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0	ID	Instruction	Answer	Image	Task
1	0	describe the image	extensive subcutaneous emphysema involving the entire chest and lower neck is unchanged . evaluation of the lungs is limited due to linear opacities from subcutaneous air collections . within this limitation, a small right apical pneumothorax likely persists . pleural fluid is small in amount, if any . there is increased opacification of the the right lung base, likely reflecting collapse . the cardiomediastinal contours are within normal limits . extensive pneumomediastinum is not significantly changed from .  . persistent tiny right apical pneumothorax .  . no significant change in pneumomediastinum .  . extensive subcutaneous emphysema, similar to prior exam  .	70ccf709-464d5ec0-8bfe56f7-6b0c83ca-242b636c	report generation
2	1	Is Mass in this image?	no Mass.	78b8bbb4-71c62001-9a069918-c64d8979-a9aad138	classification
3	2	describe the image	no focal consolidation is seen . there is minimal biapical pleural thickening . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable . external jewelry overlie the lower chest . no acute cardiopulmonary process . no focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia  .	f8124b8e-e8412063-24e8252f-452e63d3-f3f48336	report generation
4	3	give the accurate bbox of Cardiomegaly	342,539,690,729	40077.jpg	localization
5	4	describe the image	been no change since in moderate cardiomegaly, pulmonary vascular engorgement, and small bilateral pleural effusions . no pneumothorax  .	f45c4f43-f4b1264b-8142f784-3a2cc1b8-3044d393	report generation
6	5	describe the image	left chest wall pacer device is again seen with leads extending to the region of the right atrium and right ventricle unchanged and with an intact appearance . midline sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are again noted . the cardiomediastinal silhouette remains prominent though not significantly changed . low lung volumes limit the assessment . there is mild pulmonary edema with probable small bilateral pleural effusions . no pneumothorax . bony structures are intact . cardiomegaly, mild edema, small bilateral pleural effusions  .	18d79338-95616038-7d085721-ccd09613-27971dec	report generation
7	6	describe the image	persistent cardiomegaly accompanied by worsening pulmonary vascular congestion and mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema as well as enlarging right pleural effusion, now moderate in size and associated with adjacent atelectasis in the right mid and lower lung regions . focal rounded opacity lateral to the left infrahilar region may represent a focus of coalescing edema, but differential diagnosis includes focal aspiration and developing infection . attention to this region on a short-term followup radiograph is suggested  .	c4bf420a-a4d41169-ae1c53d2-34260bf6-e051cbdb	report generation
8	7	please segment the heart from the given image.	203,319,196,299,197,278,202,256,207,233,210,213,216,199,227,192,238,187,249,187,261,187,271,186,285,194,304,209,329,229,354,246,374,265,386,291,384,317,367,335,344,345,320,350,295,350,271,349,248,345,222,335,203,319,196,299,197,278,202,256	899499f3-31284d06-cd3ee149-d7161561-cfd3ac54	segmentation
9	8	give the accurate bbox of Cardiomegaly	579,348,843,717	41770.jpg	localization