
MedHK23 commited on
1 Parent(s): c87b0fe

Delete full_anno_dataset_v0.1/report.json

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  1. full_anno_dataset_v0.1/report.json +0 -5
full_anno_dataset_v0.1/report.json DELETED
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- {
- "0": "1. Multiple patchy blurry shadows are scattered in both lungs, especially in the right lung. Inflammation is considered, and reexamination is recommended. More diffusely distributed nodular lesions are also seen in both lungs. Combined with previous CT examinations, old pulmonary tuberculosis is considered, and clinical exclusion is required. activity; 2. Chronic bronchitis, signs of emphysema; 3. Aortic sclerosis, enlarged heart shadow; 4. Bilateral pleural thickening.",
- "1": "1. The texture of both lungs is rough, and there are multiple patchy shadows in both lungs with blurred edges, mixed with small round translucent shadows, mainly in the inner zone of the double upper lung field and the right lower lung field. Bronchiectasis combined with infection and infiltration is considered To identify pulmonary tuberculosis, please combine clinical practice; 2. Increased heart shadow; aortic sclerosis; 3. Blunt left costophrenic angle, consider a small amount of pleural effusion or pleural thickening.",
- "2": "1. There are mass shadows in both upper lung fields and multiple small nodules in both lung fields, and the shadows in both lungs are enlarged. Combined with previous imaging examinations, the possibility of silicosis is considered high, but the possibility of combined pulmonary tuberculosis has not been ruled out. 2. No important lesions were found in the heart and diaphragm.",
- }