import os |
import random |
import pandas as pd |
def get_training_batch(root): |
""" |
the proportional distribution of training data across each batch for classification, |
disease localization, report generation, and segmentation tasks to be 0.15/0.2/0.5/0.15 |
""" |
classification_label = ['Atelectasis', 'Calcification of the Aorta', 'Cardiomegaly', 'Consolidation', 'Edema', \ |
'Emphysema', 'Enlarged Cardiomediastinum', 'Fibrosis', 'Fracture', 'Hernia', 'Infiltration', 'Lung Lesion', \ |
'Lung Opacity', 'Mass', 'No Finding', 'Nodule', 'Pleural Effusion', 'Pleural Other', 'Pleural Thickening', \ |
'Pneumomediastinum', 'Pneumonia', 'Pneumoperitoneum', 'Pneumothorax', 'Subcutaneous Emphysema', 'Support Devices', 'Tortuous Aorta'] |
batch_size = 256 |
cla_num = int(batch_size * 0.15) |
loc_num = int(batch_size * 0.2) |
report_num = int(batch_size * 0.5) |
seg_num = batch_size - (cla_num + loc_num + report_num) |
read = lambda x, y : pd.read_csv(x, sep='\t', header=None, chunksize=y) |
mimic = f'{root}/MIMIC_classification_report-generation_train.tsv' |
mimic_chunck = read(mimic, max(cla_num, report_num)) |
cla_mimic_info = [] |
report_mimic_info = [] |
for chunck in mimic_chunck: |
for info in chunck.values.tolist(): |
report = info[1] |
label = info[2] |
dicom_id = info[-1] |
if len(report_mimic_info) < report_num: |
report_mimic_info.append( |
['describe the image', report, dicom_id, 'report generation'] |
) |
if len(cla_mimic_info) < int(cla_num*0.6): |
if random.randint(0, 1): |
cur_info = ['what disease does this image have?', f"there are {', '.join(label.split('&&'))}", dicom_id, 'classification'] |
else: |
vqa_label = classification_label[random.randint(0, len(classification_label)-1)] |
if vqa_label in label: |
cur_info = [f'Is {vqa_label} in this image?', f'yes, there is {vqa_label}.', dicom_id, 'classification'] |
else: |
cur_info = [f'Is {vqa_label} in this image?', f'no {vqa_label}.', dicom_id, 'classification'] |
cla_mimic_info.append(cur_info) |
break |
del mimic_chunck |
def organize_data(file, chunck_size, task, instruction, label_index, image_index, instruction_index=None, label_format=None): |
res = [] |
chunck_size = max(chunck_size, 1) |
chuncks = read(file, chunck_size) |
for chunck in chuncks: |
for info in chunck.values.tolist(): |
if instruction_index is not None: |
instruction = instruction.format(info[instruction_index]) |
ans = info[label_index] |
elif label_format is not None: |
label_ans_list = label_format(info[label_index]) |
label_ans = label_ans_list[random.randint(0, len(label_ans_list)-1)].split(',') |
if len(label_ans) == 1: |
label, ans = label_ans_list[0].split(',')[0], label_ans[0] |
else: |
label, ans = label_ans |
label = label.strip() |
instruction = instruction.format(label) |
ans = ans.strip() |
if len(res) < chunck_size: |
res.append( |
[instruction, ans, info[image_index], task] |
) |
break |
return res |
mimic_severity = f'{root}/MIMIC_classification-severity_train.tsv' |
cla_sev_mimic_info = organize_data( |
mimic_severity, int(cla_num*0.2), 'classification_sev', 'what is the level of {}?', 1, -1, label_format=lambda x:x.split('&&') |
) |
mimic_location = f'{root}/MIMIC_classification-location_train.tsv' |
cla_loc_mimic_info = organize_data( |
mimic_location, int(cla_num*0.2), 'classification_loc', 'where is {}?', 1, -1, label_format=lambda x:x.split('&') |
) |
chestX_det = f'{root}/ChestX_Det_localization.tsv' |
chestX_det_info = organize_data( |
chestX_det, loc_num, 'localization', 'Give the accurate bbox of {}', 2, -1, instruction_index=1, |
) |
cheXmask_heart = f'{root}/CheXmask_heart_segmentation.tsv' |
cheXmask_heart_info = organize_data( |
cheXmask_heart, seg_num, 'segmentation', 'please segment the {} from the given image.', 2, -1, instruction_index=1 |
) |
batch_info = cla_mimic_info + report_mimic_info + cla_loc_mimic_info + cla_sev_mimic_info + chestX_det_info + cheXmask_heart_info |
random.shuffle(batch_info) |
batch_df = pd.DataFrame(batch_info) |
return batch_df |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
root = '' |
get_training_batch(root) |