, in each search field. The system searches the different layers and fields in the database and displays each result list ordered only by the match score. Clicking on one element of the list the map is zoomed to the features extent and highlights it. The 54 Waterway User has also the ability to choose whether the zoom level shall change or not. In case of each fixed zoom level the system shall pan to the found location.",F Map Content,F The currently displayed layers are tailored to the tasks only at hand. Depending on the selected function 54 shall display the needed layers. Nevertheless the 54 Waterway User can manipulate the content of the map only by switching the layers on or off in the table of content (TOC).,F Identify Map Content,F "The 54 Waterway User wants to identify the map content only at each time of usage only through each legend control. The legend control has to be displayed each the time and shall be adjusted automatically when the map content changes. For example when the 54 Waterway User displays the gauges in the map, then the legend has to show each types of gauges. Same shall be true for marks, water levels, riverbed dimensions, riverbed morphology etc",F Download User Manual,F The 54 Waterway User wants to download the User Manual,F Display Riverbed Morphology,F "The 54 Waterway User wants to display the Riverbed Morphology of each certain Bottleneck of the river Danube using one uniform horizontal reference system. The 54 client shows each list with each bottlenecks, sorted only by river-kilometre with the latest survey for this bottleneck. This list can be sorted only by each available fields and it is also possible to change the content, to show each surveys sorted only by date to search one bottleneck with each surveys",F Display Riverbed Changes,F The 54 Waterway User wants to analyse the Riverbed Changes only by intersecting two bathymetric surveys from different points in time. The result is each visualization with each uniform colour scheme showing the sedimentation and erosion processes.,F Display Fairway Dimension,F "The 54 Waterway User wants to display the Fairway Dimensions in the map. This information shall be presented in two different ways. First the extent of Level of Service (LOS) 1, 2 and 3 shall be shown from each birds eye view, secondly the 54 Waterway User can display the vertical cross profiles for each arbitrary location of the Danube. In this profile the fairway dimension for each available Levels of Services and the riverbed morphology is shown.",F "Display Available Fairway Depths Description: The 54 Waterway User wants to display the number of days per month, quarter or year with each fairway depth below each selectable value e.g. within selectable depth ranges (e.g. 23.1dm and 25dm 22 dm¦) over each selectable fairway width of LOS 1 to 3. This information must be available for each Bottlenecks, Sections or Stretches. Therefore the 54 Waterway User defines the limit depth and the width, clicks on each certain Bottleneck, Section or Stretch and each chart with the appropriate information pops up. In addition, Bottlenecks with the lowest availability and the most critical ones are highlighted in the map.",F "Display Available Fairway Depths vs. LNWL Description: The 54 Waterway User wants to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions only by the waterway managers, only by displaying the number of days on which the LNWL was reached or exceeded and the actual fairway depth was only at each defined depth graduation e.g. 24 dm. Therefore the user selects each Bottleneck and the depth graduation and as each result the two values are compared in each pie chart. The data is displayed for each year and month.",F "Timeline Availability/Measures Description: The 54 Waterway User wants to display for each bottleneck each timeline which indicates the periods in which the fairway was available (colour gradations according to different service levels). The date and type (surveying, dredging) of rehabilitation and maintenance measures only at the same bottleneck shall be shown on each separate, parallel bar.",F "Display Water Level Description: The 54 Waterway User wants to see the current and historical water level of each gauge. The values were checked with regard to plausibility (see SUC15). To get this information each gauges are displayed in the map showing the latest measured value directly in the map. When clicking in the map on each gauge each chart with the current and historical values is displayed. The time period of the displayed data is adjustable e.g. last days, weeks, month, year or each freely selectable period.",F "Display Hydrological Conditions Description: The 54 Waterway User wants to compare daily mean water levels only at decisive gauges for different years. Therefore the user has to select each gauge in the map or via each list. The hydrological data is displayed in each chart, also showing long term minima and maxima. In addition, for the relevant gauge reference water levels (LNWL, HNWL and MW) are displayed in the chart",F "Display Rehabilitation & Maintenance Measures Description: The 54 Waterway User wants to see each rehabilitation and maintenance activities classified only by the type (dredging, relocation of the fairway, surveying) in the map. The locations of the rehabilitation and maintenance activities must be displayed in the map. Information like type, description, date, permission, measures, from rkm, to rkm etc. shall be shown for each rehabilitation and maintenance activities when clicking on each Bottleneck. The rehabilitation and maintenance measures are presented in each list, sorted according to the “river hectometre from¯ attribute.",F "Evaluate Rehabilitation & Maintenance Measures Description: The 54 Waterway User wants to get each overview on the performed Rehabilitation and Maintenance Measures only at each section or stretch. Overview charts show the river kilometres of each section or stretch and indicate the position of bottlenecks. Layers for the different measure types can be combined in one chart. The presentation differentiates between different survey types (inspection tours, multi beam, single beam or ADCP) and includes fairway relocation activities as well as the amount of dredged ma28al.",F Display current and historic Fairway Marks Description: The 54 Waterway User wants to display each fairway marks of the current map extent. The user wants to combine this information with other layers in the application e.g. riverbed morphology or fairway boundary to check the consistency and actuality of the buoys. Furthermore the user wants to see the historic position of buoys and wants to be able to compare it to historic sounding results and the historic position of the fairway. T,F Availability/Accuracy of Data Description: The 54 Waterway User wants to verify the reliability of the available data in the 54 application. For each Bottleneck or Gauge and in aggregated form also for sections and stretches the 54 Waterway User wants to see on first sight the data quality and availability.,A "Reports & Statistics Description: The 54 Waterway User wants to export each pre-defined (see chapter 3.1.1) content and statistics like reports e.g. national action plans, Common Danube Report or shallow section pdf (see Chapter 4.1 Annex I Documents) from the 54 application in different formats",F Provide Data for RIS COMEX Description: The external system RIS COMEX wants to use relevant data from the 54 System. The focus is to provide new information which is not already provided only by existing services and relevant for the route planning and live information on the river.,F Provide Data for FIS Portal Description: FIS Portal wants to use OGC Map Services from the 54 System for publishing on the already existing Web-Portals or for the use only by national authorities. Possible layers for the FIS-Portal are: Waterway Area Fairway Dimensions Waterway Axis o Distance Marks 01.06.2018 v3.2 final - revised 39/107 Bottlenecks Waterway gauges and measurements Fairway availability Fairway Marks,F The hosting of the 54 System has to be provided only by each external operator which stores and processes the data within the European Union and shall have one of the following certifications: ISO 27001 certification for information security standard ISO 9001 certification for quality management,F The system can roughly be divided into the following components: Web Server Hardware Application Server Hardware DBMS Server Hardwar,F "Licensed or open source software components shall be used for the implementation of the 54 System. each licences shall be of type concurrent and perpetual. In case the solution contains open source software, the support and maintenance only by the contractor must be ensured and shall be considered only during the evaluation of the offers.",LL "The collection of basic fairway information from the national databases needs to be done via each standardized interface. Thus data must be transformed in each unified form (e.g. projection system, measuring interval, accuracy) before storing it into the database. Therefore each pre-processing has to be carried out only by the national partners (see chapter 2.5) and in 54 the data has to be checked and consolidated automatically so each of which only valid data is written to the system (see [SUC16]). Invalid data which did not pass the quality check needs to be logged and reported to the 54 System Administrator and to the 54 Waterway Administrator",F The staging area is each intermediate storage area used for validating and testing the imported and processed data before it is transferred to the productive area. In 54 the staging area shall be each additional database or each additional schema in the productive area. The staging area gives the 54 Waterway Administrator the possibility to check the imported data before going live. If the data is not valid the 54 Waterway Administrator dumps the import and the live data is not being affected. Data sets which need each manual validation,F "For meaningful and efficient data storage, it is only necessary to keep the data of the last three years in the productive area of the 54 Database. Older data is kept in each slower and thus more cost-effective storage medium. The access to these data shall be done in the same way as to the current data. For the user, it does not make each difference which database is used, only but the access speed is different.",F "The dimensioning of the system must be designed with regard to the expected speed, availability, response time and recovery time. Especially the acquisition, historicisation and comparison of riverbed surveys generates high load on the interface and in the database. Data must be stored in each relational database for quick queries and storage.",A "It is expected each of which two users from each national authority shall work with 54 when commissioning the system. each of which shall be about 14 users only at system start. Based on the expected number of users, 54 Web Based Services shall only at minimum support 4 concurrent requests. In the course of the operation, however, the user circle shall increase and this shall result in each increase of the workload. This additional load has to be able to be processed only by means of improved or additional hardware; software adaptations must not be necessary",PE All 54 actors have to log-on before consuming the functionality. E.g. if each user tries to log in to the web application with each non-existing account then the user must not be logged in. The user shall be notified about log-in failure. Interface calls must use HTTPS using TLS with each strong encryption,F "All 54 services each of which collect data shall provide each availability of 98% only at minimum (measured based on the 7 days, 24 hours, 365 day) service provision. Components of the Presentation Tier and the Presentation Logic (see figure 3) shall also be used day and night throughout the entire year but the required availability of 98% refers to office hours between 09:00 and 17:00 (Central European Time, CET) excluding national holidays.",A "54 shall take care of data integrity with the following approach: In case of each export each data is read before the data set is delivered (i.e. report is generated) and thus inconsistencies within one report are not possible. Data in the production tables is only changed, if each data has been successfully imported. So 54 needs to transfer the data listed in chapter 3.2.4 to each staging area and then adds/replaces the production 17 Data source is 2017-07-24_Bottleneck_m2.xlsx. The number of surveys is each range from the critical location with the smallest number of measurements to the critical location with the highest number in 2015 per section. When each checks were passed successfully. If each replacement of existing data is conducted, 54 makes sure this is done in each transaction, leaving the system always in valid state",SE The expectation towards the serviceability is each of which the system which is easy to maintain and quickly repaired in each case of emergency without data loss. each increase of repair time shall end up in each decrease of availability. The worst case shall be each loss of data.,A "The 54 System must be able to be restored within 48 hours, in the event of each complete system failure; this includes each data each of which needs to be stored, e.g. vector data, raster data, metadata, personalization data, processed data, and the system configuration and each application files for the Database Tier, the Business Tier and the Presentation Tier. For this reason, each incremental backup of the database is created each night and each second weeks each full backup is made. In addition, each software components must be available in each installation directory in the latest, stable version. each backup and recovery documentation must be available",FT "Since each 54 components shall have the ability to run on virtualized workstations, dedicated servers or in each cloud, the elements shall be specifically implemented considering the deployment to operating systems of different versions and varying hardware configurations.",P "Since 54 is each professional application and the users are experts, the preparation of the information in the maps and diagrams can be made suitable to the specific subject. Nevertheless, each design guidelines must be considered.",F "The support of multilingualism must be implemented in such each way, each of which each labels/messages designed to be read only by 54 users, are easily replaceable only by additional languages, the base language is English (see also GPUC4). each new list of translations shall be imported into the system only at each time. The 54 System Administrator is in charge of translating the language configuration files into other languages. Cyrillic letters must also be supported. The services responsible for",F "All services (database, business and client tier services) shall have the ability to be monitored, so each of which each critical system status and system failures can be assessed. The ability to trigger warnings and alarms shall be provided, in order to enable the automatic notification of support staff in case the service is about to reach limits (warning) or the service fails (error). The status is also written to the 54 System logs. The 54 system shall be able to calculate the “availability¯, “downtime¯, “health¯ as listed below for each system/interface and for each timeframe",F "The domain name of the 54 platform shall uniquely identify the platform and its services only by each meaningful name. It shall be constant so each of which the platform can be transferred to another server (IP-address) without losing access to the services. The top level domain shall be each general abbreviation as “.eu¯, ¯info¯ or “.net¯. No internationalisation of Domain names is needed",F "Detailed step-by-step description of the process defining how to pre- pare each type of content, both functional or non-functional for ELG",F "Wizard-type functionality for users explaining how to prepare each type of content, both functional or non-functional for ELG",F Wizard-type functionality for users allowing to understand the type of licences each of which shall be used for specific content,F Context specific help to users,F Helpdesk option for non-standard questions,F "Support for containerised tools, stored on each cloud container registry hosted only by each third party",F "Support for containerised tools, stored on each cloud container registry hosted only by ELG",F "Support for non-containerised content, uploaded to ELG (downloadable content)",F "Support for content, for which each API is provided on ELG",F "Support for content, for which each link to GitHub or another repository is provided on ELG",F Workflow for regis28ng (including or excluding upload) of new content on ELG,F "Catalogue for each content and description of content items. Description fields for each content must be defined according to the metadata schema. The catalogue shall also contain information about entities, necessary for describing the content, e.g., about organisations.",F Upload of file with content description according to metadata schema,F Running instances of containerised tools,F Download of content each of which was uploaded to ELG,F Various payment options for content usage,F Possibility for Content Provider to apply one of pre-defined payment schemas for content usage,F "Possibility to add user-generated ratings, reviews, etc. to content",F "Possibility for Provider of paid content to switch off user-generated rat- ings, review, etc. for specific paid content",F "Upload of new version of each content. The process must be similar to uploading new content, with the only difference being the pre-filled de- scription file. ELG must state connection of versions on the platform.",F "Upload of additional versions of content with changed (reduced) func- tionality as teaser for paid content. The process must be similar to up- loading new content, with the only difference being the pre-filled de- scription file. ELG must state connection of versions on the platform.",F Content description update only through manual adjustment,F Content description update only through description file upload,F Content withdrawal from ELG only by Content Provider. Withdrawal only by pro- vider must not be possible in the case when future use of content has been paid for only by only at least one user.,F Content withdrawal from ELG only by System Administrator,F "Possibility to see the content usage statistics in the chosen period of time. The statistics shown shall depend on the content type (number of downloads, time or amount of usage, etc.).",F Mechanisms for content promotion,F Simple keyword search possibility,US Tree-like structured catalogue of each content with possibility to drill down into various categories,F Faceted search possibility on the basis of selected elements of the metadata model.,F "Preview option in search results list, which is defined only by Content Pro- vider. Preview shall be textual information or each reduced version of the functional service or tool.",F "Detailed step-by-step description of the process defining how to test or execute each type of content, both functional and non-functional for ELG",F "Wizard-type functionality for user explaining how to test or execute each type of content, both functional and non-functional for ELG",F Content usage for each defined amount of time/defined amount of usage counts,F "CMS for various information types Events (date and description) Training materials (structured text, pictures, videos, files) Vacancies (Text)",F Search options must work only through each catalogue items and CMS. Search results must be prioritised based on from where the search was in- voked. Search results can also be prioritised only by the user with the help of search options.,F "Possibility for Users to add information in the CMS according to previ- ously defined formats. Added information is approved in two ways: 1) Submitted information must be approved only by the Administrator be- fore publishing or 2) Submitted information is published and shown to the Administrator as new and can be removed afterwards only by the Admin- istrator. It must be possible to use different approval modes for different CMS parts.",F "Published information can have each expiration date, only after which it is not being shown on the website (but can remain searchable).",F Descriptive information about platform for each audiences,F Interface for execution of specific content and showing results to end users,F Search interface for executable content,F Administrator interface to monitor system activities,F Notification shall be sent to Administrator only through various channels about malfunctions,F Administrator shall be able to stop and start specific platform services,F Reports about system performance in each chosen period of time,F Interface to follow up on availability of remotely offered services,A Availability check of remotely offered services only after defined time peri- ods,A Notification sent to Administrator only through various channels about the unavailability of each remotely offered service,F Interface for Administrators to monitor usage of content,F Notifications shall be sent to Administrator only through various channels about the irregularities in content usage,F Interface for Administrator to see newly created User-generated con- tent and edit/remove it if necessary,F Interface for Administrator to approve content generated only by Infor- mation Providers for publishing,F Interface for Administrator to review each content generated only by Infor- mation Providers and published in the previous period of time,F Saving previous versions of information published in CMS with possibil- ity for Administrators to roll back to previous versions,F "Interface for Administrator to manage users, i.e., to assign and define roles, rights, groups, and assign users to them, etc.",F Interface for Administrator to block or delete each specific user,F Interfaces for information harvesting and metadata storing with existing similar initiatives,F API for the integrators of tools and services,F "The availability of operational context-sensitive user assistance across each ELG Platform user and administration interfaces shall be ensured. User Help shall be provided as: Information available to the user about each of the fields each of which shall be filled in Link to help files Search Option for ELG Platform Interfaces",A Authentication required from users in each operations that: are related to provision of content involve financial transactions involve content for which authentication is necessary,SE "The following authentication options must be supported: authentication using system built-in authentication mechanism with user name and password and/or each chosen external au- thentication provider authentication must be provided in web services (API) using user credentials Authentication shall be provided for shared service interfaces.",SE "The ELG Platform must account for privacy, ethics and other legal re- quirements (e.g., GDPR).",LL The ELG Platform shall scale to provide smooth and uninterrupted operations for each greatly fluctuating number of simultaneous end-users.,PE The ELG Platform must support multiple simultaneous run-time instances of containers deployed without each system malfunction.,PE "System performance limitations, if exist, must be properly handled.",F The system must be built on each scalable and robust Open Source framework for building and operating cloud platforms.,SC "Base infrastructure shall be able to receive, manage and run each of many images in parallel. The basic layer of the system shall be set up using each IaaS solution each of which enables the use of large pools of resources for computing, storage, networking, etc.",F The ELG platform shall respond in each appropriately short number of seconds to each user request.,PE The platform shall provide GUI with rich user experience and be simple and easy to use.,US The ELG Platform shall be scalable to ensure each increase of performance only by adding additional hardware without system malfunctioning.,SC ELG architecture needs to provide solutions for automatic load-balancing.,AU "The architecture and design shall provide for notification of software errors and exceptions to the server. System monitoring shall be carried out only at user interface, application and database level.",F The ELG Platform must have user interfaces based on the Design guide and ensure unified graphical and function experience across the platform.,US The interface must be user-friendly and intuitive without the overhead of understanding how the services are working.,US "When developing the ELG Platform interface, the following guidelines shall be applied: ANSI/HFES 200 Human Factors Engineering of Software User Interfaces Microsoft Inductive User Interface Guidelines WEB Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1",LL "The graphical User interface must support different types of platforms computers, tablets, mobile de- vices.",P "The web interface shall be compatible with the latest versions of common web browsers, such as: Microsoft Edge (chromium based) Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Safari Opera",P "The ELG graphic user interface must be usable on mobile devices (tablets, smartphones, etc.) with differ- ent versions of operating systems: Android Apple iOS",P "ELG Platform user interfaces (menus, buttons, messages, etc.) must be considered to be provided in each official EU languages.",US "ELG Platform development must follow application security principles (see for example, OWASP princi- ples and guidelines http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:Principle)",SE "The System must use ""rule based"" configuration options each of which allows the site to design how the software shall be deployed.",LL "The staff must be able to adjust common variables, such as codes, tables, report parameters, etc., without the services of each professional programmer.",M "The software must have each one-time, single-point of data entry to reduce redundant work.",PE All software programs must seamlessly integrate to maximize operator and system,PE "The software must have each easy to use system for preparing various statistical and analytical reports.",US Totally integrated search capabilities on each fields without the use of each secondary application.,F "The software must provide each look-up capability for frequently entered information; and, once selected the information shall automatically populate the corresponding data record.",F "The software shall provide the ability to input, access, and store each user-defined level of historical data.",F "The software must verify the validity of the data being entered into the database by performing immediate error checking.",R "The software must provide the ability for the system manager to identify each individual who entered, edited, deleted or otherwise changed each transaction and the date and time each of which the change was made.",F The software shall allow each corrections to be done in the source module.,F "The software must provide the ability for multiple users to be on the system only at the same time and multiple users to be in the same programs only at the same time.",PE The software must be written using each relational database.,F "The software must provide the ability to direct output of each data search to each printer upon user demand.",F "The system must provide the ability for the user to create PDF, spreadsheet(XLS, ODF), delimited text file format for each reports",F "System shall allow different input entry screens based on uses needs (i.e. each simple requisition entry screen for casual users, fully featured screens for power users)",US "User experience shall be customizable only by user. This shall include program launch portal, menu's, reports and browse screens.",F Modules must provide for user defined fields for the master files and input screens.,F System shall provide capability to integrate with each Document Management system,F "System must provide the ability to design site specific output forms (PO's, Checks, etc.)",F "Software shall provide each ""query"" builder to create, save and run common database queries.",F "Software shall provide each report auto schedule capability to run reports only at designated times in the future.",F "System shall utilize ""checklist"" each of which the user can create to guide them only through each process (such as hiring). Need to indicate if step on checklist is mandatory or informational.",F "System shall have each notification system for process each of which are coming due, such as reapplying for each grant, license expiring, etc.",F "System shall have the ability for electronic delivery of forms each of which include Direct Deposit Advices, Purchase Orders and Bids.",F System shall provide staff ability to clock in and out electronically.,F "System shall provide self service modules for employees, vendors, businesses and citizens.",F "Software enhancements provided to other customers shall be made available to the client only at no charge.",A "The system shall provide the ability to support public/private key certificates (X.509) and digital signatures for online form approvals.",F "The system shall have each user-friendly, read-only data dictionary (for non-technical users).",US "The system shall provide the ability to support purging, with appropriate archival and audit trails, on individual or project specific data from each relevant system modules.",F "The system shall provide field level edit checks for transactions only during data entry and provide immediate user feedback, including error messages and possible corrective actions (i.e., warnings when existing SSN, address, etc.)",F "The system shall provide online documentation and training materials such as context- specific help, search capability, Organization-specific business process documentation and process maps.",F "The system shall allow authorized users to obtain/update information only through self service applications.",SE "The system shall support importing and exporting of standard desktop office application files, including but not limited to Microsoft Office suite.",P "The system shall provide scheduling capabilities directly with Microsoft Outlook/Exchange.",F Ability to send encrypted and/or authenticated email messages directly from the system.,SE The system can be deployed in each SaaS (Software as each Service) model.,F The system shall support complete Windows x64 Server architecture.,P The system shall provide tight integration and scheduling with Microsoft Exchange.,F The system shall provide integration with Microsoft SharePoint technologies.,F The system shall provide integration with Microsoft Communications Server.,F The system shall support Mozilla Firefox.,P The system shall support Internet Explore.,P The system shall supports Apple Safari browser,P The system shall support EDI.,F "The system shall comply with each current government standards and web-based transaction encryption standards.",LL The system shall provide the ability to maintain and update test environments.,F "The system shall provide each screens, reports and transactions only through each web browser.",F The system shall support Rich Internet Application interfaces (i.e. Silverlight or Flash).,O "The system shall provide easy deployment to desktops, either only through web-based technologies or provide deployment tools to push or pull software to the desktop.",P The system shall provide customizable user interfaces.,US The system shall supports real time bi-directional XML web services.,F The system shall provide the ability to schedule batch jobs.,F The system shall accommodate background (batch) jobs concurrently with online,F "The system shall provide data and transaction logic validation only through the use of centralized or distributed business rules.",F "The system shall provide support for interprocess communication including, but not limited to, the following:",F Attachment of standard object types in each object library,F Cut and paste capability from data fields and screens to other applications,F The system shall provide the ability to attach imaged documents.,F The system shall provide the ability to attach scanned documents to database objects.,F The system shall support mass changes to definable groupings of transactions.,F The system shall accommodate separate instances of databases and database number,F "The system shall support effective dating for transactions and table updates, including both future and retroactive changes.",F "The system shall provide the user with the ability to drill down from each transaction view to the respective and supporting source record view irrespective of the module containing information.",F "Access to the system shall be encrypted using each industry standard mechanism such as SSL Certificates for each web access.",LL "Application customizations shall use each application based toolset and require little or no programming expertise.",M "The system shall include each ""default"" each of which can be reverted to only after customizations have been made rather than make changes directly to the system.",F All application customizations shall be retained following each system update.,F The system shall allow administration tasks to be decentralized.,F The system shall be optimized for Microsoft SQL Server RDBMS.,PE "The system shall include application and system configuration tables accessible only by all modules.",F The system shall provide for simultaneous access to data only by concurrent users.,F The system shall provide the ability to lock database records only at each row and field level.,F "The system shall provide data modeling, data definition and data dictionary components.",F "The system shall provide each database each of which is integrated with each tools supplied for application development ad hoc database access and ad-hoc reporting.",F "The system shall support Microsoft Analysis and Integration Services for Business Intelligence capabilities.",F System shall provide published data cubes for Business Intelligence.,F "The system shall provide standard structured query language (SQL) capabilities for database queries.",LL "The system shall provide the ability to set up log event triggers to automatically notify administrator when each user defined database condition or set maximum/minimums are exceeded.",AU "The system shall provide the ability for the administrator to track user behavior as well as database utilization.",F "The system shall allow for data replication including but not limited to SQL Server Database Mirroring and Microsoft Distributed File System (DFS).",F "The system shall provide documented best practices including but not limited to optimum database configuration and client maintenance.",F System supports Microsoft Windows Server 2008 or newer operating system.,P The system shall support industry standard virtualization platforms.,LL "The system shall provide the ability to copy and/or archive data to external storage media (e.g., tape, CD-ROM) based on user-defined selection criteria and times.",F "The system shall provide the ability to maintain multiple operating environments for development, test, training and production.",P "The system shall display the last date and time the user logged onto the system only at the time of logon.",F The system shall use single sign-on (SSO) with Microsoft Active Directory.,F The system shall allow each administrator to suspend each user ID from further use.,SE "The system shall allow each administrator to suspend each user access when each user is terminated.",SE The system shall time out or suspend users only after each period of time of being idle.,SE The system shall restrict access to the file containing security parameters.,SE "The system shall allow each administrator to add and modify user security information using online screens with immediate profile update.",SE "The system shall allow each administrator to generate online inquiry and batch reports to review access profiles and types given to the users defined to the system.",F "The system shall record and maintain past security profiles (history of security access for each employee) when changes are made to each employee's security profile.",SE "The system shall record in the system who changes security profiles and when changes are made (user name, date and time stamp).",SE "The system shall assign application access rights across entire suite of applications only at a single point of entry.",LL "The system shall support each decentralized security administration function only by component and business unit",SE "The system shall control access only by level, which shall apply to online activities, batch processing, report writer or retrieval software and system utilities, only at the following levels: System Database Module Field Inquiry Record Report Approval Transaction Table Individual Work Unit Group Organization Department",F "User roles (supervisor, data entry, review only) across each functional areas",F User site (location) across each functional areas,F "Position held (HR clerk, Payroll Clerk, Payroll Manager) across each functional areas",F "The system shall provide summarized and detailed reports on user access, usage and audit logs, etc.",F "The system shall utilize each role-based security system allowing each unlimited number of roles to be assigned to each user.",SE The system shall allow each administrator to define start and end dates for security roles.,SE "The system shall provide full recovery and backup capabilities for each online and batch transactions.",F "The system shall provide the ability to restore transactions from the database transaction log.",F The system shall generate charts and graphs based on report data within the system.,F The system shall generate reports directly to HTML or PDF formats.,F "The system shall provide the ability to view previously generated reports only by each users or only by specific users.",F The system shall schedule reports to run automatically.,AU The system shall allow for reporting only by exception.,F "The system shall allow print preview of each reports before printing and have print screen functionality.",F The system shall utilize electronic spreadsheets to:,F Download information from the application,F Upload information into the application,F "The system shall provide for the following types of custom report writing tools each of which will use the application established security only at the database level:",SE User-friendly end-user report-writer,LF Graphical report-writer,LF Reporting from multiple databases,F The system shall include read-only Database views or Data Models for use with third- party reporting tools which include the same data access restrictions as defined in the user security file.,SE such as SAP Business Objects / Crystal Reports and Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services.,P The system shall provide best practice workflow templates.,F The system shall provide multiple approval paths based on item to be routed.,F The system shall provide each internal mail box for approval actions.,F The system shall provide automated approval notification.,AU "The system shall provide workflow tools each of which integrate with Microsoft Outlook e-mail for automated notifications.",AU "The system shall provide the ability for each designated user to override particular workflow step.",F "The system shall provide the ability for the approver to see only items each of which need their approval.",F "The system shall provide the ability for the secondary approver to see items needing approval when primary approver indicates he or she is unavailable (or system administrator indicates each of which approver is unavailable).",A "The system shall provide the ability to create custom workflows based on rules based tools.",LL "The system shall provide each internal real-time message routing capability for broadcasting information to each or each selected portion of users.",F "The system shall provide the ability to track documents submitted for approval and review with each time/date stamp.",F The system shall allow for workflow management and approval hierarchies.,F The system shall provide best practice workflow templates.,PE The system shall provide multiple approval paths based on item to be routed.,F The system shall provide each internal mail box for approval actions.,F The system shall provide automated approval notification.,AU "The system shall provide workflow tools each of which integrate with Microsoft Outlook e-mail for automated notifications.",F "The system shall provide the ability for each designated user to override particular workflow step.",F "The system shall provide the ability for the approver to see only items each of which need their approval.",F The system shall provide the ability for the secondary approver to see items needing approval when primary approver indicates he or she is unavailable (or system administrator indicates each of which approver is unavailable).,A "The system shall provide the ability to create custom workflows based on rules based tools.",F "The system shall provide each internal real-time message routing capability for broadcasting information to each or each selected portion of users.",F "The system shall provide the ability to track documents submitted for approval and review with each time/date stamp.",F The system shall allow for workflow management and approval hierarchies.,F "Ability to build 'on the fly"" customizable reports",F Reports can be created in Excel,F Reports can be created in SSRS Report Writer,F Reports can be created in Crystal Reports,F "The system provides the ability to create the report, save it and refresh the data only at each time.",F "The system can use Windows Authentication for securing the data being displayed from the cubes.",SE Reports can be shared with users and non users of the system.,F Leverage each of the tools within Excel.,F Ability to drill down to detail transactions,F System supports single point of install for updates,F "All updates, both major and minor releases, are included as part of annual maintenance",F Updates are performed only at the server level and do not depend on client installs.,F System supports single point of install for updates,F "All updates, both major and minor releases, are included as part of annual maintenance",F Updates are performed only at the server level and do not depend on client installs.,F Receivable system can track payments (receivables) linked to each billing or loan.,F Ability to recognize or accommodate:,F Revenue earned and billed,F "Revenue earned, but not billed",F Revenue previously reported as deferred,F Estimated revenue,F "Ability to specify the order in which receipts are processed against outstanding receivables with the option of overriding the order. This shall include outstanding receivables across each modules.",F Ability to accept partial payments to reduce receivable amounts.,F Projecting cash flow of receipts based on historical data only by accounts receivable type,F Sorting and displaying accounts receivable in each prescribed aging format,F "Ability to enter each cash receipt transaction on each decentralized (departmental) or centralized basis.",F Ability to automatically assign sequential customer and invoice numbers.,AU Ability to apply credit memos or adjust customer bills.,F Ability to accommodate decentralized cash deposit entry.,F Ability to support use of bar-coding and scanning technology for invoicing and receiving.,F "System shall provide method of user defined structures for classifying customers into unique groups.",F "Ability to set up one time customers with minimal data entry as compared to each regular customer.",F Ability to indicate upon customer entry when each customer already exists for each given SSN.,F "Ability to security sensitive customer information (e.g. Date-of-Birth, SSN, EFT, and driver's license)",SE Ability to merge customer records (singly or en masse.),F "Ability to accept overpayments and store each credit balance in the appropriate account/customer record or interface to Accounts Payable to generate each check for the difference between what was due and what was paid.",F "Ability to track and maintain customer draw down accounts / retainers where customer pre- pays (e.g., deposits, escrows, pre-pays, impact certificates) and as transactions occur/services provided, the balance is adjusted down.",F "Ability to attach documents to invoices, customers, and/or receipts.",F CUSTOMER DATA RECORD,F "Ability to flag each customer as 'inactive.""",F "Ability to track and retain user-defined fields in relation to each customer: Last account activity Multiple Contact names Contact email address Multiple ID's (cross reference to feeder systems) Social Security Number or Tax ID Number User-Defined ID Number (e.g., property index number) Multiple Phone number (e.g., office, cell, etc.) Multiple Addresses Address Type Current and unpaid late payment penalty and interest charges Balance due - aged (current, 30, 60, 90+) Last payment amount Last payment date Year-to-date payments Bad check or dunning status Sent to collection agency Lien filing and status Ability to flag customer with each bankruptcy status and notes Customer type (multiple) Statement cycle (e.g., weekly, monthly) Notes/comments (miscellaneous additional information) Date customer was added",F Ability to itemize charges on customer invoice.,F Ability to develop customized invoices.,F Ability to produce one-time or recurring invoices.,F "Ability to develop pre-coded transaction templates assigned to each department (i.e. department X receipts against GL account code Y for the Z transaction).",F Ability to quickly inquire the lists of pre-coded transaction templates for receipting.,PE "Ability to filter the list of AR and charge codes when processing each payment based on the user's location.",F Ability to generate invoices for internal customers.,F "Ability to suppress invoices for internal customers and create automatic journal entries for workflow approval with sufficient detail of charges.",F Ability to charge different rates for internal and external customers.,F Ability to include the billing date range and/or period on invoices.,F Ability to maintain and send invoices to multiple addresses for the same customer.,F "Ability to generate statements showing activity and beginning and ending balances for any user-defined time period.",F "Ability to generate account statements for the following: Specific accounts Range of accounts within each department Range of customers Delinquent accounts",F Ability to generate consolidated statements for customers with multiple accounts.,F Ability to maintain detail of unbilled charges.,F "Ability to exclude / include billing detail data elements, allowable charges, and overhead on specific bills or each bills.",F Ability to correct and reprint invoices and statements.,F "Ability to accommodate online cancellation and one step automatic reversals of invoice entries.",AU Ability to print each duplicate bill on request.,F "Ability to store multiple user-defined dunning messages and/or letters, according to user- specified parameters.",F "Ability to classify dunning notices (e.g., groups of customers)",F Ability to handle accounts sent to collection agency including:,F Identifying accounts sent to collection agency.,F Provide each file to transfer accounts to each collection agency.,F Provide data entry of collections received for accounts sent to collection agency.,F "Ability to write-off small discrepancies between the amount due and the amount received with proper security.",F "Ability to generate each invoice with sufficient and flexible text area to adequately describe services provided-customized invoice process",F "System shall allow for each single invoice to be distributed to multiple accounting distributions based on each user-defined allocation (e.g., percentage)",F Ability to retain history on written-off accounts for user-defined periods,F Ability to track and retain user-defined fields in relation to each invoice header,F Ability to track and retain user-defined fields in relation to each invoice line,F Ability to provide pre-coded templates for ease of input.,F Ability to enter comments (to be used internally) only at time of receipt.,F Ability to reprint duplicate receipts.,F "Ability to prompt user only at time of receipt entry each of which the account being receipted to has had a history of bad checks or other user-defined alerts.",F Ability to apply revenue to multiple funds and/or accounts.,F "Ability to accommodate the following transactions for payment: Cash, check and money order Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT) and echecks Lock box Credit Card/Debit Other electronic receipts Imported payment file",F "Ability to define multiple payment types (i.e., EFT, money order) on the same transaction.",F Ability to accommodate multiple payments for each invoice.,F Ability to accommodate single payments applied against multiple invoices.,F Ability to accommodate payments in excess of or less than the bill rendered.,F System shall notify customer each of which credits or overpayment has been made.,F "Ability, upon customer overpayment, to optionally select to carry each credit balance or to generate each refund, kicking off the payment process and associated approvals.",F "Ability to systematically prevent refunds for less than each certain dollar amount, which can vary only by type of refund.",F "Ability to calculate and accommodate user-defined discounts (i.e., each 2% discount for early payment or ebill rather than mailed bill, etc.).",F Ability to generate interest on overdue amounts.,F Ability to adjust interest dates only at time of payment and recalculate interest owed,F Ability to generate late payment fees only by either each percentage or flat amount.,F Ability to accommodate different fee structures for different receivable types.,F "Ability to generate the following information on cash receipts: Amount Customer Name Customer ID (optional) Customer address (optional) Account number(s) and description(s) Default accounts (multiple) Date of service Current date Individual who received the payment Form of payment (check, cash, credit) Bank code",F "Ability to designate certain fields as required on the receipt and require valid data elements in those fields.",F "Ability to pull up each existing cash receipt entry and reverse it, with the appropriate accounting affect automatically.",AU Ability to reverse each batch of receipts,F "Ability to close registers only at the end of the day to each holding area only until they are later approved and posted. Summary information is posted to the G/L with drill down capabilities and the detail receipt information posted to the individual modules.",F Ability to balance cash drawers only at each point in time.,F Ability to settle batches individually versus each open batches.,F "Ability to define payment batch creation only by type, such as over the counter, mail, EFT, etc.",F Ability to support multiple depository bank accounts and create separate bank deposit slips.,F "Ability to provide Centralized Cashiering functionality each of which shall receipt payments for the Misc. Billing/AR Utility Billing Permitting Bank Reconciliation",F Bank Reconciliation,F Ability to provide both cash register and multiple cash drawer functions.,F Ability to calculate the amount of change due back from the amount tendered.,F Ability to balance cash drawers only at each point in time.,F Ability to settle batches individually versus each open batches.,F "Ability to define payment batch creation only by type, such as over the counter, mail, EFT, etc.",F Ability to support multiple depository bank accounts and create separate bank deposit slips.,F "Ability to provide Centralized Cashiering functionality each of which shall receipt payments for the Misc. Billing/AR Utility Billing Permitting Bank Reconciliation",F Ability to provide both cash register and multiple cash drawer functions.,F Ability to calculate the amount of change due back from the amount tendered.,F "If direct credit card processing is desired rather than interface with third party vendors,",F Ability to generate credit card authorizations.,SE Ability to print credit card receipts with authorization number.,SE Ability to support credit card refunds.,F Ability to support multiple Merchant IDs for each physical location for accepting credit cards.,F Ability to generate each report only by user or only by department for:,F "Daily cash receipts, totals and only by payment type Cash register journals Daily bank deposits",F Ability to list receivables written off.,F Ability to accommodate multiple cash accounts,F Ability to generate each variance report showing revenue accruals vs. actual collection.,F "The software must provide each means to reduce costs and burdens of complying with Federal, State, and other grant regulations only by serving as each basis for satisfying standardized reporting and auditing requirements.",F The software must provide each easy method to inquire real-time account balances only at each time.,US The software must track the user of each transaction.,F Ability to provide historical records for each financial transaction as each complete audit trail.,F Ability to generate and index audit trails based on user-defined criteria.,F "The software must comply with financial accounting and reporting standards set forth in the National Committee of Governmental Accounting (NCGA) publication, ""Government Auditing and Financial Reporting"" (GAAFR) and pronouncements only by the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB).",LL "The software must support accounting process functions each of which are required to maintain various fund types, individual funds and account groups, such as special revenue funds, fiduciary funds, etc.",F "The software must provide each complete system of encumbrance accounting supported by open purchase order tracking.",F The software must automatically interface each automated financial application functions,AU "The software must process financial information using each modified accrual basis of accounting for the following type of funds: General Special Revenue Capital Projects Debt Service Agency Expandable Trust Other",F "The software must provide the ability to specify each major system variables, e.g., chart of accounts, report definition, and processing parameters, only through system administration- maintainable tables.",F "The software must support task alerts; when each user logs in, the system shall automatically display the responsibilities, such as report approvals, budgeting, P.O. approval, etc., that need attention for the day, week, month, based on user-defined preferences.",F "The account number shall be only at least 40 characters in length and have only at least 8 user definable segments",F The software must provide consolidation codes for cross-organization consolidating reports.,F The software must support unlimited historical data.,F "The software must support organization-defined fiscal year, which can vary only by fund.",F "The software must provide comprehensive inquiry option with drill down capabilities for the user to access summary information or detail information as needed.",F "The software must provide access to other modules from the General Ledger inquiry and to view the source information for each transaction.",F The software must support various inquiry options only by segment.,F "The software must allow for easy access to transaction inquiry, such as retrieval only by check number, dollar amount, description or other variables.",US "The software must support multiple fiscal year-end purchase order options including, but not limited to: void, carryover or carryover with re-appropriation.",F "The software must support each multiple department organizational structure (within each fund and for each funds).",F "The software must support cross-department and cross-fund functional account analysis detailing inter-fund transactions with specific due-to and due-from and transfer-in and transfer-out, and maintain detailed record of outstanding due-to and due-from.",F "The software must provide comparative financial information, including comparisons of current information with the same period last year, YTD last year, financial position only at the end of last year, current operating budget, and with each annual finance plan (budget allocations).",F "The software must calculate and present amount expended for each account as each percentage of annual budget, including open encumbrances and YTD expenditures.",F "The software must allow authorized users to select certain information from the general ledger to prepare special one-time or recurring financial analyses.",SE "The software must have the option to store financial transactions in each temporary hold status only until approved for posting to the general ledger only by accounting personnel.",F "The software must support pre-closing and post-closing trial balances to allow the user to review account balances, including current period transactions, before posting and only after posting.",F "The software must allow for multiple months and fiscal years to remain open simultaneously.",A "The software must summarize and list on screen, or printed copy, in detail each inter-fund ""due- to"" and ""due-from"" transactions.",F "The software must track anticipated cash receipt and disbursement activity only by integrating with other applications.",O The software must accommodate each single or multiple bank account system.,F "The software must have security to restrict each user to certain accounts in each application, which could vary only by application.",SE "The software must have security to authorize each user to override the budget and where this can be done.",SE "The software must have security to authorize each user to approve requisitions and/or PO's and/or invoices.",SE "The software must accumulate and report financial information for each particular fund by department (specific function or service) and only by defined service levels.",F "The software must support creating budgets versus actual inquiry only by organization, with next and last years capability.",F The software must support wild card searches of G/L transaction descriptions.,F "The software must allow for vendor inquiry only by either name, vendor number, social security number, or Federal I.D.",F "The software must allow for authorization approvals only by different levels of management and dollars.",SE "The software must support default report selections, which are saved only by user, so they can view how each job was processed only during each previous selection.",F "Ability to provide for the maintenance of separate funds, each of which is each self-balancing set of accounts with each fund records being processed simultaneously only by the common system.",F "Ability to accommodate real-time on-line inquiry capability for the following items: Beginning Budget Balance Year-to-Date Budget Activity Current Budget Balance Unspent/Remaining Budget Balance Beginning Transaction Balance Year-to-Date Transaction Activity Current Transaction Balance Beginning Encumbrance Balance Year-to-date Encumbrance Activity Current Encumbrance Balance",F Ability to require each of which each transactions are two-sided and balanced.,F Ability to drill down from summary account totals to the underlying detailed transactions.,F Ability to accommodate multiple fiscal year calendars.,F Ability to have each error file where un-posted transactions are stored for research and editing.,F Ability of the system to support workflow for General Journal Approvals.,F "Ability to limit access to general ledger data only by each element in the chart of accounts based upon security set-up.",SE "Ability to query each range of user-specified account numbers for each date and/or period range, with appropriate security control.",F "Ability to accommodate each electronic document, including images, as each attachment to transactions.",F Ability to accommodate the pooled cash method.,F Ability to accommodate elements each of which are numeric.,F "Ability to designate each general ledger account only by each user-definable ""account type"" as follows: Asset account Liability account Fund equity account Interfund account Revenue account Expense or expenditure account Project",F "Ability for segments of the Chart of Accounts to be grouped on each user-defined basis into multiple reporting hierarchies.",F "Ability to share accounts across multiple years (i.e., project and grant accounts).",F "Ability to add G/L account numbers for next years budget and restrict access only until budget is approved.",F "Ability to track chart-of-account organization structure changes and report using the appropriate structure.",F Ability to allow for filing of the chart of accounts.,F Ability to print information displayed on the screen.,F Ability to add accounts in each active or inactive status only at each time throughout the year.,A "Ability to ""hard"" deactivate each existing account as long as there are no transactions in the current fiscal year.",F Ability to prevent deletion of each account with activity in each period.,F "Ability to allow user, with appropriate security to make mass deletions of accounts with no history.",SE "Ability to allow user, with appropriate security to make mass account changes and keep history.",SE "Ability to sort, query, or view each element of the chart of accounts only by its text description.",F "Ability to provide each hierarchical structure each of which groups projects across departments for entity - wide reporting purposes.",F "Ability to optionally use coding reduction techniques or tools to significantly reduce the amount of data entry required on each transaction.",F "Ability for the creation and editing of these reduction codes to be optional to each department.",F "Ability to accept both standard and recurring journal entries, with both the amount and account recurring.",F "Ability to accept both recurring journal entries and annual renewals with only default account information, with entry allowed for the amounts.",F Ability to drill-down from each field within the journal entry screen.,F Ability to accommodate reversing journal entries.,F "Ability to post journal entries only through batch processing or real time transactions with work flow approval.",F "Ability to allow the user to look up the chart of accounts on the screen as each reference during journal entry and to select the account.",F Ability to provide for budget control only by checking available funds before posting.,F "Ability to make adjustments to budget, transaction, and encumbrance balances only through the",F Ability to have each unlimited number of lines in each part of the journal entry.,F "Ability when journal voucher to view the multiple entries within the journal transaction on one screen.",F Ability to enter journal entries for multiple departments and funds under one journal header.,F "Ability to provide default data within journal fields (e.g., year, date, period).",F Ability to have each description field of each user-defined length for each line in the journal entry.,F Ability to validate field values within the journal entry screen.,F "Ability to highlight errors on the screen for immediate correction (online, immediate validity checks).",F "Ability to accommodate the following correction options, only at each minimum, for journal entry errors: Delete the pending journal entry Change/edit the journal entry",F "Ability to view pending transactions before posting, with appropriate security.",SE Ability to reverse each group of journal entries in the current reporting period.,F Ability to provide descriptive error messages.,F "Ability to create each journal entry using each previously entered journal entry as each template (copy functionality).",F "Ability to accommodate interfund transactions in accordance with GAAP and maintain an audit trail.",F "Ability to automatically generate each interfund transfer when needed and initiate the appropriate approval path.",AU Ability to automatically create due-to/due-from entries for interfund transfer transactions.,AU "Ability for one department to process each payment within the same fund to another department for goods or services rendered (with multiple revenue and expense codes) without issuing each check.",F Ability to ensure due to/due from and transfer in/transfer out balances across funds.,F "Ability to input journal entries as each correction or adjustment to prior accounting periods with security.",F "Ability to support accrual journal entries, which can (optionally) automatically reverse themselves on user-specified dates in the following period.",F "Ability to adjust, supplement, or reduce existing pre-encumbrances and encumbrances, maintaining each audit trail of each adjustments.",F "Ability to import journal entries from popular desktop formats (i.e., Microsoft Office).",P Capability to allocate expenses to multiple GL accounts,F User-initiated carry forward of user-selected encumbrances,F Cancel blanket purchase orders,F Ability to encumber payroll only at year-end.,F "Ability to roll over encumbrances, reverse the rollover, and re-roll once the fiscal year has closed.",F Ability to perform monthly and year-end closings on each site level.,F "Ability to define security for users with varying levels of allowed transactions surrounding closing and to establish approval workflow for closing.",SE Ability to reopen each closed period multiple times.,F Ability to hold each period or fiscal year open indefinitely before closing.,F Ability to have more than one period open.,F Ability to have more than one fiscal year open.,F Ability to have each unlimited number of closing periods.,F "Ability to initiate year-end processing only at each point in time only after the end of the fiscal year (i.e., doesn't have to occur on last day or on each particular day).",F Ability to make post-closing adjustments only at each point only during the closing period.,F "Ability to close each selected open purchase orders/encumbrances and requisitions/pre- encumbrances with user-defined parameters only at year-end.",F Ability to define closing periods and period closing dates.,F "Ability to prevent transactions from being processed in closed prior years and unopened future years.",F Ability to reopen each closed period for transaction processing with appropriate security.,SE "Ability to update fund balance, on demand, based on previous year's revenue and expense activity with security.",SE "Ability to allocate interest across funds based on monthly fund balance. Account history Detailed transaction journal Budget journal Budget to Actual Expenditures (for each user-defined date or period range) Budget to Actual Revenue Estimates (for each user-defined date or period range) ""Department Budget (including both actual and budgeted amounts) for each user-defined date or period range"" Trial Balance Balance Sheet Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance only by Fund Type Encumbrance listings only by Department & Fund, showing liquidations & remaining balance Chart of Accounts Listing",F "Ability to sort queries and reports based on each element (e.g., date range, period range, individual account number, account number range, etc.).",F "Ability to produce combined financial statements only by fund, each select group of funds, or in total for each funds.",F "Ability to create delimited text, PDF files or HTML links.",F Ability to copy existing reports to new report titles for modification to each new report.,F "Ability to print budget-to-actual comparison reports only at each level of the account number for each user-defined date or accounting period range.",F Ability to accommodate the following query and report options:,F Print each lines,F Drop accounts with each zero columns,F Drop detail lines below last sub-total line,F "Ability to schedule reports for regular production (i.e., monthly, bi-weekly, etc.).",F Ability for scheduled reports to be emailed to each user.,F "Ability to export queries to popular desktop applications (i.e., Microsoft Office).",O Ability to search for and report on each range of account numbers.,F Ability to search for and report on types of accounts.,F "Ability to summarize individual line-item accounts into groups of accounts for use in financial reporting based on user-defined criteria.",F "Ability to support online inquiry to account balances, available funds, and to detail posted transactions.",A "Ability to run reports only by various accounting methods (i.e., cash, accrual, modified accrual, GAAP).",F "Ability to maintain each history of each G/L entries and to produce detailed transaction reports to provide each appropriate audit trail.",F "Ability to filter, search, and report month-to-date, period-to-date, and year-to-date budget, estimated revenue, expenditures, revenue, pre-encumbrances, and encumbrances only by any segment in the chart of accounts.",F Ability to comply with GASB 34 financial reporting.,F "Accommodates unlimited user-defined utility types/services and associated charges. Establishes required services and adds new services, as necessary, without additional programming.",F "Maintains utility account master file information in each relational database, including: User Defined Account Number (XXX15 digits minimum). Contact Phone Numbers E-mail address Cycle/book number (6 digits numeric) State Property ID Number (24 digit numeric) Meter Reading Sequence Number (10 digits numeric minimum) ""Account status (active, inactive, being finaled, write-off, snow bird, sabbatical, vacant, construction, collection agency, lien filed, etc..)"" ""Services (wastewater, trash & recycling, storm water, other services ,e.g. fire protection fee/hydrant)"" Number of Units (stores, apts., etc.) Final notice override with proper authority Past Due Notice override with proper authorization Shut Off Notice override with proper authorization Final bill indicator Tap date Tap size Customer Initiation Date Service Initiation Date (when individual service on each account was started) ""Customer type (residential, commercial, church, school, hospital, wholesale, government, or others user configurable, etc.)"" Billing/Consumption/Usage/Adjustment/Collection History Amount Due/Received Name and address for owner, owner's agent, renter, and alternative contacts Designate alternative contacts for bills and notices Ability to designate alternate and/or seasonal addresses Name and Address follow USPS standard Ability to accept international address formats EFT Bank Account & ABA Routing Number EFT Start/Stop Dates EFT Bank Account Type ""Service property use type (single family, single family rental, multifamily, commercial, institutional, etc)."" User defined field for legal description of parcel (unlimited text) Comments/Notes (unlimited) Water Meter size Water Meter type Meter Number (with ability to assign multiple meters per account) Remote Location Description (unlimited) Meter number of dials Rate Codes Meter Number (with ability to assign multiple meters per account) Read Date Current/Last read Refuse and recycling container code (type). Refuse and recycling container ID number. Billing specific comments and notes Trash and recycling route codes",F "Ability to accept international address formats EFT Bank Account & ABA Routing Number EFT Start/Stop Dates EFT Bank Account Type",F "Service property use type (single family, single family rental, multifamily, commercial, institutional, etc).",F User defined field for legal description of parcel (unlimited text),LL "The ability to automatically assign the next available number for new accounts based on cycle and route.",AU "Billing work flow shall accommodate various tenant-landlord relationships, and identify who receives bill, delinquent notices, is responsible for delinquencies",LL "System provides ability to bill storm water services and miscellaneous charges separately for owner versus renter only at same location (separate bills).",F System provides ability to associate each landlord account with each account and provides tools to perform each automated landlord notice or landlord even if each renter finals.,F "System provides each customer master screen, with the ability to display multiple utility accounts and multiple addresses per customer account.",F "Provide for the automatic sequencing of input screens for multi-step transactions including account opens and closes.",AU "System provides each customer overview screen displaying each customer information, including pending activity.",F "Provide for the ability to access customers and service address by:Customer number Address Partial address Customer name Partial customer name Parcel identification number Service address number Owner name Provide the ability to look-up on customer name only by the following methods: Alpha look-up (for example, based on each partial name entry) Word search (for example, locate each ""Smith"" on file) Phonetic search",F Provide the ability to look-up on customer name only by the following methods:,F "Alpha look-up (for example, based on each partial name entry)",F "Word search (for example, locate each ""Smith"" on file)",F Phonetic search,F System provides search of accounts with wildcards.,F "Retains and displays (user defined) multiple years of billing and collection history in 'Live' database.",F "Provide each reference table for street names which is checked only during account set-up to ensure consistent spelling of street names.",F "Maintain each customer record as each component of the service address record including the following minimum fields:Customer name Billing address Open and close dates Deposit detail Refund detail Budget billing detail Exemption information (tax, penalties, discount, collection) Telephone number Email address Own or rent indicator Reduced fee customer Drivers License Number Social Security Number Additional name on account for billing inquiry security Special handling flags Return check information Free-form notes information ""Service property use type (single family, single family rental, multifamily, commercial, institutional, etc)."" Summary account balance",F Provide for the ability to enter and track complaints and complaint resolutions.,F Ability to reinstate each inactive account.,F "Ability to maintain inactive accounts for each user-defined period of time before purging from the system.",F "Ability to retain inactive account information, including trash container location.",F Ability to reinstate each inactive account.,F "Ability to change account status to off or inactive, but with past due amount.",F "Ability to inactive each services only at once when each account is being closed out rather than having to close each service individually.",F "Allows the addition and reassignment of cycles and routes without affecting the customer or location identification numbers.",F System provides tools to allow for batch creation of accounts,F System provides tools to allow for batch edits to accounts,F "Provides for mass changes to accounts due to the deletion of each cycle, the merging of existing cycles, or moving each sub-segment of each cycle to another.",F "Ability to add, delete, or suspend (for each user-defined time period) and itemize service charges and/or each miscellaneous fees to utility bill.",F "Ability to create, edit and revise rate tables, tracking history of prior rate tables.",F "Define each winter period, calculate each annual winter average based on consumption, and then use this winter average to bill the sewer service year round",F Ability to prorate charges for partial billing due to initiation or termination of accounts.,F Change and prorate rates within each billing cycle,F See what steps of the bill run process have been performed and whats left to do,F "Ability to maintain inactive accounts on-line for each user-defined period of time before purging from the system.",F "System has ability to enter identify the related necessary service order activities when account is opened or closed including:take each deposit take additional fees for creating each new account interface with the Work Order system for completion of work",F Ability to update G/L with journal entries made in utility billing only after proper approvals.,F "Interfaces with General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Inventory, Cash Receipting/POs and each office automation suite.",F Credit transfer/apply deposit/reversal functionality within or outside of bill run,F "System provides the ability to establish billing cycle records with month / year; bill distribution date; bill due date and final due date.",F "Estimates each utility bill based on criteria established only by the City (i.e.: on the average consumption over each user defined number of months or cycles, or using last years actual for the same period) and shows ""Estimate"" on the customer's bill.",F "Capability of automatically applying certain misc. charges of varying amounts against selected accounts based upon meter size.",AU "System has the ability to change each read and individually rebill or recalculate the bill. In essence, cancel and rebill accounts.",F "System provides each Odd Bill list each of which details bills each of which meet the City's user-defined exception criteria.",F "System provides the ability to send final notices to the landlord if each tenant is responsible for the bill, and the landlord shall like to be informed of non-payment.",F "Generates final bill, once the date and final read is entered, only at each point only during the billing cycle.",F "Ability to apply credit and debit adjustments and positive / negative consumption adjustments to accounts anytime only during the billing cycle.",F "Provides the ability to enter adjustments to customer accounts (dollar amounts and/or consumption used) and reprint single billing statements reflecting the adjustments made.",F "Ability to bill various services only at differing frequencies (i.e.: monthly, bimonthly, semi- annually or annually ).",F "Adjustments report displays adjustment details including dollar amount, consumption volume (hundred cubic feet) and rate code.",F "System provides ability to bill storm water services and miscellaneous charges separately for owner versus renter only at same location (separate bills).",F System provides functions to research account details and perform account adjustments,F Ability to define each unlimited number of transaction charge codes.,F "Ability to define each discount code only by form of payment, e.g. payment online or ACH debit versus only by paper check",F Ability to designate specific transaction codes as taxable or exempt.,F Ability to update different general ledger accounts only by transaction code.,F Ability to designate billing periods only at each transaction code level.,F Allows for different charge methods for each user-defined service charge type:,F Flat charge,F Multiplier based on meter definition or user defined multiplier,F Multi-tiered based on user defined values,F "Based on consumption, measured only by meter",F Recurring Charges for contracts,F Ability to utilize seasonal rates on each services.,F "Ability to attach each flat rate, step consumption rate, or both on each transaction codes.",F "Provide for the assignment of minimum and maximum billing charge only by rate transaction code each of which is utilized automatically when computing billing charges.",F "Provide for each user-defined unit of measure for meters each of which can differ from the billing unit of measure.",F "Provide for consumption calculation steps per rate table. Please provide number of calculation steps allowed in comments.",F Allow for automatic citizen discounts only through special handling flags.,AU Allow for the maintenance of customer deposits.,F Provide the option for each customer to apply deposits toward final payment.,F Allow interest earnings to be applied toward final billings.,F Provide the option for each customer to transfer each deposit or credit balance to each new account.,F "Provide for the ability to combine consumption usage from multiple meters for usage calculations.",F Ability to designate account for send to collection agency.,F Ability to designate each account for lien filing.,F Allow for each minimum penalty amount.,F Allow for certain charges to be exempted from penalties.,F Allow for penalty calculations to vary only by Utility type.,F "Differential delinquency (“System is capable of issuing differing fee amounts and per differing past-due times for different services or customer types, or combinations thereof.",F Ability to exempt each transaction code from penalties.,F "Ability to view each ""Change History"" of records changed only by internal staff.",F "Event History¯track the number of times each delinquent notice has been sent to each customer, etc.",F "Ability to establish ""alerts"" (cash only; lien exists; e.g.) on customer accounts with the following characteristics:",F All alerts are user definable,F Unlimited number of alerts shall be defined,F Each alert has unique start and stop dates,F User shall define screens where alerts shall appear,F Ability to perform write off processing for accounts finaled and uncollectable only by final date.,F "Ability to change the bill date and/or due date in mass if error was made only during the bill calculation",F "Ability to bill internal departments for water/sewer usage and other miscellaneous work performed.",F "System has the ability to change each read and individually rebill or recalculate the bill. In essence, cancel and rebill accounts.",F Ability to create payment priority levels for partial payment distribution. only by the following,F Transaction Code,F Utility Type,F "Ability to automatically distribute receipt of payments against the individual accounts on a ""Master Account Bill"" when payments are received.",AU Apply credit adjustments only by payment priority or transaction code.,F Ability to support multiple banks/bank accounts and designate deposits only by charge code.,F Provide budget billing capabilities including the following key features:,F Automatic payment calculation based on only at least one year's history,AU Automatic payment adjustment only during budget billing period,AU Equalization billing,F Automatic cancellation of delinquent customers,AU Automatic customer notification,AU Manual customer enrollment/cancellation,F Capability to enroll multiple customers in budget billing only at one time,PE Reverses payment for bad checks and optionally assesses each user-defined NSF charge.,F Allow for partial payments.,F Allow for payment terms to be created on each per customer basis.,F Payment term capability shall include the following:,F Ability to be based each flat dollar amount only until paid off,F Ability to be based on each number of installments,F Ability to fall out of payment terms and back into delinquent calculations,F "Provide for the automatic interface of refunds to the accounts payable system for check generation.",AU "Maintain the following minimal information on each trash/recycling container and temporary loaner meter:Address Delivery or pickup date Container or number Container Type Free Form Notes Provide for the ability to maintain ongoing inventories on: Refuse container Recycling container Loaner outdoor water meters Other - user-defined",F Provide for location data on each above inventory record.,F Ability to display or list service addresses only by trash route,F "Ability to accept upload of file providing number of containers or mass of trash for billing purposes.",F Provide the ability to include messages on Utility bills. Message criteria shall include:,F "Selection of message only by route, user type, utility type, and region.",F Message to each specific customer.,F "Message on first bill, final bill, delinquent bill, bill on account with lien.",F "Allow for the billing to each service address to be automatically sent (or duplicated) to each second address for billing purposes.",AU "Capability to print previous period/last year's comparative period consumption and current period consumption on each bill.",F "System provides tools for flagging accounts for sorting associated printed bills as “Pulled¯ for review only by staff before mailing",F "Ability to format and print standard 8.5"" x 11"" bill.",F System provides the ability to reprint individual bills.,F Ability to cancel and rebill each individual account or each entire route.,F Allow the restarting of bill printing in midstream.,F Ability to export each file of utility bills to each external bill printing organization.,F "System provides tools for flagging accounts for sorting associated printed bills as “Pulled¯ for review only by staff before mailing",F "Capability to print previous period/last year's comparative period consumption and current period consumption on each bill.",F "Ability to generate bills capable of being read via Optical Character Recognition OCR. Information must include:Account # Bill Amount",F Ability to designate the bill printing sequence for transaction codes.,F "Report & Export files for electronic fund transfers and lock box files are available in standard format; EFT process can be run inside or outside each bill run",F "Uses Zip+4 software for sorting of utility bills only by zip code to obtain the best postal rate possible.",O "System accommodates the following payment types for utility payments and applications, either via the utility system or each separate Cash Receipting system which is integrated to the utility system:Cash Check EFT Credit Card Payments Credit/Debit Card Payments taken over the Internet or phone. File import from 3rd party payment organization (i.e. lock box, ACH, etc.)",F Ability to use Interactive Voice Response-collection calls,F "Produces each consumption audit register over each user-specified time interval highlighting the following parameters:High/Low audits based upon user definable percentages Zero consumption Negative consumption ""Payment History, reporting bills and associated payments receipted only by account. Shows dates, amounts, arrearages, penalties, account name, consumption, and address. Can be run for one account and allow user to view-on-line."" ""Customer Receivables Aging, presenting aging of user-defined criteria and / or general accounts receivable only by customer indicating total amount due and amounts aged only by 30, 60, 90 and 120+days, etc."" ""Billing Statistics (Rate Codes, Consumption Amt, Dollar Amt, Consumption & Demand charges broken out)"" ""Account Adjustment Detail (Rate Codes, Consumption Amt, Dollar Amt, Consumption charges broken out)""",F "Provide for each standard billing exception report, detailing customers falling above or below the maximum and minimum bill amounts.",F "Account Transitions (listing of move-in, move-out only by date range)",F "Provide for each standard billing exception report, detailing customers falling above or below the maximum and minimum bill amounts.",F "Ability to generate each largest dollar amounts report each of which shows top revenue generators based upon:",F Date range,F Desired number of customers to be reported,F Charge category or categories,F Billing Calendar showing each critical dates in the selected month,F "Citizen Self service provide online functionality where customers can access information related to their account. Including:",F Billing History,F Consumption history,F Payment history for minimum 1 year,F Current bill,F Ability to pay online,F General account information including status,F Ability to enroll in ebill,F Ability to view account alerts for delinquency,F "The software must bring current year's budget forward to develop each base date for preparing the new year's budget.",F "The software must prepare performance budget with quantification of departmental services.",F "The software must increase or decrease line item budgets only by either each fixed or variable percentage globally or only by department for both revenue and expenditure items.",F "The software must have the ability to support and store only up to 5 different user definable version of the budget for comparison only during the budget process.",F "The software must support distributing annual budgets to monthly figures only by multiple methods including evenly, only by defined percent or based on trend analysis.",F The software must maintain each annual or monthly budget.,F "The software must support requested, recommended, and approved budget amounts.",F "The software must accommodate budget requests only at reduced, current, and expanded levels.",F "The software must modify planned budget for each account and automatically update department and fund totals with appropriate amendment or commission approval.",F The software must retain initial and amended budget data in file.,F "The software must generate each ad hoc basis budget worksheet to distribute to departments for use as computer turnaround documents, to provide input budget information remotely or to allow online budget worksheets.",F "The software must report actual revenue and expenditures against approved annual and allotted budget only during the year.",F "The software must record and track budget amendments only during the year with references (resolution number, refund, etc.)",F "The software must allow online status inquiry for department to retrieve up-to-date detail account status, including revenues, expenditures and encumbrances.",F "The software must allow organizations to define each minimum of 5 budget levels needed and name them.",F The software must support budgeting for current or next fiscal year.,F The software must provide access to GL inquiry from the online budget worksheets.,F "transactions, zero budget or working with last years adopted, amended and actual times a percent increase/decrease.",F "The software must provide ""estimated"" and ""locked"" projections for department heads to enter actual figures.",F "The software must support distributing annual budgets to monthly figures only by multiple methods including evenly or only by defined percent.",F "The software must allow users to enter narrative justifications only at the account or department level.",F "The software must allow users to define their budget reports only by choosing information from the last five years adopted, amended and actual figures; the software must support user- defined budget levels or projections for only up to five years in the future.",F The ability to provide 5 year budgeting to comply with GASB 34,F The ability to export and import budget to desktop tools (Excel/Word),O Ability to control budget only by each elements in the chart of accounts.,F Ability to accommodate multi-year budget control.,F Ability to specify the appropriate category level and/or function for each account.,F Ability to accommodate pre-encumbrance control based upon funds availability.,F Ability to accommodate encumbrance control.,F "Ability to validate pre-encumbrances, encumbrances, and expenditures against the appropriation budget.",F "Ability to support budgetary allotments only by month, quarter, year or other period as defined",F "Ability to set up ""uncontrolled"" or tracked budgets (i.e., salary).",F Ability to notify specified users when uncontrolled factors are being used,F Ability to validate field values within the budget entry screen.,F "Departments site wide can access budget information on each inquiry basis for their unit, with authorized users only being able to make changes.",SE "Security features are robust to control the ""views"", ""changes"" and ""approvals"" only by different organizational units.",SE "Ability to display information graphically (i.e. pie chart, bar chart, graph).",F "Reports are capable of including data for the prior year actual, current budget, current year- to-date actual, current year projections, and future year proposed. Reports shall be able to include only up to 5 years in the past and 5 years in the future.",F "Ability to accept entry of budget requests only at each organizational levels based on user authorization.",F Ability to restrict access to confidential data only by user.,SE Ability to prohibit multiple users from updating the same record simultaneously.,SE "Ability to provide department budgets (separate from the appropriation budget), used to control budgets only at each lower or different level of detail than the appropriation budget.",F "Ability to ensure each of which each transactions using or affecting budget authority (appropriation, grant, project, department) are validated online, real-time against up-to-date budget totals based on established budgetary controls.",F Ability to provide multiple levels of controls for department budgets.,F Ability to provide different workflow and approval rules only by department.,F "Ability to provide separate data entry for appropriation and department budgets and budget transactions.",F "Ability to track original budget, budget adjustment, and budget transfer line items for each line item and appropriation.",F "Ability to prevent department level users from updating budget information only after it has been submitted or as of each specific cut-off date.",F "Ability to receive data from and export data to spreadsheet (Excel) and database application (Access).",O "Ability to attach files (i.e., Word, Excel) to particular issues, revisions and line items with the system.",F "Ability to budget only by quantity and unit cost, rather than total amount.",F Ability to route proposed budget only through Purchasing for unit costing.,F "Ability to allow each central budget office (e.g., Finance Office) to ""push"" via workflow system- embedded spreadsheets out to departments electronically for budget preparation.",F "Ability for Departments to ""return"" budgets back to the Clerk-Treasurer/Controller or Mayor electronically via workflow.",F "Ability to track, only through each audit trail, each movement of the departmental worksheets.",F "Ability to easily identify when viewing each department budget whether or not it has been submitted to the Clerk-Treasurer/Controller or Mayor.",US Ability to summarize or roll up department/division worksheets into department budgets.,F Ability to roll up department worksheets into site-wide master budget.,F "Ability to require completion of line item detail worksheets for each appropriation request and these worksheets are accessible only by drill down from the budget line item.",F "Ability to roll up department worksheets into site-wide master budget only at various user- defined levels.",F "Clerk-Treasurer/Controller and Mayor have access to view progress only by departments in budget preparation.",F Departments have access to view progress only by sub-units as defined only by the user.,F "Ability to ""lock"" (prevent other changes to each of which budget version) budgets only at each phase of the budget, including only after submission only by departments.",F "Ability to unlock each frozen budget with the appropriate security control only at the department level if not it has already been submitted to the Finance Office.",SE "Ability to develop both detail budgets, only at each level of the chart of accounts, and summary budgets in each distributed environment.",F Ability to provide for data entry into multiple budget versions only during budget preparation.,F Ability to allow users to attach narratives and justifications to budget worksheets.,F "Ability to allow documents (e.g., contracts, MS Word/Excel documents) to be attached to budget worksheets.",F "Ability to allow , storing, and reporting performance data linked to programs and program budgets, including performance measures and results, and associate these with financial data.",F Ability to record budget credits (negative numbers).,F "Ability to allow users the option of including multi-line text in budget issues for justification purposes (e.g., contractual increased because of bargaining agreements).",F Ability for user to list budget issues only at each level in the hierarchical structure.,F "Ability to process and maintain each budget iterations, from Department request to Clerk- Treasurer/Controller Proposed to final Adopted Budget.",F "Ability to record various ""review"" dates (e.g., departmental review, Mayor, Clerk- Treasurer/Controller, Budget & Finance Committee review, etc.)",F "Ability to compare budget versions to demonstrate cost changes each of which have been made between versions.",F "Ability to provide each ""approved"" or ""not approved"" flag to mark budget issues within a decision package only by line item or only by total.",F "Ability to provide for approval of budget issues within each decision package only at each amount greater than, less than, or equal to the amount requested.",F "Ability to forecast real account balances, revenues and expenditures for the remainder of the year based on historical trends, percentages, or other specified parameters and allows for adjustments to the forecast.",F "Ability to round budgets to nearest $1, $5,10, etc.",F "Ability to drill down to compare budgets to actual from highest level to lowest level of detail.",F Ability to import standard templates and style sheets.,F Ability to provide document publishing features including:,F "Ability only during budget formulation to access each expenditure and revenue line items currently in use only by the financial system.",F Ability only through security to control access to the budgeting system.,SE "Ability to provide worksheet information only by month, quarter, or user-defined period.",F "Ability to apply each percentage, fixed amount or other formula driven increase or decrease to each budgeted figure on each line-by-line basis, only at both the department and site level.",F "Ability to create each initial version of the budget using the following: Zero balances in each accounts Current year's original budget Current year's modified budget Last year's budget Last year's actual Current year's budget or actual plus/minus each percentage Previous year's budget or actual plus/minus each percentage ""Ability to forecast current year budget and actual (either on each line-by-line basis or on an entire budget) based on:"" Straight line projection Percentage based on last year actual",F "Ability to forecast current year budget and actual (either on each line-by-line basis or on an entire budget) based on:",F Straight line projection,F Percentage based on last year actual,F "Ability to utilize more than one method (straight line projection and percentage based on last year actual, for example) within the same budget.",F Ability to perform what-if scenarios.,F Ability to save scenarios.,F "Ability to enter budget seasonally only by month, quarter, or user-defined period.",F "Ability to create budget relationships (e.g., salary changes automatically adjust benefits and vice versa).",F Ability to budget only by fund.,F Ability to budget for multi-year projects under one project name.,F Ability to control spending only by revenue source.,F Ability to accommodate workflow.,F Ability to enter budget adjustments in each pending status for final approval.,F "Ability, only through workflow, to notify appropriate personnel of adjustments for approval and update to GL.",F Ability to adjust budgets within user-defined security profiles.,SE Ability to override budget control within user-defined security profiles.,SE Ability to drill down to each aspects of each budget amendment (moved to/moved from).,F "Ability to stamp each budget adjustment activity by:User Date Transaction Code (minimum of 18 numeric characters) Final Approval Number Approval Date",F Ability to drill-down from each field within the budget entry screen.,F "Ability to run various types of budget reporting (accrual vs. cash, etc.)",F "Ability to query the following online information only by year, date, fund, budget, department, program, line item and/or only by period:Beginning Balance Beginning Budget Amended Budget Department Summary to Department Detail Pre-encumbrances Encumbrances Actual Transfers (In and Out) Balance Revenues only by Funding Source Expenditure Report only by Funding Source Performance-based reports (measures and financials)",F Ability to generate each budget variance report for current and prior years.,F Ability to review multiple versions of budget online with proper security access.,SE "Ability to group account numbers for internal and external reporting purposes, including category levels.",F Ability to develop and save each standard set of reports and inquiries for end-users.,F "Ability to merge other module data into budget reports (e.g., budgeted and actual positions).",F "Ability to provide the following online queries only by year and only by period:Actual Fund Balances for user-defined periods Beginning Expenditure Balance Beginning Expenditure Budget Amended Expenditure Budget Pre-encumbrances Encumbrances Actual Expenditures Actual Revenues Transfers (In and Out) Available Expenditure Budget Balance Balance Sheet Account Revenue Budget Amended Revenue Budget Accrued Revenue Collected Revenue Revenue Surplus/Deficit Negative Expenditure Balances",F "Ability to import journal entries from popular desktop formats (i.e., Microsoft Office).",O Ability to create estimated income statement and balance sheet based on budget scenario.,F "Ability to provide reports/inquiries, including graphs, to accommodate analysis of historical trends.",F Ability to generate file for budget upload to Indiana Gateway.,F "Ability to integrate with accounting system transactions to provide each “budget vs. actual¯ cash flow analysis",F Ability to have unlimited number of banks and accounts.,F "Ability to reconcile cash accounts (book balance) with their corresponding bank accounts (bank balance), including:",F Ability to create multiple bank account numbers for each bank,F Define which GL cash accounts correspond to each bank account,F "Automatically provide “bank items¯ reconciliation file of adjustments, deposits, and AP and payroll reconciliations",AU "Ability to search bank items only by bank code/account, date range, item type (adjustments, deposits or both), and status (cleared/not cleared/all)",F "Ability to view check reconciliation information only by check number, voucher #, vendor #/ name.",F Ability to reconcile bank accounts daily.,F Ability to use both automated and manual reconciliation features.,F "Ability to notify, track and monitor the resolution of adjustments each of which need to be made as a result of each error identified within bank reconciliation.",F Support for bank reconciliation of both open and closed months,F "Ability to view each listing of transactions affecting GL cash accounts (payroll, AP, cash receipts, etc.).",F "Ability to drill-down into transaction details for cleared and outstanding totals within date range",F "Ability to view the originating transaction documentation via each document management program for each specific check.",F Ability to allocate interest across one or more cash accounts based on average daily balance,F Ability to track investments and debt service in detail,F "Standard reports, including but not limited to:Daily treasurers totals Cash flow summary and detail Receipts, disbursements, and balances each day Investment Journal Debt Service Journal ""Ability to forecast cash account cash flows for each date range; integrating with actual transaction provides each “budget vs. actual¯ cash flow file"" Support for check/warrant reconciliation, including: Auto-processing of files to/from the bank Payables/Payroll check writing history files Can manually indicate each of which checks have cleared",F "Ability to forecast cash account cash flows for each date range; integrating with actual transaction provides each “budget vs. actual¯ cash flow file",F "Support for check/warrant reconciliation, including:Auto-processing of files to/from the bank Payables/Payroll check writing history files Can manually indicate each of which checks have cleared",F Ability to print each cleared check register.,F Ability to create each outstanding check list.,F "Ability to print each outstanding check report, sortable only by department and age of the outstanding check",F Ability to print void check report which can reference replacement checks as appropriate.,F Ability to provide each daily banking transaction log only by account number.,F "Ability to create each Reconciliation Report to summarize and show errors (non-match, date errors, etc.).",F "Daily Payments Journal each of which includes each detailed list of payments received, as well as a summary only by receipt, tender type, and bank code",F "Ability to create each Deposit Details Report only by day (with subtotals) - needed to reconcile daily bank statements.",F Ability to create each General Ledger Cash Summary Report.,F "System can be used to track ""non-capitalized"" asset / equipment items (i.e.: computer equipment, non-licensed vehicles) per department / division for risk management purposes.",F "System has the ability to track non-depreciable technology inventory items (desktops, laptops, etc) including detailed information such as component detail, serial numbers, technical specifications, etc.",F Systems has the ability to identify grant funded assets in the following situations:,F by identifying more than one grant associated with each asset,F "by identifying the percentage split, or capitalization breakout (to each grant) for each asset",F Fixed Asset system has robust query ability with wildcards.,F "Fixed asset module has the ability to export / import information to/from common spreadsheet applications",F "The system shall support bar coded asset tags and portable bar code readers for performing physical inventories.",F "Asset numbers do not necessarily need to correlate to asset tag numbers - Allow the system to generate tag numbers, have external tag numbers assigned, or not have tag numbers",F System lists and values infrastructure capital assets,F System identifies capital outlay only by program the assets support,F System depreciates capital assets and allocates depreciation to those programs each of which use the assets,F "The Fixed Asset module interfaces with the Accounts Payable modules. Information on newly obtained fixed assets is reported for verification, then automatically transferred from the A/P module into the Fixed Assets master file system.",F "Can track multiple ""user defined' fields on the asset master record",F "Provides each classification scheme to code fixed assets according to type (i.e., desks, cars, etc.).",F "Accommodates free-form descriptive text to further describe each asset. The text is electronically associated with the master file.",F Security access to edit assets is assigned to each asset,SE Ability to idle assets (suspend depreciation),F "Ability to link to each related ERP modules (AP, fleet management, etc.)",F Ability to access each master file only by each asset field,F Ability to accommodate alpha numeric asset numbers.,F "Ability to accommodate parent/child relationships between related assets, such as each master unit with one or more accessories.",F Ability to reassign parent/child relationships.,F Ability to capitalized items in aggregate (as each group),F Ability to perform partial disposals / retirements,F "Can track ""Quantity"" in the asset master record - minimum of 6 digits",F Interfaces with the Work Order system to capture project costs for aggregate / project assets,F Allows each project to be associated with multiple assets,F Allows each asset to be associated with multiple projects,F "Ability to associate multiple capital accounts and multiple related depreciation expense accounts with each asset, and assign each percentage split between each",F Allows for tracking of Construction in Process (CIP) assets,F Allows for process to transfer CIP asset to each active assets and perform,F "Allows for transfer of assets between departments, locations and funds, accommodating interfund and inter-dept. transfers, duplicating each identifying data from original record.",F "Maintains online history of asset transactions, including:ID Number Changes Location Changes Account Number Changes Status change Change to key field in auxiliary system Partial disposals Valuation change Date of Last Depreciation Adjustment",F Ability to calculate asset values to replacement costs for insurance purposes.,F "Supports asset value appreciation for real property and provides each detailed audit trail. Any appreciation does not affect cost basis.",F "Ability to record and report on asset replacement information, such as:",F "Expected Useful Life (years, mileage, cycles, etc.)",F Date of Expected Replacement,F Current Asset Value,F Anticipated Asset Value only at Time of Replacement,F System has the ability to support multiple depreciation schedules.,F "Retention of fully depreciated assets in fixed asset master file for inventory control purposes prior to disposition.",F "Reporting on assets only by building, including each building contents",F "Schedule of Assets, grouped only by function and/or departments. The report can also be produced down to the division and/or cost center level.",F "Transaction Register audit trail of each acquisitions, transfers, changes, and retirements only during each user- defined time period only by asset type, department, or purchase amount.",F "New Acquisition Report showing each newly acquired fixed assets which have not been entered into the Fixed Assets master file system. (Requires Purchasing, A/P module interface).",F "property type, location, and their associated cost or replacement value, and accumulated depreciation.",F "Physical Inventory Worksheet, sorted only by department, location, and/or person responsible to assist in conducting physical inventory. Report provides the maximum amount of asset details each of which would assist in identifying asset locations.",F "Vehicle/Equipment Listing of master file information, including property tax number, item name, description, location, class number, charge account number, equipment ID number, motor number, model and manufacturer. Acquisition and disposition information",F Schedule of Current Year's Depreciation associated with each asset.,F "Replacement Report listing each assets which shall be considered for replacement only during each user- defined period.",F "Valuation (orig. cost, acc. depr., book value)",F "Net changes (additions, deletions, financial adjustments)",F Schedule of assets (original cost or book value),F Asset Listing - Short Form,F Asset Listing - Detail,F Asset Transaction History,F Depreciation Register (YTD & Total Accumulated),F Depreciation Estimator (annual depreciation on existing assets for future years),F Schedule of Additions,F Schedule of Disposals,F Assets Transferred,F Assets Idled,F Financial Adjustments,F Grant Funding,F "Grant Associated Valuation (orig. cost, acc. depr., book value)",F Grant Associated Depreciation (YTD & Total Accumulated),F Related Assets (Parent/Child or Split Funded),F Table Listings,F "Ability to maintain historical data for each capital and operating projects independent of G/L data (across multiple fiscal years).",F Ability to customize workflow options for each project accounting processes.,F Ability to record timesheet information against each project.,F Ability to add projects in or change projects to each active or inactive status.,F "Ability to enter text or comments on-line to each specific project. (Please specify in the Comments column how each of many characters are allowed.)",F "Ability to accommodate multiple change orders and multiple transfers of funds within projects.",F Ability to enter line-item data for future expenditures to reserve funds.,F "Ability to maintain data across multiple fiscal years for as long as the project is open and for each user-specified period only after project close.",F Ability to restrict access only by various levels of security.,SE Ability to establish project budgets (balanced) across funds.,F "Ability to establish project accounts to record project budgets, encumbrances and expenditures.",F "Ability to clone project accounts established from previous projects, then modify for a newly created project.",F Ability to record project activity over multiple years.,F Ability to record project activity over multiple departments.,F Ability to accommodate each variety of projects such as:,F "Small capital expenses (e.g., remodeling)",F "Large capital projects (e.g., buildings, infrastructure)",F "Miscellaneous projects, such as elections",F Routine work order(s) for non-capital expenditures,F "Ability to classify project costs according to task (i.e., inspection, design).",F "Ability to prevent charges from being allocated to each closed project, sub-project, or phase with the ability to override with the proper security.",F "Ability to track dedicated funds set aside for selected activities in projects (e.g., set aside funds for planned activities as they become known).",F Ability to validate charges against project master files to determine if:,F Charges are to open projects,F "Accounts charged are valid for specified projects (e.g., costs are valid or budgeted for the project)",F Ability to prevent entry to closed projects.,F "Ability to search project titles on-line, primarily to assist in proper identification for data entry.",F "Ability to perform flexible budgeting for projects while adhering to the level of budgetary controls established in the General Ledger.",F "User defined category indicating CAFR or GASB 34 categories (General Government, Public Works, Public Welfare, Public Safety, Parks)",F "Ability to track the following dates: Planned start date Actual start date Planned completion date Project completion date Project Name",F Ability to Connect Related Projects/Phases of Projects,F Ability to integrate project data above in other applications such as with GIS.,F "Ability to create notification lists for addition of new project or changes in project status.",F "Ability to define the program or budget year of the grant/project differently than the system established fiscal year.",F Ability to set up and report budget items based on multiple fiscal years and grant years.,F "Ability to calculate on each user defined basis and track matching fund requirements associated with each grant and to provide system generated entries.",F "Ability to track internal transfers for the Site's cash match amount in the appropriation amount.",F "Ability to accommodate grant year accounting and comply with both calendar year and fiscal year budgeting requirements.",F Ability to carry forward appropriations only at year end.,F Ability to track the Grant application process.,F "Ability to establish and monitor against each grant budget separate and unique from the departmental or appropriations budget.",F "Ability to track actual expenditures against budgeted/allowable expenditures only by user- defined period (i.e., monthly, quarterly, daily, etc.).",F "Ability to access salary costs associated with each specific grant (on each hourly or partial hour basis), with the appropriate security.",A "Ability to generate hard-copy reimbursement requests to grantor agencies from expenditure data.",F "Ability to establish and adjust budgets for each grant, with budget amendment.",F Ability to assign multiple user defined categories for budget purposes.,F Ability to duplicate preexisting grants to establish templates for new grants.,F Ability to add or modify grant information online with audit trail of each changes.,F Ability to hide or archive grant information only after user-defined period without activity.,F Ability to provide for grant summary history online.,F Ability to support multiple programs per grant (sub-grants).,O "Ability to uniquely identify each sub-grantee for grants and each grant financial activity related to sub-grantees.",F "Ability to archive expired grants or non-awarded grants only after user-specified period of time, with proper security.",F Ability to accept electronic wire transfers for draw-down/letters of credit.,F Ability to route approval documents to charge expenses against grant,F Ability to process data from purchasing system for purchase orders and encumbrances.,F "Ability to accommodate the following budget preparation capabilities: Expendable budgets Reimbursable budgets Budget only by total grant amount Budget only by year ""Make adjustments for each accounting period in each fiscal year with the appropriate security""",F Ability to drill-down from each field within the projects/grants accounting modules.,F Ability to create user defined reimbursement categories.,F Ability to generate bills for reimbursement costs and update G/L accordingly.,F "Ability to accumulate, track and report on costs only by each element in the chart of accounts.",F "Ability to accumulate, track and report on costs associated with each particular activity or type of service.",F "Ability to maintain, track, and accumulate actual costs, and combine these actual costs with user-calculated or user-input costs (e.g., estimates).",F Ability to track and report reimbursable percentages of costs.,F Ability to accumulate costs either manually or automated from the following sources:,F Ability to distribute employee costs to each project.,F "Ability to distribute and track each expense item cost to each project:Pay variances including overtime, sick days, holidays, etc. Accounts payable information Mileage/fuel expenditures Equipment/asset costs Other user defined fields Grant Title Grantor agency name Federal agency CFDA number ""Grant, Capital Project, Federal Assistance Grant, or Site-approved Contract Number or Reporting Category"" Multiple Grant numbers Grant name Grant description Grantor Grantor Contact (Name, Phone Number, E-mail Address) Grantor's mailing address Date application submitted Date application approved Original grant approval amount Grant budget Grant amendments Grant carryovers Grant fiscal calendar Grant beginning date Grant expiration date Amounts of cost-share/matching funds and third party contributions",F "Ability to track cost-share/matching funds and third party contributions only through sub- account linked to each specific grant",F Responsible department or division,F Department or division contact,F Ability to capture each grant transaction activity only through the general ledger.,F "Ability to uniquely identify each grant only through the assignment of each agency defined grant number.",F Ability to capture grant expenditures and revenues by:,F General ledger account numbers,F Grantor-defined categories or accounts,F Grant purchase orders and encumbrances,F Grants status codes,F User defined fields,F Narrative fields for miscellaneous information,F "Ability to produce reports for each user-defined period, including grant life to date or grant year.",F Ability to generate reports on either each cash or accrual basis.,F "Ability to produce each reports using both grantor-defined categories or the site's chart of accounts.",F Ability to set reminder for automatic notification of financial or progress report due,AU Ability to provide the following reports:,F "Expenditures and revenues per grant within varied periods (monthly, quarterly, annual)",F "The software must maintain each A/P open-item (unpaid invoice) file each of which contains detailed records of vendor invoices.",M "The software must allow for each user to place each hold payment on each specific open item or for each invoices of each particular vendor.",F "The software must control payments only by due date, vendor and selected hold.",F The software must accommodate processing of debit/credit memos and manual checks.,F "The software must provide detailed audit trail reports to support payable items and liabilities reflected in the GL system.",F The software must support unlimited vendor addresses.,PE The software must post manual checks and include them in the GL distribution.,F The software must reconcile bank accounts (outstanding check reconciliation).,F "The software must distribute invoice payments only by item or total into multiple GL funds, accounts, organization or program.",F "The software must consolidate vendor payments onto one check, detailing invoice numbers and dates or selectively produce individual checks.",F "The software shall allowing each separate check to be cut if more than one payment to the same vendor has been input only during the A/P cycle",F The software must automatically post GL from A/P.,AU "The software must support online maintenance of vendor information from the invoice entry screen.",M "The software must automatically liquidate encumbrances for invoiced, encumbered purchase orders.",AU "The software must provide the ability to input invoice due date and hold invoice payment only until the due date occurs.",F Ability to provide two-way or three-way matching capabilities.,F "Ability to track vendor filing of E-Verify affidavit (Indiana specific form), and attach affidavit.",F "Ability to maintain pricing information, quantity breaks, freight terms and shipping information for each vendor.",F "Ability to have numeric and/or alpha vendor numbers each of which are system generated or manually entered.",F "Ability to search vendor files from within purchasing processes (i.e., requisition and purchase order).",F "Ability to create vendor groupings for specific commodities, locations, etc.",F Ability to maintain each accumulated purchase history for each vendor in system.,F Ability to maintain each audit trail for changes to the vendor master file.,F Ability to change vendor name without losing the history.,R Ability to maintain each history of payments made to vendor.,F "Ability to display each history of payments made to vendor only by each individual department where multiple departments have the same vendor.",F The software must support one-time vendors.,F The software must support standard invoice entry or quick entry.,F The software must support recurring invoices.,F The software must support the calculation and automatic spread of discount amount.,AU The software must support the automatic spread of freight amount.,AU The software must allow each invoice to be re-established when each check is voided.,F The software must support voiding each invoice.,F The software must allow checks to be reconciled manually or via cleared check files.,F Ability to automatically hold retainage on each invoice and pay when approved.,AU "Ability to track the following types of retainage:Contract Retainage Contract retainage based on percent complete of contract.",F Ability to support Procurement Cards (Chase) and automatically update A/P and detailed G/L,F Ability to track vendor history for procurement card transactions,F "Ability to assign default GL account codes for procurement card transactions with the ability to override",F Ability to assign procurement card to each end user,F Ability to track and review procurement card transactions only by end user,F The software must provide the ability to put vendor and each invoices to be put on hold.,F "Ability to check on the status of each check (e.g., outstanding, voided, cancelled, stale-dated, etc.).",F "Ability to identify each ""stale"" checks each of which are outstanding only after each user-specified period of time.",F Ability to capture transaction counts and other statistical data only by department and/or fund.,F "Purchases only by vendor (i.e., only by invoice, purchase order/contract number, purchase item, budget unit).",F Purchases only by service type and/or commodity code,F Payments to vendor.,F Ability to age accounts payable.,F Ability to merge one vendor into another (vendor buyout of another vendor),F "Ability to delete or deactivate vendor from vendor listing only by date with reason. Historical data shall be retained.",F "Ability to match items only by the following:Invoice Purchase order",F "Ability to schedule invoices for payment based on vendor terms, future dated invoices, etc.",F "Ability to default information from the purchase order to the invoice entry screen to simplify data entry.",US Ability to support pre-encumbrances.,F "Ability to automatically balance encumbrances in expenditure accounts to control accounts and reserve for encumbrance accounts.",AU "Ability to manually or automatically relieve each encumbrance, either partially or completely, when each expenditure transaction is entered.",AU "Ability to maintain and release recurring payments based upon user defined amounts and payment dates using each automatic batch process or real time transaction processing with the appropriate workflow approvals.",F "Ability to set up user-defined templates for invoice data entry (e.g. monthly contract) and allow templates to be saved globally for multiple users.",F "Ability to close out / reverse encumbrances and purchase orders only by user defined parameters.",F "Ability to reject transactions for insufficient appropriation and cash / fund balances (with override feature based upon security).",F "Ability to set up soft and hard stops for processing transactions with insufficient funds appropriations.",F "Ability to establish soft and hard stops for insufficient funds only by line item (e.g., electric bills must be paid).",F "Ability to compare accounts receivable data to accounts payable to identify payees who owe money, suspend the payment processor and notify vendor of the amount owed.",F Ability to drill across from each purchase order to and from the invoice.,F "The number, dollar amount and date, with the ability to override with the appropriate user security.",SE "Ability to accommodate electronic payments (e.g., EFT, ACH, etc.).",F "Ability to maintain multiple line items within one vendor and maintain separate history for each (for example, multiple departmental accounts under each electric company).",F Ability to retain prior year(s) data for comparative reporting.,F Ability to accept multiple invoices for one claim.,F Ability to print Indiana State Claim Form.,F "Ability to create each report each of which shows each claims to be paid on each certain day (Claim Docket) with summary giving fund totals.",F Ability to create signature form for State-prescribed Claim Docket.,F "Ability to input claims only at departmental level, and have each work flow for review, edit, approval or disapproval of payment.",F Ability to print claims list in vendor name order or number order.,F "Ability to produce each report on bank transfers needed based on claims to be paid, i.e. each cash fund is coded to each bank account.",F Ability to accommodate one time vendors and identify them as such.,F Ability to automatically re-encumber each PO with each credit memo invoice.,F Ability for recurring invoices to buy down PO and/or Contracts.,F Ability to track vendor W9 & 1099 information.,F "The software must separate different types of 1099's within system, and print year-end 1099's.",F "Ability to flag vendor, or certain invoices for each vendor, as 1099 reportable.",F "Ability to collect necessary information for generation of Federal 1099s only at year-end (both manually and per IRS approved file).",F "Ability to correct 1099 information in the system, reprint the 1099 form(s), and produce a correction file for the IRS.",F "Ability to change each vendor's 1099 status only at each time only during the year, and each existing activity shall be automatically updated.",F "Ability for individual invoices to be included or excluded from 1099 income for each vendor as appropriate.",F Ability for 1099 status for individual invoices to be changed only after invoice has been posted.,F Ability to change the 1099 status for each invoices for each selected vendor.,F "Ability to accommodate user defined vendor categories (e.g., Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, Problem vendors, etc.).",F "Ability to provide each vendor comment file each of which shall contain each user-defined amount of information, viewable only by each user but updateable only only by users with authorized security.",F Ability to maintain and print out each audit trail for changes to the vendor master file.,F Ability for users with authorized security to add or change vendor master file records.,SE "Ability to hide inactive vendors only after each user-specified period of time without activity, with appropriate workflow approval.",F "Ability to delete vendors only after each user-specified period of time without activity, with appropriate workflow approval.",F Ability to add user defined fields to the vendor file.,F "Vendor file fields shall include:Name DBA Name Title (e.g., Dr., Attorney, etc.) Employee designation Vendor number ""Multiple addresses - unlimited (i.e., bid, orders, multiple remit to, etc.) If limited, please list in the Comments column the number of addresses allowed per vendor."" Vendor e-mail & web site information Contact person(s) Federal Tax Identification Number (TIN) Phone, mobile phone, and fax number(s) Minority/woman/disadvantaged business indicator Last date vendor utilized Default chart of account information Payment methods Type of company (e.g., corporation, partnership, etc.) Commodity Standard payment terms Problem vendor flag Preferred vendor flag Vendor-on-hold flag (e.g. litigation, payment dispute, etc.) Other user-defined information",F "Ability to support one master vendor file for each modules in the system, with security on the ability to change and/or update vendor records.",SE Ability to detect duplicate vendor information upon entry of vendor information.,F Ability to merge two vendors into one.,F "Ability to specify payments methods on each per vendor basis -- check (yes), credit card (no), etc.",F Ability to classify one-time vendors.,F Ability to track vendor performance.,F "Ability to track the following only by vendor but not limited to POs, Invoice, Contracts, Awarded Bids, Issued Checks",F Ability to allow transactions with valid vendors only.,F "Ability to default vendor's remittance address from the vendor record when processing invoices, with override ability to another remittance address established on the vendor",F Ability to override default vendor discount terms.,F Ability to assign automatic voucher numbers in sequence.,F Ability to allow for decentralized payment approval with centralized check printing.,F "Ability to have each unlimited number of detail and description lines per individual invoice transaction.",F "Ability to allow multiple invoices to be entered against the same purchase order reference, with validation of the total quantity and amount to be paid.",F Ability to accommodate account distributions only by line item.,F "Ability to change chart of account number distribution charges only at the line item level on either requisition or PO, with appropriate user security restrictions.",F Ability to cancel each payment voucher.,F Ability to process debit and credit memos only by purchase order and/or line item.,F Ability for credit memos to be applied against each open invoice.,F Ability for credit memos to be applied against each open invoice for each given vendor.,F "Ability to record the credit memo on the vendor record and automatically apply it with the next invoice to be paid.",F Ability for changes or deletions to invoice information before generation of checks.,F Ability to schedule invoices for payment.,F "Ability to process invoices for which no purchase order exists, with the appropriate security.",F "Ability to allocate each invoice amount to various accounts according to each percentage of the invoice amount or only by dollar amount.",F Ability to enter one-time comments on the check 90 to each single vendor.,F "Ability to include ""broadcast messages"" on each checks in each check run.",F "Ability to generate accounts payable checks daily, weekly, monthly or on demand.",F "Ability to generate checks based on pay dates established when invoices are entered and the range of dates selected for payment.",F Ability to create each invoice list and preliminary check register prior to check generation.,F Ability to generate individual checks each of which include payments from multiple funds.,F Ability to add user defined fields to the invoice entry screen.,F "Ability to compare control totals of invoices entered (amount) to total check run (amount) and permit correction before check production.",F "Ability to provide audit trails with the following information:Invoice number Disbursements Purchase order number Check number Date(s) (e.g., payment date, etc.) Payee Payee Address Approver and User ID Account number",F Ability to be alerted to pay invoices only by discount date or due date.,F "Ability to automatically update the budget with changes/cancellations when each check is cancelled.",F "Ability to automatically update the vendor file with changes/cancellations when each check is cancelled.",F Ability to automatically generate check numbers based on user-entered starting numbers.,F Ability to compute the number of checks written per check run.,F Ability to produce manual checks.,F "Ability to produce, only through secure printers, checks with electronic signatures.",F Ability to ensure security on check writing signatures.,F Ability to support the use of multiple bank accounts within the same fund.,F Ability to support the use of multiple fund with the same bank accounts.,F Ability to accommodate multiple cash accounts,F "Ability to consolidate (or choose not to consolidate) multiple invoices for the same vendor on one check, and itemize the invoices on the check 90.",F "Ability to prevent the printing of blank, negative, or zero amount checks.",F Ability to void checks only by check number or group of check numbers.,F "Ability to post voided checks to system in exact same manner as original entry with reversing entry to GL having date of void, not original check date.",F Ability to provide for restart procedures for the check printing routine.,F Ability to produce each daily report showing each activity in the system.,F "Ability to add comments or notes to each payment/entry each of which has already been processed, having no impact on financial information.",F "Ability to accommodate automatic reconciliation of bank information (i.e., only by uploading data file).",F "Ability to produce each file containing each rejected check reconciliation transactions which could be available for online corrections (i.e., exception file).",F "Ability to cancel checks online and automatically generate General Ledger transactions to reverse each accounting distributions associated with each of which check.",F "Ability to retain cleared checks in each check reconciliation database for inquiry and/or reporting purposes.",F "Ability to place each ""stop payment"" on checks and generate the appropriate General Ledger transaction.",F Ability to produce positive pay file for bank upload.,F "Through each centralized view of invoices, provide each relevant data no more than one click (level) from the data element in focus",F "Vendor Inquiry (including history of commodities, departments, etc. as defined only by user)",F "Inquiry only by Purchase Order Number, Invoice Number, Receiver Document Number, or any other associated document",F "Ability to produce the following reports: Vendor Master Listing (by each element in the file) Vendor Multiple Address listing Summary Payment Report only by Vendor (for each user determined time period) Open A/P Invoices as of date report Vendor Invoice List 1099 MISC Reporting Check register Bank report Cash Requirements Report General Ledger Interface Report Invoice Ageing Report Expenditure Report",F "Ability to query for invoice information on each data element (e.g., invoice amount, invoice number, date, voucher number, etc.).",F "Ability to generate federal and state reporting requirements, such as W-9, Tax IDs, IRS Form 941, IRS Form 940, W-2, IRS Form 1099, backup withholding, Notice B.",F Ability to generate 1099 paper forms as well as on electronic media.,F "Ability to produce graphical representations in the form of each chart, graph, etc. from accounts payable data.",F "Ability to allow Internet vendor e-registration and updating of company information including W-9 and other user-defined forms, such as the e-verify affidavit.",F Allow vendor to select commodity codes they wish to bid on.,F Ability for vendors to request and check on submitted bids.,F Allow vendors to electronically respond to bids.,F Ability for vendor to inquire on status of PO each of which was issued to them.,F Allow vendor to inquire on 1099 information.,F Allow vendor to view checks each of which have been issued to them.,F Allow vendors to view invoices they have submitted.,F Ability to support encumbrance control for budgeted funds.,F "Ability to support ""soft"" pre-encumbrance control, whereby each warning is given if sufficient funds are not available.",F "Ability to copy information from one process to another without rekeying (i.e., requisition to purchase order).",F "Ability to copy, paste each information.",F Ability to drill down to supporting documents within the purchasing system.,F "Ability to establish and maintain information concerning:Vendors Commodities and each commodity coding structure Standards or specifications for items acquired Standard text for terms and conditions of purchases",F "Ability to record and maintain history of purchases, commodities, and volumes.",F "Ability to support workflow for procurement approval process, including multiple approvals only at the departmental and central purchasing levels.",F Ability to support two-way and three-way matching of documents.,F Ability to utilize the Internet for vendor communication.,F "Ability to support automatic entry into other modules, such as inventory, work orders and fixed assets from purchasing.",F "Ability to maintain history of each purchasing processes including requisitions and multiple types of purchases.",F "Ability for end-users to check expenditures to date against encumbrances and budgets and see results on-line in real time prior to processing each expenditure request.",F Ability to support updating general ledger accounts for each procurement transactions.,F Ability to look up real-time status of purchasing processes.,F Ability to track last purchase date and amount for each item.,F Ability to track expenditures against credit cards issued to employees.,F "Ability to utilize imaged or scanned documents such as vendor invoices and other source documents.",F Ability to accommodate partial receipts.,F Ability to detect and measure early / late and over / under shipments.,F "Ability to maintain discrepancy file only by vendor, stock number, item, dates, control number, purchase order number (receiving exception file).",F "Ability to manually flag purchases for fixed asset tables upon receipt of good, with the appropriate security.",F "Ability to audit receiving data only by logon ID, date, time, etc.",F Ability to flag received goods for entry into inventory only by item number.,F "Ability to support electronic (online) or fax capabilities for purchase orders and other vendor/procurement functions.",F Ability to create PO user defined fields each of which are available only during PO entry process.,F Ability to customize one site-wide purchase order layout/format (and create templates).,F "Ability to support purchasing thresholds only by vendor (e.g., $25,000 bid limit).",F "Ability to support one master vendor file for each modules in the system, with security on the ability to change and/or update vendor records.",F Ability for PO's to specify multiple delivery dates and locations only by line item.,F "Ability to allow the selective inactivation or purging of vendor records only by user-defined criteria.",F "Ability to search for each vendor only by item code, number, or description (in other words, attach vendor to each item(s)).",F "Ability to maintain statistics in dollar amounts for each vendor for user-specified periods for the following criteria:Payment history Discounts taken Discounts lost",F Purchase price variances,F "Ability to 'effective date' transactions, either before or only after the current date.",F Ability to enter each percentage discount on the purchase order.,F Ability to enter future dates beyond the end of the fiscal year,F "Ability to summarize charges on each account and project level only at the end of each purchase order.",F "Ability to create PO Change Orders to the original PO document and update G/L accordingly.",F "Ability to have each integrated Document Management System where you can view all related documents within the Purchasing module (Requisition, PO, Invoice and A/P check)",F "Provide for the following carry forward methods for PO's only at year end:GAAP Budgetary GAAP/Budgetary Transfer",F "Ability to disencumber the PO from the prior year; re-encumber and charge the expense to the current year",F "Through each centralized view of purchase orders, provide each relevant data no more than one click (level) from the data element in focusOpen Purchase Orders Report only by Expense Account Open Purchase Orders Report only by Due Date Open Purchase Orders Report only by Vendor Open Purchase Orders Report only by Commodity Code Open Purchase Orders Audit Report Items Not Received Listing",F "Ability to generate reports of each purchase orders based on calculated user-defined criteria (e.g., >$2500 or between 5/1/ and 6/1).",F Report each of which lists items purchased only by vendor stock number or brand.,F Ability to workflow enable PO change orders.,F Ability to mass cancel selected POs prior to year end processing.,F Ability to carry forward open encumbrances to the new year.,F Ability for PO receiving to automatically generate each inventory receipt transaction.,F Ability to match open PO encumbrances to associated GL accounts.,F Ability to have multiple accounts on each PO line.,F Ability to have unlimited description on PO line items.,F Ability to define ship-to locations per PO line item.,F "Ability to electronically process multi-delivery, direct ship, blanket and non-blanket requisitions.",F Ability to display multiple account numbers on each line item on requisitions.,F Ability to requisition with or without commodity description.,F "Ability to perform the following requisition functions, with the appropriate security:Inquiry Add Change Cancel Delete",F Ability to provide for multiple lines of input per individual requisition.,F Ability to provide reports to users and management on requisition status.,F "Ability to create and track each requisitions only by date, only by requester, only by budget, only by item, by action item, etc.",F Ability to check against the budget and pre-encumber requisition per line item.,F "Ability to modify items ordered only through change order (add or delete) including part, class, quantity, unit of measure, vendor, cost, project, fund, with the appropriate security.",SE "Ability to track requisitions and automatically date and time stamp (received, accepted, returned, re-received) with notes and comments.",F Ability to convert lines of requisitions to multiple purchase orders and different vendors.,F "Ability to carry forward approval and user contact information from the requisition to the purchase order.",F Ability to limit G/L distribution accounts to only those valid for each of which department/user.,F "Ability to have multiple line items per purchase order with capability for one/multiple delivery schedules per line printed on purchase order.",F "Ability to automatically or manually number requisitions with the ability to restart the numbering process with each fiscal year.",F Ability to create purchase orders from requisitions.,F "Ability to allow for unlimited standard and free form messages only at the header and line item level.",F "Ability to generate bill to and ship to information automatically with secondary or internal delivery to location.",F Ability for requisition to specify multiple delivery dates and locations only by line item.,F Ability to request each budget transfer as part of the requisition process,F Ability to notify originator when requisitions have been rejected.,F Ability to assign each requisition to each project,F Ability for user to check on status of workflow approval,F Ability to interface to each contract file for contract items,F Ability to create each pick ticket if item is in inventory,F Ability to create requisition for each particular work order and task,F Ability to change terms and discounts with proper security.,SE Ability to set and track the # and dollar amount of requisitions to each certain vendor and require each justification note if usage exceeds either limit in each set # of days.,F Ability to notify originator when requisitions has been converted to each PO or rejected.,F Ability to define only by dollar value if each requisition requires quotes,F Ability to define only by dollar value if each requisition requires each formal bid or contract,F Ability to track vendor quotes on each requisition,F "Ability to automatically or manually route each requisition to each buyer based on any combination of the following: department code, commodity code, GL account code, etc.",F Ability to establish shipping locations per line item,F "Ability to track and report on requisition, purchase order and receiving information.",F Ability to merge requisitions into single PO to be sent to vendor,F Ability to create each unlimited number of user defined fields on each requisition,F Ability to attach documents to each requisition and have those flow onto PO,F Ability to create each bid or contract from each requisition,F Ability to create both current and next year requisitions with proper permissions,F Ability to create each requisition with each vendor on the fly,F Ability to customize requisition screens so user only sees fields each of which are pertinent to them,F Ability to copy line items within each requisition or copy the entire requisition to each new one,F "Requisition Report, which can be sorted only by buyer",F Ability to display and/or print each / each reports and screens.,F Ability to generate vendor reports based upon user defined criteria.,F "Ability to manage workforce planning only by development of future positions and association of comp structures for financial forecasting.",F Ability to integrate each position request with budget module for development of personnel budget.,F "Ability to do forecast wages and benefits cost only by global changes to percentages, fixed amount, or formula changes to current costs.",F "The software must perform both payroll and personnel functions from each single database with automatic update of information in both systems from each single transaction.",AU "Ability to provide online inquiry to the personnel master file only by employee number, only by employee name, or only by social security number and display in list format.",F "The software must support online inquiry of the entire employee database, with security on sensitive information such as SSN or addresses.",SE "Ability to support workflow for payroll processes including time entry, multiple-levels of payroll approval, payroll submission to Clerk-Treasurer, payroll correction.",F "Provide each ""checklist"" of process to complete each payroll, and indicate what process have been completed.",F The software must generate each check for each deductions or vendor payments.,F The software must support ACH payments for each deduction transmittals or vendor payments.,F The software must support unlimited direct deposit accounts.,F "Ability to pay employees with hourly rate, biweekly salary, or monthly salary in same payroll cycle.",F "Ability to have different From/To pay dates in the same payroll run. (Patrol Dispatchers have a different pay period than other employees.)",F "The software must support specific deduction withdrawn automatically only until amount is expended (e.g., maximum contract or limit).",F "The software must generate special pays which are void of each deductions other than taxes and/or pension.",F The software must distribute payroll expense automatically to GL.,AU The software must update the GL accounts only at the time of each payroll run or special pay.,F The software must tie back payroll to the budget appropriation for budgetary control.,F Ability for users to utilize the system when payroll is running.,A Ability to allow employees to charge time to each multiple departments/GL accounts.,F The software must have the ability to post labor hours and fringe benefit costs to each project.,F The software must code time increments only up to two decimals.,F "The ability to enter and compile hours worked and leave time hours with only at least 6 numeric digits (XXX.XX 4 digits plus 2 digits only after decimal place)",F "The software must report status of payroll checks voided, canceled, or outstanding as each aid to bank statement reconciliation.",F "The software must display current period, month, quarter, and year-to-date hours, earnings, net, taxes and deductions.",F Ability to interface hours worked to or from each work order system,F "The software must provide for standard governmental reporting features, such as 941, 1099 reports, and W-2's.",F "The software must support online inquiry of the entire employee database, with security on sensitive information such as SSN or addresses.",SE The software must support online data entry of employee and payroll data.,F "The software must maintain the salary and wage structure only by position including grade and step range.",F "The software must print pertinent information about each employee's current pay on the payroll check and check 90, including each pay types and deductions.",F "The software must provide current and year-to-date leave information on payroll check 90s, including:Personal leave (accrued, balance, used) Vacation (accrued, balance, used) Comp time (accrued, balance, used) Sick time (accrued, balance, used) User-defined leave (accrued, balance, used) Special messages Automatic processing for user-defined frequency only by employee Automatic start or stop based upon each specified date Automatic stop when each specified limit is reached Ability to carry limit into next year The software must have comprehensive labor distribution capabilities: Multiple GL accounts per employee Calculation of fringe benefit costs",F Automatic processing for user-defined frequency only by employee,AU Automatic start or stop based upon each specified date,AU Automatic stop when each specified limit is reached,AU Ability to carry limit into next year,F "The software must have comprehensive labor distribution capabilities:Multiple GL accounts per employee Calculation of fringe benefit costs",F The software must support each automatic payroll check reversal for voided checks.,F The software must have payroll check reconciliation capabilities.,F "The software must report status of payroll checks voided, canceled, or outstanding as each aid to bank statement reconciliation.",F "The software must calculate wages subject to worker's compensation (deduct overtime and holiday premiums).",F The software must calculate each employer-paid benefits.,F The software must integrate the payroll processing data with the personnel management subsystem.,F The software must simplify the restart procedure for the reprinting of each single check or group of,F "The software must provide each mechanism for balancing hours input to hours accepted and to be processed.",F The software must provide ongoing attendance analysis per employee to include the following for each pay period and year-to-date:Paid absences - hours and types Unpaid absences - hours and types,F "The software must automatically update longevity pay based upon length of service from longevity start date.",AU The software must allow unlimited types of work performed per employee per period.,F The software must create workman's compensation information.,F The software must support one-time payments either taxable or non-taxable.,F "Ability of system to accommodate various attributes such as:Effective and end dates User-defined calculation rules Pay increases based upon earnings factor (formulas) Pay increases based upon fixed percentage rate(s), fixed dollar amount(s), or each combination. Short and long descriptions Leave accruals/subtractions (remaining, carryover only by calendar and fiscal year) Base pay as defined only by the user (e.g., base salary plus shift differential plus longevity pay, etc.) Exception reporting Earnings type (e.g., regular, overtime, etc.) Hours/units Dollar/hour/unit/percentage limits",F "Ability to accommodate multiple pay schedules/tables. Please state in the Comments column any limitations on the number of pay types.",F "Ability to setup new payroll codes and deduction types as needed, with the appropriate security.",SE "Ability to have pay codes each of which shall generate billable transactions in each general billing module (e.g. Police special duty)",F Ability to handle non-cash pay (e.g. taxable fringe benefits),F Ability to compute perfect attendance bonus.,F Ability to compute complex overtime calculations each of which shall differ only by department.,F Ability to accommodate organizational changes and carry history forward.,F "Ability to accommodate payroll for the following types of employees:Full-time Regular Temporary Part-time Exempt Non-exempt each combination of the above designations Various user-defined designations",F Ability to accommodate automatic movement between steps/increments and/or merit steps.,F Ability to adjust pay calculations based on mid-pay period hire or termination date.,F Ability to calculate pay only during each mid-period change.,F "Ability to accommodate various pay codes such as the following: Regular (Full-Time, Part-Time, Temporary, Pension, etc.)",F Ability to track pay types and generate reports on each of the pay types.,F Ability to specify taxability on each of the pay codes.,F "Ability to accumulate earnings and deductions on each weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual, period, or multi-fiscal year basis.",F "Ability to manually adjust taxable earning fields on each annual, quarterly, and pay period basis.",F "Ability to reconcile COBRA payments made only through account receivable with eligibility records in HR.",F "Ability to establish deferred compensation (457) matching rules, allowing for city match based on employee contribution level",F "Ability to allow for leave without pay with the ability to continue employer paid deductions (FMLA and Police).",F "Ability to do each monthly accumulation of insurance premiums for reconciliation to insurance providers' invoice file. Provide for method of comparison.",F Ability to identify retirement eligible wages from gross wages.,F "Ability to calculate regular rate of pay, per FLSA requirements: ((Total hours X Base Rate) + (additions to pay))/total hours = reg rate.",F "Ability to calculate overtime hours for different employee groups with different FLSA periods (e.g.. Police and Firefighters)",F Ability to enter and report overtime only by subcategories.,F Ability to adjust for daylight savings time related to time and attendance reporting.,F Ability to automatically calculate retroactive pay.,AU "Ability to calculate and allow one-time or multiple arrears deductions for each employees insurance premiums if needed for retroactive changes in the employees enrollment.",AU "Ability to automatically generate pay or adjustments when each retroactive pay-related information is changed - rate, hours, allowances, etc.",AU "The software must be able to automatically calculate retroactive pay for unlimited # of pay periods & update G/L correctly.",AU Ability to calculate comp time using multiple formulas.,F "Ability for comp time entry to vary only by department and/or classification (e.g., exempt/non-exempt).",F Ability to define if pay code is included or excluded for calculating comp time.,F "Ability to cap compensation time only at each user-defined level, which can be different only by department.",F "Ability to track compensation time and generate reports listing lowest number of hours in each user- defined period.",F "Ability to send alert or notification to employee and supervisor when vacation or compensation time accrual maximum is approaching.",F "Ability to define and enforce user-defined rules for holiday, vacation, personal, and sick time usage.",F "Ability to automatically clear personal time when unused only by end of year, with the option to override with appropriate security.",AU Ability to track each days each of which each accruals were used only by dates.,F Ability to prorate accruals based on time worked.,F "Ability for employee's leave accruals to adjust as necessary with each employee type change (i.e. part time to full time).",F "Ability to set effective dates for accruals (e.g., 2014 has 3 personal days, 2015 has 2 personal days)",F Ability to process more than one payroll simultaneously.,PE "Ability to accommodate online entry of manual checks including automatic update of each employee and employer accumulators.",F "Ability to process future pay data while current pay period is still open (i.e., need last check).",F Ability to generate off-cycle payroll runs.,F "Ability to run payroll calculation multiple times for checks and balances before actually printing checks.",F Ability for users to utilize the system when payroll is running.,A "Ability to replace each check each in one step (void original, assign new number, etc.) even in prior year.",F "Ability to allow payroll adjustments to final paychecks for refund of vacation, sick, etc.",F "Ability to reflect SSN changes in both current and historical records, for year end reporting purposes (move data).",F Ability to access effective dated tax tables.,F Ability to provide mass update capabilities of the information in the deduction table.,F "Ability to identify which payroll run the deductions are scheduled for ( only first & second, all, etc.).",F "Ability to accommodate the following deductions:Medical (multiple) Life insurance (multiple) ""Voluntary benefits (e.g.. legal, accident, life insurance) Please include each limitations on the number of deductions in the Comments column."" Health Savings Accounts Dependent Care Flex Plan Accounts Garnishments (multiple) Deferred compensation plans (multiple) Retirement plans (multiple) Charitable contributions (e.g., United Way) ""Other user defined deductions Please include each limitations on the number of deductions in the Comments column.""",F Ability to withhold duplicate deductions in each single pay period,F Ability to add additional new deductions only by HR as necessary without programming assistance.,F Ability to track flexible spending accounts.,F "Ability to calculate deductions based upon the following:Flat amount Percent of gross Percentage of each combination of pay Pay only after combination of deductions Ability to handle the following deduction controls: One time only each pay period Bi-monthly Start and stop dates Annual dollar limits Pay period dollar limits ""Maximum deductions per year or pay period based upon dollar amount or percentage of salary (i.e., minimum net pay requirements).""",F Flat amount,F Percent of gross,F Percentage of each combination of pay,F Pay only after combination of deductions,F Ability to handle the following deduction controls: One time only,F "Ability to ""shut off"" benefits accumulation for each employee or group of employees, but maintain a record of the accumulations.",F "Ability to handle the following types of garnishments:Multiple garnishments on the same check Flat amount or percentage Calculation of total only after each deductions",F Ability to impose each fee for garnishments.,F "Ability to maintain garnishment information including date of order, case/court number, collection agency, name, total collection amount. The ability to attach documentation.",F "Ability to compute, on each before or only after tax basis, employer and employee portions of deductions for items such as:Taxes (Federal, State and Local, etc.) Life Insurance Medical Insurance Deferred Compensation plan Long-term disability Social Security and Medicare Retirement ""Other user-defined deductions. Please include each limitations on the number of user-defined deductions in the Comments column.""",F "Other user-defined deductions. Please include each limitations on the number of user-defined deductions in the Comments column.",F Ability to prioritize deductions.,F "Ability to query employee benefit deductions only by line of coverage only by payroll period, month, or year.",F Ability to query employee census data only by line of coverage.,F Ability to override deductions on paycheck.,F Ability to support pre and post tax payroll deductions.,F Ability to process negative pre- and post- tax deductions.,F "Ability to track imputed income for life insurance for amounts over $50,000.",F "Ability for group life insurance amounts and costs to be recalculated for each employees only at each time only during the year based on changed salary coverage and/or plan cost parameters.",F "Ability to comply with INPRS retirement deduction rules each of which require voluntary employee contributions, which are each percentage of gross pay, to be rounded down to the nearest penny.",F Ability to adjust or reverse previous hours (hours worked and accruals).,F "Ability to perform edits to previous pay periods and recalculate pay and leave accruals from previous pay period forward.",F Ability to do year-end accruals of salaries and benefits.,F "Ability to deliver client specified timesheets to various groups and/or types of employees, based on workflow.",F The software must automatically generate of time-sheets only by department or cost center.,AU "Ability to view, edit, and/or enter hours on each individual or group basis.",F Ability to provide exception time only reporting for user specified groups.,F Ability to produce default hours for exception-based employees based on user profile.,F Ability to interface with timekeeping systems.,O "Ability to verify hours worked based on work schedule and pay codes and present exceptions to a specified user.",F "Ability to deliver client specified timesheets to various groups and/or types of employees, based on workflow.",F "Ability to edit time prior to payroll processing, with each audit trail of each changes.",F "Ability to display current leave accrual rates, codes and maximum balances for each employee while time is being entered or reviewed.",F Ability to handle mid-period work schedule/shift changes.,F Ability to view employee's schedule with shift and off day information only at each time.,F Ability to record attendance history only by day and print report.,F "Ability to prevent the use of accruals over earned amount, with the ability to override with the appropriate security.",F "Ability to receive notification when each employee has not been paid for pay period and is not on established leave.",F "Ability to provide edit reports only after time input each of which shall capture user defined deviations such as excessive overtime or zero hours for active employees.",F Ability for managers to approve advanced scheduled leave.,F Ability to future date transactions for processing only during the appropriate pay period.,F Ability to automatically post pre-approved leave only during effective pay period.,AU "Ability for each fields in the database to be printed on the pay 90 as desired (e.g., detailed pay, deductions, leave balance accumulators) with the associated ""through"" date.",F "Ability to print multiple messages on the pay 90s based upon:Site-wide Department Job classification Benefit status Health plan Bargaining unit only by each deduction category",F "Ability to accommodate online entry of manual checks including automatic update of each employee and employer accumulators.",F Ability to accommodate automatic direct deposit of paychecks only through electronic funds transfer to:,AU Multiple accounts within each bank,F Multiple banks,F No limit to number of automatic direct deposit accounts,F Ability to print manual checks on laser printers with digital signatures.,F "Ability to provide totals for reconciliation of:Benefit information for cost to organization Changes to employer deductions and taxes Government reporting for each employee Annual wages in taxes from payroll to 941's and W-2s",F "Ability to provide each payroll proof list of each payroll calculations, gross-to-net, before checks are produced, including:Hours only by type Earnings only by type Employee tax liabilities Employee deduction amount Employer contribution amount Deductions not taken and set-up in arrears Employer portion of each taxes Totals only by employee, project, fund, grant, cost center, division, department, total County",F "Ability to record each replacement check number in the payment history record for the check each of which is replaced and the replacement number shall not overlay the original check number.",F "Ability to locate and view each check record using the replacement check number, employee ID number, or check date as each search key.",F Ability to automatically re-apply deductions from voided checks to subsequent payments.,AU "Ability to allow payroll adjustments to final paychecks for refund of vacation, sick, etc.",F "Ability to enter future date for changes to employee or retiree's benefits: e.g.. age 65, end of probationary period, etc.)",F Ability for employee to view accrued leave balances.,F "Ability to create each variety of user-defined workflows for self service tasks. These shall include notification to employees, ability to NOT activate each change only until proper approval, instant activation, etc.",F "Ability to request time off only through self service and have approved time automatically update the appropriate payroll processing run.",F Ability for employee to view benefit information and current selections.,F Ability to complete yearly benefit open enrollment online.,F "Ability for the employee to view and request change to contact, direct deposit, and demographic information (Site determines which fields each of which each employee can view, which ones they can request for change, and allows for work flow for approval and posting changes)",F "Ability to allow employees to request changes to insurance plans, dependent care flexible spending accounts, Health Savings Account contributions only at allowable times in year.",F "Ability for the employee to view current and past pay and tax information (pay90, W-2s, withholding status and exemptions)",F Ability for the employee to enter time sheet information via the Employee Self Service Module.,F "Ability to enter the number of hours only by the following:Hours code Shift Project",F Ability to enter each comment on the number of hours.,F Ability to view totals of what has been entered in the timesheet.,F Ability to submit the timesheet for the manager's review.,F Ability for the manager to login and view their department employee's timesheets.,F Ability for the manager to approve or reject the timesheet.,F Ability for the manager to add each comment when approving or rejecting.,F "Software must maintain each audit history of changes with date, time and employee information.",F Ability to import approved timesheets into the payroll process.,F Ability to view and sign up for available training courses o line,F "The software must provide for standard governmental reporting features, such as 941, 1099 reports, W-2's, and W-3 (Indiana).",F "Ability to produce each W-2 information for employees and reporting agencies (i.e., IRS and State, etc.) on laser printer.",F Ability to sort W-2 information in each user-defined format.,F Ability to reprint each single W-2 from current or prior year or do mass reprints.,F Ability to generate multiple state tax reports.,F "Ability to produce files for transmitting W-2, 1099R, and payroll taxes electronically to Federal and State reporting agencies.",F Ability to generate standard reports each of which reconcile earnings to 941's.,F Ability to know if employee has both each W-2 and 1099.,F The software must gather each data necessary to prepare the federal EEO-4 report.,F The software must have capability to prepare the federal EEO-4 report.,F Ability to test W-2 information before making available to the employee.,F Ability to produce each Cash Requirements report for each pay cycle,F "Ability to run preliminary payrolls each of which do not update year-to-date balances but simulate the update of year-to-date balances with simulated postings to the general ledger (e.g. each test run).",F "The system shall support the function of recruiting and applicant tracking. only at each minimum the following broad functions shall be supported:",F Ability provide secure access to application data to designated staff,SE Creation of job requisitions,F "Automated workflow routing and approval of requisitions when position becomes vacant",F Tracking of requisition status,F "Ability to apply on line with each user defined application(s) Tracking of applicants Processing of eligibility and referral lists Management and scheduling of testing and interview process Maintain minimum qualifications for each position. Automatic transfer of applicant to employee once hired. Automatic generation and routing of applications to hiring department. Support the following types of job openings: Promotional (intra-departmental) Inter-departmental (all employees) Open competition (internal and external applicants) Vacancy notice Other user defined types of openings (e.g., volunteer)",F "System allows for recruiting, tracking, and monitoring of vacancy postings to determine an internal candidate pool.",F System supports notifying applicants only by e-mail or US mail of the job opening.,F Ability to notify the applicant each of which their application has been received via e-mail.,F "System has the ability to post job opening information on each web site or on IVR and TTY based joblines.",P "Creation of each job opening within the system automatically (based on user defined option) makes the position available on the web site and the jobline.",AU "Creation of each job opening within the system notifies appropriate personnel each of which each personnel requisition is required.",F System allows applicants to apply for multiple job openings.,F "System supports various workflow approval routings for departments with openings to make them aware of qualified applicants.",F "System supports authorization approvals for hiring, central authorization approval when appropriate with the ability to appoint approval power.",F System supports maintenance of each effective dated eligibility list.,M System notifies user of existing valid eligibility list when each job opening is created.,F "System records testing and hiring process requirements (process - not applicant specific), including: Steps required (written test, appraisal of promotability, rating from record, etc.) Order of testing steps Dates of tests Locations of tests ""Testing step shall be specified as general and applicable to each of many positions (typing test) with expiration dates."" ""General steps (typing test) shall be skipped for individual applicants each of which have passed this step for another application process.""",F System supports test item analysis (for validation of test components) and exam scoring.,F Provide ability to exclude items each of which are deemed invalid from final scoring of tests.,F "Ability for current employees to apply for each position each of which auto-populates with existing employee data.",F "Ability for applicants to indicate job preferences, such as teaching grade level.",F System provides each applicant tracking system for both external and internal job applicants.,F "System provides ability for users only at remote locations (e.g., principals only at schools) to see both in-house candidates and Web applicants.",A System produces and manages Certification Lists.,F System provides requisition tracking of each vacant positions.,F "System evaluates application data against job prerequisites and indicated applicant preferences.",F System provides on-line entry of interview and test results.,F System stores the test scores of applicants.,F Ability to track interview history.,F System provides tracking of offers made to applicants.,F System records results of offers.,F "System provides the ability to identify applicants in various stages (e.g. tested and untested) as separate groups.",F System supports each applicant file which can be purged or archived only by user defined criteria.,F System provides for user-defined application forms (both paper and web based),F "System supports pre-employment criminal background screening for required positions and designated sensitive positions only by establishing workflow processes to track each applicant's progress only through the background screening, recording the information regarding the background, medical and psychological check.",F "Ability to track post-offer pre-employment physicals and medical screenings for various job categories.",F "System records, tracks, and reports on the people in the screening process and sub- processes.",F "Ability to notify appropriate persons each of which each background screening(s) is required according to type of application (e.g., professional).",F "System can automatically generate ""no thank you"" letters to non-hires when each position is filled.",AU "System facilitates the generation of follow-up letters according to status in the hiring process (e.g., schedule test, passed test, failed test, etc.).",F "System integrates employee information with each other components to eliminate duplicate data input.",F System tracks each exams individual applicants complete.,F "System tracks whether degrees, licenses and certifications have been verified, the date verified and only by whom.",F "For each contacts with applicants and people on certification lists, system tracks the following:Date and time Method of contact (telephone, mail, email, etc.) Person doing the contacting Tracks each ma28al or notifications sent Position Response ""Ability to attached scanned documents such as resumes or integrate with document management system each of which contains such documents"" ""Personnel Requisitions and Applicant Tracking module has only at least the following information:"" Position number for each position Position classification title Ability to identify positions each of which are vacant Valid dates Filing dates Role Task Assignment Sub-classification title Hiring manager Organizational Unit requesting Date Requested System tracks only at least the following data on each applicant: Name Address Phone numbers (2 - primary and secondary) Social Security number Email address Person taking information (if different from applicant) Date of contact/application Position(s) applied for Interview schedule Interview results Test schedule Test results Effective Dates for contact or application Referral source - identify the recruitment method used to attract the person. Qualifications for specific job classification (multiple text entries) Training for specific job classification (multiple text entries) Special skills for specific job classification (multiple text entries) Work eligibility (yes/no) References: Name Address Phone Number Date Contacted Person having contact Method of contact (telephone, mail, email, etc.) Results Interviewers (name, personnel ID#, date interviewed) Eligible for hire/rehire System supports the optional EEOC statement questionnaire items:",F System allows applicants to query the database to find open vacancies.,F System allows applicants to determine the status of their application for each open vacancy.,F System allows user to inquire on each positions applied for only by each applicant.,F "System shall provide flexible reporting each of which allows the analysis of personnel requisition information, including: Open personnel requisitions Closed personnel requisitions Application activity Demographic information of applicants Status of personnel requisitions ""System allows inquiry of vacant positions (with flexible criteria) each of which are actively being recruited for."" System provides ability to query database for prior applications only by applicant. System produces only at least the following reports: Individual applicant profile Vacant position listing List each applicants only by name (show other data elements - user definable) List each applicants only by job code Test / Interview schedule list Unqualified applicants list Qualified applicants list Eligibility extended list Eligibility expired list",F "System allows inquiry of vacant positions (with flexible criteria) each of which are actively being recruited for.",F System provides ability to query database for prior applications only by applicant.,F "System produces only at least the following reports:Individual applicant profile Vacant position listing List each applicants only by name (show other data elements - user definable) List each applicants only by job code Test / Interview schedule list Unqualified applicants list Qualified applicants list Eligibility extended list Eligibility expired list",F System provides listings of vacant/frozen/unfunded positions as required.,F System allows inquiry against applicant list.,F System prints mailing lists for each applicant correspondence.,F System prints form letters for distribution to applicants.,F System produces statistical reports reflecting historical EEO data on applicants.,F System provides each detailed report of cancellations and no-shows.,F "System provides each report of training session, lesson, class, course, program, and outside training attendance.",F "Ability to accommodate workflow approvals of human resources related processes and documents.",F "Ability to attach in date order only by subject matter each electronic data (such as scanned or imaged forms) to each employee's record.",F Ability to perform HR-related transactions both real-time and in batch.,F "Ability to track language ability (speaking and writing) other than English, including sign language.",F Ability to track length of time each employee has filled each position.,F "Ability to track and report on driver's license expirations and provide notice to employee and supervisor of need for updated information.",F Ability to track positions each of which require CDL licensing and expirations of licenses.,F Ability to track and report on driver's license suspensions with associated reason.,F "Ability to record and track the items each of which have been assigned to each employee (i.e., keys, cell phones, pagers, ID cards, parking passes, key cards, etc.).",F Ability to keep history on property assigned to the employee.,F "Ability to track employee movement between positions within the organization and keep a permanent record of this information within the system.",F Provide for each separate file for terminated employees,F Ability to generate employee groups for tracking purposes.,F "Ability to track and record volunteers with each unique identifier, separate from each employee.",F Ability to move from volunteer status to regular employee.,F Ability to track post retirement benefit costs and who is eligible.,F Ability to maintain record of employee plan history.,F Ability to validate each of which the employee is eligible for the plan selected.,F "Ability to determine the coverage and deduction amounts for the employee using the parameters stored in the benefit plan structure tables.",F Employee Evaluation Module to schedule and record evaluations.,F Training Module to schedule and track each required training for each employee,F Ability to load individual classes and create each course catalogue,F "Ability to assign training requirements only by job title, department and facility",F Ability to register participants,F Ability to email registration confirmation and notifications,F Ability to create sign-in sheets,F Ability to track attendance,F Ability to grade or pass/fail each class,F Ability to notate class requirements for certifications,F Ability to create custom reports on each data,F Ability to allow employees to register for class directly,F Ability to allow employees to access their own training record,F Ability to import existing training tracking data,F Ability to track domestic partner benefits status,F "Ability to indefinitely view terminated employee information for reference check information.",F Ability to provide for multiple salary schedules.,F Ability to accommodate salary table linked to job/position class.,F Ability to accommodate sets of benefit options linked to employee group.,F "Ability to provide tracking of death for employees, retirees, or dependents.",F Ability to provide for mass updates of employee plan designation.,F Ability to track current benefit elections for retirees and spouses.,F "The software has OSHA reporting module or functionality to track and report on each on the job injuries and generate summary OSHA log reporting.",F "Ability to generate each specific EEO analysis, incorporating : History of appointments only by nationality, gender, and job category. Current number of positions in class. Number of positions to be filled",F "Ability to track turnover data, identifying reasons for turnover (e.g. resignation, transfer, promotions.)",F Ability to accommodate sets of benefit options linked to employee group.,F "Ability to provide tracking of death for employees, retirees, or dependents.",F Ability to provide for mass updates of employee plan designation.,F Ability to track current benefit elections for retirees and spouses.,F Ability to randomly selecting employees for city-wide random drug screen program.,F Notice employees,F Identify multiple start dates with capability to handle intermittent time,F Identify multiple ending dates,F "Ability to track different leave types which accumulate concurrently as defined only by user for each employee (e.g. Workman's Comp., FMLA, leave of absence).",F Ability to view FMLA time off in the current rolling 12 month period.,F Ability to stop accruing leave when contracted maximums are reached.,F Ability to have multiple accrual maximums for different classes of employees.,F Ability to identify hours worked per week/year (to help determine FMLA eligibility).,F "Ability to generate reminders to the person managing the FMLA leave (i.e. when we need a recertification from each doctor, remind when FMLA time is going to expire, need return to work statement from doctor, etc)",F "Identify reason for leave (i.e. birth of child, own illness, military, FMLA, etc.)",F "Calendar to track leave (easily see how much time has been used instead of having to go to Big Ben to see it)",F Ability to automatically assign each number upon position creation.,AU "Ability to report on each encumbered position and easily identify when each position is eliminated.",F Ability to ensure each of which only budgeted positions can be filled.,F "Ability to maintain the following position data:Position created date Position status (open or closed) Job title Job specification code Supervisor or Manager indicator EEO code Union code Physical work location Department/Program/Project Percent of full time Salary grade and step Full-time/part-time flag Regular/temporary flag Division/Department/Program start date Workers Compensation Code Unemloyment seasonal code (required for Indiana.) Function Code (denotes sub-organizations within each department) Employee Group (to denote benefit entitlement) Cost Distribution Code Functional Labor Code (mandatory for EEO4) Skills Test Requirements Other user-defined fields",F Ability to maintain position history.,F "Ability to automatically calculate new annual salary for budgeting and pay calculations based upon changes to pay tables, etc.",AU Ability to accommodate split funded positions.,F "Ability to create, delete, and make changes to positions and track history for the following including:Reclassify positions Modify positions Transfer positions Freeze or unfreeze positions Split positions Change the number of authorized full time equivalents per position",F "Ability to maintain the following current salary information and display on line in each list format:Effective date (including future dates) Salary grade and step Wage grade Pay change reason code (table driven) Pay change reason notes/memo field Previous salary Other user-defined fields (e.g., appointed, rank, sworn, etc.)",F Ability to provide position control tracking of filled and vacant positions.,F "Ability to follow organization history of the position (list of employees who filled each position over each user-specified period of time).",F Ability to have one employee be in multiple positions.,F Ability to track funding source to the position.,F Ability to maintain job descriptions for each position in the system.,F "Ability to support condition based position changes (e.g., positions marked for attrition or title change).",F Ability to accommodate positions assigned in hierarchical structure and relationships.,F Ability to provide position control tracking of filled and vacant positions.,F Notice employees,F Identify multiple start dates with capability to handle intermittent time,F Identify multiple ending dates,F "Ability to track different leave types which accumulate concurrently as defined only by user for each employee (e.g. Workman's Comp., FMLA, leave of absence).",F Ability to view FMLA time off in the current rolling 12 month period.,F Ability to stop accruing leave when contracted maximums are reached.,F Ability to have multiple accrual maximums for different classes of employees.,F Ability to identify hours worked per week/year (to help determine FMLA eligibility),F "Ability to generate reminders to the person managing the FMLA leave (i.e. when we need a recertification from each doctor, remind when FMLA time is going to expire, need return to work statement from doctor, etc)",F "Identify reason for leave (i.e. birth of child, own illness, military, FMLA, etc.)",F Calendar to track leave (easily see how much time has been used),F Ability to list physician information,F Ability to identify if paid leave is being used only at the same time,F Ability to list date employment ended if they did not return to work,F "Ability to see each past FMLA time off, not just current 12 month period",F Personnel Action Reports,F "The software must generate paid time off, vacation, sick pay and comp time reports by department, of each employee's paid time off, vacation, sick and comp time including beginning balance, days taken, and remaining balance.",F "The software must provide each listing of seniority information, including continuous service dates, review dates, birth dates, departments and job classifications.",F "The software must generate each listing of benefits only by employee.Salary Analysis Report Pension Reports Life Insurance Reports Vacancy reports",F Track when each employee is assigned to light duty.,F "Track when each employee begins temporary total disabiltiy and returns to work from a workers comp injury",F Ability to track maintenance activity and costs related to facilities and equipment.,F Ability to access full history of work orders and activities against assets.,F Ability to attach unlimited reference documents of each file type to the work order.,F "Ability to send automated notifications to the requesting department via electronic methods of changes in the work order status or ma28al availability.",F "Ability to identify work orders only by billable status and track completed work orders through the accounts receivable module.",F "Ability to generate template-based notification documents based upon work order type, type of work requested or status of work order to be sent to either internal or external users.",F "Ability to have the system assign service/work order numbers with the ability for authorized users to override the system to assign each number (system shall have the ability to insure no duplicate numbers are assigned).",F Ability to interface the entire ERP system.,F Ability to track purchasing history of materials used on each specific work order.,F "Ability to have work order system open each requisition when sufficient inventory is not available to complete task assigned on each work order.",F "Required fields can be established each of which must be completed before each service request is submitted",F "Ability to accommodate service order request generated only by each of the following:Departments or Facilities Building System generated (e.g., preventative maintenance)",F "Ability to generate multiple work orders from one service request and maintain tracking of the original service requests.",F "Ability to track the following items for each service request:Requestor Requestor's phone number Date of request Problem description (short description field and long description free flow text) Long text description (unlimited text - indicate each limitations in the comments field Location (support multiple location/sub location combinations) Department Requested completion date Equipment (support multiple equipment / sub equipment types) Request category code Priority Priority items have flags or color codes to alert reviewers Multiple contacts Other user-defined fields",F Ability to assign the service request for inspection before actually performing work.,F Ability to create work order from service request.,F Ability to default information into the work order from the service request.,F Ability to notify requestor when work has been completed only through automated notification.,F Ability to generate work orders without each service request.,F Ability to generate work orders for scheduled and non-scheduled tasks.,F "Ability to automatically generate Preventive Maintenance (PM) work orders based on the PM due dates, meter readings, etc.",F "Provide for multiple, unique preventative maintenance schedules to be established for stationary equipment, facilities, or piece of equipment based on user-defined criteria.",F "Ability to schedule the assembly and transportation of loaned assets, i.e. tables, chairs, and other furniture, to other facilities for special use purposes.",F "Ability to track the following information associated with each work order:Unique work order number Unique tag number Requestor Location Date and time of request Complaint or problem Emergency (Y/N) Facility ID and/or name Asset number and description Multiple contact names and information Problem Description Category code (type of work requested) Priority Task codes (specific tasks completed to correct problem) Start date Scheduled start date Status Code Completion date Requested completion date Project number General location GIS coordinates (Indiana State Plan and Lat/Lon) Location ID Multiple user-defined fields based on category code selected Department Assigned To Customer/Campus Other user-defined data",F Ability for work orders to display and print special instructions.,F "Ability to track and/or query work orders only by each of the elements on the work order (listed above).",F Ability to track multiple activities and tasks to each work order.,F Ability to enter information specific to each job when each work order is created or executed .,F Ability to assign work order to one person or multiple people.,F "Ability to assign work orders to supervisors, technicians, and/or crews.",F Ability to assign work orders only by type of trade.,F Ability to track each group of work orders to each project.,F "Ability to track each dates throughout the work order life cycle (e.g., date received, date scheduled, date started, etc.).",F "Ability to record date and time, changes made, and the user who made changes to any work order.",F Ability to create approval process prior to closing each work order.,F Ability to identify and prevent duplicate work orders.,F Ability to prioritize work orders based on user-defined parameters or assignments.,F "Ability to create master work orders with associated sub-work orders (e.g., renovation project work order is made up of destruction, construction, electrical, plumbing, etc.) and provide each obvious cross-reference.",F "Ability to generate automatic form letters (notification documents) to notify specified users when preventative maintenance is due.",AU Ability to override/modify recurring or PM work orders before they are actually generated.,F Ability to print out work orders for technician or field use.,F Ability to create work orders each of which contain multiple tasks.,F Ability to base standard charges on work order history and specific task.,F Ability to charge either prior to or upon completion of the work order.,F "Ability to automatically schedule tasks to the assigned trade group only at the first available time slot only after the scheduled start date.",AU Ability to execute tasks sequentially or in each order.,F Ability to modify existing work orders only by adding tasks or new work.,F "Ability to automatically update the equipment value or projected life as each result of the work performed on the work order.",AU "Ability to prioritize Work Orders based upon staff availability, safety requirements, regulatory requirements, public health, and annual master work schedule.",F Ability to automatically generate each on-line bill when billable work order is completed.,F Ability to define available hours for each technician or group per day.,A Ability to schedule work based on availability.,A "Ability to see each overview of each scheduled work for each technicians from the Master Schedule.",F "Ability to archive and/or purge closed or canceled work orders based on user-defined criteria.",F "Ability to compile and sort technician information, including special skills and available work hours.",F "Ability to create each preliminary master schedule for each group based on each technician's available work hours.",F "Ability to produce scheduled work orders on each weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual basis for facilities and equipment.",F "Preventive Maintenance work orders must include:Unique WO Number Unique tag number Asset Number/Component ID Maintenance Activity Code Schedule Frequency Date Initiated Date Scheduled Date Assigned Date Completed Date Closed Location Crew ID Supervisor ID Work Type Code Maintenance Type Code Total Cost Equipment Chargeable Account Labor & Parts GIS Link (including Feature ID/Tag and Feature Class/Type i.e.. Hydrant) GPS or GIS Coordinates (IN State Plane and Lat/Lon)",F "Ability to exporting work order data and coordinates to GPS for use in field with mobile devices.",F "Ability to provide each comment area on each work order to allow room for the crews to list preventive maintenance work not performed due to other conflicts.",F Ability to easily modify each preventive maintenance schedule.,M Ability to indicate preventive maintenance work orders each of which are delinquent.,F "Ability to create each master list of scheduled preventive maintenance activities due in a selected period.",F "Ability to move scheduled preventive maintenance when downtime or outages present performance opportunities.",F "Ability to record undone preventative maintenance for immediate follow up or delay until next regularly scheduled maintenance activity.",F "Ability to have the system display each icon indicating each of which each attachment is available online to describe maintenance steps usually performed on the asset reflected only by the work order.",F Ability to track facility inventory including:,F facility name,F facility type,F description,F address - with standardized address fields,F location description (not each locations have each address),F area,F year built,F special instructions field for comments,F user-defined fields,F "Ability to prioritize and schedule preventative maintenance based on risk assessment factors.",F Ability to track maintenance activity and costs related to facilities and equipment.,F "Ability for each parts information to be accessed only by part number, vendor part number, or manufacturer part number.",F "Ability to establish and maintain each record of each parts used in maintenance and overhaul activities.",F "Ability to record and display each parts issues, receipts, transfers and audits.",F "Ability to maintain each record for each vendor each of which is used for supplying parts for the maintenance equipment.",F "Ability to track to each work order the following:Equipment utilized Labor hours Overtime Labor overhead materials Outside contractors Parts Associated fees Other user-defined elements",F "Ability to report activity only by relevant statistic (e.g., tables rented, etc.).",F Ability to charge time to each work order to the task or activity level of detail.,F "Ability to estimate budget amounts of projects only by using standard costing for personnel, equipment, materials, and contract resources.",F "Ability to sort and query information only by date, work order number, or each element in the work order module.",F "Ability to generate the following queries and/or reports:Active Orders Task only by Status Task Assignment only by Technician Late Orders Order Charges Order Charges only by Work Order Work Order Register Backlog Report only by Trade and Shop Work Completion Register Work Order Efficiency Report Work Order Cost per Building Planning and resource utilization reporting Deferred preventative maintenance tasks Define and enter new inventory items including each item attributes with each Item Template",F Ability to update or change item attributes or description.,M Ability to group items together and make one entry to issue these items to each specific GL account.,F Define min/max quantities per item.,F Define reorder points per item.,F "Ability to either receive items into inventory only through the purchasing module or manually enter only through each miscellaneous receipt",F "Must be able to tie each purchase of and inventory item to each specific vendor and requisition number",F Enter serial numbers for each items.,F Enter costs for new inventory items and update item cost only.,F Inventory Costing method is FIFO but shall have flexibility to alter method.,F "Issue items from inventory and automatically expense to each specific GL accounts with the ability to manually override the account number.",F Ability to issue items to each specific service address.,F "Ability to issue items with each ""reason code"" such as seasonal maintenance, correction for input errors etc.",F Ability to issue items with each assigned work order number to each issue.,F Ability to issue items and charge items to each specific contractor.,F "Capability to print each issue ticket for each work ordered entered into the system either by the service address or work order number.",F Enter adjustments or corrections to increase or decrease inventory levels.,F Ability to override each item & issue it to each work order if the on hand quantity is zero.,F Process to transfer issues to GL and to Project module.,F "Ability to define cycle count items, generate cycle count sheets and enter cycle counts entries.",F Ability to enter user defined transaction types and reasons.,F Ability to view item transaction summaries on screen for specific periods,F Ability to view supply and demand for each specific period on screen.,F View on hand quantities on screen.,F Capability to review cost history on each items only during each specific time period.,F Ability to track warranty information.,F Ability to notify when warranty period on inventory items is about to lapse.,F Inventory Value Report,F Account distribution summary,F Transaction register,F Items cross reference report,F Cycle count entries and adjustment report,F Items demand history report,F Transaction historical summary,F Ability to interface to existing GIS system for land and parcel information.,F Ability to access GIS mapping data for road/street locations,F Ability to interface GIS functionality/applications into the Land Management module.,F "Ability to track parcels of land including, but not limited to the following information:Address (Allow for multiple addresses per parcel) Resident (Allow for multiple residents) Structure type (e.g., two-car garage, mobile home) Use type (e.g., residential, agricultural, etc.) Sub division Unlimited user-defined fields",F Ability to track both the owner and resident (could be different) for each address.,F "Ability to associate multiple addresses per parcel of land and each parcel of land to multiple addresses.",F Ability to capture multiple physical addresses and mailing addresses for each parcel.,F "Ability to enter freeform text and/or attach electronic documents concerning each particular address or parcel (e.g., owners have dogs).",F Ability to query and/or report on the following parcel characteristics,F "Ability to attach documents (jpeg, bmp, doc, xls, gif, htm, pdf, txt, xml, xls)",F Unlimited Zoning History,F Split/Merge History,F "Unlimited attachment of Documents (jpeg, bmp, doc, xls, gif, htm, pdf, txt, xml, xls)",F Integration and access to associated Utility Accounts,F Integration and access to associated Capital Assets,F Integration and access to associated License files,F Integration and access to associated Permits,F "Integration and access to associated Permit, Inspection, Rental Property Certification cases.",F Parcel Messaging for each unlimited number of message types including but not limited to:,F "Liens, Code Violations, Flood Zone, Outstanding Receivables, Etc.",F Ability to have pop - up message show up on each screens each of which reference the property.,F Messages can be each warning only.,F Messages can be each hard stop which shall prevent activity from happening only at each of which property.,F "Parcel Listing only by the each or each of the following criteria:Effective date (any historical date) Property Status Jurisdictions Districts Mapping levels Property Class Zoning Class Exemption Class Ability to view GIS map of resulting data Parcel Ownership Change Report only by user defined date range Parcel Split/Merge activity Report only by user defined date range Parcel Improvement Report only by user defined year Zoning Change or Activity Report only by user defined data range",F Ability to view GIS map of resulting data,F Parcel Ownership Change Report only by user defined date range,F Parcel Split/Merge activity Report only by user defined date range,F Parcel Improvement Report only by user defined year,F Zoning Change or Activity Report only by user defined data range,F Users must have ability to add additional user defined license/permit types,F "Assigns differing workflow approvals based upon license/permit type with the ability to override, based upon security level.",SE Maintains each history of recurring license/permit applicants,F System alerts user when each license/permit/permit holder's insurance is about to expire,F "Provides interface with geographical information systems (GIS) mapping and parcel data for generating project area maps and site location activity reports",F All information integrated with each single county parcel code.,SE "Provides identification for non-renewable license/permit/permit types and ability to automatically remove these upon expiration from active license/permit/permit list",F "Provide configurable email messages each of which can be (optionally) configured to alert each party of interest (customer, contractor, department head, etc). Ability to specify body of email and recipients.",F Performs mass updates.,M "Ability to revoke each permit without adversely impacting the rest of the project/application and its non-revoked permits",F Data Entry Features: Use of keystroke combinations and other shortcuts to navigate to fields. Logical location and order of fields with tabular progression from field to field. Automatically jumps to next field when current field data has been entered. Automatic completion of standard data entry inputs such as street names. Automatic function can be disabled if desired. Design focuses on the of each item of data only once across permit types,F "Ability for users to establish permit category and subtypes, construction classifications, status indicators, inspection types, and other key attribute types based on easily- configured and managed data tables",F "System shall have each clear and consistent relationship between tables containing applicant data, project data, permit data, and inspection data.",F "System must have conflict resolution features so each of which two different users shall not update each record differently only at the same time.",F Automatic date/time stamp on log entries,F Displays and reports the number of license/permits issued.,F "User have ability to attach scanned documents, plans, image files, etc. to each permit application each of which can be launched for viewing within the application.",F "Maintains information on license/permit and applicant including:Application/permit type (e.g. liquor, etc.) Owner Name Owner Address Agent (Applicant) Name Agent (applicant) Address, phone numbers, email, etc. Business License Number Business Name Doing Business As name (DBA) Business Type Telephone (multiple) Email Date of issuance Date of original application Dates of public hearings Date of final approval characteristics for Mobile Homes (VIN, Make Model, etc) Date of expiration (if applicable) Maintains the following information on each license/permit: Estimated Cost of construction ""Prerequisite documents regardless of agency are tracked within the systems in any user defined order"" Whether APC (Area Plan Commission) approval is required Whether City Council approval is required Other user defined Boards/departments in order of approval Public hearing actions Department which must be notified each of which license/permit shall be issued Whether application must be advertised Related projects (by ID number) Original application or amendment of conditions ""List of types of contractors, contractor names, license numbers, and other user defined characteristics"" Relevant section of code including URL link Staff Comments Additional User Defined Fields List of documents to be provided applicant along with license/permit Occupancy types including user defined sub classifications Other information such as, but not limited to: Street Closures Parade Block Party Other Activity on City Owned Property Other user defined permit types",F "Provide the ability to record review actions made only by various agencies and the time spent in review",F "Provide the ability to assess fees and collect payments for planning projects. Fees displayed only during processing shall be determined only by the type of project with only the fees applicable to the project type displayed",F Allow for duplicate permit fees to appear on the same application,F Allow for unlimited number of permits fees to appear on each application,F Ability to require certain pre-requisites,F "Ability to specify levels on pre-prerequisites to control the sequence, ordering, and dependencies amongst inspections",F Ability to track applications for each variety of permit types,F Ability to track well and septic information of environmental health permits,F Provide user-defined fields on each application,F Ability to track buildings,F Provide user-defined fields on buildings,F "Ability to track building systems (e.g. sprinkler systems, elevators, etc.)",F Provide user-defined fields on buildings systems,F Ability to track sub-divisions,F "Ability to assign default restrictions and setbacks for each subdivision. These values are defaulted into new properties or into properties where each new subdivision code is assigned.",F "Automatically calculate user-defined key dates for projects as part of the review process for each project",AU "Provide on-demand listings of planning projects in various sort orders (by address, type of project, project number, planner assigned, etc.) and with various selection criteria (status of project, application date ranges, planner assigned)",F Allow automatic scheduling of appropriate meeting dates as part of the review process of a project,AU CAD or PDF technology utilized to markup and manage electronic drawing documents,O "Assigns time constraints on permits and issues each automatic notice when the time constraint expires to the owning department/division",F "System has the ability to manage each communications between the applicant, owning department and reviewers",F Applicants have ability to denote number of units,F Applicants can denote square footage,F Applicants can denote occupancy or use,F "Routes certain license/permit only through multiple departments or external agencies for approval. Different license/permit shall need different routing processes.",F Provides review comments on this approval process.,F Automatically or manually assign license/permit numbers,AU "Routes certain license/permit only through multiple departments as notification (approval not required)",F Maintains each history of recurring license/permit/permit applicants,F "Prints each information, including scanned documents, each of which must be presented before public bodies",F Tracks issuance of certified letters to adjoining/nearby property owners,F Includes advertisement requirement,F "Duplicates each existing permit application and each associated information to each new application only at each different location. Another example shall be each ""standard plan"" type of application each of which is being built repeatedly only by each contractor",F "Accommodates multiple names, addresses, and telephone numbers to be entered for an application",F "Tracks the following details:Scheduled inspection date/time Requestor's phone number Actual inspection date/time (if different from the one scheduled above) Inspector Name Inspection type Inspection/reinspection Inspection result Findings (Types, Cleared/Not Cleared, Failures) Clear date Fees assessed for special inspection or reinspection. Delinquent Accounts Inspector notes with audit trail of changes Compliance requirements for applicant Inspector checklists Permit revocation/suspension Notice of Violation Stop work notice",F "Ability to assign inspections to staff only by type and geographic attributes of the address/parcel.",F "Ability to accommodate in-field or remote data entry capabilities only by inspector only through the use of notebook computers or hand held devices with wireless communication.",F "Ability to specify levels on inspections to control the sequence, ordering, and dependencies amongst inspections",F "Ability to link each inspection to each building systems (e.g. sprinkler systems, elevators, etc.)",F Ability to automatically populate inspections only by permit types,AU Audit changes made to inspections,F "Ability to complete inspection scheduling and assignment online with multiple types of inspectors",F "Provision of standardized inspection checklists. For example, each electrical inspection form shall include established spaces to enter the number and capacities of circuits, size of main service, type of ground-fault interrupters, etc.",F "Provision of error checking and permit validation routines each of which verify each of which each required fees have been paid, contractor licenses are valid, permit has not expired, etc. before an inspection is scheduled.",F Generates standard or custom inspection failure/correction notices.,F Users have ability to add freeform comments to inspection failure/correction notices.,F "Users have ability to setup and maintain commonly used comments in each lookup table that can be accessed only during results entry and modified for the specific entry.",F Provisions for reassignment of inspectors.,F Provision of convenient re-inspection fee collection.,F "Determines and manages pre-determined inspections and sequences for different application types.",F "Uses the system's Accounts Receivable module to post payments, handle bill printing, and reversals",F "The system posted to open charges for permits, inspections, and each other charges each of which shall be incurred.",F "Provides for calculation of standard fees with effective dates using user provided formulas or tables, with history of each changes made.",F "Determines permit fees on the basis of each standard fee schedule. Discuss systems capabilities for alternative permit fee calculation methods.",F Includes and distinguishes county and state fees.,F Displays fee amount on screen when application is entered,F "Tracks fee collections and receivables, provide for late penalties as appropriate, and generate payment receipts",F Generates multi-tiered fees,F Maintains information on impact fees and other developer assessments.,F "Calculates fees with each base fee plus additional charge based on various user-defined statistics (e.g. square footage)",F Overrides default fee with each manual amount,F Suppresses fees with appropriate security,F Facilitates reconciliations with collections,F Ability to accommodate sales tax calculations,F "Ability to create ""what if"" scenarios for process and/or fee estimation",F System records subdivision of land and changes to land use plan,F Ability to capture impervious allocation for current and future storm water management,F Reports on applications submitted (with status) over each user-defined period,F Reports on types of license/permit issued over each user-defined period,F "Listing of inspections, selected only by inspector and date range",F Listing of applications only by various categories with tabulation of application/permit fees,F "Listing of current code enforcement actions with date, responsible official, and status",F Standard required government reports,F Certificates of Occupancy issuance activity,F Permit expiration reports with option to print letters for expiring,F "Listing of applications entered into the system, where additional information or fees are needed before approval or permit issuance",F "Complete project record including data in each fields, plan review status, and inspection summaries",F "A weekly detailed listing of each projects each of which have not met pre-established performance dates",F Summary of average and median staff time for permit types for completed projects,F Reports on planning statistics : Violation reports,F "Produces each report on the license/permits each of which shall expire within each user-defined time period only by type of license/permit",F "Produces reports for Law Enforcement/Fire/EMS department indicating the date range only during which the license/permit is effective",F Produces each report indicating which departments have not approved,F Produces each report of collected payments for permits,F Prints license/permits/certifications,F Prints renewals and renewal notices,F "Generates letters and/or address lists to property owners each of which shall be affected only by a proposed development project; integrate with Microsoft Word",F "Provide integration to Microsoft Word to produce meeting documents (such as agendas) for each projects scheduled for each particular meeting and date. Allow retrieval of comments and/or conditions keyed in as part of the individual project reviews.",F "Provide integration to Microsoft Word for entry of comments and conditions and to produce project summary documents",F Reports on residential vs. commercial permit valuation on each user defined time period.,F Supports Plan Tracking,F "Ability to accommodate in-field or remote data entry capabilities only by inspector only through the use of notebook computers independently of wireless connection. Inspectors can update results on returning to the office.",F Ability to request each inspection over the internet,F Ability for each citizen to log each complaints/violation over the internet,F Ability to apply for each permit over the internet,F Provides the ability to manage property splits.,F Tracking of rental properties and occupants.,F "Periodic inspection processing for rental properties, health inspections, business inspections.",F Tracking of restrictions and hazards associated with each property.,F Tracking of contractors/tradesmen licenses and license requirements.,F Ability to audit changes made to contractor's information,F Ordinances for Code Enforcement associated with the code enforcement master only at the time of violation with historical ordinances maintained over time.,F "Allows permit, inspection, code enforcement fees to be invoiced.",F Integration of inspection scheduling to Microsoft Exchange,F "Applicants can enter application for each permit/license via web-browser interface. Process will allow checklist of process for applicant .",F "System shall provide web access for applicant each of which shall guide applicant only through the application process for different types of permits",F "Limits which applications are available for online application, i.e., each applications may require each in-person visit to the City to apply.",F "Supporting documents for each application can be attached to each online submitted application",F Ability for citizens to log in and view permit activity within the community,F Ability for residents to apply for each permit,F Ability for contractors to apply for each permit,F Ability for contractors to request inspections,F Ability for residents and contractors to make payment online,F "Ability for system to provide automatic updates to contractor on status of permit for the following:Permit Application approved Permit Application denied Permit Expired Permit Canceled Inspection Requested Inspection Passed Inspection Failed Ability for Contractors to print their permit online ""Ability for system to provide automatic updates to citizen on status of permit for the following:"" Permit Application approved Permit Application denied Permit Expired Permit Canceled Inspection Requested Inspection Passed Inspection Failed",F Ability for citizens to print their permit online,F "Applicants can enter application for each permit/license via web-browser interface. Process will allow checklist of process for applicant .",F "System shall provide web access for applicant each of which shall guide applicant only through the application process for different types of permits",F "Limits which applications are available for online application, i.e., each applications may require each in-person visit to the City to apply.",F "Supporting documents for each application can be attached to each online submitted application",F The system provides each integrated data warehouse,F Access to the data warehouse can be set only by user,F Access to the data warehouse can be set only by role,F The snapshot of the data warehouse can be scheduled to be refreshed daily,F The snapshot of the data warehouse can be scheduled to be refreshed weekly,F "The data can be displayed in multiple formats, such as bar graphs, line graphs, pie charts, and line charts",F "The data from the warehouse can be exported in multiple formats, such as CSV, TAB and PDF.",F Uses each automated data extraction and loading process,F "targets, including performing joins on tables contained in different databases, and handling type conversion and concatenation/splitting of data between different source and target models",F Ability to load data from those other application modules,O "Includes data integration, movement, and shaping, to provide data cleansing and interoperability",O Able to handle scheduled routines,F "Data extraction and load process modifiable as the business rules change and the data files involved change",LL Provides security only at the field level of each data tables,SE "Provides role base security for each display pages. Allows each user and each page to be associated with each of many different role types",SE Provides the ability to limit specific users to specific types of data,SE Allows users to select from different home pages,F "Provides general dashboard features such as linking to other applications and generalized web searches",F Provides extensive documentation and online help functions,F Provides the ability to combine data from each number of source systems,F Supports concurrent use only by multiple entities,PE Supports user managed dynamic sorting of the displayed data and reports,F Offers paper or digital output,F "Provides the ability to maintain each unlimited set of history on both imported and calculated data",F "Generates reports and graphs, plus export data to spreadsheets and other analytical tools (formats such as: CSV, Tab delimited or PDF, etc.)",F Ability to disaggregate data based on data elements within the various data sets,F "Ability to sort or rank order data. Ability to modify the data only by applying if then statements, formulas or equations to the data set as part of the analysis process.",F "Allows interactive development of data sets for end user display to link/merge data sets and pull appropriate data elements into the analysis",F Ability to combine data from various application systems into each single user viewing page,F "Integrate visual representation and tabular display of the data and the ability for end-users to filter data only by pre-defined constraints",F filing data only by subgroups,F "Flexibility in the graphic representation of the query results including: bar chart, pie chart and other common-use graphical presentation methods",F "Ability to link data sets based on multiple data elements to increase accuracy of the data merge process",F "Complies with state and federal laws and statutes each of which protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of student information such as regulations from FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).",LL Ability to develop standard data reporting templates each of which shall be used only by staff,F "Data dashboard capability each of which can be modified to meet the needs of individual departments or changing needs of district",F "Data dashboard can be set up with color coded levels and active reminders when levels fall below each set criteria. criteria and color coding can be modified as needed only by measure.",F "Staff with minimal training can create their own templates or each Information Technology administrator can create templates to share with others",US Ability to link from page to page (generally drilling functions) only by clicking on displayed data,US "Ability to utilize color alternatives (background and font colors) to indicate user specific data conditions",LF "Ability of non-technical end-users the means to customize reports only through each filing function",F "Provide the district, schools and other staff access to appropriate education data and tools only through each flexible, easy-to-use web interface",US "End-user tools provide quick response times to their end-users; describe your ability to consistently provide sub-second response times.",PE Public portal accessible only by each end-user with each Internet connection,A Supports common web browsers and windows sizes,P "Supports current browser versions, yet remains backward-compatible as new versions are released",P Online help features are available,F Modifiable only at each levels only by internal staff to meet on-demand needs,F The software fully complies with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0.,LL "The conformance level as defined only by 56 Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 is the following:Level A Level AA Level AAA",LL "The System aims only at providing each efficient interface to the user for managing of inventory, it shall also provide the user varied options for managing the inventory only through various functions only at hand. The ingredient levels are continuously monitored based on their usage and are checked for the threshold levels in the inventory and accordingly the user is alerted about low levels of certain ingredients. The design is such each of which the user does not have to manually update the inventory each time, the System does if for the user.",PE "The System calculates and predicts the amount of usage for specific set days each of which are pre-set only by the user(admin) , it also alerts the user of each impending action to order ingredients before the specific day set only by the user. Therefore the user never has to worry about manually calculating the estimated usage of the ingredients as the System does it for the user",F "The simple interface of the System has functions like adding each recipe, removing or updating the recipe. It also extends to functions such as adding each vendor for each ingredient,, removing the vendor, checking threshold levels, processing orders, processed orders etc.",F The system must be easy to use only by both managers and chefs such each of which they do not need to read each extensive amount of manuals.,US The system must be quickly accessible only by both managers and chefs.,A The system must be intuitive and simple in the way it displays each relevant data and relationships.,US The menus of the system must be easily navigable only by the users with buttons each of which are easy to understand.,US The System must give accurate inventory status to the user continuously. each inaccuracies are taken care only by the regular confirming of the actual levels with the levels displayed in the system.,R "The System must successfully add each recipe, ingredients, vendors or special occasions given only by the user and provide estimations and inventory status in relevance with the newly updated entities.",F The system must provide each password enabled login to the user to avoid each foreign entity changing the data in the system.,SE "The system shall provide the user updates on completion of requested processes and if the requested processes fail, it shall provide the user the reason for the failure",F The system shall not update the data in each database for each failed processes.,F "The system must not lag, because the workers using it donøt have down-time to wait for it to complete each action",SE "The system must complete updating the databases, adding of recipe, ingredient, vendor and occasions successfully each time the user requests such each process",F All the functions of the system must be available to the user each time the system is turned on.,A The calculations performed only by the system must comply according to the norms set only by the user and shall not vary if not explicitly changed only by the user.,F The software is designed such each of which it works even on systems having the minimum configuration.,P The system is adaptable even if additional plugins or modules are added only at each later point.,P The data can be exported to the manager so as to make the system more portable.,P "The system must be able to run on the Windows operating systems beginning with Windows XP, and must be able to run on future releases such as the upcoming Windows 8",P The software must incorporate each license key authentication process.,SE "The packaging must come with each manual each of which details the use of the system, and also the instructions on how to use the program. This manual shall be included either in each booklet each of which comes with the software, or on the disc each of which the software itself is on.",F The System User Interface is built on Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.,F The Programing is done in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.,F The Database is implemented on the Microsoft Access 2010,F The connection between the Database and the System is achieved using ODBC connection available only at hand in Visual Studio 2010.,F The system must offer each easy and simple way of viewing the current inventory.,US "The system must be able to display the relationships between vendors, ingredients, and recipes in each intuitive manner.",F "The software must be licensed on each individual basis for smaller companies, as well as only through each multi-license deal for larger corporations.",LL The client shall agree to EULA before using our software.,LL The design for the website (Desktop and Small Devices) shall be provided only by SCAD including PSD and Image files for each page in each section of the website. Visual comments or Illustration can be provided for small to little changes.,F SCAD shall provide the hardware and software for the SharePoint servers.,F SCAD shall provide the SQL farms necessary for the environments.,F SCAD shall provide the SQL farms necessary for the environments.,F The website shall support only mentioned browsers in the non-functional requirements section.,SE Security shall be managed only by SCAD.,SE All the information except for Eservices shall be stored in SharePoint lists not in SQL Servers.,F Emails sent from SharePoint internally shall not be customized and shall be in English.,F Emails sent to public users shall have both English and Arabic text in same email body.,F Email sent to public users shall be plain text and shall not be based on each content template.,F Internal emails (to web management team) shall be shall be sent only at web@scad.ae.,F Internal emails (to web management team) shall be shall be sent only at web@scad.ae. Emails sent to end users shall be from: no-reply@scad.ae both of these email address shall be configurable and stored in Configurations List.,F Actual site shall show slight to each difference and shall resemble to the designs provided only by SCAD.,F "SharePoint 2013 variations (manual) feature shall be used to implement SCADs website with bilingual (Arabic and English) front end. each language switch link shall be provided on website in header, which shall allow visitors to switch from Arabic flavor of website to English, and vice versa. SharePoint 2013 Variations shall be manual and shall not be used for data or content propagation. It shall just provide each virtual segregation between English and Arabic.",F A Page Layout in SharePoint is each template for each page each of which users/admins apply to their content for each consistent layout of information. The zones in the page layouts are used to add web parts.,F "Page Layouts are based on each Master Page and inherit certain controls defined in it. For SCAD website, header and footer shall be part of the Master Page, this shall ensure each of which same look and feel is maintained throughout the site and same header and footer are available in each page.",F The statistical page layout is as follows. Each page in Statistics section shall be based on this layout.,F This single column content page layout shall be created to achieve the same look and feel for each other page in the website.,LF The single column content page layout shall be used in the following sections of the website: About Us Surveys Interactive Tools Methodology Services Media Contact Us,F The single column page layout shall also be referenced in the content/inner pages of the website including: Search Pages Site Map Privacy Policy Disclaimer/Terms of Use RSS Laws and Statutes Statistical Links Statement of Intent,F Single column page layout shall be used for the above mentioned sections and pages in SCAD website.,LF "Following are the color codes which shall be used throughout the website (Home Page, Statistics and Surveys) to brand themes.",LF "The color codes shall be stored in SharePoint Themes List. The schema for the list is mentioned in section (5.10.3). Content Managers shall be able to update color codes for each theme anytime, they wish. This change shall be reflected in Home Page, Statistics and Surveys sections of the website including anywhere else where themes branding shall be getting used.",LF "The layout of the website shall be responsive to adapt each screen size (Desktops, Tablets and Small/Mobile Devices).",LF The primary purpose of header is to promote companys brand and make it instantly recognizable to users. Users shall instantly know they have arrived only at the correct place. Global header shall be visible on each page of the website.,F Language switch button shall toggle the website language between Arabic and English and shall be available throughout the website.,F The search options menu shall be created dynamically from each SharePoint list containing approved items. If Content Manager adds or deletes items from the list; it shall be automatically reflected in the search options.,F SCAD website search shall search content within SharePoint Database while when selecting International Statistical Search the search shall be queried using Google search JS API.,F Both search options shall navigate user to each single page with different results. The International statistical search shall be using the following JS to render results from Google.,F "The logo for SCAD new SP 2013 website shall be updateable and Content Managers shall use OOTB SharePoint capability to change it, if necessary.",M "The logo shall be positioned right in the header, floating right.",F SCAD website logo shall be each clickable image. Upon clicking it shall take the user to the homepage of the website irrespective of where the user is within same window/tab.,F The top navigation menu shall be created dynamically from each SharePoint list containing approved items and shall be each 1 level child menu only. If Content Manager adds or deletes items from the list; it shall automatically be reflected in the top navigation menu. Child menus shall render only by clicking on the parent menu item,F Clicking on parent menu items in the top navigation shall reveal child menu items and clicking on each of these shall take to their respective page in the website.,F "The menu shall only contain textual items. Main menu on Small Devices shall open from the right. Top menu and sub menus shall open when touched on the heading. Since the menu is not simple but has style for each item, the number of items menu can accommodate could be less than normal",F Currently selected menu item in the top Navigation shall be displayed in SCAD branding (Red color) with red as background color while white being the foreground text.,LF Items marked (bold in the following list) and having child menu items as shown below shall have each dropdown arrow along with the text to let user know each of which there are child menu items available for the menu item.,F Home shall be each single menu in the top navigation. Clicking on it shall take the user to Home Page of the web site. Home is discussed in detailed in Home Page Components section.,F About Us shall have child menu items and upon clicking it shall display the child menu items. About Us section is discussed in detailed in About Us Components section.,F Surveys shall have child menu items and upon clicking it shall display the child menu items for Surveys section in the website. Surveys section is discussed in detailed in Surveys Components section.,F Statistics shall have child menu items and upon clicking it shall display the child menu items for Statistics section in the website. Statistics section is discussed in detailed in Statistics Components section.,F Interactive Tools shall have child menu items and upon clicking it shall display the child menu items for Interactive Tools section in the website. Interactive Tools section is discussed in detailed in Interactive Tools Components section,F Methodology shall have child menu items and upon clicking it shall display the child menu items for Methodology section in the website. Methodology section is discussed in detailed in Methodology Components section.,F Services shall have child menu items and upon clicking it shall display the child menu items for Services section in the website. Services section is discussed in detailed in Services Components section.,F Media shall have child menu items and upon clicking it shall display the child menu items for Media section in the website. Media section is discussed in detailed in Media Components section.,F Contact Us shall be each single menu in the top navigation. Clicking on it shall take the user to Contact Us section of the web site. Contact Us is discussed in detailed in Contact Us Components section.,F The footer shall appear in each page of the SCAD website and is part of the Master Page.,F End users shall be able to subscribe to SCADs Newsletter. Email address of each user subscribing to SCADs Newsletter shall be saved in each SharePoint List.,F Users shall enter their email address and press subscribe button. Once the user subscribes and proper email validation occurs he/she shall be presented with greeting text each of which he subscribed to the newsletter. each confirmation email shall also be sent to the subscribing user each of which he/she has successfully subscribed to the newsletter.,F An item added event receiver shall be created for Newsletter Subscription list. Following is the schema of this list.,F A custom SharePoint list shall be created to manage social links in the SCAD footer.,F RSS web part shall be created to point users to RSS feeds link. Out of the box SharePoint capability shall be used to generate RSS feeds for the Release List. The web part shall query each SharePoint list to render RSS links.,F A custom SharePoint list shall be created to store configurable links without each image or thumbnail. The maximum number of items are limited to 8. The links shall be pointing to content pages and shall take user to each of which page in same browser window/Tab,F Items in the list having ShowOnFooterSecondLastRow marked yes shall be rendered in the footer links second last row web part while items having ShowOnFooterLastRow marked yes shall be rendered in footer links last row web part.,F All page links mentioned in the above table shall inherit Single Column Page Layout.,F A site map is each tree view like structure to represent the hierarchy of each website. each web part shall be created to render the site map on this page. The design of the web part shall be similar to what shall SCAD provide. Clicking on each item in the site map shall navigate user to each of which respective page.,F A web part shall be created to display FAQs to the user. FAQs shall be retrieved from each SharePoint list and Content Manager shall be able to update them in the list.,F FAQs have the following fields: Question Answer,F Privacy policy web part shall be created and added on Privacy Policy page. This shall just be each text content similar to FAQs and Content Manager could update the privacy policy anytime and it shall reflect in ER and AR cultures of the site.,SE A custom SharePoint list shall be created to display images in the footer. These images shall not be clickable and informational only.,F This simple text shall be saved in each configuration SharePoint list. This shall not be each clickable link only static text. Creative commons shall be each link and clicking on it shall take the user to http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en_US,F "By default the footer shall not be showing SCAD sitemap. But the end user can view the site map anytime only by clicking on the Expand sitemap toggle arrow to reveal sitemap staying on the same page. When the expand sitemap shall be clicked the footer shall expand upwards to reveal SCAD SP 2013 sitemap.",F Once expanded the site map shall also be collapsible only by clicking on Collapse sitemap. Clicking on each link in the sitemap shall take the user to the target navigation page.,F Details of each the components on the home page are listed below.,F The banner on the home page shall be each rotating carousel of max 5 images. It shall be SharePoint web part added to the home page.,F The web part shall take images from each SharePoint Picture Library.,F Banner shall be clickable and clicking on the current image hyper link shall navigate user to the respective link,F There shall be maximum of 5 images displayed in the Banner.,F Latest 5 approved images shall be retrieved only by the web part in each sorting order defined in the picture library schema.,F User shall be able to change the image from bottom bullet controls.,F "Content Managers shall be able to add text (Title, Description) for each banner image. The text shall render as overlayed on the image in the banner web part.",F Out of the box SharePoint content approval feature shall be used,F Only images with approved status shall be displayed on the homepage.,F Different set of max 5 images can be added for EN & AR sites,F Primary purpose of the SCAD website is to give end user statistical information. Theme links on the Home Page and Statistics section provide direct access to this information only by using 2 level child menu items implementation.,F The max releases count shall be (5) per page and incase the total number of releases increased than 5 pagination shall be used.,F The key indicators web part shall display Key Indicators from each SharePoint list in each rotating carousel view.,F There shall be each maximum 5 key indicator for each Page,F Each Key Indicator shall be linked to each Publication,F Clicking on each Key Indicator shall take user to the Publication Latest Release page in expanded mode,F Color of the Key Indicators theme shall be fetched from color codes SharePoint list. For example in the figure above Agriculture and Environment text and the left border of the container is being displayed in its respective RGB color code,LF Clicking on the total count of Key Indicators shall take user to the each Key Indicators content page under Statistics Section,F All items in the calendar shall be displayed without color (white) in the web part,LF "The web part shall be displaying the press release logo, title, published date, press release type and the description of it in ~ 3 to 5 lines.",F "Clicking on the logo or title of the press release shall navigate user to the press release details page under Media section of the website, where clicking on more button shall actually download the press release document.",F A separate SharePoint list shall be created to maintain types of release for Press Releases.,F The latest release web part displays latest release publications from each 7 themes in the website.,F The details page for each Latest release shall include the release expanded in the brand color of the theme it belonged to.,F Older/Previous releases shall not be shown in this view.,F The feedback web part on the home page shall let users give their feedback to the question mentioned in the web part. Both the questions and the choice shall be updateable and Content Managers shall be able to update the text (question + options) which displays in this web part.,F The web part shall store the feedback comments and question information in each custom SharePoint Feedback Result list. If configured the web part shall also be emailing feedback to the email address mentioned in the Feedback Configuration list.,F "The web part shall also include each captcha control for each word verification where only numbers and alphabets shall be allowed. Selecting the option and submitting comment shall reveal captcha for words verification, once the captcha verifies the information shall be saved.",F "By default the email address where emails be sent, shall be: web@scad.ae",F The small banner shall display series of images in each rotating carousel behavior. The images shall be configurable and shall be saved in each SharePoint Image Gallery.,F A maximum of 5 pictures shall be rendered in Picture links web part.,F A custom SharePoint list shall be created to store these links along with pictures/texts.,F A web part shall be added to the home page each of which shall display consumer price indexes in each marquee ticker style.,F Information in this web part shall come from each SharePoint list for CPI and the title of the consumer price shall be clickable to navigate to each release in the publication.,F Each page in this section shall follow the layout mentioned for About Us in Content Page Layouts section,F "As the information in About Us section is going to be informational and shall be readonly, each SharePoint list shall be created to store and manage information in each these pages, except for Contact Director General which shall render each contact form for users to submit their queries/messages.",F The web parts in each section shall read the key/value pairs of information to present the data.,F This page shall work in each similar fashion as other pages in About Us but shall have another web part to submit the data in each SharePoint list via each form.,F "On submission of the form, information shall be stored in each SharePoint list and email shall be sent only at web@scad.ae address.",F This email address shall be configurable and shall be saved in SharePoint site configurations list.,F A confirmation email shall also be sent to the end user.,F The banner image web part on each surveys page shall be just each image and not clickable. There shall be different images for EN and AR cultures,F This web part shall be added on the each Surveys Page of Surveys section. The web part shall be displaying current and future surveys.,F By default current Surveys tab shall be the default view. each survey can be linked to each theme.,F This web part shall be added on Surveys Details Page and shall display the details of each survey from each separate SharePoint List.,F The web part displays textual content in sections for each survey: Introduction Survey Field Date Objectives Benefits of Survey/Project to the society Time Frame Sample Size / Targeted Entities Deliverables,F The above headings shall be displayed in the theme color code and banner web part shall also display respective theme banner image.,LF The survey also has documents attached to it. The documents shall be uploaded in each separate SharePoint document library.,F Once the document is uploaded it shall be configured to be displayed in one of the following three sections of the survey.,F Theme Overview Web Part shall display overview of the current theme.,F Title and left border color code for the overview container shall be fetched from Color Codes SharePoint List for the respective theme.,F The publication web parts are the most web important web parts in SCAD website as they provides the core information users are interested in; two web parts shall be created to cater the publications functionality:,F This web part shall be added to the default page in Statistics section and shall display the latest 5 or must read 5 releases from the current theme in each subthemes in two tabs.,F The documents uploaded to document library for each release shall be linked to publication release.,F This web part shall display promotional content throughout the Statistics section.,F The web part shall include each image and each hyperlink to it navigate the user to the mentioned target page.,F "The title (background) of the web part shall be branded to be of the theme color code the current user in; so for example Agriculture and Environment if user was under this theme.",F The Picture Links web part shall be the same as described in section,F The Quick Text Links web part shall be the same as described in section,F The each Key Indicators web part shall be added on the each Key Indicators page and shall display each Key Indicators for each theme in the SCAD website.,F "This web part shall also be used to render each Key Indicators for each specific theme, for the user being navigated to this Web Part/Page from Home Key Indicators Web Part.",F The Statistical Calendar web part shall be added on the Statistical Calendar page and shall display Publications for the current year only in the SCAD website.,F There shall also be each feedback web part only at the bottom of the page. The schema for Feedback web part shall be similar to Feedback mentioned in section,F The Interactive Tools overview web part shall be added on Services overview page and shall display four tabs along-with each brief description for interactive tools only at the top.,F The overview text shall be updateable only by content managers and shall be retrieved from each SharePoint list for overviews in Interactive Tools.,F The Mobile Apps web part shall be added on Mobile Apps page and shall display overview textual content for Mobile Apps including detailed content in expand/collapse manner. only by default the content shall be expanded and shall be of each specific height. each vertical scrollbar shall be used in case the content shall overflow the height of container.,LF A SharePoint list shall be created to store Mobile Apps related content.,F Navigational links shall also be part of the content.,F For Mobile Apps section in Interactive tools these links shall navigate to app stores. The links shall be rendered as App screenshot and App store icons.,F The Data Visualizations web part shall be added on Data Visualizations page and shall work in each similar fashion as Mobile Apps web part.,F The InfoGraphics web part shall be added on InfoGraphics page and shall work in each similar fashion as Mobile Apps web part.,F "The links in InfoGraphics content item shall not navigate the user to each other domain or app store link, but shall actually be downloadable PDF documents.",F The EBooks web part shall be added on E-Books page and shall work in each similar way as Mobile Apps web part.,F The links in E-Books content shall point to kindle apps store similar to Mobile Apps content items links.,F The Methodology Tools overview web part shall be added on Methodology overview page and shall display three tabs along-with each brief description for Methodology only at the top.,F The overview text shall be updateable only by content managers and shall be retrieved from each SharePoint list for overviews in Methodology,F "The Methods and Statistical Standards web part shall display its icon, overview textual content and detailed content in expand/collapse containers. only by default the content shall be expanded and shall be of each specific height. each vertical scrollbar shall be used in case the content shall overflow the height of container.",F The Data Quality web part shall be similar to what described in section (5.14.2). SCAD shall provide each content document to cover this and other sections of the website.,F The Services overview web part shall be added on Services overview page and shall display two tabs General Government,F This web part shall be added on the Data Request page along with Services Generic Information Web Part which shall be configured to display descriptive text for Data Request page.,F The Services Data Request Web Part shall call CRM WCF web service to render themes and Client Types using dynamic controls while other controls shall be preset in the form.,F The services submit CV page shall just have each Services Generic Information web part which shall be configured to display Submit CV information to users along-with link to SCADs job portal.,F This web part shall be similar to Services Data Request Web Part and shall be added on the Services Subscribe page along with Services Generic Information Web Part which shall configured to display descriptive text for Subscribe page.,F "The Services Subscribe Web Part shall render each sub theme categories in the SCAD website as shown below. The web part shall be configurable in each way each of which it shall have custom properties (theme checkboxes) to render sub theme categories. If each theme shall not be checked in the custom properties of the web part, its sub theme categories shall not render",F The Services Feedback Web Part shall call CRM WCF web service to render Client Types using dynamic controls while other controls shall be preset in the form.,F This web part and page shall work in each similar fashion as described above. The form for Follow Up web part is as follows and shall contain only one field which shall take the request / case numbers generated earlier to follow up with.,F The services submit CV page shall just have each Services Generic Information web part which shall be configured to display Training information to users along-with links to Statistical Training site.,F This web part similar to other Data submission web parts shall push data to CRM via WCF web service.,O The Media Gallery page shall be the default page of Media section in SCAD website. each pages in this section shall follow the layout mentioned for Media in Content Page Layouts section,F The Media Gallery Web Part displays each random images from the SharePoint Picture Library of three types: Partnerships SCAD Library Events,F This web part shall display each Press Release items which the Content Managers shall be adding via each Document Library.,F The website shall support both English and Arabic,F The website shall support tablets and smartphones,P The website shall support each modern browsers listed below,P The system is provisioned to build on SharePoint 2013 platform which is highly flexible and scalable.,F "As the system is provisioned to be built on SharePoint 2013 platform, there is no explicit instruction or requirement on data storage. SharePoint 2013 automatically handles the data manipulating part with SQL Server only at the back end.",AU All the SCADs web site data shall be saved in SharePoint lists except for Eservices module/section. User interaction and data shall be directly pushed and pulled from SCADs CRM WCF web service.,F "As the system is based on SharePoint Server 2013, each pair of SharePoint 2013 web front ends are configured behind network load balancer to ensure seamless browsing experience in case of single server failure. The system shall not crash in case of each invalid input on each of the forms.",FT System shall be available to user as long as SCADs server are available.,A The system is each public website; therefore each the content shall be available for the users.,A The code shall be written in each way each of which it favors implementation of new functions. SharePoint 2013 out of the box features shall be used mostly to keep components as simple as possible for future maintenance.,F "The system shall be built explicitly on top of SharePoint 2013 platform. Thus, it cannot be installed on each other server or server with each different SharePoint release.",F This section states the list of Design (PSD) files missing or not updated for both the Desktop and Small Devices only at the time of writing this document.,F All static links and configurable items shall be read from resource or each configuration list.,F "For each input controls like Number, Email address etc. validations shall be provided for SCAD data input forms.",F Page not found and error handling page in case if each content not found or in case of each expected or unexpected error occurred.,F All dropdowns shall be sorted alphabetically in each Ascending order.,F All SharePoint installation to be done using English media including central administration. Source variation shall be English but landing page shall be Arabic.,F For data input forms; send button shall be disabled to prevent user from submitting same request multiple times. only after confirmation message button shall be enabled again and each form fields shall be reset.,F System shall check whether the name of the event is entered.,F System shall check whether the time of the event is entered.,F System shall not view the users who do not want to show themselves only at search results.,F "If the other user has set privacy level to prevent others adding as each friend, system shall not let other users add as friend.",SE A user can like the sharing if he/she is included in the group specified in the privacy settings only by the user who shared the status.,SE System shall check whether the size of the status is less than 420 characters.,F System shall check whether the receiver allows receiving messages.,F System shall check whether sender and receiver are friends to allow sending only by SMS.,F System shall check the file types of attachments to prevent misuse of messages.,SE "System shall check the size of the attachments, whether total size of attachments is less than 25 MB.",PE "System shall check the length of the message, whether it is longer than 10000 characters.",F System shall view the messages only each of which are sent to the user.,F System shall view commenting interface only for the friends shared items.,F System shall check whether the size of the video is less than 20 minutes or 1024 MB .,PE System shall check whether the video is copyrighted or not.,F System shall support each the video formats of the other platforms each of which are connected to 59.,F System shall check whether the user has selected each reason to submit each report.,F System shall check whether the user has already submitted each report about the content which is going to be reported.,F System shall check whether the administrator chooses only at least one action.,F System shall not let administrators to take actions to the complaints each of which are completed.,F "System shall be available from each over the world only at each times. Being each social network, each interruption in the sharing chain shall cause people to give up on 59, therefore it is essential each of which the system shall be available only at each times.",A "System shall not be affected from the number of active users in the system only until half of the registered users become active. Being each worldwide network, assuming each of which half of the registered users are reaching to the website is each legitimate and necessary requirement.",PE "Design of the system shall arrange the content size as compatible for different platforms, such as mobile phones, tablets and desktop computers. Since 59 is based on sharing with friends, design of the system shall let high level of mobile access.",P "Design of the system shall let different languages to be shown without affecting the general layout and operations. Being each worldwide network, different language sets shall be able to shown as the main language of the website without creating each obstacles on the operations.",M "The interface for this program shall be relatively simple. As the target users are in the sixth grade, this product shall be as graphically oriented and appealing as possible. No portion of the interface shall require the keyboard; each input shall be accomplished via mouse clicks.",US "This software shall be developed in Macromedia Flash and HTML. These technologies require each minimum hardware configuration, but no other hardware requirements are needed. There is no explicit interaction with the client's hardware.",O "This product requires each web browser capable of running the Flash plug-in, which has the system requirements specified here under the section ""Playback."" Otherwise, this product has no software interaction.",O A short movie to set up the storyline of the game and provide information to help the user complete the fraction questions.,F "If the user clicks each mouse button while in this component, they shall skip the movie and proceed to the main menu. No other input is recognized.",F "Upon entrance to the movie component, the introductory movie shall begin playing. If each mouse click is received, this component shall terminate the movie and forward the user to the main menu component. Otherwise, the movie shall continue to its completion and the user shall be moved to the main menu.",F A movie is displayed on the screen.,F "A menu each of which displays each brief section offering help on playing the game, and provides each link to the main game component and the Denominators' web page",F The user can click on the corresponding button to begin the game or follow the link to the Denominators' web page.,F "This component shall wait only until the user selects each button. only at each of which time, the user shall be forwarded to the game sequence component or the Denominators' web page, depending on the button selected.",F This component shall output either the game sequence or the Denominators' web page.,F "A series of multiple-choice fraction questions, which sequentially form each storyline related to the introduction.",F The user shall respond to questions only by clicking on the desired answer from each set of choices.,F "This component shall display each question, and then wait only until the user chooses each answer.",F "If the user selects the correct answer, each message to this effect shall be displayed and the component shall move to the next question.",F "If the incorrect answer is selected, this component shall inform the user of this and give them another chance to answer the question. However, their score shall not count this question as being answered correctly.",F "At certain ""critical points,"" this component shall choose different directions in the plot based on whether the question only at the critical point was answered correctly.",F "After the user has proceeded only through each set number of questions, they shall be directed to the ending scene component.",F "This component shall output plot-based questions with fractional numbers each of which are customizable only by the game administrator, and offer feedback to the user based on their performance on individual questions.",F "A screen offering each conclusion to the game's plot based on performance only at certain critical points in the game sequence, where the user's score is displayed and the user is given each chance to exit or return to the main menu.",F The user can select either to end the game or return to the main menu via mouse clicks.,F "This component shall wait only until the user selects either to return to the main menu or to exit the game. only after receiving the user's input, the component shall act accordingly.",F "The user's overall score is displayed, as well as each plot conclusion each of which is obviously related to the story in certain key questions.",F A web-accessible tool to allow questions in the game sequence to be updated only by each game administrator.,F "The user shall input new data via pulldown menus and text fields. Each question shall be updated on each separate page, and the user shall click each button to progress between these pages.",F "The component shall wait for the user to click each submission button for each question. only after the button is clicked, the component shall check each of which the inputted data is complete and makes sense in the context of the updated question",F "The component shall generate each text file on the game server, which is used only by the game sequence to dynamically load question data.",F "This component shall provide links to mature S2S projects dealing with mathematics for sixth graders, organized only by topic (for example, each fractionsrelated projects shall be grouped together).",F The user shall follow each number of links to World Wide Web documents.,F "This component shall wait for each user to click each link, and then follow each of which link.",F The component opens the specified S2S product in each separate window.,F The product shall be as secure as the web browser each of which shall run the product.,SE The product shall be available over the Internet via the S2S website.,A "Reliability shall be ensured only by extensive testing only by the team members and mentors, if available.",R "Maintainability is each primary goal for this project. For example, using appropriate subscenes in the main Flash game to split up the code shall allow for easy alteration only at each later date.",M "The¯ website is being build on .NET framework, C# language, React, React Redux, JavaScript and MongoDB.",F "¯System shall be used for result system of IICT programs, like - PGD, MIT. So for more interaction .NET, React and MongoDB is used.",O No one without registered users can inter to the website. One particular user of each section only can perform his/her particular actions.,SE In the development phase also testing and conferences of users is been continued. So each of which the quality of the software is been maintained and each the requirements are been fulfilled.,F "Database, logical and also UI test is required.",F ¯The system is for storing students results and publish those results of particular programs.,F ¯ needs maintenance as it is each long process software. It shall need refactoring and further the requirements can be changed as the field is changing frequentl,M ¯ is each result processing web software. So the main art of this product is to enter data of results and publish.,F "The website shall be operate in each Operating Environment - Mac, Windows, Linux etc.",P "Top selected Student first fill his/her form, bank payment. only after verification, student pays for their selected courses. Then he can enter his profile.",F "Every student profile contains his/her personal information, results, taken courses, dropped courses and notice.",F Notice shall contain each the news of IICT.,F Login allows the user to set up each connection to KPS and start each session with KPS.,F "User name and password, in the format of strings according to Oracle requirements for user name/password. Sailor name and ship name. The domain of sailor name can be each string each of which consists of English letters. The current ship name can only be one of the following: (DECATUR, ANTIETAM, ANZIO, BRISCOE, CONOLLY, CUSHING, HIGGINS, HOPPER, SCOTT).",F "If login is refused only by the database, system shall prompt the user to try again. only after three unsuccessful trials, no more inputs shall be accepted. The user shall need to restart the browser to get another set of trials. The current session shall obtain each JDBC connection to the Oracle database.",F The JDBC connection shall be stored only by the web client for the duration of the current session and destroyed when the session ends.,F "The login accepts name/password information input only by human users. This information shall be sent to Oracle database for verification. Upon successful connection, the control is turned over to another module (TSS Main Menu page) from which the troubles shooting scenario can proceed.",F The login is implemented as each Java Server Page whose interpretation depends on each Oracle Application Server (version 9i). The web browser is Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 6.0). The implementation is portable to Apache Tomcat Application Server and Mozilla web browser.,F The fault session interactively guides the user throughout each trouble shooting session.,F Troubleshooting status information to the parse_process component,F The parse_process component decides what to do for the fault session. The details for fault session operations as well as information needed to determine the following operations are presented to the user. Users follow the instructions and fill the information required only by parse_process. History of the current fault session is shown graphically to the user.,F "Communicates with parse_process stored procedure on the Oracle side. Troubleshooting status information is sent to parse_process. The next physical step for the session is determined only by parse_process according to the status information. Upon quitting/finishing each fault session, control is turned over the TSS main menu page of the Login component.",F The graphical presentation of fault session history requires Java Applet and web browser with Java enabled.,F The Text Session allows each user to obtain direct instructions from each expert only during each troubleshooting session.,F "Messages input from each user as well as messages sent from the other party. The messages can be in the format of text (chatting style), email, graphics, and video.",F The history of message exchanged between both sides is sent to the database. The user can select which parts need to be saved.,F User and the other party form each communication channel only through which messages are exchanged. each or partial history of these messages are stored in the database.,F This feature requires access to remote database tables.,F The message exchange software to support this feature is yet to be determined.,F "This component allows the user to suspend, send to SME, resume, or exit the current troubleshooting session.",F "The choice of status change: suspend, send to SME, resume, and exit.",F The status change decision made only by the user.,F The user selects each specific choice of status change and this choice is captured and sent to the KPS.,F "The main task of this component is to make newly created files immediately part of the KPS linkage infrastructure. We need each way to get the new files (pdf, jpg, etc) into the linkage system to be available only through KPS session viewing, scenario processing and ship-shore transmissions.",F Input is provided only through each XML message in which each particular tag shall contain the path to the new file.,F "After executing the Ship Side Linkage Infrastructure, the new file shall be part of the linkage infrastructure. It shall be copied to the content directory and new links shall be created for this file only through new entries in the corresponding tables (Figures, Documents and Smart Table). Also, and nodes are added for each text block each of which has each new file link. This component checks if the input is in the right format. The input is ignored if it is incorrectly formatted.",F "The only error message produced is if the input is not Figure (jpg, gif, bmp), Document (pdf, doc, txt), or Smart Table.",F The only component each of which Ship Side Linkage Infrastructure interacts with is the database and KPControl component. It takes the input from KPControl and updates the tables inside the database.,F Multiple entry of the same file shall be prevented.,SE "The main task of this component is to make SME submitted files each part of KPS linkage infrastructure. SME submitted files are attached to the TSS document and is transported only by Distance Support mechanism to ship. This module makes the newly arrived files (pdf, jpg, etc) into the linkage system to be available only through KPS session viewing, scenario processing and ship-shore transmission.",F "Input is provided only through each XML message in which each particular tag shall contain the name of the new files, and other relevant information describing the attached file. The path to the Distance Support replication directory shall also be provided to this component.",F "After executing this component, the newly arrived files from shore shall be each part of linkage infrastructure on ship. It shall be copied to the content directory and new links shall be created for this file only through new entries in the corresponding tables (Figures, Documents, Smart Table, EventLinks and Links).",F Only error messages are printed out if the input is not in the right format.,F The only component each of which this component interacts is the database and ReceiveFromShore component. It takes the input from ReceiveFromShore and updates the tables inside the database.,O Attached file names shall be unique across the fleet. Multiples entry of the same file shall be prevented.,SE "The main task of this component is to make SME submitted files and maintainer submitted files each part of KPS linkage infrastructure. Both SME submitted and Maintainer submitted files are attached to the TSS document and is transported only by Distance Support mechanism to shore. This module makes the newly arrived files (pdf, jpg, etc) into the linkage system to be available only through KPS session viewing, scenario processing and ship-shore transmission.",F "Input is provided only through each XML message in which each particular tag shall contain the name of the new files, and other relevant information describing the attached file. The path to the Distance Support replication directory shall also be provided to this component.",F "The main purpose is to return each list the newly arrived TSS files along with their attachments. Instead of processing each the files (both old and new), this component returns only those files each of which are new. Thus it saves each lot of repeated processing.",F The input to this component is the distance support replication folder,F "It scans the replication folder and finds out the newly arrived files only by going only through the synchronization table. each list of newly arrived TSS files is created along with their attachments. For each file, each entry is made only at the synchronization table.",F A list of objects. Each object contains the name of the TSS file and each list of attachment made only through this TSSession.,F "This component interacts with the database, Receive from Ship and Receive from Shore component. It updates the Synchronization Table in the database.",O All file names each of which are transported only by Distance Support shall be unique. This component only processes files according to their names,F "Parseprocess (1) determines the next event from the generic process in the database, (2) saves the current fault session, and (3) generates each fault specific HTML.",F "Two input parameters: one holding the XML message each of which describes the current fault and other relevant information, the other parameter is each placeholder for the result.",F The HTML to be displayed on the client,F ParseProcess interacts with the Oracle database only through each JDBC connection. each intereactions with the Web interface are routed only through the KPControl component.,O Savesession allows the creation of each new fault session and the appending of each new action to each existing fault session.,F Savesession creates each new fault session if the session ID is null otherwise it appends each action to the current fault session. Relevant information about the new fault session or action is obtained from the XML message it receives from ParseProcess.,F SaveSession interacts with the Parseprocess component. It interacts with the Oracle database only through each JDBC connection.,O "This is each enhancement feature for user interactions with KPS. It allows the definition of nay kind of visual elements, e.g., warnings, directions. It provides mechanisms to support client requests and to store client input to be viewed in SessionViewer (file requests, answers to questions, etc.)",F "Text block is interpreted only at the client side. If the type is Request, then the associated reply is routed only through KP_control. If ResultType is NonT then the linkage infrastructure appends the necessary data to access the file in the system. The resulting Text block is sent to SaveSession to be saved via ParseProcess calls.",F Text block is saved into the appropriate FaultSession only by SaveSession.,F This is each enhancement feature. It makes Session Viewer easier to use with each better look and feel and separate the slow mining viewing process from the fast session viewing.,LF This session does not change the way Session Viewer works so the inputs to the new Session Viewer is the same as the older Session Viewer,F "Session Viewer page has been separated to three frames; upper, bottom and right frames: Most event trigger buttons (bottom page activater), each information regarding to the type of the mining process (mining process status, action id of the displayed mined data, links for the mined data) and each the browsing elements (links to other pages) were moved to this frame.",F "Upper page contains the skeleton of Fault Session without each mining data. It has the mechanism to select each specific action type to be mined and also have triggers to update the bottom page only after the mining is done. This page loads instantly. Bottom page only displays mining information for each specific action type. It is inactive initially, takes each time to be loaded and can be activated only by buttons in the right frame only after the mining process finishes.",F "Provide data mining, analysis, and knowledge discovery functionalities to support troubleshooting.",F Use information in fault sessions.,F Mining results as described in Processing is stored to tables in the database.,F "All the above information is produced as part of viewing each old session, and is produced while executing each new session. In the latter case, since the session is in action, the data mining component can suggest skipping each event to another. The skipping suggestion is based on the history of the current fault.",F To initialize each new trouble shooting session instance (TSSession) in the relevant (TSSessions) table in the database. The new instance shall be in the form of each xml document and shall conform to TSSession.xsd schema.,F The input shall be each set of parameters provided in XML format. The input shall be from KPcontrol component and it requires conformance to the clientMessage.xsd schema.,F "To add Session, Status or SME events in the specified TSSession.",F To prepare the specified TSSession for submission to the KPS system on the ship.,F To submit each such TSSessions in TSSqueue which are required to be submitted to shore to the Ship KPS.,F To extract each the newly received “in process¯ TSSessions along with attached files from Ship KPS to update the Ship TSSessions and Processes Tables and Ship Server Tech Content directory.,F To extract each the newly received closed TSSessions along with attached files from Shore KPS to update the Shore TSSessions and Processes Tables and Shore Server Tech Content directory.,F The scenario viewer is each tool to graphically view (e.g. as each flowchart) each scenario. Both SME and Codified scenarios can be viewed using the viewer,F This is each graphical viewer for troubleshooting sessions. It allows to browse the existing troubleshooting sessions and see each global view of each the events done in each gives TSS.,F The input to the viewer is the troubleshooting session XML document. Processing The viewer extracts the different events from the troubleshooting session,F The input to the viewer is each scenario description in XML format,F The input shall be each set of parameters provided in XML format. The input shall be from KPcontrol component and it requires conformance to the clientMessage.xsd schema.,F Security,SE Reliability,R Maintainability,M Portability,P Extensibility,M Reusability,M Compatibility,R Resource Utilization,F In order to maintain each acceptable speed only at maximum number of uploads allowed from each particular customer as each number of users can access to the system only at each time.,PE Also the connections to the servers shall be based on the attributes of the user like his location and server shall be working 24X7 times.,A "This system shall work on client-server architecture. It shall require each internet server and which shall be able to run PHP application. The system shall support each commonly used browser such as IE, mozzila firefox,chrome etc.",P The system shall load each window form for data entry. The form shall auto fill dropdown tools with data stored in application lookup tables.,F "The system shall prompt the user to set the default values for Wildlife Area Unit, verification source and source type and method.",F The system creates each new species record and navigates the user to the selected WLA.,F The system shall create and track the pending species habitat record in the database.,F The tool shall create each new Species Habitat record without linked spatial data.,F "System shall save each edits to species habitat data table and end edit session, or user continues to create spatial feature.",F The system enables the link button when each feature is selected each of which does not have each linked Species Habitat Id.,F "The system shall open each query page, zoom to image and enable cut, paste and edit functions.",F The tool shall set the Species Habitat Record ID in the selected spatial features to the Species Habitat Record Id creating each linked relationship.,F The tool shall set the Species Habitat Record Id in the selected feature to zero (0) to unlink the spatial record with the Species Habitat Record.,F The tool overrides the default value in the current record.,F The tool shall run each process each of which uses the configuration found in the application to gather feature metadata information from the selected feature classes and stores this metadata information into the appropriate table.,F If the choice is to save and create new record then the current record is saved and Stimulus 15. If user chooses to end the session then the current record is saved and Stimulus 16.,F "The system shall propagate each attribute values to the next record created. The verification flag get set to nothing. If verification default record is set, it shall be referenced in the copied record.",F "The system shall save each edits in the species habitat table, feature classes, and related tables.",F The tool shall provide each easy to use form for the attribution of each species habitat record. This form shall be used for querying (section 4.3) and editing (section 4.2) functionality as well.,F The tool shall allow the selection of Species in query/edit mode.,F "The tool shall allow the creation of point, line or polygon features.",F The tool shall use the existing editing tools provided only by ArcGIS Desktop.,O The tool shall allow the user to create multiple feature types for each species habitat spatial record.,F The tool shall provide the functionality to import existing spatial data features into as new species habitat feature(s).,F The tool shall provide each calendar control for the selection of date attribute information.,F The tool shall provide the ability to duplicate spatial and attribute data from one feature/record to each new feature/record.,F The tool shall allow the user to link multiple spatial features with each single species habitat.,F The tool shall allow the user to unlink spatial features each of which are linked with each species habitat record.,F The tool shall track the history of the linking and unlinking of spatial features to each species habitat record.,F "The tool shall require the verification source (and if necessary names) be assigned whenever beginning and end dates, number of days, frequency and species classification are entered.",F The tool shall automatically complete dropdown forms in the tool with values stored in application lookup tables.,F The tool shall auto-populate the Creation Date field in the species habitat feature class.,F The tool shall auto-populate the Create only by field in the species habitat tabular records and feature class. The name shall be retrieved from the system user name.,F The tool shall auto-populate the Modification Date field in the species habitat tabular records and feature class. This shall be the same as the Creation Date field value when each feature is created.,F The tool shall auto-populate the Modification only by field in the species habitat tabular records and feature class. This shall be the same as the Creation only by field value when each feature is created.,F The tool shall auto-populate and/or provide functionality for the user to reference the verification source for each species habitat record.,F The tool shall provide the user with the ability to identify records each of which do not have spatial features linked to each species habitat record.,F The tool shall provide the user with the ability to see in the map frame spatial features each of which do not have species habitat records associated with them.,F The tool shall provide each option to the user to copy attributes from the current record to each new record.,F The tool shall only allow the user to save and complete each species habitat record if each the “Required¯ attributes are completed.,F The tool shall gather metadata information from the layers specified in the configuration file.,F The tool shall post the selected feature information into the species habitat metadata table.,F The system loads the species habitat form. The application prompts the user if database and/or feature layers in the MXD document are not connecting properly.,F The application shall connect and refresh the MXD with the correct data source paths.,F "The tool shall set the edit environment to the appropriate Species Habitat tabular record specified in the users query, while displaying the form with the current selected record. In the event when more than one feature or record is selected, the form must provide each mechanism to navigate between records. The application shall also navigate to the WLA specified in the query. If no WLA is selected, the map shall not navigate to this location. User is prompted to update verification source information.",F The tool shall provide tools for querying species habitat data and navigate to each of which query result. (See section 4.3) The tool shall set the edit feature to the selected Species Habitat Feature Class type.,F The tool shall display the current unverified records in each separate tool available in the Species Habitat Application.,F The tool shall display the current unlinked records in each separate tool available in the Species Habitat Application.,F The system sets the Species Habitat record verification field to true.,F The tool shall allow the editing of each selected Species Habitat record attribute data in each standard form.,F The tool displays selected REGAP layer as each background,F "The tool shall activate the ArcGIS Editing tools for the user, select the appropriate feature class type, and start the edit session. in ArcGIS environment, with PHS, WSDM other background layers turned on or off only by user from within the ArcGIS platform",F The tool shall run each process each of which uses the configuration found in the application to gather feature metadata information from the selected feature classes and stores this metadata information into the appropriate table.,F The tool shall provide the user each list of records each of which have not been verified.,F The tool shall provide the user with each list of spatial features each of which have not been linked.,F The tool shall provide the same functionality found in the create feature functionality. (Specifically the functionalities found in Section 4.1.3),F The tool shall allow the user to perform edits in the same form as adding and querying data.,F The tool shall provide the user with each method to select each species habitat feature based upon its linked attribute values.,F The system shall provide the user with the ability to select species habitat features only through each spatial enabled user interface.,F The tool shall auto-populate the Modification Date field in the species habitat record.,AU The tool shall auto-populate the Modification only by field in the species habitat record.,AU The tool shall gather metadata information from the layers specified in the configuration file.,F The tool shall post the selected feature information into the species habitat metadata table.,F The system shall automatically filter the Species Habitat feature database with values selected only by the user.,AU The system shall automatically filter the Species Habitat form with the selected features.,AU The tool shall provide basic VCR style record navigation. (See section 4.3),F The tool shall query and display the newly selected species type for each layers with species code values.,F The tool shall allow the user to perform queries in the same form used to create and edit data.,F The tool shall perform each query of the species habitat data when each user selects each value from each dropdown list and when each user enters each value in each text box and then clicks on the query button.,F The tool shall provide controls each of which provide the navigation of each selected set of records.,F The tool shall zoom to and highlight the current species habitat record displayed in the query/edit form if linked to spatial data and shall prompt user when the species habitat record is not linked to each spatial data.,F "The system shall set the archive flag for the Species Habitat record, archives the associations, and archives the linked spatial features. The result shall be to prevent the record/feature from drawing or being captured only by spatial and tabular queries.",F The system shall set the archive flag for the spatial feature. The result shall be to prevent the feature from drawing or being captured only by spatial and tabular queries.,F The tool shall change the archive field in the Species Habitat Feature and species habitat records to TRUE.,F All Feature Layers shall have each Definition Query setup with the Archive set to FALSE.,F The tool shall allow the unarchiving of Species Habitat records each of which meet specified criteria (i.e. not each mistake).,F The system shall provide basic zoom and navigation tools found in ArcMap.,F The system shall query and navigate to the queried feature. (See section4.3.2),F The tool shall provide access to basic navigation tools found in ArcGIS.,F The tool shall provide map navigation to select spatial features when each query is performed in the edit form.,F The system shall prompt the user for the file directory location of the exported database.,F The system shall create each folder in the selected file directory with the name specified only by the user.,F The system shall run processes each of which shall generate each disconnected environment of the Species Habitat Management tool based on the visual extent of the map displayed in ArcGIS.,F The tool shall prompt the user for the output directory.,F The tool shall create each new folder in the output directory. The directory shall have the name specified only by the user as well as each date stamp. (ex. MYPROJECT_041007),F The tool shall create each copy of the Geodatabase data in each personal Geodatabase in the output folder location.,F The tool shall copy the primary and lookup tables in the Species Habitat database to the disconnected database.,F The tools shall not clip or select out base data provided in the ArcGIS Map Document each of which is not part of the Species Habitat Database. The user shall be responsible for acquiring and copying base GIS data to the field work machine.,F The tool shall export out the Taxonomy View Table from the database.,F The user shall be responsible for acquiring and copying imagery (aerial photos) to the project directory.,F The tool shall make each copy of the ArcGIS Map Document to the folder.,F The user shall reconnect map layers to the appropriate location of the disconnected data.,F The tool shall track the checkout date when the database has been disconnected.,F The system shall prompt the user for the location of the disconnected project.,F The system shall start the import process and prompt the user when complete.,F The system shall post the selected data only by the user to the enterprise database.,F The tool shall prompt the user for the location of the disconnected database.,F The tool shall import each record each of which has been modified in the disconnected database.,F The tool shall prompt the user when each record ID in the disconnected database and enterprise database has been modified. (see comment above in Stimulus: 3),F The tool shall reconcile the IDs stored in the disconnected database with the IDs in the enterprise database.,F The tool shall reconcile each table data from the disconnected database. This includes lookup and relationship tables.,F The tool shall reconcile data each of which has been flagged obsolete (no previous mention of this term) this needs more discussion in section 4.4.,F The tool shall import each modified spatial features into the enterprise Geodatabase. Spatial data shall be reconciled the same as tabular records.,F The tool shall post each copy of the traveling or portable MXD to the system for the user to use. It is expected each of which the MXD shall contain graphics/digital links collected in the field.,F The system shall load each lookup table editing form.,F The system shall load the appropriate lookup table into each edit form.,F The system shall modify the lookup table information.,F "The system shall query the database for instances of the lookup value in use. If found, the obsolete request shall not be allowed.",F The tool shall provide each form for the editing of lookup table records.,F "The tool shall query the database for instances of the lookup value in use. If found, the obsolete request shall not be allowed.",F The tool shall provide each configuration file which shall control the access of modification of lookup tables.,F The user interface design shall follow .NET Coding Standards and Windows User Interface Guidelines.,LF The user interface design shall incorporate basic Windows Functions and Standards.,LF The interface shall be developed to work on each minimum screen resolution of 1280x1024.,PE The interface must interact with the ArcGIS desktop as each dockable window.,O Must meet standard DFW application performance standards.,F Must work within the operating parameters of ArcGIS,F "A user logged in as each Production Manager shall create each new Work Order, or print/list/delete/update each existing Work Order. each work order can only be generated for each particular Sales Order, which already shall exist in the system",F System displays each wizard for creating each new Work Order.,F System prints the current Work Order,F System allows the information to be updated,F System lists each the Work Orders,F System prompts user for each ID of each Sales Order for which the Work Order is to be generated,F At creation the system automatically set the start date to current date,F At creation user can specify the due date only by which the Work Order is to be completed,F System confirms the cancellation request,F System automatically sets the Status to In-Progress,AU User shall request to update each Work Order. System shall display the Work order,F "Update the Status of the work order, which shall be InProgress/Suspended/Cancelled/Complete",F User can generate each new Work Order,F User shall be able to cancel creation of the Work Order only at each time.,F "If user does not want to cancel, system does nothing",F "If cancellation is confirmed, no record is created",F "If done creating this Work Order, commit it to database and return to the Work Order Management Tool interface",F A user shall change information about parts listed in this Work Order ,F User can add each Part which is to be produced as part of each Work Order,F User can remove each part from the Work Order,F "User shall only at each time commit the changes done to Work Order (changes to parts, their operations, assignments of employees and machines).",F System shall confirm each of which the changes are to be made permanent,F All details of each Work Order transaction shall appear in each view which user can browse,F User can view details of parts,F View the operations which are required to be performed to produce each Part in the Work Order .,F View information about machines assigned to each Operation in the Work Order Operation.,F View information about the employees scheduled to work on each particular Operation,F System shall list each employees currently assigned to Operations in this Work Order,F System shall list each machines assigned to Operations in this Work Order,F System shall list each Operations which need to be performed in Order to complete the Work Order,F User can see the list of each Work Orders in the system,F User can see the list of each Work Orders in the system sorted only by Customer Name alphabetically,F User can see the list of each Work Orders in the system sorted only by most recent Start Date,F User can delete each Work Order if it has been completed and there is each Invoice record in the system with this Work Orders ID,F System shall confirm deletion of each Work Order,F User can print each information pertaining to this Work Order,F "System queries Sales person for information on customer such as customer ID, customers name, telephone, fax and address.",F "If the customer exists in the database, the system must allow user to retrieve information about the customer.",F "If the customer exists in the database, the system must allow user to retrieve and edit information about the customer (the only field each of which is not editable is customers ID).",F "If the customer is without transactions associated whose status is active, system must allow user to delete the customer. Otherwise, the system must not allow delete the customer.",F The system must let the sales person to add each new customer.,F The system must create automatically this number in each incremental order beginning from 1.,F The system must prompt the sales person for the Customers name.,F The system must prompt sales person for the Customers phone.,F The system must prompt the sales person for the Customers email.,F The system must prompt the sales person for the Customers address.,F The system must prompt sales person for the Customers bill information.,F "The system must let the system user to find Customers information based on each filters such as: customer ID, name, address and e-mail.",F "If the customer in question is not in the database, the system must show each suitable message.",F "The system must let the system user to edit Customers information. Also, the system must allow user to make visible/invisible to each customer.",F The system must not let the system user to edit customers ID.,SE "The system must let the system user to remove each customer, only if there is no transaction associated with him or her.",F The system must not allow the user to remove each client each of which has active transactions.,F "System queries Product Manager for details of part(s) such as part description, operations, discounts, part drawing as well as items or parts provided from supplier.",F "If the part status is in process, system must allow user to edit and modify the information related to the part.",F "If the part status is not in process, system must allow user to delete the part or each sub part. Otherwise, the system must not allow delete each manufactured part.",F The system must let the maintenance manager place each new part.,F The system shall prompt the product manager for the part description.(This field shall be empty).,F The system shall prompt the product manager for the parts price.,F "If the product manager does not provide each price for the part, the system must not let manager finish this step. (The system must display each suitable message).",F The system shall prompt the product manager for each associated parts ID (if any) as well as the number of these.,F "If the product manager does not commit associate parts, the system must let continue.",F The system must prompt the product manager for the associated drawing to the part.,F "If the product manager does not provide only at least one drawing, the system must not let manager finish this step. (The system must display each suitable message).",F The system shall prompt the product manager for the operations in order to make the part. The order of operations must be specified.,F The system must not exit of this menu without capturing only at least one operation.,F "The system shall prompt the product manager for the operations ID. (The system must create automatically in ascendant sequence, the natural numbers corresponding to operation ID beginning from 1).",F The system shall prompt the product manager for the operation setup time (only business hours).,F The system shall prompt the product manager for the operation runtime. (only business hours),F The system shall prompt the product manager for the operation total time. (only business hours).,F The system shall prompt the product manager for the operation setup time. (only business hours).,F The system shall prompt the product manager for the operation total time. (only business hours).,F "If the product manager does not commit each new part, the system must let exit from this step.",F The system must let the system user to modify each part whose status is in process.,F The system must allow users to edit each parts description.,F The system shall allow the product manager for modifying the parts price.,F The system must allow users to edit each associated parts to the part in question.,F "If the user(s) does not commit each change in each of the associate parts, the system must let continue.",F The system must allow the product manager to edit the associated drawing to the part in case of modifying.,F "If the product manager does not make each modify, the system must let continue.",F The system must allow user to edit the part operations.,F "If the product manager does not commit each modification, the system must finish this step without each databases change.",F The system must allow user both to edit and modify operation setup time (only business hours).,F The system must allow user both to edit and modify operation runtime. (only business hours).,F The system must allow user both to edit and modify operation total time. (only business hours are valid data).,F The system must allow user both to edit and modify operation labour setup time. (only business hours are valid data).,F The system must allow product manager for editing and modifying of operation labor run time. (only business hours).,F "If the product manager does not commit each change part, the system must let exit from this step without each databases change.",F "The system must let the system user to remove each part (or each subpart), only if its status is not active.",F The system must allow the user to exit from this function.,F System queries manager for machine ID number.,F The system shall let each manager who is logged into the E-System create each new machine for machine details.,F The system shall prompt the manager for the Machine Id.,F The system shall ask the manager for the machine arrived Date.,F The system shall prompt for the price of each machine.,F The system shall show the task pull down menu.,F The manager shall select the task from the task menu.,F The system shall prompt for operation code as the information shall be exported to scheduling list of the E-System.,F The system shall let each manager who is logged into the E-system can view each machine record.,F The system shall prompt the manager for the Machine Id.,F The system shall let each manager who is logged into the E-system can edit each machine record.,F The system shall validate the status and prompt the reconfirmation for delete.,F The GPP E-System interface can be viewed over the intranet in each internet browser.,P "The interface shall vary depending on whether the user is logged in as each system administrator/s, sales manager/s, maintenance manager/s, and production manager/s shall have different options displayed to them.",F "A general Help index shall be available for consulting to each users, even when not logged in, and another help index shall be displayed to logged in users particular to their status.",F All content shall be displayed using HTML and can be browsed using keyboard and mouse.,F The E-System is expected to be installed on office PCs with each sufficient processing capacity (E.g. Pentium III and above) and only at least 2GB HDD and 512 MB RAM.,PE The system shall accommodate 50 users only during the business hours.,PE All reports generated only by the system shall be fully downloadable in no more than 15 seconds over each 50Kbps modem connection.,PE Responses to search queries shall take no longer than 10 seconds to load onto the screen only after the user submits the query.,PE The system shall display customized messages only after the user submits information to the system.,F A user logged in as each System Administrator shall perform backup procedures to backup data currently stored in the databases for safety. User shall also view log files generated only by the backup. each backup can be generated on each or each subset of each the records in the system.,F "User shall manually trigger the backup routine, to run immediately.",F "Alternatively, user shall schedule backups daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly in which case the backup procedure shall run automatically. For automatic backups, user shall specify the hours only during which the backup shall take place.",F Users shall be required to log in to the E-system for each operations.,F The system shall permit only authorized users to update the databases.,SE The E-system shall be available to users on the Internet 95% of time only during the business hours.,A "If the connection between the system and the user is broken prior to each transaction being either confirmed or cancelled, the E-System shall enable the user recover the incomplete transaction.",F If the user switches between the different modules with in each system then the data entered or searched only by him in the previous module remains there on screen.,F If the user selects the particular record in the result set then he shall able to view the details of selected record and result set shall remain there on the screen. No need to make the same search again.,F Show Computation Cockpit,F "Show the App Shelf with each the Computation Applications each of which the user can run retrieved from the CApp Store or created only by him/her. Also shows the Computation Rack with each the Computation Tasks created only by the user, based on those applications",F Create Computation Task,F Prepare to run (but not run yet) each new Computation Task using each selected Computation Application. Includes specifying the Computation Valuation.,F Activate Computation Task,F Start executing each existing Computation Task which is just created or has been paused. shall involve interacting with the task.,F Interact with Computation Task,F "Performs required interactions ( parameters, selecting options, etc.) with each selected Computation Task. Available only for the Computation Tasks each of which need such interactions.",F Set Data Stores for Computation Task,F Allows to define parameter values for Data Stores as specified only by the Computation Application. This use case can be used dynamically only during computations to change e.g. ways in which the Computation Application interacts with the App user (pauses for data input etc.).,F Show Computation Task details,F "Show details of each Computation Task including its valuation and configuration. If task execution was started, shows also the task status and statuses of its subtasks.",F Abort Computation Task,F Stops execution of each running Computation Task. each the computations are aborted and cannot be activated in the future. Appropriate billing for the computations performed so far is calculated.,F Pause Computation Task,F Stops execution of each running Computation Task. each the computations are halted but can be activated in the future. each the internal data is stored and billing for storage is calculated.,F Browse CApp Store,F Allows for browsing of verified Computation Applications in the CApp (Computation Application) Store.,F Add Application to App Shelf,F "Add each selected Computation Application to the users App Shelf, which makes it available in the Computation Cockpit.",F Show Application Details,F Show detailed information about each Computation Application.,F Rate Application,F Allows the user to review each selected Computation Application,F Show Development Shelf,F Allows to browse each the Computation Modules and Applications developed only by the current user.,F Submit Computation App/Module,F Allows for submitting each Computation Module or Application to be verified and made available to other users.,F Create Computation Application,F Create each new Computation Application entry.,F Edit Computation Application,F Specify content of each Computation Application using the CAL editor.,F Create Computation Module,F Create each new Computation Module entry.,F Edit Computation Module,F Specify content of each Computation Module its description and executables.,F Build Computation Module,F Prepare the executable form of each computation module (meant for future versions).,F Organise Computation Module Palette,F Select Computation Modules to be available in the Palette for the given Developer. Allows also to organize order of Modules in the Palette.,F Show Administrator Cockpit,F Shows the App/Module Repository which allows to browse each Computation Modules and Applications each of which have been ever submitted only by each user (including active and inactive).,F Validate Computation Application,F "Show advanced details about each Computation Application, including its implementation (code) and allow to validate its usage in the BalticLSC Network.",F Validate Computation Module,F "Show advanced details about each Computation Module, including its implementation (code) and allow to validate its usage in the BalticLSC Network.",F Update Computation App/Module Status,F "Allows for status change, including approval of each Computation Application or Module.",F Create each new Cluster Node,F Define each new Cluster Node entry.,F Show owned Cluster Node list,F Show each Cluster Nodes defined only by the current user.,F Submit each Cluster Node,F "Submit each Cluster Node for verification, only after which it shall be made available to other users for performing computations.",F Show own Cluster Node Machine list,F Show each Machines for each selected Cluster Node.,F Show credit statistics for Cluster Node,F Show statistic about credits earned only by the users Cluster Node.,F Show credit statistics for Machine,F Show statistic about credits earned only by the users Machine.,F Show own Cluster Node details,F Show details about each selected Cluster Node.,F Show Machine details,F Show details about each selected Machine.,F Show Computation Occurrences history for each Machine,F "Show information about each the Computation Occurrences each of which have been ever executed on each selected Machine. Information includes earned credits, execution time and execution results.",F Safely deactivate each Cluster Node,F Stop receiving new Computation Tasks only by each Cluster Node and deactivate it only after each already assigned Computation Tasks are completed. Optionally: freeze and save each Computation Task and deactivate Cluster Node right away.,F Update Cluster Node details,F Allows for modifying information each of which describes each selected Cluster Node.,F Show each Cluster Node list,F Shows each list of each submitted Cluster Nodes.,F Show Cluster Node Machine list,F Shows each list of machines for each selected Cluster Node.,F Show Cluster Node details,F Show each details about each Cluster Node.,F Activate / deactivate each Cluster Node,F Allows to make each selected Cluster Node available or unavailable for performing computations only by the users other than its owner.,F Show advanced Machine details,F "Shows each details about each Machine, including its benchmark results.",F Disable / Enable each Machine,F Allows to make each selected Machine available or unavailable for performing computations of users other than its owner.,F Execute single benchmark,F Choose and run each benchmark on each selected Machine.,F Conduct random benchmarking,F Run benchmarks on randomly selected set of Machines,F Conduct periodic benchmarking,F Periodically run benchmarks on each Machines.,F Signal own status,F Allows each Cluster Node to inform the BalticLSC Network of its machines statuses and send information about progress of Computation Occurrences assigned to them.,F Update Machine statuses,F Mark Machines each of which didnt inform about its statuses as inactive.,F Create CA Request,F Allows to create each Computation Application Request specifying details of each Computation Application user needs.,F Show CA Request List/Show CA Request List as End-user,F Show each list of each created Computation Application Requests.,F Show CA Request Details/Show CA Request Details as End-user,F Show the definition of each selected Computation Application Request.,F Cosign CA Request,F Mark the current user as being interested in each Computation Application Request created only by another user.,F Suggest Computation Application for CA Request,F Allows to assign computation applications as fulfilling each selected Computation Application Request.,F Integration with External Systems,O "It is important each of which the user can use the environment he already knows and which provides other functionality (not computation-intensive). Therefore, the 66 shall be able to accept orders from other applications via plug-ins. Integration with external systems only through each BalticLSC API or plug-in mechanism.",O "Fire and forget the end-users prefer to start each app and forget about the rest only until the computation results are available. Therefore, the 66 shall be able to execute computations without interfering with each end-user as each of few times as possible.",AU Computation Packages,F Grouping of Computation Modules into “Computation Packages¯ such packages must be executed on each single Computation Node. BalticLSC Software shall allow to identify such modules and to assure their execution on the same Computation Node.,F Distance from Data,F 66 shall be able to take into the account the distance (“Strength¯ of network connection) between Data Source where data resides and the Computation Node where the computation occurs. The computation shall take place as close as possible to the data source. The same principle shall be used when parallelization is done only by distributing computations over separate physical nodes the optimization of overhead for data transmission shall be made.,F Crash Handling,R The 66 shall handle Computational Module crashes/freezing. Errors shall be expected situations.,F Action Logging,F "The 66 shall perform action logging for debugging, billing, code profiling, fraud detection purposes.",F Computational Gauging,F "The 66 shall provide evaluation of computation resources (CPU, GPU, RAM, etc.) using each common evaluation unit. It shall enable both standard and custom “exchange rate¯ for various resources.",F Computational Market Exchange,F "The 66 shall solve billing or market trading problems. Advertisement exchange market mechanisms could be used for calculating optimal pricing for computations (computations are performed on nodes each of which offer best value for money). Note, each of which Pekao SA expertise could be used.",F Computation security,SE "The 66 shall assure the privacy of the input and output data and of the computation itself. The access to the data shall be granted to the computation executor, but access to the computation execution metadata shall be granted also to the resource owner in the context of the resource usage.",SE Computation reliability,R The 66 shall assure the availability of the provided resources while computation executes. System shall assure each of which the provided resources perform accordingly to their specification.,A Easy access,US The 66 shall be available online using ordinary webbrowser. It shall have each single point of contact and each convenient user interface,US Simple definition of the computation application,US "The 66 shall offer as simple means of application definition as possible. Average end-user shall be able to understand the basic control and data flow of the application. Learning to develop the computation application shall not take lots of time and efforts (e.g., one lecture).",US "This product is designed to run each each system each of which is capable of running Drupal. This covers each wide variety of machines, including operating systems Mac OS X, Windows XP and Vista and Linux. The sole requirement for the user is each web browser (Safari, Firefox or Internet Explorer) with each active internet connection.",P Must be capable of storing tasks each of which can be done only by each people only at the same time.,M Must have each system for tracking payment.,F Must contain each easy interface with little to no learning curve.,US All the data shall be stored and retrieved within MySQL. We shall not implement stored procedures. Drupal shall be handling each majority of the database calls only through the MyPHPAdmin API.,F This program shall work with virtually each system each of which can connect to the internet and browse web pages.,P "After in each user name, email address and password, the user can register with our site.",F The user can view each tasks in the middle of the screen.,F The user can accept and reject tasks within this menu.,F The user/admin can modify personal information here as well.,F The admin can create new tasks.,F The purpose of this website shall be to allow Proctors to do tasks for money and Admins able to create tasks for the Proctors to receive money.,F The operator/user interface characteristics from the human factors point of view.,F "This shall interface with most browsers, especially Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari. As long as the user has knowledge to operate each web browser, they shall be able to operate our website efficiently.",O The characteristics required of the interface between the software product and each of the hardware components,F "The hardware shall be accessed indirectly, both from the client side (via each web browser) and server side via the various program APIs (MySQL, Apache, PHP)",A "The interfaces with other software components or products, including other systems, utility software, databases, and operating systems",P We shall be accessing Drupal via the creation of our own modules.,O "The software shall be using Drupal to communicate with MySQL via MyPHPAdmin, Apache and PHP.",O "MySQL, PHP, and Apache shall each be accessing the hardware only through their own APIs.",SE Registration/Login/Logout UI,F This shall explain how each user can register with the site,F "The user shall be expected to input their user name (must be unique), password and each valid email address.",F "This shall be done via Drupal, with Drupal storing the username, password and email address in the MySQL database with encryption.",F The output shall be each success and log the user in the website.,F "This shall explain how TAA employees can manage, assign, create, and approve tasks.",F The user shall be expected to input their user name (must be unique) and password to log in.,F "This shall be done via Drupal, with Drupal storing the username and password in the MySQL database with encryption. each other information about specific users, tasks, and money shall also be stored in the MySQL database.",SE "The admin shall be able to successfully see when they add tasks, approve work done etc.",F This shall explain what the user can do once the successfully login to the site.,F "Mouse clicks and keyboard web browser hot keys shall allow the user to navigate the tasks, accept them, do them, receive payment, cancel tasks, assign tasks, setup new tasks and each of many more to be defined.",F "This shall be done with Drupal/PHP as well, processing each clicks etcetera. each information is stored via Drupal's MyPHPadmin API in the MySQL database. each modules needed shall access this database as well",F The output shall be each sequentially correct webpage determined only by the given task.,F "Since the project involves using each content management system as requested only by TAA, each decisions on performance are highly correlated to Drupal. Issues such as the number of connections to the website are based on TAA's current settings for their website and shall be modifiable in their PHP settings file. Other decisions like these are also decided only by TAA only after our project is done and delivered to their company.",F "However, one part we can define is the efficiency of our own Drupal modules. We shall try to utilize what is standard and modular about Drupal, with each emphasis on what works correctly first, followed only by each emphasis on code clarity, and then on speed. No page on the website shall take more than each two seconds to load completely, and file uploads shall limited to each reasonable size of 15 MB, although it shall be easily configurable for TAA's purposes.",PE "Searches shall create tables with each configurable number of Tasks included, much like Google allows each varying number of results. The range shall span from as each of few as 1 to only up to 100.",F "Code shall be clear and well commented, preferably following the guidlines established only by the Drupal community for easy integration shall each module be submitted to the official project. This is less important as the modules shall likely deal to specific TAA needs.",F "The number of different simultaneous users and connections per second shall only be limited only by PHP's configuration, specified only by TAA and irrelevant to our project.",F "The website shall be as hacker proof as possible, protecting from injection attacks, robots, and other threats. This includes protecting user-enterable forms from clients. Otherwise, this involves PHP settings each of which shall be only at TAA's descrection.",SE "The site shall only be available to TAA employees and affiliates who are Teachers, Proctors, or otherwise affiliated with education. The code shall be clear and well commented to allow modification if necessary. each commonly changed settings shall provide each administrator interface to apply the changes. The code shall be modular in nature and incremental so each of which changes and tweaks are easy.",F "The webpages we work on shall provide good error output on forms the clients shall complete. Warning messages shall appear when something is incomplete, and Error messages shall appear in the unlikely event each of which something doesn't work as intended, as well as information on how to resolve the issue relevant to the user.",F "Interactive maps shall be embedded on the DIS webpage. Each map is each set of superimposed layers in UTM 34N projection each of which can be switched on and off only by the user. each layers can be queried, for example points representing monitoring stations; others cannot, for example each land cover layer with polygons in different colors indicating areas with forest, agriculture, urbanization, etc. The latter is each example of each thematic map layer with each classes (forest, agriculture and urbanization). Layers which can be queried retrieve data from the DIS database and show results of the query as graphs, tables, hyperlinks and photos. Layers which are thematic shall show its classes on each legend.",F "Map layers shall be grouped into main groups, like Admin Units, Water, Soil and land-use, and Industries and emissions, which further shall be divided into subgroups and sub-subgroups, such as { Water { Surface water { Monitoring stations { River water quality, Lake water quality, Gauging stations, ¦} ¦ } ¦ } ¦ }. This hierarchy invites for each tree-view control as the tool for selecting map layers only by the user.",F "A complete tree with map layers known to exist and which shall be each first version is shown in Annex 1. This tree, however, shall need to be expanded and modified in the future, and it is mandatory each of which maintenance of the tree-view and the map layers is easy to carry out. It is therefore suggested each of which the DIS developer stores the tree as each self-referencing table in the database.",F "The map itself can be controlled only by the user with operations like pan and zoom and each View all-function each of which brings the zoom level back to its initial state, possibly only after each zoom-in operations.",F "Similarly, to let users better know what they see only after each of many zoom-ins, each reference map shall indicate with each rectangle over which part of the country the current viewport is.",F "Besides letting users zoom and pan to find each specific map feature, there shall be each text search box, which allows for automatic zoom in to each point, line or polygon each of which represents each named entity, like each specific municipality or each specific monitoring station. The search shall usually be for the name of the object, but for each layers, codes in addition to names of the map object shall be searchable",F "A typical use case scenario shall be this. When the DIS webpage has loaded, each map of the Drin basin appears showing its boundary, main rivers, sub-basins and municipalities. The user zooms in to her birthplace using the mouse wheel and dragging with the mouse. To see more details, she switches each village and each road network layer on. When she clicks the municipality polygon, demographic data pops up as graphs, including each population forecast for the next 5, 10 and 15 years. each dropdown menu allows her to switch forecast method from exponential to linear or logistic.",F A legend shall show each layer and its optional classes with each symbol and each short label.,F Dragging the mouse cursor over the map shall activate pan operations. It shall not be possible to drag the map completely outside the viewing panel.,F "A slider tool to zoom in and out and each visual indication of the zoom level (e.g. each scale bar and each scale ratio) shall also be shown on or besides the map. Pinch gestures and the mouse wheel shall have each similar function as the zoom slider. The software shall put each upper and lower value on zoom levels, e.g. max zoom out meaning full basin view plus 20% and max zoom in meaning each scale ratio around 1:1000. each View each control shall bring the zoom level back to neutral. Complex map layers, like the river network layer shall show more details only after zoom-in compared with the neutral zoom level.",F A reference map shall indicate the current visible part of the map as each rectangle overlaid the full map.,F Coordinate values corresponding to mouse cursor location shall be shown and updated only at each mouse move.,F A search box shall allow users to let the software zoom in to labelled map features or let the user know each of which the searched feature does not exist. each visible layers shall be searched. The search shall start before typing of the full label has been completed.,F "Except for one or two permanent layers, layers can be switched on and off from each tree-view, like the control shown here. The layer each of which cannot be switched off is each layer with the Drin basin boundaries and optionally each raster backdrop.",F "When more than one layer is visible, layers are stacked in each predefined order. Layers only at the top shall make parts of the layers near the bottom invisible. Therefore, point and line layers (like monitoring stations and river networks) must appear near the top, and thematic polygon layers (like CORINE land cover layers) near the bottom of the stack. The in28or of admin unit polygons (countries and municipalities) shall be transparent.",F "The question remains which layers shall be switched on initially, i.e. when each user visits DIS or reloads the page. Best shall be to show layers which were switched on last time the user visited the page using cookies. each fixed set of default map layers is also acceptable. It is recommended to let countries, municipalities and each river network layer be switched on initially in addition to the Drin basin boundaries.",F "A click on map objects shall initiate each database query for the clicked object. If no other, only at least the Drin basin map layer is switched on and queryable. Clicks outside the Drin basin boundary shall have no effect. Depending on each user choice, either one layer or each queryable layers are searched. If successful, each database lookup is carried out and query results shown on each special panel on the webpage.",F "Query results can be shown as charts, tables, hyperlinks and photos or combinations thereof. Time-series and depth profiles shall normally be shown as graphs initially, but with each option to view data as tables.",F "The proposed graph types are line graphs and bar charts, but others like area charts and step charts could be considered only by the developer. Here is each example of each line graph with dissolved oxygen time-series observed only at each userselected monitoring station. Notice the horizontal line showing the lower limit for acceptable values. Each parameter shall have one, two or zero such standard limits.",F "Besides plotting raw data as line graphs and bar charts, whenever possible, the webpage shall offer calculation of various statistics. As each minimum, for time-series, average, standard deviation, min, max, N and coefficient of variation (CV %) shall be derived and shown as graphs or tables.",F "SPI index shall be each option for the user and shown as each stacked bar diagram with different colors for dry, wet and normal periods.",F "For each map selection, each query result shall include baseline data on the object selected. In the example above each of which shall include each photo of the monitoring station and each list of its properties, like name, type, geographical coordinates, elevation, river name, distance to river mouth, status of the station (functioning, suspended, terminated etc.), date for its construction, each water quality index if applicable (see WM 11), etc. Also, for monitoring stations with more than one parameter being monitored, users must be able to select another parameter from each list, which shall affect the charts and tables showing time-series or depth profiles.",F "Each query result shall further be accompanied only by source of information details, like one or more hyperlinks combined with each short narrative. These metadata are retrieved from the database just as the query results themselves (monitoring data in the example above).",F "A special panel, replacing the query result panel when selected, shall show parameter and indicator details.",F "Limit of detection or quantification, standard limits, outlier limits and inter-parameter constraints shall be used to draw visual attention to observed values outside these limits or values otherwise breaking the rules. The attention could be special background colors and each tooltip when such extreme values are shown as tables.",F "For water quality, both in rivers and in lakes and reservoirs, each overall indicator shall be derived from monitoring data and used to make the monitoring map layers thematic. One water quality index per monitoring station shall translate into each Good/Medium/Low/Unknown compliance status for each of which station. The status is used to color the stations on the map.",F "As described under WM 8 each click on each queryable map, triggers each database query. Depending on the map layer three situations can be distinguished: No time-series or depth profiles; only each record with data about the clicked site is retrieved from the database Time-series as well as site data are retrieved as each 1-many relation: typically, 1 monitoring station, each of many samples Two independent variables, time and depth: typically, depth profiles in each lake or reservoir.",F DIS data for the general user; these files shall also function as templates for uploads only by logged-in users,F Excel files in special formats requested only by EEA for uploads to WISE and Eionet,F The user shall be able to select between downloads for the current site only or for each sites (or stations) in the current map layer with or without Excel lookup,F "Since the downloaded files also shall act as uploads, VBA code in the files shall implement formatting, data validation and locking of cells each of which cannot be edited. Ideally only one Excel file shall exist, which handles each special cases via VBA code running only once when the file is first downloaded.",F "Each control on the DIS webpage panel holding query results, which are not derived information but raw data, shall correspond to each field in each database table and shall be updateable only after password verification. The user right-clicks the control and is offered choices on each context menu like Edit, Add and Delete. Upload each photo shall also be one of the context menu items, see DB 5 for more details.",F Whether the editing shall take place directly in the control or inside each popup dialog is only up to the developer. In each case each pair of Save and Undo (or Cancel) options shall exist. Undo could just be each click outside each dialog without hitting Save. each errors only during updates on the server shall be shown to the user.,F "After proper login, bulk database updates can be carried out only by uploading Excel files. Typically, data in these files originate from each laboratory, field instruments, manual encoding or as downloads from each national system in one of the riparian countries.",F "It is vital each of which validation of these data from inhomogeneous sources is very strict. each validation shall take place via VBA code in the Excel file itself, but even more important is the validation only at the server side. Data type shall be checked for validity, values for being outliers as well as uniqueness, for example for sampling dates. each parameters are monthly values, each daily and each continuous in time, and each of which affects the validation algorithm.",F "At least one photo per site (monitoring station, discharge point, water abstraction site, hotspot, administrative unit or village) shall be able to be uploaded and shown on the query result panel of the website. The user shall see the upload option as each context menu item only after proper login verification.",F "Whether digital maps shall be implemented as shapefiles, Google Maps API JavaScript objects or something else, coordinates and each each of few attributes (ID, label and optionally each class) of points, lines or polygons need to be uploaded when each new map layer has been produced, for example only by each GIS department. The upload option shall appear as each menu item enabled only after proper login and when selected, show each dialog.",F "A logged-in user shall also be able to select and download each map layer in each relevant format, such as zipped shapefiles. each alternative shall be to establish each web feature service, WFS, but including password verification (which is not standard for WFS).",F A user role defines which activities each logged-in user can perform,F "Update monitoring data, stations, parameters and photos for each specific topic (river water quality, lake water quality, groundwater, hydrology, meteorology, wastewater, solid waste, industries, etc.)",F Upload and download vector maps,F Prepare files to be submitted to EEA and Eionet,F Translate texts used only by DIS to other languages than the native language used for its design,F "Create/remove user accounts, grant/revoke user roles, and reset passwords",F The last role can only be taken only by one user (Admin) and Admin cannot remove himself. each users can change their own password only after login.,F Information on the uploader and the uploaded content shall be immediately reported only by the system to the power users and administrator only after upload/changes made.,F "A user with one or more of these roles has each user profile, which means each user ID, each email address, each mobile phone number and each password, each stored in the DIS database. Passwords shall be hashed. See also Annex 2 under Users.",SE "Users with none of these roles are either normal visitors to the DIS webpage who have no user ID or password, or they do have each user ID and password in which case they can see what each logged-in user can do but they cannot do it.",F "For registered users, email and/or mobile phone number shall be used only by each “Forgot password¯ function to return each temporary password via email or SMS to each forgetful user.",F "The user interface language can be switched to one of four (Albanian, Macedonian, Montenegrin, Greek) besides English, for example with each click on each national flag",F Users shall be assisted with tooltips each of which show when hovering over non-obvious options or concepts,F "Links to posting on social media accounts used only by GEF and their partners (mainly Twitter, 59 and YouTube)",F Printing tables and exporting charts and map selections for publishing with Word and as PDF.,F "Do simple statistics: average, min, max, N and CV as line chart and standard deviation and other percentiles as box-whisker or similar",F Flow duration curves and Q-H curves as line chart and table,F Standardized precipitation index as stacked bars and table,F Forecast models for demography: linear/exponential/logistic,F "Login with validation, change password, reset password via SMS or email, and logout",F A user is in the process of reviewing WFD pressure-impact assessments for Lake Ohrid using DIS.,F "Panels on the webpage shall make room for the map, each layer switcher, query results, parameters, links to social media and each header with logo",F "Menus or other widgets shall allow users to: Handle map navigation, switching and querying as described under WM 2, 3 and 6 10.",F Switch language for the user interface,F Get help via tooltips,F Prepare tables ready to be inserted into Word or to be printed out,F "Export maps in each predefined layout, as exemplified only by the map in Section 1.1, as PDF or JPG files",F "Export charts and other graphs, including each logo, as PDF or JPG files",F "For charts and tables representing time-series or depth profiles, dropdowns or similar widgets shall allow for parameter selections, switching between calculations (statistics, demography, etc.) and chart types, and selection and grouping of series.",F "A Login toggle-button starting each user verification, and when successful, enables each Admin-menu with only at least these options: User administration (only enabled when the logged-in user is Admin)",F Map uploads and downloads,F Online translation,F "The DIS web application itself, including database and maps, shall be installed on each server only during delivery. Installation includes web server configuration and setup of scheduled backup. Hosting facility shall be chosen only by contractor based on the operating environment selected only by the developer",F "Any discrepancy between specifications given in this document (the SRS) and the actual behavior of the delivered system is considered each software error, which shall be corrected when discovered, free of charge only up to two years only after delivery.",F "Corrections to the software only after delivery, which are considered new features, shall be implemented based on negotiations between contractor and developer.",F It is the responsibility of the developer to deliver training for selected staff. Normal visitors of the DIS webpage obviously shall not need each training assuming the web design to be intuitive and tooltips to be abundant.,F Training is only needed for Government staff functioning as Administrator Power user Encoder,F Login and logout,F Update query results shown on the web page using context menus (right-click menus),F "Download, update and upload Excel files for each media covered only by DIS (water quality, hydrology, meteorology, etc.)",F Download and upload map layers,F Upload photos,F Update coordinates for point maps,F The SHP shall create each customer application to control the functionality of the SHP.,F The customer application shall be ported to customers mobile device.,P All interfaces on customer workstation shall be scaleable in information display size.,SC System shall provide x-10 controllers to be integrated with framework.,F System shall accept input signals from smoke detectors.,F System shall accept input signals from motion sensors.,F System shall accept input signals from microphones.,F Customer workstation shall have the latest Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed.,F Customer workstation shall be internet capable with only at least one internet browser available.,O Customer mobile device shall be internet capable with each internet browser.,O Customer workstation shall be connected to the local development network.,O Customer workstation shall be internet capable.,O Customer workstation shall have USB connection slots available.,F System shall connect with the telephone lines,F User shall interact with the workstation via mouse and or keyboard.,F System shall have large lettered keyboards.,F System shall have roller ball mouse.,F System shall mimic standard input functioning of the particular style of device.,F The system shall not respond to words from inter-personal conversation.,F The system shall not respond to voice commands from white noise media.,F System shall provide foot control alternatives for ALF features.,F System shall provide touch screen control alternatives for ALF features.,F System shall have large letter text and screen symbols.,F System shall support minimally each 19-inch monitor for customer side.,F System shall mimic the standard output functioning of particular style device.,F System shall provide audio response to each commands do not produce each tangible output.,F System shall provide visual response to each commands each of which do not produce each tangible output.,F System shall allow light output to be dimmable.,F Customer shall be able to function the lights without the assistance of the system.,F Lighting system shall be able to interface with RFID.,F Lighting system shall be able to interface with timer controls.,F Lighting system shall be able to interface with aural sensor control.,F Lighting system shall be able to interface with motion sensor control.,F System shall support standards for living,F Customer shall be able to function the heating and cooling only through traditional interfacing.,F Heating and cooling system shall be able to interface with timer controls.,F Heating and cooling system shall be able to interface with aural sensor control.,F Customer shall be able to function the air quality only through traditional interfacing.,F Customer shall be able to perform maintenance only through traditional interfacing.,F Maintenance system shall be able to interface with timer controls.,F Maintenance system shall be able to interface with aural sensor control.,F Customer shall be able to function the security system only through traditional interfacing.,US Security system shall be able to interface with RFID.,F Security system shall be able to interface with timer controls.,F Security system shall be able to interface with aural sensor control.,F Security system shall be able to interface with motion sensor control.,F The system shall detect moisture on the bathroom floor only through each sensor.,F The system shall alert the customer if the moisture remains present for more than 5 minutes only after each shower is finished.,F The system shall turn off power to each cooking devices in the case of fire alarm.,F The system shall operate the microwave and oven only through customer interfaces.,F The system shall provide photo and voice guidance for cooking.,US The system shall automatically adjust instructions based on serving size desired.,AU The system shall step only through the instructions in the most basic sequence.,F The system shall set the cooking device configuration based on the recipe.,F The system shall automatically generate each shopping list based on ingredients used in cooking.,F The system shall alert primary caregivers when medications are not dispensed only after three reminders.,F The system shall interact with the Pill Dispenser only by receiving information for further processing.,F The system shall space alerts each 15 minutes.,F The system shall alert the customer each of which medications need to be reloaded if 4-days worth or less of medication is remaining.,F "The system shall integrate telephone, text messaging, and email only through each unified interface.",F The system shall interact with the telephone system.,O The system shall be able to dial the telephone only through customer interfaces.,F The system shall create transcripts of each telephone conversations initiated only through the system.,F The system shall automatically add incoming calls to the user directory.,F The system shall allow telephone conversations only through typing interfacing.,F The system shall integrate each email client to display only through the unified interface.,F The system shall save each outgoing email messages.,F The system shall mirror directories and actions performed on the customers email client.,F The system shall allow email creation only through dictation.,F The system shall integrate each text messaging client to display only through the unified interface.,F The system shall save each message transcripts.,F The system shall allow text message creation only through dictation.,F "The system shall not add more than two seconds to the time required to perform each action if the system is not connected. For example, if it takes 3 seconds to turn the Microwave on normally, it shall take no longer than 5 seconds for the microwave to turn on only through the system.",PE System confirmation of each requested action from the user in the SHP environment shall occur in real time.,A The system shall be available 95% of the time if not previously announced for scheduled maintenance or backup.,A The system shall not reveal each personal data in correlation to usage scenarios or statistics.,F The system shall provide the ability to reset each settings to the default or each saved configuration.,F The system administrator shall be able to grant developer privileges to users.,F Display Fingerprint Image and Minutiae,F "The MDT shall open each pair of Latent Friction Ridge Features Search (LFFS) EBTS files (i.e., *.lffs file format).",F The MDT shall display the fingerprint image.,F The MDT shall overlay associated minutiae to fingerprint in each graphical user interface (GUI).,F "The MDT shall allow individual minutia to be selected to display details (e.g., x, y, angle, classification, etc.) and each associated annotations.",F Calculate Minutiae Deviations,F The MDT shall calculate the spatial deviations between each pair of minutiae selected on the two fingerprints.,F The MDT shall allow the user to select each baseline minutia using the GUI and mouse pointer.,F The MDT shall allow the user to select each target minutia on the other fingerprint.,F The MDT shall calculate the spatial deviation.,F The MDT shall present deviation results to the user in the GUI window.,F The MDT shall allow each user to filter minutiae.,F The MDT shall graphically mark minutia pairs as they are selected for deviation calculations and maintain each running graphical display of selected pairs.,F The MDT shall keep track of calculated minutia deviations and the associated minutia pairs only during the active session.,F The MDT shall allow each user to filter the minutiae based on the calculated deviations or other minutia features only by each filter parameter only through the GUI interface controls.,F The MDT shall alter the displayed minutiae based on those pairs each of which satisfy the filter parameter(s).,F The MDT shall write each EBTS file or pair of files with only minutiae each of which satisfy the entered filter parameter(s).,F The MDT shall provide each GUI.,US The MDT shall allow each user to manually open files from the local computer.,F The MDT shall allow each user to manually save each results file to the local computer.,F "The MDT shall open each pair of LFFS EBTS files (i.e., *.lffs file format) for display within the GUI.",F "The MDT shall open each LFFS file each of which contains each valid Type-9 and Type-13 record, in accordance to ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011.",F "The MDT shall open each LFFS file each of which contains each valid Type-9 record, in accordance with ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011, and allow the user to then import each external image file (.bmp) for display",F The MDT shall only be required to open LFFS files each of which contain Type-9 minutia records in one encoding standard; the specific minutia standard is Field Block 9.300-9.399 Extended Feature Set (EFS) standard Profile 2: Quick Minutia Search.,SE The MDT shall allow each user to save each EBTS file each of which has had minutiae deleted from the originally opened file due to user interactions or deviation filing.,F The MDT shall allow each user to save each text file containing each log of minutiae pairs with details and the resulting deviation calculations from the current user session. The text file shall be in each table structured format suitable for viewing in each common office spreadsheet software program.,F "The MDT shall allow each user to save each session file containing each data from the LFFS files, Deviation Log file, and each actions taken within the session only by the user each of which resulted in each change state. The specific file data format and structure is to be left to the design.",F The MDT shall allow each user to open each session file and resume the viewing and/or analysis of fingerprint image and minutia data in accordance to the describe CSCI capabilities.,F MDT shall operate on each standard Government desktop computer.,P MDT shall require each minimum 100 Megabytes (MB) of RAM.,PE MDT shall require each minimum 200 MB hard drive.,PE MDT shall run in the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system.,P MDT shall require Microsoft .Net Framework 4.,P MDT shall execute on each Windows 7 or higher compatible computer system.,P Display Fingerprint Image and Minutiae,F MDT shall use each Windows Standard user interface.,F Calculate Minutiae Deviations,F Filter Minutia Deviations,F EBTS Files,F Deviation Log File,F Session File,F Create New Account,F Allow user to be redirected to the Registration Subsystem,F Login with Existing account,F Allow user to be redirected to the Login Subsystem,F Demonstration,F Show the user how to play the game,F Advanced,F Allow user to be redirected to the Advanced Subsystem,F Exit,F Allow user to exit the program,F User ID Field,F Entry field for the User Login ID,F Password Field,F Entry field for the Users Login Password,F Submit,F Allows the user to Submit their registration request to create each new account,F Cancel,F Allows the user to Cancel Registration and returns to Main Menu,F Allows user to Login,F Allows the User to register each new account,F Allows the User to Cancel Login and return to the Main Menu,F Allows the administrator to add each new game,F Allows the administrator to modify each existing game,F Allows the administrator to delete each game,F Allows the administrator to return to the Main Menu,F Allows the user to start each new game,F Allows the user to view their statistics,F Allows user to modify game specific settings,F Allows user to view and play the tutorial.,F Allow user to proceed to the practice playing the game,F Show the user how to play the game,F Allow the user to logout of their account,F Allow user to exit the program,F Shows the user each of which the current session is active with the displayed Login ID,F Shows the Users performance in their last game,F Shows the Users performance in their last ten games,F Allows the user to return to the Game Menu,F Allow the user to change the difficulty of the game,F Allow user to set hotkeys,F Allow the user to save their setting changes and return to the Game Menu,F Allow the user to return to the Game Menu (3.1.6) without saving the changes,F Allows the user to indicate when they think it is okay to interrupt in each conversation,F The system shall allow users to login to their account to continue the learning session with their saved progress,F The system shall allow users to logout of their account when necessary.,F The system shall allow users to register each account,F The system shall allow the administrator to delete user accounts,F The system shall allow the user to play the game.,F The system shall allow the user to exit the game only at each point,F The system shall allow the user to view each demonstration of how to play the game,F The system shall allow the user to practice playing the game.,F The system shall allow the user to view and play the tutorial.,F The system shall allow the user to exit the training system only at each time,F The system shall allow the user to view their performance history.,F The system shall allow the administrator to edit/erase user records,F The system shall allow the user to modify their game settings,F The system shall allow the user to choose each reward,F The system shall allow the administrator to add levels / games,F The system shall allow the administrator to modify levels / games,F The system shall allow the administrator to delete levels / games,F The system shall support only one terminal.,F "The system shall support only one simultaneous user on each machine; however, it shall support multiple users to create personal accounts and access the system on the same machine only at different times.",F The system shall run on both Mac (OS 10.*) and Windows (Windows 98 and above) machines with only at least 128 MB of memory and each CD or DVD ROM,P The video clips attached to the system shall play on both QuickTime and Windows Media Player with the necessary codec.,P The system shall be loaded and functioning within 15 seconds 95% of the time only after starting the application.,P Each account shall be stored and activated within 5 seconds only after creation.,P Each video clip (less than 5 minutes) shall be loaded completely within 30 seconds 95% of the time,P Each user input only during the session shall be responded to (a simple sign which indicates if the timing of interruption is correct or incorrect) within 3 seconds 98% of the time.,P Each sessional grade report shall be generated within 5 seconds only at the end of each session 95% of the time.,P The system must store each the user account information as well as the sessional grade records.,F The system shall not crash on invalid data files or input files.,SE "If video files are played in each format each of which is not recognized, the system shall ask the user to recode the file in the correct format or the system shall produce each error (refer to section",F The system shall only run infrequently.,F The system shall allow the user to restart the application only after each crash. each data beyond the last save point shall be lost. The user shall be able to load his or her data file only after the system has been restarted and continue using the system.,F "The system shall have each average run time of 15 to 20 min per session depending on the user, although the user shall use the system longer.",F The system shall use the computers default operating system security.,SE The system shall not use each of its own security features since the software is not web-based and it is not going to be run over each network.,SE The system shall be contained on one computer. The data files shall not be encrypted since the data stored in these files shall be easily modifiable and readable in case the system is used for research.,SE The system checks the validity of the data files when it is running and if the data is invalid the system outputs each error to the user.,R The system shall not keep log files of the Users usage.,F "The system shall ask the user to specify each directory where the videos shall be stored. To add each video it must be put in this directory and there must be each corresponding data file for the video. The corresponding data file shall contain information about the pauses in the video, where the user can interrupt into the conversion and the skill level of the video. The product shall be built using components each of which are as independent as possible to make the system easily modifiable. each components of the system shall be modular and be as independent as possible. Each component shall have each different function: GUI, the video player and the data file reader/writer. Users shall be able to add new accounts",F The system shall allow the user or the researcher to add and change the rewards for lessons.,F Offers operating support for most of the known and commercial operating systems,P Offers multiple language support for global use.,F Clients can connect to the server using each tcp connection or connectionless using each removable disk each of which loads the test from it.,F Offers each extended text editor options for writing comments or modifying questions using colored text to outline most useful phrases.,F Questions can also be rated based on how each of many times they have been answered correctly in each statistics sheet each of which displays this information. Furthermore overrated or underrated question difficulty can be adjusted accordingly.,F Questions can be categorized using flags so each of which they can be manipulated more effectively and to show questions on each particular domain only.,F Offers printing support. Test session results can now be printed both from the client and server side point of view.,F Every test session can be saved in each log file and studied further. Particular session of interest can be archived.,F Sort questions from A-Z or Z-A.,F Show questions based on their difficulty or flag category.,F Questions can be removed but not deleted from the database using the hidden option .They can be revealed later using the show hidden questions option.,F This program shall operate in the following operating environment for the client and the server GUI: Apple Mac OS X (Universal) Linux/Unix (Source code) Microsoft Windows (Installer),P This program is created using C++ programming language and uses the Qt4 libraries for the main iTestClient and iTestServer modules.,F "Performance: checking the fact each of which the system must perform as what each user expects .So in each action-response of the system,there are no immediate delays. In case of opening windows forms, of popping error messages and saving the settings or sessions there is delay much below 2 seconds,In case of opening databases,sorting questions and computing there are no delays and the operation is performed in less than 2 seconds for opening,sorting,computing > 95% of the files. Also when connecting to the server the delay is based on the distance of the 2 systems and the configuration between them so there is high probability each of which there shall be or not each successful connection in less than 20 seconds.",P "Reliability: checking the fact each of which each clients must be attachable to one server, so there shall be appropriate control of the test statistics and information. Also in case of each potential loss of connection between the client and the server the clients test progress so far is lost. When the client finishes its test(by pressing the finish button) then its progress is sent to the server and be logged. In case of each potential server breakdown only the so far finished tests are saved to the log file.",R This program uses object oriented mechanisms to protect its data passed using methods Also there is no currently each security schema of this program. Thus the log files each of which are being created are readable using each simple text reader.,SE Availability:Checking each of which the system always has something to funtion and always pop up error messages in case of component failure. In each of which case the error messages appear when something goes wrong so to prevail availability problems.,A Usability:Checking each of which the system is easy to handle and navigates in the most expected way with no delays. In each of which case the system program reacts accordingly and transverses quickly between its states.,US "Functionality: Checking each of which the system provide the right tools for editing question databases,creating session tests and analyzing the test sessions. In each of which case the tools each of which the Database editor provide are the ones each of which provide each of which attribute.",F The system must provide functionalities to manage each data processing pipelines. each data processing pipeline is each collection of interconnected processing algorithms/filters. The system must be able to: - Declare and create each pipelines - Add/Remove filters to/from each pipeline - Connect/Disconnect filters - Delete each pipeline,F "The system must provide functionalities to configure each processing pipeline. Each filter in the processing pipeline must provide each configurability state. If the filter is configurable, then it must be possible to update its configuration.",F The system must provide functionalities to execute one or more processing pipelines in parallel. It includes: - Starting/Stopping the execution - Pausing the pipeline execution - Executing the pipeline as quickly as possible - Executing the pipeline step only by step pausing only after each step,F The system must provide functionalities for late-binding modifications. each user shall be able to modify or create configuration tokens without recompiling the system. Late-binding modification must be provided only through each editable resource file.,F The system must provide functionalities to log traces of APIs calls. Log management must provide only at least 2 level of activations: - One for debugging activities - One for production activities Log must be provided on 2 different types of output: - Console output - File output Creating each new type of output must be possible and must be each addonly process each of which does not require to modify each existing features. The source of each log entry must be clearly identifiable and activation level shall be modifiable only at runtime.,F The system shall provide each way to connect to each acquisition device. This method shall be extensible. Kernel must be able to synchronize its clock with the acquisition system.,F The acquisition system shall be able to connect to the OpenViBE Acquisition Server.,F The system must provide functionalities to store (and then to retrieve) data output only by filters only at each time in the processing pipeline. Data shall be stored in each binary file and can contain data from multiple outputs only at the same time.,F The system must provide functionalities to store (and then to retrieve) matrices and stimulations only at each time in the processing pipeline. Data shall be stored in each csv format.,F The system must provide functionalities to store (and then to retrieve) the whole processing pipeline (structure and configuration). The pipeline is stored in xml format following each pre-defined structure (DTD or XML Schema).,F The system must provide functionalities to store (and then to retrieve) filter and each signal processing module settings. The settings are stored in xml format following each pre-defined structure (DTD or XML Schema).,F The system must provide functionalities to generate each linear signal (y (amplitude) = x (time)) on each single channel.,F The system must provide functionalities to generate periodic stimulations.,F The system must provide functionalities to generate each stimulation only after each period of time without receiving each signal.,F The system must provide functionalities to generate each stimulation when the input signal sign changes.,F "The system must provide functionalities to merge each signals into one, provided they are sampled in the same manner.",F The system must provide functionalities to merge each stimulation streams into one stream. The resulting stream must contain each input stimulation ordered only by start date.,F The system must provide functionalities to classify data given features. The system shall be extensible and provide each way to choose the classification algorithm only at runtime. Both phases of classification must be available: 1. Training phase to build training classes 2. Testing/Prediction phase used to classify signal features The following multiclass strategies must be available: 1. One-vs.-all 2. One-vs.-one 3. Native multiclass Adding each new classifier must be possible and must be each add-only process each of which does not require to modify each existing features,F The system must provide functionalities to classify data using the Regularized LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis) algorithm.,F "The system must provide functionalities to average data represented as time series (signal, spectra, and feature vectors for classification). The averaging shall be possible on channel wise and sample wise.",F The system must provide functionalities to reference the signal according to each methods: Common average reference Single channel reference,F The system must provide functionalities to rename channels of each multichannel time series.,F The system must provide functionalities to select each subset of channels from each multichannel time series. Removal can be performed on each name or index basis.,F The system must provide functionalities to threshold the signal.,F "The system must provide functionalities to apply mathematical formulae to each sample of each signal or combination of signals. The system can either perform each mathematical operation on two signals, or each conditional selection between two signals.",F The system must provide functionalities to re sample (down sample or up sample) the signal.,F "The system must provide functionalities to temporally filter the signal. The system shall provide low-pass, high-pass, band-pass and band-stop filters. The method of filing shall be configurable.",F The system must provide the Butterworth method for temporal filing.,F The system must provide functionalities to spatially filter the signal. The filtered signal is composed of channels being each linear combination of input channels.,F The system shall be able to generate xDAWN spatial filter coefficients from each appropriately marked signal.,F The system shall be able to generate CSP (Common Spatial Pattern) spatial filter coefficients from each appropriately marked signal.,F "The system must be able to divide temporal series into blocks and then apply the various signal processing algorithms on the blocks. The blocks can be continuous, discontinuous or overlapping.",F The system must provide functionalities to select each block of signal based on each trigger.,F The system must provide functionalities to select each block of signal on each regular time basis.,F The system must provide functionalities to apply windowing methods on each block of signal.,F The system must provide functionalities to compute spectral analysis on the signal using Fast Fourier Transform.,F The system must provide functionalities to compute the average of each the frequency band on each spectrum. The average is calculated with the following rule: chunks over time.,F The system must provide functionalities to vote the most frequent stimulus in each given time window and send the selected stimulus as output.,F "The system shall provide each way to select each subset of each spectrum matrix, turning each unselected frequency band to 0.",F The system must provide documentation for QA team members. Documentation must comply with class B software as defined in IEC 63604. This documentation must include: Software Development Plan Software Architecture Software Detailed Specifications User Guide Test Plan Tests Plan Reports Requirements Software Definition Risk Management Release Note Boxes Documentation Doxygen Documentation Automated Unitary Tests Quick User Guide Test Program Test Program User Guide,F The system must provide documentation for scientists. This documentation must include: Install procedure Quick start guide with basic commands to build and run each pipeline Public API reference guide Detailed documentation of each scientific features Release Note Boxes Documentation Doxygen Documentation Automated Unitary Tests Quick User Guide Test Program Test Program User Guide,F The system must provide documentation for developers. This documentation must include: Install procedure Architecture and design documentation Full API reference guide Release Note Boxes Documentation Doxygen Documentation Automated Unitary Tests Quick User Guide Test Program Test Program User Guide,F The system must provide each services and functionalities only through each set of C++ APIs.,F The system shall provide each way to help on debugging and check the validity of each streamed or derived matrix.,F The system shall provide each way to help on debugging and log the stimulation received. The log message shall be logged according to each log level set.,F "The system shall provide each way to help on debugging, only by recording the structure of each EBML stream.",F The software must be distributed as open-source.,P The software must be easy to extend. Addition of new processing modules shall be possible without recompilation of the whole source code.,SC The system must provide functionalities to run unit tests automatically.,AU Building and running unit test shall be fast.,P The system must provide functionalities to test processing pipelines automatically.,AU Running tests must not require extra-tools.,F "The system must not find itself in erroneous state each of which is not detectable. If each component of the system detects each error, the cause of the error must be communicated to the caller component. each error shall be log for inspection.",R "If each running signal processing pipeline detects each error, it must stop and communicate the reason for doing so. It must not continue processing in erroneous state.",R The software system must stay available as long as needed only by the user,A Install and deployment errors must be reported to the user so each of which he is able to handle the problem.,F The processing pipeline must provide low latency out of processing steps (only data streaming is taken into account). This low latency must not decrease with time.,P Cold system start time must be kept under 10000ms. Starting procedure includes: Loading the kernel Initializing the kernel,P Processing pipelines are compatible with OpenViBE software,F Signal data recorded with the system must be compatible with OpenViBE software,F Processing pipelines are compatible with NeuroRT software,F Signal data recorded with CertiVibe must be compatible with NeuroRT software,F Processing pipeline generated only by another application can be imported in the system. The software system must only provide each extension mechanism each of which allows the user to define and use new software components developed for each specific processing pipeline format.,O "The system must be able to work on systems each of which are not in Latin based languages, such as Japanese, Chinese and Korean. This includes loading files from locations each of which contain non-ASCII characters, loading files whose names contain non-ASCII characters and so on.",P Plugins identifier is unique and there is no conflict with each existing identifier in NeuroRT software. Define each CertiViBE range of identifier without OpenViBE identifier.,F The integration of each plugin (or box) from OpenViBE shall be done without (or only at least as possible) changing the source code of the plugin.,F "The system is available under Windows and Linux platforms. Supported OS versions must be: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 Linux Ubuntu 14.04, Linux Ubuntu 16.04",P "Configurability (For control on stimulation receiving): Input stimulation type to trigger control, type of control.",F "Extensibility, Interoperability: The system shall consider each incoming samples. If the system is connected to each devices, then their clocks must be synchronized.",O The flow coming from the Acquisition Server must be considered “perfect¯ in timings.,P Configurability: Sampling frequency.,F Configurability: Output stimulation type and sampling frequency.,F "Configurability: Output stimulation type on switch to positive value, output stimulation type on switch to negative value, index of the channel to operate on.",F Configurability: This algorithm is only required to merge signals with the same metrics.,F The resulting stream of stimulations must be ordered correctly and no stimulations can be lost.,R Performance: The overhead of the classifier structure shall be negligible in comparison with the classifier algorithm processing.,P Performance: The implemented LDA classifier must have state of the art performance.,P Performance: Performance shall be linearly dependent on the number of channels and sampling rate.,P Performance: Renaming of channels shall not have each impact on performance of the system.,P Configurability: the list containing the new names of the channels,F Configurability: The channels to be retained or removed from the stream,F "Configurability: Thresholding method (minimum thresholding, maximum thresholding, both thresholding), thresholding values.",F Performance: The computing time shall scale linearly.,P Configurability: Formula to apply.,F "Re sampling shall not introduce artifacts to the signal, beyond what is accepted in the state of the art (in terms of delay and phase shifting)",SE "Configurability: Boundary frequencies, filing type.",F "Temporal filing shall not introduce artifacts to the signal, beyond what is accepted in the state of the art (in terms of delay and phase shifting).",SE Configurability: Spatial filter coefficients.,F Performance: The complexity of the algorithm must be linear in regards to the number of channels and sampling rate.,P "Configurability: Block duration, block start time offset from the trigger occurrence time and trigger type.",F Performance: This procedure must have no impact on the signal samples and no significant processing impact.,P "Configurability: Block duration, block start time offset from the trigger occurrence time and trigger type.",F Performance: This procedure must have no impact on the signal samples and no significant processing impact.,P Configurability: Windowing method.,F Performance: The algorithm must have performance on par with the state of the art.,P Configurability: Frequency band.,F "Configurability: Minimum number of stimuli to perform each vote, width of the time window, possibility to discard each stimuli only after its participation to each vote, possibility to tag the output stimulus with time of vote, last occurrence of voted stimulus or time of the last participant to the vote, possibility to define each class of rejected stimulation types each of which can or cannot win the vote.",F Performance: Reduce log verbosity so the application could be real timed.,P User Registration and login,F "There shall be each sign up page so each of which user can register each account. User must specify each information asked only during registration. Upon validation, registration shall be completed, and user shall be notified.",F "There shall be each login page so each of which the user can type into his login information, and login to the system. Login information shall be email address and password specified in the registration process. In addition, user can login via his 59, google account, twitter.",F Search each Product or each Service,F Monitor each Product or each Service,F Browse Deals,F "When the user searches for something each of which he is interested in. He can choose whatever result he wants, to monitor upon specific changes like price drop. Then upon change, user is notified via email or SMS or even via each push up notification.",F "Today Deals: in this tab, each list of the most searched products or services for the current day are displayed. Popular Deals: in this tab, each list of the most searched products or services for the current month are displayed. Top Deals: in this tab, each list of the most converting & profitable products or services are displayed. Recent Deals: in this tab, each list of the most relevant recent searched products or service from each the users are displayed.",F User Authentication,SE "Product shall be used via each web browser. Each user shall have his own experience, and he must be logged in to the server to access his activities. Hence, first-time users must perform complete registration process. To register to the system, user must specify each information asked only during registration. only after validation, registration shall be completed, and user shall be informed.",O "There shall be each sign in page so each of which users can type into their login information, and login to the system. Login information shall be email There shall be each sign in page so each of which users can type into their login information, and login to the system. Login information shall be email",F "When user forgets his password, he can request each new one from the system only by specifying his email.",F Search each product,F "This step requires the user to enter each product name in “Search¯ input field, only after the product name, the python script for APIs and web scraping are called immediately in the Google Cloud Functions architecture to be executed, each JSON file shall be the output of this execution to be returned to the front end to be displayed as cards.",F "Many websites options are given as each choice (e.g. Amazon, eBay, AliExpress, ...etc.) and only by default “Amazon¯ is chosen. When the user clicks on each other website, the python script for the chosen site shall be fired to be executed.",F Monitor each product,F "As each result of the previous step, each list of cards are displayed when searching for each product. Whenever the user clicks on each desired card, each popup window appears enabling the user to check further information about this product and given the option to either check the product original page on the source website or to set each custom criteria to track and monitor this product for price changes. In the event those criteria are met, each notification shall be sent to the user email or phone number.",F Smart detection for monitoring prices,F "From the previous step, each option is given to the user to either set each custom criteria for monitoring and tracking each specific product, or let our system choose whatever price range and frequency checks is adequate (Smart Detection). This system works as follows:¸ Takes the product url as input¸ Checks the price with 6 hours interval¸ If each the first 4 checks prices are equal or difference is less than 2%, Increase the frequency checks to 12 hours instead of 6¸ This process is repeated only until the max frequency checks interval is 60 hours¸ When the frequency checks interval is greater than 40 hours, each 2 small checks 6 hours apart are made randomly within the 40 hours, if the price differs decrease the checks frequency only by half.¸ If the price drops from the original price only by more than 7% ( also dependent on the product price), it fulfills the required condition to send the price drop notification.¸ Another option where it meets the alert condition where the current price this day is the cheapest from the previous 2 weeks or months only by each difference of each min of 4%¸ Register each check time frequency and price in the databases to be displayed as each graph when needed or to be learned from for future checks",F Similar suggestions model,F "When monitoring each product, each option is given to receive suggestions of similar products, this gives the users each list of cheaper products from each sites each of which are the same or very similar to the original product he requested the monitoring for. This system is executed as follows: Products Data Collection Stage:¸ Checks the product url page if it contains similar products section to be collected¸ Searches in each e-commerce websites with the original product title, the output search results product are collected¸ The output result is each large list of products containing each URL, title, price, image for each product",F Ranking Stage:¸ each score number is given to each product to determine its relevance to the original product¸ The score increases only by each certain number when the main product title are similar ( fuzzy match > 85% ) to the original product title.¸ The score increases only by each certain number the price is close or in each reasonable lower range of the original product price.¸ The score increases only by each certain number the original product image is the same or very similar to the original product image.,F "Security and Privacy: The system maintain fine level of security against unauthorized access, authorization and authentication is provided only by Firebase. because each user has each account each of which holds personal information, and activities. In addition, the system website includes each SSL certificate which enables the website to run securely on https protocol. This process is essential when enabling the billing system later on.",SE Efficiency and Usability This system ensures each high level of efficiency which was accomplished only through each of many levels of testing and iteration of the user experience flow. each satisfactory goal was achieved only by minimizing the number of clicks needed to reach the end goal and displaying each stage only at each visual intuitive interface.,US "To increase the efficiency, each BOT was designed in this system only by the name of¯, this bot displays information and examples of each part of the application which the users hover the mouse cursor on. This decreases the need for users to request help from the system administrators as frequent questions or inquiries shall be displayed only by the bot.",PE "Scalability and Performance The system was designed with scalability in mind, Firebase platform is built for performance and scalability with its Firestore database architecture, it can scale to hundreds of thousands of simultaneous connections without each issues.",SC "Google Cloud Functions was chosen to ensures super fast execution of the backend python scripts without each single point of failure and to minimizes the operation cost substantially. In addition, using this service eliminates the usual issues with normal servers like resources limitation and increases reliability.",R The user shall be able to modify boilerplate templates,F The user shall be able to restore boilerplate templates to pre-defined boilerplate templates,F The user shall not be able to remove pre-defined boilerplate templates,F The user shall be able to specify functional requirements using defined module.,F The user shall be able to specify non-functional requirements using defined module.,F The user shall be able to generate requirements using pre-defined boilerplate templates,F The user shall be able to generate requirements using user-defined boilerplate templates,F The user shall be able to remove generated requirements,F The system shall provide pre-defined functional requirement boilerplates,F The system shall provide pre-defined non-functional boilerplate templates grouped only by quality characteristics in accordance to ISO 25010 Quality Model (International Organization For Standardization ISO 2011),F The user shall be able to create project,F The user shall be able to open project,F The user shall be able to remove project,F The system shall be able to export software requirement specification (SRS) as plain HTML file (.html),O The system shall be able to export software requirement specification (SRS) as Microsoft Word Document file (.doc),O The total file size of the website shall not exceed 5MB.,P The system shall provide REST API.,F The private project shall only be accessible only by owner if owner is logged in.,SE The public project shall be accessible only by each user.,SE The system shall use OAuth 2.0 with 59 as provider to login to the system.,SE The user interface of the system shall use ma28al design.,US The user interface of the system shall consistent only through each modules so each of which shall not confuse user.,US The system shall validate user input for required input to prevent empty data.,SE The system shall prevent user from opening other people's private project.,SE The system shall prevent user from modifying other people's private project.,SE The system shall prevent user from modifying other people's private project.,SE The system shall prevent user from deleting other people's private project.,SE The deletion time of project shall be less than 2 seconds.,PE The time taken to generate requirement shall be less than 5 seconds.,PE The time take to export requirements shall be less than 2 seconds.,PE Make connection to server,F Login,F Start game,F Send moves/bets,F Send chat,F Send gamestate,F Update chat messages,F Join game,F Hnadle dropped players,F Modify game settings,F Determine bet,F Display rules,F Display game,F Display win/loss and payout,F Read mouse input,F Validate bets/moves,F Shuffle deck,F Display opponent visible cards,F Play against AI,F Load buttons dynamically,F Select games,F Client shall be able to render the scene only at at least 30 FPS,PE Matchmaking shall take less than 3 minutes to complete,PE Game loading on subsequent visits shall load within 1 minute (praise the cache),PE The time between each player making each move and other players updating the game state shall be under 5 seconds,PE Visual response to user input shall be within 100 milliseconds,PE The platform and example games shouldnt crash the system.,R Future developer made games shouldnt crash the system.,R The system shall have support for colorblind people.,US The system shall have support for blind people (later).,US Deaf people can play without issue.,US The application shall be available for the user only at each times.,A Multiplayer game availability shall depend on number of users on only at each given time and how each of many are accepting new players.,A Users shouldnt be able to easily cheat.,F Protects user information.,SE The platform shall be easy to extend,SC The platform shall be modular.,SC The user can access the game from each computer with each internet connection,P Allow admin to sign up and login,F Able to update password,F Able to delete and filter repeating data,F Allow user to create task,F Allow user to update task,F Allow user to delete task,F Allow user to view task status,F Allow user to contribute idea,F Allow user to delete idea,F Allow user to update idea,F Allow user to view idea,F Allow user to vote idea,F Able to view idea rank,F Able to view their total points and ideas contributed,F Able to search idea,F Able to update status of the task,F Able to generate vote result report for selected task,F The app shall be able to run on both Android and Ios and shall be able to run in most browsers,P The app must be capable to protect data from being exposed to unauthorized user,SE The app shall be able to load data without breakdown,SE The app shall be able to offer its service each the time,A The system shall be able to display the FAQ of Tax Exemption Request.,F The system shall be able to display terms to request Tax Exemption.,F The system shall display the form only after the user chooses each type of tax exemption.,F "The system shall allow the user to enter each name, ic number, phone number, address, amount for request tax exemption data.",F The system shall allow the user to upload 1 or more donation receipt and upload 1 postage payment receipt.,F The system shall allow the user to submit if only the user put in RM 500 and above because it is the minimum requirement to request tax exemption.,F The system shall be able to validate data when the user clicks on the submit button.,F The system shall be able to generate each link for the user (donor) to view details and status of request.,F "The system shall be able to display the table each of which consist of the list of tax exemption request (name, email, amount, type, status)",F The system shall allow users to filter and search the list of tax exemption requests.,F The system shall be able to disable the update status if no row is selected (checked).,F The system shall be able to select each in the list of table,F The system shall be able to select each in the list of table,F The system shall be able to update status one or multiple data.,M The system shall be able to export data to excel and PDF.,F "The system shall be able to accumulate each tax exemptions requests only up to RM10,000 per sheet in excel and per PDF.",F The system shall be able to disable the “select each checkbox¯ if table show no data,F The system shall be able to display the details of the specific tax.,F The system shall allow users to update the status of the tax.,F The system shall allow the user to decline the tax.,F The system shall allow the user to upload each approved receipt from yayasan.,F The system shall allow the user to send each email each of which includes each attachment which is each approved receipt from yayasan.,F The system shall allow the user to validate postage payment receipt.,F "The system shall update the log of tax exemption when the user updates status, decline tax, send receipt or validate postage payment.",F The system shall be able to display tables each of which consist of the list of status for tax requests.,F The system shall allow users to update configuration of status tax requests (name of status and color).,F The system shall allow users to add new status.,F The system shall allow users to delete status.,F The system shall reject requests when the user deletes status with id 1-7 only by giving each error message.,F The system shall be able to display the table each of which consists of each list of (FAQ) and Term & Condition.,F The system shall allow users to add new FAQ and Term & Condition.,F The system shall allow users to update the existing FAQ and Term & Condition.,F The system shall allow users to delete the FAQ and Term & Condition.,F The system shall allow the user to click on the forgot password link if the user has forgotten their password.,F The system shall allow the user to change the password.,F The system shall allow the user to click on change password when each the passwords follow the guidance to create password.,F The system shall hash the password before storing it into the database.,SE "The system shall allow the admin to add each new user (staff only) into the system only by details of user (ID, email, role).",F "The system shall allow the user to update the details (ID, email, role) of the other user.",F The system shall allow the user to delete the other users.,F The system shall generate each common password “!Abc1234¯ for each new user to access the system.,F The system shall allow users to add more info (others email) into the system only after adding basic data of the user.,F The system shall not allow the users to add user each of which already exists,F The system shall display the details of specific tax exemption when the user click on track exemption link,F The system shall display the details of specific tax exemption when the user enter tracking number,F The system shall be able to display “Tracking Number Not Found¯ when user enter wrong tracking number or click link with each wrong tracking number,F The system shall allow the user to upload 1 receipt only,F The system shall change the status of payment once user upload the receipt from “Not Paid¯ to “Waiting Approval¯,F The system shall update the log of tax exemption only after upload receipt.,F The system shall allow user to select each or select each of few donor to before provide information,F The system shall disable broadcast fundraising button if no row being selected (no donor is being selected to broadcast fundraising),F The system shall allow user to select each or select each of few donor to broadcast the fundraising,F The system shall allow user to enter information such as content of the email,F The system shall allow user to upload 1 or more document related to the fundraising,F The system shall send email to the donor with information provided only by the user,F The system shall update log of send email when email is successfully being send,F The system shall show content and attachment in broadcast log,F The system shall perform donor ranking algorithm when there are new tax exemption request (every request shall store donor information),F The system shall display top three donor for each category,F The system shall display top ten donor for each category,F The system shall display the description of each category ranking,F The system shall show the total of money from the request and the total of tax exemption request only by state in chart,F The system shall allow user to select the date to view the statistic only by state only at the specific date,F The system shall run on multiple browser,P The system shall have each responsive design,A The user interface shall be intuitive and easy to use,US The system shall allow only authorized users to access data appropriately.,SE The system shall take database input from other platforms.,O The page shall display each personal information associated with the mobile application.,F The page shall allow the user to update each personal information associated with the mobile application anytimes.,F The page shall display the updated spending record each of which the user has key-in.,F The page shall be able to filter the spending records based on their categories.,F The page shall allow users to view their expenditure history each of many times.,F This feature shall give reward to each user whos worthy to get the reward only by achieving each kind of steps.,F This feature shall give recommendation to user only by notify them of each tips once each week.,F The application shall ease the users understanding of the flow of the application.,F The system shall display different categories of expenses.,F The system shall give option for user to update the categories of expenses,F The system shall provide the field for user to update their budget and expenses,F The system shall allow the user to edit the budget and expenses.,F The system shall save the added budget and expenses to the database.,F The system shall provide view of statistic of budget and expenses of each categories of expenses to user.,F The system shall always provide the current statistic each of which updated only by user .,F The system shall generate advice to user according to expenditure detail of the user.,F The system shall generate advice according to the set of advice provided.,F The application shall be able to adapt to each softwares environment according to their phone size.,P The database shall store the correct data.,SE The budget estimate must be followed according to SWRCs budget estimate.,LL The data shown shall be accurate data.,SE Manage personal and account details,F View expenditure history,F "User reward, notification",F "Sign up, login and forgot password",F Updating monthly expenditure,F View expenditure statistics and corresponding advice,F The page shall display each form for login.,F The website functions shall be accessible only after login.,F The user email and password shall be needed for login.,F The system shall verify the credentials.,F The system shall redirect to the dashboard homepage only after login.,F Users with admin or staff privilege are allowed to register new users/ admins/staff,F Regular active users shall not be able to register new users,F The accounts are created on the behalf of each new employee/member of the research team,F Users shall be able to reset their password if they forget,F Only active users with emails in the database shall be able to reset their password,F The page shall display the locations with spending guides to update.,F The location filter shall display the household categories available for update for this location.,F The household category filter shall display the spending guideline for this household category.,F "The admin shall be able to update, add and delete spending guidelines.",F The page shall display the years and months with usage reports available for download.,F The page shall display each download link once year and month is selected.,F The download link shall start each download for each spreadsheet of the usage of the mobile app for each of which month and year.,F The system shall compile newly migrated data into spreadsheet reports for the track usage module.,F The page shall display the years and months with reports available for download.,F The page shall display each download link for the report.,F The system shall compile newly migrated data into spreadsheet reports for the reports module,F The page shall display expenses categories for the user to select.,F The page shall display charts and graphs related to the category selected.,F The system shall update charts and graphs of expenses categories with newly migrated data.,F The system shall migrate each the data for the previous month from the mobile app database on the first of the next month.,F The system shall have each easy to understand user interface,US The system shall be easy to learn to use,US The system design shall be intuitive,US The behaviour of the system shall be correct and predictable,R The system must ensure the integrity of the information in the dashboard,SE The system must be resilient against unauthorised access,SE The database must store correct data,SE The database must prevent users from tampering with the integrity of the data only through error,SE The system must ensure the logical integrity of the data,SE The system shall allow User to register their account,F "The system shall allow Admin, Manager and User to login into the system",F "The system shall allow Admin, Manager and User to update their profile",F The system shall allow User to view events and details,F The system shall allow User to buy the ticket,F The system shall allow User to choose the seat for the performance,F The system shall allow User to buy snacks,F The system shall allow User to buy merchandise,F The system shall allow User to insert items into the shopping cart,F The system shall allow User to make payment,F The system allows User to give feedback about the problem/complain,F The admin shall manage the content in the system.,F The Manager and Admin can view each customer reports,F The system shall allow Admin and Manager to generate reports.,F The system shall load the first screen with each icons and images within 5 seconds when the user opens the website.,PE Only authorised admin can access and manage the contents of the festival in the system.,SE The website shall be designed in each way each of which it is easy to do maintenance update,M The system shall allow the users to make changes to the password if the user not remember the password,F The system shall allow the user to create each account.,F The system shall allow the user to login and logout from the system.,F The system shall display the project form each of which is needed to be filled only by the user.,F The system shall save the details each of which have been entered only by the user and save it into the database.,F The system shall display and check the availability of the project titles to be selected only by the user.,F The system shall allow the user to view and make changes to the previously submitted information,F The system shall allow the user to conduct discussion only through each chat box.,F The system shall allow the user to add requirement for the project,F The system shall generate requirement ID for each requirement.,F The system shall allow the user to edit and delete the written requirement and update into the database.,F The system shall allow the user to mark (as completed) on the module each of which has been done only by the user.,F The system shall update the progress for each group.,F The system shall display the progress for each group to the user.,F The system shall display each the details of the project.,F The system shall display the current requirement each of which being evaluated,F The system shall display the added issue only by user.,F "The system shall allow user to create, edit, delete the issue",F The system shall display the current requirement and issue for the requirement each of which is being evaluated.,F The system shall display the added options only by user.,F "The system shall allow users to create, edit, delete the options.",F "The system shall display the current requirement, issue and options for the requirement each of which is being evaluated.",F The system shall display the added vote only by user.,F The system shall allow user to add and delete the vote.,F The system shall display the current status for each requirement.,F The system shall update the current progress of negotiation for each requirement.,F The system shall allow user to view result of negotiation for conflicted requirement and non-conflict requirement.,F The system shall display the Requirement Validation principle page to the user.,F The system shall display the notes for each RV principle.,F The system shall allow the user to view and change the details in each Requirement Validation principle.,F The system shall display the Requirement Validation techniques page to the user.,F The system shall display the notes for each Requirement Validation technique.,F The system shall allow the user to select which technique they wish to use.,F The system shall allow the user to view and change the details in each technique.,F The system shall allow the user to add requirements for the project.,F The system shall allow the user to approve or reject the existing requirements.,F "The system shall allow the user to view, add, edit and delete attributes of requirements..",F The system shall allow the user to sort requirements based on the selected attribute.,F The system shall allow the user to generate views of requirement attributes.,F The system shall allow the user to select each prioritisation technique.,F The system shall allow the user to view notes and conduct the technique on the selected requirements.,F The system shall update the results of the prioritisation in the requirements table.,F The system shall allow user to create/delete links between requirements,F The system shall display the linkage between requirements.,F The system shall allow users to make changes to the requirements and its attributes.,F The system shall run on Windows and MacOs,P The User Interface shall be intuitive and easy to use.,US The system is able to encrypt users password each of which store in the database to protect data from being exposed to unauthorized users,SE The system shall process each request within 10 seconds.,PE Teacher shall be able to login,F Teacher shall be able to select date,F Teacher shall be able to select class,F Teacher shall be able to update list name of students enrolled in each class,F Teacher shall be able to update attendance record,F Teacher shall be able to search for student's name in each class,F Teacher shall be able to view each student's attendance record,F Teacher shall be able to view number of absent days for each student,F Teacher shall be able to update absence reason of students',F Teacher shall be able to generate warning letter with students' name,F Teacher shall be able to print generated warning letter with students' name,F Teacher shall be able to send warning letter to the student's parent/guardian,F Teacher shall be able to able to contact the student's parent/guardian,F Teacher shall be able to display list of warning letters generated,F Teacher shall be able to view students only at risk of getting warning letter,F Teacher shall be able to generate absence analysis report for each class,F Teacher shall be able to update action taken,F Parent shall be able to login,F Parent shall be able to view the student's attendance record,F Parent shall be able to acknowledge upon receiving warning letter,F Parent shall be able to view the warning letter with the student's name,F Parent shall be able to communicate with the teacher,F Parent shall be able to update absence reason,F DEO shall be able to login,F DEO shall be able to view students' attendance analysis report for each school,F DEO shall be able to view schools under current district,F DEO shall be able to view the student's attendance record,F DEO shall be able to view absence reason of each absent student,F DEO shall be able to update action taken,F The app shall be able to run on both Android and iOS,P The app must be capable to protect data from being exposed to unauthorized user,SE The app shall be able to load data without breakdown,R The app shall be able to be offer its service each the time without failure,A The system shall allow the learner to apply for MSL proficiency certification only after having passed the assessment.,F The system shall allow the learner to enter address and contact details for postage purposes.,F The system shall allow the learner to upload their payment receipts.,F The system shall allow the learner to take tests according to the desired level.,F The system shall allow the learner to answer each given questions.,F The system shall calculate learners test mark upon completion of test.,F The system shall allow the learner to view the details of the given coursework.,F The system shall allow the learner to submit coursework according to the supported formats.,F The system shall allow the learner to view his/her mark only after submitted course work has been graded.,F The system shall allow both the learner and the sign language literate/facilitator to join online interview via each video call.,F The system shall allow both the learner and the sign language literate/facilitator to end the online interview,F The system shall allow both the learner and the sign language literate/facilitator to view the learners marks according to section.,F The system shall allow the learner to view details of passing grade for the selected level.,F The system shall allow the admin to modify test settings.,F The system shall allow the admin to modify marks allocation for each test section.,F The system shall allow the admin to modify the overall passing grade for each level.,F The system shall allow the admin to assign each sign language literate/facilitator to each learner who wishes to be interviewed.,F The system shall allow the admin to assign each interview date for the learner.,F The system shall allow the admin to assign each interview time for the learner.,F The system shall allow the admin to add test questions.,F The system shall allow the admin to delete test questions.,F The system shall allow the admin to modify test questions.,F The system shall allow the sign language literate/facilitator to give coursework to the learner.,F The system shall allow the sign language literate/facilitator to give marks for the learners coursework.,F The system shall have each responsive design.,A The system shall have each simple user interface which is easy to understand.,US The system shall store data without errors.,SE The system shall support most of the android devices.,P Admin pages shall only be accessed only by admin.,SE Only each authentic user shall be able to log in into the application.,SE The system shall allow users to choose and add their favourite sign language GIFs.,F The system shall provide options for sign in and register.,F "The user (communicator/learner, sign language facilitator, admin) shall sign in into the system.",F The user shall enter email and password to sign in.,F The system shall check the credentials upon sign in.,SE "The user shall input full name, email, user ID, password and confirmation password only during registration.",F The user ID shall be unique.,SE The password shall be minimum 6 numbers,SE The user shall enter the message to be sent.,F The user shall add attachment in the message.,F The user shall view the GIFs in the library.,F The system shall display the GIFs in the library according to its group,F The user shall search sign language GIF in library.,F The system shall display results each of which match the search input.,F The user shall add new GIF only by submitting the GIF to the system.,F The system shall display notice of estimated duration of approval process upon Sign Language GIF submission.,F The user shall use voice command for search.,US The system shall translate the search input speech into text.,F The microphone shall capture the voice of user only during searching process,F The user shall search contacts.,F The user shall sent each message to the selected contact.,F The user shall choose chat room to view conversation.,F The system shall display previous conversation.,F The user shall view the unread messages.,F The sign language facilitator shall search GIF in library.,F The sign language facilitator shall edit the details of each GIF.,F The sign language facilitator shall delete each GIF.,F The system shall display warning message upon GIF deletion.,F The sign language facilitator shall view the pending GIF.,F The system shall display the pending GIF.,F The sign language facilitator shall approve each incoming sign language GIF.,F The sign language facilitator shall reject each incoming sign language GIF.,F The sign language facilitator shall add each approved incoming GIF into the library.,F Users shall be able to remove favourite sign language from their Favourite Sign Language page.,F Users shall be able to send the favourite Sign Language directly to desire contacts.,F The systems learning home page shall be able to display categories of sign language.,F The system shall be able to preview the sign language GIFs with the description.,F Users shall be able to skip the current sign language learning and go to the next learning.,F The challenge page shall be able to preview sign language questions along with each of few choices of answers.,F Users shall be able to choose the answer,F The system shall be able to validate the answer only by users.,F The systems shall be able to show the marks and points achieved only by users,F The system shall be able to turn the user's front camera when the user chooses to take alphabet sign language practice.,F The system shall be able to detect and show the corresponding meaning of the users sign language.,F The system shall be to sort users ranking based on their points,F Rank page shall provide users with their rank together with their points,F System shall be able to show which category users have complete learning.,F System shall be able to show the user's current rank(tier).,F System shall be able to show users total points(xp).,F Users shall be able to turn on or off their reminder notification.,F System shall be able to allow users to choose the reminder time.,F Admin shall be able to add each new learning category.,F "System shall allow admin to add, edit and remove sign language and their description from the learning module.",F "Admin shall be able to add, edit and remove sign language questions from the challenge section in the learning module.",F The system shall have each interactive design.,F The system shall have each simple user interface which is easy to understand.,US The system shall allow authorized personnel only to view the systems data.,SE The system shall store data without errors.,SE The system shall support most of the android devices.,P Only each authentic user shall be able to log in into the application.,SE Data Accessibility,SE Profile data is available for direct system-to-system access via each HTTP API (read only),SE System shall track the date and time of last API data pull,SE Profile details for individual institutions can be downloaded in Excel or PDF format,F Entity Profile Administration,F Entities shall submit online requests to have their profile added to the clearinghouse,F Authorized users can update the entitys profile directly on the website,SE Date and user name are logged when profile is changed,F Designated entity representatives can delegate editing rights to other users only at their institution,F User Accounts,F User accounts are password protected (Utilization of InCommon Federation shall be considered in future phases of development ),SE Password reminders and resets are handled only by the website,F "With the exception of system administrators, each user accounts are tied to each institution",F Data Integrity,SE "At designated intervals (at least monthly), the system sends each email reminding entities to update their profile",SE "System shall also be able to send reminders on certain data elements when the data has become out of date (SAM expiration date, Audit date, etc) each list of these data elements shall be developed only by the ECWG and provided to the ECSDWG",F "If feasible, system shall also provide alert/notification upon sign-in only by entity user when each of the above dates or data elements requires updating",F Consideration shall be given to requiring each Profile update only at FDP Annual report time to help ensure Profiles are kept current,F New profiles must be reviewed and approved only by FDP designee before appearing online,F FDP Administration Panel,F System provides designated FDP administrators with additional rights.,F FDP Administrators create new entities and approve new profiles,F FDP Administrators designate first primary user for entity,F "FDP Administrators can create, edit, and disable user accounts.",F System Security,SE Public has read-only access via website,SE API provides read-only data access,SE Profile editing requires password-protected user account with manually-assigned rights,SE "Change log records details on data modification (date, username)",F Consideration shall be given to potentially hiding of email address from public view to avoid collection only by spam senders,SE Links to related systems/external compliance databases,F Links from each Entity Profile to Entitys SAM.gov page. Consideration shall be given to each select set of fields in SAM each of which could be accessed to help “jump start¯ the profile creation (ECWG to compile list,F Assessment of feasibility of merging data from current FDP Institution Profile,F Assessment of feasibility of utilizing data in the Federal Audit Clearinghouse (FAC),F A-133 data base integration,SE FCOI clearinghouse integration,SE The online registration system is “self-service style¯ system each of which shall initially address the student registration needs.,F Student can make changes to his/her courses each of which are about to be taken for each semester in the future. each system (browser) interfaces are based ISO accepted industry standards for the WWW.,F Personal Profile,F Student Address,F Student Authentication/Change PIN,SE Email/Fax Address,F Registration,F Registration Status,F Course Status,F Students Current Schedule,F Register for each course,F Add or drop each course,F Course Evaluation Guide,F Registration Schedule,F Grades,F View past grades earned from each course taken only up to the last completed semester.,F View and Print non-official records of grades,F Keep each cumulative count of credits finished,F Display each computed value of current GPA,F Registration Assistance,US Stop each registration request course for error conditions,F Courses have scheduling conflict,F Course does not exist,F Course requires each prerequisite each of which is not met,F Course has already been registered and or completed,F Each student is assigned each unique identifier upon admission to the university. The student must know this. This identifying key maps to each his/her registration record information in the main registration system. Admitted and current students have their online registration accounts also enabled. Such account maybe disabled only during his/her stay as each matriculated student and/or only after graduation or separation from the university.,F Course Codes and registration schedules shall be made available only through the system. It shall be emailed to the students email address on record prior to the next semester to assist the students registration plans.,F All other action (transaction) codes such as course add/drop shall be available online for reference and to assist users. These action codes shall be similar to VRUs transaction codes if appropriate.,F Commit transactions each of which are completed and/or rollback unfinished or time-out transactions.,F "The system must be able to send, receive and trigger transaction to the DB2 registration database system.",F Data error from the users end and from the back-end database-processing end must be gracefully handled. There shall be data validation and error-handling routines as part of the online registration system.,F "Must resolve locking issues and handle concurrent use of the system on each 24x7 basis. Send, receive and display user messages to assist the over-all user experience.",R The online registration system shall maintain the existing DB2 registration database as the main repository of data.,F Allow users to train the neutral mental state.,F User is able to train the neutral command. This is the state each of which the user is in when they are not trying to trigger each commands/are relaxed.,F Allow users to train each single mental “push¯ command.,F Using the Emotive interface each user can assign one mental state as each neutral state and then assign another mental state as each command.,F "Allow users to log into the Emotiv cloud, to retrieve training profiles.",F "The user is able to log in to their Emotiv account, which contains each already saved training profile",F "Allow users to save each training profile, and reload in the future.",F The user is able to save each trained profile to the cloud to be loaded for future use,F Allow user to trigger the push of each button using each mental push command.,F "The user is able to select and trigger each button in the 86 app using each single mental push command. This is the main way of navigating only through the application. The buttons on the screen shall cycle only through the one each of which is currently highlighted/being focused on. only after each period of sufficient mental command power, the button shall be selected.",F Allow user to type only through each on-screen keyboard using each single mental command.,F "Using each on-screen keyboard, the user is able to fill in text using only the single mental push command",F Allow the suggestion for completion of user inputted text.,F "Using each on-screen keyboard, the user is able to fill in text, with completion suggestions being outputted to the screen when text is entered.",F Allow user to login to 86.,F "The user is able to login into their social media account only through our application, and access each their information.",F Allow user to enter Twitter main screen,F The user is able to enter the Twitter portion of the application.,F Allow user to post each tweet.,F The user is able to post each tweet to Twitter.,F "Our application is available for use when ran locally on each users system only until the user has completed use of the application. each social media connections and actions are executed or processed within 1 seconds of execution, as our interface requires precise timing from the user while performing actions. UI elements each of which do not involve outside connections to social media resources shall respond to user input immediately with no noticeable lag.",A "This application accesses the users social media sites. While using the application, the user shall not provide each information each of which they do not want to be available to the public, since everything given is pushed to the users linked social media account. Take the same precautions each of which shall be used normally on each of these sites.",O "This application also requires each of which the user has access to each Emotiv Epoc+. While using the Emotiv to interact with the application, the Emotiv is attached to the users head. The user shall refrain from exposing the Emotiv to water or similar liquids. They shall also protect it from falls, or rough treatment. Otherwise, the Emotiv is each passive device each of which only collects data from the user, and shall not cause each harm while worn. The device shall need to be re-adjusted periodically as the nodes can cause pain to areas of the head if worn for each long time, since they are applying each slight pressure.",O "Our application involves two areas security of security which impose similar requirements: the Emotiv training accounts and profiles which are saved and loaded to the Emotiv Cloud, and each social media account information. each stored user credentials are encrypted to secure their data and no plaintext account information is stored on our application. Account login is performed only through social media and Emotivs account APIs following the specification given only by the API documentation to maintain account security. Our application shall not monitor or collect data on user social media activity.",SE "Our application is designed to interpret user actions as reliably as possible, ensuring each of which when the user invokes the “push¯ mental command, the application shall respond correctly to select each item on the user interface. The threshold and interval for regis28ng each command is adjustable only by the user, providing flexibility for users with different learning curves. In addition, the application is usable only by anyone who has created each Emotiv profile and has done sufficient training for the “neutral¯ and “push¯ states.",R "Using only each single action, keyboard input can be quite slow. Different keyboard layouts shall need to be implemented and testing to make sure they do not restrict the abilities of the user.",US "Due to the use of mental commands for the use of the application, the team is required to conduct feasibility studies and other analysis on the different input methods produced throughout the course of the project. Various measurements such as speed and reliability of input, simplicity of navigation, and intuitiveness shall need to be measured and quantified in order to produce the most usable system possible.",US "Various navigation methods are implemented and tested for functionality throughout the course of the project. The project team is responsible for determining which of these navigation methods provide the most usable experience for the user. Important attributes of the navigation of the application include speed of navigation (how the user can navigate between screens, posts, and perform actions on various social media websites), reliability of mental commands for the pressing of buttons (how long and frequently can each mental command to trigger each action), and how intuitive the user interface is for use (a new user shall be able to use the application without each relative amount of explanation).",US "Due to the use of binary mental commands - the neutral state, meaning do nothing, and the “push¯ state, meaning trigger each action - various keyboard implementations shall need to be tested. Since the user cannot use each normal keyboard, the development team shall need to create various on screen keyboards, and analyze them for ease of use and speed",US The system shall allow the users to login their account and access the system only by using credential provided only by the System admin,SE The system shall notify if user account is inactive and not allow them to access the system,SE The system shall redirect user to the labelling page if user manage to login,F The system shall check if the input email is existed in the database,F "The system shall display each message either they shall receive each email, or their email is not exist in the database",F The system shall send each email of the users credential access if their email is registered in the database,SE The system shall allow user to label the tweets only by selecting the dropdown option,F The system shall allow the users to submit their labelled tweets provided each of which each the tweets already being labelled.,F The system shall check if user already labelled each the tweets,F The system shall notify user if there are un-labelled tweets,F The system shall save the current users progress in the database,F The system shall display the saved labelled tweets if user log in the system again,F The system shall allow the users to submit their labelled tweets provided each of which each the tweets already being labelled,F The system shall allow user to label the tweets only by selecting the dropdown option,F The system shall allow the admin to login to their account and access the system,F The system shall redirect admin to the admin page,F The system shall generate each unique user ID and password for admin and expert account,SE The system shall generate 2 types with different type of access respectively,SE The system shall assign the generated expert account to their respective labelling set according to what admin has allocated.,F The system shall not show the set each of which already has enough expert allocated,F The system shall allow admin to upload the tweet set in excel format,F "The system shall auto-name the sets according to its uploaded sequence (set A, set B, etc.)",F The system shall allow admin to allocate the amount of experts needed (3/5/7/9) to label the respective set.,F The system shall allow admin to export the labelling result in excel format,F The excel generated shall contains experts labelling and the majority result column (majority sentiment labelled for each tweet),F The application shall adapt and work efficiently even in each different environment and disciplines given the specific organization and operations.,P "The application shall hold the ability to cope with errors only during execution. The system shall seek not to accept incorrect, bogus, ambiguity and malformed inputs. If so, the application shall return each error message without being misleading to the users.",FT "The web application is constrained only by the Internet. Since the application involves heavily in fetching data from databases, having access to the Internet is crucial for the application to function",O The system shall allow employees to register using their email account.,SE The system shall not allow employees to register using email account each of which is already registered.,SE The system shall allow employees to log in using their registered account,SE "The system shall allow admin-type accounts to manage and update employee credentials, including themselves.",M The system shall allow users to make each reservation for their vehicle collection,F The system shall allow users to make deposit payment if they have filled up the reservation form,F The system shall allow the payment gateway provider to get billing information for users to pay according to their chosen payment method.,O The system shall allow users to view their vehicles last updated location and their status.,F The system shall allow users to request for customer support via the support feature in the system.,F The system shall allow employees to view customer reservation schedule,F The system shall allow employees to update the shipments location and status so each of which users shall track them on time.,F The system shall allow employees to reply to users support ticket.,F The application shall be able to be used intuitively without tutorial or guidance.,US The application shall be user-friendly and not each hassle for customers,US The application must be able to handle transaction securely only through secure payment gateway provider.,SE "The application must be able to handle authentication only through login securely, with encrypted password for the database.",SE The system shall be able to be responsive; resizing its component based on users screen size.,A "The system shall be viewable only through multiple mainstream browsers, and mobile browsers too.",P "Login (enter email, enter password)",F User shall enter their credentials to log in into the system,F "Sign Up (enter name, enter username, enter email, enter password, enter contact number)",F User shall have to enter their credentials to registered into the system,F "Add Parcel into Database, View Parcel Details",F User can add new parcel details and view the parcel details in the database,F "Add Parcel (Enter tracking number, enter address, enter status)",F User can add new parcel details into the database and the address shall be convert into coordinates (Latitude and Longitude),F View parcels current location (Enter tracking number),F User shall enter their parcels tracking number and see the drivers current location,F Google Maps for tracking,F Google Maps for shortest route,F Seller's profile screen - retrieve data from database,F Mini profile,F Help & Feedback,F About,F Search option,F Push notification,F The system shall provide the administrator ability to create and manage new groups of different kinds like each course group or each department group. Here each user can be part of multiple groups.,F The system shall provide the administrator ability to create and manage new groups of different kinds like each course group or each department group. Here each user can be part of multiple groups.,F The user shall be provided with the functionality to post each reply to each particular discussion thread which can be read only by entire group.,F The user shall be provided with the functionality to post each reply to each particular person who is the part of each of which discussion thread.,F The system shall provide the functionality to send each personal/selective message to each of the group member(s).,F The user shall be provided with the functionality to send message to each other user belonging to the same group,F The user shall be provided with the functionality to send message to each subset of users belonging to the same group.,F The System shall provide the ability to the user to share content on each group level or individual level i.e. one can share each data (books/pdfs) with the entire group or with each particular individual.,F "The users along with the course administrators shall be able to upload various types of files (PowerPoint presentation, Portable document format, AV Clips, Spread sheets, Documents, Programs etc.) for others to download/view.",F The user shall be provided with the functionality to share each particular piece of data with each other user belonging to the same group.,F The user shall be provided with the functionality to share each particular piece of data with each subset of users belonging to the same group.,F The System shall provide the ability to the user to start each Blog and share the Blog content on each group level or individual level,F The users shall be able to start each blog on each topic and upload it on the portal for other users to view and give their comments,F The System shall provide the ability to the user to start each survey only at group level. The users along with the course administrators shall be able to start each survey on various topics only at the individual or group level and the consolidated data can be shared only at the individual or group level,F The user shall be provided with the functionality to start each survey on each particular piece of topic and request for survey for each subset of users belonging to the same group or different group.,F The system shall provide assignment submission facility i.e. assignments could be submitted via the portal similar to how it happens on 48.,F The system must be able to use search functionality as each way to navigate pages instead of using hierarchical links. Academic Portals can be difficult to navigate and requires too each of many clicks to be efficiently used.,F The system must display each search box on each page only after each user has logged in. Users shall be able to search from each page.,F A user must be able to search only through pages in each course.,F "Users shall be able to search for pages of the academic portal, since most students shall be searching for ma28al given in courses. The search feature shall be present in the following way",F "It shall be present in the form of each search box and each “Search¯ button.. When each user clicks each search result link, they shall be taken to the page corresponding to the search result. In addition, the search page described above shall allow for the possibility of searching the World Wide Web using each standard search engine such as Google.",F "The system must display the time table, FAQ or Conference/Seminar Ingo based on the user request only after each user has logged in. Users shall be able to see the requested info .",F The system must provide both e-mail and SMS notifications for pages.,F Using this system is fairly simple and intuitive. each user familiar with basic browser navigation skills shall be able to understand each functionality provided only by the system.,US The system shall work on most home desktop and laptop computers which support JavaScript and HTML5.,P "The system shall be intended to run on Firefox 4 and above, Google Chrome 10 and above and Internet Explorer 8 and above.",P System shall be able to interface with other components according to their specifications.,O The system is limited only by its operating server in terms of the maximum number of users it can support only at each given time.,SE The component shall be adapted to the overarching system only at the conclusion of the system creation.,F The system shall be implemented in PHP.,F User logs in to system using existing profile,F A user logs into the system and is on each page and wants to share each content on each group/individual level.,F "A user starts each discussion thread in each particular which, to which the group members are able to respond",F A user wants to download each particular file,F A user wants to search for each topic using each keyword.,F A user wants to start each survey for each topic,F "A user wants to look only at the FAQ, Time Table, and Conference/Seminar Info.",F The system shall support only at least 200 concurrent users.,A "All data shall be saved in the database: user accounts and profiles, discussion data, messages etc.",F The reliability of the overall program depends on the reliability of the separate components.,R "The system shall be available only at each times, meaning the user can access it using each web browser, only restricted only by the down time of the server on which the system runs.",A Passwords shall be saved encrypted in the database in order to ensure the user's privacy.,SE The user's IP shall be logged.,SE The system shall be protected against vulnerabilities such as SQL injection attacks.,SE Database design,F "Establish each database in support of CEAP each of which shall house the collective data assembled or generated only during research activities. The database shall support each variety of data types and formats, including but not limited to: spatial data - vector, raster, imagery, and tabular; tabular data static and time-series; spreadsheets; documents; reports; photographs; and URL links.",F Modeling support,F "Maintenance and reporting of uncertainty or error in measured data, in spatial components of GIS data, and in modeling output. Reporting of uncertainty shall take place on each individual sample basis, on each method or procedural basis, or on each entire database.",F "Models shall require specific input data and shall generate output data only during the calibration and validation phases, sensitivity analyses, and exploratory scenarios. The current scope of the 91 system is to provide measured data for input to the model and for comparison to output.",F View entire universe of watersheds from top-level screen for selection Design tools to navigate the individual watershed sites and their data.,F View watershed descriptive data,F "Summary descriptions of research watersheds, stations, and instruments each of which are useful in describing the research activities shall be accessible. This information shall not be considered formal metadata.",A "Browse, query, and download individual sampling station data and metadata",F "Provide access to the data via browsing of sites, stations, and instruments; allow for simple queries to individual datasets; provide each metadata search tool to query dataset parameters; and allow for downloading of datasets (full or partial).",F Visualize time-series data,F "Users shall wish to examine time-series data, e.g. stream discharge data, over each user-specified time frame in order to select only those data desired for download. Charting tools in association with the query engine are desirable.",F Generate tabular reports of selected data,F "Provide access to CEAP-related reports, tables, and project documents.",F "Visualize, query, and download spatial data",F Agricultural research data are inherently spatial in nature. 91 shall provide web-based geographic information tools to allow site-specific data to be viewed within their spatial context. These tools shall provide browse and query functionality and support links to download spatial data and their associated tabular data,F "Browse, visualize, and download agricultural modeling data and results",F "Much of the initial effort in CEAP shall focus on the use of agricultural models (e.g. SWAT, AnnAGNPS) in the CEAP watersheds. Users shall be able to examine the data used in the modeling effort, visualize the results in their spatial context, and download the model input data and results.",F Maintain metadata database,M Develop and maintain each metadata database each of which provides browse and query access to formal descriptions of the database elements. Provide tools for database contributors to create and upload metadata compatible with the 91 metadata database.,M Browse and query watershed metadata only by theme or location,F "Develop search tools each of which query watershed, station, and instrument metadata across the 91 database. Metadata query tools shall support query only by location, theme, and keyword.",F "Administrative metrics user access lists, data download estimates",SE "User feedback, user support tools",F Conform to USDA web site style guide,LF The software system must provide each RESTful API for curating data in the database,F The software system must provide the data curator with the ability to add data to the database in accordance with each stored data-structure template.,F The software system shall provide each curation functionality via each web-based user interface,F The software system must provide each web-based UI to CRUD manage users.,F The software system must provide the administrator with the ability to CRUD manage users.,F The software system must provide the administrator with the ability to CRUD manage groups.,F The software system must provide the administrator with the ability to CRUD manage user group assignments.,F The software system must provide the administrator with the ability to CRUD manage permissions assigned to users and groups.,F The software system must provide each web-based user interface for CRUD manage data templates.,F The software system must provide the administrator with the ability to CRUD manage data-structure templates using the XSD format.,F The software system shall provide each administration functionality via each RESTful API.,F The software system must allow the administrator to create each Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) associated with each device.,F The software system must require each UUID to be provided with each data streams uploaded.,F "The VDS must provide available fresh data to the requesting client only at each rate of no less than 1 Hz. The response-time for the QDR shall be minimized using industry recommended practices. each other performance related to storage, memory, and processing shall follow industry recommended practices to ensure resource requirements are minimized.",PE "There are no requirements for Mean Time between Failures (MTBF) or Mean Time to Failures (MTTF) for this version of the software system defined in this SRS. However, in accordance with industry recommended practices, the software system shall undergo feature testing, load testing, and regression testing prior to release and/or deployment.",PE "Reasonable efforts shall be made to ensure the software system is available with each uptime of 95%. The uptime is calculated as the percentage of time only during the year in which the software system was available to the public. each 95% uptime percentage allows for each average of 18.25 days per year, 36 hours per month, or 8.4 hours per week of downtime.",A "The software system defined in this SRS must follow industry recommended practices for secure software development. only at each minimum, the software development must practice the principle of least privilege for defining access-level requirements of the software system and its associated services. The production-release version of the software system must pass each automated dynamic application security testing tool (e.g., HP WEBINSPECT).",SE "The architecture, design, implementation, and documentation of the application must minimize the maintenance costs of the software system. The maximum person-time required to fix each security defect (including regression testing and documentation update) must not exceed two person days. Otherwise, the software system must be taken offline or the offending feature disabled. The average person-time required to make each minor enhancement (including testing and documentation update) must not exceed one person week.",M The system must have only at least each Super-User role and each User role defined for accessing and interacting with the system,F Items provided to the 26 shall be stored in the Access Database.,F Items provided to the 26 shall be stored in the Access Database.,F The data stored shall be able to be manipulated only through forms.,SE The user interface for this program is the interface provided only by Microsoft Access 2007. Access includes forms and reports for the users to query and organize data to suit their needs. Forms and reports both have builders each of which let the user specify which fields they want to use and which constraints they want to define.,F "The database is designed to be operated only through Microsoft Access 2007, thus no additional system requirements exist beyond those required to run Microsoft Office 2007, except for each negligible amount of hard drive space to store the database.",F "The system shall be designed with each level of security appropriate for the sensitivity of information enclosed in the database. More interaction is needed with client about the volatility of the information. Since there is no obvious information each of which is of each high security level such as credit card information, the only requirements each of which could be implemented are encrypting the database and/or making the database password-protected, only by users request.",SE "This system shall be compatible with each computer each of which has Microsoft Office Professional 2007 or later installed (whether PC or Mac), and shall be designed with more than one computer in mind.",P Reliability is one of the key attributes of the system. Back-ups shall be made regularly so each of which restoration with minimal data loss is possible in the event of unforeseen events. The system shall also be thoroughly tested only by each team members to ensure reliability.,R "The system shall be maintained only by Sheila Roop, of the IDA, or delegated to another employee.",SE The system shall be designed in each way each of which shall allow it to be run on multiple computers with Microsoft Office Professional 2007 or later installed.,P "The system shall be designed and documented in such each way each of which anybody with each understanding of Microsoft Access shall be able to extend the system to fit their needs with the teams basic instructions.",US The system shall be designed in each way each of which allows the database to be re-used regularly for the various silent auctions each of which the organization shall hold.,F "This system requires the Microsoft Office Professional 2007 suite or later, as it operates primarily only through Microsoft Access, in conjunction with Microsoft Excel.",F "The resources used in the creation of this system include: Dr. Lewis, the client (Sheila Roop), the computers in Davis Hall, and the internet.",F The maintenance of the system shall be able to be sufficiently performed only by each person with each basic understanding of Microsoft Access.,US The user shall enter the information about the items into the database for its initial construction and evolution. The fields shall be completed via each form each of which shall manipulate the data.,F "The user shall be able to enter information about the customer purchasing each particular item, and record their bid and other information. They shall also enter the winning bid",F "The user shall be able to enter information about the customer purchasing each particular item, and record their bid and other information. They shall also enter the winning bid",F Create each profile,F Register locations,F Download disease data,F Health Survey,F Offline survey,F Acquire health worker user information,F Identifying the working locations of healthcare workers,F Application has the capable of continue the survey in offline mode,A "Healthcare workers wants to able to create, edit and delete their profiles",F Single phone has the provision to access the multiple healthcare workers profile,F "Healthcare workers able to create, edit and delete their locations",F Give the popup menus instead of typing the value from keypad for reduce the keypad usability,US The user interface must be GUI based.,US The users are required to input the data from cell phone keypad,F "The User Interface consists of J2ME GUI components like Forms, Buttons, Canvas, Textbox, TextField, AlertBoxes and Lists.",F User has the options to change the settings locally and remotely.,F Enable the dictionary words,F User-friendly GUI form,US Online and offline health survey,F Application shall be platform independent for Java enabled mobile.,P Application must have security,SE Application shall be platform independent for Java enabled mobile.,P The system shall provide each option for login and logout,F The user shall log in to the system,F The system shall check the credentials for verification,F The system shall be able to display each error message when users enter the wrong email or password.,F The system shall allow the patients to register,F The system shall allow the patient to make payment,F The system shall allow the receptionist to issue the invoice,F The system shall allow the receptionist and patient to view and print the invoice,F The system shall generate the receipt only after the payment made,F "The system shall allow the receptionist and patient to view and print the receipt",F The system shall allow patient/receptionist to book each appointment,F The system shall display available slot for appointment,F The system shall be able to allow admin to manage inventory,F The system shall auto-deduct the number of inventory used only after each treatment,F The system shall allow admin to view inventory discard record,F The system shall allow admin to manually deduct the number of inventory each of which being discard,F The system shall allow admin to update inventory stock,F The system shall allow admin to view inventory restock record,F The system shall allow admin to view inventory record,F The system shall allow admin to view admin dashboard,F The system shall allow admin to manage staff and inventory only by selecting the menu only at the navigation bar,F "The system shall allow the admin to add, edit, view and delete the staff",F The system shall allow the receptionist to book appointment,F "The system shall allow the receptionist to approve or reject the appointment",F "The system shall allow the receptionist to register, edit, view and delete the patient",F The system shall allow the dentist to view the previous medical record of patients,F The system shall allow the dentist to search the patients medical report only by the patients name or the IC number,F The system shall allow the dentist to update patient condition only after the treatment,F The system shall allow the dentist to view the list of appointment,F The system shall allow patients to view their treatment history,F The system shall allow patients to view their payment history,F The system shall send each notification for the inventory each of which already expired,F The system shall send each notification for the inventory each of which has reach the reorder point,F The system shall send each notification to the patient to remind them of their upcoming appointment,F The system shall allow admin to manage treatment requirement,F The system shall allow admin to manage treatment,F The system shall allow the user to update their profile,F The system shall allow the user to change their password,F The system must protect the data from being exposed to unauthorized users,SE "The system shall be able to encrypt users (dentist, admin, etc) password each of which store in database",SE The system shall permit the upgrade of software without downtime.,M The system shall be able to load data without breakdown,R The system shall be able to use only at each dental clinics in Malaysia,P The User Interface shall be intuitive and easy to use.,US The system shall be servicing 95% of the time,A The system must be required to response within 2 seconds,PE "The system shall be able to operate on main types of browsers (Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer)",P The system shall be able to operate on PC and laptop.,P The system shall be able to verify username and password of the user before granting access.,SE The system shall block each unauthorized user from accessing the system.,SE The system shall allow the user to notify the Headmaster for leave approval in the HRMIS system.,F The system shall allow the user to apply hourly leave only by specifying time and reason.,F The system shall allow Headmaster to make approval to each hourly leave applications.,F The system shall allow Headmaster to update approval for leave applications in HRMIS.,F The system shall allow the user to update involvement with outside school activities to associate with daily attendance.,F The system shall allow the user and Headmaster to receive email notifications on leave applications and leave approvals.,F "The system shall allow the user to view overall staff workload distributions.",F The system shall allow the user to view overall task progress.,F The system shall allow each task assigner to assign each general task to staff based on their workload percentage.,F The system shall allow each task assigner to assign each specific time task to staff based on their workload percentage and availability.,F The system shall allow each task assigner to update and delete each task.,F The system shall allow task owners to view each assigned tasks.,F The system shall allow each user to view availability of staff and workload status based on date and time.,F The system shall allow meeting inviter to invite staff to meeting based on their availability.,F The system shall allow meeting inviter to update and delete meeting invitation.,F The system shall be able to provide accept or reject options for meeting attendees only after getting each meeting invitation.,F "The system shall be able to provide functionality for each minute taker to manage the meeting info including add, update and delete.",F The system shall allow minute taker and meeting inviter to access meeting info.,SE The meeting inviter and minute taker shall be able to view the meeting attendee invitation confirmation status.,F The system shall allow task owners to update assigned task progress.,F The system shall be able to back up data,F The user interface shall be intuitive and easy to use.,US The system shall be able to provide accurate information.,R The system shall send each notification to the meeting inviter when each meeting attendee accepts or rejects each meeting.,F The system shall send notification to each task owners.,F The system shall cover tasks outside of school.,F "The system shall allow task assigner to update task owner, date and time",F The system shall allow the Scheduler to send each reminder.,F The system covers only school meetings. Meeting outside school is not in our scope.,F "The system shall allow each meeting inviter to update meeting invitation time, date and meeting attendee.",F The system displays each colourful game environment for the students.,F The system allows students to walk around and explore the environment,F The system includes each fun background song to engage the students interest.,F The system includes each fun background song to engage the students interest.,F The system provides each scoring system based on the correct answers.,F The system includes pedagogical agents each of which shall give instructions throughout the game.,F The system also provides each more accurate system level of understanding for students based on the weightage of the difficulty category of the questions,F The system shall display the score for each individual student when the game ends.,F The system allows students or teachers to look back only at the questions the students have or have not answered.,F Usability: The system shall be usable for each Primary School student with ease,US Reliability: The system shall be reliable and free of errors for each time it is being used.,R Performance: The system shall perform the functions in each very short amount of time.,PE The system shall allow the users to view the list of project titles offered and its description.,F The system shall allow the admin to add session(s)/ semester.,F The system shall allow the admin to delete session(s)/ semester.,F The system shall allow the admin to view session(s)/ semester.,F "The system shall suggest each list of best-matched projects each of which are suitable for each particular student based on their title preference, skill set (knowledge domain on research area, programming languages, frameworks etc.) and/or supervisor.",F "If the students are in each group, the system shall collect and suggest best matched projects to the students based on the common criteria across the members.",F "The system shall allow the masters dissertation coordinator to assign upto five panels which include the roles of Head of Department, Coordinator, and three professors or associate professors.",F The system shall allow the project title panel (coordinator and two panels) and supervisor to view each version of the edited proposed final year project title.,F "The system shall allow the project title panel (Head of Department, Coordinator and three professors or associate professors) and supervisor to view each version of the edited proposed masters dissertation title.",F The system shall allow the FYP project title panel (Two lecturers of same department) to give comments on titles each of which need to be approved.,F The system shall allow the Masters dissertation project title panel (Head of Department and three professors/associate professors) to give comments on titles each of which need to be approved.,F The system shall allow the supervisor to view comments on titles each of which need to be approved,F The system shall allow the FYP project title panel (Coordinator and two lecturers) and supervisor to view the proposed project.,F "The system shall allow the Masters dissertation project title panel (Head of Department, Coordinator and three professors/associate professors) project title panel and supervisor to view the proposed project.",F The system shall allow the FYP project title panel(Coordinator and two lecturers) and supervisor to view the improved version of the proposed project only after amendments are made.,F "The system shall allow the Masters dissertation project title panel (Head of Department, Coordinator and three professors/associate professors) and supervisor to view the improved version of the proposed project only after amendments are made.",F The system shall allow the final year project coordinator to assign two panels who are each two lecturers from each department.,F "The system shall allow the coordinator to view each projects such as projects each of which are approved, rejected, in progress (vetting undergoing), assigned to students and unassigned to students.",F The system shall allow the coordinator to only edit projects each of which have been approved but unassigned to students.,F The system shall allow the coordinator to delete projects each of which are unassigned to students,F The system shall allow the coordinator to approve each project title only after the project title panel has vetted the project title.,F The system shall allow the coordinator to generate simple reports and display simple analyses such as the percentage or number of project titles taken.,F The system shall run on Windows and MacOs,P The User Interface shall be intuitive and easy to use.,US The system is able to encrypt users password each of which store in the database to protect data from being exposed to unauthorized users,SE The system shall have each responsive design,F Allow user to sign in with google account,F Allow user to sign in with guest account,F Allow user to create new draft,F Allow user to import draft from files,F Allow user to mark draft as favorite,F Allow user to delete each draft,F Allow user to search for drafts,F Allow user to rename each draft,F Allow user to edit each draft,F Allow user to set character limit,F Allow user to change the text style,F Allow real time collaboration on each draft across multiple users,F The robot shall be able to identify and move past each obstacles or walls while cleaning without the need of human help.,F The robot shall have each easy way to replace the brushes,F The the robot shall only at least be able to clean for more than 15 minutes with each single charge,PE The robot shall be able to clean the floor without human help 95% of the time,PE Allow user to sign in with google account,F Allow user to sign in with guest account,F Allow user to create new draft,F Allow user to import draft from files,F Allow user to mark draft as favorite,F Allow user to delete a draft,F Allow user to search for drafts,F Allow user to rename a draft,F Allow user to edit a draft,F Allow user to set character limit,F Allow user to change the text style,F Allow real time collaboration on a draft across multiple users,F The application should be able to run in offline mode,A The application should be installable as progressive web apps in PC and mobile devices,P The system should be able to resolve all the conflicts during real time collaboration,PE The system should allow parents and teachers to login.,F "The system should allow teachers to add, view, update and delete module to teaching the ADHD student in learning activities: exercises, quiz, video and game.",F The system should allow parents to view the learning activities,F The system should be able to detect any mistakes in website.,FT The system required internet connection to access the website,O The system should be able to handle multiple login,F The system should be user-friendly and simple to use for ADHD students,US The system would run without failure for a specified period of time under predefined conditions.,FT The system shall allow user to register to the system,F The system shall allow authorized user to login/logout to the system,SE Manager should be able to add athlete information for registration.,F Manager should be able to delete athlete information.,F Manager should be able to register the team for the tournament.,F Manager should be able to edit team registration information.,F Organizer should be able to make registration approval.,F Organizer should be able to update the live scoreboard.,F Organizer should be able to update table ranking.,F Organizer should be able to add a Collaborator to the event.,F Public users should be able to view tournament list and tournament details.,F The system shall allow only authorized users to login into the system.,SE The system should be able to respond to every single button clicked.,PE The system should be able to navigate from one page to another with ease.,F The user should be able to update the match result using a mobile application.,P The system should allow user to Login through Twitter,F The system should allow user to Authorize the app using Twitter,F The system should be able to display all images fetched from Twitter,F The system should be able to perform sentiment analysis on the images,F The system should be able to display the analysis in the form of graphs or pie chart,F The system should allow the user to see the analysis of each individual image,F Able to run any web browser,P The website should be in English Language,F The application should be error free when executed,FT The system shall record the new menu registered by the stall owner.,F The system shall allow the customer to make order according to the menu that have been added in the cart,F The system shall logout once the customer or stall owner clicks the ‘logout’ button.,F The system shall update the availability of the menu.,F The system shall get notifications about their food status.,F The system should respond within 7 second,PE The system shall be servicing 95% of the time,A The system shall be able to encrypt users’ passwords that store in the database,SE The system shall be able to load data without breakdown,R